4-Input mini Logic Analyzer
编者于大连理工大学2008年3月目录第一章逻辑分析仪简介----------------------------------------------------------------4 第二章Agilent1693A逻辑分析仪操作说明---------------------------------------6 第三章触发介绍---------------------------------------17第四章逻辑分析仪实验---------------------------------------------------------------20第一章逻辑分析仪简介逻辑分析仪是数字域仪器的代表,是分析软、硬件故障的仪器。
在电子产品开发过程中我们最常用的是示波器,但随着微处理器的出现,电子工程师们越 来越发现传统的双通道或四通道示波器不能满足微处理器电路在设计开发工程中的需要。于是 具有多通道输入的逻辑分析仪就应运而生,逻辑分析仪不但解决了示波器输入通道不足的问题, 还提供了更加强大的触发功能和分析功能,对于数字电路开发系统来说,逻辑分析仪无疑是一 个很好的测试分析工具。
图 2 示波器测量 UART 结果
对一个信号使用逻辑分析仪进行测量比较,如图 5 所示。逻辑分析仪除了可以测量出 UART 的高低电平时间外,还可以通过插件的形式对数据进行分析。只要输入 UART 的参数,逻辑分析 仪即可对 UART 传输数据进行分析,并把结果显示出来,让开发工程师可以更加直观的知道传输 的数据。
与示波器相比逻辑分析仪具有以下优点: 1. 同时监测多路输入 2. 完善的触发功能 3. 强大的分析功能 4. 逻辑分析仪应用的 4 个层次 逻辑分析仪在应用中可以分为 4 个层次: 1. 观察波形
观察测量波形中是否存在毛刺、干扰,频率是否正确等。 2. 时序测量
对被测量信号进行时序分析,排除操作冲突、时序协调等问题。 3. 辅助分析
取出逻辑分析仪及所附的 USB 连接线,将逻辑分析仪和计算机用 USB 线连接。将附带的 12V 电源接入逻辑分析仪。
1. 基本配置: (1) IBM-PC 及其兼容机, Windows98/2000/XP/me/WIN7 操作系统; (2) 具备 USB 口;
图 1 SPI 测量结果 从图 1 中可以十分明了的观测 SPI 通讯中收发数据与时钟及片选的关系。 不但在测量中可以使用逻辑分析仪对多个输入信号进行测量,平时可以用来当做多输入逻 辑示波器使用,对输入的电平随时观察。 2. 触发功能 功能完善的触发设置是逻辑分析仪的一大特色,与示波器只能触发电平和边沿的触发相比, 逻辑分析仪设置的触发方式可以说是五花八门、多种多样。本逻辑分析仪具备的触发方式有三 种:1.边沿触发 2.组合逻辑触发 3.脉宽触发。 3. 分析功能 示波器的分析功能只是针对输入通道进行频率、占空比、峰峰值等单一的通道进行测量。 而逻辑分析仪则可以针对一个或多个输入通道进行时序和状态的分析。 对于单片机 UART 发出的数据,使用示波器和逻辑分析仪都可以对其进行测量,图 4 为示波 器测量的结果,可以观测到 UART 的高低电平时间,但数据是什么就无从而知了。
美国伦布科技 Agilent 16800 Series Portable Logic Analyze
Agilent 16800 SeriesPortable Logic AnalyzersData SheetQuickly debug, validate,and optimize your digitalsystem – at a price thatfits your budget.Features and benefits•250 ps resolution (4 GHz) timingzoom to find elusive timing problemsquickly, without double probing•15” display, with available touchscreen, allows you to see more dataand navigate quicklymeasurements and displays of yourlogic analyzer and oscilloscope datalet you effectively track downproblems across the analog anddigital portions of your design•Eight models with34/68/102/136/204 channels,up to 32M memory depth andmodels with a pattern generatorprovide the measurement flexibilityfor any budget•Application support for every aspectof today’s complex designs – FPGAdynamic probe, digital VSA (vectorsignal analysis) and broad processorand bus support2Selection Guide for 16800 Series Portable Logic AnalyzersModels with a built-in pattern generator give you more measurement flexibility1Pattern generator available with 16821A, 16822A and 16823A.Choose from eight models to get the measurement capability for your specific applicationProbes are ordered separately. Please specify probes when ordering to ensure the correct connection between your logic analyzer, pattern generator, and the device under test.Agilent 16800 Series portable logic analyzers offer the performance, applications, and usability your digital development team needs to quickly debug, validate, and optimize your digital system – at a price that fits your budget.The logic analyzer’s timing and state acquisition gives you the power to:•Accurately measure precise timing relationships using4GHz (250ps) timing zoomwith 64K depth•Find anomalies separated in time with memory depthsupgradeable to 32M•Buy what you need today and upgrade in the future. 16800Series logic analyzers comewith independent upgrades for memory depth and state speed •Sample synchronous buses accurately and confidentlyusing eye finder. Eye finderautomatically adjuststhreshold and setup andhold to give you the highestconfidence in measurementson high-speed buses•Track problems from symptom to root cause across severalmeasurement modes byviewing time-correlated datain waveform/chart, listing,inverse assembly, source code, or compare display •Set up triggers quickly andconfidently with intuitive,simple, quick, and advancedtriggering. This capabilitycombines new triggerfunctionality with an intuitiveuser interface•Access the signals that holdthe key to your system’sproblems with the industry’swidest range of probingaccessories with capacitiveloading down to 0.7 pF•Monitor and correlate multiplebuses with split analyzercapability, which providessingle and multi-bus support(timing, state, timing/state orstate/state configurations)Accurately measure precisetiming relationships16800 Series logic analyzers letyou make accurate high-speedtiming measurements with 4GHz(250ps) high-speed timing zoom. Aparallel acquisition architectureprovides high-speed timingmeasurements simultaneouslythrough the same probe used forstate or timing measurements.Timing zoom stays active all thetime with no tradeoffs. View dataat high resolution over longerperiods of time with 64-K-deeptiming zoom.Figure 1. With eight models to choose from, you can get alogic analyzer with measurement capabilities that meetyour needs.3Automate measurement setup and quickly gain diagnostic clues16800 Series logic analyzers make it easy for you to get up and running quickly by automating your measurement setup process. In addition, the logic analyzer’s setup/hold window (or sampling position) and threshold voltage settings are automatically determined so you can capture data on high-speed buses with the highest accuracy. Auto Threshold and Sample Position mode allow you to...•Obtain accurate and reliable measurements•Save time during measurement setup•Gain diagnostic clues and identify problem signalsquickly•Scan all signals and buses simultaneously or just a few•View results as a composite display or as individual signals•See skew between signals and buses•Find and fix inappropriate clock thresholds•Measure data valid windows•Identify signal integrityproblems related to rise times,fall times, data valid windowwidths Identify problem signals overhundreds of channels simultaneouslyAs timing and voltage marginscontinue to shrink, confidencein signal integrity becomes anincreasingly vital requirementin the design validation process.Eye scan lets you acquire signalintegrity information on allthe buses in your design, undera wide variety of operatingconditions, in a matter ofminutes. Identify problem signalsquickly for further investigationwith an oscilloscope. Results canbe viewed for each individualsignal or as a composite ofmultiple signals or buses.Extend the life of your equipmentEasily upgrade your 16800 Serieslogic analyzer. “Turn on”additional memory depth andstate speed when you need more.Purchase the capability youneed now, then upgrade as yourneeds evolve.Figure 2. Identify problem signals quickly by viewing eye diagrams across all buses and signals simultaneously.4578910A Built-in Pattern Generator Gives You Digital Stimulus and Responsein a Single InstrumentSelected 16800 Series models (16821A, 16822A and 16823A)also include a 48-channel pattern generator to drive down risk early in product development. With a pattern generator you can:•Substitute for missing boards,integrated circuits (ICs) or buses instead of waiting for missing pieces •Write software to createinfrequently encountered test conditions and verify that the code works – before complete hardware is available •Generate patterns necessary to put a circuit in a desired state,operate the circuit at full speed or step the circuit through a series of states •Create a circuit initialization sequence Agilent 16800 Series portable logic analyzers with a pattern generator offer a variety offeatures that make it easier for you to create digital stimulus tests.Vectors up to 48 bits wideVectors are defined as a “row” of labeled data values, with each data value from one to 48 bits wide. Each vector is output on the rising edge of the clock.Create stimulus patterns for the widest buses in your system.Depth up to 16 M vectorsWith the pattern generator, you can load and run up to 16Mvectors of stimulus. Depth on this scale is most useful when coupled with powerful stimulus generated by electronic design automation tools, such as SynaptiCAD’sWaveFormer and VeriLogger.These tools create stimulus using a combination of graphicallydrawn signals, timing parameters that constrain edges, clock signals,and timing and Boolean equations for describing complex signal behavior. The stimulus also can be created from design simulation waveforms. The SynaptiCAD tools allow you to convert .VCD files into .PGB files directly, offering you an integrated solution that saves you time.Synchronized clock outputYou can output data synchronized to either an internal or external clock. The external clock is input via a clock pod, and has nominimum frequency (other than a 2ns minimum high time).The internal clock is selectable between 1MHz and 300MHz in 1-MHz steps. A Clock Out signal is available from the clock pod and can be used as an edge strobe with a variable delay of up to 8ns.Initialize (INIT) block for repetitive runsWhen running repetitively, the vectors in the initialize (init)sequence are output only once,while the main sequence isoutput as a continually repeating sequence. This “init” sequence is very useful when the circuit or subsystem needs to be initialized.The repetitive run capability is especially helpful whenoperating the pattern generator independent of the logic analyzer.“Send Arm out to…” coordinates activity with the logic analyzerVerify how your system responds to a specific stimulus sequence by arming the logic analyzer from the pattern generator. A “Send Arm out to…” instruction acts as a trigger arming event for the logic analyzer or other test equipment to begin measurements. Arm setup and trigger setup of the logic analyzer determines the action initiated by “Send Arm out to…”.Figure 3. Models with a built-in pattern generator give you more measurement flexibility.“Wait for External Event…” forinput patternThe clock pod also accepts a 3-bit input pattern. These inputs are level-sensed so that any number of “Wait for External Event”instructions can be inserted into a stimulus program. Up to four pattern conditions can be defined from the OR-ing of the eight possible 3-bit input patterns. A “Wait for External Event” also can be defined to wait for an Arm. This Arm signal can come from the logic analyzer. “Wait for External Event…” allows you to executea specific stimulus sequence only when the defined external event occurs.Simplify creation of stimulus programs with user-defined macros and loops User macros permit you to define a pattern sequence once, then insert the macro by name wherever it is needed. Passing parameters to the macro will allow you to create a more generic macro. For each call to the macro you can specify unique values for the parameters.Loops enable you to repeat a defined block of vectors for a specified number of times. Loops and macros can be nested, except that a macro cannot be nested within another macro. At compile time, loops and macros are expanded in memory to alinear sequence.Convenient data entry andediting featureYou can conveniently enterpatterns in hex, octal, binary,decimal, and signed decimal(two’s complement) bases. Tosimplify data entry, you can viewthe data associated with anindividual label with multipleradixes. Delete, Insert, and Copycommands are provided for easyediting. Fast and convenientPattern Fills give the programmeruseful test patterns with a fewkey strokes. Fixed, Count, Rotate,Toggle, and Random patterns areavailable to help you quicklycreate a test pattern, suchas “walking ones.” Patternparameters, such as step size andrepeat frequency, can be specifiedin the pattern setup.ASCII input file format: your designtool connectionThe pattern generator supportsan ASCII file format to facilitateconnectivity to other tools in yourdesign environment. Because theASCII format does not support theinstructions listed earlier, theycannot be edited into the ASCIIfile. User macros and loops alsoare not supported, so the vectorsneed to be fully expanded in theASCII file. Many design tools willgenerate ASCII files and outputthe vectors in this linear sequence.Data must be in hex format, andeach label must represent a set ofcontiguous output channels.ConfigurationThe pattern generator operateswith the clock pods, data pods,and lead sets described later inthis document. At least one clockpod and one data pod must beselected to configure a functionalsystem. You can select from avariety of pods to provide thesignal source needed for your logicdevices. The data pods, clock podsand data cables use standardconnectors. The electricalcharacteristics of the data cablesare described for users withspecialized applications who wantto avoid the use of a data pod.Direct connection to yourtarget systemYou can connect the patterngenerator pods directly to astandard connector on your targetsystem. Use a 3M brand #2520Series or similar connector. Theclock or data pods will plug rightin. Short, flat cable jumpers canbe used if the clearance aroundthe connector is limited. Use a 3M#3365/20, or equivalent, ribboncable; a 3M #4620 Series orequivalent connector on thepattern generator pod end of thecable, and a 3M #3421 Series orequivalent connector at yourtarget system end of the cable.Probing accessoriesThe probe tips of theAgilent10474A, 10347A, 10498A,and E8142A lead sets plugdirectly into any 0.1-inch gridwith 0.026-inch to 0.033-inchdiameter round pins or 0.025-inchsquare pins. These probe tipswork with the Agilent5090-4356surface mount grabbers andwith the Agilent5959-0288through-hole grabbers, providingcompatibility with industrystandard pins.A Built-in Pattern Generator Gives You Digital Stimulus and Response in a Single Instrument3-STATE IN TTLPattern generator cable pin outsData cable (Pod end)Clock cable (Pod end)2122Unleash the Complementary Power of a Logic Analyzer and an Oscilloscope Seamless scope integrationwith View ScopeEasily make time-correlatedmeasurements between Agilentlogic analyzers and oscilloscopes.The time-correlated logic analyzerand oscilloscope waveforms areintegrated into a single logicanalyzer waveform display foreasy viewing and analysis. Youcan also trigger the oscilloscopefrom the logic analyzer (or viceversa), automatically de-skew thewaveforms and maintain markertracking between the twoinstruments. Perform thefollowing more effectively:•Validate signal integrity•Track down problems caused by signal integrity•Validate correct operation of A/D and D/A converters •Validate correct logical and timing relationships betweenthe analog and digital portions of a designConnectionThe Agilent logic analyzer and oscilloscope can be physically connected with standard BNC and LAN connections. Two BNC cables are connected for cross triggering, and the LAN connection is used to transfer data between the instruments. The View Scope correlation software is standard in the logic analyzer’s application software version 3.50 or higher. The View Scope software includes:•Ability to import some or all of the captured oscilloscopewaveforms•Auto scaling of the scopewaveforms for the best fit inthe logic analyzer displayFigure 4. View Scope seamlessly integrates your scopeand logic analyzer waveforms into a single display.2324Acquisition and analysis tools provide rapid insight into your toughest debug problemsYou have unique measurement and analysis needs. When you want to understand what your target is doing and why, you need acquisition and analysis tools that rapidly consolidate data into displays that provide insight into your system’s behavior.Figure 5. Perform in-depth time, frequency and modulation domain analysis on your digital baseband and IF signals with Agilent’s 89600 Vector Signal Analysis software.Save time analyzing your unique design with a turnkey setup Agilent Technologies and our partners provide an extensive range of bus and processor analysis probes. They provide non-intrusive, full-speed,real-time analysis to accelerate your debugging process.•Save time making bus-and processor-specificmeasurements withapplication specific analysisprobes that quickly andreliably connect to yourdevice under test•Display processor mnemonicsor bus cycle decode•Get support for acomprehensive list ofindustry-standard processorsand buses252627ProgrammabilityYou can write programs to control the logic analyzer application from remote computers on the local area network using COM or ASCII. The COM automation serveris part of the logic analyzer application. This software allows you to write programs to control the logic analyzer. All measurement functionality is controllable via the COM interface.The B4608A Remote ProgrammingInterface (RPI) lets you remotelycontrol a 16800 Series logicanalyzer by issuing ASCIIcommands to the TCP socketon port 6500. This interface isdesigned to be as similar aspossible to the RPI on 16700Series logic analysis systems,so that you can reuse existingprograms.The remote programminginterface works through the COMautomation objects, methods,and properties provided forcontrolling the logic analyzerapplication. RPI commands areimplemented as Visual Basicmodules that execute COMautomation commands, translatetheir results, and return propervalues for the RPI. You can use theB4606A advanced customizationenvironment to customize andadd RPI commands.Figure 6. 16800 Series programming overview2816800 Series Interfaces2930Figure 9. 16800 Series back panelFull profile PCI card expansion slotExternal display portParallel portSerial port10/100 Base T LAN 2.0 USB ports (4)Clock inTrigger out Trigger in Keyboard Mouse AC power Figure 8. 16800 Series front panelOn/Off power switch 15 inch built-in color LCD display, Touch Screen available General purpose knob Run/stop keys Touch screen on/off (if ordered)16800 Series Physical CharacteristicsDimensionsPower 16801A 115/230 V, 48-66 Hz, 605 W max 16802A 115/230 V, 48-66 Hz, 605 W max 16803A 115/230 V, 48-66 Hz, 605 W max 16804A 115/230 V, 48-66 Hz, 775 W max 16806A 115/230 V, 48-66 Hz, 775 W max 16821A 115/230 V, 48-66 Hz, 775 W max 16822A 115/230 V, 48-66 Hz, 775 W max 16823A 115/230 V, 48-66 Hz, 775 W max Weight Max net Max shipping 16801A 12.9 kg 19.7 kg (28.5 lbs)(43.5 lbs)16802A 13.2 kg 19.9 kg (28.9 lbs)(43.9 lbs)16803A 13.7 kg 20.5 kg (30.3 lbs)(45.3 lbs)16804A 14.2 kg 21.0 kg (31.3 lbs)(46.3 lbs)16806A 14.6 kg 21.4 kg (32.1 lbs)(47.1 lbs)16821A 14.2 kg 20.9 kg (31.2 lbs)(46.2 lbs)16822A 14.2 kg 21.1 kg (31.6 lbs)(46.6 lbs)16823A14.5 kg 21.3 kg (32.0 lbs)(47.0 lbs)Instrument operating environment Temperature 0˚ C to 50˚ C (32˚ F to 122˚ F)Altitude To 3000 m (10,000 ft)Humidity8 to 80% relative humidity at 40˚ C (104˚ F)Figure 7. 16800 Series exterior dimensionsFigure 10. 16800 Series side view330.32(13.005)Dimensions: mm (inches)28.822(11.347)443.23(17.450)Agilent 1184A TestmobileThe Agilent 1184A testmobile gives you a convenient means of organizing and transporting your logic analyzer and accessories.The testmobile includes the following:•Drawer for accessories(probes, cables, power cords)•Keyboard tray with adjustable tilt and height•Mouse extension on keyboard tray for either right or lefthand operation•on uneven surfaces••Load limits:Total: 136.4 kg (300.0 lb.)Figure 11. Agilent 1184A testmobile cartFigure 12. Agilent 1184A testmobile cart dimensions3132Stationary shelfThis light-duty fixed shelf isdesigned to support 16800 Series logic analyzers. The shelf can be used in all standard Agilent racks. The stationary shelf is mounted securely into placeusing the supplied hardware and is designed to sit at the bottom of the EIA increment. Features of the stationary shelf include:•Snap-in design for easy installation •Smooth edgesRack accessoriesSliding shelfThe sliding shelf provides a flat surface with full product accessibility. It can be used in all Agilent racks to support 16800Series logic analyzers. The shelf and slides are preassembled for easy installation. Features of the sliding shelf include:•Snap-in design for easy installation •Smooth edgesConsider purchasing the steel ballast (C2790AC) to use with the sliding shelf. The ballast provides anti-tip capability when the shelf is extended.Figure 15. Sliding shelf (J1526AC)Figure 14. Stationary shelf (J1520AC)Figure 13. Sliding shelf installed in rackEach 16800 Series portable logicanalyzer comes with one PS/2keyboard, one PS/2 mouse,accessory pouch, power cord and1-year warranty standard.Selecting a logic analyzer to meet your application and budget is as easy as 1, 2, 3333435。
几款软件的对比分析1. PSpice 仿真软件简介:PSpice属于元件级仿真软件,模型采用spice通用语言编写,移植性强,常用的信息电子电路,是它最适合的场合。
现在使用较多的是 PSpice 8.0,工作于 Windows 环境,占用硬盘空间60M左右,整个软件由原理图编辑、电路仿真、激励编辑、元器件库编辑、波形图等几个部分组成,使用时是一个整体。
PSpice 的电路元件模型反映实际型号元件的特性,通过对电路方程运算求解,能够仿真电路的细节,特别适合于对电力电子电路中开关暂态过程的描述。
2. saber仿真软件简介:被誉为全球最先进的系统仿真软件,也是唯一的多技术、多领域的系统仿真产品,现已成为混合信号、混合技术设计和验证工具的业界标准,可用于电子、电力电子、机电一体化、机械、光电、光学、控制等不同类型系统构成的混合系统仿真,这也是saber的最大特点。
主要功能:(1)原理图输入和仿真(2)数据可视化和分析(3)模型库(4)建模缺点:操作较复杂,原理图仿真常常不收敛导致仿真失败,很占系统资源,环路扫频耗时太长(以几十分钟计)3. PLECS仿真系统简介:被全球众多知名公司的研发工程师誉为“全球最专业的系统级电力电子电路仿真系统”,也是一个用于电路和控制结合的多功能仿真软件,尤其适用于电力电子和传动系统。
keil的软件逻辑分析仪(logic analyzer)使用教程在keil MDK中软件逻辑分析仪很强的功能,可以分析数字信号,模拟化的信号,CPU的总线(UART、IIC等一切有输出的管脚),提供调试函数机制,用于产生自定义的信号,如Sin,三角波、澡声信号等,这些都可以定义。
The 'PWM' project is a simple program for the STM32F103RBT6 using Keil 'MCBSTM32' Evalua tion Board and demonstrating the use of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) with Timer TIM4 .Example functionality:- Clock Settings:- XTAL = 8.00 MHz- SYSCLK = 72.00 MHz- HCLK = SYSCLK = 72.00 MHz- PCLK1 = HCLK/2 = 36.00 MHz- PCLK2 = HCLK = 72.00 MHz- ADCLK = PCLK2/6 = 12.00 MHz- SYSTICK = HCLK/8 = 9.00 MHz- TIM4 is running at 100Hz.LEDs PB8, PB9 are dimmed using the PWM function of TIM4 channel3, channel4The Timer program is available in different targets:Simulator: - configured for software SimulatorMCBSTM32: - runs from Internal Flash located on chip(used for production or target debugging)第二、选择软件仿真(原文件名:2.jpg)第三、编译程序,如果程序没有错的话,将出现以下线框编译信息,然后进入调试,点出红色的“D"按,如下图所示(原文件名:3.jpg)第四步、打开软件逻辑分析仪图标,并把要观察的波形信号拉到逻辑分析仪里,如果进入调试状态下没有"sysbols"标签话,点击“View”菜单弹出来,从“Peripheral Register”里把要观察的(GPIOB_IDR输出的PWM信号会从这个寄存器反映出来)信号拖到逻辑析分析里,(原文件名:4.jpg)第五步、把不用的bit屏蔽掉,并按bit形式显示,配置如图(原文件名:5.jpg)第六步,点“GO”按钮进入全速运行,OK,PWM波形出来了,用IN和OUT可以调扫描时间,如下图STM32学习心得笔记 憨牛电子 时钟篇 在STM32中,有五个时钟源,为HSI、HSE、LSI、LSE、PLL。
本文档来自酷兔英语文档中心logic 逻辑logic AND (LAND) 逻辑和logic OR (LOR) 逻辑或logic analyzer 逻辑分析仪logic array block (LAB) 逻辑阵列区块logic cell array (LCA) 逻辑单元阵列logic description 逻辑描述logic design 逻辑设计logic emulation 逻辑仿真logic ground 逻辑地logic inhibit/enable 逻辑禁止/允许logic level 逻辑电平logic node 逻辑节点logic slice 逻辑片logic synthesis 逻辑合成logic, Boolean 布尔逻辑logic, backplane transceiver (BTL) 基架收发器逻辑logic, bipolar 双极逻辑logic, buried 隐敝式逻辑logic, clocked sequential 时钟式序列逻辑logic, combinational 混合式逻辑logic, complementary 互补逻辑logic, complementary transistor (CTL) 互补晶体管逻辑logic, control 控制逻辑logic, current mode (CML) 电流模式逻辑logic, diode-transistor (DTL) 二极管晶体管逻辑logic, direct-coupled transistor (DCTL) 直接耦合晶体管逻辑logic, discrete 胶合逻辑logic, emitter-coupled (ECL) 射极耦合逻辑logic, emitter-coupled transistor (ECTL) 射极耦合晶体管逻辑logic, fuzzy 模糊逻辑logic, generic array (GAL) 通用阵列逻辑logic, glue 胶合逻辑logic, hardwired 固定线路逻辑logic, hardwired control 固定线路控制逻辑logic, high threshold (HTL) 高临限逻辑logic, interrupt 中断逻辑logic, multiple array programmable (MAPL) 多重阵列可编程逻辑logic, negative 负逻辑logic, positive 正逻辑logic, positive emitter-coupled (PECL) 正射极耦合逻辑logic, programmable array (PAL) 可编程阵列逻辑logic, resistor-capacitor-transistor (RCTL) 电阻电容晶体管逻辑logic, resistor-transistor (RTL) 电阻晶体管逻辑logic, standard discrete 标准离散逻辑元件logic, state 状态逻辑logic, testing 测试逻辑logic, transistor-transistor (TTL) 晶体管晶体管逻辑logic, tristate 三态逻辑logic, unclocked sequential 非时钟式序列逻辑logic-level shifter 逻辑水平位移器logical architecture 逻辑架构logical block address (LBA) 逻辑区块地址logical channel 逻辑信道logical circuit 逻辑电路logical diagram 逻辑图logical interface 逻辑接口logical link control (LLC) 逻辑链路控制logical page 逻辑分页logical subnet 逻辑子网logical sum 逻辑和logical unit (LU) 逻辑单元,逻辑部件long haul 长程网络long-reach 长到达longitudinal balance 纵向平衡longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) 纵向冗余码检测longitudinal vibration 纵振动longitudinal wave 纵波look-ahead buffer 先行缓冲器look-ahead read 读取先行look-up table (LUT) 搜寻列表lookaside buffer 旁视缓冲器loop 环路loop antenna 环形天线loop back 回环loop compensation amplifier 环路补偿放大器loop gain 环路增益loop response 环路响应loop start signaling 环路启动信令loop, closed 闭合环路;闭环loop, digital adapter for subscriber (DASL) 用户环路数字配接器loop, digital phase-locked (DPLL) 数字锁相环路loop, electrical ground 电气接地环路loop, feedback 反馈环路loop, ground 接地环路loop, hysteresis 磁滞环路loop, input 输入环路loop, local 区域性环路loop, null 零位环路loop, open 开放环路;开环loop, output 输出环路loop, phase-locked (PLL) 锁相环路loop-back test 回环测试loop-compensation amplifier 环路补偿放大器loop-gain error 环路增益误差loos 损耗loos factor 损耗因数loos of lock (LOL) 失锁loos of power (LOP) 功率损失loos of signal 信号损耗loos of synchronization 失步,同步丢失loos, conduction 低传导损耗loos, crossover 交接损耗;交越损耗loos, dielectric 介电质损耗loos, hysteresis 磁滞损耗loos, insertion 插入损耗loos, power 功率损耗loos, return 回送损耗loos, shunt 分流损耗loos, switch 交换损耗loos, switch ing 开关损耗loose tube cable 松套电缆loosely coupled 松弛耦合lossless compression 非损耗式压缩lossless transmission 无损耗式传输lossy compression 损耗式压缩lossy medium 损耗式媒介lost call probability 呼损概率lost calls cleared 呼损[记录]清除lost calls held 呼损[记录]保持loudness 响度loudspeaker 扬声器low frequency (LF) 低频放大器low order 低值位low probability of intercept (LPI) 低拦截概率low switch ing transient 低转换瞬变low temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) 低温烧结陶瓷,低温共烧陶瓷low-end 低档low-frequency amplifier 低频放大器low-frequency bypass 低频旁路low-jitter clock 低抖动时钟low-level format (LLF) 低阶格式化low-noise block converter (LNB) 低噪声块转换器low-pass filter 低通滤波器low-power television (LPTV) 低功耗电视,低功率电视low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) 低压化学汽相沉积low-voltage technology (LVT) 低电压技术lower bit 低位lower limit 下限lower-triangular matrix 下三角形矩阵lowpass 低通lowpass filter (LPF) 低通滤波器lubricant 润滑剂lug 套管lumen (lm) 流明luminaire 光源,发光体luminance 亮度luminance bandwidth 亮度频宽luminance sample 亮度取样luminance, cross 亮度互串luminescent, electro- (EL) 场致发光luminosity 光度luminous body 发光体luminous efficiency 发光效率luminous energy 光能luminous flux 光通量luminous intensity 光度lumped 总集的lumped capacitive load 总集电容负载lux (lx) 勒克司关键字:IT专业英语词典生词表:diagram [dai gr m] n.图解,图表 四级词汇vibration [vai brei n] n.颤动;振动;摇动 四级词汇antenna [n ten] n.触角;天线 六级词汇subscriber [s b skraib] n.捐款人;预约者 四级词汇transmission [tr nz mi n, tr ns-] n.传送;播送;发射 六级词汇frequency [fri:kw nsi] n.频繁;周率 六级词汇intercept [,int sept] vt.拦截;截获;窃听 六级词汇transient [tr nzi nt, tr n nt] a.短暂的;无常的 六级词汇filter [filt] n.滤器 v.过滤,渗入 四级词汇酷兔英语服务列表酷兔背单词酷兔练听力酷兔动画英语酷兔英语游戏酷兔在线英语词典酷兔英语资料下载酷兔英语学习软件学习方案特色课程。
Hi:2.0V I2C、 SPI、 CAN、 DMX512、 曼切斯特码、 1-线协议、 I2S/PCM、 MDIO、 BiSS C、CEC、PS/2 键盘/鼠标、UNI/O、USB、SWI、简单并口、LIN、JTAG…… USB2.0 USB2.0 USB3.0 USB3.0 Windows XP,Vista,7 & 8; Mac OSX; Linux(Ubuntu) 42×42×10mm 31g 53×53×12mm 60g 53×53×12mm 60g 92×92×15mm 220g
Saleae 2017 产品技术资料(完整版)
Logic 4 Logic 4 输 入 1 3 1MΩ 10pF ±25V 12Ms/s 3MHz 1.8V~5.5V 数字/模拟通道 纯数字通道 输入阻抗 输入容值 输入保护 数字输入 采样率(最大) 最快数字信号 逻辑电压 门槛电压 精确度 时间精准度 模拟输入 采样率(最大) 带宽(-3dB) 输入电压范围 ENOB 尼奎斯衰减 通道间串扰 精确度 通信接口 能读取的协议 USB 接口 支持系统 尺 重 寸 量 6Ms/s 600KHz 0V~5V 7.0bits 或更好 -50dB (更好) -50dB (更好) 1ppm
Logic 8 / Logic Pro 8 Logic 8 8 1MΩ 10pF ±25V 100Ms/s 25MHz 1.8V~5.5V Hi:1.2V Low:0.6V 1ppm ±10ns 10Ms/s 1MHz 0V~5V 8.0bits 或更好 -50dB (更好) -50dB (更好) 1ppm
Logic Pro 16 Logic Pro8 8 1MΩ 10pF ±25V 500Ms/s 100MHz 1.2V~5.5V 0.6/0.9/1.65V 可选 1ppm ±2ns 50Ms/s 5MHz -10V~10V 10.0bits 或更好 -50dB (更好) -50dB (更好) 1ppm Logic Pro16 16 1MΩ 10pF ±25V 500Ms/s 100MHz 1.2V~5.5V 0.6/0.9/1.65V 可选 1ppm ±2ns 50Ms/s 5MHz -10V~10V 10.0bits 或更好 -50dB (更好) -50dB (更好) 1ppm
Saleae Logic Analyzer 应用手册说明书
Logic Analyzer Application Manual (Based on Saleae)Table of Contents1 What is a logic analyzer2 Software installation and software basic application3 Hardware installation4 Trigger settings5 Signal collect6 Data analysis7 Using the Analyzer to Analyze TV Remote Control Protocols8 Logic Analyzer Usage Questions and ConsiderationsAbout the sampling frequency of 24M maximum1.What is a logic analyzerThe logic analyzer is a kind of waveform test equipment. It collects the specified signal and displays it to the user through graphical or statistical data. The user analyzes the error in the hardware or software according to the protocol through these graphical timing sequence signals.The logic analyzer is an indispensable device in the design, through which users can quickly locate errors, find and solve problems. Especially when analyzing timing sequence, such as 1wire, I2C, UART, SPI, CAN, etc., applying a logic analyzer can solve the problem quickly. The following is a typical example of Saleae analyzing a UART communication sequence and an IIC timing:From the figure we can clearly see that the UART communication is below the baud rate of 9600, clearly showing the hexadecimal number 0xA9, while the lower The timing sequence of a read data of the IIC signal, channel 1 is SDA, channel 2 is SCL, and is clearly displayed in 1 channel. The first one is to write data to the device address of 0x90 (w is the meaning of write), the second Indicates that the address to be read is 0x40, the third data is the retransmitted device address and is the read data, and the fourth byte is the read data 0xA9. Is it very convenient and fast?2. Software installation and software basic applicationFirst, install the logic software, you can download it from the official website, the download address is /downloads.There is various system version support here, please download the system support version you need.After downloading, double-click to install. After installation, a shortcut will appear on thedesktopDouble-click the shortcut to enter.When the logic analyzer software is not plugged in, the top display is Disconnected, which can be used for start simulation. After clicking on the mouse, an analog waveform will appear. If you set the protocol in advance, it will produce a match. The waveform of your agreement ~! Of course, the non-true measured waveform allows you to experience it in advance. Click the left mouse button to zoom in on the waveform, the right button to zoom out, and the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. You can experience it in advance without using the hardware.3. Hardware installationAfter the software is installed, you can insert the hardware. After plugging in the hardware, it will automatically prompt to discover the new hardware. Then in the prompt dialog box, yo u can directly click “Install the software automatically (recommended)”. After the installation, the one just after the installation “Disconnected” will automatically change to “Connect”, and start simulation will automatically change to start, which is connected with the actual hardware. Below we can use to measure the actual waveform and can set the channel name, sampling depth, sampling frequency, and other parameters.There are two very important parameters in the logic analyzer, namely the sampling depth and the sampling frequency. You can see that in this software, there are two places where you can choose the size of the number, the first is the sampling depth, and the second is the sampling frequency.The 5M on the front means that we collect from the beginning, and when we collect 5Mbit data, it will stop automatically. The 2M on the back can collect 2M bit data in 1s. So we can set it up and collect the data of 2.5s.The strength of the saleae logic analyzer is that it sends the collected data to the computer in real time via USB high-speed communication, so the sampling depth depends on the memory of our computer, which can be up to several G, that is, if We set the sampling depth of 1G, the sampling frequency is 1M, then we can collect nearly 17 minutes of data to save and analyze slowly, which is very useful for you to analyze the data information of some chips.4. Trigger settingsThe trigger setting is for the convenience of everyone to use when collecting from the useful signal, so you can avoid collecting a lot of useless signals at the beginning.Here, set the channel which you use to trigger. You can set the rising edge to start collecting data, or the falling edge to start collecting data, or high and low level to start collecting data. The default is to not set the trigger. When the start is clicked, the data collection will start automatically, and the sampling depth will be automatically stopped after the set sampling depth is completed.Then we can formally collect a set of data for observation!5. Signal collectIt is important to note that the internal buffer used in the analyzer is 74HC244,so the normal working voltage of our equipment is below 5.5V, and below1.5V will be considered as low level. 1.5V to 5.5V will be considered high level.The maximum withstand voltage is 7.5V, so please pay attention to the test voltage.Connect the GND channels to the GND pin of your board.Choose any of the 8 data channels you need to connect to your device. And select the appropriate sampling depth and sampling frequency, as well as trigger conditions, then the following point can be directly started to start the acquisition.The acquired waveform is shown in the figure below:The user puts the mouse on the waveform and automatically displays some necessary information on the right side, including pulse width length, period, frequency and so on. Everyone can click on the pinnacle on their own, and they can choose the information they want to show.In addition, if we want to collect multiple information, we can save the information, click on Option in the upper right corner, there is aYou can save the current information, then grab the next screen, and finally compare each screen, you can also save the graphics as a picture format, etc., youcan try to find out for yourself.6. Data analysisFirst, let's take a look at the information displayed in the Measurements column on the left.When we put the mouse into a pulse, it will display a piece of data information onthe left side.T hen we will analyze the information on the right side by the pair.First, the first parameter Width is for this graphicthis part, It is expressed that the length of this part is 0.232500ms.The second parameter Period is the periodThe third parameter Duty Cycle is the duty cycle of the current cycle, and the fourth parameter Frequency is the frequency of the current signal, which is the reciprocal of the cycle. T1 and T2 are the two-time labels in the analyzer. We canget the information we need by placing the label. We can click the and , then can get two green lines in the waveform, which can be obtained byplacing the green line. The scale label shows the position of T1 and T2 and the value of |T1-T2| on the right side.A more powerful feature of the Saleae logic analyzer is the ability to automatically analyze protocols, including the following protocol types.For these types of waveforms, not only the waveform can be displayed, but alsothe protocol value can be directly displayed. The display mode can be binary, decimal, hexadecimal, ASCII, and so on. We can see in the above picture, channel 0 is a line of UART, channel 1 is the SDA pin of I2C, and channel 2 is the SCL pin of I2C. Then we can clearly see that the data is analyzed. The specific operation method is: Click on the Analyzers on the right and select Async Serial.The following page will appear. In this interface, we need to select the parameters of the UART communication, including channel selection, baud rate selection, data bit, stop bit check digit, etc., which can be selected according to the actual situation. Once you have made your selection, you can click Save.Then you will be prompted to modify the channel name, you can choose to change or not according to your needs, point Rename or Don’t Rename.Then set the display format again. There are two places to choose the display format. You can choose one of them in the Options, as shown below.Another click on the corresponding protocol, such as the pinion on the left side of the Async Serial, can also choose the display mode. I am used to choosing hexadecimal. After selecting, set the rising edge trigger, click Start, the sent data can be captured.After capturing the data, the following will occur.As you can see, the low bit is in the front and the high bit is in the back. The data is 0x6C, and you can see that there are 8 small white points on the top. Each white point indicates a data bit. The initial start bit is not available. Little white spots. We can automatically display our data.In the same way, we set up another IIC data to observe.Let's see if it is very clear, green indicates the start bit, red indicates the stop bit, the first byte is the device address 0x90 and is the write operation, the second command writes the address 0x40. Then the third instruction is a read operation that contains the device address. The fourth byte is that the read data is 0x6C, and the acknowledge bit or the non-acknowledge bit is clear at a glance. Let's take a look at other protocols.7. Using the Analyzer toAnalyze TV Remote Control ProtocolsUse the probe clip to connect GND to the GND pin of the board and channel 1 to the receive pin of the IR receiver tube HS0038. Set the falling edge trigger, then click Start, then press a button on the remote control to capture a waveform as follows:The protocol of the infrared remote controller is not a standard protocol, and the remote controller of a manufacturer may have different protocols. Therefore, this protocol needs to be analyzed by ourselves. For the NEC protocol, it is the most used in the remote control protocol. The specific protocol rule is: firstly, the low-level duration (ie 38K carrier time) of about9000us and the high-level duration of about 4500us are used as the boot code. The digital information of the key code is represented by the duration of a high and low level. The approximate value is 1680us. High level +560us Low level indicates 1,560us high-level +560us low level means 0. The rest of us can be read from that picture. You can use the two rulers T1 and T2 to read the final result. I write the binary, the low bit is in front and the high bit is in the back: 000000000 11111111 10100010 01011101 We put them into hexadecimal numbers are 0x00, 0xff, 0x45, 0xBA, then the infrared decoding is completed, the meaning of these 4 bytes, the first two bytes are the device code, that is, this model The home appliance remote control is all this code, the third byte 0x45 is the key code, that is, different keys have different key codes, thefourth byte is the inverse of the key code, Everyone can see it right or not.8. Logic AnalyzerUsage Questions and ConsiderationsAbout the sampling frequency of 24M maximumIn most cases, as long as your computer is fast enough and there is no interference from other USB devices, there is no problem with the logic analyzer reaching the 24M sampling frequency. However, if the current USB device is being used by other devices, the maximum sampling frequency may be one or two lower, such as 16M, 12M, etc.1> The logic analyzer uses the USB2.0 standard. Under this standard, the theoretical maximum average bandwidth is 24M, but the logic analyzer has a lower priority, which means it is possible to “crash” to other Communication with USB devices.2> The logic analyzer has four 512-byte buffers. Before the four buffers are filled, the USB must read some data. That is, the four buffers cannot be filled at the same time. Otherwise, The data cannot be entered, and the logic analyzer will report the error directly.This means that if you are working at 24M, the USB device must not only give a 24M communication rate but must also ensure that other devices use USB resources before the four buffers are filled. For these reasons, logic analyzers can't work at 24M sampling frequency for long periods of time, depending on computer performance, availability and latency of USB bandwidth, and other devices that are taking up USB drives.In order for your computer to maximize the sample rate, the following conditions are guaranteed:1> Make sure that no other large programs take up longer CPU time2> Make sure there is enough memory space, otherwise, the computer will not have enough RAM to get the data of the logic analyzer.3> Connect the USB port of your computer as directly as possible, not through a USB hub4> Try to make other USB-enabled devices use less USB resources5> For the logic analyzer to have enough power to increase the sampling frequency, use a few other USB devices as possible.。
Tektronix Logic AnalyzersTLA7N4Logic Analyzer Module DataSheetFeatures&Benefits136Channel Logic Analyzer with up to8Mb DepthMagniVu™Acquisition Technology Provides2GHz(500ps)TimingResolution to Find Difficult Problems QuicklyUp to200MHz State Acquisition Analysis of Synchronous Digital Circuits Simultaneous State and High-speed Timing Analysis through the Same Probe Pinpoints Elusive Faults without Double Probing500MHz Deep Timing Analysis with up to8Mb Per ChannelGlitch and Setup/Hold Triggering and Display Finds and Displays Elusive Hardware ProblemsTransitional Storage Extends the Signal Analysis Capture TimeBroad Processor and Bus SupportFull Range of General-purpose and High-density,Nonintrusive Probes ApplicationsHardware Debug and VerificationProcessor/Bus Debug and VerificationEmbedded Software Integration,Debug,and Verification Breakthrough Solutions for Real-time Digital Systems AnalysisToday’s digital design engineers face daily pressures to speed new products to the marketplace.The TLA7N4logic analyzer module answers the need with breakthrough solutions for the entire design team,providing the ability to quickly monitor,capture and analyze real-time digital system operation in order to debug,verify,optimize,and validate digital systems.Hardware developers,hardware/software integrators,and embedded software developers will appreciate the range of capabilities of the TLA7N4 logic analyzer module.Its broad feature set includes capturing and correlating elusive hardware and software faults;providing simultaneous state and high-speed timing analysis through the same probe;using deep state acquisition tofind the cause of complex problems;real-time, nonintrusive software execution tracing that correlates to source code and to hardware events;and nonintrusive probing.The TLA7N4logic analyzer module offers Tektronix’breakthrough MagniVu™technology for providing high-speed sampling(up to2GHz)that dramatically changes the way logic analyzers work and enables them to provide startling new measurement capabilities.The TLA7N4module offers high-speed state synchronous capture and high-speed timing capture through the same set of probes.It capitalizes on MagniVu technology to offer500ps timing on all channels,glitch and setup/hold triggering and display,and time stamp that is always on at upto500ps resolution.The TLA7000Series logic analyzer modules are ideal for timing analysis, multiprocessor/bus applications,and embedded softwareanalysis.Data SheetCharacteristicsGeneralNumber of Channels(all channels are acquired including clocks)–TLA7N4:136channels(4are clock and4are qualifier channels).Channel Grouping–No limit to number of groups or number of channels per group (all channels can be reused in multiple groups).Module"Merging"–Three modules can be"merged"to make up to a408-channel module.Merged modules exhibit the same depth as the lesser of the three individual modules.Word/range/setup-and-hold/glitch/transition recognizers span all three modules.Only one set of clock connections is required.Time Stamp–50bit at500ps resolution(6.5day range).Clocking/Acquisition Modes–Internal,internal2x,external.2GHz MagniVuhigh-speed timing is available simultaneous with all modes.Number of Mainframe Slots Required per TLA Series Module–2Input Characteristics(with P6417,P6418,P6419,or P6434probes)Capacitive Loading–<0.7pF data and clock(P6419).1.4pF typical data;2pF typical clock(P6418).2pF typical data and clock(P6417and P6434).Threshold Selection Range–From+5.0V to-2.0V in50mV increments. Threshold Selection Channel Granularity–Separate selection for clock(1)and data (16)for each17-channel probe connector.Threshold Accuracy(including probe)–±100mV.Input Voltage Range–Operating:6.5V p-p centered around the programmed threshold. Nondestructive:±15V.Minimum Input Signal Swing–250mV or25%of signal swing,whichever is greater (P6417,P6418,and P6419).300mV or25%of signal swing(P6434).Input Signal Minimum Slew Rate–200mV/ns typical.State Acquisition Characteristics(with P6417,P6418,P6419,or P6434probes)State Clock Rate–100MHz standard,200MHz optional.State Data Rate(half/full channels)–400/200Mb/s,typical.Requires200MHz state option.State Memory Depth with Time Stamps–64Kb,256Kb,1Mb,or4Mb per channel. Setup-and-Hold Time Selection Range–From8.5ns before,to7.0ns after clock edge.Setup-and-Hold Window–2ns typical.Minimum Clock Pulse Width–2ns.Active Clock Edge Separation–5ns.Demux Channel Selection–Channels can be demultiplexed to other channels through user interface with8-channel granularity.Timing Acquisition Characteristics(with P6417,P6418,P6419,or P6434probes)MagniVu™Timing–500ps.MagniVu Timing Memory Depth–2Kb(2048)per channel.Deep Timing Resolution(half/full channels)–2/4ns to50ms.Deep Timing Resolution with Glitch Storage Enabled–10ns to50ms.Deep Timing Memory Depth(half/full channels with time stamps and with or without transitional storage)–128/64Kb,512/256Kb,2/1Mb,8/4Mb per channel.Deep Timing Memory Depth with Glitch Storage Enabled–Half of default main memory depth.Channel-to-Channel Skew–<1ns typical.Minimum Recognizable Pulse Width(single channel)–2ns.Minimum Recognizable Glitch Width(single channel)–2ns.Minimum Recognizable Multichannel Trigger Event–Sample period+2ns. Trigger CharacteristicsIndependent Trigger States–16Maximum Independent If/then Clauses per State–16Maximum Number of Events per If/then Clause–8Maximum Number of Actions per If/then Clause–8Maximum Number of Trigger Events–18(2counters/timers plus any16other resources).Number of Word Recognizers–16Number of Range Recognizers–4Number of Transition Recognizers–1Number of Counters/Timers–2Trigger Event Types–Word,group,channel,transition,range,anything,counter value,timer value,signal,glitch,setup-and-hold violation.Trigger Action Types–Trigger module,trigger all,store,don’t store,start store,stop store,increment counter,reset counter,start timer,stop timer,reset timer,goto state, set/clear signal,do nothing.Trigger Sequence Rate–DC to250MHz(4ns).Counter/Timer Range–51bits each(>100days at4ns).Counter Rate–DC to250MHz(4ns).Timer Clock Rate–250MHz(4ns).Counter/Timer Latency–None(can be tested or reset immediately after starting). Range Recognizers–Double bounded(can be as wide as any group,must be grouped according to specified order of significance).Setup-and-Hold Violation Recognizer Setup Time Range–From8ns before to7ns after clock edge in0.5ns increments.Setup-and-Hold Violation Recognizer Hold Time Range–From7ns before to8ns after clock edge in0.5ns increments.Trigger Position–Any data sample.MagniVu Trigger Position–MagniVu data is centered around the module trigger. Storage Control(data qualification)–Global(conditional),by state(start/stop),by trigger action,or transitional.Storage Window Granularity–Single sample or block-of-31samples before and after.Safety–CSA C22.2No.1010.1,EN61010-1,IEC61010-1,UL3111-1.Tektronix Logic Analyzers—TLA7N4Logic Analyzer ModulePhysical CharacteristicsDimensions mm in.Height26210.3Width61 2.4Depth38115Weight kg lb.Net(w/o probes) 3.1 6.7 Shipping(typical) 6.313.7Ordering InformationTLA7N4Logic Analyzer ModuleIncludes:Probe retainer bracket,probe manual,certificate of calibration,one-year warranty(return to Tektronix),and user manual.Probes must be ordered separately.TLA7N4–136-channel Logic Analyzer module,2GHz timing,100MHz state,64Kb depth.Options for up to4Mb depth and/or200MHz state.Logic Analyzer Module Options(Base configuration is64K depth at100MHz state)Opt.1S–Increase to256K depth at100MHz state.Opt.2S–Increase to1M depth at100MHz state.Opt.3S–Increase to4M depth at100MHz state.Opt.4S–Increase to64K depth at200MHz state.Opt.5S–Increase to256K depth at200MHz state.Opt.6S–Increase to1M depth at200MHz state.Opt.7S–Increase to4M depth at200MHz state.TLA7N4Service Manual and Test FixturesTLA7N4Logic Analyzer Performance Verification and Adjustment Fixture(includes AC adapter;requires local power cord)–Order671-3599-xxTLA7N4Logic Analyzer Modules Service Manual(includes Performance Verification and Adjustment procedures)–Order071-0864-xxTLA Series Module UpgradesYou can increase the memory depth and state speed of most existing TLA Series logic analyzer modules.You can also install a TLA7N4logic analyzer module into an existing TLA715/721/7XM/7012/7016mainframe.Please refer to the TLA Family Upgrade Guide for further details.Logic Analyzer Probe Selection GuidelinesThere are a number offlexible choices of logic analyzer probes available for use with TLA Series logic analyzer modules.Please see logic analyzer probe data sheets for more information.Logic Analyzer Module Probes and AccessoriesTLA7N4Service OptionsOpt.C3–Calibration Service3YearsOpt.C5–Calibration Service5YearsOpt.D1–Calibration Data ReportOpt.D3–Calibration Data Report3Years(with Opt.C3)Opt.D5–Calibration Data Report5Years(withOpt.C5)Opt.R3–Repair Service3YearsOpt.R5–Repair Service5YearsOpt.IN–Product Installation ServiceProduct(s)are manufactured in ISO registered facilities.3Data Sheet Contact Tektronix:ASEAN/Australasia(65)63563900Austria+41526753777Balkans,Israel,South Africa and other ISE Countries+41526753777Belgium078160166Brazil+55(11)3759-7627Canada1(800)661-5625Central East Europe,Ukraine,and the Baltics+41526753777Central Europe&Greece+41526753777Denmark+4580881401Finland+41526753777France+33(0)169868181Germany+49(221)9477400Hong Kong(852)2585-6688India(91)80-42922600Italy+39(02)250861Japan81(3)6714-3010Luxembourg+44(0)1344392400Mexico,Central/South America&Caribbean52(55)54247900Middle East,Asia,and North Africa+41526753777The Netherlands09002021797Norway80016098People’s Republic of China86(10)62351230Poland+41526753777Portugal800812370Republic of Korea82(2)6917-5000Russia&CIS+7(495)7484900South Africa+27112068360Spain(+34)901988054Sweden020*******Switzerland+41526753777Taiwan886(2)2722-9622United Kingdom&Ireland+44(0)1344392400USA1(800)426-2200For other areas contact Tektronix,Inc at:1(503)627-7111Updated5August2009For Further Information.Tektronix maintains a comprehensive,constantly expandingcollection of application notes,technical briefs and other resources to help engineers workingon the cutting edge of technology.Please visit Copyright©Tektronix,Inc.All rights reserved.Tektronix products are covered by U.S.and foreign patents,issued and rmation in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material.Specification and price change privileges reserved.TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks ofTektronix,Inc.All other trade names referenced are the service marks,trademarks,or registered trademarksof their respective companies.17Aug200952W-18099-2。
电子信息工程专业英语教程_第5版 题库
《电子信息工程专业英语教程(第5版)》题库Section A 术语互译 (1)Section B 段落翻译 (5)Section C阅读理解素材 (12)C.1 History of Tablets (12)C.2 A Brief History of satellite communication (13)C.3 Smartphones (14)C.4 Analog, Digital and HDTV (14)C.5 SoC (15)Section A 术语互译Section B 段落翻译Section C阅读理解素材C.1 History of TabletsThe idea of the tablet computer isn't new. Back in 1968, a computer scientist named Alan Kay proposed that with advances in flat-panel display technology, user interfaces, miniaturization of computer components and some experimental work in WiFi technology, you could develop an all-in-one computing device. He developed the idea further, suggesting that such a device would be perfect as an educational tool for schoolchildren. In 1972, he published a paper about the device and called it the Dynabook.The sketches of the Dynabook show a device very similar to the tablet computers we have today, with a couple of exceptions. The Dynabook had both a screen and a keyboard all on the same plane. But Key's vision went even further. He predicted that with the right touch-screen technology, you could do away with the physical keyboard and display a virtual keyboard in any configuration on the screen itself.Key was ahead of his time. It would take nearly four decades before a tablet similar to the one he imagined took the public by storm. But that doesn't mean there were no tablet computers on the market between the Dynabook concept and Apple's famed iPad.One early tablet was the GRiDPad. First produced in 1989, the GRiDPad included a monochromatic capacitance touch screen and a wired stylus. It weighed just under 5 pounds (2.26 kilograms). Compared to today's tablets, the GRiDPad was bulky and heavy, with a short battery life of only three hours. The man behind the GRiDPad was Jeff Hawkins, who later founded Palm.Other pen-based tablet computers followed but none received much support from the public. Apple first entered the tablet battlefield with the Newton, a device that's received equal amounts of love and ridicule over the years. Much of the criticism for the Newton focuses on its handwriting-recognition software.It really wasn't until Steve Jobs revealed the first iPad to an eager crowd that tablet computers became a viable consumer product. Today, companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft and HP are trying to predict consumer needs while designing the next generation of tablet devices.C.2 A Brief History of satellite communicationIn an article in Wireless World in 1945, Arthur C. Clarke proposed the idea of placing satellites in geostationary orbit around Earth such that three equally spaced satellites could provide worldwide coverage. However, it was not until 1957 that the Soviet Union launched the first satellite Sputnik 1, which was followed in early 1958 by the U.S. Army’s Explorer 1. Both Sputnik and Explorer transmitted telemetry information.The first communications satellite, the Signal Communicating Orbit Repeater Experiment (SCORE), was launched in 1958 by the U.S. Air Force. SCORE was a delayed-repeater satellite, which received signals from Earth at 150 MHz and stored them on tape for later retransmission. A further experimental communication satellite, Echo 1, was launched on August 12, 1960 and placed into inclined orbit at about 1500 km above Earth. Echo 1 was an aluminized plastic balloon with a diameter of 30 m and a weight of 75.3 kg. Echo 1 successfully demonstrated the first two-way voice communications by satellite.On October 4, 1960, the U.S. Department of Defense launched Courier into an elliptical orbit between 956 and 1240 km, with a period of 107 min. Although Courier lasted only 17 days, it was used for real-time voice, data, and facsimile transmission. The satellite also had five tape recorders onboard; four were used for delayed repetition of digital information, and the other for delayed repetition of analog messages.Direct-repeated satellite transmission began with the launch of Telstar I on July 10, 1962. Telstar I was an 87-cm, 80-kg sphere placed in low-Earth orbit between 960 and 6140 km, with an orbital period of 158 min. Telstar I was the first satellite to be able to transmit and receive simultaneously and was used for experimental telephone, image, and television transmission. However, on February 21, 1963, Telstar I suffered damage caused by the newly discovered Van Allen belts.Telstar II was made more radiation resistant and was launched on May 7, 1963. Telstar II was a straight repeater with a 6.5-GHz uplink and a 4.1-GHz downlink. The satellite power amplifier used a specially developed 2-W traveling wave tube. Along with its other capabilities, the broadband amplifier was able to relay color TV transmissions. The first successful trans-Atlantic transmission of video was accomplished with Telstar II , which also incorporated radiation measurements and experiments that exposed semiconductor components to space radiation.The first satellites placed in geostationary orbit were the synchronous communication (SYNCOM ) satellites launched by NASA in 1963. SYNCOM I failed on injection into orbit. However, SYNCOM II was successfully launched on July 26, 1964 and provided telephone, teletype, and facsimile transmission. SYNCOM III was launched on August 19, 1964 and transmitted TV pictures from the Tokyo Olympics. The International Telecommunications by Satellite (INTELSAT) consortium was founded in July 1964 with the charter to design, construct, establish, and maintain the operation of a global commercial communications system on a nondiscriminatory basis. The INTELSAT network started with the launch on April 6, 1965, of INTELSAT I, also called Early Bird. On June 28, 1965, INTELSAT I began providing 240 commercial international telephone channels as well as TV transmission between the United States and Europe.In 1979, INMARSAT established a third global system. In 1995, the INMARSAT name was changed to the International Mobile Satellite Organization to reflect the fact that the organization had evolved to become the only provider of global mobile satellite communications at sea, in the air, and on the land.Early telecommunication satellites were mainly used for long-distance continental and intercontinental broadband, narrowband, and TV transmission. With the advent of broadband optical fiber transmission, satellite services shifted focus to TV distribution, and to point-to-multipoint and very small aperture terminal (VSAT) applications. Satellite transmission is currently undergoing further significant growth with the introduction of mobile satellite systems for personal communications and fixed satellite systems for broadband data transmission.C.3 SmartphonesThink of a daily task, any daily task, and it's likely there's a specialized, pocket-sized device designed to help you accomplish it. You can get a separate, tiny and powerful machine to make phone calls, keep your calendar and address book, entertain you, play your music, give directions, take pictures, check your e-mail, and do countless other things. But how many pockets do you have? Handheld devices become as clunky as a room-sized supercomputer when you have to carry four of them around with you every day.A smartphone is one device that can take care of all of your handheld computing and communication needs in a single, small package. It's not so much a distinct class of products as it is a different set of standards for cell phones to live up to.Unlike many traditional cell phones, smartphones allow individual users to install, configure and run applications of their choosing. A smartphone offers the ability to conform the device to your particular way of doing things. Most standard cell-phone software offers only limited choices for re-configuration, forcing you to adapt to the way it's set up. On a standard phone, whether or not you like the built-in calendar application, you are stuck with it except for a few minor tweaks. If that phone were a smartphone, you could install any compatible calendar application you like.Here's a list of some of the things smartphones can do:•Send and receive mobile phone calls•Personal Information Management (PIM) including notes, calendar and to-do list•Communication with laptop or desktop computers•Data synchronization with applications like Microsoft Outlook•E-mail•Instant messaging•Applications such as word processing programs or video games•Play audio and video files in some standard formatsC.4 Analog, Digital and HDTVFor years, watching TV has involved analog signals and cathode ray tube (CRT) sets. The signal is made of continually varying radio waves that the TV translates into a picture and sound. An analog signal can reach a person's TV over the air, through a cable or via satellite. Digital signals, like the ones from DVD players, are converted to analog when played on traditional TVs.This system has worked pretty well for a long time, but it has some limitations:•Conventional CRT sets display around 480 visible lines of pixels. Broadcasters have been sending signals that work well with this resolution for years, and they can't fit enough resolution to fill a huge television into the analog signal.•Analog pictures are interlaced - a CRT's electron gun paints only half the lines for each pass down the screen. On some TVs, interlacing makes the picture flicker.•Converting video to analog format lowers its quality.United States broadcasting is currently changing to digital television (DTV). A digital signal transmits the information for video and sound as ones and zeros instead of as a wave. For over-the-air broadcasting, DTV will generally use the UHF portion of the radio spectrum with a 6 MHz bandwidth, just like analog TV signals do.DTV has several advantages:•The picture, even when displayed on a small TV, is better quality.• A digital signal can support a higher resolution, so the picture will still look good when shown on a larger TV screen.•The video can be progressive rather than interlaced - the screen shows the entire picture for every frame instead of every other line of pixels.•TV stations can broadcast several signals using the same bandwidth. This is called multicasting.•If broadcasters choose to, they can include interactive content or additional information with the DTV signal.•It can support high-definition (HDTV) broadcasts.DTV also has one really big disadvantage: Analog TVs can't decode and display digital signals. When analog broadcasting ends, you'll only be able to watch TV on your trusty old set if you have cable or satellite service transmitting analog signals or if you have a set-top digital converter.C.5 SoCThe semiconductor industry has continued to make impressive improvements in the achievable density of very large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. In order to keep pace with the levels of integration available, design engineers have developed new methodologies and techniques to manage the increased complexity inherent in these large chips. One such emerging methodology is system-on-chip (SoC) design, wherein predesigned and pre-verified blocks often called intellectual property (IP) blocks, IP cores, or virtual components are obtained from internal sources, or third parties, and combined on a single chip.These reusable IP cores may include embedded processors, memory blocks, interface blocks, analog blocks, and components that handle application specific processing functions. Corresponding software components are also provided in a reusable form and may include real-time operating systems and kernels, library functions, and device drivers.Large productivity gains can be achieved using this SoC/IP approach. In fact, rather than implementing each of these components separately, the role of the SoC designer is to integrate them onto a chip to implement complex functions in a relatively short amount of time.The integration process involves connecting the IP blocks to the communication network, implementing design-for-test (DFT) techniques and using methodologies to verify and validate the overall system-level design. Even larger productivity gains are possible if the system is architected as a platform in such as way that derivative designs can be generated quickly.In the past, the concept of SoC simply implied higher and higher levels of integration. That is, it was viewed as migrating a multichip system-on-board (SoB) to a single chip containing digital logic, memory, analog/mixed signal, and RF blocks. The primary drivers for this direction were the reduction of power, smaller form factor, and lower overall cost. It is important to recognize that integrating more and more functionality on a chip has always existed as a trend by virtue of Moore’s Law, which predicts that the number of transistors on a chip will double every 18-24 months. The challenge is to increase designer productivity to keep pace with Moore’s Law. Therefore, today’s notion of SoC is defined in terms of overall productivity gains through reusable design and integration of components.。
Saleae4通道USB逻辑分析仪(Logic4)特性:•强劲有力,容易使用•深度采样缓冲器•便携式,USB接口•可分析24种通信协议•自动应用程序接口(API)•定制协议解码器插件API•分界与脉宽触发•协议结果过滤与搜索•测量,标记与时间标识•四种数据导出格式:CSV,二进制,VCD和MATLAB•多平台工作:Windows,Linux,OSX应用场合:•固件调试•FPGA调试•功能确认•性能分析•逆向工程•协议解析•数据记录关键指标:•4个数字通道•每秒12兆次的数字采样(最大)•最大3兆数字带宽•1个模拟通道•每秒6兆次的模拟采样•1兆的模拟带宽•可用的RAM和记录数据的密度决定了记录数据的长度•RGB LED,可定制的24位颜色产品描述:Saleae4通道USB逻辑分析仪(Logic4)有一通道可以用作数字记录,也可以用作模拟记录.该设备通过USB与电脑连接,采用Saleae逻辑分析软件来记录与查看数字/模拟信号.逻辑分析仪是一种用来记录与查看数字信号的调试工具,它与被测设备(DUT)相连,高速采样DUT的数字信号,这些采样信号被存在采样缓冲器,在全部捕捉后,缓冲器的数据显示在电脑上,以供查看.逻辑分析仪在嵌入式应用的调试中非常强大.在大部分应用中,开发者需要写代码来实现微控制器与其它设备之间的各种通信,包括串行通信、I2C与SPI.为了确认固件中的功能与诊断错误,逻辑分析仪被连接到数字IO口,进行通信与记录.记录结果将显示在电脑上,开发者能看到实际的设计结果,用它与理想的目标相比较,从而缩小与解决问题,确认最终的设计是正确的.包含的设备:Saleae4通道逻辑分析仪,4通道导线,8个微型夹子,Saleae包,USB 2.0线和入门向导.Saleae(松川电子技术)2016年版权所有绝对最大额定值:输入电压…………………………………………………………-25.00伏―+25.00伏Saleae 与松川电子技术公司2016年版权所有通道0[数字+模拟]通道1[数字+模拟]通道2[数字+模拟]通道3[数字+模拟]地地地地Saleae逻辑分析仪的软件应用向导可以从以下网站获得:/product.asp?typeid=139电脑系统要求:支持的电脑系统有:Windows XP(32位),Windows Vista(32位/64位),Windows7(32位/64位),Windows8(32位/64位),Windows8.1(32位/64位),OSX10.7+,Ubuntu Linux 12.04.2+(32位/64位).Saleae与松川电子技术公司2016年版权所有一些其它额外的关心与建议可以从以下网站获得:USB3.0/USB2.0八通道增强型逻辑分析仪(Saleae Logic Pro8)与十六通道增强型逻辑分析仪(Saleae Logic Pro16)都能通过USB2.0与USB3.0与电脑相连而工作.然而,为了最佳采样,USB3.0是需要的.另外,由于USB 2.0供电的限制,十六通道增强型逻辑分析仪(Saleae Logic Pro16)采用USB2.0连接后,仅仅只有八个输入通道能同时工作.Saleae与松川电子技术公司2016年版权所有。
电子测量仪器 第3版 项目6 数据域分析测试
[例1]ROM最高工作频率的测试。 ROM最高工作频率的测试如图所示。
先让数据发生器低速工作采集到的ROM作为标准数据,然后逐步提高数据 发生器的计数时钟频率,将每次采集到的数据与标准数据相比较,直到出现不一 致的为止,此时时钟频率即为ROM的最高工作频率。
[例2]译码器输出信号及毛刺的观察。 逻辑分析仪工作在毛刺锁定方式下,在
4、逻辑分析仪的应用 逻辑分析仪的工作过程就是数据采集、存储、触发、显示的过程。因而逻辑分析仪的应用首先应 选择合适的方式进行数据采样。可以使用同步采样方式,也可以使用异步采样方式对被测系统的输入 数据进行采样。同步采样无法检测两相邻时钟间的干扰波形,但需要的存储空间小,适宜进行状态分 析;而高速的异步采样可以检测出波形中的“毛刺”干扰,并将它存储到存储器中记录下来。但高速 的异步采样会造成一定的相位误差, 这也是在使用逻辑分析仪对输入数据进行采样时需要考虑的问题。 显示过程中,应针对不同的测试对象,选择合适的显示方式。由于逻辑分析仪采用了数字存储技 术,故可将数据采集工作和显示工作分开进行,也可同时进行,必要时还可对存储的数据反复进行显 示,以利于对问题的分析和研究。 (1)逻辑分析仪在硬件测试及故障诊断中的应用 给一数字系统加入激励信号,用逻辑分析仪检测 其输出或内部各部分电路的状态,即可测试其功能。通过分析各部分信号的状态,信号间的时序关系 等就可以进行故障诊断。
3、逻辑分析仪的基本组成 逻辑分析仪的类型繁多,尽管在通道 数量、取样频率、内存容量、显示方式及 触发方式等方面有较大区别,但其基本组 成结构是相同的。逻辑分析仪的基本组成 如图所示,包括数据获取、触发识别、数 据存储和数据显示。 输入信号经过多路数据测试探头获得 并行数据,送至比较器。输入信号在比较 器中与外部设定的门限电平进行比较,大 于门限电平值的信号判为“1”,在相应 线上输出高电平;反之判为“0”,输出低电平。
Logic Analyzer入门使用介绍(MDK)
Logic Analyzer入门使用介绍一、此文档将主要以图片的方式,以产生一个方波的例子,向您演示如何使用Logic Analyzer,如需更多了解请仔细阅读MDK的帮助说明,里面有很多精彩的东西等等待您的问津。
图1.1进入帮助文地址:山西省太原市万柏林区邮编:400050图1.2帮助文档界面图1.3 点开帮助文档里的uVision IDE用户指南地址:山西省太原市万柏林区邮编:400050图1.4 uVision IDE用户指南里的调试命令,将列出一系列的调试命令地址:山西省太原市万柏林区邮编:400050图1.5 了解各调试函数,特别注意DIR 的用法,下面将会用到 DIR VTREG图1.6点开仿真模板Æ模拟信号输入Æ方波信号,选中函数,复制地址:山西省太原市万柏林区邮编:400050图1.7进入IDE编程界面,操作如图说明图1.8 操作如图说明地址:山西省太原市万柏林区邮编:400050图1.9操作如图说明图1.10操作如图说明,上面的信号函数模板可以产生方波信号。
变量volts、frequency、offset和duration用于设置方波信号参数,地址:山西省太原市万柏林区邮编:400050图1.11操作如图说明图1.12模拟通道ADCx_INy(x=1,2;y=0,1,……15),将你使用的模拟通道ADCx_INy 代替函数中ADC0 = volts + offset; ADC0 = offset中的相应部分ADC1_IN2 = volts+offset;ADC1_IN2=offset。
地址:山西省太原市万柏林区邮编:400050图1.13操作如图说明图1.11操作如图说明地址:山西省太原市万柏林区邮编:400050图1.13操作如图说明图1.14操作如图说明地址:山西省太原市万柏林区邮编:400050图1.15操作如图说明图1.16操作如图说明地址:山西省太原市万柏林区邮编:400050层层惊涛工作室 第11页 / 共11页 地址:山西省太原市万柏林区 邮编:400050电话(Tel): 17092369967 QQ 群:26210916图1.17操作如图说明图1.18操作如图说明结果有Logic Analyzer 上产生相应的方波地址:山西省太原市万柏林区 邮编:400050电话(Tel): 17092369967QQ 群:26210916 QQ: 2947269204愿您在STM32世界里更精彩!。
xilinx ila原理
Xilinx ILA(Interactive Logic Analyzer)是一种基于FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)的逻辑分析工具。
它主要用于实时监控和分析FPGA 芯片上的逻辑信号,以便更好地理解电路行为和验证设计正确性。
ILA 原理如下:1. 硬件结构:Xilinx ILA 硬件主要包括两部分:FPGA 目标和PC 主机。
FPGA 目标板上有待分析的逻辑电路,以及与ILA 通信的接口。
PC 主机运行ILA 软件,用于与FPGA 目标板进行通信和数据分析。
2. 数据传输:ILA 通过高速串行接口(如PCIe)与FPGA 目标板进行通信。
在数据传输过程中,ILA 可以将FPGA 上的信号实时捕获并传输到PC 主机进行分析。
此外,ILA 还可以发送控制命令到FPGA,实现对电路的动态控制。
3. 信号采集与处理:ILA 具备高精度的模拟- 数字转换器(ADC)和数字- 模拟转换器(DAC),用于实时采集和生成逻辑信号。
ADC 将FPGA 上的模拟信号转换为数字信号,以便在PC 主机中进行离线分析。
同时,DAC 可用于生成测试信号,对FPGA 电路进行激励。
4. 数据分析:ILA 软件提供了丰富的分析功能,如波形查看、逻辑值解析、触发器分析等。
5. 编程与控制:ILA 支持多种编程语言,如C/C++、SystemC 和Verilog/VHDL。
用户可以根据需要编写应用程序,实现对FPGA 电路的实时控制和数据采集。
6. 集成与协同:Xilinx ILA 可以与其他Xilinx 工具(如Vivado、ModelSim 等)无缝集成,实现协同工作。
Xilinx ILA 是一种基于FPGA 的逻辑分析工具,通过实时监控和分析FPGA 芯片上的逻辑信号,协助用户理解和验证电路设计。
通过对ILA 原理的了解,可以更好地利用这一工具,提高设计验证的效率。
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Designed and published by :Vassilis Serasidis on 02
January 2012.
Programming language :
IDE :AvrStudio 4.18Features
Capturing frequency
Logic inputs voltage Power supply
Liquid Display Crystal
Capturing length
signals:400kHz up to +5V DC.Maximum 4.8V DC (4x 1.2V recharchable batteries)84x48pixels From 3.7ms for high speed signals,up to 36s for
low speed signals
This mini Logic analyzer is a tool for you to watch on LCD the logic transitions 0or 1of a digital
data signal.A digital data signal can be found on the output pin of TSOP-1730Infrared Receiver, on the Transmit and reveive pins of MAX-232chip(RS-232),on Clock and Data pins of I2C data bus and many more electronic components.This circuit supports capturing for up to100kHz digital signals.
Schematic of the circuit.
The operating voltage of the circuit is4.8V DC from4x1.2V rechargeable batteries.Switch on the S1to power on the electronic circuit.After the initial screens on LCD you will see a message that the AVR waits for a signal change on input pins.The AVR has4external pull-down resistors
33kÙ(R2-R5)avoiding any unnecessary trigger on any input pin because of an external electromagnetic field or by touching accidentally your hand on any input pin.The Nokia 3310/5110LCD works from3.3-5V power supply.The problem is that the LCD's backlight works with Maximum3.3V DC.So I put diodes D1-D3to decrease the voltage from4.8V to 4.8-(0.7*3)=2.7V that is the required power supply of Nokia's LCD.When you power ON the circuit,the LED1is turned OFF.After the first trigger on any of4input pins,this LED is turned ON and the AVR starts capturing the data in to its internal RAM buffer(290samples).
Do not use regular alcaline1.5V batteries instead of rechargeable.The total voltage is4x1.5 =6V.This voltage will probably burn the LCD and the AVR microcontroller.
The software(firmware)
Picture5:The data capturing process.
As you can see on Picture5the data buffer is constituted by870bytes(v1.00)2for the counter and one for the input pins information.In version 1.01the data buffer was decreased to 256*3=768bytes for increasing the capturing speed because the buffer size variable is8bit instead of16bit that I used before.The next byte calculations must be done according to the firmware version you use.
How it works?It is simple.After the power ON the AVR waits for a trigger pulse on any of4input pins.If a trigger pulse is detected the AVR starts counting the time is needed for the next trigger on any of the4input pins.The sample length is stored in a16-bit variable named"counter".When this variable overflows,the status of the4input pins and the counter value are stored in the buffer and its address is increased by3(2bytes for counter and1byte for input pins data).This process is been made until the AVR fills all the buffer bytes(870/3=290samples or triggers).When the AVR fills the buffer,all the data are appeared on LCD as a graph.You can move the graph to the left(button S3)or to the right(button S4)to watch the entire data sequence.If the data sequence is in a low speed you can shrink the graph(zoom out)with a2,4,8,16,32,64,128,
256,512,1024,2048,4096or8192ratio by pressing the S2button.
Programming The ATmega8
Burn the ATmega8with miniLogicAnalyzer.hex and select external crystal at the fuses section.
The fuses that must be set on ATmega8microcontroller.
PCB (55x65mm)and components placement.
History :
04February 2012
I did a re-compilation of the source code with AVRstudio-5(version 5.0.2123)and I saw a much better stability of the captured signals.So,I put the source code and hex files for both AVRstudio-4and AVRstudio-5in the same v1.01zip file.03February 2012
Capturing speed was increased from 100kHz to 400kHz.02January
2012(v1.00)Initial version by Vassilis Serasidis .
mini Logic Analyzer v1.00
v1.01Download the source code and hex file of updated mini Logic Analyzer.
v1.00Download the source code,hex file,schematic diagram,PCB and photos of mini
Logic Analyzer.
Created and published by Vassilis Serasidis on02January2012。