



经济学人The insecurity of freelance workTHE decline of the conventional job has been much heralded in recent years.近年来,许多征兆显示出(传统工作)的衰落herald 英['her(ə)ld]n. 预兆,征兆;先驱;传令官;报信者vt. 通报;预示…的来临It is now nearly axiomatic that …是不言而喻的axiomatic[,æksɪə'mætɪk]adj. 公理的;自明的:eg. It is axiomatic that as people grow older they generally become less agile.人年纪越大通常灵活性越差,这是不言而喻的。

Opinion is still divided over whether this change is a cause for concern or a chance for workers to be liberated from the rut of office life.这种工作形式的变化应该令人担忧,还是会把工作者从枯燥乏味的办公室生活中解脱出来?人们的观点仍然存在分歧。

be liberated from 从…中解脱出来the rut of office life枯燥乏味的办公室生活be in a rut 千篇一律;一成不变I don't like being in a rut – I like to keep moving on.我不喜欢一成不变–我喜欢不断前进。

自由职业群体alternative employment=self-employed sector=freelance work=self-employed traders= non-traditional workersconventionally employed people传统从业者=regular employmentsole traders个体户independent consultants独立顾问tax advantages税务优惠top up income“zero hours” contracts 零时合约gig economy零工经济”contract out” tasks签约外包,合同外包rolling contract 滚动合约[a contract that continues automatically unless someone decides to end it]As for 至于the gig economy, it actually seems to be quite a small part of the alternative-employment sector…makes them vulnerable to any change in their circumstances.使他们更容易受到环境变化影响the Great Recession 大萧条aggregate turnover 周转总额,营业总额real earnings实际收入Far more people work in construction or business services than drive cars for Uber.从事…的人远多于…It’s easier than ever to get work done without hiring someone as an employee. But the growing group of non-traditional workers (that results ) has no access to labour protections or safety nets provided by law to employees. 不新增雇员就把工作搞定比过去任何时候都更容易,但因此产生的不断壮大的非传统工作群体,却无法享受法律赋予雇员的劳动保护和保障机制。



经济学⼈中英双语对照精读笔记合集汇总1、经济学⼈中英双语对照精读笔记TE20210529,Leaders | Two states or one? 两个国家还是⼀个?TE20210605,Leaders | Geopolitics and business 地缘政治和商业TE20210612,Leaders | Bunged up 绿⾊能源的发展瓶颈TE20210619,Leaders | Broadbandits ⽹络盗匪TE20210626,Asia | Unlawfully wed ⼩⼩新娘TE20210703,Leaders | The long goodbye 漫长的告别TE20210710,Leaders | Fault lines in the world economy 世界经济断层线TE20210717,Leaders | Rule of lawlessness 南⾮法治之战TE20210724,Leaders | No safe place ⽆处容⾝TE20210724,China | Surfing: Mother ocean 乘风破浪的姐姐,浪尖上的新风尚TE20210731,Leaders | Dashed hopes 破灭的希望,新兴国家的出路在何⽅?TE20210814,Leaders | Last Chance 美国还能拯救阿富汗?TE20210821,Leaders | Biden’s debacle 拜登⼤溃败TE20210904,Asia | Prostitution in Indonesia: Perverse outcomes 印度尼西亚卖淫问题:反常的结果TE20210911,Leaders | Why nations that fail women fail 为什么辜负⼥性的国家会失败?TE20211016,Leaders | The energy shock 能源冲击TE20211023,Leaders | Instant economics 即时经济2、其它外刊中英双语对照精读笔记内部揭秘:《经济学⼈》图表原来是⽤这些⼯具制作的出乎意料,权威杂志《⾃然》报道祝融号⽕星探测器的最新情况太阳报世界独家爆料:以权谋私、出轨⼥助理!英国卫⽣⼤⾂汉考克与⼥下属办公室热吻摸臀《柳叶⼑》最新研究论⽂:新冠病毒让⼈变笨!The Year Flu Disappeared 流感消失的那⼀年美国亏⽋那些冒着⽣命危险帮助过他们的阿富汗⼈解密美国情报局对情报质量是如何定义的?俄罗斯总理不为⼈知的⼀⾯,竟然出了⼀道初中数学题。



Digest Of The. Economist. 2006(6-7)Hard to digestA wealth of genetic information is to be found in the human gutBACTERIA, like people, can be divided into friend and foe. Inspired by evidence that the friendly sort may help with a range of ailments, many people consume bacteria in the form of yogurts and dietary supplements. Such a smattering of artificial additions, however, represents but a drop in the ocean. There are at least 800 types of bacteria living in the human gut. And research by Steven Gill of the Institute for Genomic Research in Rockville, Maryland, and his colleagues, published in this week's Science, suggests that the collective genome of these organisms is so large that it contains 100 times as many genes as the human genome itself.Dr Gill and his team were able to come to this conclusion by extracting bacterial DNA from the faeces of two volunteers. Because of the complexity of the samples,they were not able to reconstruct the entire genomes of each of the gut bacteria, just the individual genes. But that allowed them to make an estimate of numbers.What all these bacteria are doing is tricky to identify—the bacteria themselves are difficult to cultivate. So the researchers guessed at what they might be up to by comparing the genes they discovered with published databases of genes whose functions are already known.This comparison helped Dr Gill identify for the first time the probable enzymatic processes by which bacteria help humans to digest the complex carbohydrates in plants. The bacteria also contain a plentiful supply of genes involved in the synthesis of chemicals essential to human life—including two B vitamins and certain essential amino acids—although the team merely showed that these metabolic pathways exist rather than proving that they are used. Nevertheless, the pathways they found leave humans looking more like ruminants: animals such as goats and sheep that use bacteria to break down otherwise indigestible matter in the plants they eat.The broader conclusion Dr Gill draws is that peopleare superorganisms whose metabolism represents an amalgamation of human and microbial attributes. The notion of a superorganism has emerged before, as researchers in other fields have come to view humans as having a diverse internal ecosystem. This, suggest some, will be crucial to the success of personalised medicine, as different people will have different responses to drugs, depending on their microbial flora. Accordingly, the next step, says Dr Gill, is to see how microbial populations vary between people of different ages, backgrounds and diets.Another area of research is the process by which these helpful bacteria first colonise the digestive tract. Babies acquire their gut flora as they pass down the birth canal and take a gene-filled gulp of their mother's vaginal and faecal flora. It might not be the most delicious of first meals, but it could well be an important one.Zapping the bluesThe rebirth of electric-shock treatmentELECTRICITY has long been used to treat medical disorders. As early as the second century AD, Galen, a Greek physician, recommended the use of electric eels fortreating headaches and facial pain. In the 1930s Ugo Cerletti and Lucio Bini, two Italian psychiatrists, used electroconvulsive therapy to treat schizophrenia. These days, such rigorous techniques are practised less widely. But researchers are still investigating how a gentler electric therapy appears to treat depression.Vagus-nerve stimulation, to give it its proper name, was originally developed to treat severe epilepsy. It requires a pacemaker-like device to be implanted in a patient's chest and wires from it threaded up to the vagus nerve on the left side of his neck. In the normal course of events, this provides an electrical pulse to the vagus nerve for 30 seconds every five minutes.This treatment does not always work, but in some cases where it failed (the number of epileptic seizures experienced by a patient remaining the same), that patient nevertheless reported feeling much better after receiving the implant. This secondary effect led to trials for treating depression and, in 2005, America's Food and Drug Administration approved the therapy for depression that fails to respond to all conventional treatments, includingdrugs and psychotherapy.Not only does the treatment work, but its effects appear to be long lasting. A study led by Charles Conway of Saint Louis University in Missouri, and presented to a recent meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, has found that 70% of patients who are better after one year stay better after two years as well.The technique builds on a procedure called deep-brain stimulation, in which electrodes are implanted deep into the white matter of patients' brains and used to “reboot” faulty neural circuitry. Such an operation is a big undertaking, requiring a full day of surgery and carrying a risk of the patient suffering a stroke. Only a small number of people have been treated this way. In contrast, the device that stimulates the vagus nerve can be implanted in 45 minutes without a stay in hospital.The trouble is that vagus-nerve stimulation can take a long time to produce its full beneficial effect. According to Dr Conway, scans taken using a technique called positron-emission tomography show significant changes in brain activity starting three months after treatment begins. Thechanges are similar to the improvements seen in patients who undergo other forms of antidepression treatment. The brain continues to change over the following 21 months. Dr Conway says that patients should be told that the antidepressant effects could be slow in coming.However, Richard Selway of King's College Hospital, London, found that his patients' moods improved just weeks after the implant. Although brain scans are useful in determining the longevity of the treatment, Mr Selway notes that visible changes in the brain do not necessarily correlate perfectly with changes in mood.Nobody knows why stimulating the vagus nerve improves the mood of depressed patients, but Mr Selway has a theory. He believes that the electrical stimulation causes a region in the brain stem called the locus caeruleus (Latin, ironically, for “blue place”) to flood the brain with norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter implicated in alertness, concentration and motivation—that is, the mood states missing in depressed patients. Whatever the mechanism, for the depressed a therapy that is relatively safe and long lasting is rare cause for cheer.The shape of things to comeHow tomorrow's nuclear power stations will differ from today'sTHE agency in charge of promoting nuclear power in America describes a new generation of reactors that will be “highly economical” with “enhanced safety”, that “minimise wastes” and will prove “proliferation resistant”. No doubt they will bake a mean apple pie, too.Unfortunately, in the world of nuclear energy, fine words are not enough. America got away lightly with its nuclear accident. When the Three Mile Island plant in Pennsylvania overheated in 1979 very little radiation leaked, and there were no injuries. Europe was not so lucky. The accident at Chernobyl in Ukraine in 1986 killed dozens immediately and has affected (sometimes fatally) the health of tens of thousands at the least. Even discounting the association of nuclear power with nuclear weaponry, people have good reason to be suspicious of claims that reactors are safe.Yet political interest in nuclear power is reviving across the world, thanks in part to concerns about globalwarming and energy security. Already, some 441 commercial reactors operate in 31 countries and provide 17% of the planet's electricity, according to America's Department of Energy. Until recently, the talk was of how to retire these reactors gracefully. Now it is of how to extend their lives. In addition, another 32 reactors are being built, mostly in India, China and their neighbours. These new power stations belong to what has been called the third generation of reactors, designs that have been informed by experience and that are considered by their creators to be advanced. But will these new stations really be safer than their predecessors?Clearly, modern designs need to be less accident prone. The most important feature of a safe design is that it “fails safe”. Fo r a reactor, this means that if its control systems stop working it shuts down automatically, safely dissipates the heat produced by the reactions in its core, and stops both the fuel and the radioactive waste produced by nuclear reactions from escaping by keeping them within some sort of containment vessel. Reactors that follow such rules are called “passive”. Most modern designs are passive to someextent and some newer ones are truly so. However, some of the genuinely passive reactors are also likely to be more expensive to run.Nuclear energy is produced by atomic fission. A large atom (usually uranium or plutonium) breaks into two smaller ones, releasing energy and neutrons. The neutrons then trigger further break-ups. And so on. If this “chain reaction” can be controlled, the energy released can be used to boil water, produce steam and drive a turbine that generates electricity. If it runs away, the result is a meltdown and an accident (or, in extreme circumstances, a nuclear explosion—though circumstances are never that extreme in a reactor because the fuel is less fissile than the material in a bomb). In many new designs the neutrons, and thus the chain reaction, are kept under control by passing them through water to slow them down. (Slow neutrons trigger more break ups than fast ones.) This water is exposed to a pressure of about 150 atmospheres—a pressure that means it remains liquid even at high temperatures. When nuclear reactions warm the water, its density drops, and the neutrons passing through it are no longer slowedenough to trigger further reactions. That negative feedback stabilises the reaction rate.Can business be cool?Why a growing number of firms are taking global warming seriouslyRUPERT MURDOCH is no green activist. But in Pebble Beach later this summer, the annual gathering of executivesof Mr Murdoch's News Corporation—which last year led to a dramatic shift in the media conglomerate's attitude tothe internet—will be addressed by several leading environmentalists, including a vice-president turned climatechangemovie star. Last month BSkyB, a British satellite-television company chaired by Mr Murdoch and run by hisson, James, declared itself “carbon-neutral”, having taken various steps to cut or offset its discharges of carboninto the atmosphere.The army of corporate greens is growing fast. Late last year HSBC became the first big bank to announce that itwas carbon-neutral, joining other financial institutions, including Swiss Re, a reinsurer, and Goldman Sachs, aninvestment bank, in waging war on climate-warminggases (of which carbon dioxide is the main culprit). Last yearGeneral Electric (GE), an industrial powerhouse, launched its “Ecomagination” strategy, aiming to cut its output ofgreenhouse gases and to invest heavily in clean (ie, carbon-free) technologies. In October Wal-Mart announced aseries of environmental schemes, including doubling the fuel-efficiency of its fleet of vehicles within a decade.Tesco and Sainsbury, two of Britain's biggest retailers, are competing fiercely to be the greenest. And on June 7thsome leading British bosses lobbied Tony Blair for a more ambitious policy on climate change, even if that involvesharsher regulation.The greening of business is by no means universal, however. Money from Exxon Mobil, Ford and General Motorshelped pay for television advertisements aired recently in America by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, with thedaft slogan “Carbon dioxide: they call it pollution; we call it life”. Besides, environmentalist critics say, some firmsa re engaged in superficial “greenwash” to boost the image of essentially climate-hurting businesses. Take BP, themost prominent corporate advocate of action on climatechange, with its “Beyond Petroleum” ad campaign, highprofileinvestments in green energy, and even a “carbon calculator” on its website that helps consumers measuretheir personal “carbon footprint”, or overall emissions of carbon. Yet, critics complain, BP's recent record profits arelargely thanks to sales of huge amounts of carbon-packed oil and gas.On the other hand, some free-market thinkers see the support of firms for regulation of carbon as the latestattempt at “regulatory capture”, by those who stand to profit from new rules. Max Schulz of the ManhattanInstitute, a conservative think tan k, notes darkly that “Enron was into pushing the idea of climate change, becauseit was good for its business”.Others argue that climate change has no more place in corporate boardrooms than do discussions of other partisanpolitical issues, such as Darfur or gay marriage. That criticism, at least, is surely wrong. Most of the corporateconverts say they are acting not out of some vague sense of social responsibility, or even personal angst, butbecause climate change creates real business risks andopportunities—from regulatory compliance to insuringclients on flood plains. And although these concerns vary hugely from one company to the next, few firms can besure of remaining unaffected.Testing timesResearchers are working on ways to reduce the need for animal experiments, but new laws mayincrease the number of experiments neededIN AN ideal world, people would not perform experiments on animals. For the people, they are expensive. For theanimals, they are stressful and often painful.That ideal world, sadly, is still some way away. People need new drugs and vaccines. They want protection fromthe toxicity of chemicals. The search for basic scientific answers goes on. Indeed, the European Commission isforging ahead with proposals that will increase the number of animal experiments carried out in the EuropeanUnion, by requiring toxicity tests on every chemical approved for use within the union's borders in the past 25years.Already, the commission has identified 140,000 chemicals that have not yet been tested. It wants 30,000 oftheseto be examined right away, and plans to spend between €4 billion-8 billion ($5 billion-10 billion) doing so. Thenumber of animals used for toxicity testing in Europe will thus, experts reckon, quintuple from just over 1m a yearto about 5m, unless they are saved by some dramatic advances in non-animal testing technology. At the moment,roughly 10% of European animal tests are for general toxicity, 35% for basic research, 45% for drugs andvaccines, and the remaining 10% a variety of uses such as diagnosing diseases.Animal experimentation will therefore be around for some time yet. But the hunt for substitutes continues, and lastweekend the Middle European Society for Alternative Methods to Animal Testing met in Linz, Austria, to reviewprogress.A good place to start finding alternatives for toxicity tests is the liver—the organ responsible for breaking toxicchemicals down into safer molecules that can then be excreted. Two firms, one large and one small, told themeeting how they were using human liver cells removed incidentally during surgery to test various substancesforlong-term toxic effects.PrimeCyte, the small firm, grows its cells in cultures over a few weeks and doses them regularly with the substanceunder investigation. The characteristics of the cells are carefully monitored, to look for changes in theirmicroanatomy.Pfizer, the big firm, also doses its cultures regularly, but rather than studying individual cells in detail, it counts cellnumbers. If the number of cells in a culture changes after a sample is added, that suggests the chemical inquestion is bad for the liver.In principle, these techniques could be applied to any chemical. In practice, drugs (and, in the case of PrimeCyte,food supplements) are top of the list. But that might change if the commission has its way: those140,000screenings look like a lucrative market, although nobody knows whether the new tests will be ready for use by2009, when the commission proposes that testing should start.Other tissues, too, can be tested independently of animals. Epithelix, a small firm in Geneva, has developed anartificial version of the lining of the lungs. According toHuang Song, one of Epithelix's researchers, thefirm'scultured cells have similar microanatomy to those found in natural lung linings, and respond in the same way tovarious chemical messengers. Dr Huang says that they could be used in long-term toxicity tests of airbornechemicals and could also help identify treatments for lung diseases.The immune system can be mimicked and tested, too. ProBioGen, a company based in Berlin, is developing anartificial human lymph node which, it reckons, could have prevented the near-disastrous consequences of a drugtrial held in Britain three months ago, in which (despite the drug having passed animal tests) six men sufferedmultiple organ failure and nearly died. The drug the men were given made their immune systems hyperactive.Such a response would, the firm's scientists reckon, have been identified by their lymph node, which is made fromcells that provoke the immune system into a response. ProBioGen's lymph node could thus work better than animaltesting.Another way of cutting the number of animalexperiments would be tochange the way that vaccines are tested, according to CoenraadHendriksen of the Netherlands Vaccine Institute. At the moment, allbatches of vaccine are subject to the same battery of tests. DrHendriksen argues that this is over-rigorous. When new vaccine culturesare made, belt-and-braces tests obviously need to be applied. But if abatch of vaccine is derived from an existing culture, he suggests that itneed be tested only to make sure it is identical to the batch from which itis derived. That would require fewer test animals.All this suggests that though there is still some way to go before drugs,vaccines and other substances can be tested routinely on cells ratherthan live animals, useful progress is being made. What is harder to see ishow the use of animals might be banished from fundamental research.Anger managementTo one emotion, men are more sensitive than women MEN are notoriously insensitive to the emotional world around them. At least, that is the stereotype peddled by athousand women's magazines. And a study by two researchers at the University of Melbourne, inAustralia,confirms that men are, indeed, less sensitive to emotion than women, with one important and suggestiveexception. Men are acutely sensitive to the anger of other men.Mark Williams and Jason Mattingley, whose study has just been published in Current Biology, looked at the way aperson's sex affects his or her response to emotionally charged facial expressions. People from all cultures agreeon what six basic expressions of emotion look like. Whether the face before you is expressing anger, disgust, fear,joy, sadness or surprise seems to be recognised universally—which suggests that the expressions involved areinnate, rather than learned.Dr Williams and Dr Mattingley showed the participants in their study photographs of these emotional expressions inmixed sets of either four or eight. They asked the participants to look for a particular sort of expression, andmeasured the amount of time it took them to find it. The researchers found, in agreement with previous studies,that both men and women identified angry expressions most quickly. But they also found that anger was morequicklyidentified on a male face than a female one.Moreover, most participants could find an angry face just as quickly when it was mixed in a group of eightphotographs as when it was part of a group of four. That was in stark contrast to the other five sorts of expression,which took more time to find when they had to be sorted from a larger group. This suggests that something in thebrain is attuned to picking out angry expressions, and that it is especially concerned about angry men. Also, thishighly tuned ability seems more important to males than females, since the two researchers found that men pickedout the angry expressions faster than women did, even though women were usually quicker than men to recognizeevery other sort of facial expression.Dr Williams and Dr Mattingley suspect the reason for this is that being able to spot an angry individual quickly hasa survival advantage—and, since anger is more likely to turn into lethal violence in men than in women, the abilityto spot angry males quickly is particularly valuable.As to why men are more sensitive to anger than women, it is presumably because they are far more likely togetkilled by it. Most murders involve men killing other men—even today the context of homicide is usually aspontaneous dispute over status or sex.The ability to spot quickly that an alpha male is in a foul mood would thus have great survival value. It would allowthe sharp-witted time to choose appeasement, defence or possibly even pre-emptive attack. And, if it is right, thisstudy also confirms a lesson learned by generations of bar-room tough guys and schoolyard bullies: if you wantattention, get angry.The shareholders' revoltA turning point in relations between company owners and bosses?SOMETHING strange has been happening this year at company annual meetings in America:shareholders have been voting decisively against the recommendations of managers. Until now, mostshareholders have, like so many sheep, routinely voted in accordance with the advice of the people theyemploy to run the company. This year managers have already been defeated at some 32 companies,including household names such as Boeing, ExxonMobil and GeneralMotors.This shareholders' revolt has focused entirely on one issue: the method by which members of the boardof directors are elected. Shareholder resolutions on other subjects have mostly been defeated, as usual.The successful resolutions called for directors to be elected by majority voting, instead of by thetraditional method of “plurality”—which in practice meant that only votes cast in favour were counted,and that a single vote for a candidate would be enough to get him elected.Several companies, led by Pfizer, a drug giant, saw defeat looming and pre-emptively adopted a formalmajority-voting policy that was weaker than in the shareholder resolution. This required any director whofailed to secure a majority of votes to tender his resignation to the board, which would then be free todecide whether or not to accept it. Under the shareholder resolution, any candidate failing to secure amajority of the votes cast simply would not be elected. Intriguingly, the shareholder resolution wasdefeated at four-fifths of the firms that adopted a Pfizer-style majority voting rule, whereas it succeedednearly ninetimes out of ten at firms retaining the plurality rule.Unfortunately for shareholders, their victories may prove illusory, as the successful resolutions wereall“precatory”—meaning that they merely advised management on the course of action preferred byshareholders, but did not force managers to do anything. Several resolutions that tried to imposemajority voting on firms by changing their bylaws failed this year.Even so, wise managers should voluntarily adopt majority voting, according to Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen&Katz, a Wall Street law firm that has generally helped managers resist increases in shareholder power butnow expects majority voting eventually to “become universal”. It advises that, at the very least,managers should adopt the Pfizer model, if only to avoid becoming the subject of even greater scrutinyfrom corporate-governance activists. Some firms might choose to go further, as Dell and Intel have donethis year, and adopt bylaws requiring majority voting.Shareholders may have been radicalised by the success last year of a lobbying effort by managersagainst a proposal from regulators to make it easier for shareholders to put upcandidates in boardelections. It remains to be seen if they will be back for more in 2007. Certainly, some of the activistshareholders behind this year's resolutions have big plans. Where new voting rules are in place, they plancampaigns to vote out the chairman of the compensation committee at any firm that they think overpaysthe boss. If the 2006 annual meeting was unpleasant for managers, next year's could be far worse. Intangible opportunitiesCompanies are borrowing against their copyrights, trademarks and patentsNOT long ago, the value of companies resided mostly in things you could see and touch. Today it liesincreasingly in intangible assets such as the McDonald's name, the patent for Viagra and the rights toSpiderman. Baruch Lev, a finance professor at New York University's Stern School of Business, puts theimplied value of intangibles on American companies' balance sheets at about $6 trillion, or two-thirds ofthe total. Much of this consists of intellectual property, the collective name for copyrights, trademarksand patents. Increasingly, companies and their clever bankers are usingthese assets to raise cash.The method of choice is securitisation, the issuing of bonds based on the various revenues thrown off byintellectual property. Late last month Dunkin' Brands, owner of Dunkin' Donuts, a snack-bar chain, raised$1.7 billion by selling bonds backed by, among other things, the royalties it will receive from itsfranchisees. The three private-equity firms that acquired Dunkin' Brands a few months ago have used thecash to repay the money they borrowed to buy the chain. This is the biggest intellectual-propertysecuritisation by far, says Jordan Yarett of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, a law firm that hasworked on many such deals.Securitisations of intellectual property can be based on revenues from copyrights, trademarks (such aslogos) or patents. The best-known copyright deal was the issue in 1997 of $55m-worth of “Bowie Bonds”supported by the future sales of music by David Bowie, a British rock star. Bonds based on the films ofDreamWorks, Marvel comic books and the stories of John Steinbeck have also been sold. As well asDunkin' Brands, several restaurant chains andfashion firms have issued bonds backed by logos andbrands.Intellectual-property deals belong to a class known as operating-asset securitisations. These differ fromstandard securitisations of future revenues, such as bonds backed by the payments on a 30-yearmortgage or a car loan, in that the borrower has to make his asset work. If investors are to recoup theirmoney, the assets being securitised must be “actively exploited”, says Mr Yarett: DreamWorks mustcontinue to churn out box-office hits.The market for such securitisations is still small. Jay Eisbruck, of Moody's, a rating agency, reckons thataround $10 billion-worth of bonds are outstanding. But there is “big potential,” he says, pointing out thatlicensing patented technology generates $100 billion a year and involves thousands of companies.Raising money this way can make sense not only for clever private-equity firms, but also for companieswith low (or no) credit ratings that cannot easily tap the capital markets or with few tangible assets ascollateral for bank loans. Some universities have joined in, too. Yale built a new medical complex withsome of the roughly $100m it。



高斋读书会: 每日一段100字左右外刊经济学人英译汉来源:高斋翻译Joy老师(微博@高斋翻硕)修订后的经济学人译文原文:Today I want to talk about purpose. But I’m not here to give you the standard commencement about finding your purpose. We’re millennials. We’ll try to do that instinctively. Instead, I’m here to tell you finding your purpose isn’t enough. The challenge for our generation is creating a world where everyone has a sense of purpose. One of my favorite stories is when John F Kennedy visited the NASA space center, he saw a janitor carrying a broom and he walked over and asked what he was doing. The janitor responded: “Mr. President, I’m helping put a man on the moon”. Purpose is that sense that we are part of something bigger than ourselves, that we are needed, that we have something better ahead to work for. Purpose is what creates true happiness.微博@高斋翻硕高斋翻译Joy老师(微博@高斋翻硕)的修订后的译文:今天我想谈谈使命,但我不是要给你们提供寻找使命的标准答案/途径。



store: 商店
mall: 购物中心
CD: 光盘,音乐或电脑程序
blouse: 女式上衣
wallet: 钱包
receipt: 收据
department: 部门,此处指百货商店的各部门
price tag: 价格标签
How much is it? 它多少钱?
Can I help you? 需要我帮忙吗?
I'll take it. 我买了。

I'm looking for... 我在找……
Do you have any other colors/sizes? 你们还有其他颜色/尺码吗?
用How much询问价格
用I'll take it表示购买
用Do you have... 来询问是否有某物或是否有其他颜色/尺码等。



1. 复习购物相关的词汇和短语。

2. 与同学模拟购物对话,练习口语表达。

3. 阅读关于购物的文章或故事,提高阅读理解能力。



美国时代周刊常⽤英语词汇(4)考研英语:美国时代周刊常⽤英语词汇(4)犯罪· Crime201.accomplice :同案犯Any person who takes part in a crime.参与犯罪的每个⼈。

Tony was found to be an accomplice in the crime.⼈们发现托尼是该案的同案犯。

202.adult business district :红灯区A neighborhood zoned for pornographic bookstores and movie theaters, striptease bars, etc.划定的街区,作为开设⾊情书店、影院、脱⾐舞场等的场所。

Police are constantly arresting people over in the adult business district.警察常在红灯区拘捕⼈犯。

203.agricrime :农业犯罪Sort for agricultural crime. The theft of crops and /or farm equipment.“agricultural crime”的缩写词,偷盗庄稼和/或农场设备的犯罪。

Farmers are losing thousands of dollars each year due to agricrime.每年农业犯罪给农场主造成了成千上万美元的损失。

204.armed robbery :武装抢劫The act of using a deadly weapon when raking or attempting to take property form another person or party.夺取或试图夺取他⼈或他⽅财物时使⽤致命武器的犯罪⾏为。

Did you read about the armed robbery in this morning’s paper?今早的报纸上报道了这次武装抢劫,你读了吗?205.arrest warrant :逮捕证A document that orders the arrest of an individual who has been accused with a crime.对被指控犯罪的某⼈实施搜捕的⽂件。



1 Swapping gems for cashWhat next for South Africa's foremost mining family?MOST people would be overjoyed to pocket $5.1 billion. But Nicky Oppenheimer, the chairman of De Beers, said that it was with a heavy heart that his family had decided to sell its remaining 40% stake in the world's biggest diamond miner to Anglo American, a mining behemoth. The deal marks the end of an era for South Africa's foremost mining dynasty.The Oppenheimers have been in the diamond business for more than a century, including over 80 years with De Beers. Nicky's grandfather Ernest settled in South Africa in 1902, having been posted to the diamond-boom town of Kimberley at the age of 22 as an agent for a London-based firm of gem traders. By 1917 he had set up his own mining company, Anglo American. A few years later he won control of De Beers, a diamond miner that had been founded in 1880 by Cecil Rhodes, a British-born colonialist. By the time Rhodes died in 1902, De Beers controlled 90% of the world's diamond production. Rhodes's immense fortune still pays for people like Bill Clinton to study at Oxford.Since 1929, when Sir Ernest (knighted for war services in 1921) took over as chairman, the Oppenheimers have led De Beers almost without interruption, massaging the price of diamonds by hoarding them and occasionally selling part of the firm's stockpile. The family has wielded political influence, too, mostly bankrolling liberal causes. Both Ernest and his son Harry served in South Africa’s parliament: Ernest for 14 years in the run-up to the second world war, and Harry for nine years as a member of the anti-apartheid opposition.Of late, however, the family's influence has waned. Some wonder whether Nicky and his son Jonathan have the same drive and acumen as their swashbuckling forebears. And Anglo American, the firm their family founded (and in which it now has a stake of 2%), moved its headquarters to London in 1999. Nicky Oppenheimer insists that the family will stay connected with South Africa: they are still based in Johannesburg.What will the Oppenheimers do with their new pile of cash? The deal will take months to complete, so they have time to ponder. Under its terms, they are barred from dabbling in diamonds for two years. But other possibilities abound.The family has two investment arms. One, called Stockdale Street Capital, invests largely in medium-sized firms in South Africa. The other, Tana Africa Capital, is a joint venture with Singapore's sovereign-wealth fund, Temasek, and invests in therest of Africa. Among other things, it holds a stake in a Nigerian firm that sells powdered milk, and it plans to build up five to ten substantial firms over the next decade.At the moment, Tana is focused on fast-moving consumer goods and agriculture, and to a lesser extent on building materials, health and education. The new money could go into any or all of these areas, says James Teeger, a family spokesman. And the Oppenheimers may also look at infrastructure and energy, two of the hottest businesses south of the Sahara. Nicky Oppenheimer is said to be furiously jetting around looking for shrewd places to inject his cash.宝石交易南非最有影响力的矿业家族,下一步会如何?在大多数人眼里,获得51亿美元是一件高兴的事。



英美文学重要笔记,精华版,流泪推荐!Old English 450-1066 <Beowulf>Medieval English 1066 - middle 14th centuryGeoffrey Chaucer 乔叟- the father of English poetry英国诗歌之父<The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集> first time to use'heroic couplet' 英雄偶句诗The Renaissance - rebirth or revivalHumanism - the essence of the Renaissance, the dignity 尊严of human being & the importance of the present lifeEdmund Spenser - the poets' poet 诗人中的诗人<The Faerie Queene>仙后Christopher Marlowe - University Wits大学才子最有才华的, the pioneer of English drama 英国戏剧先驱Blank verse,无韵体诗hyperbole夸张<Dr. Faustus浮士德博士的悲剧> the human passion for knowledge, power and happiness<The Passionate Shepherd to His Love激情牧人致心爱的姑娘> pastoral life田园生活William Shakespeare - above all writers in the past and in the present timeFour tragedies - Hamlet,哈姆雷特Othello奥赛罗, King Lear 李尔王& Macbeth麦克白<Sonnet 18第十八号十四行诗> eternal or immortal不朽的beauty<The Merchant of Venice威尼斯商人> to praise the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio, to idealize Portia a heroine of great beauty, wit and loyalty忠诚, to expose the insatiable贪得无厌的,不知足的greed and brutality 无情<Hamlet> hesitate between fact and fiction, language and action, too sophisticated 复杂的to degrade 降低his nature to the conventional role of a stage revengerTo be, or not to be - to live on in this world or to die; to suffer or to take actionSoliloquy独白or monologue - fully reveal the inner conflict of the charactersFrancis Bacon - brevity,简洁compactness 紧密& powerfulness, 强有力his essays is an important landmark in the development of English prose英国散文发展的重要里程碑Inductive method 归纳法in place of取代deductive method 演绎法<Of Studies论读书> uses and benefits of study - studies serve for delight, for ornament,装饰and for ability.Studies perfect nature, and are perfected by experience. Different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies 不同的人有不同的阅读方法-studies and experience are complementary 互补to each other. The correct attitude to reading books - to weigh and consider.权衡和思考How studies exert施以影响influence over human character - reading maketh a full man读书使人完美, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.John Donnemetaphysical poetry玄学诗歌- break away from love poetry, a seemingly unfocused diversity of experiences and attitudes, and a free range of feelings and moodssyllogism 三段论<The Sun Rising升引的太阳> the busy sun is always ready to interfere with 干涉other things and everywhere<Death, Be Not Proud>死神,休得狂妄whatever you are, you can not escape from death. When you are living, you are always in the shadow of death. Death only lasts a moment, our life after death is eternal. The more pleasure the death gives people, not only the pleasure of the rest & the sleep, because 'whom the gods love die young'. Though death is usually considered powerful, it actually provides a rest for a man's body and a birth for his soul.John Milton<Paradise Lost失乐园> the only generally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf. 继贝奥武夫之后唯一的一部公认的英国文学中的史诗The conflict is between human love and spiritual duty. In heaven, Satan led a rebellion againstGod with his unconquerable 压制不了的will.<Paradise Regained>复乐园<Samson Agonistes>力士参孙the most perfect example of the verse drama after the Greek style in English. 古希腊诗剧体在英文中的完美体现Neoclassicism 新古典主义- a revival of interest in the old classical works, order, logic, restrained emotion抑制情感& accuracy准确Enlightenment - a progressive进步的intellectual movement, reason (rationality), equality & scienceGothic novel哥特式小说- mystery, horror & castlesJohn Bunyan<The Vanity Fair名利场> from <The Pilgrim's Progress天路历程>, a religious allegory宗教寓言, pursue the truth追求真理Alexander Pope<An Essay on Criticism论批评> a poem written in heroic couplets英雄偶句诗, criticize the present poem lack of true taste & call on people to turn to the old Greek and Roman writers for guidance, 'true wit' is best set in a plain (simple & clear) style.Daniel Defoe - the first writer study of the lower-class people<Robinson Crusoe鲁滨孙漂流记>, praise the human labor and the Puritan fortitude 清教徒坚韧Jonathan Swift - a master satirist 讽刺大师In his opinion, human nature is seriously and permanently flawed有缺陷的Proper words in proper places在恰当的地方用恰当的词<A Modest Proposal>一个温和的建议<Gulliver's Travels>, four parts - Lilliput小人国, Brobdingnag,大人国Flying Island 飞岛国& Houyhnhnm 慧驷国Henry Fielding - Father of English novel, 英国小说之父Prose Homer荷马散文Comic epic in prose 散文体喜剧史诗<The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling弃儿汤姆琼斯传>Samuel Johnson - first combine an English dictionary, last neoclassicist enlightener<A Dictionary of the English Language英文大辞典><To the Right Honorable the Earl of Chesterfield>致切斯特菲尔勋爵的信Richard Brinsley Sheridan - the only important English dramatist of the 18th century英国十八世纪唯一一位重要戏剧家<The Rivals>情敌and <The School for Scandal>造谣学校are regarded as important links between the masterpieces of Shakespeare and those of Bernard Shaw.上承莎士比亚,下接萧伯纳Thomas GrayThe Graveyard School 墓地诗歌派<Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard>写在教堂墓地的挽歌Romantic - emotion over reason, spontaneous emotion, a change from the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit, poetry should be free from all rules, imagination, nature, commonplaceThe romantic period began with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge's <Lyrical Ballads抒情歌谣集>William Blake -engraver雕刻家<The Chimney Sweeper扫烟囱的小男孩> from <Songs of Innocence天真之歌> a happy and innocence world from children's eye<The Chimney Sweeper> from <Songs of Experience经验之歌> a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression压制with a melancholy 忧郁的tone from men eyesChildhood, paradoxes悖论, a pairing of opposites<The Tyger>老虎William Wordsworth - the leading figure of the English romantic poetry, simple, spontaneous, worshipper of nature自然崇拜者'Lake Poets'湖畔诗人- William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge & Robert SoutheyHe defines the poet as a 'man speaking to men', and poetry as 'the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, which originates in 'emotion recollected in tranquillity'.<I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud我如行云独自游> the poet is very cheerful with recalling the beautiful sights. In the poem on the beauty of nature, the reader is presented a vivid picture oflively and lovely daffodils 水仙and poet's philosophical ideas and mystical 神秘的thoughts.<Composed upon Westminster Bridge威敏斯特桥即景, September 3, 1802> the sonnet describes a vivid picture of a beautiful morning in London, silent, bright, glittering闪闪发光的, smokeless & mildly柔和的. It is so touching a sight that the poet expressed his religion piety 虔诚for nature.<She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways>独自幽居<The Solitary Reaper孤独的收割女> thanks to poet's rich imagination, the mass of associations, this commonplace happening becomes a striking event, the poet succeeds in making the reader's share his emotion. The poem also shows the poet's passionate love of nature.Samuel Taylor Coleridge - supernatural,超自然remotePoet can be divided into two groups - the demonic魔力诗(supernatural) & the conversational对话诗The demonic group includes 3 masterpieces - <The Rime of the Ancient Mariner古航海家之歌>, <Chrisabel克里斯特贝尔>, <Kubla Khan>忽必烈汗George Gordon Byron'Byronic hero' is a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin, against tyrannical暴君的rules or moral principles. Such a hero appears first in <Childe Harold's Pilgrimage>哈罗尔德游记.<Song for the Luddites路德党之歌> 'will die fighting, or live free' the Luddites destroyed the machines in their protest against unemployment. The poet's great sympathy of the workers in their struggle against the capitalists is clearly shown.<The Isles of Greece哀希腊> from <Don Juan唐璜> (the masterpiece of Byron, a long satirical poem讽刺诗), song by a Greek singer at the wedding of Don Juan and Haidee.'Fill high the bowl with Samian wine'?Percy Bysshe Shelley<Men of England>致英格兰人民<Ode to the West Wind西风颂> terza rima三行诗节押韵法, destructive-constructive potential, hopeful,对春天的渴望,和对未来美好世界的憧憬'I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!', 'If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?'John Keats4 great odes - <Ode on Melancholy忧郁颂>, <Ode on a Grecian Urn希腊古瓮颂>, <Ode to a Nightingale夜莺颂>, <Ode to Psyche普塞克颂><Ode on a Grecian Urn> the contrast between the permanence of art and the transience 短暂of human passion,'Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter', 'Beauty is truth, truth beauty'Jane Austen<Pride and Prejudice>骄傲与偏见The Victorian PeriodDarwin's <The Origin of Species物种起源> and <The Descent of Man人类的由来> shook the traditional faith&everything is created by GodUtilitarianism 功利主义was widely accepted and practicedCritical realists were all concerned about the fate of the common peopleCharles Dickens - one of the greatest critical realist writers of the Victorian AgeCharacter-portrayal描写is the most distinguishing feature of his worksA mingling of humor and pathos 悲伤<A Tale of Two Cities>双城记<Oliver Twist>雾都孤儿The Bronte Sisters - Charlotte, Emily & Anne Emily, a rather reserved and simple girl, was very much a child of nature.<Jane Eyre>简爱<Wuthering Heights>呼啸山庄Alfred Tennyson - invents发明dramatic monologue戏剧独白, Poet Laureate 桂冠诗人, a real artist<Break, Break, Break浪花啪,啪,啪> the death of his best friend, his sadness feeling are contrasted with 与,,形成对比the carefree, 无忧无虑innocent joys of the children and theunfeeling movement of the ship and the sea waves<Crossing the Bar>渡沙洲we can feel his fearlessness毫不畏惧towards death, his faith in God and an afterlife后世.'Crossing the bar' means leaving this world and entering the next world<Ulysses>尤利西斯not endure the peaceful commonplace everyday life,无法忍受平和平凡的日常生活old as he is, he persuades his old followers to go with him and to set sail again to pursue a new world and new knowledge, dramatic monologue, 'Myself not least, but honour'd of them all' means I am not the least important, buthonoured by all of themRobert Browning - the most original poet, who improve and mature the dramatic monologue<The Ring and the Book指环与书> his masterpiece<My Last Duchess我前一位公爵夫人> this dramatic monologue is the duke's speech addressed to the agent who comes to negotiate the marriage, the duke is a self-conceited,自负的cruel and tyrannical 残暴的man<Meeting at Night>夜晚幽会<Parting at Morning>清晨告别George Eliot:乔治艾略特As a woman of exceptional 特有的intelligence and life experience, she shows a particular concern for the destiny 命运of women<Middlemarch> 米德尔马契a sharp contrast is set between the cold, lifeless, dull house and Dorothea who is full of youthful life and vigorThomas Hardy - both a naturalistic and a critical realist writer Local-colored, Wessex, 'novels of character and environment'<Tess of the D'Urbervilles德伯家的苔丝> experience is as to intensity, and not as to duration 持续American Romantic Period美国浪漫主义时期Started with Washington Irving's <The Sketch Book见闻札记> and ended with Whitman's <Leaves of Grass草叶集>, alsocalled 'the American Renaissance'美国文艺复兴文学特点Free expression of emotion, escapes from society, and return to nature New England TranscendentalismWashington Irving - father of the American short stories, 美国短篇小说之父the American Goldsmith美国的金匠Perfected the best classic style that American literature ever produced完善了美国文学古典主义风格First novel <A History of New York>纽约外史<The Sketch Book> contains German folk tales <Rip Van winkle>, <The Legend of Sleepy Hollow>Ralph Waldo Emerson - the spokesman of New England Transcendentalism movement新英格兰超验主义运动<The American Scholar>美国学者, <Self - Reliance>,论自助<The Over-Soul><The Poet> a reflection upon the aesthetic (美学的)problems in terms of the present state of literature in America<Experience> 论经验a discussion about the conflict between idealism and ordinary lifeAmerican Puritanism, 美国请教European Romanticism, intuitive knowledge, over-soul, individual, nature<Nature>论自然is regarded as the Bible of New England TranscendentalismNathaniel HawthorneInterior内部的of the heart, there is evil in every human heart, which may remain latent潜在的, perhaps, through the whole life, but circumstances may rouse 唤醒it to activity<The Scarlet Letter>红字<Young Goodman Brown>小伙子布朗Walt WhitmanOpenness, freedom, individualismI - me, my nation (society), Free verse自由体诗, Envelope structure, Catalogue (Listing)A new ideal, a new world, a new life-style<There Was a Child Went Forth有个孩子在长大> how a child is greatly influenced by his growing environments<Cavalry 骑兵Crossing a Ford浅滩> 渡河的骑兵a scene of the American Civil War, all the movements described in this picture are frozen.<Song of Myself>自我之歌Whitman is a man (bubbling with)充满着energy and(laden with )充满着ideas, spontaneous自发的expression of his original ideasHerman Melville - a master of allegory隐喻and symbolism象征主义, like Hawthorne<Moby-Dick>白鲸the first American prose epic,散文史诗Ishmael both as a character and a narrator 叙述者, the captain, Ahab is a monomaniac狂热者Realistic period 现实主义时期- the Gilded Age镀金时代, the poor poorer and the rich richer, people's attention was now directed to the interesting features of everyday existenceLocal colorism地方主义色彩, social Darwinism社会达尔文主义, bestiality兽性, beyond man's controlMark Twain 马克吐温- the true father of American literature真正的民族文学之父Local colorist, vernacular方言, simple sentence, 'the damned human race该死的人类' The Gilded Age3 boyhood books <Life on the Mississippi>, <The Adventures of Tom Sawyer>, <Adventures of Huckleberry Finn><Adventures of Huckleberry Finn> Huck's inner conflict about whether or not he should write a letter to tell Miss Watson where Jim is.Henry James -按国际标准考虑自己职业的美国作家international theme, psychological realist 心理现实主义Stream of consciousness,意识流interior monologue,内心独白free association自由联想<Daisy Miller黛西米勒> the narrator is an American expatriate,移居国外的人named Winterbourne. Daisy is the most innocent girl. The clash is between two different cultures.Emily DickinsonBased on her own experiences, her sorrows and joys<This is my letter to the World> express Dickinson's anxiety about her communication with the outside world.<I heard a Fly buzz - when I died - > description of a moment of death<I like to see it lap the Miles> Dickinson makes the train part of nature by animalizing 动物质化it, like a horse.<Because I could not stop for Death -因为我不能为死神停下> personify 拟人化death and immortality 不朽(so as to)以便make her message strongly feltTheodore Dreiser 西奥多德莱赛- America's literary naturalists Case history including everything Determinism 决定论(heredity biological生物遗传& environment), survival of the fittest适者生存, the jungle law 丛林法则Trilogy of Desire 欲望三部曲- <The Financier>金融家, <The Titan巨头>, <The Stoic斯多葛><Sister Carrie嘉莉妹妹> 'who shall cast the first stone?'An american tragedy :美国悲剧The social pressure that marks clyde's downfall inevitable.Style: lack of concision不简练,his writings appear more inclusive ,and less selective.Language: communication rather than an art form.Borke away from the genteel tradition of literature and dramatized the life in a very realistic way.The modern period现代时期- the second American Renaissance, the expatriate movement移民潮, the Lost Generation迷惘的一代, a transformation from order to disorderSeize the day, enjoy the present,现实享乐主义spiritual wasteland, 精神荒原collective unconscious,集体无意识psychoanalysisImagist movement意象运动, Jazz Age爵士时代Ezra Pound - a leading spokesman of the 'Imagist Movement'意象主义运动代表<The Cantos>诗章<In a Station of the Metro在地铁车站> Pound attempts to produce the emotion he felt when he walked down into a Paris subway station and suddenly saw a number of faces in the dim 昏暗的light. To capture the emotions, Pound uses the image of petals on wet, black boughs.湿漉漉黑色粗枝上的花瓣<The River - Merchant's Wife: A Letter长干行><A Pact契约> agreement with Whitman's free verse惠特曼的自由体诗Robert Lee Frost - four times awarded Pulitzer Prize, pastoral life and scene<After Apple-Picking>摘苹果之后<The Road Not Taken>未选择的路<Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening>雪夜林边停Eugene O'Neill尤金奥尼尔:唯一获过若贝尔文学奖的戏剧作家- founder of the American drama, 美国喜剧之父won thePulitzer Prize four times 普利策奖<The Hairy Ape>毛猿F. Scott Fitzgerald - spokesman of the Jazz Age, 爵士时代代表Dollar Decade, 金钱堕落1920sA double vision of the Jazz Age, both an insider and an outsiderAmerican Dream<The Great Gatsby>了不起的盖茨比Ernest Hemingway - awarded the Nobel PrizeIceberg style冰山风格, Code hero,:the lost generation, 迷失的一代grace under pressure压力下的尊严<Indian Camp印第安人营地> from <In Our Time在我们的时代里> birth and death coexistWilliam Faulkner - awarded a Nobel PrizeSouth,南方imprisonment in the past对过去的沉湎Stream of consciousness, 意识流multiple points of view Yoknapatawpha Country 约克纳帕塔法县<A Rose for Emily给艾米丽的玫瑰> Emily is regarded as the symbol of tradition and the old way of life. Thus her death is like the falling of a monument.历史遗迹。




今天为大家带来《时代周刊》常用词汇第二篇!51pop art :波普艺术A style-making use of images from popular culture and commerce, often reproduced exactly. (mid-20th century) 把精确复制大众文化和商业中的形象作为一种艺术创作。


Roy Litchenstein, who helped start the movement in the 1950s, continues to rule the king of pop art into the 90s.早在50年代,罗耶·列克敦斯坦就参与发起波普艺术运动,直到90年代他依然是波普艺术的顶尖人物。

52primitivism :原始风格A style with an unsophisticated, pretechnological, simple approach to form and content.形式处理和内容表现力求简洁,避免复杂化或工艺手段的创作风格。

The famous series of “cut-outs” by Henri Matisse are a good example of primitivism.亨利·马蒂斯著名的《割断》系列作品是原始主义流派的代表作之一。

53realism :现实主义风格Art that depicts reality as it appears.以写实的手法描绘现实。

I am in awe when I view realism such as the landscapes painted by 17th century Dutch artist Jan Vemeeer.欣赏着17世纪荷兰画家杨·弗美尔的风景画,我被其中的现实主义风格所震撼。




1abstract art : 抽象派艺术A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter.强调形式至上,忽视内容的一种非写实主义绘画风格Kandinsky produced abstract art characterized by imagery that had a musical quality.康定斯创作的抽象派作品有一种音乐美。

2abstract expressionism : 抽象表现派;抽象表现主义A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes emotion, strong color, and giving primacy to the act of painting.把绘画本身作为目的,以表达情感和浓抹重涂为特点的非写实主义风格。

Abstract expressionism was at its peak in the 1940s and 1950s.20世纪四五十年代是抽象表现艺术发展的顶峰时期。

3action painting : 动作画派A term used to describe aggressive methods of applying paint.指使画布产生强烈动作效果的绘画风格。

Action painting often looks childish to the non-artist because of thetechniques used to apply paint, such as throwing it on the canvas.在外行看来,动作派的作品通常是幼稚的,这主要是因为画家采用的作画方法,比如将颜料泼洒在画布上。



了不起的盖茨比读书笔记摘抄英文The Great Gatsby is a classic novel that offers a profound exploration of the American Dream and the disillusionment that often follows Here are some notable quotes and passages that I have collected while reading this remarkable work"Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone," he told me, "just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had" This line highlights the importance of empathy and understanding It reminds us that everyone's circumstances are different, and we should avoid passing judgment too quicklyIn his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars This description creates a vivid and enchanting scene, evoking a sense of both luxury and ephemeralityHe had come a long way to this blue lawn, and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it He did not know that it was already behind him, somewhere back in that vast obscurity beyond the city, where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night This passage poignantly portrays Gatsby's relentless pursuit of a dream that has already slipped away, unaware of its true nature and unattainabilityI hope she'll be a fool – that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool This statement reflects the limited and often objectified roles available to women in the society depicted in the novelSo we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past This final line is a powerful metaphor for the human struggle against the inevitable pull of the past and the difficulty of moving forwardThe novel is rich with observations about human nature, society, and the pursuit of happiness Gatsby's unwavering dedication to recapturing the past, despite its inevitable elusiveness, is both tragic and strangely inspiringAnother memorable quote is: "Her voice is full of money" This simple yet striking statement encapsulates the corrupting influence of wealth and materialism on relationshipsThe parties at Gatsby's mansion are described with such vividness: The orchestra was playing yellow cocktail music, and the opera of voices pitches a key higher Laughter is heard everywhere, but beneath the surface, there is a sense of emptiness and hollownessThe characters in the novel are complex and multifaceted Tom Buchanan, for instance, represents the brute force and arrogance of the old money elite His behavior and attitudes contrast sharply with Gatsby's romantic idealismDaisy, on the other hand, is a symbol of fragility and indecision She is caught between the past and the present, unable to fully commit to eitherThe descriptions of the settings, from the lavish mansions to the decaying Valley of Ashes, paint a stark contrast between the haves and the havenotsThe Great Gatsby is not just a story about love and loss; it is a commentary on the nature of dreams, the power of wealth, and the fragilityof human hopes It continues to resonate with readers today, offering valuable insights into the human conditionThese are just some of the many powerful and thoughtprovoking passages from The Great Gatsby Each quote offers a glimpse into the complex themes and characters that make this novel a timeless classic。



Henry David Thoreau 亨利· 大卫· 梭 罗 1817-1862
Amos Bronson Alcott(1799-1888) Margaret Fuller(1810-1850) : 《 1843 年的湖光夏日》 ( Summer on the Lakes in 1843 ) ( 1844 )和《论 文学与艺术》 ( Papers on Literature and Art ) ( 1846 ) 。 《国内和海外记》 ( At Home and Abroad ) ( 1856 )和《内外生活》 ( Life Without and Life Within ) ( 1859 ) William Cullen Bryant 威 廉 卡 伦 布 莱 恩 特 (1794-1878); Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 朗 费 罗 (1807-1882); James Russell Lowell 罗 威 尔 (1819-1891); Oliver Wendell Holmes 霍尔姆斯(1809-1894); John Greenleaf Whittier 惠蒂尔 (1807-1892)
Part 1. Colonial America(1607-1800) John Smith(158-1631)约翰斯密斯 William Bradford(1590-1657)威廉布 莱德福 John Winthrop(1588-1649)约翰温斯 洛普 Anne Bradstreet(1612-1672) The General History of Virginia 弗吉尼亚通史, A Description of New England 新 英格兰概览 Of Plymouth Plantation 普利茅斯拓荒记 A Model of Christian Charity 基督徒慈善的典范 “Contemplations”, “Upon the Burning of Our House”,” To My Dear and Loving Husband”, In Reference to Her Children”,” The Flesh and The Spirit” As Weary Pilgrim” “Huswifery”, “Upon a Spider Catching a Fly” The Bloody Tenet of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience “Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes”, A Plea for the Poor” The Case of the Officers of Excise 税务员问题;Common Sense 常识;American Crisis 美国危机;Rights of Man 人的权利:Downfall of Despotism 专制体制的 崩溃;The Age of Reason 理性时代 The Rising Glory of America;The British Prison Ship 英国囚船;To the Memory of the Brave Americans 纪念美国勇士-----同类诗中最佳; The Wild Honeysuckle 野生的金银花;The Indian Burying Ground; The Dying Indian: Tomo Chequi Wieland; Edgar Huntly; Ormond; Arthur Mervyn The Freedom of the Will《意志的自由》 The Great Doctrine of Original Sin defended《原罪说辩》 The Nature of True Virtue 真美德的性质; Images or Shadows of Divine Things《神灵的形影》;” Personal Narrative”; “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”愤怒的上帝手中之罪人 Poor Richard‟s Almanac 穷查理历书; The Way to Wealth 致富之道; The Autobiography 自传 Letters form an American Farmer 来自美国农夫的信 Part 2. American Romanticism(1800-1860) Washington Irving 华 盛 顿 · 欧 文 1783-1859 A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Danasty;纽约外史 ;The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent 见闻札记; The History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus 哥伦布传; A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada 格拉纳达征服编年史; The Alhambra 阿尔 罕布拉; Life of Goldsmith 戈尔德斯密传; Life of Washington 华盛顿传; “Rip Van Winkle”; “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”;”The Authors Account of Himself” The Spy 间谍;The Pilot 领航者; Leatherstocking Tales 皮裹腿故事集 :The Pioneer 拓荒者;The Last of the Mohicans 最后的莫希干人;The Prairie 大草 原;The Pathfinder 探路者;The Deerslayer 杀鹿者 Essays 散文集 :Nature(1836) -----the Manifesto( Bible) of the New England Transcendentalism;” The American Scholar-----America‟s Declaration of Intellectual Independence; “The Poet”; Representative Men 代表人物;English Traits 英国人的特征; Walden, or Life in the Woods; 瓦尔登湖“ Civil Disobedience”; “A Plea for John Brown”; A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers;



高一英语读书笔记高一英语读书笔记-- Mark Twain described by a small alert, the world of children's intimate partner.Mark Twain is the world-famous novelist, he will be good at realism and romanticism of the lyrical portrait of a harmonious united, so his work was hailed as the world literary history of the United States a major milestone."The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is the description of a group headed by Tom innocent children of American-style romantic life. In order to shake off the dull homework, the hypocrisy of rigid dogma and the living environment, and made all kinds of adventures to change their own situation. Their masters Tom is an ideal ambitions have trouble boys, a full BOY. He treason, in his mind, the gangster hero is a hero Jiefujipin As a result, "Spain by sea in black Theft", "Blood hand Beelzebub, "" Sea King ", the title of his longing. He naughty, in the main, schools, teachers are always ma-ki-ng headache," problem "a lot. Shuaqiang fined for the weekend, so that other boys had chosen to become his" Prisoners of war "and automatically offer Xie. His integrity, to the cemetery adventure, he witnessed a homicide case in the forthcoming innocent victims, the courage to stand up against the real perpetrators. He bravely to the countryside, not only to save themselves and Peiqi small partner, but also to find the real treasures of their own.Tom Sawyer's actions have been far beyond a child can experience all, in T om, who we can see many childhood fantasy. And realize this dream is Guijing Ling Tom and thanks to him "Life" the novelist Mark Twain.Tom Sawyer is a collection weaknesses and strengths in a three-dimensional figures, true. Tom was in, we will often cause the reader memories, memories of childhood and childhood dreams, you want to see the shadow: smart, brave, honest And optimism. Tom is full of sunshine in the fairy tale world, tell us as long as joy, a dream, dreams can come true; tell us one day, our nature can be free to play and create a fantasy world of their own .Although we bid farewell to childhood, but we yearn for a better life the dream of freedom still exists. We obnoxious "3.1" in the life of our offensive "by rote" homework, we dislike "the struggle for ╳ ╳" do gma. Are As the then Tom! We need rich and colorful life, we need lively homework, we need to become really struggling for specific education! As the then Tom! We reject suppressed, we seek to stimulate! As the then T om ! We abandon the boring, we need to imagine! As the then Tom!。



11年10月自考英语(一)串讲笔记(unit25)Text A American Men Don’t CryⅠ.New words1.带有前缀的单词:disapprove v. 不赞成(of)disapproval n.discourage vt. 1.使泄气,使沮丧;2.阻拦encourage v. 鼓舞,鼓励unable a. 不能的,不会的(to + v.)incapacity n. 无能力的,不能inability n. 无能,力所不及unnecessary adj. 不必要的,多余的disequilibrate vt. 打破…的平衡restore vt. 使恢复,(使)回复2.带有后缀的单词:weakness n. 薄弱虚弱;缺点←→ advantage/merit 优点,优势childishness n. 幼稚dependence n. 依靠permit v. 准许,允许permission n. 允许permissive a. 准许的,允许的stable a. 不变的stability n. 不变性,不变;坚定,恒心intend v. 准备,打算intention n. 打算,计划confuse v. 混淆,混乱confusion n. 混乱,慌乱;混淆necessity n. 需要,必要性;必需品necessary a. 需要的interference n. 干涉,干预;妨碍maintenance n. 维持,保持;维修;坚持,维护animated a. 维妙维肖的;生气勃勃的lessen vt. 减轻,减少;缩小,贬低vi. 变少核心词汇:1.childlike 孩子般的,天真无邪eg:It is difficult for us to have the childlike enjoyment now. 现在对于我们来说,想要享受孩子般的欢乐实在是太难了。

childish 幼稚的,笨头笨脑的eg:Don’t be so childish. 不要再这么孩子气了。



第七期外刊笔记1.brain drain 人才流失brain gain 人才回流2.establish the policy = enact the policy = set up the policy 制定政策loosen the policy 放松政策tighten the policy 紧缩政策head up economic policy 主管经济政策adhere to policy 遵守政策adhere to one-China policy 坚持一个中国政策adhere to the policy of a family planning 坚持计划生育政策3.corporate vision 企业愿景corporate turnarounds 企业周转turnaround n. 转向转变周转Eg: Ford is trying to sell V olvo brand in its turnaround efforts.corporate governance 企业管制/治理corporate finance 企业融资financial regulation 金融监管financial performance 财务表现4.exceptional performance 超常发挥5.*exceptional(超常的特别的)/ superb/ superior/ inferior qualityformidable company 强大的公司formidable 强大的可怕的break/split up the company 拆分公司break up 分手6.overturn the idea 推翻这个观点7.collect date = gather date = accumulate date 收集信息analyze the date 分析数据8.sort out problems = work out problems 解决问题sort out 整理解决sthremedy the problem 弥补这个问题structural the problems 结构性问题offload the problems 卸掉某些问题9.reap/ make a profit 获得利润reap the huge reward 获得巨大回报E g: He lost of the customers’ needs, putting reaping profits above all else = first.10.*as players set it above anything else= as users view it as their top priority= as users put it on the top of their agenda11.miscalculate the market 错误估计这个市场emerging market 新兴市场bond market 债券市场passenger car market 乘用车市场12.toxic asserts 不良/有毒资产assets and liabilities 资产与负债13.slip up 跌倒失败犯错14.install 安装安置使某人就职Eg: its newly installed boss = its boss newly in office.15.be loaded / installed with software 装有软件16.ailing 生病的境况不佳的17.a spiral of decline 一个螺旋式的下降之中*Eg: China could be locked in(陷于) a spiral of moral decline.18.*there is no shortage of signs that19.be united in agreement = reach consensus/ agreement 达成共识the consensus was that 普遍认为是---Sb has reached the consensus that--- sb已经认为---reach agreements 达成协议reach critical mass 达到关键阶段20.step forward 向前一步step backward 后退一步forward the message 转发信息SMS = short messaging servicespammer 乱发垃圾短信的人21.industry = sector 行业motor industry = auto industry 汽车行业tour/ tourism industry 旅游业22.manufacturing excellence 卓越制业23.the model of ---的模板24.carry lessons for sb. 为某人提供教训lesson 教训经验25.notably 显著地特别的especially particularly in particularnot least 尤其相当重要的last but not least 最后但并非不重要26.be plagued by 被---所困扰/ 折磨27.raise embarrassing questions 引起使人尴尬的质疑raise questions 提出疑问take a question from sb 接受sb的提问28.*procedure 手续步骤程序procedure fee 手续费procedure questions 程序性问题29.slow off the mark 行动迟缓30.*scramble to do sth. 争着做sth31.Microsoft launched Bing aimed at taking a bite out of Google’s market share.32.*astonishingly 令人震惊地33.in the first three months = in the first quarter34.bring sth to 将sth推出35.make a loss = suffer a loss 遭受损失36.on the verge / edge/ brink of 在---的边缘37.underlying 在---下面的隐含的underlying strengths 内在优势strength 长处优势优点反义weakness38.momentum (事物发展的) 动量势头gather momentum/ strength 获得动力39.produce sth in large numbers 大批量的生产sthproduce sth in ever-larger numbers 越来越大批量的生产sth40.seek a acquisition 寻求收购41.descend on = attack 攻击descend 下降descendant 后代联想记忆: balloon ~ ascend ~ transcend the peak ~ burst ~ descend bubble burst 泡沫爆掉42.alarm call 警告警报*sth alarm call appears partly to have been prompted by ---43.*identify 识别指认44.They frequently still have their destinies in their own hands.45.*supposed 假定的所谓的supposedly 据推测46.*stroke 打击中风at a stroke 一举一次性的一下子47.embark on 着手做某事48.pin hope on sth 将希望寄托于--- 对---抱有希望49.*dramatic leaps into 巨大的飞跃50.sift 筛选审查审视51.halt 停止52.the new insider president 内部员工中挑选出来的主席53.remake oneself = remould oneself 重新塑造自己54.predecessor 前任反义successor 继任者\55.eschew 避开chew 咀嚼细想56.execution 执行57.recover from = revive from 从---中恢复过来Eg: I firmly believe China, under the steady leadership of Mr. Hu, will recover from the economic crash in the foreseeable future.58.at one’s peak 在某人的高峰期59.be panicked into doing sth 因恐惧而去做sth60.broaden 扩大61.investment consultant 投资顾问investment bankers 投资银行家investment banking 投资银行业62.find a savior in sb 觉得sb是一个救星Eg: I find a genuine friend in him. 我觉得他是一个真正的朋友63.consumer powerhouse 专注于消费者的大公司consumer country 消费国64.revolution 革命revolveevolution 进化发展evolve65.go wrong = go off the track 出错/doc/7517015678.htmlly 即, 也就是表举例67.jeopardize 损害68.sales volume 消费量69.at all costs 不惜一切代价70.lose sight of = ignore71.formerly / previously72.up to the mark = up to standards 达到标准73.approach n. 方法途径v. 靠近接近74.visionary 富于幻想的有远见的visionary leader 有远见的领导人75.protect = guard = safeguard76.publishing house / press 出版社77.journal publication 论文在杂志上发表78.give access to sth to sb 给sb获得sth的途径79.broker 经纪人brokerage firm 经纪公司brokerage fee 经纪佣金80.pose as sb 装扮成sbpose/ present threat to 对---造成威胁81.security breach = security leakage 安全泄露divulge the information 泄露信息82.highly/ widely publicized 广泛宣传的引起---广泛注意的翻译: 自从那个被人们广泛注意到的食品丑闻之后,许多企业尤其是那些巨头企业已经将生产符合标准的的食品置于首位.Since that widely publicized food scandal, a host of businesses, notably (not least) giants, have put producing food up to the mark first.83.The house = the house of Representatives 众议院The Senate 参议院84.Democratic Party 民主党Democrat 民主党人Republican Party 共和党Republican 共和党人85.Constitution 宪法legislation 法律86.*downside 消极面负面相当于dark sidethe downside of sth is that sth is ---87.Individual colleges in the once less developed region now give access to a wealthof study resources to students thanks to the technology revolution.88.*on a vast scale 大规模the vast majority of = the overwhelming majority of 绝大部分majority 反minorityminority groups 少数民族少数族群少数主义89.*contain 含有替换have90.provision 条款91.The new Federal law contains some special provisions that discriminate againstminorities.= The new Federal law contains some special provisions that favor minorities over other citizens.92.a few of years ago = a couple of years ago93.put sth at risk 将sth置于风险下94.push a bill 推动一个法案table a bill 搁置一个法案95.require sb to do sth96.notify sb of sth = reform sb of sth 通知sb sth97.their personal information is breached.= their personal information has fallen into wrong hands.98.overstate the case 夸张了这个状况翻译: 这个来自佛罗里达的共和党人声称这份报告夸张了情况并且错误的要求制定帮助农民的政策的部门调整这些政策,这个政策被指责以牺牲其他公民的利益为代价帮助农民.The Florida Republican asserts that this report overstates the case and wrongly requires the department responsible for establishing polices on helping farmers to adjust those policies charged with (accused of) helping farmers at the expense of other citizens.99.*strike /deal a (heavy) blow against = crack/ clamp down on 沉重打击某人/doc/7517015678.html pile 编辑编撰汇集+ document, date, information101.accurate v.精确地准确的n. accuracy=precise n. precision102.The government passed a policy designed to strike a blow against companies selling fake and inferior products (假冒伪劣产品).103.wipe out 消除消灭104.water down 删除削弱105.*cover 覆盖封面cover girls 封面女郎cover story 封面报道cover the cost 支付成本买单bear the cost 承担成本/损失/代价106.offer sb sth = provide sb with sth = provide sth to sb107.permanent resident 永久居民permanent resident status 永久居民身份Eg: This legislation enables these illegal immigrants to enjoy permanent resident status automatically after five years of residence.108.experiment with sth / doing sth 尝试做sthperform a costly(an innovative) experiment进行一个代价高的(一个创新的)试验109.For the event to be widely publicized, the team should experiment with innovative approaches.110.have enough going for 有足够的---111.currency 流行的货币hard currency 硬通货112.350 or so 大约,左右113.drop their heads down 低下头114.social interaction 社交115.interpersonal relations / relationships / ties 人际关系116.bilateral relations 双边关系117.Nittany 吉祥物118.*novel adj.新颖的novelty n. 新颖的事物119.picture 前景互换outlook情景paint / portray a picture 描绘一个情景120.aiming for sth 以sth为目标121.random sample 随机样本122.produce/ generate a profound impact on 产生一个深远的影响generate tedious result 产生沉闷的/乏味的结果123.average behavior 一般性的行为124.a whole set of 一整套subset 子集reset 重启(电脑)125.be bored of / with 对---厌烦126.*equivalent 等价的,相等的相等物equivalent to doing sth 等同于做sth127.sequence 序列,顺序genome sequence 基因组序列128.excruciating 极其痛苦的,折磨人的129.exceedingly elaborate details 极其详尽的细节elaborate on/ upon sth 详细说明sth130.irrational 不合理的,不理性的irrationally 不理性地131.scenario 情节,剧本132.prompt 促进, 提倡, 激起, 提示, 迅速的prompt sb to do sth 提示sb做sthbe prompted by = be inspired by 被---激起的take prompt actions 采取迅速行动133.*perceive 察觉, 感觉, 认知perception n. 认知perceive sb as 觉得sb是---134.push sth to 将sth推向push that perception to the limit 将那种认知极致135.general health = overall health 整体的健康136.submit 服从, 顺从提交submissive adj. 顺从137.longitude经线经度latitude 纬线纬度活动范围138.(history / tradition) go back to = date back to 回溯到, 追溯到(history / tradition) go backEg: This tradition goes back to 100 years ago.= This tradition goes back 100 years.139.mind exercise 对大脑/心智的锻炼140.be hooked up to 连接到be connected to141.woe 灾难悲痛悲哀142.dynamic 充满活力的family dynamics 家庭动力学143.physiology 生理学144.in between 在---中间145.plan for sb to do sth sb计划去做sth146.transfer = transmit147.along with = coupled with148.the interconnected worldthe interdependent world 这个相互依存/依赖的世界the wired world149.gain insights into 了解/洞察某事150.make adjustment to sth 对sth作出调整151.have a tendency to do sth 有一个---倾向152.smoothly 平稳的流畅的153.assertive 坚定而自信的武断的154.demanding 很费心的/doc/7517015678.htmlpete to do sth 竞相去做sth156.a bunch of people 一群人157.emotional quotient 情商158.地点/ 会议be home to sthEg: Amazon is home to a wealth of endangered species.159.forecast/ foresee/ predict the financial crisis 预测这场经济危机address the worsening/deteriorating crisis 应对这场日益恶化的危机160.intellectuals 知识分子,学者scholars161.conservative 保守的liberal 开朗的自由的162.realist surrealist Surrealism 超现实主义163.conscience 良心道德164.moral character 道德品质165.raise employment 提高就业166.spread/ distribute wealth 分配财富167.get out of the way 不要挡着,放任自由get in the way 挡在路上168.*take one’s place = take the pl ace of sb = replace sb take its place = take the place of it = replace it’169.to one extent or another 或多或少extent 面积限度170.be friendly to one another互相友好171.blend/ combine/ integrate A with B 将A与B混在一起172.discipline 学科173.*hypothesis = assumption 假设假说174.propose 提出提议建议175.adherent 支持者拥护者176.alter 改变177.unify 统一178.living organism 生命有机体179.sth gain importance sth获得重视sth gain popularity sth获得流行180.false view 错误的观点181.neuro---神经(前缀) neurology 神经学182.hybrid field 混合/交叉领域183.scientific grounding 科学根据/依据groundless 没有根据的184.account for = explain185.prior to that = before that186.capitalism 资本主义187.bail out 救援, 帮助某人摆脱困境188.oil shock 石油危机political unrest 政治动荡189.ideological 意识形态190.embody 体现191.overshadow 使---黯然失色192.encompass 包含包括193.build into = incorporate into = integrate into 包含包括194.monetary 货币的金融的IMF = international Monetary Found 国际货币基金组织195.Treasury Secretary 财政部长196.*concern about/ over 对---的担忧/ 关注197.take a back seat to sth 居于次位198.*in this respect 在这个方面199.abstract 抽象的200.prohibit/ ban/ bar sb from doing sth201.impose tax 征税202.be worth doing sth*It’s worth remembering that --- 值得记住的是---203.GMT = Greenwich Mean Time 格林尼治标准时间204.lead the pack in sth (competition/ race/ game) 在---中领先某个群体presidency election/ race 总统竞选race against the time 与时间赛跑/doc/7517015678.htmlpared with / to = as opposed to 与---相比compared to 将---比作---206.be tightly/ deeply integrated with 与---紧密地/深深地整合在一起207.spur integration/ innovation208.nucleus 核心209.The rise of sth (trend/ phenomenon) holds/ carries profound implications for sth Sth 的出现对sth 具有深远的含义210.for an instant 片刻瞬间instantly = immediately = in a flash211.cater to/ for this demand212.put sb at the mercy of sth 把sb放在sth的支配之下213.left open an opportunity for 有做sth的机会open up new possibility for creativity 为创造开启新的可能214.carry sth around 随身携带sth215.collaborate 合作协作216.lock down 把---封锁起来217.obsession for/ with 对---着迷be obsess with 对---着迷be indulged in 对---上瘾= be addicted to218.detract 减少降低219.*more than evereg: This picture clearly indicates that China more than ever opens up its door for cultures from abroad.220.seamless 无缝的221.archive 档案222.Our life has gone digital. 我们的生活数字化了223.Globalization provides a level of integration among cultures never before seen.= Globalization provides an unprecedented level of integration among cultures.全球化提供了前所未见的不同文化层次的整合.224.mobile operators/ carries = carriers 移动运营商225.*stand to do sth 一定会---stand to lose/ gainstand to profit from 一定会从---中获得好处bring/ reap huge/ massive rewards 一定会从---中获得巨大回报226.leave sb alone 对sb不管不顾*leave sth unchecked/ uncurbed 不制止sthEg: This trend stands to worsen if left unchecked.227.*massive entry into 大规模进入---eg: Foreign cultures’ massive entry into China’s Mainland will push its civilization to a higher level.weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器228.*thrill 激动I am thrilled at doing sth 我对sth感到激动229.engaged sb adj 忙碌的---人230.*take important stride in 在---方面获得重要进展231.framework 结构框架232.at its current rate 以现有的速度233.*be limited/ confined to doing 局限于---234.*render 提供235.lifespan = life expectancy 寿命236.turning point 转折点拐点237.execute/ adopt this ambitious strategy 执行/采用这个有雄心的策略238.revenue model 盈收模式239.prime time 黄金时间240.depend/ rely/ center/ bank/ hinge/ reckon on241.reckon with 处理应付sb reckon that --- 认为推断242.sit in sp doing sth 坐在某地做sth243.hold/ stick tight to sth 紧密坚持hold up 支撑坚持244.the extended family 几世同堂的大家庭245.adherence to the middle way = the golden mean 信奉/ 坚持中庸之道golden mean 黄金分割mean n. 平均值adj.平均的mean value 均值246.demographic 人口统计学上的247.*sb are generally assumed to be reliant on (rely on) --- 248.global cultural convergence 全球的文化汇聚cultural patterns 文化模式cultural force 文化力量249.surface ~~superficial(偏贬义)looking beneath(在---下方) the surface image of sb 从某人表面形象的底下看250.accordingly 因此,于是251.*keenly = intensely252.exclusively 仅仅253.unquestioningly ~~ undoubtedly indicates that ---254.exhibit one’s desire for sth 显示某人对sth的欲望255.personality characteristics 特点build socialism with Chinese characteristics 建设有中国特色的社会主义256.arise/ stem/ originate/ develop from 源于257.reasoning power 推理能力258.critical thinking 批判性思维wishful thinking 一厢情愿的想法259.*speculate 推测Some speculate that 一些人推测260.hence 因此Eg: Hence the conclusion that cultural integration is hugely rewarding for a nation. 261.While cultural integration maybe negatively impacts homegrown culture, it to some extent oranother provides a boost to the evolution of local culture.homegrown talent 本土人才262.*demonstrate 显示Eg: The findings demonstrate the huge importance Chinese attach to moral values. 263.Sb have high expectation for sth (career) sb对---有很高的期望Eg: Post-80s generation have high expectation for their careers and expect to work diligently to enjoy a splendid future.264.*looking closely at sthEg: Looking closely at the Chinese landscape makes us worry that a multitude of traditional core values are on the brink of being something of the past.265.This demonstrates the area in which Chinese lead the pack:---266.In the wake of the massive earthquake, we witnessed instant rescue efforts from both home and abroad.267.译: 各个企业正争相采取行动来应付他们所面临的严峻挑战Individual enterprises on the brink of bankruptcy are scrambling to take specific moves never seen before to address the tough challenge faced by them (facing them).In China, young people are certainly modernizing, but they are also holding tight to Chinese values like responsibility for the extended family, adherence to the middle way or harmony, and care of relationships.268.up to now = up until now 直到现在269.anything but magic 一点都不神奇nothing but magic 很神奇270.*fall short of 不足不够译: 他们所取得的结果是没有能够满足最初的期望.The results they achieved fall short of their expectations.271.receive clearance to doing sth 获得许可去做sth 272.approve plan 批准计划the approval for 对---的批准273.tailor to 适合274.throw in the towel 认输承认失败275.*be on offer 提供276.the Shanghai municipal government 上海市政府277.autonomous region 自治区278.be timed to do sth 特意安排去做sth279.precede sth 在---之前反follow sth 在---之后280.figure out 想出figure to be a key addition to sth 视为对sth的关键补充281.boost one’s visibility 提高某人的知名度282.*lag 落后lag behind 落后283.overseas operations 海外运营海外业务operate efficiency 运营效率operate channel 运营频道284.in channel with 以引导的方式285.expand one’s presence 扩大某人的影响力286.produce / shoot film 拍摄电影direct the film 执导这个电影post a video 发布一个视频video clip 视频剪辑movie critics 影评人literacy critics 文学评论家287.disposable income 可支配收入288.uneven agj.不平坦的289.tear (tore torn) down 拆除(建筑)290.*complementary 互补的291.bullish 乐观的292.tap into one’s potential 开发某人的潜力the potential for sth aside 抛开某事不谈This project carries potential risks.= This project is potentially risky.293.proliferate 扩散扩张curb nuclear proliferation 制止核扩散294.Sth comes amid one’s efforts to do sthEg: This policy established by government comes amid China’s ongoing efforts to build a low-carbon economy.to build a quality-oriented education system.295.China, in trying not to---, is stepping up its efforts to do sth.Eg: China, in trying not to lag further behind in technological race, is stepping up its efforts to encourage innovation, which holds profound implications for China’s revival/ rise.296.Sb dismiss concerns that --- sb对担忧不屑一顾Eg: The newly installed president dismissed/ voiced concerns that remedying the problem might be delayed by a lack of funds.297.sweat shops 血汗工厂298.more than just 不仅仅是299.mark one’s birthday/ anniversary 迎来了sb的生日/ 纪念日300.It has provided living proof that---301.break the record 打破记录302.pave the way for 为---铺平道路Eg: It sparks concerns that this policy has paved the way for criminals.Eg: His ongoing efforts have paved the way for his future success.303.subscribe 捐献赞成订阅304.spend many hours doing sth= devote many hours to doing sth305.take on sb 挑战sbtake on 承担306.introduce A into BEg: Avatar has gained enormous popularity since it was introduced into the mainland market.307.Deeply impacted by dorm atmosphere, his approach to life has grown into being short-sighted.308.We never expected ---Eg: We never expected to lead such a life with explosive information before the emergence of the web.309.attempted murder 谋杀未遂failed attempt 失败的尝试310.make/ reach a compromise 达成妥协311.challenge sb to a fight 主动挑起一个事端312.something that isn’t even real= something that is simply virtual313.He died after jumping from a building.= He jumped to his death from a building.314.The game led to his death= The game contributed to his death= The game resulted in his death= His death resulted from the game= His death can be attributed to the game= His death is down to the game= The game was responsible for his death315.for 36 hours without a break= for 36 hours continuously/ successively/ in a row/doc/7517015678.htmlunch/ issue/ release/ unveil the products 推出产品launch separate initiatives 发起各自行动launch/ wage a campaign against sthenormous negative impacts on lives of young adults, even allegedly claiming lives of some players. 夺去生命317.injury claims 伤害索赔claim sth for sth 对sth的断言/ 声称318.fiction 小说(总称)319.habitually 习惯性的320.mortgage payment 还房贷321.be intended to doing sth 目的做sth322.be in response/ reaction to 是为了回应---323.inflict sth (misery) on/ upon sb 对sb施加sth (痛苦不幸) 324.glacier 冰川325.galaxy 银河系Mar 火星Martian 火星人asteroid 小行星326.mighty 强大的327.*pour/ inject money into 将资金投入到---pour out 喷发328.blow up 爆炸(火山)喷发329.subatomic particle 亚原子粒子330.heat up 使温度升高Eg: The earth is heating up.331.prophecy 预言332.manipulate 操纵控制影响333.enclose 把---装入信封334.make a buck 赚钱335.crust 外壳the Earth’s crust 地壳336.geological 地质学上的337.physical consequence 自然后果physical science 自然科学338.magnetic field 磁场339.astronomy 天文学astronomer 天文学家340.Ark 方舟341.ride out = tide over 安然度过342.crash into sb 撞到sb343.ignorance of sth 对sth的无知344.I have been in love with sth 我一直喜欢---love = have a lot of love for345.scare the pants(裤子) off sb 把sb吓坏的be scared out of one’s wits sb被吓得半死/魂不附体346.frighten sb into doing sth 使sb害怕做sthbribe sb into doing sth 贿赂sb做sth347.blame sb for sth = blame sth on sb 将sth责任归咎于sb 348.*There is no ethical right to do sth 从道德上讲是没有权利做sth的It is ethically wrong to do sth349.*bring sth home (to sb ) 使sb了解sth*bring home to sb sthEg: This cartoon brings home to us the supreme importance of ---350.failure to do sth 没有做某事failure of sb to do sth sb没有能够干sthEg: This cartoon reveals the apparent failure of some people, reflected in so many arenas of our national life, to value traditional virtues.351.renew 更新352.unpick 拆散拆开353.insidious 潜在的354.deposit 存款存钱355.stake 赌注股份356.refinance 重新贷款/融资357.under way sth正在进行358.pilgrim n.朝圣者pilgrimage n.朝圣Mecca 圣地Preacher 神父牧师359.preach against sth 宣传反对sth/doc/7517015678.htmlmercial-property investor 商业地产投资商361.be about to do sth 正要做sth362.put sb to the test 考验sb363.Cartel 卡特尔Syndicate 辛迪加Trust 托拉斯/doc/7517015678.htmlinflow/ outflow 净流入/ 净流出365.take out 去掉扣除take sth seriously 重视某事366.relative to 相对---而言367.*far exceed 远远超过368.live one’s dream 实现sb的梦想pursue/ chase one’s dream 追逐sb的梦想369.be accepted into = be enrolled into = be admitted into 被录取acceptance rate = admission rate = enrollment rate 录取率370.prepare for the examsupervise the exam 监考exam supervisor 监考者371.optional course 选修课compulsory course 必修课opt for the course 选择这门课程drop the course 放弃这门课程complete the course 完成这门课程take the course 修这门课程register for the course = sign up for the course 学这门课程372.physician 内科医生physicist 物理学家surgeon 外科医生study medicine 学医practice medicine 行医373.dry up 干涸374.feel the pinch/ squeezed 感到挤压/陷入困境375.make a formal commitment to 对---作出正式承诺be committed to 对---的承诺376.scarcity n.缺乏短缺scarce adj.缺乏的不足的capital scarcity 资金短缺private capital 私人资本resolve the privacy issues 解决隐私问题377.settlement 清算结算378.frown on sth 不赞成sth379.weigh on sb 使sb忧虑380.get on with doing sth 继续做sth381.*levy charges on sth 对sth征收费用382.pledge to do sth 承诺做sth(正式)383.steer sb towards doing sth 引导sb朝向做sth384.bulk up 扩张385.radical change 根本的/ 彻底的变化make a radical change 做出彻底的变化make changes to sth 对sth做出改变386.be entitled to do sth 有权享受sth387.do damage to do sth 对sth造成伤害388.hold hearings 举行听证会389.subsidy 资助补助390.hefty 大的强大的391.erode 腐蚀逐渐损坏392.car dealer 汽车经销商393.*trim 消减trim costs 消减成本fixed costs 固定成本394.*be excused from 被免于做sth395.be pleading to 恳求请求396.*provoke 激起引起397.*plight 困境398.wither 凋零萎缩399.consumption 消费400.cable 有线的401.switch from A to B 从A转向B402.well-informed 消息灵通的403.buffet 自助餐buffer 缓冲butcher 屠夫404.Sth be not so much A as B 与其说是A不如说是B 405.classified advertisements 分类广告406.be emulated by sb 被模仿的407.*be lured away by sth 被sth所吸引走be drawn to 被sth所吸引408.*draw on 利用409.aggregate 聚集聚合410.impersonal 没人情味的411.the inherent benefit of doing sth sth的内在好处412.resemble 与---相像413.keep a foot 站住脚414.shrew 精明的415.rate --- as 评价为---416.opinion polls 民意调查417.charity 慈善机构418.raise the budget 增加预算419.civic sensibility 公民意识420.beast 野兽421.cherry 樱桃cherry-red422.intersection 十字路口423.marvel at 对---感到惊叹424.grab golden opportunity 抓住大好良机grab one’s attention 获得sb的注意focus one’s attention on = pay attention tohave short attention spans 短暂的关注425.subsequent 随后的426.income curve 收入曲线427.unleash a flood of ambition and aspiration 释放潮水般的雄心和渴望428.Sth is equally important sth同样重要Equally important, sth429.Sb sound a warning that Sb发出警告430.Sb fundamentally believe that ---431.sustain the developmentsustained developmentsustainable development 可持续发展sustainable energyalternative energy 可替代性能源alternative fuel 可替代性燃料432.*propel 推动propel sb into sthfuel growth = propel growth 推动增长robust growth 强劲的增长solid growth 稳固的增长433.create jobs 创造就业机会create economic growth 创造经济增长434.yell up to sb 朝sb喊435.Ruling Party 执政党the rule of law 法治observe the law 遵守法律law firm 律师事务所436.plug into the grid 进入这个网络437.GM food = genetically modified food/ crops 转基因食品438.*sweep 席卷掠过sweep past sb. = surpass sb. 超过439.outpace 超过Eg: In the first quarter of 2010, Japan reportedly boasted a 5.05% increase in trade surplus, a rate outpaced by China.440.There were many trends that have impacts on us in this first decade of the 21st century across the Chinese landscape. But a good argument can be made that cultural integration embodies the moral fundamental spirit of our times – and the far more dominant and lasting force affecting a nation’s development.441.If we do not take steps to put things right, we could expect the trend that has become prevalent over the past 10 years to speed straight into the decade to come. 442.study project research (阅读中经常互相替换)prominent outstanding distinguished renowned famed respectable respected respectful。


It’smottois“to injure no man, but to bless all mankind”
ArtTheartof the Renaissance.
Her performance displayed greatart.
This tapestry is a work ofart.
sign (esp the name)at the foot of a document
Draw acomparisonbetween…and…
The two books invitecomparisonwith one another.这两本书很有可比性。
He showed us a good type for comparison.
1.5million monthly unique visitors
a.being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual or special in some way:
Jointhe two pieces together using strong glue.
The company was declared bankrupt in the High Court.
Agovernment bankrupt of ideas.
Asociety that is morally bankrupt.
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caption[ˈkæpʃən]n.(图片)说明文字,(电影)字幕eg. cartoon caption contestwaterfront滨水地区[usually sing.] a part of a town or an area that is next to water, for example in a harbour: a waterfront apartment"A single journey can change the course of a life."paradigm(formal or technical) a typical example or pattern of sth:◆The war was a paradigm of the evil and destructive side of human nature. ◆The paradigm of a word. 词的词形变化apostrophe[əˈpɔstrəfi]n.书写中撇号(')(表示省略或所有格)trauma ['trɔ:mə] n.创伤, 外伤atrocity [ə'trɔsiti] n.暴行, 残暴traffic hotspots 重点路段freebie 免费的赠品That’s a drag!真不容易啊!Full-on 全力以赴地Hyper 亢奋的,高度紧张的I did it just for kicks.我只是为了好玩才做那件事的。

a dorky girl一位呆呆傻傻的女孩love handles / a spare tire来形容tire-like shape around the midsection(像轮胎一样粗的腰围)。

第一,小三叫mistress 或者the other woman;第二,破坏别人家庭的人是home wrecker;第三,耍心计是to scheme !Being a team leader can be a lot of work, so group-buying websites have sprung up, serving as agents between buyers and sellers and receiving a commission from the sale.组织大家团购是一件劳心费力的差事,所以众多团购网站迅速涌现出来,成为买家和卖家之间的“代理”,并从交易中获得一定的佣金。

文中的group-buying就是指“团购”,名词形式为group buying,即为一个团队向商家采购,国际通称B2T (Business To Team),是继B2B(Business to Business),B2C(Business to Consumer),C2C(Consumer to Consumer)后的又一种e-commerce(电子商务模式),最核心的优势体现在商品价格更为优惠,也称为group buys。

在group buying活动中,参与者通常能享受到bulk discounts(大幅优惠),获得ultra-discounted tickets(超低价优惠券)。

平时在促销活动中,我们也能得到discount coupon(打折券)、rebate coupon(现金券/抵金券),而如果这种优惠券属于cents-off coupons,那就只是“象征性优惠”了。

要识别哪家店在打折其实很容易,远远的看见on sale(大甩卖)的牌子就是啦。

Rebate 回扣self-organized expedition就是“自助游”,也可以用self-funded travel,private tour,independent travel,DIY tour等来表示。

现在很多人都有了自己的车,于是“自驾游”(self-driving travel/tour)也成了自助游的一个重要的形式。

与自助游相对的就是“跟团旅游”(package tour/group tour/organized tour)。

“自助餐”(buffet dinner)、“自助火锅”(buffet hot pot),“自助餐厅”(cafeteria)、“自助洗衣店”(laundromat),“自助贸易”(DIY trade)“假后综合症”就是post-holiday syndrome1. I'm so fed up with your BS. Cut the crap.我受够了你的废话,闭嘴吧。

当你听到对方废话连篇、讲个不停时,你就可以说“Cut the crap”,相当于中文里的“废话少说”。

2. Hey! Wise up!别傻了!当别人做了什么愚蠢的事时,你可以说“Don't be stupid”或是“Don't be silly”,但这是非常不礼貌的说法。

比较客气一点的说法就是“wise up”,相当于中文里的“放聪明点”。

3. Put up or shut up.要么你去做, 不然就给我闭嘴.4. You eat with that mouth?你是用这张嘴吃饭的吗?如果别人对你说脏话,你就回敬他这一句。


5. You are dead meat.你死定了。

6. Don't you dare!/How dare you! 你敢!7. Don't push me around.不要摆布我。

如果有人指挥你一下做这个,一下做那个,你就可以用这一句“Hey! Don't push me around”。

还有一句跟push 有关的成语, 叫push the button,意思就是“指使、操纵”,例如, I know why you are doing this, someone is pushing your button!8. Are you raised in the barn?你是在乡下长大的吗?9. You want to step outside?/You want to take this outside?你想到外面解决吗?要是两个人言语不和吵起来了,可能就有人要说这一句了,指的就是“你想出去打架吗”。

类似的说法还有“Do you want to pick a fight”。

10. You and what army?/You and who else?你找了多少人来啊?要是有人跟你说“Do you want to step outside”,你就可以回他这一句,意思是说“那你找了多少人来打架啊?”还有一句话也很有意思,叫“Whose side are you on”,这就是在快要打架时问别人说“你到底是站在哪一边的”。

2. How about that!那可太好了,太棒了!/真是令人难以置信!很多人理解这句话的意思就是“what do you think of it?(你觉得怎么样?)”。

其实,“how about it”的意思才是“你觉得怎么样”。

当你听到一些令人难以置信或难以理解的事时你就可以说“Wow, how about that”,翻译过来就是“竟然会有这种事!”或“真是令人难以置信!”。


3. What a day!多......的一天啊!这句话在不同的情境下含义不同。

比如你在单位折腾了一天,累得要死,回家把自己往床上一扔,然后意味深长的说what a day! 意思就是“这一天把我累的!”。


总之,倒霉的事都赶到一天了,你也可以用这句话来表示“What a day! Just my luck!”(今天真倒霉!就这命了!)还有,如果你向女朋友求婚成功,晚上回家前又捡了一个iPhone4,你也可以说“What a day!”(今天真是太走运了!)。

这句话还可以改成what a night!/What a weekend!/What a man!等等。

4. What's your story, morning glory?瞧你高兴的,有什么好事啊?先说一下,morning glory就是“牵牛花”。


5. If I tell you, I'd have to kill you.就不告诉你。

这句话通常是在一种轻松的环境下,你不愿意回答对方问题而说的话,字面意思很容易懂,翻译成汉语的感觉就是“嘿嘿,我就不告诉你!”6. I need it like a hole in my head.我根本就不需要这个。


7. He is a real go-better.他的确是个能成事的人。


英语里表达“成功”就是get there,所以口语里说“now we are getting somewhere”表达的意思就是“看来我们的谈话(努力,尝试等等)有了进展。

”鼓励别人时也可以说You are going places.(你会成功的。

)8. That's all there's to it.事情大概就是这样。



比如:I don’t know what came over me.(我不知道自己哪根筋不对。


9. She doesn't like this a little.这句话应该翻译成“她可不仅是喜欢而已”。


比如I'm not a little cold.(我很冷)、It is a good father that knows his son.(再好的父亲也未必了解自己的孩子)、No wisdom like silence.(智者寡言)、That's the last thing I want to do.(我最不愿意做那件事)等等。

10. Nice guys finish last.好人不得志啊!你有没有发现,生活中总是有一群人,人品差不说,长相也属于“龙飞凤舞”型。

