Bagging for Path-Based Clustering Bernd Fischer, Student Member, IEEE, and
dbscan算法原理DBSCAN(Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise)是一种基于密度的空间聚类算法,它能够发现任意形状的聚类,并能够有效地处理噪声数据。
DBSCAN算法的具体步骤如下:1. 随机选择一个未被访问的数据点P。
2. 如果P是核心点,则以P为种子点进行扩展,找到所有密度可达的点,并将它们加入到当前的聚类中。
3. 扩展当前的聚类,直到不再有新的点可以添加进来。
4. 如果P是边界点,则不会被扩展,但它可能会成为其他核心点的边界点。
5. 重复以上步骤,直到所有的数据点都被访问过为止。
2021⁃01⁃10计算机应用,Journal of Computer Applications 2021,41(1):15-21ISSN 1001⁃9081CODEN JYIIDU http ://基于自适应反向学习的多目标分布估计算法李二超*,杨蓉蓉(兰州理工大学电气工程与信息工程学院,兰州730050)(∗通信作者电子邮箱lecstarr @ )摘要:针对基于规则模型的多目标分布估计算法全局收敛性较弱的缺陷,提出了一种基于自适应反向学习(OBL )的多目标分布估计算法。
该算法根据函数变化率的大小来决定是否进行OBL :当函数变化率较小时,算法可能陷入局部最优,所以进行OBL 以提高当前种群中个体的多样性;当函数变化率较大时,运行基于规则模型的多目标分布估计算法。
所提算法通过适时地引入OBL 策略,减小了种群多样性及个体的分布情况对优化算法整体收敛质量以及收敛速度的影响。
为了验证改进算法的性能,选取基于规则模型的多目标分布估计算法(RM -MEDA )、摸石头过河算法与分布估计混合算法(HWSA -EDA )以及基于逆建模的多目标进化算法(IM -MOEA )作为对比算法与所提算法分别在ZDT 和DTLZ 测试函数上进行测试。
关键词:多目标优化问题;局部最优;反向学习;种群多样性;收敛性中图分类号:TP18文献标志码:AMulti -objective estimation of distribution algorithm withadaptive opposition -based learningLI Erchao *,YANG Rongrong(College of Electrical Engineering and Information Engineering ,Lanzhou University of Technology ,Lanzhou Gansu 730050,China )Abstract:Aiming at the defect of poor global convergence of the regularity model -based multi -objective estimation ofdistribution algorithm ,a multi -objective estimation of distribution algorithm based on adaptive Opposition -Based Learning (OBL )was proposed.In the algorithm ,whether to carry out OBL was judged according to the change rate of the function.When the change rate of the function was small ,the algorithm was easily to fall into the local optimum ,so that OBL was performed to increase the diversity of individuals in current population.When the change rate of the function was large ,the regularity model -based multi -objective estimation of distribution algorithm was run.In the proposed algorithm ,with the timely introduction of OBL strategy ,the influences of population diversity and individual distribution on the overall convergence quality and speed of optimization algorithm were reduced.In order to verify the performance of the improved algorithm ,Regularity Model -based Multi -objective Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (RM -MEDA ),Hybrid Wading across Stream Algorithm -Estimation Distribution Algorithm (HWSA -EDA )and Inverse Modeling based multiObjective Evolutionary Algorithm (IM -MOEA )were selected as comparison algorithms to carry out the test with the proposed algorithm on ZDT and DTLZ test functions respectively.The test results show that the proposed algorithm not only has good globalconvergence ,but also improves the distribution and uniformity of solutions except on DTLZ2function.Key words:Multi -objective Optimization Problem (MOP);local optimum;Opposition -Based Learning (OBL);population diversity;convergence引言多目标优化问题(Multi -objective Optimization Problem ,MOP )通常是指同时对多个相互作用又相互冲突的优化目标进行求解,因此该类问题在尽量满足决策者需求的情况下,只能求得多个折中解,即满意解。
Bagging(Bootstrap aggregating)算法的核心思想是通过自助采样(bootstrap sampling)和多个基学习器的集成来减小模型的方差,提高模型的鲁棒性。
具体步骤如下:1. 数据集采样:从原始训练集中使用有放回的随机采样(bootstrap sampling)方法生成多个采样集合。
2. 基学习器训练:对于每个采样集合,使用基础学习算法(如决策树、SVM 等)来训练一个基学习器。
3. 集成预测:对于新的未知样本,通过将所有基学习器的预测结果进行投票或取平均,来进行最终的集成预测。
具体而言,有以下几个方面:1. 方差减小:通过集成多个基学习器的预测结果,Bagging算法能够减小模型的方差,降低模型对训练数据的过拟合程度。
2. 鲁棒性提升:多个基学习器的集成可以减小训练数据中的随机噪声和异常样本对模型的影响,提高模型的鲁棒性。
3. 算法简单:Bagging算法本身的实现相对简单,只需要采样数据集和训练多个基学习器,不需要大量的调参和优化。
以下是一些典型的应用领域:1. 基于决策树的Bagging算法(Random Forest)在图像识别、物体检测和推荐系统等领域取得了很好的效果。
Boosting算法Boosting算法也是一种基于数据集重抽样的算法,与Bagging 算法主要区别在于,需要动态调整训练样本中各数据权重,每一次迭代增加不能被正确学习的样本权重,相对地降低了能被正确学习的样本权重,从而提升在整个训练样本数据集上的学习正确率。
图7-5 Boosting算法的原理示意图Boosting算法最典型的是Adaptive Boosting算法,简称AdaBoost算法,其基本流程描述如下。
二、Boosting系列算法Boosting算法包括以梯度提升为核心方法的系列算法,主要包括前面介绍的调整错分样本权重的AdaBoost算法、以决策树为基函数的Boosting Tree算法、利用损失函数的负梯度在当前模型的值作为回归问题提升树算法中残差的近似值的GBDT算法、大规模并行Boosting Tree的XGBoost算法。
贝叶斯节点使用说明作者:张青松目录1. 贝叶斯节点 (2)1.1. 朴素贝叶斯分类基本原理 (2)1.2. 贝叶斯节点 (2)2. 贝叶斯设置 (3)2.1. 建立贝叶斯节点的工作流 (3)2.1.1. 设置 (3)3. 贝叶斯分类结果 (4)1.贝叶斯节点贝叶斯节点使用了经典的朴实贝叶斯(NaiveBayes)算法对数据进行分类,其核心思想是贝叶斯公式:对于给出的待分类项,求解在此项出现的条件下各类别出现的概率,取概率最大的类别作为对该项的分类结果。
1.1.朴素贝叶斯分类基本原理朴素贝叶斯正式定义如下:1.设x={a1,a2,…,a m}为一个待分类项,而每个a为x的一个特征属性.2.有类别集合C={y1,y2,…y n,}。
3.计算P(y1|x),P(y2|x),…,P(y n|x)。
4.如果P(y k|x)=max{P(y1|x),P(y2|x),…,P(y n|x)},则x∈y k。
2.贝叶斯设置2.1.建立贝叶斯节点的工作流图1 贝叶斯节点工作流首先为贝叶斯节点连接输入数据。
2.1.1.设置图2 贝叶斯节点数据选择设置选择数据集中的标称量字段作为分类的目标列,并且在下方表格中选中要作为特征属性参与分类的列。
图3 贝叶斯算法参数设置注意:模型页签中的默认概率表示上文中提到的Laplace校准参数,最大分类个数不能小于分类目标列标称量的个数。
Bagging(Bootstrap Aggregating)是一种集成学习方法,通过对训练数据集进行有放回的随机抽样(bootstrap),然后基于每个抽样集合训练出一个基学习器,最终通过投票或取平均的方式组合这些基学习器的预测结果来进行分类或回归。
1. 随机抽样,从原始训练集中使用有放回抽样的方式,抽取出若干个与原始训练集大小相同的子集。
2. 基学习器训练,对每个子集进行训练,得到若干个基学习器模型,可以使用不同的学习算法或者同一算法的不同参数设置。
3. 集成预测,对于分类问题,采用投票的方式,对每个基学习器的预测结果进行统计,得到最终的分类结果;对于回归问题,采用平均值的方式,将每个基学习器的预测结果取平均得到最终的预测值。
dbscan算法的基本概念DBSCAN(Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise)是一种常用的密度聚类算法,用于对数据集进行聚类分析。
1. 什么是密度聚类?密度聚类是一种基于样本之间密度关系的聚类方法,与传统的基于距离的聚类方法不同。
2. DBSCAN算法的基本原理是什么?DBSCAN算法基于以下两个基本概念:核心点(Core Point)和密度直达(Density-Reachability)。
3. DBSCAN算法的基本步骤是什么?DBSCAN算法的基本步骤包括以下几个步骤:步骤1:选择一个未被访问的点P。
1. BaggingBagging是一种并行的集成学习方法。
2. BoostingBoosting是目前应用最广泛的集成学习方法之一。
3. StackingStacking是一种堆叠的学习方法,它通过堆叠不同分类器的输出来构建一个新的分类器。
以下是一些常见的应用:1. 图像识别图像识别是一个受欢迎的研究领域。
这种集成多个个体学习器的⽅法称为集成学习(ensemble learning)。
1. 集成学习之个体学习器个体学习器(⼜称为“基学习器”)的选择有两种⽅式:集成中只包含同种类型的个体学习器,称为同质集成。
1.1 boosting算法原理boosting的算法原理如下所⽰:Boosting算法的⼯作机制是:(1)先从初始训练集训练出⼀个基学习器;(2)再根据基学习器的表现对样本权重进⾏调整,增加基学习器误分类样本的权重(⼜称重采样);(3)基于调整后的样本分布来训练下⼀个基学习器;(4)如此重复进⾏,直⾄基学习器数⽬达到事先指定的个数,将这个基学习器通过集合策略进⾏整合,得到最终的强学习器。
Boosting系列算法⾥最著名算法主要有AdaBoost算法和提升树(boosting tree)系列算法。
提升树系列算法⾥⾯应⽤最⼴泛的是梯度提升树(Gradient Boosting Tree)<GDBT>。
一、领域自适应(Domain Adaptation)领域自适应是迁移学习中常用的算法之一,其目的是将源领域的知识迁移到目标领域上。
二、迁移聚类(Transfer Clustering)迁移聚类是迁移学习中的一个重要分支领域,其目的是通过迁移学习算法将源领域中学习到的聚类信息应用到目标领域中。
三、迁移深度学习(Transfer Learning with Deep Learning)迁移深度学习是近年来兴起的一种迁移学习算法,其基于深度学习网络模型,并结合领域自适应和迁移学习的思想,进一步提高模型的性能。
四、迁移度量学习(Transfer Metric Learning)迁移度量学习是一种通过建立距离度量或相似度度量来实现迁移学习的算法。
1. BaggingBagging方法通过从原始数据集中进行有放回的采样,生成多个子集,每个子集用于训练一个基分类器。
其中,随机森林(Random Forest)是Bagging方法的典型代表。
2. BoostingBoosting方法通过顺序训练多个基分类器,每个基分类器的训练数据集是上一个基分类器错误分类的样本集。
常见的Boosting算法有Adaboost、GBDT(Gradient Boosting Decision Tree)等。
3. StackingStacking方法通过将多个基分类器的预测结果作为输入,训练一个元分类器来进行最终的分类。
1. 图像分类在图像分类任务中,集成学习方法可以通过将多个基分类器的预测结果进行投票或求均值的方式来提高模型的性能。
Adaboost算法流程如下,详细流程见,另外Bagging与随机森林BaggingBagging的原理图如下Bagging 采样出T 个含m 个训练样本的采样集,然后基于每个采样集训练出⼀个基学习器,再将这些及学习器进⾏结合。
从偏差-⽅差分解的⾓度看,Bagging 主要关注降低⽅差,因此它在不剪枝决策树、神经⽹络等易受样本扰动的学习器上效果更明显。
随机森林随机森林是Bagging 的⼀个扩展变体,是以决策树为及学习器构建Bagging 集成的基础上,进⼀步在决策树的训练过程中引⼊随机属性选择。
具体来说,传统决策树在选择划分属性时是在当前结点的属性集合(假定有d 个属性)中选择⼀个最优属性;⽽在RF 中,对基决策树的每个结点,先从该结点的属性集合中随机选择⼀个包含k 个属性的⼦集,然后再从这个⼦集中选择⼀个最优属性⽤于划分. 这⾥的参数k 控制了随机性的引⼊程度;若令k=dk = dk =d, 则基决策树的构建与传统决策树相同;若令k = 1 , 则是随机选择⼀个属性⽤于划分; ⼀般情况下,推荐值k=log2dk = log_2 dk =log2d 。
实现“3 个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮”的效果。
本文将介绍集成学习的2 种主要思路:bagging、boosting。
现实生活中,大家都知道「人多力量大」,「3 个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮」。
集成学习会挑选一些简单的基础模型进行组装,组装这些基础模型的思路主要有 2 种方法:1.bagging(bootstrap aggregating的缩写,也称作“套袋法”)2.boostingBaggingBagging 的核心思路是——民主。
Bagging 的思路是所有基础模型都一致对待,每个基础模型手里都只有一票。
大部分情况下,经过bagging 得到的结果方差(variance)更小。
(所有模型的重要性相同)举例:在 bagging 的方法中,最广为熟知的就是随机森林了:bagging + 决策树 = 随机森林《/ai-definition/decision-tree/》《/ai-definition/random-forest/》BoostingBoosting 的核心思路是——挑选精英。
训练基学习器并得到预测结果;以基学习器的预测结果作为输入特征训练元学习器;使用元学习 器进行最终预测。
随机森林(Random Forest)
基于Bagging算法的扩展,通过在每个决策树的训练过程中引入随机 特征选择来增加模型的多样性。
简单平均或加权平均,适用于基模型性能相近的 情况。
大规模数据集上训练多个基学习器需要大量的计算资 源,如何高效利用计算资源是面临的挑战。
在大量基学习器中选择合适的模型进行集成,以及如 何评估集成后的性能也是重要问题。
对比单个分类器和集成分类器的性能 ,分析集成学习在垃圾邮件识别问题 中的优势。
采用房地产交易数据,包含房屋的面积、位置、装修等 特征以及对应的房价。
采用随机森林或梯度提升机等集成学习算法,对房价进 行预测。
1.基于Bagging集成聚类的改进遗传算法在装配线平衡中的应用 [J], 李爱平;赵亚西
2.属性相关选择和Bagging算法在入侵检测中的应用 [J], 魏浩;丁要军
3.Bagging算法在中文文本分类中的应用 [J], 张翔;周明全;耿国华;侯凡
4.基于Bagging策略的XGBoost算法在商品购买预测中的应用 [J], 谢冬青;周成骥
5.基于Bagging策略的XGBoost算法在商品购买预测中的应用 [J], 谢冬青;周成骥;
简述dbscan算法及其工作流程 -回复
简述dbscan算法及其工作流程-回复DBSCAN(Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise)是一种基于密度的聚类算法。
1. 确定核心对象:遍历数据集的每一个样本点,如果该点的邻域内含有至少minPts个样本点,则将该点标记为核心对象。
2. 构建直接密度可达图:对于每一个核心对象,根据邻域半径epsilon确定其epsilon-邻域内的所有样本点。
3. 确定密度相连集合:通过递归地在直接密度可达图上进行搜索,将直接密度可达的样本点连在一起,形成一个密度相连集合。
4. 分离噪声点:最后,根据没有与任何密度相连集合关联的样本点,确定噪声点。
DBSCAN算法具有以下几个优点:1. 不需要预先指定簇的个数:相比于其他聚类算法需要预先指定聚类簇的个数,DBSCAN算法可以自动检测簇的个数。
2. 对簇的形状和大小不敏感:DBSCAN算法可以有效地处理非球形、不同密度和不同大小的簇。
1.一种求解0-1背包问题的启发式遗传算法 [J], 王秋芬;梁道雷
2.一种求解0-1背包问题的退火贪婪遗传算法 [J],
3.一种改进的免疫遗传算法求解0-1背包问题 [J], 杜彦华;靳宗信
4.折扣{0-1}背包问题的简化新模型及遗传算法求解 [J], 杨洋;潘大志;刘益;谭代伦
5.求解折扣{0-1}背包问题的新遗传算法 [J], 吴聪聪; 贺毅朝; 赵建立
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Bagging for Path-Based ClusteringBernd Fischer,Student Member,IEEE,andJoachim M.Buhmann,Member,IEEEAbstract—A resampling scheme for clustering with similarity to bootstrap aggregation(bagging)is presented.Bagging is used to improve the quality of path-based clustering,a data clustering method that can extract elongated structures from data in a noise robust way.The results of an agglomerative optimization method are influenced by small fluctuations of the input data.To increase the reliability of clustering solutions,a stochastic resampling method is developed to infer consensus clusters.A related reliability measure allows us to estimate the number of clusters,based on the stability of an optimized cluster solution under resampling.The quality of path-based clustering with resampling is evaluated on a large image dataset of human segmentations.Index Terms—Clustering,resampling,color segmentation.æ1I NTRODUCTIONC LUSTERING objects into separated groups is an important topic in exploratory data analysis and pattern recognition.Many clustering techniques group the data objects together to“compact”clusters with the explicit or implicit assumption that all objects within one group are either mutually similar to each other or they are similar with respect to a common representative or centroid.The most prominent example of this concept is k-means clustering for vectorial data.Pairwise clustering[1]and distributional clustering [2],[3]are analogous examples for proximity data and histogram data.In many data analysis and pattern recognition scenarios, however,similarity between two objects is not only established by direct comparison,but it can be induced by mediating objects in between,i.e.,two objects might be considered similar when they are connected by a chain of intermediate objects where all dissimilarities or distances between neighboring objects in the chain are small.The path-based clustering approach[4]is able to extract elongated structures from the data in a robust way which is particularly useful in perceptual organization.The intuitive picture that two objects should be assigned to the same cluster if they can be connected by a mediating path of intermediate objects is modeled by the path-based clustering cost function which is defined in Section 3.The cost function can be seen as a generalization of graph-based clustering cost functions like minimum spanning tree clustering.Agglomerative optimization is a fast algorithm,which often yields satisfactory results,but these results may be influenced by small fluctuations in the data.The noise sensitivity of the connectivity clustering principle is cured by data resampling and this technique is described,in detail,for the first time in this paper.A bootstrap method based on replication sets avoids this detrimental effect as discussed in Section4.Resampling is used to measure the instability of the resulting grouping.The reliability measure defines a statistical criterion to determine the number of clusters which is often not known a priori.Our criterion for model order selection chooses the number of clusters with the highest stability as the preferable solution.In Section5,we use the presented techniques for image segmentation.To show the generality of the clustering technique,it is applied to segmentation on the basis of color information.It is evaluated on the Berkeley image segmentation data set,a collection of human segmentations. 2R ELATED W ORKA wealth of clustering techniques is described in the literature.The well-known single linkage algorithm,sometimes also named minimum spanning tree clustering algorithm[5],is an elementary method to find elongated(connected)structures in the data.In an agglomerative fashion,the algorithm starts with n different clusters,each containing exactly one object.A well-known problem of the minimum spanning tree algorithm is its high sensitivity to outliers.A single object which is far away from all other objects defines a separate cluster.If the data,which represents the objects are noisy,then the probability is high to get such outliers by chance.A cluster isolation criterion can avoid the assignment of almost all objects to one single cluster,e.g.,clustering based on the hypothesis of smooth increments[6].The pairwise data clustering approach[7],[1]is robust against such outliers since its cost function sums the average dissim-ilarities per cluster weighted with the number of objects in that cluster.The method prefers compact clusters with small intraclus-ter dissimilarities.Pairwise data clustering is unable to extract elongated structures like spiral arms or nested circles.Tishby and Slonim interpreted the dissimilarity matrix as transition probabilities of a Markov process[8].The decay in mutual information between the initial probability distribution and the distribution at time t is used to extract stable cluster configurations,i.e.,natural clusters are hypothesized to be stable under the memory decay of the Markov chain.Clustering,using a model of granular magnets,is motivated by statistical mechanics[9].Spectral methods to analyze the transition probability,as in[10],provide good results in image segmentation.The normalized cut methods[11]can be motivated by spectral methods.An important resampling technique for graph partitioning problems is a stochastic clustering algorithm,which samples cuts in a graph[12]and is based on Karger and Stein’s contraction algorithm[13].3C OST F UNCTIONIn most data analysis applications,the data are represented by vectors in an appropriate feature space.Distances are measured by Euclidean distances or more general‘p-norms of the distance vectors.In this paper,we assume a more general situation where objects are described by their pairwise dissimilarities which might violate the triangular inequality.The underlying space of objects is not represented explicitly,i.e.,it is not clear a priori how a new (generic)object is represented in terms of dissimilarities to all existing objects.Let us first define the proper mathematical structure of the clustering problem with some notations.A clustering instance, i.e.,the set of objects O¼f o1;...;o n g and their mutual dissimilarities D,is modeled as an undirected graph with vertex set O and edge set f D ij:o i;o j2Og.The dissimilarities are assumed to be symmetric or they have been symmetrized by the transformation D ijðD ijþD jiÞ=2.A clustering solution is denoted by a mapping function c:O!f1;...;k g,which assigns each object to one of the k labels.The quality of such an object assignment to clusters is measured by a cost function for path-based clustering H:C!I Rþ,which maps the space of clustering solutions C to the nonnegative reals.Depending on the scientific community,H is also called objective function,.The authors are with the Department of Computer Science III,Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universita¨t,Ro¨merstr.164,53117Bonn,Germany.E-Mail:{fischerb,jb} received30Apr.2002;revised11Feb.2003;accepted3June2003. Recommended for acceptance by E.Hancock,M.Figueiredo,M.Pelillo,and I. Zerubia.For information on obtaining reprints of this article,please send e-mail to: tpami@,and reference IEEECS Log Number118663.0162-8828/03/$17.00ß2003IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Societyenergy function,or Hamiltonian.The cost function H ranks all clustering solutions according to their clustering costs with the optimal solution being defined by cüargmin c2C HðcÞ:In the sequel,we denote by O ðcÞthe set of objects,which are assigned to cluster by the mapping function c.The core of every clustering principle constitutes a criterion when two objects should belong to the same cluster.In pairwise clustering,two objects o i;o j should be assigned to the same cluster if they are similar,i.e.,D ij is small.This concept can be generalized by assuming that object similarity behaves transitive in many applications.Therefore,we consider all paths P ijðcÞfrom object o i to object o j,where all other objects on a connecting path belong to the same cluster as o i and o j.The dissimilarity mediated by a particular path p2P ijðcÞis defined as the maximal dissimilarity on this path.The effective dissimilarity between two objects is calculated as the minimum over all path distances,i.e.,D effij ¼minp2P ijðcÞmax1i j p jÀ1D p½i p½iþ1&':ð1ÞD eff ij provides the discriminative information to decide if two objects are jointly assigned to the same cluster or not.Paths between objects,which belong to different clusters,are not defined and they are not considered in the grouping criterion.It is important to restrict the intermediate objects on the paths to the same cluster as the two end objects of the path because,otherwise, two objects with a large gap between them can have a small effective dissimilarity,if there are intermediate objects from other clusters.With the definition of the effective dissimilarity(1),we are able to specify the path-based clustering cost function for a given number of clusters k.In analogy to pairwise clustering ([1]),the costs for each cluster are defined by the mean effective dissimilarity of cluster multiplied by the number jO j of objects,i.e.,H pbcðc;DÞ¼X2f1;...;k g O ðcÞj j D eff ðc;DÞ;ð2Þwhere the mean effective dissimilarity averages all the pairwise effective dissimilaritiesD effðc;DÞ¼1O ðcÞj jXo i2OXo j2OD effijðc;DÞ:ð3ÞThe cost function is invariant with regard to additive shift and to scaling of the dissimilarities.The best clustering solution with respect to the path-based clustering costs partitions the objects in such a way that objects which are drawn from the same region of high probability are grouped together.Optimization:In[4],we described an agglomerative optimiza-tion method for path-based clustering.We first start with n different clusters and,in each iteration step,the two clusters that minimize the path-based clustering cost function are merged. Agglomerative optimization has a low running time compared to other minimization methods like simulated annealing or iterated conditional mode,but it is more sensitive to small fluctuations in the data than simulated annealing.To compensate this effect,we use a bootstrap resampling method.4R ESAMPLINGThe agglomerative optimization yields good results and has a low running time,but two shortcomings of the method have to be addressed:First,it is not known how to guarantee that the global minimum of the path-based clustering energy function is found, i.e.,there is no efficient way to check,if the resulting mapping function qualifies as the global minimum.Second,the clustering result for two data sets drawn from the same data distribution should be comparable.To demonstrate the problem,we have drawn several resample data sets from the same input data instance by drawing n objects from the original input instance with replacements.In the two sample sets of Fig.1,the core structure of the spiral arms is found,but some parts are grouped wrongly due to noisy objects which build links between the different parts of the spiral arms.These links occur by chance and they do not exist in the underlying probability distribution.Levine and Domany’s figure of merit[14]defines a measure of consistency of two clusterings,but it does not provide information about the best association of the cluster labels.Strehl and Ghosh [15]introduced a consensus clustering as the partitioning that maximizes the mutual information to a set of clusterings.The authors,however,reported slow convergence of their consensus clustering estimate by mutual information.Another clustering combination method uses evidence accumulation[16].It first clusters the input data set multiple times with k-means with a large number of clusters that is much larger than the desired number. An accumulation matrix counts how often two objects are assigned to the same cluster.The single linkage algorithm applied to the accumulation matrix yields the final clustering result.This approach does not suffer from the problem of label permutations, but it relies on the fact that many heuristic clustering principles are trapped in suboptimal local minima.This behavior generates a variety of clustering solutions which can be used to calculate a consensus clustering.The method,however,lacks a solid statisticalFig. 1.Two subsamples from the same input data set.The agglomerative algorithm sometimes fails to extract the correct structure,due to noisy link objects.basis since the accumulation matrix might strongly depend on the initialization of the clustering algorithm.4.1A Maximum Likelihood Mapping by ResamplingWe suggest the following resampling scheme similar to bagging [17]for the supervised case to get an empirical probability distribution over the cluster assignments for each object:Draw B different data sets by sampling n objects with replacement from the empirical probability distribution defined by the input data set. Some objects might occur multiple times.The B multisets of objects on the resampled data set can be considered as bootstrap replications and they are denoted by O bð1b BÞ.The agglomerative optimization algorithm is employed to calculate a mapping function c b for each of these B replications.To estimate the probability of cluster assignments for each object,the B mapping solutions are combined,taking into account that the costs of a mapping are invariant with regard to a permutation of the cluster labels.A similar approach is described in[18],where the input data set is clustered once and then the labels of each bootstrap replication are permuted such that they fit best to the clustering on the input data set.Let us assume that the input data set of the example in Fig.1has some weak links between all three spiral arms such,that the three spiral arms form one cluster and some outlier object form the second and third cluster.The weak links will not affect most of the bootstrap replications,thus the algorithm will find the core structure of the spiral arms,but the permutation will be inconsistent for these replications,because the reference labeling is misleading.We,therefore,select the relabeling out of all k!label permuta-tions for the bþ1cluster solution which is best adapted to the clusterings of the b replications seen so far.The new mapping c bþ1 of the resample data set O bþ1is permuted such that it fits best to the empirical cluster assignment probabilities^p b o:f1;...;k g!½0;1 estimated from the first b mappings.Mathematically,we will search for the permutation that yields the largest probability mass over all cluster assignment probabilities,i.e.,bþ1¼argmax2S kXo2O bþ1^p boc bþ1ðoÞÀÁÀÁ();ð4Þwhere S k is the set of all permutations of k labels.By the selection criterion(4),we maximize the sum over the empirical cluster assignment probabilities over all objects of the new mapping configuration.In the beginning,the empirical distribution is assumed to be the uniform distribution.The problem of finding the best permutation can be rewritten as a weighted bipartite matching problem.The corresponding graph has two sets of nodes:the set of labels of the original mapping and the set of labels of the permuted mapping.The two sets of edges are connected by edges where each edgeði;jÞcorresponds to the assignment of label i in the original mapping to the label j in the permuted mapping.The weight w ij is given byw ij¼Xo2O bþ1:c bþ1ðoÞ¼i ^p boðjÞ:ð5ÞIn this case,the maximum bipartite matching finds the permuta-tion of the cluster labels which maximizes the sum over all corresponding weights of the matching.The following definition of the permutation is the maximum bipartite matching equivalent to the above definition(4)bþ1¼argmax2S X1i kw i ðiÞ():ð6ÞThe Hungarian method[19]solves the maximum bipartite matching problem with a running time of Oðk3Þ,if k is the number of labels.For a given number of resamples B,we have found the empirical cluster assignment distribution^p o for each object.This empirical distribution allows us to estimate the maximum like-lihood mapping function^cðoÞ¼argmax1‘k^p oð‘Þ:ð7ÞFig.2a shows the maximum likelihood mapping for our example for100bootstrap replications.The three noisy spiral arms are clearly found,but there are some unreliable assignments in the area of low density between the spiral arms.The empirical cluster assignment probability gives us information about the reliability of the cluster assignments.In Fig.2b,the probabilities of the maximum likelihood assignments are drawn.The dark color encodes that the given assignment has a high probability,whereas a light color shows a low assignment probability.Note that the objects in the center of the spiral arms have a higher assignment probability than the objects between the clusters.Fig.2.(a)Result of the resampling method.The cluster assignments are chosen as the maximum likelihood of the cluster assignment probabilities.(b)The probability of the cluster assignments of the maximum likelihood assignments for each object.Dark color shows a high probability and light color shows a low assignment probability.4.2Estimation of the Number of ClustersA general framework for estimating the number of clusters of a data set is presented in [18],[20].The resulting classifier is split in two data sets.The clustering result on the first data set is used to predict the labeling on the second data set.The clustering result on the second data set is then compared to the predicted solution using a variety of measurements for comparing two clusterings.Unfortunately,it is difficult to choose a predictor for path-based clustering.In the case of bootstrap resampling,there usually exists an overlap between two data sets and,thus,the predictor is naturally defined as an extension of the mappings for those objects which occur in both sets.In the bootstrap resampling scheme,wehave b different bootstrap replications that are already permuted such that they fit together and we are able to compare all b bootstrap replications in one step.For a single object,the assignment probability of the maximum likelihood assignment provides a measure for the reliability of the assignment.The mean cluster assignment probabilityp ¼1jOj Xo 2O ^po^c ðo ÞðÞð9Þis a measure for the reliability of the maximum likelihood mapping function.It can be used to indicate the number of clusters for which the maximum likelihood mapping ^c has the highest stability.In Fig.3,the dashed line shows the mean cluster assignment probability of the given example for various numbers of clusters.In this example,the three cluster solution has the largest mean cluster assignment probability,but,in general,it is not enough only to consider the mean cluster assignment probability.The dotted line shows the mean cluster assignment probability of an algorithm which chooses the mapping function randomly.The mean cluster assignment probability always assumes the maximum value of p ¼1for k ¼1clusters or k ¼n clusters.For k ¼1,the mean cluster assignment probability of the random labeling is one,for small k ,it approaches 1=k ,and,for larger k ,it increases until it reaches again 1at k ¼n .A clustering algorithm that learns the structure of the data cannot be worse on average than the risk of this random labeling.Our index to select the number of clusters will measure the gain in mean cluster assignment probability of the algorithm compared to the random labeling.If p 0denotes the mean cluster assignment probability of the random labeling,the mean assignment probability of the algorithm will vary between p 0and 1.We,therefore,propose the following stability index to detect the number of clusters for the given problemFig.3.The dashed plot shows the mean cluster assignment probability of the maximum likelihood estimation.The dotted plot is the mean assignment probability of randomly chosen cluster assignments.The relative difference of the mean cluster assignment probability and the random assignment probability is used to indicate the number of clusters (solidplot).Fig.4.Color segmentation on real-world images:(a)input image,(b)histogram clustering,(c)path-based clustering,and (d)cluster assignment probability.küargmax2i<npÀp01Àp0&':ð10ÞThis index identifies the number of clusters,which maximizes the difference between the mean cluster assignment probability p of the algorithm and the mean cluster assignment probability of random assignments p0relative to the risk of misclassification of the random cluster solution1Àp0.The dotted line in Fig.3shows the mean assignment probability of a random labeling,the dashed line shows the mean assignment probability of path-based clustering,and the solid line shows the relative difference for a small number of clusters.The index reaches the maximum for three clusters.The three cluster solution is preferred by the index as expected,but the index increases again for six clusters because of a symmetry of the data set.Each spiral arm is divided in two different clusters and there is one additional cluster in the middle of the data set.5E MPIRICAL E VALUATION ON H UMANS EGMENTATIONSPath-based clustering is presented as a general clustering method independent of its application.To demonstrate its usability,we have applied it to color segmentation.A color histogram on each color channel is used as a basic feature.The 2statistics gives the dissimilarity values for each pair of objects.Fig.4shows results for color segmentation.In these images,the elongated structures in feature space are formed by the color transition from light to dark blue in the sky and in the water. The centroid-based histogram clustering as well as normalized cut separates this color transition in several different clusters,whereas path-based clustering assigns the sky and the water to a single cluster.For an empirical evaluation of path-based clustering,the images from the Berkeley segmentation data set(BSDS100)[21] are segmented.Martin et al.developed two error measures for human segmentations.In empirical experiments,they observed that human segmentations are consistent with each other apart from refinements.The refinement of a segmentation should not be detected as an error.The local consistency error(LCE)can handle refinements in both directions from the first image to the second image and vice versa.The global consistency error(GCE)is restricted to refinements in one direction.First,we performed the same test as Martin et al.The test set consists of50training images and50test images.The training images are not used since our method does not require parameter tuning.We run the segmenta-tion on all test images using the number of clusters from thehuman segmentations.Fig.5b shows the distribution of the errors (LCE and GCE)for path-based clustering compared to human segmentations.For reference,we have drawn the distributions of Humans compared to Humans(Fig.5a)and of Humans compared to normalized cut segmentations(Fig.5e).The mean errors for path-based clustering with agglomerative optimization are 16.2percent(LCE)and22.4percent(GCE).The bootstrap aggregation improves the errors to12.4percent(LCE)and 17.0percent(GCE).These statistics are worse than the human segmentations compared to each other(LCE7percent and GCE 11percent),but it is significant better than normalized cut with mean errors22percent(LCE)and28percent(GCE)[21](see Fig.5e).The resampling scheme decreases the error by a factor of 0.59for LCE and0.53for GCE,if the mean error of the Human-Human comparison is subtracted.In the resampling solution,there is a large number of segmentations with a very low error.6C ONCLUSIONThis paper discusses the path-based clustering approach which is based on a connectivity criterion.It can,therefore,extract arbitrarily-shaped structures from the data.A fast agglomerative optimization algorithm yields satisfactory results in many of these data exploration situations.To avoid the dependency on small fluctuations in the data,a bootstrap resampling method is introduced that increases the reliability of results and,furthermore, it provides a measure for the uncertainty of the cluster assign-ments.The reliability measure can be used to estimate the number of clusters with the highest petitive segmentation results of color images on a large scale color segmentation benchmark experiment demonstrates that the new clustering principle can be applied to real-world data analysis tasks employ-ing a fast agglomerative clustering strategy with resampling. 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