



欧盟电线电缆燃烧测试标准EN 50305电线电缆成束燃烧测试-标准名称EN 50305 Railway applications-Railway rolling cables having special fire performance EN 50305 铁路设施-具有特殊防火性能的轨道车辆电缆-试验方法EN 50305轨道车辆电缆试验-标准简介EN 50305是具有特殊防火性能的轨道车辆电缆的试验方法,其中EN 50305 Clause 9.2 条款的毒性测试被运用于DIN5510-2线缆的毒性测试和EN45545-2线缆的毒性测试。

而EN 50305 Clause 9.1.1和Clause 9.1.2则被运用于EN 45545-2线缆的成束燃烧测试。

EN 50305:2002, Clause 9.1.1 for cables with 6 mm < D < 12 mmEN 50305:2002, Clause 9.1.2 for cables with D ≤6 mmEN45545-2: Fire protection of railway vehicles -Part 2: Requirement for fire behaviours of materials and componentsEN 45545-2: 轨道车辆的防火保护-第2部分:材料和元件的防火要求EN 50305电线电缆成束燃烧测试-测试要求对于直径> 6 mm和< 12 mm的线缆,在试验结束时,对于试样上所测得的以及通过燃烧器下边缘判断的烧焦部分,允许其在导体两侧的最大高度不得高于2.5m。

对于直径≤6 mm的线缆,在试验结束时,对于试样上所测得的以及通过燃烧器下边缘判断的烧焦部分,允许其在导体两侧的最大高度不得高于1.5m。

EN 50305电线电缆成束燃烧测试-参考标准EN 45545-2: 轨道车辆的防火保护-第2部分:材料和元件的防火要求DIN 5510-2 机车电线电缆阻燃测试DIN EN 60332-1-2:2005-06单根绝缘电线或电缆在火焰条件下的垂直燃烧测试DIN EN 60332-3-24 垂直安装的成束电线电缆火焰垂直蔓延试验——C 类DIN EN 50266-2-4:整束线缆的垂直燃烧测试第2-4部分:流程-C类DIN EN 50266-2-5:整束线缆的垂直燃烧测试第2-5部分:流程-D类NFC32-070: 用于安装的绝缘导体和电缆-依据燃烧特点有关导体和电缆分类试验BS 4066-3: 电线电缆着火条件下测试—第3部分:成捆电线电缆测试办理燃烧测试流程:1、项目申请——向检测机构监管递交申请。


的要 求 。
燃烧 时 无 卤型
H F — WL N H — WP 1 0 2 S
难 燃性X L P E 绝 缘电线 难燃性E P 橡胶屏蔽 , P O( 环氧 丙烷) 护套层 电缆线
的发展 , 欧洲标准 ( E N) 的完整 性被越 来越 多的国家认 可和 接
受, 并 逐 渐 成 为 电缆 行 业 制 造 标 准 的主 流 。
3 欧洲电缆标准
欧洲 电缆 标准 目前主要按 照 以下3 个标 准执行 : ( 1 ) E N 5 0 3 0 6 《 铁路应用一具 有特殊耐 火性能 的铁路车 辆

类地 铁车 辆 、 动车 车辆 、 机 车车 辆配 电及动 力供 电系 统 , 是 对
E N 5 0 3 8 2 — 2 给 出 的 电缆 的 统 一 要 求 。 ( 2 ) E N 5 0 3 8 2 — 2 主要 是适用 于1 2 0℃ 或 1 5 0℃ 的单 芯 硅 橡 胶 绝 缘 高 温 电缆 的具 体 要 求 。
用 电缆 ~ 薄 壁》 ;
电线 电缆种类 难燃性交联 聚 乙烯绝缘 电缆线 P V C( 聚氯 乙烯) 绝缘 , 屏蔽 , 聚 氯 乙烯护套层 电缆线 E P 橡胶 绝缘, 屏蔽 , 氯丁橡胶 护 套层 电缆线
额定温 度/ ℃ l 0 5 6 0 8 0
( 2 ) E N 5 0 2 6 4 《 铁路设施一 具有特殊 防火功 能的铁路机 车
关 键词 : 动 车组 ; 电缆 ; 欧标; 日标 ; 性 能指 标
1 铁 路 机车 车 辆 用 电缆 特点
电缆通 常 由导体 、 绝缘 和护 套 三部 分 组成 , 若 有 屏蔽 需 求, 金 属 屏 蔽 层 应 为 镀 锡 铜 丝 编 织 层 。导 体 、 绝缘、 护 套 和 屏 蔽



欧洲标准的铝合金电缆主要参考EN AB-43300。

EN AB-43300是一种铝合金导体,其化学成分如下:
- Si:9~10%
- Fe:0.15%
- Cu:0.03%
- Mn:0.1%
- Mg:0.3~0.45%
- Zn:0.07%
- Ti:0.15%
与纯铝导体相比,EN AB-43300铝合金导体在导电性能、抗蠕变性能、弯曲性能和耐腐蚀性能等方面具有更好的性能。



贴有CE 标志的电缆产品可以在欧盟国家范围内自由流通。

在选择欧洲标准的铝合金电缆时,请确保产品符合EN AB-43300标准,并已获得CE认证。



各国汽车线束用线标准各国汽车线束用线1. 德标汽车电线产品标准1.1 DIN 72551 德国国家标准 FLY 、 FLRY 、 FLYW1.2 VW 60306 大众公司标准FLRY FLR6Y FLR7Y FLR13Y FLR31Y 等2. 日本汽车电线产品标准JIS C3406 汽车用薄壁绝缘低压电缆 A V 型日本汽车工程学会标准JASO D611 汽车用薄壁绝缘低压电缆 A VS A VSS CA VSJASO D608 汽车用耐热低压电缆 A VX 、 AEX3. 韩国汽车电线产品标准KSC 3311 汽车用低压电线 A V 型韩国现代企业标准ES 91110-00 汽车用超薄壁聚氯乙烯绝缘低压电线 A VSS 型4. 意大利汽车电线产品标准FIAT 91107/13 T2-105 型电线FIAT 91107/15 T3-125 型电线T2-105 PVC 绝缘低压电线T3-125 PP 绝缘低压电线5. 美国标准汽车电线美国汽车工程师学会标准SAE 1127 电池电缆SAE 1128 低压初级电缆 GXL TWP TXL GPT HDT STS HTS SXL TWE GTE HTESAE 1678 低压薄壁初级电缆MS-8288 电缆 -初级 -薄壁交联聚乙烯绝缘MS-7889 薄热塑(PVC )绝缘初级线缆MS-5919 薄壁交联聚乙烯绝缘初级电缆6. ISO 6722 国际标准化组织标准7. 国家标准1.1 JB 8734 国家机械部标准 RVVP RVV1.2 GB/T 2951 电缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法1.3 JB/T8139 QVR 、 QVR-105、 QVVR1.4 OC/T730-2005 道路车辆用薄壁绝缘低压电线除了他们测试不一样外,最大不一样,就是同一规格的线束,结构不一样, 横截面不一样, 材料的使用分级不一样, 线束的绝缘厚度要不一样, 标准线束所用材料着重点不一样,比如美国主要是用交联 PE 料,而德国的选择比较广。



欧标电缆外径表 Prepared on 22 November 2020
欧洲标准 EN 50306-3:2002 铁道装备-具有特殊燃烧性能的薄壁型铁道机车车辆电缆
欧洲标准 EN 50306-4: 2002




目前高速铁路机车车辆电缆的制造标准有中国铁标(主要参照欧标)TB/T 1484-2010 额定电压3kV及以下标准壁厚绝缘电缆系列,欧洲标准EN 50264:2008铁路设施—具有特殊防火性能的铁路机车车辆动力和控制电缆系列,EN 50306:2002铁路设施-具有特殊防火性能的轨道车辆电缆—薄壁系列,以及日本标准JIS C系列标准。




时速350km以下均采用国内铁标标准生产,而时速350km及以上均采用日标或欧标标准,具体指标如下:表1 TB/T 1484-2010标准主要检查项目与技术要求检验项目技术要求断裂伸长率≥150%耐臭氧试验电缆的绝缘、单绝缘在臭氧容积浓度为0.025%~0.030%之间的空气内放置3h 后应无裂纹,并经受浸水后电压试验无击穿。






欧洲标准 EN 50306-3:2002
表 1-电缆的结构要求- 有屏蔽及无屏蔽(型号有BH)
欧洲标准 EN 50306-4: 2002
表 1-多芯电缆的结构要求 -设护套(无屏蔽)
表3- 多芯电缆的结构要求-设屏蔽及护套
表5- 多线对电缆的结构要求-单体屏蔽及护套,设总护套。



标准比对中欧轨道交通机车用电线电缆防火性能的标准比对■ 万修芹1,2 刘驰宇1,2 刘 博1,2 吴莉莉1,2 孔高祥1,2 于虎娜1〔1. 山东省产品质量检验研究院;2. 国家消防及阻燃产品质量检验检测中心(山东)〕摘 要:随着轨道交通建设的不断推进,轨道交通机车用电线电缆的防火性能成为关注焦点。

本文以国际标准EN 45545-2:2020和国内相关标准(如GB/T 12528-2008、GB/T 19666-2019、TB/T 1484系列标准)为比对基准,从测试项目、测试方法和指标要求等方面对轨道交通机车用电线电缆防火性能进行了分析。

结果表明,我国标准未明确防火等级划分,相比EN 45545-2:2020,我国标准对性能指标要求相同或更高;在测试项目和方法上,国内外标准基本一致,但在产烟毒性测试方法上存在差异。


关键词:轨道交通,机车,电线电缆,防火,标准比对DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1002-5944.2024.05.032Comparison of Standards on Fireproof Performance of Wires and Cables for Rail Locomotives in China and EuropeWAN Xiu-qin1,2 LIU Chi-yu1,2 LIU Bo1,2 WU Li-li1,2 KONG Gao-xiang1,2 YU Hu-na1(1. Shandong Institute for Product Quality Inspection;2. National Inspection and Testing Center for Fire and Flame-retardant Product, Shandong)Abstract:With the continuous development of construction of rail traffi c, the fi reproof performance of wires and cables for rail locomotives has become a spotlight. This paper conducts an analysis of the fi reproof performance of wires and cables for rail locomotives, comparing international standard EN 45545-2:2020 and relevant Chinese standards (such as GB/T 12528-2008, GB/T 19666-2019 and TB/T 1484 series), from the aspects of testing projects, testing methods, and indicators. The key fi ndings are as follows: Chinese standards lack of a clear fi reproof grading system; standards in China have the same or higher requirements, compared to EN 45545-2:2020; standards at home and abroad are basically the same in terms of testing projects and methods, but are different in the testing method for smoke toxicity. The paper proposes the revision of Chinese standards to enhance the grading and regulation of fi re resistance, promote alignment with international standards, and boost the standardized development of materials for rail locomotives in China.Keywords: rail traffi c, locomotive, wire and cable, fi re resistance, standard comparison0 引 言当今轨道交通建设已经成为基础建设的重要组成部分,建成后的轨道交通将极大提高城市通勤上限,提升城市通勤效率,稳定、安全、可靠的轨道交通机车是社会和人民关注的重点。






1. 标准编号:欧洲标准对不同类型的铝合金电缆制定了相应的标准编号。

例如,对于电力系统中常用的低压铝合金电缆,其标准编号为EN 50290-2-23。

2. 材料要求:欧洲标准对铝合金电缆所使用的材料提出了一系列要求。

例如,铝合金导体应符合EN 50183中关于铝和铝合金导线的要求。

绝缘材料应符合EN 50290-2-23中关于绝缘材料的要求。

3. 结构和尺寸要求:欧洲标准详细规定了不同类型铝合金电缆的结构和尺寸要求。


4. 电气性能要求:欧洲标准对铝合金电缆的电气性能提出了严格要求。


5. 机械性能要求:欧洲标准对铝合金电缆的机械性能也进行了规定。


6. 环境性能要求:欧洲标准对铝合金电缆在各种环境条件下的性能要求进行了规定。


7. 安全性能要求:欧洲标准对铝合金电缆的安全性能提出了一系列要求。


8. 标志和包装要求:欧洲标准对铝合金电缆的标志和包装提出了要求。




欧洲电缆标准(EN cable standards)

欧洲电缆标准(EN cable standards)
航空航天系列 飞行器用的电缆 试验方法 第202部分:质量/注:适合与EN 3475-100结合使用
Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use; Test methods - Part 202: Mass / Note: Applies only in conjunction with EN 3475-100
EN 3475-404-2002
航空航天系列 飞行器用的电缆 试验方法 第404部分:热冲击/注:适合与EN 3475-100结合使用
Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use; Test methods - Part 404: Thermal shock / Note: Applies only in conjunction with EN 3475-100
欧洲电缆标准(EN cable standards)
EN 10257-1-1998
动力电缆或通信电缆铠甲用镀锌或锌合金的非合金钢电线 第1部分:地面电缆
Zinc or zinc alloy coated non-alloy steel wire for armouring either power cables or telecommunication cables - Part 1: Land cables
EN 3475-402-2002
航空航天系列 飞行器用的电缆 试验方法 第402部分:收缩和脱层/注:适合与EN 3475-100结合使用
Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use; Test methods - Part 402: Shrinkage and delamination / Note: Applies only in conjunction with EN 3475-100



机车电缆标准IEC 60050-461 国际电工术语第461章:电缆EN 50343:2003 铁路应用机车车辆布线规则GB 9327.2 电缆导体压缩和机械连接接头试验方法直流电阻试验方法GB 9327.5 电缆导体压缩和机械连接接头试验方法抗拉强度试验方法TB/T 1507:1993机车电气设备布线规则EN50124-1 铁路应用绝缘配合第1部分:基本要求电工电子设备爬电距离与电气间隙EN50264-1 铁路应用有特殊防火性能的铁道机车车辆电缆标准壁厚第1部分:基本要求EN50264-2 铁路应用有特殊防火性能的铁道机车车辆电缆标准壁厚第2部分:单芯电缆EN50264-3 铁路应用有特殊防火性能的铁道机车车辆电缆标准壁厚第3部分:多芯电缆EN50306-1 铁路应用有特殊防火性能的铁道机车车辆电缆薄壁第1部分:基本要求EN50306-2 铁路应用有特殊防火性能的铁道机车车辆电缆薄壁第2部分:单芯电缆EN50306-3 铁路应用有特殊防火性能的铁道机车车辆电缆薄壁第3部分:(双绞、三绞或星绞)屏蔽的且有薄壁护套的单芯和多芯电缆EN50306-4 铁路应用有特殊防火性能的铁道机车车辆电缆薄壁第4部分:多芯与多绞电缆标准壁厚护套EN50355 铁路应用有特殊防火性能的铁道机车车辆电缆薄壁与标准壁厚使用指南IEC 60077 铁路应用-铁路车辆的电气设备GB 9327.2 电缆导体压缩和机械连接接头试验方法直流电阻试验方法GB 9327.5 电缆导体压缩和机械连接接头试验方法抗拉强度试验方法DIN 5510 有轨车辆的防火DIN 25201-3 《铁路车辆及其组件的设计指南——螺栓联接的设计及电气应用》DIN VDE 0619 《公制出线环的电气安装》。

DIN 46234 电缆终端用于非焊接的连接,环形端面,无绝缘套筒,用于铜导线DIN 46235 铜导线用鱼尾板形压接件的电缆终端DIN 46237 铜导线用绝缘的无焊点连接的挤压电缆终端(线鼻子) EN 60529 外壳保护度(IP代码)EN 60684-3 软绝缘套管第3部分:各种类型的套管规范EN 61984 连接器安全要求和试验IEC 60947-7-1 低压开关设备和控制设备第7部分:辅助设备第1节:铜导线用接线端子排IEC 60947-7-2 低压开关设备和控制设备第7部分:辅助设备第2节:铜导线用保护导线接线端子排SN 70764 电缆扎带接地用软铜绞线应满足DIN 46438标准要求接线头应满足DIN 46234、DIN 46235标准要求城轨车辆电联接用接插件应符合EN 61984标准接线端子必须符合IEC 60947-7-1、IEC 60947-7-2标准扎带及其扎带座的技术参数要求可参考SN 70764标准选择的热缩套管应为符合EN 60684-3标准的A类或C类热缩聚烯烃套管编织网的材质应满足DIN 5510防火保护等级3且不含卤素。





1. 油类型:电缆必须能够适应不同类型的油,如矿物油、植物油、变压器油等。


2. 温度等级:电缆必须能够在特定的温度范围内正常工作。


3. 机械强度:在油品存在的环境下,电缆还必须保持足够的机械强度,防止因拉伸、压缩或扭转等外力作用而损坏。

4. 认证标志:电缆产品通常会有相应的认证标志,如CE标志、API(美国石油学会)认证等,这些标志表明电缆符合特定的行业标准和安全要求。

5. 电压等级:耐油电缆的电压等级也是分类的一个重要因素,常见的如0.6/1kV、1.2/2kV、3.6/6kV、6/10kV等。

为了确保电缆产品满足特定应用的要求,制造商会依据相关的欧洲标准(如EN 50265、EN 50395等)生产耐油电缆,并提供相应的技术规格和认证文件。





第一条产品描述及规格1.1 产品名称:欧洲标准电缆。

1.2 规格型号:[具体型号]。

1.3 技术标准:符合[具体欧洲标准编号]。

1.4 数量:[具体数量]米。

1.5 单价:[具体单价]元/米。

1.6 总价:[总价]元。

第二条质量要求2.1 乙方保证所提供的电缆产品符合上述第一条所述的技术标准和质量要求。

2.2 乙方应提供产品的质量检验报告和合格证明。

第三条交货3.1 交货地点:甲方指定地点。

3.2 交货时间:[具体交货日期]。

3.3 运输方式:[运输方式],费用由[承担方]承担。

第四条付款方式4.1 付款方式:[具体付款方式,如银行转账、现金支付等]。

4.2 付款时间:甲方在收到乙方提供的电缆产品并验收合格后[具体时间期限]内支付全部货款。

第五条验收5.1 甲方应在收到货物后[具体时间期限]内完成验收。

5.2 如产品存在质量问题,甲方有权要求乙方在[具体时间期限]内更换或退货。

第六条违约责任6.1 如乙方未能按时交货,应按日支付未交货部分货款总额[具体比例]的违约金。

6.2 如甲方未能按时支付货款,应按日支付未付款部分总额[具体比例]的违约金。

第七条争议解决7.1 双方因履行本合同所发生的一切争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成时,提交乙方所在地人民法院通过诉讼方式解决。

第八条其他8.1 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

8.2 本合同自双方代表签字盖章之日起生效。


EN 50306-1-2002

EN 50306-1-2002
Part1:General requirements
译单位 上海晨辉公司
2007 年 3 月
BS EN 50306-1:2002
本英国标准是EN 50306-1:2002的英文官方版本。
英国参与的标准制定委托技术委员会GEL/20“电缆”的GEL/20/12机车电缆小组委员会, 该技术委员会负责下列工作:
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注1: 绝缘系统的详细要求,见EN 50306-2。 尤其是EN 50306-1规定了有关防火安全的要求,要求电缆满足EN 45545-12)的危险级别 2、3或4的要求。 注2: EN 45545-1的1级危险等级未规定烟气排放要求。 注3: EN 45545-1仍处在开发阶段,需要进行商讨研究。 这些电缆的分级规定偶然发生的热应力引起的老化等效于90℃或105℃下持续运行寿 命,这取决于护套系统的类型。这些温度根据一项验收试验,分别使用在110℃和125℃下长 期经受耐热老化,数据外推到20000小时。短路条件下最高温度是160℃,经受时间为5秒。 EN 50306-1的使用应结合EN 50306的一个或多个其他部分。
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Rolling Stock CableThis catalog covers rolling stock for underground, mass transit lines and tramlines as well as diesel and regional trains. The increasing need to reduce both volume and weight has lead to the development of miniaturized cables, as well as high temperature cables with enhanced performance. This leads to highly stressed materials being used in the harsh environment of rolling stock. Caledonian & Addison provides a full range of products from Medium Voltage to Instrumentation cables, and from Standard Wall, Medium Wall to Thin Wall designs. The materials used have been specially developed to improve mechanical and thermal properties, fire performance and extended life using advanced technologies, such as electron beam irradiation and silan.New challenges in the rolling stock industry must be met due to long-awaited equipmentupgrades, booming freight traffic and high-speed train projects, and the growing need forconventional subways, fully-automated metros,and light-rail suburban vehicles worldwide.Caledonian & Addison manufactures a complete range of rolling stock cables and components, meeting national and international standards, We supply wide range of rolling stock cables from 300V to 6kV in diameter of 0.5mm sq to 400mm sq covering diverse railway standards. All cables meet strict technical requirements in terms of electrical safety, fire-performance (low-smoke and toxicity, continuous operation in the event of fire).As an OEM, Caledonian rolling stock cables provides our railway customers with future headroom by meeting the following European Norms (EN) and international standards :•EN 50264 European railway standard•EN 50306 European railway standard•BS 6853 British railway standard•DIN 5510-2 German railway standard•NF F 16 101 French railway standard•UIC (International Union of Railways) 895This catalog covers rolling stock for underground, mass transit lines and tramlines as well as diesel and regional trains. The increasing need to reduce both volume and weight has lead to the development of miniaturized cables, as well as high temperature cables with enhanced performance. This leads to highly stressed materials being used in the harsh environment of rolling stock. Caledonian provides a full range of products from Medium Voltage to Instrumentation cables, and from Standard Wall, Medium Wall to Thin Wall designs. The materials used have been specially developed to improve mechanical and thermal properties, fire performance and extended life using advanced technologies, such as electron beam irradiation and silan.CENELEC StandardAccording to CENELEC Standards, railway rolling stock are designed to meet the following criticall requirements:1) 2 levels of low temperature: -25°C and -40° C resistant2) 2 levels of fluids resistance: oil resistant, or extra oil and fuel resistant3) 3 levels of hazard: HL1. HL2-HL3. HL4Low temperature, oil resistant (-25° C, IRM 902) A B CExtra low temperature, oil resistant (-40° C, IRM 902) D E FLow temperature, extra oil and fuel resistant (-25° C, IRM 902. IRM 903) G H JExtra low temperature, extra oil and fuel resistant (-40° C, IRM 902. IRM 903) K L MExtra low temperature, no oil and fuel resistant (-40° C) O O OCaledonian Rolling Stock cables, branded as FIREROL, are mainly classified as follows:EN 50264Caledonian standard wall and medium wall rolling stock cables conform to EN 50264 for use in power cars, diesel-electric locomotives, electric and diesel multiple units EMU / DMU, high-capacity rails, mono rail and light rail vehicles, sleeping cars and passenger coaches. FIREROL are very flexible cables.Application:Strictly halogen free, these wires combine the advantages of small size, lightweight, high chemical resistance, high mechanical properties. They are recommended for installation in railway vehicles (locomotives, trains, trolleybusses...).A 120°C conductor temperature is allowed for a 20000 hours cumulative working time.The external sheath is oil and diesel oil resistant, ozone and UV resistantConductors:Flexible stranded tinned copper class 5 according to IEC 60228 with optional separator tape. Conductors temperature+90°/105° C Standard:EN 50264-1: General requirements applicable to cables, including detailed requirement for the insulating and sheathing materialsStandard Wall rolling stock cables having special fire performanceEN50264-2 = pr EN50264-2-1 Standard wall single core cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation0.6/1kV Unscreened, unsheathed 1mm2-400mm2 FRL-SW-1SU1.8/3kV Unscreened, unsheathed 1mm2-400mm2 FRL-SW-3SU1.8/3kV Unscreened, sheathed 1mmsq-400mm2 FRL-SW-3S3.6/6kV Unscreened, sheathed 1mmsq-400mm2 FRL-SW-6SEN50264-3 = pr EN50264-2-2 Standard wall multi-core cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation300/500V Unscreened or screened 1/1.5/2.5 mm2 ( 2-40 Cores) FRL-SW-05M / FRL-SW-05M-OS 0.6/1kV Unscreened or screened 1 mmsq-50 mm2 ( 2.3.4 cores) FRL-SW-1M / FRL-SW-1M-OSInsulation compounds: Crosslinked halogen free rubber EI 101 (for A, B, C), EI 102 (for D, E, F), EI 103 (for G, H, J), EI 104 (for K, L, M) and EI 105 (for O, EPDM compound)Sheathing compounds: Special crosslinked halogen free black rubber type: EM 101 (for A, B, C), EM 102 (for D, E, F), EM 103 (for G, H, J), EM 104 (for K, L, M)Medium Wall rolling stock cables having special fire performancepr EN50264-3-1: Medium wall single core cable with crosslinked elastomeric insulation with reduced dimensions0.6/1kV Unscreened, unsheathed 1mm2-400mm2 FRL-MW-1SU1.8/3kV Unscreened, unsheathed 1mm2-400mm2 FRL-MW-3SU1.8/3kV Unscreened, sheathed 1mm2-400mm2 FRL-MW-3S3.6/6kV Unscreened, sheathed 1mm2-400mm2 FRL-MW-6Spr EN50264-3-2: Medium wall multi-core cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation with reduced dimensions300/500V Unscreened or screened 1/1.5/2.5 mm2 ( 2-40 Cores) FRL-MW-05M / FRL-SW-05M-OS0.6/1kV Unscreened or screened 1 mm2-50 mm2 ( 2.3.4 cores ) FRL-MW-1M / FRL-SW-1M-OSInsulation compounds: Crosslinked halogen free black rubber EI 106 (for A, B, C), EI 107 (for D, E, F), EI 108 (for G, H, J), EI109 (for K, L, M) and EI 110 (for O, EPDM compound)Sheathing compounds: Special crosslinked halogen free rubber type: EM 101 (for A, B, C), EM 102 (for D, E, F), EM 103 (forG, H, J), EM 104 (for K, L, M)EN 50306Caledonian thin wall rolling stock cables conform to EN 50306 are resistant to chemicals, acids, oils, fuels and UV light. Anti-termite cables and anti-rodent cables can also be offered upon customer request.Application:Strictly halogen free, these wires combine the advantages of small size, lightweight, high chemical resistance, high mechanical properties. They are recommended for installation in railway vehicles (locomotives, trains, trolleybusses...).A 120°C conductor temperature is allowed for a 20000 hours cumulative working time.The external sheath is oil and diesel oil resistant, ozone and UV resistantConductors:Flexible stranded tinned copper class 5 according to IEC 60228 with optional separator tape. Conductors temperature+90°/105° C or +105°/125° CInsulation: Crosslinked halogen free polyethylene or polymerSheathing: Cables sheathed with special S1 and S2 compounds (described in EN 50306-1) or EN 50264 sheathing compounds (EM 101. EM 102. EM 103 and EM 104)Standard:EN 50306-1: General requirements applicable to cables, including detailed requirement for the insulating and sheathing materialsThin Wall rolling stock cables having special fire performance EN 50306-2: Thin wall single core cables300/500V Unscreened 0.5mm2-2.5 mm2 FRL-TW-05SUEN 50306-3: Thin wall single core and multi core cables (pairs, triads, and quads) screened300/500V Screened 0.5mm2-2.5 mm2( 1-4 Cores ) FRL-TW-05S-OS or FRL-TW-05M-OS EN 50306-4: Thin wall multi-core and multi pair cablesUnscreened, sheathed for either exposed or protected wiring 0.5mm2-2.5mm2 (2-48 Cores)FRL-TW-05M-SW, FRL-TW-05M-ESWScreened, sheathed for either exposed or protected wiring 0.5mm2-2.5mm2 (2-8 Cores)FRL-TW-05M-SW-OS, FRL-TW-05M-ESW-OSScreened, sheathed for either exposed or protected wiring 0.5mm2-1.5mm2 (2-7 Pairs/Cores)FRL-TW-05MP-SW-IOS, FRL-TW-05MP-ESW-IOSEN 50382Caledonian High Temperature cable is characterized by its lightweight and small size which provide high flexibility and easy handling required for high-speed train cable applications. High temperature cables implies higher current capacity for the same cross-section. The higher the continuous temperature load, the longer the life time of the cable at a given working temperature. Caledonian High Temperature cable allow greater safety margins and higher current capacity, with the following features:•Low weight cable•Low size cable•Thin wall cable•Wide operating temperature range (+125°C down to -60°C)•Low smoke density (>90% light transmission)•Short circuit cable and Earth fault-proof cables (>250°C)Conductors:For 120°C class : Flexible stranded tinned copperFor 150°C class : Flexible plain annealed copperClass 5 (or class 6 on request) according to IEC 60228 with optional separator tapeBraiding:Optional textile braid (for reinforced versions)Insulation: Type EI 111 or EI 112 (if sheathed) cross-linked halogen free silicone rubberSheathing: Low temperature, oil resistant, ozone and UV resistantFor 120°C class : special cross-linked black rubber type EM106 according to EN 50382-1For 150°C class : special cross-linked black silicone rubber type EM 107 according to EN 50382-1Miniumum bending radius:Dynamic use : 5 to 8 x outer diameterStatic use : 4 x outer diameterStandard:EN 50382-1: General requirements applicable to cables, including detailed requirement for the insulating and sheathing materialsHigh temperature rolling stock cables having special fire performanceEN 50382-2 Single core, silicon rubber insulated cables for +120° C and +150° C1.8/3 kV unscreened, unsheathed with or without textile braid 1.5mm2-400mm2FRL-HT-3SU1.8/3 kV unscreened, sheathed with or without textile braid 1.5mm2-400mm2FRL-TW-3S3.6/6 kV unscreened, unsheathed with or without textile braid 2.5mm2-400mm2FRL-TW-6SU3.6/6 kV unscreened, sheathed with or without textile braid 2.5mm2-400mm2FRL-TW-6SCable design in accordance with EN 50264 & EN 50306Cable Make UpConductorsTinned fine copper strands according to VDE 0295 / IEC 60228. class 5 are generally used for railway cables. For nominal cross section of over 50mm sq, 0.41mm strand wire will be used instead of 0.51mm as stipulated in IEC 60228. The IEC 60228 Class 5 enhances flexibility and the ease of handling, thus lengthening the product life of the cable. These class 5 class conductors are extremely flexible, and easy-to-install in the compact rolling stock environment.Insulation and outer sheathCrosslinked polyolefine copolymer or EPR will generally be used for insulation whereas electron-beam cross-linked elastomer is employed for sheathing. Cross-linked elastomer compounds offer very good durability that can resist heat, oil, vibration, chemical aggression, etcElectrical CharacteristicsNominal voltageNominal voltage of a cable refers to the reference voltage for which the cable is intended to be used. In EN 50264. applicable to power cables, different voltage ranges ranging from 0.6/1 kV, 1.8/3 kV to 3.6/6 kV are defined. For each of these voltage ranges, specific insulation thickness requirements are also stipulated in this standard. The operating voltage should not exceed the corresponding maximum nominal voltage allowed.Current Carrying CapacityCurrent carrying capacity is defined as the amperage a conductor can carry before melting either the conductor or the insulation. There are many factors which will limit the amount of current that can be passed through a wire. These major determining factors are: Conductor Size:The larger the circular mil area, the greater the current carrying capacity. The amount of heat generated should never exceed themaximum temperature rating of the insulationAmbient temperature:The higher the ambient temperature, the less heat required to reach the maximum temperature rating of the insulation.Conductor Number:Heat dissipation is lessened as the number of individually insulated conductors, bundled together, is increasedInstallation Conductors:Restricting the heat dissipation by installing the conductors in conduit, duct, trays or raceways lessens the current carrying capacity. This restriction can be alleviated somewhat by using proper ventilation methods, forced air cooling, etc.According to EN 50343. “Railway applications - Rolling stock – Rules for installation of cabling” current carrying capacity are based on maximum conductor temperatures of 90°C and 150°C defined in 3 b. The ambient temperature is 45°C. The following table shows the current carrying capacities for a cable installed in mid air.Current carrying capacity for cables in accordance with EN 50264Nominal cross section of copper conductormm2Current carrying capacityConductor temp. 90 °C (max)Ambient temp. 45 °CI [A]Current carrying capacityConductor temp. 150 °C (max)Ambient temp. 45 °CI [A]0.5 14 -0.75 16 -1 20 -1.5 25 -2.5 33 464 46 646 60 8410 85 11916 110 15425 150 21135 190 26750 240 33770 300 42295 360 506120 425 598 150 490 689 185 560 788 240 675 950 300 775 1091 400 950 1337 Ambient temperatureExternal conditions such as ambient temperature and bundling must be taken into account whendetermining actual current carrying capacity. The following tables show the corresponding k1 modification factors depending on anambient temperature differing from 45 °C. Current carrying capacity decreases or increases depending on these factorsMaximum conductor temperature 90°CTemperature°C 10 20 30 40 45 50 60 70 k1 1.33 1.25 1.15 1.05 1 0.94 0.82 0.66 Maximum conductor temperature 150°CTemperature °C – 50 – 30 – 10 10 30 45 60 80 100 120 k1 1.38 1.3 1.23 1.15 1.06 1 0.92 0.81 0.69 0.53 Physical CharacteristicsTemperatures and overload temperaturesEN 50264 defines two overload categories for cables at 90°C and 150°C : 160°C/50 h for 90°C and 250°C /50 h for 150°C. This meansthat for a period of less than or equal to 50 hours, increased conductor temperatures can be withstood, while the operability of the cablesremains unimpaired. This has the advantage that short-time temperature increases can be identified and more serious damage such asfires can be prevented.Environmental conditionsCables are suitable for fixed installation in rail vehicles up to – 40°C and are resistant to oil according to EN 50305. EN 60811-2-1. UIC895 and resistant to fuel according toEN 50305. EN 60811-2-1. UIC 895.Fire PerformanceEN 50264 and EN 50306 only describe cables and wires made from halogen free materials that minimise the risk of damage to personsand property. These materials refer to hazard levels 1 – 4 as defined in EN 45545-1( fire protection on railway vehicles). These levelsdefine the degree of possibility of personal injury as the result of a fire. Amongst other things, they also form the basis of the requirements for materials used in rail vehicles.Halogen FreeThe test is for determination of the amount of halogen acid gas, other than the hydrofluoric acid evolved during combustion of compound. When tested in accordance with IEC 60754-1. the hydrochloric acid yield should be less than 0.5% (5mg/g) for LSOH compound. CorrosivityCorrosive gases produced in case of fire cause damage to vehicles and facilities and therefore should be avoided. According to EN50267-2-2. a material is not corrosive if its combustion gases meet the stipulated target values for conductivity (≤ 10 s/mm) and pH value (≥ 4.3).This is equivalent to IEC 61034ToxicityIn accordance with EN 50305- 9.2. or NFC-20454 a toxicity index (ITC) is calculated following analysis and titration of combustion gases. The aforementioned hazard levels require that certain toxicity indices are not exceeded.The toxicity indices for power cables listed in the following table are derived from EN 50264.HL ITCHL 1 not specifiedHL 2 / HL 3 5 (max)HL 4 3 (max)The required toxicity indices for cables and wires, depending on hazard level, in accordance with EN 50306 (thin wall) are displayed in the following table:HL ITCInsulation and sheath S1EM101-104 and sheath S2 HL 1 not stipulated not stipulated HL 2 / HL 3 10 (max) 5 (max)HL 4 6 (max) 3 (max)Toxic FumesNaval standard NES713 burns a set amount of material and analyses the gases given off. The volume of each gas is multiplied by the toxicity index for each gas. The toxicity index for each gas are added together to give an overall toxicity index for the material. LFH materials should have a toxicity index maximum of 10.Flame RetardanceIn accordance with EN 50265- 2-1 or IEC 60332-1. testing is carried out for a single insulated wire or cable. The specimen is deemed to have passed this test, if after burning has ceased, the charred or affected position does not reach within 50mm of the lower edge of the top clamp.In accordance EN 50266-2-4. EN 50305 9.1 and IEC 60332-3. testing is carried out for bunched cables. A gas burner flame is applied to the bottom of a vertically arranged conductor bundle in a test furnace. Following completion of the flame test, the specimen consisting of 3.5m, is deemed to have met the requirements, if after burning has ceased, the extent of charred of affected portion does not reach a height exceeding 2.5m above the bottom edge of the burnerSmoke DensityFor smoke density testing, the cube test is employed according to EN 50268-2-1 or IEC 61034. The 3 metre cube test measures the generation of smoke from electric cables during fire. A light beam emitted from a window is projected across the enclosure of to a photo cell connected to a recorder at the opposite window.The recorder is adjusted to register from 0% for complete obscuration to 100% luminous transmission. A 1 metre cable sample is placed in the centre of the enclosure and then subjected to fire. The minimum light transmission of the smoke is then measured.The following table shows the minimum percentages of light transmission depending on hazard level:HL Light transmissionHL 1 not specifiedHL 2 / HL 3 60 %HL 4 70 %BS 6853.In 1999. BS 6853 was introduced in UK and whose highest categories are probably the most demanding in the world. BS 6853 covers both smoke emission testing and flammability testing. BS 6853 also introduced the concept of an R-Index, which is a single number quantification of the toxic gas risk associated with candidate composite materials for use in railway rolling stock. The R-Indices are split into the following categories:Category 1a Trains which predominantly use tunnels R < 1.0Category 1b Trains which use tunnels, but infrequently R < 1.6Category 2 Trains which run, predominantly, overground R < 3.6The R-Index is generated by analysing eight gases of combustion, for which critical concentrations have been established byNIOSH/OSHA and reported as IDLH, (Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health), values.Toxicity is the most important factor to address during the cable design. Toxicity limit for the UK and France are identical because both require the same test method for elastomers (NF X 70-100). The only difference is that the U.K.'s specification requires an addendum for nitrous oxides. Toxicity limits for French and the U.K. standards are developed from the IDLH values published in the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Guide. IDLH, or Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health, values are calculated based on levels of gas in a particular atmosphere for 30 min that would pose an immediate riskthe U.K.'s BS 6853 specification is the most stringent, closely followed by the French, and finally the U.S. It's important to note that Germany does not have a toxicity requirement. R Index IDLH ValuesGases U.K.(mg/m3)BS 6853French (mg/m3)NF X 70-100U.S. (ppm)SMP 800CCO 1.400 1.750 3.500 CO2 73.000 90.000 90.000 HCl 76 150 500 HBr 101 170 100 HCN 56 55 100 HF 25 17 100 NO/NO2 38 100 SO2 270 260 100 NFF 16-101/2In France the French Railway’s standard NFF 16-101/2 combines reaction to fire, (M rating), with smoke and toxicity, (F rating), toprovide a true FST evaluation of the fire safe properties of a composite material.As with the UK BS 6853 standard, the M/F rating required in NFF 16-101 is dependent onthe type of rolling stock, the extent to which it uses tunnels and the position and orientation of the composite part in the vehicle.Test methodsThe standard comprises the following test methods:FlammabilityNF-EN 60695-2 Glowing Wire at 850+/-15C and 960+/-15CNF-EN ISO 4589-2 Oxygen index determinationSmoke DensityNFX 10-702 Smoke density determinationToxicityNFX 70-100 Pyrolysis and combustion gas analysisM ratingM rating refers for the fire resistance classification of the materials to be used in the transportation industryThis classification rates the material in five categoriesM0: incombustibleM1: non flammableM2: burns with difficultyM4: easily inflammableM5: very easily inflammableI/F ratingI/F rating refers to ignition resistance and fume classification of non metallic electrical components used in the undergroundtransporation industry.Test description1. IgnitionThe ignition characteristics is determined by a combination of glow wire test (GWT) and oxygen index.The material under test is categorized in the following tables:Class Oxygen Index Glow WireI0 >70 No ignition at 960CI1 >45 No ignition at 960CI2 >32 No ignition at 850CI3 >28 Ignition does not persist at 850C after glow wire is withdrawnI4 >20NC <70(Not classified)2. Fume compositionThe parameters tested are fume opacity and analysis of pyrolysis as well as combustion gases.All 3 parameters are used to calculate the smoke index ( SI) which in turns determines the fume classF as follows:F Class S.I ValuesF0 ≤ 5F1 ≤20F2 ≤40F3 ≤80F4 ≤120F5 >120ClassificationEach material will receive I/F rating, the smaller the number the better. Unfortunately, good I and good F are difficult to achieve: low I values frequently means addition of fire retardant packages which in turns leads to high F values.Consequently, 4 overall I/F performance classes are defined as follows:I0 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5F0 IV IV IV II I IF1 IV IV IV II I IF2 IV IV III II I IF3 IV III III I I IF4 IV III I I I IF5 IV I I I I II Performance class 1. least demandingII Performance class 2III Performance class 3IV Performance class 4. most demandingDIN 5510In Germany, the fire standards requirements in railways are defined by the DIN 5510. which does not include any measurement of toxic gases but focuses only on reaction to fire and smoke produced in a fire scenario.According to DIN5510. the test samples, vertically arranged in the test chimney, are stressed by a special bunsen burner for 3 minutes. The combustibility, smoke release and dripping behaviour are then assessed.The extent of destroyed surface area is decisive of the fire performance rating. The following are the fire performance classification: ClassB1 Easily ignitable Damaged area 90%-100%B2 Combustible Damaged area 76%-90%B3 Difficult to ignite Damaged area <75%B4 Incombustible No damageThe rating with respect to burning dripping are also observed in the chimney test. Differentiation between the classes is based on visual observation by T1 burning dripping to T4 no visible deformation/ no softening.The smoke release during the chimney test will be done by the reduced transmission value. Two classes, SR1 10% min and SR2 < 50% min are used.EN 45545En 45545 is a common new EU standard is to replace the existing national regulations for fire safety in trains and track-guided vehicles. This new standard constitutes a harmonising of the existing national standards based on the highest common denominator – and will therefore represent a stiffening of the fire safety regulations applied in the individual countries.The new standard divides railway vehicles into four operation categories. As seen below, it particularly targets safety in connection with tunnels and bridges:Category Services Infrastructure1 Mainline, regional, urban andsuburban Operation not determined by underground sections, tunnels and/or elevated structures2 Urban and suburban Operation determined by underground sections, tunnels and/orelevated structures with walkways or other means for safe sideevacuation from the vehicles3 Mainline and regional Operation determined by underground sections, tunnels and/orelevated structures with walkways or other means for safe sideevacuation from the vehicles4 Mainline, regional, urban andsuburban Mainline, regional, urban and suburban operation determined by underground sections, tunnels and/or elevated structures without any means for safe side evacuation from the vehiclesThe standard also establishes four hazard levels that determine the requirements for protection against fire and smoke formation. Most new railway vehicles will be designed to hazard level 3. but some vehicles, for example for light rail systems, will have to conform to hazard level 4.:category Category DesignStandard vehicles Automatic vehicles Double-decked vehicles Sleeping cars1 HL2 HL 2 HL 2 HL 22 HL 2 HL3 HL 3 N/A3 HL 3 HL4 HL 3 HL 44 HL 4 HL 4 HL 4 HL 4HL 1 Long distance trainHL2 Regional train without tunnelHL3 High speed trainsCity and regional trainsTrams with party going through tunnels.HL4 MetroNight train with sleeping coachesOrdering CodeFRL-A-BC-D-E-F-GA- Wall TypeSW- Standard WallMW- Medium WallTW- Thin WallHT- High TemperatureB- Voltage Type05-300/500V06-0.6/1KV3-1.8/3KV6-3.6/6KVC- Core TypeS- Single CoreM-Multi CoreMP-Multi PairD-Insulation or Sheath TypeU-UnsheathedSW-Standard Wall SheathESW-Exposed Standard Wall SheathRI-Reinforced InsulationE- Screen TypeOS-Overall ScreenIOS-Individual & Overall ScreenF-Number of Cores and Pairs10C- 10 CoresG- Cross Section Areas1.5- 1.5mm2Test MethodEN 50305Test MethodsSpecial test are stipulated in EN 50305 for each European railway rolling stock. Below is the test method for the rolling stock cables to En 50264 and EN 50306 and EN 50382 :For Standard Wall and Medium Wall cables according to EN 50264Ageing test at: +120° CFluid Resistance:IRM 902 for mineral oil resistanceIRM 903 for fuel resistanceN oxalic acidN sodium hydroxideTest at low temperature: -25° C or -40° CSingle core test EN 50265-2-1 (IEC 60332-1)Fire Propagation:Bundle core test EN 50266-2-4 (IEC 60332-3C) + EN 50305Toxicity Test: Toxicity EN 50305Smoke Density Test: Low smoke EN 50268-2 (IEC 61034)Halogen Test: acid and toxic gases EN 50267-2-1/8-2-2 (IEC 60754-1&2)Electrical Test: Dielectric test and direct current stability test at +85° CFor Thin Wall cables according to EN 50306Standard Wall tests plusLong Term Ageing Test: (20.000 h at +125° C) EN 50305Notch Propagation Test: EN 50305Abrasion Test: EN 50305For High Temperature cables according to EN 50382Standard Wall tests plusAgeing Test for silicon insulation at +200° C and long term sheath ageing test (20.000 hat +140° C)LoadFireFlexible Anti-UV FireRetardant LowAnti-Weather Anti-Oil Impact Resistant Low Smoke。
