Chinese guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of malignant lymphoma 2018(English version)




Graves 病中西医结合诊疗指南Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Graves’DiseaseWith the Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine发布中国中西医结合学会中华中医药学会中华医学会前言 (III)引言 (V)正文 (7)1.范围 (7)2.规范性引用文件 (7)3.术语和定义 (7)4.诊断 (8)5.治疗 (9)6.诊疗流程 (16)附录A指南编制方法 (17)附录B证据分级方法 (19)附录C证据综合报告 (21)附录D英文缩略词 (24)参考文献 (25)本指南按照GB/T1.1-2020《标准化工作导则第1部分:标准化文件的结构和起草规则》、《世界卫生组织指南制定手册第二版》规则起草。






· 指南与共识·中国肾移植受者结核病临床诊疗指南(2023版)中华医学会器官移植学分会 【摘要】 本指南旨在为肾移植受者结核病的临床管理提供全面而实用的指导。







【关键词】 肾移植;结核病;结核分枝杆菌;结核菌素皮肤试验;潜伏感染;活动性结核病;γ-干扰素释放试验;免疫抑制药【中图分类号】 R617, R52 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】 1674-7445(2024)03-0002-10Guideline for clinical diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis in kidney transplant recipients in China (2023 edition) Branch of Organ Transplantation of Chinese Medical Association. Peking University People's Hospital , Beijing 100044, China Corresponding author: Wang Qiang, Email: ****************【Abstract 】 This guideline aims to provide comprehensive and practical guidance for clinical management of tuberculosis in kidney transplant recipients. First, it summarizes the particularity of tuberculosis in kidney transplant recipients, and highlights the high incidence and diverse clinical manifestations. To better understand the patients'conditions, relevant assessment of tuberculosis is recommended before kidney transplantation. Extensive attention should be paid to the monitoring of tuberculosis after kidney transplantation. Regarding the diagnosis, the guideline explicitly introduces common diagnostic approaches for tuberculosis, and evaluates the applicability in kidney transplant recipients.After the diagnosis is confirmed, it discusses how to balance the treatment and rejection of tuberculosis under the background of immunosuppressants, and focuses upon the potential drug interaction. In terms of prevention, it emphasizes the screening of tuberculosis prior to kidney transplantation. This guideline is designed to deepen the understanding of medical staff for tuberculosis management in kidney transplant recipients, promote more effective clinical practice and improve the quality of life of the recipients.【Key words 】 Kidney transplantation; Tuberculosis; Mycobacterium tuberculosis ; Tuberculin skin test; Latent infection; Active tuberculosis; Interferon gamma release assay; Immunosuppressant结核病是全球最常见的高致死率的感染性疾病之一[1]。



1 院前处理 2 诊断与评估 3 脑出血的治疗 4 预防脑出血复发
Pre hospital treatment
The symptoms of intracerebral hemorrhage are sudden, and most of them start in activity
(1)CT平扫:CT平扫可迅速、准确地显示血肿的部位、出血量、 占位效应、是否破入脑室或蛛网膜下腔及周围脑组织受损等情况, 是疑似卒中患者首选的影像学检查方法。 (2)增强CT和灌注CT:需要时,可做此2项检查。增强CT扫描发 现造影剂外溢的“点征”(spot sign)是提示血肿扩大高风险的重 要证据 。 (3)标准MRI:标准MRI包括T 1 、T 2 及质子密度加权序列在慢性 出血及发现血管畸形方面优于CT。 (4)多模式MRI:多模式 MRI包括弥散加权成像、灌注加权成像、FLAIR和梯度回波序列 (GRE)等,其有助于提供脑出血更多的信息,但不作为急诊检查 手段。磁敏感加权成像(SWI)对微出血十分敏感
2.其他药物: (1)神经保护剂:研究显示自发性脑出血 6 h内应用自由基清 除剂NXY-059治疗是安全、可耐受的,但未改善临床预后 。铁 螯合剂的疗效有待进一步临床研究。此外,还有一些神经保护 剂,如依达拉奉,在脑出血的临床研究与分析中发现对改善患 者神经功能起到了一定积极作用。 (2)中药制剂:中药制剂在我国也较多应用于治疗出血性脑卒 中。有中药制剂用于脑出血治疗的临床研究与分析,但因研究 质量及研究样本的局限性,尚需进行高质量、大样本的随机对 照试验予以进一步证实。
CTA和增强CT的“点征”有助于预测血肿扩大风险,必要时可行有关评估(Ⅱ级推荐,B级证 据)。 如怀疑血管病变(如血管畸形等)、肿瘤或CAA者,可根据需要选择行CTA、CTV、增强CT、增强 MRI、MRA、MRV、DSA、GRE-T 2 * 或SWI检查,以明确诊断(Ⅱ级推荐,B级证据)。 可应用GCS或NIHSS等量表评估病情的严重程度(Ⅱ级推荐,C级证据)。


EllS:内镜超声;ERCP:内镜逆行胆胰管造影 图1慢性胰腺炎的推荐诊断流程
类型 慢性钙化性胰腺炎 慢性阻塞性胰腺炎 慢性炎症性胰腺炎 自身免疫性胰腺炎
酒精性、遗传性、高脂血症性、高钙血症 性、特发性、药物性等 狭窄性十二指肠乳头炎、胰腺分裂症、损 伤等 血管性、糖尿病等 硬化性胆管炎、原发性胆汁性肝硬化、干 燥综合征等
DOI:10.3760/ema.j.issn.1007-8118.2015.04.001 通信作者:赵玉沛,100730北京协和医院基本外科,电子信箱:
外分泌功能,有助于cP的早期诊断。 (5)内镜逆行胆胰管造影(ERCP):主要显示胰 管形态改变,曾经是诊断CP的重要依据。但作为 有创性检查,目前多被MRCP和超声内镜(EUS)替 代,仅在诊断困难或需要治疗操作时选用。 (6)胰管镜:可直接观察患者胰管内病变,同时
综合诊治水平,中华医学会外科学分会胰腺外科学 组对2008年制定的《慢性胰腺炎诊治指南(讨论 稿)》进行了修订。在原版本基础上,参照国际相关 指南和最新研究成果,依据流行病学资料、循证医学 证据和I临床基础研究结果,结合近年来国内外在cP 诊治领域的进展,经学组全体成员大会共同讨论审 阅,并通过指南解读巡讲、小组讨论等形式广泛征求 意见,不断修订和完善,最终完成定稿。希望在临床 实践中不断加以完善。欢迎各位同道提出宝贵意见 和建议,进一步提高我国cP的诊治水平。



山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报2019年1月第33卷第1期JOtolaryngolOphthalmolShandongUnivꎬVol.33ꎬNo.1ꎬ2019收稿日期:2018 ̄12 ̄31ꎻ修回日期:2019 ̄01 ̄07通信作者:程雷ꎮE ̄ ̄3770.1.2018.048上下气道炎症性疾病多学科综合诊治文章编号:1673 ̄3770(2019)01 ̄0001 ̄03㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀述评同一气道ꎬ同一疾病:舌下免疫治疗的临床应用程雷(南京医科大学第一附属医院江苏省人民医院耳鼻咽喉科ꎻ南京医科大学国际变态反应研究中心ꎻ江苏省临床医学研究院过敏与自身免疫性疾病研究所ꎬ江苏南京210029)㊀㊀程雷ꎬ医学博士ꎬ教授ꎬ主任医师ꎬ博士生导师ꎮ现任南京医科大学第一附属医院(江苏省人民医院)耳鼻咽喉科主任ꎬ江苏省耳鼻咽喉科医疗质量控制中心主任ꎮ主要学术任职:中华医学会变态反应学分会候任主委ꎬ耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学分会常委ꎬ鼻科学组副组长ꎻ世界过敏组织(WAO)过敏医疗设备委员会理事ꎻ国家卫生健康委能力建设和继续教育中心耳鼻喉科专家委员会鼻变态反应学组组长ꎻ中国医疗保健国际交流促进会过敏科学分会副主委兼秘书长ꎬ耳鼻咽喉头颈外科分会常委ꎬ华东地区协作组组长ꎻ中国中西医结合学会耳鼻咽喉科专业委员会常委ꎬ变态反应专家委员会主委ꎻ中国医师协会耳鼻咽喉科医师分会常委ꎬ变态反应学组组长ꎻ中华预防医学会过敏病预防与控制专业委员会常委ꎻ江苏省医学会变态反应学分会主委ꎬ耳鼻咽喉科分会前任主委ꎻ江苏省医师协会耳鼻咽喉科医师分会会长ꎬ变态反应医师分会候任会长ꎮ担任«中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志»副总编ꎬ«中国中西医结合耳鼻咽喉科杂志»常务副总编ꎬ«山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报»副主编ꎬ英国ClinicalOtolaryngology杂志国际编委ꎬ等ꎮ主要研究方向:上气道过敏与炎症的机制及临床诊治ꎮ作为主要起草者和执笔人ꎬ参与制定中华医学会«变应性鼻炎诊断和治疗指南»㊁«慢性鼻-鼻窦炎诊断和治疗指南»㊁«血管运动性鼻炎诊断和治疗建议»㊁«变应性鼻炎特异性免疫治疗专家共识»等中英文指南共识文件ꎮ 十一五 江苏省科教兴卫工程建设优秀重点人才ꎻ 十二五 南京医科大学学科建设工作先进个人ꎮ引用格式:程雷.同一气道ꎬ同一疾病:舌下免疫治疗的临床应用[J].山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报ꎬ2019ꎬ33(1):1 ̄3.CHENGLei.Oneairwayꎬonedisease:clinicalapplicationofsublingualimmunotherapy[J].JOtolaryngolOph ̄thalmolShandongUnivꎬ2019ꎬ33(1):1 ̄3.Oneairwayꎬonedisease:clinicalapplicationofsublingualimmunotherapyCHENGLeiDepartmentofOtorhinolaryngologyꎬTheFirstAffiliatedHospitalꎬNanjingMedicalUniversityꎻInternationalCentreforAllergyRe ̄searchꎬNanjingMedicalUniversityꎻTheInstituteofAllergyandAutoimmuneDiseaseꎬJiangsuClinicalMedicineResearchInstitu ̄tionꎬNanjing210029ꎬJiangsuꎬChina㊀㊀上下气道炎症反应密切相关并相互影响ꎬ变应性鼻炎(allergicrhinitisꎬAR)和哮喘是临床常见的IgE介导的气道变态反应疾病ꎬ被称为 同一气道ꎬ同一疾病 (oneairwayꎬonedisease)ꎬ严重影响患者的生活质量ꎬ导致沉重的疾病负担ꎮ流行病学调查显示ꎬ我国主要城市14岁以下儿童哮喘的患病率为3.02%[1 ̄2]ꎬ而3~6岁学龄前儿童AR患病率已达10.8%~14.9%[3 ̄4]ꎬ成人AR的自报患病率则为17.6%[5]ꎮ世界卫生组织(WHO)和世界过敏组织(WAO)提倡将 防控结合ꎬ四位一体 作为变态反应疾病的治疗原则ꎬ其策略为加强环境控制ꎬ避免接触变应原ꎻ进行规范化药物治疗ꎬ科学合理用药ꎻ重视特异性免疫治疗ꎬ长期稳定控制疾病ꎻ强化患者教育ꎬ提高对疾病的认识ꎮ变应原免疫治疗(allergenimmunotherapyꎬAIT)已被临床实践指南[6 ̄10]推荐用于AR和/或哮喘的治疗ꎬ能够有效改善患者的呼吸道症状ꎬ减少对症药物的使用ꎬ提高患者的生活质量ꎮAIT的治疗方式目前主要有两种:皮下免疫治疗(subcutaneousimmunotherapyꎬSCIT)和舌下免疫治疗(sublingualimmunotherapyꎬSLIT)ꎮ相对于SCIT已有100多年临床应用的历史ꎬSLIT是一种新兴的治疗方法ꎮ研究表明[11]ꎬSLIT与SCIT一样能够通过多种免疫调节机制对人体免疫系统发挥作用ꎬ包括调节Th1/Th2免疫失衡ꎻ降低变应原特异性IgE的合成ꎬ并促使 封闭抗体 IgG4的产生ꎻ促1山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报2019年1月第33卷第1期JOtolaryngolOphthalmolShandongUnivꎬVol.33ꎬNo.1ꎬ2019使调节性T细胞的产生和活化ꎬ诱导机体对变应原产生耐受性ꎮSLIT是一种经口腔黏膜给予变应原疫苗ꎬ以使变态反应疾病患者逐渐实现免疫耐受的特异性免疫治疗方法ꎬ其第一个随机㊁双盲㊁安慰剂对照研究发表于1986年ꎮ随后ꎬ大量的临床研究和Meta分析进一步证实了SLIT的疗效及安全性ꎬ因而得到WAO的推荐ꎬ为此曾两次发表意见书[12 ̄13]ꎮ过去十多年ꎬSLIT在气道变态反应疾病中的应用越来越广泛ꎮWAO意见书认为ꎬSLIT对患者年龄没有具体限定ꎮ国内多项临床研究表明[11]ꎬSLIT对4岁以上儿童及成人尘螨致敏引起的AR和哮喘具有明显疗效ꎬ且安全性良好ꎮ考虑到幼龄儿童的低依从性ꎬ大多数临床指南推荐SLIT用于4岁及以上儿童ꎬ新版中国AR指南[8]则认为可以放宽到3岁ꎬ这是依据一些较高质量的临床研究结果和系统评价所达成的共识ꎮ需要注意的是ꎬ虽然SLIT安全性和耐受性好ꎬ但通常是在没有直接医疗监督的家中进行治疗ꎬ患者和监护人应该被告知如何识别不良反应ꎬ防范严重全身反应的发生ꎮ关于SLIT在AR和哮喘治疗中的临床应用及推荐强度ꎬ国内外指南尚存一些争议ꎮ先看国内指南ꎬ最新的AR指南和AIT指南(包括中文版和英文版)[6 ̄8]均推荐AIT为AR的一线治疗方法ꎬ对于诊断明确的患者应尽早行SCIT或SLITꎬ而不需要以药物治疗无效为前提条件ꎮ特别是对哮喘发作的高危人群(如5岁以上AR患儿)可较早开始AIT[14]ꎮ但考虑到目前国内可供临床使用的标准化变应原疫苗仅有尘螨提取物ꎬAIT的适应证主要为尘螨过敏导致的中-重度持续性ARꎬ合并其他变应原数量少(1~2种)ꎬ最好是单一尘螨过敏的患者ꎮ相比AR指南ꎬ支气管哮喘防治指南(2016年版)[9]对AIT的推荐则显得比较保守ꎬ仅适用于在严格的环境控制和药物治疗后仍控制不良的哮喘患者ꎬ并认为SLIT的长期疗效尚待进一步验证ꎮ儿童支气管哮喘诊断与防治指南(2016年版)[10]对于AIT的观点有所不同ꎬ认为无论SCIT还是SLITꎬ疗程3~5年ꎬ可改善哮喘症状ꎬ减少缓解药物应用需求ꎬ降低吸入性糖皮质激素(inhaledcorticosteroidꎬICS)的每天需用剂量ꎬ减少急性哮喘发作ꎬ而且认为在疾病早期开始进行AIT有可能改变其长期病程ꎬ但对肺功能的改善和降低气道高反应性的疗效尚需进一步临床研究和评价ꎮ再看国外指南ꎬ2018年欧洲变应性鼻结膜炎AIT指南[15]推荐在成人和儿童季节性AR患者中使用SLIT片剂或滴剂ꎬ尤其适用于禾本科草花粉致敏的成人患者ꎬ疗程不小于3年ꎻ对于尘螨过敏的成人常年性AR患者ꎬ使用SLIT片剂进行短期治疗(至少1年)的效果也得到肯定ꎮ最新的2018年版全球哮喘防治创议(GlobalInitiativeforAsthmaꎬGINA)[16]则认为ꎬ成人和儿童哮喘在低剂量ICS治疗中加用SLIT是有适度益处的ꎬ在尘螨致敏的AR伴持续性哮喘(需用ICS控制ꎬFEV1>70%预计值)患者中ꎬSLIT能够减少轻-中度哮喘发作ꎮ因此在那些接受第2级治疗时(低剂量ICS加按需使用缓解药物)仍有哮喘急性发作的成人患者中ꎬSLIT可以作为一种辅助疗法(add ̄ontherapy)ꎮ总之ꎬAIT是目前惟一能改变IgE介导的气道变态反应疾病自然进程的对因疗法ꎬ临床疗效和安全性已得到大量研究的证实[17]ꎮ就SLIT而言ꎬ在中国临床应用虽然仅有十多年ꎬ已取得的研究证据推荐其作为一线疗法用于AR的早期治疗ꎬ疗程需要3年以上ꎮ值得一提的是ꎬ由于不同地域AR患者的主要致敏变应原种类不尽相同ꎬ而且西方国家关于舌下滴剂的研究相对较少ꎬ因此欧洲AIT指南[15]尚不推荐尘螨舌下滴剂用于常年性AR的治疗ꎮ关于SLIT在儿童和成人哮喘患者中的应用ꎬ国内外指南中的推荐意见尚不一致ꎬ总体上循证医学证据级别还不够高ꎬ有待于进一步开展高质量的临床研究ꎬ并制定切合实际的气道变态反应疾病SLIT中国指南ꎬ更好地指导我们的临床实践ꎮ参考文献:[1]邵洁.探讨儿童过敏性哮喘的若干问题[J].山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报ꎬ2019ꎬ33(1):25 ̄27.doi:10.6040/j.issn.1673 ̄3770.1.2018.036.SHAOJie.Problemsassociatedwithallergicasthmainchildren[J].JournalofOtolaryngologyandOphthalmolo ̄gyofShandongUniversityꎬ2019ꎬ33(1):25 ̄27.doi:10.6040/j.issn.1673 ̄3770.1.2018.036.[2]刘传合.我国儿童哮喘患病与诊治现状[J].山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报ꎬ2019ꎬ33(1):28 ̄32.doi:10.6040/j.issn.1673 ̄3770.1.2018.037.LIUChuanhe.TheprevalenceꎬdiagnosisandmanagementofasthmainchildreninChina[J].JournalofOtolaryn ̄gologyandOphthalmologyofShandongUniversityꎬ2019ꎬ33(1):28 ̄32.doi:10.6040/j.issn.1673 ̄3770.1.2018.037.2山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报2019年1月第33卷第1期JOtolaryngolOphthalmolShandongUnivꎬVol.33ꎬNo.1ꎬ2019[3]KongWJꎬChenJJꎬZhengZYꎬetal.Prevalenceofaller ̄gicrhinitisin3 ̄6 ̄year ̄oldchildreninWuhanofChina[J].ClinExpAllergyꎬ2009ꎬ39(6):869 ̄874.doi:10.1111/j.1365 ̄2222.2009.03206.x.[4]ZhangYMꎬZhangJꎬLiuSLꎬetal.Prevalenceandasso ̄ciatedriskfactorsofallergicrhinitisinpreschoolchildreninBeijing[J].Laryngoscopeꎬ2013ꎬ123(1):28 ̄35.doi:10.1002/lary.23573.[5]WangXDꎬZhengMꎬLouHFꎬetal.Anincreasedpreva ̄lenceofself ̄reportedallergicrhinitisinmajorChinesecit ̄iesfrom2005to2011[J].Allergyꎬ2016ꎬ71(8):1170 ̄1180.doi:10.1111/all.12874.[6]BaoYꎬChenJꎬChengLꎬetal.ChineseGuidelineonal ̄lergenimmunotherapyforallergicrhinitis[J].JThoracDisꎬ2017ꎬ9(11):4607 ̄4650.doi:10.21037/jtd.2017.10.112.[7]ChengLꎬChenJꎬFuQꎬetal.ChineseSocietyofAllergyGuidelinesforDiagnosisandTreatmentofAllergicRhini ̄tis[J].AllergyAsthmaImmunolResꎬ2018ꎬ10(4):300 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[9]中华医学会呼吸病学分会哮喘学组.支气管哮喘防治指南(2016年版)[J].中华结核和呼吸杂志ꎬ2016ꎬ39(9):675 ̄697.doi:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1001 ̄0939.2016.09.007.[10]中华医学会儿科学分会呼吸学组ꎬ«中华儿科杂志»编辑委员会.儿童支气管哮喘诊断与防治指南(2016年版)[J].中华儿科杂志ꎬ2016ꎬ54(3):167 ̄181.doi:10.3760/cma.j.issn.0578 ̄1310.2016.03.003.[11]ChengLꎬZhouWC.SublingualimmunotherapyofhousedustmiterespiratoryallergyinChina[J].AllergolIm ̄munopathol(Madr)ꎬ2019ꎬ47(1):85 ̄89.doi:10.1016/j.aller.2018.02.008.[12]CanonicaGWꎬBousquetJꎬCasaleTꎬetal.Sub ̄lingualimmunotherapy:WorldAllergyOrganizationPositionPaper2009[J].Allergyꎬ2009ꎬ64Suppl91:1 ̄59.doi:10.1111/j.1398 ̄9995.2009.02309.x.[13]CanonicaGWꎬCoxLꎬPawankarRꎬetal.Sublingualimmunotherapy:WorldAllergyOrganizationpositionpa ̄per2013update[J].WorldAllergyOrganJꎬ2014ꎬ7(1):6.doi:10.1186/1939 ̄4551 ̄7 ̄6.[14]中华医学会呼吸病学分会哮喘学组.上-下气道慢性炎症性疾病联合诊疗与管理专家共识[J].中华医学杂志ꎬ2017ꎬ97(26):2001 ̄2022.doi:10.3760/cma.j.issn.0376 ̄2491.2017.26.001.[15]RobertsGꎬPfaarOꎬAkdisCAꎬetal.EAACIGuide ̄linesonAllergenImmunotherapy:Allergicrhinoconjunc ̄tivitis[J].Allergyꎬ2018ꎬ73(4):765 ̄798.doi:10.1111/all.13317.[16]GlobalInitiativeforAsthma.GlobalStrategyforAsthmaManagementandPreventionꎬ2018[R/OL].[17]PfaarOꎬLouHꎬZhangYꎬetal.Recentdevelopmentsandhighlightsinallergenimmunotherapy[J].Allergyꎬ2018ꎬ73(12):2274 ̄2289.doi:10.1111/all.13652.(编辑:孙瑶)3。



· 指南与共识·中国肾移植受者巨细胞病毒感染临床诊疗指南(2023版)中华医学会器官移植学分会 中国医师协会器官移植医师分会 中国医疗保健国际交流促进会肾脏移植学分会 【摘要】 近几年在实体器官移植(SOT )受者巨细胞病毒(CMV )感染诊疗领域,无论是诊断方法还是新型抗CMV 药物都有了一些新的进展,对CMV 感染的诊治产生了积极的影响。

为了进一步规范中国肾移植术后CMV 感染的管理,中华医学会器官移植学分会组织了国内多个学科相关领域专家,参考《中国实体器官移植受者巨细胞病毒感染诊疗指南(2016版)》和国内外已发表的最新文献和指南,制定了《中国肾移植受者巨细胞病毒感染诊疗指南(2023版)》,新版指南更新了CMV 流行病学,CMV 感染的危险因素和普遍性预防的研究进展,新增CMV 感染定义,细化CMV 血症和CMV 病的诊断标准,并对新型抗CMV 药物进行了介绍。

【关键词】 肾移植;实体器官移植;巨细胞病毒;感染;病毒血症;巨细胞病毒病;普遍性预防;抢先治疗【中图分类号】 R617, R373 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】 1674-7445(2024)03-0001-20Clinical diagnosis and treatment guidelines for cytomegalovirus infection in kidney transplant recipients in China (2023edition) Branch of Organ Transplantation of Chinese Medical Association, Branch of Organ Transplantation Physician of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Branch of Kidney Transplantation of China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health Care. *The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi 'an Jiaotong University , Xi 'an 710061, China Correspondingauthors:DingXiaoming,Email:***************.cnXueWujun,Email:******************.cn【Abstract 】 In recent years, there have been significant advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients, including diagnostic method and anti-CMV drugs. These advancements have had a positive impact on the management of CMV infection in SOT recipients. To further standardize the management of CMV infection after kidney transplantation in China, Branch of Organ Transplantation of Chinese Medical Association organized a multidisciplinary group of experts in relevant fields. They referred to the ‘Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for Cytomegalovirus Infection in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients in China (2016 edition)’ and the latest published literature and guidelines, resulting in the development of the ‘Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for Cytomegalovirus Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipients in China (2023 edition)’. The updated guideline includes CMV epidemiology, research progress on the risk factors and universal prevention of CMV infection, the definition for CMV infection, detailed diagnostic criteria for CMV viremia and CMV disease, as well as an introduction to new anti-CMV drugs.【Key words 】 Kidney transplantation; Solid organ transplantation; Cytomegalovirus; Infection; Viremia;Cytomegalovirus disease; Universal prevention; Preemptive therapyDOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-7445.2024096基金项目:国家自然科学基金(82370802、82170766、82270789、81970646);陕西省卫生健康肾脏移植科研创新平台(2023PT-06)执笔作者单位: 710061 西安,西安交通大学第一附属医院(丁小明);首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院(林俊);首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院(胡小鹏);复旦大学附属中山医院(戎瑞明);西安交通大学第一附属医院(郑瑾)通信作者:丁小明,Email :***************.cn ;薛武军,Email :******************.cn第 15 卷 第 3 期器官移植Vol. 15 No.3 2024 年 5 月Organ Transplantation May 2024 巨细胞病毒(cytomegalovirus,CMV)是一种全球传播广泛的β-疱疹病毒,原发感染之后在体内会呈潜伏状态,当人体的免疫功能下降时病毒会被再激活。



2021年第7卷第8期Vol.7,No.8,2021中西医结合护理Chinese Journal of Integrative Nursinghttp ://OPEN ACCESS 中药湿敷改善阿扎胞苷皮下注射所致皮下硬结的效果观察赵佳璐,王华新,李野(北京中医药大学东方医院核酸采集室,北京,100078)摘要:目的观察中药湿敷治疗阿扎胞苷皮下注射所致皮下硬结的应用效果。

方法将50例骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS )行阿扎胞苷皮下注射所致皮下硬结患者分为观察组和对照组,各25例。





关键词:骨髓增生异常综合征;中药湿敷;阿扎胞苷;皮下注射;皮下硬结中图分类号:R 473.5文献标志码:A文章编号:2618-0219(2021)08-0115-03Effect of wet dressing of Chinese herbs on subcutaneous induration caused by subcutaneous injection of AzacitidineZHAO Jialu ,WANG Huaxin ,LI Ye(Nucleic Acid Collection Room ,Dongfang Hospital Beijing University of Chinese Medicine ,Beijing ,100078)ABSTRACT :Objective To investigate the effect of wet dressing of Chinese herbs on subcuta⁃neous induration caused by subcutaneous injection of Azacitidine.Methods Totally 50patients with subcutaneous induration caused by subcutaneous injection of Azacitidine for the treatment of myelodysplastic syndrome were randomly divided into the observation group and the control group ,with 25cases in each group.The Mupirocin ointment was applied on the surface of subcu⁃taneous induration in the control group ,and wet dressing of Chinese herbs was applied in the ob⁃servation group.The subsiding of subcutaneous induration ,pain and swelling were observed.Re⁃sults In the observation group ,subcutaneous induration subsided in all patients ,and there were 2cases of pain and 4cases of remained swelling.In the control group ,subcutaneous induration subsided in 13patients ,and there were 6cases of pain and 5cases of remained swelling.Conclu⁃sion The wet dressing of Chinese herbs is effective to relieve the subcutaneous induration and re⁃lated pain and swelling following ubcutaneous injection of Azacitidine.KEY WORDS :myelodysplastic syndrome ;wet dressing of Chinese herbs ;Azacitidine ;subcutaneous injection ;subcutaneous induration 骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS )是一组以造血干细胞异常造血感染难治性血细胞减少为表现的特异性克隆性疾病,且高危者意向急性髓系白血病转化[1]。























*改良版NIH标准 中国胃肠间质瘤诊断治疗共识(2013年版). 临床肿瘤学杂
Chinese consensus guidelines for diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Chin J Cancer Res. 2017;29(4):281-293.
Chinese consensus guidelines for diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Chin J Cancer Res. 2017;29(4):281-293.
• 原发GIST术后危险度分级:参考2008年Joensuu等发表的改良版NIH危险度分级系统,将原发 肿瘤部位和肿瘤破裂也作为预后的基本评估指标
• 依据瘤细胞的形态通常将GIST分为3大类: ✓梭形细胞型(70%) ✓上皮样型(20%) ✓混合型(10%) •少数病例可含有多形性细胞,常见于上皮
样GIST内 •间质可呈硬化性,尤见于伴有钙化的小肿 瘤,偶可呈粘液样
Chinese consensus guidelines for diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Chin J Cancer Res. 2017;29(4):281-293.
Chinese consensus guidelines for diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Chin J Cancer Res. 2017;29(4):281-293.



*不良因素为边界不规整、溃疡、强回声和异质性 Chinese consensus guidelines for diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal stromal tumor .(2017) Chin J Cancer Res 2017;29(4):281-293
• 原发GIST术后危险度分级:参考2008年Joensuu等发表的改良版NIH危险度分级系统,将原发肿 瘤部位和肿瘤破裂也作为预后的基本评估指标,此分级更适用于亚洲人群
危险度分级* 极低 低 中等

<2 2.1-5.0
≤2 2.1-5.0 5.1-10.0
Chinese consensus guidelines for diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal stromal tumor .(2017) Chin J Cancer Res 2017;29(4):281-293
任何 >10 任何 >5 2.1-5.0 5.1-10.0
≤5 ≤5 >5 >5 ≤5 任何 任何 >10 >5 >5 ≤5
任何部位 任何部位 非胃原发
胃 胃 肿瘤破裂 任何部位 任何部位 任何部位 非胃原发 非胃原发
Chinese consensus guidelines for diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal stromal tumor .(2017) Chin J Cancer Res 2017;29(4):281-293



《中国艾滋病诊疗指南(2018版)》解读沈银忠 [摘要] 《中国艾滋病诊疗指南(2018版)》是根据我国临床实践和基于中国人群的研究数据以及国际最新研究结果在前三版的基础上进行的更新。




[关键词] 艾滋病;指南;解读 [中国图书资料分类号] R512.91 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 1007-8134(2019)01-0016-05 DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-8134.2019.01.003Interpretation of Guidelines fordiagnosis and treatment of AIDS in China (2018) SHEN Yin-zhongDepartment of Infection and Immunity, Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Fudan University, 201508, China [Abstract] “Guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of AIDS in China (2018)” is an update based on the previous 3 editions, according to the clinical practice in China and research data in the Chinese population, as well as the latest international research results. This edition of guidelines strengthens the concept of AIDS preventions, highlights the value of nucleic acid testing in diagnosis and treatments, substantially updates the treatment regimens for AIDS with tuberculosis and cryptococcal meningitis, optimizes the recommended antiviral treatment regimens, updates the definition of failure of antiviral treatment and its treatment norms, first standardizes the reproductive problems of HIV single-positive families and first puts forward the concept of whole course management of HIV infection. This edition of guidelines is a guide integrated with Chinese characteristics and international standards. Many concepts, such as whole course management of HIV infection, individualized treatment, HIV single-positive families' fertility, therapeutic drug concentration monitoring, pre-exposure prophylaxis and simplified antiretroviral therapy are first introduced or written into the Chinese guidelines, reflecting the contribution of Chinese scholars in this field. [Key words] AIDS; guidelines; interpretation 艾滋病是影响人类健康的重要公共卫生问题,其规范诊治对疾病的防治具有极其重要的意义。



•114.血病•淋巴才留2021 年 2 j j第 3()沒第 2 期Journal of Leukemia & l.vmphonia, Felmian 2021. V〇l. 30, No. 2以肝损害为首发表现的急性髓系白血病一例并文献复习徐伟吴涛薛锋胡文雪王存邦白海解放军联勤保障部队第九四〇医院全军血液病中心,兰州 730050通信作者:吴涛,Email:wutaozhen@ •短篇论著•扫码阅读电子版【摘要】目的探讨以肝损害为首发表现的急性髓系白血病(AML)的临床特点及治疗情况方 法对2019年9月7 U解放军联勤保障部队第九四〇医院收治的1例以肝损害为首发表现的AML患者 的相关实验室检查、影像学、病理学结果及治疗情况进行回顾性分析,并复习相关文献结果患者,女性,40岁,以肝损害为首发表现,结合各项实验室检查及骨髓穿刺检查结果诊断为A M L进行降低氨基 转移酶治疗的同时积极治疗原发病,给予地西他滨+CAG方案定期化疗,丨个疗程后达完全缓解,且肝功 能基本恢复正常结论AML首发症状多样,且经常合并多系统器官损害,早期诊断、积极治疗原发病 是改善患者预后的关键【关键词】内血病,髓样,急性;肝衰竭;地西他滨;CAG方案;ET0基因基金项目:甘肃省自然科学基金(145RJZA151)D O I:10.3760/rma.j.rnl15356-20191207-00241Acute myeloid leukemia with hepatic dysfunction as the first manifestation: report of one case and review of literatureXu W ei.W u Tao,Xue Feng,Hu Wenxue,Wang Cunbang,Bai HaiDepartment of Hematology,the940th Hospital of J oint Logistics Support Force of Chinese inzhou730050, ChinaCorresponding author:W u Tao,Email:wutaozhen@Fund program: Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province(145R J Z A151)D O I:10.3760/rma.j.rnl15356-20191207-00241急性髓系血病(AML)是一组累及髓系前体细胞,出现克 隆性增殖、成熟细胞减少、可对多组织器官造成浸润的常见造 血系统肿瘤,约占急性h血病(AL)的70%,常见临床表现包括 发热、贫血、血小板减少及继发感染部分患者在确诊时已有 消化道浸润,但肝损害少见1。






关键词消化性溃疡;共识意见;诊断;治疗Consensus on Diagnosis and Therapy of Peptic Ulcer (2022,Shanghai)Editorial Board of Chinese Journal ofDigestionCorrespondence to:ZOU Duowu,Department of Gastroenterology,Ruijin Hospital,Shanghai Jiao Tong University Schoolof Medicine,Shanghai (200025),Email:******************.cn;XIE Weifen,Department of Gastroenterology,the SecondAffiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University,Shanghai (200003),Email:*********************.cn;YUAN Yaozong,Department of Gastroenterology,Ruijin Hospital,Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,Shanghai (200025),Email:*****************.cnAbstractDue to the difficult eradication of Helicobacter pylori caused by gradual increase of antibiotic resistance,the widespread use of nonsteroidal anti ‑inflammatory drugs,and the common use of antithrombotic therapy in the agingpopulation,the diagnosis and treatment of peptic ulcer are more challenging than ever.To further explore a new model of diagnosis and treatment of peptic ulcer in accordance with our national conditions,the Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Digestion organized an expert committee to develop a new version of the consensus based on "Standardized diagnosis and treatment of peptic ulcer (2016,Xi′an)".The consensus has 30statements,divided into 9parts,covering the definition,clinical manifestations,pharmacological treatment,treatment of complications,and prevention of peptic ulcer.Key wordsPeptic Ulcer;Consensus;Diagnosis;TherapyDOI :10.3969/j.issn.1008‑7125.2023.04.003∗原文刊载于《中华消化杂志》,经中华医学会和《中华消化杂志》编辑部授权转载#本文通信作者:邹多武,上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院消化内科(200025),Email:******************.cn ;谢渭芬,海军军医大学第二附属医院消化内科(200003),Email:weifenxie@ ;袁耀宗,上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院消化内科(200025),Email:*****************.cn消化性溃疡(peptic ulcer,PU )作为一种常见疾病,在普通人群中的终身患病率为5%~10%,年发病率为0.1%~0.3%[1]。



csco指南crpc诊断标准CSCO (Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology) sets the guidelines to standardize the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, including the CRPC (Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer) diagnostic criteria. CSCO is committed to improving the quality of cancer care through evidence-based guidelines that reflect the best available scientific evidence. These guidelines are essential for healthcare professionals to ensure accurate and timely diagnosis and treatment for patients with CRPC.CSCO (中国临床肿瘤学会)制定了指南,以规范癌症的诊断和治疗,包括Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC)的诊断标准。


这些指南对于医护人员来说是至关重要的,可以确保对于患有CRPC 的患者进行准确及时的诊断和治疗。

The diagnostic criteria for CRPC are crucial for healthcare professionals in evaluating cancer progression and determining the appropriate course of treatment for patients. The guidelines provide a standardized framework for assessing clinical and laboratoryparameters, as well as imaging findings, to identify patients with CRPC. This contributes to more accurate diagnosis and effective management of the disease.对于医护人员来说,CRPC的诊断标准对于评估癌症进展并确定患者的适当治疗方案至关重要。



∙标准与讨论∙骨髓增生异常综合征中国诊断与治疗指南(2019年版)中华医学会血液学分会通信作者:吴德沛,苏州大学附属第一医院、江苏省血液研究所,Email:wudepei@suda.;肖志坚,中国医学科学院血液病医院(血液学研究所),;黄晓军,北京大学人民医院、北京大学血液病研究所,Email:huangxiaojun@pkuph.DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.0253-2727.2019.02.001Chinese guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes(2019)Chinese Society of Hematology,Chinese Medical AssociationCorresponding author:Wu Depei,the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University,Jiangsu Institute of Hematology,Email:wudepei@.Xiao Zhijian,Institute ofHematology&Blood Diseases Hospital,CAMS&PUMC,Email:zjxiao@.Huang Xiaojun,Peking University People’s Hospital,Peking University Institute ofHematology,Email:huangxiaojun@骨髓增生异常综合征(myelodysplastic syndromes,MDS)是一组起源于造血干细胞的异质性髓系克隆性疾病,其特点是髓系细胞发育异常,表现为无效造血、难治性血细胞减少,高风险向急性髓系白血病(AML)转化。

中国痴呆与认知障碍诊治指南写作组 英文

中国痴呆与认知障碍诊治指南写作组 英文

中国痴呆与认知障碍诊治指南写作组英文Dementia and cognitive impairment are significant public health challenges in China, affecting millions of individuals and their families. The management of these conditions is complex and requires a multidisciplinary approach. The Chinese guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of dementia and cognitive disorders aim to standardize care and improve outcomes for patients.The guidelines emphasize the importance of early detection and accurate diagnosis. Cognitive impairment can manifest in various forms, ranging from mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which may be a precursor to dementia, to more severe forms like Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. The guidelines recommend using a combination of patient history, cognitive assessments, and biomarkers for diagnosis.Treatment strategies outlined in the guidelines focus on both pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. Medications such as cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine are commonly prescribed for Alzheimer's disease, while vascular dementia treatment targets underlying cardiovascular risk factors. Non-pharmacological interventions include cognitive rehabilitation, lifestyle modifications, and caregiver support, which are crucial for maintaining quality of life.Preventive measures are also a key component of the guidelines. Risk factor modification, such as controlling hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia, can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing cognitive impairment. Regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and mental stimulation are recommended to preserve cognitive function.The guidelines also address the need for public education and awareness. Dementiais often stigmatized, leading to delayed diagnosis and treatment. By increasing awareness, the guidelines hope to foster a more supportive environment for individuals with cognitive impairment and their families.In conclusion, the Chinese guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of dementia and cognitive disorders provide a comprehensive framework for managing these complex conditions. Through early detection, appropriate treatment, and preventive measures, the guidelines aim to improve the lives of those affected by dementia and cognitive impairment in China.This document reflects the current standards and practices for managing dementia and cognitive disorders in China, providing healthcare professionals with a clear and concise reference to deliver the best possible care to their patients. 。



2024中国心脏病防治指南英文版2024 Chinese Heart Disease Prevention and Treatment GuidelinesIn 2024, China continues to prioritize the prevention and treatment of heart disease. The guidelines aim to provide comprehensive strategies for reducing the incidence and impact of heart-related conditions.Importance of PreventionPrevention remains a key focus in the fight against heart disease. Emphasizing healthy lifestyle choices, such as regular exercise, balanced diet, and stress management, can significantly reduce the risk of developing heart problems.Early Detection and DiagnosisEarly detection plays a crucial role in effectively managing heart disease. Regular health check-ups and screenings are recommended to identify potential issues before they escalate.Treatment ApproachesTreatment for heart disease may vary depending on the individual's condition. From medication to surgical interventions, the guidelines outline a range of options to address different aspects of heart-related ailments.Lifestyle ModificationsEncouraging lifestyle modifications, such as quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, and managing weight, can greatly improve heart health and overall well-being.Importance of EducationEducating the public about the risks and warning signs of heart disease is essential for early intervention and prevention. Awareness campaigns and community outreach programs can help spread crucial information to a wider audience.Collaborative EffortsCollaboration between healthcare professionals, researchers, policymakers, and the public is vital in implementing effective strategies for heart disease prevention and treatment. Working together can lead to better outcomes and improved quality of life for individuals affected by heart conditions.ConclusionThe 2024 Chinese Heart Disease Prevention and Treatment Guidelines serve as a roadmap for promoting heart health and reducing the burden of heart disease in China. By following these guidelines and adopting healthy habits, individuals can take proactive steps towards safeguarding their heart health for years to come.。



中华医学会麻醉科诊疗科目The subjects of diagnosis and treatment of anesthesia inthe Chinese Medical Association.Diagnosis and treatment of anesthesia is a specializedfield within the broader field of medical science. As a subset of anesthesiology, it focuses on the evaluation, management, and care of patients undergoing various typesof anesthesia procedures. The Chinese Medical Association recognizes the importance of this discipline and has established specific guidelines for its diagnosis and treatment.麻醉科诊疗就是医学科学中一个特定的领域。



The diagnosis aspect of anesthesia involves assessing patients before the administration of anesthesia to determine their suitability for certain procedures. This includes evaluating their overall health status, conductingpreoperative tests, and identifying any existing medical conditions that may affect their response to anesthesia. Through these assessments, an anesthesiologist can make informed decisions regarding the appropriate type and dosage of anesthesia to be administered.在麻醉科的诊断方面,需要在给予麻醉之前对患者进行评估,以确定他们在某些手术中是否适合接受麻醉。

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结论 BISAP评分操作简单易行,对老年AP 的病情及预后有一定价值。

%ObjectiveTo evaluate thesignificanceofBedsideIndex forSeverityofAcutePancreatitis (BISAP) intheprediction of the severity and prognosisof acute pancreatitis (AP)in theelderly patients.MethodsA total of96 elderly patients with AP, admitted into Beijing Geriatric Hospital from Jan2010 to Jun2013wererecruited in this study.BISAPwas used topredict the severity and prognosis ofAP,andthe results were compared with the results byRanson’s criteria.Result s Amongthe96 patients, 63 patients were identifiedas mildAP, and 33as moderate and severeAP.There was no significant difference in predicting the severity and prognosis ofAP between BISAP andRanson scores. BISAP hadrelatively high sensitivity in the prediction ofmoderate and severeAP. BISAPscore hadpositivecorrelation with C reactive protein and blood glucose, andhad negative correlation with serum calcium andalbumin.Conclusion BISAPScore is a simple andpracticablescoring system, and has significant value in predicting the severity and prognosis ofAP in the elderly.【期刊名称】《中华老年多器官疾病杂志》【年(卷),期】2014(000)008【总页数】5页(P595-599)【关键词】急性胰腺炎严重程度床边指数;老年人;胰腺炎【作者】路琴;付万发;陈明【作者单位】北京老年医院消化科,北京 100095;北京老年医院消化科,北京100095;北京老年医院消化科,北京 100095【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R592;R576急性胰腺炎(acute pancreatitis,AP)近年来发病率呈上升趋势。

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Chinese guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of malignant lymphoma 2018 (English version)National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of Chinadoi: 10.21147/j.issn.1000-9604.2019.04.01View this article at: https:///10.21147/j.issn.1000-9604.2019.04.011. Overview2. Diagnosis of lymphoma 2.1 Clinical manifestations 2.2 Physical examination 2.3 Laboratory examination 2.4 Imaging examination2.4.1 CT2.4.2 MRI2.4.3 PET-CT2.4.4 Ultrasound2.4.5 Isotope bone scan 2.5 Other specific examinations 2.6 Pathological examinations2.6.1 Morphology2.6.2 IHC2.6.3 Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)2.6.4 Antigen receptor gene rearrangement of lymphocytes2.6.5 Others3. Staging of lymphoma4. Radiotherapy of lymphoma5. Summary of comprehensive treatment of lymphoma6. Treatment of lymphoma with Traditional Chinese Medicine7. Clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of common lymphoma pathological types 7.1 HL7.1.1 Clinical features7.1.2 Pathological classification and diagnosis7.1.3 Treatment principles7.1.4 Prognostic factors of HL 7.2 NHL7.2.1 DLBCL7.2.2 FL7.2.3 MZL7.2.4 CLL/SLL7.2.5 MCL7.2.6 BL7.2.7 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (LBL)7.2.8 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified (PTCL-NOS)7.2.9 Mycosis fungoides/Sézary syndrome, MF/SS7.2.10 ENKTL 1. OverviewLymphoma is one of the most common malignancies in China. According to the report from the Chinese National Cancer Center, the incidence of lymphoma in China is 5.94/100,000 in 2014, and the estimated incidence of 2015 is 6.89/100,000. Due to the complexity of pathological classification in lymphoma and related distinctions in treatment, in order to improve standardization of diagnosis and therapy in lymphoma and to cooperate the safeguards for the supply of anti-tumor medicine, here we are updating and revising Chinese guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of malignant lymphoma (2015 edition).2. Diagnosis of lymphomaThe diagnosis of lymphoma should integrate clinical manifestation with physical, laboratory, imaging and pathological examinations.2.1 Clinical manifestationsThe manifestation of lymphoma includes systemic and local symptoms. Systemic symptoms include fever of unknown origin, night sweating, weight loss, skin itching and fatigue. Local symptoms depend on the primary and invaded sites of lesions. Lymphoma may originate from any organ or tissue of the body, and it is usually divided into two categories — from lymph node and extra lymph node. The most common manifestation is painless progressive lymphadenectasis. Patients with the above symptoms should be paid attention to, and be referred to superior hospitals or tumor hospitals as soon as possible.2.2 Physical examinationSpecial attention should be paid to the enlargement of lymph nodes in different regions, the size of liver andGuidelinesspleen, accompanying signs and general state, etc.2.3 Laboratory examinationLaboratory tests include complete blood count, liver and kidney function, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH),β2 microglobulin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and infection screening of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus etc. For primary gastric mucosa-associated marginal zone B-cell lymphoma, Helicobacter pylori(Hp) staining should be routinely performed. For patients with NK/T cell lymphoma, EB virus DNA titer in peripheral blood should be detected. For patients with risk of central nervous system involvement, lumbar puncture, and routine, cytological and biochemical examinations of cerebrospinal fluid should be performed.2.4 Imaging examinationCommon methods of image examination: computed tomography (CT), nuclear magnetic resonance (MRI), positron emission tomography-CT (PET-CT), ultrasound and endoscopy.2.4.1 CTIt is still the most commonly used imaging method for staging, re-staging, efficacy evaluation and follow-up of lymphoma. For patients without contraindication for iodine contrast agent, enhanced CT scan should be used as far as possible.2.4.2 MRIMR imaging should be preferred for lesions in the central nervous system, bone marrow and muscles. For lesions in liver, spleen, kidney, uterus and other parenchymal organs, MR imaging could be selected or preferred, especially for those who are not suitable for enhanced CT scan, or as a further examination for suspicious lesions found by CT. 2.4.3 PET-CTIt is the best method for staging and re-staging, efficacy evaluation and prognosis prediction of lymphoma, except indolent subtypes. For the following situations, PET-CT is recommended.(a) Routine examination for primary staging and re-staging of Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) subtypes with high affinity for fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG), and evaluation of remission with Deauville five-point scale (Appendix 1). However, for NHL subtypes with low affinity for FDG, enhanced CT scan is still the first choice for primary staging.(b) Mid-term efficacy evaluation if clinical indications of imaging available. However, it is still in clinical research, and it needs cautions to change the regimen according to mid-term PET-CT results.(c) For HL and the majority of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL), if PET-CT indicates explicit involvement of bone marrow, bone marrow biopsy is not necessary any more.(d) Reference for biopsy site selection during the transformation from indolent lymphoma to more aggressive pathological subtypes.(e) In terms of efficacy and prognosis prediction, PET-CT is better than other methods.2.4.4 UltrasoundA routine examination for diagnosis and follow-up of lesions in superficial lymph nodes and organs (such as testis, thyroid, breast, etc.), but not for staging. It is optional for abdominal and pelvic lymph node examination and is a supplement to CT and MRI for examination of liver, spleen, kidney, uterus and other abdominal and pelvic parenchymal organs, especially when enhanced CT scan is not applicable. For excision biopsy of superficial lymph nodes, it is helpful to improve the accuracy of biopsy to select lymph nodes with abnormal sonogram. Ultrasound-guided puncture biopsy should also be used for pathological diagnosis of deep lymph nodes, liver and mediastinum.2.4.5 Isotope bone scanLymphoma patients with bone invasion lack characteristic changes of systemic bone imaging. Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish from bone metastases, multiple myeloma, bone tuberculosis, fibrous dysplasia, hyperparathyroidism and infections. Medical history, laboratory examinations and other imaging examinations are required for such cases. Conventional bone scan (99Tcm-MDP) has limited value in the evaluation of primary HL patients, but it is superior to CT in the follow-up and prognosis evaluation of primary bone lymphoma after treatment.2.5 Other specific examinations(1) Patients suspected of gastrointestinal tract involvement558Chinese guidelines for malignant lymphomashould undergo gastroscopy and enteroscopy.(2) Routine electrocardiogram examination; echocardio-graphic examination is preferred for patients with cardiovascular diseases, elderly or prospective use of anthracyclines.(3) Pulmonary function tests should be performed for patients who intend to use bleomycin and have basal pulmonary lesions.2.6 Pathological examinationsPathological examination is the principal means of diagnosis of lymphoma. For lymph node lesions, the whole lymph node should be excised as far as possible. If lymph node lesions are superficial, neck, supraclavicular and axillary lymph nodes are the first choices. Core needle puncture is only used for patients who cannot effectively and safely obtain excision of the whole or partial lesion. For the primary diagnosis, excision of the whole or partial lesion should be the first choice. For relapsed patients, pathological diagnosis can be made by core needle puncture if excision of the lesion is not applicable. Pathological diagnosis of lymphoma requires comprehensive application of morphology, immuno-histochemistry, genetic and molecular biological technologies, and flow cytometry etc., and none of the single method could be the “gold standard”.2.6.1 MorphologyIt is very important in pathological diagnosis of lymphoma. Different types of lymphoma have characteristic and diagnostic morphological features.2.6.2 IHCIt can be used to distinguish the immunophenotype of lymphoma cells, such as B or T cell, or NK/T cell, differentiation and maturation of lymphoma cells. Differential diagnosis of different pathological subtypes was made through combination of related IHC markers.2.6.3 Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) Identification of specific chromosome breaks, translocations, or amplifications, and guiding the auxiliary diagnosis of lymphoma with specific chromosome abnormality, such as Burkitt lymphoma (BL) related t (8; 14) translocation, follicular lymphoma (FL) related t (14; 18) translocation, extranodal mucosa associated lymphoid marginal zone lymphoma (MZL) related t (11;18) translocation, mantle cell lymphoma related t (11; 14) translocation, and double or triple hit high-grade B-cell lymphoma related MYC (8q24), BCL2 (18q21) and BCL-6 (3q27) rearrangement, etc.2.6.4 Antigen receptor gene rearrangement of lymphocytes Monoclonal rearrangement of lymphocyte receptor gene is the main feature of lymphoma cells. It could be used as evidence to identify monoclonal or polyclonal proliferation of lymphocytes, and lymphoma that cannot be diagnosed by IHC. It is an important supplement to morphology and IHC assays.2.6.5 OthersOthers include FISH, Next-generation sequencing (NGS), flow cytometry etc., as a significant supplement to routine pathological diagnosis.With the development of new technology and progress in pathological research, some changes have taken place in the pathological diagnosis of lymphoma. In the 2017 revision of the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of lymphoid neoplasms, anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is classified into ALK positive ALCL, ALK negative ALCL and breast implant-associated ALCL. Some ALCL with rearrangements at the locus containing DUSP22 and IRF4 in chromosome 6p25 have a superior prognosis, while a small subset with TP63 rearrangements are very aggressive. Whereas angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL) and nodal peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) with phenotype of follicular helper T cells (TFH) are regarded as one category.3. Staging of lymphomaRevised Ann-Arbor staging (2014 edition) (Appendix 2) is applicable for HL and primary nodal NHL, but not some primary extranodal NHL, such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type (ENKTL), and primary gastrointestinal, central nervous system lymphoma. These NHLs originated from special extranodal organs and sites, usually have their own staging system.4. Radiotherapy of lymphomaRadiotherapy is an important component of comprehensive treatment of lymphoma. How to choose the radiation beam, radiation field and dosage during the process,Chinese Journal of Cancer Research, Vol 31, No 4 August 2019559depends on the purpose of treatment and related conditions for each case. Photon, electron and proton beams can be used to achieve reasonable coverage of the target area and maximum protection of normal tissues. Complex radiotherapy technologies, such as intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), breath holding and breathing gating, image guidance and proton therapy, could improve outcomes significantly in specific circumstances. They are especially recommendable for patients with purpose of cure and expectation of long-term survival.According to the purpose and function, indications for radiotherapy of lymphoma are classified as (a) radical treatment; (b) part of comprehensive treatment; (c) salvage therapy for intolerance of chemotherapy, resistant or residual lesions; and (d) palliative treatment. Radiotherapy field settings consist of total lymphoid irradiation (TLI) and sub-total lymphoid irradiation (STLI). TLI usually includes mantle field + hoe field + pelvic field (splenic irradiation is also needed in patients without splenectomy). STLI may omit part of field, and it is not applicable for HL treatment any more currently. Involved field radiotherapy (IFRT) only includes the entire lymph node region of the involved lymph node before chemotherapy. With the development of imaging diagnosis and conformal radiotherapy technique, IFRT is replaced by more accurate involved-node radiotherapy (INRT) or involved-site radiotherapy (ISRT) in HL and aggressive lymphoma.Radiotherapy dose: Radical dose for HL is 36−40 Gy, and it reduces to 20−30 Gy when complete remission (CR) is achieved after chemotherapy. The radical dose for NHL with low-grade malignancy is 24−30 Gy. The dose for consolidation radiotherapy of DLBCL after CR with chemotherapy is 30−40 Gy, and the consolidation dose after partial remission (PR) is 40−50 Gy. The radical dose for ENKTL is 50−56 Gy.5. Summary of comprehensive treatment of lymphomaLymphoma is a group of malignant tumors with different clinical features, diagnostic criteria and therapies. Lymphoma diagnoses require identification of pathological subtypes and molecular markers for prognosis. Stage of patients is defined with imaging diagnostic techniques. Prognosis evaluation is based on the integration of clinical manifestations, laboratory examinations, and related criteria for prognostic risk. Comprehensive therapy reasonable medical treatment (chemotherapy, targeted therapy and/or immunotherapy), radiotherapy and surgery are comprehensively performed in order to maximize the chance of cure or progression-free survival (PFS), to optimize life quality of patients (Appendix 3, 4).6.Treatment of lymphoma with Traditional Chinese MedicineNowadays, the treatment of lymphoma with Traditional Chinese Medicine mainly relieves the adverse reactions after medical treatment and radiotherapy, improves appetite, physical strength and immunity as adjuvant therapy. It plays a supportive role in treatment of end-stage patients.Methods: Oral decoction, Chinese patent medicine and its external application, acupuncture, etc.7. Clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of common lymphoma pathological types7.1 HLHL is an uncommon malignancy involving lymph nodes and lymphatic system, mainly in males, with the ratio of males to females being 1.4:1−1.3:1. The onset age of this disease shows a typical bimodal distribution in developed countries in Europe and America, ranging from 15 to 39 years old and over 50 years old, respectively. In East Asian region including China, the age of onset is mainly in early adulthood (aged 30−40 years), showing a unimodal distribution.7.1.1 Clinical featuresLymphadenopathy is the initial symptom in 90% of HL patients, mostly starting from a group of involved lymph nodes in cervical and inguinal area. As the disease progresses, it can gradually spread to other lymph node regions, and in advanced stage, spleen, liver and bone marrow can also be involved. Most patients have no obvious systemic symptoms at first diagnosis, and 20%−30% of patients can be accompanied by B symptoms, including unexplained fever, drenching and recurrent night sweats, weight loss as well as pruritus, fatigue and other symptoms.7.1.2 Pathological classification and diagnosisAccording to the revised edition (2017) of WHO560Chinese guidelines for malignant lymphomaclassification of lymphoma, HL is divided into classical HL (cHL) and nodular lymphocyte-predominant HL (NLPHL), which is less common accounting for 10% of cases. The cHL can be divided into four histological subtypes, which are nodular sclerosis type, lymphocyte-rich type, mixed cellularity type and lymphocyte-depleted type. HL originates from germinal center B lymphocytes, and its morphological features are defined by destruction of normal tissue structure and heteromorphic large cells like Reed-Sternberg (R-S) cells scattering in the inflammatory cellular background. Classical R-S cell features binucleated or multinucleated giant cell with abundant cytoplasm and large prominent and eosinophilic nucleoli. When the cell appears as a symmetrical dual nucleus, it is called mirror image cell. Malignant cells in nodular lymphocyte-predominant HL is called lymphocyte predominant (LP) cell which in the past was named lymphocytic-histocytic (L-H) cells or popcorn cells as the nuclei are large, folded and “popcorn-like”. LP is surrounded by PD-1 positive T cells. Increasing evidence has suggested the overlap between NLPHL with complete diffuse growth pattern and T-cell/ histocytic cell-rich large B-cell lymphoma.The routinely tested IHC markers for HL diagnosis include CD45 (LCA), CD20, CD15, CD30, PAX5, CD3, MUM1, Ki-67 and EBV-EBER. cHL often appears as CD30 (+), CD15 (+) or (−), PAX5 weak (+), MUM1 (+), CD45 (−), CD20 (−) or weak (+), CD3(−), BOB1(−), OCT2(−/+), EBV-EBER (+) in some cases. NLPHL shows CD20 (+), CD79α (+), BCL6 (+), CD45 (+), CD3 (−), CD15 (−), CD30 (−), BOB1 (+), OCT2 (+), EBV-EBER (−). For differential diagnosis, appropriate markers should be added to identify ALCL or DLBCL, etc. Therapeutic and prognostic markers include PD-1, PD-L1, P53, and so on.Marrow cytology inspection shows that nuclear cells proliferate actively, eosinophil increase in partial cases. If tumor cells infiltrate bone marrow, HL specific R-S cells can be found there. The positive rate of R-S cell is rather low by detection of bone marrow puncture cytology smear with only about 3%, while bone marrow biopsy can reach to 9%−22%. If there is mixed cell hyperplasia and small lymphocytes showing a flow-like structure, it may suggest the development of cHL, which should be paid attention to.7.1.3 Treatment principles(1) NLPHL(a) IA/IIA stage (non-bulky disease): observation or regional radiotherapy. (b) IB/IIB stage and IA/IIA stage (bulky diseases): regional radiotherapy ± chemotherapy ±Rituximab. (c) III/IV stage: chemotherapy ± Rituximab ±regional radiotherapy.ABVD regimen (doxorubicin + bleomycin + vinblastine + dacarbazine), CHOP regimen (cyclophosphamide + doxorubicin + vincristine + prednisone), CVP regimen (cyclophosphamide + vinblastine + prednisone) and others ± rituximab treatments can be used for first-line chemotherapy.(2) cHL(a) I and II stage: 2−6 cycles chemotherapy + IFRT or ISRT. For early-stage favorable disease, ABVD (2−3 cycles) followed by 20−30 Gy involved-field RT (IFRT) or involved-site RT (ISRT) is the standard treatment, and patients not reaching CR can be appropriately increased radiation exposure dose; for patients suffering from complete metabolic response (CMR) after chemotherapy, prolonged chemotherapy to 6 cycles is required if ISRT is not selected. Unfavorable patients with non-bulky diseases is suggested for 4-cycle ABVD, followed by 30 Gy IFRT; If PET-CT evaluation is positive (not reaching CMR) after 2 cycles ABVD regimen, followed 2 cycles of BEACOPPesc and 30−36 Gy IFRT or INRT regimen is suggested. For patients with early-stage unfavorable HL with large mediastinal mass and lymph node diameter >5 cm or with B symptoms, the radiation dose should be increased properly, or 2 cycles of BEACOPPesc followed by 2 cycles of ABVD and IFRT regime is suggested if not reaching CR with ABVD regime 4−6 cycles followed by IFRT. (b) III and IV stage: 8 cycles of ABVD can be selected, and patients not getting CR or with bulky diseases can select IFRT; 6 cycles of BEACOPPesc can be another treatment choice, if not reaching CMR assessed by PET-CT after chemotherapy, IFRT is suggested to follow. Patients aged over 60 years can choose regimes not including bleomycin, like AVD. For patients not receiving any treatment before, first-line chemotherapies include ABVD regime, Stanford V (doxorubicin, vinblastine, mechlorethamine, etoposide, vincristine, bleomycin and prednisone, weekly) or BEACOPPesc (bleomycin, etoposide, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone) regime. Refractory or relapse patients can s e l e c t s e c o n d-l i n e t h e r a p y i n c l u d i n g D H A P (dexamethasone, cisplatin, high-dose cytarabine), DICE (dexamethasone, ifosfamide, carboplatin, etoposide), ESHAP (etoposide, methylprednisolone, high-doseChinese Journal of Cancer Research, Vol 31, No 4 August 2019561cytarabine, cisplatin), GDP (gemcitabine + cisplatin + dexamethasone), GVD (gemcitabine, vinorelbine, liposomal doxorubicin), ICE (ifosfamide, carboplatin, etoposide), IGEV (ifosfamide, gemcitabine, vinorelbine), mini-BEAM (carmustine, cytarabine, etoposide, melphalan), MINE (etoposide, ifosfamide, mesna, mitoxantrone), etc. For young patients with good general conditions, high-dose chemotherapy combined with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HDC/AHSCT) as consolidation treatment is suggested after rescue treatment remission, and the locations without radiation at initial treatment could be irradiated. For relapse/refractory patients, programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) can be selected as the rescue treatment. Anti-CD30 antibody (brentuximab vedotin, BV) is an option for relapse/refractory patients with CD30 positive.7.1.4 Prognostic factors of HL (Appendix 5.1)(1) Unfavorable prognosis factors of early-stage HL: the prognostic factors of early HL were slightly different in different groups.(2) Unfavorable prognosis factors of advanced-stage HL: the International Prognostic Score (IPS): (a) Albumin level below 40 g/L; (b) Hemoglobin level below 105 g/L; (c) Male gender; (d) Aged 45 years or older; (e) Stage IV disease; (f) Leukocytosis (white blood cell count >15×109/L); (g) Lymphocytopenia (lymphocyte count <8% of the white blood count and/or lymphocyte count <0.6×109/L).(3) Early PEI-CT evaluation results: PET negativity at the end of 2−3 cycles treatment has been shown to be a significant favorable factor in patients with no matter early-stage or advanced-stage disease at the time of diagnosis.7.2 NHL7.2.1 DLBCLDLBCL are the most common lymphoid neoplasms in adults, accounting for approximately 30%−40% of NHLs in Western countries, and 35%−50% in China.(1) Clinical manifestationsThe median age at diagnosis of DLBCL is about 50−60 years, and males are slightly more than females. DLBCL patients exhibit various clinical manifestations according to the location of primary site and severity of the lesion. Most of DLBCL patients appear as painless lymphadenopathy at the beginning. However, the proportion of lesions outside the lymph nodes could reach 40%−60%, which can be originated from any extranodal tissues and organs. The pathogenesis of DLBCL is invasive and presents as a rapidly increasing mass. About 1/3 of DLBCL patients have B symptoms, and more than 50% of DLBCL patients have elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). Moreover, about 50% of patients are diagnosed with stage III−IV disease and extensive extranodal invasion.(2) Pathological diagnosis and classificationThe main pathological feature of DLBCL is the diffuse growth of abnormal lymphoid cells, which destroys the normal structure of lymph nodes. DLBCL includes a variety of variants and subtypes (Appendix 6).The regular IHC markers to diagnose DLBCL include CD19, CD20, PAX5, CD3, CD5, CD79α, CyclinD1, Ki-67. The typical immunophenotype exhibits as CD19 (+), CD20 (+), PAX5 (+), and CD3 (−). Furthermore, in order to explore the origin of cell (GCB or non-GCB), Han’s classification (CD10, BCL-6, MUM-1) or Choi classification (GCET1, FOXP1, CD10, BCL-6, MUM-1) can be used to determine GCB vs. non-GCB origin. Then, several markers (CD30, CD138, ALK, etc.) also can be added for differential diagnosis. Moreover, it is recommended that all DLBCL patients routinely detect EBER to identify EBV-positive DLBCL (non-specific). In addition, all DLBCL patients are also suggested to routinely detect BCL-2, BCL-6 and C-MYC immuno-histochemistry. Patients especially with GCB-like immunophenotype along with the extensive expression of C-MYC and either BCL-2 or BCL-6 by IHC and the Ki-67 index more than 80% positive should undergo FISH testing for the detection of C-MYC, BCL-2, and BCL-6 gene rearrangements. If there is no condition for FISH testing, MYC protein (cut-off value is 40%) and BCL-2 protein (cut-off value is >50%) is known as double-expression (DE) lymphoma, which indicates a poor prognosis. In addition, prognostic and therapeutic related indicators also include PD-1, PD-L1, P53, etc.Bone marrow hemocytology: When DLBCL cells infiltrate to bone marrow, it can be seen that the volume of tumor cell is large, the chromatin is rough, the nucleolus is multiple, but not obvious, and the cytoplasm presents grayish blue with a few vacuoles.(3) Prognostic indicatorsThe International Prognostic Index (IPI) is currently identified as the most common and useful scoring system to predict the prognosis of DLBCL patients. IPI scores are based on five independent adverse prognostic factors, including age >60 years, stage III−IV disease, extranodal562Chinese guidelines for malignant lymphomainvolvement >1, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS) score ≥2, serum LDH level >upper limit of normal, each poor prognostic factor is 1 point. 0−1 point is divided into low-risk group, 2 points is divided into low-medium risk group, 3 points is divided into high-medium risk group, 4−5 points is divided into high-risk group. For patients treated with rituximab, a modified IPI prognostic index (Revised IPI, R-IPI) can be used. This system contains the same five independent adverse prognostic factors as IPI, with a poor prognostic factor of 1 point. 0 point is a very good prognosis, 1−2 points a a good prognosis, 3−5 points is a poor prognosis. Furthermore, for patients aged ≤60 years, an age-adjusted IPI (aaIPI) can be used. aaIPI has three adverse prognostic factors, including stage III−IV disease, serum LDH level >upper limit of normal, ECOG PS score ≥2, which 0 point is classified as low risk, 1 point is classified as low to medium risk, 2 points is classified as medium to high risk, and 3 points is classified as high risk. In recent years, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)-IPI prognosis system which further stratifies age and LDH based on IPI can more accurately predict the prognosis of patients. NCCN-IPI is also composed of the above five poor prognostic factors. However, the age factor is divided into three groups, including age >40 years old and ≤60 years old (1 point), age >60 years old and ≤75 years old (2 point), age >75 years old (3 point). In addition, serum LDH levels are divided into two groups, including >1 and ≤3 folds (1 point), and >3 fold (2 points). Extranodal involvement was defined as the involvement of bone marrow, central nervous system, liver, digestive tract, or lung. Furthermore, the prognostic factor of NCCN-IPI also contains ECOG PS score is ≥2 points and stage III−IV disease. The highest score is 8 points, NCCN-IPI score 0−1 is divided into low-risk group, score 2−3 is divided into low-medium risk group, score 3−4 is divided into medium-high risk group, score ≥6 is divided into high-risk group (Appendix 5.2).(4) Principle of treatmentThe principle of treatment of DLBCL is multidisciplinary treatment based on medical treatment. Medical treatment includes chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Treatment strategies should be based on different factors such as age, IPI score, and disease stage. For patients with high tumor burden, a low dose of induction therapy can be given before the start of regular chemotherapy. The drugs of induction therapy could include prednisone ± vincrinstine to avoid the occurrence of tumor lysis syndrome. For patients with or infected with Hepatitis B virus (HBV), peripheral blood HBV-DNA titer should be closely monitored and appropriate antiviral therapy should be selected.(a) Initial treatment of stage I and II: For patients with no large masses in stage I and II, R-CHOP regimen chemotherapy can be selected for 3−4 cycles + radiotherapy, or R-CHOP regimen for 6 cycles ±radiotherapy. For patients with large lumps in stage I and II, R-CHOP regimen can be chosen for 6−8 cycles ±radiotherapy.(b) Initial treatment of stage III and IV: Patients in stage III and IV could select to participate in a clinical trial, or receive 6−8 cycles of R-CHOP regimen thermotherapy. Treatment strategies can be developed and adjusted according to the results of PET-CT examinations which could be performed before and at the end of treatment. Patients who did not achieve complete remission (CR) after chemotherapy are treated with ISRT for residual lesions. Patients with post-chemotherapy efficacy evaluation of CR or uncomfirmed complete remission (CRu) after the initial treatment should be received 30−40 Gy of radiotherapy, while patients with efficacy evaluation of PR after initial treatment should be performed 40−50 Gy of radiotherapy.(c) Weak patients over the age of 80 years: The initial treatment could select the R-miniCHOP regimen. For patients with left ventricular dysfunction, RCEPP, RCDOP, DA-EPOCH-R, RCEOP and RGCVP regimens could be selected.(d) Central nervous system (CNS) prevention: patients with 4−6 risk factors for CNS invasion (risk factors include: age >60 years old, elevated serum LDH level, stage III or IV, ECOG PS score >1, extranodal lesions >1, kidney or adrenal gland involvement), lesions involving the paranasal sinus and paravertebral, HIV-associated lymphoma, primary testicular and breast DLBCL, the risk of CNS invasion might increase. Therefore, these patients should be considered the CNS prevention. However, the methods of the CNS prevention are currently controversial. Intrathecal injection of 4−8 doses of methotrexate and/or cytarabine, or systemic application of 3−3.5 g/m2 methotrexate could be selected for prophylactic treatment.(e) First-line consolidation therapy: HDC/AHSCT can be considered in young and high-risk patients who have achieved CR after treatment.(f) Rescue treatment: For patients who are suitable for HDC/AHSCT, the available rescue chemotherapy regimens include: DICE, DHAP, ESHAP, GDP, ICE andChinese Journal of Cancer Research, Vol 31, No 4 August 2019563。
