



SRC-XS 和 SRC-S 系列压缩机目录(SA-00-02-CH)SA0102CH 概要SA0204CH 冷冻油SA0303CH 制冷量调节SA0403CH 主要附件SA0506CH 电气装置SA0605CH 型号命名和技术参数SA0702CH 供货范围SA0803CH 外形尺寸和包装SA0902CH 性能参数SA1003CH 应用范围SA1103CH 外置油冷却SA1203CH 经济器SA1302CH 操作规程SA1402CH 维护保养SA1502CH 制冷量调节方式转换SA1600CH 故障分析SA9001CH 附录SRC-XS 和 SRC-S 系列压缩机概要(SA-01-02-CH)1.概要21.1 引言 21.2 压缩过程 31.3 转子 51.4 内置容积比 61.概要1.1 引言莱富康公司的SRC-S和SRC-XS系列压缩机(在图例1-A中给出了其主要结构部件装配图)是含油喷设计的双螺杆压缩机。









1 转子;2 制冷量调节滑阀(仅用于SRC-S 系列);3 制冷量调节滑阀活塞(仅用于SRC-S 系列);4 排气截止阀;5 止回阀;6 油分离器(雾化器,SRC-XS 系列在侧部);7 集油/分油器;8 转子轴承;9 油加热器;10 油过滤器; 11 电动机; 12 吸气过滤器; 13 吸气截止阀; 14 电机保护装置; 15 接线盒; 17 吸气侧端盖; 18 转子组机壳; 19 轴承座(排气侧)。

HANBELL 磁悬浮离心压缩机 RTM-090 技术手册说明书

HANBELL 磁悬浮离心压缩机 RTM-090 技术手册说明书

磁悬浮离心压缩机RTM-090技术手册目录一. RTM系列压缩机介绍 (4)结构特色: (4)使用环境: (4)二、设计基本信息 (5)2.1压缩机命名: (5)2.2工作温度范围: (5)2.3 压缩机规格 (6)2.4 压缩机外观尺寸: (7)2.5 管路连接 (8)2.5.1吸气端/排气端/节能器法兰: (8)2.5.2 蝶阀: (10)2.5.3 逆止阀: (11)三. 进气结构介绍: (12)3.1 进气导叶(Inlet Guide Vanes): (12)3.1.1 入口导叶控制: (12)3.2 执行器: (13)3.2.1 执行器基本信息: (13)3.2.2 线路连接: (14)3.2.3 配线施工: (14)3.2.4 各部控制介紹: (15)3.2.5 问题与解决: (18)3.3 容量调节: (18)3.4 安全裕度方程式: (19)3.5 热气旁通(HGBP): (20)3.6中压关断阀: (20)四、电机: (21)4.1 电机冷却管道: (21)4.1.1 冷媒加热器规格: (21)4.1.2 Pt100电阻温度传感器规格: (21)4.1.3 Pt100军规接头接线点位: (22)4.2 电机冷却回液: (22)4.3 电机温度控制: (24)4.4 电机连接: (24)4.4.1供电电压&频率: (24)4.4.2 变频器搭配组件: (25)4.4.3 接地: (26)4.4.4 主电源输入电缆: (26)4.4.5 接线注意事项: (27)4.5 电机MCC (27)五、控制线接口连接: (28)5.1 磁浮控制器(Magnetic Bearing Controller ,简称MBC)基本数据: (29)5.2 MBC安装注意事项: (29)5.3 MBC外观尺寸: (30)5.4 MBC各接口位臵: (31)5.5 MBC接口信息: (31)5.5.1 接口补充说明: (32)5.5.2 MBC与PLC的通讯 (32)5.6 总谐波失真(Total Harmonic Distortion,简称THD)基本数据: (33)5.7 THD安装&固定: (33)5.8 THD 接口说明: (34)5.9 变频器(VFD) 接口连接: (35)5.10变频器内部参数 (35)六、压缩机吊装及安装: (36)6.1 压缩机吊装: (36)6.2 压缩机安装固定: (36)七、指导说明: (38)7.1 压缩机配件: (38)7.2 阀类组件: (38)7.3 送电前检验: (38)7.4 系統要求: (39)7.5 控制要求: (39)7.6 其他设备: (39)附录:简写说明 (40)一、RTM系列压缩机介绍本技术手册提供工程人员、销售工程师、冷冻空调设计工程师使用RTM系列离心式压缩机的基本信息。

















四、活塞式压缩机设计要点活塞式压缩机的设计要点包括以下几个方面:1. 缸体与活塞的匹配在活塞式压缩机的设计中,缸体和活塞的匹配是一个关键环节。



2. 活塞杆的设计活塞杆是将活塞与连杆连接的重要部件。



3. 连杆设计连杆是活塞与曲轴连接的关键部件。





BE705N撬装式压缩机组使用维护技术手册北京伯肯新能源设备有限公司二○○九年十二月目 录前言安全事项0.1 综合安全事项0.2 操作安全事项0.3 维护安全事项第一章 CNG基础知识1.1 综述1.2 天然气汽车(NGV)基础知识1.3 加气站基础知识1.4 通用定义第二章设备简介与操作2.1 加气站综述2.2 零能安全状态2.3 压缩机组2.4 气路系统2.5 控制系统工作模式2.6 设备安装2.7 设备操作第三章 技术规格3.1 压缩机撬体技术参数3.2 主要部件元件参数第四章 设备维护保养4.1 概述4.2 电源的切断4.3 推荐维护程序4.4 各分系统维护要求4.5 故障处理4.6 维护记录第五章 附图5.1 系统原理图5.2 电气原理图5.3 各种(燃)气流组分的气缸/密封(填密件)润滑油建议安全事项0.1 综合安全事项如果操作不当,压缩气体将可能十分危险。



● 在距离任何气体装置10米的范围内不允许吸烟、有明火和无遮盖的灯光。

● 不要调整、拆除、设旁路通过任何安全保护装置。

● 操作、维护和修理操作只能由被授权的技术人员按照相应的操作和安全规程进行。

● 电气接线必须符合国家电气条例规范及有关地方法规之要求。

● 由用户提供的管件和其它部件必须适用于其对应的工作压力。


● 在进行修理和维护之前,系统必须完全排空天然气。

● 旋转的机械部件很危险,如果外壳和防护设施被拆卸,不要运转机器。

● 压缩机的操作人员应采用听力保护措施。

● 不要在压缩机设备附近储存可燃材料。

0.2 操作安全事项在操作CNG加气站之前必须阅读并理解以下内容:● 必须对压缩机进行维护、保养,以使其处于安全运行状态,应按照要求对压缩机进行定期检测。

● 压缩机设备只能按本手册给出的技术规范操作。

● 维护日志单和维护记录必须按设备供应商的要求填写并保存。


6、抽真空 ①在抽真空站抽真空线在
正常使用过程对线速要求 不能超过35HZ,以确保足 够的抽真空时间(抽真空时 间大于180S)。(如图) ②真空度标准为小于40Pa, 在真空度计上可以看出真 空度数值是否小于40 Pa, 如果不符合标准,防呆装 置会发出警报音。
产品的品质状况。 ①不良下线品下线后,应准确填写压缩机故障信息 并贴于机身上(下线原因、机型、线体等) ②及时对吸、排气管进行严格的封口处理,防止碎 小异物落入压缩机内。 ③及时将不良品的不良状况反馈于厂内,便于厂内 有效的改善。
1、绝缘耐压不合格 空调厂生产线造成此不良的原因有: ①空调生产线测试绝缘耐压是在排气管烧焊和冷媒充注 之后,可能有排气管烧焊过程中产生的焊渣或氧化皮粘 附在端子座上; ②可能是冷媒充注过多(或温度较低),造成有液态冷 媒附着在端子内面因而影响。
确认现场状况(绝缘耐压)的具体方式: A、将空调系统重新上线进行确认,异常不良是否可重现,并 观察客户端实际测试绝缘耐压值的状况; B、拆下开关盖观察压缩机电接头是否粘有水份、油污、杂质 等,如有异物将其擦拭后进行测试绝缘耐压状况; C、观察压缩机电接头玻璃体是否有破裂的现象; D、确认系统是否充注冷媒,将系统冷媒放掉后重新抽真空、 灌冷媒上线进行测试; E、将系统的其他线路拆掉,单体对压缩机进行绝缘耐压测试, 确认其不良是否为压缩机造成的。



饱和 温度
℃ 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67
饱和压力 MPa
1.013E-1 9.780E-2 9.433E-2 9.098E-2 8.772E-2 8.456E-2 8.149E-2 7.852E-2 7.564E-2 7.285E-2 7.014E-2 6.751E-2 6.497E-2 6.252E-2 6.014E-2 5.783E-2 5.56E-2 5.345E-2 5.136E-2 4.933E-2 4.738E-2 4.55E-2 4.367E-2 4.192E-2 4.021E-2 3.857E-2 3.698E-2 3.545E-2 3.398E-2 3.255E-2 3.118E-2 2.985E-2 2.858E-2 2.735E-2
绝对温度 这是用绝对零度作为基点来解释的温度。基点零度为华氏零下 459.67 度或摄氏零下 273.15 度,绝对零度是指从物质上除去所有的热量时所存在的温度或从理论上某一容积的气体缩到零 时所存在的温度。
1.1.2 露点和湿度 1、露点和相对湿度
就象晚上温度下降会产生露水一样,压缩空气系统内的温度下降也会产生水气。露点就是 当湿空气在水蒸气分压力不变的情况下冷却至饱和的温度。 这是为什么呢? 含有水分的空气只能容纳一定量的水分。如果通过压力或冷却使体积缩小,就 没有足够的空气来容纳所有的水分,因此多于的水分析出成为冷凝水。 离开后冷却器的空气通常是完全饱和的。分离器内的冷凝水就显示了这一点,因此空气温度有 任何的降低,就会产生冷凝水。


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二、安全操作1. 确保环境安全:a. 在使用空气压缩机之前,需检查操作区域,清除杂物和障碍物,确保工作区域整洁、干净。

b. 使用空气压缩机时,应确保周围没有易燃物品和易爆物品,防止引发火灾或爆炸事故。

c. 操作时应站稳脚跟,防止滑倒或跌倒受伤。

2. 使用个人防护装备:a. 在操作空气压缩机前,务必佩戴适当的个人防护装备,包括安全帽、防护眼镜、耳塞、手套和防滑鞋等。

b. 需避免近距离暴露于高压气体喷射的情况下,以免引起伤害。

3. 关注压力限制:a. 使用空气压缩机时,要注意设定适当的压力限制,以防止超压导致设备损坏或意外发生。

b. 不得随意更改压力限制设置,只能由经过培训和授权的人员进行调整。

4. 正确使用气管和接头:a. 确保使用的气管和接头符合标准,并且能够承受压缩空气的压力。

b. 在连接气管和接头时,需确保连接牢固,防止漏气和气体泄露。

三、操作步骤1. 检查电源和电气系统:a. 确保电源接线正确并牢固,不得有松动或暴露导线。

b. 检查电气系统是否正常工作,确保电压和频率符合要求。

2. 排放冷凝水:a. 定期排放冷凝水以保持设备性能,避免水分对设备的腐蚀。

b. 打开冷凝水排放阀门,将积聚的水分排出,然后关闭阀门。

3. 启动空气压缩机:a. 打开压缩机主电源开关,并确保压缩机处于待机状态。

b. 按下启动按钮或拨动启动开关,开始启动压缩机。

c. 监测压缩机的工作状态和运行指示灯,确保一切正常。

4. 调整压力:a. 根据需要调整压力限制,确保输出气压符合要求。

b. 使用压力调节器进行调整,注意逐步增加或减少压力以避免冲击和损坏。

5. 停止空气压缩机:a. 当不再需要使用空气压缩机时,先关闭压缩机的输出阀门和供电开关。



文档编号:TSS_C2H.DOC固定床反应器单元仿真培训系统操作说明书北京东方仿真软件技术有限公司二〇〇六年十月目录一、工艺流程说明 (2)1、工艺说明 (2)2、本单元复杂控制回路说明 (3)3、该单元包括以下设备 (3)二、压缩机单元操作规程 (3)1.开车操作规程 (3)2、正常操作规程 (5)3.停车操作规程 (5)4.联锁说明 (6)5、仪表一览表 (7)三、事故设置一览 (8)四、仿真界面 (9)附:思考题 (11)一、工艺流程说明1、工艺说明透平压缩机是进行气体压缩的常用设备。












ARIEL 对称平衡式压缩机
第 2 页 共 98 页
如果没有经过系统的培训并熟悉操作,天然气压缩 机系统是复杂和危险的设备。在启动设备前,一定要熟 悉这个设备。仔细阅读并学习压缩机及相关设备的启动 和停机过程。天然气和空气的混合气在压力下会爆炸! 可能会造成人员的严重伤害或死亡。在加载前压缩机系 统一定要经过十分严格的吹扫,排除任何可能的爆炸混 合物。
在阅读本手册第三部分“启动”之前,一定不要启 动压缩机单元。同样在启动之前也要阅读相关设备的操 作手册。
第 3 页 共 98 页
第一部分 设计说明书
Ariel 公司的压缩机在设计上易于操作和维护,实践表明 Ariel 公司所生产的 压缩机具有高寿命和低维护的优点。
第 7 页 共 98 页




1. 压缩机的基本原理和工作原理:介绍压缩机的工作原理、压缩过程和关键部件的功能。

2. 压缩机的分类和应用:介绍不同类型的压缩机,如离心式压缩机、轴流式压缩机和往复式压缩机,并讨论它们在不同领域的应用。

3. 压缩机的选择和设计:讲解如何根据具体的需求选择合适的压缩机,并介绍压缩机的设计过程和设计考虑因素。

4. 压缩机系统的组成和安装:详细介绍压缩机系统的各个部分,如压缩机、冷却器、控制器和管道连接等,并介绍安装过程和注意事项。

5. 压缩机的运行和维护:讲解压缩机的正常运行和故障排除方法,以及日常的维护保养和安全操作规程。

6. 压缩机的能效改进:介绍如何改善压缩机的能效,如优化压缩机系统的设计、使用能效更高的压缩机和控制技术等。

7. 压缩机的性能评价和测试:详细介绍压缩机性能评价的方法和测试技术,如流量、功率、效率和压缩比等参数的测试和计算。





在操作空气压缩机之前,需要进行以下准备工作:1. 检查设备:首先,仔细检查空气压缩机的外观和内部结构,确保设备无损坏和漏气现象。


2. 安全措施:操作空气压缩机需要注意安全事项。



3. 验证备件:检查空气压缩机的备件和附件是否齐全,并进行必要的更换或修理。


二、操作步骤操作空气压缩机需要按照以下步骤进行:1. 启动:首先,检查电源,确保供电稳定。


2. 调整压力:根据需要调整空气压缩机的工作压力。


3. 加油:在操作空气压缩机之前,需要确保油液充足。


4. 启动压缩机:根据操作面板上的指示,按下启动按钮,启动空气压缩机。


5. 监测运行:在空气压缩机运行期间,需要定期监测设备的运行状态。


三、维护和保养为了确保空气压缩机的长期稳定运行,需要进行维护和保养工作:1. 清洁:定期清洁空气压缩机的外壳和内部部件。


2. 检查油液:定期检查油液的质量和量。


3. 维修和更换:当空气压缩机出现故障或磨损时,需要及时进行维修和更换部件。


4. 定期检测:定期进行设备的维修和检测,以确保设备的安全性和性能。


四、注意事项在操作空气压缩机时,需要注意以下事项:1. 遵守使用规定:严格按照操作手册和相关规定进行操作。

























1. 安全注意事项:
- 在操作压缩机前,确保压缩机和其周围环境干净和通风良好。

- 在操作离心式压缩机时,请戴上适当的个人防护装备,比如手套和护目镜。

- 遵守所有与操作压缩机相关的法规和标准。

2. 操作前的准备:
- 检查压缩机是否已正确连接并固定在基座上,确保压缩机的运转平稳。

- 确保母线电压和频率与压缩机的额定电压和频率相匹配。

- 检查压缩机的冷却系统是否正常运行,确保压缩机能够保持适当的温度。

3. 启动离心式压缩机:
- 打开压缩机的电源开关,并确保压缩机电机已正确连接并运转正常。

- 如果需要,打开压缩机的冷却系统,以保持压缩机的适当温度。

- 根据压缩机的操作手册,调整压缩机的操作参数,比如压力和温度。

4. 压缩机的运行:
- 监视压缩机的运行状态,包括压力和温度,确保它们在正常范围内。

- 如果发现任何异常,比如压力超过设定范围或温度过高,立即停止压缩机并排除故障。

5. 关闭离心式压缩机:
- 在关闭压缩机之前,先关闭压缩机的电源开关。

- 如果需要,关闭压缩机的冷却系统。

- 等待压缩机完全停止运行后,才能进行其他操作。




SW5L 系列冷冻螺杆压缩机技术手册说明书

SW5L 系列冷冻螺杆压缩机技术手册说明书

技术手册1.概要 (6)1.1.引言 (6)1.2.关键点 (7)1.3.安全说明 (8)1.4.铭牌 (8)1.5.压缩过程 (9)1.6.转子 (10)1.7.内建容积比 (11)1.8.内建容积比调节 (11)1.8.1.Vi调节方式 (11)1.8.2.Vi可调范围表 (12)1.8.3.Vi的选择 (12)1.8.4.手动Vi调节旋转圈数与Vi对应的关系图 (13)2.冷冻油 (16)2.1.油的循环 (16)2.2.油的流量 (17)2.3.润滑油 (18)2.3.1.润滑油(适用于R22) (18)2.3.2.润滑油(适用于R404A/R507) (18)2.3.3.润滑油应用范围 (18)2.4.油分离器 (19)2.4.1.油分离器的标准供货范围(仅供参考) (19)2.4.2.油分离器外形尺寸图 (19)2.5.油过滤器 (21)2.6.油位 (22)2.7.润滑监控 (22)2.7.1.排温监控 (22)2.7.2.压差开关控制 (23)2.7.3.油流量监控 (23)3.制冷量调节 (24)3.1.SW5L020-075系列 (24)3.1.1.工作原理和控制回路 (24)3.1.2.控制逻辑:有级调节 (26)3.2.SW5L090-150系列 (27)3.2.1.工作原理和控制回路 (27)3.2.2.有级调节 (27)3.2.3.控制逻辑:有级调节 (29)3.2.4.无级调节 (30)3.2.5.控制逻辑:无级调节 (30)3.3.压缩机的启动和停机程序 (32)3.4.部分负荷下的效率及注意事项 (32)4.主要附件 (33)4.1.吸气过滤器 (33)4.2.油过滤器 (33)4.3.安全阀 (34)4.4.止回阀 (34)4.5.橡胶减震垫 (35)4.6.油路通断截止阀 (36)5.电气装置 (37)5.1.电机概述 (37)5.2.保护装置 (39)5.2.1.电机温度热敏电阻 (39)5.2.2.INT69 SNY (40)5.2.3.油流量开关 (42)5.2.4.压差开关 (43)5.2.5.油路通断传感器(常开开关) (44)5.2.6.容量位移传感器 (45)5.3.供电电源 (47)5.4.电气附件的选择 (48)5.5.电气参数 (48)5.6.电气螺纹规格 (48)6.型号命名和技术参数 (50)6.1.型号命名 (50)6.2.技术参数 (51)7.供货范围 (52)7.1.吸排气套管口径 (54)7.1.1.套管尺寸 (55)8.外形尺寸和包装 (56)8.1.外形尺寸图 (56)8.2.压缩机底脚尺寸 (61)8.3.包装 (61)9.性能参数 (63)10.应用范围 (64)10.1.使用R22制冷剂时压缩机的应用范围 (64)10.2.使用R404A制冷剂时压缩机的应用范围 (64)10.3.使用R507制冷剂时压缩机的应用范围 (65)10.4.使用R134a制冷剂时压缩机的应用范围 (65)11.附加冷却 (66)11.1.润滑油冷却 (66)11.2.油冷却运用须考虑的因素 (66)11.3.关于油冷却器的一般建议 (66)11.4.油冷却器应用实例 (67)11.5.液体制冷剂直接喷射 (68)12.经济器 (70)12.1.工作原理 (70)12.2.配件选用 (70)12.3.建议 (71)12.4.运转限制 (72)13.并联组合系统 (74)13.1.并联组合系统概述 (74)13.2.并联组合系统示例 (74)13.3.并联组合系统设计的重要建议 (77)14.常规设计建议 (78)14.1.一般性建议 (78)14.1.1.概述 (78)14.1.2.一般原则 (78)14.2.管路的布置 (80)14.2.1.油分离器位置、排气管路和油喷射管路的布置 (80)14.2.2.油冷却器的位置和连接 (82)14.2.3.吸气管路的布置 (82)14.2.4.配置吸气过滤器 (85)14.3.冷凝压力调节 (86)14.4.特殊工况下的注意事项 (86)15.操作规程 (88)15.1.压缩机的使用注意要点 (88)15.2.压缩机吊装 (88)15.3.工作环境温度和存储 (89)15.4.吸气过热 (89)15.5.设计压力 (89)15.6.启动前的平衡压力 (89)15.7.启动次数 (89)15.8.启动、停机和最短运行时间 (89)15.9.安装 (90)15.10.测试 (90)15.10.1.检漏/抽真空/注油 (90)15.10.2.充制冷剂 (90)15.11.启动 (90)15.12.保护装置和故障简述 (91)15.13.压缩机故障描述和排除 (92)16.维护保养 (96)《SW5L系列冷冻螺杆压缩机技术手册》51.概要1.1. 引言SW5L系列半封闭冷冻螺杆压缩机是雪人股份全新设计,专用于中低温领域的半封闭高效螺杆压缩机,进气温度范围-45℃~+20℃,排气温度+40℃~+100℃,适用于R404A、R507A、R22、R134a、R290等各种常规制冷剂。



第五章至第七章为“设计与制造”部分,主要探讨了空气压缩机的设计、制 造和生产过程。其中,第五章讲述了空气压缩机的设计原则和方法,包括性能参 数设计、结构设计等;第六章介绍了空气压缩机的制造工艺和技术要求;第七章 则了空气压缩机的生产过程和质量检测。
第八章至第十章为“应用与案例”部分,重点介绍了空气压缩机在不同领域 的应用和实际案例。其中,第八章概述了空气压缩机在工业、能源、交通等领域 的广泛应用;第九章详细介绍了不同类型空气压缩机的应用场景和案例分析;第 十章则针对特定行业或领域,提供了具体的空气压缩机选型和使用方案。
通过以上分析,《空气压缩机行业实用手册》的目录结构完整、逻辑清晰, 涵盖了从基础知识到实际应用、从设计制造到维护保养的各个方面。这种组织方 式使得读者可以根据自身需求快速找到相关内容,从而提高阅读效率和知识吸收 效果。对于从事空气压缩机行业的技术人员、管理人员和初学者来说,这本书都 是一本非常实用的参考书。
在第一章“概述”中,本书首先对空气压缩机的基本概念、发展历程和应用 领域进行了简要介绍。这部分内容为读者提供了空气压缩机行业的背景知识,有 助于读者更好地理解后续章节的内容。
第二章至第四章为“基础知识”部分,详细介绍了空气压缩机的原理、结构 和组成。其中,第二章讲解了空气压缩机的原理,包括热力学原理和气体动力学 原理;第三章介绍了空气压缩机的种类和结构,包括活塞式、螺杆式、离心式等 不同类型压缩机的特点和应用;第四章则详细描述了空气压缩机的组成部件,如 气缸、活塞、曲轴、冷却系统等。
第十一章至第十三章为“维护与保养”部分,重点讲解了空气压缩机的日常 维护、保养和维修知识。其中,第十一章介绍了空气压缩机的日常检查和维护项 目;第十二章讲解了空气压缩机的常见故障及排除方法;第十三章则深入探讨了 空气压缩机的保养与维修技术,包括定期保养、零件更换等。


DANGER: Improper installation of the grounding plug can result in a risk of electric shock. If repair or replacement of the cord or plug is necessary, do not connect the grounding wire to either flat blade terminal. The wire with insulation having an outer surface that is green, with or without yellow stripes, is the grounding wire.
The following is an explanation of the three different types of hazards: DANGER: Severe personal injury or death will occur if hazard is ignored. WARNING: Severe personal injury or death can occur if hazard is ignored. CAUTION: Minor injury or property damage can occur if hazard is ignored.
This product should be connected to a grounded, metallic, permanent wiring system, or an equipment-grounding terminal or lead on the product(refer to wiring diagram).



Compressornon-safe operations, even if these precautions or non-safe operation is not mentioned in this manual.Chapter II Installation Standards and Requirements1. Requirements for Arrangement in Installation Place(1) Compressor house should be as near to load center as possible, in order to reduce pipe length,pressure loss and power consumption and ensure air supply pressure.(2) Scientific supply of electrical power, water supply and ventilation should be taken intoaccount in the house planning.(3) To suit to the development in the future, space should be reserved on the general drawing forexpansion.(4) Air compressor suctions air directly from atmosphere. In order to reduce the possible wear,corrosion and explosion of compressor unit, there must be specified distance between the compressor house and the place where there is explosive, corrosive, toxic gas or dust or other harmful substances, and the compressor house should be located on lower side of annual wind directions occurring at least frequency in aforesaid places, so that the effect of harmful substances on the house is minimized.(5) Since the compressor gives out a plenty of heat, especially in summer when high temperatureexists inside the unit, the compressor house should be oriented to the direction in which the machine is well-ventilated and the sunshine time can be reduced.(6) Though the compressor is provided with casing, raining on it is strictly prohibited. Hencecompressor should be not mounted outdoors.(7) Compressor house should be a separate building.2. Precautions during Handling(1) In order to ensure safe handling, please pay attention to the total weight of the compressorunit.(2) When the unit is handled on a fork, soft gaskets should be used for protecting the unit fromsurface damage. The fork teeth should be inserted completely into the compressor base.(3) When the unit is handled with the help of a crane, balancing should be ensured. The steel wirerope should be fixed on correct positions and slings should be prepared to prevent the rope from pressurizing on the compressor casing, or otherwise the casing will get damaged.(4) Transportation bracket should be installed and the fixtures should be tightened and locked firstwhen the compressor unit is transported and handled, in order to prevent possible damages to the compressor, as shown in the figure. After compressor unit is mounted in position, it is necessary to remove the bracket and fixtures shown in the figure before the compressor is put into operation!3. Requirements for Compressor House Installation(1) Sufficient space should be reserved in the installation place for subsequent maintenance andrepair work to be done. The floor had better be finished cement floor and its unevenness should not be greater than 0.5/1000 (mm), and the floor should be enough hard and firm to support the weight of the compressor.(2) The compressor should be placed on horizontal floor, and good joint must be ensuredbetween the casing bottom and floor surface, in order to prevent vibrations and noises.(3) If possible, sound absorbing board can be fitted on the walls of compressor house in order tofurther reduce the noises. However, the materials with hard surface (such as ceramic tiles) should not be fitted on the walls.(4) The recommended minimum spacing from compressor installation position to the front side,rear side, left side, right side and the top should be greater than 1m.(5) Since air-cooled compressor is apparently affected by the ambient temperature, thecompressor house should be well-ventilated and dry. An exhaust fan should be mounted in it and sufficient incoming air volume should be provided, in order to ensure that air flowrate is lower than 4.5m/s at air inlet window and ambient temperature should be within –5o C~40o C. The following figure shows compressor ventilation designs:(6) There is a small quantity of dust and clean air as well as no harmful gases, sulfurous acids andother corrosive medium in the compressor house.4. Pipeline Installation Requirements(1)The air outlet of the compressor unit is provided with threaded connector for connection withyour air supply pipeline. Please refer to Chapter III “Performance Parameters and Apparent Dimension of the Unit” for installation dimensions.(2) The branches must be connected from the top of main pipeline in order to avoid condensationwater in the pipes from flowing down into the compressor.(3) The pipeline should be as short and straight as possible when it is laid around the wholeproduction building, in order to minimize the number of bends and valves and the pressure loss. The post treatment system should be provided with maintenance by-pass if possible.5. Connection and Arrangement of Air Pipeline(1) Compressed air pipes are connected by welding, but the pipe and equipment or valve shouldbe connected using corresponding flange or screwed connections. The pipes that are often removed should be connected using screwed connections if the pipe diameter is less than or equal to D N 25, and connected using flanges if the pipe diameter is greater than D N 25.(2) For the pipeline that delivers compressed air that is not dried and purified, the pipelinegenerally should be laid at a slope of more than 2/1000, and a blow-off valve (screwed plug) should be mounted on its low end. The pipeline should be laid as short and straight as possible and least bends and valves should be used, in order to drain the wastewater in the pipes better. (3) The top of underground pipeline should be embedded in 0.7m at least under the ground, butthis restriction is not applicable to the pipeline that delivers dry and purified compressed air. (4) After completion of system installation, air pressure test and air-tightness test should becarried out, and hydrostatic test should not be carried out. The test pressure is 1.05~1.5 times the pressure of the same gas, and if no leakage is detected, the pipeline is acceptable.(5) Air receiver tank is pressure vessel, and all the necessary safety valve, pressure gauge,blow-off valve and other safety accessories should be mounted correctly and be reported to local labor authority for records. Annual routine inspection must be carried out every year.6. Selection of Pipe SizeWhile gas flows inside the pipeline, it has friction resistance in straight pipes and local resistance in the valves, tees, bends and reduced pipes, which will cause gas pressure loss. Generally, pressure drop in a pipe length can be obtained from the data in following table:Air Flow --- Pipe Pressure Drop kg/cm2 ---(100m)Air flowPipe Diameter (inch)m3/min 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 56.5 2.50 0.709 0.187 0.0744 0.03467.0 2.90 0.815 0.217 0.0863 0.04017.5 3.33 0.940 0.249 0.0990 0.04608.0 3.79 1.0 0.283 0.113 0.0524 0.02478.5 4.28 1.21 0.319 0.127 0.0590 0.03099.0 4.80 1.35 0.359 0.143 0.0662 0.03479.5 5.35 1.51 0.399 0.159 0.0738 0.038610 5.93 1.67 0.442 0.176 0.0818 0.042812 8.53 2.40 0.637 0.254 0.118 0.0616 0.019614 11.6 3.27 0.866 0.345 0.160 0.0839 0.0260Pipe Diameter (inch) Air flowm 3/min2 2 1/23 3 1/2456 153.76 0.995 0.396 0.184 0.0963 0.0306 164.28 1.13 0.450 0.209 0.110 0.0348 185.41 1.14 0.570 0.265 0.139 0.0441 0.0177 206.68 1.77 0.704 0.327 0.171 0.0544 0.0219 228.08 2.14 0.851 0.396 0.209 0.0659 0.0265 249.62 2.55 1.01 0.471 0.246 0.0784 0.0315 2811.3 2.99 1.19 0.553 0.289 0.0920 0.0370 3015.0 3.98 1.58 0.736 0.385 0.122 0.0429 3520.4 5.41 2.16 1.00 0.525 0.167 0.0670 40 7.08 2.82 1.31 0.618 0.218 0.0876 Notes:1. Actual pressure drop in a straight pipe section = gauge value pipe length (100compression ratio). (Compression ratio = gauge pressure +1);2. The total pressure drop in the pipeline should include the local pressure losses caused in the bends, reduced pipes, tees and valves, which can be found in related manuals.3. After referred to the tables, it is necessary to check whether the pressure loss of compressed air supplied to the user end is within the permissible range. The experienceshows that total pressure loss should not exceed 0.4kg/cm 2 in 100m pipeline length. If itexceeds this value, the pipe diameter must be increased.Chapter III Performance Parameters and Apparent Dimension of the UnitS Type compressor unit is motor-driven immovable oil-spray screw compressor and SF Type unit is air-cooled compressor. The performance parameters and apparent dimensions of SF45~SF132 are shown in the table below:TypeSF45 SF55 SF75 SF90 SF110 SF132 A 7.5/0.7 10.2/0.7 13.5/0/7 16.5/0.7 20.0/0/7 23.5/0/7 B 6.6/1.0 8.2/1.0 11.5/1.0 13.7/1.0 17.0/1.0 20.5/1.0 C 5.2/1.3 7.2/1.3 9.5/1.3 11.5/1.3 14.0/1.3 16.6/1.3 Air flow/Pressurem 3/min/MpaD 7.2/0.8 9.5/0.8 12.4/0.8 15.5/0.8 18.5/0.8 22.5/0/8 Cooling methodWind chilling Drive methodBelt drive TemperatureRequired ambient temperature -5 to +40 Air temperature: ambient temperature is below +15 FormThree-phase squirrel-cage asynchronous motor Power (Kw)45 55 75 90 110 132 Rev(r/min)1480 2970 1480 V oltage/Frequency (V/Hz)3-AC380±5%/50 Motor InsulationClassF Oil fill quantity (L)50 50 55 75 85 85 Weight (kg)_ 1950 1990 2100 2200 2500 26001. Main power lead-in port a. Heat dissipation and air discharge e. Air supply port2. Compressed air inlet b. Air discharge f. Power lead-in port3. RP2 compressed air inlet c. Air supply g. Cooling air inlet4. Heat dissipation and discharge outlet d. Hot air outletChapter IV Flow Process and Functions of the Compressor System1. System Flow Process“S” series compressor system has flow process shown in following diagram. It consists of air system, lubricant system and cooling system. Its drive section is classified into belt drive and coupling drive. All the compressors of this series have gear drives.1. Gas pipeline2. Oil and air mixing pipeline3. Oil pipeline4. Control pipeline5. Incoming air6. Air filter7. Air intake valve8. Gearbox 9. Coupling10. Motor11. Compressor12. Control valve13. Solenoid valve14. Pressure maintaining valve15. Safety valve16. Filtering element17. Air-oil separator18. Filling hole19. Blow-off valve20. Temperature control valve21. Engine oil filter22. Oil cooler23. After cooler24. Air supply opening(1) Flow process of air systemAfter dust in the air is removed in the air filter, the air flows through the intake control valve and into the compressor where it is compressed. The compressed oil-air mixing gas enters the air-oil separator. After the air is separated from oil in the separator, the air flows through the min. pressure valve and after cooler, and finally is discharged from air supply valve. The separated oil is left in the tank of the air-oil separator and enters lubricant circulation system.1.1 Air filterThe air filter is dry paper-medium filter. Its function is to purify the suctioned air, guarantee the cleanness inside the system and increase the service life of bearing of the compressor, air-oil separator, filtering element and oil filter. Maintenance frequency should be increased under severe conditions. As shown in the diagram.Air Filter Air Filter Element1.2 Intake control valveThe intake control valve functions together with solenoid valveand pressure switch and is used to control supplied air volumeof compressor. When the compressor unit is started up, thisvalve closes and compressor is started up at low loads. Whenthe compressor runs at full load, this valve is full open. Whenload is adjusted, this valve closes, and reduces the pressure inair-oil separator to 0.3~0.45 MPa, so that the system runs at noload and oil supply pressure can be guaranteed in compressor.It has non-return function, and can prevent reverse flow of theair in air-oil separator, which will cause inverse rotation of therotor and oil spraying from the air inlet, as shown in the diagram:1.3 Temperature switchThe temperature switch also has the function of indicating and controlling the air discharge temperature. Oil loss, insufficient oil volume and bad cooling effect of the system will possibly result in too high discharge temperature. When this temperature reaches the stop temperature setting of the temperature switch, the compressor will stop operation. The stop temperature setting of the temperature switch is 105o C.1.4 Safety valveWhen the load adjustment system malfunctions, and the pressure in air-oil separator is more than 1.1 times the rated discharge pressure, the safety valve will automatically trip and releases the pressure, in order to guarantee safety. When the air pressure is reduced to a certain valve, the safety valve will automatically close.n The safety valve has been adjusted and set correctly before leaving the factory. Please do not make any adjustment!1.5 Min. pressure valveMin. pressure valve is located above the air-oil separator, andits opening pressure is 0.35~0.4MPa. Its main function is asfollows:a. Rapidly establish the air pressure when the compressor isjust started up, provide the pressure needed for lubricationfor compressor, and enable the intake control valve to openin specified time.b. Control the air flow rate in filtering element of the air-oilseparator, ensure the air-oil separation effect and prevent the damages caused to the filtering element due to too great pressure difference.c. It has non-return function and can prevent the pressure gas after min. pressure valve fromflowing back into the air-oil separator when the load is adjustedand the compressor stops.1.6 Pressure ControlThe pressure sensor installed on the after cooler transmits obtainedsignal to a microcomputer-based controller for the adjustment ofcompressor load. When gas supply pressure reaches the upper limitof preset pressure, the microcomputer-based controller sends asignal, which causes gas inlet control valve to be closed andcompressor to run at no load. When gas supply pressure is reducedto the lower limit of preset pressure, the microcomputer-based controller sends a signal to a solenoid valve, which causes all the gas inlet control valves to be opened and compressor to run at full load.SP2 shown in the figure is a pressure switch and can convert the pressure signal into electric signal. This switch is used for overpressure protection control of the compressor. When load adjusting system malfunctions and discharge pressure of the compressor reaches the setting of SP2 pressure switch, SP2 operates and stops the compressor, and then sends overpressure alarm signal.1.7 After coolerThe after cooler is an efficient plate-wing structure and is integrated with the oil cooler. It is used for cooling the high-temperature compressed gas discharged from the compressor in order to control the temperature of supplied air to +15o C or less.2. Flow Process of Lubricating SystemThe lubricant system consists of air-oil separator, temperature control valve, oil cooler and oil filter (refer to the System Flow Chart).The lubricating oil in the air-oil separator enters the oil pipeline under the action of gas pressure, flows through temperature control valve and oil cooler, then is filtered in the oil filter. After than, the oil flow is divided into two branches. One branch is that oil is sprayed into the rotor of compressor from lower part, and the other branch is that oil is led to the front and rear bearing pedestals for bearing lubrication. Then the oil merges in the rotor of compressor, and is mixed with the gas and then is discharged into air-oil separator. After the oil is separated from the air in the separator, the oil stays in the separator and enters next cycle.2.1 Oil coolerOil cooler is an efficient plate-wing structure and is integrated with theafter cooler. It is used for cooling of lubricating oil in order to ensurenormal operation of the system.2.2 Oil filterOil filter is a screwed filter with paper media and its filter precision is10µm. It can remove foreign matters in the oil, for example metal particles,deteriorated oil, etc. in order to guarantee the normal operation of thecompressor. In the oil filter, there is a safety valve. When the filter elementis blocked, or its service life period expires, or the pressure differencebetween front side and rear side of the filter element reaches 0.15~0.2MPa,the safety valve will open, oil is bypassed and is injected into thecompressor without being filtered, which thus avoids the danger of oil lossin the compressor. However, after bypassing, a large quantity of dirtsubstances will be brought into the compressor, and if they are not treatedin time, they will accelerate the bearing wearing and substantially reduceservice life of the machine. Therefore the oil filter must be maintained andreplaced in time!!2.3 Air-oil separatorThe air-oil separator has one filter element in it, and the mainfunction of this filtering element is to separate the mixture of oiland air discharged from the compressor. After this mixture enters the separator, firstly rough separation is carried out in order to remove most of the oil from the air. Then fine separation is carried out, in order to reduce oil content of the air to 1~3PPM or less. Besides, the air-oil separator can store lubricating oil and some pressure air. Caution: the filtering element in the air-oil separator is consumable goods and should be replaced in time!2.4 Temperature control valveThe function of temperature control valve is toautomatically adjust the temperature of lubricating oil.When the temperature of lubricating oil is below 55o C, allthe bypass ports of this valve open and oil does not passthrough the cooler for cooling and is directly injected intocompressor. When the temperature of lubricating oil rises,the bypass ports of this valve close gradually, and when thetemperature of lubricating oil reaches 75o C, all the bypassports of this valve close and all the oil go through the oilcooler and is injected into compressor after cooling. Therefore, on one hand, the valve keeps the air discharge temperature above the pressurized dew point in order to prevent liberation of water in the air and entering the lubricating oil. On the other hand, this valve ensures to rapidly supply lubricating oil to the compressor for lubricating it when it is started up at a low temperature.3. Flow Diagram of Cooling SystemThis series screw compressor is air-cooled compressorand is cooled using fans. The cooling system mainlyconsists of cooling fan, oil cooler and after cooler. Thecooling air is suctioned by the fan, and blows towards theoil cooler and after cooler, and meanwhile it coolscompressed air and lubricating oil.Pay attention to maintenance of coolers!Chapter V. Electrical Control System1. Function of Control SystemRefer to “User’s Manual for Liquid Crystal Display Control System of Screw Compressor”. When the compressor must be stopped under normal conditions, please press “OFF” key on the instrument panel. Then the unit will run for some time at no load, and the motor does not stop until the pressure in the oil-gas separator is decreased to the specified value.The compressor unit will automatically stop if the compressor has abnormal conditions (for example overpressure, overtemperature, etc). There is a mushroom emergent stop button on the operation panel. This button should not be pressed unless there happen abnormal conditions on the unit. Or otherwise, oil will be possibly injected out of the gas inlet of the compressor. When the unit is restarted after the button is pressed and the cause is found and eliminated, this button should be pulled out in order to unchain the unit. Then press “ON” key and 10 sec later press “OFF” key. Repeat the key pressing operations twice in order to ensure that all residual oil flows back to the compressor, so that the unit can operate in good state.2. Requirements for Power Supply and External Connection(1) Main power supply of this compressor is AC three-phase 380V/50Hz. Please confirm that thepower supply is correct.(2) V oltage drop cannot exceed 5% of rated voltage, voltage difference between different phasesshould be within 3% and phase sequence protection wire should be fitted.(3) The power supply of compressor must be provided with disconnecting switch to preventoperation in case of phase loss caused due to shortcircuiting.(4) Check the fuser of secondary circuit, and select proper safety switch without fuser accordingto the power of the compressor.(5) The following table gives the requirements for user’s power supply and recommended lead-insize for the screw compressor made by our company:Compressor Type V oltage(V)Frequency(Hz)Max. Current(A)RecommendedCable Size(mm2)SF45 series 380 50 115 50 or 225 SF55 series 380 50 135 50 or 225 SF75 series 380 50 170 70 or 235 SF90 series 380 50 225 70 or 235 SF110 series 380 50 265 95 or 250 SF132 series 380 50 295 95 or 250(6) It is preferable to use a separate electrical power system for the compressor, in order to avoidits parallel connection with other different power consumption systems. Especially when the compressor has high power, too high voltage drop or unbalanced three-phase current will possibly cause compressor overload and thus make the protection device to trip.(7) It is necessary to ensure correct earthing to prevent dangerous leaking current. Never connectto the air delivery pipeline or cooling water pipeline.Please observe local regulations if these regulations are stricter than above-mentioned requirements.3. Unit-related Identification LabelsA. Never touch or repair the cooling fan during the operation of compressor unit,in order to avoid personal injury.B. Never touch or stand near the drive parts during the operation of compressorunit, in order to avoid personal injury.C. Never touch high-temperature parts during the operation of compressor unitor before it cools down, in order to prevent scalding.D. Warning labelsE. The moving parts of the unit are moving in the indicated direction.F. Recommended torque for tightening the bolts for user power supply’s lead in.Chapter VI Operating Instructions1. Check Prior to Initial Start-up(1) Check the quantity of lubricating oil in the air-oil separator and the oil quantity is optimalwhen the oil level indicated on oil dipstick is between upper limit and lower limit.(2) The electrical connections and earth connection have been completed, and comply with safetystandards.(3) Air supply pipeline is unblocked, and all the screwed plugs and connections are tightenedfirmly.(4) Check if power supply and voltage of the motor and indications on the instrument panel arecorrect and ensure the compressor will start up at no load.(5) If the compressor commissioning is carried out after a long time since it is delivered, fill about0.5-liter lubricating oil into the air inlet and manually rotate the compressor by severalrevolutions or inch it several times, in order to prevent compressor burning due to insufficient oil at startup. Please take special care not to let foreign matters fall into the machine, which will cause damage to the compressor.(6) Operate the valve according to process pipeline operation requirements and the air dischargevalve of the compressor should be in open position.(7) When it is ready for startup, check whether the operators are in safety position.(8) Close the manual blow-off valve2. Initial Startup(1) First switch on the power supply, and observe that phase sequence indication on theinstrument panel is normal. Then press “ON” key to inch the compressor. For the sake of safety, please check if the unit rotates in right direction as shown by the arrow. If it rotates in right direction, a person can clearly feel that there is suction force at air inlet of air filter (please use one finger to try it). Or otherwise the unit rotates in wrong direction. Immediately switch off the power supply, and change any two of the three power lines. Reverse rotation of the motor is strictly prohibited.(2) Press “ON” key to start the operation, and the compressor will run in the preset mode. At thistime, check if the instruments and indicators are normal and pressure and temperature is normal, and check if are given out and there is abnormal sound and oil leakage. If there is, immediately stop the compressor and check it.(3) Stop the compressor and press “OFF” key, and after delay time and unloading, the unit willcompletely stop. Not immediately stopping is normal.Caution: only when there is special and abnormal condition, can the emergency stop button be pressed manually to stop the unit emergently. After faults are eliminated, if it is necessary to re-start the unit, the unit should not be started up until after 60 seconds the system pressure is unloaded completely.Caution: the parameters of the compressor unit are set in the factory before it is delivered. Please contact our company if the parameter setting must be changed under special conditions, or otherwise the user should take responsibility for possible serious consequences.4. Normal Operations(1) Preparations before startup: check the oil level in the air-oil separator and slightly open therelease valve under the air-oil separator, in order to drain the possible condensate water accumulating in it. Make sure that no condensate water exists in the separator and then tighten this valve, and open the valve at air supply opening of the compressor.(2) Start up: Switch on the power supply, and press the “ON” key on the instrument panel, andthe compressor starts operation. If air discharge pressure must be adjusted, please gradually adjust the valve at air supply opening of the compressor to smaller opening.(3) Stop operation: Press the “OFF” key on instrument panel, and the compressor starts tooperate at unloading for some time and then come to a stop. If the compressor is not used, switch off the power supply and close the valve at air supply opening of the compressor. [Cautions]Warning: The compressor will stop automatically if it runs at no load for a long time.When this happens, never start any check or repair work, as the compressor will resume operation at any time. The compressor unit with separate fan, can automatically control the operation and stop of its fan, so please never touch the fan, in order to avoid personal injury. The power supply must be disconnected before checks!Warning: after power supply is switched off, the compressor will suddenly stop operation. In this case, remember to disconnect the power supply of compressor, so that the electrical control part will not be burnt in the event of sudden power-on.Besides, there may be other hidden risks.Chapter VII Maintenance1. Maintenance Interval and Items of Screw CompressorMaintenance Interval Operating Hours (h)Maintenance Items Daily 8 Before startup, drain the condensate completely and check whetherthe oil level, indicators on the operation panel or the indications onthe text display are normal, and the readings of the timer iseffective, and also check the differential pressure gauge andtemperature.Weekly 80 Check the leakage and clean the unit. Check if there is any abnormal noise.Every three months 500 Carry out first oil change after new compressor runs in, replace theoil filter, and carry out the maintenance according to the indications of the maintenance indicator on the air filter dependingon the operating conditions2000 Manually check the safety valve, clean the cooler, replace theelement of air filter, replace the oil filter, change the oil, check the thermometer, refill lubricants into the motor, and test electricalcontrol system.3000 Replace the element of oil-gas separator, check belt tension according to the type of the belt drive (replace the belts if the tension is beyond adjustable range), and check the tightening ofmoving parts.Every year 4000 Check if the temperature control valve works normally. Check allthe connections of oil and air pipelines. Check the adjustment ofpressure switch. Check if emptying operation is good.Note: Above-mentioned maintenance intervals depend on actual operating conditions and operational performance.2. Specification and Application of Lubricating OilPlease refer to the motor operating instructions for the refilling and change periods of lubricating greases of motor. In general, the motor bearing must be filled with grease every 2000h operation of the motor. Greasing points are marked on the motor, and users should refill designated grease correctly as required in the operating instructions. Use of the greases of different brands will reduce the service life of the motor. Note: make sure that no contaminants are mixed with the grease during grease refilling. Grease of proper quantity should be added. Refilling excessive grease will cause damages to the bearing.Lubricating oil (grease) has decisive influence on the performance of the complete oil-sprayed screw compressor unit. If improper or incorrect oil (grease) is used, serious damage will be caused to the compressor. Therefore, following regulations must be observed:2.1 The oil product should comply with related requirements. Never use the lubricating oils (greases) of different brands and types together. It is strictly prohibited to use counterfeited oils or reclaimed oils. The brand of lubricating oil (grease) to be filled is specified in the factory’s document supplied with each compressor.2.2 The oil (grease) has following performance requirements: excellent anti-oxidizing,。



压缩机使用手册大金工业株式会社压缩机开发中心第一节大金压缩机概述特点:1. 高性能2大金压缩机是一种无余隙(即无冷媒二次膨胀),且运转范围很宽的高效率压缩机。


2. 低噪音、低震动2无吸、排气阀,压缩机吸排气噪音大大降低。





3. 小型、重量轻2因压缩机筒体径小、细长,从而为室外机的小型、轻量化提供了最佳选择。



4. 高可靠性2压缩机零部件数量少、且可靠性极高。


5. 便于使用2压缩机中只有电机的保护装置是内置式,其它保护均由系统匹配。


构造:三、产品系列:四、部件规格1. 性能:⑵ 冷冻能力、消耗功率、工作电流:应确保在规格书中所规定的冷冻能力、消耗功率、工作电流的土 5 %以内。

⑶ 起动特性:应按照下列条件进行起动。

⑷ 绝缘电阻:用500V绝缘电阻表按照GB方法进行测定,如果充电部和非充电部的绝缘电阻如下时应为正常。

2 干燥时:30M Q以上2 冷媒寝入时:1M Q以上⑸ 耐电压性能:在AC2400V 、历时一秒的条件下,确保其无绝缘损坏。

⑹ 运转噪音:在规格书所规定的值以下。

第二节压缩机使用方法使用时注意事项:1. 使用上的限制事项:⑴ 温度2排气孔温度:150 C以下(可提供排气孔温度测定样件)2排气温度:(冷凝温度+20 C )〜125 C以下2油温:80 C以下2电机线圈温度:120 C以下⑵ 电源2电压:额定电压土10 %以下2相间电压不均衡:土2.5 %以下2频率变动:额定频率土2%以下⑶ 压缩机倾斜角度倾斜10 °以内。

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DF-G系列第三章操作和排除故障项目页次3-1总则 ................................................................................................................................ 3-1 3-2清洗机身润滑系统 ........................................................................................................ 3-2 3-3冷却水要求 .................................................................................................................... 3-3 3-3.1 充水冷却系统 .................................................................................................... 3-43-3.2 调节冷却水系统............................................................................................. 3-4 3-4润滑机身和运动部件 ................................................................................................. 3-4 3-4.1 油压和油温..................................................................................................... 3-53-4.2 油过滤器......................................................................................................... 3-6 3-5润滑气缸 ..................................................................................................................... 3-6 3-6初次启动和试车 ........................................................................................................ 3-11 3-6.1 有润滑气缸的试车步骤................................................................................ 3-113-6.2 无油润滑气缸试车步骤................................................................................3-123-6.3注油流量...........................................................................................................3-123-6.4 开车前的检查................................................................................................3-13 3-7压缩机运行 ................................................................................................................3-14 3-7.1 操作气动盘车动力缸....................................................................................3-14 3-8安全停车回路 ............................................................................................................3-14 3-9操作记录 ....................................................................................................................3-15 3-10日常操作和维护保养检查 ......................................................................................3-15 3-10.1 小时检查......................................................................................................3-153-10.2 日检查(每8小时)..................................................................................3-153-10.3 月检查..........................................................................................................3-163-10.4 维护停车(每3年或根据经验和操作条件缩短时间)..........................3-163-10.5 周期性检查(根据经验和操作条件而定)..............................................3-16 3-11较长时期停车 ..........................................................................................................3-17 3-11.1 长时间停车保护措施..................................................................................3-17 3-12排除故障 ..................................................................................................................3-183-1总则本章内容应由操作和维修保养人员仔细地阅读,在初开车之前就必须彻底理解压缩机安全和高效操作的有关要求。


3-2清洗机身润滑系统1. 将所有检查盖板从机身取下,以便能仔细检查内部,发现诸如灰尘和碎屑残渣之类在压缩机安装时介绍过的待清除物。



2. 如果必要使用安全溶剂清洗机身,用不起毛的布,而不是用破棉布,将其擦干。



3. 在主轴承润滑油端盖入口侧安装一块100目的滤网(为了加强,用30目滤网支衬)。









7. 使用清洗油泵,吊到与主油泵和辅助油泵平行,清洗油通过系统打循环。

8. 清洗系统直到通过润滑油的压力降接近0.1Mpa,然后放油到可以取下过滤嚣罩,打开清洗过滤嚣罩,并根据操作手册装上新的过滤器元件。

9. 继续清洗系统4至5小时,然后取下100日网罩和细棉布袋,清洗或调换它们。

















