NIR imaging and modeling of the core of M100





近年来,随着磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging, MRI)技术的出现和成熟,研究者能在系统水平对大脑的可塑性变化及其机制进行精细的在体研究。








因此,本文借助磁共振成像技术,围绕影像医师专家模型展开研究,被试由视觉专家组(21名影像实习医生)和对照组(21名非视觉专家)组成,针对功能磁共振成像数据和结构磁共振成像数据,利用低频振荡幅度分析(amplitude of low frequency fluctuation, ALFF)和基于体素的形态学分析(voxel based morphometry, VBM)方法探求视觉专家技能对大脑造成的可塑性影响。




第50卷第4期2023年北京化工大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (Natural Science)Vol.50,No.42023引用格式:王钰,赵明晶,谢晓明,等.基于曲率滤波和视觉显著性的红外小目标检测[J].北京化工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,50(4):75-86.WANG Yu,ZHAO MingJing,XIE XiaoMing,et al.Infrared small target detection based on curvature filtering and visual significance[J].Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology (Natural Science),2023,50(4):75-86.基于曲率滤波和视觉显著性的红外小目标检测王 钰1 赵明晶2* 谢晓明1* 李 伟2(1.北京化工大学信息科学与技术学院,北京 100029;2.北京理工大学信息与电子学院,北京 100081)摘 要:红外成像因具有隐蔽性强㊁环境适应能力强和抗干扰能力强等优点,被广泛用于军事和民用领域㊂为了实现对红外小目标的高精度检测,提出了一种基于曲率滤波和视觉显著性相结合的红外小目标检测算法㊂首次将曲率滤波引入红外小目标检测中,对图像中的背景进行估计,然后将背景估计结果与原图像进行差分,使得图像中的大部分背景被显著抑制㊂为了减小残余的部分高强度杂波对目标的正确检测产生影响,利用形态学方法将高强度杂波移除㊂为了进一步提高目标的检测精度,提出了一种局部对比度算法进行杂波抑制及目标增强㊂最后,采用自适应阈值分割方法得到显著的小目标㊂对本文所提算法与其他算法在5个数据集上进行了比较分析,结果表明,本文算法的信杂比(SCR)与背景抑制因子(BSF)远高于其他算法,在检测率和误报率方面也明显优于其他算法㊂关键词:红外小目标;曲率滤波;局部对比度;单帧检测中图分类号:TP751 DOI :10.13543/j.bhxbzr.2023.04.010收稿日期:2022-08-18基金项目:航空科学基金项目(ASFC -20200051072001)第一作者:女,1996年生,硕士生*通信联系人赵明晶,E⁃mail:631240891@ 谢晓明,E⁃mail:xmxie@引 言红外成像因具有隐蔽性强㊁可全天时工作㊁可穿透云雾以及抗电磁干扰能力强等优点,在军事和民用领域得到了广泛应用[1]㊂同时,目标种类的多样性㊁环境的复杂性等对红外目标检测技术提出了更高的要求[2]㊂在实际获取图像的过程中,目标和背景通常会以非常快的速度变化,导致获得的红外图像整体比较模糊㊁缺乏纹理细节信息㊁目标与背景的对比度降低等问题[3],这些问题都给小目标的精确检测增加了难度㊂现有的红外小目标检测算法从单帧和多帧两个方面来解决以上难点㊂单帧检测算法主要利用帧内的信息,对于复杂场景图像中的小目标较难检测,但其检测速度较快,易于通过硬件实现;多帧检测算法需要依赖帧间的信息,而帧间信息的连续性通常受到红外设备和目标快速变化的影响[4],其检测性能会下降㊂近年来,人们对传统的单帧红外小目标检测算法进行了很多相关研究㊂基于空域滤波的检测算法通过对背景估计来检测小目标,例如最大中值和最大均值滤波[5]㊁双边滤波[6]㊁形态学滤波Top -hat 变换[7]等算法㊂经典的Top -hat 变换广泛用于红外目标检测,但是它对噪声很敏感,在处理背景杂乱的图像时会出现大量的虚警,且依赖结构元素的选取㊂为了解决这些问题,Zhao 等[8]提出了一种新的形态特征提取算法(MMP)用于红外小目标检测,该算法能够更好地利用红外图像中的空间信息㊂此外,基于视觉显著性的算法也获得了很好的检测效果㊂Chen 等[9]在人类视觉对比度机制的启发下,提出了一种局部对比度算法(LCM),该算法是基于目标与周围背景的对比度差异来实现目标增强的,但是在实际应用中会出现很高的虚警率㊂为了克服上述缺点,人们提出了很多改进的算法㊂Shi 等[10]提出了高速的多尺度局部对比度算法(HB -MLCM),该算法在检测速度和检测能力方面表现很好;Han 等[11]根据红外图像中噪声的种类,提出了多尺度局部对比度算法(RLCM),该算法对复杂背景下小目标的处理具有较好的鲁棒性;为了避免区域交叠造成的目标漏检,穆靖等[12]提出了三层模板局部差异度量算法(TTLDM),该算法具有很好的实时性并且避免了多尺度运算导致的算法复杂度提高,但此类算法中大多数不能兼顾实时性和检测性能,对背景杂波的抑制也不充分,导致虚警率较高㊂还有一类算法利用红外图像背景的非局部自相关特性和目标的稀疏性,将图像的背景和目标分别视为稀疏矩阵和低秩矩阵进行处理,取得较好的效果[13-14]㊂如Gao 等[13]提出的红外图像块模型(IPI)就是经典的非局部先验算法,该模型对于高度变化的复杂场景具有很好的适应性,但此类算法的复杂度高,实时效果差㊂此外,人们还将一类新的算法应用于红外小目标检测,这种算法通过将红外图像的三维灰度图看成空间曲面,利用目标与背景的空间曲率差异来最小化图像曲率,进而实现对目标的检测㊂例如Zhao 等[15]提出了主曲率函数滤波的检测算法,该算法对于复杂背景下的目标检测效果较好,但此类算法需要计算每个像素的主曲率,其计算复杂度高,且要求图像二次可导,这一假设较难满足㊂为了解决这一问题,Gong 等[16]提出了曲率滤波理论,通过将图像视为局部可展曲面来最小化曲率,目前该算法在图像去噪方面已得到广泛使用,但是还未应用于红外小目标检测㊂针对以上算法中存在的问题,本文提出了一种基于曲率滤波和视觉显著性相结合的红外小目标检测算法㊂首先采用改进的曲率滤波算法和背景差分操作来抑制图像中的大部分背景,然后提出了一种局部对比度算法,以进一步提高目标和背景之间的对比度㊂与其他算法相比,本文提出的算法能够更有效地检测小目标,并且具有较低的误报率㊂1 基于曲率滤波和视觉显著性相结合的红外小目标检测算法1.1 红外图像特性分析在远距离情况下,红外图像容易受到红外设备和复杂天气的影响,形成的图像具有如下特点㊂(1)背景通常分布较为均匀且占据图片中大量的像素,具有一定的连续性,其内部对比度不突出;(2)一般来说,小目标只占据图像的几个或者十几个像素,其大小不确定,需要自适应地检测目标大小㊂此外,由于目标的高速运动和背景的快速变化,形成的小目标可能会模糊,缺乏结构纹理信息,帧间信息也可能不连续㊂受到距离和设备等因素的影响,小目标的灰度通常也不明显,容易被背景杂波所淹没,导致其内部对比度不突出㊂基于以上分析,本文提出了一种将曲率滤波和视觉显著性相结合的红外小目标检测算法㊂该算法的检测流程如图1所示㊂针对红外图像中目标占据的像素很小,大量的背景及变化容易对目标检测结果造成干扰的问题,提出了改进曲率滤波的背景抑制方法㊂采用全变分曲率滤波算法估计图像的整体背景,将得到的背景估计结果与原图进行差分,并用形态学方法进一步处理差分后的残余杂波,以减弱背景对目标的干扰㊂然后,依据人类视觉显著注意力机制的特点,提出了一种局部对比度算法,以进一步提高目标和背景之间的对比度,从而提高目标的检测率㊂最后,采用自适应阈值分割方法进行目标检测㊂图1 本文所提算法的总流程图Fig.1 General flowchart of the proposed algorithm㊃67㊃北京化工大学学报(自然科学版) 2023年1.2 基于改进曲率滤波的背景抑制在红外小目标检测中,由于拍摄距离通常较远,得到的图像中目标呈现出 弱”和 小”的特性㊂背景变化通常也会对目标产生严重干扰,使得目标不易被正确检测㊂因此,首先对背景进行抑制是提高目标检测率的一种重要手段㊂全变分曲率滤波算法[16]能够较好地去除图像中的噪声,因此本文采用全变分曲率滤波算法对红外图像的背景部分进行估计,然后将背景估计结果与原图像进行差分,得到对红外图像中的背景进行初步抑制的结果,这样能够极大地减少背景对目标正确检测的干扰㊂全变分曲率滤波算法以变分模型为理论基础,通过构造的局部滤波器快速求解变分模型㊂与传统的变分模型求解相比,它不需要计算曲率,因此不需要假设图像是可导的㊂该算法将图像视为分段常值可展曲面,采用局部近似图像进行滤波,通过一定次数的迭代使得图像尽可能可展,从而逼近原始图像㊂全变分曲率滤波算法通过构造一个3×3的窗口,计算中心像素R i,j到其邻域内所有切平面的投影距离d i(i=1,2, ,8)㊂d1=R i-1,j-1+R i-1,j+R i,j-1+R i+1,j-1+R i+1,j5-R i,j d2=R i-1,j+R i-1,j+1+R i,j+1+R i+1,j+R i+1,j+15-R i,j d3=R i-1,j-1+R i-1,j+R i-1,j+1+R i,j-1+R i,j+15-R i,j d4=R i+1,j-1+R i+1,j+R i+1,j+1+R i,j-1+R i,j+15-R i,j d5=R i-1,j-1+R i-1,j+R i-1,j+1+R i,j-1+R i+1,j-15-R i,j d6=R i-1,j-1+R i-1,j+R i-1,j+1+R i,j+1+R i+1,j+15-R i,j d7=R i+1,j-1+R i+1,j+R i+1,j+1+R i-1,j-1+R i,j-15-R i,j d8=R i+1,j-1+R i+1,j+R i+1,j+1+R i-1,j+1+R i,j+15-R i,j(1)然后通过选择最小切平面距离来校正中心像素值,其计算式如下㊂Q i,j=R i,j+d ms.t.|d m|=min{|d i|},i=1,2, ,8(2)式中:Q i,j为校正后的中心像素值,d m为找到的最小切平面距离㊂通过式(1)和(2)可以有效地判断中心像素是噪声点还是边缘点:当中心像素是一个噪声点时,它将会被平滑;当中心像素是一个边缘点时,它将不会被平滑㊂当经过一定次数的迭代后,就可以得到背景图像Q㊂因此,可以通过从原始的红外图像中减去背景图像Q来获得背景抑制的结果,将得到的结果记为A,公式如下㊂A i,j=max{I i,j-Q i,j,0}(3)式中:A i,j为背景差分的图像,I i,j为原始红外图像㊂由式(3)易知平滑背景的输出为零,目标区域会被保留,大部分背景区域被显著抑制㊂但是全变分曲率滤波算法在对背景进行估计时会使得图像中的纹理细节信息过于平滑,因此在进行背景差分之后,会留下一些高强度的残余杂波,对目标的正确检测产生影响㊂为此,本文采用5×5的圆盘算子进行先腐蚀后膨胀的形态学操作来进一步减弱这些高强度的残余杂波㊂基于改进曲率滤波的背景抑制过程如图2所示,其中红色方框部分为结果放大的区域,绿色圆框部分为目标区域㊂由图2(b)可以明显看出,经过曲率滤波操作之后,图像中的背景被显著抑制,目标得到明显突出㊂由图2(c)可以看出,经过形态学操作后,高强度的残余杂波得到有效减弱㊂最终得到的图像更适合使用局部对比度算法来增强小目标并抑制背景,也就是说在真正的小目标区域内局部对比度会更突出,而其他区域的局部对比度经过上述操作后会变弱㊂1.3 基于局部对比度的目标增强经典的局部对比度算法依据目标与邻域背景的差异性,将每个目标区域的最大像素点与其周围区域像素点的均值比作为目标区域的增强因子,这样极易增强图像中原本存在的噪声,造成大量虚警,并且由于需要逐像素运算,计算成本较高,实时性也会受到影响㊂因此,本文提出了一种改进的局部对比度算法,通过差值局部对比描述和多尺度运算结果融合来增强目标及扩大局部差异㊂从图2(c)中可以看出,在经过改进曲率滤波操作后,大部分背景和高强度残余杂波得到抑制㊂为了提高目标检测率㊁降低虚警率,进一步提升目标和背景之间的对比度是至关重要的㊂因此,本文提出了一种增强局部差的方法,所使用的窗口模型如图3所示,模型分为内外两个区域,内部为目标区域T,外部为其邻域背景区域B㊂采用小目标与其邻域背景的灰度均值之差d来㊃77㊃第4期 王 钰等:基于曲率滤波和视觉显著性的红外小目标检测图2 基于改进曲率滤波的背景抑制Fig.2 Background suppression based on improvedcurvature filtering图3 窗口模型Fig.3 Window model 描述局部对比度(式(4))㊂d =m T -m B(4)m T =1N T∑N Ti =1v i (5)m B =1N B∑N Bj =1v j (6)式中:m T 为目标区域的灰度均值,m B 为背景区域的灰度均值,N T 为目标区域的像素数,N B 为背景区域的像素数,v i 为目标区域第i 个像素的灰度值,v j 为背景区域第j 个像素的灰度值㊂在实际应用中,红外小目标的大小通常是不断变化的,当小目标进入红外搜索和跟踪系统时,随着距离的改变,其大小变化范围一般在2×2和12×12像素之间[17],因此需要选取不同窗口大小的目标区域来估计真实的红外小目标㊂L k =m k T -m kB ,k =1,2,3,4(7)式中:k 为当前选取的第k 个目标尺度,m k T 和m kB 分别为当前尺度下目标区域和背景区域的像素均值,L k 为当前选取的第k 个目标尺度的局部对比度㊂将得到的不同尺度的局部对比图进行Had⁃amard 乘积后,可以获得显著的小目标㊂为了进一步增强红外小目标与背景的差异,对获得的显著目标结果进行平方,计算如下㊂S =(L 1 L 2 L 3 L 4)2(8)式中:S 为最终获得的局部对比度图㊂从以上定义中可以看出,当目前像素属于背景像素时,有L k ≈0和S ≈0,当目前像素属于目标像素时,有L k >0和S ≫0㊂因此,使用Hadamard 乘积能够进一步扩大目标和背景之间的对比度,从而达到使亮度较大的目标更亮,亮度较小的目标更暗的目的㊂本文将小目标的区域大小分别设置为3×3㊁5×5㊁7×7和9×9,背景区域大小设为固定尺寸15×15,这样有利于提高检测速度㊂1.4 自适应阈值分割经过以上处理之后得到最终的小目标显著图,为了使得到的小目标更加直观,采用一种阈值分割方法[18]分离目标㊂Thr =μ+λ×σ(9)式中:Thr 为阈值分割后的结果图;μ为背景均值;σ为背景标准差;λ的取值根据最佳的图像分割效果来确定,对于不同的算法和数据集而言,λ的取值差异较大,其取值范围一般在10~90之间㊂2 算法验证为了验证本文所提算法的有效性,将本文算法与IPI 算法[13]㊁LCM 算法[9]㊁RLCM 算法[11]㊁Top -hat 算法[7]㊁HB -MLCM 算法[10]和TTLDM 算法[12]进行对㊃87㊃北京化工大学学报(自然科学版) 2023年比分析㊂选取5组不同场景下的红外图像(见表1)进行测试,测试环境在MATLAB R2021a 中编译㊂表1 选取的红外图像数据集Table 1 Selected infrared image datasets数据集帧数像素背景描述Dataset130256×200较强云杂波空天场景Dataset280450×400目标淹没在较强云杂波空天场景Dataset3100300×256目标淹没在较弱云杂波空天场景Dataset440256×200较弱云杂波空天场景Dataset540300×300低空多建筑场景2.1 评价指标为了评价不同红外小目标检测算法的背景抑制和目标增强效果,采用信杂比(SCR)㊁信杂比增益(SCRG)㊁背景抑制因子(BSF)作为评价指标,其计算式如下㊂R SCR=|μt -μb |σb (10)G SCRG=SCR out SCR in (11)F BSF =C in C out(12)式中:R SCR 为信杂比,G SCRG 为信杂比增益,F BSF 为背景抑制因子,μt 为目标的平均像素大小,μb 为目标周围区域的像素值大小,σb 为目标周围的像素值标准差,SCR in 为输入图像的信杂比,SCR out 为输出图像的信杂比,C in 和C out 分别为原图像和经过处理后的输出图像的标准差㊂SCR 值越大,小目标越容易被检测到;SCRG 反映了目标的输入输出相对于背景的增强程度,也可以用来描述小目标检测的难度,SCRG 值越大,目标的增强程度越大;BSF 反映了背景的抑制效果,BSF 值越大,抑制效果越好㊂对于检测结果,通常利用检测率(P d )和虚警率(F a )来评价目标的检测精度,其计算式如下㊂P d =N trueN actual×100%(13)F a =N falseN total×100%(14)式中:N true 为检测到的真实目标数,N actual 为总的真实目标数,N false 为检测到的虚假目标数,N total 为检测到的所有目标数㊂当以下条件都符合时,认为检测到的小目标是正确的[19]:(1)检测到的目标和真实目标的中心像素之差小于5个像素;(2)真实目标和检测到的目标的像素有重叠㊂2.2 参数选择2.2.1 迭代次数在实验过程中发现,全变分曲率滤波的迭代次数会对算法的检测性能造成一定影响㊂本文比较了不同迭代次数下所提算法的性能,结果见表2㊂可以看出,当迭代次数为10次时在Dataset5中出现了虚警,当迭代次数为20次时算法性能达到了最佳,当迭代次数继续增加时算法性能并未出现变化,但检测效率下降㊂因此,最终选择20次为全变分曲率滤波的迭代次数㊂表2 迭代次数对所提算法性能的影响Table 2 Effect of the number of iterations on theperformance of the proposed algorithm迭代次数Dataset1Dataset2Dataset3Dataset4Dataset5P d /%F a /%P d /%F a /%P d /%F a /%P d /%F a /%P d /%F a /%1010001000100010001004.762010001000100010001000301000100010001000100050100010001000100010001001001000100010001002.2.2 目标尺度表3为不同目标尺度对本文算法的SCR㊁SCRG 和BSF 的影响㊂可以看出,当选用的目标尺度大小表3 本文算法在不同目标尺度下的SCR㊁SCRG 和BSF 平均值Table 3 Average values of SCR,SCRG and BSF of the proposed algorithm for different target scales目标尺度Dataset1Dataset2Dataset3Dataset4Dataset5SCRSCRGBSFSCRSCRGBSFSCRSCRGBSFSCRSCRG BSFSCRSCRGBSF3×3㊁5×5154.2866.3969.29269.23179.33458.93287.63394.00123.2845.427.7862.57347.3046.2396.903×3㊁5×5㊁7×7163.4667.5772.49262.02174.38462.02287.17401.06125.6344.217.5671.16316.5442.60134.923×3㊁5×5㊁7×7㊁9×9175.5771.7575.10260.77173.71463.07291.05406.34126.0450.758.7371.19348.4746.38365.97 粗体数字代表最优结果㊂㊃97㊃第4期 王 钰等:基于曲率滤波和视觉显著性的红外小目标检测为3×3和5×5时,数据集2的SCR 和SCRG 值大于其他目标尺度的融合结果;当目标尺度大小为3×3㊁5×5㊁7×7和9×9时,数据集1㊁3㊁4㊁5的SCR㊁SCRG 和BSF 值均大于其他目标尺度的融合结果㊂因此,选用3×3㊁5×5㊁7×7和9×9的目标尺度大小进行目标结果融合会对本文算法产生较好的效果㊂2.3 结果分析2.3.1 定性分析为了直观地比较不同算法的检测效果,从5个数据集中分别选取1张示例图片来展示检测结果及相应的三维灰度图,结果如图4~8所示㊂其中,三维灰度图的x 轴㊁y 轴分别表示图像像素的横坐标和纵坐标,z 轴表示图像的像素值,图像中的小目标由红框框出㊂可以看出,对于示例图片1~4,LCM㊁RLCM 和Top -hat 算法的处理结果中均含有大量的背景杂波和噪声,而IPI 和HB -MLCM 算法的检测结果较好,仅存在少量的背景杂波和噪声㊂对于示例图片5,以上5种算法表现均不佳,均含有大量的背景杂波和噪声㊂TTLDM 算法对示例图片1㊁2和4的检测效果不佳,其结果中含有大量的背景杂波和噪声㊂而本文所提算法的检测结果在各个示例图片中均没有背景杂波,目标的亮度能够被很好地提高,表现出较好的检测性能㊂图4 不同算法对示例图片1的检测结果Fig.4 Detection results of different algorithms for example picture 12.3.2 定量分析表4为不同算法的SCR㊁SCRG 和BSF 值㊂可以看出,LCM㊁RLCM㊁Top -hat 算法的SCR㊁SCRG㊁BSF 值均较低,IPI㊁HB -MLCM 和TTLDM 算法在不同数据集中的SCR㊁SCRG 和BSF 值仅次于本文的算法,但与本文算法的差距很大,本文所提算法的结果最优㊂表5为不同算法的检测率和虚警率㊂可以看㊃08㊃北京化工大学学报(自然科学版) 2023年图5 不同算法对示例图片2的检测结果Fig.5 Detection results of different algorithms for example picture 2表4 不同算法的SCR㊁SCRG 和BSF 平均值Table 4 Average values of SCR,SCRG and BSF for different algorithms算法Dataset1Dataset2Dataset3Dataset4Dataset5SCRSCRG BSFSCRSCRGBSFSCRSCRG BSFSCRSCRG BSFSCRSCRG BSFIPI141.2651.2822.3526.9016.41216.04136.37207.2342.0122.613.9524.69111.5115.3811.83LCM3.511.290.704.062.671.035.528.720.894.020.751.136.180.820.98RLCM6.482.482.107.594.8818.499.4112.793.374.320.816.6211.841.5816.54Top -hat16.015.631.8711.257.1020.807.348.372.1116.822.996.1617.752.414.53HB -MLCM 59.8021.5620.0061.8940.38290.3768.5187.3549.7830.575.3747.1449.556.637.23TTLDM42.8313.2616.8348.8131.1962.05219.09254.7861.8121.813.8422.4697.9413.5761.64本文算法175.5771.7575.10260.77173.71463.07291.05406.34126.0450.758.7371.19348.4746.38365.97 粗体数字代表最优结果,下划线数字代表次优结果㊂出:在检测率为100%的情况下LCM 算法的表现最差,在不同的示例图片上均有不同程度的虚警率;IPI㊁RLCM㊁Top -hat 和TTLDM 算法在处理数据集时均有误检的情况;HB -MLCM 算法在处理数据集1~㊃18㊃第4期 王 钰等:基于曲率滤波和视觉显著性的红外小目标检测图6 不同算法对示例图片3的检测结果Fig.6 Detection results of different algorithms for example picture 3表5 不同算法的检测率和虚警率Table 5 Detection rates and false alarm rates of different algorithms算法Dataset1Dataset2Dataset3Dataset4Dataset5P d /%F a /%P d /%F a /%P d /%F a /%P d /%F a /%P d /%F a /%IPI1000701.75100097.5010088.06LCM10028.5710052.11000.991004.7610088.44RLCM10056.5210011.111006.981006.981000Top -hat10030.2310032.21000.99100010080.6HB -MLCM 100010001000100010097.88TTLDM 1006.2591.2558.87100010001000本文算法100010001000100010004时检测率很高,表现出很好的检测性能,但在处理数据集5时出现了大量虚警;TTLDM 算法可以较好地处理示例图片3~5,但在处理示例图片1和2时均有误检的情况;本文所提出的算法可以在保证检测率为100%的情况下同时保持较低的虚警率,其结果均优于其他算法㊂㊃28㊃北京化工大学学报(自然科学版) 2023年图7 不同算法对示例图片4的检测结果Fig.7 Detection results of different algorithms for example picture4表6为采用不同算法处理数据集的单帧平均运行时间㊂对每个数据集分别进行实验,取数据集总时间的平均值作为单帧的运行时间㊂可以看出,IPI 和RLCM的运行速度较慢,LCM㊁HB-MLCM㊁Top-hat㊁TTLDM和本文算法的运行速度较快㊂ 以上结果表明,LCM㊁RLCM和Top-hat算法对背景的抑制能力较差,目标增强的效果也不如其他算法;IPI算法容易造成目标漏检,使得检测率下降,且该算法的实时性较差;HB-MLCM算法在处理数据集5时BSF值很小,对具有强边缘背景的图像(如示例图片5)的抑制能力较差,并且SCR㊁SCRG 和BSF值远小于本文提出的算法;从检测率和虚警率来看,TTLDM算法对于目标被背景淹没的图像(如示例图片1和2)的检测能力较差,容易造成大量虚警,该算法适合检测目标与背景有明显差异的图像,此外,TTLDM算法的SCR㊁SCRG和BSF 表6 不同算法的单帧平均运行时间Table6 Average running time of single frame fordifferent algorithms算法单帧平均运行时间/sDataset1Dataset2Dataset3Dataset4Dataset5 IPI5.43153.9511.204.6722.96 LCM0.460.550.520.460.49 RLCM2.766.253.932.774.20 Top-hat0.470.470.470.420.44 HB-MLCM0.480.500.490.460.47 TTLDM0.430.500.500.430.40本文算法0.471.740.520.490.53值与本文提出的算法存在较大差异,虽然TTLDM算法具有较高的实时性,但其检测结果不太理想㊂因此,与其他算法相比,本文算法的综合检测性能最优㊂㊃38㊃第4期 王 钰等:基于曲率滤波和视觉显著性的红外小目标检测图8 不同算法对示例图片5的检测结果Fig.8 Detection results of different algorithms for example picture53 结论本文提出了一种将曲率滤波和视觉显著性相结合的红外小目标检测算法㊂首次将曲率滤波引入红外小目标检测中,通过背景差分操作来实现对背景的显著抑制,并采用形态学方法将残留的部分高强度噪声移除㊂为了加强目标与背景间的差异,采用目标区域与邻域背景间的灰度均值差来描述这种差异,然后将多尺度运算结果进行Hadamard乘积,使目标得到显著增强,背景得到显著抑制㊂最后,采用自适应阈值分割方法提取到显著的小目标㊂相较于其他算法,本文所提的算法不仅具有较快的检测速率,而且在检测精度上也有明显的提升㊂参考文献:[1] 刘征,杨德振,李江勇,等.红外单帧弱小目标检测算法研究综述[J].激光与红外,2022,52(2):154-162.LIU Z,YANG D Z,LI J Y,et al.A review of infraredsingle⁃frame dim small target detection algorithms[J].Laser&Infrared,2022,52(2):154-162.(in Chi⁃nese)[2] 范晋祥,杨建宇.红外成像探测技术发展趋势分析[J].红外与激光工程,2012,41(12):3145-3153.FAN J X,YANG J Y.Development trends of infrared im⁃aging detecting technology[J].Infrared and Laser Engi⁃neering,2012,41(12):3145-3153.(in Chinese) [3] ZHANG H,ZHANG L,YUAN D,et al.Infrared smalltarget detection based on local intensity and gradient㊃48㊃北京化工大学学报(自然科学版) 2023年properties[J].Infrared Physics&Technology,2018,89:88-96.[4] ZHAO M J,LI W,LI L,et al.Single⁃frame infraredsmall⁃target detection:a survey[J].IEEE Geoscienceand Remote Sensing Magazine,2022,10(2):87-119.[5] 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ImageMaster® HR Ultra-accurate, Multi-functional MTF Test StationOutstanding Level of Accuracy and Flexibility The ImageMaster® HR is a fully equipped R&D quality test station for medium sized sample lenses. Its modular and upgradeable design enables the measurement of the image qual-ity (MTF) and a wide range of other optical pa-rameters for today and future needs. The in-strument is used in the R&D laboratory as well as in the quality assurance or in production.The unique vertical setup of the ImageMaster®HR is space saving and ensures the most con-venient and accurate positioning of the sam-ple lens mounts. For the majority of lenses this vertical measurement with the gravitational force along the optical axis is advantageous and easy to handle. With the collimator on the precise swinging arm an ultra-wide field angle up to ±105° can be measured for infinity conjugate samples. An upgrade for finite testing can easily be adapt-ed to the system with an additional motorized stage and object generator.For the whole product only high quality com-ponents are used to ensure the most accurate measurements for MTF testing on the market.Measurement Parameter• MTF on-axis and off-axis• Effective Focal Length (EFL)• Distortion• Field Curvature• Lateral and longitudinal chromaticaberrations• Astigmatism• Relative Transmission• Relative Illumination• Field of View• Chief Ray Angle• Depth of focus, etc.• F-Number• Relative Flange Focal Length• Veiling GlareOff-axis measurement with the precise swinging armMotorized object generator for finite conjugate systems2Options and UpgradesTRIOPTICS continuously improves theImageMaster ® HR and offers a wide range of possible options and upgrades:• Motorized high precision sample holder • Motorized reticle and filter changer • Motorized finite conjugate stage withmanual or motorized object generator • Various different collimators• Extensions for the spectral ranges NUV, NIR (MWIR, LWIR)• Additional filters and reticles • Extensions of nearly all stages etc.SoftwareTRIOPTICS has developed a new forward-look -ing software package called MTF-Lab. Sever -al useful functions are integrated which help the user in scanning and perceiving the cor-rect image position of the sample under test. Changing the measurement mode is easy and time-saving. All important measurements for the imaging properties have been revised and are quickly accessible. The script lan-guage for advanced measurements was im-proved and extended including a simple pro-gramming function for stage controlling, data manipulation, loops and variables. The data export is possible to a variety of file formats. For creating certificates the hypertext languageprotocol (HTML) is used.Simultaneous MTF measurement in the sagittal and tangential planes with a crosshair target3Specification ImageMaster® HRTRIOPTICS GmbH . Optische InstrumenteHafenstrasse 35-39 . 22880 Wedel / GermanyPhone: +49-4103-18006-0Fax: +49-4103-18006-20E-mail:******************. © 2016 TRIOPTICS GmbH . All rights reserved。



第40卷第2期2021年4月红外与毫米波学报J.Infrared Millim.Waves Vol.40,No.2 April,2021文章编号:1001-9014(2021)02-0166-06DOI:10.11972/j.issn.1001-9014.2021.02.005The heterostructure NaGdF4:Yb,Er nanorods loaded on metal-organicframeworks for tuning upconversion photoluminescenceLIU Yi,JIAO Ji-Qing*,LYU Bai-Ze,WANG Jiu-Xing(College of Materials Science and Engineering,National Center of International Joint Research for Hybrid Materials Technology,National Base of International Sci.&Tech.Cooperation,Qingdao University,Qingdao266071,China)Abstract:Multi-component heterostructure nanocomposites can not only inherit the original properties of eachcomponent,but also induce new chemical and electronic properties through the interaction between the compo⁃nents.The heterostructure zeolitic imidazolate framework/NaGdF4:Yb,Er(ZIF-67/NaGdF4:Yb,Er)was pre⁃pared by a stepwise synthesis strategy.And it avoided agglomeration and quenching of upconversion(UC)nanoparticles,and displayed better stability.In the heterostructure nanocomposites,ZIF-67is employed as an en⁃ergy transmission platform under980nm pared to pure NaGdF4:Yb,Er nanorods,the UC photo⁃luminescence of heterostructure ZIF-67/NaGdF4:Yb,Er is tuned from green to red owing to the synergistic effect of each component.Key words:heterostructure,controllable synthesis,nanocomposite,luminescence,upconversionPACS:42异质结构—NaGdF4:Yb,Er纳米棒负载在金属有机框架上以调节上转换光致发光刘毅,焦吉庆*,吕柏泽,王久兴(青岛大学材料科学与工程学院国家杂化材料技术国际联合研究中心国际科学技术合作国家基地,山东青岛266071)摘要:多组分异质结构纳米复合材料不仅可以继承每个组分原有的性能,而且还可以通过组分之间的相互作用诱导出新的化学、电子性能。


[14 ] 大吸收波长发生红移 。 而共轭骨架上吸电子基 [15 ] 团如醛基的存在 , 会使得共轭体系上的电子云密
。 开发高荧光效率、 低毒性的
近红外荧光材料一直是近红外荧光成像技术发展中 的热点和难点之一。 与贵金属纳米晶簇、 半导体量子点、 稀土掺杂纳 [11 ] 有机 米粒子、 碳点等无机近红外荧光材料相比 , 近红外荧光染料具有高的摩尔消光 / 吸光系数和荧 光量子产率、 生物相容性好、 结构易调、 价格低廉等 特点而备受重视。本文综述了五类主要有机近红外
2. 1
菁染料( 聚甲川菁染料 ) 是一类优良的荧光染 料, 由奇数个碳原子组成共振次甲基 ( 甲川基 ) 共轭 链并被两个含氮杂环封端构成的一类共轭有机小分 子体系。其共振结构通式如图 1 所示。
图1 Fig. 1 菁染料的化学共振结构 The resonance structures of cyanine dyes
Structure and Properties of NearInfrared Fluorescent Dyes and the Bioimaging * Application
Wang Xiaochi Chang G ang Cao Ruijun
* Meng Lingjie *
( Department of Chemistry ,School of Science ,Xi’ an Jiaotong University ,Xi’ an 710049 ,China) Abstract The nearinfrared ( NIR ) fluorescence imaging technologies have attracted considerable interest in



皮肤光学成像用途的英语作文1、Experiment Research On Optical Coherence Tomography Of Human Skin。


2、Cancer Tissues In The Body Lined With Epithelial Cells Like The Ones Forming The Outer Layer Of Skin。


3、The Setting Up Of Reflectance Confocal Microscope And Its In Vivo Application In Skin Tissue Imaging。


4、With Skin Tanned To A Deep Mahogany。


5、Get A Good Sun-Tan。


6、Betty's Portrait Is Now In Its Eighth Incarnation Since The First Composite Painting Debuted In 1936 With Pale Skin And Blue Eyes。


7、Her Skin Looks As Green As An Old Cheese。


8、It Was As Though She Had Got Into The Texture Of His Skin。


9、The Baby's Skin Is As Smooth As Satin。


10、Her Skin Is As Smooth As Satin。



文章编号 2097-1842(2024)01-0150-10基于间接波前整形的近红外二区荧光共聚焦成像研究谭 天1,2,史天悦2,吴长锋2,彭洪尚1 *(1. 中央民族大学 理学院 光子系统工程软件教育部工程研究中心, 北京 100081;2. 南方科技大学 生物医学工程系, 广东 深圳 518055)摘要:生物组织散射引起的光学像差限制了光学系统的成像性能。






关 键 词:间接波前整形;近红外二区成像;共聚焦成像;活体实验中图分类号:O439 文献标志码:A doi :10.37188/CO.2023-0070NIR-II fluorescence confocal imaging based onindirect wavefront shapingTAN Tian 1,2,SHI Tian-yue 2,WU Chang-feng 2,PENG Hong-shang 1 *(1. Engineering Research Center of Photonic Design Software Ministry of Education , College of Science ,Minzu University of China , Beijing 100081, China ;2. Department of Biomedical Engineering , Southern University of Science and Technology ,Shenzhen 518055, China )* Corresponding author ,E-mail : ****************.cnAbstract : Optical aberrations caused by the scattering of biological tissues limit the imaging performance of optical systems. A near-infrared II fluorescence confocal imaging technique based on indirect wavefront shaping was investigated. First, we synthesized a highly efficient near-infrared II range fluorescent probe,收稿日期:2023-04-18;修订日期:2023-05-10基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No. 62175266, No. 62235007, No. 22204070);深圳市科技计划项目(No. KQTD20170810111314625, No. JCYJ20210324115807021, No. SGDX20211123114002003);深圳湾实验室开放课题(No.SZBL2021080601002);广东省先进生物材料重点实验室(No. 2022B1212010003)Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62175266, No. 62235007, No.22204070); the Shenzhen Science and Technology Program (No. KQTD20170810111314625, No. JCYJ20210324115807021, No. SGDX20211123114002003); the Shenzhen Bay Laboratory (No. SZBL2021080601002);Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Biomaterials (No. 2022B1212010003)第 17 卷 第 1 期中国光学(中英文)Vol. 17 No. 12024年1月Chinese OpticsJan. 2024where reducing the scattering of biological tissue can realize biopsy imaging with high-contrast. Second, we investigated the adaptive optical method based on indirect wavefront measurement. The indirect wavefront shaping technology was applied to the laser scanning confocal system, enabling the measurement and com-pensation of optical aberrations caused by biological tissues, and obtaining imaging of biological tissues with a high signal-to-noise ratio. Finally, near-infrared II fluorescence confocal imaging system based on indirect wavefront shaping was deployed and relevant experiments were conducted. The experimental results indic-ate that the system effectively compensates for the aberrations induced by air plates, scattering media and mouse skull, and increases the final signal intensity by 1.47, 1.95 and 2.85 times, respectively. As a result, the final imaging quality is significantly enhanced.Key words: Indirect wavefront shaping;near-infrared-II imaging;confocal imaging;in vivo experiments1 引 言高分辨率的光学成像技术一直是推动生物学发展的主要手段,在生物分子解构[1]、光遗传[2]和细胞形态学[3]等方面发挥着不可替代的作用。



激光生物学报ACTA LASER BIOLOGY SINICAVol. 32 No. 4Aug . 2023第32卷第4期2023年8月收稿日期:2023-05-05;修回日期:2023-06-13。

基金项目:新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金“青年科学基金”项目(2022D 01C 727,2022D 01C 715,2022D 01C 213)。


* 通信作者:努尔尼沙·阿力甫,副教授,主要从事生物医学光学方面的研究。

E-mail: 11530034@ 。

Au NPs/UCNPs 复合纳米体系用于荧光成像引导下的肿瘤光热治疗的研究进展海热古·吐逊,黄高飞,张 弛,赵慧宇,樊慧敏,努尔尼沙·阿力甫*(新疆医科大学医学工程技术学院,乌鲁木齐 830011)摘 要:近红外(NIR )光诱导的光热治疗(PTT )因其无创、非侵入、毒副作用低、可精准靶向治疗等特性,已成为肿瘤精准治疗的新型手段。

凭借其独特的表面等离激元共振(SPR )特性及其高效的光热转换效率、生物毒性与良好的光稳定性,金纳米颗粒(Au NPs )已成为理想的光热治疗剂。


NIR 光激发的稀土上转换纳米颗粒(UCNPs ),因其丰富的4f 电子结构展现出磁性、荧光、X 射线衰减和放射等多功能特性,使其作为造影剂在多模态成像领域展现了重要的应用前景。

因此, 构建NIR 光诱导的 Au NPs/UCNPs 复合纳米体系,可用于多模态成像引导下的光热治疗,有望成为癌症诊疗的一种新策略。

本文简单介绍了Au NPs 、UCNPs 的光学特性,重点综述了NIR 光诱导的UCNPs-Au NPs (纳米壳、纳米棒、纳米团簇)复合纳米体系在癌症光热治疗领域的最新研究进展,并对其实现诊疗一体化的未来进行了展望。






关键词:分子影像学技术;消化内镜检查;荧光探针;炎症性肠病;肠道炎症;结肠炎相关癌doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-266X.2023.08.025中图分类号:R574 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-266X(2023)08-0099-04炎症性肠病(IBD)是一种病因不明的慢性非特异性肠道炎症性疾病[1],包括溃疡性结肠炎和克罗恩病。







常用的标记染料为高亲和荧光素,如近红外荧光染料Cyanine5.5、异硫氰酸荧光素(FITC)和Alexa Fluor 488[3]。




Maquet Volista Surgical Light See better, go furtherMaquet VolistaSee better, go furtherA successful surgical outcome is highly dependent upon the surgeon’s ability to visualize and assessthe wound.By optimizing color rendering and minimizing colored shadows, Maquet Volista Surgical Lights maximize the value of your lighting investment.Putting patients firstFor more than a century, Getinge and its well-known brands — such as Maquet — have put patients first. It’s why we remain committed to close clinical relationships that identify real-world healthcare challenges, and address them with cost-effective, clinically relevant solutions.As one of the world’s largest medical technology companies, we have the resources to help you: • protect patients• proactively avoid complications • prevent ergonomic issuesOur comprehensive portfolio of medical technologies will support you and your patients throughout the clinical pathway, so you can deliver the best possible patient care.Maquet VolistaSee better, go furtherMaquet Volista 400Full HD camerasShare best practices among surgeons,or document procedures for riskmanagement with full HD clarity.Luminance Management Device (LMD)*Maximize useful light and minimize eye fatiguecaused by glare or reflexion with the LMD*.Maquet Volista 600Automatic Illumination Management (AIM)*AIM is designed to improve workplace comfort by reducing heat on the surgeon’s head, whiledelivering consistent and effective illumination.* Only available for Maquet Volista StandOP.Adjustable color temperature*A patented three-level cold filter system allows for customization of color temperature to meet the needs of each surgical discipline.Delivering consistent and effective illuminationAutomatic Illumination Management (AIM)† automatically compensates for obstructions to deliver additional light from unmasked LEDs. This unique and patented system minimizes shadows and offers consistent and effective illumination, without readjustment.† Standard on Maquet Volista StandOP.Volista VisioNIR Mode*The surgical light can remain on while using Fluorescence imaging devices.Maquet VolistaMuch more than just a lightSurgery can be a high-stress job with long hours. Poor lighting can slow surgical progress and cause eye strain that can lead to fatigue-related errors.** P eyrat P, Breysse J-P, Chambard C. Interbloc. 2021;40(1):35-38.† Optional on Maquet Volista StandOP.Focus on your patientThe Luminance Management Device (LMD)† maintains optimum visual acuity and avoids difficulties in adapting to excessive variations in luminosity. Whether at the beginning or end of a procedure or from light to dark tissues, the luminance will be automatically adjusted according to your registered setting.With LMD, there is no need to adjust the light anymore. The technology compensates to maximize useful light by adjusting automatically the illumination and maintaining compliant levels of irradiance even when two lightheads are overlapping.LMD offers total freedom of movement without any dropin luminance.Choose the best-suited color temperature †Each surgeons visualization needs are different and each step of a procedure can require different color temperatures for improved tissue recognition, Maquet Volista Surgical lights offer a possibility to adjust from 3900K to 4500K to 5100K.Our white LEDs and patented three-level cold filter system in our Maquet Volista StandOP adapts the color temperature without colored cast shadows, offering a stable color temperature whatever the chosen settings and whatever the aging of the product. The cold filters reduce the bluepeaks that LEDs emit.Keep your surgical light on, and focused on the procedure, while performing NIR*-guided surgery during open casesThanks to Volista VisioNIR †, the surgical staff will not be required to turn the surgical light on/off to be able to perform open surgeries using NIR fluorescence imaging systems. The Volista VisioNIR is designed to enhance surgeon focus and surgical workflow by removing the distraction of repositioning surgical lights during NIR-guided surgery. The Volista VisioNIR can help minimize the challenges for OR staff when all lights are turned off during NIR-guided surgery.One solution: one filtered lightThanks to the patented filter wheel developed onMaquet Volista StandOP, the light emitted from the LEDs is filtered to reduce the remaining NIR wavelengths.Surgical light disturbing the fluorescence signal is eliminated. Maquet Volista VisioNIR and NIR-guided surgery cameras can be used simultaneously inside the operating room.Just keep the light on!• A powerful solution to support surgeons while using fluorescence guided surgery. • The surgical staff can stay focused on the patient during surgery. One less task for the circulating staff.• Uninterrupted workflow as you can keep the surgical light on during the entire procedure.• The ability to keep the OR light on provides bettervisibility of the operating room environment for the staff.• Works simultaneously with the adjustable color temperature feature: while using Indocyanine Green (ICG) and NIR cameras, the surgeon can operate withthe preferred color temperature. The dedicated NIR enhancement mode can improve the contrast on the screen and complies with autoflurescence.• The dedicated NIR enhancement feature maintains the already good color rendering, with no change in shadowdilution or dimming.* N ear Infrared.† A vailable on Maquet Volista StandOP.Infection PreventionHospital-acquired infections delay patient recovery and place additional strain on the healthcare system. The Maquet Volista Surgical Light was developed to minimize the risk of cross-contamination.Antibacterial paintSpecial paint coating that is designed to reduce bacterial colonization with disinfection.*Touch control panelA smooth touch keypad is easy to clean, preventing cross-contamination to keep patients safer.Maquet VolistaPerform surgery with safety in mindImproving surgical safety is a goal for healthcare facilities worldwide. Maquet Volista operating lights have beendeveloped with this goal in mind.Designed to improve intraoperative visibilityWith a high color rendering of Ra 95, Maquet Volista gives surgeons a clear vision of the surgical site by delivering a natural and faithful color rendering.Enhanced visibility for minimally invasive surgeryMaquet Volista offers green ambient lighting at the center of the light head to minimize glare on monitors during MIS. The ambient light provides enough illumination to help surgical staff move safely in the darkened OR.*Data on file.X- and Y-shaped lightheadsEnsure compatibility with laminar flow ceiling systems to reduce disruptive air patterns.*Stable illuminationLEDs can lose up to 20% of their intensity after just two hours. With the Flux Stability Program (FSP), smart electronics increase the current to maintain consistent light output throughout the procedure.Dimming sensitivityWith dimming following human eye sensitivity per Fechner’s law, each dimming step is seen by human eyes with the same amount of light difference, in order to provide asmooth and adapted range of illumination.* Data on file.† Based on the IEC 60601-2-41 standard.Compliant IrradianceProtect delicate patient tissues by minimizing radiant energy at the surgical site. In nominal illuminance, two lightheads can be safely overlapped †. The boost function notifies the medical staff by a blinking LED that the amount of light used can potentially damage or desiccate tissues if two light patches are overlapped. The goal is to always provide the right information to surgeons in order for them to operate in total awareness and safety for the patient.Fully adjustable to meet each surgeon’s needsWith Volista, it’s simple to adjust the light to thesurgeon’s specifications. From positioning to intensity, allelements of the lighting experience can be easily modified.• Access to lighthead and camera settings • Lighthead synchronization.• Presets for storing favorites by surgeon or specialty.• Assistance with preventive maintenance, including backup.• Power supply testing.•Self-diagnostics.• No assistance from the circulating nurse.• Available as sterilizable handle, which can be easily cleaned in Getinge Washer-Disinfectors.Tilt handle: autonomy for sterile teamThe optional “tilt” handle lets sterile staff adjust the light patchdiameter during surgery.Touch control panel: control at any timeAll main functions can be controlled from the panel.Wall control panelCentralized information can be accessed and controlled from the wall panel.• On / Off.• Standard lighting or ambient lighting and dimming.• Adjustment of the light patch diameter.• Zoom when a camera is installed.• Warning and battery indicators (for battery backup systems only).The number of OR technologiesand tools is growing exponen t iallyeach year, yet only a finite amountof space exists near the patient.Maquet Satelite Anchoring SystemOptimized workflows• A central mounting hub delivers electrical andnetworking connectivity.• There are no exposed wires or cables to interferewith workflows.• An ergonomic design ensures that vital equipmentis within reach.• Tailored solutions are available for all surgicalspecialties.Modular and easily upgradeable• A simple design streamlines upgrades andlimits downtime.• A versatile tri-mount design allows equipmentto be added or exchanged as technologies evolve,reducing future construction costs.• Compatible with all Maquet surgical lights,cameras, and flat screen holders.Your multimedia center • Mount and network cameras of all types.• Route full HD signals.• Access patient records, MRI, video, and radiographic images at the surgical site.• A large internal diameter accommodates the larger bundles required for advanced integration and multimedia applications.The hygienic solution • Satelite is designed not to obstruct high air flow systems thereby minimizing turbulence over the surgical site.• Sleek and rounded surfaces are easy to clean and disinfect.Hospitals need a hygienic, cost-effective, long-termsolution that can precisely position the lights, monitorsand cameras of today, but with enough versatility toaccommodate the technologies of tomorrow.Maquet Satelite allows equipment to be positioned withinreach of the surgeon. Equipment can be easily added,removed and upgraded to meet future requirements.Full HD camerasHD images and videos can be shared instantly and with no visible latency. Share best practices among surgeons, or document procedures for risk management with fullHD clarity.Quick Lock SystemThe tool-free system allows full HD cameras and theLMD system to be quickly and easily connected anddisconnected to be moved between surgical suites.The Quick Lock System minimizes the setup timebetween procedures, and maximizes use of camerasthroughout the surgical suite. Maquet VolistaExtended product rangeFull HD cameras(wired† and wireless)LMD*Single / Double Getinge Flat Screen HolderWith the flat screen holder, one or two flat screenscan be mounted where they’re most needed—closeto the surgeon.Multimedia equipmentIntuitive touchscreen interfaceMaquet Rolite: mobile system with touchscreen, available wherever/whenever you want.* Available only on Volista StandOP.† Available only with Volista Access.‡ Available only with Volista StandOP.§ Available with both Volista Access and StandOP (3rd cupola only possible with Volista StandOP).Maquet Satelite System§: versatileand open for future requirements.Lighthead keypad Touchscreen Capacitive wall keypad†Maquet SA suspension‡: increased loadlimits and designed for HD wired videocamera (optional).Maquet SB suspension†: affordablesuspension system that is lightweightand flexible.Control PanelsSuspension armsMaquet VolistaTechnical dataLighthead400600400600 Illumination160,000 lx 160,000 lxDimming range (%) 6 stepswith eye sensitivity response6 stepswith eye sensitivity responseLight patch diameter7.9–9.8 in. / 20–25 cm 7.9–9.8 in. / 20–25 cm Depth of illumination at 60%19.7 in. / 50 cm 19.7 in. / 50 cm Color temperature Adjustable (TK): (3 levels)3,900K / 4,500K / 5,100KFixed: 4,300KVolista VisioNIR Suitable with NIR cameras Available with adjustable colortemperature N/AColor rendering index (Ra)9595 Irradiance at nominal illuminance (W/m²)<500<500LED life time>60,000 hr.*>60,000 hr.* Ambient light Available AvailableLighthead400600400600 With two masks50%58%45%50% With one lateral mask77%86%71%75% Additional options AIM, LMD NoSignal system1080i / 1080p1080p Number of pixels 2.12 megapixels 2.12 megapixels Zoom range Zoom 42x Zoom 42x Video signal outputs 2 x 3G - SDI HDMI 1.4* In nominal mode.† With LMD (Luminance Management Device) and AIM (Automatic Illumination Management).‡ Only on Volista StandOP.。


张宏(浙江大学教授,“透明病理” 新概念提出者方向
03 学术成果
02 社会职务 04 提出“透明病理”
张宏,男,浙江大学医学PET中心主任、浙江大学医学院附属第二医院核医学科主任、浙江大学核医学与分 子影像研究所所长、浙江省医学分子影像重点实验室主任、浙江大学生物医学工程与仪器科学学院院长。
3. Zhang Y, Chen QZ, Du FL, Hu YN, Chao FF, Tian M, Zhang H*. Frightening Music Triggers Rapid Changes in Brain Monoamine Receptors: A Pilot PET Study. J Nucl Med. 2012; 53:1573– 1578. *Corresponding Author.
5. Hou H, Tian M, Zhang H*.
1.参编全国高等学校八年制临床医学专业卫生部规划教材《核医学》,人民卫生出版社,2005年 2.参编专著《PET、PET/CT诊断学》,化学工业出版社医学出版分社,2007年 3.参编专著《PET/CT诊断学》,人民卫生出版社,2009年
2021年2月15日,浙江大学教授田梅和张宏受邀在《欧洲核医学与分子影像杂志》在线发表了题为《透明病 理:基于分子影像的病理学》的综述文章,首次提出“透明病理”新概念。
1.核医学的临床应用与基础研究; 2.分子影像探针的研发; 3.分子影像技术的应用研究;
1.Oncology编委 2.World Journal of Nuclear Medicine(《世界核医学杂志》)编委 3.Nuclear Medicine Communications(《英国核医学会杂志》)编委 4.Annuals of Nuclear Medicine(《日本核医学会英文杂志》)编委 5.European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging(《欧洲核医学与分子影像杂志》) 编委 6.Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging(韩国核医学与分子影像杂志)编委 7.Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine(《循证补充替代医学》)编委 8.中国生物物理学会分子影像专业委员会副主任委员 9.中华医学会核医学分会全国委员 10.中国医师协会核医学医师分会对外联络工作委员会副主任委员 11.










此外,本文针对微光数据对神经网络算法进行调研,考虑到金字塔立体匹配算法(PSM,Pyramid Stereo Matching)在匹配代价计算模块融入了不同位置和尺度的环境信息,本文提出了将该算法应用在微光数据上,并在预处理及后处理部分进行了相应的改进。


关键词:立体视觉,微光,随机噪声,神经网络,区域信息AbsrtactAbstractBinocular stereo vision is one of the important research directions of computer vision.It is widely used in industry,agriculture,medicine and other fields.It is significant to improve production efficiency and quality of life.Low-light binocular stereo vision is to obtain images in low-light environment.Images taken in dark environment will be affected by random noise,hence how to obtain accurate depth maps of low-light stereo matching is a challenging problem.For this problem,this paper does some research about the low-light stereo matching algorithms,the main research has the following two aspects:In this paper,a matching algorithm based on regional information is proposed to enhance the robustness of local noise pixels.This algorithm improves the traditional semi-global matching algorithm.The improvement can be divided into two points:Firstly,two images acquired by low-light cameras are segmented to obtain region information,and the problem of incomplete dynamic propagation path is solved by adding structural soft constraints.Secondly,in the feature extraction module,the Census operator is improved from binary to ternary to reduce the influence of noise.The algorithm is validated on the Midllebury data set,synthetic data and real world data captured by low-light camera in darkness.The experimental results show that the improved algorithm reduces the influence of noise on low-light vision and improves the accuracy of low-light stereo matching.In addition,this paper studied the neural network.Considering that pyramid stereo matching incorporates environmental information of different locations and scales into the matching cost calculation module,this paper selected this algorithm.In addition,image pre-processing and post processing are added for the low-light data. The algorithm is validated on KITTI data set,synthetic data and real world data.The experimental results show that the algorithm perform better in low-light data.Key Words:Stereo vision,Low-light,Random noise,Neural network,Regional information.目录目录第1章引言 (1)1.1研究背景及意义 (1)1.2国内外研究现状 (2)1.2.1立体匹配研究现状 (2)1.2.2微光立体测距研究现状 (5)1.3主要内容和结构安排 (7)第2章相关技术理论 (8)2.1双目立体视觉理论 (8)2.1.1摄像机成像模型 (8)2.1.2摄像机标定 (11)2.1.3双目立体视觉原理 (15)2.2微光成像理论 (19)2.2.1微光成像概念 (5)2.2.2微光成像探测器 (19)2.2.3微光成像技术的发展与应用 (20)第3章基于区域信息的微光图像匹配算法研究 (22)3.1传统半全局图像匹配算法 (22)3.1.1匹配代价计算 (22)3.1.2代价聚合之动态规划 (24)3.2改进的图像匹配算法 (26)3.2.1获取区域信息 (27)3.2.2匹配代价模块 (29)3.2.3代价聚合模块 (34)3.3视差计算及视差优化 (35)3.4传统改进算法实验结果分析 (37)3.4.1Middlebury数据集 (37)3.4.2仿真数据 (38)3.4.3对比分析 (40)微光双目系统低照度环境三维测量方法研究3.4.4微光数据的实验结果 (43)3.4.5讨论 (44)第4章基于深度神经网络的图像匹配算法研究 (47)4.1深度神经网络的基础知识 (47)4.2基于深度神经网络的立体匹配方法 (50)4.2.1卷积神经网络 (51)4.2.2空间金字塔池化模块 (52)4.2.33D CNN (54)4.3针对微光数据的改进模型 (56)4.4深度神经网络算法实验结果分析 (59)4.4.1KITTI公开数据集 (59)4.4.2微光数据的实验结果 (60)4.4.3传统改进算法与该改进模型的对比分析 (62)第5章总结与展望 (64)5.1总结 (64)5.2展望 (64)参考文献 (67)致谢 (73)作者简介及在学期间发表的学术论文与研究成果 (75)第1章引言第1章引言1.1研究背景及意义随着经济水平与科学技术的飞速提升,智能产品的出现给人们生产及生活带来很大的变化。



第52卷第5期 辽 宁 化 工 Vol.52,No. 5 2023年5月 Liaoning Chemical Industry May,2023检测硫化氢近红外荧光探针研究进展黄红莲(云南师范大学 化学化工学院, 云南 昆明 650500)摘 要: 用于监测活细胞和生物体中H2S水平的荧光探针是非常可取的。







关 键 词:荧光;硫化氢;近红外探针;生物成像中图分类号:O657 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004-0935(2023)05-0743-04硫化氢(H2S)被许多人认为是一种有毒气体[1]。


近红外荧光探针被定义为在近红外区域(650~1700 nm)显示荧光发射的分子和材料。


近红外荧光探针与其他传统探针(300~650 nm)相比具有许多优点。








图 2 一个通道
图 3 地形图光源与探测器排挤,及计数方式(红色:光源;绿色:探测器)
图 4 地形图成像图例
2. 断层图成像
断层图成像方式时,光源的光不仅能被相邻的探测器探测,还能被较远的探测器探测, 因此一个光源可与多个探测器组成多个通道,见图 5。光源与探测器之间的距离最小为 1cm, 则起通道数计数方式见图 6。通过该方式得出的图像将图 7.
一、 fNIR 概述
近红外线光谱(functional near-infrared imaging,fNIR)是一种使用光谱法测量大脑神经 活动水平的神经成像方法。该方法基于神经血管耦合,即代谢活性和血管中氧水平(氧合血 红蛋白)的关系。fNIR 以氧合血红蛋白、脱氧血红蛋白和总血红蛋白等为指标,考察与神经 元活动、细胞能量代谢以及血液动力学相关的大脑功能。这一技术具有无创性、可实时在体 监测、能在动态运动条件下应用等优点。
1. fNIR 的物理原理
大脑的活动与脑组织光学特性的变化相联系,光学参数与细胞活动、能量代谢和血液动 力学之间有着密切的关系。采用近红外脑成像设备,将光源置于头部相应部位,在距光源 2~ 7 cm 处放置近红外光探测器。光源发射的光进入组织或细胞后,除被脑组织吸收外,还会 受到多次散射。吸收主要源于脑组织内的生色团,导致能量在脑组织中的丧失,散射则主要 与细胞核有关,发生在介质的边界。在历经一系列吸收、散射事件后,仍会有一部分光子到 达皮层表面,探测器可以接收到这些光信号(见图 1)。
1 Jobsis FF. Non-invasive near infrared spectroscopy of cerebral and myocardial oxygen sufficiency and circulatory parameters. , 1977, 198: 1264~1267 2 Wray S, Cope M, Delpy DT, Wyatt JS, Reynolds EOR. Characterization of the near infrared absorption spectra of cytochrome α α 3 and haemoblobin for the non-invasive monitoring of cerebral oxygenation. , 1988, 933: 184~192



非制冷红外探测器工艺流程英文回答:Introduction.Uncooled infrared (IR) detectors are widely used in a variety of applications, including thermal imaging, night vision, and gas sensing. These detectors are typically fabricated using a variety of processes, including micromachining, thin-film deposition, and packaging.Fabrication Process.The fabrication process for uncooled IR detectors typically involves the following steps:1. Substrate preparation: The substrate is typically a silicon or glass wafer. It is cleaned and prepared to receive the detector material.2. Detector material deposition: The detector material is deposited onto the substrate using a variety of techniques, including physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical vapor deposition (CVD), and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE).3. Patterning: The detector material is patterned into the desired shape using a variety of techniques, including photolithography, etching, and lift-off.4. Electrical contacts: Electrical contacts are formed to the detector material using a variety of techniques, including metallization, evaporation, and sputtering.5. Packaging: The detector is packaged to protect it from the environment and to facilitate its use in real-world applications.Materials.The materials used in uncooled IR detectors vary depending on the specific application. Common materialsinclude:Semiconductors: Semiconductors, such as silicon and germanium, are used in detectors that operate in the near-infrared (NIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) regions of the spectrum.Metals: Metals, such as gold and platinum, are used in detectors that operate in the far-infrared (FIR) region of the spectrum.Polymers: Polymers, such as polyimide and polyethylene, are used in detectors that operate in the NIR and MIR regions of the spectrum.Performance.The performance of uncooled IR detectors is determined by a variety of factors, including:Responsivity: The responsivity is the ratio of the detector output signal to the incident IR radiation.Noise: The noise is the random fluctuation in the detector output signal.Detectivity: The detectivity is the signal-to-noise ratio of the detector.Applications.Uncooled IR detectors are used in a variety of applications, including:Thermal imaging: Thermal imaging cameras use uncooled IR detectors to create images of temperature distributions.Night vision: Night vision devices use uncooled IR detectors to allow users to see in low-light conditions.Gas sensing: Uncooled IR detectors are used in gas sensors to detect the presence of specific gases.Conclusion.Uncooled IR detectors are a key component in a varietyof applications. These detectors are relatively inexpensive to fabricate and can be used to detect IR radiation over a wide range of wavelengths.中文回答:简介。



第 44 卷第 12 期2023年 12 月Vol.44 No.12Dec., 2023发光学报CHINESE JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE宽带近红外荧光粉KScP2O7∶Cr3+的发光特性研究及近红外LED器件应用马子婷,张先哲,戴鹏鹏*,沈丽娜*(新疆师范大学物理与电子工程学院,新疆发光矿物与光功能材料研究自治区重点实验室,新疆乌鲁木齐 830054)摘要:近红外(NIR)器件的小型化和智能化需求推动了高效宽带近红外荧光粉的设计与发展。



本文基于单格位占据策略,采用高温固相法制备了一系列宽带近红外荧光粉KSc1-x P2O7∶x Cr3+(x = 0.01~0.09),并对其晶体结构、发光性能及热猝灭机理进行分析。

研究结果表明,在x = 0.03 时,KSc0.97PO7∶0.03Cr3+(KSP∶0.03Cr3+)样品发光强度达到最大值,随后出现浓度猝灭现象,该现象主要归因于相邻Cr3+‐Cr3+之间的能量传递。

在蓝光激发下,KSP∶0.03Cr3+样品光谱覆盖700~1 200 nm,发射主峰位于857 nm,半高宽为149 nm。

此外,通过晶体结构和低温光谱分析以及对Cr3+所处晶体场强度计算,表明该宽带近红外发射的实现归因于Cr3+占据处于弱晶体场(D q/B = 1.98)的Sc3+晶体学格位。

在高温373 K时,样品的发光强度为室温下发光强度的60.2%,表明该荧光粉具有良好的热稳定性。

最后,利用该荧光粉与蓝光LED芯片制备了近红外荧光粉转换型LED(NIR pc‐LED)器件,证实该荧光粉在生物医学成像、夜视以及食品检测方面具有潜在应用价值。

关键词:近红外荧光粉;单格位占据策略;宽带发射; Cr3+掺杂; NIR pc-LED中图分类号:O482.31 文献标识码:A DOI: 10.37188/CJL.20230218Luminescence Properties of KScP2O7∶Cr3+ Broadband Near-infraredPhosphor and Application of Near-infrared LED DeviceMA Ziting, ZHANG Xianzhe, DAI Pengpeng*, SHEN Lina*(Xinjiang Key Laboratory for Luminescence Minerals and Optical Functional Materials,School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830054, China)* Corresponding Authors, E-mail:394641236@;94423609@Abstract:The miniaturization and enhanced intelligence of near infrared (NIR)devices have stimulated the de‐sign and advancement of high-efficiency broadband NIR phosphors. It is widely believed that multisite co-occupancy strategy by Cr3+ ions is a very effective method for designing broadband near-infrared phosphors. However, Cr3+ ions at different crystallographic sites often exhibit distinct thermal-quenching behaviors, leading to poor spectral stabili‐ty,which hampers their practical applications.In our work,we prepared a series of KSc1-x P2O7∶x Cr3+(x= 0.01-0.09) broadband NIR phosphors via the high temperature solid-state method using the one-site occupation strategy.The crystal structure, luminescence performance and thermal quenching mechanism of KSc1-x P2O7∶x Cr3+ were inves‐tigated in detail. At x = 0.03 , the luminescence intensity of KSc0.97P2O7∶0.03Cr3+(KSP∶0.03Cr3+) reaches its maxi‐mum. The concentration quenching appears when x exceeds 0.03, which is attributable to energy transfer between文章编号: 1000-7032(2023)12-2158-10收稿日期:2023‐09‐20;修订日期:2023‐10‐08基金项目:国家自然科学基金(62264014,52262029,51762040);新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金(2021D01E19,2022TSY‐CXC0016);新疆师范大学青年科技创新人才项目(XJNUQB2022‐15);新疆维吾尔自治区研究生科研创新项目(XSY202201013)Supported by National Natural Science Regional Foundation of China(62264014,52262029,51762040); Natural Science Foun‐dation of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region(2021D01E19,2022TSYCXC0016); Project of Youth Science and Technology In‐novation Talent Project of Xinjiang Normal University(XJNUQB2022‐15);Postgraduate Research and Innovation Project ofXinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regions(XSY202201013)第 12 期马子婷,等:宽带近红外荧光粉KScP2O7∶Cr3+的发光特性研究及近红外LED器件应用adjacent Cr3+-Cr3+. Under blue light excitation of ~ 471 nm, the KSP∶0.03Cr3+ phosphor exhibits a broadband emis‐sion ranging from 700 nm to 1 200 nm, with a peak centered at 857 nm and a full width at half-maximum (FWHM)of ~149 nm. Structural analysis and low temperature spectroscopy indicate that the broadband NIR emission originate from Cr3+ occupying a single Sc3+ site with the weak crystal field (D q/B = 1.98) in the KSP host. At 373 K, the inte‐grated emission intensity of KSP∶0.03Cr3+ sample keeps 60.2% of that at room temperature, suggesting good PL ther‐mal stability.Finally,we prepared a near-infrared phosphor-converted LED device (NIR pc-LED)by utilizing the KSP∶0.03Cr3+ NIR phosphor and a blue light LED chip, and confirm its potential applications in night vision, bio‐medical imaging, and food detection.Key words:near-infrared phosphor; one-site occupation strategy; broadband emission; Cr3+; NIR pc-LED1 引 言近红外光谱分析是一种高效、无损的分析技术,广泛应用于夜视照明、植物生长和生物成像等领域。



可见-短波近红外光谱用于血红蛋白分析及其稳定性张国鹏;陈洁梅;潘涛【摘要】基于随机性、相似性和稳定性,通过定标集、预测集、检验集的建模过程,采用可见-近红外(NIR)光谱结合偏最小二乘(PLS)方法建立人类溶血液样品的血红蛋白(Hb)的分析模型.将全谱扫描区(400-249 8 nm)分成可见区(400-780nm)、短波近红外区(780-110 0nm)、长波近红外区(1100-249 8 nm)、可见短波近红外区(400-1100 nm)、全近红外区(780-249 8 nm).经过比较、检验,结果表明,可见-短波近红外区达到了最好的模型效果和稳定性,最优PLS因子数为7,检验的预测均方根误差(V-SEP)和预测相关系数(V-RP)分别为4.42 g·L-1、0.967,达到了高的预测精度和稳定性.%Through rigorous modeling process including the calibration set, the prediction set and validation set based on randomness, similarity and stability, the analytical model of hemoglobin ( Hb) in human hemolysis samples was established by visible and near-infrared ( VIS-NIR) spectroscopy combined with partial least squares (PLS) method. The overall scanning region (400-2 498 nm) was separated into the visible region (400-780 nm) , the short-wave NIR region (780-1 100 nm) , and the long-wave NIR region (1 100-2 498 nm), the VIS-short NIR region (400-1 100 nm) , the overall NIR region (780-2 498 nm). By comparison and validation, the results indicated that the VIS-short NIR region had the best prediction accuracy and stability, and the optimal PLS factor was 7, the validation root mean square error of prediction ( V_SEP) and the validation correlation coefficient of prediction ( V_RP) were 4. 42 (g ·L-1) and 0. 967 (g·L-1) , respectively, and high prediction accuracy with stability is achieved.【期刊名称】《科学技术与工程》【年(卷),期】2013(013)008【总页数】4页(P2174-2177)【关键词】溶血液;血红蛋白;可见-短波近红外;偏最小二乘;稳定性【作者】张国鹏;陈洁梅;潘涛【作者单位】光电信息与传感技术广东普通高校重点实验室(暨南大学)【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.33人体血红蛋白(Hb)是一种存在红细胞中负责运载氧的蛋白质,测定其浓度可用于判断贫血和体内铁的营养状况等,是重要的临床生化指标。

满足夜视兼容显示应用的三基色LED 背光配色方法

满足夜视兼容显示应用的三基色LED 背光配色方法

满足夜视兼容显示应用的三基色LED 背光配色方法马红星;陆小松【摘要】三基色 LED 背光存在两个独立的配色自由度,约束条件为夜视辐亮度不超标及与参考点之间色坐标偏差最小,在这两个约束条件下存在唯一最优的配色方案。



%There are two independent chromatic variables while matching the color of LED backlight based on three primary colors.Night vision radiant luminance and the departure from the color coordi-nates of certain reference point are two restrictions,under which there exists one and only best color matching scheme.By means of two variables linear regression analysis,approximate relations between radiance and color coordinates are given.Through trial and error procedure from least three rounds of radiant luminance measurement,the best configuration of color can be calculated.According to the analysis of mean residual,the error of estimated radiation can be less than 2% in basic accuracy of measurements and proper range of sampling points.【期刊名称】《液晶与显示》【年(卷),期】2015(000)002【总页数】4页(P365-368)【关键词】夜视兼容;三基色;LED 背光;配色;回归分析【作者】马红星;陆小松【作者单位】中国人民解放军海军驻合肥地区军事代表室,安徽合肥 230088;中航华东光电有限公司,安徽芜湖 241002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN973.93;V243.61 引言飞机执行夜间任务时,夜视成像系统(以下简称NVIS)是重要的辅助设备。

【高中生物】2021年Nature Mehtods年度技术

【高中生物】2021年Nature Mehtods年度技术

【高中生物】2021年Nature Mehtods年度技术【高中生物】2021年naturemehtods年度技术光片荧光显微镜(LSFM)可以对活体样品进行三维成像。


















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In the optical, the central region of M100 shows a set of tightly wound star-forming spiral armlets. The arms can be traced outward through the bar of the galaxy and connect to the main spiral arm pair in the disk. They are accompanied by well-de ned dust lanes (Knapen et al. 1995a). In the NIR however the central region looks markedly di erent. In the 0: 8 2.2 m K image we obtained at UKIRT (Knapen et al. 1995a), one distinguishes, from inside out, a small bulge; an inner barlike region, with identical position angle and ellipticity to the large-scale bar; two leading armlets; two symmetric emission peaks; and an oval ring-like zone where the SF armlets are found in the optical. The K contours in this zone are smooth and show hardly any indication of spiral arms or dust lanes. This change in morphology from optical to NIR is caused by di erent distributions of the stellar populations, along with the much reduced absorption by dust at 2:2 . The two symmetrically placed peaks of K emission are massive starburst regions of roughly the same
Universite de Montreal, Dep. de Physique, C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre Ville, Montreal, Quebec, H3C 3J7 Canada; and Observatoire de Mont Megantic 2 Kapteyn Institute, Postbus 800, NL-9700 AV Groningen, the Netherlands 3 Instituto de Astrof sica de Canarias, E-38200 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain 4 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0055 5 Univ. Sternwarte, Geismarlandstra e 11, D-37083 Gottingen, Germany 6 Univ. of Durham, Physics Dept., South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, UK
NIR imaging and modeling of the core of M100
J.H. Knapen1 , R.F. Peletier2 3, I. Shlosman4, J.E. Beckman3, C.H. Heller5 & R.S. de Jong6
astro-ph/9509153 29 Sep 1995
2பைடு நூலகம்
Knapen et al.
age (Knapen et al. 1995a), where at least part of the K emission is likely to come from young stars (e.g. O stars and K supergiants). The fact that the K isophotes become progressively elongated and skewed towards the position angle of the bar both outside and inside the \ring" is a strong indicator in favor of a double inner Lindblad resonance in this galaxy. The need for high (< 1 ) resolution NIR imaging in this work becomes especially clear when comparing the results from our work with those from two recent papers, where the morphology of the inner 15 region is misinterpreted from K -band images with resolutions of 1: 9 0: 2 (Shaw et al. 1995), and 2: 9 (Sakamoto et al. 1995). Both authors claim the existence of a 10 radius nuclear bar (already reported by Pierce 1986), whereas we resolved this structure into an inner part of the bar of some 5 , the leading arms, and two symmetric peaks of K emission (Knapen et al. 1995a). As a consequence, only our high-resolution K imaging shows that the inner and outer parts of the bar are aligned, and not at di erent position angles such as claimed by the other authors. We have modeled the stellar and gas dynamical processes of the nuclear ring-like structure and associated features by means of 3D numerical simulations using a method described by Heller & Shlosman (1994). Non-linear orbit analysis was used to verify the positions of the ILRs by determining the spatial extent of the family of orbits oriented along the minor axis of the bar. Our modeling shows explicitly that the dominant morphology in the center of M100 can be explained by the gas response to the stellar bar potential (Knapen et al. 1995b). We nd that a system of trailing and leading shocks in the gas in the vicinity of the ILRs shows a robust behavior. We have been able to identify and model the main regions of SF there, corresponding to four compression zones. Two zones of SF correspond to the so-called \twin peaks," and two additional ones are found where a pair of large-scale trailing shocks interacts with a pair of leading shocks. Young massive stars ( 107 yrs and less) are present in the resonance region in addition to the old population. Emission from young stars, which trace the gas ow, and from hot dust can explains why we see the leading arms in K emission, whereas they are theoretically expected to occur in the gas.
Abstract. High-resolution NIR and optical images are used to constrain a dy-
namical model of the circumnuclear star forming (SF) region in the barred galaxy M100 (=NGC 4321). Subarcsecond resolution allowed us to distinguish important morphological details which are easily misinterpreted when using images at lower resolution. Small leading arms observed in our K -band image of the nuclear region are reproduced in the gas ow in our model, and lead us to believe that part of the K light comes from young stars, which trace the gas ow.