





















舞蹈训练记录表舞蹈训练记录表舞蹈训练记录表舞蹈训练记录表舞蹈训练记录表舞蹈训练记录表舞蹈训练记录表授课教师翁娜授课时间2017.11.7 授课地点舞蹈室(二)授课内容一、学习手部动作“兰花手”教学关键:要求手指并拢,五指伸直,不能过于紧张,(教师进行个别指导)二、学习“兰花手”韵律组合1)学生模仿学习新动作教学关键:手型不能变,腕部要灵活,注意要大臂带动小臂,手臂要舒展。









舞蹈训练记录表舞蹈训练记录表舞蹈训练记录表舞蹈训练记录表授课教师翁娜授课时间2017.12.5 授课地点舞蹈室(二)授课内容一、学习把杆上正压腿吸腿上把杆,压正腿。











舞蹈训练记录表授课教师翁娜授课时间2017.12.12授课地点舞蹈室(二)授课内容1. 一、训练步骤:1.教师完整示范,并且边示范,边讲解呼吸的运用。
































11. ,我总我找到了一片最红的。




13. ,旧曾谙。






16. 并不都是,并不都是。






19. 冬天最不怕冷的三种植物是、、。

20. ,脸儿,衣裳。



21. 对他们说:“参加了,要啊!”两个小八路听了。









27. ,何时复?不努力,徒伤悲!28.唐代诗人王之涣写了一首《登鹳雀楼》:白日,。





30. 的灯笼果,,轻轻地。




33. 滋滋的,灯笼果。

34. ,一盏属于的灯笼,一盏属于田野的灯笼。














1.What will the man do now?A.Choose a restaurant.B.Call Mary.C.Get a taxi.2.What mistake did the man make?A.He came late for work.B.He intended to leave earlier.C.He sent the goods to a wrong customer.3.What is the man doing?A.Drawing some money from the bank.B.Doing business on the computer.C.Booking a ticket for his business.4.What are the speakers doing?A.Taking a PE lesson.B.Exercising in a gym.C.Going hiking.5.When will the meeting be held?A.At8a.m.B.At2P.m.C.At4P.m.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit 12 第2课时分层训练(练习题)

【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit 12  第2课时分层训练(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit 12 第2课时分层训练(Section A2 3a-4c)(933)1.肖先生正要离开,这时他听到敲门声。

M r.X ia o le a ve wh e n he he ar d a k no c k o n th e d oor.2.我正在购物的时候,迈克给我打电话了。

I ,M ik e ca lle d me.3.我们跑出去看正在发生什么事情。

We ra n o u ts ide to s e e .4.我收到这封信时,他已经离开这个国家了。

th is le tte r r e ac h ed me,he th e co u n tr y.5.在我进入大楼之前,我决定先买一杯咖啡。

th e b u ild in g,I d e c ide d to ge t a co ff e e f ir s t.6.I s to od a t th e do o r a nd s ta re d my yo u n g e r b r o th e r.I d idn't k n o w wh a t he wa s d o in ga t th a t mo me n t.()A.fo rB.a tC.onD.o f7.—J a ck,ca n yo u co mp le te th e p r o jec t th e e nd o f th is mon th?—So r r y,I c a n't.I h a d ju s t f in is h ed a sma ll p a r t o f it the e n d o f l a s t we e k.()A.a t; a tB.a t; b yC.in; b yD.b y; a t8.—D id yo u h e a r ab o ut th e ca r ac c ide n t th is mo r n in g?—Ye s.T he luc k ie s t th in g is th a t the d r ive r is s till a f te r it.()A.liveB.live lyC.a liveD.live d9.—Do n't le a ve h e r e,S a m.I'll b e b a ck in a f e w min u tes.—O K,Mo m.I wil l b e h e r e yo u c ome b a c k.()A.a f te rB.tillC.be c au s eD.if10.W h en I g o t h o me,I r e a liz e d th a t I my k e ys a t s c ho o l.()A.will lea veB.wou ld le a veC.ha s le f tD.h a d le f t11.Wish in g to e n co u rag e he r yo u n g s o n's p r og r e s s o n th e p ia no, a mo th e r to ok he r bo y t oa p ia n is t's c o nc e r t o n a s u mme r h o lid a y e ve n in g.A f te r the y f o u nd th e ir 1 , the mo the r s a w two f r ien d s in the h a ll an d wa lk ed to 2th e m.It wa s th e bo y's f ir s t time to co me to th e h a ll.He th o ug h t it wa s a go od 3 f o r h im to e xp lo r e th e wo nd e rs o f the co n ce r t ha ll.He4an d wa lk e d a r ou n d.H ewa lk e d 5 a do o r ma r k e d“NO ADM IT TANC E”(禁止入内).W h en the ha ll lig h ts d imme d(变暗), the 6 wo u ld b eg in.The mo th e r r e tu r n ed to he r s e a t an d d is c o ve re d tha t h e r s o n wa s 7 .Th e mo th e r wa s 8 wo r r ie d a t tha t mo me n t th a t te a r s(眼泪)we re in h e r e ye s.T h e c on c e r t be g an, and th e lig h ts fo c us e d o n(聚焦于) th e won d e rf ul p ia n o o n s tag e.T he mo th e r wa s 9 to s e e h e r little b o y s ittin g a t th e ke yb o a r d, p la yin g th e s o ng Twin k le, Twin k le Litt le S ta r10h e d id a t h o me.A t tha t mo me n t,th e gr e a t p ian is t ca me,q u ic k ly mo ve d to th e p ian o an d 11 in th eb o y's e a r, “Do n't s to p.Ke ep p la yin g.” He le an e d o ve r(俯身) and b eg an f illin g in a b ass p a r t(低音) with h is lef t 12 ,th e n a dd e d a r u nn ing ob b liga t o(伴奏)with h is r igh th a nd.Th e y p la ye d th e p ia no to ge th e r 13.T he o ld p ian is t a n d th e yo u n g no vic e(初学者)ch a ng ed a f r ig hte n in g s itu a tion in to a wo n de r f u l c r e a tive exp e r ie nc e.Th ea u d ien c e(观众)s to od u p an d 14 th e m.A n a r tis t's a c h ie ve me n ts a n d ch a r m d e p en d on n o t on ly h is p e r f e c t s k ills15 h is go od q u a litie s.(1)A.d e sk sB.s tag eC.se a tsD.p ia no(2)A.g r e e tB.f ee dC.no tic eD.se a r ch(3)A.u s eB.ch an c eC.se a s onD.c u ltu r e(4)A.f le wB.sa tC.f e llD.ro s e(5)A.th r o ug hB.ac r o s sC.ab o veD.o ve r(6)A.f ilmB.co nc e r tC.co n ve r s a tio nD.me e ting(7)A.s le e p yB.mis s in gC.tir edD.e x c ited(8)A.soB.ve r yC.mu c hD.su ch(9)A.se r io usB.sa dC.pa tie n tD.su r p r ise d(10)A.wh e nB.ifC.asD.b e f o re(11)A.c a lle dB.sh o u te dC.wh isp e re dD.c r ie d(12)A.h a ndB.sh o u ld e rC.fo o tD.leg(13)A.b a d lyB.ca r e le s s lyC.te r r ib lyD.h a pp ily(14)A.fo ug h t withu gh e d a tC.sh o u te d a tD.c h ee r e d f o r(15)A.o rB.bu tC.an dD.so12.I a r r ive d in th e U K la s t we e ke nd to lea r n E ng lis h.S o f a r I h ave a lr e ad y ma d e a fe wf r ie n d s a nd ha d so me tr a d itio n a l Eng lish f oo d the r e.Bu t a f te r h a vin g th re e d a ys o fh a mb u rg e r s, s an d wiche s a nd p o ta toe s,I th ou g h t n on e c o u ld be mo r e de lic io us th anC h ine s e f o od, e s pe c iall y my f a vo r ite—h u o g u o.Yo u c an't i ma g in e ho w ex c ite d I wa s wh e n I go t to k n o w tha t th e r e wa s g o ing to b e a f r e e me a l o f h o tpo t to we lc o me th e n e w s tu d en ts.O n th e way to th e c a nt ee n, I s e e me d to s me ll h uo guo in th e a ir.To my s u r p r is e, wh en I we n t in to th e ro o m, I d id n't s e e a n y s ig n o f h u o g uo.W h e re wa s itWith ma n y q u e s tio n s in my h e a d, I s a t do wn to h a ve th e f re e me a l.A f te r ta lk in g with an E ng lis h g ir l, I g o t to k n o w th a t C h in e s e huo gu o is c o mp le te ly d iff e r e n t f r o mh o tpo t.C h ine s e h uo g uo is wr itte n in two wo r d s—h o t p o t,an d ho tp o t, o ne wo rd,is a tr a d itio n a l En g lis h d ish.H o tp o t is ma d e f r o m mu tto n a n d on ion.On th e top a r e p ie c e s o f p o ta toe s.P e op le put it in th e o ve n a ll d a y in a h e a vy p o t o n a low h e a t.It ta k e s ve ry l ittle e ff o r t top r e pa r e.You c a n o f te n se e it a t pa r tie s in th e U K b ec a u se it's e a sy to p r e p a r e f o r a la rg e n u mb e r o f p eo p le a nd is n o t e x pe n s ive.H o tp o t d o e sn't ta s te ba d.Ho we ve r,I s till mis s h u o gu o—h o t p o t, two wo rd s!(1)Th e wr ite r f e lt ex cite d wh en sh e th o ug h t s h e wo u ld .()A.tr y tr a d itio n a l E ng lis h f oo dB.lea r n E ng lis h in the U KC.ha ve he r f a vo r ite\ma th r m{h u o g uo}D.me e t so me n e w f r ien d s(2)Th e u n de r lin ed wo rd“ca n tee n” me a n s “”in C h ine s e.()A.宿舍B.餐厅C.实验室D.体育馆(3)W h y is h o tpo t o f ten p r ep a re d fo r pa r tie s()A.B ec a us e it's e a s y to p r e pa r e.B.B ec a u se it's ve r y p o p u la r.C.B ec a u se it's q u ite ex p en s ive.D.B ec a us e it's g o o d fo r h ea lth.(4)A f te r the f r ee me a l,th e wr iter le a rn t th a t .()A.“h o tp o t” wa s n't “h ot p o t”B.ho tpo t to ok little time to c o okC.ho tpo t wa sn't tr a d it io n a l in th e U KD.th e g ir l k ne w little a b ou t ho tp o t(5)W ha t is the wr ite r's f a vo r ite f oo d?()A.S a nd wic he s.B.Mu tto n.C.H o tp o t.D.Ho t po t.13.We c o u ld n't s e e the p lan e,b u t we kn ew th a t it wa s f lyin g a th e c lou d s.14.T he o ld ma n wa s no t d ea d.He was s till a.15.T he w a re bu ild in g a ne w b r id g e o ver th e r e.16.H e d idn't g o to be d t11:00la s t n igh t.17.T he s e a p p le p ta s te go od.I wa n t some mo r e.18.P le a se ad d so me(奶油)be twe e n th e two p ie ce s o f b re a d.19.T he f ac to r y is in th e(西部)o f th e cit y.20.H e to ok a ta x i to th e(机场)ye s te r d a y.21.T he r e a r e lo ts o f pe o p le a t the(市场).22.T he f ir e f igh te r s rus h e d in to th e (着火的)bu ild ing an d save d th e yo u n g b o y.(1)S o me time s b a d lu ck c an a g o od th ing.(2)It's te n o'c lo c k n ow.Bu t th e y h a ve n't.(3)S he loo k ed a t me.It s e e me d th a t sh e d id n't b e lie ve wh a t I s a id.(4)Th e y will f in is h wo r k ing on the ne w s tad iu m th is ye a r.(5)W h ile I wa s with my c la s s-ma te s o n th e p la yg r o u nd, the te ac h e r a sk ed u s to g o in to th e c la ss r o o m.参考答案1.【答案】:was;about;to2.【答案】:WhileAs;was;shopping3.【答案】:what;was;going;on4.【答案】:By;the;time;had;already;left5.【答案】:Before;I;entered6.【答案】:B7.【答案】:B8.【答案】:C9.【答案】:B10.【答案】:D11(1)【答案】C【解析】:[主旨大意]本文是一篇记叙文。

江苏南通市通州区实验中学 2017-2018学年七年级12月月考语文试题及答案 七年级上册

江苏南通市通州区实验中学 2017-2018学年七年级12月月考语文试题及答案  七年级上册


















3.本试卷主要考试内容:必修1――必修4第I 卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。




例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15B. £9.18C. £9.151. What sport does the man like at present?A. BasketballB. FootballC. Table tennis2. What is the woman going to do?A. Watch TVB. Go shoppingC. Stay at home3. What gift should the woman first buy in the man’s opinion?A. Olympic FuwaB. A pictureC. A CD4. What did the man see last night?A. A strange and noisy birdB. A red-colored b irdC. A bird that flew very quietly5. Why does the woman ask for help?A. She is unable to read her mapB. She has lost her city mapC. She can’t find the museum in map第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



洪泽外国语实验学校二年级语文分类练习2017.12班级姓名综合评价:多音字(选择正确读音画横线)重.阳(chóng zhòng)重.要(chóng zhòng)轻重.(chóng zhòng)重.复(chóng zhòng)重.量(chóng zhòng)重.新(chóng zhòng)都.是(dōu dū)都.市(dōu dū)首都.(dōu dū)古都.(dōu dū)定都.(dōu dū)都.来(dōu dū)歌曲.(qūqǔ)弯曲.(qūqǔ)戏曲.(qūqǔ)乐曲.(qūqǔ)曲.子(qūqǔ)曲.直(qūqǔ)因为.(wéi wèi)为.了(wéi wèi)行为.(wéi wèi)成为.(wéi wèi)以为.(wéi wèi)为.什么(wéi wèi)力量.(liáng liàng)自量.(liáng liàng)丈量.(liáng liàng)音量.(liáng liàng)量.一量.(liáng liàng)份量.(liáng liàng)仔.细(zǎi zǐ)仔.鸡(zǎi zǐ)牛仔.(zǎi zǐ)相差.(chàchā)差.生(chàchā)差.别(chàchā)差.不多(chàchā)反差.(chàchā)出差.(chāi chā)流血.(xuěxiě)冷血.(xuěxiě)血.压(xuěxiě)鲜血.(xuèxiě)失血.(xuèxiě)血.肉(xuèxiě)献血.(xuèxiě)抽血.(xuèxiě)心血.(xuèxiě)完成情况:(1)自我评价:优秀()良好()一般()(2)家长评价:优秀()良好()一般()设计:朱艳审核:袁昕。



9月4日 星期一 9月4日 星期一 9月6日 星期三 9月6日 星期三 9月6日 星期三
9月11日 星期一 9月11日 星期一 9月13日 星期三 9月13日 星期三 9月13日 星期三
第3节 第4节 第3节 第4节 第六节
四(2)班 五(1)班 四(1)班 五(2)班 四(3)班
学习键位练习二 学习键位练习二 学习键位练习二 学习键位练习二 学习键位练习二
五(1)班 四(1)班 五(2)班 四(3)班
学习键位练习三 学习键位练习三 学习键位练习三 学习键位练习三
正常 正常 正常 正常
9月25日 星期一 9月25日 星期一 9月27日 星期三 9月27日 星期三 9月27日 星期三
第3节 第4节 第3节 第4节 第六节
四(2)班 五(1)班 四(1)班 五(2)班 四(3)班
学习键位练习四 学习键位练习四 学习键位练习四 学习键位练习四 学习键位练习四
正常 正常 正常 正常 正常
10月9日 星期一 10月9日 星期一 10月11日 星期三 10月11日 星期三 10月11日 星期三
第3节 第4节 第3节 第4节 第六节
四(2)班 五(1)班 四(1)班 五(2)班 四(3)班
学习键位练习五 学习键位练习五 学习键位练习五 学习键位练习五 学习键位练习五
A03、A11、C15、 A03、A11、C15、 A03、A11、C15、 A03、A11、C15、 A03、A11、C15、
10月16日 星期一 10月16日 星期一 10月18日 星期三 10月18日 星期三 10月18日 星期三
练习文档编辑 练习文档编辑 练习文档编辑 练习文档编辑 练习文档编辑
正常 正常 正常 正常 正常



with a single line Leabharlann hrough the centre.
Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the
best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1
D) He offered him a scholarship for college.
7. A) He works hard to support his family.
C) He is very good at making up stories.
B) He is an excellent student at school.
B) It was filmed by a local television reporter. D) Its picture won a photography prize.
Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.
5. A) He told a stranger the sad story about himself.
B) He helped a stranger to carry groceries to his car.



2017年12月大学英语四级考试训练材料新闻听力训练Test1News Report11.A)A violent storm.B)A fierce fire.C)An earth quake.D)A devastating explosion.2.A)The scorching heat.B)The high temperature.C)The strong wind.D)The heavy rain.News Report23.A)The Ebola outbreak is over.B)The Ebola is spreading.C)The Ebola has killed many people.D)The Ebola outbreak is out of control.4.A)People there wash hands frequently.B)People there keep healthy.C)People there avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.D)People there stay cautious about the virus.News Report35.A)One year.C)Three years.B)Two years.D)Four years.6.A)The female students in the first grade in college.B)The female students in the second grade in college.C)The female students in the third grade in college.D)The female students in the fourth grade in college.7.A)Keeping silent.B)Going to parties.C)The use of alcohol.D)The lack of awareness. Test2News Report11.A)An explosion in a naval base.B)A military attack in Honolulu.C)A killing of12crew members in Oahu.D)A crash of two helicopters in Hawaii.2.A)During a daytime training mission.B)Just before midnight Thursday.C)On Tuesday night.D)Early Friday.News Report23.A)It has formed over the Pacific in January.B)It heads towards the Azores Islands.C)It moves at the speed of140miles per hour.D)It has caused serious damage.4.A)Frequent earthquakes across the Pacific.B)Floods all over the world.C)Low sea surface temperatures.D)An unusually strong E1Nino phenomenon.News Report35.A)Two.C)Five.B)Four.D)Eight.6.A)He was the leader of IS.B)He was injured in the attack.C)He was against terrorism.D)He was once put into prison.7.A)In a Starbucks coffee shop.B)In a shopping mall.C)At a crossroad.D)At a government office.Test3News Report11.A)The Culture Minister didn't know the Nobel winner.B)The Culture Minister hasn't read a single novel in the past two years.C)The Culture Minister didn't like novels.D)The Culture Minister didn't like writing.2.A)When she was interviewed on Friday.B)When she was interviewed on the television.C)When she was interviewed in private.D)When she was interviewed on the radio. News Report23.A)They held a ceremony at the site.B)They made a silent protest at the site.C)They presented flowers to the victims.D)They measured the areas of the landfill site.4.A)At least390.C)About300.B)Less than90.D)About200. News Report35.A)Raise the salary of the STEM jobs.B)Force students to learn STEM.C)Pay little attention to STEM.D)Invest more money in the education of STEM.6.A)They should provide a good education.B)They should buy more toys.C)They should introduce more friends to their girls.D)They should be strict with their girls.7.A)Foster the ability of calculation.B)Foster the ability of aggression.C)Foster the ability of teamwork and creative thinking.D)Foster the ability of critical thinking. Test4News Report11.A)0.25%.B)1%.C)4%.D)25%.2.A)The high official inflation rate.B)The continuing economic growth.C)The stable commodity prices.D)The weak labor market.News Report23.A)An avalanche on Mount Qomolangma.B)A volcanic eruption in Bangladesh.C)A massive earthquake in Nepal.D)An earth tremor in India.4.A)It was a royal palace.B)It was destroyed in1934.C)It was a nine-storey temple.D)It was recognized by UNESCO.News Report35.A)To limit access to the imported food.B)To take control of the legislature.C)To force the president to resign.D)To cope with its economic crisis.6.A)Before he takes charge of the economic work.B)Before he delivers a speech to Congress.C)After he won the power to intervene in companies.D)After he took control of the legislature.7.A)The soaring inflation.B)The falling oil prices.C)The weak currency.D)The bankruptcy of companies.Test5News Report11.A)They have a new baby.B)They are to divorce.C)They fell in love at first sight.D)They held hatred to each other.2.A)In2003.C)In2005.B)In2004.D)In2006. News Report23.A)In a church.B)In the street.C)In a shop.D)On a bus.4.A)He is slim and handsome.B)He is12years old.C)He is a Christian.D)He is white and in his twenties.News Report35.A)They first identified chikungunya.B)They first did research on chikungunya.C)They first found the cure for chikungunya.D)They first controlled the spread of chikungunya.6.A)It causes great pain and bleeding.B)It causes bleeding and swelling.C)It causes great pain and swelling.D)It causes swelling and vomiting.7.A)It may kill people quite often.B)It may make people barely move.C)It may drain people to death.D)It may break the bones of people.四级听力专项训练5套Model Test1Section AQuestions1and2are based on the news report you have just heard.1.A)Less than1million.C)Less than30thousand.B)Less than3million.D)Less than3thousand.2.A)They are always forced to go on strike.C)They are studying in poor schools.B)They can hardly do advanced research.D)Most of the students are not motivated enough. Questions3and4are based on the news report you have just heard.3.A)To earn money to pay for his son's education.B)To help his son get better from the illness.C)To help people better understand children with autism.D)To help people know how to cure Asperger syndrome.4.A)He wrote some parts of the book.C)He translated the book.B)He drew pictures for the book.D)He promoted the book.Questions5to7are based on the news report you have just heard.5.A)Americans often travel by car.C)Gas prices in the US were dropping dramaticalB)The US suffers from economic depression.D)The US was facing a shortage of gas and fuel.6.A)53cents per liter.B)74cents per liter.C)87cents per liter.D)88cents per liter7.A)Most of them will travel by car.C)They rarely drive their cars in winter.B)Gas price is the lowest in winter.D)Driving in winter is more fuel-efficient. Section BQuestions8to11are based on the conversation you have just heard.8.A)She has something wrong with her nose on weekends.B)She has a bad cold and can't go to school on weekdays.C)Her mother is busy with the job and can't take her to see the doctor.D)She has some bad symptoms with her nose,eyes and throat on weekdays.9.A)It comes at work time when he is busy.C)He doesn't think it's serious.B)His daughter is afraid to see the doctor.D)It disappears all of a sudden.10.A)Nothing special happened to her recently.C)She went to a newly-built school.B)She got a runny nose.D)She caught a cold.11.A)She can't adapt to the new environment.C)She is affected by the new building.B)She is ignored by her father recently.D)She doesn't like the new school.Questions12to15are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A)Find a job.C)Read a magazine.B)Write a thesis.D)Browse the job advertisement.13.A)Being easy to get along with.C)Eligible educational background.B)Honesty and reliability.D)English and computer skills.14.A)Theory and book knowledge.C)Practical working ability.B)Active personality.D)College degree.15.A)Paid vacations.C)A big salary to start with.B)Board and lodging.D)On-job training.Section CQuestions16to18are based on the passage you have just heard.16.A)Low bank interest.C)Government support.B)Financial aid and scholarships.D)Student loans.17.A)They have to pay extra money for study.B)They only have to pay tuition and fees.C)They have to pay for food and housing themselves.D)They pay the highest prices for undergraduate study.18.A)They apply for financial aid.B)They apply for scholarships.C)They start their education at a community college.D)They choose to go to colleges that offer free education.Questions19to21are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A)Dogs and cats.C)Fish and mice.B)Monkeys and snakes.D)Wolves and dogs.20.A)It mainly sells pet foods.C)It provides pets with meals and soft beds.B)It is a doggy daycare center.D)It provides delivery service for pets.21.A)Pets can help to lower a person's blood pressure.B)Pets can offer protection from natural disasters.C)Pets can help to deal with housework.D)Pets can strike up good conversations with people.Questions22to25are based on the passage you have just heard.22.A)School is over.C)They want to have a rest.B)The weather is good.D)They have favorite vacation spot.23.A)Along the East Coast.C)In the Atlantic area.B)In the unknown western territories.D)Along the Pacific.24.A)Frequent business trips.C)Visiting friends or relatives in distant states.B)Low-budget weekend trips.D)Camping out in the great outdoors.25.A)Special programs for children.C)Historical programs.B)Environmentally friendly programs.D)Sea cruise programs.Model Test2Section AQuestions1and2are based on the news report you have just heard.1.A)The climate change is getting worse.B)The world is experiencing a shortage of fresh water.C)There is more salt water than fresh water.D)There are too many people in the world.2.A)The reduction of the total amount of water.C)The shrinking population.B)The climate change.D)The destruction of the environment. Questions3and4are based on the news report you have just heard.3.A)14.B)32.C)34.D)36.4.A)The phone will explode.C)All the data in the phone will disappear.B)The pictures in the phone will disappear.D)The messages in the phone will disappear. Questions5to7are based on the news report you have just heard.5.A)They can make the farms known worldwide.C)They can help farmers deal with the farm vB)They can help improve the economy of rural areas.D)They can help farms connect to the Interne6.A)In Maryland.B)In Virginia.C)In California.D)In Atlanta.7.A)Open a larger farm.C)Make his farm more popular.B)Develop more activities.D)Make a larger profit from tourism.Section BQuestions8to11are based on the conversation you have just heard.8.A)It provides us with food and place to live.C)It works with genes to shape who we are.B)It can determine our characters.D)It can change our genes.9.A)A group of DNA.C)A single protein.B)A biochemical reaction.D)A building structure.10.A)Humans share99.9%of their genes with chimpanzees.B)Humans share79%and80%of their genes with chimpanzees.C)Humans share99%of their genes with chimpanzees.D)Humans share99%of their genes with mice.11.A)Gene's role is the most complex.B)Monkeys'genes are most closely related to humans'.C)Mice's genes are least closely related to humans'.D)Genetic study can help cure some diseases.Questions12to15are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A)Next to the Statue of Liberty.C)On a tour boat.B)In France.D)In a school.13.A)He wants to build a statue like it.C)He wants to visit France someday.B)He wants to impress the woman.D)He wants to write a paper for his class.14.A)The Statue was taken apart for transportation.B)The Statue is taller than he thought.C)The French had problems funding its construction.D)The Statue was transported on a ship to the US.15.A)The base is about the same height as the Statue.B)It is much taller than all other statues in the world.C)It took more time to be completed than others.D)It required a lot of time to be put back together. Section CQuestions16to18are based on the passage you have just heard.16.A)He taught math and science in a local school.B)He went to a college to learn calculus.C)He learned to speak English and got trained on teaching.D)He started an advanced math program in a college.17.A)He forced his students to work hard.C)He punished and threatened his students.B)He encouraged his students.D)He awarded the best student.18.A)Teachers can learn some teaching methods from the movie Stand and Deliver.B)Teachers are successful because their parents are teachers.C)Teachers should have the ability to help students understand math.D)Teachers were low paid at Garfield High School.Questions19to21are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A)To prepare the kids for school.C)To prepare the kids for love and work.B)To prepare the kids to succeed.D)To prepare the kids to be parents.20.A)To talk with them supportively.C)To set a model for them.B)To talk with them seriously.D)To be strict with them.21.A)To learn skills for communication.C)To teach the kids how to work.B)To maintain a two-parent family.D)To love and encourage the kids.Questions22to25are based on the passage you have just heard.22.A)Potential of the school.C)Popularity of the school.B)Making more money in the future.D)Their own state of mind.23.A)To develop themselves.C)To become a successful businessman.B)To get a higher degree.D)To make more money.24.A)Economics.B)Business.C)History.D)English.25.A)Degrees in economics.C)Medical schools.B)Added effort.D)Law schoolsModel Test3Section AQuestions1and2are based on the news report you have just heard.1.A)The world population is growing.C)The demand for seafood is declining.B)There are more and more fish farms.D)There is more demand for seafood than production.2.A)It is the largest catfish farm in California.B)It will import70%of its fish from Asian countries.C)It can produce enough fish for the demand.D)It is totally under the control of Craig Elliott. Questions3and4are based on the news report you have just heard.3.A)Western sanction.C)Decrease in oil export.B)Inflation.D)The fall of oil prices.4.A)The government will cut its budget.C)The government will increase oil export.B)The government will reduce oil export.D)The government will profit more from oil exp Questions5to7are based on the news report you have just heard.5.A)Only in Panama.C)In Central and South America.B)In North and West America.D)In many countries of America.6.A)They are a common species.C)They are vegetarian animals.B)They have short and fat legs.D)They are a species with group spirit.7.A)They are experiencing climate change.C)They are often hunted and killed.B)They are suffering from a lack of food.D)They are losing their habitats.Section BQuestions8to11are based on the conversation you have just heard.8.A)He comes to change his oven.C)He wants to complain about his oven.B)He plans to have his oven repaired.D)He comes to buy a new oven.9.A)The man's guarantee is out of date.C)The man bought the oven in another shop.B)The man ruined it himself.D)The oven is not defective.10.A)For ten days.C)For half a year.B)For three months.D)For one year.11.A)Impolite but helpful.C)Polite and disciplined.B)Kind and flexible.D)Flexible and helpful.Questions12to15are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A)Friends.C)Interviewer and interviewee.B)Coworkers.D)Doctor and patient.13.A)He thought Art was useless.C)He wanted to go to London to study Art.B)He was offered a job in a big accounting firm.D)He wanted to do some interesting things.14.A)A month.B)Nine months.C)Nearly a year.D)Three years.15.A)Going to concerts frequently.C)Playing traditional jazz and folk music.B)Doing a lot of photography.D)Traveling in Africa.Section CQuestions16to18are based on the passage you have just heard.16.A)They are delighted because they can enjoy the scenery while driving.B)They are frightened because traffic accidents are frequent.C)They are irritated because the bridge is jammed with cars.D)They are pleased because it saves them much time.17.A)They don't have their own cars to drive to work.B)Many of them are romantic by temperament.C)Most of them enjoy the drinks on the boat.D)They tend to be more friendly to each other.18.A)Many welcome the idea of having more bars on board.B)Many prefer the ferry to maintain its present speed.C)Some suggest improving the design of the deck.D)Some object to using larger luxury boats.Questions19to21are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A)It helps the candidate get the job.C)It shows that the candidate is confident.B)It's a good way to flatter the manager.D)It shows that the candidate is polite.20.A)A note sent by email with many words.C)A note that is brief and general.B)A note done by handwriting with specificity.D)A note that is long and specific.21.A)A thank-you note is significant before an interview.B)A handwriting note is not as good as an email note.C)A thank-you note should be as general as possible.D)The manager tends to read a brief thank-you note. Questions22to25are based on the passage you have just heard.22.A)A visit to a prison.C)A talk with some miserable slaves.B)The influence of his father.D)His experience in the war.23.A)He sent surgeons to serve in the army.C)He recruited volunteers to care for the wounB)He provided soldiers with medical supplies.D)He helped to free the prisoners of war.24.A)All men,poor or rich,should be created equal.B)The wounded and dying should be treated for free.C)A wounded soldier should surrender before he receives treatment.D)A suffering person should be helped regardless of race,religion or political beliefs.25.A)To honor Swiss heroes who died in the war.C)To pay tribute to Switzerland.B)To show Switzerland was neutral.D)To be remembered easily.Model Test4Section AQuestions1and2are bused on the news report you have just heard.1.A)Australia VS Argentina.C)Argentina VS New Zealand.B)Australia VS New Zealand.D)Southern Hemisphere VS Australia.2.A)Once.B)Twice.C)Three times.D)Four times. Questions3and4are based on the news report you have just heard.3.A)A search for the lost Egyptian tomb.C)A search for the hidden fortune.B)A search for the missing mother.D)A search for the great scientist.4.A)Father and daughter.C)Husband and wife.B)Brother and sister.D)Son and stepmother.Questions5to7are based on the news report you have just heard.5.A)A turmoil in the oil market.C)A quick economic growth.B)An investment rush.D)An economic slowdown.6.A)More than3.5%.B)More than4%.C)More than8%.D)More than107.A)The global economy will remain the same.C)The global economy will grow slowly.B)The global economy will rise independently.D)The global economy will not be influenced. Section BQuestions8to11are based on the conversation you have just heard.8.A)There aren't enough cabinets.C)There is not enough space for office supplies.B)There is too much noise.D)They don't have enough teaching assistants.9.A)To chat with Jack.C)To hand in their assignments.B)To get help in the course.D)To practise interviews.10.A)Give Jack a different office.C)Move the supplies to the storage room.B)Complain to the department head.D)Try to get a room for discussing.11.A)Talk with Jack.C)Go to look at the storage room.B)Find another solution for the man.D)Consult with other teachers.Questions12to15are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A)A car wash plan.C)How to spend Thanksgiving Day.B)A promotion plan.D)How to write an article.13.A)They're trying to win a school competition.C)They need their car washed.B)They're hoping to finance a celebration.D)They want to put up a large banner.14.A)Hang up posters on the bulletin boards.C)Publish an article in the newspaper.B)Send emails to her friends.D)Hang up a banner in front of the student cent15.A)She is competing with him.C)She is always against his ideas.B)She is quite helpful.D)She is impractical.Section CQuestions16to19are based on the passage you have just heard.16.A)You want to escape the reality of everyday life.C)You don't want to waste your money.B)You are completely fascinated by the books.D)You have to make sure you don't buy a dull boc17.A)To wander about in the streets.C)To stay in a bookshop and read.B)To have a long chat with the best friend.D)To read a best-selling novel.18.A)The shop assistant greets you in a friendly way.B)The shop assistant can find the suitable book for you quickly.C)You feel obliged to buy the books you don't want.D)You will not be interrupted unless you need the services.19.A)On Buying Books C)How to Spend Your TimeB)How to Select Books D)The Charm of a BookshopQuestions20to22are based on the passage you have just heard.20.A)To eat as less as possible.C)To do exercise as much as possible.B)To change life styles.D)To receive psychological treatment.21.A)To increase the amount of calories you use.C)To do two-hour exercise everyday.B)To lower the consumption of salt.D)To follow a carefully calculated eating plan.22.A)Those who can keep on their dieting.C)Those who can keep up with exercise.B)Those who can eat as less sugars as possible.D)Those who can exercise for five years. Questions23to25are based on the passage you have just heard.23.A)Many people,ships and planes have mysteriously disappeared there.B)Many cars crashed when people were driving there.C)Many ships and planes were running out of gas there.D)Everything disappeared when it approached there.24.A)So many ships and planes disappeared in this area.B)Extraordinary numbers of wrecks were found in this area.C)No scientific evidence is found to explain the mystery.D)The reason why the Bermuda Triangle itself becomes a mystery.25.A)There were mysterious forces to take away the planes.B)The planes were destroyed by the severe storm.C)The lead pilot's compass failed and the plane ran out of fuel.D)The planes got a faulty gas tank.Model Test5Section AQuestions1and2are based on the news report you have just heard.1.A)In Finland.B)In Canada.C)In France.D)In England.2.A)To ensure the princes can have a normal childhood.B)To prevent the royal members from car crashes.C)To ensure the Williams can have a peaceful holiday.D)To ensure the royal family's safety.Questions3and4are based on the news report you have just heard.3.A)5%.B)10%.C)37%.D)53%.4.A)It increased the number of new airports.C)It created jobs for people.B)It increased the global unemployment rate.D)It promoted the growth in daily spending. Questions5to7are based on the news report you have just heard.5.A)High oil price.C)Low flight school attendance.B)Low starting salary.D)Low profit and the pilot shortage.6.A)Flight school attendance is going down.C)Some pilots strongly require to rest between flights.B)Some pilots are working overseas or in military.D)Some pilots retired became of the low income.7.A)New pilots.C)Pay and benefits for pilots.B)Trained pilots.D)Flight schools.Section BQuestions8to11are based on the conversation you have just heard.8.A)The man's problems in moving into a new house.C)The man's problems in fixing things in his house.B)The man's problems with his kitchen.D)The man's problems with his landlord.9.A)He will be evicted from the house soon.B)The problems in his house haven't been fixed.C)He has made things difficult for his landlord.D)He has just bought a hot water system that doesn't work.10.A)Sign a contract with the man.C)Reach an agreement with the man.B)Notify the man five days earlier.D)Find a suitable reason for the increase.11.A)He needn't move out at once.C)His landlord will increase less rent than before.B)His landlord will fix up the hot water system.D)He has made an agreement with his landlord. Questions12to15are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A)English beginners.C)High-intermediate English learners.B)Low-intermediate English learners.D)Advanced English learners.13.A)Words that you are eager to learn.C)Words that you understand but seldom use.B)Words that you find difficult to understand.D)Words that you often use in speech and writing.14.A)It is totally useless to have a very large passive vocabulary.B)One's passive vocabulary is larger than his active vocabulary.C)There are thousands of words we don't understand at all.D)People need to guess the meaning of many difficult words.15.A)It is important to have a very large English vocabulary.B)Active vocabulary is more important than passive vocabulary.C)Active vocabulary is not enough to express our meaning.D)It is unnecessary to worry about using too few English words.Section CQuestions16to18are based on the passage you have just heard.16.A)They were holding a party on the street.B)They were celebrating the International Women's Day.C)They wanted to sing together.D)They were required to do so by the government.17.A)Hong Kong,America,Iraq.C)Congo,Afghanistan,Iran.B)Hong Kong,Afghanistan,Iran.D)Congo,Afghanistan,Iraq.18.A)She is a musician and activist in London.C)She is one of the female governors in Afghanistan.B)She is the first female governor in Afghanistan.D)She is leading the march in Afghanistan. Questions19to21are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A)By telephone.B)By questionnaire.C)By letter.D)By email.20.A)Men in their50s.C)Men in their70s.B)Women in their20s.D)Women in their50s.21.A)They have experienced a lot.C)They change their ways to see the world.B)They improve their physical condition.D)They live long enough.Questions22to25are based on the passage you have just heard.22.A)How to freeze fish.C)How to can fish.B)How to dry fish.D)How to smoke fish.23.A)To remove the blood from the meat.C)To remove the fishy smell.B)To make the fish fresh.D)To make the fish salty.24.A)Pull them out by hands.C)Pour more water into the container.B)Throw the sinking fish away.D)Add more salt to the water.25.A)The more the salt is used,the better the fish tastes.B)The heads of the fish should be cut off before being dried.C)The fish should be out of bright sunlight while being dried.D)The container must be placed on a wooden table.大学英语四级考试写作专项训练Writing Practice1Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to write a letter to college freshmen to express your views on how to maintain psychological health.You should write at least120words but no more than180words.____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Writing Practice2Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying"Happiness liesin contentment."You can cite examples to illustrate their relationship.You should write at least120words but no more than180words.____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________Writing Practice3Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to write an essay based on the picture below.You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on ways to achieve effective communication.You should write at least120words but no more than180words.____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________。



Unit 2综合技能测试时间:120分钟,满分:150分第一部分:听力(共两节;满分30分)第一节听下面5段对话。




1.What would be the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Husband and wife.B.Boss and employee.C.Teacher and student.2.Why wouldn't the man go to see the film?A.He wouldn't like to.B.He has much work to do.C.He doesn't like to go with her.3.What would the man do?A.Go for a walk.B.Stay at home.C.Go to school.4.What is the woman going to do this evening?A.Meet her father.B.Go to the concert.C.Say goodbye to her father.5.When should the meeting finish?A.At 400.B.At 500.C.At 600.第二节听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。




6.When is the woman’ s father's birthday?A.March 3.B.March 4.C.March 5.7.What style of painting does the father like?A.Abstract.B.Realism.C.Impressionist.8.What present does the father get?A.A vast.B.A painting.C.A book.听下面一段材料,回答第9至第11题。




AShortly after the war, my brother and I were invited to spend a few days with an uncle who had just returned from abroad. He had rented a cottage in the country, although he rarely spent much time there. We understood the reason for this after our arrival: the cottage had no comfortable furniture in it, many of the windows were broken and the roof leaked, making the whole house damp.On our first evening, we sat around the fire after supper listening to the stories which our uncle had to tell of his many adventures in distant countries. I was so tired after the long train journey that I would have preferred to go to bed; but I could not bear to miss any of my uncl e’s exciting tales.He was just in the middle of describing a rather terrifying experience he had once had when there was a loud crash from the bedroom above, the one where my brother and I were going to sleep.“It sounds as if the roof has fallen in!” cri ed out my uncle, with a loud laugh.When we got to the top of the stairs and opened the bedroom door, we could see nothing at first because of the thick clouds of dust which filled the room. When the dust began to clear, a strange sight met our eyes. A large part of the ceiling had fallen down, falling right on to the pillow of my bed. I was glad that I had stayed up late to listen to my uncle’s stories, otherwise I should certainly have been seriously injured, perhaps killed.That night we all slept on the floor in the sitting room downstairs, not wishing to risk our lives by sleeping under a roof which might at any moment fall down on our heads. We left for London the very next morning and my uncle gave up his cottage in the country. This was not the kind of adventure he cared for either!1. Why did the uncle seldom spend much time in the country cottage?A. Because the roof of the cottage was falling.B. Because the cottage was in bad condition.C. Because he was used to living abroad.D. Because there was no furniture in it.2. When they opened the bedroom door, they could see nothing at first because__________.A. it was completely dark insideB. there was too much dust in the airC. something strange blinded themD. it was too bright inside3. The writer felt glad that he had stayed up late because __________.A. he did not miss the exciting storiesB. he spent more time with his uncleC. he had a lucky escapeD. he saw a strange sight4. Which of the following can best describe the writer’s uncle?A. Adventurous and good at storytelling.B. Humorous and good at making jokes....C. Dependable and generous with moneyD. Considerate and sensitive to danger.【答案】1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A【解析】本文主要讲述了作者兄弟俩和国外归来的叔叔一起在乡间小屋里度过一晚的故事。




在这片肥沃的三角洲上,A. B.C. D.2015年5月1日至10月31日,第42届世界博览会在意大利米兰举行。


7. 意大利A.多火山地震,地热、天然气丰富B.地处北温带,地势西南高东北低C.受暖流影响,气候终年温和多雨D.热那亚临海,服务范围比米兰广8. 此次世博会举办期间A.南极圈附近极昼范围先增大后变小B.非洲草原植被茂盛,适宜游牧活动C.罗马主要受副热带高气压带的控制D.米兰比北京日出晚,自转线速度快读珠三角地区产业转移圏层示意图,完成下列问题。



11.丙处城市功能区最可能是A.工业区 B.商业区 C.住宅区 D.公园绿地18.近地面大气主要的直接热源是.① B.③ C.④ D.⑤19.雾霾天气时,右图中的.①减弱 B.②减弱 C.③增强 D.⑤增强20.近年来,随着我国内地的企业不断增加,原在沿海工作的务工人员出现大量返乡就业的现象。

这种现象总体上不利于第II 卷(非选择题)二、综合题(本题共2道小题,第1题0分,第2题0分,共0分)材料一 发源于关中地区的戏剧“秦腔”,历史源远流长。


材料二 吉尔吉斯斯坦多山地,林木等资源丰富;农业以畜牧业和小麦、棉花等种植业为主。




12月阅读完形填空试题练习Actively push yourself believe only can promote world, just push yourself can promote world.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的12月阅读完形填空试题练习,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网!Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed by our environment and our experiences? Strangely enough, the answer to both these questions is yes. To some extent our intelligence is given us at birth, and no amount of special education can make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich and varied surroundings. Thus the limits of a person ‘s intelligence are fixed at birth, but whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment. This view, now held by most experts, can be supported in a number of ways.It is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be in intelligence. Thus if we take two unrelated people at random(任意的) from the population,it is likely that their degrees of intelligence will be completely different. If on the other hand we take two identical (完全相同的) twins they will very likely be as intelligent as each other. Relations like brothers and sisters, parents and children, usually have similar intelligence, and this clearly suggests that intelligence depends on birth.Imagine now that we take two identical twins and put them in different environments. We might send one, for example, to a university and the other to a factory where the work is boring. We would soon find differences in intelligence developing, and this indicates that environment as well as birth playsa part. This conclusion is also suggested by the fact that people who live in close contact with each other, but who are not related at all, are likely to have similar degrees of intelligence.26. Which of these sentences best describes the writer ‘s point in Paragraph 1?A. To som e extent, intelligence is given at birth.B. Intelligence is developed by the environment.C. Some people are born clever and others born stupid.D. Intelligence is fixed at birth, but is developed by the environment.27. It is suggested in this passage that_______.A. unrelated people arenot likely to have different intelligenceB. close relations usually have similar intelligenceC. the closer the blood relationship between people, the more different they are likely to be in intelligenceD. people who live in close contact with each other are not likely to have similar degrees of intelligence28. Brothers and sisters are likely to_______.A. have similar intelligence B. have different intelligenceC. go to the same university D. go to the same factory29. In Paragraph 1, the word“surroundings “ means_______.A. intelligence B. lifeC. environments D. housing30. The best title for this article would be_______.A. On IntelligenceB. What Intelligence MeansC. We Are Born with IntelligenceD. Environment Plays a Part in Developing Intelligence参考答案26. D 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. A。

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( )→( ) ( )→( )

( )→( ) ( )→( )

( )→( ) ( )→( ) ( )→( ) 4.劳累一天的孩子们代着甜密的微笑进入梦乡。

( )→( ) ( )→( )

( )→( ) ( )→ ( ) ( )→( )

( )→( ) ( )→( )


( )→( ) ( )→( ) 8.娃丽挣大眼睛望着爸爸,说“大既是给我的。

”( )→( ) ( )→( )

( )→( ) ( )→( )

( )→( ) ( )→( )

_______的小鸟 ________的老师 ____________的国旗
_______的铜钟 _______的枝干 _______的粉墙 _______的民族小学
_______的草地 _______的花瓣 _______的蒲公英 _______的石级
_______的老爷爷 _______的白桦树 _______的早晨 _______的地质学家
_______的土地 ________的颜料 _______的叶子 _______的炎热
_______的凉爽 _______的菊花 _______的气味 _______的小喇叭
_______的衣裳 _______的歌 _______的蔷薇 _______的笑脸
_______的花蕾 _______的记忆力 _______的发现 _______的变化
_______的风 _______的云 _______的雷声 _______的大地
_______的江河 _______的雨露 _______的宇宙 _______的图案
_______的历史遗产 __________的珊瑚 _______的鹿角 _______的贝壳
_______的海龟 _______的鸟粪 _______的西沙群岛 _______的浓雾
_______的叶子 _______的天空 _______的金光 _______的雪
_______的大花园 _______的宝库 _______的铁罐 _______的陶罐
_______的神气 _______的掌声 _______的祝福 _______的民族服装





1、“苔”和“藓”用音序查字法分别查大写字母( )和( )。





















