A Guide to Digital Systems and Measurements
Tektronix Source Measure Unit (SMU) 选择指南说明书
SOURCE MEASURE UNITS The Broadest Choice of SMU Instruments Available Selector GuideS ou r c e M e a s u r e U n i t (S MU ) S o u r c e M e t e r ®Precision DMMTrueCurrent SourcePulse GeneratorElectronic LoadPrecision Power SupplyLA source measure unit (SMU) instrument is a five-in-one tool. It combines the useful features of a digital multimeter (DMM), power supply, current source, electronic load and pulse generator, all in a compact form factor. This empowers you to:Precisely source and measure voltage • Run production tests 60% faster and gain up to 10X more throughput • Save time, maximize speed and get jobs done quickly.MAKE MULTIPLE MEASUREMENTS ACCURATELY USING A SINGLE INSTRUMENTFor more than 70 years, Tektronix — the manufacturer of Keithley SMUs — has beendesigning, manufacturing and marketing advanced electrical test instruments and systems for the specialized needs of electronics manufacturers in high performance production testing, process monitoring, product development and research.• Repeatability Guaranteed • High Accuracy and Sensitivity • Fast and Precise • Broadest ChoicesWHY A KEITHLEY SOURCE MEASURE UNIT?2 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSTouch, Test, Invent TM with a Graphical Touchscreen SMU2450 SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (4)2460High Current SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (4)2461 High Current Pulse SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (4)2470 High Voltage SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (4)Standard Performance SMUs for the Most Basic Needs2601B/2602B/2604B Single/Dual Channel System SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (6)2611B/2612B/2614B Single/Dual Channel System SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (6)2634B/2635B/2636B Low Current Single/Dual Channel System SourceMeter®SMU Instrument (6)2601B-PULSE System SourceMeter 10 μs Pulser/SMU Instrument (7)High Power SMUs with Unprecedented Power, Precision, and Speed 2651A 50 Amp High Power System SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (8)2657A 3000 Volt High Power System SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (8)High Density, More Channels in a Smaller Form Factor2606B 4-Channel System SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (9)Specialty SMUs for Very Low Current and Optoelectronics Testing 6430 Sub-femtoamp Remote SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (10)2510 TEC SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (10)2510-AT Autotuning TEC SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (10)2520 Pulsed Laser Diode Test System (10)Determine which Keithley SMU Is Right For You (11)KEITHLEY’S WIDE SELECTION OF SOURCE MEASURE UNIT SMU INSTRUMENTS| 3/KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITS• Source and sink (4-quadrant) operation• Dual 1 MS/s digitizers for fast sampling measurements (2461 only)• Enhanced sensitivity with 20 mV and 10 nA source/measure ranges (2450 only)• Built-in, context-sensitive front panel help• SCPI and Test Script Processor (TSP®) programming modes• Front-panel USB 2.0 memory I/O port for transferring data, test scripts, or test configurationsSave Time, Maximize Speed, and Get Jobs Done QuicklySMU models that use familiar graphical interfaces, like icon-based menu structures, are easier to use for all experience levels. You’ll make measurements faster by reducing the learning curve and configuration steps, enabling you to learn faster, work smarter, and invent easier.4 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSSTANDARD PERFORMANCE SMUS FOR THE MOST BASIC NEEDSSeries 2400 SourceMeter SMU InstrumentsSMU VS. POWER SUPPLIES• SMUs can automatically sweep voltage or current to and from negative and positive outputs when the source crosses zero. • During these operations, there is no need to change test leads.• Output of a SMU can settle to within 0.01% of the specified accuracy in as little as 50 ms.• SMU has higher precision and wider operating ranges.• SMU is a more flexible optionSMU VS. THE DMMAND POWER SUPPLY COMBO• SMU tightly integrates the source and measure capability into one instrument, eliminating the need for a separate DMM and power supply.• Improves test times, simplifies overall test system design and increases usability • SMUs can outperform the DMM and Power Supply Combo on current vs. voltage (IV) measurements for a variety of applications.VS.VS.MORE USEFUL THAN THE COMBINATION OF INDIVIDUAL INSTRUMENTS| 5/KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSSeries 2600B System SourceMeter SMU Instruments2601B-PULSE System SourceMeter10 μs Pulser/SMU Instrument• Industry leading 10 A @ 10 V, 10 microsecond pulse output• No tuning required for inductive loads up to 3 μH• Dual 1 Megasample/second digitizers for high speed I/Vpulse measurements (pulser function only)• DC capability up to ±40 V @ ±1.0 A, 40 Watt• TSP technology embeds complete test programs inside theinstrument for best-in-class system-level throughput• TSP-Link expansion technology for multi-channel paralleltest without a mainframe• USB 2.0, LXI-C, GPIB, RS-232, and digital I/O interfaces• Supported in the Keithley KickStart non-programming software toolTypical pulse output from a competitive SMU withovershoot and 6.47 μs rise time.2601B-PULSE output without overshoot and 1.4 µsrise time./KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSAchieving Fast Pulse Measurementsfor Today’s High-Power DevicesGreen initiatives and energy efficiency standards worldwide have motivatedengineers to find ways to design more efficient semiconductor devices andintegrated circuits, and measuring the true state of these devices withoutthe effects of self-heating is critical. Pulsed characterization is a solutionto this issue. The use of a pulsed stimulus demands faster measurements.For high-speed digitization or waveform capture applications that requirethese capabilities, Keithley’s High Power SourceMeter® Instrument also includestwo high-speed ADCs for measuring current and voltage simultaneously. TheseADCs use sampling technology like an oscilloscope and take snapshots of thesignal over time. Each high-speed ADC samples at a rate of up to 1 MHz with18-bit resolution, which is much higher than the typical 8-bit resolution of anoscilloscope, resulting in more precise transient characterization in comparablebandwidths. Coupled with the ability to measure asynchronously from the source,this feature makes the 2651A and 2657A ideal for many waveform capture andtransient characterization applications.• Source or sink:−2,000 W of pulsed power (±40 V, ±50 A)−200 W of DC power (±10 V @ ±20 A, ±20 V@ ± 10 A, ±40 V @ ±5 A)• Easily connect two units (in series or parallel) to create solutions up to ±100 A or ±80 V1 pA resolution enables precise measurement of very low leakage currents1 μs per point (1 MHz), 18-bit sampling, accurately characterizes transient behavior2651A 50 Amp High Power System SourceMeter SMU Instrument2651A LEARN MORE• Source or sink up to 180 W of DC or pulsed power, (±3000 V @ 20 mA, ±1500 V @ 120 mA)• 1 fA low current resolution• Dual 22-bit precision ADCs and dual 18-bit 1 μs per point digitizers for high accuracyand high speed transient capture• Fully TSP® compliant for easy system integration with Series 2600B System SourceMeter modelsand 24XX Graphical SMUs2657A 3000 Volt High Power System SourceMeter SMU Instrument 2657A LEARN MORE8 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSSMALLER FORM FACTORwhich requires placing additionalracks of test equipment on theplant floor.| 9/KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSRemote Electrical TestHead included• Fully digital P-I-D control; Autotuning capability for the thermal control loop (2510-AT)• Designed to control temperature during laser diode module testing• Wide temperature setpoint range (–50˚C to +225˚C) and high setpoint resolution (±0.001˚C) and stability (±0.005˚C)• Compatible with a variety of temperature sensor inputs: thermistors, RTDs, and IC sensors2520 Pulsed Laser Diode Test System• Integrated solution for in-process LIV production testing of laser diodes at the chip or bar level• Combines high accuracy source and measure capabilities or pulsed and DC testing• Synchronized DSP-based measurement channels ensure highly accurate light intensity and voltage measurements • Programmable pulse on time from 500 ns to 5 ms up to 4% duty cycle• Pulse capability up to 5 A, DC capability up to 1 A• 14-bit measurement accuracy on three measurement channels (V F , front photodiode, back photodiode)• Up to 1000-point sweep stored in buffer memory eliminates GPIB traffic during test, increasing throughput2510 LEARN MORE2520 LEARN MORE10 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITS| 11 /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITS12 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITS| 13 /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSFor more information about Source Measure Units, visit our Source Measure Unit Tutorial page to review additional literature, and view product demos and webinars. /learning/what-is-a-source-measure-unit14 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSContact Information:Australia 1 800 709 465Austria* 00800 2255 4835Balkans, Israel, South Africa and other ISE Countries +41 52 675 3777Belgium* 00800 2255 4835Brazil +55 (11) 3759 7627Canada 180****9200Central East Europe / Baltics +41 52 675 3777Central Europe / Greece +41 52 675 3777Denmark +45 80 88 1401Finland +41 52 675 3777France* 00800 2255 4835Germany* 00800 2255 4835Hong Kong 400 820 5835India 000 800 650 1835Indonesia 007 803 601 5249Italy 00800 2255 4835Japan 81 (3) 6714 3086Luxembourg +41 52 675 3777Malaysia 180****5835Mexico, Central/South America and Caribbean 52 (55) 56 04 50 90Middle East, Asia, and North Africa +41 52 675 3777The Netherlands* 00800 2255 4835New Zealand 0800 800 238Norway 800 16098People’s Republic of China 400 820 5835Philippines 1 800 1601 0077Poland +41 52 675 3777Portugal 80 08 12370Republic of Korea +82 2 565 1455Russia / CIS +7 (495) 6647564Singapore 800 6011 473South Africa +41 52 675 3777Spain* 00800 2255 4835Sweden* 00800 2255 4835Switzerland* 00800 2255 4835Taiwan 886 (2) 2656 6688Thailand 1 800 011 931United Kingdom / Ireland* 00800 2255 4835USA 180****9200Vietnam 12060128* European toll-free number. If notaccessible, call: +41 52 675 3777Rev. 02.2018Find more valuable resources at Copyright © Tektronix. All rights reserved. Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes thatin all previously published material. Specification and price change privileges reserved. TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. All other tradenames referenced are the service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.040920.sbg 1KW-61458-2。
Agilent dc电子负载N3300A-N3307A数据手册说明书
Agilentdc Electronic LoadsModels N3300A-N3307AData SheetIncrease your manufacturing test throughput with fast electronic loads• Increase test system throughput• Lower cost of ownership• Decrease system development time• Increase system reliability• Increase system flexibility• Stable operation down to zero volts• dc connection terminal for ATE applicationsIncrease Test Throughput Today’s high volume manufacturing requires optimization of test system throughput, to maximize production volume without increasing floorspace. The N3300A Series electronic loads can help you in a number of ways to achieve this goal.Reduced command processing time: Commands are processed morethan 10 times faster than previous electronic loads.Automatically execute stored command sequences: “Lists” of downloaded command sequences can execute independent of the computer, greatly reducing the electronic load command processing time and computer interaction time during product testing. Programmable delay allows foreither simultaneous or sequential load changes: This is the most efficient way to conduct testing of multiple output dc power supplies, simulating real-life loading patterns, with a minimum of programming commands.Buffer measurement data: Voltage, current, and power measurements can be buffered for later readbackto the computer, reducing computer interaction.Control measurement speed vs. accuracy: Decrease the number of mea-surement samples to achieve greater measurement speed, or increase the number of samples to achieve higher measurement accuracy. You can opti-mize your measurements for each test. Control rising and falling slew rates separately: Reduce rate of loading change when necessary for DUT stabil-ity or to simulate real life conditions, but otherwise change load values at maximum rate.Increase SystemFlexibility…for BothPresent and FutureRequirementsMost power supply and batterycharger test systems designed todayneed to test a variety of productsand/or assemblies. In the future,additional products or assemblies maybe needed. A flexible family of electronicloads makes present system design andfuture growth much easier.T est low voltage power supplies:The N3300A series electronic loadsoperate with full stability down to zerovolts. Many other electronic loads avail-able today have been found to becomeunstable in the operating region belowone volt. When designing power supplytest platforms, the trend towards lowervoltage requirements should be takeninto account. Refer to the specificationand supplemental characteristic tablesfor details of lower voltage operatingcharacteristics.Choose dc load connection method:Automatic test systems needconsistency and reliability. Option UJ18 mm screw connectors provide asimple screw onto which your wires,terminated with insulated ringterminals, may be securely mounted.This optional connector is specificallydesigned for test systems. Wires mayexit the plastic cover in any direction,and multiple wires may be placed oneach screw terminal for easy parallelload connections. Up to AWG 4 wiremay be used.Applications which require repeatedconnections/disconnections are bettersuited to the standard connector.The standard connector accepts anunterminated wire, and may be hand-tightened. This connector is specificallydesigned for bench applications andshort-term automated tests.Design a system to test a variety ofproducts: This series consists of2 mainframes and 6 modules. TheN3300A mainframe is full rack width.It has 6 slots. The N3301A mainframeis half rack width. It has 2 slots. Anyassortment of the 6 different modulescan be configured into these main-frames, up to the slot capacity. TheN3302A (150watts), N3303A (250 watts),N3307A (250 Watts) and N3304A(300 watts) each require one slot. TheN3305A (500 watts) and the N3306A(600 watts) each require 2 slots. Theelectronic load can be configured tosupply exactly what you need now, andthis modular design also allows foreasy future reconfiguration.Test high current power supplies:Electronic load modules can beoperated in parallel to provideadditional current sinking capability.Standard dc connectorsOption UJ1 8 mm screw connectorsControl the electronic load how you want to: GPIB, RS232, and manualuse of the front panel all provide complete control of these electronic loads. There are also analog program-ming and monitoring ports for those applications that utilize nonstandard interfaces, require custom waveforms, or utilize process control signals. Custom waveforms can also be created by downloading a “List” of load para-meters. In addition, there is a built-in transient generator, which operates in all modes.Quickly create powerful and consistent software: All Agilent Technologies electronic loads usethe SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) command set. This makes learning the commands easy, because they are the same format as all other SCPI instruments. The resulting code is virtually self-documenting, and therefore easier to troubleshoot and modify in the future. Plug-n-Play drivers are also available to help you to integrate the loads into your standard software packages.Make MeasurementsEasily and AccuratelyThe 16-bit voltage, current and powermeasurement system provides bothaccuracy and convenience. The alterna-tive is using a DMM (digital multimeter)and MUX (multiplexer) along with aprecision current shunt and a lot ofextra wiring. Avoiding this complexityincreases system reliability and makesthe system easier to design and support.Current measurements in particularare more consistently accurate usingthe electronic load’s internal system,because the wiring associated with anexternal precision current shunt maypick up noise.Measure with all load modulessimultaneously: T esting multiple outputdc power supplies and dc-dc converterscan be very time consuming if eachoutput must be tested sequentially. Ifmeasurements are being made througha MUX using one DMM, this is what willhappen. Using the built-in measurementcapabilities of the N3300A electronicloads, all outputs can be measuredsimultaneously. Alternatively, multiplesingle output power sources can betested simultaneously.Measure voltage and currentsimultaneously: The N3300A measure-ment system has individual but linkedcurrent and voltage measurementsystems. This means that voltageand current measurements are takenexactly simultaneously, which gives atrue picture of the power supply undertest’s output at a particular momentin time. Some other electronic loadswhich feature internal measurementsystems actually take current andvoltage measurements sequentially,and therefore do not give as accurate apicture of momentary power.Observe transient behavior usingwaveform digitization: Transientresponse and other dynamic tests oftenrequire an oscilloscope. The N3300Ahas a flexible waveform digitizer with a4096 data point buffer for voltage anda 4096 data point buffer for current.Under many circumstances, thisinternal digitizer will be adequate forpower supply test needs. Current andvoltage are digitized simultaneously,and the sampling rate and samplewindow are programmable. Someanalysis functions are provided,including RMS, max and min.N3302A N3303AN3304AN3305AN3306AN3307ASpecified current @ low voltage operationSpecificationsTable A-1 lists the specifications for the different load models. Specifications indicate warranted performance in the 25°C ±5°C region of the operating temperature range. Specifications apply to normal and transient modes unless otherwise noted.Table A-1Operating contourDerated current detailMax. power contourN3302A N3303AN3304AN3305AN3306AN3307ATypical minimum operating voltage @ full scale current1.2 V1.2 V1.2 V1.4 V1.4 V1.4 VTable A-1 states that maximum current is available down to 2 volts. Typically, however under normal operating conditions, the load can sink the maximum current down to the following voltages:Table A-1 Specifications (continued)SupplementalTable A-2 lists the supplemental characteristics, which are not warranted but are descriptions of typical performance determined either by design or type testing.SupplementalTable A-3N3300A N3301AOperating temperature range0°C to 55°C0°C to 55°CInput ratingsOperating range100 - 250 Vac; 48 - 63 Hz100 - 250 Vac; 48 - 63 Hz Input current 4.2 A @ 100 - 127 Vac; 2.2 A @ 200 - 250 Vac 2.3 A @ 100 - 250 VacInput VA440 VA230 VAInrush current38 A18 A @ 115 Vac; 36 A @ 230 VacSupplemental Characteristics (continued) Analog programming bandwidth:10 kHz (-3 db frequency)Analog programming voltage: Voltage: 0 - 10 VCurrent: 0 - 10 VAnalog monitor ports:Voltage: 0 - 10 VCurrent: 0 - 10 VRemote sensing:5 V dc between sense and load input Digital/Trigger inputsVil = 0.9 V max at Iil = -1 mAVih - 3.15 V min (pull-up resistor on input)Digital/Trigger outputsVol = 0.72 V max at Iol = 1 mAVoh = 4.4 V min at Ioh = -20 μANet weight:N3300A: 13.2 kg (29 lb);N3301A: 7.3 kg (16 lb);N3302A, N3303A, N3304A orN3307A: 2.7 kg (6 lb);N3305A or N3306A: 4.6 kg (10 lb) Shipping weight:N3300A: 17 kg (38 lb); N3301A: 9.1 kg (20 lb)N3302A, N3303A, N3304A orN3307A: 4.1 kg (9 lb)N3305A or N3306A: 6.8 kg (15 lb)OptionDescriptionsOption UJ1:8 mm screw terminal connector Option 800:Rack-mount kit for two N3301A Mainframes mounted side-by-side (p/n 5061-9694 and 5062-3978). Option 908:Rack-mount kit (Two p/n 5062-3974 for a N3300A, or p/n 5062-3960 for one N3301A).For the N3301A, the kit includes a blank filler panel.Option 909:Rack-mount kit with handles forN3300A (Two p/n 5062-3975) Option 0L1:English printed Users and Programming Guide.The programming manual is available with the mainframes, and therefore not with the modules.Note:Options 908, 909, and 800 require either the slide kit (p/n 1494-0059) or support rails (E3663AC) to support the weight of the load mainframe.Revised: October 14, 2010Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2002, 2011Printed in USA, May 17, 20115980-0232E/quality。
专题01 阅读理解之细节理解题(讲义)(解析版)
专题01 阅读理解之细节理解题(讲义)目录考点阅读理解之细节理解题------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1页-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1页-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1页【真题研析·规律探寻】-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2页考向1 考查直接信息题----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2页考向2 考查间接信息题--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4页考向3 考查数字计算题----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7页【核心提炼·考向探究】----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9页1.命题规律--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9页2.细节题的设题方式-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------9页3.常用的解题方法-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10页4.阅读理解之细节理解题的解题关键-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11页5.细节理解题的实用技巧---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11页【题型特训·命题预测】------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12页预测考向1 考查直接信息题-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12页预测考向2 考查间接信息题-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14页预测考向3 考查数字计算题-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17页考点 阅读理解之细节理解题考情分析:分析2021-2023年新高考阅读理解细节理解题考向分布。
电子科技英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a feature of electronic components?A. High precisionB. High reliabilityC. Low power consumptionD. Large size答案:D2. What is the basic unit of digital information?A. BitB. ByteC. KilobitD. Megabyte答案:A3. In electronics, what does the term "analog" refer to?A. Continuous signalsB. Discrete signalsC. Digital signalsD. Binary signals答案:A4. Which of the following is not a type of semiconductormaterial?A. SiliconB. GermaniumC. PlasticD. Gallium arsenide答案:C5. What is the function of a transistor in an electronic circuit?A. To amplify signalsB. To store dataC. To convert light into electricityD. To filter signals答案:A6. What is the primary function of a capacitor in an electronic circuit?A. To block DC and allow ACB. To block AC and allow DCC. To store electrical energyD. To convert voltage into current答案:C7. What does the abbreviation "LED" stand for in electronics?A. Light Emitting DiodeB. Large Emitting DiodeC. Limited Emitting DiodeD. Low Emitting Diode答案:A8. What is the purpose of a resistor in an electronic circuit?A. To control voltageB. To control currentC. To store energyD. To amplify signals答案:B9. Which of the following is a type of passive component in electronics?A. TransistorB. DiodeC. RelayD. All of the above答案:D10. What is the term used to describe the flow of electric charge?A. VoltageB. CurrentC. ResistanceD. Capacitance答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The smallest unit of electric charge is called an ________.答案:electron2. A ________ is a type of electronic component that can store energy in an electric field.答案:capacitor3. The process of converting sound into electrical signals is known as ________.答案:modulation4. In digital electronics, a ________ is a single digit number, either 0 or 1.答案:bit5. A ________ is a semiconductor device that can amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power.答案:transistor6. The unit of electrical resistance is the ________.答案:ohm7. An ________ is a semiconductor device that allows current to flow primarily in one direction.答案:diode8. The ________ is a passive component that opposes the flow of alternating current.答案:inductor9. A ________ is a type of display device that uses liquid crystals to produce images.答案:LCD10. The ________ is a type of electronic component that can store data.答案:memory三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. Explain the difference between an analog and a digital signal.答案:Analog signals are continuous and can represent a wide range of values, while digital signals are discrete and can only represent specific values, typically as a series of ones and zeros.2. Describe the role of a microprocessor in a computer system. 答案:A microprocessor is the central processing unit of a computer system, responsible for executing instructions, performing calculations, and controlling other system components to perform various tasks.四、翻译题(每题15分,共30分)1. Translate the following sentence into English: “在电子设备中,晶体管通常用作放大器或开关。
DIGITAL MULTIMETER SELECTOR GUIDEDMM6500 6½-DIGIT BENCH/ SYSTEM DIGITAL MULTIMETERThe DMM6500 offers more measurement capability – including transient capture, data visualization, and analysis – at a great price.• 15 built-in measurement functions and increased sensitivity for a wider range of measurements • Analyze graphs and trends directly on the touchscreen display for faster measurement insightsDAQ6510 DATA ACQUISITION AND LOGGING MULTIMETER SYSTEMCreating a new level of simplicity, the DAQ6510touchscreen user interface enables faster setup time, real time monitoring of test status, and detailed data analysis on the instrument.• Set up, execute and monitor, and analyze multi-channel measurements quicklyT ouch, T est, Invent ®Combining touchscreen productivity with 15 measurement functions, greater sensitivity, and moreconnectivityAnalyze complex waveforms with the touchscreen display.Set up AnalyzeMonitorSEE PAGE 6SEE PAGE 11• Built-in 6½-digit DMM for high performance measurementsDIGITAL MULTIMETER SELECTOR GUIDE Keithley has a wide selection of yourmost important measurement instrument.Keithley has a wide selection of your most important measurement instrument (3)Standard Performance for the Most Essential NeedsDMM4020 5½-Digit Digital Multimeter (4)2110 5½-Digit Dual-Display Digital Multimeter (4)2100 6½-Digit USB Digital Multimeter (5)DMM4040 and DMM4050 6½-Digit Digital Multimeters (5)2000 6½-Digit Digital Multimeter (5)Enhanced Performance with a Touchscreen Graphical User InterfaceDMM6500 6½-Digit Bench/System Digital Multimeter (6)No Compromise: High Speed and High AccuracyDMM7510 7½-Digit Graphical Sampling Multimeter (7)Save Rack Space and Double Test Capacity in ManufacturingDMM7512 Dual Channel 7½-Digit Sampling Multimeter (8)High Accuracy with High Resolution2010 Low Noise 7½-Digit Autoranging Multimeter (9)2001 7½-Digit High Performance Multimeter (9)2002 8½-Digit High Performance Multimeter (9)Precision Multi-Channel Measurements for Data Acquisition2700 and 2701 Multimeter/Data Acquisition/Switch Systems (10)2750 Multimeter/Switch System (10)DAQ6510 Data Acquisition and Logging, Multimeter System (11)High Channel Count and Precision Measurement Data Acquisition Systems3706A System Switch/Multimeter (12)Appendix 1: Plug-in Scanner Card Options for the DMM6500, 2000, 2001, 2010,and 2002 Digital Multimeters (13)Appendix 2: Plug-in Switch Modules for the 2700 Series and DAQ6510Data Acquisition Systems (14)Appendix 3: Plug-in Switch Modules for the 3706A System Switch/Multimeter (15)DMM Comparison Table (16) | 34 | DIGITAL MULTIMETER SELECTOR GUIDESTANDARD PERFORMANCE FOR THE MOST ESSENTIAL NEEDSDMM4020 5½-Digit Digital Multimeter• Perform pass/fail testing with the Limit Compare Mode • Measure low currents with 1 nA sensitivity • Measure True RMS AC + DC signals • Interface to a PC with the RS-232-to-USB Interface Adapter cable2110 5½-Digit Dual-Display Digital Multimeter• Measure and display two parameters concurrently • Sample a signal at 50,000 readings/s • Measure temperature and capacitance • Interface to a PC or a system with the USBinterface or the optional GPIB interfaceEfficiently conduct laboratory exercises in student labs with Tek SmartLab™ Software and instrumentation including the 2110 DMM. | 5DIGITAL MULTIMETER SELECTOR GUIDE2100 6½-Digit USB Digital Multimeter• Connect to either the front terminals or the rear terminals • Measure any parameter with fully-specified accuracies • Interface to a PC with the USB-TMC compliant protocolDMM4040 and DMM4050 6½-Digit Digital Multimeters• Plot signals with the TrendPlot™ Data Recorder Mode • Statistically analyze data with the Histogram mode• Automate measurements with the LAN interface, GPIB interface, RS-232 interface, or to USB with the RS-232-to-USB Interface Adapter Cable • Increase measurement accuracy by up to a factor of 2 with the DMM4050STANDARD PERFORMANCE WITH ADDITIONAL MEASUREMENT CHANNELS2000 6½-Digit Digital Multimeter• Increase production throughput with 2000 measurements/s • Read up to 10 channels with optionalthermocouple and voltage/resistance plug-in scanner cards • Connect to a PC with GPIB and RS-232Interfaces6 | DIGITAL MULTIMETER SELECTOR GUIDEUse the optional scanner cards to increasemeasurement capability for voltage measurements from 10 different channels or for temperature measurements from 9 different thermocouples.Use the optional TSP-Link interface and TSP (Test Script Processor) scripts to control test sequences and to control other instruments with the DMM6500. Save test time with minimal communication with the PC and achieve low-latency synchronization between instruments.ENHANCED PERFORMANCE WITH A TOUCHSCREEN GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACEDMM6500 6½-Digit Bench/System Digital Multimeter• Capture complex signals and transients with up to 1 Msample/s 16-bit digitizing • Make low level measurements with 100 nV, 10 pA, and 1 µΩ sensitivities • Measure with superior 0.0025% basic, 1-year, DC Volt accuracy and 0.0075% basic, 1-year resistance accuracy • Analyze data and display waveform plots on the 5 inch (12.7 cm) touchscreen display • Measure power circuit current up to 10 A• Interface to a PC with LAN/LXI andUSB-TMC interfaces or optional GPIB or RS-232 interfaces• Test up to 10 DUTs in one test setup with the optional plug-in scanner cardsAnalyze complex waveforms with thetouchscreen display. | 7DIGITAL MULTIMETER SELECTOR GUIDENO COMPROMISE: HIGH SPEED AND HIGH ACCURACYDMM7510 7½-Digit Graphical Sampling Multimeter•Capture IoT wireless device load current transmit bursts wit 18-bit,1Msample/s digitizing • Measure ultra-low sleep mode currents on processors and products with 1 pA current sensitivity • Hold DUTs to tight test tolerances using voltage measurements with accuracies as low as 14 ppm• Store up to 27.5 million readings forprofiling load current waveforms and transient waveforms• Take measurements as fast as 26,000 readings/s for high throughput testing• Get fast insight into waveform characteristics with the 5 inch (12.7 cm) touchscreen display • Execute custom test scripts and control other instruments with the built-in test script processing language • Interface to a PC with either LXI LAN, USB, or GPIB interfacesDMM75102281S-20-6Battery SimulatorUse the high resolution and the wide dynamic range of the DMM7510 to capture the current draw during all the operating states (sleep mode, standby mode, and transmit mode) of an IoT device.Learn more about the DMM75108 | DIGITAL MULTIMETER SELECTOR GUIDESAVE RACK SPACE AND DOUBLE TEST CAPACITY IN MANUFACTURINGDMM7512 Dual Channel 7½-Digit Sampling Multimeter• Double measurement performance with two independent, identical 3½- to 7½-digit DMMs similar to the DMM7510 in a 1U high, full rack width chassis • Capture waveforms such as battery drain currents with up to 1 Msample/s, 18-bit digitizing and 0.1 nA and 1 µV sensitivities • Simultaneously capture voltage and current waveforms to determine a device’s instantaneous peak and average power • Evaluate low power components including quiescent or sleep mode states with 10 nV, 0.1 µΩ, and 1 pA sensitivities • Make high accuracy, low resistance measurements with offset compensated Ohms, four-wire measurement, and dry circuit voltage control • Maximize test uncertainty ratios based on 1-year DV volts accuracies as good a 14 ppm.• Reduce test time by executing test scripts with the Embedded Test Script Processor, which saves PC command communication overhead.• Obtain tight synchronization between the two DMMs using TSP-Link ® communicationSource and measure multiple DUTs with the compact, high density configuration of the dual-DMMDMM7512 and the four-channel 2606B System SourceMeter SMU Instrument. To maximize test speed, use a test script to execute testing with one master instrument and control all instruments with the TSP-Link interface.PCLearn more about the DMM7512DIGITAL MULTIMETER SELECTOR GUIDEHIGH ACCURACY WITH HIGH RESOLUTION2010 Low Noise 7½-Digit Autoranging Multimeter• Resolve low voltages with the 100 nVrms noise floor• Make automatic ratio measurements on two voltageswith the front and rear inputs• Minimize device self-heating with low power resistancemeasurements• Avoid breaking down oxides or films on relay contactsand connectors with the dry circuit test function• Test up to 10 DUTs with an optional voltage ortemperature plug-in scan card• Interface to a PC with the RS-232 or the GPIB interface2001 7½-Digit High Performance Multimeter• Capture spikes as narrow as 1µs with the peakdetector function• Perform in-circuit current measurements withoutbreaking the circuit• Automatically separate components based onmeasurement limits using the Binning function• Measure up to 10 channels of voltage or 9 channels oftemperature with the optional plug-in scanner cards• Make high accuracy, 2 MHz bandwidth AC voltage measurements for control system analysis• Connect to a PC with the GPIB interface2002 8½-Digit High Performance Multimeter• Make the most accurate voltage measurements withtolerances as narrow as 10 ppm• Capture spikes as narrow as 1 µs with the peakdetector function• Perform in-circuit current measurements withoutbreaking the circuit• Automatically separate components based onmeasurement limits using the Binning function• Measure up to 10 channels of voltage or 9 channels of temperature with the optional plug-in scanner cards• Make high accuracy, 2 MHz bandwidth AC voltage measurements for control system analysis• Connect to a PC with the GPIB interface | 910 | DIGITAL MULTIMETER SELECTOR GUIDEPRECISION MULTI-CHANNEL MEASUREMENTS FOR DATA ACQUISITION2700 and 2701 Multimeter/Data Acquisition/Switch Systems• Set up multi-channel measurement and datalogging systems with a switch system combined with a 6½-digit DMM • Configure systems with a selection of 12 Series 7700 switch and control plug-in modules • Build systems as large as 80 channels with two card slots for plug-in modules • Use the instrument as an independent digital multimeter for test setup and troubleshooting • Connect to a PC with either the RS-232 interface or the GPIB interface (2700) or the LAN interface (2701)2750 Multimeter/Switch System• Build a test system as large as 200 differential input channels • Design a versatile system using up to 5 different models of the 7700-series plug-in switch modules in a 2750• Measure low resistivecomponents with 1 µΩ sensitivity• Use the dry circuit function to protect sensitive devices fromdamage and to minimize self-heating errors during testing • Make measurements with the high performance 6½-digit DMM • Interface to a PC with the GPIB or RS-232 interfaceLearn more about the 2700 and 2701Learn more about the 2750 | 11DIGITAL MULTIMETER SELECTOR GUIDEPRECISION MULTI-CHANNEL MEASUREMENTS WITH BOTH MORE PERFORMANCE AND WITH THE MOST SIMPLIFIED SETUP PROCEDUREDAQ6510 Data Acquisition and Logging, Multimeter System• Set up a test in minutes with the 5-inch (12.7 cm) touchscreen display and graphical user interface • Test low power devices with current sensitivity down to 10 pA • Save upgrade costs by using the same plug-in switch modules as the 2700 Series instruments • Monitor up to 80 channels ofthermocouple, RTD, or thermistor temperature measurements • Monitor fast-changing signals with the 1 Msample/s, 16-bit digitizer • Make high precision measurementswith the high performance 6½-digit DMM • Interface to a PC with either LAN LXI or USB or add an RS-232 or a GPIB option • Control other instruments and execute a test with the built-in scripting code and the Test Script Processor (TSP ®), TSP-Link ®I/O optionObtain data while an environmental test is in process for faster access to test results.12 | DIGITAL MULTIMETER SELECTOR GUIDEHIGH CHANNEL COUNT AND PRECISIONMEASUREMENT DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS3706A System Switch/Multimeter• Build a test system with as many as 576 two-wire or 720 one-wire multiplexed channels or with up to 2,688 matrix crosspoints • Fill up to 6 slots with 10different 3700 Series plug-in switch modules • Make the most accurate measurements with the 7½-digit DMM and 13 measurement functions • Maximize throughput with measurement speeds up to 14,100 readings/s• Minimize time-consuming interaction with a PC by using the 3706A as a master system controller using Keithley’s internal Test Script Processor (TSP ™) software • Control other LAN-based instruments with the TSP-Link interface •Interface to a PC with LAN/LXI, USB, or GPIB interfacesLearn more about the 3706A16-pin connector test system using a 2450 Source-Measure Instrument and a 3706A with 3740 and 3721 Multiplexer Plug-In ModulesDIGITAL MULTIMETER SELECTOR GUIDE Appendix 1: Plug-in Scanner Card Options forthe DMM6500, 2000, 2001, 2010, and 2002Digital Multimeters | 13DIGITAL MULTIMETER SELECTOR GUIDEAppendix 2: Plug-in Switch Modules for the 2700Series and DAQ6510 Data Acquisition Systems14 | DIGITAL MULTIMETER SELECTOR GUIDE Appendix 3: Plug-in Switch Modules for the3706A System Switch/Multimeter | 1516 | DIGITAL MULTIMETER SELECTOR GUIDETo learn more about our basic performance, high speed, and high accuracy digital multimeters, visit /digital-multimeter .To learn more about our multi-channel measurement digital multimeters, visit /keithley-switching-and-data-acquisition-systems.DMM Comparison TableDIGITAL MULTIMETER SELECTOR GUIDE | 17Contact InformationAustralia* 1 800 709 465Austria 00800 2255 4835Balkans, Israel, South Africa and other ISE Countries +41 52 675 3777Belgium* 00800 2255 4835Brazil +55 (11) 3759 7627Canada180****9200Central East Europe/Baltics +41 52 675 3777Central Europe/Greece +41 52 675 3777Denmark +45 80 88 1401Finland +41 52 675 3777France* 00800 2255 4835Germany* 00800 2255 4835Hong Kong 400 820 5835India 000 800 650 1835Indonesia 007 803 601 5249Italy 00800 2255 4835Japan 81 (3) 6714 3086Luxembourg +41 52 675 3777Malaysia 180****5835Mexico, Central/South America and Caribbean 52 (55) 56 04 50 90Middle East, Asia, and North Africa +41 52 675 3777The Netherlands* 00800 2255 4835New Zealand 0800 800 238Norway 800 16098People’s Republic of China 400 820 5835Philippines 1 800 1601 0077Poland +41 52 675 3777Portugal 80 08 12370Republic of Korea +82 2 6917 5000Russia/CIS +7 (495) 6647564Singapore 800 6011 473South Africa +41 52 675 3777Spain* 00800 2255 4835Sweden* 00800 2255 4835Switzerland* 00800 2255 4835Taiwan 886 (2) 2656 6688Thailand 1 800 011 931United Kingdom/Ireland* 00800 2255 4835USA 180****9200Vietnam 12060128* European toll-free number.If not accessible, call:+41 52 675 3777Rev. 090617Find more valuable resources at Copyright © Tektronix. All rights reserved. Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes thatin all previously published material. Specification and price change privileges reserved. TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. All other trade namesreferenced are the service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.102618.SBG 1KW-61350-1。
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从系统工程角度解析EN 15380标准的应用价值
“ 总 则 ”外 ,还 包 括 EN 15380-2“ 产 品 组 ”、EN 15380-3
“ 指 定 安 装 地 点 和 位 置 ”和 DIN 25002-5“ 功 能 组 件 ”,分
践 与 积 累 ,欧 洲 逐 步 形 成 了 EN 15380 系 列 标 准
EN 15380
EN 15380 标准“铁路应用 铁路车辆的标识体系”由
欧洲标准化委员会 CEN/TC256/WG19“ 分类系统和文
件”制定,共包括 5 部分,从不同视角构建了铁路车辆的
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能 分 解 结 构(Function Breakdown Structure, FBS)和 系
和供应商等。SBS 可用于根据 EN 15380-4 将功能链接
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义 客 户 需 求 与 所 要 求 的 的 功 能 性 ,将 需 求 文 件 化 ,然 后
再 进 行 设 计 综 合 和 系 统 确 认 ,并 同 时 考 虑 完 整 问 题 ,即
EN 15380 相关标准介绍
从系统工程角度对 EN 15380 标准的应用价值进行
2025年研究生考试考研英语(一201)自测试卷与参考答案一、完型填空(10分)Section I: Cloze Test (20 points)Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.Passage:In the world of higher education, there is an ongoing debate about the significance of standardized tests, particularly the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) for those aspiring to pursue graduate studies. The GRE, particularly its English Language Test, known as GRE General Test (Verbal Reasoning), aims to assess a candidate’s ability to comprehend, analyze, and evaluate complex written materials. This section, specifically, the “Verbal Reasoning - Text Completion” segment, exemplifies this objective by presenting a passage with 20 blanks, each requiring a precise word or phrase to maintain the flow and meaning of the text.Text:Academic research is a meticulous process that demands not only a deep understanding of a subject matter but also the (1)_____to questionestablished knowledge and seek new perspectives. Researchers are often(2)_____with vast amounts of data, requiring them to possess excellent(3)_____skills to sift through and organize information effectively. The ability to (4)_____conclusions from such data is crucial, as it forms the basis of scientific discoveries and scholarly contributions.However, the path to research excellence is rarely (5) _____. It is fraught with challenges, including the pressure to publish in high-impact journals, the (6)_____for funding, and the constant need to innovate and stay (7)_____with the latest research trends. Despite these obstacles, researchers persevere, driven by their (8)_____to uncover the truth and make a meaningful impact on their fields.Collaboration is a cornerstone of the research process. Working together, researchers can pool their expertise, share resources, and (9)_____each other’s strengths and weaknesses. This not only accelerates the pace of research but also fosters an environment of (10)_____and mutual respect. In the realm of language and literature, researchers engage in critical analyses of texts, examining their (11)_____meaning, cultural context, and historical significance. The GRE English Test assesses this ability by testing cand idates’ comprehension of complex texts and their capacity to draw (12)_____from them. For instance, candidates may be asked to identify the author’s (13)_____or the tone of a passage, or to infer the implications of a statement made within the text.To excel in this section, candidates must develop a (14)_____vocabulary,enabling them to comprehend a wide range of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. Additionally, honing their reading comprehension skills, such as identifying the main idea, supporting deta ils, and author’s purpose, is essential. Furthermore, the ability to (15)_____logical connections between ideas and sentences within a text is key to accurate interpretation. While preparing for the GRE, it is important to engage in regular practice, utilizing a variety of resources that mimic the actual test format. This includes working through (16)_____passages, analyzing their structure, and practicing answering questions similar to those found on the test. By doing so, candidates can (17)_____their skills and gain confidence in their abilities.Ultimately, the GRE English Test is a tool that measures a candidate’s readiness for graduate-level studies in the English language and literature. It is not a definitive measure of one’s intellectual capacity bu t rather an indication of one’s ability to navigate and excel in academic environments that prioritize (18)_____and critical thinking. As such, it is important for candidates to approach the test with a mindset focused on demonstrating their strengths and areas of improvement, rather than (19)_____on a single score.In conclusion, the GRE English Test is a challenging yet essential component of the graduate admissions process. By (20)_____a comprehensive preparation strategy that includes regular practice, vocabulary enhancement, and thedevelopment of critical reading skills, candidates can position themselves to succeed on this important milestone in their academic journey. Answers:1.courage2.confronted3.analytical4.draw5.smoothpetition7.current8.passion9.recognize10.collaboration11.literal12.inferences13.perspective14.robust15.establish16.practice17.refine18.research19.fixating20.adopting二、传统阅读理解(本部分有4大题,每大题10分,共40分)Section II: Traditional Reading ComprehensionFirst PassageTitle: The Digital Revolution and Its Impact on EducationIn the past few decades, the world has witnessed an unprecedented digital revolution that has transformed virtually every aspect of our lives. From the way we communicate to the way we access information, technology has played a pivotal role in shaping our societies. This transformation is particularly evident in the field of education, where the integration of digital tools and resources has not only revolutionized teachingmethodologies but also expanded learning opportunities for studentsglobally.The advent of the internet and the subsequent rise of online platforms have made educational resources accessible to millions of people who might not have had access to traditional educational institutions. Online courses, known as massive open online courses (MOOCs), have emerged as a popular mode of learning, offering a wide range of subjects from top universities around the world. These courses are often free or at a minimal cost, making them affordable for students from diverse economic backgrounds.Moreover, the use of digital tools in classrooms has enhanced the learningexperience for students. Interactive whiteboards, tablets, and educational software have made lessons more engaging and dynamic. Teachers can now incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, animations, and simulations into their lessons, making complex concepts easier to understand. Additionally, personalized learning programs, which utilize data analytics to tailor educational co ntent to individual students’ needs and strengths, are becoming increasingly common.However, the digital revolution in education has not been without its challenges. Concerns over digital addiction, privacy issues, and the potential for technological distractions in the classroom have been raised. Furthermore, the digital divide—the unequal distribution of access to technology and the internet—remains a significant barrier to achieving equitable education opportunities for all.Despite these challenges, the benefits of the digital revolution in education are undeniable. It has democratized access to knowledge, improved teaching and learning outcomes, and fostered innovation in educational practices. As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that the future of education will be even more deeply intertwined with digital tools and resources.Questions:1.What is the main topic of the passage?A)The rise of online shoppingB)The impact of the digital revolution on educationC)The history of the internetD)The challenges faced by traditional educational institutions2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of online courses?A)They are accessible to people from diverse economic backgrounds.B)They are taught by the best teachers in the world.C)They offer a wide range of subjects.D)They are often free or at a minimal cost.3.How do digital tools enhance the learning experience for students in classrooms?A)By making lessons less engaging and dynamic.B)By incorporating multimedia elements into lessons.C)By eliminating the need for teachers.D)By making it difficult to understand complex concepts.4.What is a major concern related to the digital revolution in education?A)The high cost of educational software.B)The lack of access to technology and the internet for some students.C)The excessive use of paper in classrooms.D)The decline in the quality of traditional educational institutions.5.What does the author suggest about the future of education in relation to digitaltools and resources?A)They will become less important over time.B)They will continue to play a minor role in educational practices.C)They will be completely replaced by traditional methods.D)They will become even more deeply intertwined with education.Second Section: Traditional Reading ComprehensionPassage:Title: The Impact of Digitalization on the Traditional Book IndustryIn recent years, the digital age has transformed nearly every aspect of our lives, and the book industry is no exception. With the rise of e-books, audiobooks, and digital reading platforms, the traditional paper-based model of book publishing and distribution is facing unprecedented challenges. This transformation has sparked debates among readers, authors, publishers, and librarians alike, as they grapple with the implications of this digital shift.At the heart of the matter lies the convenience offered by digital formats. E-books, for instance, can be accessed instantly on a range of devices, from smartphones to tablets, eliminating the need for physical storage space and allowing for seamless cross-device reading. They are also often cheaper than their physical counterparts, appealing to readers on a budget. Additionally, the advent of cloud storage and online libraries has made it easier than ever to access and share vast collections of books.However, these benefits come at a cost. Many argue that the digitalization of books threatens the cultural significance and physicality of the printed word. Books have traditionally served as tactile objects, conveying a sense of ownership and permanence that cannot be replicated by a screen. Moreover, the disappearance of physical bookstores has had a profound impact on communities, reducing opportunities for social interaction andbrowsing-based discovery.Authors and publishers, too, have been affected. While digital platforms have opened up new avenues for reaching readers worldwide, they have also created a crowded and competitive marketplace where visibility can be difficult to achieve. Furthermore, concerns over piracy and the loss of control over how their work is presented and distributed have led some to question the value of embracing digital formats.Yet, despite these challenges, the book industry is adapting. Publishers are exploring innovative ways to integrate digital elements into physical books, such as augmented reality and interactive features, to enhance the reading experience. Meanwhile, libraries are embracing digital resources while maintaining their physical collections, recognizing the importance of both formats for diverse user needs.Ultimately, the future of the book industry lies in a delicate balance between the traditional and the digital. As readers continue to demand convenience and accessibility, it is essential that the industry evolves to meet these needs while preserving the cultural and physical value of books.Questions:1.What is the main topic of the passage?A)The advantages of e-books over traditional books.B)The impact of digitalization on the book industry.C)The role of libraries in the digital age.D)The future of book publishing.2.What is one benefit of e-books mentioned in the passage?A)They require more physical storage space.B)They are often more expensive than physical books.C)They can be accessed instantly on various devices.D)They cannot be shared easily with others.3.According to the passage, what has been a negative impact of the decline ofphysical bookstores?A)Increased competition among publishers.B)Decreased social interaction opportunities.C)Higher prices for e-books.D)Increased piracy of books.4.How have some publishers responded to the challenges of digitalization?A)By completely abandoning physical books.B)By embracing only digital formats.C)By integrating digital elements into physical books.D)By ignoring the changing market trends.5.What is the author’s overall stance on the future of the book industry?A)It will completely shift to digital formats.B)It will maintain its traditional form without change.C)It requires a balance between the traditional and digital.D)It is impossible to predict its future trajectory.Third Question: Traditional Reading ComprehensionPassage:Title: The Digital Divide: Bridging the Gap in Access to TechnologyIn today’s rapidly evolving digital age, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, shaping how we communicate, learn, work, and entertain ourselves. However, amidst this technological boom, a significant disparity exists –the digital divide, a term coined to describe the unequal distribution of access to, use of, or impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) among individuals, households, businesses, and geographic areas.The digital divide manifests itself in various forms, but a primary concern lies in the gap between those who have access to the latest technological advancements and those who are left behind. This disparity can be attributed to several factors, including economic status, education levels, age, gender, and geographical location. In developing countries, the digital divide is often exacerbated by infrastructural limitations and affordability issues, while in developed nations, it may be a result of digital illiteracy or a lack of motivation to adopt new technologies. The consequences of the digital divide are far-reaching and multifaceted. On an individual level, limited access to technology can hinder educational opportunities, limit career prospects, and isolate individuals from social networks. At a societal level, it can exacerbate economic inequalities, widen the achievement gap among students, and stifle innovation and progress.Efforts to bridge the digital divide have been ongoing for years, with governments, non-profit organizations, and private companies working together to provide access to technology for those in need. Initiatives such as e-learning programs, community technology centers, and low-cost devices aim to increase digital literacy and ensure that no one is left behind in the digital age.Despite these efforts, the digital divide remains a persistent challenge. As technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, it is crucial that we remain vigilant in our efforts to ensure equitable access to its benefits. Only by bridging the gap in access to technology can we ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive in the digital age. Questions:1.What is the digital divide, and what does it refer to?Answer: The digital divide refers to the unequal distribution of access to, use of, or impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) among individuals, households, businesses, and geographic areas.2.What are some of the primary factors contributing to the digital divide?Answer: Some of the primary factors contributing to the digital divide include economic status, education levels, age, gender, and geographical location.3.How can limited access to technology hinder educational opportunities?Answer: Limited access to technology can hinder educational opportunities by restricting access to digital resources, such as online courses and educational software, which can be vital for learning and development.4.What are some initiatives aimed at bridging the digital divide?Answer: Some initiatives aimed at bridging the digital divide include e-learning programs, community technology centers, and low-cost devices, which aim to increase digital literacy and ensure equitable access to technology.5.Why is it important to bridge the digital divide?Answer: Bridging the digital divide is important because it ensures that everyone has equal access to the benefits of technology, which can help to reduce economic inequalities, improve educational outcomes, and foster innovation and progress. Section IV: Traditional Reading ComprehensionPassage FourTitle: The Impact of Digital Technology on Reading HabitsIn the digital age, the way we consume information has undergone a profound transformation. From the traditional paper-and-ink books to the sleek electronic screens of tablets and smartphones, the advent of digital technology has reshaped our reading habits in ways that were once unimaginable. This passage delves into the various aspects of how digitalization has influenced our reading experiences, both positively and negatively.The convenience offered by digital devices cannot be overstated. With the tap of a finger, readers can access an endless library of books, articles, and news from anywhere in the world. Gone are the days of trudging to the bookstore or waiting for a book to arrive in the mail. The instant gratification of digital reading appeals to many, especially those with busylifestyles who value time efficiency. Moreover, the ability to customize reading settings such as font size, background color, and brightness levels caters to individual preferences, enhancing the overall reading experience. However, the shift towards digital reading has also raised concerns about its impact on comprehension and retention. Some studies suggest that reading from screens can lead to decreased attention spans and reduced ability to process information deeply. The constant distractions of notifications and social media alerts can further fragment our focus, making it challenging to fully immerse oneself in a book or article. Additionally, the lack of tactile feedback from physical pages and the absence of the traditional smell and feel of a book can diminish the emotional connection readers form with the content.Moreover, the proliferation of digital content has led to an explosion of information, much of which is of questionable quality. The ease of publishing online has democratized access to the written word but has also opened the floodgates to misinformation and clickbait. Navigating through this deluge of content can be overwhelming, and readers must develop critical thinking skills to discern fact from fiction.Despite these challenges, digital technology also presents new opportunities for reading and learning. Interactive e-books, for instance, incorporate multimedia elements like videos, animations, and quizzes that can enrich the learning experience and make complex concepts more accessible.Furthermore, personalized recommendation algorithms can curate tailored reading lists based on an individual’s interests and reading history, fostering a sense of discovery and exploration.In conclusion, the impact of digital technology on reading habits is multifaceted. While it has undeniably brought about convenience and new forms of engagement, it has also raised concerns about comprehension, attention, and the quality of information available. As we continue to navigate this digital landscape, it is essential to strike a balance between embracing the benefits of technology and preserving the essence of reading as a deeply personal and enriching experience.Questions:1.What is the main advantage of digital reading mentioned in the passage?•A) The ability to access an endless library of content instantly. •B) The tactile feedback from physical pages.•C) The lack of distractions from notifications and social media. •D) The improved comprehension and retention of information.2.Which of the following is a concern raised about digital reading?•A) The enhanced emotional connection readers form with the content. •B) The increased attention spans and ability to process information deeply.•C) The decreased attention spans and reduced ability to process information deeply.•D) The limited customization options for reading settings.3.What is the primary issue with the proliferation of digital content mentioned in thepassage?•A) The lack of accessible information for readers.•B) The overabundance of high-quality content.•C) The challenge of navigating through a deluge of information, including misinformation.•D) The ease of publishing traditional books.4.How do interactive e-books contribute to the reading and learning experience?•A) By reducing the emotional connection readers form with the content. •B) By limiting access to multimedia elements like videos and animations. •C) By enriching the learning experience and making complex concepts more accessible.•D) By decreasing the convenience of digital reading.5.What is the overall message of the passage regarding the impact of digitaltechnology on reading habits?•A) Digital technology has only negative impacts on reading habits. •B) Digital technology has completely replaced traditional reading methods.•C) The impact is multifaceted, with both positive and negative aspects that require balance.•D) The benefits of digital technology far outweigh any potential drawbacks.三、阅读理解新题型(10分)Title: The Rise of E-commerce and Its Impact on Traditional RetailIn recent years, the landscape of retail has undergone a dramatictransformation, fueled primarily by the exponential growth of e-commerce.Once a niche market, online shopping has now become an integral part of consu mers’ lives, challenging the dominance of brick-and-mortar stores.This shift has far-reaching implications, reshaping not only the way we shop but also the very fabric of our economic and social structures.The Convenience Factor: At the heart of e-commer ce’s success lies its unparalleled convenience. With just a few clicks, customers can browse through a vast selection of products from the comfort of their homes, compare prices effortlessly, and have their purchases delivered right to their doorsteps. This has not only saved time but also reduced the need for physical travel, making it especially appealing to busy professionals and those living in remote areas.Access to a Global Market: Another significant advantage of e-commerce is its ability to break down geographical barriers. No longer constrained by the limitations of their local markets, businesses can now reach customers worldwide. Similarly, consumers have access to an unprecedented range of products from across the globe, often at more competitive prices than those available locally.Challenges for Traditional Retail: However, this digital revolution has notcome without its challenges for traditional retailers. The rise ofe-commerce has led to a decline in footfall at physical stores, impacting sales and profitability. To stay afloat, many retailers have had to adapt by investing in their online presence, offering click-and-collect services, and enhancing in-store experiences to attract customers.The Future of Retail: The future of retail is likely to be a blend of both online and offline experiences, with retailers leveraging technology to create seamless omnichannel strategies. Augmented reality, virtual try-ons, and personalized recommendations are just a few examples of how technology is reshaping the shopping experience. As consumers continue to embrace digital solutions, retailers must innovate and evolve to meet their changing needs.Questions:1.What is the main driver behind the transformation of the retail landscape in recentyears?A)The increasing popularity of mobile payments.B)The exponential growth of e-commerce.C)The decline of physical infrastructure.D)The introduction of new tax policies.Answer: B2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an advantage of e-commerce?A)The ability to compare prices easily.B)The elimination of physical travel for shopping.C)Access to exclusive products not available locally.D)The convenience of shopping from home.Answer: C3.What does the term “omnichannel strategies” refer to in the context of retail?A) A single sales channel used by retailers.B) A blend of online and offline shopping experiences.C) A marketing technique focused on social media.D) A strategy to reduce operating costs.Answer: B4.How has the rise of e-commerce impacted traditional retailers?A)It has led to an increase in their sales and profitability.B)It has made them more competitive in the global market.C)It has caused a decline in footfall at their physical stores.D)It has made them completely obsolete in the retail industry.Answer: C5.Which technology is mentioned as having the potential to reshape the shoppingexperience?A)Artificial Intelligence.B)Augmented Reality.C)Internet of Things.D)Blockchain.Answer: B四、翻译(本大题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)First QuestionQuestion: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese:The digital era has revolutionized the way we interact with information, making it possible to access vast amounts of knowledge instantly from anywhere in the world. This paradigm shift has not only altered our personal lives but also transformed industries, businesses, and the very fabric of society. As individuals navigate this ever-evolving landscape, it becomes increasingly crucial to develop a strong sense of digital literacy, enabling us to critically evaluate information, protect our privacy, and harness the power of technology for positive outcomes.Answer:数字时代彻底改变了我们与信息互动的方式,使我们能够瞬间从世界任何地方获取大量知识。
数字化专家 英语
数字化专家英语Digitalization ExpertsIn the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the role of digitalization experts has become increasingly crucial. These professionals possess a unique blend of technical expertise and strategic acumen, enabling them to navigate the complexities of the digital world and drive transformative change within organizations.At the heart of a digitalization expert's responsibilities lies the ability to identify and leverage emerging technologies to enhance business operations, improve customer experiences, and unlock new avenues for growth. From cloud computing and big data analytics to artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, these experts possess a deep understanding of the latest technological advancements and their practical applications.One of the primary responsibilities of a digitalization expert is to assess an organization's digital maturity and develop a comprehensive strategy for digital transformation. This involves conducting thorough analyses of the organization's current technological infrastructure, identifying pain points, and designing aroadmap that aligns with the company's overarching goals and objectives. By understanding the unique challenges and opportunities faced by the organization, these experts can craft tailored solutions that address the specific needs of the business.A digitalization expert's role also extends to the implementation and management of digital initiatives. They work closely with cross-functional teams, including IT, marketing, and operations, to ensure seamless integration and adoption of new technologies. This requires strong project management skills, the ability to navigate organizational complexities, and the capacity to effectively communicate the benefits of digital transformation to stakeholders at all levels.In addition to technical proficiency, digitalization experts must possess a keen understanding of the evolving digital landscape and the ability to anticipate future trends. They stay abreast of industry developments, monitor emerging technologies, and continuously explore innovative solutions that can give their organizations a competitive edge. By proactively identifying and addressing emerging challenges, these experts can help organizations future-proof their operations and remain agile in the face of rapid change.Another critical aspect of a digitalization expert's role is the ability to foster a culture of digital literacy and innovation within theorganization. They work tirelessly to educate and empower employees, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to embrace new technologies and adapt to the changing digital landscape. By creating a culture of digital-first thinking, these experts can cultivate a workforce that is better equipped to navigate the complexities of the digital world and contribute to the organization's long-term success.Furthermore, digitalization experts play a vital role in data management and analytics. They understand the importance of data-driven decision-making and work to ensure that organizations are effectively collecting, analyzing, and leveraging data to drive informed business decisions. From developing data governance frameworks to implementing advanced analytics tools, these experts help organizations harness the power of data to gain insights, enhance operational efficiency, and improve customer experiences.As the pace of digital transformation continues to accelerate, the demand for skilled digitalization experts is expected to grow exponentially. These professionals serve as the catalysts for organizational change, guiding businesses through the complexities of the digital age and empowering them to thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape.In conclusion, digitalization experts are the linchpins of modernbusiness success. By combining technical expertise, strategic thinking, and a deep understanding of the digital landscape, they are uniquely positioned to help organizations navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital era. As the digital revolution continues to reshape industries and transform the way we live and work, the role of the digitalization expert will only become more indispensable in the years to come.。
Flow measurement guide/flowComplete flow solutionsThe right flow instrument for every application.Transparency. Connectivity.Intelligence.The eyes and ears of digitalization.Industry 4.0 stands poised to benefit your operations in enormousways. With unparalleled control and access, you now have com-plete knowledge of what’s happening in your plant at all times.But even in this new digital era, you still need accurate, reliableand rugged process instrumentation. If field instruments areunable to supply the right data, even the most sophisticateddigitalization initiative won't help. Siemens gives you the best ofboth worlds: high-performance devices complemented by inno-vative digital solutions.Take the SITRANS F M MAG 8000 electromagnetic flow meter.Connect it to Siemens MindSphere Cloud for Industry and seeyour operations open up before you. An expansive range ofdevice and process data can be sent directly to the cloud, whereit can be accessed and analyzed from anywhere in the world, 24hours a day. This means increased flexibility and efficiency,reduced revenue loss and faster response times – all covered bySiemens cybersecurity protection.With the knowledge that no single technology can address theneeds of all industrial applications, Siemens provides a completerange of flow measurement devices. And all are backed by ourglobal support network, providing experienced sales and techni-cal assistance when and where you need it.2Table of contentsElectromagnetic 4 Coriolis 6 Clamp-on ultrasonic 8 Vortex 10 Differential pressure 12 Sales, support and training 143₁₂"ElectromagneticWith decades of experience in the field complemented by a worldwide installedbase, Siemens is at the top of its class in electromagnetic flow monitoring.SITRANS F M magmeters deliver high-accuracy volume measurement of electri-cally conductive liquid applications.For processes requiring standard modular pulsed DC technology, the SITRANS FM portfolio includes a versatile range of sensors and transmitters with approvalsto suit every standard – not to mention a variety of options for electrode materi-als, housings and communication protocols.Or choose a specialized flow system to fulfill specific industry demands. TheSITRANS F M MAG 8000 battery-powered water meter is ideal for abstraction,distribution, revenue and irrigation – no mains power required. The SITRANS FM TRANSMAG 2 with pulsed AC technology stands up to heavy-duty pulp andpaper or mining applications.4SITRANS F M TRANSMAG 2 911/E SITRANS F M MAG 5100WSITRANS F M MAG 80005CoriolisLook no further than the SITRANS F C Coriolis flowmeter family for reliable moni-toring of liquids and gases in virtually any application. Siemens Coriolis systemsprovide precise multiparameter measurements of direct mass flow rate, volu-metric flow rate, temperature, density, and fraction flow such as Brix and Plato.Our digital Coriolis transmitter platform consists of the space-saving SITRANSFCT010, designed for direct integration into process automation systems, andthe SITRANS FCT030, which delivers exceptional precision, a 100 Hz update rateand a user-friendly digital interface. Both transmitters can be paired with thehigh-performance FCS300 sensor or one of three low-flow sensors for batching,dosing and filling.For compressed natural gas installations, select the ultra-compact SITRANSFCS200 sensor together with the SIFLOW FC070 transmitter, offering custodytransfer approval.6SITRANS FC330SITRANS FC310SITRANS F C MASS 2100 DI 3-15w/ SITRANS FCT010 SITRANS F C MASS 2100 DI 1.5 andSITRANS FC300SITRANS FCS200 w/SIFLOW FC0707Clamp-on ultrasonicWith no pressure drop or energy loss, a wide turndown ratio and non-intrusivesensors that can be installed without cutting into the pipe, SITRANS F S clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeters are a superior choice for accurate, cost-effective liquidflow measurement.For the greatest flexibility in customization, choose the advanced SITRANSFS230 with one- or-two path measurement, multiple I/Os and HART or Modbuscommunication. For more basic measurement and configuration options at alower cost, the SITRANS FS220 is an ideal alternative.All systems measure flow with SITRANS FSS200 clamp-on sensors, which areeasy to install and never come into contact with the medium – perfect for pre-existing pipelines and corrosive, toxic or high-pressure liquids. Available Wide-Beam® transit-time sensor technology increases measurement accuracy byreducing sensitivity to any changes in the fluid.8SITRANS F clamp-on ultrasonic family9VortexThe SITRANS FX330 is an all-in-one vortex solution for flow, pressure and tem-perature measurement of steam, gases and liquids – ideal for HVAC and auxil-iary systems and versatile enough for use in many process applications. Fromsaturated and superheated steam to raw chemicals, from compressed air tocrude oil, measure it all with the FX330.The digitally based flow meter offers fully welded sensor construction, plug-and-play installation and Intelligent Signal Processing for maximum reliability – plusenhanced functions like SIL 2 certification, an integrated heat meter and NAMURNE107 status alarms.10SITRANS FX33011Differential pressureOne of the most widely utilized and accepted methods of flow measurement inthe world, differential pressure (DP) flow meters have been employed for manyyears to measure liquids, gases and steam.The Siemens DP portfolio includes the advanced SITRANS P DS III, P320 and P420digital pressure transmitters. Paired with traditional flow elements such asorifice plates, venturi tubes or averaging pitot tubes, the DS III and P320/P420provide smart transmitter features and performance to new or existing DPmeasurement points. And the P320/P420 are the first pressure transmitters onthe market to feature remote safety handling, reducing commissioning time inapplications where safety is critical.In partnership with Newgate Instruments, Siemens offers the JT400 – the firstultra-low-power multivariable pressure transmitter for the upstream and mid-stream gas production industry. The JT400 features power consumption under 4mW as well as best-in-class DP measurement and static pressure referenceaccuracy.12JT400SITRANS P DS IIISITRANS P320SITRANS P42013Because experience matters.Device integration from the field to the world These days, it’s an absolute must that your process instruments are always accessible – whether a device is local, the centerpiece of a plant or on the other side of the globe. Siemens provides you with the components you need to stay connected and in control.Communication ProtocolsOnly in conjunction with fieldbuses can the advantages of digital communication be fully realized, including better transmission of measured values while maintaining the original accuracy, diagnostic options and remote parameterization. Our process instruments support all major industry standards for modern fieldbus communication, including HART, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, FOUNDATION Field-bus and Modbus – making them suitable for use in all automation systems.SIMATIC PDM (Process Device Manager)SIMATIC PDM is a flexible tool for operation of more than 4,000 different field devices and other automation components over the entire lifecycle of your plant. Featuring a graphical user interface and intuitive Quick Start wizards for configuration, parameteriza-tion, diagnostics and maintenance, PDM can be connected directly to a local field device or universally implemented as a central Maintenance Station.SITRANS LibraryIntelligent process instruments are equipped with smart features previously accessible only with additional programming effort. This gap is being closed by SITRANS Library. Offering device-specific faceplates, SITRANS Library software facilitates the integration of these specialized functions into the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system for easier operation, faster troubleshooting and a new degree of transparency.MindSphereTo maximize the efficiency of a process or plant, operators must be able to turn real-time data into actionable insights. MindSphere is an open and secure IIoT platform allowing users to create apps that use operational data for predictive maintenance and resource optimization. This data is captured on-site by your instruments and transferred to the MindSphere cloud, where it can be accessed 24/7 by authorized users.14Sales and supportCustom engineeringSiemens brings a wealth of engineering expertise together with an expansive portfolio of products and services. This winning combination enables us to design innovative and cost-effective solutions to resolve your most challenging applications in the process industries.Service around the worldPlants must function reliably at all times – which makes effective, efficient process instrumentation and analytics an indis-pensable requirement.You also need to be certain of fast and competent service from your supplier. Siemens is a global company that reacts locally. Whether you require consulting, quick delivery or installation of new devices, the Siemens net-work of specialists is available to you around the world, wherever your location.Siemens Industry Online Support (SIOS)Our online support system offers rapid, comprehensive assistance regardless of time or location. Manuals, technical data, certificates, downloads, support requests: we have it all.Explore SIOS at: PI trainingMaximize your skills with factory-certified trainingSiemens provides a full schedule of Process Instrumentation training opportunities for Siemens employees, channel partners, and customers. The PI Introductory Training courses are designed for new sales and service employees to learn the product lines, technologies and applications. These courses are also prerequisites for the advanced technol-ogy courses, which provide in-depth application training.Designed for hands-on learning, all courses are led by field-tested instructors who combine extensive application and instrumentation knowledge with seasoned training experience. Our PI Training Center is specifically designed to optimize your classroom time. It is fully equipped with application simulation stations, a full range of PI instruments and complete industrial communication networks.For current information and schedules, visit our website at:/pitraining15Siemens Industry, Inc.Process Industries and Drives 100 Technology Drive Alpharetta, GA 300051-800-365-8766*******************Subject to change without prior notice Order No.: PIBR-00035-0618All rights reserved Printed in USA© 2018 Siemens Industry, Inc.Subject to changes and errors. The information given in this document only contains general descriptions and/or performance features which may not always specifically reflect those described, or which mayundergo modification in the course of further development of the prod-ucts. The requested performance features are binding only when they are expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.All product designations may be registered trademarks of Siemens AG. All other designations in this document may represent trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes may violate the pro-prietary rights of the owner.Follow us on:/siemensii /siemensii /siemens https:///pablogMeasuring everything that matters:/piSiemens Process Instrumentation offers best-in-class measurement and seamless integration into your automation system. We are the total solution provider for flow, level, pressure, temperature, weighing, positioners and more.。
计算机英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a programming language?A. JavaB. C++C. PythonD. Photoshop2. What does CPU stand for?A. Central Processing UnitB. Central Power UnitC. Central Printing UnitD. Central Programming Unit3. What is the full form of HTML?A. Hyper Text Markup LanguageB. Hyper Text Markup LanguageC. Hyper Text Markup LanguageD. Hyper Text Markup Language4. In computer networking, what does IP stand for?A. Internet ProtocolB. Internet ProgrammingC. Internet ProviderD. Internet Processor5. What is the primary function of a router?A. To print documentsB. To store dataC. To connect multiple networksD. To provide internet access6. Which of the following is a type of database management system?A. MS WordB. MS ExcelC. MS AccessD. MS PowerPoint7. What does the acronym RAM stand for?A. Random Access MemoryB. Rapid Access MemoryC. Remote Access MemoryD. Real Access Memory8. What is the term for a collection of data stored in a computer in a structured format?A. FileB. DocumentC. DatabaseD. Folder9. Which of the following is not a type of computer virus?A. TrojanB. WormC. AntivirusD. Ransomware10. What does the term "bandwidth" refer to in the context ofinternet usage?A. The width of the cableB. The speed of data transferC. The number of usersD. The quality of the connection二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The basic unit of data in computing is called a ________.2. A ________ is a type of software that is designed to prevent, detect, and remove malware.3. The process of converting data into a form that can be easily transmitted or stored is known as ________.4. A ________ is a hardware device that allows a computer to connect to a network.5. The term "cybersecurity" refers to the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from ________ and other types of cyber attacks.6. A ________ is a collection of related data and the way it is organized.7. The ________ is a type of computer memory that retains data even when the power is off.8. The process of finding and fixing errors in a program is known as ________.9. A ________ is a type of software that allows users to create and edit documents.10. The ________ is a set of rules that define how data is formatted, transmitted, and received.三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. Explain the difference between a server and a client in a network.2. Describe the role of an operating system in a computer system.3. What are the key components of a computer system?四、论述题(每题30分,共30分)1. Discuss the importance of data backup and recovery in a computer system.答案:一、选择题1. D2. A3. A4. A5. C6. C7. A8. C9. C10. B二、填空题1. bit2. Antivirus3. Encoding4. Network Interface Card (NIC)5. unauthorized access6. Database7. Hard disk8. Debugging9. Word processor10. Protocol三、简答题1. In a network, a server is a computer system or device that provides resources or services to other computers, known as clients. The server manages network traffic, centralizes data storage, and provides access to shared resources, while the client is a computer that requests and uses these resourcesor services.2. An operating system is the software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides services for computer programs. It acts as an intermediary between theuser and the computer hardware, allowing users to interactwith the computer without needing detailed knowledge of the hardware.3. The key components of a computer system include thecentral processing unit (CPU), memory (RAM), storage devices (hard disk, SSD), input devices (keyboard, mouse), output devices (monitor, printer), and peripheral devices (scanner, webcam).四、论述题1. Data backup and recovery are critical in a computer system because they ensure that data is preserved in case ofhardware failure, data loss, or cyber attacks. Regularbackups allow for the restoration of data to a previous state, minimizing downtime and potential loss of information. This process is essential for maintaining business continuity and protecting against data loss.。
Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. 设备
DS-K1T671 Series Face Recognition TerminalQuick Start GuideUD15607B-A© 2020 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.This Manual is the property of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. or its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “Hikvision”), and it cannot be reproduced, changed, translated, or distributed, partially or wholly, by any means, without the prior written permission of Hikvision. Unless otherwise expressly stated herein, Hikvision does not make any warranties, guarantees or representations, express or implied, regarding to the Manual, any information contained herein.About this ManualThe Manual includes instructions for using and managing the Product. Pictures, charts, images and all other information hereinafter are for description and explanation only. The information contained in the Manual is subject to change, without notice, due to firmware updates or other reasons. Please find the latest version of this Manual at the Hikvision website (https:///).Please use this Manual with the guidance and assistance of professionals trained in supporting the Product.Trademarks Acknowledgementand other Hikvision’s trademarks and logos are the properties of Hikvision in various jurisdictions.Other trademarks and logos mentioned are the properties of their respective owners. LEGAL DISCLAIMERTO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THIS MANUAL AND THEPRODUCT DESCRIBED, WITH ITS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE, ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND “WITH ALL FAULTS AND ERRORS”. HIKVISION MAKES NO WARRANTIES,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY , SATISFACTO -RY QUALITY , OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE USE OF THE PRODUCT BY YOU IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. IN NO EVENT WILL HIKVISION BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING, AMONG OTHERS, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF DATA, CORRUPTION OF SYSTEMS, OR LOSS OF DOCUMENTATION, WHETHER BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY , OR OTHERWISE, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE PRODUCT, EVEN IF HIKVISION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR LOSS.YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE NATURE OF INTERNET PROVIDES FOR INHERENT SECURITY RISKS, AND HIKVISION SHALL NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ABNORMALOPERATION, PRIVACY LEAKAGE OR OTHER DAMAGES RESULTING FROM CYBER-ATTACK, HACKER ATTACK, VIRUS INSPECTION, OR OTHER INTERNET SECURITY RISKS; HOWEVER, HIKVISION WILL PROVIDE TIMELY TECHNICAL SUPPORT IF REQUIRED.YOU AGREE TO USE THIS PRODUCT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT YOUR USE CONFORMS TO THE APPLICABLE LAW. ESPECIALLY , YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE, FOR USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT INFRINGE ON THE RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES, INCLUDINGWITHOUT LIMITATION, RIGHTS OF PUBLICITY , INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, OR DATA PROTECTION AND OTHER PRIVACY RIGHTS. YOU SHALL NOT USE THIS PRODUCT FOR ANY PROHIBITED END-USES, INCLUDING THE DEVELOPMENT OR PRODUCTION OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, THE DEVELOPMENT OR PRODUCTION OF CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS, ANY ACTIVITIES IN THE CONTEXT RELATED TO ANY NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVE OR UNSAFE NUCLEAR FUEL-CYCLE, OR IN SUPPORT OF HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES.IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THIS MANUAL AND THE APPLICABLE LAW, THE LATER PREVAILS. Data ProtectionDuring the use of device, personal data will be collected, stored and processed. To protect data, the development of Hikvision devices incorporates privacy by design principles. For example, for device with facial recognition features, biometrics data is stored in your device with encryption method; for fingerprint device, only fingerprint template will be saved, which is impossible to reconstruct a fingerprint image.As data controller, you are advised to collect, store, process and transfer data inaccordance with the applicable data protection laws and regulations, including without limitation, conducting security controls to safeguard personal data, such as, implementing reasonable administrative and physical security controls, conduct periodic reviews and assessments of the effectiveness of your security controls.12 The installation height here is the recommended height. You can change it according to your actual needs.You can also install the device on the wall or other places without the gang box. For details, refer to the User Manual.For easy installation, drill holes on mounting surface according to the supplied mounting template.Drill holes on the wall or other surface according to the mounting template and install the gang e two supplied screws (4_KA4×22-SUS Use another four supplied screws to secure the mounting plate on the wall.Route the cables through the cable hole of the mounting plate, and connect to the corresponding external devices’ cables.other surface, 1.4 meters higher than the ground.Steps:mounting plate.When connecting door magnetic sensor and exit button, the device and the RS-485 card reader should use the common ground connection.The Wiegand terminal here is a Wiegand input terminal. You should setthe face recognition terminal’s Wiegand direction to “Input”. If you should connect to an access controller, you should set the Wiegand direction to “Output”. For details, see Setting Wiegand Parameters in Communication Settings in the user manual. The suggested external power supply for door lock is 12 V, 1A.The suggested external power supply for Wiegand card reader is 12 V, 1 A. Do not wire the device to the electric supply directly.Scan the QR code to get the user manual for detailed information. Note that mobile data charges may apply if Wi-Fi is unavailable.Use only power supplies listed in the user instructions:ModelManufacturerStandardC2000IC12.0-24P-DE C2000IC12.0-24P-GB MOSO Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd.CEEMOSO Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd.BS ADS-24S-12 1224GPG Shenzhen Honor Electronic Co., Ltd.CEERegulatory InformationThis product and - if applicable - the supplied accessories too are marked with "CE" and comply therefore with the applicable harmonized European standards listed under the RE Directive 2014/53/EU, the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, the RoHS Directive2011/65/EU.2012/19/EU (WEEE directive): Products marked with this symbol cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. For proper recycling, return this product to your local supplier upon the purchase of equivalent new equipment, ordispose of it at designated collection points. For more information see:2006/66/EC (battery directive): This product contains a battery that cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. See the product documentation for specific batteryinformation. The battery is marked with this symbol, which may include lettering to indicate cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), or mercury (Hg). For proper recycling, return the battery to your supplier or to a designated collection point. For more information see: FCC ConditionsThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference.2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.FCC InformationPlease take attention that changes or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC compliance: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body.Safety InstructionThese instructions are intended to ensure that user can use the product correctly to avoid danger or property loss.The precaution measure is divided into Warnings and Cautions:Warnings: Neglecting any of the warnings may cause serious injury or death.Cautions: Neglecting any of the cautions may cause injury or equipment damage.WarningsAll the electronic operation should be strictly compliance with the electrical safety regulations, fire prevention regulations and other related regulations in your local region.Please use the power adapter, which is provided by normal company. The power consumption cannot be less than the required value.Do not connect several devices to one power adapter as adapter overload may cause over-heat or fire hazard.Please make sure that the power has been disconnected before you wire, install or dismantle the device.When the product is installed on wall or ceiling, the device shall be firmly fixed. If smoke, odors or noise rise from the device, turn off the power at once and unplug the power cable, and then please contact the service center.If the product does not work properly, please contact your dealer or the nearest service center. Never attempt to disassemble the device yourself. (We shall not assume any responsibility for problems caused by unauthorized repair or maintenance.) CautionsDo not drop the device or subject it to physical shock, and do not expose it to high electromagnetism radiation. Avoid the equipment installation on vibrations surface or places subject to shock (ignorance can cause equipment damage).Do not place the device in extremely hot (refer to the specification of the device for the detailed operating temperature), cold, dusty or damp locations, and do not expose it to high electromagnetic radiation.The device cover for indoor use shall be kept from rain and moisture.Exposing the equipment to direct sun light, low ventilation or heat source such as heater or radiator is forbidden (ignorance can cause fire danger).Do not aim the device at the sun or extra bright places. A blooming or smear may occur otherwise (which is not a malfunction however), and affecting the endurance of sensor at the same time.Please use the provided glove when open up the device cover, avoid direct contact with the device cover, because the acidic sweat of the fingers may erode the surface coating of the device cover.Please use a soft and dry cloth when clean inside and outside surfaces of the device cover, do not use alkaline detergents.Please keep all wrappers after unpack them for future use. In case of any failure occurred, you need to return the device to the factory with the original wrapper. Transportation without the original wrapper may result in damage on the device and lead to additional costs.Improper use or replacement of the battery may result in hazard of explosion.Replace with the same or equivalent type only. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions provided by the battery manufacturer.Biometric recognition products are not 100% applicable to anti-spoofing environ -ments. If you require a higher security level, use multiple authentication modes. Indoor use. If installing the device indoors, the device should be at least 2 meters away from the light, and at least 3 meters away from the window or the door.Input voltage should meet both the SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) and the Limited Power Source with 100~240 VAC or 12 VDC according to the IEC60950-1 standard. Please refer to technical specifications for detailed information.Adding Face Information1. Use finger to hold the screen surface and enter the activation password to enter the main page.page.Biometric recognition products are not 100% applicable to anti-spoofing on the client software to start two-way audio.If the device is added by multiple client softwares and when the device is calling the client software, only the first client software added the device will pop up the call receiving window.center answers the call, you can start two-way audio.2. Tap STRONG PASSWORD RECOMMENDED–The secure door control unit should connect to an external power supply separately. The suggested external power supply is 12 V, 0.5 A.。
The Impact of Digital Transformation on MIS
The Impact of Digital Transformationon MISThe impact of digital transformation on Management Information Systems (MIS) is significant and far-reaching. As businesses around the world continue to adopt digital technologies in order to stay competitive and meet the changing needs of their customers, MIS has become increasingly important in managing and leveraging these digital assets.One of the key ways in which digital transformation has impacted MIS is in the collection and analysis of data. With the proliferation of digital technologies and the increasing digitization of business processes, organizations now have access to unprecedented levels of data. This data can be used to gain valuable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational efficiency. MIS plays a crucial role in collecting, storing, and analyzing this data in order to support decision-making at all levels of the organization.Digital transformation has also enabled the integration of systems and processes across different departments and business functions. This has led to greater efficiency and collaboration within organizations, as data and information can now flow seamlessly between different parts of the business. MIS has been instrumental in facilitating this integration by providing a centralized platform for managing and sharing information across the organization.Additionally, digital transformation has enabled the development of new digital products and services that leverage data and analytics to deliver value to customers. MIS has been instrumental in supporting the development and implementation of these products and services by providing the necessary infrastructure and tools to manage and analyze data effectively.Furthermore, digital transformation has changed the way in which organizations interact with their customers. With the rise of digital channels such as social media, mobile apps, and online platforms, organizations now have more opportunities than everto engage with customers and collect feedback in real-time. MIS has played a crucial role in enabling organizations to manage these digital interactions and leverage them to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.Overall, the impact of digital transformation on MIS has been profound. It has transformed the way in which data is collected, analyzed, and used within organizations, and has enabled greater integration and collaboration across different parts of the business. As organizations continue to embrace digital technologies, MIS will remain a critical component in supporting and enabling their digital transformation initiatives.。
《The Fundamentals Of Digital Semiconductor Testing》_中文版C
测试系统称为 ATE,由电子电路和机械硬件组成,是由同一个主控制器指挥下的电源、计量 仪器、信号发生器、模式(pattern)生成器和其他硬件项目的集合体,用于模仿被测器件将会在应 用中体验到的操作条件,以发现不合格的产品。 测试系统硬件由运行一组指令 (测试程序) 的计算机控制, 在测试时提供合适的电压、 电流、 时序和功能状态给 DUT 并监测 DUT 的响应,对比每次测试的结果和预先设定的界限,做出 pass 或 fail 的判断。 测试系统的内脏 图 2-1 显示所有数字测试系统都含有的基本模块,虽然很多新的测试系统包含了 更多的硬件,但这作为起点,我们还是拿它来介绍。 “CPU”是系统的控制中心,这里的 CPU 不同于电脑中的中央处理器,它由控制测 试系统的计算机及数据输入输出通道组成。许多新的测试系统提供一个网络接口用以传输测试 数据;计算机硬盘和 Memory 用来存储本地数据;显示器及键盘提供了测试操作员和系统的接 口。
图 2-2. PMU 状态模拟图 驱动模式和测量模式(Force and Measurement Modes) 在 ATE 中,术语“驱动(Force) ”描述了测试机应用于被测器件的一定数值的电流 或电压,它的替代词是 Apply,在半导体测试专业术语中,Apply 和 Force 都表述同样的意思。 在对 PMU 进行编程时,驱动功能可选择为电压或电流:如果选择了电流,则测量 模式自动被设置成电压;反之,如果选择了电压,则测量模式自动被设置成电流。一旦选择了 驱动功能,则相应的数值必须同时被设置。 驱动线路和感知线路(Force and Sense Lines) 为了提升 PMU 驱动电压的精确度,常使用 4 条线路的结构:两条驱动线路传输电 流,另两条感知线路监测我们感兴趣的点(通常是 DUT)的电压。这缘于欧姆定律,大家知道, 任何线路都有电阻,当电流流经线路会在其两端产生压降,这样我们给到 DUT 端的电压往往小 于我们在程序中设置的参数。 设置两根独立的(不输送电流)感知线路去检测 DUT 端的电压,反馈给电压源, 电压源再将其与理想值进行比较,并作相应的补偿和修正,以消除电流流经线路产生的偏差。 驱动线路和感知线路的连接点被称作“开尔文连接点” 。
Vaisala QML201C数据记录仪说明书
Vaisala Data Logger QML201CThe QML201C The Vaisala Data Logger QML201C incorporates Vaisala’s proven sensor technology. A 32-bit central processing unit (CPU), 24-bit A/D conversion (ADC), autocalibrationof the ADC and measurementelectronics coupled with advanced data quality control and validation software all ensure the accuracy of data measurement. Easy to use Sensor measurements, statisticalcalculations, data logging anddata transmissions are performedaccording to a user-configuredVaisala Setup Software Lizard. Thesoftware has many setup options andadvanced features.ExpandabilityThe systems architecture enables theQML201C to be easily upgraded with The Vaisala Data Logger QML201Cnew sensors, calculations, output formats, and logging schedules at any time to accommodate users’ changing requirements. The basic system provides RS-232, RS-485 and SDI-12 ports for interfacing with almost any type of telemetry, terminal, displays, and smart sensors. With optional plug-in modules the number of serial ports can be enhanced from 3 up to 9 ports, enabling multiple RS-232, RS-485, SDI-12 and Ethernet connections.The QML201C data logger is also expandable with a multiplexer unit offering additional 10 differential analog channels or even another QML201C unit. A digital I/O unit adds 8 digital outputs and 8 digital inputs for sensors, power optimizing and unmanned control functions based on user defined requirements.Features/Benefits ▪Easy to install, economical to maintain and upgrade ▪Field-proven reliability and accuracy in harsh environments ▪Low power consumption ▪Extensive calculation and data logging capability ▪Good expandability and high level of customization through open and modular design▪Built-in TCP/IP connectivity ▪Compact designTechnical dataRef. B210718EN-C ©Vaisala 2010This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. Allrights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarksof Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,distribution or storage of information contained in this brochurein any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictlyprohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subjectto change without notice.For more information, visit or contact *********************General Processor 33 MHz, 32-bit Motorola Memory 4MB RAM and 4 MB program flash A/D conversion 24 bit Data logging memory 3.3 MB internal flash memory Up to 2GB on optional, compactflash memory cardSensor inputs 10 analog inputs (20 single-ended inputs) 2 counter/frequency inputs Internal channel for BARO-1 pressure transducer SERiAl CommuNiCATioN Standard one RS-232, RS-485 (two-wire) and SDI-12Optional T wo optional plug-in slots for communication modules to increase the number of the serial I/O channels up to 6 pcs Fast serial expansion bus connecting e.g. digital I/O module Speed 300 ... 38400 bps Parameters Configurable speed, start bits, data bits, stop bits, parity , XON/XOFF , and checksum V oltage (external powering)8 ... 30 VDC Power consumption (typically with 5 sensors)<10 mA/12V Temperature operating -50 ... +60 °C (-58 ... 140 °F) extended operating -60 ... +70 °C (-76 ... 158 °F)storage -60 ... +70 °C (-76 ... 158 °F)Humidity 0 ... 100 %RH EThERNET CommuNiCATioN Standard IEEE 802.3T wo plug-in slots for ethernet modulesSpeed 10 Mbps (10 BASE-T)Can also be connected to 100 Mbps/1000 Mbps 100/1000 BASE-T networks with 10 Mbps Parameters Full/half duplex with auto-negotiation TCP/iP Supported protocols ARP , UDP/IP , TCP/IP , FTP , SMTP , PPP (with PAP or CHAP authentication), HTTP(get), Telnet, ICMP Echo, DHCP , ARP , NTP , DNS, serial port tunneling over TCP/IPAccuracyAll data for ambient temperature range -50 ... +60 °C unless otherwise specified Temperature measurement (PT100 sensor, measurementrange -50 ... +80 °C)Typical uncertainty over temperature range: -50 ... +60 °C < ±0.04 °Ctemperature range :-60 ... +70 °C < ±0.08 °CMax. error overtemperature range: -40 ... +50 °C < ±0.10 °C Max. error at 0 °C < ±0.04 °CV oltage measurement uncertainty , temperature range -50 ... +60 °C ±5.0 V range < 0.06 % of reading ±100 µV ±2.5 V range < 0.04 % of reading ±50 µV±250 mV range < 0.06 % of reading ±6 µV ±25 mV range < 0.06 % of reading ±5 µVV oltage measurement uncertainty , temperature range -60 ... +70 °C±5.0 V range < 0.10 % of reading ±150 μV±2.5 V range < 0.08 % of reading ±80 μV ±250 mV range < 0.10 % of reading ±10 μV ±25 mV range < 0.10 % of reading ±10 μV Frequency measurements ±0.003 % + resolution up to 20 kHz Common mode range +7 V/-3 V Real-time clock (standard)accuracy Better than 20 s/month back-up time minimum 5 yrs. with CR1220 Lithium cell Regulatory compliances Emission CISPR 22, class B (EN55022)ESD immunity IEC6100-4-2RF field immunity IEC6100-4-3EFT immunity IEC6100-4-4Surge (lightning pulses)IEC6100-4-5Conducted RF immunity IEC6100-4-6。
英文版计算机试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a function of an operating system?A. Process managementB. Memory managementC. Data storageD. File management2. In a computer network, what does the term "bandwidth" refer to?A. The width of the network cableB. The maximum rate of data transferC. The number of users connectedD. The speed of the network processor3. What is the primary purpose of a firewall?A. To prevent unauthorized access to a networkB. To encrypt dataC. To manage network trafficD. To store user passwords4. Which of the following is a type of software used for creating and editing documents?A. Spreadsheet softwareB. Database softwareC. Word processing softwareD. Graphics software5. What is the term used to describe the process of converting data from one format to another?A. Data migrationB. Data transformationC. Data conversionD. Data translation6. What does the acronym "CPU" stand for in computing?A. Central Processing UnitB. Central Processing UnitC. Computer Processing UnitD. Computing Processing Unit7. What is the function of a router in a network?A. To connect multiple networksB. To store dataC. To provide power to devicesD. To print documents8. What is the process of finding and fixing errors in software called?A. DebuggingB. PatchingC. UpdatingD. Patching9. Which of the following is a type of computer virus that replicates itself by attaching to other programs?A. TrojanB. WormC. RansomwareD. Spyware10. What is the term for the graphical representation of data on a computer screen?A. Data visualizationB. Data representationC. Data graphingD. Data mapping二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The _________ is the primary memory used by a computer to store data and instructions that are currently being processed.2. A _________ is a type of software that allows users to create and edit images.3. The process of converting analog signals to digital signals is known as _________.4. A _________ is a collection of data stored in a structured format.5. The _________ is a hardware component that connects a computer to a network.6. In computer programming, a _________ is a sequence of statements that perform a specific task.7. The _________ is a type of malware that hides its presence and waits for a trigger to activate.8. A _________ is a type of software that is designed to protect a computer from unauthorized access.9. The _________ is the process of organizing and managing data in a database.10. A _________ is a type of software that allows users tocreate and edit spreadsheets.三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. Describe the role of a server in a computer network.2. Explain the difference between a compiler and an interpreter in programming.3. Discuss the importance of data backup and recovery in a computing environment.四、编程题(每题15分,共30分)1. Write a simple program in Python that calculates the factorial of a given number.2. Create a function in Java that takes an array of integers and returns the largest number in the array.答案:一、选择题1. C2. B3. A4. C5. C6. A7. A8. A9. B10. A二、填空题1. RAM (Random Access Memory)2. Graphics software3. Analog-to-digital conversion4. Database5. Network interface card (NIC)6. Function or procedure7. Trojan8. Antivirus software9. Database management10. Spreadsheet software三、简答题1. A server in a computer network is a powerful computer or system that manages network resources, including hardware and software, and provides services to other computers on the network, such as file storage, web hosting, and print services.2. A compiler is a program that translates source codewritten in a programming language into machine code that a computer can execute. An interpreter, on the other hand, reads and executes the source code line by line without the need for a separate compilation step.3. Data backup and recovery are crucial in a computing environment to prevent data loss due to hardware failure, software bugs, or malicious attacks. Regular backups ensure that data can be restored to a previous state in case of corruption or deletion.四、编程题1. Python Program for Factorial Calculation:```pythondef factorial(n):if n == 0:return 1 else:。
关键词:大数据管理与应用;专业建设;课程体系;基于成果导向;数据全生命周期管理中图分类号:G642文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-3044(2021)06-0020-02开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):The Big Data Majors’Construction Based on Outcome Education and Curriculum System Design Oriented to Data Lifecycle QU Li-li,CHEN Yan,WANG Cong(Department of Management Science and Engineering,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian116026,China) Abstract:The talent training of big data related majors is widely valued by colleges and universities at home and abroad.According to different development direction and discipline orientation,it is necessary to explore the mode and curriculum system suitable for big data majors’construction.Taking the major of big data management and application as the breakthrough point,the develop⁃ment orientation and talent training objectives are analyzed.Based on the outcomes-based education mode,focusing on the proj⁃ect-based learning practice,focusing on the ability training of data life cycle management,the training mode of this specialty is constructed,and the curriculum system of the major is optimized.This relevant research can provide basic ideas and reference for the construction of big data management and application specialty.Keywords:Big data management and application;specialty construction;curriculum system;outcomes-based education;data life⁃cycle management1引言“基于大数据的科学研究”被认为是继实验观察、理论推导、计算机模拟之后的第四科学研究范式。
Analog Devices开关与复用器选择指南说明书
voltage operation, then the ±15 V will be optimized for operation at these voltages and the performance will degrade as the voltage
The lower the charge injection, the better. Charge injection is caused by stray capacitance associated with the transistors that make
up the switch. As a result, the capacitance of the switch and the charge injection are linked; thus, when the capacitance of the
application can, therefore, be a difficult task.
The simplest switch (single-pole, single-throw—SPST) will connect or disconnect an analog signal when a digital input signal
VDD = +15V, VSS = –15V
VDD = +13.5V, VSS = –13.5V
2024 数字孪生专业课程体系
2024 数字孪生专业课程体系English Answer:Course Framework for Digital Twin Professional Program.Introduction.Digital twins are virtual representations of physical assets, processes, and systems that can be used to optimize performance, predict maintenance needs, and identify potential problems. As the digital twin market continues to grow, there is a need for qualified professionals who have the skills and knowledge to develop and manage these technologies.Program Overview.This professional program provides participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to work effectively in the field of digital twins. The program covers a wide rangeof topics, including:Introduction to digital twins.Data collection and analysis.Modeling and simulation.Visualization and communication.Applications of digital twins.Program Structure.The program is designed to be flexible and accessibleto a wide range of learners. It is offered in both online and face-to-face formats, and participants can choose to complete the program in as little as one year.The program is divided into five modules, each of which covers a different aspect of digital twins. The modules are:Module 1: Introduction to Digital Twins.Module 2: Data Collection and Analysis.Module 3: Modeling and Simulation.Module 4: Visualization and Communication.Module 5: Applications of Digital Twins.Course Objectives.Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to:Understand the concepts of digital twins.Collect and analyze data from physical assets.Develop models and simulations of physical systems.Visualize and communicate the results of digital twinanalysis.Apply digital twins to a variety of applications.Target Audience.The program is designed for a wide range of professionals, including:Engineers.Scientists.Data analysts.Business analysts.Project managers.Anyone who wants to learn more about digital twins.Contact Us.To learn more about the program, please contact us at ***************************.中文回答:数字孪生专业课程体系。
九年级英语询问职业角色单选题50题1. At the family gathering, you see a man in a white coat. You may ask:A. Are you a doctor or a nurseB. Are you a cook or a waiterC. Are you a teacher or a studentD. Are you a police officer or a firefighter答案:A。
一般疑问句以be动词开头,这里的be 动词是are。
2. In the school library, you meet a lady who is arranging bookshelves. You might ask:A. Are you a librarian or a cleanerB. Are you a teacher or a principalC. Are you a student or a gardenerD. Are you a security guard or a cafeteria worker答案:A。
3. At the community sports event, you see a man blowing a whistle and giving instructions. You could ask:A. Are you a coach or a refereeB. Are you a player or a spectatorC. Are you a doctor or a nurseD. Are you a journalist or a photographer答案:A。
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A Guide to Digital TelevisionSystems and MeasurementsLast active picture sample First active picture sampleCOMPOSITE: Full analog line digitizedCopyright ® 1997, Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved.A Guide to Digital Television Systems and MeasurementsAcknowledgmentAuthored by David K. Fibushwith contributions from:Bob ElkindKenneth AinsworthSome text and figures used in this booklet reprint-ed with permission from Designing Digital Sys-tems published by Grass Valley Products.iiiiiiare covered in this booklet: 1.A definition of digitaltelevision including digi-tal basics, video stan-dards, conversionsbetween video signalforms, and digital audioformats and standards. 2.Considerations in select-ing transmission systempassive components suchas cable, connectors andrelated impedance match-ing concerns are dis-cussed as well as contin-ued use of the passiveloop-through concept.Much of the transmissionsystem methods and hard-ware already in place maybe used for serial digital.3.New and old systemsissues that are particularlyimportant for digital videoare discussed, includingequalization, reclocking,and system timing.serial digital signals canbe characterized in threedifferent aspects: usage,methods, and operationalenvironment. Types ofusage include: designer’sworkbench, manufactur-ing quality assurance,user equipment evalua-tion, system installationand acceptance testing,system and equipmentmaintenance, and perhaps most important, opera-tion.5.Several measurementmethods are covered indetail, including serialwaveform measurements,definition and detectionof errors, jitter effects andmeasurements, and sys-tem testing with specialtest signals.measurement are required todetermine the health of thedigital video transmissionsystem and the signals it car-ries. Analysis methods forthe program video and audiosignals are well known.However, measurements forthe serial form of the digi-tized signal differ greatlyfrom those used to analyzethe familiar baseband videosignal.This guide addresses manytopics of interest to designersand users of digital televisionsystems. You’ll find informa-tion on embedded audio(Section 3), system timingissues (Section 4), and sys-tem timing measurements(Section 6). Readers who arealready familiar with digitaltelevision basics may wish tostart with Section 4, SystemHardware and Issues. Discus-sion of specific measurementtopics begins in Section 6.page 1page 2page 3width of 36 MHz. So, data compression is nothing new; digital just makes it easier. For composite NTSC signals, there are additional gamut considerations when con-verting from the color differ-ence domain. NTSC trans-mitters will not allow 100 percent color amplitude on signals with high luminance level (such as yellow). This is because the transmitter carrier will go to zero for sig-nals greater than about 15 percent above 1 volt. Hence, there’s a lower gamut limit for some color difference sig-nals to be converted to NTSC for RF transmission.As part of the encoding pro-cess, sync and burst are added as shown in Figure2-3. Burst provides a refer-ence for decoding back to components. The phase of burst with respect to sync edge is called SCH phase, which must be carefully con-trolled in most studio appli-cations. For NTSC, 7.5 IRE units of setup is added to the luminance signal. This poses some conversion difficulties,particularly when decodingback to component. Theproblem is that it’s relativelyeasy to add setup; but remov-ing it when the amplitudesand timing of setup in thecomposite domain are notwell controlled can result inblack level errors and/or sig-nal disturbances at the endsof the active line.Sampling and QuantizingThe first step in the digitiz-ing process is to “sample”the continuous variations ofthe analog signal as shown inFigure 2-4. By looking at theanalog signal at discrete timeintervals, a sequence of volt-age samples can be stored,manipulated and later,reconstructed.In order to recover the analogsignal accurately, the samplerate must be rapid enough toavoid missing important in-formation. Generally, thisrequires the sampling fre-quency to be at least twicethe highest analog frequency.In the real world, the fre-quency is a little higher thantwice. (The Nyquist Sam-pling Theorem says that theinterval between successivesamples must be equal to orless than one-half of theperiod of the highest fre-quency present in the signal.)The second step in digitizingvideo is to “quantize” byassigning a digital number tothe voltage levels of the sam-pled analog signal – 256 lev-els for 8-bit video, 1024 for10-bit video, and up to sev-eral thousand for audio.To get the full benefit of digi-tal, 10-bit processing isrequired. While most currenttape machines are 8-bit,SMPTE 125M calls out 10-bitas the interface standard.Processing at less than 10bits may cause truncationand rounding artifacts, par-ticularly in electronicallygenerated pictures. Visibledefects will be revealed inthe picture if the quantiza-tion levels are too coarse (toofew levels). These defectscan appear as “contouring”of the picture. However, thegood news is that randomnoise and picture details pre-sent in most live video sig-nals actually help concealthese contouring effects byadding a natural randomnessto them. Sometimes the num-ber of quantizing levels mustbe reduced; for example,when the output of a 10-bitprocessing device feeds an8-bit recorder. In this case,contouring effects are mini-mized by deliberately addinga small amount of randomnoise (dither) to the signal.This technique is known asrandomized rounding.Digital Video StandardsAlthough early experimentswith digital technology werebased on sampling the com-posite (NTSC or PAL) signal,it was realized that for thehighest quality operation,component processing wasnecessary. The first digitalstandards were component.Interest in composite digitalwas revived when Ampexand Sony announced a com-posite digital recording for-mat, which became known aspage 4signals C B and C R, which are scaled versions of the signals B-Y and R-Y.The sampling structure defined is known as “4:2:2.”This nomenclature is derived from the days when multi-ples of NTSC subcarrier were being considered for the sam-pling frequency. This ap-proach was abandoned, but the use of “4” to represent the luminance sampling fre-quency was retained. The task force mentioned above examined luminance sam-pling frequencies from12MHz to 14.3 MHz. They selected 13.5 MHz as a com-promise because the sub-multiple 2.25 MHz is a factor common to both 525- and 625-line system. Some extended definition TV sys-tems use a higher resolution format called 8:4:4 which has twice the bandwidth of 4:2:2. Parallel component digital. Rec. 601 described the sam-pling of the signal. Electrical interfaces for the data pro-duced by this sampling were standardized separately by SMPTE and the EBU. The parallel interface for525/59.94 was defined by SMPTE as SMPTE Standard 125M (a revision of the ear-lier RP-125), and for 625/50 by EBU Tech 3267 (a revi-sion of the earlier EBU Tech 3246). Both of these were adopted by CCIR and are included in Recommenda-tion 656, the document defining the hardware inter-face.The parallel interface uses eleven twisted pairs and 25-pin “D” connectors. (The early documents specified slide locks on the connec-tors; later revisions changed the retention mechanism to 4/40 screws.) This interface multiplexes the data words in the sequence C B, Y, C R, Y, C B…, resulting in a data rate of 27 Mwords/s. The timing sequences SAV and EAV were added to each line to represent Start of Active Video and End of Active Video. The digital active line contains 720 luminance sam-ples, and includes space for representing analog blanking within the active line. Rec. 601 specified eight bits of precision for the data words representing the vid-eo. At the time the standards were written, some partici-pants suggested that this may not be adequate, and provi-sion was made to expand the interface to 10-bit precision. Ten-bit operation has indeed proved beneficial in many circumstances, and the latest revisions of the interface standard provide for a 10-bit interface, even if only eight bits are used. Digital-to-ana-log conversion range is cho-sen to provide headroom above peak white and foot-room below black as shown in Figure 2-5. Quantizing lev-els for black and white are selected so the 8-bit levels with two “0”s added will have the same values as the 10-bit levels. Values 000to 003 and 3FF to3FC are reserved for synchronizingD-2. Initially, these machineswere projected as analogin/out devices for use inexisting analog NTSC andPAL environments; digitalinputs and outputs were pro-vided for machine-to-ma-chine dubs. However, thepost-production communityrecognized that greateradvantage could be taken ofthe multi-generation capabil-ity of these machines if theywere used in an all digitalenvironment.Rec. 601.RecommendationITU-R BT.601 (formerly CCIRRecommendation 601) is nota video interface standard,but a sampling standard. Rec.601 evolved out of a jointSMPTE/EBU task force todetermine the parameters fordigital component video forthe 525/59.94 and 625/50television systems. Thiswork culminated in a seriesof tests sponsored by SMPTEin 1981, and resulted in thewell known CCIR Recom-mendation 601. This docu-ment specified the samplingmechanism to be used forboth 525 and 625 line sig-nals. It specified orthogonalsampling at 13.5MHz forluminance, and 6.75MHzfor the two color differencepage 5page 6purposes. Similar factorsdetermine the quantizing val-ues for color difference sig-nals as shown in Figure 2-6.Figure 2-7 shows the location of samples and digital words with respect to an analog horizontal line. Because the timing information is carried by EAV and SAV, there is no need for conventional syn-chronizing signals, and the horizontal intervals (and the active line periods during the vertical interval) may be used to carry ancillary data.The most obvious applica-tion for this data space is to carry digital audio, and doc-uments are being prepared by SMPTE to standardize the format and distribution of the audio data packets.Rec. 601/656 is a well proven technology with a full range of equipment available for production and post produc-tion. Generally, the parallel interface has been super-seded by a serial implemen-tation, which is far more practical in larger installa-tions. Rec. 601 provides all of the advantages of both dig-ital and component opera-tion. It’s the system of choice for the highest possible qual-ity in 525- or 625-line systems.Parallel composite digital.The composite video signal is sampled at four times the (NTSC or PAL) subcarrier frequency, giving nominal sampling rates of 14.3 MHz for NTSC and 17.7 MHz for PAL. The interface is stan-dardized for NTSC as SMPTE 244M and, at the time of writing, EBU documentation is in process for PAL. Both interfaces specify ten-bit pre-cision, although D-2 and D-3machines record only eight bits to tape. Quantizing of the NTSC signal (shown in Figure 2-8) is defined with a modest amount of headroom above 100% bars, a small footroom below sync tip and the same excluded values as for component.PAL composite digital has been defined to minimizecomposite. Also, the full excursion of the composite signal has to be represented by 256 levels on 8-bit recorders. Nevertheless, com-posite digital provides a more powerful environment than analog for NTSC and PAL installations and is a very cost effective solution for many users.As with component digital, the parallel composite inter-face uses a multi-pair cable and 25-pin “D” connectors. Again, this has proved to be satisfactory for small and medium sized installations, but practical implementation of a large system requires a serial interface.16:9 widescreen component digital signals.Many televi-sion markets around the world are seeing the intro-duction of delivery systems for widescreen (16:9 aspect ratio) pictures. Some of these systems, such as MUSE in Japan and the future ATVsystem in the USA, are intended for high-definition images. Others, such as PALplus in Europe will use 525- or 625-line pictures. Domestic receivers with 16:9 displays have been intro-duced in many markets, and penetration will likely increase significantly over the next few years. For most broadcasters, this creates the need for 16:9 program material.Two approaches have been proposed for the digital rep-resentation of 16:9 525- and 625-line video. The first method retains the sampling frequencies of the Rec. 601 standard for 4:3 images (13.5MHz for luminance). This “stretches” the pixel represented by each data word by a factor of 1.33 hori-zontally, and results in a loss of 25 percent of the horizon-tal spatial resolution when compared to Rec. 601 pic-tures. For some applications, this method still provides ad-equate resolution, and it has the big advantage that muchpage 7existing Rec. 601 equipment can be used.A second method maintains spatial resolution where pix-els (and data words) are added to represent the addi-tional width of the image. This approach results in 960 luminance samples for the digital active line (compared to 720 samples for a 4:3 pic-ture, and to 1920 samples for a 16:9 high definition pic-ture). The resulting sampling rate for luminance is18MHz. This system pro-vides the same spatial resolu-tion as Rec. 601 4:3 images; but existing equipment designed only for 13.5 MHz cannot be used. The addi-tional resolution of this method may be advantageous when some quality overhead is desired for post produc-tion or when up-conversion to a high-definition system is contemplated.SMPTE 267M provides for both the 13.5MHz and18MHz systems. Because 16:9 signals using 13.5MHzsampling are electricallyindistinguishable from 4:3signals, they can be con-veyed by the SMPTE 259Mserial interface at 270Mb/s.It’s planned that SMPTE259M (discussed below) willbe revised to provide forserial transmission of18MHz sampled signals,using the same algorithm, ata data rate of 360Mb/s.Serial Digital VideoParallel connection of digitalequipment is practical onlyfor relatively small installa-tions, and there’s a clearneed for transmission over asingle coaxial cable. This isnot simple as the data rate ishigh, and if the signal weretransmitted serially withoutmodification, reliable recov-ery would be very difficult.The serial signal must bemodified prior to transmis-sion to ensure that there aresufficient edges for reliableclock recovery, to minimizethe low-frequency content ofthe transmitted signal, and tospread the transmittedenergy spectrum so thatradio-frequency emissionproblems are minimized.In the early 1980s, a serialinterface for Rec. 601 signalswas recommended by theEBU. This interface used 8/9block coding and resulted ina bit rate of 243 Mb/s. Itsinterface did not support ten-bit precision signals, andthere were some difficultiesin producing reliable, costeffective, integrated circuits.The block coding based inter-face was abandoned and hasbeen replaced by an interfacewith channel coding thatuses scrambling and conver-sion to NRZI. The serial inter-face has been standardized asSMPTE 259M and EBU Tech.3267, and is defined for bothcomponent and compositesignals including embeddeddigital audio.Conceptually, the serial digitalinterface is much like a carriersystem for studio applica-tions. Baseband audio andvideo signals are digitized andcombined on the serial digital“carrier” as shown in Figure2-11. (It’s not strictly a carriersystem in that it’s a basebanddigital signal, not a signalmodulated on a carrier.) Thebit rate (carrier frequency) isdetermined by the clock rateof the digital data: 143Mb/sfor NTSC, 177Mb/s for PALand 270Mb/s for Rec. 601component digital. Thewidescreen (16:9) componentsystem defined in SMPTE 267will produce a bit rate of360Mb/s.Parallel data representing thesamples of the analog signalis processed as shown in Fig-ure 2-12 to create the serialdigital data stream. The par-allel clock is used to loadsample data into a shift regis-ter, and a times-ten multipleof the parallel clock shiftsthe bits out, LSB (least signif-icant bit) first, for each 10-bitdata word. If only 8 bits ofdata are available at theinput, the serializer placespage 8zeros in the two LSBs to complete the 10-bit word. Component signals do not need further processing as the SAV and EAV signals on the parallel interface provide unique sequences that can be identified in the serial domain to permit word fram-ing. If ancillary data such as audio has been inserted into the parallel signal, this data will be carried by the serial interface. The serial interface may be used with normal video coaxial cable.The conversion from parallel to serial for composite signals is somewhat more complex. As mentioned above, the SAV and EAV signals on the parallel component interface provide unique sequences that can be identified in the serial domain. The parallel composite interface does not have such signals, so it is necessary to insert a suitable timing reference signal (TRS) into the parallel signal before serialization. A diagram of the serial digital NTSC hori-zontal interval is shown in Figure 2-13. The horizontal interval for serial digital PAL would be similar except that the sample location is slightly different on each line, building up two extra samples per field. A three-word TRS is inserted in the sync tip to enable word fram-ing at the serial receiver, which should also remove the TRS from the received serial signal.The composite parallel inter-face does not provide for transmission of ancillary data, and the transmission of sync and burst means that less room is available for insertion of data. Upon con-version from parallel to serial, the sync tips may be used. However, the data space in NTSC is sufficient for four channels of AES/EBU digital audio. Ancillary data such as audio may be added prior to serialization, andthis would normally be per-formed by the same co-pro-cessor that inserts the TRS. Following the serialization of the parallel information the data stream is scrambled by a mathematical algorithm then encoded into NRZI (non-return to zero inverted) by a concatenation of the follow-ing two functions:G1(X) = X9+ X4+ 1G2(X) = X + 1At the receiver the inverse of this algorithm is used in the deserializer to recover the correct data. In the serial dig-ital transmission system, the clock is contained in the data as opposed to the parallel system where there’s a sepa-rate clock line. By scram-bling the data, an abundance of transitions is assured as required for clock recovery. The mathematics of scram-bling and descrambling lead to some specialized test sig-nals for serial digital systems that are discussed later in this guide.Encoding into NRZI makes the serial data stream polar-ity insensitive. NRZ (non return to zero, an old digital data tape term) is the familiar circuit board logic level, high is a “1” and low is a “0.” For a transmission system it’s convenient to not require a certain polarity of the signal at the receiver. As shown in Figure 2-14, a data transition is used to represent each “1”page 9and there’s no transition for a data “0.” The result’s that it’s only necessary to detect tran-sitions; this means either polarity of the signal may be used. Another result of NRZI encoding is that a signal of all “1”s now produces a tran-sition every clock interval and results in a square wave at one-half the clock fre-quency. However, “0”s pro-duce no transition, which leads to the need for scram-bling. At the receiver, the ris-ing edge of a square wave at the clock frequency would be used for data detection.Rate Conversion – Format ConversionWhen moving between com-ponent digital and composite digital in either direction, there are two steps: the actual encoding or decoding, and the conversion of the sample rate from one stan-dard to the other. The digital sample rates for these two formats are different:13.5MHz for component dig-ital and 14.3 MHz for NTSC composite digital (17.7 MHz for PAL). This second step is called “rate conversion.”Often the term rate conver-sion is used to mean both encoding/decoding and resampling of digital rates.Strictly speaking, rate con-version is taking one samplerate and making anothersample rate out of it. For ourpurposes, we’ll use the term“format conversion” to meanboth the encode/decode stepand resampling of digitalrates. The format conversionsequence depends on direc-tion. For component to com-posite, the usual sequence israte conversion followed byencoding. For composite tocomponent, the sequence isdecoding followed by rateconversion. See Figure 2-15.It’s much easier to do pro-duction in componentbecause it isn’t necessary towait for every color framingboundary (four fields forNTSC and eight for PAL) tomatch two pieces of video to-gether; instead, they can bematched every two fields(motion frame). This pro-vides four times the opportu-nity. Additionally, compo-nent is a higher quality for-mat since luminance andchrominance are handledseparately. To the extent pos-sible, origination for compo-nent environment produc-tion should be accomplishedcomponent. A high qualitycomposite-to-component for-mat converter provides a rea-sonable alternative.After post-production work,component digital oftenneeds to be converted tocomposite digital. Sourcesthat are component digitalmay be converted for inputto a composite digitalswitcher or effects machine.Or a source from a compo-nent digital telecine may beconverted for input to a com-posite digital suite. Further-more, tapes produced incomponent digital may needto be distributed or archivedin composite digital.The two major contributorsto the quality of this processare the encoding or decodingprocess and the sample rateconversion. If either one isfaulty, the quality of the finalproduct suffers. In order toaccurately change the digitalsample rate, computationsmust be made between twodifferent sample rates and in-terpolations must be calcu-lated between the physicallocation of the source pixeldata and the physical loca-tion of destination pixel data.Of the 709,379 pixel loca-tions in a PAL compositedigital frame, all except onemust be mapped (calculated).In order to accomplish thiscomputationally intense con-version, an extremely accu-rate algorithm must be used.If the algorithm is accurateenough to deal with PALconversions, NTSC conver-sions using the same algo-rithm are simple. To ensurequality video, a sophisticatedalgorithm must be employedand the hardware must pro-duce precise coefficients andminimize rounding errors.page 10page 11generally more economical to maintain separate audio thus eliminating the need for numerous mux (multiplexer) and demux (demultiplexer) modules. In developing the SDI standard, SMPTE 259M, one of the key considerations was the ability to embed at least four channels of audioin the composite serial digi-tal signal which has limitedancillary data space. A basicform of embedded audio forcomposite video is docu-mented in SMPTE 259M andthere’s a significant amountof equipment in the fieldusing this method for bothcomposite and componentsignals. As engineers wereusing the SMPTE 259M spec-ifications for their designs, itbecame clear that a moredefinitive document wasneeded. A draft proposedstandard is being developedfor embedded audio whichincludes such things as dis-tribution of audio sampleswithin the available compos-ite digital ancillary dataspace, the ability to carry 24-bit audio, methods to handlenon-synchronous clockingand clock frequencies otherthan 48 kHz, and specifica-tions for embedding audio incomponent digital video.Ancillary data -posite digital video allowsancillary data only in itsserial form and then only inthe tips of synchronizing sig-nals. Ancillary data is notcarried in parallel compositedigital as parallel data is sim-ply a digital representation ofthe analog signal. Figures3-2 and 3-3 show the ancil-lary data space available incomposite digital signalswhich includes horizontalsync tip, vertical broadpulses, and vertical equaliz-ing pulses.A small amount of the hori-zontal sync tip space isreserved for TRS-ID(timingreference signal and identifi-cation) which is required fordigital word framing in thedeserialization process. Sincecomposite digital ancillarydata is only available in theserial domain, it consists of10-bit words, whereas bothcomposite and componentparallel interconnects may beeither 8 or 10 bits. A sum-mary of composite digitalancillary data space for NTSCis shown in Table 3-1. Thirtyframes/second will provide9.87Mb/second of ancillarydata which is enough for fourchannels of embedded audiowith a little capacity left over.PAL has slightly more ancil-lary data space due to thehigher sample rate; howeverpage 12page 13HANC (horizontal ancillary data) and VANC (vertical ancillary data) with the SMPTE defining the use of HANC and the EBU defining the use of VANC. Word lengths are 10-bit for HANC specifically so it can carry embedded audio in the same format as for composite digi-tal and 8-bit for VANCspecifically so it can be car-ried by D-1 VTRs (on those vertical interval lines that are recorded). Total data space is shown in Table 3-2. Up to 16channels of embedded audio are specified for HANC in the proposed standard and there’s room for significantly more data.Not all of the VANC data space is available. For in-stance, the luminance sam-ples on one line per field are reserved for DVITC (digital vertical interval time code)and the chrominance sam-ples on that line may bedevoted to video index. Also,it would be wise to avoid using the vertical interval switch line and perhaps, the subsequent line where data might be lost due to relock after the switch occurs.Ancillary data formatting.Ancillary data is formatted into packets prior to multi-plexing it into the video data stream as shown in Figure 3-5. Each data block may contain up to 255 user data words provided there’s enough total data space available to include five(composite) or seven (compo-nent) words of overhead. For composite digital, only the vertical sync (broad) pulses have enough room for the full 255 words. Multiple data packets may be placed in individual ancillary data spaces, thus providing a rather flexible data commu-nications channel.At the beginning of each data packet is a header usingword values that are exclud-ed for digital video data and reserved for synchronizing purposes. For composite video, a single header word of 3FCh is used whereas for component video, a three-word header 000h 3FFh 3FFh is used. Each type of data packet is identified with a different Data ID word.Several different Data ID words are defined to orga-nize the various data packets used for embedded audio.The Data Block Number(DBN) is an optional counter that can be used to provide sequential order to ancillary data packets allowing a receiver to determine ifembedded audio for digital PAL is rarely used.There’s considerably more ancillary data space available in component digital video as shown in Figure 3-4. All of the horizontal and vertical blanking intervals are avail-able except for the small amount required for EAV (end of video) and SAV (start of video) synchronizing words.The ancillary data space has been divided into two types。