Type I IFN induction by IRF




IRF-9/ISGF3r various tissues vIRFs (1-4)
Type I Interferons:
Human IFN-α: Induced by dsRNA via TLR3 Auto-induction Transcription factors IRF-3, IRF-5, IRF-7 Does not appear to require c-Jun.
Toll-like receptor pairs
Cell surfaces a. b. c. d. TLR-1/TLR-2 -bacterial lipopeptides and GPI-anchored proteins in parasites; TLR-2/TL6 - lipoteichoic acid from grampositive cell walls and zymosan from fungi; TLR-4/TLR-4 -LPS from gram-negative cell walls TLR-5* - bacterial flagellin
Delayed (1-2 weeks)
The innate immune responses are •present from birth •non-specific •do not become more efficient over time (but there is evolutionary selection)
1.干扰素产生与TLR和RLR相关; 2.干扰素的产生受调控; 3.干扰素的信号通路及效应机制; 3. 病毒可以逃逸干扰素的作用; 4.干扰素如何应用与临床实践。



doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000⁃484X.2020.21.026干扰素调节因子7(IRF7)与系统性硬化症关系研究进展闭雄杰 (广西科技大学第一附属医院,柳州545002) 中图分类号 R593.25 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1000⁃484X (2020)21⁃2686⁃05作者简介:闭雄杰,男,硕士,主任技师,主要从事免疫学方面的研究㊂[摘 要] 系统性硬化症(SSc)是一种以血管病变㊁皮肤和内脏纤维化㊁免疫调节紊乱为特征的致死风险高的自身免疫性疾病,其首要死因是肺纤维化和肺动脉高压㊂如何破解SSc 纤维化难题,是降低SSc 患者死亡率的关键㊂目前,SSc 病因尚不清楚,尚无有效的治疗方案㊂近年来研究表明,Ⅰ型干扰素(IFN)在SSc 纤维化的发病中起重要作用,而IRF7作为Ⅰ型IFN 的最主要调节因子参与Ⅰ型IFN 诱导基因的转录调控及促进单核/巨噬细胞的表达和TGF⁃β信号转导,可能参与了SSc 发病中纤维化的形成㊂[关键词] 干扰素;系统性硬化症;干扰素调节因子7Research progress of relationship between interferon regulatory factor 7(IRF7)and systemic sclerosisBI Xiong⁃Jie .The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi University of Science and Technology ,Liuzhou 545002,China[Abstract ] Systemic sclerosis (SSc)is an autoimmune disease characterized by angiopathy,skin and visceral fibrosis,andimmune regulation disorders.The primary cause of death is pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension.How to solve the problem of SSc fibrosis is the key to reduce the mortality of SSc patients.At present,the etiology of SSc is not clear,and there is no effective treat⁃ment.Recent studies have shown that type Ⅰinterferon (IFN)plays an important role in the pathogenesis of SSc fibrosis.IRF7,as the most important regulator of type ⅠIFN,participates in the transcription regulation of type ⅠIFN⁃induced genes,promotes the expression of monocytes /macrophages and TGF⁃βsignal transduction,and may be involved in the formation of fibrosis in the pathogenesis of SSc.[Key words ] Interferon;Systemic sclerosis;Interferon regulatory factor 7 系统性硬化症(systemic sclerosis,SSc)是一种以血管病变㊁皮肤和内脏纤维化㊁免疫调节紊乱为特征的慢性㊁多系统自身免疫性疾病[1,2]㊂目前,SSc 的病因尚不清楚,尚无有效的治疗方案㊂近年来,相关研究结果表明,Ⅰ型干扰素(IFN)在SSc 纤维化的发病中起着重要作用,但是其诱导的下游分子如何参与SSc 病理生理的确切机制尚不清楚㊂最近研究发现,IRF7被认为是Ⅰ型IFN 的最主要调节因子,其过度激活可能参与SSc 纤维化的发病机制,现就有关研究进展综述如下㊂1 IRF7基因结构IRF7,被称为淋巴特异性因子㊂人IRF7基因位于11p15.5染色体上,有4种剪接体,分别是IRF7A㊁⁃B㊁⁃C 和⁃H,不同的剪接体表现某一个结构域的缺失(图1),通过随机基因敲除的方法确定IRF7识别的序列为5′⁃GAAA /TNC /TGAAANT /C⁃3′㊂IRF7的氨基端含有一个由115个氨基酸组成的可与DNA 结合的结构域(DNA binding domain,DBD),其中DBD 能特异性结合IFN 于ISRE,DBD 确定为1~149位氨基酸,紧邻DBD 结构域的是CAD(constitutive activation domain),即活化结构域,确定为150~246位氨基酸㊂SRD(signal response domain)位于278~305位氨基酸,称为病毒功能结构域,增加病毒诱导产生的活性㊂ID 位于372~467位氨基酸称为抑制结构域,主要抑制反式激活作用㊂C 末端为VAD (virus activated domain),是副诱导区域,同时这个区域也是IRF7的磷酸化位点所在区域㊂上述区域是根据其诱导IFN 过程中的作用进行的划分[3]㊂IRF7受Ⅰ型IFN 的调控,也受TLR3㊁TLR4㊁TLR7/9的调控[4]㊂激活的IRF7可导致大量Ⅰ型IFN 的分泌㊂据研究报道,已经确定IRF7基因有几个易感位点与自身免疫性疾病相关,其中位点rs1131665与SSc 密切有关[5,6]㊂2 IRF7的激活Ⅰ型IFN㊁TNF⁃α㊁IL⁃1β和病毒感染均可诱导IRF7在脾脏㊁胸腺和外周血淋巴细胞的B 细胞浆㊁㊃6862㊃中国免疫学杂志2020年第36卷浆细胞树突状细胞(pDCs)和单核细胞中持续表达㊂未活化的IRF7存在于细胞质中㊂在病毒感染的早期,病原体与识别受体(PRRs)结合,激发TLR9/7诱导IRF7磷酸化;IRF7磷酸化后与磷酸化的IRF3(受TLR3㊁TLR4诱导)进入细胞核内,与其他协同激活因子(如P300结合蛋白)形成转录复合物;该转录复合物与IFN⁃α和IFN⁃β启动子中的病毒应答物质(VRES)结合诱导产生少量Ⅰ型IFN [7]㊂这些少量Ⅰ型IFN 与细胞膜上的IFN 受体(IFNR)结合,激活JNK 激酶信号,导致信号转导子和转录激活因子(STAT)⁃1和⁃2的磷酸化而激活;激活的STAT⁃1和⁃2与IRF9形成复合物 IFN 刺激的基因因子3”;该复合物与IRF7启动子上的IFN 刺激反应物结合,诱导合成更多的IRF7㊂新合成的IRF7通过正反馈调节促进生成更多的IFN 而产生强大的放大效应㊂除TLR9/7和IFN 受体外,炎症细胞因子IL⁃1β也能刺激人星形胶质细胞IRF7的表达㊂IL⁃1β是一种由活化的单核/巨噬细胞和上皮细胞产生的炎症细胞因子,对宿主产生炎症㊁感染性或免疫攻击的反应[8]㊂动物模型研究结果表明,IL⁃1β诱导的急性肺炎症㊁重塑和纤维化依赖于IL⁃1R1和MyD88信号通道㊂在培养的小鼠IRF7缺失的胚胎成纤维细胞中,病毒诱导的MyD88信号通道对IFN⁃α/βmRNA 水平不升高反而明显降低[9]㊂此外,IRF7诱导pDCs 和单核细胞产生炎症细胞因子IL⁃6[10]㊂由此可见,IRF7在炎症㊁组织重塑和纤维化等方面具有重要的作用㊂本文根据Honda 等[11]报道的IRF7在细胞内模式识别受体激活及在Ⅰ型干扰素基因正反馈调控中的作用机理,提出IRF7激活的可能机制(图2)㊂图1 IRF7的4种剪接体示意图[3]Fig.1 Four splicing variants of IRF7[3]Note:Four splicing variants of IRF7have been identified,named IRF⁃7A,IRF⁃7B,IRF⁃7C,and IRF⁃7H.DBD is localized in the N⁃terminal region of IRF7.C⁃terminal region of IRF⁃7contains multipledomains,includingconstitutiveactivationdomain(CAD),virus⁃activated domain(VAD),inhibitory domain (ID),and signal response domain (SRD).3 IRF7与SScIRF7与包括SSc 在内的多种自身免疫性疾病有关[5,12]㊂基因芯片研究显示早期SSc 患者外周IRF7mRNA 表达上调[13]㊂最近一项研究也表明[14]:与健康对照组相比,SSc 患者的外周血单个核细胞中IRF7mRNA 表达升高;此外,对不同类型的SSc 患者分析,结果显示局限性皮肤系统硬化症患者的IRF7mRNA 表达显著高于健康对照组,而弥漫性皮肤系统硬化症患者IRF7mRNA 表达不升高,这可能与IRF7基因多态性有关㊂另一项独立研究表明,IRF7基因区域的变异与SSc 患者自身抗体ACA 的产生密切有关,并对疾病的发生发展起关键作用[6]㊂另一项研究显示,SSc 患者外周血单个核细胞IRF7转录水平与对照组相比差异无统计学意义,可能与该研究样本为晚期SSc 疾病患者且样本量较小有关[15]㊂因此,IRF7在SSc 发病中的作用机制需要进一步研究㊂4 IRF7在SSc 发病中的作用机制4.1 IRF7参与Ⅰ型IFN 诱导基因的转录调控 IRFs 在哺乳动物中该家族由9名成员组成:IRF1㊁图2 可能的IRF7激活机制示意图[11]Fig.2 Possible mechanisms of IRF7activation [11]Note:DNA or RNA of virus in the cytosol of virus⁃infected cells triggerstype ⅠIFN gene induction through TLR pathway;TLR3/TLR4recognizes dsRNA;TLR7mediates recognition of ssRNA;TLR9recognizes CpG DNA of viruses.TLR3utilizes TRIF;TLR4utilizes TRAF6.TLR7,TLR9use only MyD88;Phosphorylated IRF3,enabling IRF7interact with P300,initiate efficient transcription of target genes;After initial activation of type ⅠIFN genes isachieved by IRF7,positive⁃feedback regulation comes into effect.㊃7862㊃闭雄杰 干扰素调节因子7(IRF7)与系统性硬化症关系研究进展 第21期IRF2㊁IRF3㊁IRF4(又称LSIRF㊁PIP或ICSAT)㊁IRF5㊁IRF6㊁IRF7㊁IRF8(又称ICSBP)和IRF9(又称ISGF3γ),其最主要特征是参与Ⅰ型IFN和IFN诱导基因的转录调控,在调节先天和适应性免疫反应中发挥关键作用[12,16]㊂Ⅰ型IFN是天然免疫系统的关键调节因子,对免疫细胞的分化㊁增殖和促进炎症细胞因子的产生起关键的调节作用[17]㊂近年来,研究发现SSc患者外周血细胞中存在Ⅰ型IFN诱导基因功能失调和早期阶段甚至在没有发生皮肤纤维化之前血清中存在Ⅰ型IFN系统激活[18⁃20]㊂有报道,接受IFN⁃α治疗慢性病毒性肝炎的患者中并发SSc[21]㊂此外,对早期SSc患者皮下注射IFN⁃α治疗组与安慰剂治疗组相比,IFN⁃α治疗导致肺功能恶化,皮肤评分也没有改善[22]㊂有研究小组也报告了SSc患者外周血和皮肤组织中异常调控的Ⅰ型IFN诱导基因的转录模式[23⁃25]㊂有证据表明TLR的激活触发细胞内信号转导通路而参与了SSc的病理生理过程[26]㊂最近的研究结果显示,TLR3配体Poly I∶C刺激SSc皮肤成纤维细胞Ⅰ型IFN和TGF⁃β反应基因的表达[27];Ⅰ型IFN也通过上调SSc中TLR3的表达而增加真皮成纤维细胞的炎症潜能[28]㊂Bhattacharyya 等[29]通过激活典型的Smad信号和抑制抗纤维化的microRNA miR⁃29的表达,证实了TLR4信号激活成纤维细胞,促进胶原合成并增加组织重塑和细胞外基质基因的表达㊂因此,Ⅰ型IFN信号通路是通过TLR激活促进SSc纤维化㊂虽然Ⅰ型IFN激活系统的存在,但这种调控异常的Ⅰ型IFN信号转导和干扰素诱导下游分子参与SSc病理生理的确切机制尚不清楚㊂而近年来研究结果表明,在免疫反应中IRF7被认为是Ⅰ型IFN的最主要调节因子可能参与SSc纤维化的发生和发展[9]㊂4.2 IRF7参与促进单核/巨噬细胞的表达 单核/巨噬细胞系具有相当的多样性和可塑性,受信号分子㊁转录因子和表观遗传机制的复杂网络调控㊂单核/巨噬细胞是由循环血液单核细胞进入组织内转变而来㊂在组织内单核/巨噬细胞受到刺激做出反应,并显著改变其生理活性㊂单核/巨噬细胞大致可分为经典激活(M1型)和交替激活(M2型)两种类型[30]㊂两类单核/巨噬细胞功能并不相同,M1型主要参与炎症性的反应,而M2型被更多认为参与组织重塑和纤维化[31]㊂据有关报道,SSc患者血清中IL⁃4㊁IL⁃13表达增加,而IL⁃4或IL⁃13能够激活单核/巨噬细胞变成为M2型[32⁃34]㊂SSc患者皮肤活检结果表明M2单核/巨噬细胞表达增加[35]㊂目前研究结果认为,SSc患者M2单核/巨噬细胞表达增加与IL⁃6水平升高关系密切,使用IL⁃6受体阻滞剂能减少SSc患者皮肤M2的表达[36,37];Maier等[38]认为磷酸二酯酶4(PDE4)抑制剂通过干扰M2单核/巨噬细胞中的IL⁃6释放从而降低SSc皮肤纤维化的发生㊂最近报道,用博莱霉素(BLM)诱导的小鼠模型中,IRF5+/+小鼠中单核/巨噬细胞皮肤和肺内表达显著上升,但是在IRF5-/-小鼠则明显下降[39]㊂由于IRF7和IRF5具有高度的同源性,IRF7如何促进单核/巨噬细胞的表达,目前确切机制尚不清楚[40]㊂皮肤真皮组织中可能的M2型单核/巨噬细胞激活机制的示意图[30]㊂见图3㊂4.3 IRF7激活参与β转化生长因子(TGF⁃β)信号转导 SSc发病机制主要是由正常组织结构被渐进性的纤维化组织代替所致㊂最近的研究阐明,在许多重要的致纤维化的细胞因子和炎症介质中,TGF⁃β被认为是在SSc发生纤维化过程中起最重要作用的因子[41]㊂TGF⁃β促进成纤维细胞的增殖㊁分化㊁迁移㊁黏附和活化,并诱导细胞因子分泌,最重要的是促进胶原和细胞外基质的合成㊂鉴于TGF⁃β在SSc发病中的关键作用,TGF⁃β已成为一种潜在的图3 皮肤真皮纤维化中的巨噬细胞替代激活的可能机制和功能Fig.3 Possible mechanisms and functions of alternative activation of macrophages in dermal fibrosis Note:In the early inflammatory phase of the fibrotic process,in situ M2 polarization of macrophages may be induced by infiltrating Th2 cells via the release of several mediators,mainly IL⁃4and IL⁃13.In particular,M2macrophages may further promote Th2effector responses,neovascularization,and contribute to the transition of fi⁃broblasts into apoptosis⁃resistant profibrotic myofibroblasts via the production and release of fibrogenic cytokines and growth factors, such as TGF⁃β.㊃8862㊃中国免疫学杂志2020年第36卷治疗靶点㊂目前,TGF⁃β抗体已经在动物模型和临床SSc患者中进行了应用研究,并取得良好的治疗效果[42]㊂有研究表明,TLR3激动剂Poly(Ⅰ∶C)在体外和体内均能激活皮肤纤维化及Ⅰ型IFN表达升高[43];升高的Ⅰ型IFN通过激活Smad2/3促进TGF⁃β表达升高,而升高的TGF⁃β对SSc纤维化起关键作用[44]㊂有研究证实,Smad转录因子家族的C⁃末端区域与IRF7的C末端区域同源,诱导TGF⁃β的反应,其中Smad3是刺激TGF⁃β信号通路中生成胶原的关键成分[45]㊂Smad3与IRF7相互作用并在TGF⁃β/Smad3信号转导中调控IRF7的转录活性㊂IRF7激活后与其他IRF(如IRF3)形成转录复合物,该转录复合物与另一个转录共激活因子P300结合蛋白结合,参与Smad依赖性TGF⁃β信号转导并促进胶原合成㊂IRF7与P300结合蛋白四个不同区域相互作用不仅刺激了IRF7的内在转录活性,而且增强其与其他转录因子协同的能力[46]㊂IRF7与CBP/P300的相互作用有助于形成更多稳定蛋白转录复合物CBP/P300,增强TGF⁃β的转录反应从而促进胶原蛋白过度生成[47]㊂5摇展望SSc10年生存率约为66%,且伴随内脏受侵犯生存率骤降为38%[48],Elhai等[49]的一项40年2691例SSc患者的队列荟萃分析发现SSc是致死风险非常高的风湿免疫性疾病,过去40年其死亡风险并未得到改善,而首要死因就是心肺并发症,包括肺纤维化和肺动脉高压㊂因此,如何破解SSc的纤维化难题㊁有效改善肺纤维化,是降低SSc患者死亡率的关键㊂IRF7单核苷酸多态性(SNP)与SSc易感性有关,其中多态性位点rs1131665与SSc易感性关系最密切㊂IRF7参与Ⅰ型IFN诱导基因的转录调控及促进单核/巨噬细胞的表达和TGF⁃β信号转导㊂因此,IRF7作为Ⅰ型IFN的主要调节因子,其过度表达和激活可能参与了SSc纤维化的发病机制,可作为抗炎和抗纤维化药物发展的合适治疗靶点,从而减缓SSc的纤维化进程㊂参考文献:[1] Allanore Y,Simms R,Distler O,et al.Systemic sclerosis[J].NatRev Dis 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疾病:I型糖尿病 表型:胰岛细胞上表达PDL-1 变量:I型和II型干扰素 通路:JAK/STAT-IRF1通路
1、1型糖尿病(type 1 diabetes)
PD-1:程序性死亡受体-1;PDL-1:程序性死亡受体-1配体。 CTLA-4:细胞毒T淋巴细胞相关抗原4,又名CD152。
肿瘤细胞结合PD1导 致免疫逃逸
抗PD1抗体结合 PD1后T细胞发挥 杀伤肿瘤细胞作用
T1DM患者和对照组胰岛 切片
免疫组 化技术
EndoC-βH1细胞系、人胰岛 细胞原代素可以 诱导PDL-1表达
药物处理或 沉默表达
证实JAK/STAT-IRF1诱导 途径
体外实验(in vitro) 12
② JAK/STAT-IRF-1途径是干扰素介导黑色素瘤细胞表达PDL-1的关键调节 因子;
③ 在遗传高风险发展成I型糖尿病的儿童血液中,I型干扰素先于自身免疫 启动前发展;
④ I型干扰素中的IFN- α表达于I型糖尿病患者的胰岛上。
⑤动物模型证实抑制PD-1或PDL1可加速1型糖尿病发生,且模型动物胰岛 B细胞上过表达PDL-1分子



电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法的英文简称全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) is a powerful analytical technique used in many scientific fields. This technique utilizes the high temperature of a plasma to atomize and excite samples for elemental analysis. ICP-OES provides high sensitivity, accuracy, and precision, making it a popular choice for analyzing trace elements in various sample types.The process of ICP-OES involves generating a plasma by applying a high-frequency radio frequency (RF) current to a flowing gas, typically argon. The intense heat of the plasma vaporizes the sample and excites the atoms to emit characteristic light at specific wavelengths. This emitted light is then dispersed by a spectrometer and detected by a charged-coupled device (CCD) detector. The intensity of the emitted light is proportional to the concentration of the element in the sample, allowing for quantitative analysis.ICP-OES is widely used in environmental monitoring, pharmaceutical analysis, forensic science, and materials science, among other areas. It can detect a wide range of elements, from alkali metals to rare earth elements, with detection limits as low as parts per billion. Additionally, ICP-OES can analyze multiple elements simultaneously, making it a fast and efficient tool for elemental analysis.Overall, ICP-OES is a versatile and reliable technique for elemental analysis, providing accurate and precise results for a wide range of sample types. Its high sensitivity and ability to analyze multiple elements simultaneously make it an essential tool in many research and industrial laboratories.篇2Title: ICP-OES: The Technique Behind Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission SpectroscopyIntroductionInductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy, commonly abbreviated as ICP-OES, is a powerful analytical technique used for the quantitative analysis of elements present in a sample. This technique utilizes the principles of inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and optical emission spectroscopy (OES) toprovide accurate and precise measurements of the elemental composition of a sample. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of ICP-OES and its applications in various fields.Principles of ICP-OESICP-OES operates by generating a high-temperature plasma consisting of ionized gas atoms by introducing a sample into an argon gas stream. The plasma is sustained by an induction coil, which induces an electric current that generates heat, forming a high-energy environment capable of atomizing and ionizing the sample components. As the atoms and ions return to their ground state, they emit light at characteristic wavelengths, which can be measured by a spectrometer to identify and quantify the elements present in the sample.Advantages of ICP-OESICP-OES offers several advantages over other analytical techniques, making it a preferred choice for elemental analysis in various industries. Some of the key advantages of ICP-OES include:- High sensitivity and detection limits: ICP-OES can detect elements at trace levels, making it suitable for a wide range ofapplications, including environmental monitoring and pharmaceutical analysis.- Multi-element analysis: ICP-OES is capable of analyzing multiple elements simultaneously, providing comprehensive information on the elemental composition of a sample.- Wide dynamic range: ICP-OES can analyze elements across a wide concentration range, from parts-per-billion to percent levels, making it suitable for diverse sample types.- Speed and efficiency: ICP-OES offers rapid analysis times, allowing for high sample throughput and increased productivity.- Minimal sample preparation: ICP-OES requires minimal sample preparation, saving time and reducing the risk of sample contamination.Applications of ICP-OESICP-OES is widely used in various industries and research fields for elemental analysis due to its versatility and accuracy. Some common applications of ICP-OES include:- Environmental analysis: ICP-OES is used for the analysis of trace elements in soil, water, and air samples to assess environmental contamination levels.- Geological analysis: ICP-OES is employed in the analysis of rocks, minerals, and ores to determine their elemental composition and identify valuable mineral deposits.- Pharmaceutical analysis: ICP-OES is used in the pharmaceutical industry for the analysis of drug formulations, determining the elemental impurities present in pharmaceutical products.- Food and beverage analysis: ICP-OES is utilized for the analysis of food and beverage products to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and assess product safety.ConclusionICP-OES is a versatile and reliable technique for elemental analysis, offering high sensitivity, multi-element capabilities, and rapid analysis times. With its wide range of applications in various fields, ICP-OES has become an essential tool for researchers, analysts, and industry professionals seeking accurate and precise elemental analysis. As technology continues to advance, ICP-OES is expected to play a key role in shaping the future of analytical chemistry and elemental analysis.篇3Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-ES) is a powerful analytical technique widely used in various fields including environmental monitoring, pharmaceutical analysis, and material science. This technique is based on the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) as the excitation source and the emission spectroscopy for detecting and quantifying elements present in a sample.ICP-ES offers several advantages over other analytical methods. Firstly, it provides a high sensitivity, allowing for the detection of trace elements at parts per billion or even parts per trillion levels. This makes ICP-ES ideal for analyzing samples with low concentrations of elements of interest. Secondly, ICP-ES has a wide dynamic range, enabling the simultaneous analysis of multiple elements present in a sample. This feature is particularly useful when analyzing complex samples containing a diverse range of elements. Additionally, ICP-ES offers excellent precision and accuracy, making it a reliable technique for quantitative analysis.The principle of ICP-ES involves the generation of ahigh-temperature plasma by inducing an electric current in a gas (typically argon) using a radiofrequency source. The plasma reaches temperatures of up to 10,000 Kelvin, causing the sampleto be atomized and ionized. As a result, the atoms and ions emit characteristic radiation when transitioning from excited states to ground states. The emitted radiation is then dispersed and detected by a spectrometer, allowing for the identification and quantification of elements based on their unique emission spectra.The use of inductively coupled plasma as the excitation source offers several advantages over other excitation sources, such as flame atomic absorption spectroscopy and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy. Firstly, the high temperature of the plasma ensures complete atomization and ionization of the sample, leading to higher sensitivity and lower detection limits. Secondly, the plasma provides a stable and robust excitation source, resulting in reliable and reproducible analytical results. Additionally, the high energy density of the plasma allows for the analysis of refractory elements that are difficult to atomize using other excitation sources.ICP-ES is a versatile technique that can be used for the analysis of a wide range of samples, including liquids, solids, and gases. It is commonly used for the analysis of environmental samples, such as water, soil, and air, to monitor the levels of toxic elements and pollutants. In the pharmaceutical industry, ICP-ESis used for the analysis of drug formulations to ensure compliance with regulatory standards. In material science, ICP-ES is employed for the analysis of metals, alloys, and ceramics to determine their elemental composition and purity.In conclusion, Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-ES) is a powerful analytical technique that offers high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, and excellent precision for the analysis of trace elements in various samples. Its use of inductively coupled plasma as the excitation source provides several advantages over other excitation sources, making it a popular choice in analytical laboratories worldwide. With its versatility and reliability, ICP-ES is a valuable tool for research, quality control, and environmental monitoring applications.。



模式识别受体及其信号转导机制的研究进展安华章第二军医大学免疫学教研室医学免疫学国家重点实验室免疫识别--免疫反应发生发展的基础“自我”(self)“非我”(nonself)免疫应答immune response免疫耐受immune tolerance)机体防御系统系统的组成Turvey SE. et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Feb 2010; 125(2 Suppl 2): S24–S32固有免疫研究起始于19世纪后叶吞噬细胞(1883)Metchnikoff E开创了固有免疫研究先河, 获1908诺贝尔奖炎症的发生起始于固有免疫细胞对病原的识别固有免疫细胞的活化促进获得性免疫反应的发生Akira S. Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci. Apr 2009; 85(4): 143–1567抗原提呈细胞调节获得性免疫反应的类型Anne Cooke. Rev Diabet Stud. 2006 Summer;3(2):72-75免疫细胞如何识别并区分不同种类病原体并发生适当的免疫反应?Pattern recognition非克隆性表达的PRR识别不同种类的PAMP,诱导不同类型的细胞因子产生Ruslan Medzhitov and Charles A Janeway JrCurrent Opinion in Immunology 1997, 9:4-9•“病原相关分子模式”(pathogen associated molecular pattern,PAMP):一类或一群特定的微生物病原体(及其产物)共有的某些非特异性、高度保守的分子结构,可被固有免疫细胞所识别。

如:LPS、LTA、细菌DNA、病毒RNA/DNA•“模式识别受体” (pattern-recognition receptors,PRR)是一类主要表达于天然免疫细胞表面、非克隆性分布的分子,可识别一种或多种PAMP或DAMP并活化免疫细胞、介导固有免疫反应。



Harnessing mechanistic knowledge on beneficial versus deleterious IFN-I effects to design innovative immunotherapies targeting cytokine activity to specific cell typesElena T omasello1,2,3†,Emeline Pollet1,2,3†,Thien-Phong Vu Manh1,2,3†,Gilles Uzé4and Marc Dalod1,2,3*1UM2,Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy(CIML),Aix-Marseille University,Marseille,France2U1104,Institut National de la Santéet de la Recherche Médicale(INSERM),Marseille,France3UMR7280,Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique(CNRS),Marseille,France4UMR5235,Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique(CNRS),University Montpellier II,Montpellier,FranceEdited by:Y oichi Furuya,Albany Medical College, USAReviewed by:Christine Anne Biron,Brown University,USAAlan Chen-Yu Hsu,The University of Newcastle,AustraliaDanushka Kumara Wijesundara,The Basil Hetzel Institute,Australia*Correspondence:Marc Dalod,Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy,Parc scientifique et technologique de Luminy,case 906,F-13288Marseille Cedex09, Francee-mail:dalod@ciml.univ-mrs.fr†Elena Tomasello,Emeline Pollet and Thien-Phong Vu Manh have contributed equally to this work.Type I interferons(IFN-I)were identified over50years ago as cytokines critical for host defense against viral infections.IFN-I promote anti-viral defense through two main mecha-nisms.First,IFN-I directly reinforce or induce de novo in potentially all cells the expression of effector molecules of intrinsic anti-viral immunity.Second,IFN-I orchestrate innate and adaptive anti-viral immunity.However,IFN-I responses can be deleterious for the host in a number of circumstances,including secondary bacterial or fungal infections,several autoimmune diseases,and,paradoxically,certain chronic viral infections.We will review the proposed nature of protective versus deleterious IFN-I responses in selected diseases. Emphasis will be put on the potentially deleterious functions of IFN-I in human immunod-eficiency virus type1(HIV-1)infection,and on the respective roles of IFN-I and IFN-III in promoting resolution of hepatitis C virus(HCV)infection.We will then discuss how the balance between beneficial versus deleterious IFN-I responses is modulated by several key parameters including(i)the subtypes and dose of IFN-I produced,(ii)the cell types affected by IFN-I,and(iii)the source and timing of IFN-I production.Finally,we will specu-late how integration of this knowledge combined with advanced biochemical manipulation of the activity of the cytokines should allow designing innovative immunotherapeutic treat-ments in patients.Specifically,we will discuss how induction or blockade of specific IFN-I responses in targeted cell types could promote the beneficial functions of IFN-I and/or dampen their deleterious effects,in a manner adapted to each disease.Keywords:type I interferons,dendritic cells,chronic viral infections,immunotherapy,bioengineeringINTRODUCTIONType I interferons(IFN-I)were thefirst cytokines discovered, over50years ago,based on their potent anti-viral effects(1,2). IFN-I play a crucial,non-redundant role in vertebrate anti-viral defenses(3–5).IFN-I also mediate protective effects in other phys-iopathological contexts,including cancer(6)and multiple sclerosis (MS)(7).On the contrary,IFN-I responses can be deleterious in a number of circumstances,including bacterial or fungal infec-tions(8–10),many autoimmune diseases(11),and,paradoxically, certain chronic viral infections(12–14).It is only recently that an integrated picture has emerged of the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating the production of IFN-I and underlying their functions.Much knowledge was gained recently on another class of potent innate anti-viral interferons,the lambda,or type III IFNs(IFN-III).We will review knowledge on IFN-I/III(IFNs) and discuss how it could be harnessed to develop innovative ther-apeutic strategies aimed at surgically tuning IFN activity toward protective responses in a manner adapted to each disease.We will focus on IFN-α/β/λbecause they are the best characterized IFNs and already used therapeutically.Recent reviews are cover-ing information on other IFN-I subsets including IFN-ε,which is produced at mucosal sites and promotes local anti-viral defenses (15,16).Dendritic cells(DCs)are rare heterogeneous mononuclear phagocytes functionally characterized by their unique efficacy for antigen-specific activation of naïve T lymphocytes.DCs are sentinel cells of the immune system,able to sense and inte-grate a variety of danger input signals for delivery of output signals instructing the activation and functional polarization of effector immune cells.In mammals,five major DC sub-sets exist,which differ in their expression of innate immune recognition receptors(I2R2s)and in their functional special-ization:monocyte-derived DCs(MoDCs),Langerhans cells, CD11b+DCs,XCR1+DCs,and plasmacytoid DCs(pDCs)(17).A recurrent theme of this review will be the intricate rela-tionships between IFNs and DCs,since these cells can be a major source and/or target of these cytokines under various conditions.Thefirst section will synthesize current knowledge on IFN production and protective anti-viral functions.The I2R2s and downstream signaling pathways responsible for IFN-I production during viral infection will be listed.The roles of different cell types for this function will be discussed.The two main mechanisms through which IFN-I promote anti-viral defense will be reviewed, succinctly for direct anti-viral effects and in greater details for immunoregulatory functions.The second section will focus on the detrimental functions of IFN-I.Selected diseases will be discussed to illustrate how differ-ent,and sometimes opposite,processes underlie deleterious IFN-I responses depending on the physiopathological contexts.IFN-I induction of unbridled inflammatory responses causing lethal tis-sue damage will be discussed as a major pathological mechanism during bacterial encounters secondary to influenza infection or in some autoimmune diseases.Inappropriate functional polarization of immune responses by IFN-I will be discussed as one potential cause for enhanced susceptibility to bacterial or fungal infections. The complex and disputed role of IFN-I in chronic viral infec-tions will be reviewed,with emphasis on the physiopathology of the infections by human immunodeficiency virus type1(HIV-1)and human hepatitis C virus(HCV),with an outlook for the development of novel immunotherapeutic strategies to combine with anti-viral drugs.The third section will recapitulate how the balance between beneficial versus deleterious IFN-I responses is modulated by sev-eral key parameters including(i)the source and timing of IFN-I production,(ii)the cell types affected by IFN-I,and(iii)the signaling pathways activated by IFN-I.In the last section,we will speculate how integration of all the knowledge discussed before combined with advanced biochem-ical manipulation of the activity of the cytokines should allow designing innovative immunotherapeutic treatments,based on induction or blockade of specific IFN-I responses in targeted cell types.This“activity-by-targeting”concept is based on the design of novel“immuno-IFNs”consisting in covalent association between a mutated IFN-I with decreased affinity for its receptor and an antibody with high avidity for a molecule specifically expressed on target cell types(18).This design ensures lack of activity of the immuno-IFNs on all cell types but those targeted,contrary to previous strategies using IFNs with close to maximal potency that were still able to mediate strong off-target effects despite their coupling to cell-type specific antibodies and/or their local delivery. GENERAL CONCEPTS ON IFN PRODUCTION AND FUNCTIONS HOW IS THE PRODUCTION OF IFN CONTROLLED?Type I interferons expression is not detectable under steady state conditions in vivo using classical methods such as gene expression analysis by RT-PCR or protein titration by ELISA or bioassays. However,mice deficient for the expression of the alpha chain of the IFN-I receptor(IFNAR1)harbor alteration in the ontogeny or functions of various cell types(19–26).Hence,extremely small or localized but functionally relevant quantities of IFN-I must be produced under steady state conditions(27).Indeed,the exis-tence of steady state responses to IFN-I in various organs in vivo was demonstrated by using reporter mice expressing thefirefly luciferase under the control of the promoter of Ifnb1(28)or of Mx2(29),a canonical IFN-I-stimulated gene(ISG).Steady state IFN-I responses are promoted by gut commensals(30). Early and transiently after many viral infections,large amounts of IFNs can be detected,in blood and spleen in the case of sys-temic infections or locally in the case of confined infections.IFN induction during viral infections results from the detection of specific danger signals by specialized I2R2s.This includes the detection of pathogen-associated molecular patterns as well as the sensing of stress signals or damage-associated molecular pat-terns(31,32).Based on the nature and intracellular location of the danger signals that induce the production of the cytokines, the cellular sources of IFNs during viral infection can be classi-fied in two main groups.Infected cells often contribute to IFN production as a response to their sensing of endogenous viral replication,or consecutive to the metabolic stress induced during massive translation of viral structural proteins,or as a result of plasma membrane perturbations upon viral entry.Specific sub-sets of uninfected cells can also significantly contribute to IFN production upon engulfment of material containing viral-derived nucleotide sequences and sensing of these molecules in endosomes by specific I2R2s.All sensing pathways leading to IFN induction converge on the activation of interferon response factors3or7 (IRF3/7),which are the master transcription factors inducing IFN genes.Most cell types constitutively express IRF3but not IRF7 or only at low levels.IRF7expression requires IFN-I stimula-tion.IFN-βcan directly be induced by IRF3.All but one of the IFN-αsubtypes require IRF7for their induction.Hence,IFN-βsecretion promotes its own production and that of IFN-αin an autocrine manner(33,34).This positive feedback loop strongly amplifies IFN production during viral infections,promoting fast and widespread induction of cell-intrinsic anti-viral defenses in uninfected cells to prevent virus dissemination.Other feedback loops tightly regulate IFN-I production positively or negatively. This section reviews different mechanisms controlling IFN pro-duction and how they could play different roles in host/virus interactions.IFN production in infected cells is initiated by sensing of endogenous viral replicationPlasma membrane modifications occur upon virus entry which can induce IFN-I production and ISGs through a STING-dependent signaling.Infected cells can sense abnormal changes in the physical or biochemical properties of their plasma mem-brane upon virus entry,which can trigger their production of IFN-I(35,36).This event depends on signaling by the endoplas-mic reticulum(ER)–resident transmembrane protein stimulator of interferon genes(STING).Upon virus entry,STING translo-cates to the cytosol where it is activated by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase(PI3K)and calcium-dependent pathways to initiate a sig-naling cascade leading to IRF3-dependent induction of IFN-I and ISGs(Figure1)(31,37).Viral nucleotide sequences are sensed by dedicated I2R2s in the cytosol of infected cells,which induces IFN-I production.Some I2R2s are located in the cytosol and bind viral nucleotide sequences to induce IFN-I production in infected cells.These I2R2s are classified as cytosolic RNA or DNA sensors.Their specificity forFIGURE1|A simplified model of the potential contributions of selective sensors and cell types to IFN production during viral infections.Different innate immune recognition receptors are involved in sensing various types of viral nucleic acids in distinct categories of cells during viral infections,which may promote different types of anti-viral defenses.For each selected sensor shown,the types of viral nucleic acids recognized and the downstream signaling cascade induced are represented in a simplified,schematic manner. The potential specific role of each cell type in anti-viral defenses is also indicated at the bottom of each panel.(A)Potentially all types of infected cells can detect endogenous viral replication through cytosolic sensors triggering their local production of IFN-β/λto control viral replication in an autocrine and paracrine fashion in infected tissues.(B)Uninfected XCR1+DCs selectively produce high levels of IFN-λand IFN-βupon engulfment of materials containing dsRNA and the consecutive triggering of TLR3in endosomes.The receptor of IFN-λis mostly expressed by epithelial cells.Hence,XCR1+DCs might be involved in inducing local IFN responses in virally infected epithelial tissues.Since XCR1+DCs are especially efficient at producing IFN-III upon HCV stimulation,they might contribute to local or systemic IFN production during infection with this virus,to promote IFN-λ-mediated protection of hepatocytes.Uninfected XCR1+DCs and other uninfected cells may produce some IFN-βupon engulfment of materials containing ssRNA and the consecutive triggering of TLR8in endosomes.The contribution of this pathway to anti-viral defense is not well understood yet,in part because mouse TLR8is deficient for this function.(C)Uninfected pDCs selectively produce high levels of all subsets of IFNs upon engulfment of materials containing ssRNA or CpG DNA and the consecutive triggering of TLR7/9in endosomes.However,pDCs seem to be activated for this function only in lymphoid tissues.Hence,pDC might contribute to systemic IFN production during blood-borne viral infections or as a failsafe mechanism activated upon abnormal widespread dissemination of a viral infection once it has escaped local confinement at its portal of entry.CM,cell membrane;NM,nuclear membrane.particular nucleotide sequences or tertiary structures,their sig-naling pathways and their physiological significance have been recently reviewed(31,32).Cytosolic RNA sensors encompass DExD/H helicases among which the retinoic-acid-inducible gene (RIG)-I-like receptors(RLRs)have been the most studied,namely RIG-I and melanoma differentiation associated gene5(MDA5). RIG-I recognizes RNA with a5 -PPP or5 -PP(38)(uncapped) moiety,or double-stranded RNA(dsRNA),both structures being present in viral,but not in cytosolic eukaryotic,RNA molecules. MDA5might specifically recognize long dsRNA fragments.Both RIG-I and MDA5contain a DexD/H box-containing RNA heli-case domain,and2caspase recruitment domains(CARD1/2), which bind to mitochondrial anti-viral signaling protein(MAVS). RNA/RLR/STING molecular complexes initiate a signaling cas-cade leading to IRF3/7-dependent induction of IFNs(Figure1). Other DExD/H helicases can promote IFN-I production in DCs,although their physiological roles for in vivo immune defenses against viral infections remain to be established(32).Cytosolic DNA sensors able to induce IFN-I(mostly IFN-β)and IFN-III encompass molecules belonging to different protein fami-lies,including DExD/H helicases,the inflammasome component IFN-γ-inducible protein16(IFI16),the Z-DNA binding pro-tein1(ZBP1),and the cyclic GMP-AMP(cGAMP)synthase (cGAS)(31,32).Most of the cytosolic DNA sensors activate STING and lead to IRF3/7-and NFκB-dependent induction of IFN-βand IFN-III.Many cell types express ZBP1and are able to produce IFN-I upon triggering of this molecule,including macrophages,DCs,andfibroblasts following an HSV-1infection (39,40).Upon DNA binding,cGAS catalyzes the production of cGAMP.cGAS is critical for the detection of lentiviruses including HIV-1/2(41,42)and can contribute to sensing of,and protec-tion against,other RNA viruses,including in vivo in mice(43). cGAMP also acts as a secreted second messenger signal alerting uninfected cells to directly induce their expression of intrinsic immune anti-viral defenses.The cGAS/STING/IRF3signaling cas-cade and the IRF1transcription factor are“master”inducers of cell-intrinsic immunity able to control the replication of most DNA and some RNA viruses at least in part independently of IFNs(43).Viral hijacking of the protein synthesis apparatus of the host cell triggers ER overload,a stress,which synergizes with cytosolic sensing to promote IFN-I production.Infected cells become a factory for production of viral particles.Hijacking of the trans-lation apparatus of the host cell for massive production of viral structural proteins leads to an overload of the capacity of the ER for correct folding of newly synthesized proteins.ER overload induces a homeostatic response of the cell,the unfolded protein response(UPR).UPR aims at restoring normal ER functions by inhibiting translation.UPR activation in infected cells contributes to prevent viral replication,including through inhibition of the production of viral proteins,promotion of IFN-I production,and induction of cell suicide(44).IFN-I production in uninfected cells is initiated by endosomal sensing of viral nucleotide sequences derived from engulfed virions or infected cellsToll-like receptors(TLRs)are among thefirst and best character-ized I2R2s.TLRs are transmembrane proteins with a leucine-rich repeat extracellular domain involved in ligand recognition and an intracellular toll/interleukin-1receptor domain essential for signaling(45).Among the nine TLRs conserved between mouse and human,TLR3,TLR7,TLR8,and TLR9are located in endo-somes where they can detect the abnormal presence of nucleic acids such as occurs upon endocytosis of virions or of virally infected cell material.TLR3recognizes dsRNA,TLR7/8ssRNA, and TLR9DNA sequences containing unmethylated cytidine-phosphate-guanosine(CpG)motifs.TLRfine specificity and sig-naling pathways have been reviewed recently(32)and are sum-marized in Figure1.We will discuss the expression patterns and functions of endosomal TLRs with regards to IFN pro-duction in uninfected specialized immune cell types,pDCs and XCR1+DCs.Selective expression of TLR7,TLR9,and IRF7in pDCs endows them with a unique ability to produce very high amounts of all subtypes of IFNs upon virus stimulation irrespective of their own infection.Plasmacytoid DCs uniquely produce very large amounts of IFNs in response to in vitro stimulation with many viruses,without being infected(46).IFN-I mRNAs represent up to40%of all mRNAs in pDCs at the peak of their activation(47). In vitro,upon exposure to influenza virus,herpes virus type1, cytomegaloviruses,or vesicular stomatitis virus,individual pDCs produce100–1000times more IFNs than total PBMCs,monocytes, MoDCs,cDCs,neutrophils,andfibroblasts(47–52).However, in vitro,high molarity infection of cDCs with certain viruses unable to inhibit IFN-I production in their target cells can also induce massive IFN-βsecretion(53).pDCs produce high levels of all subtypes of IFNs,contrary to many other cell types including infected cells,which often preferentially produce IFN-β(46,47). In vivo,pDC depletion during systemic viral infections leads to over95%decrease of IFN-I production,while the total number of pDCs producing IFN-I(<100,000in one mouse)is much lower than the total number of infected cells(54–59).This shows that in vivo also individual activated pDCs produce much more IFN-I/III than most other cell types,including virus-infected cells.The professional IFN-producing function of pDCs largely results from their high constitutive and selective expression of IRF7,TLR7,and TLR9(Figure1).These molecules are pre-associated in ready-to-signal complexes located in specialized endosomes specific to pDCs(60,61).pDCs must also be equipped for efficient sensing and up-take of virions and virus-infected cells.The corresponding cell surface I2R2s remain to be identified.Selective expression of TLR3in XCR1+DC endows them with a unique ability to produce very high amounts of IFN-βand IFN-III upon stimulation with dsRNA or HCV irrespective of their own infection.XCR1+DCs are very potent for antigen-specific activation of CD8+T cells,in particular through cross-presentation of exogenous antigens that they have captured from other cells and processed for association with class I major com-plex histocompatibility(MHC-I)molecules(62).In mice,XCR1+ DCs are crucial for the initiation of protective adaptive immune responses against tumors and a variety of viruses(63).Mouse and human XCR1+DCs constitutively and selectively express high levels of TLR3(Figure1).They produce large amounts of IFN-III and IFN-βupon stimulation with a synthetic mimetic of dsRNA, Polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid(PolyI:C)(64,65).Human XCR1+ DCs uniquely respond to stimulation with HCV by producing large amounts of IFN-III in a TLR3-dependent manner(66,67), irrespective of their own infection.Positive and negative feedback loops regulating IFN-I production Positive feedback loops.In addition to IRF7induction,other positive feedback mechanisms exist to amplify the production of IFNs rapidly after initiation of a viral infection as illustrated by the following selected examples.IFNs induce the expression of many cytosolic RNA/DNA sensors and of TLR7.This broad-ens the spectrum of host’s cell types able to detect endogenous viral replication for IFN induction.Induction of OASL by IFNs in human cells enforces RIG-I signaling,counteracting viral immuneevasion genes interfering with this sensing pathway(68).The IFN-inducible ribonuclease L(RNaseL)generates viral and cellular RNA degradation products,which engage RLRs for amplification of IFN production(69,70).The IFN-inducible Protein kinase R (PKR)stabilizes IFN-I mRNA(71).Negative feedback loops.To prevent unbridled responses delete-rious for the host,IFN activity must be tightly controlled including during viral infections.Several negative feedback loops exist to terminate IFN production,after anti-viral defenses have been acti-vated.The ISG ubiquitin specific peptidase18(USP18)binds to IFNAR2,preventing it from recruiting signal transducer and activator of transcription1(STAT1).IFNs induce the expres-sion of TAM receptor tyrosine kinases in DCs,monocytes,and macrophages.TAM receptors associate and signal in part through IFNAR1.They activate the suppressors of cytokine signaling-1/3 (SOCS-1/3).SOCS inhibit TLR and RLR signaling,thereby ter-minating IFN production(72).TAM receptor ligands,Gas6and ProS,bind phosphatidylserine on dying cells and are produced by activated DCs and monocytes/macrophages.Thus,IFN induction of TAM inhibitory receptors on uninfected phagocytic immune cells could limit their propensity to produce the cytokines upon engulfment of dying virally infected cells.IFNs induce Tetherin on most cell types.pDCs express a receptor for Tetherin,leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor,subfamily A(with TM domain), member4(LILRA4).LILRA4triggering on pDCs inhibits their production of IFN-I.Hence,through LILRA4engagement by Tetherin,pDCs can monitor their efficacy at inducing an anti-viral gene expression program in neighboring cells through IFNs, and timely terminate their IFN production.How positive and negative feedback loops integrate in time and space to promote optimal kinetics and intensity of IFN produc-tion in order to efficiently control viral infection without causing severe immunopathology is not completely understood.Positive feedback loops may occur very rapidly after initiation of viral infection to allow rapid secretion of high levels of the cytokines for fast and strong induction of anti-viral cell-intrinsic immu-nity.Negative feedback loops occur likely later to terminate the response and thus avoid chronicity of cytokine production and its ensuing deleterious effects.What are the respective roles of infected versus uninfected cells in IFN production during viral infections?IFN production by infected cells serves asfirst line of defense to block viral replication at his portal of entry in the body,while IFN production by uninfected pDCs might constitute a failsafe mechanism activated only when viral infection gets systemic. pDCs do not constitute the major source of IFN production upon local infections by several viruses in the lung or in the female reproductive tract.pDCs are dispensable for resistance against these infections(56,73,74).During pulmonary infection by New-castle disease virus(NDV),IFN-I are produced locally in the lungs mainly by infected alveolar macrophages.Lung pDCs do not express the cytokines(73).Selective depletion of lung alveo-lar macrophages leads to systemic dissemination of NDV,and to a strong activation of pDCs for IFN-I production specifically in the spleen.Even in the case of systemic viral infections such as caused by intravenous injection of NDV or intraperitoneal injec-tion of mouse cytomegalovirus(MCMV),pDC IFN production is confined to the spleen.It is not detected in other organs even those with high viral replication(59,73).Hence,splenic pDCs are especially prone to high level IFN production upon systemic acute viral infections.pDCs located in non-lymphoid organs,in particular mucosal barrier tissues,appear to be inhibited for IFN production.Thus,IFN production by infected cells serves asfirst line of defense to block virus replication at its portal of entry in the body.IFN production by uninfected pDCs might constitute a failsafe mechanism mainly activated in the spleen when viral infection gets systemic(75).Under these conditions,to promote health over disease,the benefits for the host of producing high cir-culating levels of IFNs in order to induce widespread cell-intrinsic anti-viral defenses might prevail over the deleterious effects that this could cause on certain cell types or tissues.Indeed,pDCs are required for protection against HSV-2and HSV-1in mice only in systemic but not local infections(56).This observation is consis-tent with the crucial role of pDCs for protection of mice against systemic infection by mouse hepatitis virus(MHV),a fast repli-cating coronavirus(55).Conflicting results have been obtained on the role of pDCs during intranasal influenza infection(74,76–78).A possible explanation is that pDC IFN production contributes to resistance to highly pathogenic influenza strains that might sys-temically spread from the lung early after infection,even if at low levels.Another intriguing observation is that IFNs are critical for host resistance to MCMV and that pDCs are the major source of IFNs in this infection model but are dispensable for virus con-trol(54).Studies are ongoing to understand this apparent paradox. Patients bearing genetic mutations disrupting endosomal TLR sig-naling do not appear to suffer from life-threatening viral infections (79,80),contrary to patients impaired in IFNAR signaling(4,81).A notable exception is the specific susceptibility to severe herpes virus encephalitis in individuals’deficient for TLR3signaling(82, 83).However,contrary to extracellular TLR,endosomal TLR have evolved under strong purifying selection in human beings(84). Hence,while pDCs and endosomal TLR might have been required for protection of our species against viral infections in the past, this appears not to be the case anymore perhaps due to improved social,hygiene,and health care in modern society(75).IFN production by uninfected pDCs or XCR1+DCs might pro-mote protection against viruses able to interfere with the sig-naling pathways inducing cytokine production in infected cells. Attesting to the importance of IFNs for anti-viral defense in vertebrates,many mammalian viruses encode immune evasion genes specifically inhibiting the production of IFNs in infected cells(39,85).pDCs or XCR1+DCs might be essential for IFN-dependent host protection against these viruses,because they are spared from the intracellular functions of viral immune evasion genes(75).To the best of our knowledge,MCMV does not encode for immune evasion genes inhibiting IFN production.However, MCMV manipulates IFN-I responses through specific inhibition of STAT1functions in infected cells.Thus,pDCs might be dis-pensable for resistance against systemic MCMV infection due to sufficient levels of IFN production by infected cells locally in all infected tissues.Hepatocyte responses to IFN-III appear to play a。








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SnapShot: Pattern-Recognition ReceptorsTaro Kawai and Shizuo Akira Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan1024.e1 Cell 129, June 1, 2007 ©2007 Elsevier Inc. DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2007.05.017 (A) T oll-like receptor signaling. T oll-like receptor (TLR) 3 recognizes polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly IC), whereas TLR4 recognizes lipopolysaccharide (LPS). TLR2 recog-nizes various components such as lipoprotein and peptidoglycan (PGN). TLR5 detects flagellin. TLR7 and TLR9 detect single-stranded (ss)RNA and CpG DNA, respectively. Each TLR recruits a distinct set of T oll/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain-containing adaptor molecules such as myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 (MyD88), TIR-containing adaptor protein (TIRAP , also known as MAL), TIR-containing adaptor-inducing IFN β (TRIF , also known as TICAM1) and TRIF-related adaptor molecule (TRAM, also known as TICAM2). TLR3 uses TRIF , and TLR5, 7, and 9 use MyD88. TLR2 uses MyD88 and TIRAP , and TLR4 uses MyD88, TIRAP , TRIF , and TRAM. MyD88 binds to inter-leukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 (IRAK4) and TRAF6. TRIF binds receptor-interacting protein 1 (RIP1) and TRAF6. TRAF6 forms a complex with Ubc13, Uev1A, and ECSIT (evolutionarily conserved signaling intermediate in T oll/IL-1R pathways) to activate a complex containing transforming growth factor-β-activated kinase 1 (TAK1), TAK1-binding protein 1 (TAB1), TAB2, and TAB3. TAK1 activates I κB kinase (IKK) complex consisting of IKK α, IKK β, and Nemo (also known as IKK γ), which results in the phosphorylation and proteasomal degradation of I κB proteins and the release of a transcription factor NF κB to the nucleus to regulate expression of inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF α). TAK1 simultaneously activates the MAPK (JNK, p38, and ERK) pathway, leading to activation of AP-1 that controls expression of inflammatory cytokines. TRIF recruits TRAF3, which interacts with IKK-related kinases, TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1, also known as T2K and NAK), and IKKi (also known as IKK ε). These kinases, together with adaptors TANK and NAP1, catalyze the phosphorylation of IRF3. Phosphorylated IRF3 forms a dimer, translocates into the nuclei, binds to DNA, and regulates the expression of interferon β (IFN β) in collaboration with AP-1 and NF κB. IRF3 is also activated by phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K), which interacts with TLR3. In TLR2, 4, 5, 7, and 9 signaling, IRF5 is recruited to the MyD88-IRAK4-TRAF6 complex, then translocates into the nuclei to control the induction of inflammatory cytokines. In TLR7 and 9 signaling, a signaling complex consisting of TRAF3, osteopontin (OPN), IRAK1, IKK α, and IRF7 is recruited to the MyD88-IRAK4-TRAF6 complex. IRF7 is phosphorylated by IRAK1 and IKK α, forms a dimer, and translocates into the nuclei to express IFN α and IFN β genes. IRF1 is also recruited to the MyD88-IRAK4-TRAF6 complex and participates in TLR7- and 9-mediated production of IL-12 p35, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and IFN β. Unc93B, a twelve-pass membrane protein local-ized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), is required for the activation of signaling pathways triggered by TLR3, 7, and 9.(B) RIG-I like RNA helicase signaling. After recognition of viral RNA, retinoic acid-inducible gene-I (RIG-I) and Mda5 recruit IFN β promoter stimulator-1 (IPS-1, also known as MAVS, Cardif, and VISA) via CARD-CARD (caspase recruitment domain) interaction. IPS-1 is localized to mitochondria and acts as an adaptor that links RIG-I-like RNA helicase (RLH) and the TRAF3 complex, which subsequently activates IRF3 and IRF7 in a TBK1- and IKKi-dependent manner. IPS-1 also interacts with the Fas-associated death domain protein (FADD), which is required for the activation of IRF3 and NF κB. FADD interacts with and activates caspase-10 (Casp-10) and Casp-8, driving NF κB activation.(C) NOD-like receptor signaling. Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 1 (NOD1, also known as CARD4) and NOD2 (also known as CARD15) detect PGN-derived molecules diaminopimelic acid (DAP) and muramyl dipeptide (MDP), respectively, and recruit RIP2 (also known as RICK or CARDIAK) to activate NF κB. NOD2 also recruits CARD9 to facilitate the MAPK pathway. MDP is also detected by NACHT -LRR-PYD-containing protein 3 (NALP3, also known as cryopyrin or PYPAF1), which forms an inflammasome along with ASC (apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD) and Casp-1, inducing the processing of pro-IL-1β and pro-IL-18 that results in the release of IL-1β and IL-18, respectively. Bacterial RNA, toxin, monosodium urate crystal (MSU), ATP , or infection with Listeria or Staphylococcus trig-gers IL-1β and IL-18 releases via the NALP3 inflammsome. Detection of flagellin released into cytosol following Legionella infection is dependent on IL-1β-converting enzyme protease-activating factor (IPAF , also known as CLAN or CARD12) and neuronal apoptosis inhibitor protein 5 (NAIP5, also known as Birc1e). IPAF also partici-pates in the recognition of Salmonella . IPAF and NAIP5 trigger Casp-1 activation as well as cell death. NALP1b-mediated Casp-1 activation is linked to susceptibility of mouse macrophages to lethal toxin of Bacillus anthracis .(D) Lectin signaling. C-type lectin Dectin-1 binds to β-glucan found in fungal cell wall components to activate tyrosine kinase Syk, which leads to the activation of CARD9. Activated CARD9 forms a complex with Bcl-10 and MALT1 to activate NF κB.(E) Unknown pathway. Double-stranded (ds)DNA released by DNA viruses, bacteria, and damaged host cells trigger induction of IFN β via TBK1/IKKi-dependent mechanisms.(F) Negative regulators. An E3 ubiquitin ligase Triad3A downregulates TLR expression, and members the of IL-1 receptor family, SIGIRR and ST2L, and a leucine-rich repeat (LRR)-containing cell-surface molecule RP105 inhibit TLR signaling (1). The function of MyD88 is blocked by a short form of MyD88 termed MyD88s (2), and the function of TRIF is suppressed by a TIR-domain-containing protein SARM and tyrosine phosphatase SHP2 (3). Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1) mediates TIRAP degradation (4). Activation of IRAK4 is inhibited by IRAK-M, splicing variants of IRAK1 (IRAK1c) and IRAK2 (IRAK2c, IRAK2d), and Toll-interacting protein (Tollip)(5). Oligomerization and ubiquitination of TRAF6 are suppressed by β-arrestin and A20, respectively (6). IRF4 prevents a recruitment of IRF5 to the receptor complex(7) and PI3K negatively regulates the MAPK pathway (8). PIN1 mediates degradation of IRF3 to terminate type I IFN responses (9), and ATF3 and the nuclear hormone receptors such as PPAR γ and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) suppress expression of NF κB target genes (10). Casp-1 activation is negatively regulated by Pyrin and CARD-containing proteins such as Casp-12, CARD only protein (COP , also known as Pseudo-ICE), ICEBERG, and inhibitory CARD (INCA) (11).AbbreviationsIRF , interferon regulatory factorMAL, MyD88-adaptor-likeMAVS, mitochondrial antiviral signalingPYD, pyrin domainPYPAF1, Pyrin-containing Apaf-1-like protein 1RICK, RIP-like interacting caspase-like apoptosis-regulatory protein kinaseTANK, TRAF family member-associated NF κB activatorRefeRencesAkira, S., Uematsu, S., and Takeuchi, O. (2006). Pathogen recognition and innate immunity. Cell 124, 783–801.Fritz, J.H., Ferrero, R.L., Philpott, D.J., and Girardin, S.E. (2006). Nod-like proteins in immunity, inflammation and disease. Nat. Immunol. 7, 1250–1257.Honda, K., T akaoka, A., and T aniguchi, T . (2006). T ype I interferon gene induction by the interferon regulatory factor family of transcription factors. Immunity 25, 349–360.Ishii, K.J., and Akira, S. (2006). Innate immune recognition of, and regulation by, DNA. Trends Immunol. 27, 525–532.Kawai, T., and Akira, S. (2006). Innate immune recognition of viral infection. Nat. Immunol. 7, 131–137.Mariathasan, S., and Monack, D.M. (2007). Inflammasome adaptors and sensors: Intracellular regulators of infection and inflammation. Nat. Rev. Immunol. 7, 31–40.Meylan, E., and Tschopp, J. (2006). Toll-like receptors and RNA helicases: Two parallel ways to trigger antiviral responses. Mol. Cell 22, 561–569.Meylan, E., Tschopp, J., and Karin, M. (2006). Intracellular pattern recognition receptors in the host response. Nature 442, 39–44.Ogura, Y ., Sutterwala, F .S., and Flavell, R.A. (2006). The inflammasome: First line of the immune response to cell stress. Cell 126, 659–662.West, A.P ., Koblansky, A.A., and Ghosh, S. (2006). Recognition and signaling by toll-like receptors. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 22, 409–437.。

转录因子 反义链

转录因子 反义链


1. 进入JASPARdatabase官网,输入对应的转录因子名称进行快速检索,或者根据需要选择合适的数据库,确定ID、物种及类型等参数再进行检索。

2. 检索到目标转录因子HIF1A的TFBS信息后,在页面右侧的区域输入相应的目标序列,即基因PLOD2的启动子序列。

3. 进入NCBI网站,在检索栏中输入目标基因的名称,并选择Gene数据库,点击检索。

4. 在目标基因页面中,下拉至“FASTA”,找到目标基因的序列。

5. 启动子位于基因的上游2K区域,把“Selected region”往后延伸2K的区域,同时选择反义方向。

6. 将复制所得的基因PLOD2的启动子序列信息粘贴在JASPAER网站中转录因子HIF1A 的TFBS右侧区域,并在转录因子HIF1A的TFBS信息栏前的方框内打勾。




§9.1 半导体异质结构造及其能带图
9.1.1 半导体异质结旳能带图 根据两种半导体单晶材料旳导电类型,异质结又分为下列 两类: 1.反型异质结,指有导电类型相反旳两种不同旳半导体单 晶材料所形成旳异质结 2.同型异质结,指有导电类型相同旳两种不同旳半导体单 晶材料所形成旳异质结。 异质结也能够分为突变型异质结和缓变形异质结两种。
(9-28) (9-29) (9-30) (9-31)
School of Electronic Engineering & Optoelectronic Techniques
假如从一种半导体材料向另一种半导体材料得过渡只发生 于几种原子范围内,则称为突变型异质结。假如发生于几 种扩散长度范围内,则称为缓变形异质结。 1.不考虑界面态时旳能带图 (1)突变反型异质结能带图
School of Electronic Engineering & Optoelectronic Techniques
qN A1(x0 x1) qND2 (x2 x0 ) Q
x0 x1 ND2
x2 x0 N A1
(9-12) (9-13) (9-14)
设V(x)代表势垒区中x电旳电势,则突变反型异质结交界 面两边旳泊松方程分别为:
School of Electronic Engineering & Optoelectronic Techniques
之差。即 Ns Ns1 Ns2



Ⅰ型干扰素与细菌感染刁然;徐峰;王选锭【摘要】Interferons ( IFNs) are cytokines playing an important role in immune responses. Interferons are classified into two distinct types according to specific interferon receptors (IFNR). Type I IFNs include IFN-α and IFN-β, whereas IFN-γ is type Ⅱ IFN. It is well known that type I IFNs have important roles in the host defense against viruses through activation of interferon receptor A (IFNAR). However, many recent studies have also demonstrated that type I IFNs have effects on immune responses to bacterial infection. This review focuses on the immune regulation of type I IFN -mediated signal pathways in bacterial infections such as listeria monocytogenes, streptococcus, mycobacterium tuberculosis, bacillus anthracis, legionella, pseudomonas aeruginosa and others.%干扰素( IFN)是免疫反应中重要的细胞因子.根据IFN作用受体的不同,IFN通常分为Ⅰ型IFN(主要包括IFN-α、IFN-β)和Ⅱ型IFN(IFN-γ),Ⅰ型IFN主要通过IFN受体A(IFNAR)介导机体抗病毒反应.近年研究表明,Ⅰ型IFN在机体抗细菌感染中也起着重要作用.文中着重对Ⅰ型IFN信号通路介导的宿主免疫在利斯特菌、链球菌、结核杆菌、炭疽芽孢杆菌、军团菌、铜绿假单胞菌等细菌感染中的作用作一综述.【期刊名称】《浙江大学学报(医学版)》【年(卷),期】2012(041)004【总页数】5页(P464-468)【关键词】干扰素α/药理学;Ⅰ型IFN;天然免疫;信号转导;细菌感染【作者】刁然;徐峰;王选锭【作者单位】浙江大学医学院附属第二医院呼吸内科,浙江杭州310009;浙江大学医学院附属第二医院呼吸内科,浙江杭州310009;浙江大学医学院附属第二医院呼吸内科,浙江杭州310009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R979.5干扰素(interferon,IFN)是人类和动物细胞在对各种病原体刺激的应答中产生的具有多种功能的一类蛋白或糖蛋白。

nelfe转录共因子 -回复

nelfe转录共因子 -回复

nelfe转录共因子-回复什么是[nelfe转录共因子]?在生物学中,转录是基因表达的过程,是DNA中的遗传信息转换成RNA 分子的过程。







nELF(negative elongation factor)是一个由NELF-A、NELF-B、NELF-C 和NELF-D构成的复合物。




















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3.一种新的矩阵公差模型约束条件建立和优化方法 [J], 陈华;林观生;唐涛;杨嘉;金

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Immunity25,349–360,September2006ª2006Elsevier Inc.DOI10.1016/j.immuni.2006.08.009Review Type I Inteferon Gene Inductionby the Interferon Regulatory FactorFamily of Transcription FactorsKenya Honda,1Akinori Takaoka,1and Tadatsugu Taniguchi1,*1Department of ImmunologyGraduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine University of TokyoHongo7-3-1Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo113-0033JapanSummaryInduction of type I interferons(IFNs)by viruses and other pathogens is crucial for innate immunity,and it is mediated by the activation of pattern-recognition receptors,such as Toll-like receptors and cytosolic re-ceptors such as RIG-I and MDA5.The type I IFN induc-tion is primarily controlled at the gene transcriptional level,wherein a family of transcription factors,inter-feron regulatory factors(IRFs),plays central roles. Here,we summarize the recent studies on IRFs,pro-viding a paradigm of how genes are ingeniously regu-lated during immune responses.We also consider some evolutional aspects on the IFN-IRF system. The IFN Genes:A Brief OverviewIFNs,so called because of their activity to interfere (inhibit)virus replication in a cell(see Vilcek,2006,in this issue),are divided into at least three distinct types: types I,II,and III(Pestka et al.,2004).Type I IFNs are composed of various genes including IFN-a,-b(Tanigu-chi et al.,1980),and others,such as IFN-u,-3,and-k (Pestka et al.,2004).In humans and mice,the IFN-a genes are composed of more than13subfamily genes(13in hu-mans and14in mice),whereas only a single IFN-b gene is found(Weissmann and Weber,1986);all of these IFN genes are clustered in one locus on the same chromo-some(on chromosome9in humans and on chromosome 4in mice).Type II IFN is referred to as IFN-g,the gene which ex-ists in a single copy;this gene is structurally unrelated to type I IFNs and is typically induced in cells of the immune system such as T cells or natural killer(NK)cells(Farrar and Schreiber,1993).Recently,some new IFN gene members,namely IFN-l1,-l2,and-l3(also known as interleukin-29[IL-29],IL-28A,and IL-28B,respectively) genes,have been identified and classified as type III IFN(Pestka et al.,2004).Type III IFN genes are induced in virally infected cells,and these IFN genes may also be induced by mechanisms similar to those for IFN-a and -b genes.The mechanisms of signal transduction by distinct types of IFNs are described elsewhere(Farrar and Schreiber,1993;Pestka et al.,2004;see also van Boxel-Dezaire et al.,2006in this issue).Type I IFN production is primarily controlled at the gene transcription level;hence,the regulatory mecha-nism underlying IFN gene transcription has been a focus of extensive studies even beyond the context of immu-nity,offering a paradigm on how quiescent genes are ‘‘switched on and off’’in mammalian cells.In particular, mechanisms of IFN-b gene induction have been exten-sively studied over the past few decades.Indeed,as described below,the IFN-b gene induction occurs as a highly ordered process,and it is regulated by multiple transcription factors.Type I IFN Gene Enhancers and IRFsThe promoter region of the IFN-b gene contains at least four regulatory cis elements,namely,the positive regu-latory domains(PRDs)I,II,III,and IV(Figure1A;Kim and Maniatis,1997).In contrast,the promoter regions of IFN-a genes contain PRD I-and PRD III-like elements (PRD-LEs)(Ryals et al.,1985).PRD I and PRD III are the binding sites for IRF family members,whereas PRD II and PRD IV elements are for nuclear factor-k B(NF-k B) and AP-1(a heterodimer of activating transcription factor2[ATF2]with c-JUN),respectively.PRD I is also bound by PRD I binding factor1(PRDI-BF1;known as Blimp-1in the mouse),which acts as a negative regula-tor of IFN-b gene transcription(Gyory et al.,2004).After viral infections,PRDs direct the assembly of IRFs,NF-k B,AP-1,and the high-mobility group protein HMG-I(Y)to form a complex known as the‘‘enhanceosome’’(Kim and Maniatis,1997).The enhanceosome recruits histone acetyl transferases(HATs),namely,the general-control-of-amino-acid synthesis5(GCN5)and CREB binding protein(CBP),to acetylate lysine residues of histones H3and H4in the nucleosome(Figure1B), which locates at and covers the transcription start site of the IFN-b gene promoter and inhibits gene induction in the steady state(Figure1A;Agalioti et al.,2000). This histone acetylation then facilitates the recruitment of a nucleosome modification complex,the Brahma-related gene(BRG)-Brahma(BRM)-associated factor (BAF)complex,which forces the nucleosome displace-ment from the transcription start site(Figure1C).This nucleosomal displacement facilitates the recruitment of the transcription complex TFIID to the promoter (Figure1D)—an essential event for the induction of the IFN-b gene expression(Agalioti et al.,2000). Notably,the IFN-b promoter is activated only weakly, if at all,by tumor necrosis factor-a(TNF-a),which leads to activation of NF-k B and AP-1,but not IRFs(Reis et al., 1989).Interestingly,however,if the nucleosome on the transcription start site is artificially displaced,an event resembling viral infections,the IFN-b gene promoter is now efficiently activated after TNF-a stimulation(Lom-vardas and Thanos,2002).These observations together support the view that the alteration of the nucleosome structure is a critical determinant in balancing the mag-nitude of IFN-b induction and that a robust IFN-b induc-tion for antiviral immune responses is contingent on the involvement of activated IRFs,without which a recruit-ment program for chromatin modifiers and the tran-scriptional basal machinery to the promoter cannot be initiated.*Correspondence:tada@m.u-tokyo.ac.jpCardinal Features of IRFsThe IRF family of transcription factors comprises nine members:IRF1,IRF2,IRF3,IRF4(also known as PIP or ICSAT),IRF5,IRF6,IRF7,IRF8(also known as ICSBP),and IRF9(also known as ISGF3g )(Mamane et al.,1999;Taniguchi et al.,2001).These family members are char-acterized by a well-conserved amino (N)-terminal DNA binding domain (DBD)with five tryptophan repeats,bearing resemblance to the DBD of myb transcription factors (Taniguchi et al.,2001;Veals et al.,1992).The DBD forms a helix-turn-helix domain and recognizes similar DNA sequences.An analysis of the crystal struc-ture of a DBD of IRF1bound to the PRD I of the IFN-b en-hancer revealed that 50-GAAA-30is the recognition se-quence of the helix-turn-helix motif of IRF1(Escalante et al.,1998).Subsequently,an analysis of the crystal structure of a DBD of IRF2complexed with a tandem re-peat of GAAA revealed that 50-AANNGAAA-30is the con-sensus IRF recognition sequence (Fujii et al.,1999).The50flanking AA sequence is essential for the recognition by IRFs and,therefore,IRFs do not bind to the NF-k B binding site,which contains the GAAA core sequence but no 50flanking AA sequence.It was also shown that the interaction of an IRF DBD with the core motif GAAA results in DNA structure distortion,which may al-low the cooperative binding of another IRF DBD to the IRF binding site that usually contains dimeric repeats of the core sequence (Fujii et al.,1999).On the basis of this model,it can also be assumed that such a DNA dis-tortion mechanism underlies a cooperative interaction of IRFs with other transcriptional factors,such as AP-1or NF-k B,at the IFN-b enhancer,so as to contribute to the above-mentioned assembly of the IFN-b enhanceo-some and an efficient transcriptional activation.The carboxy (C)-terminal regions of IRFs,except IRF1and IRF2,have an IRF association domain (IAD)that is responsible for homo-and heteromeric interactions with other family members or transcription factors such as PU.1and signal transducer and activator of transcrip-tion (STAT)(Mamane et al.,1999;Taniguchi et al.,2001).Despite the low sequence similarity,the IADs show structural similarities with the Mad-homology 2(MH2)domains of the Smad family of transcription factors,which mediate protein-protein interaction (Qin et al.,2003;Takahasi et al.,2003).Indeed,the interaction and cooperation of IRF7with Smad3for the activation of type I IFN gene transcription has been shown (Qing et al.,2004).Gene-disruption studies of most of the genes that encode IRFs have been carried out,show-ing that IRFs have distinct roles in the development and function of immune cells,and these studies are described elsewhere (Honda and Taniguchi,2006;Loh-off and Mak,2005;Taniguchi et al.,2001).Among IRFs,four IRFs—IRF1,IRF3,IRF5,and IRF7—have been implicated as positive regulators of type I IFN gene transcription.IRF1is the first family member dis-covered to activate type I IFN gene promoters (Miya-moto et al.,1988).The overexpression of IRF1results in the induction of endogenous type I IFN genes.Al-though IRF1participates in type I IFN gene induction in some facets of TLR signaling (described in a later sec-tion),the induction of type I IFN was normally observed in virus-infected Irf12/2fibroblasts (Matsuyama et al.,1993).Gene-targeting study also revealed that IRF5is dispensable for type I IFN gene induction by viruses or TLR agonists but,instead,IRF5regulates the expres-sion of inflammatory cytokine genes,such as interleukin (IL)-12and TNF-a (Takaoka et al.,2005).Hence,the pre-cise role of IRF1and IRF5in type I IFN induction still remains unclear.IRF3and IRF7IRF3and IRF7,which are highly homologous,have gained much attention as the key regulators of type I IFN gene expression induced by viruses.IRF3is consti-tutively expressed and resides in the cytosol in the latent form.It undergoes phosphorylation,dimerization,and nuclear translocation upon viral infection (Lin et al.,1998;Sato et al.,1998a;Yoneyama et al.,1998).IRF3has potential virus-mediated phosphorylation sites in the C-terminal region (serine 385,386[‘‘2S site’’]and serine 396,398,402,405,and threonine 404[‘‘5ST site’’]of human IRF3).The phosphorylation ofserineFigure 1.IFN-b Gene Transcription after Viral Infection(A)In the steady state,the transcription start site (located at +1base pairs,bp)of the IFN-b gene is covered by a positioned nucleosome.(B)After viral infection,PRD I-IV direct the assembly of ATF2and c-JUN,IRFs,NF-k B,and HMG-I(Y)—a complex known as the enhan-ceosome.The enhanceosome recruits HATs,such as GCN5and CBP/p300,which acetylate (Ac)a subset of lysine residues of his-tones in the nucleosome.(C)Next,the RNA polymerase II holoenzyme (lacking the transcrip-tion factor TFIID)is recruited to the promoter.The chromatin-remod-eling complexes such as BAF complexes are then recruited,by contacting the acetylated histone.(D)BAF complexes induce nucleosome displacement from the tran-scription start site,making it accessible to TFIID for the induction of IFN-b expression.Immunity 350396wasfirst observed in a study with a phospho-spe-cific antibody(Servant et al.,2003).Another report dem-onstrated that the phosphorylation of serine386is the critical determinant for the activation of IRF3(Mori et al.,2004).No direct evidence for the phosphorylation of the remainingfive serine or threonine sites has been reported.On the basis of the crystal structure of IRF3, two models of IRF3activation and dimerization are pro-posed.One is the‘‘phosphorylation-induced dimeriza-tion model,’’in which the phosphorylated serine resi-dues of the2S site of IRF3tend to interact with a hydrophobic pocket within the IAD of another IRF3or presumably that of IRF7,resulting in the homo-or heter-odimerization(Takahasi et al.,2003).Notably,the2S site in C terminus and hydrophobic pocket in IAD are both highly conserved between IRF3and IRF7.The other model is the‘‘autoinhibitory model,’’in which N-and C-terminal a-helical structuresflanking a b sandwich IAD core interact to form a condensed hydrophobic structure in the inactive state:this structure is opened by the introduction of massive negative charges after the multiple phosphorylation of C-terminal serine or threonine residues including the2S and5ST sites,re-sulting in IRF3activation and dimerization(Qin et al., 2003).Whatever the mechanism,the dimeric form of IRF3(either a homodimer or a heterodimer with IRF7) then translocates to the nucleus,forms a complex with the coactivators CBP and/or p300,and binds to its tar-get DNA sequence in type I IFN genes as well as certain cytokine and chemokine genes to alter the local chro-matin structure and switch on the gene as described above(Lin et al.,1998;Sato et al.,1998a;Yoneyama et al.,1998).Unlike IRF3,IRF7is expressed at a low amount in most cells and is strongly induced by type I IFN-medi-ated signaling(Marie et al.,1998;Sato et al.,1998b). That is,the binding of IFNs to the type I IFN receptor re-sults in the activation of a hetero-trimeric transcriptional activator,termed IFN-stimulated gene factor3(ISGF3), which consists of IRF9,STAT1,and STAT2,and is re-sponsible for the induction of the IRF7gene.Similar to IRF3,IRF7resides in the cytosol and,on viral infection, undergoes serine phosphorylation in its C-terminal re-gion,allowing its dimerization and nuclear translocation. IRF7forms a homodimer or a heterodimer with IRF3, and each of these different dimers differentially acts on the type I IFN gene family members.IRF3is more potent in activating the IFN-b gene than the IFN-a genes, whereas IRF7efficiently activates both IFN-a and IFN-b genes(Marie et al.,1998;Sato et al.,1998b).It is inter-esting to note that IRF7has a very short half-life(w0.5–1 hr)(Sato et al.,2000),owing to its susceptibility to ubiq-uitin-dependent degradation(Yu et al.,2005),so this la-bile nature of IRF7may represent a mechanism critical to rendering the entire IFN gene-induction process tran-sient to prevent the overexpression of IFNs that may be harmful to the host.The cellular events controlling the activity of IRF3and IRF7have been elucidated in recent years;they consti-tute crucial antiviral pathways that are triggered by the detection of molecular patterns derived from viruses. There are at least two PRR systems in place that detect the presence of virus:that is,transmembrane PRRs, namely,TLRs;and cytosolic PRRs,which include reti-noic acid-inducible gene I(RIG-I)and melanoma differ-entiation-associated gene5(MDA5).In the following sections,we discuss the signaling cascades evoked by two distinct receptors for type I IFN gene induction and the distinct contributions of IRFs to these pathways. Type I IFN Gene Induction by Cytosolic Pathways: RIG-I and MDA5SignalingBefore the identification of the TLR system,the studies of the transcriptional regulation of IFNs were mainly car-ried out withfibroblasts infected by viruses.Most RNA viruses,for example,Newcastle disease virus(NDV;a negative-sense single-stranded[ss]RNA virus),vesicu-lar stomatitis virus(VSV;a negative-sense ssRNA virus), and encephalomyocarditis virus(EMCV;a positive-sense ssRNA virus),have long been known to elicit the production of type I IFNs infibroblasts.This classically known pathway for type I IFN gene induction has re-cently been revealed to be activated mainly by TLR-in-dependent cytosolic recognition systems,mediated by RNA-sensing molecules such as RIG-I and MDA5. Thus,this pathway can be referred to as the‘‘cytosolic pathway,’’in contrast to the recently discovered TLR pathway of type I IFN gene induction(discussed later). The cytosolic pathway leading to type I IFN gene in-duction is initiated by the recognition of intracellular virus-associated molecular patterns.The best-charac-terized molecular pattern is double-stranded(ds)RNA, a pathogen-associated molecular pattern(PAMP)that is produced by many viruses during their replication cy-cle.Thefirst identified sensor of intracellular dsRNA is PKR,whose catalytic activity is stimulated by its binding to dsRNA.However,although PKR contributes to type I IFN production in response to the synthetic dsRNA ana-log poly(I:C),gene targeting in mice has shown that it is superfluous for IFN responses to viral infection(Yang et al.,1995).Recently,RIG-I and MDA5have been iden-tified as essential cytosolic receptors for intracellular viral RNAs and synthetic dsRNAs,mediating the TLR-independent induction of type I IFN genes(Yoneyama et al.,2004,2005).RIG-I and MDA5contain a C-terminal DExD/H box RNA helicase domain as well as two N-terminal cas-pase-recruitment and activation domains(CARDs)(Fig-ure2).The DExD/H box is a characteristic amino acid signature motif of many RNA binding proteins.The inter-actions of DExD/H box RNA helicase domains with viral RNA or synthetic dsRNA induce the unwinding of RNAs by means of energy derived from ATP hydrolysis and,at the same time,induce conformational changes of RIG-I and MDA5to promote the CARD-mediated downstream signaling cascades,leading to the activation of IRF3, IRF7,and NF-k B for the induction of type I IFN genes and proinflammatory cytokines,such as IL-6.RIG-I and MDA5are inducible by type I IFN stimulation and are therefore involved in the positive feedback regula-tion of type I IFN signaling(Kang et al.,2002).Definitive evidence for the essential role of RIG-I and MDA5in re-sponses to RNA viruses has been obtained by generat-ing mice deficient in the RIG-I or MDA5gene(Kato et al., 2005,2006).RIG-I-deficient mice are defective for the induction of type I IFN and proinflammatory cytokines in response to infections by negative-sense ssRNA vi-ruses,such as NDV,VSV,Influenza virus,and SendaiReview 351virus (SeV),as well as positive-sense ssRNA viruses,such as Japanese encephalitis virus.In contrast,MDA5-deficient mice show defects in their responses to infec-tions by positive-sense ssRNA viruses,such as EMCV,Theiler’s virus,and Mengo virus.Thus,RIG-I and MDA5cooperate to ensure effective innate antiviral re-sponses to negative-and positive-sense ssRNA viruses.In addition to RIG-I and MDA5,another DExD/H box RNA helicase—Lgp2—has been identified (Yoneyama et al.,2005).Lgp2contains a DExD/H box RNA helicase domain but lacks CARDs or any other signaling do-mains,so it might negatively regulate the RIG-I and MDA5signaling pathways by competing with these molecules for engagement with viral RNAs.The Downstream AdaptorThe adaptor molecule that connects the sensing of in-coming viral RNA by RIG-I or MDA5to downstream signaling and gene activation has been identified to be a molecule with multiple nomenclatures,namely,IFN-b promoter stimulator 1(IPS-1)(Kawai et al.,2005),mitochondrial antiviral signaling (MAVS)(Seth et al.,2005),CARD adaptor inducing IFN-b (Cardif)(Meylan et al.,2005),and virus-induced signaling adaptor (VISA)(Xu et al.,2005).(We will refer to this molecule as IPS-1in this review,but acknowledge that currently there is no consensus on naming it.)IPS-1has an N-ter-minal CARD that shares homology with those of RIG-I and MDA5.This CARD mediates CARD-CARD interac-tions with RIG-I and MDA5and transmits downstream signaling (Figure 2).IPS-1also contains a C-terminal hy-drophobic transmembrane (TM)region,which resem-bles that of several mitochondrial proteins,including apoptotic regulators of the BCL-2family,and indeed mediates the localization of IPS-1in the outer mitochon-drial membrane (Seth et al.,2005).MutationstudiesFigure 2.IRF Activation by Cytosolic Pattern-Recognition Systems;Operation of a Positive-Feedback MechanismThe presence of dsRNA in the cytosol triggers host responses via a specific cytosolic pattern-recognition system.The interaction of dsRNA—a replication intermediate of positive (+)and negative (2)RNA viruses—with the helicase domain of RIG-I and MDA5induces the unwinding of dsRNA and,at the same time,induces the conformational change of RIG-I and MDA5.The conformational change promotes the interaction be-tween the RIG-I and MDA5CARDs and the CARD-containing adaptor protein IPS-1,which is located on the mitochondrial membrane,resulting in the activation of TBK1via TRAF3as well as IKK complex via FADD,RIP1(not depicted),and TRAF6.Activated TBK1induces the phosphorylation (P 2)of IRF3and IRF7,resulting in their homo-or heterodimerization.These dimers then translocate to the nucleus and induce chemokines (in-cluding CXCL10)as well as small amounts of IFN-b .Secreted IFN-b then stimulates type I IFN receptor (heterodimer of IFNAR1and IFNAR2)in an autocrine and a paracrine fashion,leading to activation of ISGF3(heterotrimer of STAT1,STAT2,and IRF9)and the transcription of IRF7gene.Activation of the newly synthesized IRF7results in further amplification of transcription for IFN-b and many of the IFN-a genes,and thereby a positive-feedback loop is operational.Immunity 352revealed that CARD and the TM domain both are essen-tial for the function of IPS-1.Definitive evidence for the essential role of IPS-1in RIG-I-and MDA5-mediated signaling for type I IFN,in-flammatory cytokine,and chemokine gene induction has been obtained by generating mice deficient in this gene(Kumar et al.,2006;Sun et al.,2006).IPS-1has been shown to interact with several signaling proteins, such as tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated fac-tor2(TRAF2),TRAF6,Fas-associated protein with the death domain(FADD),and receptor interacting pro-tein-1(RIP1)(Kawai et al.,2005;Xu et al.,2005).These molecules presumably participate in NF-k B activation and proinflammatory cytokine induction.IPS-1also in-teracts with TRAF3,which is required for the activation of kinases for IRFs(described below)to induce type I IFN gene induction(Figure2;Oganesyan et al.,2006; Saha et al.,2006).The TBK1and IKKi KinasesTANK binding kinase1(TBK1;also known as T2K and NAK),which was originally identified in the context of the regulation of NF-k B activity,is the essential serine-threonine kinase for the phosphorylation of IRF3and IRF7(Figure2;Fitzgerald et al.,2003;Sharma et al., 2003;Hemmi et al.,2004).Although TBK1is not associ-ated with IPS-1as determined by immunoprecipitation assay(Kawai et al.,2005;Meylan et al.,2005),TBK1 must be activated downstream of this adaptor.It is inter-esting to note that embryonicfibroblasts(MEFs)from Traf32/2mice are deficient in type I IFN gene induction by VSV(Oganesyan et al.,2006).Considering the fact that TRAF3interacts with IPS-1(Saha et al.,2006), TRAF3probably provides a link between IPS-1and TBK1(Figure2).Inducible I k B kinase(IKK i;also known as IKK3),which is structurally related to TBK1,was also shown to phosphorylate IRF3and IRF7in vitro; however,gene-targeting studies revealed that the con-tribution of IKK i to the cytosolic pathway is minor (Hemmi et al.,2004).Contributions of IRF3and IRF7to the Cytosolic PathwayThe induction of IFN-a and IFN-b mRNAs by NDV was found to be normal in Irf12/2(Matsuyama et al.,1993) as well as Irf52/2MEFs(T.T.,unpublished observation), indicating that neither IRF1nor IRF5is essential for the cytosolic pathway.IRF3and IRF7are now known to be essential for the RIG-I-and/or MDA5-mediated type I IFN gene-induction pathway.Initial experimental stud-ies seemed to favor the hypothesis that IRF3is primarily responsible for the initiation of IFN-b induction,whereas IRF7,which is induced by IFN-b,comes into play in the later phase for IFN-a induction(‘‘two-step’’model).In-deed,Irf32/2mice are vulnerable to EMCV infection, and type I IFN mRNA expression induced by NDV is markedly impaired in Irf32/2MEFs(Sato et al.,2000). Furthermore,IFN-a gene induction is affected in MEFs from mice deficient in IFN-b gene(Erlandsson et al., 1998).However,a subsequent gene-targeting study of IRF7revealed that,without IRF7,both early and later phases of type I IFN gene induction by viruses are abol-ished(Honda et al.,2005b).Although type I IFN gene in-duction occurs as a sequential event and the positive-feedback regulation via IFN-mediated IRF7induction must be operational in the later phase,IRF7plays a piv-otal role in the early and late phases of type I IFN gene induction,and the contribution of IRF3is minor in the ab-sence of IRF7(Figure2).That is,the homodimer of IRF7 or the heterodimer of IRF7and IRF3,rather than the IRF3 homodimer,may be more critical for the cytosolic path-way of type I IFN gene induction(Figure2).It is likely that the IRF3homodimer participates in the induction of other genes such as chemokine genes(Figure2).Viral Factors Affecting IRF-IFN PathwayMany viruses have,in turn,evolved efficient means of subverting host immune responses by interfering with IRF3and IRF7activities.Some viruses produce a protein that directly binds to and prevents the transactivation ability of IRF3or IRF7,including the E6oncoprotein of the human papillomavirus(Ronco et al.,1998),the NSP1of the rotavirus(Graff et al.,2002),and the RTA protein of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (Yu et al.,2005).In addition,other viruses produce pro-teins that can interact with CBP/p300and alter their in-teraction with IRFs,such as the vIRF-1protein of human herpesvirus8(Lin et al.,2001).Interestingly,it has been shown that hepatitis C virus(HCV)nonstructural pro-teins3and4A(NS3/4A)cleave IPS-1,thereby inhibiting the RIG-I-and MDA5-mediated activation of IRF3and/or IRF7during HCV infection(Meylan et al.,2005).The cleavage occurs at a cysteine residue near the C-termi-nal transmembrane region,resulting in the inactivation of IPS-1caused by its release from the mitochondria (Seth et al.,2005).These observations further under-score the importance of the RIG-I-or MDA5-IPS-1-IRF pathway in immunity against viral infections and sug-gest an interesting association among viral infection,mi-tochondrial function,and innate immunity development. IRFs in Other Intracellular PathwaysSimilar to viruses,intracellular bacteria,such as Listeria monocytogenes,have a cytosolic phase in their life cy-cle.The cytosolic recognition of L.monocytogenes re-sults in IFN-b gene induction through the TBK1-IRF3 pathway,as shown by the absence of IFN-b production in macrophages from Tbk12/2or Irf32/2mice(Stock-inger et al.,2004).Furthermore,a mutant bacterium lacking listeriolysin O(LLO),which is required for the es-cape of L.monocytogenes from phagosomes into the cytosol,does not induce IFN-b gene expression(Stock-inger et al.,2004).More recently,it has been shown that L.monocytogenes extracts that were pretreated with DNase had an impaired ability to induce IFN-b produc-tion,indicating a role of bacterial DNA present in the cy-tosol in the IFN-b gene induction(Stetson and Medzhi-tov,2006a).Furthermore,the transfection of cells with dsDNA derived from either a pathogen or the host has been shown to induce type I IFN genes,as well as many IFN-inducible genes,via a TLR-independent path-way(Ishii et al.,2006;Stetson and Medzhitov,2006a). This type I IFN gene induction pathway requires TBK1, as well as IRF3(the role of IRF7has not been assessed yet).It has also been shown that the optimal stimulatory activity of dsDNA is dependent on the DNA having the right-handed B-form helical structure,because Z-form DNA demonstrates a very low activity,suggesting thatReview 353the recognition of cytosolic dsDNA depends on its structure(Ishii et al.,2006).Taken together,these results provide evidence of a unique pathway for the recogni-tion of cytosolic DNA that results in the activation of IRF3by as yet unidentified receptor(s)(see also the accompanying review by Stetson and Medzhitov,2006b). It has been shown that some IRFs also function in re-sponse to stress,such as DNA damage.IRF1is thefirst example,and it is stabilized in cells exposed to DNA-damaging agents to induce the gene that encodes p21WAF1/Cip1(Tanaka et al.,1996).It has also been re-ported that IRF3and IRF7undergo phosphorylation, mediated by DNA-dependent protein kinase(DNA-PK), and nuclear translocation in response to genotoxic stress(Karpova et al.,2002;Kim et al.,2000).It may be an interesting future issue whether or how stress-in-duced IRF activation participates in type I IFN response. IRFs in Induction of Type I IFN Genes by TLRsThe TLR family consists of germline-encoded trans-membrane receptors in mammals(10genes in humans and12in mice).Each TLR recognizes various PAMPs derived from bacteria,viruses,fungi,and/or protozoa (Akira et al.,2006;Janeway and Medzhitov,2002).All TLRs contain intracellular Toll-IL-1receptor(TIR)do-mains,which transmit downstream signals via the re-cruitment of TIR-containing adaptor proteins,such as myeloid differentiation primary response gene88 (MyD88),the TIR domain-containing adaptor protein(TI-RAP;also called MAL),the TIR domain containing adap-tor-inducing IFN(Trif;also called TICAM1),and the Trif-related adaptor molecule(TRAM;also called TICAM2) (Akira et al.,2006;Seya et al.,2005).Signaling through TLRs can be broadly categorized into two pathways: the MyD88-dependent pathway and the Trif-dependent pathway.All TLRs,except TLR3,activate the MyD88-de-pendent pathway,whereas only TLR3and TLR4activate the Trif-dependent pathway.Both pathways are linked to the activation of two major downstream pathways: the NF-k B pathway and the mitogen-activated protein kinase(MAPK)pathway.In addition,there is accumulat-ing evidence that IRFs are also activated by the MyD88-dependent and/or Trif-dependent signaling pathways and contribute to type I IFN gene expression.Trif Signaling Pathway for IRF3ActivationTLR4is the only receptor that can induce type I IFN(IFN-b,not IFN-a)gene by recognizing nonnucleic acid li-gands,such as lipopolysaccharide(LPS).TLR4is ex-pressed on the plasma membrane,and the extracellular portion of TLR4associates with MD-2,which is prereq-uisite for TLR4oligomerization and downstream signal-ing upon the recognition of LPS(Shimazu et al.,1999). The TLR4-MD-2complex requires the aid of CD14, a high-affinity receptor for LPS,for the recognition of LPS and subsequent activation of the IFN-b induction pathway(Figure3A;Jiang et al.,2005).The receptor complex composed of CD14,TLR4,and MD-2stimulates the signaling pathway through the adaptor proteins TRAM and Trif,which leads to the activation of TBK1(Hemmi et al.,2004;Hoebe et al., 2003;Yamamoto et al.,2003).The activated TBK1medi-ates phosphorylation of serine residues in IRF3,rather than those in IRF7,inducing its dimerization and entry into the nucleus where it induces the transcription of the IFN-b gene.Indeed,the induction of IFN-b in re-sponse to LPS is abolished in Irf32/2dendritic cells (DCs)(Sakaguchi et al.,2003),whereas it is almost nor-mal in Irf72/2cells(Honda et al.,2005b).In addition, Irf32/2cells show a defect in the induction of other genes,such as those that encode CXC-chemokine li-gand10(CXCL10)and CXCL9(Sakaguchi et al.,2003). Therefore,the induction of IFN-b and chemokines by TLR4is mediated by an IRF3homodimer via the phos-phorylation of IRF3by TBK1.It is not known why TLR4-mediated activation of TBK1via Trif is linked to activation of IRF3,but not IRF7,in contrast to IPS-1-me-diated activation of TBK1,which efficiently activates IRF7(Honda et al.,2005b;Sakaguchi et al.,2003).TLR3recognizes poly(I:C)and probably viral dsRNAs derived from dsRNA viruses such as reovirus,or ssRNA viruses such as West Nile virus,respiratory syncytial vi-rus,and EMCV(Alexopoulou et al.,2001;Schulz et al., 2005;Wang et al.,2004).With some exceptions(i.e., cell-surface expression by epithelial cells or NK cells), TLR3is expressed in endosomes and phagosomes and requires the acidification of these vesicles for its sig-naling(Matsumoto et al.,2003).Indeed,in DCs,TLR3 acts as a key factor for sensing the presence of a viral in-fection in phagocytosed dying cells(Schulz et al.,2005). Furthermore,it was shown that TLR3physically interacts with CD14,which binds dsRNA and facilitates the uptake of dsRNA into endosomes(Lee et al.,2006).Crystallo-graphic studies have shown that TLR3directly binds to dsRNA and forms a dimer to activate downstream sig-naling(Choe et al.,2005).In a similar way to the TLR4sig-naling,TLR3activates the Trif-(TRAM is not involved), TBK1-,and IRF3-dependent pathway to induce IFN-b gene(Figure3B).Indeed,the induction of IFN-b gene by poly(I:C)is severely impaired in Trif2/2,Tbk12/2,or Irf32/2cells(Hemmi et al.,2004;Hoebe et al.,2003;Saka-guchi et al.,2003).The recognition of dsRNA by TLR3re-sults in the phosphorylation of two specific tyrosines (Tyr759and Tyr858)within the cytoplasmic tail of TLR3 and the recruitment of phosphatidylinositol3-kinase (PI3K)to the receptor(Sarkar et al.,2004).Without the activity of PI3K,IRF3is incompletely phosphorylated, suggesting that PI3K activity might be required for the full activation of IRF3in TLR3signaling.It was also reported that the tyrosine kinase c-Src is activated by poly(I:C),associates with TLR3,and is essential for dsRNA-induced IRF3activation(Johnsen et al.,2006). However,the precise role of c-Src remains to be clarified. Several molecules have been shown to interact with Trif and have been implicated in linking Trif with the sub-sequent TBK1and IRF3activation.It wasfirst shown that TRAF6interacts with the N-terminal region of Trif through its TRAF domain(Sato et al.,2003).However, a study with Traf62/2mice indicates that TRAF6is dis-pensable for signaling via the Trif-dependent pathways of TLR3and TLR4(Gohda et al.,2004).TRAF1and TRAF4have also been implicated in the Trif-dependent IFN induction pathway;in this case,however,they were found to be negative regulators(Su et al.,2006; Takeshita et al.,2005).RIP1interacts with Trif through the C-terminal RIP homotypic interaction motif(RHIM)of Trif(Meylan et al.,2004).Although RIP1was found to beImmunity 354。
