新时代交互英语读写译1 第1单元
• Dawdle • 偷懒 游手好闲;浪费时间 • Stop dawdling and help me with these suitcases • 别偷懒了,快来帮我拿这些手提箱吧。 • Don't dawdle your youth any more. It is time you thought about your future • 不要再虚度青春了,该是你想想自己未来 的时候了
• • • • • • •
Prefer更喜欢;宁愿; Prefer A to B A 和B比较起来更喜欢A She usually prefers vegetables to meat . 她通常喜欢吃蔬菜,而不喜欢吃肉。 prefer doing A to doing B: 宁愿做A而不作B
• I prefer doing nothing to going to the cinema. • 我宁愿什么都不做也不愿意看电影。 • I prefer doing something useful outside to staying at home reading. • 我宁愿到外面干点有益的事,好过呆在家 里读书。
• • • • • •
Argument 理由;论据;论点 ,辩论,争论 I believe this is the key of the whole argument. 我认为这就是整个争论的关键所在了。 You must have proof to win your argument. 你必须有证据才能赢得这场辩论。
• We are exposed to danger. • 我们面临着危险。
• Different • 不同的国家的科技水平不同。 • Different nations have different levels of technology. • 我们每一位都是不同的。 • We are different from each other.
新时代交互式英语读写译 4 翻译
新时代交互式英语视听说 4 翻译1~6单元整理Unit 11.Some immigrate to a new land just for economic reasons, others for adventurous motivation, and still others for the values that might more suit their own ideals.一些人出于冒险的动机,还有一些人是认为那儿的价值观与他们的理想比较吻合2.In order to escape starvation and war in their respective homelands ,waves of immigrants bring into developed countries not just menial jobs ,but also in new ideas and high-tech skills ,thus making them more productive.(而且带来了新思想、高科技,结果使这些国家生产力更强)3.A majority of college graduates see employment after graduation as an option to embrace the opportunities to earn enough to live a decent life.(遇到挣钱过好日子的机会)4.The book was published in 1978 ,it was subsequently translated into five languages.(后来相继被翻译成五种语言)5.He showed me a picture of my old classmates in hope that I might recognize her.(希望我能认出她)6/Initially , I felt shy and insecure about my job, and I sacrificed my weekends just to get myself familiar with my work and sharpen my skills.(起初我害羞,对工作不自信)7.Among all those charming and beautiful girls , I felt completely out of place and ended up in early departure from the party.(我觉得自己完全格格不入,结果早早离开了晚会。
新时代交互英语读写译1(Unit1-Unit8)课后答案Unit1III. Vocabulary and Structure1.1) promote 2) talent 3) effective 4) goal 5) semesters6)involved 7) assignment 8) specific 9) contribute 10) positive2.1) His lifestyle 2) many useful tips 3) are Perfectly aware of 4) connected 5) participate inIV. Banked Cloze1. D2. E3. O4. B5. H6. L7. J8. A9. M 10. I V. Translation1.1) so that he can provide for studying abroad in two years2) it costs at least $30,000 to raise a child to 18 years of age at present3) the whole team must keep to the schedule strictly4) She often helps out with the washing and cooking when she is at home during holidays5) mak e some time this weekend to discuss their daughter’s education21)许多不同类型的自助书籍都给读者提出建议,帮助他们培养一定的技能\目标和态度,以获得成功,并拥有一种健康的生活方式。
2) 至少要熟悉其中的一位教师并且也要让他们认识你,这样会使你感到和学校联系在一起。
3) 学生只要参加了一项活动,哪怕参与的方式是微不足道的,他们也会以更积极的心态去面对他们的学业。
新时代交互英语视听说1级(全1-12单元 截图版)
UNIT112/121、Hi, my name is Emily. And the reason I took this class is because I sort of thought it might help me with my public speaking.I'm kind of nervous when it comes to speaking in front of crowds. And I thought maybe a drama class would help me get more comfortable in front of a lot of people. I'm pretty uncomfortable right now because this is really my very first time speaking in front of a lot of people. But I thought I'm going to take the class, and then maybe, if I really get brave I might even try out for maybe a play, or [or] a musical ...I'm not a very good singer, [but] but I maybe would be a good actor. And, I think if I take the class, and maybe play some theater games and learn some lines and practice some scenes that maybe, maybe I would become good.1B/52B/52单元12/12页text-Mid-town hotel, can I help you?-Oh yes, I'm looking for a hotel to stay at next week. Can you tell me a little bit about your hotel, please?-Well, first of all we've got plenty of rooms available next week. And, what would you like to know specifically?-Well, I ...I guess the first thing is, is how big is your hotel?-We get a hundred and fifty-five rooms. And six floors ...and it's a great place to stay.-I see. Are the rooms large?-Yes, they're nice and spacious. You feel like at home in your living room.-Oh, that's nice to hear. How about food? Do you have a restaurant in the hotel? -There's a restaurant attached. We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner.-And how late is the restaurant open for dinner?-Eleven o'clock.-Ahh …what about other facilities? Do you have a gym, a pool, maybe a game room? -Got an exercise room, got a game room, and we have a pool. The pool is open till ten o'clock.-Oh, that sounds good. And what is the price range for your rooms?-Well, the cheapest room that we have or the least expensive room I should say is 55 dollars and it goes on up from there to about two hundred and you get a really nice suite for that.-That sounds very good. Thank you very much!-My pleasure. And I look forward to seeing you next week!-OK. Bye.-Goodbye.三单元A: Well thank you for coming. I hope you had a good time.B: Oh we all had a great time. Thanks for having us.A: Can I get your coats?C: Yeah, I've got one.B: I didn't wear one.C: You don't have a coat ... Mine is black.A: OK, be right back ...C: Thank you. That was fun.B: It was great.C: Good time.B: It was really nice. We haven't seen them in such a long time and ... C: I know. That ...Oh, no, this is not mine. Mine is black, this is blue. B: I think this is navy blue.B: His is a little longer, his is ... It's like a trench coat.C: It's got a lining in it also.A: I'll be right back.B: Thanks.C: Thank you.B: Hey little doggy!C: Cute puppy.B: He's a cute one, isn't he?C: Yeah, he is.A: Hope ...C: Oh, there it is! Thank you very much!B: Sorry we have to leave so soon.A: No problem. Hope you had a good time.B: Oh we had a great time.A: And I shall see you again.B: Thanks. Bye.A: I'll say thank you too.B: OK. Bye.四单元A: I'm hungry. Do you want to go get fast food?B: Er ...no, actually, I've just had hamburgers and French fries yesterday and ...if we're gonna go out I'd rather sit down some place and relax.A: OK. Have you been to the Italian place in the mall?B: Yes. And it's not very good.A: Really?B: Ya ...ya ...It's kind of lousy. It's kind of greasy and ...it's just ... It's not very good.A: Now what are you in the mood for?B: How about some ...Mexican food?A: Mm ...I don't really feel like Mexican.B: OK. Um ...A: Chinese sounds good?B: Yes! That would be great. Chinese, let's go to ...Oh! I know! Let's go to ...New China, And ...let's get the “happy family”. And it's got ...you know, the pork, and the chicken, and the beef, and we can get some vegetables, too. Does that sound good?A: Yes, that sounds really good.B: I am in the mood for hot tea.A: I'm going to get a new couch.B: Oh!A: I picked out this beautiful, red couch and it's like three thousand dollars. B: Oh! OK. That's a lot.A: I know. And I don't know how to pay for it.B: Some of those places have that like financing ...you know, where you can get zero [zero] percent of interest for a year.A: That's a really, really good idea. Because I know Jeff will not let me put it on a credit card. He will not use them. He doesn't want to pay the interest ... B: I don't blame him, they're scary.A: Maybe I could save up. I could probably save like two hundred dollars a month. So that would take me a long time!B: It's kind of a lot. But it sounds like a cool couch.A: It's a beautiful, beautiful couch. I love it. So I'm just ...going to do it. I'm going to get it.B: OK. That's exciting.。
地第期上 .文档来自于网络搜索
说. “当你对两个智力能力和以往地学业成绩相当地学生进行比较时,
怀有较高地希望 . ”文档来自于网络搜索 在设计一个科学地评估希望地办法时, 斯奈德博士超越了简单地概念, 即希望只是一种感觉
赖斯强调说接受自己地基本欲望是很重要地 . “如果你是一个独立性很强地人, 那你就做那样
地人 .不要让别人对你说三道四, 或试图改变你 .这是你自己地生活 —— 尽量让它变得有意义,
坚持自己地价值观 . ”如果你有极强地权利欲并愿意为此而长时间工作,也无可厚非,只要你
真地相信做一个工作狂使你感到幸福 .赖斯还说,建立欲望档案能帮助人们彼此之间相处得
更好 —— 因为他们能理解每个人地欲望都是因人而异地; 而且还认识到一个人改变不了别人
地欲望,正如同他改变不了自己地欲望一样 .他说,人们在交流中常犯地错误是把自己地欲
望强加到别人身上 .雄心勃勃地父母常会与没有野心地孩子发生冲突
…… 赖斯说, “这些人头
脑中潜在地假设是: ‘只要你像我这样去尝试, 你一定会喜欢上它地 . ’而他们把这一切建立在
“只有得到某种东西地愿望是不够地, ”斯奈德博士说 . “你还需要方法 .另一方面, 如果你没有
. ”文档来自于网络搜索
Unit 1 College LifeLanguage study of Reading1: Harvard University’s Habits for Success.①Many different types of self-help books advise the reader to develop the skills, goals, and attitudes that will both promotesuccess and provide for a healthy lifestyle. [= Through self-help books, a reader can learn how to become successful and prepare for a healthy way of living by developing the skills, goals and attitudes. ] 许多不同类型的自助书籍都给读者提出建议,帮助他们培养一定的技能、目标和态度,以获得成功,并拥有一种健康的生活方式。
develop v. 1) to grow or change into something bigger, stronger, or more advanced, or to make someone or something do this [ advance]发展Chicago developed into a big city in the late 1800s.2)to design or make a new idea, product, system etc over a period of time 发明,设计Scientists are developing new drugs to treat arthritis关节炎.3)to start to have a feeling or quality that then becomes stronger: 逐渐产生The children are beginning to develop a sense of responsibility. 孩子们逐渐产生了一种责任感。
Book 11 中国龙对龙图腾的崇拜在中国大约已绵延了八千多年。
Chinese DragonDragon totem worship in China has been around for the last 8,000 year. The ancients in China considered the dragon (or long) a fetish that combines animals including the fish, snake, horse and ox with cloud, thunder, lightning and other natural celestial phenomena. The Chinese dragon was formed in accordance with the multicultural fusion process of the Chinese nation. To the Chinese, the dragon signifies innovation and cohesion.2 饺子饺子是深受中国人民喜爱的传统特色食品。
DumplingsDumplings are one of the Chinese people’s favorite traditional dishes. According to an ancient Chinese legend, dumplings were first made by the medical saint- Zhang zhongjing. There are three steps involved in making dumplings: 1) make dumplingwrappers out of dumpling flour; 2) prepare the dumpling stuffing; 3) make dumplings and boil them. With thin and elastic dough skin, fresh and tender stuffing, delicious taste, and unique sh apes, dumplings are worth eating hundreds of times. There’s an old saying that claims, “Nothing could be more delicious than dumplings.” During the Spring Festival and other holidays, or when treating relatives and friends, Chinese people like to follow the auspicious custom of eating dumplings. To Chinese people who show high reverence for family love, having dumplings at the moment the old year is replaced by the new is an essential part of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new year.3 针灸针灸是中医学的重要组成部分。
Unit 1 The First DayEmi:Oh, no… it’s ten o’clock! I’m late.Emi:Is this English with Prof. Brown?Prof. Brown: Yes. This is it.Emi: I’m nervous.Prof. Brown:Don’t be nervous. This class is easy.Emi:Really? It’s easy?Prof. Brown:Yes. And the instructor is really nice.Emi: He is? Wait … Are you a student?Prof. Brown:No, I’m not. I’m the instructorEmi: You’re Professor Brown?! I’m so embarrassed.Prof. Brown:Don’t be. Welcome to the class.Jin: Hi.Emi: Hi.Jin: I’m a student too. My name’s Jin.Emi: Hi. I’m Emi … Emi Okada.Jin: Oh, you’re Japanese!Emi:That’s right. And you’re …?Jin: I’m Korean. This is my first class here. I’m a little nervous, too.Emi:Well, it’s nice to meet you. Your name’s Jean?Jin: Jin. Jin Koh.Prof. Brown:OK, everyone. Good morning. I’m Eric Brown. Let’s get started.Unit 2 A Great PlaceKate:Yes…OK. Mm-hmmm. OK. Goodbye. Bye-bye.Chris: Good morning.Kate: Good morning. Can I help you?Chris: Yes, I need a hotel reservation.Kate:OK. What city?Chris: New York. Manhattan.Kate:OK. When?Chris: Next week. Three nights. The 7th, 8th, and 9th.Kate:OK. Let’s see. How about the Wellington? Excellent location, it has large rooms, nice views. It’s a little expensive, but very nice.Chris: Um… I don’t think so…Kate:Here’s one. The Northgate. It’s very convenient, and it’s not expensive. It’s a great place.Chris: OK. Sounds good.Kate:And it’s avail able for the nights of the 7th through the 9th.Chris: Good. Can you reserve it for me?Kate: Sure. Single room, for the 7th, three nights. Can I have your credit card, please?Chris: Here.Kate:OK. That takes care of that… You’re all set. Here’s your confirmation.Chris: Great, thanks.Kate: Is there anything else I can do for you?Chris: Nope, that’s it.Kate: All right. Well, have a great time in New York.Chris: Thanks, I will.Unit 3 Whose StuffLaura:Hi, Emi.Emi: Hi, Mrs. Arnello. How are you?Laura:Good. Oh, Emi… Is this your shirt?Emi: The blue one? No, that's not mine. It's Maggie's.Laura:How about this sweater?Emi: The yellow sweater? Yes, that's mine.Laura:It's cute.Emi: Oh, thanks.Laura:And… these are your soc ks, right?Emi: No, but those are mine.Laura:Well, here's your stuff.Emi: Thanks, Mrs. Arnello. I really appreciate it.Laura:Oh, Emi, you forgot this.Emi: Mrs. Arnello, you know, you really don't need to do my laundry.Laura:Don’t be silly. It's my pleasure.Emi: Well, I would feel better if you would…Laura:No, no, no. I know you're so busy with school and everything.Emi:But you're busy, too.Laura:Really, it's OK. I have to do the laundry for Paul and the kids anyway.Emi:Please let me help so metime…Laura:You know, if you really want to help, Emi… you can get Maggie to clean her room!Unit 4 Lunch at the RockAna:Chris, what do you want?Chris:Mmm, I don't know.Ana: How about grilled Mahi-Mahi?Chris: What's that? A kind of fish?Ana:Yes. It's good. Why don’t you try it?Chris:No, I don't like seafood.Ana:(Surprised) You don’t like sea-food?Chris:No, not really.Ana:All right. How about a Caesar salad?Chris: A salad? No, I don't really like salads.Ana: (Asking in a quizzical 嘲弄的, 探询的tone) What do you like?Chris:Well, I like hamburgers.Ana: Oh, Chris, everybody likes hamburgers.Chris:So?Dave (waiter) approaches the table.Dave:Hi. Ready to order.Ana: Yes. I'll have a grilled Mahi-Mahi sandwich …and a small house salad …and some iced tea. Dave:Sure.Chris:I'll have a hamburger, with French fries …and a Coke.Dave:Would you like anything on the hamburger? Cheese, onions, mushrooms, avocado, sprouts? Chris:No. Um …yeah …avocado.Dave:OK, anything else?Ana:No, nothing else.Chris:Nope.Ana:Whoa, Chris, very original. (As Dave walks away, Ana teases Chris for his lack of originality) Chris: Thank you!Unit 5 A Busy LifeKate: Dave, you’re so busy all the time. Do you have any free time?Dave:Hah! I work every day.Kate: Every day? No days off?Dave:No way. I’m here every day. I get here at six in the morning.Kate: You get up at six in the morning? I never get up that early.Dave:No, I get here at six. I always get up around five.Kate:Oh, wow! That’s early. When do you go home?Dave:Around nine.Kate:Nine, at night?Dave:Oh, yeah.Kate:Dave, that’s crazy!Dave:I know.How about you? What’s your schedule like?Kate: Well, I work every day, from Monday to Friday, usually from 8:30 to 5:30.Dave: Sounds like a good schedule to me. Very relaxing!Kate: And I always do something fun on the weekends.Dave: Fun? What do you mean, fun?Kate: You know-----camping, hiking, the beach.Dave: Oh, I never do that kind of stuff.Kate: Dave, you need to get out more often. You need to have some fun! You need to get a life! Dave: Mmm. I don’t know, Kate. This is fun for me. This is my life.Unit 6 Shopping TripClerk: Looking for a TV?Emi: Yes. I need a ...Clerk: How about this one? MultiVision. Only $1,999.Emi: It’s a little big.Clerk: Well, big is good.Emi: But...Clerk: Well, look over here. We have the Vista. It’s on sale. Only $999.Emi: $999? That’s kind of expensive. Do you have anything …?Clerk: Well, we have the ViewTrix4200.Emi: This is perfect! How much is this TV?Clerk: That one? The MiniView? That’s $199.Emi: Great. I’ll take it.Clerk: Are you sure? Let me show you a couple of others.Emi: Um… no, this is the one I want.Clerk: OK. Would you like a three-year warranty with that? It’s a great deal…Emi: No, no warranties.Clerk: OK. How about a satellite dish or a DVD player?Emi: Um …no, just the TV.Clerk: But at least you’ll need a TV stand. We have some great TV stands.Emi: Maybe later. Today, just the TV.Clerk: OK. Well, great. Right this way, I’ll get one for you.Unit 7 Having a SnackKate: Be right back.Luis: Hello.Chris: Luis? This is Chris.Luis: Hi, Chris. What’s up?Chris: Not much. What are you doing?Luis: Right now, I’m taking a break. I have so much work to do tonight.Chris: Oh.Luis: What are you doing?Chris: I’m at the Rock right now. I’m having a snack with Kate.Luis: Oh, cool. Can I join you?Chris: Sure. Come on down.Kate: Who’s that?Chris: I t’s Luis.Kate: Oh, Luis. Can I talk to him?Chris: Sure. Hang on a second. Kate wants to say something.Kate: Luis?Luis: Yes. Hi, Kate.Kate: Hi. What are you doing?Luis: Oh, you know me. Work, work, work.Kate: Well, why don’t you take a break? Chris and I are having a bite to eat here at the Rock. luris: I know. I’m planning to…Kate: Why don’t you come and join us?luis: Yeah, sure. I’m on my way.Kate: OK. Bye.Unit 8 Ana’s FamilyChris: Hi.Ana: Hi.Chris: Oh, pictures.Ana: Mmm-hmm.Chris: Who’s that?Ana: That’s my brother, Marcelo.Chris: How old is he?Ana: He’s 22.Chris: Is he a student?Ana: Yeah, he goes to the University of Maryland.Chris: What’s he studying?Ana: He’s studying engineering, but at night, he’s a musician.Chris: What does he play? The guitar?Ana: No, the piano.Chris: That’s great. What kind of music does he play?Ana: Jazz, mostly. He’s actually really good. He even sent me a tape.Chris: A tape of him playing?Ana: I think so.Chris: I’d like to listen to it sometime.Ana: Sure.Chris: Ah, so, Ana, can I talk to you after lunch? It’s about the Civic Center project.Ana: Oh, sure. I’ll stop by in about half an hour.Chris: Thanks.Ana: See you.Chris: Bye.Unit 9 Lunch with the StarsAna: Hello!Emi: Hi. Where are we going?Ana: There’s a great restaurant in this area.Emi: Oh?Ana: It’s called Enrico’s. We’re gonna have lunch there.Emi: Oh, great.Ana: It’s a famous place. You’ll love it.Emi: Look! There’s Tom Cruise!Ana: Shh…I know.Emi: Oh my gosh! Is that…? It’s not!Ana: Shh. Yes, it is.Emi: Wow! There are a lot of famous people here!Ana: Mm-hmmm.Emi: Oh, my gosh! I don’t believe it!Ana: What?Emi: Look! There’s Cher!Star: Oh! Are you OK, miss?Emi: Yes…Can I have your autograph?Star: My autograph? You want my autograph?Emi: Yes, please.[PAUSE]Emi: Thanks.Star: There you go.Emi/Ana: Lillian Mortimer?Ana: Who on earth is that?Emi: I thought it was Cher!Unit 10 A Birsthday PresentEmi: Hey, Kate! Happy birthday!Kate: Thanks, Emi.Emi: There are a lot of people here.Kate: I know. What a surprise! Is Luis here yet?Emi: Yes, he was here. I talked to him a minute ago. Oh, there he is.Kate: Where?Emi: He’s by the door. Do you see him?Kate: No, I don’t.Emi: Over there. Between Sam and Ana.Kate: Yes… Excuse me…Kate: Luis! (Someone bumps her arm; her drink spills on Luis) Oh, I’m sorry! I spilled it all over you! …Oh, Luis, I’m sorry. I ruined your shirt!Luis: (looking down at orange juice spilled on his shirt, then pulling a present out of his pocket while Kate tries to wipe it off) No, no, it’s OK…Don’t worry about it. I brought you this…happy birthday. Kate: Oh, Luis. How thoughtful! Thank you.Luis: You’re welcome. (I) hope you like it…(Kate starts to give Luis a hug. Luis realizes his shirt is dripping with orange juice. He stops Kate from hugging him.) (You’d) better not!Unit 11 Looking for a JobRich: Dave, you know I’m between jobs right now…Dave: Yeah?Rich: Maybe I can help you out around here.Dave: Oh, you can? What can you do?Rich: Anything.Dave: Can you wash dishes?Rich: Sure. I can do that.Dave: Can you wait on tables?Rich: Yes. I can do that too.Dave: Well, you can’t cook. I know that.Rich: Maybe you’re right. But I can learn.Dave: Hmmm. Can you work on weekends?Rich: Dave, I can work anytime!Dave: All right, Rich. You’re hired. Can you start tomorrow?Rich: No problem.Dave: Great. I’ll see you tomorrow, at 7:00 a.m.Rich: I’ll be here.Dave: All right, Rich. Ready to get started?Rich: Sure. What are we going to do first?Dave: Let’s see. What should we do first? You want to learn how to cook?Rich: Yeah.Dave: OK, see that apron over there?Rich: Ye ah…Dave: Well, put it on. You can start by washing these dishes.Unit 12 Do I Know You?Chris: Taxi!Sam: Yeah.Chris: 989 Union Street, please.Sam: Sure. Wait, you’re …the guy from the travel office.Chris: Pardon me?Sam: You came into our office last week …to I-Travel.Chris: Right, I did. You look familiar, too.Sam: Yeah, I work there part-time.Chris: Oh, right. Now I remember you…So you work at I-Travel and drive a taxi? Sam: Yeah, I have two part-time jobs.Chris: Wow, two jobs. Sounds busy.Sam: So …how was your trip?Chris: My trip to New York? Fine.Sam: Do you travel often?Chris: Yeah, I have to travel for work. I work for Silica Communications. I’m in sales. Sam: Ah. Well, here you are.Chris: Thanks…You can keep the change.Sam: Thanks.Chris: What’s your name again?Sam: Sam. Sam Weiss.Chris: I’m Chris Redmond. Nice to see you again, Sam. Good luck.Sam: Take care.Unit 13 Somebody NewLaura: Hi.Luis: Hi.Laura: Are you busy?Luis: What’s up?Laura: I’d like you to meet someone. Luis, this is Susan Wu. She’s our new project director for the Star One program. She’s from Singapore.Luis: Oh, the new project director? Glad to meet you.Susan: Nice to meet you, too.Laura: Luis is very talented; he’s a great guy to work with.Luis: Thanks, Laura.Laura: Susan has a lot of experience with the company. I’m sure you’ll enjoy working with her.Luis: Yes, I’m looking forward to working with you.Susan: Same here, Luis.Luis: Which office will you be in?Laura: She’ll be in the office across the hall.Luis: The corner office?Laura: Right.Luis: Oh. Oh, OK. When will you be moving in?Susan: Tomorrow.Luis: So soon? Good! Well, please let me know if you need any help with anything.Susan: I appreciate that. Thanks.Laura: Well, sorry for the interruption.Luis: No problem. See you later.。
超强完整版新时代交互英语第一册读写译第一单元答案Unit 1I. Comprehension of the Text1.2. 1) T (第一段最后一句)2) F (第三段,文中没有提到the teaching method they like)3) T (第四段,Tip 1)4) T (第四段,Tip 3)5) F (第四段,Tip 4,上半句与原文相符,下半句与原文最后一句相悖。
)II. RecitingIII. Vocabulary & Structure1. 1) promote 2) talent 3) effective 4) involved 5) contribute 6) positive2. 1) His lifestyle (用His lifestyle 代替原句中的The way he lives,表示“他的生活方式”)2) many useful tips (用tip 代替原句中的advice,表示“建议”)3) are aware of (用be aware of 代替原句中的know,表示“知道,了解,懂得”)4) participate in (用participate in 代替原句中的take part in,表示“参与,参加”)IV. Translation1.1) Ask specific questions2) If you make a schedule and keep to it3) can help out in a sports club by helping the team coach4) When you make time to work hard and leave time to play hard,2. 1) 许多不同类型的自助书籍都会给读者提出建议,帮助读者培养一定的技能、目标和态度,以期获得成功,并拥有一种健康的生活方式。
Unit 1 The First DayEmi:Oh, no… it’s ten o’clock! I’m late.Emi:Is this English with Prof. Brown?Prof. Brown: Yes. This is it.Emi: I’m nervous.Prof. Brown:Don’t be nervous. This class is easy.Emi:Really? It’s easy?Prof. Brown:Yes. And the instructor is really nice.Emi: He is? Wait … Are you a student?Prof. Brown:No, I’m not. I’m the instructorEmi: You’re Professor Brown?! I’m so embarrassed.Prof. Brown:Don’t be. Welcome to the class.Jin: Hi.Emi: Hi.Jin: I’m a student too. My name’s Jin.Emi: Hi. I’m Emi … Emi Okada.Jin: Oh, you’re Japanese!Emi:That’s right. And you’re …?Jin: I’m Korean. This is my first class here. I’m a little nervous, too.Emi:Well, it’s nice to meet you. Your name’s Jean?Jin: Jin. Jin Koh.Prof. Brown:OK, everyone. Good morning. I’m Eric Brown. Let’s get started.Unit 2 A Great PlaceKate:Yes…OK. Mm-hmmm. OK. Goodbye. Bye-bye.Chris: Good morning.Kate: Good morning. Can I help you?Chris: Yes, I need a hotel reservation.Kate:OK. What city?Chris: New York. Manhattan.Kate:OK. When?Chris: Next week. Three nights. The 7th, 8th, and 9th.Kate:OK. Let’s see. How about the Wellington? Excellent location, it has large rooms, nice views. It’s a little expensive, but very nice.Chris: Um… I don’t think so…Kate:Here’s one. The Northgate. It’s very convenient, and it’s not expensive. It’s a great place.Chris: OK. Sounds good.Kate:And it’s avail able for the nights of the 7th through the 9th.Chris: Good. Can you reserve it for me?Kate: Sure. Single room, for the 7th, three nights. Can I have your credit card, please?Chris: Here.Kate:OK. That takes care of that… You’re all set. Here’s your confirmation.Chris: Great, thanks.Kate: Is there anything else I can do for you?Chris: Nope, that’s it.Kate: All right. Well, have a great time in New York.Chris: Thanks, I will.Unit 3 Whose StuffLaura:Hi, Emi.Emi: Hi, Mrs. Arnello. How are you?Laura:Good. Oh, Emi… Is this your shirt?Emi: The blue one? No, that's not mine. It's Maggie's.Laura:How about this sweater?Emi: The yellow sweater? Yes, that's mine.Laura:It's cute.Emi: Oh, thanks.Laura:And… these are your soc ks, right?Emi: No, but those are mine.Laura:Well, here's your stuff.Emi: Thanks, Mrs. Arnello. I really appreciate it.Laura:Oh, Emi, you forgot this.Emi: Mrs. Arnello, you know, you really don't need to do my laundry.Laura:Don’t be silly. It's my pleasure.Emi: Well, I would feel better if you would…Laura:No, no, no. I know you're so busy with school and everything.Emi:But you're busy, too.Laura:Really, it's OK. I have to do the laundry for Paul and the kids anyway.Emi:Please let me help so metime…Laura:You know, if you really want to help, Emi… you can get Maggie to clean her room!Unit 4 Lunch at the RockAna:Chris, what do you want?Chris:Mmm, I don't know.Ana: How about grilled Mahi-Mahi?Chris: What's that? A kind of fish?Ana:Yes. It's good. Why don’t you try it?Chris:No, I don't like seafood.Ana:(Surprised) You don’t like sea-food?Chris:No, not really.Ana:All right. How about a Caesar salad?Chris: A salad? No, I don't really like salads.Ana: (Asking in a quizzical 嘲弄的, 探询的tone) What do you like?Chris:Well, I like hamburgers.Ana: Oh, Chris, everybody likes hamburgers.Chris:So?Dave (waiter) approaches the table.Dave:Hi. Ready to order.Ana: Yes. I'll have a grilled Mahi-Mahi sandwich …and a small house salad …and some iced tea. Dave:Sure.Chris:I'll have a hamburger, with French fries …and a Coke.Dave:Would you like anything on the hamburger? Cheese, onions, mushrooms, avocado, sprouts? Chris:No. Um …yeah …avocado.Dave:OK, anything else?Ana:No, nothing else.Chris:Nope.Ana:Whoa, Chris, very original. (As Dave walks away, Ana teases Chris for his lack of originality) Chris: Thank you!Unit 5 A Busy LifeKate: Dave, you’re so busy all the time. Do you have any free time?Dave:Hah! I work every day.Kate: Every day? No days off?Dave:No way. I’m here every day. I get here at six in the morning.Kate: You get up at six in the morning? I never get up that early.Dave:No, I get here at six. I always get up around five.Kate:Oh, wow! That’s early. When do you go home?Dave:Around nine.Kate:Nine, at night?Dave:Oh, yeah.Kate:Dave, that’s crazy!Dave:I know.How about you? What’s your schedule like?Kate: Well, I work every day, from Monday to Friday, usually from 8:30 to 5:30.Dave: Sounds like a good schedule to me. Very relaxing!Kate: And I always do something fun on the weekends.Dave: Fun? What do you mean, fun?Kate: You know-----camping, hiking, the beach.Dave: Oh, I never do that kind of stuff.Kate: Dave, you need to get out more often. You need to have some fun! You need to get a life! Dave: Mmm. I don’t know, Kate. This is fun for me. This is my life.Unit 6 Shopping TripClerk: Looking for a TV?Emi: Yes. I need a ...Clerk: How about this one? MultiVision. Only $1,999.Emi: It’s a little big.Clerk: Well, big is good.Emi: But...Clerk: Well, look over here. We have the Vista. It’s on sale. Only $999.Emi: $999? That’s kind of expensive. Do you have anything …?Clerk: Well, we have the ViewTrix4200.Emi: This is perfect! How much is this TV?Clerk: That one? The MiniView? That’s $199.Emi: Great. I’ll take it.Clerk: Are you sure? Let me show you a couple of others.Emi: Um… no, this is the one I want.Clerk: OK. Would you like a three-year warranty with that? It’s a great deal…Emi: No, no warranties.Clerk: OK. How about a satellite dish or a DVD player?Emi: Um …no, just the TV.Clerk: But at least you’ll need a TV stand. We have some great TV stands.Emi: Maybe later. Today, just the TV.Clerk: OK. Well, great. Right this way, I’ll get one for you.Unit 7 Having a SnackKate: Be right back.Luis: Hello.Chris: Luis? This is Chris.Luis: Hi, Chris. What’s up?Chris: Not much. What are you doing?Luis: Right now, I’m taking a break. I have so much work to do tonight.Chris: Oh.Luis: What are you doing?Chris: I’m at the Rock right now. I’m having a snack with Kate.Luis: Oh, cool. Can I join you?Chris: Sure. Come on down.Kate: Who’s that?Chris: I t’s Luis.Kate: Oh, Luis. Can I talk to him?Chris: Sure. Hang on a second. Kate wants to say something.Kate: Luis?Luis: Yes. Hi, Kate.Kate: Hi. What are you doing?Luis: Oh, you know me. Work, work, work.Kate: Well, why don’t you take a break? Chris and I are having a bite to eat here at the Rock. Chris: I know. I’m planning to…Kate: Why don’t you come and join us?Chris: Yeah, sure. I’m on my way.Kate: OK. Bye.Unit 8 Ana’s FamilyChris: Hi.Ana: Hi.Chris: Oh, pictures.Ana: Mmm-hmm.Chris: Who’s that?Ana: That’s my brother, Marcelo.Chris: How old is he?Ana: He’s 22.Chris: Is he a student?Ana: Yeah, he goes to the University of Maryland.Chris: What’s he studying?Ana: He’s studying engineering, but at night, he’s a musician.Chris: What does he play? The guitar?Ana: No, the piano.Chris: That’s great. What kind of music does he play?Ana: Jazz, mostly. He’s actually really good. He even sent me a tape.Chris: A tape of him playing?Ana: I think so.Chris: I’d like to listen to it sometime.Ana: Sure.Chris: Ah, so, Ana, can I talk to you after lunch? It’s about the Civic Center project.Ana: Oh, sure. I’ll stop by in about half an hour.Chris: Thanks.Ana: See you.Chris: Bye.Unit 9 Lunch with the StarsAna: Hello!Emi: Hi. Where are we going?Ana: There’s a great restaurant in this area.Emi: Oh?Ana: It’s called Enrico’s. We’re gonna have lunch there.Emi: Oh, great.Ana: It’s a famous place. You’ll love it.Emi: Look! There’s Tom Cruise!Ana: Shh…I know.Emi: Oh my gosh! Is that…? It’s not!Ana: Shh. Yes, it is.Emi: Wow! There are a lot of famous people here!Ana: Mm-hmmm.Emi: Oh, my gosh! I don’t believe it!Ana: What?Emi: Look! There’s Cher!Star: Oh! Are you OK, miss?Emi: Yes…Can I have your autograph?Star: My autograph? You want my autograph?Emi: Yes, please.[PAUSE]Emi: Thanks.Star: There you go.Emi/Ana: Lillian Mortimer?Ana: Who on earth is that?Emi: I thought it was Cher!Unit 10 A Birsthday PresentEmi: Hey, Kate! Happy birthday!Kate: Thanks, Emi.Emi: There are a lot of people here.Kate: I know. What a surprise! Is Luis here yet?Emi: Yes, he was here. I talked to him a minute ago. Oh, there he is.Kate: Where?Emi: He’s by the door. Do you see him?Kate: No, I don’t.Emi: Over there. Between Sam and Ana.Kate: Yes… Excuse me…Kate: Luis! (Someone bumps her arm; her drink spills on Luis) Oh, I’m sorry! I spilled it all over you! …Oh, Luis, I’m sorry. I ruined your shirt!Luis: (looking down at orange juice spilled on his shirt, then pulling a present out of his pocket while Katetries to wipe it off) No, no, it’s OK…Don’t worry about it. I brought you this…happy birthday. Kate: Oh, Luis. How thoughtful! Thank you.Luis: You’re welcome. (I) hope you like it…(Kate starts to give Luis a hug. Luis realizes his shirt is dripping with orange juice. He stops Kate from hugging him.) (You’d) better not!Unit 11 Looking for a JobRich: Dave, you know I’m between jobs right now…Dave: Yeah?Rich: Maybe I can help you out around here.Dave: Oh, you can? What can you do?Rich: Anything.Dave: Can you wash dishes?Rich: Sure. I can do that.Dave: Can you wait on tables?Rich: Yes. I can do that too.Dave: Well, you can’t cook. I kno w that.Rich: Maybe you’re right. But I can learn.Dave: Hmmm. Can you work on weekends?Rich: Dave, I can work anytime!Dave: All right, Rich. You’re hired. Can you start tomorrow?Rich: No problem.Dave: Great. I’ll see you tomorrow, at 7:00 a.m.Rich: I’ll be here.Dave: All right, Rich. Ready to get started?Rich: Sure. What are we going to do first?Dave: Let’s see. What should we do first? You want to learn how to cook?Rich: Yeah.Dave: OK, see that apron over there?Rich: Y eah…Dave: Well, put it on. You can start by washing these dishes.Unit 12 Do I Know You?Chris: Taxi!Sam: Yeah.Chris: 989 Union Street, please.Sam: Sure. Wait, you’re …the guy from the travel office.Chris: Pardon me?Sam: You came into our office last week …to I-Travel.Chris: Right, I did. You look familiar, too.Sam: Yeah, I work there part-time.Chris: Oh, right. Now I remember you…So you work at I-Travel and drive a taxi?Sam: Yeah, I have two part-time jobs.Chris: Wow, two jobs. Sounds busy.Sam: So …how was your trip?Chris: My trip to New York? Fine.Sam: Do you travel often?Chris: Yeah, I have to travel for work. I work for Silica Communications. I’m in sales.Sam: Ah. Well, here you are.Chris: Thanks…You can keep the change.Sam: Thanks.Chris: What’s your name again?Sam: Sam. Sam Weiss.Chris: I’m Chris Redmond. Nice to see you again, Sam. Good luck.Sam: Take care.Unit 13 Somebody NewLaura: Hi.Luis: Hi.Laura: Are you busy?Luis: What’s up?Laura: I’d like you to meet someone. Luis, this is Susan Wu. She’s our new project director for the Star One program. She’s from Singapore.Luis: Oh, the new project director? Glad to meet you.Susan: Nice to meet you, too.Laura: Luis is very talented; he’s a great guy to work with.Luis: Thanks, Laura.Laura: Susan has a lot of experience with the company. I’m sure you’ll enjoy working with her.Luis: Yes, I’m looking forward to working with you.Susan: Same here, Luis.Luis: Which office will you be in?Laura: She’ll be in the office across the hall.Luis: The corner office?Laura: Right.Luis: Oh. Oh, OK. When will you be moving in?Susan: Tomorrow.Luis: So soon? Good! Well, please let me know if you need any help with anything.Susan: I appreciate that. Thanks.Laura: Well, sorry for the interruption.Luis: No problem. See you later.。
unit11/14 跟读reading1(一句一句跟读)2/14 读段落(reading1的段落)3/14 1 pr o mote 2 talent 3 effective 4 goal 5 semesters6 involved7 assignment8 speci fic9 contribute 10 positive4/14 His lifestyle many useful tips are aware of connected participate in5/14 1 take 2 another 3at 4 reduces 5underline6 until7 intervals 8pause 9 assignment 10key6/14She often helps out with the washing and cooking when she is at home during holidays.it costs at least $30,000 to raise a child to 18 years of age at present.so that he can provide for studying abroad in two years.make some time this weekend to discuss their daughter's education.the whole team must keep to the schedule strictly.7/14 许多不同类型的自助书都给读者提出建议,帮助他们培养一定的技能,目标和态度,以获得成功,并拥有一种健康的生活方式。
8/14 跟读reading2(一句一句跟读)9/14 What are your responsibilities as a student in a college classroom? First, you should be preparedfor class. Read your assignments and finishyour homework before coming to class. Nest, youshould be punctual and attend class regularly. Finally, you should be courteous and considerate.Don’t talk, chew gum, or eat in class. Don’t walk around or leave the class before asking theinstructor.10/14one time adds to exact encourages realize take part inthoughtful advice aredemanding on take her attention away1/14 1 at 2 contributed 3what 4 scheduling 5 encourage 6 advising 7 look for8 eacitied 9 compared 10 courses12/14D to study ---studying B because---for/ because ofB find---find out Bon the time---on timeB are---isB that---itD as---like/such as Cwhen ----whileA that----it A tothink----thinking13/14制定好一个计划并严格执行“这样才能使我第一段的论证更有效?”每位教师都会提出对学生学习课程的期望和要求去措施缺课会被开除学习不太好的学习一次只学习二、三十分钟,往往在一天的某些特定的时段学习14/14become aware of the importance of protecting the environment in their daily lives.he had to spend all his free time doing experiments for two weeks.those who have freshly graduated from colleges and universities.listening to what the teacher say in class.to get involved in as many English activities as possible.读写译unit 33/15 1 releasing 2 moderate 3 stress 4 recommended 5routine 6 magical 7 dairy 8 obvious9 reduction 10 emotionally4/15 1 are beneficial to 2. be cautious about talking 3 incorporate it into4 except for5 attended the meeting in place of him5/15 1 , until 2, average 3 replaced 4 likely 5 lead 6 directly7 helpful 8 increase 9 producing 1 0 effects6/15 so many overweight people want to reduce calorie intake so as to lose weightI don’t think you have any magical power to de al with everything all at onceA combination of healthy diet and moderate physical exercise can help her recover assoon as possibleShe didn’t get along well her roommates ,so she slayed away from themto make it a point to do some running for half an hour every morning so as to tone muscles and bum calories7/15 如果你很难一次抽出那么长的时间,那就把运动分解成每次十分钟在全天进行,把锻炼列入你每天的生活日程中:走楼梯代替乘电梯,或者把车停在一个离你上班地点或者学校较远的地方,然后走路去。
A: No, I’m not. A: Yes, I am. A: No, I’m not. A: Yes, it is!
Unit 1 People
Goal 2: Ask for and give personal information
1. Name: Kyoko Hashimoro Nationality: ___J_a_p_a_n__e_s_e_ City: Tokyo Country: Japan Occupation:_e__n_g_i_n_e_e_r___
3. Name: Jim Waters Nationality:_C__a_n_a_d__ia_n___
Unit 1 People
Goal 2: Ask for and give personal information
Look at the pictures in the book on page 6. Talk to a partner. Guess the missing information.
Unit 1 People
Goal 1: Meet People
Choose an occupation, a nationality, and a country for yourself. Walk around the class and introduce yourself to other classmates.
Unit 1新时代交互英语1级
Unit 1 :College LifeTeaching ObjectivesIn this unit, the teacher will help students learn:how to preview their reading to understand it better how to organize an article on “College Life” why Cambridge attracts students from all over the worldhow to identify and apply Cohesive Ties and Metadiscoursehow to fill in formshow to use graphic organizers to write and organize their ideashow to translate a specific word in light of contexthow to make a study planhow to get organized before taking a testhow to talk about“中国龙”in EnglishPart A ReadingLanguage Learning StrategyPreview Your Reading to Understand It BetterStrategyTeaching ProcedureFirst, T explains how the word preview is formed to help Ss understand its meaning. The word preview is formed by adding the prefix pre- which means“before; in advance”to the word view, which means“examine; look at thoroughly”.Second, T may have a S read the section entitled “Preview YourReading to Understand It Better” aloud so that Ss can get the general idea of the paragraph.Third, T introduces the common ways of previewing:look at the title of the article;look at all the headings, subheadings and marked, italic or dark print; look at any pictures or illustrations, charts or graphs;skim over the passage, and read the first and last paragraphs;glance at the first sentence of every other paragraph.Apply the StrategyTeaching ProcedureGive Ss three minutes to work in pairs to answer the questions. Then check whether Ss get the correct answers from the text.Key for ReferencePreview Reading 1 of this unit, and talk with your classmates about these questions.1)What is the passage about?It is about Harvard University’s habits for success.2)What have researchers at Harvard University found out?They found out what contributed both to Harvard University students’ academic success and their feeling of satisfaction.3)What is the third paragraph about?It is about how the researchers got their information.4)How many tips on academic success are mentioned in Reading 1? Four.Language for ReferenceThe following words or terms are closely related to the topic of College Life, and may help students familiarize themselves with the topic quickly. academic year 学年freshman, sophomore, junior and senior 大学一年级、二年级、三年级、四年级学生credit 学分required courses 必修课程optional courses 选修课程major 专业course requirement 课程要求class interaction 课堂互动online study 在线学习paper 论文dissertation 学位论文presentation 针对某一专题进行的发言seminar(大学教师带领学生作专题讨论的)研讨班lecture 讲课scholarship 奖学金clubs or associations 社团extracurricular activities 课外活动part-time job 兼职工作live on/off campus 住在校园内/外international students 国际学生assessment 评估Reading 1Before You ReadTeaching Procedure1. T gives Ss five minutes to discuss the questions in Exercise 1.2. T directs Ss to do Exercise 2 in pairs. Have them take turns with theirpartner, asking for and giving the meaning of a word. Ask them to use the pattern“What does mean?”Check the answer after they cover all the words.Key for Reference1. Discuss the following questions with your partner.1) How much do you know about Harvard University?(See Background Information.)2) What do you think you should do in order to achieve success in college? broaden the scope of knowledge;develop good interpersonal relations with fellow students and teachers; build up a positive outlook and attitude towards life;discover one’s potential and then make great efforts to bring it into full play;...2. Try to match the word in the left column with its meaning in the right column and then check the answers against the reading.(See Student’s Book.)Now You ReadTeaching Procedure1. T instructs Ss to apply the reading strategies of (1) skimming, (2) reading (at their own pace), and( 3) reading for details when they read the text “Harvard University’s Habits for Success”.2. Apply the strategy of skimming: Ask Ss to read the first paragraph, thefirst sentences of the other paragraphs and the last paragraph. Look for names, dates, and numbers. Give them one minute to skim the text.3. Apply the strategy of reading (at their own pace): Ask Ss to read the entire text at their own pace and pay attention to main points while reading. Give them sufficient time to read the text.4. Apply the strategy of reading for details: Ask Ss to read the text again and try to notice as many details as possible. Give them sufficient time to read the text.Background Information1 Harvard UniversityHarvard University, which was established in 16 6, is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Most of Harvard University’s campuses are located in Cambridge and Boston, Massachusetts, on the eastern coast of the United States of America. Eight presidents of the United States-John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rutherford B. Hayes, John Fitzgerald Kennedy , George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama-were graduates of Harvard. Harvard University has produced more than 40 Nobel laureates. Drew Faust is currently the female president of Harvard University, who inaugurated on October 12, 2007.2 BostonBoston, the capital city of Massachusetts, is located in the eastern part ofthe state on Boston Harbor. Boston is the largest and most influential city in the six-state New England region. It was one of the earliest major U.S. cities to be settled by Europeans(162 )and the largest city in the British American colonies. The American Revolution(177 -178 )began in the Boston area. At the end of the 20th century, Boston was the focus ofeconomic activity, communications, and transportation in New England and was one of the major centers of higher education in the United States. The city is scenically located along the waters of the Charles River and Boston Harbor. It has a compact city center, which is dotted with sites of historic interest dating to colonial times.3 MassachusettsOne of the six New England states, and one of the first 1 states in the Union(it entered in 1788),Massachusetts is known as the“Old Colony State”. The Pilgrims established their settlement at Plymouth in 1620, arriving on the Mayflower. They were followed shortly by the Puritans, who established the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Puritans named their colony after a local Indian tribe whose name means“a large hill place”. The birthplace of many of the ideals of the American Revolution, Massachusetts attracted people who believed in self-government. It’s appropriate that the state flower is the mayflower, also known as the trailing arbutus.Outline of the TextPart 1: (Paras.1- )The Introduction: Researchers at Harvard University interviewed students to find out what contributed to their academic success and their feeling of satisfaction. The findings led to the changes in the university’s policies.Part 2: (Para. )A few tips from Harvard University’s habits for success.Tip 1: Get to know your professor.Tip 2: Study in groups.Tip : Allow enough time to do a good job.Tip : Join an activity.Part : (Para. )The conclusion: Make time to work hard and leave time to play hard, you will succeed inyour studies.Language StudyMany different types of self-help books advise the reader to develop the skills, goals, and attitudesthat will both promote success and provide for a healthylifestyle.(Para. 1)Paraphrase: Through self-help books, a reader can learn how to become successful and prepare for a healthyway of living by developing the skills, goals and attitudes.promote v.1)to help in the growth or development of 促进,推动,增进● Milk promotes health.2)to give(someone)a higher position or rank 提升,晋升(某人)● The young army officer was promoted to(the rank of)captain.3)to bring(goods)to public notice in order to encourage people to buy 推销(货物)● a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpasteprovide for(Para. 1)1)to make the necessary future arrangements for 为……做好准备● The plans provide for road traffic increasing to twice its present volume. 2)to support; supply with the things necessary for life 供养,抚养● He has five children to provide for.provide sb. with sth.(sb.)/ provide sth. for sb. 提供;为(某人)配备● The hotel provides a shoe-cleaning service for its residents. contribute to(Para. 1)1)to help in causing a situation, event, or condition 起促成作用● This advertising campaign has contributed significantly to the success of the new car.2)to join with others in giving(money, help, etc.)捐献;捐助;贡献出;出一份钱;出一份力● I contributed(a pound)to/towards Jane’s leaving present.3)to write and send(a written article)to a magazine,newspaper,etc.(给杂志、报纸等)撰稿,投稿● She regularly contributes to the college magazine.make a contribution to sth. 对……做出贡献● He has made an important contribution to the company’s success.This helps a student to feel connected to the school.(Para. 4)“This”here refers to“Get to know at least one of these professors and have them get to know you”.Paraphrase: Getting to know at least one of the professors who are going to give you classes each semesterand having them get to know you as well will help you feel like you are part of the school.specific a.(Para. 4)1)detailed and exact; clear in meaning or explanation 明确的,确切的,详尽的● She gave us very specific instructions.2)particular; fixed, determined, or named 具体的,特有的,特定的● There is a specific tool for each job.3)limited to; found only in 仅限于……的,只发现于……的● This disease is specific to horses.effective a.(Para. 4)1)producing the desired result 产生预期效果的,有效的● The ads were simple, but remarkably effective.2)in operation 生效的,起作用的● When does the new system become effective ?Very few students are aware of this need for uninterrupted study time.(Para. 4)Paraphrase: Not many students realize that it is necessary for them to arrange time for continuous study.be aware of / that: having knowledge or understanding 意识到,知道,明白● He said that the government was acutely(= very)aware of the problem.be unaware of / that: not having knowledge or consciousness 没有意识到,不知道,不明白● He was completely unaware that he was being watched.Students who got involved in an activity—even in a small way—felt more positive about theireducation.(Para. 4)Paraphrase: Students who joined an activity, even in which they didn’t play an important role, felt moreconfident about their education.be / get involved in: taking part in sth.; being part of sth. or connectedwith sth. 参与,介入● If I were you,I wouldn’t get involved in their problems.involve sb.(in sth./in doing sth.): to make sb. take part in sth.(使)参加,加入● Parents should involve themselves in their children’s education. involvement: the act of taking part in sth.● The police are investigating his possible involvement in the crime. positive a.(Para. 4)1)thinking about what is good in a situation; feeling confident and hopeful 乐观的,自信的● a positive attitude to life2)(of a person)completely sure that sth. is correct or true 确信的,有把握的● I can’t be positive about what time it happened.expressing agreement or support 同意的,支持的● We’ve had a very positive response to the idea.keep to sth.(Para. 4)1)to do what you have promised or agreed to do 遵守,履行● Let’s keep to the original plan.2)to follow closely or limit oneself to 使不偏离,使局限于● Don’t raise irrelevant matters, we must keep to the subject.After You Read2. Work in groups and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text you’ve just read.1) Researchers at Harvard University interviewed a lot of students and got the answer to what led to their academic success and their feeling of satisfaction. ( T )(此句与第一段最后一句表述一致)2) In order to get information, the researchers asked the students a lot of questions about the quality of teaching, the teaching method they like, their feeling about what they were learning, and so on. (F)(见第三段,文中不曾提到the teaching method they like, 故而判断该表述有误。
Unit 1新时代交互英语1级
Unit 1 :College LifeTeaching ObjectivesIn this unit, the teacher will help students learn:how to preview their reading to understand it better how to organize an article on “College Life” why Cambridge attracts students from all over the worldhow to identify and apply Cohesive Ties and Metadiscoursehow to fill in formshow to use graphic organizers to write and organize their ideashow to translate a specific word in light of contexthow to make a study planhow to get organized before taking a testhow to talk about“中国龙”in EnglishPart A ReadingLanguage Learning StrategyPreview Your Reading to Understand It BetterStrategyTeaching ProcedureFirst, T explains how the word preview is formed to help Ss understand its meaning. The word preview is formed by adding the prefix pre- which means“before; in advance”to the word view, which means“examine; look at thoroughly”.Second, T may have a S read the section entitled “Preview YourReading to Understand It Better” aloud so that Ss can get the general idea of the paragraph.Third, T introduces the common ways of previewing:look at the title of the article;look at all the headings, subheadings and marked, italic or dark print; look at any pictures or illustrations, charts or graphs;skim over the passage, and read the first and last paragraphs;glance at the first sentence of every other paragraph.Apply the StrategyTeaching ProcedureGive Ss three minutes to work in pairs to answer the questions. Then check whether Ss get the correct answers from the text.Key for ReferencePreview Reading 1 of this unit, and talk with your classmates about these questions.1)What is the passage about?It is about Harvard University’s habits for success.2)What have researchers at Harvard University found out?They found out what contributed both to Harvard University students’ academic success and their feeling of satisfaction.3)What is the third paragraph about?It is about how the researchers got their information.4)How many tips on academic success are mentioned in Reading 1? Four.Language for ReferenceThe following words or terms are closely related to the topic of College Life, and may help students familiarize themselves with the topic quickly. academic year 学年freshman, sophomore, junior and senior 大学一年级、二年级、三年级、四年级学生credit 学分required courses 必修课程optional courses 选修课程major 专业course requirement 课程要求class interaction 课堂互动online study 在线学习paper 论文dissertation 学位论文presentation 针对某一专题进行的发言seminar(大学教师带领学生作专题讨论的)研讨班lecture 讲课scholarship 奖学金clubs or associations 社团extracurricular activities 课外活动part-time job 兼职工作live on/off campus 住在校园内/外international students 国际学生assessment 评估Reading 1Before You ReadTeaching Procedure1. T gives Ss five minutes to discuss the questions in Exercise 1.2. T directs Ss to do Exercise 2 in pairs. Have them take turns with theirpartner, asking for and giving the meaning of a word. Ask them to use the pattern“What does mean?”Check the answer after they cover all the words.Key for Reference1. Discuss the following questions with your partner.1) How much do you know about Harvard University?(See Background Information.)2) What do you think you should do in order to achieve success in college?broaden the scope of knowledge;develop good interpersonal relations with fellow students and teachers; build up a positive outlook and attitude towards life;discover one’s potential and then make great efforts to bring it into full play;...2. Try to match the word in the left column with its meaning in the right column and then check the answers against the reading.(See Student’s Book.)Now You ReadTeaching Procedure1. T instructs Ss to apply the reading strategies of (1) skimming, (2) reading (at their own pace), and( 3) reading for details when they read the text “Harvard University’s Habits for Success”.2. Apply the strategy of skimming: Ask Ss to read the first paragraph, the first sentences of the other paragraphs and the last paragraph. Look for names, dates, and numbers. Give them one minute to skim the text.3. Apply the strategy of reading (at their own pace): Ask Ss to read the entire text at their own pace and pay attention to main points while reading. Give them sufficient time to read the text.4. Apply the strategy of reading for details: Ask Ss to read the text again and try to notice as many details as possible. Give them sufficient time to read the text.Background Information1 Harvard UniversityHarvard University, which was established in 16 6, is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Most of Harvard University’s campuses are located in Cambridge and Boston, Massachusetts, on the eastern coast of the United States of America. Eight presidents of the United States-John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rutherford B. Hayes, John Fitzgerald Kennedy , George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama-were graduates of Harvard. Harvard University has produced more than 40 Nobel laureates. Drew Faust is currently the female president of Harvard University, who inaugurated on October 12, 2007.2 BostonBoston, the capital city of Massachusetts, is located in the eastern part of the state on Boston Harbor. Boston is the largest and most influential city in the six-state New England region. It was one of the earliest major U.S. cities to be settled by Europeans(162 )and the largest city in the British American colonies. The American Revolution(177 -178 )began in the Boston area. At the end of the 20th century, Boston was the focus of economic activity, communications, and transportation in New England and was one of the major centers of higher education in the United States. The city is scenically located along the waters of the Charles River and Boston Harbor. It has a compact city center, which is dotted with sites of historic interest dating to colonial times.3 MassachusettsOne of the six New England states, and one of the first 1 states in the Union(it entered in 1788),Massachusetts is known as the“Old Colony State”. The Pilgrims established their settlement at Plymouth in 1620, arriving on the Mayflower. They were followed shortly by the Puritans, who established the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Puritans named their colony after a local Indian tribe whose name means“a large hill place”. The birthplace of many of the ideals of the American Revolution, Massachusetts attracted people who believed in self-government. It’s appropriate that the state flower is the mayflower, also known as the trailing arbutus.Outline of the TextPart 1: (Paras.1- )The Introduction: Researchers at Harvard University interviewed students to find out what contributed to their academic success and their feeling of satisfaction. The findings led to the changes in the university’s policies.Part 2: (Para. )A few tips from Harvard University’s hab its for success. Tip 1: Get to know your professor.Tip 2: Study in groups.Tip : Allow enough time to do a good job.Tip : Join an activity.Part : (Para. )The conclusion: Make time to work hard and leave time to play hard, you will succeed inyour studies.Language StudyMany different types of self-help books advise the reader to develop the skills, goals, and attitudesthat will both promote success and provide for a healthy lifestyle.(Para. 1)Paraphrase: Through self-help books, a reader can learn how to become successful and prepare for a healthyway of living by developing the skills, goals and attitudes.promote v.1)to help in the growth or development of 促进,推动,增进● Milk promotes health.2)to give(someone)a higher position or rank 提升,晋升(某人)● The young army officer was promoted to(the rank of)captain.3)to bring(goods)to public notice in order to encourage people to buy 推销(货物)● a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpasteprovide for(Para. 1)1)to make the necessary future arrangements for 为……做好准备● The plans provide for road traffic increasing to twice its present volume.2)to support; supply with the things necessary for life 供养,抚养● He has five children to provide for.provide sb. with sth.(sb.)/ provide sth. for sb. 提供;为(某人)配备● The hotel provides a shoe-cleaning service for its residents. contribute to(Para. 1)1)to help in causing a situation, event, or condition 起促成作用● This advertising campaign has contributed significantly to the success of the new car.2)to join with others in giving(money, help, etc.)捐献;捐助;贡献出;出一份钱;出一份力● I contributed(a pound)to/towards Jane’s leaving present.3)to write and send(a written article)to a magazine, newspaper,etc.(给杂志、报纸等)撰稿,投稿● She regularly contributes to the college magazine.make a contribution to sth. 对……做出贡献● He has made an important contribution to the company’s success.This helps a student to feel connected to the school.(Para. 4)“This”here refers to“Get to know at least one of these professors and have them get to know you”.Paraphrase: Getting to know at least one of the professors who are going to give you classes each semesterand having them get to know you as well will help you feel like you are part of the school.specific a.(Para. 4)1)detailed and exact; clear in meaning or explanation 明确的,确切的,详尽的● She gave us very specific instructions.2)particular; fixed, determined, or named 具体的,特有的,特定的● There is a specific tool for each job.3)limited to; found only in 仅限于……的,只发现于……的● This disease is specific to horses.effective a.(Para. 4)1)producing the desired result 产生预期效果的,有效的● The ads were simple, but remarkably effective.2)in operation 生效的,起作用的● When does the new system become effective ?Very few students are aware of this need for uninterrupted study time.(Para. 4)Paraphrase: Not many students realize that it is necessary for them to arrange time for continuous study.be aware of / that: having knowledge or understanding 意识到,知道,明白● He said that the government was acutely(= very)aware of the problem. be unaware of / that: not having knowledge or consciousness 没有意识到,不知道,不明白● He was completely unaware that he was being watched.Students who got involved in an activity—even in a small way—felt more positive about theireducation.(Para. 4)Paraphrase: Students w ho joined an activity, even in which they didn’t play an important role, felt moreconfident about their education.be / get involved in: taking part in sth.; being part of sth. or connected with sth. 参与,介入● If I were you,I wouldn’t get involved in their problems.involve sb.(in sth./in doing sth.): to make sb. take part in sth.(使)参加,加入● Parents should involve themselves in their children’s education. involvement: the act of taking part in sth.● The police are investigating his possible involvement in the crime. positive a.(Para. 4)1)thinking about what is good in a situation; feeling confident and hopeful 乐观的,自信的● a positive attitude to life2)(of a person)completely sure that sth. is correct or true 确信的,有把握的● I can’t be positive about what time it happened.expressing agreement or support 同意的,支持的● We’ve had a very positive response to the idea.keep to sth.(Para. 4)1)to do what you have promised or agreed to do 遵守,履行● Let’s keep to the original plan.2)to follow closely or limit oneself to 使不偏离,使局限于● Don’t raise irrelevant matters, we must keep to the subject.After You Read2. Work in groups and decide whether the following statements are true(T) or false (F) based on the text you’ve just read.1) Researchers at Harvard University interviewed a lot of students and got the answer to what led to their academic success and their feeling of satisfaction. ( T )(此句与第一段最后一句表述一致)2) In order to get information, the researchers asked the students a lot of questions about the quality of teaching, the teaching method they like, their feeling about what they were learning, and so on. (F)(见第三段,文中不曾提到the teaching method they like, 故而判断该表述有误。
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新时代交互英语读写译1 第1单元
1/14 跟读reading1(一句一句跟读)
2/14 读段落(reading1的段落)
3/14 1 prmmote 2 talent 3 effective 4 goal
5 semesters
6 involved
7 assignment
8 special
9 contribute 10 positive
4/14 His lifestyle many useful tips are aware of connected participate in
5/14 1 take 2 another 3at 4 reduces
6 until
7 intervals 8pause 9 assignment
She often helps out with the washing and cooking when she is at home during holidays.
it costs at least $30,000 to raise a child to 18 years of age at present.
so that he can provide for studying abroad in two years.
make some time this weekend to discuss their daughter's education.
the whole team must keep to the schedule strictly.
7/14 许多不同类型的自助书都给读者提出建议,帮助他们培养一定的技能,目标和态度,以获得成功,并拥有一种健康的生活方式。
8/14 跟读reading2(一句一句跟读)
9/14 What are your responsibilities as a student in a college classroom? First, you should be prepared
for class. Read your assignments and finish your homework before coming to class. Nest, you
should be punctual and attend class regularly. Finally, you should be courteous and considerate.
Don’t talk, chew gum, or eat in class. Don’t walk around or leave the class before asking the
one time adds to exact
encourages realize take part in
thoughtful advice are demanding on
take her attention away
11/14 1 at 2 contributed 3 what
4 scheduling
5 encourage
6 advising
7 look for
8 eacitied
9 compared 10 courses
D to study ---studying B because---for/ because of
B find---find out B on the time---on time
B are---is B that---it
D as---like/such as C when ----while
A that----it A to think----thinking
become aware of the importance of protecting the environment in their daily lives.
he had to spend all his free time doing experiments for two weeks.
those who have freshly graduated from colleges and universities.
listening to what the teacher say in class.
to get involved in as many English activities as possible.。