睿石网云(北京)科技有限公司章节目录目录声明 (2)1. 前言 (4)1.1. 导言 (4)1.2. 本书适用对象 (4)1.3. 本书适合的产品 (4)2. 如何开始 (4)2.1. 准备工作 (4)2.2. 配置管理方法 (4)3. 网络环境 (5)3.1. 网络拓扑 (5)3.2. 拓扑描述 (5)4. 部署步骤 (6)4.1. 配置交换机端口镜像或Flow (6)4.2. 采集配置 (6)4.3. 业务对象定义 (7)4.3.1. 主机组配置 (7)4.3.2. 自定义业务配置 (7)4.4. 配置下发 (8)4.5. 业务视图配置 (8)4.6. 完成配置 (9)5. 附录 (9)5.1. 华为交换机端口镜像配置示例 (9)5.2. Cisco路由器netflow V5开启flow配置示例 (10)5.3. 华为netstream版本5开启flow配置示例 (10)5.4. H3C开启flow配置示例 (10)6. 关于RStone睿石 (11)1.前言1.1.导言《睿石企业级APM---指南针产品快速配置手册》是睿石APM产品主要的安装调试手册。
apitrace 实现原理
apitrace 实现原理
1. 跟踪OpenGL API调用:apitrace可以跟踪OpenGL应用程序中的所有OpenGL API调用,并将它们写入到一个文件中。
2. 重放和检查OpenGL状态:apitrace可以在程序执行期间重放跟踪文件,并检查渲染和OpenGL状态。
3. 编辑跟踪文件:apitrace还提供了编辑跟踪文件的功能,这使得开发者可以在不重新运行应用程序的情况下修改OpenGL调用。
4. 分析性能:apitrace还可以分析跟踪文件中的性能数据,帮助开发者找出性能瓶颈。
它通过拦截OpenGL API调用,并将它们写入到一个文件中,然后使用另一个工具(如apitrace-gui)来重放和检查OpenGL状态。
为了能够拦截OpenGL API调用,apitrace使用了名为gltrace的库。
gltrace是一个开源库,它提供了对OpenGL API的包装器,可以拦截
总之,apitrace的实现原理是基于OpenGL的调试扩展和调试协议,通过拦截OpenGL API调用并将它们写入到文件中,然后使用另一个工具来重放和检查OpenGL状态。
2.查看一个宏(或变量、函数)的宏定义把光标移动到你想知道的一个宏上,就比如说最常见的DECLARE_MAP_MESSAGE上按一下F12(或右键菜单中的Go To Defition Of …),如果没有建立Browse files,会出现提示对话框,确定,然后就会跳到定义那些东西的地方。
5.如何整理ClassView视图中大量的类可以在classview 视图中右键新建文件夹(new folder),再把具有相近性质的类拖到对应的文件夹中,使整个视图看上去清晰明了.6.定位预处理指定在源文件中定位光标到对称的#if, #endif,使用Ctrl+K.7.如何添加系统中Lib到当前项目在Project | Settings | Link | Object/library modules:输入Lib名称,不同的Lib之间用空格格开.8.如何添加系统中的头文件(.h)到当前项目.#include ,告诉编译到VC系统目录去找;使用#include "FileName.h",告诉编译在当前目录找.9.如何在Studio使用汇编调试在WorkBench的Debugger状态下按CTRL+F7.10.怎样处理ClassZiard找不到的系统消息如果要在ClassWizard中处理WM_NCHITTEST等系统消息,请在ClassWizard中Class Info页中将Message filter改为Window就有了.11.如何干净的删除一个类先从Workspace中的FileView中删除对应的.h和.cpp文件,再关闭项目,从实际的文件夹中删除对应的.h 和.cpp文件与.clw文件。
练习1. 同源模建PART I. FUGUE前言HI0029是一个青霉素受体结合蛋白5前体,由393个氨基酸残基组成,复合物的结构已经被结晶出来,然而还没有关于其的三维结构信息,本教程的目标就是通过FUGUE这个序列识别工具识别其同源蛋白。
运行FUGUE1.在开始之前先清空屏幕并重置所有的显示> Delete Everything点击显示工具栏上的重置所有移动和旋转2.运行FUGUEBiopolymer > Model Proteins > FUGUE > Run FUGUEFUGUE对话框出现3.导入数据设定Input Sequence菜单为FASTA File点击旁边的[...]打开文件浏览器选择书签列表中的[$TA_DEMO],选择文件列表中的HI0029.fasta设定Profiles to Search菜单为All Profiles4.查看对话框上的选项这是一个不包含PSI-BLAST简单的FUGUE运行程序默认情况下,会报道10个默认的FUGUE家族5.执行任务在Jobname处填上HI0029点击OK开始运行程序分析FUGUE结果1.读取程序运行结果Biopolymer > Model Proteins > FUGUE > View FUGUE ResultsFUGUE Results对话框弹出点击Run Directory旁边的[...]选择文件列表中的HI0029然后点击OK对话框中的列表显示:相对于三个家族HI0029的得分比较高,这三个家族的ZSCORE都大于6,并且置信度为99%,其后由CERTAIN表示。
2.观察结果点击列表上方的View HTML Summary完成后点击OK关闭浏览窗口在FUGUE Results对话框中,选择ma叠合方式点击View alignmentma选项允许查看所有相应于HOMSTRAD家族中同源蛋白的序列叠合结果。
APIspec11D1 第3版2015版中文
封隔器和桥塞ANSI/API SPEC 11D1第3版,2015年4月2015年10月9日实施ISO14310:2008(修订),石油天然气工业-井下工具-封隔器和桥塞特别说明API出版物只能针对一些共性问题。
API 或API的任何雇员、分包商、顾问或其他受托人,也不承诺本标准的使用不会侵犯其他人的专有权利。
API 已经尽了一切努力来保证这些出版物中所含数据的准确性与可靠性;然而,关于本标准API不做任何承诺、担保或保证,在此明确声明,由于使用本标准而造成的任何损失,或者因本标准与当地法规有冲突而造成违法,API将不承担任何义务和责任。
请联系出版商美国石油学会出版业务部,地址:1220L Street,N.W. Washington,D.C.20005。
Copyright © 2015 American Petroleum Institute版权©2015美国石油学会API 前言API出版物中的任何内容,都不能解释为(以暗示或其他方式)赋予任何人制造、销售或使用专利权所涵盖的任何方法、仪器或产品的权力;也不能解释为担保任何人侵犯专利权而不承担责任。
Powertrax No-Slip Differential 装配指南说明书
I N S TA L L AT I O N G U I D ETMInstallation GuideContents Page Open Differential Part Identification & Terminology (2)Powertrax No-Slip Differential Exploded View (3)Vehicle Preparation for Installation (steps 1 to 5) (4)Removal of Open Differential Parts (steps 6 to 10) (5)Preparation of Parts to be Installed (steps 11 to 13) (7)Assembly (steps 14 to 36) (8)Verification of Proper Assembly Test (steps 37 to 41) (16)Finish Installation (steps 42 to 46) (17)Thoroughly read User Manual.Traction output and resulting handling characteristics of your vehicle will be modified by installation.Axle HousingAxle Shaft (2)Ring GearSide Gear (2)Differential CaseBearing Cap (2)Pinion GearThrust Washer (2)Pinion Shaft Spider Gear (2)Pinion ShaftRetaining Bolt or Roll Pin Spider Gear Washer (2)Y okeOPEN DIFFERENTIALPART IDENTIFICATION/TERMINOLOGYPinion Shaft Synchro RingCouplerPaddlePaddle Opening in Synchro DriverSaddle Springs (8)Active SpacerPaddle Openingin DriverInner Springs (2)Outer Springs (2)EXPLODED VIEW Check BlockSafeguard the vehicle from rolling. Put transmission in neutral and release parking brake.Remove the axle retaining bolts for the passenger side axle shaft located on the inside of the brake backing plate. Pull out passenger thickness may prevent the removal of the If this occurs, the differential case must be removed from the car and Please refer to your vehicle’stheir thrust washers.gear and thrust washer.11.Remove remaining side gearand thrust washer.12.Verify gaps in coupler teeth are positioned within gaps in synchro ring. Place coupler in a vise and use an active spacer to align them ifnecessary.14.Apply wheel bearing grease to saddle springs &seat in holes.13.Apply wheel bearing grease to driver teeth and spacer.15.Insert the a coupler into the ring gear side of the case first.16.Insert the second coupler into the opposite side of the case.17.Make sure paddle opening(widest gap) in ring gear side synchro ring is facing out towards you.19.Insert driver/spacer asshown, making sure spacer paddle is facing out towards you.Paddle Opening20.Verify spacer paddle isaligned with paddle openingin synchro ring and pressdriver/spacer down ontocoupler. Driver teeth shouldbe fully engaged all the wayaround.Verify paddle opening Paddle Opening23.Install second driver/spacer making sure that paddle is pointing away from you toward rear of differential.25.Wedge both drivers inengagement with couplers.Rotate driver’s side wheelforward 1/4 turn to revealspring slot.spring slot26.Place the two inner springs inside the two outer springs.Compress inner spring and 31.Visually inspect notches in spring slot to make sure inner spring is fully seated.check spring34.Keeping both drivers fullyengaged, rotate both wheels back 1/4 turn to expose pinion shaft opening. Make sure saddle springs are all fully seated.32.Check the gap betweendrivers using check block. The narrow side of the block should fit inbetween drivers, but the wider side should not fit.Go No-GoSaddle springsPinion shaft openingIf gap is incorrect, STOP and call Powertrax Technical Support at 864-843-9275.There may be a problem with your differential case.37.Insert retaining bolt/roll-pin intocase/shaft.35.Keeping couplers and driversstationary, rotate case 1/4 turn forward to align pinion shaft openings.HOLD40.After sharply turning the passenger side wheel in the opposite direction (to disen-gage the unit), the wheel should rotate freely.39.wheel forward and hold against driveline for steps 40 & 41.HOLDHOLDRemove jack stands, lower vehicle, then remove•For safe operation and to maintain the unit warranty, when changing afactory installed fastener for any reason, it becomes the responsibility ofthe person making the change to properly account for fastener grade,thread engagement, load, tightening torque and the means of torque retention.•Mounting bolts should be periodically checked to ensure that the unit isfirmly anchored for proper operation.•These instructions are not intended to cover all details or variations inequipment, nor provide for every possible contingency to be met inconnection with selection, installation, operation, and maintenance.Should further information be desired or should particular problems arisewhich are not covered sufficiently for the Buyer’s purpose, the mattershould be referred to Richmond Gear.In the event of the resale of any of the goods, in whatever form, Resellers/Buyers will include the following language in a conspicuous place and in a conspicuous manner in a written agreement covering such sale:The manufacturer makes no warranties or representations, express orimplied, by operation of law or otherwise, as to the merchantability orfitness for a particular purpose of the goods sold hereunder. Buyeracknowledges that it alone has determined that the goods purchasedhereunder will suitably meet the requirements of their intended use. In noevent will the manufacturer be liable for consequential, incidental or otherdamages. Even if the repair or replacement remedy shall be deemed tohave failed of its essential purpose under Section 2-719 of the UniformCommercial Code, the manufacturer shall have no liability to Buyer forconsequential damages.Resellers/Buyers agree to also include this entire document including the danger, warnings and cautions above in a conspicuous place and in a conspicuous manner in writing to instruct users on the safe usage of the product.This information should be read together with all other printed information supplied by Richmond Gear.HI-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS...HI-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS...RING & PINIONS LIGHTENED GEARS INSTALLATION KITSREAR END LUBE INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS SPOOLS & MINI-SPOOLS1208 Old Norris Road •P .O. Box 238 •Liberty, S.C. 29657Phone: 864-843-9231 •Fax: 864-843-2964TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSION FLUID QUICK CHANGE REAR ENDS CORD REELS SHOPLIGHTS EXTREME TRACTION SYSTEMS8221003AOpen DifferentialIntegral CarrierNon C-Clip VersionP.O. Box 238, 1208 Old Norris Road, Liberty, S.C. 29657 • Tech Support (864)843-9275 • Fax (864)843-1276 • 。
RPS API 2.2 说明书
1 IntroductionThe RPS API (Application Programming Interface) provides a RESTful interface for customers to integrate their applications with the configuration data stored in the RPS Database. This document describes how to install and configure RPS API in a MS Windows development environment.2 Feature OverviewThe main service provides the RESTful Web API to search for panel attributes by control panel GUID. The control panel GUID is a unique ID that identifies a panel.2.1 Panel, Area and Point attributesThe RPS API allows for secured READ ONLY access to select Panel, Area and Point attributes.Panel attributes include:•Panel GUID •Supported Languages • Panel LanguageArea attributes include:•Area Number •Area On property •Area Name Text •Exit Delay • Force Arm/Bypass MaxPoint attributes include:•Point Number •Area •Profile • TextPoint Profile attributes include:•Bypassable •Entry Delay •Point Type •Response •Circuit StyleApplication Note RPS-API V2.2 (build .27914)2.2 Panel Connection, 3rd Party Integration/Automation attributesThe RPS API allows for secured READ and WRITE access to select Panel Connection, 3rd PartyIntegration/Automation, and Panel User Assignments attributes.Panel Connection attributes include:•RPS Panel Data - View: Network IP details•RPS Panel Data - View: Cellular details•RPS Panel Data - View: Cloud ID details3rd Party Integration/Automation attributes include:•Automation Device•Automation PasscodeUser AssignmentsCreate, reset or delete users or individual User attributes include:•Passcode•Authority Level•User Name•User Group•Card Data•User Number3System requirements3.1Windows systemThe following are the minimum requirements for your environment:•Windows .NET 4.5 framework and higher•Windows 8, Windows 10•Windows Server 2012 R2 and higher• 4 GB RAM3.2RPS (Remote Programming Software)Install RPS API version 2.2.27914 on a machine that has RPS version 6.11 or higher installed. RPS API does not require the RPS client application after installation, but uses the configured connection to the RPS database.RPS minimum version supported for use with RPS API versions 2.2.27914 or higher:•RPS 6.11 or higher to support full API and panel operations, including TCP Panel connections.•RPS 6.04 to RPS 6.10 to support full API features with panel connections limited to and requiring UDP protocol.3.3Supported control panelsRPS-API supports the following control panels:•B9512G, B8512G•B6512, B5512, B4512, B3512•D9412GV4, D7412GV4•D9412GV3,D7412GV33.4Supported connectionsThe RPS-API Scheduler service supports the following RPS connections:•IP•Cellular•Cloud3.5Supported Network ProtocolsWhen opening a panel connection, RPS API version 2.1 (and higher) uses the System Configuration Settings saved in RPS. Using RPS version 6.07 (and higher), operators select one of three options:•UDP Only•TCP with fallback to UDP•TCP OnlyUsing RPS version 6.06 and earlier, RPS API will continue using the default UDP Only setting.Note: Using RPS version 6.10 and lower with RPS API 2.2.27914 and higher will result in failed TCP connections to panel systems and requires configuring either the UDP Only or TCP with fallback to UDP setting.3.6Required Security ProtocolRPS API version 2.2 and higher requires HTTPS.4InstallationIf your RPS API version is lower than version 2.2.27914, remove the previous version to enable HTTPS later.Note: Version 2.2.27914 and higher only supports HTTPS to secure communications.Perform the following steps to install RPS API:1.Unzip the Bosch_RPS_API_Setup_xxx.zip file.2.Copy the installer files (Bosch.RPS.APISetup.msi and setup.exe) to the same folder on a localcomputer that has RPS 6.04 or higher installed.3.Right-click setup.exe and select Run as administrator to start the Bosch RPS API Service install wizard.4.Click Next and follow the steps in the wizard to perform the installation.5.When the installation successfully completes, access the https://<hostname>:9000/swagger/ui/index URLin a browser to open the Swagger documentation web page and verify that the RPS-API is running. Notethat <hostname> is the computer name where the API is installed.4.1 HTTPS Configuration ToolThe RPS API 2.2.27914 installation provides an HTTPS configuration tool guide you through the HTTPS set up.1.In the configuration tool, edit these entries as needed:•Host Name - default value = Change this entry when you want to have a specific domain name for RPS API, which relates to the DNS/Router settings. For more information, reference the netsh command inWindows. You can also use this command to manually set up HTTPS for RPS API. Avoid using localhost or127.0.0.1 for the host name as it makes RPS API inaccessible from another machine.•Port Number - default value = 9000. The entry port number for RPS API.•Select certificate from trust center - if you have a certificate for the Web server, use this entry to select an installed certificate from LocalMachine/Personal repository. Select More choices to select a certificatefrom a list. Once selected, the thumbprint is shown in the certificate field.2.Select Generate a self-signed certificate. Make sure that you enter the password for the certificate, as thepassword field cannot be empty.3.Click to process. The configuration tool generates a server certificate for the RPS API set up. Whenfinished, a success message displays. Click OK.If you already set up HTTPS for RPS API or if you want to manually set it up, click to exit theconfiguration tool.Self-signed certificate and untrusted CA warningWhen you install the RPS API version 2.2.27914 or higher and select to generate a self-signed certificate, the installation will install the certificate and set up RPS API using the HTTPS netsh command. On the client side, the self-signed certificate is not issued from a trusted authority, so browsers or your application will receive anuntrusted CA (Certificate Authority) warning.To fix the untrusted CA warning, install the self-signed certificate on the client machine and modify yourapplication to ignore the warning.4.2 Verify HTTPS is enabledWith administrator permission, open a Windows command prompt. Type and execute the commands:sh http show sslcertsh http show urlaclAfter the certificate is installed, you might need the certificate for your clients. Locate the generated certificates (if you selected the generate self-signed certificate option) in this path:%appdata%\Roaming\Bosch RPS APIFor example:c:\users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\Bosch RPS API)5Enable HTTPSRPS API version 2.2.27914 and higher only supports HTTPS to secure communications. During the installation, the HTTPS configuration tool will guide you through the set up of HTTPS. See section 4.1 HTTPS Configuration Tool for information.To enable HTTPS for RPS API, you must have an SSL certificate, and then install the certificate to the local machine.The following files are available for you to use:•Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.ps1 (MS PowerShell)•Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat (batch file)After you install the certificate, use the batch file (Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat) to enable HTTPS for RPS API.1.Install the SSL certificate to LocalMachine\root.2.Stop the RPS API service.3.Change the EnableHTTPS configuration to 1 inHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bosch\RPSAPI\Setup.4.Copy the thumbprint of the certificate.5.Paste the thumbprint into $certHash=’’<thumbprint>’’ in either the Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.ps1 orSetup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat file.6.If RPS API is not running in port 9000, change the $port setting in either Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.ps1 orSetup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat file.7.Run Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.ps1 or Setup_HTTPS_RPSApi.bat with administrator permission.8.Start the RPS API service.Note: If the certificate is not signed, the browser or Postman will block the connection. To verify the function,disable the HTTPS verify function in the browser or client application.6Test Sample CodeThe callback server and client sample code uses Visual Studio 2015 to build the source code.Configure the Callback server:1.Start the callback server.e /rpsapi/v1/subscriptions to set up the callback URL.For Example:{"url": "http://localhost:8083/api/callback", "headers": [{}],"eventType": "ALL"}3.The console receives a notification from RPS API as shown in the following graphic:Configure the Client:1.Open the RPS-API_Client project and modify the _webServiceBaseUrl in Program.cs for your PRS APIsetting on the machine.2.Modify _dirPath to change the location where JSON files are saved.3.Start the client to automatically get all panel information in your RPS DB. Also, combine theUsers/Areas/Points/Point Profile attributes in JSON files and statistics information.7Error logRPS API writes installation and run time information, warnings, and errors to the Windows Event Log (Bosch RPS RestAPI Log). Use the Windows Event Viewer to view this information.8Error status definitionsThe tables in this section contain HTTP and RPS error reference information.8.1HTTP error codesHTTP Status HTTP Methods Error Message(200) OK ALL SUCCESS – the entity body contains a representation ofthe requested resource.(400) BAD REQUEST ALL Client Error – the request cannot be fulfilled due to badsyntax(401) UNAUTHORIZED ALL Client Error – the request requires user authentication.(403) FORBIDDEN ALL Client Error – the user is not allowed to perform therequest.8.2 RPS API error codesError Code Error Message(0) SUCCESS Request successful.(20010) PANEL_NO_LOCK Panel is not locked.(20020) PANEL_PENDING Panel has pending updates.(20030) PANEL_PROCESSING Panel is synchronizing.(40110) UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS Authorization has been denied for this request(40310) USER_HAS_NO_PERMISSION User does not have permission to operate, please check thesecurity level(40320) IP_ADDR_BLOCKING P Address is not allowed to access RPS API.(40050) NOT_SUPPORTED_SETTING RPS API Command is not supported by this panel model.(40051) SETTING_INVALID Setting is invalid and cannot be applied.(40052) SETTING_OUT_OF_RANGE Setting is out of range and cannot be applied.(40053) SETTING_CONFLICT Setting conflicts with another configured setting and cannot beapplied.(40054) ACTION_INVALID JSON format is invalid and cannot be parsed or applied.Error Code Error Message(40055) RPSAPI_START_SERVICE_FAILED Starting the RPS API service failed.(40056) RPSAPI_READ_REGISTRY_FAILED Reading the RPS API registry failed.(40057) RPSAPI_WRITE_ACTIVITY_FAILED Writing the RPS API activity log failed.(40058) FILE_NOT_FOUND Cannot find specific file.(40060) RPS_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED This version of RPS is not supported, please update. (40062) DB_OPERATE_FAILED Unable to connect to the database, please check theRPS settings.(40070) PANEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST Panel does not exist, please check panel GUID or name. (40071) PANEL_OFF_LINE Unable to connect to the panel.(40072) PANEL_READ_ONLY Panel is locked by another operator.(40073) PANEL_NOT_SUPPORT Panel is not supported, please check panel GUID or name. (40074) AREA_NOT_EXISTS Selected area does not exist in this control panel. (40075) POINT_NOT_EXISTS Selected point does not exist in this control panel. (40076) USER_NOT_EXISTS Selected user does not exist in this control panel. (40077) PANEL_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION Detected panel internal exception.(40078) PANEL_DATA_LOCKED Configuration data for panel is locked.(40079) POINTPROFILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST Selected point profile does not exist on this panel. (40080) DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH Requested data type does not match.(40081) DATA_NOT_FOUND Requested data is not found.(40082) DATA_ALREADY_EXISTS Data already exists.(40083) PANEL_BUSY Panel is updating, in use by another user or application. (40084) PANEL_CONNECT_RETRY Panel may not be able to connect, please retry. (40085) OPERATOR_NOT_EXISTS Operator setting was not found in database. (40086) PASSCODE_NOT_MATCH Requested passcode does not match.(40087) SERVICE_STOPPED Service is not running.(40088) SERVICE_BUSY Service is busy.(40099) UNKNOWN_ERROR Unknown Error, please check the event log.9 Troubleshooting9.1 RPS API is updating the old RPS DatabaseIf the RPS database is changed using the RPS system configuration utility, the API service(s) will require a reboot to connect to the new RPS database.9.2 Cannot Edit User0 AuthoritiesUser WRITE capabilities are restricted for User0 to ensure system access and authorities for this default user are maintained. For User0, Passcode, User Name, User Group and Language are available for edit.9.3 Deleting users fails when passcode is left blankWhen deleting a user, it is possible to include the user’s passcode for verification. If the passcode is not going to be used, the full “user: { }” block should be omitted and only the user “index” number should be included in the panelUserList array.For example, if deleting user 2, the body of the request should look like:9.4 RPS API is not connecting to panels using TCP as expectedIf Network Protocol details are changed using the RPS system configuration utility, the API service(s) will requirea restart to connect using the new RPS settings.Connections using TCP require control panel firmware 3.07 or higher and B465 communicator firmware 2.01 or higher. For environments that include lower firmware versions, connections will require the RPS NetworkProtocol set to TCP with fallback to UD or UDP only.9.5 RPS API requests to set Automation results in a "Value out of Range" errorSetting Automation requires that the target panel system support the configuration settings that are applied.Automation settings for GV3 panel systems are not available or supported.9.6 Client using HTTP to connect to RPS API 2.2.27914 version cannot reach serverIf the client used HTTP to connect to the RPS API version 2.2.27914, it will be unable to reach the server.RPS API version 2.2.27914 and higher requires HTTPS.9.7 Connections to panels fail with TCP authentication messageUpdate RPS to version 6.11 or higher or select the UDP only or TCP with fallback to UDP setting.9.8 Cloud panel not updatingIf a user cannot connect to the Cloud panel, then the Windows service is unable to connect to CBS via HTTPS. The user must have the proper permissions to use HTTPS or a specific account can be configured for the RPS API service. See Figure 1 and 2 on the next page for examples.•If the RPS API cannot update the Cloud panel, make sure that the Bosch RPS RestAPI Service has the proper permissions to use HTTPS.Figure 14.If the default Local System account does not have the correct permissions, you can configure the RPSAPI service to use a specific a ccount.Figure 29.9 Self-signed certificate storageRPS API self-signed certificates are stored in this folder location:C:\users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\Bosch RPS API9.10 Remove self-signed certificatesTo remove sslceret and urlacl binding to the RPS API, do 1 of these solutions:•Solution 1 - manually use netsh to configure the sslcert and urlacl.•Solution 2 - with administrator permission, access the Windows command prompt and run the HttsConfiguraiton.exe with the uninstall parameter:9.11 Delete certificates to downgrade RPS and RPS APIDowngrading RPS API/RPS is not typically recommended. If there is a reason to downgrade RPS to a version lower than 6.11 and RPS API version 2.2.27914, use the steps in this section to manually remove the control panel connection certificates.To remove certificates used for panel connection:1.Open Windows search and type Run.2.Type mmc and click OK.3.In the File menu of the Console window, select Add/Remove Snap-in.4.Select Certificates and click Add.5.Select Computer account.6.Click Finish and OK. The application will show the installed certificates.7.In the tree, right-click Certificates (Local computer), select Find Certificates.8.Search for *************.com in the Issued by field. There should be 2 certificates found.9.Right-click the certificates and select Delete to remove them.Note: New certificates will be installed with RPS version 6.11 or higher and RPS API version 2.2.x orhigher.9.12 Updated panel IP address is not being used during the panel connectionIf you change a panel IP address and then immediately connect to the panel, in some cases the API will continue to use the previous IP address of the panel. To correct this, restart the RPS API.Bosch Security Systems B.V. Torenallee 495617 BA EindhovenNetherlands© Bosch Security Systems B.V., 2021。
TRACE32 在线帮助说明书
Converter SPIRIT XML to PER Commands Release 09.2023TRACE32 Online HelpTRACE32 DirectoryTRACE32 IndexTRACE32 Documents ...................................................................................................................... Peripheral Files .............................................................................................................................. Converter SPIRIT XML to PER Commands (1)Introduction (3)Main view (4)Component properties (7)Start processing (9)Version 09-Oct-2023 IntroductionThis document describes using SpiritXML - PER Converter. The executable file can be found in theTRACE32 installation directory under ~~/demo/tools/ipxact_converter.SpiritXML software is used to convert XML format data into a Perfile format data. The files describing the peripheral modules using XML standard are converted to a PER format compatible with TRACE32.Main view1.Project name & Output Perfile location.Name of the project schould be given in “Project name” field. Location where the perfile will begenerated should be given in the “Output” field.2.SpiritXML Schema Locations.Access directly from Internet:If this option is selected, SpiritXML Schema files are accessed directly from SPIRIT ConsortiumWebsite, each time the Perfile is generated. The oldest version available from this location is 1.2.Perfile generating may take long time if Internet connection is slow.Access from local directories:If this option is selected, SpiritXML Schema files are accessed from local directories listed below (Listof SpiritXML Schemas locations). T o add a new location, click on the “green plus”. T o remove aselected location, click on the “red minus”.3.Help.4.Perfile Header options:Generate header in output perfile:If this option is set, generated Perfile contains a header.Generate SpiritXML files summary after header:If this option is set, Perfile header contains information about SpiritXML files used to generate Perfile.Edit header content Button:Launch header content editor. In editoer is posible availlable variables changed to values whenheader is included to perfile.5.New Project. To create a new project, click on this icon or click on tab Project / New Project (Ctrl+n).6.Open Project. T o open the project, click on this icon or click on tab Project / Open Project(Ctrl+o).7.Save Project. To save the project, click on this icon or click on tab Project / Save Project (Ctrl+s).8.Add component. To add component, click on this icon or click on tab Components / Addcomponent (Ctrl+a).9.Start processing. T o start data converting, click on this icon or click on tab Perfil / Startprocessing (F7).10.Tips. In this field tips and advice are displayed.11.Bookmarks. In a “Project bookmark” are the main settings for the project. In the “Componentsbookmark” are settings for the components. In the “Messages bookmark” are information about XML to Perfile data conversion displayed.12.Add Component / Delete Component:T o add a new Component, click on the “green plus”. T o remove a selected Component, click on the “red minus”.13.Move Component Up / Move Component Down:T o move Component up, click on the “Up arrow”. T o move down, click on the “Down arrow”.14.Sort components dialog: Sorting options appears.15.Properties of selected component / Properties of all components.ponents dialog.In this window information about the conversion of data are displayed.Component propertiesSingle Component properties.In the "General" tab can be changed the following options : component name, path to the component xml file, base address, memory class and checkboxs settings.In the "Excluded from perfile” checkbox: Setting this option causes component to be skipped whengenerating perfile.In the "Automatically open tree with this component is loaded when perfile" checkbox: If enabled, thecomponent TRACE32 tree opens automatically after the peripheral file has been displayed.In the "Create button if data.dump register array size exceeds <value> items" checkbox: If enabled, register array of size exceeding the specified number of items will be replaced by data.dump button.On the "Layout Perfile" Y ou quantity of columns can be changed.In the "Decrease number of columns if tree width exceeds <value> characters" checkbox: If enabled, the number of columns displayed register of fields will be decreased if the width of the tree exceedes defined number of characters. This option prevents registers from the displayed fields to be not fit in narrow window, making the perfil unreadable.In the "Default formats of numeric values in bit fields: When selected, all register values of 1 to 5-bit-field which are not directly defined in XML, are displayed in decimal / hexadecimal / binary number format.T o restore the original settings, click on the "Restore default"All Component Properties. In this window, the settings are the same as for a single “Component properties”, but the changes are introduced for all components.In the dialog box after adding the components their settings can be checked and if necessary enter the next one.Start processingAfter all options are set, conversions can be started. T o do this click on the "green arrow" icon or tap F7 key.In the message window information about the conversion are displayed.Once data processing is completed, a message confirming perfile generation appears.Perfile is created at the location specified in the Output field.。
osdidian templater 模板
osdidian templater 模板标题:探索Osidian Templater模板——一款高效率的工作生产力工具导言:Osidian Templater模板是一款功能强大的工作生产力工具,它能够帮助我们提高工作效率,并简化繁琐的操作过程。
本文将一步一步地解析Osidian Templater模板的使用方法,帮助读者充分发挥其潜力。
第一步:安装和设置1. 在官方网站上下载并安装Osidian Templater插件。
2. 打开Obsidian Unofficial插件设置,并启用Osidian Templater插件。
3. 在设置界面中,配置插件的快捷键和默认行为,根据个人习惯进行调整。
第二步:创建模板文件1. 在Obsidian中创建一个新的笔记,并命名为某个特定的模板类型,比如"会议纪要"。
2. 进入该笔记,并将其内容设置为所需的模板格式。
3. 保存该笔记为一个模板文件,方便以后的复用。
第三步:使用模板1. 在Obsidian中打开一个新的笔记,选择该模板的名称,例如"会议纪要"。
2. 快捷键触发Osidian Templater插件,或右键点击并选择"使用模板"。
3. Obsidian Templater会自动在当前笔记中插入所选模板的内容,并将占位符替换为实际的日期、时间、标题等信息。
4. 根据需要,编辑模板内容来满足特定的需求。
第四步:自定义模板1. 进入Osidian Templater插件的设置界面,点击"模板"标签。
2. 点击"添加新模板"按钮,并输入模板的名称和内容。
3. 使用Markdown语法和插入占位符来编辑自定义模板。
4. 保存并应用更改后,即可在使用模板时选择自定义模板。
第五步:处理模板中的占位符1. 对于插入的日期和时间占位符,可以在模板中使用预定义的格式,或根据自己的需要进行自定义格式。
F5 APM_11.5.1实现第三方应用直接登陆
App Server
版本:11.5.1 HF: 0.0.110
根据wizard 中设备想到进行配置。
选择network access模式。
6、配置Application Access:
将application目录添加在Application To Start。
因为用户登录时仅携带username和password,未携带domain信息,因此点击application 进入桌面时无法登陆到域中,如下图:
因此,需要在logon page中添加域信息。
测试连接成功,不过好像连接次数太多了- -!
I-Trac 7, 11, 15 行版本女婿卡信号模块移除工具说明书
FEATURESA pliers-type tool used in the removal of a daughtercard Signal ModuleLightweight and versatile manual tool that is easy to use for 7, 11,15 row versionsHigh quality construction that will provide longevity with proper care of hand toolSee 62201-86xx I-Trac™ daughtercard Installation Tooling Operation Manual for more information on tooling, presses and repairSCOPEProducts: I-Trac™ Connector System for 7 Row (Series 76020), 11 Row (Series 75710), and 15 Row (Series 76040) Daughtercard Signal Module. See Product List below for specific part numbers.Product ListThe following is a partial list of the product order numbers and their specifications this tool is designed to be used on. Updates to this list are available on .Series Number Columns Assembly Order Number Style76020 7 Row 476020-0004 76020-1004 76020-1904 Open 76020-2004 76020-2404 76020-2804 76020-3004 76020-3404 76020-3804Left 76020-2104 76020-2504 76020-2904 76020-3104 76020-3504 76020-390476020-2204 76020-2604 76020-3204 76020-360476020-2304 76020-2704 76020-3304 76020-370476020-4004 76020-4404 76020-4804 76020-5004 76020-5404 76020-5804Right 76020-4104 76020-4504 76020-4904 76020-5104 76020-5504 76020-590476020-4204 76020-4604 76020-5204 76020-560476020-4304 76020-4704 76020-5304 76020-5704676020-0006 76020-1006 76020-1906 Open 76020-2006 76020-2406 76020-2806 76020-3006 76020-3406 76020-3806Left 76020-2106 76020-2506 76020-2906 76020-3106 76020-3506 76020-390676020-2206 76020-2606 76020-3206 76020-360676020-2306 76020-2706 76020-3306 76020-370676020-4006 76020-4406 76020-4806 76020-5006 76020-5306 76020-5706Right 76020-4106 76020-4506 76020-4906 76020-5106 76020-5406 76020-580676020-4206 76020-4606 76020-5206 76020-5506 76020-590676020-4306 76020-4706 76020-56061076020-0010 76020-1010 76020-1910 Open 76020-2010 76020-2410 76020-2810 76020-3010 76020-3410 76020-3810Left 76020-2110 76020-2510 76020-2910 76020-3110 76020-3510 76020-391076020-2210 76020-2610 76020-3210 76020-361076020-2310 76020-2710 76020-3310 76020-37101076020-4010 76020-4410 76020-4810 76020-5010 76020-5410 76020-5810Right 76020-4110 76020-4510 76020-4910 76020-5110 76020-5510 76020-5910I-Trac™DaughtercardRemoval Tool Application ToolingSpecification Sheet Order No. 62202-300076020-4210 76020-4610 76020-5210 76020-561076020-4310 76020-4710 76020-5310 76020-5710Series Number Columns Assembly Order Number Style75710 11 Row 575710-0005 75710-1005 Open 75710-2005 75710-2305 75710-2605 75710-3005 75710-3305 75710-3605Left 75710-2055 75710-2355 75710-2655 75710-3055 75710-3355 75710-365575710-2105 75710-2405 75710-2705 75710-3105 75710-3405 75710-370575710-2155 75710-2455 75710-2755 75710-3155 75710-3455 75710-375575710-2205 75710-2505 75710-2805 75710-3205 75710-3505 75710-380575710-2255 75710-2555 75710-2855 75710-3255 75710-3555 75710-385575710-4005 75710-4305 75710-4605 75710-5005 75710-5305 75710-5605Right 75710-4055 75710-4355 75710-4655 75710-5055 75710-5355 75710-565575710-4105 75710-4405 75710-4705 75710-5105 75710-5405 75710-570575710-4155 75710-4455 75710-4755 75710-5155 75710-5455 75710-575575710-4205 75710-4505 75710-4805 75710-5205 75710-5505 75710-580575710-4255 75710-4555 75710-4855 75710-5255 75710-5555 75710-5855675710-0006 75710-1006 Open 75710-2006 75710-2306 75710-2606 75710-3006 75710-3306 75710-3606Left 75710-2056 75710-2356 75710-2656 75710-3056 75710-3356 75710-365675710-2106 75710-2406 75710-2706 75710-3106 75710-3406 75710-370675710-2156 75710-2456 75710-2756 75710-3156 75710-3456 75710-375675710-2206 75710-2506 75710-2806 75710-3206 75710-3506 75710-380675710-2256 75710-2556 75710-2856 75710-3256 75710-3556 75710-385675710-4006 75710-4306 75710-4606 75710-5006 75710-5306 75710-5606Right 75710-4056 75710-4356 75710-4656 75710-5056 75710-5356 75710-565675710-4106 75710-4406 75710-4706 75710-5106 75710-5406 75710-570675710-4156 75710-4456 75710-4756 75710-5156 75710-5456 75710-575675710-4206 75710-4506 75710-4806 75710-5206 75710-5506 75710-580675710-4256 75710-4556 75710-4856 75710-5256 75710-5556 75710-5856875710-0008 75710-1008 Open 75710-2008 75710-2308 75710-2608 75710-3008 75710-3308 75710-3608Left 75710-2058 75710-2358 75710-2658 75710-3058 75710-3358 75710-365875710-2108 75710-2408 75710-2708 75710-3108 75710-3408 75710-370875710-2158 75710-2458 75710-2758 75710-3158 75710-3458 75710-375875710-2208 75710-2508 75710-2808 75710-3208 75710-3508 75710-380875710-2258 75710-2558 75710-2858 75710-3258 75710-3558 75710-385875710-4008 75710-4308 75710-4608 75710-5008 75710-5308 75710-5608Right 75710-4058 75710-4358 75710-4658 75710-5058 75710-5358 75710-565875710-4108 75710-4408 75710-4708 75710-5108 75710-5408 75710-570875710-4158 75710-4458 75710-4758 75710-5158 75710-5458 75710-575875710-4208 75710-4508 75710-4808 75710-5208 75710-5508 75710-580875710-4258 75710-4558 75710-4858 75710-5258 75710-5558 75710-58581075710-0010 75710-1010 Open 75710-2010 75710-2310 75710-2610 75710-3010 75710-3310 75710-3610Left 75710-2050 75710-2350 75710-2650 75710-3050 75710-3350 75710-365075710-2110 75710-2410 75710-2710 75710-3110 75710-3410 75710-371075710-2150 75710-2450 75710-2750 75710-3150 75710-3450 75710-375075710-2210 75710-2510 75710-2810 75710-3210 75710-3510 75710-381075710-2250 75710-2550 75710-2850 75710-3250 75710-3550 75710-385075710-4010 75710-4310 75710-4610 75710-5010 75710-5310 75710-5610 Right 75710-4050 75710-4350 75710-4650 75710-5050 75710-5350 75710-565075710 75710-4110 75710-4410 75710-4710 75710-5110 75710-5410 75710-571010 75710-4150 75710-4450 75710-4750 75710-5150 75710-5450 75710-5750 RightMaintenanceIt is recommended that each operator of the tool be made aware of, and responsible for, the following maintenance steps:1.Remove dust, moisture, and other contaminants with a clean brush, or soft, lint free cloth.2.Do not use any abrasive materials that could damage the tool.3.Make certain all pins; pivot points and bearing surfaces are protected with a thin coat of high qualitymachine oil. Do not oil excessively.4.When tool is not in use, store in a clean, dry area.5.There are no repair parts available for this tool. Should the tool be damaged a new tool is required.CAUTION: Molex specifications are valid only when used with Molex connectors and tooling.Americas Headquarters Lisle, Illinois 60532 U.S.A. 1-800-78MOLEX******************Far East North HeadquartersYamato, Kanagawa, Japan81-462-65-2324*****************Far East South HeadquartersJurong, Singapore65-6-268-6868*****************European HeadquartersMunich, Germany49-89-413092-0*****************Corporate Headquarters2222 Wellington Ct.Lisle, IL 60532 U.S.A.630-969-4550Fax: 630-969-1352Visit our Web site at 。
Part number: 543947
With position sensing, highly accurate, durable ball-cage guide, flexible damping on both sides without metallic end position (P).
Corrosion resistance classification CRC PWIS conformity Ambient temperature Impact energy in end positions Cushioning length Max. force Fy Max. force Fz Max. torque Mx Max. torque My Max. torque Mz Theoretical force at 0.6 MPa (6 bar, 87 psi), retracting Theoretical force at 0.6 MPa (6 bar, 87 psi), advance Moving mass Product weight alternative connections Mounting type Pneumatic connection Materials note Material cover Material seals Material housing Material piston rod
08/11/2023 – Subject to change – Festo SE & Co. KG
Value 80 mm 51.5 mm 20 mm 12 mm Yoke P: Flexible cushioning rings/plates at both ends Any Ball bearing cage guide Yoke Piston Piston rod Slide For proximity sensor 0.15 ... 0.8 MPa 1.5 ... 8 bar 0.8 m/s 0,3 mm double-acting Compressed air in accordance with ISO8573-1:2010 [7:4:4] Lubricated operation possible (subsequently required for further operation) 0 - No corrosion stress VDMA24364-B1/B2-L 0 ... 60 °C 0.12 Nm 1.3 mm 1,200 N 1,200 N 18 Nm 12 Nm 12 Nm 51 N 68 N 299 g 755 g See product drawing with through hole M5 Conforms to RoHS Wrought Aluminium alloy HNBR Wrought Aluminium alloy High alloy steel, non-corrosive
cas-overlay-template 源码解析
在进行 cas-overlay-template 源码解析之前,我们先来了解一下cas-overlay-template 的基本概念和用途。
cas-overlay-template 是什么?它又有什么作用?接下来我们将逐一解答这些问题,带您深入了解这个有趣且实用的工具。
1. cas-overlay-template 的基本概念cas-overlay-template 是一个基于CAS(Central Authentication Service)的项目模板。
cas-overlay-template 便是基于CAS的一个项目模板,它提供了一整套CAS的集成方案,方便开发者快速搭建CAS服务器并进行定制化开发。
2. cas-overlay-template 的作用cas-overlay-template 主要用于快速构建基于CAS的身份认证系统。
cas-overlay-template 提供了一套完整的CAS集成方案,包括认证、授权、票据管理等功能,为开发者提供了极大的便利。
3. cas-overlay-template 源码解析接下来,我们将重点关注 cas-overlay-template 的源码解析。
通过对源码的深入解析,我们可以更好地理解 cas-overlay-template 的内部实现原理,为我们的定制化开发提供更多的参考和借鉴。
3.1 项目结构分析cas-overlay-template 的源码项目结构非常清晰,包括了各个模块的目录结构以及各个模块之间的依赖关系。
在对 cas-overlay-template 进行源码解析时,我们可以先对项目的结构进行分析,以便更好地理解各个模块的功能和作用。
ocelot upstreampathtemplate 可选参数
ocelot upstreampathtemplate 可选参数Ocelot 是一个用于构建 API 网关的开源框架,而UpstreamPathTemplate 是 Ocelot 中用于定义上游服务路径模板的一种配置选项。
在 Ocelot 中,UpstreamPathTemplate 可选参数的详细精确说明如下:1. `Key`(字符串):指定上游服务的路径模板的键。
例如,可以使用 `{userId}` 作为键来匹配用户特定的路径。
2. `Value`(字符串):指定上游服务的路径模板的值。
这个值可以包含动态参数,用大括号 `{}` 括起来,例如`{userId}`。
3. `IsCaseSensitive`(布尔值):指定路径模板是否区分大小写。
默认情况下,Ocelot 是区分大小写的。
如果设置为 `false`,则路径模板将不区分大小写。
4. `IsRegex`(布尔值):指定路径模板是否为正则表达式。
默认情况下,Ocelot 不支持使用正则表达式作为路径模板。
如果设置为 `true`,则路径模板将被解释为正则表达式。
5. `RouteClaimsRequirement`(字典):指定需要满足的身份验证要求。
6. `AuthenticationOptions`(对象):指定身份验证选项。
例如,可以指定 Bearer Token 身份验证方案,并要求访问令牌具有特定的角色。
这些可选参数可以在 Ocelot 的配置文件中使用,以定义上游服务的路径模板。
通过配置正确的路径模板,Ocelot 将能够将请求正确地路由到相应的上游服务。
istioctl pc用法
istioctl pc用法
istioctl pc是Istio Service Mesh中的一个命令,用于查看服务之间的网络通信。
istioctl pc命令的用法包括指定不同的选项和参数,以下是一些常见的用法:
1. 查看服务之间的网络通信,可以使用istioctl pc命令来查看服务之间的网络通信情况,包括流量的路由规则、负载均衡策略等信息。
2. 指定服务名称,可以通过指定服务的名称来查看特定服务之间的网络通信情况,例如,istioctl pc service-name。
3. 指定命名空间,可以通过指定命名空间来查看特定命名空间中服务之间的网络通信情况,例如,istioctl pc -n namespace。
4. 显示详细信息,可以通过指定一些选项来显示更详细的网络通信信息,例如,istioctl pc --verbose。
总之,istioctl pc命令是Istio Service Mesh中一个非常有
apm32f 例程
apm32f 例程摘要:1.APM32F 简介2.APM32F 例程的作用3.APM32F 例程的编写方法4.APM32F 例程的应用案例5.总结正文:【1.APM32F 简介】APM32F 是一款由我国自主研发的嵌入式处理器,其性能稳定,功能强大,被广泛应用于各类电子产品和工业控制领域。
APM32F 处理器基于32 位ARM Cortex-M 内核,主频最高可达120MHz,支持Flash 存储和SDRAM 内存,具有丰富的外设接口和可扩展性。
【2.APM32F 例程的作用】APM32F 例程,也称为APM32F 程序示例,是指以APM32F 处理器为目标平台,编写的一组完整的程序代码,用于展示APM32F 处理器的运行原理和使用方法。
通过例程,开发者可以了解和学习APM32F 处理器的架构、指令集和编程模型,为实际项目开发提供参考和指导。
【3.APM32F 例程的编写方法】编写APM32F 例程需要遵循以下步骤:(1)确定例程目标:根据需要实现的功能,选择合适的APM32F 处理器型号和外设,明确例程的目标和要求。
【4.APM32F 例程的应用案例】以下是一个简单的APM32F 例程应用案例,用于实现一个基于SPI 接口的LED 灯控制器:(1)硬件连接:将APM32F 处理器的SPI 接口连接到LED 灯驱动芯片的SPI 接口,将LED 灯的负极连接到地,正极连接到SPI 接口的输出端。
Local Procedure Calls
• An LPC is an IPC mechanism for high speed message passing. • Typically, LPCs are used between a server process, and one or more client processes of that server. • Some LPC Examples are shown below. • WinLogon and LSASS • SRM and LSASS • RPCs use LPCs between process on the same system
Data Structures - Port Object
typedef struct _LPCP_PORT_OBJECT { ULONG Length; ULONG Flags; struct _LPCP_PORT_OBJECT *ConnectionPort; struct _LPCP_PORT_OBJECT *ConnectedPort; LPCP_PORT_QUEUE MsgQueue; CLIENT_ID Creator; PVOID ClientSectionBase; PVOID ServerSectionBase; PVOID PortContext; ULONG MaxMessageLength; ULONG MaxConnectionInfoLength;
Data Structures - LPC Message
typedef struct _LPCP_MESSAGE { union { LIST_ENTRY Entry; struct { SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY FreeEntry; ULONG Reserved0; }; }; USHORT Reserved1; USHORT ZoneIndex; ULONG Reserved;
apm-customize-enhance-plugin 实现原理
apm-customize-enhance-plugin 实现
"apm" 指的是 "Application Performance Management"(应用性能管理)或 "Atom Package Manager"(Atom 软件包管理器),但没有足够的上下文来确定。
通常,Atom 软件包或应用性能管理工具的插件可能涉及以下一些概念和原理:
1. 钩子(Hooks):
2. 事件监听:
3. API 调用:
•插件可能通过调用软件或平台提供的 API 来实现自定义功能。
4. 界面定制:
5. 配置管理:
6. 性能优化:
要深入了解"apm-customize-enhance-plugin" 插件的实现原理,你可能需要查阅相关的文档、源代码或者联系插件的开发者。
下面是一种基于生成轨迹的滑动验证码自动响应方法的一般流程:1. 验证码生成:•服务器端生成一张包含滑块和背景的验证码图片。
2. 图片传输:•验证码图片传输给客户端,通常以图片形式嵌入到网页中。
3. 用户操作:•用户通过鼠标、触摸屏等手段拖动滑块进行滑动操作。
4. 鼠标轨迹采集:•客户端通过JavaScript等技术监听用户的鼠标轨迹,包括移动、点击等操作。
5. 轨迹信息传输:•用户完成滑动操作后,客户端将鼠标轨迹信息传输给服务器。
6. 验证轨迹:•服务器收到轨迹信息后,使用算法验证轨迹的合法性。
7. 自动响应:•如果服务器验证轨迹合法,认为是合法用户的操作,允许用户通过。
8. 安全性考虑:•验证码的生成和验证算法需要具有一定的安全性,以防止攻击者通过模拟生成轨迹的方式绕过验证。
9. 用户反馈:•如果用户通过验证,系统通常会给予相应的成功提示。
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APMC2015, Nanjing, 6-9 Dec., 2015
Special Fonts or Symbols • Watch out for:
– Wingdings – MS Line Draw – Monotype Sorts – Symbol fonts – Asian language fonts
APMC2015 Presentation Guidelines
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference IEEE 6-9 Dec. 2015, Nanjing MTT-S
Purpose of this Presentation This presentation • contains recommended guidelines for electronic slide preparation • provides an electronic temp15, Nanjing, 6-9 Dec., 2015
Summary • • • • Keep your slides simple Use large fonts for high visibility Use high contrast colors Present the highlights, not the detail
TH1G-2 APMC2015, Nanjing, 6-9 Dec., 2015 7
Style Guidelines • Use short phrases, not long sentences
• Use Arial (or similar) sans serif font
- This line uses Helvetica 24 pt bold - This is Calibri 24 pt bold - The rest of the document uses Arial bold
• 28 Point or larger for titles
• This font is 16 pt. If you use fonts that are smaller than 18 point, people in the back of the room cannot read your slide.
APMC2015, Nanjing, 6-9 Dec., 2015
Diagrams • • • • • Keep diagrams simple Easy to view Make all text readable with large font Use all space in rectangle No borders
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference IEEE 6-9 Dec. 2015, Nanjing MTT-S
Student Paper Finalist
For student paper finalists
Add badge in upper right corner of title slide
APMC2015, Nanjing, 6-9 Dec., 2015
Contrast • Choose high contrast font color • Use dark lines/text on a light background
– Foreground: Black, Blue, Red – Background: White – Caution: yellow, grey or cyan lettering and lines are unreadable when projected
APMC2015, Nanjing, 6-9 Dec., 2015
Typical Presentation Flow • Title slide • Outline slide of your talk • Introduction / Motivation / Problem or Challenge • Details of work • State how your results compare to other reported work • Conclusion slide • Backup slides if desired
• Please embed TrueType fonts
APMC2015, Nanjing, 6-9 Dec., 2015
Style Guidelines (cont) • • • • • • Goal of one slide in 1 to 2 minutes Each slide should have a title Limit ~ 9 lines of text Limit ~ 7 words per line Slides sized for “On Screen Show” Slide orientation: Landscape
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference IEEE 6-9 Dec. 2015, Nanjing MTT-S
Edit the Slide Master!!! • Affiliation logos allowed only on title slide • Edit the slide master to list your session and paper designation • For example TH1G-2
APMC2015, Nanjing, 6-9 Dec., 2015
Graphs • • • • • Use graphs, avoid tables Keep graphs simple Eliminate or subdue distracting grid lines Use large font sizes including axes labels You do not need to apologize for presenting an “eye chart” if you do not present one.
APMC2015, Nanjing, 6-9 Dec., 2015
Display Speed • Slides should display without delay • Do not distract the audience with any transition effects • Avoid use of slow graphics, fonts and special effects • Do not use sound effects
– The file you are reading has settings, colors and fonts that make it easy to read – You may edit this file and replace our slides with your presentation
Please review the excellent article by Joseph White JFWhite.pdf
TH1G-2 APMC2015, Nanjing, 6-9 Dec., 2015 2
<Title of Presentation>
<Author Names> <Affiliations>
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference IEEE 6-9 Dec. 2015, Nanjing MTT-S
A 1.1 THz Micromachined On-Wafer Probe
M. Bauwens1,2, N. Alijabbari2, N. S. Barker2,1, A. Lichtenberger2,1, R. M. Weikle, II2,1, 1Dominion MicroProbes, Inc., Charlottesville, United States, 2University of Virginia, Charlottesville, United States
APMC2015, Nanjing, 6-9 Dec., 2015