Chopin-Fantasy in f_Op_49[1]
73SONG OF YELLOW RIVER 2023/ 12庄严和沉静,又使整首乐曲变得更加精彩和丰富。
乐曲中的调性建立在f 小调上,音乐织体上采用了分解和弦式的琶音织体以及静态的柱式和弦伴奏,使乐曲在起承转合过程中呈现出一种即兴式的演奏。
主题I 的部分(68-76小节)是,恢复了以f 小调为主的调性,这一部分中,旋律声部采用了单声旋律织体,展现了热情和歌唱的意境。
主题II 部分(77-84小节)调性建立在降A 大调,旋律声部的织体采用了双音织体,使音乐的和声色彩更加明亮。
主部到副部的连接部分(85-92小节)音乐建立在降A 大调上,回到了分解和弦的琶音式织体,体现了一种动荡不安的情绪。
副部的部分(93-126小节)音乐建立在c 小调上,为f 小调的属方向调,音乐织体中包含着大量的空八度、柱式和弦、双音,使得音乐充满着气势,展现了宏伟的凯旋进行曲的形象。
结束部(127-142小节)音乐建立在降E 大调上,为副部的关系大调。
第143-154小节是流动且具有分解和弦式的琶音织体,建立在降E 大调上,这段连接材料来源于呈示部中引子与主部之间的连接。
展开部主部主题I (155-163小节)的音乐织体和呈示部相同,但调性不同,建立在c 小调之上,并通过琴键和谐,达到多层次的效果。
Op.11, 第一钢琴协奏曲 Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.1 in E minor (1830)
Op.12, 华丽变奏曲 Variations brillantes on "Je vends des Scapulaires" from Hérold's Ludovic, in
Op.19, 波莱罗舞曲 Bolero (1833)
Op.20, 第一谐谑曲 Scherzo No.1 in B minor (1831)
Op.21, 第二钢琴协奏曲 Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.2 in F minor (1829–1830)
Op.22, 平静的行板与华丽的波兰舞曲 Andante spianato et grande polonaise brillante in E-flat
Op.9, 3 首夜曲 3 Nocturnes (1830–1831)
No.1 in B-flat minor
No.2 in E-flat major
No.3 in B major
Op.10, 12 首练习曲 12 Études (1829–1832) Nhomakorabeao
No.1 in C major (1830)
B-flat major (1833)
Op.13, 华丽的波兰民歌幻想曲 Grande fantaisie sur des airs polonais in A major (1828)
Op.14, 克拉科维克音乐会用大回旋曲 Rondo à la Krakowiak in F major (1828)
二级 贝多芬 小奏鸣曲 作品号
这个作品号按照国际音乐基本目录(Kritisch durchgesehene Gesamtausgabe)进行编号,每个小奏鸣曲都有一个独立的作品号。
以下是贝多芬小奏鸣曲中几个重要的作品号及其特点:1. 作品号一:Op. 49Op. 49中的小奏鸣曲在贝多芬的创作中占据着特殊的地位。
这部作品共有两首小奏鸣曲,分别命名为Op. 49 No. 1和Op. 49 No. 2。
Op. 49 No. 1小奏鸣曲收录了两个慢板和两个快板,全曲音乐旋律优美、和谐,是其创作风格的典范之一。
Op. 49 No. 2小奏鸣曲同样具有独特的魅力,其音乐结构严谨,旋律优美,给人带来了极大的音乐享受。
2. 作品号二:Op. 79Op. 79小奏鸣曲的创作时间较早,但却具有较高的艺术成就。
Op. 79小奏鸣曲的音乐结构和和声处理都表现出贝多芬深厚的音乐功底和精湛的创作技巧。
3. 作品号三:Op. 14Op. 14小奏鸣曲是贝多芬早期的代表作品之一,其作品号中包括Op. 14 No. 1和Op. 14 No. 2两首小奏鸣曲。
Op. 14小奏鸣曲的音乐风格清新明快,节奏感强烈,更贴近于轻快的音乐风格,在贝多芬的作品中占据着独特的地位。
4. 作品号四:Op. 31Op. 31小奏鸣曲共包括了三首小奏鸣曲,分别命名为Op. 31 No. 1、Op. 31 No. 2和Op. 31 No. 3。
Op. 31小奏鸣曲具有较强的对位法和和声的特点,贝多芬在此处展现了他丰富的音乐情感和深厚的音乐功底。
英国皇家音乐学院小提琴考级1-8级曲目分享考级的学院不同,考级的曲目也会不同的哦,对于英国皇家音乐学院的考生来说,很多人都想知道小提琴的考级曲目哦,下面蘇蘇就为大家分享下,希望对大家有所帮助哦!小提琴一级三首乐曲:考生从A、B、C三套曲目中分别选择一首A套曲目:1 Anon. King George I’s March, arr. Huws Jones2 M. Corrette Fanfare, arr. de Keyser and Waterman3 Trad. English The Vicar of Bray, arr. de Keyser1-3 Selected Violin Exam Pieces 2008–2011, Grade 1 (ABRSM Publishing)4 Sheila M. Nelson Dance of the Minor Thirds. Piece by Piece 2 for Violin, arr. Nelson (Boosey & Hawkes/MDS)5 Shinichi Suzuki Allegretto. No. 10 from Suzuki Violin School, Vol. 1 (Summy-Birchard/Faber: piano accomp. Published separately)6 Trad. To the Maypole. No. 6 from Violin Playtime, Book 3, arr. de Keyser (Faber)B套曲目:1 Anon. Wondrous Love, arr. Waterfield and Beach2 Lehár Waltz: from Gold und Silber, arr. Huws Jones3 David Stone Country Chimes: No. 17 from Let’s Play the Violin1-3 Selected Violin Exam Pieces 2008–2011, Grade 1 (ABRSM Publishing)4 Dvorˇák Largo (Theme from ‘New World’ Symphony). Superstart Violin (The Complete Method), arr. Cohen (previously Superstart Violin Levels 1 & 2) (Faber: piano accomp. publishedseparately)5 Head In the Meadow. The Well-Tuned Fiddle, Book 1 (ABRSM Publishing)6 Szelényi Playsong: No. 1 from 24 Easy Little Concert Pieces, Vol. 1 (Editio Musica Budapest Z2648/Faber)C套曲目:1 Hilary Burgoyne Tango: No. 12 from Take the Stage2 Edward Huws Jones Toodle-Pip: No. 18 from Ten O’Clock Rock3 Trad. Northumbrian Dance to your daddy, arr. Nelson1-3 Selected Violin Exam Pieces 2008–2011, Grade 1 (ABRSM Publishing)4 Kathy and David Blackwell Chase in the Dark or Gypsy Dance (with repeat). No. 6 or No. 20† from Fiddle Time Runners (OUP: piano accomp. published separately)5 Margery Dawe Bohemia – Polka: No. 4 from More Travel Tunes – Violin (Cramer: piano accomp. published separately)6 Trad. American Turkey in the Straw. Superstart Violin (The Complete Method), arr. Cohen (previously Superstart Violin Levels 1 & 2) (Faber: piano accomp. published separately) 音阶与琶音:背谱,调性范围如下所示:D,A大调(一个八度)G大调(两个八度)音阶:在以上调性范围内,从空弦开始:(i) 分弓,示例如下:(ii) 连弓, 一弓拉2个八分音符, 示例如下:琶音:以上调性范围内的基本和弦,从空弦开始:只要求分弓,声音平均,示例如下:视奏:在本级别所规定的调性、音符以及整个音阶要求范围内,演奏一首单拍子的短曲。
下面是店铺给大家整理的关于肖邦的英文简介,供大家参阅!肖邦简介Frederick Francois Chopin (F.F. Chopin 1810-1849), 19th century Polish composer, pianist.In 1810, Chopin was born in Poland; in 1817 began to create; 1818 debut performance; 1822 to 1829 in Warsaw National Music higher learning school music and music theory. From 1829 onwards as a composer and pianist in Europe as a tour. After the failure of the Warsaw insurrection and settled in Paris, engaged in teaching and creation. In 1849, Chopin died of tuberculosis in Paris.Chopin is one of the most influential and popular piano composers in history, one of the most important figures in the history of Polish music, the representative of European 19th century romantic music. His works are based on the Polish folk song and dance, but also by Bach influence, mostly piano music, known as the "romantic piano poet."肖邦个人经历In 1810, Chopin was born in the Polish capital of Warsaw suburbs hot Yazo Vola, the same year the family moved to Warsaw.In 1816, Chopin followed the famous piano teacher Mr. Wojciech to study the piano.In 1817, Chopin created the first works of B major and g minor Polish dance.In 1818, at the charity concert in the Radziwi family palace, Chopin debuted and played the works of Adalbert Gyrowetz, the aristocratic salon of Poland.In 1822, Chopin studied music from the musician and composer Józef Elsner, who publis hed the works of the German composer Ferdinand Ries a year later.In 1826, after graduating from high school, Chopin continued to follow the piano performance and composition of music by Joseph Ayersenau at the Warsaw Academy of Music.After 1829, Chopin made a number of concerts in Europe as a composer and pianist.In 1830, due to the Polish uprising, Chopin left his hometown of Poland moved to Paris, France, began to play, teaching, composition for a living.In 1837, Chopin refused to "the chief pianist of His Majesty the Emperor" position and title.In 1848, Chopin held his last concert in Paris and was invited to visit England and Scotland.On October 17, 1849, Chopin died of tuberculosis in the home of Paris.肖邦创作风格OverviewChopin more piano music based, genre diversity, rich in content, simple feelings, simple concise, subject matter close to the Polish people's life, history and patriotic poetry, melodic passionate, rich and colorful, flexible structure.As a famous piano player, Chopin's playing skills are exquisite, delicate techniques, sound gorgeous, rich passion, superb, his piano pedal usage is unique.肖邦创作范围Practice songChopin creation of the practice song completely break Clementi, Cherni, Mo Xelai Lai since the purely technical practice of writing techniques, do not deliberately highlight the gorgeous hyun skills, so that music to convey a more profound feelings.Such as "C major practice song" (works on the 10th of the 12 "revolution") is Chopin went to Paris in 1831 on the way, learned that the Russian invasion of Warsaw after the grief of writing. From the technical point of view, this is a left hand running Etudes, but from the right hand heroic octave melody and left-handed stormy pouring is not difficult to see the composer was extremely excited heart.WaltzChopin Waltz has always been beautiful, elegant, gorgeous is known, but because the rhythm changes complex, and therefore not suitable for practical dance.From the form of expression can be divided into two categories: one is the actual dance to be idealized works, such as "down E major gorgeous big wreath", "down D major" puppy "waltz"; another Class is the form of a round dance lyrics, such as "l c minor dance".PreludeChopin's prelude, can be different styles of songs, free combination for the suite.Created in 1836 to 1839 between the "Prelude" Op.28, the twenty-four prelude contains a variety of different lengths, weave, style, with a variety of composition techniques in which the tone is different twenty The relationship between the four relations of the size of the arrangement of the five cycles, the music style can be summarized as the practice song, nocturne, march card,funeral march, scherzo, infinite movement, song, fantasy and improvisation and other types.ScherzoJoking song means joking, but the work of Chopin humor does not highlight the joking, but more melancholy and the resistance of the individual, in fact, contains their own ridicule and sarcasm.Such as the creation of the 1831 "b minor first scherzo", the first theme is the storm-like frenzy, the second movement marked the slow board, there are strange chords. The beginning of the part of the incompatible chord with a sudden change in the mood, but the middle of the "dream" has not been this sudden punch hit. And then the second half of the first half of the strange chords have emerged, re-introduction of the constant struggle, fighting, thirsty emotions, until the end has not yet seen the bright future.Matsuka danceChopin's Mazurka dance changes the folk rhythm, and in accordance with the highly specialized art standards for re-creation, in harmony, tone and other aspects of the more creative creation, his music has a more refined melody, A sense of jump, in the change to give poetic."L c minor dance" is the largest in the repertoire of Chopin Mazuka, the beginning of the music by Bach's musical style, with classical feelings, like the organ ringing. "The beginning seems to be for the organ, but at the end of the salon style, no one has been knocked out like this."NocturneNocturne is Chopin's own innovation of a piano solo genre, it has a calm and peaceful, quiet and quiet features, gently in theoccasional trace of a little bit of meditation."T minor Trilogy", for the three sections, the first paragraph to softly played a dull melody, after all kinds of transshipment, the mood more and more disturbed; the middle speed fast, grief of the second theme, it is resolved as Clear and then return to the first theme.。
肖邦作品目录 英文版
Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin,1810年3月1日,生于华沙郊区热拉佐瓦沃拉,1849年10月去世,享年39岁Frédéric François Chopin(法语)伟大的波兰音乐家作曲家Op.1 - Variations Concertantes on a Theme of Krumpholz for Violin & PianoOp.2 - Brilliant Rondeau on the Cavatine de Carafa for Piano 4-HandsOp.3 -Brilliant Fantasy and Variations on "Romance of Blangini" for Piano with String Accompaniment Op.4 - Le Souvenir, VariationsOp.5 - Grand Rondeau No.1 in C MajorOp.6 - Waltz or ExercisesOp.7 - Piano Sonata No.1 in Ab MajorOp.8 - Amicitiae, Andantino with VariationsOp.9 - Variations Brillant & Facile on a Favorite ThemeOp.10 - Brillant Grand Sonata in C minor for Piano 4-HandsOp.11 - Brilliant Divertissement for Piano 4-HandsOp.12 - Variations on Schubert's Trauer-Walzer D.365 No.2 (Solo & Duet Versions)Op.13 - Piano Sonata No.2 in A minorOp.14 - Brilliant Variations on an Austrian WaltzOp.15 - Recreation for the Carnival, Brilliant Choice of Waltz and easy: 2 BooksOp.16 - Introduction and Variations on "O cara memoria"Op.17 -Brilliant Rondo on a favorite Menuet of C. Kreutzer (Alternate Title: Fantaisie de A. Delaseurie sur un Air Suisse)Op.18 - Brilliant Grande PolonaiseOp.19 - Variations of a Barcarole FavoriteOp.20 - Introduction and Variations on a Marche favorite della Donna del LagoOp.21 - Introductions and Variations on a Cav. Favorite "Sorte secondami"Op.22 - Rondino No.1 on "Cara attendimi"Op.23 - Brillant Rondo No.2 in G Major for Piano 4-HandsOp.24 - Presto Caratteristico, Duet in A minorOp.25 - Brilliant Variations on "Ah come nancondere" for Piano 4-HandsOp.26 - Rondo quasi Capriccio in Eb MajorOp.27 - Fantasy in Bb MajorOp.28 - Piano Concerto in F MajorOp.29 - Rondino No.2 on a Theme de l'Opera CorradinoOp.30 - Rondino No.3 on a Theme de l'Opera ArmidaOp.31 - 3 FuguesOp.32 - New Year's Gifts, 24 WaltzesOp.33 - La Ricordanza, Variazioni sopra un Tema di RodeOp.34 - Duet after the 1st Trio of Mayseder for Piano 4-HandsOp.35 - Waltz di BravuraOp.36 - Impromptus & Brilliant Variations on Cotillon de Ballet ArsenaOp.37 - Fantasy followed by a Romance variedOp.38 - 1st Grand Potpourri Concerto for 2 Pianos 6-HandsOp.39 - Rondino No.4 on a Theme by FescaOp.42 - Rondino No.6 on an original ThemeOp.43 - Brilliant Divertissement No.2 on a Cav. "Aure felice" for Piano 4-HandsOp.44 - Romance of Beethoven arranged as a Brilliant Rondo for Piano 4-HandsOp.45 - Charms of Baden, Rondo PastoralOp.46 - Variations on a Bohemian AirOp.47 - Grand Exercise in Bravura in the form of Brilliant RondoOp.48 - Die Schiffende, for Voice & Piano with words by HoltzOp.49 - 2 Brillant SonatinasOp.50 - 2 Brillant Sonatinas for Piano 4-HandsOp.51 - 2 Brilliant Sonatinas for Violin & PianoOp.52 - Variations in an Easy Style on the Air from Die Fee aus FrankreichOp.53 - Rondoletto Scherzando in C MajorOp.54 - Brilliant and Characteristic Overture for Piano 4-HandsOp.55 - Charms of Friendship on a Theme of BeethovenOp.56 - Introduction and Variations on the 1st GaloppeOp.57 - Piano Sonata No.3Op.58 - Legerrazza e Bravura, Brilliant Rondo (with Quartet Accompaniment)Op.59 - Introduction and Brilliant Variations on a Rondo and Marche favorite of RolandOp.60 -Einleitung, Variations and Rondo on C. M. von Weber's Hunting Chorus from Euryanthe (with Orches tral Accompaniment)Op.61 - Preludes, Cadences, and a Short Fantasia in a Brilliant StyleOp.62 - Caprice and Variations on "An Alexis" by HimmelOp.63 - Brilliant and Easy Toccatine on Tarrantelle of the Ballet Die Fee und der RitterOp.64 - Fantasy in the Modern Style on PotpourriOp.65 - Piano Sonata No.4 in G MajorOp.66 - Rondo and Waltz in C MajorOp.67 -Concert Variations followed by a Hunting Rondo on the walk of the Ballet, Barbe Bleu for Piano 4-HandsOp.68 - Passionate RondoOp.69 - Allegretto grazioso on a Theme from the Ballet, Barbe BleuOp.70 - Romance in D MajorOp.71 - Brilliant Nocturne after "Das waren mir selige Tage, for Piano 4-HandsOp.72 - 2 Nice RondosOp.73 - Variations on "Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser" (with Quartet or Orchestral Accompaniment) Op.74 - Brilliant Rondoletto in Eb MajorOp.75 - 3 Grand AllegrosOp.76 - Piano Sonata No.5 in E MajorOp.77 - Variations on "God Save the King"Op.78 - Piano Concerto in C MajorOp.79 - 3 Grand Marches (Solo & Duet versions)Op.80 - Introduction and 7 Variations, Concerto for Piano & Flute (or Violin)Op.81 - Variations on Marche AnglaisOp.82 - Grand Exercise in F MajorOp.83 - Romance from W. Scott's "Fraulein vorn See" for Voice & PianoOp.84 - Grand Potpourri No.2 for 2 Pianos 6-HandsOp.85 - 3 PolonaisesOp.86 - Variations sur l'hymne BavaroisOp.87 - Introduction & Variations Faciles on a Waltz of Mr. le Comte de Gallenberg for Piano 4-Op.88 - Rondino No.7 on a Motif from the Opera "Elisa e Claudio" of MercadanteOp.89 - Capriccio a la Fuga in E minorOp.90 - 6 Rondeaux Mignons for Piano 4-HandsOp.91 - German Air with Variations, "Es Ritten drei RieterOp.92 - Toccata or Exercise in C MajorOp.93 - Rondo Espressivo in E MajorOp.94 - 2 Grand Marches for Piano 4-HandsOp.95 -Notturno Brillant for Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Flute, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon, & Double Bass) Op.96 - Rondino No.8 on an Original Theme (alla Polacca)Op.97 - Rondino No.9, "La Chasse"Op.98 - Rondino No.10 on a Theme of MozartOp.99 - Rondino No.11 on a Theme of HaydnOp.100 - Rondino No.12 on a Theme of CherubiniOp.101 - Grand March composed for the Coronation of the Empress Caroline of Austria for Piano 4-HandsOp.102 - Rondeau Brillante No.3 for Piano 4-HandsOp.103 - Variations Brillante sur un Air Militaire FrancaiseOp.104 - 3 Sonatines Faciles et Brillantes for Piano with Violin & Cello Accompaniment ad libitum Op.105 - Piano Trio No.1 in Eb MajorOp.106 - Introduction & Variations on an Original Theme for Piano 4-HandsOp.107 - Rondeau Brillante dans le Style Francaise in D minorOp.108 - Caprice in E minorOp.109 - 5 Unvergangliche Blumchen for Voice & PianoOp.110 -1st Decameron Musical, Recueil de Compositions Brillant et Faciles (10 Bks., Solo Piano Version) Op.111 -1st Decameron Musical, Recueil de Compositions Brillant et Faciles (10 Bks., Piano 4H Version) Op.112 - Galoppe Varie No.2Op.113 - Variations on an Original ThemeOp.114 - Valse VariéeOp.115 -Easy Variations on a Theme from the Farce, Staberl's Reise Abentheuer in Frankfort and Munchen Op.116 - Impromptu Brillant for Piano 4-HandsOp.117 - Tendress, Amitie, & Confiance, 3 RondeauxOp.118 - Grande Polonaise Brillante (with string quartet ad libitum)Op.119 - Sonate Militaire et Brillante for Piano 4-HandsOp.120 - Sonate Sentimentale for Piano 4-HandsOp.121 - Sonate Pastorale for Piano 4-HandsOp.122 - Grand Divertissement in the Form of a Rondo Brillante with Orchestral Accompaniment Op.123 - Variations Brillante sur "Gott Erbalte Franz den Kaiser" for Piano 4-HandsOp.124 - Piano Sonata No.6 in D minorOp.125 - Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'Il Crociato' for Piano 4-HandsOp.126 - Grande Serenade Concertante for Clarinet, Horn, Cello, & PianoOp.127 - Rondino No.13 on a Theme from Auber's Opera "Le maçon", for Piano QuartetOp.128 - Rondeau Brillant in A MajorOp.129 - Duo concertant in G Major for Flute (or Violin) & PianoOp.130 - Variations Brillantes on 2 Themes from the Opera 'L'Ultimo Giorno di Pompei' for Piano 4-HandsOp.131 - Fantasie Elegante (or Potpourri Brillant) on Themes from the Opera 'La Dame Blanche'Variations Brillantes sur "Depechons Travaillons" de l'Opera 'Le Macon' (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.133 - Introduction & Variations on the Cavatine from the Opera 'L'Ultimo Giorno di Pompei' Op.134 - Impromptu (or Variations) on a Theme from the Opera 'Oberon'Op.135 - Variations on a Theme from teh Opera 'Oberon'Op.136 - Hommage aux Dames, Repertoire des Nouvelles Compositions Brillantes (3 Bks.)Op.137 - Allegro Affetuoso for Piano 4-HandsOp.138 - Variations de Concert on "La Marche des Grecs" de l'opera 'Le Siege de Corinthe'Op.139 - 100 Progressive EtudesOp.140 - Introductions & Variations on a Favorite Air from 'Das Madchen aus der Feenwelt'Op.141 - Variations on the Favorite Duet "Bruderlein Fein" for Piano 4-HandsOp.142 - Overture for Orchestra in C minorOp.143 - Piano Sonata No.7 (Grande Fantaisie en forme de Sonate)Op.144 - Piano Sonata No.8 in Eb Major (Grande Fantaisie en forme de Sonate)Op.145 - Piano Sonata No.9 (Grande Fantaisie en forme de Sonate)Op.146 - Funeral March on the Death of Ludwig van Beethoven (Solo & Duet Versions)Op.147 - Variations a Capriccio on 2 Themes from the Opera 'Oberon' for Piano 4-HandsOp.148 - Piano Quartet No.1Op.149 - Rondoletto Concertant in F MajorOp.150 - 3 Polonaises SentimentalesOp.151 - Grand Exercise on the ShakeOp.152 - Grand Exercise in All the Keys, Major & MinorOp.153 - Concerto in C Major for Piano 4-Hands & OrchestraOp.154 -Graduale Pastorale in F Major, "Hodie Christus Natus Est", for 4 Voices, 2 Violins, Viola, 2 Clarinets, 2 Horns, Cello, Double Bass, & OrganOp.155 - Exsulta filia Sion, Offertorium PastoraleOp.156 - Belohnung der fleissigen Jugend, 3 Sonatinen for Piano DuetOp.157 - Fantasia in A Major, Der Brand von Maria-ZellOp.158 - 3 Rondeaux Faciles & 3 Sonatines Faciles Instructives et Doigtees in 4 Bks. (Bk.1 -Rondeaux Piano Solo Version, Bk.2 Rondeaux Duet Version, Bk.3 Sonatines Piano Solo Version, Bk.4 Sonatines Duet Version)Op.159 - Rondeau Brillant di Bravura in A Major with Orchestral AccompanimentOp.160 -Introduction, Variations, & Polacca after a Theme from Bellini's "Il Pirata", for Piano & Orchestra Op.161 - 48 Etudes in the Form of PreludesOp.162 - Fantaisie Brillante on Diverse Themes Suisses & TiroliensOp.163 - 6 Easy SonatinasOp.164 - Rondino No.14 sur "Ma Quell Amabile" dans 'Il Pirata'Op.165 - Grand Nocturne Brillant for Piano 4-HandsOp.166 - Piano Trio No.2 in A MajorOp.167 - Sonatina in A MajorOp.168 - 2 RondeauxOp.169 - Rondino No.15 on a Theme of PaganiniOp.170 - Grandes Variations Brillantes on Paganini's "La Campanella"Op.171 - Fantasia on 3 Themes of Haydn, Mozart, & BeethovenOp.172 - Grand Capriccio in C minorOp.173 - Piano Trio No.3 in E MajorOp.174 - Ecossaises Brillantes (or Exercises de Bravura)Op.175 - Second Decameron Musical, Recueil de Compositions Amusantes (10 Bks., Piano Solo) Op.176 - Second Decameron Musical, Recueil de Compositions Amusantes (10 Bks., Piano Duet)Op.178 - Grand Sonata in F minor for Piano 4-HandsOp.179 -Introduction, Variations, & Polacca on 2 Favorite Airs from "Der Alpen Konig und der Menschenfried "Op.180 -Introduction & Variations on a Favorite Air from "Der Alpen Konig und der Menschenfried" (Solo & Duet Versions)(Opus 181-192 are collectively entitled "12 Grand Rondeaux Nationaux Brillants et Caracteristiques")Op.181 - Rondeau National AllemandOp.182 - Rondeau Anglais et EcossaisOp.183 - Rondeau BohemeOp.184 - Rondeau EspagnolOp.185 - Rondeau FrancaisOp.186 - Rondeau HongroisOp.187 - Rondeau ItalienOp.188 - Rondeau PolonoisOp.189 - Rondeau RusseOp.190 - Rondeau SuedoisOp.191 - Rondeau SuisseOp.192 - Rondeau TurqueOp.193 - Galoppe Variee No.3Op.194 - Introduction, Variations, & Rondo on 2 Favorite Styrian Alpine Airs (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.195 - Rondino No.16 sur 'Ah come rapida'Op.196 - Introduction, Variations, & Rondo on "Or Che Son Vicino a Te" (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.197 - Fantasie Elegante No.3 sur 'La muette de Portici'Op.198 - Rondino No.17 on the 2 Barcarolles from 'La Muette de Portici'Op.199 - Variations sur "Ach! ich Stell" du Falsche Dir (Solo & Duet Versions)Op.200 – The Art of Improvisation (or The School of Extemporaneous Performance)Op.201 - 6 Rondeax d'AmusementOp.202 - Introduction, Variation Brillantes, et Rondeau de ChasseOp.203 - Valse AutrichienneOp.204 - Divertissement de Concert for Piano & Orchestra (or Adagio, variations et rondeau)Op.205 - Impromptu Brillant on a Theme of RossiniOp.206 - Theme Russe, varieeOp.207 - Rondoletto sur le Theme Hollandis Favori, "Wien Neelands Bloed in de Aders Vloeit" Op.208 - Introduction & Variations sur 'La muette de Portici' (Auber)Op.209 - Divertissement Briallant & FacileOp.210 - Concertino for Piano with Orchestral Accompaniment in C MajorOp.211 - 2 Trios Brillants for Piano, Violin, & Cello (C Major & A Major)Op.212 -6 Grands Potpourris Brillants & Concertants (Versions for Piano, Violin, & Cello or 2 Pianos)Op.213 - Andante & Rondo with Orchestral Accompaniment in C MajorOp.214 - Piano Concerto No.1 in A minorOp.215 - Rondoletto Brillant sur Plusiers Motifs tires des Romances FrancaisOp.216 - Rondoletto Brillant on 2 Motifs from the Opera 'William Tell'Op.217 - Rondeau de Chasse on "Quelle Savage Harmonie" from 'William Tell'Op.218 - Potpourri Brillant on Motifs from the Opera 'Faust'Op.219 - Introduction & Variations on the Pas de Trois from 'William Tell'Op.221 - 2 Grandes Fantasies on Motifs from 'William Tell' (No.1 E minor, No.2 A Major)Op.222 - Impromptu Brillant on a Pastorale from 'William Tell'Op.223 -Variations Brillantes on "Das Wandern ist des Mullers Lust" of Schubert (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.224 - 2 Piano Quartets Brillantes (No.1 in F Major, No.2 in G Major)Op.225 - Variations Brillantes on a Romance from Ivanhoe's Opera 'Templar & Judinn' for Piano 4-HandsOp.226 - Fantasia in F minor for Piano 4-Hands(Opus 227-229 & 295-297 are part of the Collection Les Pianistes Associes, ou Compositions Brillant et Concertant)Op.227 - Bk.1, Rondeau Brillant for Piano 6-HandsOp.228 - Bk.2Variations Brillante on a Tyrolien Theme from the Opera 'La Fiancee' for Piano 6-Hands Op.229 - Bk.3Divertissement Militaire for Piano 6-HandsOp.230 - Concerto for 4 Pianos in C MajorOp.231 - 3 Rondeau Mignons Facile & Brillantes on Favorite Themes (Solo & Duet Versions)Op.232 - Grand Variations di Bravura on 2 Motifs from the Opera 'Fra Diavolo' (Auber)Op.233 - Rondo Brillant (For Piano Solo or with Orchestral Accompaniment)Op.234 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes sur la Marche dans "Gli Arabi nelle Gallie"Op.235 - Rondino No.18 on a Theme of AuberOp.236 -Variations Brillantes on the Petit Tambour (For Solo Piano or with Orchestral Accompaniment) Op.237 -Einzugs Marsch, Performed at the Opening of the Hungarian Diet, Sept. 13, 1830 (Solo & Duet Versio ns)Op.238 -March Performed on the Occasion of the Coronation of His Imperial Majesty Ferdinand as King of Hu ngary, Sept. 28, 1830 (Solo & Duet Versions)Op.239 - 50 Duett StudiesOp.240 - Fantasy Romantique No.1 on Sir Walter Scott's 'Roman Waverley' for Piano 4-HandsOp.241 - Fantasy Romantique No.2 on Sir Walter Scott's 'Guy Mannering' for Piano 4-HandsOp.242 - Fantasy Romantique No.3 on Sir Walter Scott's 'Rob Roy' for Piano 4-HandsOp.243 - Fantasy Romantique No.4 on Sir Walter Scott's 'Ivanhoe' for Piano 4-HandsOp.244 - Grand Exercice de la Gamme Chromatique avec toutes les Differentes Maruieres du Doigte Op.245 - Grand Exercice des Gammes en Tierces & des Passages DoublesOp.246 - Introduction, Variations, & Finale on a Choeur de l'Opera 'Fra Diavolo'Op.247 - Souvenirs Teatral (ca.50 Fantasies each with solo & duet versions)Op.248 - Introduction & Variations Concertant on a Tirolienne in F minor for Piano & CelloOp.249 - Variations on the Favorite Charmant Waltz by StraussOp.250 - Festal March in A MajorOp.251 - 3rd Decameron Musical, 10 Bks. for Piano SoloOp.252 - 3rd Decameron Musical, 10 Bks. for Piano 4-HandsOp.253 - Le Golfe de Naples, Tableau Nocturne ou Fanasie PittoresqueOp.254 - Grand Rondeau Briallant in F Major for Piano 4-HandsOp.255 - Rondeau a la Barcarolle in A MajorOp.256 - Fantasy Concerto in G Major for Piano, Flute, & CelloOp.257 - Grand Polonaise in C MajorOp.258 - 2 Themes Original VariesOp.259 - Grand Rondeau Militaire & Brillante for Piano 4-HandsOp.260 - RondoOp.263 - Variations Precede d'une Introduction sur un Motif de 'La Fiancee'Op.264 - Introduction & Allegro Agitato in G minor for Piano DuetOp.265 - Rondeau Precede d'une IntroductionOp.266 - Variations Brillantes & non difficiles on a Original Valse for Piano 4-HandsOp.267 - Allegro & Galop in F MajorOp.268 - Piano Sonata No.10 (Grande Sonate d'Etude)Op.269 - Introduction & Grand Polonaise Brillante for Piano 4-HandsOp.270 - 3 Themes Originaux, VariesOp.271 - La Joyeust et la Sentimentale, 2 RondosOp.272 - Rondo PolaccaOp.273 - Variations on a Theme of PaganiniOp.274 -Souvenir de Contemporains, 3 Rondeaux Brillante & Facile sur des Motifs Favoris de Notre Tems (Sol o & Duet Versions)Op.275 - 3 Themes Choisis from the Opera 'Robert le Diable'Op.276 - Serenade Venetienne, Divertissement Concertant on a Barcarolle for 3 Voices -Accompanied by Variations Brillantes For Piano, Flute, Clarinet, & Cello in A MajorOp.277 - Le Chiron Musical (or Collection des Compositions Instructives) for Piano 4-HandsOp.278 - Rondo en Bolero in D MajorOp.279 - Rondino No.19 on 2 Favorite Motifs from the Opera 'Zampa'Op.280 - Variations Brillantes on an English March in E MajorOp.281 - Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'Norma' in F MajorOp.282 - Le Cornet de Postillon, Variations on a Theme of RossiniOp.283 - Grand Rondo Brillante in F MajorOp.284 - Rondino No.20 on Schubert's "Das Standchen" in C MajorOp.285 -Grandes Variations Concertantes on a Theme from the Opera 'Montechi e Capuleti' in Bb Major for (2 Piano & Piano Solo Versions)Op.286 - Grand Rondo Brillante in C MajorOp.287 - 3 Ariette Italienne for Tenor Voice & PianoOp.288 - 6 Divertissements in the Form of a RondoOp.289 - Piano Trio No.4 in A minorOp.290 - La Douceur, Rondo ElegantOp.291 - Grand Rondo for Piano 4-HandsOp.292 - Variations Brillantes on an Original Theme in F MajorOp.293 - La Rivalite, Rondo Brillante & Concertant for Piano 4-HandsOp.294 - Grand Potpourri in A Major for Piano, Flute, Violin, Alto, & Cello(Opus 227.229 & 295.297 are part of the Collection "Les Pianistes Associes, ou Compositions Brillan t et Concertant)Op.295 - Bk.4 - Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'Montechi e Capuleti' for Piano 6-HandsOp.296 - Bk.5 - Polonaise for Piano 6-HandsOp.297 - Bk.6 Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'Norma' for Piano 6-HandsOp.298 - Grand Potpourri No.3 for 2 Pianos, 6-HandsOp.299 - The School of Velocity, 30 ExercisesOp.300 - L'Art de PreludierOp.301 - Variations on a Waltz of ReissengerOp.302 - Italian Theme & VariationsOp.303 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes on a Theme of Mr. Rudolphe de VivenotOp.306 - Souvenir de Jeune Age, Rondo on the Romance from the Opera 'Le Pre aux Clercs' (Herold) Op.307 - Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'Le Serment' for Piano 4-HandsOp.308 - Variations on an Original ThemeOp.309 -Introduction & Variations in G Major on a Theme from 'Le Pre aux Clercs' for Piano, Violin, & Cello ( Herold)Op.310 - Variations Brillantes on "Dans Cette Belle" from the Opera 'Le Serment'Op.311 - 2 Rondeaux on Thems from the Opera 'Le Pre aux Clercs' (Herold)Op.312 - Variations on "A la Fleur du Bel Age" from the Opera 'Le Pre aux Clercs' for Piano 4-Hands (Herold)Op.313 - The Young Pianist, 2 Sonatines Faciles (C Major, & G Major)Op.314 - Grand Polonaise Brillante in A Major for Piano & ViolinOp.315 - Cadenzas for Beethoven's Piano Concertos, 2 Bks.Op.316 - 10 Petit RondeauxOp.317 - Variations on an Original Theme in A MajorOp.318 - 6 Graduals for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, & Bass with ad lib Accompaniment for Piano/Organ Op.319 - VariationsOp.320 - VariationsOp.321 - Rondo in Bb Major for Piano 4-HandsOp.322 - Rondo in Bb Major for Piano SoloOp.323 - L'Allegresse, Rondo in Bb MajorOp.324 - Variations Brillantes on a Waltz of LannerOp.325 - 3 Fantasies on Themes from Donizetti's Opera 'L'Elisir d'Amore' (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.326 - 3 Themes Favoris from the Opera 'Zampa'Op.327 - 3 Fantasies on Donzietti's Opera 'Parisina' (Solo & Duet Versions)Op.328 - 3 Fantasies on Donizetti's Opera 'Il Furioso all' Isola di St. Domingo' (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.329 - Variations on a Theme from De Marschner's Opera 'Hans Heiling' for Piano 4-HandsOp.330 - Tausend TonblumenOp.331 - Grande Sonata No.3 in Bb Major for Piano 4-HandsOp.332 - Variations Brillante on a Theme from the Opera 'Robert le Diable'Op.333 - Les Elegantes, Variations Brillantes (3 Bks.)Bk.1 - Sur la Tyrolienne Favorite, AlmaliedBk.2 - Sur la SonnambulaBk.3 - Sur un Valse FavoriteOp.334 - Souvenir de Peste, Variations sur un Valse: Erinnerung an Pest de J. StraussOp.335 - Legato & Staccato Exercises, 2 Bks.Op.336 - Fantasie on Cherubini's Opera 'Ali Baba'Op.337 - 40 Daily StudiesOp.338 - Introduction & Variations on an Original Theme in D MajorOp.339 -3 Brillant Fantasies on Themes of F. Schubert (Several Versions for Different Combinations of Instru ments)Op.340 - Variations of J. Strauss's 'Pfennig Waltz'Op.341 - Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'Hans Heiling'Op.342 - 3 Fantasies on Bellini's Opera 'Beatrice di Tenda' (Solo & Duet Versions)Op.343 - 3 Themes from the Opera 'Lestocq' (1.G, 2.F, 3.C)Op.344 - 3 Rondinos from the Opera 'Lestocq' (1.C, 2.A, 3.B)Op.345 - Die Ruinen von Neustadt, Fantasia in D minorOp.346 - Fantasie on the Opera 'Lestocq'Op.347 - Variations on a Theme from 'Lestocq' in A MajorOp.349 - 3 Instructive SonatinesOp.350 - Le Dernier Soupir de Herold, Variations on a Theme of HeroldOp.351 - Neujahrsgeschenk, FantasiaOp.352 - Souvenir de Boieldieu, Variations in Bb MajorOp.353 - Variations Brillantes on 'Conversations Walzer'Op.354 - Amusement des Pianistes, Collection de Morceaux Agreables & Brillantes, 8 Bks.Op.355 - Ecole des Ornamens (The School of Embellishments)Op.356 - Variations Brillantes on the Theme 'Vien qua Dorina Bella'Op.357 - 3 Themes Italiens, Variations for Piano 4-HandsOp.358 - Duo Concertant in Bb Major for 2 PianosOp.359 - First Lessons for Beginners, 50 Exercises, Studies, & Preludes, 2 Bks.Op.360 - Grande Fantasie on the Opera 'Gustave'Op.361 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'La Medicine sans Medecin' Op.362 - Rondo Brillante & non Difficile on a Theme from the Opera 'La Medicine sans Medecin' Op.363 -Introduction & Variations on the Duo "Suoni la Tromba e Intrepido" from the Opera 'I Puritani' Op.364 - Grand Exercise in A minorOp.365 - The School of the Virtuoso, 60 Studies on Bravura PlayingOp.366 - Variations Brillantes on a Theme from Lobe's Opera 'La Princesse de Grenade' in C Major Op.367 - Rondoletto Elegant on a Theme from Lobe's Opera 'La Princesse de Grenade'Op.368 - 8 NocturnesOp.369 - Gran Capriccio di Bravura in F minorOp.370 - Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'I Puritani'Op.371 - 2 Rondolettos Faciles on Themes from the Opera 'I Puritani' (D & C Major)Op.372 - 6 Rondeau-GalopesOp.373 - 10 Rondeaux for Piano 4-HandsOp.374 - 3 Rondeaux for Piano & FluteOp.375 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes on a Theme from the Opera 'I Puritani'Op.376 - Fantasie & Variations on a Theme from the Opera 'I Puritani' for Piano 4-HandsOp.377 - Fantasie & Variations Brillantes on a Theme of Madame MalibranOp.378 - Valse Brillante in Ab MajorOp.379 - Flore Theatrale (or Fantasies Brillantes) on Modern OperasOp.380 - Grand Exercise in 3rds in all the 24 KeysOp.381 - 3 Serenades on Themes of RossiniOp.382 - 2 Fantasies Brillantes on Themes from Carafa's Opera 'La Prison d'Edimburg'Op.383 - 3 Fantaisies on Themes from Donizetti's Opera 'Lucia di Lammermoor'Op.384 - Grandes Variations on an Air from the Opera 'Le Cheval de Bronze'Op.385 - 12 Rondeaux Amusantes & Instructives on Favorite ThemesOp.386 - Souvenir de BelliniOp.387 - 3 Fantaisies on Themees from Donizetti's Opera 'Lucrezia Borgia'Op.388 - Etudes Preparatoires et ProgressivesOp.389 - Hommage aux Graces, 3 Rondeaux on Favorite ThemesOp.390 - 3 Sonatinas for Piano & ViolinOp.391 - Grande Rondeau-Polonaise in Eb Major for Piano & OrchestraOp.392 - Der Abend & Die Nacht, 2 Easy FantasiesOp.393 - 3 Fantaisies on Themes from Donizetti's Opera 'Marino Faliero'Op.394 - Fantasie & Variations on the l'Air National Russe 'Dieu Conserve l'Empereur'Op.395 - Fantasie & Variations on a Theme from the Opera 'Le Cheval de Bronze' for Piano 4-Hands Op.396 - Impromptu on a Theme from Halevy's Opera 'La Juive'Op.397 -w Operas, Comprised of Many Books)Op.398 - Le Gout Moderne for Piano 4-Hands (Comprised of Many Books.)Op.399 - 10 Grand Studies for the Improvement of the Left HandOp.400 - The School of Fugue Playing, 24 Grand StudiesOp.401 - Reminiscences of the Opera 'La Juive', 4 DivertissementsOp.402 - Encouragement for the Young, 6 Rondos FacilesOp.403 - Romance & Rondo on Themes from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'Op.404 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes on Themes from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'Op.405 - Rondo (or Allegro) Agitato on an Original ThemeOp.406 -Festal March, on the Opening of the Booksellers' Exchange in Leipzig (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.407 - Scherzo Brillante on Themes from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'Op.408 - Andante Sentimental on Themes from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'Op.409 - 50 Grand Etudes (Cours de Nouvelle Etudes Progressives)Op.410 - 6 Sonatines FacilesOp.411 - Introduction & RondoOp.412 - 3 Rondos Brillantes on Russian National ThemesOp.413 - Souvenir de Mon Premeir Voyage en Saxe, Fantasie Brillante(Opus 414-416 Comprise the collection "Album Musical")Op.414 - Bk.1 - Rondo ElegantOp.415 - Bk.2 - Rondo MilitaireOp.416 - Bk.3 - Rondo GracieuxOp.417 - Rondo Brillante on Themes from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'Op.418 - Impromptu in the Form of a Rondo on a Theme from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'Op.419 - 8 Rondos Faciles on Favorite ThemesOp.420 -Soixant Exercices pour les Commencans comme Supplement pour Chaque Methode de Pianoforte Op.421 - Introduction & Rondo Martial on a Theme from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'Op.422 - Introduction & Rondo Brillante on a Theme from the Opera 'Les Huguenots' for Piano 4-HandsOp.423 - Rondoletto on a Theme from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'Op.424 - Caprice Brillant on a Theme from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'Op.425 - Rondino Scherzando on a Theme from the Opera 'Les Huguenots'Op.426 - Rondo Sentimental on the English Air "Isle of Beauty, Fare Thee Well"Op.427 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes on Themes of ReissigerOp.428 - Introduction & Variations Brillantes on a Swiss ThemeOp.429 - Impromptu Brillant on a Swiss ThemeOp.430 - Nachtwandler, Variations on a Waltz of StraussOp.431 - Eisenbahn, Variations on a Waltz of StraussOp.432 - 24 Canzonette Italiane for Voice & PianoOp.433 - Etudes Progressives & PreparatoiresOp.434 - The 4 Seasons (or Fantasies Brillantes on Original Themes)Op.435 - Recreations Musicales, 6 Melodies of BelliniOp.436 - Rondoletto ScherzandoOp.437 - Fantaisie on Themes from Donizetti's Opera ' La Campanello' (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.438 - Les Progres du Pianiste, 8 Favorite Themes with Variations in an Easy StyleOp.439 - 4 Sonatines Faciles & ProgressivesOp.440 - 4 Melodies VariesOp.441 - Fantaisie on Donizetti's Opera 'Betly' (Solo & Duet Versions)。
53SONG OF YELLOW RIVER 2022/ 01岁时即显露出音乐天才,5岁登台演出。
2.CD 版本专辑名:鲁宾斯坦演奏的肖邦全集 Disc 7/The Chopin Collection Disc 7 (德国版)发行时间:1991年录音吋间:1965年所属厂牌与唱片编号:RCA/GD60822(二)Shura Cherkassky(舒拉·切尔卡斯基)(1909—1995)1.生平介绍俄罗斯国的美国钢琴家,出生在乌克兰的熬德萨。
”2.CD 版本专辑名:Shura Cherkassky,Chopin :fantasie,Sona ta No.2 & 3发行时间:1996年录音时间:1973/5所属厂牌与唱片编号:Decca/455 078-2(三)Georges Cziffra (乔治·齐夫拉)(1921-1994)1.生平介绍法国籍匈牙利钢琴家,在1930年进入李斯特音乐学院,成为多南伊班上的一名学生。
唐· 岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京
宋· 吕本中《踏莎行
“天街飞辔踏琼英,四顾全疑在玉京。” · 裴夷直《和周侍洛城雪 ;
“ 宋· 司马光《雪霁登普贤阁
唐· 吕岩《剑画此诗于襄阳雪中
; · 苏轼《和田国博喜雪 · 高骈《对雪 。 ;
· 白朴《天净沙· 冬
· 李白《嘲王历阳不肯饮酒
jiù 马厩 通衢大道 qú 茕茕孑立 qió ngjié 瘠薄 jí bó 缱绻 qiǎnquǎn 命运多舛 chuǎn 天籁 là i 簌簌 sù 夙愿 sù
君 自故乡来,应知故乡事。
读余下各节 回答友人的问题
君 自肖乡来,应知肖乡事。
· 钱谦益《雪夜次刘敬仲
最妙的是下点小雪呀。看吧,山上的矮松越发的 青黑,树尖上顶着一髻儿白花,好像日本看护妇。 山尖全白了,给蓝天镶上一道银边。山坡上,有 的地方雪厚点,有的地方草色还露着;这样,一 道儿白,一道儿暗黄,给山们穿上一件带水纹的 花衣;看着看着,这件花衣好像被风儿吹动,叫 你希望看见一点更美的山的肌肤。等到快日落的 时候,微黄的阳光斜射在山腰上,那点薄雪好像 忽然害了羞,微微露出点粉色。就是下小雪吧, 济南是受不住大雪的,那些小山太秀气!
为纪念这位伟大的爱国音乐家, 波兰自1927年起,每五年在首都华 沙举行一次“国际肖邦钢琴作品比 赛”,这是国际上水平最高、影响 最大的钢琴比赛之一。
肖邦的音乐美得无以复加,尤其是他 的夜曲,几近“天上人间”的意境,让人 感到“流水落花春去也”的凄美与忧伤。 仿佛置身月下,赏满地的落花,那飘逸的 音符,从人类感觉所能及的最远端流淌下 来,触摸着你的脉搏,携你一起轻舞飞 扬…… 品味肖邦。在听觉与视觉之间,闪现 着他的一切。在清丽与忧伤之中,走出一 位天才的精灵……
关键词:叙事性 ;肖邦 ; 叙事曲 ; 幻想曲中图分类号:J605 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 文献标识码:A ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;文章编号:1008-3359(2019)22-0053-04一、肖邦叙事曲中的叙事性(一)纳森·贝尔曼的叙事性启发提到肖邦钢琴作品中的叙事性,我们很自然的能联想到肖邦的叙事曲。
肖邦学家乔纳森·贝尔曼(Jonathan D. Bellman)认为:肖邦叙事曲创作的关键在于如何表现音乐的叙事性,肖邦在创作叙事曲的过程中,通过多种音乐处理来达成或表达的叙事意义,旨在使音乐的叙事具有叙事诗的风味。
海菲兹所演奏过的部分曲目巴洛克时期及更早Bach, Johann Sebastian巴赫Sinfonias No.3, BWV789交响曲Sinfonias No.4, BWV790Sinfonias No.9, BWV795Sarabande from English Suite No.3, Bwv 808萨拉拜德Bach from English Suite No.3, Bwv.808巴赫Gavottes I & II from English Suite No.6,Bwv 811加沃特6 Violin Sonatas and Partitas, BWV 1001-1006无伴奏小提琴奏鸣曲&帕蒂塔Sonata No.1, BWV 1001 in G MinorSonata No.2, BWV 1003 in D MinorSonata No.3, BWV 1005 in CPartita No.1, BWV 1002 in B MinorPartita No.2, BWV 1004 in D MinorPartita No.3, BWV 1006 in EConcerto in A minor, BWV 1041 a小调小提琴协奏曲Concerto in E major, BWV 1042 E大调小提琴协奏曲Concerto for 2 Violins in D minor, BWV 1043 d小调双小提琴协奏曲Clãrambault, Louis-Nicolas克莱朗博Largo in C Minor c小调广板Couperin, François库普兰Les petits moulins à vent, XVII, No. 2小风车Gluck, Christoph Willibald格鲁克Mãlodie from Orphãe et Euridice 旋律Handel, George Frideric亨德尔Sonata in D major, Op.1, No.13, HWV 371 D大调小提琴奏鸣曲Sonata in E major, Op. 1, No. 15, HWV 373 E大调小提琴奏鸣曲Passacaglia from Suite in G minor, HWV 432 帕萨卡里亚Vivaldi, Antonio维瓦尔第Sonata No.2 in A major, RV31 A大调小提琴奏鸣曲Concerto for Violin and Cello in B-flat major, RV547 降B大调小提琴与大提琴协奏曲维也纳古典乐派Beethoven, Ludwig van贝多芬Serenade in D major, Op.8 小夜曲Romance in G major, Op.40 G大调浪漫曲Romance in F major, Op.50 F大调浪漫曲Concerto in D major, Op.61 D大调小提琴协奏曲Sonata No.1, Op.12 No.1 D大调小提琴奏鸣曲Sonata No.2, Op.12 No.2 A大调小提琴奏鸣曲Sonata No.3, Op.12 No.3 降E大调小提琴奏鸣曲Sonata No.4, Op.23 a小调小提琴奏鸣曲Sonata No.5, Op.24 F大调小提琴奏鸣曲Sonata No.6, Op.30 No.1 A大调小提琴奏鸣曲Sonata No.7, Op.30 No.2 c小调小提琴奏鸣曲Sonata No.8, Op.30 No.3 G大调小提琴奏鸣曲Sonata No.9, Op.47 A大调小提琴奏鸣曲克鲁采Sonata No.10, Op.96 G大调小提琴奏鸣曲String Trio in E-flat major, Op.3 降E大调弦乐三重奏Trio, Op.9, No. 1 in G major G大调弦乐三重奏Trio, Op. 9, No. 3 in C minor c小调弦乐三重奏Piano Trio in E-flat major, Op.1 No.1 降E大调钢琴三重奏Piano Trio in E-flat major, Op.70 No.2 降E大调钢琴三重奏Piano Trio in B-flat major, Op.97 大公三重奏Folk Dance No.6, German Dances 第六号德国舞曲Chorus of Dervishes from Die Ruinen von Athen, Op.113 同教僧侣的合唱Turkish March from Die Ruinen von Athen, Op.113 土耳其进行曲Brahms, Johannes勃拉姆斯Sonata No.2 in A major, Op.100 A大调小提琴奏鸣曲Sonata No.3 in D minor, Op.108 d小调小提琴奏鸣曲Concerto,Op.77 D大调小提琴协奏曲Concerto for Violin and Cello, Op.102 a小调小提琴与大提琴协奏曲String Quintet No.2, Op.111 弦乐五重奏String Sextet No.2, Op.36 弦乐六重奏Piano Trio No.1, Op.8 钢琴三重奏Piano Trio No.2, Op.87 钢琴三重奏Piano Quartet No.3, Op.60 钢琴四重奏Hungarian Dance No.1匈牙利舞曲Hungarian Dance No.7Hungarian Dance No.11Hungarian Dance No.20Haydn, Franz Joseph海顿Vivace from String Quartets, Op.64 弦乐四重奏云雀Hummel, Johann Nepomuk胡梅尔Rondo, Op.11 回旋曲Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus莫扎特Concerto No.4 in D major, K.218 D大调小提琴协奏曲Concerto No.5 in A major, K.219 A大调小提琴协奏曲土耳其Rondo from Serenade in D major, K.250/248b 回旋曲Sonata in C major, K.278/271e C大调管风琴奏鸣曲Sonata in C major, K.296 C大调小提琴奏鸣曲Divertimento in D major, K.334/320b D大调嬉游曲小步舞曲Sinfonia concertante in E-flat major,K.364/320d 降E大调交响协奏曲Sonata in B-flat major, K.378/317d 降B大调小提琴奏鸣曲2 Duos for Violin and Viola, K. 424 小提琴与中提琴二重奏Sonata in B-flat major, K.454 降B大调小提琴奏鸣曲String Quintet No.3 in C major, K.515 C大调弦乐五重奏String Quintet No.4 in G minor, K.516 g小调弦乐五重奏Divertimento in E-flat major, K.563 降E大调嬉游曲Paganini, Niccolo帕格尼尼Moto Perpetuo, Op, 11 无穷动Caprice No.13 in B-Flat major 降B大调第13随想曲Caprice No.20 in D major D大调第20随想曲Caprice No.24 in A Minor a小调第24随想曲Rossini, Gioacchino罗西尼Figaro from Il barbiere di Siviglia 费加罗浪漫主义前期Bazzini, Antonio巴齐尼La ronde des lutins, Op.25 幻想谐谑曲精灵之舞Chopin, Fryderyk Franciszek肖邦Nocturne, Op.9, No.2 降E大调夜曲Nocturne, Op.27, No.2 降D大调夜曲Nocturne, Op55. No.2 降E大调夜曲Nocturne, Op.72 e小调夜曲Franck, Cãsar弗兰克Quintet for Piano and Strings in F minor f小调钢琴与弦乐五重奏Sonata in A major A大调小提琴奏鸣曲Mendelssohn, Felix门德尔松String Octet, Op.20 弦乐八重奏Scherzo from Piano Trio in D minor, Op.49 谐谑曲Piano Trio No.1, Op.49 钢琴三重奏Piano Trio No.2, Op.66 钢琴三重奏Concerto in E Minor, Op. 64 e小调小提琴协奏曲Sweet Remembrance 无词歌第一号甜蜜的回忆On Wings of Songs, Op.34, No.2 乘着歌声的翅膀Schubert, Franz舒伯特Sonata in G Minor, D.408 g小调小提琴奏鸣曲String Trio, D.581弦乐三重奏Ave Maria, D.839 圣母颂Rondo from Sonata in D major, D.850/Op.53 回旋曲Impromptu No.3, D.899/Op.90 G大调即兴曲Piano Trio in B-flat major, D.898 /Op.99 钢琴三重奏Piano Trio in E-flat major, D.929 /Op.100 钢琴三重奏Fantasy in C major D. 934 幻想曲String Quintet, D.956/Op.163 弦乐五重奏Schumann, Robert舒曼Widmung from Myrthen, Op.25 奉献The Prophet Bird from Waldszenen Op.82 知更鸟浪漫主义后期及近代Aguirre, JuliánHuella, Op.49Albeniz, Isaac阿尔贝尼兹Sevilla from No.3, Suite espanola, Op.47 塞维利亚Arensky, Anton阿连斯基Concerto, Op.54 a小调小提琴协奏曲Piano Trio No.1, Op.32 钢琴三重奏Bruch, Max布鲁赫Concerto No.1, Op.26 in G minor g小调小提琴协奏曲Concerto No.2, Op.44 in D minor d小调小提琴协奏曲Scottish Fantasy, Op.46 苏格兰幻想曲Chausson, Ernest肖松Concerto for Violin, Piano and String Quartet, Op.21 D大调小提琴, 钢琴与弦乐四重奏协奏曲Poâme, Op.25 音诗D’Ambrosio, AlfredoSerenade, Op.4 小夜曲Debussy, Claude德彪西La fille aux cheveux de lin from Preludes, LivreI, No.8 亚麻色头发的少女Il pleure dans mon Coeur from Ariettes oubliees, No.2 泪水洒在我心头La chevelure from Chanson de Bilitis, No.2 头发Prelude from L'enfant prodigue 前奏曲La plus que lente 过分的慢板Clair de Lune 月光曲Beau soir 美丽黄昏Golliwog’s Cakewalk 木偶的步态舞Drigo, Riccardo德里戈4 Airs de Ballet No.2 戏谑圆舞曲Dvorak, Antonin德沃夏克Dumka, Op.35 杜姆卡Slavonic Dance, Op46, No.2 斯拉夫舞曲Slavonic Dance, Op.72, No.2Slavonic Dance, Op.72, No.8Piano Trio No.3, Op.65 钢琴三重奏Piano Quintet No.2, Op.81 钢琴五重奏Humoreske, Op. 101, No. 71 in G-Flat major 幽默曲Elgar, Edward埃尔加La capricieuse, Op.17 任性的女子Concerto in B Minor, Op.61 b小调小提琴协奏曲Faure, Gabriel福莱Sonata in A major No.1, Op.13 A大调第一小提琴奏鸣曲Foster, Stephen福斯特Old Folks at Home 故乡的亲人I Dream of Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair 浅棕色头发的珍妮Gershwin, George格什温Preludes 前奏曲Porgy and Bess – Summertime 波吉与贝丝Porgy and Bess - A Woman is a Sometime ThingPorgy and Bess - My Man's Gone NowPorgy and Bess - It Ain't Necessarily SoPorgy and Bess - Bess, You is my WomanPorgy and Bess - Tempo di BluesGodard, Benjamin戈达尔Lullaby/Berceuse from Jocelyn, Op.100 摇篮曲Godowsky, Leopold戈多夫斯基Waltz, Impression No.8Alt Wien, Triakontameron No.11 维也纳气质Goldmark, Karl戈德马克Concerto, Op.28Granados, Enrique格拉纳多斯Andaluza from 2 Danzas Españolas, Op.37 安达路西亚Grieg, Edvard格里格Sonata No.2, Op.13 第二小提琴奏鸣曲Sonata in C Minor, Op.45 c小调奏鸣曲Puck from Lyric Pieces No.3, Op.71 小妖精Scherzo-Impromptu No.2, Moods, Op.73 诙谐-即兴曲Herbert, Victor赫伯特A la valseKorngold, Erich Wolfgang科恩戈尔德Holzapfel und Schlehwein from Much Ado About Nothing, Op.11 野生苹果和黑刺李酒Garden Scene from Much Ado About Nothing, Op.11 花园场景Concerto, Op.35 D大调小提琴协奏曲Lalo, Édouard拉罗Symphonie espagnole, Op.21 西班牙交响曲∙回复收起回复∙9楼∙2012-02-03 03:26∙我也说一句∙素言墨Moszkowski, Moritz莫什科夫斯基Guitarre from 2 Piano Pieces, Op.45Rachmaninoff, Sergei拉赫玛尼诺夫Oriental Sketch from 2 Pieces, Op.2 东方素描Vocalise, No.14 14 Romances, Op.34 练声曲Etudes-tableaux, Op.33 降E大调音画练习曲Etudes-tableaux, Op.39 a小调音画练习曲Daisies from 6 Romances, Op.38 雏菊Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay里姆斯基-柯萨科夫The Flight of the Bumblebee from The Tale of Tsar Saltan 野蜂飞舞Ravel, Maurice拉威尔Valses nobles et sentimentales No. 6 高贵而伤感的圆舞曲Valses nobles et sentimentales No. 7Tzigane 茨冈Menuet from the Sonatine for Piano 小步舞曲Piãce en forme de habanera 哈巴奈拉舞曲Piano Trio in A Minor 钢琴三重奏Saint-Saëns, Camille圣桑Introduction & Rondo Capriccioso, Op.28 引子与回旋曲Sonata No.1, Op.75, in D minor d小调小提琴奏鸣曲Havanaise, Op.83 哈瓦涅拉舞曲The Swan from Carnival of the Animals 天鹅Sarasate, Pablo de萨拉萨蒂Zigeunerweisen, Op.20 流浪者之歌Malaguena from Spanish Dances, Op.21 马拉盖纳舞曲Habanera from Spanish Dances, Op.21 哈巴涅拉舞曲Romanza andaluza, Op.22, No.1 安达罗西亚浪漫曲Zapateado, Op. 23, No. 2 木屐舞曲Carmen Concert Fantasy, Op.25 卡门狂想曲Introduction & Tarantelle, Op.43 引子与塔兰泰拉Sgambati, Giovanni斯甘巴蒂Serenata napoletana, Op. 21, No. 2Sibelius, Jean西贝柳斯Concerto, in D Minor Op. 47 d小调小提琴协奏曲Nocturne from Belshazzar's Feast, Op.51 夜曲Sinding, Christian辛丁Suite im alten Stil, Op.10 a小调小提琴与乐队组曲Strauss, Richard理查·施特劳斯An einsamer Quelle No.2, Stimmungsbilder, Op.9 泉水旁Sonata in E-Flat major, Op.18 降E大调小提琴奏鸣曲Tchaikovsky, Pyotr柴可夫斯基Sãrãnade mãlancolique, Op.26 忧郁小夜曲Concerto in D major, Op.35 D大调小提琴协奏曲Scherzo from Souvenir d'un lieu cher, Op.42 谐谑曲Valse from Serenade for String Orchestra, Op.48 圆舞曲Waltz from Serenade for String Orchestra, Op.48 华尔兹Piano Trio, Op.50 钢琴三重奏Souvenir de Florence, Op.70 佛罗伦萨的回忆Vieuxtemps, Henri维厄当Concerto No.4, Op.31 第四小提琴协奏曲Concerto No.5, Op.37 a小调第五小提琴协奏曲Wieniawski, Henryk维尼亚夫斯基Polonaisc brillante No.1, Op.4 光辉波兰舞曲Capriccio-valse, Op. 7 随想圆舞曲Scherzo tarantelle, Op.16 谐谑曲-塔兰泰拉Concerto No.2, Op.22 d小调第二小提琴协奏曲∙回复收起回复∙10楼∙2012-02-03 03:26∙我也说一句∙素言墨愤愤地瞥一眼不给力的度娘,都3级了不用输验证码了还出【您的验证码输入错误】的乌龙。
格拉祖诺夫 全部音乐作品列表(List of compositions by Alexander Glazunov)
List of compositions by Alexander Glazunov Contents• 1 By performing mediumo 1.1 Stageo 1.2 Orchestralo 1.3 Concertanteo 1.4 Vocal/Choral Orchestralo 1.5 Chambero 1.6 Instrumentalo 1.7 Pianoo 1.8 Vocal/Choral• 2 By opus1. By performing medium1.1 StageOp. 57: Raymonda, ballet in three acts (1898)Op. 61: Les Ruses d'Amour aka The Trial of Damis aka Lady Soubrette, ballet in one act (1900)Op. 67: The Seasons, ballet in one act (1900)Op. 95: Music to the drama The King of the Jews after K.K. Romanov (1913)1.2 OrchestralSymphoniesOp. 5: Symphony No. 1 in E major "Slavonian Symphony" (1881-1884)Op. 16: Symphony No. 2 in F-sharp minor "To the Memory of Liszt" (1886)Op. 33: Symphony No. 3 in D major (1890)Op. 48: Symphony No. 4 in E-flat major (1893)Op. 55: Symphony No. 5 in B-flat major (1895)Op. 58: Symphony No. 6 in C minor (1896)Op. 77: Symphony No. 7 "Pastorale" in F major (1902-1903)Op. 83: Symphony No. 8 in E-flat major (1905-1906)Symphony No. 9 in D minor (1910), first movement (incomplete)Op. 3: Overture No. 1 in G minor for orchestra "On Greek Themes" (1882)Op. 6: Overture No. 2 in D major for orchestra (1883)Op. 7: Serenade No. 1 in A major for orchestra (1882)Op. 8: To the Memory of a Hero, elegy for orchestra (1885)Op. 9: Suite Charactéristique in D major for orchestra (1884-1887)Op. 11: Serenade No. 2 in F major for small orchestra (1884)Op. 12: Poème Lyrique in D-flat major for orchestra (1884-1887)Op. 13: Stenka Razin, symphonic poem in B minor (1885)Op. 14: Two Pieces for orchestra (1886-1887)Op. 18: Mazurka"in G major for orchestra (1888)Op. 19: The Forest, fantasy in C-sharp minor for orchestra (1887)Op. 21: Wedding March in E-flat major for orchestra (1889)Op. 26A: Slavonian Feast, symphonic sketchesOp. 28: The Sea, fantasy in E major for orchestra (1889)Op. 29: Oriental Rhapsody in G major for orchestra (1889)Op. 30: The Kremlin, symphonic picture in three parts (1890)Op. 32: "Meditation" in D major for violin and orchestra (1891)Op. 34: The Spring, symphonic picture in D major (1891)Op. 45: Carnaval, overture for large orchestra and organ in F major (1892)Op. 46: Chopiniana, suite for orchestra after piano pieces by Chopin (1893)Op. 47: Concert Waltz No. 1 in D major for orchestra (1893)Op. 50: Cortège Solennel in D major for orchestra (1894)Op. 51: Concert Waltz No. 2 in F major for orchestra (1894)Op. 52: Scènes de Ballet, suite, not intended as dance piece (1894)Op. 53: Fantasy From Dark into Light for orchestra (1894)Op. 68: "Pas de Caractère" from Raymonda in G major for orchestra (1899)Op. 69: Intermezzo Romantica in D major for orchestra (1900)Op. 73: Solemn Overture for orchestra (1900)Op. 76: March on a Russian Theme in E-flat major (1901)Op. 79: From the Middle Ages, suite in E major for orchestra (1902)Op. 81: Dance-Scene in A major for orchestra (1904)Op. 84: The Song of Destiny, dramatic overture in D minor for orchestra (1908)Op. 85: Two Preludes for orchestra (1906)Op. 86: Russian Fantasy in A major for balalaika-orchestra (1906)Op. 87: To the Memory of Gogol, symphonic prologue in C major (1909)Op. 88: Finnish Fantasy in C major for orchestra (1909)Op. 89: Finnish Sketches in E major for orchestra (1912)Op. 90: Introduction and Dance of Salomé, to the drama of Oscar Wilde (1908)Op. 91: "Cortège Solennel" in B-flat major for orchestra (1910)Op. 96: Paraphrase on the Hymn of the Allies for orchestra (1914-1915)Op. 99: Karelian Legend in A minor for orchestra (1916)Op. 102: Romance of Nina from the play "Masquerada" (1918)1.3 ConcertanteOp. 20: Two Pieces for cello and orchestra (1887-1888)Op. 82: Concerto in A minor for violin and orchestra (1904)Op. 92: Concerto No. 1 in F minor for piano and orchestra (1910-1911)Op. 100: Concerto No. 2 in B major for piano and orchestra (1917)Op. 100A/B: Mazurka Oberek (1917) for violin and orchestra or piano (1917)Op. 108: Concert Ballade in C major for cello and orchestra (1931)Op. 109: Concerto for Alto Saxophone and String Orchestra in E-flat major (1934) (same opus number as quartet, but different work ) In 1896 he arranged Tchaikovsky's violin and piano piece Souvenir d'un lieu cher for violin and orchestra.1.4 Vocal/Choral OrchestralOp. 40: Triumph March for large orchestra and chorus (1892)Op. 56: Coronation Cantata for four soloists, chorus and orchestra (1895)Op. 65: Cantata after Pushkin for solo voices, chorus and orchestra (1899)Op. 97: Song of the Volga-skippers for chorus and orchestra (1918)1.5 ChamberOp. 1: String Quartet No. 1 in D major (1881-1882)Op. 10: String Quartet No. 2 in F major (1884)Op. 26: String Quartet No. 3 in G major "Quatuor Slave" (1886-1888)Op. 64: String Quartet No. 4 in A minor (1894)Op. 70: String Quartet No. 5 in D minor (1898)Op. 106: String Quartet No. 6 in B-flat major (1920-1921)Op. 107: String Quartet No. 7 in C major "Hommage au passé" (1930)Op. 14: Oriental Reverie for clarinet and string quartet (original version of 2 Pieces for Orchestra) (1886)Op. 15: Five Novelettes for String Quartet (1886)Op. 35: Suite in C major for string quartet (1887-1891)Op. 38: In Modo Religioso, quartet for trumpet, horn and two trombones (1892)Op. 39: String Quintet in A major for string quartet and cello (1891-1892)Op. 105: Elegy in D minor for string quartet in memory of M. P. Belaieff (1928)Op. 109: Saxophone Quartet in B-flat major (1932)1.6 InstrumentalOp. 17: Elegy in D-flat major for cello and piano (1888)Op. 24: Rêverie in D-flat major for horn and piano (1890)Op. 32A: Meditation in D major for violin and piano (1891)Op. 44: Elegy in G minor for viola and piano (1893)Op. 71: Chant du Ménestrel for cello and piano (1900) (a version exists for cello and orchestra)Op. 93: Preludium and Fugue No. 1 in D major for organ (1906-1907)Op. 98: Preludium and Fugue No. 2 in D minor for organ (1914)Op. 110: Fantasy in G minor for organ (1934-1935)Albumblatt for trumpet and piano (1899)10 Duets for Two Clarinets1.7 PianoOp. 2: Suite on the Theme "S-A-C-H-A" for Piano (1883)Op. 22: Two Pieces for Piano (1889)Op. 23: Waltzes on the name S-A-B-E-L-A for piano (1890)Op. 25: Preludium and Two Mazurkas for piano (1888)Op. 31: Three Études for piano (1891)Op. 41: Large Concert Waltz in E-flat major for piano (1893)Op. 42: Three Miniatures for piano (1893)Op. 43: Salon Waltz in C major for piano (1893)Op. 49: Three Pieces for piano (1894)Op. 54: Two Impromptus for piano (1895)Op. 62: Prelude and Fugue in D minor, for piano (1899)Op. 72: Theme and Variations in F-sharp minor for piano (1900)Op. 74: Piano Sonata No. 1 in B-flat minor (1901)Op. 75: Piano Sonata No. 2 in E minor (1901)Op. 101: Four Preludes and Fugues for piano (1918-1923)Op. 103: Idylle in F-sharp major for piano (1926)Op. 104: Fantasy in F minor for two pianos (1919-1920)1.8 Vocal/ChoralOp. 4: Five Romances, songs (1882-1885)Op. 27: Two Songs after Pushkin (1887-1890)Op. 59: Six Songs for middle voice (1898)Op. 60: Six songs (romances to poetry of Aleksandr Pushkin and Apollon Maikov) for high voice (1897-1898) () Op. 63: Festive Cantata for solo-voices, women's chorus and two pianos eight hands (1898)Op. 66: Hymn after Pushkin for women's chorus and piano (1899)Op. 80: Chant Sans Bornes for soprano and alto with piano accompaniment (1900)Op. 94: Love after Shukovsky for mixed chorus a cappella (1907)2. By opusOp. 1: String Quartet No. 1 in D major (1881-1882)Op. 2: Suite on the Theme "S-A-C-H-A" for Piano (1883)Op. 3: Overture No. 1 in G minor for orchestra "On Greek Themes" (1882)Op. 4: Five Romances, songs (1882-1885)Op. 5: Symphony No. 1 in E major "Slavonian Symphony" (1881-1884)Op. 6: Overture No. 2 in D major for orchestra (1883)Op. 7: Serenade No. 1 in A major for orchestra (1882)Op. 8: To the Memory of a Hero, elegy for orchestra (1885)Op. 9: Suite Charactéristique in D major for orchestra (1884-1887)Op. 10: String Quartet No. 2 in F major (1884)Op. 11: Serenade No. 2 in F major for small orchestra (1884)Op. 12: Poème Lyrique in D-flat major for orchestra (1884-1887)Op. 13: Stenka Razin, symphonic poem in B minor (1885)Op. 14: Two Pieces for orchestra (1886-1887)Op. 15: Five Novelettes for String Quartet (1886)Op. 16: Symphony No. 2 in F-sharp minor "To the Memory of Liszt" (1886)Op. 17: Elegy in D-flat major for cello and piano (1888)Op. 18: Mazurka in G major for orchestra (1888)Op. 19: The Forest, Fantasy in C-sharp minor for orchestra (1887)Op. 20: Two Pieces for cello and orchestra (1887-1888)Op. 21: Wedding March in E-flat major for orchestra (1889)Op. 22: Two Pieces for Piano (1889)Op. 23: Watzes on the name S-A-B-E-L-A for piano (1990)Op. 24: Rêverie in D-flat major for horn and piano (1890)Op. 25: Preludium and Two Mazurkas for piano (1888)Op. 26: String Quartet No. 3 in G major "Quatuor Slave" (1886-1888)Op. 26A: Slavonian Feast, symphonic sketchesOp. 27: Two Songs after Pushkin (1887-1890)Op. 28: The Sea, fantasy in E major for orchestra (1889)Op. 29: Oriental Rhapsody in G major for orchestra (1889)Op. 30: The Kremlin, symphonic picture in three parts (1890)Op. 31: Three Études for piano (1891)Op. 32: Meditation in D major for violin and orchestra (1891)Op. 32A: Meditation in D major for violin and piano (1891)Op. 33: Symphony No. 3 in D major (1890)Op. 34: The Spring, symphonic picture in D major (1891)Op. 38: In Modo Religioso, quartet for trumpet, horn and two trombones (1892)Op. 39: String Quintet in A major for string quartet and cello (1891-1892)Op. 40: Triumph March for large orchestra and chorus (1892)Op. 41: Large Concert Waltz in E-flat major for piano (1893)Op. 42: Three Miniatures for piano (1893)Op. 43: Salon Waltz in C major for piano (1893)Op. 44: Elegy for viola and piano (1893)Op. 45: Carnaval, overture for large orchestra and organ in F major (1892)Op. 46: Chopiniana, suite for orchestra after piano pieces by Chopin (1893)Op. 47: Concert Waltz No. 1 in D major for orchestra (1893)Op. 48: Symphony No. 4 in E-flat major (1893)Op. 49: Three Pieces for piano (1894)Op. 50: Cortège Solennel in D major for orchestra (1894)Op. 51: Concert Waltz No. 2 in F major for orchestra (1894)Op. 52: Scènes de Ballet, suite, not intended as dance piece (1894)Op. 53: Fantasy From Dark into Light for orchestra (1894)Op. 54: Two Impromptus for piano (1895)Op. 55: Symphony No. 5 in B-flat major (1895)Op. 56: Coronation Cantata for four soloists, chorus and orchestra (1895)Op. 57: Raymonda, ballet in three acts (1898)Op. 58: Symphony No. 6 in C minor (1896)Op. 59: Six Songs for middle voice (1898)Op. 60: Six songs (romances to poetry of Aleksandr Pushkin and Apollon Maikov) for high voice (1897-1898) () Op. 61: Les Ruses d'Amour aka The Trial of Damis aka Lady Soubrette, ballet in one act (1900)Op. 62: Prelude and Fugue in D minor, for piano (1899)Op. 63: Festive Cantata for solo-voices, women's chorus and two pianos eight hands (1898)Op. 64: String Quartet No. 4 in A minor (1894)Op. 65: Cantata after Pushkin for solo voices, chorus and orchestra (1899)Op. 66: Hymn after Pushkin for women's chorus and piano (1899)Op. 67: The Seasons, ballet in one act (1900)Op. 68: "Pas de Caractère" from Raymonda in G major for orchestra (1899)Op. 69: Intermezzo Romantica in D major for orchestra (1900)Op. 70: String Quartet No. 5 in D minor (1898)Op. 71: Chant du Ménestrel for cello and piano (1900) (a version exists for cello and orchestra)Op. 72: Theme and Variations in F-sharp minor for piano (1900)Op. 73: Solemn Overture for orchestra (1900)Op. 74: Piano Sonata No. 1 in B-flat minor (1901)Op. 75: Piano Sonata No. 2 in E minor (1901)Op. 76: March on a Russian Theme in E-flat major (1901)Op. 77: Symphony No. 7 "Pastorale" in F major (1902-1903)Op. 78: Ballade in F major for orchestra (1902)Op. 79: From the Middle Ages, suite in E major for orchestra (1902)Op. 80: Chant Sans Bornes for soprano and alto with piano accompaniment (1900)Op. 81: Dance-Scene in A major for orchestra (1904)Op. 82: Concerto in A minor for violin and orchestra (1904)Op. 83: Symphony No. 8 in E-flat major (1905-1906)Op. 84: The Song of Destiny, dramatic overture in D minor for orchestra (1908)Op. 85: Two Preludes for orchestra (1906)Op. 86: Russian Fantasy in A major for balalaika-orchestra (1906)Op. 87: To the Memory of Gogol, symphonic prologue in C major (1909)Op. 88: Finnish Fantasy in C major for orchestra (1909)Op. 89: Finnish Sketches in E major for orchestra (1912)Op. 90: Introduction and Dance of Salomé, to the drama of Oscar Wilde (1908)Op. 91: Cortège Solennel in B-flat major for orchestra (1910)Op. 92: Concerto No. 1 in F minor for piano and orchestra (1910-1911)Op. 93: Preludium and Fugue No. 1 in D major for organ (1906-1907)Op. 94: Love after Shukovsky for mixed chorus a cappella (1907)Op. 95: Music to the drama The King of the Jews after K. K. Romanov (1913)Op. 96: Paraphrase on the Hymn of the Allies for orchestra (1914-1915)Op. 97: Song of the Volga-skippers for chorus and orchestra (1918)Op. 98: Preludium and Fugue No. 2 in D minor for organ (1914)Op. 100A/B: Mazurka Oberek (1917) for violin and orchestra or piano (1917)Op. 101: Four Preludes and Fugues for piano (1918-1923)Op. 102: Romance of Nina from the play "Masquerada" (1918)Op. 103: Idylle in F-sharp major for piano (1926)Op. 104: Fantasy in F minor for two pianos (1919-1920)Op. 105: Elegy in D minor for string quartet in memory of M. P. Belyayev (1928)Op. 106: String Quartet No. 6 in B-flat major (1920-1921) (Listings with details about opp. 105 and 106)Op. 107: String Quartet No. 7 in C major "Hommage au passé" (1930)Op. 108: Concert Ballade in C major for cello and orchestra (1931)Op. 109: Saxophone Quartet in B-flat major (1932)Op. 109: Concerto for Alto Saxophone and String Orchestra in E-flat major (1934) (same opus number as quartet, but different work ) Op. 110: Fantasy in G minor for organ (1934-1935)•Works without opus number:Albumblatt for trumpet and piano (1899)Symphony No. 9 in D minor (1910)First movement (incomplete)Reverie Orientale for Clarinet and String Quartet (1886)10 Duets for Two Clarinets。
当代音乐2021年第1期MODERN MUSIC 肖邦《幻想曲》Op・49的创作风格及演奏要点郭佳云[摘要]肖邦是浪漫主义时期的代表人物之一,在肖邦的作品中,不论是结构形式的新意、内容上的戏剧性、内心情感的复杂变化或是他在和声色彩的独特创作,都影响着后来的作曲家。
(二)作曲家及其音乐创作时期简介1.作曲家生平简介费雷德里克•弗朗索瓦•肖邦(Fryderyk Francois Chopin,1810—1849),生于华沙近郊,从小就表现出非凡的音乐天赋,华沙人都惊喜的称他为“新莫扎特”[1]。
在巴黎肖邦结识了很多文学艺术界与上流社会的名流,在好友李斯特的介绍下,认识了乔治•桑,随后双方产生了倾慕之情, 1849年,肖邦与乔治•桑感情破裂后,他的肺结核病情愈发严重,最终于1849年10月在巴黎的家中去世。
关于肖邦的英文简介 关于肖邦的英文诗
关于肖邦的英文简介关于肖邦的英文诗Frederick Francois Chopin (F.F. Chopin 1810-1849), 19th century Polish composer, pianist.In 1810, Chopin was born in Poland; in 1817 began to create; 1818 debut performance; 1822 to 1829 in Warsaw National Music higher learning schoolmusic and music theory. From 1829 onwards as a composer and pianist in Europe as a tour. After the failure of the Warsaw insurrection and settled in Paris, engaged in teaching and creation. In 1849, Chopin died of tuberculosis in Paris.Chopin is one of the most influential and popular piano composers in history, one of the most important figures in the history of Polish music, the representative of European 19th century romantic music. His works are based on the Polish folk song and dance, but also by Bach influence, mostly piano music, known as the "romantic piano poet."In 1810, Chopin was born in the Polish capital of Warsaw suburbs hot Yazo Vola, the same year the family moved to Warsaw.In 1816, Chopin followed the famous piano teacher Mr. Wojciech to studythe piano.In 1817, Chopin created the first works of B major and g minor Polish dance.In 1818, at the charity concert in the Radziwi family palace, Chopin debuted and played the works of Adalbert Gyrowetz, the aristocratic salon of Poland.In 1822, Chopin studied music from the musician and composer Józef Elsner, who published the works of the German composer Ferdinand Ries a year later.In 1826, after graduating from high school, Chopin continued to follow the piano performance and composition of music by Joseph Ayersenau at the Warsaw Academy of Music.After 1829, Chopin made a number of concerts in Europe as a composer and pianist.In 1830, due to the Polish uprising, Chopin left his hometown of Poland moved to Paris, France, began to play, teaching, composition for a living.In 1837, Chopin refused to "the chief pianist of His Majesty the Emperor" position and title.In 1848, Chopin held his last concert in Paris and was invited to visit England and Scotland.On October 17, 1849, Chopin died of tuberculosis in the home of Paris.OverviewChopin more piano music based, genre diversity, rich in content, simple feelings, simple concise, subject matter close to the Polish people's life, history and patriotic poetry, melodic passionate, rich and colorful, flexible structure.As a famous piano player, Chopin's playing skills are exquisite, delicate techniques, sound gorgeous, rich passion, superb, his piano pedal usage is unique.Practice songChopin creation of the practice song completely break Clementi, Cherni, Mo Xelai Lai since the purely technical practice of writing techniques, do not deliberately highlight the gorgeous hyun skills, so that music to convey amore profound feelings.Such as "C major practice song" (works on the 10th of the 12 "revolution") is Chopin went to Paris in 1831 on the way, learned that the Russian invasionof Warsaw after the grief of writing. From the technical point of view, thisis a left hand running Etudes, but from the right hand heroic octave melodyand left-handed stormy pouring is not difficult to see the composer was extremely excited heart.WaltzChopin Waltz has always been beautiful, elegant, gorgeous is known, but because the rhythm changes complex, and therefore not suitable for practical dance.From the form of expression can be divided into two categories: one is the actual dance to be idealized works, such as "down E major gorgeous big wreath", "down D major" puppy "waltz"; another Class is the form of a round dancelyrics, such as "l c minor dance".PreludeChopin's prelude, can be different styles of songs, free combination for the suite.Created in 1836 to 1839 between the "Prelude" Op.28, the twenty-four prelude contains a variety of different lengths, weave, style, with a variety of composition techniques in which the tone is different twenty The relationship between the four relations of the size of the arrangement of the five cycles, the music style can be summarized as the practice song, nocturne, march card, funeral march, scherzo, infinite movement, song, fantasy and improvisation and other types.ScherzoJoking song means joking, but the work of Chopin humor does not highlight the joking, but more melancholy and the resistance of the individual, in fact, contains their own ridicule and sarcasm.Such as the creation of the 1831 "b minor first scherzo", the first theme is the storm-like frenzy, the second movement marked the slow board, there are strange chords. The beginning of the part of the incompatible chord with a sudden change in the mood, but the middle of the "dream" has not been this sudden punch hit. And then the second half of the first half of the strange chords have emerged, re-introduction of the constant struggle, fighting, thirsty emotions, until the end has not yet seen the bright future.Matsuka danceChopin's Mazurka dance changes the folk rhythm, and in accordance with the highly specialized art standards for re-creation, in harmony, tone and other aspects of the more creative creation, his music has a more refined melody, A sense of jump, in the change to give poetic."L c minor dance" is the largest in the repertoire of Chopin Mazuka, the beginning of the music by Bach's musical style, with classical feelings, like the organ ringing. "The beginning seems to be for the organ, but at the end of the salon style, no one has been knocked out like this."NocturneNocturne is Chopin's own innovation of a piano solo genre, it has a calm and peaceful, quiet and quiet features, gently in the occasional trace of a little bit of meditation."T minor Trilogy", for the three sections, the first paragraph to softly played a dull melody, after all kinds of transshipment, the mood more and more disturbed; the middle speed fast, grief of the second theme, it is resolved as Clear and then return to the first theme.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
关于肖邦的英文简介肖邦简介Frederick Francois Chopin (F.F. Chopin 1810-1849), 19th century Polish composer, pianist.In 1810, Chopin was born in Poland; in 1817 began to create; 1818 debut performance; 1822 to 1829 in Warsaw National Music higher learning school music and music theory. From 1829 onwards as a composer and pianist in Europe as a tour. After the failure of the Warsaw insurrection and settled in Paris, engaged in teaching and creation. In 1849, Chopin died of tuberculosis in Paris.Chopin is one of the most influential and popular piano composers in history, one of the most important figures in the history of Polish music, the representative of European 19th century romantic music. His works are based on the Polish folk song and dance, but also by Bach influence, mostly piano music, known as the "romantic piano poet."肖邦个人经历In 1810, Chopin was born in the Polish capital of Warsaw suburbs hot Yazo Vola, the same year the family moved to Warsaw.In 1816, Chopin followed the famous piano teacher Mr. Wojciech to study the piano.In 1817, Chopin created the first works of B major and g minor Polish dance.In 1818, at the charity concert in the Radziwi family palace, Chopin debuted and played the works of Adalbert Gyrowetz, the aristocratic salon of Poland.In 1822, Chopin studied music from the musician and composerJózef Elsne r, who published the works of the German composerFerdinand Ries a year later.In 1826, after graduating from high school, Chopin continued to follow the piano performance and composition of music by Joseph Ayersenau at the Warsaw Academy of Music.After 1829, Chopin made a number of concerts in Europe as a composer and pianist.In 1830, due to the Polish uprising, Chopin left his hometown of Poland moved to Paris, France, began to play, teaching, composition for a living.In 1837, Chopin refused to "the chief pianist of His Majesty the Emperor" position and title.In 1848, Chopin held his last concert in Paris and was invited to visit England and Scotland.On October 17, 1849, Chopin died of tuberculosis in the home of Paris.肖邦创作风格OverviewChopin more piano music based, genre diversity, rich in content, simple feelings, simple concise, subject matter close to the Polish people's life, history and patriotic poetry, melodic passionate, rich and colorful, flexible structure.As a famous piano player, Chopin's playing skills are exquisite, delicate techniques, sound gorgeous, rich passion, superb, his piano pedal usage is unique.肖邦创作范围Practice songChopin creation of the practice song completely break Clementi, Cherni, Mo Xelai Lai since the purely technical practice of writingtechniques, do not deliberately highlight the gorgeous hyun skills, so that music to convey a more profound feelings.Such as "C major practice song" (works on the 10th of the 12 "revolution") is Chopin went to Paris in 1831 on the way, learnedthat the Russian invasion of Warsaw after the grief of writing. From the technical point of view, this is a left hand running Etudes, but from the right hand heroic octave melody and left-handed stormy pouring is not difficult to see the composer was extremely excited heart.WaltChopin Waltz has always been beautiful, elegant, gorgeous is known, but because the rhythm changes complex, and therefore not suitable for practical dance.From the form of expression can be divided into two categories: one is the actual dance to be idealized works, such as "down E major gorgeous big wreath", "down D major" puppy "waltz"; another Class is the form of a round dance lyrics, such as "l c minor dance".PreludeChopin's prelude, can be different styles of songs, free combination for the suite.Created in 1836 to 1839 between the "Prelude" Op.28, the twenty-four prelude contains a variety of different lengths, weave, style, with a variety of composition techniques in which the tone is different twenty The relationship between the four relations of the size of the arrangement of the five cycles, the music style can be summarized as the practice song, nocturne, march card, funeral march, scherzo, infinite movement, song, fantasy and improvisation and other types.ScherzoJoking song means joking, but the work of Chopin humor does not highlight the joking, but more melancholy and the resistance of the individual, in fact, contains their own ridicule and sarcasm.Such as the creation of the 1831 "b minor first scherzo", thefirst theme is the storm-like frenzy, the second movement marked the slow board, there are strange chords. The beginning of the part of the incompatible chord with a sudden change in the mood, but the middle of the "dream" has not been this sudden punch hit. And then the second half of the first half of the strange chords have emerged, re-introduction of the constant struggle, fighting, thirsty emotions, until the end has not yet seen the bright future.Matsuka danceChopin's Mazurka dance changes the folk rhythm, and in accordance with the highly specialized art standards for re-creation, in harmony, tone and other aspects of the more creative creation, his music has a more refined melody, A sense of jump, in the change to give poetic."L c minor dance" is the largest in the repertoire of Chopin Mazuka, the beginning of the music by Bach's musical style, with classical feelings, like the organ ringing. "The beginning seems to be for the organ, but at the end of the salon style, no one has been knocked out like this."NocturneNocturne is Chopin's own innovation of a piano solo genre, it has a calm and peaceful, quiet and quiet features, gently in the occasional trace of a little bit of meditation."T minor Trilogy", for the three sections, the first paragraph tosoftly played a dull melody, after all kinds of transshipment, the mood more and more disturbed; the middle speed fast, grief of the second theme, it is resolved as Clear and then return to the first theme.。