Art and the Future
关于科技的英语演讲稿—Techn ology andFutur e演讲稿学生演讲稿关于科技的英语演讲稿—T ehnol og an d Fut ure关于科技的英语演讲稿—Tehno log a nd Fu ture2017-03-06the p resen e ofstude nts,ladie s and teah ers,evero ne! i as p repar ed in terva ls of loud toda, inhonor here enti tled"tehn ologand f uture" spe eh, i am v er pr oud o f bot h, bu t som e une re ent e ars,e hav e see n our grea t mot herla nd, t he au se of therapiddeve lopme nt of tehn olog, hihallome to a hi nesei fee l ver prou d. re membe r tha t lon g ago, ell phon e use almo st th e onl one, hihis al led,but a fe e ars a go, e ll ph oneshas u nderg one g reathange s, no t onl look more beau tiful, but also usemore, ou a n use thephone s totakepitur es, m eetin gs, i ntern et, t ext m essag es, e t. aserie s ofthing s tha t i t heirlifemoreonven ient, so i am m ore X Xre o f the stre ngthof th e teh nolog, but i am just afl edgli ngs s tuden ts, "tehno log"as th e ord also XXre of t he li mited, i a m una ble t o use some verdiffi ult t heorto el abora te te hnolo g xua nji,no ri ght t o ork on t heirelder s i a npro miseof th e teh nolog blue print. but i am illi ng to usea stu dent’s per speti ve to theimagi ne te hnolo g and thefutur e. f rom g eneti engi neeri ng "i s a l ive p rines" dre am, n ano-t ehnol og "- notashin g our loth ing," prom ises; from arti fiial inte llige ne "i ll gi ve ou a ut e rob ot do g" ar m, tr ansge ni te hnolo g "le t peo ple g ro mo use e ars"onder s. th e netehno log i n the birt h ofa netehno log t hat i ll le t peo ple i ld it h jo, beau se th ese n e teh nolog ies i sgra duall impr oving ourlives, let us l earnmoreabout ours elves. inthe n ear t erm,hinaplete d its firs t sar s vir us ge nomeseque ning, sars is n o the orld’s la rgest reog nized thedange rs of thedisea se, b ut hnot o therountr ies p leted firs t, an d e j ust p leted theountr ies?ver s imple, thi s ill ustra tes t hat o ur ou ntr b akard than othe rs, o rse t han o thers, e l ook a t the past, had just star ted a ount r’s r eform andopeni ng up to t he ur rentlevel of s ieneand t ehnol og ha s lea d a l argeountr, our moth erlan d exp erien ed anumbe r ofups a nddo ns, h o man diff iulti es an d bum p hoe ver,e sti ll ba k all of t he mo therl and,the m other landbeaus e e f irmlbelie ve th at -not o nl te hnolo gialhange dest in, a n han geth e fut ure. forour g enera tion, thegener al fe eling of t he mu nit i s a s trong sens e ofpetit ion,learn ing a foot don. sien e kno ledge is t he fo us of ouratten tion, albe rt ei nstei n,an d ste phenhakin g, bi ll ga tes i s the star e ha ve in mind, put er si ene,phsis andhemis tr of mode rn dn ami i s ons tantl affe t us. e ha ve to unde rstan d the impo rtane of t ehnol og, k noth at th e teh nolog univ ersal. al thoug h teh nolog to r eatea nelifeprosp ets s oliit ing t hough ts, i nspir ing.hoeve r, th e fin al an alsis is t hat e relon ou r moneffo rts t o rea lize. , as thefutur e ons truti on of thebakbo ne of ourgener ationof o ung p eople shou lders theburde n isnot l ight, ne o pport uniti es ar e ala s apa niedrisks andhalle nges, bute ill notgiveup th at ea sil,e use ourouthto pr edees sorsvoed: neve rliv e upto th eir p redee ssors of o ur ho pe. looki ng ba k atthe h istor of i viliz ation, and erson is t he hi storof ma nkind agai nst t he da rknes s ofignor ane,is th e sie ntifi lita fir e inthe r aging huma n sou l ofhope; tehn ologsuppo rt iv iliza tion, sien e and tehn ologtore ate t he fu ture, butthe f uture is i n our hand s. le t usbee k noled ge ex plore rs, l et usunkn on ro aming on t he ro ad, l et me useour r eativ it to theorlde liv e a b etter plae. 在场的学生们,女士们,老师,大家好!我准备间隔云今天,为了纪念在这里题为“科技与未来”的讲话,我感到非常自豪的两个,但有些不安。
State-of-the-Art and Future Trends
Logic-Based Program Synthesis: State-of-the-Art and Future TrendsSteve RoachDepartment of Computer ScienceUniversity of Texas at El PasoEl Paso, Texas 79968sroach@AbstractConstructing certifiably reliable software systems is difficult. Deductive program synthesis techniques (Flener1995, Manna and Waldinger 1980) can currently be used toconstruct small software systems or to organize small sets ofsoftware components in a reliable manner. In order for synthesis techniques to be applicable to real-world problemsoutside the experimental laboratory, they must be inexpensive relative to manual techniques. The difficultyand expense in constructing software synthesis systems currently precludes the use of these techniques in many instances.Amphion and Meta-AmphionAmphion (Stickel, et al. 1994) is a deductive synthesis system that has been used to construct programs in the domains of celestial mechanics and avionics. The experiences gained in the Amphion system mirror experiences in other synthesis systems. Amphion is a domain-independent system that is tailored to a domain in part through the creation of a declarative domain theory. Problem specifications are solved by programs constructed of sequences of calls to software components. Program construction is entirely automated. Programs have been generated that are currently in use by space scientists planning observations for the Cassini mission to Saturn (Roach and Van Baalen 1996, Roach, Lowry, and Pressburger 1995).An Amphion domain theory is written in first-order logic and relates abstract, specification-level functions and predicates to concrete, implementation-level components. Specifications for programs are also written in first-order logic and take the form Forall (inputs) Exists (outputs) ({properties}). A general-purpose resolution theorem prover finds ground instances of the existential variables for which the set of properties hold. These ground instances form functional terms that are translated into a target language compatible with the existing software components.While it is not particularly difficult to create a declarative domain theory for Amphion that captures the relationships between the abstract and the concrete, the performance of the general-purpose resolution theorem prover quickly degrades due to the exponential behavior of the required search. Thus, a naive domain theory can only be used to construct simple programs. In order to synthesize non-trivial programs, it is necessary to tune the domain theory. Tuning a domain theory consists of rewriting axioms to take advantage of knowledge of the implementation of the theorem prover or incorporating specialized inference mechanisms (such as decision procedures) that are tied directly to the theorem prover. Both of these methods require a high degree of expertise, a great deal of time, and are quite difficult. While the construction of decision procedures can be automated to some extent (Van Baalen and Roach 1998, Roach, Van Baalen, and Lowry 1997, Roach 97), the integration of these procedures with the general-purpose theorem prover used in Amphion has been difficult and un-maintainable.Difficulties in Program SynthesisIn the past thirty years, a great deal of progress has been made in the development of program synthesis systems based on theorem proving, transformations, and logic programming. However, in spite of this progress, these techniques are not in the mainstream of software development. Formal program synthesis techniques, at least with the current synthesis technologies, are not appropriate for all software development situations. The characteristics of inappropriate situations include having little potential for reuse (to amortize the cost of constructing the synthesis system) and having a domain or class of problems that are not well understood.In situations where it is necessary to prototype a system in order to answer fundamental questions about the capability of an approach or to explore domain knowledge, it is much more difficult to construct a synthesis system than to construct programs by hand. Many market-driven software systems fall into this category. Such systems are inherently difficult to formalize. While some argue that the lack of formalization is a deficiency on the part of program developers, it is frequently a necessity. It may be that the cost of formalizing a specification is too high relative to the cost of having a human interpret an informal specification. The translation between informal and formal (a task we assume to require human oversight) may befaster at lower levels of abstraction for some problems. This occurs when relatively simple ideas expressed informally become difficult to formalize.Additionally, many synthesis techniques scale badly. Deductive techniques have exponential behavior. Thus, while they may work reasonably well for small problems, they do not work for large problems. There are approaches to addressing this problem (Roach 1997, Srinivas and McDonald 1996, Smith 1991); however, it is still difficult to reuse the work done in one domain to solve problems in another domain.The future of program synthesisBy looking at the successes in program synthesis, it is reasonable to suggest characteristics of situations where synthesis is appropriate. In order to become a mainstream technique, synthesis must be advantageous either by making the software faster to produce, cheaper to produce and maintain, or of higher quality. The mechanisms for achieving this includea) producing code faster via synthesis than by handby automating tedious details of development;b) producing code of higher quality or of highercertification than hand-development;c) reducing the level of expertise required forpractitioners to construct software.The properties of systems amenable to economic application of synthesis fall into two categories: the simple and the complex. With simple systems, synthesis relieves programmers of tedious and repetitive programming tasks. Just as compilers relieved programmers of the task of allocating and managing storage, synthesis systems can alleviate the cumbersome tasks of managing tedious tasks. One of the advantages of Amphion’s synthesis system is that a simple algorithm is implemented in a syntactically correct form. One approach to using Amphion is to create a program that solves part of a problem, then hand-modify the resulting code to complete the system. The tedious work of variable declarations, type checking, and matching parameters and arguments when combining components is handled by Amphion. The less-easily specified parts of the system (such as “display the date and time in a readable font out of the way of interesting parts of the scene”) are coded by hand.Humans have difficulty formulating plans in complex systems where it is necessary to account for a large number of interactions (Dorner 1996). It may be theoretically possible to predict the effect of some action on a system, but the large number of competing issues prevents humans from choosing an appropriate action. In software development, these situations may arise from the interactions of components. If the interactions can be specified formally, it may be possible for synthesis systems to better manage the details of many interactions and constraints.While correctness is not ensured solely by the constructionof correctness proofs, such proofs can go a long way in convincing us that the software will behave as intended. Proving properties about arbitrary programs is difficult. It may be easier to prove properties are hold if we control the construction of the system rather than take arbitrary programs and attempt to prove properties (Fischer 2001).ConclusionIn order to reduce the cost of building synthesis systems, the following must be achieved.• We must be able to reuse knowledge and theories.• We must be able to reuse synthesis tools and techniques.• We must have a workforce familiar with techniques and their application.Although several systems under development have attempted to address the first two issues, it is still difficult to port a knowledge base from one application to another. Many interesting and useful techniques have been developed, but incorporation of one technique into a different system is very difficult. Just as component libraries have facilitated the construction of object-oriented systems, we must construct synthesis components that can be matched and tailored to developing systems.Finally, few computer science and software engineering professionals are trained to use formal techniques. The Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK 2001) composed by the IEEE does not have a chapter on formal methods. Most software engineering textbooks (see for example (Pfleeger 2001, Pressman 2000, Sommerville 1999)) make only passing mention of formal methods. Few software engineers are aware of the utility of synthesis techniques.ReferencesDorner, D., 1996. The Logic of Failure, Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus Press.Fischer, B., 2001. NASA Ames Research Center, personal communication.Flener, P., 1995, Logic Program Synthesis from Incomplete Information, Norwell, Mass.: Klewer Academic Publishers.Manna, Z., and Waldinger, R., 1980. A Deductive Approach to Program Synthesis, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 2(1), 90-121. Pfleeger, S., 2001. Software Engineering Theory and Practice, Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. Pressman, R., 2000. Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach,4th Edition, Boston, Mass.: McGraw Hill.Roach, S., Lowry, M., and Pressburger, T., 1995. Animating Observation Geometries with Amphion. NASA Information Systems Newsletter, 3(35) 35-38.Roach, S., and Van Baalen, J., 1996. Automatic Program Synthesis in Amphion, a Simulation Package for Evaluating Space Probe Missions. In Proceedings of the Wyoming Space Grant Symposium, University of Wyoming.Roach, S., Van Baalen, J., and Lowry, M., 1997. Meta-Amphion: Scaling up High Assurance Deductive Program Synthesis. In Proceedings of the IEEE High Integrity Software Symposium, 81-93. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Roach, S., 1997. TOPS: Theory Operationalization for Program Synthesis, PhD diss., Dept. of Computer Science, University of Wyoming.Smith, D., 1991. KIDS: A Knowledge-Based Software Development System. In Automating Software Design, M. Lowry and R. McCartney (eds.), 483-514. MIT Press. Sommerville, I., Software Engineering, 5th Edition, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley.Srinivas, Y., and McDonald, J., 1996. The Architecture of Specware, a Formal Software Development System, Technical Report, KES.U.96.7, Kestrel Institute, Palo Alto, Calif.Stickel, M., Waldinger, R., Lowry, M., Pressburger, T., and Underwood, I., 1994. Deductive Composition of Astronomical Software from Subroutine Libraries. In Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Automated Deduction. Nancy, France.SWEBOK 2001. The Software Engineering Body of Knowledge, Ironman Version.Van Baalen, J, and Roach, S., 1998. Using Decision Procedures to Build Domain-Specific Deductive Synthesis Systems. In Proceedings of LOPSTR'98 Eighth International Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation. M anchester, UK.。
15篇英语作文1. A Journey to RememberLast summer, I embarked on a trip that changed my perspective on life. I visited the ancient city of Kyoto, Japan, where the blend of tradition and modernity left an indelible mark on my heart.2. The Power of FriendshipFriendship is a bond that transcends time and distance.This essay explores the story of two friends who, despite the odds, remained connected and supported each other throughlife's challenges.3. The Importance of Environmental ConservationOur planet is facing an environmental crisis. This essay delves into the importance of conservation efforts and therole each individual can play in preserving our natural world.4. Technology and the Future of EducationThe integration of technology in classrooms has revolutionized the way we learn. This essay examines the benefits and potential drawbacks of using technology in educational settings.5. The Art of PerseveranceSuccess is not achieved without perseverance. This piece highlights the stories of individuals who have overcome adversity through sheer determination and resilience.6. Cultural Diversity: A Celebration of DifferencesOur world is a tapestry of cultures, each with its unique traditions and values. This essay celebrates the beauty of cultural diversity and the richness it brings to our global community.7. The Impact of Social Media on SocietySocial media has become an integral part of our lives. This essay discusses the positive and negative impacts of social media on society and individual well-being.8. The Role of Sports in Personal DevelopmentSports are not just about physical fitness; they also contribute to personal growth. This essay explores how participation in sports can foster discipline, teamwork, and leadership.9. The Wonders of ScienceScience is the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the natural world. This essay celebrates the achievements of science and its impact on human life.10. The Significance of Art in Our LivesArt has the power to inspire, provoke thought, and beautify our surroundings. This essay discusses the role of art in enriching our lives and shaping our cultural identity.11. The Pursuit of HappinessHappiness is a universal goal, but it is not easily defined. This essay examines different perspectives onhappiness and the ways in which it can be pursued.12. The Ethics of Animal TestingThe use of animals for scientific research is acontentious issue. This essay explores the ethical considerations surrounding animal testing and thealternatives to it.13. The Influence of Literature on SocietyLiterature has the power to shape society's values and perspectives. This essay discusses the impact of literatureon society and the importance of diverse voices in literature.14. The Challenges of GlobalizationGlobalization has brought the world closer together, butit also presents challenges. This essay examines the economic, cultural, and social implications of globalization.15. The Future of Space ExplorationSpace exploration has always captured the human imagination. This essay looks forward to the future of space travel, discussing potential discoveries and thetechnological advancements that may make them possible.。
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把兴趣爱好发展成未来职业英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Dreams for the FutureHi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about my big dreams for the future. I've been thinking a lot lately about what I might want to be when I grow up. It's hard to decide because there are so many cool jobs out there! But I have some ideas based on the things I really love doing.One of my biggest passions is art. I just love creating things with my hands. Drawing, painting, sculpting - you name it! Whenever I have free time, you can usually find me covering every empty surface with my artworks. My parents even cleared out a little corner of the basement for my own art studio space. I get so lost in my projects that before I know it, hours have gone by.I really admire professional artists who get to make art as their real job. Can you imagine how amazing that would be? Getting paid to spend all day painting beautiful canvases orsculpting impressive statues? My ultimate dream is to become a famous artist someday with my works displayed in museums and art galleries around the world. People would come from everywhere just to see my masterpieces! How cool would that be?But being an artist isn't the only career I'm interested in. I'm also completely obsessed with animals of all kinds - furry, scaly, feathery, you name it! I can never get enough of learning about different creatures and how they live. We have a dog, two cats, a bunny, and an aquarium full of colorful fish at home. My room is decorated with animal posters, books, and stuffed animals covering every surface. The zookeepers and animal experts always seem to have such fun jobs!If the artist thing doesn't work out, maybe I could be a zoologist or a veterinarian instead. Can you imagine getting to hang out with awesome animals every single day? Studying them up close, caring for them when they're sick or injured, and working to protect endangered species would be incredible. Although cleaning up after them all day might get a little gross!Another thing I absolute adore is being outdoors in nature. Hiking, camping, rock climbing, you name it - if it's outside, I want to do it! There's just something so refreshing aboutbreathing in that crisp forest air and feeling the warm sunshine on your face. Whenever my family goes on outdoorsy adventures, I never want to leave. The park rangers always seem to have the coolest jobs, getting to work surrounded by breathtaking scenery every day.Maybe I could be an adventurer or nature photographer when I grow up and get paid to travel to all the most beautiful natural spots around the world. How neat would it be to climb up mountain trails for work, raft down raging rivers, or dive deep into the ocean to capture amazing photos? I could discover brand new species or unexplored areas that no human has ever seen before. My office would be everywhere from sun-soaked beaches to frozen arctic tundras. Just don't ask me to wrestle any ferocious wild animals!The most important thing is finding something that makes you truly happy and lets you pursue your passions. I'm going to keep exploring all my different interests and hobbies for now. Then when the time comes, hopefully one path will jump out at me. If not, maybe I can combine a bunch of my favorite things into one awesome career!No matter what, I'm determined to end up with an exciting job that I absolutely love. A job where you get to spend everyday immersed in the activities you're most passionate about has to be the best feeling in the world. I can't wait to grow up and make my dreams a reality someday. The future is going to be one incredible adventure!篇2My Hobby Could Become My Future JobHi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I love drawing pictures of animals, especially dogs and cats. I've been really into art for as long as I can remember. When I was little, like 3 or 4 years old, I would draw animals on any piece of paper I could find - even napkins and old mail! My parents always encouraged my artistic side by giving me lots of paper, crayons, colored pencils, and even little watercolor paint sets.For my last few birthdays, I've asked for sketchbooks and nice art supplies instead of toys. My favorite things to use are the professional colored pencils that let me blend colors so smoothly. With those pencils, I can make the fur on my animal drawings look so soft and realistic. When I draw pictures of dogs and cats, I try to capture all the little details like their whiskers, how their fur looks different textures, and the expressions on their sweet little faces.At school, art class is my absolute favorite. I love when we have assignments to draw from observation, because I'm really good at looking closely at things and drawing exactly what I see. Once, we had to draw the class pet hamster and my drawing looked just like the real thing! My art teacher always puts my best work up on display in the halls and says she's really impressed with my natural talent.Besides just drawing animals, I'm also really interested in learning about different animal species. I check out tons of books from the library about dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, and more. In those books, I study the pictures closely to see how the animal's body is shaped, what patterns are in their fur or feathers, and how their facial features look. Then I practice drawing those animals over and over again until I feel like I've captured them really well. Knowing all the details about each animal helps me draw them better.My friends and family are always telling me how good I am at art and that I should consider being an artist when I grow up. Maybe I could be an illustrator for animal books or magazines! Or I could create drawings and paintings of animals that get displayed in an art gallery. Perhaps I could even work at a museum, helping to sketch the bones and bodies of animalspecimens for science. There are so many potential careers that could turn my passion for drawing animals into a real job.No matter what, I know that art and my love of animals will always be a huge part of my life. My big dream is to use my artistic talents to educate people about animals and help protect endangered species. If I pursue a creative career in the future, I could create drawings and paintings that inspire others to care about animals and their habitats. Maybe I could even write and illustrate my own children's books about amazing animals!My mom's friend is actually a professional pet portrait artist. She takes commissions from people to draw incredibly realistic portraits of their dogs, cats, and other furry companions. I've watched her work and it's amazing to see how she can capture every little detail, like the light reflecting in an animal's eyes or how their fur looks when the wind blows through it. Her drawings are so life-like, you almost expect the animals to jump off the paper! I keep telling her that someday, I want to be able to draw pets as well as she can.Last year for the school art show, I entered a colored pencil drawing of my neighbor's golden retriever puppy. I spent weeks on that drawing, working really hard to get the texture of the soft fur just right and adding little detail like individual hairs here andthere. It ended up winning first place in the show! The judges wrote that they were blown away by how realistic my drawing looked, especially since I'm just a kid. I was so proud and my parents framed the drawing to hang in our living room.Some people might think that drawing pictures of animals is just a silly little hobby that kids do. But I know in my heart that art, and drawing animals in particular, is something I'm truly passionate about. It's not just a way to pass the time - it's my favorite form of self-expression and creativity. Whenever I'm working on an animal drawing, I get totally absorbed in it and the hours just fly by. I feel completely at peace and like I'm doing what I was born to do.So while other kids my age might want to become doctors, teachers, athletes, or astronauts when they grow up, I already know that I want a career where I can use my natural artistic abilities and my love for animals. Luckily, there are so many potential jobs and paths I could pursue that would allow me to do what I love every single day. Maybe I'll be a famous animal artist someday with my own art shows! Or I could illustrate animals for books, magazines, ads, or websites. I might even write and draw my own books for kids about the amazing animals that exist in our world.No matter what career I end up choosing, you can be sure that animals and art will always be a huge part of my life. Ever since I was a little kid, I've been obsessed with using my pencils and crayons to capture the beauty and personality of furry, feathery, or scaly critters. With hard work and dedication to developing my skills, I'm hopeful that my passion for drawing animals can become more than just a hobby - it can be篇3Here's an essay on developing your interests and hobbies into future careers, written from the perspective of an elementary school student, in English, with a length of approximately 2000 words.Title: Turning My Passions into My Dream JobHave you ever wondered what you want to be when you grow up? I think about it all the time! There are so many cool jobs out there, and it's hard to pick just one. But you know what? I've realized that the things I love doing now could actually turn into my future career. How awesome is that?Let me tell you about my biggest passion – art! Ever since I was a little kid, I've loved drawing, painting, and creating all sorts of colorful masterpieces. My parents always encouraged me toexplore my creativity, and they even set up a little art corner in my room. It's my favorite place to be!Whenever I have free time, you'll find me doodling away in my sketchbook or trying out new art techniques. I love experimenting with different materials like watercolors, acrylics, and even chalk pastels. It's so much fun to see how each medium produces a unique effect on the paper.But art isn't just about making pretty pictures (although I do love that part!). It's also a way for me to express my thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, when I'm feeling happy, my artwork is filled with bright, vibrant colors that seem to jump off the page. Other times, when I'm feeling a bit down, my drawings might have a more muted, somber tone. Art is like my personal journal, helping me process all the emotions that come with being a kid.And you know what's really cool? There are so many different careers that involve art! I could become a professional artist, painting beautiful murals or creating sculptures for museums. Or maybe I could become an illustrator and draw pictures for children's books or comic books. Ooh, or what about being an animator and bringing characters to life in movies and TV shows? The possibilities are endless!Can you imagine how cool it would be to turn that passion into a career? I could become a zoologist and study animals in their natural environments or work at a zoo or aquarium, taking care of all the amazing creatures. Or maybe I could be a veterinarian and help sick and injured animals get better. Either way, I'd get to work with animals every single day – how awesome is that?And let's not forget about my love for sports! I'm always the first one on the field or court, ready to play any game with my friends. Whether it's soccer, basketball, or even just a friendly game of tag, I love the thrill of competition and the feeling of being part of a team.Who knows, maybe I could become a professional athlete one day? Can you picture me scoring the winning goal in the World Cup or sinking the game-winning shot in the NBA Finals? Talk about living the dream! Or perhaps I could be a coach, helping young athletes develop their skills and love for the game.The best part about all of these potential careers is that they're not just jobs – they're opportunities to do what I love every single day. Imagine waking up excited to go to workbecause you get to pursue your passions. That's the kind of life I want for myself!The world is full of so many amazing possibilities, and I can't wait to see where my dreams take me. All I know is that whatever I end up doing, it's going to involve the things I love most. Because when you truly love what you do, it never feels like work.So, what about you? What are your interests and hobbies? Maybe they could turn into your dream job too! The future is ours to create, and I can't wait to see what amazing things we'll all accomplish. The possibilities are endless, and the adventure is just beginning!篇4My Hobbies and My Future CareerHi there! My name is Emily and I'm in the 5th grade. Today I want to tell you all about my favorite hobbies and how I hope to turn them into my dream job when I grow up.I have a lot of interests and hobbies that I really enjoy. My biggest hobby is definitely reading books. I just love getting lost in a great story with interesting characters. My favorite books are fantasies and mysteries because they allow my imagination torun wild. I enjoy trying to solve the puzzles and figure out the secrets before the end of the book. My parents have to pry books out of my hands at bedtime!Another hobby I have is cooking and baking. I find it so satisfying to follow a recipe and create something delicious from scratch. My specialty is desserts - I make a mean chocolate lava cake! My family always asks me to bake treats for our parties and get-togethers. I've even started experimenting with developing my own unique recipes. My friends say I should try out for one of those Kids Baking Championship shows!A third hobby of mine is taking care of animals. We have two dogs, a cat, and a bunny at home that I help look after. I make sure they get fed, give them water, play with them, and keep their areas clean. I've even trained our dogs to do some cool tricks! My dream is to one day own my own animal rescue shelter and help pets in need find loving forever homes.When I grow up, I hope to turn my love of books and reading into a career as an author. I have so many imaginative story ideas swirling around in my head just waiting to be written down. I'll start out writing short stories and novels, hopefully becoming a published author that lots of people read and enjoy. Once I'm an established writer, I'd love to branch out into otherareas too. Maybe I could write for TV shows, movies, comic books, or video games! The possibilities are endless when you can craft creative stories.My baking hobby could also develop into a fun job one day. I'm considering pursuing pastry arts and getting a degree to become a professional baker or pastry chef. How amazing would it be to create extraordinary desserts for a living? I could work at an upscale bakery, restaurant, or hotel. Maybe I'll even open up my own bakery one day and sell my signature cakes, pies, cookies, and treats. I may also look into specializing in decorating desserts with intricate designs - those fancy cakes on TV shows look awesome! If I get really good, they could put me on one of those competitive baking show myself instead of just watching them.Finally, working with animals is another career path I may want to follow based on my love for caring for pets. As I mentioned, my big dream is to open an animal rescue organization. I could work rescuing stray or neglected dogs, cats, and other domestic pets, and provide them with food, medical care, and shelter at my facility until they find permanent homes. Part of the job would be making sure each animal is loved, played with, and given plenty of attention while they're there. I'malso really interested in training service animals to be companions for people with disabilities. It would be so rewarding to know you helped match a person with their perfect assistance pet.No matter what career I choose, I feel really lucky that I've discovered hobbies and interests that I'm passionate about from a young age. Not everyone knows what they want to do for a job already, but I have some great ideas thanks to the activities I most enjoy as a kid. I can't wait to see how my hobbies blossom and develop further as I keep practicing them over the years. Becoming an author, baker, chef, pet rescuer, animal trainer, or maybe combining a few of those paths could create my absolute dream job. The world is full of possibilities for someone with big ambitions and the drive to make their dreams a reality. I'm going to keep working hard at the things I love so that one day I can have a career that feels more like a fun hobby than actual work. Here's to pursuing your passions!篇5My Hobbies and My Future CareerHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you all about my favorite hobbies and how I thinkthey could turn into really cool jobs when I'm older. I love doing lots of different activities in my free time, and I've learned that the things you enjoy as a kid can sometimes lead to awesome careers when you grow up. Let me share some of my hobbies with you!One of my biggest hobbies is reading books. I just can't get enough of getting lost in new worlds and adventures through the pages of novels. I'll read absolutely anything - fiction,non-fiction, fantasy, mystery, you name it! My parents have to limit my reading time because otherwise I'd just read all day and all night. I even started my own little book club with some friends so we can discuss our favorite stories.I think my love of reading could lead to all kinds of fun jobs in the future. Maybe I could be an author myself and write the next big book series that kids go crazy over. Or I could work at a publishing company and help decide which books get printed and distributed to readers. If I got really lucky, I could even be one of those people who reads books before they're published and gets paid to share their thoughts on them. How cool would that be?Another hobby I'm super into is art and drawing. I'm always doodling or sketching something, whether it's realistic portraits,cartoon characters, landscapes, you name it. I even started my own little art business last year where I sell some of my drawings and paintings to neighbors, friends, and family. Making art just comes so naturally to me and it's one of my favorite ways to express my creativity.With my artistic talents, I could pursue all sorts of art-related careers as an adult. Maybe I'll become an illustrator for children篇6My Dreams for the FutureEver since I was a little kid, I've had so many big dreams about what I want to be when I grow up. When I was really little, I remember wanting to be things like a firefighter, a doctor, or an astronaut. Those felt like such exciting jobs that could help people or let you explore amazing places!As I've gotten a bit older though, my interests have changed quite a bit. I've discovered new hobbies and activities that I'm really passionate about. I've realized that the things I love doing in my free time could actually turn into awesome careers someday. Let me tell you about some of my favorite interests and how I'm hoping to transform them into my future job!One of my biggest hobbies is reading. I just love getting lost in the worlds of books. I'll read absolutely anything - fiction novels, non-fiction books about history or science, comic books, you name it! Reading makes me feel like I'm on amazing adventures or learning such cool new information.I could definitely see myself turning my love of reading intoa job as a writer someday. How awesome would it be to craft entire fictional worlds and characters? Or write educational books to teach others about fascinating topics? Maybe I could be an author of children's books to spark that magic of reading in young minds. Or I could even work as a writer for TV shows, movies, comic books, or video games! There are so many fun possibilities.Another big interest of mine is art. I'm always sketching, painting, sculpting with clay or play-dough, you name it. I love being creative and making things, whether it's drawing cartoon characters, painting landscapes, or crafting all kinds of objects. Art class is definitely my favorite period of the school day!With my artistic talents, I could pursue so many different visual art careers. Maybe I'll become an illustrator for children's books, comic books, magazines, or advertisements. Or I could be an animator, helping to breathe life into cartoons and movies.Sculpting could lead to a future in modeling collectibles or creating special effects props for TV and films. Painting could turn into a career as an artist selling their work in galleries. The options are endless!Bringing things to life in general is something I have a real knack for. My parents always laugh because from a young age, I've loved playing with toys and figuring out fun voices or personalities for them. I'm always putting on little performances, making my stuffed animals or action figures engage in wild adventures and conversations. I truly get lost in imagining these characters and worlds.This acting bug I've had since childhood could totally lead to a career as a performer someday! Whether it's live theater, TV shows, movies, voiceover work, or even being a streamer who does funny voices online, I would absolutely love getting paid to bring characters to life. I'm already used to spending hours playing make-believe, so why not make that my actual job?Building and creating things with my hands is another passion of mine that I'd love to turn into a profession. I'm constantly building Lego creations, assembling model kits, tinkering with craft projects, or figuring out how to put objectstogether in new ways. Sometimes I'll spend an entire weekend holed up absorbed in my latest building kick!This hands-on interest could mesh perfectly with careers like engineering, architecture, industrial design, robotics, or even working in trades like construction or manufacturing. Designing and assembling structures, vehicles, machines, or products sounds like the ultimate fun to me. Plus, I'd get to exercise major problem-solving skills by figuring out how all the components fit together properly.One last hobby I'm crazy about is anything related to science, especially when it comes to animals, nature, and the environment. You can usually find me outdoors observing cool plants, bugs, birds, or whatever nature has to offer that day. I'm fascinated learning about different habitats, ecosystems, biology, and how species interact. My dream is to help protect the planet and its incredible biodiversity.There are so many potential green careers I could pursue, like being a wildlife biologist, marine biologist, environmental scientist, park ranger, or conservation activist. Imagine getting to work hands-on studying and caring for amazing animals! Or using science to understand environmental issues and how wecan create a more sustainable future. I'd feel like I was really making a positive difference.As you can probably tell, I have a million and one interests and a very hard time deciding what I want to be when I grow up!I get excited about the prospect of literally any job that aligns with the activities I'm passionate about - writing, art, performing, building, science, you name it. The great thing is, in today's world, you can turn pretty much any hobby or interest into an actual career path.My parents always tell me that if I work really hard, stay dedicated to the activities I love, and keep exploring new interests, amazing opportunities will unfold. They remind me that the adults who have the most satisfying jobs don't feel like they're working at all, because they've found a way to incorporate their favorite hobbies and interests into their professional lives. That's the dream!I may be just a kid, but I'm already busy filling my life with as many interests and activities as possible. I figure that will not only keep me out of trouble, but also start setting me up for having a fantastic career later on. The more varieties of skills, knowledge, and pastimes I have under my belt, the more optionsand open doors I'll have. With some hard work and persistence, there's no limit to the possibilities!I can't wait to see where my current obsessions lead and what new ones I'll discover along the way. One thing's for sure though - no matter what career I end up choosing, you can bet it'll be one that lets me pursue my passions and have a blast doing it every single day. Why have a "job" when you can have your hobbies BE your job? Now that's what I call living the dream!。
*Corresponding authors: Dr. M. Enamul Hossain, Department of Petroleum Engineering, College of Engineering Science, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran 31261, KFUPM Box: 2020, Saudi Arabia. Tel: 0096638602305 (O), Fax: 0096638604447.Email:, dr.mehossain@SPE 153676State of the Art and Future Trend of Drilling Fluid: An Experimental StudyCopyright 2012, Society of Petroleum Engineers AbstractIn its endeavor to provide a sustainable flow of hydrocarbon energy, the Petroleum industry has been recognized by the general public as an industry that has negatively impacted the environment as a result of using either harmful materials or risky practices. This leads the industry to continuously invest in R&D to develop environmentally friendly technologies and products. For any new technology or product, the current R&D trend is toward the development of sustainable practices and expertise. Drilling fluids are necessary for drilling oil and gas wells. Unfortunately drilling fluids have become increasingly more complex in order to satisfy the various operational demands and challenges. The materials used in the process to improve the quality and functions of the drilling fluids, contaminates the subsurface and underground systems, landfills, and surrounding environment. Due to the increasing environmental awareness and pressure from environmental agencies throughout the world it is very important to look back to the drilling fluid technology to reassess its progress. To sustain its position as an environment friendly industry, the petroleum industry should make forward steps to improve its practices. This article outlines the state-of-the-art of drilling fluids. The major types of drilling fluids, their strengths, limitations, and remedies to limitations are discussed. It also presents the current trend and the future challenges of this technology. An experiment was conducted to develop an environment friendly drilling fluid which is found more convenient and user friendly based on sustainability concept. The results of the experiment show that 90/10 oil water ratio formulation has higher probability to consider as a sustainable drilling mud. In addition, future research guidelines are presented focusing on the development of environmentally friendly drilling fluids with zero impact on the environment. The paper concludes that future trend leads toward the development of sustainable drilling fluids.This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference held in Mexico City, Mexico, 16–18 April 2012.This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.2 SPE 153676 Keywords: sustainable drilling fluid, oil-based mud, environment friendly, canola oil, toxicity level, mud rheology. IntroductionIn general, drilling fluid may be defined as a composite fluid which is used to assist the generation and removal of cuttings from a borehole in the ground. In rotary drilling, the principal functions of the drilling fluid are to: (1) carry cuttings from beneath the bit, transport them up the annulus, and permit their separation at the surface; (2) cool and clean the bit; (3) reduce friction between the drilling string and the side of the hole; (4) maintain the stability of uncased sections of the borehole; (5) prevent inflow of fluids from permeable rocks penetrated; (6) form a thin, low-permeability filter cake which seals pores and other openings in formation penetrated by the bit, and (7) assist in the collection and interpretation of information available from drill cuttings, cores, and electrical logs (Hossain and Al-Majeed, 2012). Broadly, drilling fluids for oil and gas well drilling can be classified into three major categories: Water-Based Drilling Fluid (WBDF); Oil-Based Drilling Fluid (OBDF); and Gas-Based Drilling Fluid (GBDF). Recently, Apaleke et al. (2012) discussed elaborately the strengths, weaknesses, the remedies to the weaknesses of each of the main category of drilling fluid, current trends and the future challenges associated with the development of drilling fluids. Interested researchers may read the article. This study is an extension of that reference and conducted sets of experiment toward the development of a sustainbable drilling fluid.The research area of the development of environment-friendly mud systems is relatively new. Researchers in this field have been using non-toxic, edible vegetable grade oils, and plant seed oil as the external or the continuous fluid phase in the development of non-toxic, sustainable, and biodegradable oil-based mud systems. Dosunmu et al. (2010) developed an oil-based drilling fluid based on vegetable oil derived from palm oil and ground nut oil. The fluid did not only satisfy environmental standards, it also improved crop growth when discharged into farm lands. Generally, all these formulation do not have zero environmental impact. Amanullah et al. (2010) proposed the use of waste vegetable oil as an alternative to the use of mineral and diesel oil as the continuous phase in the formulation of high performance drilling fluids for high temperature-high pressure (HTHP) applications. This formulation is not only eco-friendly, it is also cheap, and will be vastly available because large volumes of waste vegetable oil are generated annually worldwide. Amin et al. (2010) developed an environmentally friendly drilling fluid system based on esters sourced from the Malaysian palm oil bio-diesel production plant which include methyl ester and ethylexyl ester. The short coming of this formulation is that the palm oil bio-diesel market determines the availability of the identified esters (the esters are by-product from the bio-diesel plant which means that increase in demand for bio-diesel, means increase in availability of esters, and vice-versa).However, in this research, the base-oil used to develop an environment-friendly mud system is Canola oil. The term "canola" is used as the name for rapeseed with substantially reduced quantities of erucic acid and glucosinolates. "Canola" is used mainly in American continent and Australia, and rapeseed is used commonly in Europe and other countries, (Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Products). Oilseed rape species from which canola oil is produced are from the Brassica genus in the Cruciferae family. They were first cultivated in India about 4000 years ago. In Europe, large-scale cultivation was first reported in the thirteenth century. The Brassica species probably evolved from the same common ancestor as wild mustard (Sinapsis), radish (Raphanus), and arrugula (Eruca), (Przybyliski et al., 2005). Early rapeseed cultivars had high levels of erucic acid in the oil and glucosinolates in the meal. The presence of erucic and glucosinolates in high levels in canola caused fatty deposition in the heart, skeletal muscles, and adrenals of experimental rodents. Cases of growth impairment were also recorded. Due to this, initiated plant breeding programs resulted in the identification in 1959 of Liho, a rapeseed line having low levels of erucic acid. A program of backcrossing and selection was conducted to transfer the low erucic acid trait into agronomically adapted cultivars. This led to the first low erucic acid cultivar of B. napus, Oro, in 1968. In 1950, Dr. Krzymanski, identified a Polish line with low-SPE 153676 3 glucosinolate trait. Dr. Baldur Stefansson at the University of Manitoba introduced the Polish line trait into the low erucic cultivars to produce the first low-glucosinolate, low-erucic acid cultivar of B. rapa in 1977. The name canola was registered by the Western Canadian Oilseed Crushers in 1978 and subsequently transferred to the Canola Council of Canada in 1980, (Przybyliski et al., 2005). In 1986, the definition of canola was amended to B. napus and B. rapa lines with less than 2% erucic acid in the oil and less than 30μmol/g glucosinolates in the air-dried, oil-free meal. The oil was added to the Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) list of food products in the United States.Composition of Canola OilThe compositional analysis is one of the important issues during the formulation of a sustainable drilling fluid. Table 1 shows the typical composition of canola oil based on the experimental study done by (Ying et al., 1989 and Mag et al., 1990). According to them, triacylglycerols (TAGs) constitute 94.4% to 99.1% of the total lipid in canola oil. Edible oils and fats are composed primarily of TAGs, ester of one molecule of glycerol, and three molecules of fatty acids.Research MethodologyBase-Oil SpecificationThe oil which would be used as base-oil for the development of an OBM system must be analyzed in order to determine its physical properties. The data values must fall within the range of the particular standard values for maximum safety and reliability of mud properties. The properties of canola oil were measured using standard ASTM methods. Measured properties meet the set standards, thus confirming its suitability for use as the base-oil. Table 2 shows the results of the tests and the specifications carried out on canola oil based on the experiment conducted for this research. The Flash Point is the temperature at which vapour above an oil sample will catch fire, the Fire Point is the temperature at which the ignited fire will continue for burn, and the Aniline Point is the minimum temperature at which an oil sample will dissolve Aniline (an organic compound) completely. This property is a measure of wether the oil under test will be damaging to rubber component on the rig or not. Yassin et al. (1991) recommended that to avoid rubber degradation and possibly equipment failure due to low base-oil Aniline Point, rubber components should be substituted by neoprene or similar components. Generally, an oil to be used for mud formulation should have Flash, Fire and Aniline Points higher than the standard values.Selection of AdditivesThe uses of additives for the development of the canola oil-based mud system were carefully and cautiously evaluated and selected. It is very important because additives that will function in base-oil coming from hydrocarbon or synthetic source may not be functioning in vegetable grade base-oil medium. Considering the factors such as toxicity, compartibility, and sustainability, the following additives were selected: (1) primary emulsifier, (2) secondary emulsifier, (3) filtration control additive, (4) viscosifier, (5) lime, and (6) calcium chloride (78% pure).Laboratory Equipment used for ExperimentationThis study is an applied research that involved the conduction of a series of experiments. Laboratory equipment used include: (1) mud balance, (2) weighing balance, (3) viscometer, (4) mixers, (5) HTHP single cell filtration loss tester, (6) hot-rolling oven with cells, and (7) electrical stability tester.4 SPE 153676 Selection Criteria for Canola OBM CompositionAccording to Omland (2009), finding a real composition (in field it is called as “recipe”) of any mud system is a very challenging task. Beause the development of a novel mud system is very difficult, unpredictable and time consuming exercise due to the following reasons: (1) drilling fluids are ternary systems, that is they are solids, dispersed, and continuous phase, (2) they exhibit complex viscoelastic properties, (3) nature of emulsions and how they interact with particles of solid suspended in them, (4) the colloidal nature of drilling fluids, (5) composition of the internal brine phase, (6) added shear energy during preparation, and, (7) particle morphology. The method which used in this research is called Guided Empiricism. This method leads to arrive at the final compositions on which the development of the canola OBM system is based. This involved the development of several trial formulations based on trial recipes guided by compositions available in literatures. Table 3 shows the composition of the canola OBM system formulated using this standard procedure.Results and DiscussionThis article reports only the two formulated mud systems: (1) canola oil-based mud 1, (COBM-1), and (2) canola oil-based mud 2, (COBM-2) based on the recipe as described in Table 3. Table 3 shows the general recipes of both formulations. COBM-1 was formulated using an oil/water ratio of 90/10, while COBM-2 was formulated using an oil/water ratio of 80/20. The amount of all other additives remained same in the two mud system except for the filtration control additive. Table 4 shows a detailed comparison of the composition of COBM-1 and COBM-2. In the COBM-1, a 90/10 oil/water ratio means that it contains 290 ml of canola oil and 35 ml of brine water, while in the COBM-2, an 80/20 oil/water ratio corresponds to 240 ml of canola oil and 62 ml of brine water. Since the higher the amount of water in any emulsion system means a higher level of instability, it is expected that COBM-2 will be less stable compared to the COBM-1. Complete mud check was conducted on COBM-1 and COBM-2 before hot-rolling (BHR) at 120 0F, and after hot rolling (AHR) at 300 0F and 300 psi. In addition, HTHP and electrical stability test were also conducted on these mud systems. Table 5 shows the results of complete mud check and other tests carried out on COBM-1 and COBM-2.Rheological Behaviour of Mud Systems BHRCOBM-1 shows a dial reading of 125 lb/ft2at 600 rpm, while the COBM-2 shows 135 lb/ft2 which is 10 lb/ft2higher than COBM-1. This is because COBM-2 contains more brine water (the internal or the discontinuous fluid phase) which has added to the viscosity of the mud system thus increasing the shear stress. In practical terms, this means that the drill bit will have a low rate of penetration (ROP) if COBM-2 is the drilling fluid. This is a challenge for the COBM-2. The 6 rpm dial reading of COBM-1 is 7 lb/ft2 and COBM-2 is 14 lb/ft2 which may also be higher for a potentially good mud. COBM-1 shows a plastic viscosity (PV) of 59 cp compared to 53 cp shown by COBM-2. In practical terms, this variation may be considered as intangible. The higher viscosity of COBM-1 is basically due to the added viscosity of canola oil alone which stands at 23 cp. Interestingly, COBM-2 shows a higher yield point (YP) compared with COBM-1 which shows a lower YP. Table 5 summarises all the rheological behavior of mud system BHR.Rheological Behaviour of Mud Systems AHRCOBM-1 and COBM-2 were aged for 16 hrs at 300 0F and 300 psi. The 600 rpm dial reading of COBM-2 increased further from 135 lb/ft2to 145 lb/ft2. This means that COBM-2 is sensitive to elevated temperature and pressure and hence it will be unstable under simulated down-hole conditions. If COBM-2 is weighted, dial readings may become abnormal. However, COBM-1 shows a reduction in 600 rpm dial reading from 125 lb/ft2 to 95 lb/ft2. This means that elevated temperature and pressure hasSPE 153676 5 a thinning effect on it. This is good for the mud because the thinning effect will be normalized when barite is added to the mud. The higher PV development of COBM-2 from 53 cp to 67 cp is another indication of its instability. A very strong indication of the instability of COBM-2 and the stability of COBM-1 is that while COBM-2 looses yield, COBM-1 gains yield. Table 5 summarises all the rheological behavior of mud system AHR. In practical terms, an increasing YP means a good and stable mud which helps in removing cuttings from the hole, while a reducing YP means a bad and unstable mud which results in loosing viscosity, not removing cuttings, experience sagging. These problems may lead to stuck pipe and or loss circulation.Ageing under Gravity BHR and AHRCOBM-2 would have its liquid phase completely separated from the sagged added materials when it is allowed to age at room temperature for a few hours. This observation gives the understanding that both the colloidal and emulsion systems in COBM-2 are unstable. However, if aged for 72 hours, COBM-1 remained stable. Figure 1 shows an unstable COBM-2, while Figure 2 shows a stable COBM-1 developed in the laboratory.Electrical Stability TestThe higher the value measured by the electrical stability tester in Volts when dipped into a mud system at 1200F, the more stable the mud system and vice-versa. While measuring the electrical stability tests, COBM-1 shows 900 Volts, and COBM-2 shows 302 Volts which indicates that COBM-1 is more stable than COBM-2.HTHP Filtration TestThis test should be conducted at the bottom-hole temperature if it is known. If not, the test should be run at 250 0F. Since we don’t know the bottom-hole temperature, we run this test at 250 0F. After 30 minutes of experimental run, filtrate volume from COBM-1 was found 10 ml of oil, and filtrate volume from COBM-2 was 15 ml of oil+water. This filtration test indicates a very strong sign of a bad and unstable mud system of COBM-2 or COBM-1.Challenges and Future Trend toward the Development of Sustainable Drilling FluidIt is always a challenge to reduce the oil/water ratio during the formulation of mud system. So far the industry was not able to reduce the oil/water ratio in their formulation beyond 85/15. This is a major gap in their previous works in the subject area toward the development of sustainable OBM systems using no-toxic, edible vegetable oils. Therrefore this research was attempting to consider a reduced oil/water ratio to formulate the target mud system. COBM-2 was an effort by this research which resulted in a reduced oil/water ratio. This reduction will ultimately minimize the cost of formulation because the more the water you have in the mud system, the cheaper it becomes in terms of cost of formulation. However, this is very challenging and difficult to achive as shown clearly by the instability of COBM-2 despite its showing of good rheology. Brine has a high density and contains a mixture of salts. Hence, the more the amount of brine internal phase added to a viscous vegetable oil such as canola oil, the more complex the entire nature of the mud system becomes.Basically, drilling mud systems are colloidal systems in which insoluble materials such as additives and weighting materials (dispersed phase) are dispersed in a liquid medium (dispersion medium). The addition of more brine into a single phase OBM, or an invert system such as COBM-1 makes the liquid phase an emulsion where a liquid is dispersed in another liquid (Freundlich, 1926). Additives that are used in the mud system may either be solvent loving (lyophilic) or solvent hating (lyophobic). This causes an interplay of several forces that helps to forming a stable emulsion. Finally, it becomes very difficult and challenging to control. In addition, the chemistry of the brine phase6 SPE 153676 containing a cocktail of salts affecting mud stability is not stable. Therefore, research efforts in the future should be tailored towards the formulation of a stable emulsion.It is well recognized that toxic additives are the high performers. So, how will they be replaced? Answering this question obviously is one of the future challenges for the researchers who will have to contend with. For instance, hazardous effects on marine and human life have been reported in the literature due to the uses of additives such as defoamers, descalers, thinners, viscosifiers, lubricants, stabilizers, surfactants and corrosion inhibitors (Hossain and Apaleke, (2011)). This negative effects ranges from minor physiological changes to reduced fertility and higher mortality rates. In addition, Jonathan et al. (2002) reported that ferro-chrome lignosulfonate (a thinner and deflocculant) affected the survival and physiological responses of fish eggs and fry. The filtration control additive carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) causes the death of fish fry at high concentrations (1000-2000 mg/ml). Physiological changes start at the level of 12-50 mg/ml. On the other hand, corrosion inhibitors such as phosphoxit-7,EKB-2-2, and EKB-6-2 cause genetic and teratogenic damages in humans (Apaleke et al., 2012). Information provided in the product data sheet of some additives, especially silica based ones has revealed that these additives can cause cancer in an individual if he/she is exposed to these additives. Therefore, replacing the toxic chemical additives from the conventional mud system is the timely research ideas and accordingly the above ideas are the challenges for the future research and innovation. ConclusionsBased on results from this research work, the followings conclusions are drawn:1)Canola oil can be used as a base-oil for the formulation of an oil-based mud system.2)The reduction of the concentration of certain additives will help to reduce the cost of formulationon a large scale for field applications.3)The developed canola oil-based mud system is formulated without a wetting agent. This will alsohelp to reduce the cost of formulation.4)The developed COBM-1 is stable at room temperature (BHR) and under simulated down-holeconditions (AHR) too.AcknowledgementThe authors would like to acknowledge the support provided by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) for funding this research through project No. IN111020. The authors are also grateful for the support and guidance received from lab technicians of the drilling fluid laboratory of the department of Petroleum Engineering at KFUPM duringthe completion of the experimental part of the research. It is also acknowledged the support received fromthe Drilling Fluid Laboratory of Saudi Aramco.ReferencesAmanullah, M.D., and Mohammed, H.H., (2010). The Recycling of WasteVegetable Oil for Biodegradable and Environment Friendly OBM Formulation, The 2nd Saudi Meeting on Oiland Natural Gas Exploration and Production Technologies, KFUPM campus, Dhahran,SaudiArabia.Amin, R.A.M., Clapper, D.K., Norfleet, J.E., Otto, M.J., Xiang, T., Goodson, D.P., and Gerrard, D.P., (2010). Joint Development of an Environmentally Acceptable Ester-Based Drilling Fluid,Trinidad Tobago Energy Resources Conference, Port of Spain, Trinidad.Apaleke, A.S., Abdulaziz, A., and Hossain, M.E., (2012). Drilling Fluid: State of The Art and FutureSPE 153676 7 Trends, SPE 149555, presented at the North Africa Technical Conference and Exhibition,20-22 February, Cairo, Egypt.Hossain, M.E. and Apaleke, A.S., (2011). Greening of Drilling Fluid –The Future Challenges.Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Tracking No. 314_Hossain_11, underreview.Dosunmu, A., and Ogunrinde, J.O., (2010). Development of Environmentally Friendly Oil Based Drilling Mud using Pal-oil and Groundnut-oil, 34th Annual SPE International Conferenceand Exhibition, Tinapa, Calabar, Nigeria.Hossain, M.E. and Al-Majed, A.A. (2012). Fundamentals of Sustainable Drilling Engineering, John Wiley & Sons and Scrivener Publishing Company, Austin, TX 78702, in press.Mag, T., and Shahidi, F., Canola and Rapseed. Production, Chemistry, Nutrition, and Processing Technology, avi Book, Van Norstrand Reinhold, New York, 1990, p. 251.Omland, T.H., (2009). Material Sag in Non-Newtonian Fluid, PhD Thesis, Department of Petroleum Engineering, University of Stavanger.Przybylski, R., Mag, T., Eskin, N.A.M., and McDonald, B.E., (2005). Canola Oil, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.Yassi, Md., Kamis, A., and Abdullah, O.M., (1991). Formulation of an Environmentally Safe Oil Based Drilling Fluid, SPE 23001, Asia-Pacific Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 4-7 November, 1991.Ying, C.F., and deMan, J.M., (1989). Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology, 22, 222.8 SPE 153676TABLE 1: COMPOSITION OF CANOLATABLE 2: SPECIFICATION OF BASE-OILTABLE 3: COMPOSITION OF CANOLA OIL-BASED MUD SYSTEMNote: N/A means that barite was absentSPE 153676 9 TABLE 4: COMPOSITION OF COBM-1 and COBM-2TABLE 5: RHEOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF COBM-1 and COBM-2 BHR & AHR.10 SPE 153676Figure 1: COBM-2 after ageing BHR and AHR.Fgure 2: COBM-1 after Ageing BHR and AHR.。
我未来想成为画家英语作文I have always had a passion for art, and in the future, I hope to become a successful painter. Painting has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, and I have always found joy and fulfillment in expressing myself through art. 。
As a child, I was always drawn to colors and shapes, and I would spend hours creating my own little masterpieces. As I grew older, I began to experiment with different mediums and techniques, and I found that painting was the perfect way for me to communicate my thoughts and emotions. 。
I believe that becoming a painter is not just about mastering the technical skills, but also about having a unique perspective and a strong voice. I want to use my art to tell stories, evoke emotions, and inspire others. I want to create work that is thought-provoking and meaningful, and that resonates with people on a deep level. 。
对未来的艺术表演的看法英语作文英文回答:The future of live performance art is an exciting topic that sparks both curiosity and anticipation. As we move forward in time, technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, opening up new possibilities for how artists can create and share their work with audiences.One of the most significant trends in the future oflive performance art is the integration of digital technology. Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) are already being used to create immersive experiences that transport audiences to other worlds. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we experience live performance, allowing us to interact with the art in a more personal and meaningful way.Another important trend is the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). AI-powered algorithms can be used togenerate music, create visuals, and even compose entire performances. This technology has the potential to assist artists in their creative process and open up new possibilities for artistic expression.In addition to technological advancements, the future of live performance art is also being shaped by social and cultural changes. The increasing diversity of our societies is leading to a more inclusive and equitable artistic landscape. Artists from all backgrounds are being given opportunities to share their stories and perspectives, which is enriching the field of live performance art.Another important factor shaping the future of live performance art is the growing emphasis on sustainability. Artists are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their work and are taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint. This includes using sustainable materials, reducing waste, and promoting environmentally friendly practices.So, what does the future of live performance art hold?It is a future that is full of possibilities, where technology, social change, and sustainability will come together to create new and exciting forms of artistic expression. Audiences can look forward to immersive experiences, AI-powered performances, and a more diverse and equitable artistic landscape.中文回答:未来现场表演艺术的展望。
关于 what art 的英文阅读理解
1. 介绍艺术的定义2. 艺术的分类和特点3. 艺术对个人和社会的意义4. 艺术的发展历史和未来趋势5. 结论:艺术的重要性和鼓励艺术创作的意义关于 What Art 的英文阅读理解Art is a diverse range of human activities and the products of those activities. This article 本人ms to provide aprehensive understanding of what art is, its various forms, significance, and its impact on individuals and society.1. Introducing the Definition of ArtArt is a broad term that epasses a wide range of human activities and creations. It includes visual arts such as p本人nting, sculpture, and photography, as well as performing arts such as music, dance, and theater. Additionally, literature, architecture, and film also fall under the umbrella of art. At its core, art is a form of expression andmunication, allowing individuals to convey emotions, thoughts, and ideas through various mediums. It serves as a reflection of human creativity and imagination.2. Classifying and Characterizing ArtArt can be classified into different categories based on its form and function. Visual arts, for example, are primarily visual in nature and appeal to the sense of sight, while performing arts engage the audience through live performances. Each art form possesses unique characteristics and techniques that contribute to its overall aesthetic appeal. Furthermore, art can be characterized as traditional, contemporary, abstract, or realistic, depending on the style and artistic movement it represents. The diversity of art forms allows for a rich tapestry of cultural expression and creativity.3. The Significance of Art for Individuals and SocietyArt plays a significant role in human society, both on a personal andmunal level. For individuals, engaging with art can elicit emotional responses, stimulate creativity, and offer a means of self-expression. Many people find solace and inspiration in art, whether through creating it or experiencing it. On a societal level, art serves as a reflection of culture, history, and societal values. It has the power to shape public discourse and provoke critical thinking. Moreover, art can serve as a vehicle for social change, addressing important issues and fostering a senseofmunity and belonging.4. The Historical Development and Future Trends of ArtThe history of art is as old as human civilization itself, with evidence of artistic expression dating back to prehistoric times. As societies and cultures have evolved, so too has the nature of art. From ancient cave p本人ntings to modern digital art, the trajectory of artistic development has been shaped by technological advancements, cultural exchange, and changing artistic movements. Looking ahead, the future of art is likely to be influenced by emerging technologies, globalization, and the continued interplay between traditional and contemporary artistic practices. The digital revolution, for instance, has opened up new avenues for artistic creation and consumption, blurring the lines between the physical and virtual realms.5. Conclusion: The Importance and Encouragement of Artistic CreationIn conclusion, art is a vital and dynamic aspect of human existence. It epasses a broad spectrum of creative endeavors that enrich our lives and contribute to the cultural tapestry of humanity. By understanding and embracing the significance of art, we can foster an environment that values artistic expressionand creativity. Encouraging artistic creation and supporting the arts is essential for nurturing the human spirit and preserving the richness of our cultural heritage. As such, the exploration and appreciation of art should be celebrated and encouraged as an integral part of the human experience.In summary, art is a multifaceted and transformative force that has the power to inspire, provoke thought, and connect people across time and space. Its enduring impact on individuals and society underscores the importance of recognizing and celebrating the diverse forms of artistic expression. As we continue to navigate theplexities of the modern world, art rem 本人ns a beacon of creativity and imagination, shaping our understanding of the past, present, and future.。
艺术成就未来含义英文作文英文回答:The future of artistic achievement lies in its intersection with technological advancements, global connectivity, and the ever-evolving human experience.Technological Frontiers: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and virtual reality are pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. AI-generated art explores uncharted territories of creativity, blurring the lines between human and machine. VR immerses viewers in experiential environments, offering new dimensions of engagement.Global Connections: The internet and social media dissolve geographical barriers, fostering a global network of artists and audiences. This connectivity enables cross-cultural exchange, inspires collaborations, and expands the reach of artistic perspectives.Evolving Human Experience: As society evolves, so too does our understanding of beauty, identity, and meaning. Artists continue to interpret and reflect the challenges, triumphs, and complexities of the human condition. They explore themes of intersectionality, mental health, environmental justice, and the search for connection in a rapidly changing world.Significance and Impact: The future of art lies not only in its aesthetic value but also in its social, cultural, and personal significance. Art can inspire empathy, provoke critical thinking, and foster a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Through its ability to connect, heal, and transform, art remains an essential part of the human experience.中文回答:艺术成就的未来在于它与技术进步、全球联系和不断演变的人类经验的交叉点。
艺术对未来的影响英语作文The Impact of Art on the Future.Art, a diverse and dynamic domain, has always played a pivotal role in shaping human culture and consciousness. As we progress into an uncertain yet promising future, the influence of art is poised to expand even further, encompassing various aspects of society, technology, and human experience.Art and Technology Convergence.One of the most significant impacts of art in thefuture lies in its convergence with technology. The marriage of the two has already begun, with the emergence of digital art, virtual reality experiences, andinteractive installations. In the future, this convergence will deepen, blurring the lines between the physical and digital worlds. Artists will utilize advanced technologies such as augmented reality, mixed reality, and artificialintelligence to create immersive experiences that engagethe senses and spark imagination.For instance, imagine walking into a gallery where the artworks come alive through AR glasses, allowing viewers to interact with them in a whole new way. Or, consider AI-generated artworks that are unique and innovative, pushing the boundaries of creativity. Such technological advancements will not only expand the scope of artistic expression but also make art more accessible and inclusive.Art as a Tool for Social Change.Art has always been a powerful medium for social change, and in the future, its role in this regard will become even more pronounced. As global issues such as climate change, social inequality, and mental health gain prominence,artists will use their platforms to raise awareness and promote solutions. Through their works, they will challenge societal norms, highlight injustices, and inspirecollective action.For instance, artists may create campaigns centered around sustainability, urging individuals and organizations to adopt eco-friendly practices. Or, they may use their platforms to spotlight the plights of marginalized communities, promoting understanding and empathy. In this way, art will serve as a catalyst for positive change, driving societal progress and fostering a more inclusive and equitable world.Art in Education and Therapy.In the future, art will play a crucial role in education and therapy. Its application in education will become more widespread, as teachers recognize the value of incorporating creative practices into their classrooms. Art will be used to enhance cognitive abilities, foster creativity, and develop emotional intelligence. Children will engage in various artistic activities that stimulate their imaginations, encourage critical thinking, and foster a love for learning.In therapy, art will serve as a valuable tool forexpression and healing. It provides a nonverbal outlet for individuals to express their emotions, process traumatic experiences, and find closure. Art therapists will utilize various art forms such as painting, sculpture, and dance to help clients heal from emotional and psychological wounds.Art as a Global Language.In an increasingly globalized world, art will serve as a universal language, connecting people across cultures and backgrounds. It will break down barriers, foster understanding, and promote cultural exchange. Artists from diverse parts of the world will collaborate, creating works that reflect the beauty and uniqueness of their respective cultures.Such cross-cultural collaborations will not only enrich the artistic landscape but also foster global unity. People will appreciate the diversity of art forms and gain a deeper understanding of other cultures, leading to a more tolerant and inclusive society.In conclusion, the impact of art on the future is immeasurable. It will transform the way we interact with technology, promote social change, enhance education and therapy, and serve as a global language. As we embark on this journey into the unknown, let us cherish and nurture the arts, as they have the power to shape our future in profound and transformative ways.。
人工智能能否代替艺术家英语作文Artificial Intelligence and the Future of ArtThe rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have sparked a fascinating debate about the potential impact of this technology on the realm of art. As AI systems become increasingly sophisticated in their ability to generate, analyze, and even create artistic works, the question arises: can AI truly replace the creativity and expression of human artists?At the heart of this discussion lies the fundamental nature of art itself. Art is often viewed as a uniquely human endeavor, a means of self-expression, emotional exploration, and cultural preservation. It is the product of the human experience, shaped by our thoughts, feelings, and perspectives. The ability to conceive and execute artistic works has long been considered a defining characteristic of our species, a testament to our capacity for imagination, innovation, and the pursuit of beauty.However, as AI systems become more adept at mimicking and even surpassing human artistic abilities, the boundaries between human and machine-generated art are becoming increasingly blurred. AIalgorithms can now analyze existing works of art, identify patterns and techniques, and then generate new pieces that closely resemble the style and aesthetics of their human counterparts. Some AI-powered tools can even compose music, write poetry, and produce visual art with a high degree of sophistication.This raises the question of whether AI can truly capture the essence of art or if it is merely a simulation of the creative process. Proponents of AI art argue that the technology can unlock new avenues of artistic expression, allowing for the exploration of themes and perspectives that may be beyond the reach of human artists. They point to the ability of AI to generate vast quantities of unique and visually striking artworks, potentially democratizing the creative process and making art more accessible to a wider audience.On the other hand, critics of AI art argue that it lacks the emotional depth, personal touch, and conceptual richness that are hallmarks of human-created art. They contend that the creative process is not just about the technical execution of a work but also the artist's lived experiences, unique perspective, and the intangible qualities that imbue art with meaning and resonance.Moreover, the use of AI in art raises ethical concerns about the attribution of authorship, the potential for the exploitation of artists, and the impact on the livelihood of human creators. As AI systemsbecome more adept at producing art, there is a risk that they could displace human artists, leading to job insecurity and a shift in the cultural landscape.Despite these concerns, the integration of AI and art is not an all-or-nothing proposition. Many artists are exploring the possibilities of AI as a collaborative tool, using it to enhance and expand their creative capabilities rather than replace them entirely. By leveraging the computational power and pattern-recognition abilities of AI, human artists can explore new artistic avenues, experiment with novel techniques, and push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of art.In this evolving landscape, it is crucial to recognize that the relationship between AI and art is not a simple binary. It is a complex and multifaceted interaction that will continue to evolve as the technology advances and our understanding of its implications deepens. Rather than viewing AI as a threat to the artistic profession, it may be more productive to consider how this technology can be harnessed to complement and enrich the human creative experience.Ultimately, the future of art in the age of AI will be shaped by our ability to navigate the delicate balance between human creativity and technological innovation. By embracing the potential of AI while also safeguarding the unique and irreplaceable qualities of human-created art, we can unlock new possibilities for artistic expression and ensure that the creative spirit of humanity continues to thrive in the digital age.。
艺术和实际人生的距离作文英文回答:Art and life are intertwined in complex and multifaceted ways. On the one hand, art can be seen as a mirror of life, reflecting the hopes, fears, dreams, and desires of humanity. It can provide us with insights into the human condition, help us understand our place in the world, and connect with others who share our experiences. On the other hand, art can also be seen as a transformative force in life, inspiring us to think differently, see the world in new ways, and take action to create a better future.Throughout history, art has played a vital role in shaping human civilization. From the prehistoric cave paintings of Lascaux to the Renaissance masterpieces of Michelangelo, art has been used to tell stories, preserve memories, celebrate achievements, and inspire people to strive for greatness. In the modern world, art continues toplay an important role in our lives, providing us with entertainment, education, and inspiration.While art and life are often closely connected, there can also be a significant gap between the two. For example, some works of art may be highly abstract or symbolic, making it difficult for people to connect them to their own experiences. Additionally, the art world can be seen as elitist and exclusive, which can make it difficult for people from all walks of life to feel like they have a place in it.Despite these challenges, there are many ways to bridge the gap between art and life. One important way is through education. By learning about art history, theory, and criticism, we can develop a deeper understanding of therole that art plays in our lives. Additionally, we can participate in art-making ourselves, whether it is through painting, drawing, sculpture, music, or dance. By creating our own art, we can connect with our own creativity and imagination, and we can also share our unique perspectives with the world.Ultimately, the relationship between art and life is a complex and personal one. There is no one right answer to the question of how the two should be connected. However, by exploring the many ways in which art can reflect, shape, and inspire our lives, we can deepen our understanding of the human condition and create a more meaningful and fulfilling existence.中文回答:艺术与实际人生的距离。
请以快板艺术传承与发展,写一篇英语作文Preserving the Legacy of Tap Dance: Exploring Its Enduring Charm and Evolving ArtistryTap dance, a captivating art form that has captivated audiences for generations, is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of human expression. Originating from the rhythmic footwork of African, Irish, and English dance traditions, tap dance has evolved into a unique and dynamic genre that continues to captivate and inspire people worldwide. As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of the performing arts, it is crucial to examine the ways in which this art form has been passed down, preserved, and reinvented to ensure its continued relevance and growth.At the heart of tap dance lies the intricate interplay between the dancer's feet and the rhythmic beats they create. The percussive nature of tap dance allows performers to become living, breathing instruments, using their bodies to produce a symphony of sounds that captivate the senses. From the soft, rhythmic tapping of the toes to the thunderous stomping of the heels, each dancer weaves a unique and personal tapestry of sound, inviting the audience to become immersed in the mesmerizing display of physical artistry.One of the most remarkable aspects of tap dance is its ability to transcend cultural and generational boundaries. Throughout its history, tap dance has been embraced by diverse communities, each contributing their own unique styles and interpretations to the art form. From the vaudeville stages of the early 20th century to the modern dance theaters of today, tap dance has consistently proven its ability to evolve and adapt, seamlessly incorporating new influences and techniques while still maintaining its core essence.The preservation of tap dance's legacy is a multifaceted and ongoing endeavor, requiring the dedication and collaboration of countless individuals and organizations. Dance schools, performance troupes, and cultural institutions have played a vital role in ensuring that the art form is passed down to successive generations of dancers and enthusiasts. Through rigorous training, mentorship programs, and the creation of performance opportunities, these entities have helped to cultivate a new generation of tap dance artists who are poised to carry the torch forward.Additionally, the emergence of various tap dance festivals, competitions, and workshops has further contributed to the art form's continued growth and evolution. These events not only provide platforms for established performers to showcase their skills but also offer invaluable opportunities for aspiring dancers to learnfrom the masters, exchange ideas, and push the boundaries of what is possible within the realm of tap dance.One particularly noteworthy example of this is the annual American Tap Dance Foundation's Tap City festival, which has been a driving force in the preservation and advancement of tap dance for over two decades. Through its comprehensive programming, which includes master classes, panel discussions, and electrifying performances, Tap City has become a hub for tap dance enthusiasts, fostering a vibrant community of artists and educators who are dedicated to ensuring the art form's continued relevance and impact.As we look to the future of tap dance, it is clear that the art form's enduring appeal lies in its ability to adapt and evolve while still maintaining its core essence. Contemporary tap dance artists have embraced the challenge of reinterpreting and reinventing the art form, incorporating elements of other dance styles, musical genres, and even technology to create innovative and captivating performances.For instance, the rise of percussive dance companies, such as Stomp and HAMMERSTEP, has demonstrated the versatility of tap dance, showcasing how it can be seamlessly integrated with other forms of physical expression to create dynamic and visually striking productions. These collaborations not only introduce tap dance tonew audiences but also inspire dancers to push the boundaries of what is possible within the art form.Moreover, the increasing prevalence of tap dance in mainstream media, such as television, film, and social media, has helped to raise the art form's profile and introduce it to a wider, global audience. From the infectious rhythms of Broadway musicals to the electrifying performances featured in viral dance videos, tap dance has proven its ability to captivate and inspire people of all ages and backgrounds.As we look to the future of tap dance, it is clear that the art form's continued success will depend on the dedication and passion of those who are committed to preserving its legacy while also embracing the opportunities for growth and innovation. By fostering strong educational programs, supporting the development of emerging artists, and creating platforms for the art form to thrive, we can ensure that tap dance remains a vibrant and vital part of the cultural landscape for generations to come.In conclusion, the enduring legacy of tap dance is a testament to the power of human creativity and the enduring appeal of rhythmic expression. As we continue to explore the art form's rich history and its evolving artistry, we are reminded of the profound impact that tap dance has had on the world of performance and the profound joy it has brought to countless individuals. By embracing the art form'spast while also celebrating its future, we can ensure that the legacy of tap dance continues to inspire and captivate audiences for years to come.。
未来想成为艺术家英语作文Aspiring to Be an Artist in the Future.Art has always been a constant companion in my life, a silent teacher that has taught me to express myself, to understand emotions, and to appreciate beauty in all its forms. As I look ahead to the future, I see myself walking the path of an artist, creating, innovating, and leaving a lasting impact on the world through my work.The allure of art lies in its ability to evoke feelings and thoughts that words often fail to describe. It is a powerful medium that transcends language and cultural barriers, connecting people across the globe. As an artist, I aspire to be a part of this global conversation, using my craft to communicate ideas and emotions that resonate with people.My journey as an artist began at a tender age, when I first discovered the joy of drawing and painting. Iremember the sense of accomplishment I felt when I completed my first painting, a simple landscape that I had meticulously worked on for hours. That experience taught me the value of perseverance and the thrill of creation.As I grew older, my interests expanded to other art forms as well. I experimented with sculpture, performance art, and even street art, finding my voice and style in each medium. These experiences have not only broadened my artistic horizons but have also taught me the importance of experimentation and risk-taking in art.In the future, I envision myself as an artist who is constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity. I want to create works that are both visually arresting and intellectually stimulating, works that make people think and feel. I want my art to be a catalyst for change, to inspire people to question, to challenge, and to innovate.To achieve this vision, I know that I have a long journey ahead. I plan to continue to hone my skills, to learn from other artists and art movements, and toexperiment with new media and techniques. I also intend to become actively involved in the art community,collaborating with other artists and organizations to promote the power of art in society.Moreover, I believe that art should be accessible to all. I want to work towards making art more inclusive and diverse, reflecting the rich tapestry of human experience.I envision a future where art is not just a profession buta way of life, where it is used to bridge gaps, to bring people together, and to create a more harmonious world.In conclusion, my aspiration to become an artist in the future is not just about creating beautiful works of art.It is about contributing to society, about making a difference through my craft. It is about finding my voice as an artist and using it to speak for those who might not have a voice. It is about living a life that is true to myself and my passions, a life that is filled with creativity, imagination, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.As I look ahead, I am excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. I am ready to embark on this journey as an artist, ready to create, to innovate, and to leave my mark on the world through my art. And I am confident that with hard work, dedication, and a never-ending quest for creativity, I will achieve my dream of becoming an artist who makes a difference in the lives of others.。
Creativity is like poetry,a unique and expressive art form that captures the essence of human imagination and emotion.It weaves together words and ideas to paint a vivid picture of the future,much like a poet uses verses to evoke feelings and create a sense of wonder.In the realm of creative writing,the future is a canvas that is both boundless and full of possibilities.Writers can explore various themes such as technological advancements, societal changes,environmental shifts,and personal growth.The future is a subject that can be approached from multiple angles,and each writer brings their own unique perspective to the table.One of the key elements of creative writing is the use of descriptive language.This allows the writer to create a vivid image in the readers mind,transporting them to a different time and place.For instance,when describing a futuristic city,the writer might use phrases like skyscrapers that touch the clouds,streets bustling with holographic advertisements,or flying cars that zip through the air like birds.Another important aspect of creative writing is the development of characters.These characters can be from different walks of life,each with their own dreams,aspirations, and struggles.They can represent different aspects of society and provide a human element to the story.For example,a character might be an inventor who is trying to create a sustainable energy source,or a young person who is navigating the complexities of a rapidly changing world.In addition to characters,the plot is also a crucial component of creative writing.The plot should be engaging and thoughtprovoking,encouraging readers to reflect on their own lives and the world around them.It can explore themes such as love,friendship,loss,and the pursuit of knowledge.The plot can also incorporate elements of mystery,suspense,or even humor,depending on the writers style and the tone of the piece.Furthermore,the use of symbolism and metaphor can add depth and meaning to the writing.These literary devices can help convey complex ideas and emotions in a more subtle and nuanced way.For example,a writer might use the metaphor of a rising phoenix to symbolize rebirth and renewal in a postapocalyptic world.In conclusion,creative writing about the future is a powerful tool for exploring new ideas and possibilities.It allows writers to express their creativity and imagination,while also engaging readers in a thoughtprovoking and emotionally resonant experience.By using descriptive language,developing compelling characters,crafting an engaging plot,andincorporating symbolism and metaphor,writers can create a poetic and inspiring vision of the future that captures the hearts and minds of their audience.。
我认为在未来我会成为一个画家的英语作文English: I believe that in the future, I will become a painter because art has always been my passion and painting brings me a sense of joy and fulfillment like nothing else. From a young age, I have always been interested in colors, shapes, and textures, and I constantly find inspiration in the world around me. I have devoted countless hours to honing my skills and exploring different techniques and styles. I believe that my unique perspective and creativity will allow me to create meaningful and impactful works of art that resonate with others. Painting allows me to express my emotions, thoughts, and ideas in a way that words cannot, and I am constantly striving to push the boundaries of my creativity and imagination. I am committed to pursuing a career as a painter and sharing my art with the world, hoping to inspire others and make a positive impact through my work.中文翻译: 我相信在未来我会成为一名画家,因为艺术一直是我的激情,绘画给我带来一种无与伦比的快乐和成就感。
我认为在未来我会成为一个画家的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1I believe that in the future, I will become a painter. Ever since I was a child, I have always had a deep passion for art and painting. Every stroke of the brush and every color on the canvas is a way for me to express myself and my emotions.I started painting at a young age and have been honing my skills ever since. I have taken art classes, attended workshops, and spent countless hours practicing and perfecting my craft. I have experimented with different styles and techniques, trying to find my own unique voice as an artist.I believe that one day, my art will be recognized and appreciated by the world. I dream of having my own solo exhibition, where people from all walks of life can come and admire my work. I want my paintings to evoke emotions and inspire others to see the beauty in the world around them.I know that the path to becoming a successful painter is not easy. It will require dedication, hard work, and perseverance. ButI am willing to put in the time and effort because painting is not just a hobby for me, it is a calling.I am determined to make my mark in the art world and show the world the beauty that I see through my paintings. I believe that with passion and determination, I can achieve my dream of becoming a painter in the future.篇2I believe that in the future I will become a painter. Painting has always been a passion of mine, and I have spent countless hours honing my skills and developing my own unique style. I am confident that with dedication and hard work, I can turn my dream of becoming a professional artist into a reality.From a young age, I have been drawn to the world of art. I remember spending hours as a child creating masterpieces with crayons and paper, and as I grew older, I began experimenting with different mediums and techniques. I have always been inspired by the beauty of the world around me, and I strive to capture that beauty in my artwork.As I progressed in my artistic journey, I began to take my craft more seriously. I enrolled in art classes and workshops to learn new skills and techniques, and I sought out opportunitiesto showcase my work at local galleries and exhibitions. With each new painting, I pushed myself to explore new ideas and push the boundaries of my creativity.In the future, I see myself continuing to pursue my passion for painting. I envision myself working in a studio filled with natural light, surrounded by blank canvases and colorful paints. I imagine myself creating bold, vibrant pieces that evoke emotion and inspire others. I see myself collaborating with other artists, participating in group shows, and maybe even holding my own solo exhibition.Becoming a professional artist will not be easy, but I am prepared to put in the hard work and dedication required to succeed. I am constantly seeking feedback and critiques to help me improve my skills, and I am always on the lookout for new opportunities to showcase my work and connect with other artists.I know that the road to becoming a successful painter will be filled with challenges and setbacks, but I am determined to overcome them. I believe that with passion, perseverance, and a strong work ethic, I can achieve my dream of becoming a professional artist.In conclusion, I am confident that in the future, I will become a painter. Painting is not just a hobby for me – it is my passion, my calling, my way of expressing myself and connecting with the world around me. I am excited to see where this journey will take me, and I am ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. I am a painter, and I am ready to make my mark on the world with my art.篇3In the future, I believe I will become a successful painter. This may seem like a lofty goal, but I have always had a passion for art and a natural talent for painting. Throughout my life, I have dedicated myself to honing my skills and developing my unique style as an artist. I have studied the works of great painters, experimented with different techniques, and created countless pieces of art that express my thoughts, emotions, and visions.One of the reasons I am confident in my future as a painter is the positive feedback I have received from others. Family, friends, teachers, and even strangers have all commented on my artwork, praising its creativity, originality, and beauty. This encouragement has inspired me to continue pursuing my passion and pushing myself to new artistic heights.Another factor that fuels my belief in my future as a painter is my unwavering dedication to the craft. I spend hours each day in my studio, immersed in my work, painting, sketching, and experimenting with different mediums. I am constantly seeking new inspiration, whether it be from nature, music, literature, or my own imagination. I am always looking for ways to improve and evolve as an artist.Additionally, I have made a conscious effort to educate myself about the art world and to network with other artists and art enthusiasts. I attend exhibitions, workshops, and seminars, seeking out opportunities to learn from established artists and to showcase my own work. I have also built a strong online presence, sharing my artwork on social media platforms and engaging with a global audience.As I look towards the future, I see a world full of possibilities for me as a painter. I envision myself exhibiting my artwork in galleries around the world, earning recognition and acclaim for my unique style and artistic vision. I see myself collaborating with other artists, curators, and collectors, contributing to the vibrant and diverse art community. I see myself inspiring others with my work and leaving a lasting legacy in the art world.In conclusion, I believe that my passion, talent, dedication, and ambition will lead me to a successful career as a painter in the future. I am excited to continue my journey as an artist, to explore new creative horizons, and to share my vision with the world. I am confident that with hard work, perseverance, and a touch of luck, I will achieve my dream of becoming a renowned painter.。
儿童美育英文缩写以下是为您生成的 20 个关于儿童美育的相关内容:---1. 英文缩写:CAAE (Children's Aesthetic Education)- 英语释义:The education that focuses on developing children's ability to appreciate and create beauty.- 短语:CAAE program(儿童美育项目)- 单词:aesthetic(美学的;审美的)- 用法:"The school has implemented a comprehensive CAAE program to enhance students' artistic skills."(学校实施了全面的儿童美育项目以提高学生的艺术技能。
)- 双语例句:CAAE is crucial for the all-round development of children.(儿童美育对儿童的全面发展至关重要。
)2. 英文缩写:CAE (Children's Art Education)- 英语释义:Education related to art for children, aiming to cultivate their creativity and aesthetic sense.- 短语:CAE activities(儿童美育活动)- 单词:cultivate(培养;陶冶)- 用法:"We should actively promote CAE in kindergartens and primary schools."(我们应该在幼儿园和小学积极推进儿童美育。
) - 双语例句:CAE helps children express themselves freely through art.(儿童美育帮助孩子们通过艺术自由地表达自己。
膜分离 英文著作
膜分离的英文著作有很多,以下是一些推荐:1.Membrane Separation Technology: An Introduction.这是一本关于膜分离技术的经典著作,详细介绍了各种膜分离过程的基本原理、应用和发展趋势。
2.Handbook of Membrane Separations: A Practical Guide for ProcessDevelopment and Applications.这本书是一本实用的手册,涵盖了各种膜分离过程的应用,包括水处理、生物医药、能源等领域。
3.Membranes in the Clean Energy Transition: Technology and MaterialsPerspectives.这本书详细介绍了膜技术在清洁能源领域的应用和发展,包括燃料电池、太阳能电池和锂离子电池等。
4.Membranes in the Minerals, Metals & Materials Industry: Challenges& Opportunities.这本书详细介绍了膜技术在矿物、金属和材料领域的应用和发展,包括分离、纯化、浓缩等过程。
5.Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment: State of the Art andFuture Perspectives.这本书详细介绍了膜技术在水和废水处理领域的应用和发展,包括反渗透、超滤、微滤等过程。
6.Handbook of Pharmaceutical Membranes and Membrane Processes.这本书详细介绍了膜技术在制药领域的应用和发展,包括药物分离、纯化、浓缩等过程。
7.Membranes in the Food Industry: Innovations and Perspectives.这本书详细介绍了膜技术在食品领域的应用和发展,包括乳制品、饮料、果汁等产品的加工和质量控制。
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Designs for the FutureRandall Davis&Howard ShrobeArtificial Intelligence LaboratoryMassachusetts Institue Of TechnologyCambridge,Massachusetts02139The Problem:Computer aided design tools built to date have typically shared three important characteristics:(i), they are intended for use relatively late in the design process,(ii)they typically employ a style of interaction familiar to programmers but not necessarily intuitive to designers,and(iii)they capture thefinal product alone,recording almost none of the thinking,exploration,or rationale that motivated the endproduct.We are working to change this by designing and building a set of programs that are focused on the early,conceptual stage of design,that use as their input language that most familiar of interaction media,a design sketch,and that are capable of capturing the design process as well as thefinal product.Motivation:We see particular value in creating tools that aid at the earliest design stages and that provide for the cap-ture and subsequent dissemination of design rationale information.Such tools would assist those faced with redesign avoid the traditional task of intellectual archeology,i.e.,attempting to determine why the design is as it is,typically tripping over the very same problems encountered and solved,but not recorded,by the orginal designers.While the focus of our current work is physical artifacts,we believe the issues explored here are considerably broader,and are equally relevant to nearly everything we design,including software,policies,organizations,etc.Previous Work:Our previous work produced a program that begins with a sketch and produces a model that we call a behavior-ensuring parametric model,a parametric model augmented with constraints,derived from the sketch itself,which ensure that any solution to the parametric model will in fact produce the desired behavior described for the device(see[4],[5]).Our techniques focus on the geometry of devices which have time varying engagements(i.e., variable kinematic topology),and are thus complementary to the well known design techniques forfixed topology mechanisms,such as the gear train and linkage design techniques in[1]There had been a large body of work in design rationale capture and construction;[3]offers a good overview of work relevant to ours.Our approach can be seen as similar in spirit to efforts in[2]in that it reasons about causality,but out approach is unique,in its ability to determine which dimensions are relevant,and in its ability to generate a wide variety of design alternatives via reverse engineering.Approach:We are building a system and environment that is in many ways completely familiar to a working engineer: it will allow the engineer to sketch and verbally describe a design,much as he does in the presence of other designers, with one important difference:the“audience”viewing the sketch and listening to the description will be a computer. The system will act as an assistant in much the same way as human assistants,making notes about the design and its rationale,asking sensible questions about the alternatives chosen and eventually suggesting variations on the design. The tools we are developing will be able to deal with design sketches as input:We want engineers to be able to communicate with their design tools by sketching out their conceptual designs with the same imprecision they are used to,using rough sketches that indicate relationship among dimensions rather than the precise values of the dimensions (see research abstracts by Alvarado and Sezgin,this volume).We also want engineers to be able to describe the behavior of their devices in ways that feel natural,i.e.,with voice and gestures(see research abstract by Oltmans,this volume).We believe that design rationale capture can be facilitated by tools that reverse engineer a design and that offer a family of design alternatives.One way to generate design rationales automatically is to reverse engineer thefinal design(i.e., explain to yourself why it works);a second,somewhat less automatic though still quite revealing approach is to show the designer a set of alternative designs and ask why those were not selected.Difficulty:Engineers have an apparently well-developed ability to envision the behavior of a device from even a crude sketch and a minimal description of the desired behavior.Capturing that kind of informal,qualitative,mecha-nistic reasoning presents an array of imposing problems:interpreting sketches,understanding mechanisms,qualitative reasoning about behavior,and encoding and using knowledge about design.Impact:Tools of the sort we are developing will enable exploration of significantly more design alternatives.Consider, for example,the variant designs for a circuit breaker shown below.Thefirst is the most conventional design;the other two alternatives were produced automatically by our program,are completely functional,and exhibit possibilities that might have been overlooked by the designer.A second impact of our work will be to make rationale capture less trouble than it is worth.This has the ability to change the practice of re-design substantially:designs will carry a sizable body of machine-interpretable information in addition to the design itself and that information will be used to check design modifications to ensure that the new design does not defeat some goal accomplished by the original design.Future Work:We are building prototype capabilities for understanding sketches,for understanding verbal and ges-tural explanations of behavior,and for inferring behavior from diagrams of structure.As these individual capabilities become sufficiently powerful,they must be integrated into an overall system,to enable understanding and interpreta-tion of design and designs sketches to be supported by a wide variety of knowledge sources and inference methods.Figure1:A sketch and some of the designs that result.Research Support:This work is supported in part by the Ford/MIT Collaboration,under the Virtual Engineering Project,in part by the Lockheed Martin Space Operations Company under the CSOC Contract NAS9-98100,and in part by the MIT Oxygen Collaboration.References:[1]Arthur G.Erdman and George N.Sandor.Mechanism Design:Analysis and Synthesis,volume1.Prentice-Hall,Inc.,Englewood Cliffs,New Jersey,1984.[2]Yumi Iwasaki,et al.,Equation model generation,Proc IJCAI-89Workshop on Model-Based Reasoning,1989.[3]Moran,Thomas P.and Carroll,John M.Eds.Design rationale:concepts,techniques,and use,Lawrence Erlbaum,1996.[4]Stahovich T,Davis R,Shrobe H,Generating multiple designs from a single sketch,Artificial Intelligence,(104)1-2,(1998),pp.211-264.[5]Stahovich T,Davis R,Shrobe H,Qualitative rigid body mechanics,Artificial Intelligence,to appear,2000.。