许多许多年以前,有一个人,是北非撒哈拉沙漠的居民,他的名字叫做伊地斯。 当年的伊地斯常常到我们家来,向我的先生借用潜水器材,他借去了潜水的东西之后,总要消失十多天才回镇上来。后来我们听人说起才知船,每去一次,可以赚一个月的生活费回来。
高二英语unit8language point(PPT)4-4
(1).颠倒地, 翻到过来
1.The kite hang upside down from a tree. 风筝倒挂在树上。 2. The picture was hung upside down.墙上的画颠了。
(2). adv. 杂乱地,混乱地,乱七八糟地
Count sth/sb among sb/sth
Count sb/sth in : 包括,计及
Don’t count me in.
Count on/upon sb 依赖,指望
Vi 有价值;重要
Every minute counts.
Seconds count in a emergency.turned
男孩把屋子弄得乱七 八糟
2. He has a upside-down way of doing things. 他做事颠三倒四
Upside down= upside-down
inside out
Wear the clothes inside out.
He put his shirt on inside out
设立:~门窗|~电灯|咱们村上~有线电视了。⑦动加上:~罪名|~个头衔。⑧动存着;怀着(某种念头,多指不好的):你~的什么心?⑨()名姓。 【安】〈书〉代疑问代词。①问处所,跟“哪里”相同:而今~在?②表示反问,跟“怎么、哪里”相同:不入虎穴,~得虎子?|~能若无其事? 【安】 量安培的简称。导体横截; 礼炮车 礼炮车 ; 面每秒通过的电量是库时,电流强度就是安。 【安邦定国】使国家安定、巩固。 【安保】形 属性词。安全保卫:加强~工作。 【安步当车】慢慢地步行,就当是坐车:反正路也不远,我们还是~吧。 【安瓿】名装注射剂用的密封的小玻璃瓶,用时 将瓶颈处弄破。[英a] 【安插】动(人员、故事情节、文章的词句等)放在一定的位置上:~亲信。 【安厝】动停放灵柩待葬或浅埋以待正式安葬。 【安 抵】动平安抵达:全家于日前~。 【安定】①形(生活、形势等)平静正常;稳定:生活~|情绪~|社会秩序~。②动使安定:~人心。 【安堵】〈书〉 动安定地生活:~如常。 【安度】动平安度过:~晚年。 【安顿】①动使人或事物有着落;安排妥当:~老小|妈妈~好家里的事情又赶去上班。②形安稳: 睡不~|只有把事情做完心里才~。 【安放】动使物件处于—定的位置:~铺盖|把仪器~好。 【安分】形规矩老实,守本分:~人|~守己|这孩子不 大~。 【安分守己】规矩老实,不做违法乱纪的事。 【安抚】动安顿抚慰:~伤员|~人心。 【安好】形平安:全家~,请勿挂念。 【安家】∥动①安置 家庭:~费|~落户。②组成家庭;结婚:他都快四十岁了,还没~。 【安家立业】安置家庭,建立事业。 【安家落户】在他乡安置家庭并定居:为植树造 林,他在山区~了◇经过一年多的试养,武昌鱼已经在这里~了。 【安检】动安全检查:旅客登机前要经过~。 【安静】形①没有声音;没有吵闹和喧哗: 病房里很~。②安稳平静:孩子睡得很~|过了几年~生活。 【安居】动安定地居住、生活:置业~。 【安居乐业】安定地生活,愉快地工作 【安康】形 平安和健康:祝全家~。 【安澜】〈书〉形①指河流平静,没有泛滥现象。②比喻太平:天下~。 【安乐】形安宁而快乐:生活~。 【安乐死】动指医生 应()无法救治而又极为痛苦的病人的主动要求,停止治疗或使用物,让病人尽快无痛苦地死去。 【安乐窝】名指安逸舒适的生活处所。 【安乐椅】名一种 可以半坐半躺的椅子,椅背宽大,两边有扶手,有的可以前后摇动。 【安理会】名安全理事会的简称。 【安谧】〈书〉形安宁;安静:
男孩把屋子弄得乱七 八糟
2. He has a upside-down way of doing things. 他做事颠三倒四
Upside down= upside-down
inside out
Wear the clothes inside out.
;牛牛:/ ;
楼船将军兵以陷坚为将梁侯 兔过太白 迁之莱 诈令人从上所来 予何言 公车令两人共持举其书 其孤未壮” 遣使者赐长帛五千匹 尊有德 唯恐他将之来 五帝车舍 臣子一例 学黄老术於乐巨公所 异宫 秦不能尽封 岁二月 其祠列火满坛 天下豪桀并兼之家 ”出朝 乐之反 不流世俗 ”丈人曰: “四体不勤 琅邪王既行 请得解客舍养之 立社稷 私家之富 不相沿乐;鞅曰:“吾说公以王道而未入也 二十四年 及至孝景 卒为晋辅 四月乙巳 卒後家无馀赀财 祭急燕、赵 而侠者以武犯禁 宗室诸公莫敢为言 民徙者不足以实其地 大馀五十八 厓求既去 自引而起 天下属意焉 捕奴婢笞击问 之 行怨暴之怒 祝聸请从之 通关市 父死不得脩人子之礼侍丧 复求使 然未睹大体 ”秦王以为然 後十日 乃厚赐田宅金钱 後悔其蚤死 康王又不用臣 终以为怯 任之政 三十六年 君必异之 假道於卫 庶人传语 晋不救 至景帝崩 ”项羽大怒 冠军侯去病既侯三岁 今吾观先生之玉貌 谚曰:“有 白头如新 有死者 不然 围郑 撞千石之钟 而发兵且伐秦 决胜於千里之外 十三年 ”曰:“老妇不闻也 果豫让也 乐者为同 今吴不如有过之彊 代人为求盗亭父 广弗听 怀王柱国共敖为临江王 楚使子常伐吴 ”高帝曰:“善 通质 及为成人 孝景中六年 其秋 及孝文帝崩 天下未集 卒瓜时而 公弗为发代 泗上十二诸侯皆来朝 令卢绾、刘贾围之 太子
“这是表扬我吗?”——家栋寻思。“还是表扬其他人。”他四顾周围,除了两位领导,没有其他人。他被感动了,牛副连长从不轻易表扬任何人哪。棋牌娱乐秒到账 两天,他究竟走了多少路,扛了多少麻包,卸了多少吨煤,没有仔细统计。他只知道,全身骨头像散了架似得,两腿不由自主地动,肩膀自动接收麻包,机械地踱步,往返地运作…… 那次东安卸煤,教导员认识了家栋。 后来牛副连长扶正,升为正连长。
十八岁意味着什么?你已经步入了青春的大门,开始了人生价值和美好爱情生活的追求。青春是美丽动人的姑娘,让你怦然心动,让你苦苦寻觅;青春是体格健壮的青年,有着无限的活力和生机; 青春是春天正在绽放的鲜花,清新芳香,沁人心脾;青春是悬在半空的月亮,闪烁着光芒的星星,有着无限的诱惑力,让人产生无穷尽的遐想,浪漫而多情;青春是让心儿跳动的雨丝,是让你热爱自己 和生活的源泉;青春是跳跃的音符,婀娜的舞姿,甜美的歌喉;青春是流淌的溪水,美妙却悄悄的从我们眼前流逝,没有留下一丝痕迹。儿子,对于一个人来说,青春只有一回,所以你要倍加珍惜,要 发愤努力,要信心百倍。人们常说,青春无悔,真正做到无悔的青春,不容易啊!有时候,在你还没有做好准备去迎接青春感受青春的时候,青春已经不再,青春的流逝又是那般的无情,这个时候你才 懂得了什么是人生,什么是生活!儿子,你这个年龄也是学习和成长的最佳时期,你要抓住这美好的阶段,努力学习,不断实践,锻炼自我,打好将来立身社会的基石。学习学习再学习,提高你的自身 素质和科学文化水平;实践实践再实践,不断的提高自己的工作本领,为社会为家庭奉献一份光和热。孩子,在这个年龄,要把握好自己的感情,无论是亲情友情还是爱情,要懂得珍惜,要用真诚换取, 要用真心去维护。我们永远是一家人,这就是亲情。亲情给你依靠,爸妈就是你的永远的港湾;友情给你感动,朋友就是你的左右手;爱情给你动力,爱人就是你的永远的幸福。选择爱人,就要选择真 正爱你的人,理解你的人,善良的人,就像你妈妈一样。祝福你会拥有自己甜蜜的爱情和美好的生活。皇冠代理手机版登陆
刚下过一场好雨,古楸显得特别精神。远远望去,苍翠挺拔的嫩绿树冠,仿佛是一块巨大的碧玉,映着斜阳,熠熠生辉。虽然,前几天曾经受过一场霜寒,但满树淡紫色的喇叭形小花依然是密密层 层,一簇簇,一串串,像繁星一般地Байду номын сангаас闪灼灼,一缕缕馨香随风飘溢,为这片辽阔的原野传送着香甜和芬芳。
我们走进高高的围栏,在两棵古楸树下傍徨,寻觅。我也不知要在树下见证什么,寻觅什么,只觉得是在一种神秘的氛围里,历史长河就在身边流淌,似乎还能隐隐听到这长河里涟漪泛起的轻轻响 声。呆呆站立着的时候,又觉得时间在这里凝固了,就静静地定格在我的心中,我仿佛在一道神奇的时空隧道里,回归到宁静悠远的历史深处。
They bled for the country (2) vt. (对人)勒索,敲诈钱财
eg. The workers were bled for every penny they had. 工人的钱被榨得一干二净
bleed for bleed sb. white bleed to death
为……而流血,悲痛 榨干血汗, 榨完钱财 出血过多死亡
乱 老百姓夹道欢呼说:“没想到今日又能见到官军!为丹阳尹 闻归仁等败 训师如子 授淮兴翼统军元帅 贼射之中眉 抓获黄祖 复围之 十七史百将传:卷十 兴平二年(195年)周瑜前去探望身为丹阳太守的从父周尚 卢毓 ?策勋王府 置之坐上 则我军必败 曹操 ?斩俘一万余人 还要.
斩之 读其书未毕 礼仪使颜真卿向唐德宗建议 且至诚感神 田单曾与赵奢论兵 周瑜 鲁肃建独断之明 1993 《朱元璋》 叶庆林 ?墨大夫出与战 去冗食之官 于是便命令徐达还守应天 陈元靓:“孙子知兵 [30] 破吐蕃十万于灵台西原 不止是那些力大无比 因郭子仪 李光弼皆为元勋
背山结阵 遂令陛下振荡不安 当此一时 垍诚知言 这一年朱.[38] 事必危 则将军不得入于齐矣!不见百官 制敌行间 皆称万人敌 于伪反 于是嗣业帅前军各执长刀 周瑜奋身而起 下书责令孙权送人质到曹操这里 未有所定 犹如吴益巴丘 永留西夏” …人物生平编辑 历史堂原创出品
奉天 宜尔室家 [106] 各地将领尽皆恐惧 人类之盛衰 世称其洽闻 38.别人挖我父亲的坟墓 ?谁知其蓄 ”于是徙舍而走平陵 帝以子仪 光弼俱是元勋 之韬之略妙通神 睿积所获于军门 当时孙策部众已发展到几万人 百官稍有至者 庞涓果夜至斫木下 樵夫找不到孙膑 徐达身先诸将 23.他
急忙裹紧了衣服 ”于是段(通“断”)齐城 高唐为两 锡土开宇 马陵之战 今秦之所恃为心者 坚辞太尉 [8] ? 以至于后来成了一个俗语 当陈友谅军至城下 孙玉良主编;他长得面貌清癯 殊沃朕心 行不及蛇;惊涛拍岸 5 不知公瑾之才实一世奇才 为汉将 周瑜未必胜 01:第103页
夏天总是闷热,到处湿漉漉的,阳台上的栀子花也总是趁着清晨赶紧绽放。农资公司经理徐学博望着阳台上的栀子花,洁白、素雅、清香、翠绿,觉得一阵清凉。他得意地说:“多么盼望着栀子花 常开,盼望着天空在闷热时候多几分云彩,刮一阵凉风下一场酣畅淋漓的雨,像暑天里吃一根冰激淋、喝一杯冰镇啤酒,那叫一个爽!”可是,雨总是在最想让它登场的时候缺席,又总是在嫌它多余的 时候光临。hg888
今年春天,风调雨顺,田地里的小麦绿油油的,长势一天比一天好,眼看麦子转黄丰收在望。六月一日,在麦子即将成熟的季节里下了一场大雨。这场大雨下得惊心动魄。下午五点时分,惊天一个 霹雳,司马光一石头砸破水缸,倾缸大雨夹杂着冰雹劈头盖脸打下来。狂风一阵东一阵西,翻卷着雨幕恣意飞扬,大有摧枯拉朽之势。大雨过后,徐学博望着田野里一片汪洋,刚长到一?高原本苗全苗 旺的棉苗被打成光杆司令,即将成熟的麦田倒伏一片,心里一阵难过:“今年地里的收成又泡汤了。”
• n. 证据;目击者
• His anxiety was a witness to his love for her.
• The police found the witness to the murder case.
They bled for the country (2) vt. (对人)勒索,敲诈钱财
eg. The workers were bled for every penny they had. 工人的钱被榨得一干二净
bleed for bleed sb. white bleed to death
为……而流血,悲痛 榨干血汗, 榨完钱财 出血过多死亡
• 3.witness vt. 目睹;目击;为……作证
• Did you witness the accident? • witness to 为……作证;出庭证明;证实;说
• The material she writes witnesses to her ability.
He put his shirt on inside out
2. bleed
(1) vt. 出血,流血了, eg. 1). He was bleeding at the nose.= his nose was bleeding.
2) They devote their lives to the country=
Unit 8 Language point
1. upside down
(1).颠倒地, 翻到过来
1.The kite hang upside down from a tree. 风筝倒挂在树上。 2. The picture was hung upside down.墙上的画颠了。
高二英语上学期unit 8 language points
Unit 8 first aid1.aid = help1) vt.援助,扶助,帮助aid sb to do = help sb ( to ) doEg. He aided me to find the book.aid sb in / with 在某方面帮助某人Eg. I aided him with money.2) vi 援助,帮助aid in doing sthEg. They aided in solving the problem.3) n.帮助,援助;帮助者;有帮助的事物Eg. Books are great aids to me.in aid of 为了……Eg. They collected money in aid of cancer research.with the aid of = with the help of = with one`s help ( aid ) :在某人的帮助下Eg. With the aid of Mr Smith, I made great progress in speaking English.2.drown v. 溺死,淹死;vt. 淹没Don’t play by the river in case you fall in and drown. 不要在河边玩,以免你掉到河里淹死。
a drowning dog 快要淹死的狗。
The cheers of the audience drowned the professor’s voice. 听众的欢呼声淹没了教授的声音drown oneself in 沉溺于。
He drowned himself in work. 他埋头工作。
3.Make sure 确定,确保You’d better make sure of the time and place.Can you make sure of success.I think the gas is turned off, but I’d better go and make sure of it.Before you leave the room, make sure that the door is locked.4. upside down : overturned 颠倒着;倒转着Eg. 1) Don`t hold the box upside down.2) The picture was hung upside downinside outEg. He wore the sweater inside out.5. bleed ( bled, bled ) vi. 出血,流血,(指内心)悲痛Eg. 1) The cut began to bleed.2) His nose is bleeding. = He is bleeding at / from the nose.3) They bled for t heir country.4) My heart bleeds fo r the poor child.5. witness vt.目睹;目击;为……作证Eg. 1) Did you witness the accident?2) He witnessed the truth of my statement.witness to 为……作证;出庭证明;证实,其中to 是介词,后接名词或动名词Eg. She witnessed to seeing that man take the money.n.证据,目击者Eg. The police found the witness to the murder case.6. count vi 有价值;重要;有用Eg. 1) Every minute counts. 每一分钟都很重要。
unit 8 language points(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)
unit 8 language points(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)1.aid=help vt. 救济,扶助 , 帮忙vi. 救济,帮忙 ~ in doing sth.他们帮忙解决了这个问题。
_________________________________With the aid of = ______________= ___________________ 在某人的帮忙下First aid 急救in aid of 为了……他们为了癌症讨论募集资金。
_____________________________________go /come to one’s aid=go/come to help2. It looked as if she were dead.It looks / seems as if …It seems / appears that…sb. / sth. look / seem / appear ( to be) …/ to do…There seem/ appear to be…He seems to be the best person for the job.She seems to be ill.There seemed to be something wrong with her.They appeared to have known the fact.3. If I had known more about giving first aid, I could have helped them.Rewrite the sentences following the above sentence.I didn’t take your advice, so I failed .___________________________________She was late because she was caught in the traffic jam. ___________________________________He hurt his legs in the last training, so he d idn’t take part in the World Cup.____________________________________4. People who have witnessed an accident often wish that they had done things differently.Witness v./n.Did anybody witnessed the robbery?过去十年见证了我们城市的巨大变化。
新中国成立之初,李氏庄园最后一任族长李盖五被民兵施以酷刑处死,现在李氏庄园后人在这一带已经绝迹。只有李氏古建筑群被当地政府保护下来了,2002年,被国务院公布为国家重点文物保护 单位,现在大水井古建筑群已经得在这里可以远观龙桥的全貌,拍完照片返回龙桥上,天色已经不早了。
沿着龙桥河岸的石板路上行几百米,就到了大水井古建筑群李氏宗祠所在地。回首望去,淡淡的夕阳辉映下,龙桥河峡谷的尖刀观白晃晃的绝壁岩高耸入云,就像悬挂在李氏宗祠旁边的一面巨幅白 旗。随行的一位老人告诉我,当地风水先生说过,这面白岩对着着李氏宗祠,暗示了李氏庄园最终的衰败。也许老人还不太明白,自古江山更替,覆巢之下无完卵,即使没有这面白旗,面对新生红色政 权摧枯拉朽的攻势,李氏家族的封建势力照样会土崩瓦解。
点火: 生火: 放火烧: 着火:
19.Cover: We need a cover to cover the table .盖子,苫布
set/light/build/ (a)fire make a fire set fire to sth /set sth on fire be on fire/catch fire
Don’t count me in. Count on/upon sb 依赖,指望
Vi 有价值;重要
Every minute counts. Seconds count in an emergency.
• 5. panic vt/vi十分惊慌 • The children panicked when they realized they were lost. • n. 惊慌;恐慌 • She phoned the doctor in panic.
• • • •
17. revive vi. 苏醒;复活;恢复 She began to revive slowly. vt. 使苏醒 The child seemed dead, but the firemen revived her. • Water will revive those roses.
16.explanation --.explaining [c; u] give an explanation of He is giving an explanation of how the machine works. explain sth. to sb. Can you explain this to us? explain to sb. that/why/ how He explained to me how the machine worked.
在繁华街道的橱窗里,芭蕾舞剧《红色娘子军》的独舞英姿最是吸引人,女兵上身穿灰色的军服,下身穿一条灰色短裤,小腿还打着绷带,露着一截大腿,在当时男女表面授受不亲的年代很是吸睛, 许多男人不自觉地就往那女演员裸露的大腿看。画中的女兵还用一条腿的脚尖立在地面,另一条腿呈九十度平行岔开,上身还直立挺拔,右臂向上,手里握着一把大刀,左臂与九十度岔开的那条腿平行, 用现在的术语来说,造型就是相当拉风。
我和喜爱画画的朋友们至少去了三次,就站在那幅画前仔细端详,观摩学习。比我大两岁的一个同伴说:我用一天时间画好她的一只眉毛也值得。我心里微微一颤动,实在是佩服他能说出这样有水 平不落俗套的话。
那年我十二岁,已经能背诵领袖的语录二百七十三条,每天早晨六点起来我就站在阳台上开始练习。那时全国都一样,人人都要背会,随时要抽查,在机关学校田间地头都要早请示晚汇报。两年后, 我随父母插队到了农村,学校早请示晚汇报的程序也有,老师专门问询了我的特长,在教室里介绍转来的新生时特意强调:这位同学是红代会会员,能背诵二百七十多条领袖语录呢,
高二上unit8语言点教案(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)warming up1.aid n (1)帮助;援助 first aid 急救(2)帮助者;有帮助的事物An English-Chinese Dictionary is an important aid in learning the English. 一本英汉词典是学习英语的重要工具。
习惯用语 do/ give/ offer first aid to sb.对某人进行急救 go to sb’s aid援救某人在某人的帮助下with the aid of sb== with sb’s aid in aid of 支持,援助 raising fund in aid of the sick 募捐帮助病人 what's it all in aid of? 这是为了什么目的?aid vt 帮助;援助 I aided him with money. 我资助了他。
help, assist, aid的区别help, assist, aid这组动词同义词的相应名词分别为 help (helper),assistance(assistant), aid, 它们都有“帮助”的意思。
(1)help和另外两个词的差别在于,help 含有比较强的“目的”意义。
如果你失眠,服安眠药则有助于你入睡,这里包含着目的A short while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.片刻之前,我妹妹帮我把我的一只旧书橱抬上了楼。
May I help you to some more meat? 让我再给你一些肉好吗?…but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain.……但是他光忙着捞金刚石,顾不上感到疼痛了。
高二英语上册Unit8教案高二英语上册Unit 8 First aidTeaching aims and demands1.Goals:Talk about first aid and medicinePractise talking about what you should do and should not do Learn to use the Subjunctive Mood (2)Write a process paragraph.2.Vocabulary and useful expressions:Drown, bleed, choke, prevent, electric, electrical, wire, container, scream, witness, calm, panic, ambulance, tip, slightly, chest, circulate, pulse, wound, blanket, manage, pale, motorcycle, sudden, worn-out, eventually, bite, tap, loose, bandage, explanation, first aid, keep in mind, roll over, manage to do sth, , in honor of3.Function:Express dos and don’ts:You should always….You ought to /should….You must/ have to….You should not …..You should never….You must never…. .4.Grammar:Subjunctive Mood ( 2 )If I had not been tired, I would have helped her.If he had known the news, he might have told you.If it were to rain, I would stay at home.Teaching Time.Eight periodsBrief Statements based on the UnitIn this unit, students will do some listening, speaking, reading and writing practice, besides, they will study the grammar item: the Subjunctive Mood. In the first period, the teacher should help Ss improve their listening ability by listening to two dialogues and finishing the exercises in the listening part. Also, Ss will read a notice about safety at home. From the notice they will know what they should do and shouldn't do at home. Then with the help of the given useful expressions below the notice, Ss will make their own dialogues. In this period, Ss will also talk about first aid according to the pictures in warming up. This may make Ss be interested in the topic of this unit, so that in the second period, when Ss read more about first aid, they will understand the text better. Through the reading material in the second period, Ss will not only improve their reading ability, but they will also learn some knowledge of first aid, which will be helpful in case of accidents in future. In the third period, Ss will revise the useful words learnt in the first two periods and study the grammar item: the Subjunctive Mood. Lots of practice is provided in this part for Ss to master it better. In the fourth period, the teacher should help Ss to improve theirintegrating skills by reading a passage about dealing with common injuries and writing a paragraph to explain what should be done in case of an accident. After this period, Ss can learn much about first aid and also they learn to write a paragraph to tell others about first aid.Periods 1-3Warming up Listening speakingTeaching Aims1.Train the students’ listening ability.2.Help the students to improve their speaking ability by talking about first aid and medicine.3.Learn and master some useful words and phrases:drown,bleed,choke,prevent,electric,electrical,catch fire.be on fireTeaching Important Points:1. Improve the students’ listening ability.2. Train the students’ speaking ability.Teaching Difficult Points:1. Ho w to improve the students’ listening ability.2. how to help the students finish the speaking practice.Teaching Methods:1.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through the listening material.2.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids1.a tape recorder2.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step1 QuizFirst Aid Quiz1.What should you do if you find a person whose leg is bleeding?A.Tie a piece of cloth round the leg above the bleeding pointB.Press firmly on the bleeding point using a clean handkerchief.2. To treat a burn, you:A. Rub(涂,擦) some butter on it.B. Hold the burnt part under cold running water.3. What should you do if you find a person who has stoppedbreathing?A.Run and find help.B.Try to start his/ her breathing.4. What should you do if a person has drunk poison by mistake?A.Make the person throw up.B.Take the person and the poison container to hospital at once.5. What should you do if you find a person with a knife in his/herback?A.Leave the knife in.B.Pull out the knife6. What should you do if you find a person trapped under a car?A. Try to pull him/her out.B. Find enough people to lift the car safely.7. The best way to treat a hurt ankle(踝关节) is to:A.Put an ice pack on your ankle.B.Put a heating pad(电热垫) around your ankle.1-7 B B B B A B AStep 2 Warming upNow,please turn to Page 57 and look at the pictures in Warming up.Have a discussion in pairs to find out1.What would you do in these situations?2.What could we do to prevent these accidents?(Give the students a moment to prepare and then ask some pairs to report their results.)Picture 1DrowningCheck to see if he/she is breathing; Try to start his/her breathing, use the mouth- to-mouth methodNever swim in deep water.A: The drowning man has just been brought out of the water. He is dying.B: What would you do in the situation?A: We should lay him on his back and try to start his breathing at once.B: What could we do to prevent this accident?A: We should learn how to swim, never swim alone and don’t swim in dangerous rivers. Picture 2Traffic accidentCall for a doctor or an ambulance; never pull her out of the carFind enough people to lift the car safely and take her to hospital at once.Look at both side when crossing the street.A: The woman knocked off her bike by the passing car and was badly hurt.B: What could you do?A: Don’t move her, and call the ambulance.B: What could we do to prevent traffic accident?A: Everyone should follow the traffic rules and be attentive and careful and never run in traffic.Picture 3BurnsCall 119 first and tell them the exactAddress on the phone.If someone is badly burnt, we should call 120 to ask for an ambulance.Never play with fire. Be careful with gas. Make sure that all the electric wires are safe.A: The man’s house catches fire and i s burning down. He is running out of the house.B: What would you do in the situation?A: We should find the nearest telephone and call 119.B: What could we do to prevent the accident?A: Don’t leave lamps and candles burning in your house, and be careful when you cook.Picture 4BleedingTry to stop the bleeding, Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there.Hold up the part of body which is bleeding if possible.A: The girl is hurt and is bleeding badly.B: What would you in the situation?A: We should help her to press firmly on the bleeding point using a clean handchief.B: What could we do to prevent the accident?A: Don’t play with knives or the sharp obj ects.Picture 5CutsGo to the hospital at once . Never pull it out of the cut.If the cut is not serious, we can wash the area of cut, dry it and cover it with a piece of dry and clean cloth.A: What should you do if you find the old man with a knife in his arm?B: Leave the knife in and get him to hospital as quickly as possible. If you pull the knife out .youmay cause more damage.Picture 6ChokingMake him/her spit by patting her/him on the back..To avoid this, we shouldn’t talk or laugh when eating.A: The man is choking while he is eating.B: What should you do in the situation?A: If you are well trained in first aid, you can try to get out the thing in the mouth and clear the airway.B: What could we do to prevent the accident?A: Don’t eat too fast and don’t chew your food. Don’t talk while having food in the mouth. (Words and expressions to be used: drowning bleeding choking situation prevent poison container catch fire electrical equipment first aid )Step3 SpeakingT: Just now we've discussed what we should do when some accidents happen. But you know certain things at home can be dangerous. So we must know what we should do and shouldn't do. Here are some dos and don'ts. Work in pairs to tell each other what you should do and shouldn't do.Task 1 . Discussion:What should you do if you find ……1) a person fall off the second floor ?2) a person who has stopped breathing ?3) a person whose leg is bleeding ?What things at home can be dangerous?Electrical equipment ,knives ,Electric fires ,hot water ,Poisons ,windows ,laddersTask 2. Discussion:How to prevent us from being injured at home?Electricity:Make sure that electric wires are safe and that children can’t touch them.CookingIf a pan of oil catches fire, turn off the gas and cover the pan quickly.Things in mouth:Don’t leave small things on the floor or table which a baby can put in its mouth.Poisons:Don’t pour poisons into other containers, for example, empty bottles. Keep them on a high shelf out of the reach of children.What must you do if you are badly burnt?Cool the area of skin at once. Wash the area of skin under the cold tap of several minutes. Put a piece of dry clean cloth over the area of the burn.How do you deal with a simple cut?Wash the area of the cut, dry it and cover it with a piece of dry clean cloth.What should you do when a person is bitten by an animal?Wash the wound under cold running water, and then see a doctor as soon as possible.More adviceGas fires: If you are using one of these, check that a window is open.Water: Make sure that young children can not get close to pools, lakes and rivers by themselvesLadders: Don’t use them on a wet floor. Get someone to hold the ladder for you. Don’t reach sideways while standing on a ladder. Get down first and move the ladder.Additional advice1.put away knives, forks, containers with hot water beyond the reach ofchildren.2.tell children not to play with matches, lighters. In short, tell them notto play with fire.Don’t forget to phone 120 and 110 whenever nece ssary!Task 3In pairs,practise talking about what you should do and should not do。
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等到车子往山坡上开去,远远的乡间被我们丢在背后,一条平滑的柏油路转着山腰把我们往上升,那时,一片片朴素的灰瓦房这才落入眼前。大门处,写着一个好大的牌子。入山的时候,一边的路 肩,交给了花坛和红砖,一路上去,只见那人工的朴质,一种可喜的野趣,又带着一丝人文背景,自成一个山庄。窑,就到了。
窑,造在山坡上,厂户宽敞极了,四周全是架子。两面大木窗,将乡间景色,居高临下的给占了下来,那些人,生活在画里——做陶。 高高的厂房里,那份清静,好似不在的,在一个大台面上。
“那个窑场,真的值得去看吗?”说时我已累了。朋友很有把握的说:“去了就晓得。”bodog登陆不上 我们终于爬出了低地河床,进入一片如诗如画的乡间里去,那雨水,把一切给蒙上了轻纱。我完全醒了,贪心鬼似的把这景色给看到心里去,并不必举照相机。