



Specifications subject to change without notice. All dimensions in inches. © Copyright 2010 The Connor-Winfield Corporation
2111 Comprehensive Drive Aurora, Illinois 60505 Phone: 630- 851- 4722 Fax: 630- 851- 5040
0.197 (5.0mm)
Example Part Number: PM123-155.52M = LVPECL Output, 0 to 70°C, +/-50ppm, 3.3Vdc, E/D Pad 1, Output Frequency 155.52 MHz
Note: Not all temperature and frequency tolerance combinations are available. See Model Matrix below for available models
Model PMxx2
Model PMxx3
Supply Current (Icc)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Period Jitter
ps RMS
Integrated Phase Jitter
Vcc + 0.5
Operating Specifications



ADS111016位带有片内电压基准的模/数转换器一 概述1 1 描述ADS1110是精密的连续自校准模/数A/D 转换器带有差分输入和高达16位的分辨率封装为小型SOT23-6片内2.048V 的基准电压提供范围为 2.048V 的输入差分电压ADS1110使用可兼容的I 2C 串行接口在2.7V 至5.5V 的单电源下工作ADS1110可每秒采样153060或240次以进行转换片内可编程的增益放大器PGA 提供高达8倍的增益并且允许以高分辨率对较小的信号进行测量在单周期转换方式中ADS1110在一次转换之后自动掉电在空闲期间极大地减少了电流消耗ADS1110为需要高分辨率测量的应用而设计在这种应用中空间和电源消耗是首要考虑的问题典型应用包括便携式仪器工业过程控制和小型发送器1 2 特点z 完整的数据采集系统和小型SOT23-6封装z片内基准精度 2.048+0.05%温度漂移5ppm/z 片内PGAz 片内振荡器z 16位无漏失码z INL 满标度量程的0.01%最大值z 连续的自校准z 单周期转换z 可编程的数据速率15SPS~240SPS z I 2C TM 接口8个有效地址z 电源电压 2.7V 至5.5V z 低电流消耗240A 1 3 应用范围z 便携式仪表z 工业过程控制z 小型发送器z 消费类产品z 工厂自动化z 温度测量1 4方框图1 5 封装/订购信息表注1如需要更多的电流规格和封装信息16引脚排列顶视图SOT23注标识文本方向显示引脚1标识文本取决于I2C地址见订购表列出了I2C地址1001000的标识二电气特性2 1 极限参数1相对于GND的V–0.3V至+6V DD输入电流 100mA瞬间输入电流10mA连续V IN-的电压–0.3V至V DD + 0.3V 相对于GND VIN+相对于GND SDA SCL的电压–0.5V至6V 最大节点温度+150工作温度–40至+125贮存温度–60至+150引线温度焊接10秒+300注意静电放电会对该集成电路造成损害TI公司建议用户对所有集成电路都预先采取适当的保护措施不正确的使用和安装都可能造成损坏静电放电造成的损坏会引起性能有微小的降低也会导致器件完全毁坏精密的集成电路可能更容易受这些损坏的影响因为在它们内部即使参数发生很小的变化都会导致器件与有的规格特性不符注1超过极限参数所列的强度会导致对器件的损害长时间在最大极限下工作会影响器件的可靠性2 2 电特性所有参数在–40至+85V=5V条件下且针对所有可编程的增益放大器除非另有说明注(1)满标度的99%(2)FSR=满标度量程=2 2.048/PGA=4.096V/PGA3包括PGA和基准的所有误差2 3 典型特性在T= 25和V DD = 5V时除非另有说明三 工作原理ADS1110是一个全差分16位自校准-型模/数转换器ADS1110设计简单极易配置用户只需稍作努力就可获得精确的测量值ADS1110由一个带有可调增益的-模/数转换器核一个2.048V 的电压基准一个时钟振荡器和一个I 2C 接口组成以下相关章节将对各组成部分进行详细说明3 1 模/数转换器ADS1110的模/数转换器核由一个差分开关电容-调节器和一个数字滤波器组成调节器测量正模拟输入和负模拟输入的压差并将其与基准电压相比较在ADS1110中基准电压为2.048V 数字滤波器从调节器接收高速位流并输出一个代码该代码是一个与输入电压成比例的数字32 电压基准ADS1110含有一个2.048V 的片内电压基准该基准通常用作A/D 转换器的电压基准不允许接外部基准ADS1110只能采用内部电压基准而且该基准不能直接测得也不能被外部电路使用片内基准的规格是ADS1110总增益和温漂规格的一部分转换器漂移误差和增益误差的规格反映了片内电压基准以及A/D 转换器内核的性能对片内电压基准有单独的规定3 3 输出码计算输出码是一个标量值除电路削波以外它与两个模拟输入端的压差成比例输出码限定在一定数目范围内该范围取决于代表输出码所需要的位数而ADS1110的代表输出码所需要的位数又取决于数据速率如表1所示表1 最小和最大码对最小码的最小输出码可编程增益放大器PGA 的增益设置以及V IN+与V IN-的正负输入电压而言输出码可由以下表达式计算出输出码= -1最小码PGA VV V IN IN 048.2)()(−+−在以上表达式中须重点注意使用了负的最小输出码ADS1110输出码的格式为二进制2的补码因此最小和最大的绝对值不同最大的n 位码是2n-1 – 1而最小的n 位码是–1×2n-1例如数据速率为16SPS 且PGA = 2时输出码的理想表达式为输出码=163842VV V IN IN 048.2)()(−+− ADS1110输出的所有代码右对齐并且经过符号扩展这使在数据速率码较高时仅用一个16位的累加器就可进行平均值的计算 对不同输入电平的输出码见表2表2 针对不同输入信号的输出码1仅为差分输入不要使ADS1110的输入电压低于-200mV 3 4 自校准前面所述的ADS1110的输出码的表达式没有包括调节器的增益和偏移误差为对此进行补偿ADS1110集成了自校准电路自校准系统连续工作并要求用户不予干涉对自校准系统不可进行调整并且也不需要调整自校准系统也不被关闭电特性表中所列的偏移和增益误差包括校准的影响3 5 时钟振荡器ADS1110以片内集成时钟振荡器为特色该振荡器驱动调节器和数字滤波器的工作典型特性图显示了在电源电压和工作温度下数据速率的变化ADS1110不可能采用外部系统时钟工作3 6 输入阻抗ADS1110采用开关电容器输入级对外部电路而言它粗看起来像一个电阻电阻值取决于电容器的值和电容的开关频率开关频率与调节器的频率相同电容器的值取决于可编程增益放大器PGA 的设置开关时钟由片内时钟振荡器产生因此它的频率通常为275kHz 取决于电源电压和温度共模和差分输入阻抗不同对于可编程增益放大器PGA 的增益而言差分输入阻抗的典型值为 2.8M /PGA共模阻抗也取决于PGA 的设置详情请见电特性输入阻抗的典型值通常不能忽视除非输入源为低阻抗否则ADS1110的输入阻抗会影响测量精度对具有高输出阻抗输入源则需要缓冲但要记住有效的缓冲器会引入噪声偏移和增益误差在高精度应用中所有这些因素都应考虑到因为时钟振荡器的频率会随温度产生细微的漂移所以输入阻抗将也产生漂移对许多应用来说输入阻抗漂移可被忽视而且可采用以上典型阻抗值37 混淆如果输入ADS1110的频率超过数据速率的一半的话则会产生混淆为防止混淆的产生必须限制输入信号的带宽一些信号本身即有带宽限制例如一个变换率受限制的热电耦的输出仍然包括噪声和干扰因素这些干扰因素能像其它信号一样混入取样带ADS1110的数字滤波器可在一定程度上衰减高频率的噪声但滤波器的sinc 1频率响应不能完全替代抗混淆滤波器对于少数应用还是需要一定的外部滤波在这些应用中一个简单的RC 滤波器就足够了在设计一个输入滤波器电路时应考虑到滤波器网络和ADS1110输入阻抗之间的交互作用四ADS1110的使用4 1 工作方式ADS1110以下面两种方式中的一种工作连续转换和单周期转换在连续转换方式中ADS1110连续地进行转换一旦转换完成ADS1110即将结果置入输出寄存器并立即开始另一轮转换在单周期转换方式中ADS1110会等待直到转换寄存器中的ST/DRDY位被置位为1此时ADS1110上电并且工作在单周期转换方式下在转换完成之后ADS1110将结果置入输出寄存器中复位ST/DRDY位为0并掉电当转换正在进行时写1到ST/DRDY没有影响在从连续转换方式切换到单周期转换方式时ADS1110将完成当前转换复位ST/DRDY位为0并掉电4 2 复位和上电在ADS1110上电时它自动地进行一次复位作为复位的一部分ADS1110将配置寄存器中的所有位置位为它们的默认设置ADS1110对I2C的总呼叫复位命令作出响应当ADS1110接收到总呼叫复位命令时它即进行一次内部复位就像刚被上电一样4 3 I2C接口ADS1110通过一个I2C内部集成电路接口通信I2C接口是一个2线漏极开路输出接口支持多个器件和主机共用一条总线通过将I2C总线上的器件接地只会使总线处于低电平这些器件不能驱动总线到高电平故而总线要通过上拉电阻拉高因此在没有器件使总线变低时总线处于高电平这种方法可使两个器件不发生冲突如果两个器件同时驱动总线则驱动器不会发生冲突I2C总线上的通信通常发生在两个器件之间其中一个作为主机另一个为从机主机和从机都能读和写但从机只能依主机的方向工作一些I2C器件既可作为主机又可作为从机但ADS1110只能作为从机一条I2C总线由两条线路组成SDA线和SCL线SDA传送数据SCL提供时钟所有数据以8位为一组通过I2C总线传送为了在I2C总线上传送1位数据须在SCL为低电平时驱动SDA线至适当的电平SDA为低则表明该位为0为高则表明该位为1一旦SDA线稳定下来SCL线被拉高然后变低SCL线上的脉冲以时钟将SDA位一位一位地移入接收器的移位寄存器中I2C总线是双向的SDA线可用来发送和接收数据当主机从从机中读取数据时从机驱动数据线当主机向从机发送数据时主机驱动数据线主机总是驱动时钟线ADS1110绝不会驱动SCL因为它不能用作主机在ADS1110中SCL只是一个输入端多数时候总线是空闲的不发生通信而且两条线均为高电平在产生通信时总线被激活只有主机才能发起一次通信为了开始通信主机在总线上形成一个开始条件通常只有在时钟线为低电平时数据线才允许改变状态如果在时钟线为高电平时数据线改变了状态则形成一个开始条件或相反地形成一个停止条件开始条件是当时钟线为高电平时数据线从高到低的跳变停止条件则是当时钟线为高电平时数据线从低到高的跳变在主机发送开始条件以后它还会发送一个字节表明它想与哪一个从机通信该字节称作地址字节I2C总线上的每个器件都有唯一的7位地址以作出响应从机也可以有10位地址字节详见I2C规格表主机以地址字节发送一个地址并且还发出一位以表明是对从机读出还是写入对于在I2C总线上发送的每个字节无论是地址还是数据均以一个应答位作为响应在主机发送完一个字节即8位数据到从机后它停止驱动SDA线并等待从机对该字节的应答从机将SDA线拉低以对该字节进行应答然后主机发送一个时钟脉冲来对该应答位定时类似地当主机完成对一个字节的读取时则将SDA线拉低以对从机作出应答然后发送一个时钟脉冲对该位定时记住主机总是激活时钟线在一个应答周期期间不作应答只是保持SDA线为高电平如果器件不在总线上并且如果主机试图对其寻址它不会接收到应答信号因为该地址处没有器件将SDA线拉低在主机完成与从机的通信后它会发出一个停止条件在发出停止条件后总线再次空闲主机也可发出另一个开始条件在总线处于激活状态时若发出一个开始条件则要求一个重复的开始条件ADS1110的I2C处理时序图如图1所示表3列出了该图的相关参数图1 I2C时序图表3 时序图的相关定义4 3 ADS1110的I2C地址ADS1110的I2C地址是1001aaa其中aaa是出厂时的默认设置ADS1110有8种不同的类型每种类型都有一个不同的I2C地址例如ADS1110A0的地址为1001000而ADS1110A3的地址则为1001011完整的列表见封装/订购信息表I2C地址是ADS1110的8种变形之间唯一的不同之处它们在其它的方面都是一样的ADS1110的每种变形都以EDx为标识其中x表示地址变量例如ADS1110A0标识为ED0而ADS1110A3标识为ED3完整的列表见封装/订购信息表4 4 I2C总呼叫ADS1110响应总呼叫复位命令该命令由一个地址字节00h和一个数据字节06H组成ADS1110对两个字节都要作出应答在接收到一个总呼叫复位命令后ADS1110进行一次全面的内部复位如同掉电后再上电如果转换正在进行则中断转换输出寄存器被置为0配置寄存器被置为其默认设置ADS1110总是对总呼叫地址位00H作出应答但它对除04H或06H外的任何总呼叫的数据字节都不作应答4 5 I2C数据速率I2C总线以下面三种速度方式中的一种工作标准方式这种方式允许最高100kHz的时钟频率快速方式这种方式允许最高400kHz的时钟频率高速方式也称作Hs方式它允许最高3.4MHz的时钟频率ADS1110与这三种方式完全兼容不需要用特殊的操作来使ADS1110处于标准方式或快速方式但要采用高速方式则必须激活该方式为了激活高速方式则要在开始条件后发送一个特殊的地址字节00001XXX其中XXX仅适用于能采用Hs 方式的主机该字节称作Hs主机码注意它与普通的地址字节不同低有效位并不表明读/写状态ADS1110将不应答该字节I2C的规格禁止对Hs主机码的应答当接收到主机码时ADS110将打开高速模式滤波器并在高达3.4MHz的时钟频率时通信在下一个停止条件时ADS1110从Hs方式切换出来关于高速方式的更多信息参考I2C规格说明4 6 寄存器ADS1110有两个寄存器它们可通过I2C端口访问输出寄存器包含上一次转换的结果配置寄存器允许用户改变ADS1110的工作方式并查询器件的状态46 1 输出寄存器16位的输出寄存器包含上一次转换的结果该结果采取二进制2的补码格式在复位或上电之后输出寄存器被清零并保持为0直到第一次转换完成输出寄存器的格式如表4所示表4 输出寄存器46 2 配置寄存器用户可用8位配置寄存器来控制ADS1110的工作方式数据速率和可编程增益放大器PGA的设置配置寄存器的格式如表5所示默认设置是8CH表5 配置寄存器位7ST/DRDYST/DRDY位的含意取决于它是被写入还是被读出在单周期转换方式中写1到ST/DRDY位则导致转换的开始写入0则无影响在连续方式中ADS1110忽略写入ST/DRDY的值在进行读操作时ST/DRDY表明输出寄存器中的数据是否是新数据如果ST/DRDY为0则刚从输出寄存器中读出的数据是以前未被读取的新数据如果ST/DRDY为1则刚从输出寄存器读出的数据以前已经被读取过在向输出寄存器写数据时ADS1110将ST/DRDY置为0在配置寄存器中的任意一位被读取后ADS1110将ST/DRDY为1注意该位的读出值与写入此位的值不相关在连续转换方式中用ST/DRDY位来确定新转换数据就绪的时间如果ST/DRDY为1则表明输出寄存器中的数据已经被读取不是新数据如果ST/DRDY为0则表明输出寄存器中的数据是新未被读取的新数据在单周期转换方式中读时用ST/DRDY来确定转换是否完成如果ST/DRDY为1则表明输出寄存器的数据为旧数据而且转换正在进行如果它为0则表明输出寄存器的数据是新近转换的结果注意在配置寄存器之前ADS1110释放输出寄存器ST/DRDY位的状态适用于刚从输出寄存器中读取的数据而不是下一次读操作读取的数据位6-5保留位位6和位5必须被置为0位4SCSC位控制ADS1110是以连续转换方式工作还是以单周期转换方式工作当SC为1时ADS1110以单周期转换方式工作当SC为0时ADS1110以连续转换方式工作默认设置为0位3-2DR位3和位2控制ADS1110的数据速率如表6所示表6 DR位(1)缺省设置位1-0PGA位1和0控制ADS1110的增益设置如表7所示表7 PGA位1缺省设置47 对ADS1110的读操作用户可从ADS1110中读出输出寄存器和配置寄存器的内容为做到这一点要对ADS1110寻址并从器件中读出三个字节前面的两个字节是输出寄存器的内容第三个字节是配置寄存器的内容不要求一定要读出配置寄存器字节在读操作中允许读出的字节个数少于三个从ADS1110中读取多于三个字节的值是无效的从第四个字节开始的所有字节将为FFH 可以忽略ST/DRDY位并且可在任何时候从ADS1110的输出寄存器中读取数据不管一次新的转换是否完成如果在一个转换周期内对输出寄存器的读操作不止一次输出寄存器每次将返回相同的数据只有当输出寄存器被更新时才会返回新数据ADS1110的典型读操作的时序见图2图2 ADS1110的读操作时序图48 对ADS1110的写操作为了对配置寄存器进行写操作要对ADS1110寻址并写入一个字节这个字节被写入配置寄存器中注意输出寄存器不能被写入对ADS1110写入多个字节无效ADS1110将忽略第一个字节以后的任何输入字节并且它只对第一个字节作出应答对ADS1110写操作的典型时序见图3图3 对ADS1110 的写操作的时序图五应用资料以下章节列出了在不同应用场合中使用ADS1110的示范电路和相关技巧5 1 基本连接方法对于多数应用而言ADS1110的连接方法非常简单ADS1110的基本连接图如图4所示图4 ADS1110的典型连接方法ADS1110的完全差分电压输入非常适应于连接到源极阻抗较低的差分源如电桥传感器和电热调节器尽管ADS1110可读取两极差分信号但它不能接收输入端的负电压用户可将ADS1110的正输入电压执行当作非反向而将负输入当作反向在ADS1110反向时它在短时尖峰电压中吸收电流0.1F的旁路电容器可从电源中为所需的附加电流提供瞬时脉冲ADS1110可与标准方式快速方式和高速方式的I2C控制器直接接口任何微控制器的I2C外围设备包括只能用作主机和单一主机的I2C外围设备都可与ADS1110一起工作ADS1110不会将时钟拉紧即ADS1110绝不会将时钟线拉低除非同一条I2C总线上有其它器件上拉电阻对SDA和SCL线都是必要的因为I2C总线驱动器是漏极开路驱动器这些电阻的大小取决于总线的工作速度和总线电容阻值较高的电阻的功耗较低但会延长总线的转换时间限制总线速度阻值较低的电阻允许总线高速运转但功耗较高长总线的电容高需要较小的上拉电阻来补偿电阻不应太小如果电阻太小总线驱动器可能不能将总线拉低5 2 连接多个器件连接多个ADS1110到同一条总线是很平常的ADS1110有8种不同类型每种类型都有一个不同的I2C地址三个ADS1110连接到同一条总线的接线图如图5所示最多可以连接8个ADS1110若它们的地址不同的话到同一条总线上注意每条总线仅需一组上拉电阻用户可能会发现此时需要稍微降低上拉电阻的阻值以补偿由于多个器件带来的附加的总线电容并且要增加总线的长度图5 连接多个ADS1110图6是几个不同器件连接到一条I2C总线上的电路图TI公司的TMP100温度传感器和TI的4通道16位数模转换器DAC8574与两片ADS1110共享该总线图6 连接多种器件TMP100和DAC8574基于引脚的状态来检测它们的I2C总线的地址在该例中TMP100的地址为1001011DAC8574的地址为1001100详情请参照DAC8574和TMP100的数据手册5 3 用通用IO口GPIO代替I2C大多数微控制器带有可编程的输入/输出引脚可通过软件设置成输入或输出端如果没有I2C控制器ADS1110也可以连接到通用IO引脚通过软件可模拟I2C总线协议或产生位脉冲将单个ADS1110连接到通用IO口的实例如图7所示图7 对单个ADS1110使用通用IO口可以通过设置通用IO线为0并使其在输入和输出方式中切换以找到适合的总线状态来使I2C与通用IO引脚进行位流通信为使通用IO线为低电平要设置该引脚使之输出0为使通用IO线变为高电平该引脚被设置为输入端当该引脚被置为输入端时它的状态可读取如果另一个器件将通用IO线拉低则会在此端口的输入寄存器中读出0注意在SCL线上没有上拉电阻在这种简单的应用情况中不需要电阻微控制器只保持SCL线为输出状态并在适当时候设置输出为1或0因为ADS1110不会将时钟线拉低故能执行此操作这一技术也可用于多个器件而且由于没有上拉电阻将这一技术用于多个器件还有电流消耗较低的好处只要在总线上有任一器件可将其时钟线拉低则不能采用以上方法SCL线应保持高阻抗或0且应如平常用法一样提供上拉电阻也应注意在任何情况下都不能在SDA线上进行此操作因为ADS1110像所有的I2C器件一样会时时驱动SDA线为低一些微控制器带有可选择的嵌入其通用IO口的强上拉电路在某些情况下这些上拉电路可被接通并用作外部上拉电阻一些微控制器也提供弱上拉电路但通常这些电路太弱不能用于I2C通信如对此有任何疑问可在投入生产前测试该电路5 4 单端输入尽管ADS1110有一个完全差分输入端它也可容易地测量出单端信号图8为简单的单端连接示意图ADS1110通过将其任一输入引脚通常是V IN–接地并加输入信号到V IN+来进行单端配置单端信号的范围是0V至2.048V ADS1110在其输入范围内不会错过任何线性不能加负电压到该电路上因为ADS1110的输入端只接收正电压图8 测量单端输入ADS1110的输入范围是相对于基准电压即2.048V的两极差分电压图8所示的单端电路仅涵盖了ADS1110输入范围的一半因为它没有产生差分负输入因此遗失一位分辨率5 5 低端电流监控器图9是低端分路电流监控器的电路图该电路通过一个分路电阻来读取电压此分路电阻要尽可能的小但还是能提供可读取的输出电压该电压可用低漂移的运放OPA335放大且放大结果可由ADS1110读取建议ADS1110在8倍增益下工作可以降低OPA335的增益对于8倍增益而言运放应提供最高不高于0.256V的输出电压如果分路电阻在满刻度电流时可提供最大50mV的电压降ADS1110的满刻度输入电压为0.2V图9 低端电流测量注1允许精确摆幅至0V的下拉电阻2R的大小依据在满刻度电流时50mV的压降确定5 6 建议ADS1110由小型低电压工艺构造而成模拟输入以对电源具有保护功能的二极管为特点然而这些二极管的电流管理能力受限制而且如果模拟输入电压维持在高于满幅度300mV则会对ADS1110造成永久性的损害防止过压的一种方法是在输入线上加限流电阻ADS1110的模拟输入可承受最大10mA 的瞬间电流上述方法不能应用于I2C端口不论电源电压如何I2C端口的电压都可以达到6V如果ADS1110由运放驱动且处于宽电源电压如+12V时即使运放已经配置不会超出输出电压范围也应该提供保护功能在加电时通常是在输入稳定之前多数运放立即寻求电源该瞬间脉冲会损害ADS1110有时这一损害还会增加并导致慢性长期故障此故障对永久装配的低维护度系统的损伤更为严重若用户将运放或另外的前端电路与ADS1110一起使用则一定要考虑电路性能这些设备的连接强度以其最弱的链接为基准。



3. Applications
All applications requiring efficient and cost-effective power supply solutions up to 75 W.
4. Ordering information
Table 1. Ordering information
C1 R1
C2 R2
S1 R10
C6 R9
Fig 3. Typical configuration
7.2 Start-up and UnderVoltage LockOut (UVLO)
Fig 2. Pinning diagram SOT97-1 (DIP8)
6.2 Pin description
Table 2. Pin description
5. Block diagram
GreenChip SMPS control IC
22 V



ShenZhen SiSun Silicone Technology CO.,LTD.
希 顺
深圳市宝安区福永街道新和福园一路华发工业园 A7 栋 TEL:0755-29596265 FAX:0755-29596296
XS1110 光伏组件粘接密封胶
XS1110 光伏组件粘接密封胶
本产品是一种铝壳或塑料管单包装的膏状胶料,它能在室温下与空气中的水分结合引起交联,硫化成为高性能弹性体,它是一种优良的 金属及非金属材料的粘结剂和密封胶。对使用场合的周围环境不会产生污染。固化后的胶体,充分的发挥有机硅材料的优异电气特性,在宽 广的温度范围内(-60~200℃) ,具有抗拉伸、振动和冲击的能力;并且具有优异的耐侯性、耐热性、耐寒性、疏水性。
XS1110 白色 7-15 24 1.38±0.02 脱肟型
光伏组件接线盒与底材的粘接密封。 光伏组件铝制边框和玻璃/EVA 板的粘接密封。
1.基材准备: 所有粘接表面都必须清洁干燥、除油并且洗掉所有可能影响粘结能力的污染物,适用的清洗溶剂包括:异丙醇、丙酮和甲乙酮。在许多基材, 例如玻璃、金属和绝大多数的工程塑料上不用底涂都可以粘结,但是对通常粘结效果不好的材料,如 PTFE、聚乙稀、聚丙稀和其它一些类似 的材料上要做底涂处理。如果要达到最佳的粘结效果,推荐使用粘结促进剂,经过溶剂清洗之后,用浸涂、刷涂或喷涂的方法涂敷一薄层的 粘结促进剂,让促进剂在室温下,相对湿度等于或大于 50%时干燥 15 到 90 分钟。



0 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 On-Resistance (:) 5.4 5.6
0 106 109 112 115 118 121 Blocking Voltage (VP) 124
Typical LED Forward Voltage Drop vs. Temperature
1.6 LED Forward Voltage (V) Turn-On Time (ms) 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 IF=50mA IF=20mA IF=10mA IF=5mA IF=2mA -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature (ºC) 80 100 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0
Absolute Maximum Ratings are stress ratings. Stresses in excess of these ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of the device at conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this data sheet is not implied.
25 20 15 10 5 0
Device Count (N)
Device Count (N)
Device Count (N)
0 1.250 1.255 1.260 1.265 1.270 LED Forward Voltage (V) 1.275 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 Turn-On Time (ms) 1.15



1.Product profile1.1General descriptionCombination of a PNP transistor with low V CEsat and high current capability and a planar Schottky barrier rectifier with an integrated guard ring for stress protection in a SOT457(SC-74) small plastic package. NPN complement: PMEM4020AND1.2FeaturesI 600 mW total power dissipation I High current capability up to 2 AI Reduces printed-circuit board area required I Reduces pick and place costs I Small plastic SMD package ITransistorN Low collector-emitter saturation voltage I DiodeN Ultra high-speed switching N Very low forward voltage N Guard ring protected1.3ApplicationsI DC-to-DC converters I Inductive load driversI General purpose load driversI Reverse polarity protection circuits IMOSFET drivers1.4Quick reference dataPMEM4020APDPNP transistor/Schottky rectifier moduleRev. 02 — 31 August 2009Product data sheetTable 1.Quick reference data Symbol ParameterConditions Min Typ Max Unit PNP transistorV CEO collector-emitter voltage open base --−40V I Ccollector current (DC)continuous;T s ≤ 55°C[1]--−2A[1]Soldering point of collector or cathode tab.2.Pinning information3.Ordering information4.Marking5.Limiting valuesSchottky barrier rectifierV R continuous reverse voltage --40V I Fcontinuous forward current--1ATable 1.Quick reference data …continued Symbol ParameterConditionsMin Typ Max Unit Table 2.Discrete pinningPin Description Simplified outline Symbol1emitter 2not connected 3cathode 4anode 5base 6collector132456sym04036145Table 3.Ordering informationType numberPackage NameDescriptionVersion PMEM4020APDSC-74plastic surface mounted package; 6 leadsSOT457Table 4.MarkingType number Marking code PMEM4020APDD3Table 5.Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).Symbol ParameterConditions Min Max Unit PNP transistorV CBO collector-base voltage open emitter -−40V V CEO collector-emitter voltage open base -−40V V EBOemitter-base voltageopen collector-−5V[1]Mounted on a FR4 printed-circuit board, single-sided copper, tin-plated, standard footprint.[2]Device mounted on a printed-circuit board, single-sided copper, tin-plated, 1cm 2 mounting pad for both collector and cathode.[3]Mounted on a ceramic printed-circuit board, single-sided copper, tin-plated, standard footprint.[4]Soldering point of collector or cathode tab.I Ccollector current (DC)continuous [1]-−0.75A continuous [2]-−1A continuous [3]-−1.3A continuous;T s ≤ 55°C[4]-−2A I CM peak collector current -−3A I BM peak base current -−1A P tottotal power dissipationT amb ≤ 25°C [1]-295mW T amb ≤ 25°C [2]-400mW T amb ≤ 25°C [3]-500mW T s ≤ 55°C[4]-1000mW T j junction temperature -150°C Schottky barrier rectifierV R continuous reverse voltage -40V I F continuous forward voltage -1A I FRM repetitive peak forward currentt p ≤ 1 ms;δ≤ 0.5- 3.5A I FSM non-repetitive peak forward currentt = 8 ms; square wave -10A P tottotal power dissipationT amb ≤ 25°C [1]-295mW T amb ≤ 25°C [2]-400mW T amb ≤ 25°C [3]-500mW T s ≤ 55°C[4]-1000mW T j junction temperature [2]-150°C Combined deviceP tot total power dissipation T amb ≤ 25°C[2]-600mW T stg storage temperature −65+150°C T ambambient temperature[2]−65+150°CTable 5.Limiting values …continuedIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).Symbol ParameterConditions Min Max Unit6.Thermal characteristics[1]For Schottky barrier rectifiers thermal run-away has to be considered, as in some applications the reverse power losses P R are a significant part of the total power losses. Nomograms for determining the reverse power losses P R and I F(AV) rating will be available on request.[2]Soldering point of collector or cathode tab.[3]Mounted on a ceramic printed-circuit board, single-sided copper, tin-plated, standard footprint.[4]Device mounted on a printed-circuit board, single-sided copper, tin-plated, 1cm 2 mounting pad for both collector and cathode tab.[5]Mounted on a FR4 printed-circuit board, single-sided copper, tin-plated, standard footprint.Table 6.Thermal characteristics [1]Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Single device R th(j-s)thermal resistance from junction to soldering point in free air [2]--95K/W R th(j-a)thermal resistance from junction to ambientin free air[3]--250K/W [4]--315K/W [5]--425K/W Combined device R th(j-a)thermal resistance from junction to ambientin free air[3]--208K/W7.Characteristics[1]Pulse test: t p ≤ 300µs;δ≤ 0.02Table 7.CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C unless otherwise specified Symbol ParameterConditionsMin Typ Max Unit PNP transistorI CBOcollector-base cut-off current V CB =−40 V; I E = 0 A --−100nA V CB =−40 V; I E = 0 A;T j = 150°C--−50µA I CEO collector-emitter cut-off current V CE =−30 V; I B = 0 A --−100nA I EBO emitter-base cut-off current V EB =−5 V; I C = 0 A --−100nAh FEDC current gainV CE =−5 V; I C =−1 mA 300--V CE =−5 V; I C =−100 mA 300--V CE =−5 V; I C =−500 mA 250-900V CE =−5 V; I C =−1 A 160--V CE =−5 V; I C =−2 A[1]50--V CEsatcollector-emitter saturation voltageI C =−100 mA; I B =−1 mA --−120mV I C =−500 mA; I B =−50 mA --−145mV I C =−1 A; I B =−100 mA --−260mV I C =−2 A; I B =−200 mA--−530mV R CEsat equivalent on-resistance I C =−1 A; I B =−100 mA [1]-180280m ΩV BEsat base-emittersaturation voltage I C =−1 A; I B =−100 mA [1]--−1.1V V BEon base-emitter turn-on voltageV CE =−5 V; I C =−1 A [1]--−1.0V f T transition frequency V CE =−10 V; I C =−50 mA;f = 100 MHz150--MHz C ccollector capacitanceV CB =−10 V; I E = i e = 0 A;f = 1 MHz --10pFSchottky barrier rectifier V Fcontinuous forward voltagesee Figure 1I F = 0.1 mA [1]-95130mV I F = 1 mA [1]-155210mV I F = 10 mA [1]-220270mV I F = 100 mA [1]-295350mV I F = 1000 mA[1]-540640mV I Rreverse currentsee Figure 2V R = 10 V [1]-720µA V R = 40 V[1]-30100µA C ddiode capacitanceV R = 1 V; f = 1 MHz;see Figure 3-4348pFSchottky barrier rectifier (1)T amb =150°C (2)T amb =85°C (3)T amb =25°CSchottky barrier rectifier (1)T amb =150°C (2)T amb =85°C (3)T amb =25°CFig 1.Forward current as a function of forward voltage; typical valuesFig 2.Reverse current as a function of reverse voltage; typical valuesSchottky barrier rectifier;T amb = 25°C; f = 1 MHzPNP transistor;V CE =−5 V (1)T amb = 150°C (2)T amb = 25°C (3)T amb =−55°CFig 3.Diode capacitance as a function of reverse voltage; typical valuesFig 4.DC current gain as a function of collector current; typical values0.60.40.2010310210110−1mdb669I F (mA)V F (V)(1)(2)(3)020103040V R (V)mdb670105104103102101I R (µA)(1)(2)(3)05102010008015604020mdb671V R (V)C d (pF)012002004006008001000mhc088−10−1h FE −10−1I C (mA)−102−103−104(1)(2)(3)PNP transistor;V CE =−5 V (1)T amb =−55°C (2)T amb = 25°C (3)T amb = 150°CPNP transistor;I C /I B = 10(1)T amb = 150°C (2)T amb = 25°C (3)T amb =−55°CFig 5.Base-emitter voltage as a function of collector current; typical valuesFig 6.Collector-emitter saturation voltage as a function of collector current; typical valuesPNP transistor;I C /I B = 10(1)T amb = 150°C (2)T amb = 25°C (3)T amb =−55°CPNP transistor;V CE =−10 VFig 7.Equivalent on-resistance as a function of collector current; typical valuesFig 8.Transition frequency as a function of collector current−10−1−10−1mhc089−10−1−1−10V BE (V)I C (mA)−103−102−104(1)(2)(3)−103−102−10−1mhc090−1−10V CEsat (mV)I C (mA)−102−103−104(1)(2)(3)10110−1102mhc091−10−1−1−10R CEsat (Ω)I C (mA)−103−102−104(1)(2)(3)0−100030010020025050150−200−400f T (MHz)I C (mA)−600−800mhc0928.Application informationFig 9.DC-to-DC converterFig 10.Inductive load driver (relays, motors andbuzzers) with free-wheeling diodemgu866V OUTV INCONTROLLERmgu867V CCIN9.Package outlineFig 11.Package outline SOT457 (SC-74)REFERENCESOUTLINE VERSION EUROPEAN PROJECTIONISSUE DATE IECJEDECJEITA SOT457SC-74w BM b pD epin 1indexAA 1L pQdetail XH EE v M AA B yscalecX13245601 2 mmPlastic surface-mounted package (TSOP6); 6 leadsSOT457UNIT A 1b p c D E H E L p Q y w v mm0.10.0130.400. 0.953. (mm are the original dimensions) 1.10.905-11-0706-03-1610.Packing informationTable 8.Packing methodsThe indicated -xxx are the last three digits of the 12NC ordering code.[1]Type number Package Description Packing quantity300010000 PMEM4020APD SOT457 4 mm pitch, 8 mm tape and reel; T1-115-1354 mm pitch, 8 mm tape and reel; T2-125-165 [1]For further information and the availability of packing methods, see Section13.分销商库存信息: NXPPMEM4020APD,115。



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2008. 08. 29 Update
2.4~2.5 GHz Power Amplifier
Electrical Characteristics: WLAN Applications
Fig.2 - Power Gain and EVM vs. Pout
8 27
3 25
1819Biblioteka 2021Pout(dBm)
Gain(dB) EVM(%)
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BT Applications:
(BT V.1.1&1.2, Under Vc=3.3V, Vref=2.85V) • LOW Current: 85mA at 18dBm

FSP3 FSP7 FSP13 FSP30 FSP40指示书说明书

FSP3 FSP7 FSP13 FSP30 FSP40指示书说明书

S p e c i f i c a t i o nsSpectrum Analyzer ¸FSPSpecificationsSpecificationsSpecifications are valid under the following conditions:15 minutes warm-up time at ambient temperature, specified environmental conditions met, calibration cycle adhered to, and total calibration performed.Data without tolerances: typical values only.Data designated "nominal" applies to design parameters and is not tested.Data designated "σ = xx dB" is shown as standard deviation.¸FSP3¸FSP7¸FSP13¸FSP30¸FSP40 FrequencyFrequency range9 kHz to 3GHz9 kHz to 7GHz9 kHz to 13.6GHz9 kHz to 30GHz9 kHz to 40GHz Frequency resolution0.01 HzInternal reference frequency (nominal)Aging per year1)1)After 30 days of operation.1 × 10–6Temperature drift 1 × 10–6With option ¸FSP-B4 (OCXO)Aging per year1) 1 × 10–7Temperature drift 1 × 10–8External reference frequency10 MHzFrequency display with marker or frequency counterMarker resolution span/500Max. deviation(sweep time >3× auto sweep time)±(frequency × reference frequency + 0.5% × span + 10% × resolution bandwidth + ½ (last digit)) Frequency counter resolution0.1 Hz to 10 kHz (selectable)Count accuracy (S/N >25 dB)±(frequency × reference frequency + ½ (last digit))Frequency span0 Hz,10 Hz to 3GHz0 Hz,10 Hz to 7GHz0 Hz,10 Hz to 13.6GHz0 Hz,10 Hz to 30GHz0 Hz,10 Hz to 40GHzMax. span deviation0.1% Spectral purity (dBc (1 Hz)) SSB phase noise, f = 500 MHz, for f > 500 MHz see diagrams belowCarrier offset100 Hz<–84, typ.–90 1 kHz<−100, typ.−108 10 kHz<−106, typ. −113100 kHz2)2)Valid for span >100 kHz.<−110, typ. −1131 MHz2)<−120, typ.−125 10 MHz typ.−145 Residual FMf = 500 MHz, RBW 1 kHz,sweep time 100 mstyp. 3 Hz2 Spectrum Analyzer ¸FSPSpectrum Analyzer ¸FSP3Sweep timeSpan ≥10 Hz 2.5 ms to 16000 sMax. deviation1%Span 0 Hz 1 µs to 16000 sResolution125 nsResolution bandwidthsBandwidths10 Hz to 10 MHz (–3 dB) in 1, 3 sequenceEMI bandwidths200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz (–6 dB)Bandwidth accuracy≤100 kHz<3%300 kHz to 3 MHz<10%10 MHz+10%, –30%Shape factor –60 dB: –3 dB≤100 kHz<5:1 (Gaussian filters)300 kHz to 3 MHz<15:1 (4-pole synchronously tuned filters)10 MHz<7:1Shape factor –60 dB: –6 dBEMI bandwidths<5:1Video bandwidths 1 Hz to 10 MHz in 1, 3 sequenceFFT filterBandwidths 1 Hz to 30 kHz (–3 dB) in 1, 3 sequenceBandwidth accuracy5%, nominalShape factor –60dB:–3 dB 2.5:1 nominalChannel filterBandwidths100; 200; 300; 500 Hz;1; 1.5; 2; 2.4; 2.7; 3; 3.4; 4; 4.5; 5; 6; 8.5; 9; 10; 12.5; 14; 15; 16; 18 (RRC); 20; 21; 24.3 (RRC); 25; 30; 50; 100;150; 192; 200; 300; 500 kHz; 1;1.228; 1.5; 2; 3; 5 MHz1.28 (RRC), 3.84 (RRC), 4.096 (RRC)LevelDisplay range displayed average noise level to 30 dBmMaximum input levelDC voltage50 V0 VRF attenuation 0 dBCW RF power20 dBmPulse spectral density97 dBµV (1 MHz)RF attenuation ≥10 dBCW RF power30 dBmMax. pulse voltage150 V50 VMax. pulse energy (10 µs) 1 mWs0.5 mWs1 dB compression of input mixer0 dB RF attenuation, f > 200 MHz0 dBm nominalIntermodulation3rd-order intermodulationIntermodulation-free dynamic range, level 2 × –30 dBm, ∆f > 5 × RBW or 10 kHz, whichever is larger20 MHz to 200 MHz>70 dBc, TOI >5 dBm200 MHz to 3 GHz>74 dBc, TOI >7 dBm (typ. 10 dBm)3 GHz to 7 GHz−>80 dBc, TOI >10 dBm (typ. 15 dBm)7 GHz to 13.6 GHz−−>80 dBc, TOI >10 dBm13.6 GHz to 30 GHz−−−>76 dBc, TOI >8dBm>80 dBc, TOI >10 dBm 30 GHz to 40 GHz−−−−>80 dBc, TOI >10 dBm With optional Electronic Attenuator ¸FSP-B25 switched on20 MHz to 200 MHz>74 dBc, TOI > 7 dBm−200 MHz to 3 GHz>80 dBc, TOI > 10 dBm−3 GHz to 7 GHz>84 dBc, TOI > 12 dBm−4 Spectrum Analyzer ¸FSPSecond harmonic intercept point (SHI)<100 MHz typ. 25 dBm100 MHz to 1.5 GHz typ. 35 dBm1.5 GHz to 7 GHz−typ. 80 dBm7 GHz to 13.6 GHz−−typ. 80 dBm13.6 GHz to 30 GHz−−−typ. 80 dBm30 GHz to 40 GHz−−−−typ.80 dBm Displayed average noise level(0 dB RF attenuation, RBW 10 Hz, VBW 1 Hz, 20 averages, trace average, span 0 Hz, termination 50 Ω)Frequency9 kHz<−95 dBm100 kHz<−100 dBm1 MHz<−120 dBm, typ. −125 dBm10 MHz to 1 GHz<−142 dBm,typ.−145 dBm<−140 dBm, typ. −145 dBm1 GHz to 3 GHz<−140 dBm,typ. −145 dBm<−138 dBm, typ. −143 dBm3 GHz to 7 GHz−<−138 dBm,typ. −143 dBm<−135 dBm, typ. −140 dBm7 GHz to 13.6 GHz−−<−132 dBm, typ. −138 dBm13.6 GHz to 22 GHz−−−<−120 dBm,typ. −128 dBm−22 GHz to 30 GHz−−−<−115 dBm,typ. −123 dBm−13.6 GHz to 20 GHz−−−−<−120 dBm,typ. −128 dBm 20 GHz to 30 GHz−−−−<−120 dBm,typ. −128 dBm 30 GHz to 40 GHz−−−−<−112 dBm,typ. −120 dBm Displayed average noise level with preamplifier on (option ¸FSP-B25)10 MHz to 2 GHz<–152 dBm−2 GHz to 7 GHz<–150 dBm−Immunity to interferenceImage frequency>70 dBIntermediate frequency (f <3 GHz)>70 dBSpurious responses (f >1 MHz, withoutinput signal, 0 dB attenuation)<−103 dBmOther spurious (with input signal, mixer level <–10 dBm, ∆f >100kHz)f <7 GHz: <−70 dBc f <13.6 GHz: <−64 dBc f <30 GHz: <−56 dBcLevel displayScreen501 × 400 pixels (one diagram), max. two diagrams with independent settingsLogarithmic level scale10 dB to 200 dB, in steps of 10 dBLinear level scale10% of reference level per level division (10 divisions)Traces max. 3, with two diagrams on screen max. 3 per diagramTrace detector max peak, min peak, auto peak, sample, quasi-peak, average, RMSTrace functions clear/write, max. hold, min hold, averageNumber of test points501, selectable in steps of approx. factor 2, 125 to 8001Setting range of reference levelLogarithmic level display–130 dBm to 30 dBm, in steps of 0.1 dBLinear level display70.71 nV to 7.07 V in steps of 1%Units of level scale dBm, dBmV, dBµV, dBµA, dBpW (log level display), mV, µV, mA, µA, pW, nW (linear level display)Max. uncertainty of level measurementAt 128 MHz, −30 dBm (RF attenuation10dB, RBW 10kHz, ref. level –20 dBm)<0.2 dB (σ = 0.07 dB)Spectrum Analyzer ¸FSP5Frequency response<50 kHz <+0.5/− 1.0 dB50 kHz to 3 GHz<0.5 dB (σ = 0.17 dB)3 GHz to 7 GHz–<2 dB(σ = 0.7 dB)7 GHz to 13.6 GHz––<2.5 dB1)13.6 GHz to 30 GHz–––<3 dB1)30 GHz to 40 GHz––––<4 dB1) Frequency response with option ¸FSP-B25 switched on (preamplifier, electronic attenuator)10 MHz to 3 GHz<1 dB(σ = 0.33 dB)–3 GHz to 7 GHz–<2 dB(σ = 0.7 dB)–Attenuator<0.2 dB (σ = 0.07 dB)Reference level switching<0.2 dB (σ = 0.07 dB)Display nonlinearity LOG/LIN (S/N >16 dB)RBW ≤100 kHz0 dB to –70 dB<0.2 dB (σ = 0.07 dB)–70 dB to –90 dB<0.5 dB (σ = 0.17 dB)RBW ≥300 kHz0 dB to –50 dB<0.2 dB (σ = 0.07 dB)–50 dB to –70 dB<0.5 dB (σ = 0.17 dB)Bandwidth switching uncertainty (ref. to RBW = 10 kHz)10 Hz to 100 kHz <0.1 dB (σ = 0.03 dB)300 kHz to 10 MHz<0.2 dB (σ = 0.07 dB)1 Hz to 3 kHz, FFT<0.2 dB (σ = 0.03 dB)Total measurement uncertainty0 GHz to 3 GHz0.5 dBTrigger functionsTriggerSpan ≥10 HzTrigger source free run, video, external, IF levelTrigger offset125 ns to 100 s, resolution 125 ns min. (or 1% of offset)Span = 0 HzTrigger source free run, video, external, IF levelTrigger offset±125 ns to 100 s, min. resolution 125 ns, dependent on sweep timeMax. deviation of trigger offset±(125 ns + (0.1% × delay time))Gated sweepTrigger source external, IF level, videoGate delay 1 µs to 100 sGate length125 ns to 100 s, min. resolution 125 ns or 1% of gate lengthMax. deviation of gate length±(125 ns + (0.05% × gate length))Inputs and outputs (front panel)RF input N female, 50 Ωtest port system 50 Ω,N female,3.5 mm female2)test port system 50 Ω,N female,K female2)VSWR (RF attenuation >0 dB)f <3 GHz 1.5:1f <7 GHz− 2.0:1f <13 GHz−− 2.5:1f <30 GHz−−− 3.0:1f <40 GHz−−−− 3.0:1 Input attenuator0 dB to 70 dB in 10 dB stepsWith option ¸FSP-B250 dB to 75 dB in 5 dB steps not availableProbe power supply+15 V DC, –12.6 V DC and ground, max. 150 mAKeyboard connector PS/2 female for MF2 keyboardAF output (only with option ¸FSP-B3) 3.5 mm mini-jackOutput impedance10 ΩOpen-circuit voltage up to 1.5 V, adjustable6 Spectrum Analyzer ¸FSPInputs and outputs (rear panel)IF 20.4 MHz Z out= 50 Ω, BNC femaleLevelRBW ≤30 kHz, FFT–10 dBm at reference level, mixer level >–60 dBmRBW ≥100 kHz0 dBm at reference level, mixer level >–60 dBmReference frequencyOutput BNC femaleOutput frequency10 MHzLevel 0 dBm, nominalInput10 MHzRequired level0 dBm into 50 ΩOthersPower supply for noise source BNC female, 0 V and 28 V, switchable, max. 100mAExternal trigger/gate input BNC female, >10 kΩTrigger voltage 1.4 V (TTL)IEC/IEEE bus remote control interface to IEC 625-2 (IEEE 488.2)Command set SCPI 1997.0Connector24-pin Amphenol femaleInterface functions SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, PP1, DC1, DT1, C0Serial interface RS-232-C (COM), 9-pin sub-D connectorPrinter interface parallel (Centronics-compatible)Mouse connector PS/2 femaleConnector for ext. monitor (VGA)15-pin sub-D connectorGeneral dataDisplay21 cm TFT colour display (8.4”)Resolution640 × 480 pixels (VGA resolution)Pixel failure rate<2 × 10 –5Mass memory 1.44 MByte 3½” disk drive (built-in), hard diskData storage>500 instrument settings and tracesTemperaturesOperating temperature range+5°C to +40°CPermissible temperature range+5°C to +45°CStorage temperature range–40°C to +70°CDamp heat+40°C at 95% relative humidity (EN 60068-2-30)Mechanical resistanceVibration, sinusoidal 5 Hz to 150 Hz, max. 2 g at 55 Hz; 0.5 g from 55 Hz to 150 Hz; meets EN60068-2-6, EN60068-2-30, EN61010-1,MIL-T-28800D, class 5Vibration, random10 Hz to 100 Hz, acceleration 1 g (rms)Shock test40 g shock spectrum, meets MIL-STD-810C and MIL-T-28800D, classes 3 and 5Recommended calibration interval 2 years for operation with external reference,1 year with internal referencePower supplyAC supply100 V AC to 240 V AC, 50 Hz to 400Hz, 3.1 A to 1.3 A, class of protection I to VDE411Typical power consumption70 VA 120 VA150 VASafety meets EN61010-1, UL3111-1, CSAC22.2 No. 1010-1,RFI suppression meets EMC Directive of EU (89/336/EEC) and German EMC lawTest mark VDE, GS, CSA, CSA-NRTL/CDimensions in mm (W × H × D)412 × 197 × 417Weight10.5 kg11.3 kg12 kg1)RF attenuation 10 dB, sweep time >1s/1 GHz.2)See recommended extras for alternate connectors.Spectrum Analyzer ¸FSP7Specifications of optionsTracking Generator ¸FSP-B9Unless specified otherwise, specifications not valid for frequency range from –3 × RBW to +3 × RBW; however, at least not valid from –9 kHz to +9 kHz.The specified level accuracy of the tracking generator is valid under the following conditions: RF attenuation ≥ 20 dB and sweep time ≥2000 ms.FrequencyFrequency range9 kHz to 3 GHzFrequency offsetSetting range±150 MHzResolution 1 HzSpectral purity (dBc (1 Hz)) SSB phase noise, f = 500 MHz, carrier offset 100 kHzNormal mode typ. –90With FM modulation on typ. –70LevelLevel setting range–30 dBm to 0 dBm in steps of 0.1 dBLevel setting range with AM–30 dBm to –6 dBm in steps of 0.1 dBMax. deviation of output level, 128 MHz, 0 dBm<1 dBFrequency responseOutput level 0 dBm, 100 kHz to 2 GHz<1 dBOutput level 0 dBm to −25 dBm, 9 kHz to 3 GHz<3 dBDynamic rangeAttenuation measurement range, RBW = 1 kHz, f > 10 MHz120 dBSpuriousHarmonics, output level –10 dBm typ. –30 dBcNonharmonics, output level 0 dBm typ. –30 dBcModulationModulation format (external)I/Q, AM, FM, FM-DC, PM, ASK, FSKAM, f > 10 MHzModulation depth0% to 99%Modulation frequency range0 Hz to 1 MHzFM, f > 10 MHzFrequency deviation0 Hz to 20 MHzModulation frequency range0 Hz to 100 kHzI/Q modulation, f > 10 MHz0 Hz to 30 MHz typ. 1 dBInputs and outputs (front panel)RF output N female, 50 ΩVSWR typ. 2:1Inputs and outputs (rear panel)TG/AM IN V max(pp) = 1 V; Z in = 50 Ω, BNC femaleTG Q/FM IN V max(pp) = 1 V; Z in = 50 Ω, BNC femaleExternal Generator Control ¸FSP-B10Supported signal generators¸SME02/03/06, ¸SMG, ¸SMGL, ¸SMGU, ¸SMH, ¸SMHU,¸SMIQ02B/02E/03B/03E/04B/06B¸SML, ¸SMR20/27/30/40/60¸SMP02/22/03/04,¸SMX, ¸SMY¸SMT02/03/06LAN Interface ¸FSP-B16Connector (rear panel)RJ-45Supported protocols10Base-T (IEEE standard 10 Mbit/s 802.3)100Base-TX (IEEE standard 100 Mbit/s 802.3u)Extended Environmental Specification ¸FSP-B20Temperature range (noncondensing)Operating temperature range 0°C to +50°CPermissible temperature range0°C to +55°CMechanical resistanceVibration, random10 Hz to 300 Hz, acceleration 1.9 g (rms)8 Spectrum Analyzer ¸FSPLO/IF ports for external Mixers ¸FSP-B21 (¸FSP40 only)LO levelFrequency range 7 GHz to 13.2 GHzLevel+15.5 dBm ±3 dBIF inputIF frequency 404.4 MHzFull scale level2 port mixer, LO output/IF input (front) –20 dBmLevel deviation<1dBIF level –30 dBm, reference level –20 dBm, RBW 30 kHz,LO output/IF input (front)Full scale level3 port mixer, IF input (front) –20 dBmLevel deviationIF level –30 dBm, reference level –20 dBm, RBW 30 kHz, IF input (front)<1dBInputs and outputs (front)LO output/IF input SMA female, 50 ΩIF input SMA female, 50 ΩElectronic Attenuator ¸FSP-B25 (only for ¸FSP3 and ¸FSP7)FrequencyFrequency range10 MHz to 7 GHzInput attenuator range (mechanical)0 dB to 75 dB in 5 dB stepsElectronic attenuation range0 dB to 30 dB in 5 dB stepsPreamplifier20 dB, switchableDisplayed average noise level with preamplifier on (0 dB RF attenuation, RBW 10 Hz, VBW 1 Hz, 20 averages, trace average, span 0 Hz, termination 50 Ω) 10 MHz to 2 GHz<–152 dBm2 GHz to 7 GHz<–150 dBmIntermodulation with electronic attenuator on3rd-order intermodulation, intermodulation-free dynamic range, level 2 × –30 dBm, ∆f >5 × RBW or 10 kHz, whichever is larger20 MHz to 200 MHz>74 dBc, TOI >7 dBm200 MHz to 3 GHz>80 dBc, TOI >10 dBm3 GHz to 7 GHz>84 dBc, TOI >12 dBmMax. deviation of level measurement<0.2 dB (σ = 0.07 dB)128 MHz, –30 dBm (RF attenuation 10 dB, RBW 10 kHz,ref. level –20dBm), preamplifier onElectronic attenuator<0.2 dB (σ = 0.07 dB)Frequency response with preamplifier, electronic attenuator10 MHz to 3 GHz<1.0 dB (σ = 0.33 dB)3 GHz to 7 GHz<2 dB (σ = 0.7 dB)Trigger Port ¸FSP-B28Output voltage high ≤1.4 Vlow ≥0.7 VTrigger port connector25-pin sub-D femaleFrequency range extension 20 Hz ¸FSP-B29Frequency range 20 Hz to f maxFrequency response <9 kHz <1 dBDisplayed average noise level0 dB RF attenuation, RBW 10 Hz, VBW 1 Hz, 20 averages, trace average, span 0 Hz, termination50Ω20 Hz<–58 dBm100 Hz<–75 dBm1 kHz<–85 dBmDC Power Supply ¸FSP-B30Input voltage range10 V to 28 V DC25 A to 12.5 AOutput voltage 120 V to 360 V DC/300 WCurrent consumption (V DC = 12 V, ¸FSP without options, default settings)¸FSP3typ. 6 A¸FSP30typ. 8 AOperating temperature range 0°C to +50°CStorage temperature range–40°C to +70°CDimensions in mm (W × H × D)145 × 154 × 65Weight0.6 kgSpectrum Analyzer ¸FSP9Battery Pack ¸FSP-B31/-B32NiMH battery pack with built-in load control for all ¸FSP and ¸ESPI models with options ¸FSP-B1 and ¸FSP-B30Input voltage of battery pack10 V to 28 V DCInput voltage power supply (battery charge)24 V DC/max. 3 AOutput voltageBattery operation13.2 V DC/200 WhBypass operation10 V to 28 V DC/10 ATypical operating times (¸FSP without options)¸FSP3 2 h¸FSP30 1.5 hCharging time 5 h at 25°COperating temperature range (discharging)0°C to +50°COperating temperature range (charging)+10°C to +40°CStorage temperature range (<1 year)–20°C to +35°CStorage temperature range (<1 month)–20°C to +55°CDimensions (W × H × D)400 mm × 134 mm × 42 mmWeight 3.7 kgAC adapter (¸FSP-B31 only)Input voltage range100 V to 240 V AC ±10%Input frequency range50 Hz to 60 Hz ±5%Input power140 VAOutput voltage24 VOutput current 3 AOperating temperature range 0°C to +50°CStorage temperature range –20°C to +70°CDimensions (W × H × D)132 mm × 58 mm × 30 mmWeight0.3 kgOrdering informationOrder designation Type Order No. Spectrum Analyzer, 9 kHz to 3 GHz¸FSP31164.4391.03 Spectrum Analyzer, 9 kHz to 7 GHz¸FSP71164.4391.07 Spectrum Analyzer, 9 kHz to 13.6 GHz¸FSP131164.4391.13 Spectrum Analyzer, 9 kHz to 30 GHz¸FSP301164.4391.30 Spectrum Analyzer, 9 kHz to 40 GHz¸FSP401164.4391.40 Accessories suppliedPower cable, compact manual, CD-ROM with operating manual and service manual.¸FSP30: test port adapter with 3.5 mm female (1021.0512.00) and N female (1021.0535.00) connector.¸FSP40: test port adapter with K female (1036.4770.00) and N female (1036.4777.00) connector.OptionsOrder designation Type Order No.Retrofittable RemarksOptionsDelete Manuals¸FSP-B01129.8394.02Rugged Case, carrying handle (factory-fitted)¸FSP-B11129.7998.02noAM/FM Audio Demodulator¸FSP-B31129.6491.02yes not with ¸FSP-B15. OCXO Reference Frequency ¸FSP-B41129.6740.02yesTV Trigger/RF Power Trigger¸FSP-B61129.859.4.02yes not with ¸FSP-B21. Internal Tracking Generator 9 kHz to 3GHz, I/Q modulator, for all ¸FSP models¸FSP-B91129.6991.02yesExternal Generator Control for all ¸FSP models¸FSP-B101129.7246.02yesPulse Calibrator for ¸FSP¸FSP-B151155.1006.02yes not with ¸FSP-B3;required for ¸FS-K72/-K73 LAN Interface 100BT for all ¸FSP models with Windows XP (1164.4391.xx)¸FSP-B161129.8042.03yes10 Spectrum Analyzer ¸FSPOrder designation Type Order No.Retrofittable RemarksLAN Interface 100BT for all ¸FSP models with Windows NT (1043.4495.xx)¸FSP-B161129.8042.02yesExtended Environmental Specification ¸FSP-B201155.1606.06noLO/IF Ports for External Mixers¸FSU-B211157.1090.02yes not with ¸FSP-B6;only for ¸FSP40¸FSP-B251129.7746.02yesElectronic Attenuator, 0 dB to 30 dB, 5 dB steps, integrated preamplifier for¸FSP3 and ¸FSP7Trigger Port for ¸FSP for indication of trigger conditions¸FSP-B281162.9915.02yesFrequency Range Extension 20 Hz for ¸FSP3/7¸FSP-B291163.0663.07noFrequency Range Extension 20 Hz for ¸FSP13/30¸FSP-B291163.0663.30noFrequency Range Extension 20 Hz for ¸FSP40¸FSP-B291163.0663.40noDC Power Supply for Spectrum Analyzers ¸FSP¸FSP-B301155.1158.02yesBattery Pack for Spectrum Analyzers ¸FSP¸FSP-B311155.1258.02yes¸FSP-B1 and¸FSP-B30 required Spare Battery Pack for Spectrum Analyzers ¸FSP¸FSP-B321155.1506.02yes¸FSP-B31 required Demodulation Hardware and Memory Extension¸FSP-B701157.0559.02yes required for ¸FS-K72/-K73; ¸FSP-B15 required SoftwarePhase Noise Measurement Software¸FS-K41108.0088.02GSM/EDGE Application Firmware, Mobile¸FS-K51141.1496.02AM/FM/ϕM Measurement Demodulator¸FS-K71141.1796.02Application Firmware for Bluetooth® Measurements¸FS-K81157.2568.02Power Sensor Measurements¸FS-K91157.3006.02supports ¸NRP-Z11/-Z21with ¸NRP-Z4 USB con-nectorApplication Firmware for Noise Figure and Gain Measurements¸FS-K301300.6508.02Preamplifier ¸FSP-B25recommended3GPP BTS/Node B FDD Application Firmware¸FS-K721154.7000.02¸FSP-B15 and -B70required3GPP UE FDD Application Firmware¸FS-K731154.7252.02¸FSP-B15 required,¸FSP-B70 recommended 3GPP HSDPA BTS Application Firmware¸FS-K741300.7156.02¸FS-K72 required3GPP TD-SCDMA BTS Application Firmware¸FS-K761300.7291.023GPP TD-SCDMA UE Application Firmware¸FS-K771300.8100.02CDMA2000® (IS-95) 1xEV-DV BTS FDD Application Firmware¸FS-K821157.2316.02CDMA2000® 1xEV-DV MS Application Firmware¸FS-K831157.2416.02CDMA2000® 1xEV-DO BTS Application Firmware¸FS-K841157.2851.02CDMA2000®-1xEV-DO MS Application Firmware¸FS-K851300.6689.02WLAN 802.11a TX Measurements Application Firmware¸FSP-K901300.6650.02The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Rohde&Schwarz is under license.CDMA2000® is a registered trademark of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA -USA).Spectrum Analyzer ¸FSP11Europe:Tel:+491805124242,e-mail:*********************************.com·USA:Tel.+1410-910-7988,e-mail:*********************************.comAsia:Tel.+6568463710,e-mail:***********************************.com¸i s a r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k o f R o h d e &S c h w a r z G m b H &C o . K G · T r a d e n a m e s a r e t r a d e m a r k s o f t h e o w n e r s · P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y (B i a s )P D 0758.1206.22 · S p e c t r u m A n a l y z e r ¸F S P · V e r s i o n 05.00 · O c t o b e r 2004 · D a t a w i t h o u t t o l e r a n c e l i m i t s i s n o t b i n d i n g · S u b j e c t t o c h a n g eCertified Quality System ISO 9001Certified Environmental SystemISO 14001Product brochure see PD 0758.1206.12 and at (search term: FSP)Recommended extrasDesignationTypeOrder No.Headphones 0708.9010.00US Keyboard with Trackball ¸PSP-Z21091.4100.02PS/2 Mouse¸FSE-Z21084.7043.02DC Block,10kHz to 18GHz (type N)¸FSE-Z41084.7443.02Colour Monitor, 15", 230 V ¸PMC31082.6004.02IEC/IEEE Bus Cable, 1 m ¸PCK 0292.2013.10IEC/IEEE Bus Cable, 2 m ¸PCK 0292.2013.2019" Rack Adapter (not for ¸FSP-B1)¸ZZA4781096.3248.00Soft Carrying Case, grey¸ZZT4731109.5048.00Printed operating manual (German)–1093.4820.11Printed operating manual (English)–1093.4820.12Printed service manual (German)–1093.4820.81Printed service manual (English)–1093.4820.82Matching Pads, 75 ΩL Section¸RAM 0358.5414.02Series Resistor, 25 Ω1)1)Taken into account in device function RF INPUT 75 Ω.¸RAZ 0358.5714.02SWR Bridge, 5 MHz to 3 GHz ¸ZRB2 0373.9017.52SWR Bridge, 40 kHz to 4 GHz ¸ZRC 1039.9492.52High-Power Attenuators, 100 W 3/6/10/20/30 dB¸RBU1001073.8495.XX (XX=03/06/10/20/30)High-Power Attenuators, 50 W 3/6/10/20/30 dB ¸RBU501073.8695.XX (XX=03/06/10/20/30)For ¸FSP30Test Port Adapter, 3.5 mm male –1021.0529.00Test Port Adapter, N male–1021.0541.00Microwave Measurement Cable and Adapter Set ¸FS-Z151046.2002.02For ¸FSP40Test Port Adapter K male –1036.4802.00Test Port Adapter N male –1036.4783.00Test Port Adapter 2.4 mm female¸FSE-Z51088.1627.02Related data sheetsTitleOrder No.TV Trigger/RF Power Trigger ¸FSP-B6PD 0757.6433Noise Measurement Software ¸FS-K3 for Spectrum Analyzers ¸FSE, ¸FSIQ and ¸FSP PD 0757.2380Phase Noise Measurement Software ¸FSE-K4PD 0757.6727GSM/EDGE Application Firmware ¸FS-K5 for ¸FSP PD 0757.6185FM Measurement Demodulator ¸FS-K7 PD 0757.6685Bluetooth Application Firmware ¸FS-K8PD 0757.7730Application Firmware for Noise Figure and Amplifier Measure-ments R&S®FS-K30PD 0758.0839.32WCDMA 3GPP Application Firmware ¸FS-K72/-K73/-K74 PD 0757.7246TD-SCDMA Test Application Firmware ¸FS-K76/-K77 PD 0758.0880.32CDMA2000® Base Station Test Application Firmware 1xEV-DO Base Station Test Application Firmware ¸FS-K82/-K84PD 0758.1712.32Mobile Station Test Application Firmware ¸FS-K83/¸FS-K85PD 0758.1729.32WLAN Application Firmwar e ¸FSQ-K91/ ¸FSP-K90PD 0758.1435.12。



Power Trends, Inc. 27715 Diehl Road, Warrenville, IL 60555 (800) 531-5782 Fax: (630) 393-6902 /powertrends /Ordering InformationPT7773❏ = 0.8 to 3.1 V oltsProgramming InformationVID4=1VID4=0VID3VID2VID1VID0Vout Vout1111 1.6V 0.80V 1110 1.7V 0.85V 1101 1.8V 0.90V 1100 1.9V 0.95V 1011 2.0V 1.00V 1010 2.1V 1.05V 1001 2.2V 1.10V 1000 2.3V 1.15V 0111 2.4V 1.20V 0110 2.5V 1.25V 0101 2.6V 1.30V 0100 2.7V 1.35V 0011 2.8V 1.40V 0010 2.9V 1.45V 0001 3.0V 1.50V 03.1V1.55VLogic 0 = Pin 12 potential (remote sense gnd)Logic 1 = Open circuit (no pull-up resistors)VID3 and VID4 may not be changed while the unit is operating.For dimensions and PC board layout, see Package Style 1020 and 1030•+5V input•5-bit Programmable: 0.8V to 3.1V @32A •High Efficiency•Input V oltage Range: 4.5V to 5.5V•Differential Remote Sense•27-pin SIP PackageFeaturesPower Trends, Inc. 27715 Diehl Road, Warrenville, IL 60555 (800) 531-5782 Fax: (630) 393-6902 /powertrendsPT Series Suffix (PT1234X )Case/PinConfigurationVertical Through-Hole N Horizontal Through-Hole A Horizontal Surface MountCh t t p ://o n e i c.c o m /IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI)reserve the right to make corrections,modifications,enhancements,improvements,and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice.Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by government requirements,testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design.Customers are responsible for their products andapplications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications,customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any TI patent right,copyright,mask work right,or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI products or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.TI products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications (such as life support)where a failure of the TI product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death,unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use.Buyers represent that they have all 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compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use.TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products are designated by TI as compliant with ISO/TS 16949requirements.Buyers acknowledge and agree that,if they use any non-designated products in automotive applications,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements.Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products Applications AmplifiersAudioData Converters Automotive DLP®Products Broadband DSPDigital Control Clocks and Timers Medical Interface MilitaryLogicOptical Networking Power Mgmt Security Microcontrollers TelephonyRFIDVideo &Imaging RF/IF and ZigBee®SolutionsWirelessMailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box 655303,Dallas,Texas 75265Copyright ©2009,Texas Instruments Incorporatedht t p ://o分销商库存信息:TIPT7773A PT7773C PT7773N。

SJA1110 汽车以太网交换机 factsheet说明书

SJA1110 汽车以太网交换机 factsheet说明书

FACT SHEETSJA1110 The SJA1110 automotive Ethernet switchfamily offers innovative and dedicated safetyand security features designed for optimalintegration in auto ECUs. The four switchvariants enable modular ECU design andplatforms and support different automotiveapplications such as gateways, ADAS boxes,and infotainment ECUs.KEY FEATURES• I ntegrated 100BASE-T1 and 100BASE-TX PHYs• Integrated Arm® Cortex®-M7 based core• Best-in class packet inspection and DoS preventioncapabilities• Advanced secure boot capabilities• Purpose built functional safety features• Support for Wake-over-Ethernet (OPEN TC10)• Rich set of Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) standards• Rich set of NXP original AVB and AUTOSAR® software• System solution with S32G Vehicle Networking Processorand VR5510 power management unitSJA1110 ETHERNET SWITCH BLOCK DIAGRAMENABLEMENT• Production-grade Software Development Kit (SDK)• Native integration with NXP Design Studio IDE• Production grade AUTOSAR drivers• Production grade AVB/802.1AS synchronization protocol middleware• Evaluation board compatible with NXP’s Smart Application Blueprint for Rapid Engineering (SABRE)• Linux® DriversSJA1110 TSN ETHERNET SWITCH/SJA1110NXP and the NXP logo are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Arm and Cortex are trademarks or registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere. The related technology may be protected by any or all of patents, copyrights, designs and trade secrets. All rights reserved. © 2022 NXP B.V.Document Number: SJA1110AUTESFS REV 1NETWORKING APPLICATIONS • Optimized NXP chipset solution with S32G processor enables unmatched routing, firewalling, intrusion/detection/prevention capabilities • Best-in-class TCAM-based frame inspection for IDPS support, DOS prevention and advanced frames management • BOM optimization features include compatibility with VR5510 PMIC, four pin-compatible variants and optimized cascaded configurationADAS APPLICATIONS• Functional safety-dedicated features improving ECU safety design • Safety manual enable optimized safety design up to ASIL-D ECUs • Automotive Grade 1 (-40 / +125° C) capability for optimized PCB design • High-SGMII count for EMC friendly design • Production-grade AUTOSAR drivers• Compatible with TTTEch ® MotionWise ® middleware INFOTAINMENT/CLUSTER APPLICATIONS• Multi-gigabit SGMII for external Gigabit and Multi-Gigabit PHYs • Autonomous operation support avoids dependency from untrusted external host • Avnu ®-Certified* AVB/gPTP stack for integrated controller• Support for Wake over Ethernet (OPEN TC10)• Integrated controller with programmable GPIOs。

PASCAL Ci4 Delta P 差动压力传感器说明书

PASCAL Ci4 Delta P 差动压力传感器说明书

Differential pressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4 Delta Pfor diaphragm seal operation, Type series CI4330Datasheet D4-071-2 Rev. 1L3Application area■ General process engineering■ Chemical and petrochemical industry ■ General process technologyFeatures■ Differential pressure transmitter for diaphragm sealoperation■ High-resolution display with backlight ■ Intuitive 4-button operation■ Comprehensive parameterising functions■ Comprehensive simulation and diagnostic functions ■ Quick access to device data ■ Development according to SIL2 ■ Nominal ranges 0.25 to 16 bar ■ Turndown up to 100:1■ Measuring rate up to 100 Hz ■ Accuracy 0.1 %■ Output signal 4…20 mA with HART® protocol■ Digital communication via PDM, FDT/DTM, 375/475Field Communicator■ Output functions: linear, invers, square root,table function■ Table function with up to 64 support points■ Stainless steel case in sturdy design, degree of protec-tion IP 65/67■ Media temperature -40…100 °C ■ Wetted parts stainless steel■ Various process connections with diaphragmseal technologyOptions■ Approvals/Certificates- GOST-R certificate of conformity and declaration - Certificate of measuring equipment for RussianFederation- Material per DIN EN 10204- Calibration certificate per DIN EN 10204 ■ Removable display and control unit ■ Degree of protection IP 69K■ Front cover of stainless steel with window ofnon splintering glass ApplicationThe digital differential pressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4 Delta P has been specially designed for the mounting of diaphragm seals with a volume reduced differential pressure chamber. Due to this design the transmitter is suitable for various applications, e.g. for the level measurement of pres-sure vessels.Technical dataMeasuring rangesUp to a turndown of 100:1 the measuring span can be freely selected.Nominal range Measuring range Measuring span Overload capacity Static excess pressureboth sidesmin. span max. span plus-side minus-side0.25 bar rel. -0.25…0.25 bar rel. 0.0025 bar 0.5 bar 10 bar rel. 5 bar 75 bar1 bar rel. -1…1 bar rel. 0.01 bar2 bar 20 bar rel. 10 bar 75 bar4 bar rel. -1…4 bar rel. 0.04 bar5 bar 50 bar rel. 25 bar 75 bar16 bar rel. -1…16 bar rel. 0.16 bar 17 bar 50 bar rel. 25 bar 75 barConstructional design / caseDesign: Two-chamber case, continuously rotata-ble by ± 170°Material case: Stainless steel mat.no. 1.4301 (304)Case surface blastedMaterial front cover: ■ Polypropylene, black ■ Stainless steelDegree of protection: ■IP 65 / IP 67 per DIN EN 60529 ■IP 69KMaterial win-dow: ■ Macrolon■Non splintering glass (requires front cover of stainless steel)Elec. connec-tion: ■Circular connector M12■Cable gland M16x1.5, PA black■Cable gland M16x1.5, stainless steel ■Cable gland M20x1.5, PA black■Cable gland M20x1.5, stainless steel ■1/2" NPT, PA blackTerminal blocks: ■Spring clamp terminals up to 1.5 mm2■Pole terminals up to 2.5 mm2■Screwed terminals up to 2.5 mm2Weight: Approx. 1.4 kg (without diaphragm seal) Type plate: Laser markingProcess connectionDesign: Volume reduced differential pressurechamber, suitable for the direct mountingof diaphragm seals with capillary connec-tion.Diaphragm seals see product group D5Material wetted partsDepending on the design of the diaphragm seal different materials are available: ■ stainless steel 316L■ duplex■stainless steel with PFA or PTFE-coating■ tantalum■ hastelloy■ monelAdditional materials upon request.Measuring systemSensor: piezoresistiveSysteme filling: Due to the application there are differentsysteme fillings available, see TechnicalInstruction TA_031.AccuracyReferencecond.:Per DIN EN 60770-1Calibrationposition:Vertical mountingDeviation ofcharacteristic:Refer to the adjusted measuring span(Limit point method per DIN 16086)Nominal range 1-16 barTurndown 5:1 0.1 %Turndown > 5:1 0.02 % x TDNominal range 0.25 barTurndown 5:1 0.2 %Turndown > 5:1 0.04 % x TD Long-term drift: Refer to nominal range≤ 0.1 %/yearTemperature influence, case: Refer to nominal rangeAmbient temperature -20…80 °C: Nominal range1- 16 bar0.1 % /10K,max. 0.3 % Nominal range0.25 bar0.2 % /10K,max. 0.6 % Ambient temperature -40…-20 °C: Typical 0.2 % /10KTemperature influence, process connection: The temperature influence depends on several parameters, e.g. diaphragm di-ameter, diaphragm material, capillary length, capillary diameter, systeme filling, etc.We provide a detailed error analysis upon request.IndicationDisplay: ■High-resolution graphic display withbacklight■ 4-button operation■Freely configurable display modes■continuously rotatable by ± 170 (de-tent every 90°)■ Optional: Remote display and controlunit, can be used up to 10 m awayfrom measuring pointOutputSignal: 2-wire technology 4…20 mALower limit 3.8…4 mAUpper limit 20…21 mALower alarm current < 3.6 mAUpper alarm current > 21 mACurrent limitation 22 mADigital communication: HART ®protocol,version 7Communication via:■PDM version 6 and 8■Pactware or compatible systems(FDT/DTM)■375 / 475 Field Communicator Function: Adjustable:■ Linear■ Inverse response■By square root■Table function with up to 64 supportpointsTurndown: Max.100:1Damping: 0…999.9 s selectable in steps of 0.1 s Measuringrate:20 Hz, switchable to 100 HzResolution: 1µACurrent sens-ing func.3.55…21.5 mA selectable in stepsof 0.01 mALoad R B: R B≤ (U V-12V DC)/22mA [Ohm]U V = supply voltageSupplyFunctionalrange:12…30 V DCTemperature rangesEnvironment: -40…80 ° CMedia: -90 (400)°C*Storage: -40…80 ° C* depending on the design of the diaphragm seal and the systeme fillingTests and certificatesEMC: Per EN 61326-1SIL 2: Development according to SIL 2 GOST: ■GOST-R certificate of conformity anddeclaration■Certificate of measuring equipment forRussian FederationParameterisation, simulation and calibrationParameterisationParameter Values Default settingDevicedevice ID 16 digits, freely selectable LABOM PASCAL Ci4lower range value at any value within nominal range start of nominal rangeupper range value at any value within nominal range end of nominal rangemeasuring rate 20 Hz, 100 Hz 20 Hzdamping 0.0…999.9 s 0.0 sDisplay and control unitbarpressure unit mbar, bar, Pa, hPa, kPa, MPa, g/cm2, kg/cm2, psi,atm, torr, mmH2O, mH2O, inH2O, ftH2O, mmHg, inHgtemperature unit ° C,° F, ° R, K °Clighting on, off onlanguage german, english germandecimal point auto, x.xxxx, xx.xxx, xxx.xx, xxxx.x, xxxxx autofour valuesdisplay mode five values, four values, three values, two values, bigdisplaymain value ∆P, ∆P in mA, ∆P in %, temperature ∆Psecondary values ∆P, ∆P in mA, ∆P in %, temperature,device ID,∆P in %, ∆P in mA, device ID, <empty>HART-TAG, HART-DescriptorCurrent outputlinearoutput function linear, inverse response, by square root, table func-tionlower current limit 3.8…4.0 mA 3.8 mAupper current limit 20…21 mA 20.5 mAalarm current low (<3.6 mA), high (> 21.0 mA) low (<3.6 mA)position correction (mounting position) on, off offMaintenance countermaintenance interval 0…9999 days 0 daysstatus on, off offHART dataHART address 0…63 0number of response preambels 5…20 5current mode proportional, constant proportionalSimulationType Description Value rangeloop-test adjustment of fixed output signal 3.55…2.5 mAnominal rangepressure simulation assumes constant pressure value, contrary to loop-test the table function is also taken into considerationCalibrationType Descriptionzero point offset adjusts reading to zero at ambient pressureposition correction adjusts reading of mounted instrument to zero at ambient pressurelower offset adjusts reading to applied pressure (affects zero point + span)upper offset adjusts reading to applied pressure (affects span only)current output adjusts current output to achieve 4 resp. 20 mA at the end of the measurement chainConnection diagram12...30 V0 VOutput (2-wire): 4...20 mACircular connector M12 x 1DimensionsCase and process connectionsRemote display and control unit (Type series MC1140)Wall bracket for wall and pipe mounting (Type series MM1110)Order detailsPressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4 Delta P for diaphragm seal operation Type series CI4330Order detail PASCAL Ci4 Delta P CI4330CI4330 Pressure transmitter PASCAL Ci4 Delta P for diaphragm seal operationA1078measuring range 0.25 barA1053 1 barA1056 4 barA1059 16 barF1 parameterisation factory settings (standard)F2 as per customer’s specification (pls. specify) H21 output signal 4…20 mA, with HART-ProtokollY1. material case stainless steel mat.-no. 1.4301 (304)1 material front cover polypropylene (black), window Macrolon2 stainless steel, window non splintering glassT20.electrical connection cable gland M 16 x 1,5 PA for cable Ø 4,5-10T22. cable gland M16 x 1.5 stainless steel, for cable Ø 5-9.5 T15. cable gland M20 x 1.5 polyamide, for cable Ø 7-13T17. cable gland M20 x 1.5 stainless steel, for cable Ø 8-13 T27. cable gland 1/2” NPT polyamide, for cable Ø 6-12cable clamps spring clamp terminals up to 1.5 mm25 pole terminals 2.5 mm26 screwed terminals 2.5 mm2 T30 circular connector M12 x 1 (4 pin)process connections (diaphragm seals) see product group D5Additional features (to be indicated in case of need, only)T4 degree of protection IP 69KM1 display withoutdisplayW1020 material certificate per DIN EN 10204-3.1, wetted partsW1201 calibration certificate per DIN EN 10204-3.1, 5 measuring pointsW2670 GOST GOST-R certificate of conformity and declarationW2672 certificate of measuring equipment for Russian FederationAccessoriesMM1110 Device bracket per DIN 16281, model A, for wall and pipe-mounting, stainless steel mat.-no. 1.4571 (316Ti)A10design for wall mountingA11 for pipe diameter 35-50 mmA12 for pipe diameter 2“ (60,3 mm)MC1140 PASCAL Ci4 remote display and control unit including wall bracketmaterial stainless steel, incl. front ring with seal and blind cap with circular connector M12x1A1. connection cable length: 10 m, material: PUR, with connector M12 x11Internal cable clamps spring clamp terminals up to 1.5 mm22 pole terminals 2.5 mm23 screwed terminals 2.5 mm2T1 degree of protection IP 65 / IP 67 (standard)T4 IP 69KMZ8120-A11 mounting set for wall bracket 2 mounting brackets for pipe and frame mounting Ø 30-50 mm, incl. nuts and washers MZ8120-A12 2 mounting brackets for pipe and frame mounting Ø 40-64 mm, incl. nuts and washers MC1020 HART-Modem RS232-interfaceMC1040 USB-interfaceOrder code (example): CI4330 – A1056 – F1 – H21 – Y12 – T200 – - …。



当出口(或提供给非居住者)本产品中属于外汇及外国贸易管理法所规定的出口许可、 承认对象货物(或技术)范围的产品时,必须有以相关法律为基准的出口许可、承认(或 官方交易许可)。
关于 CP 系列的「单元版本」
关于 CP 系列的「单元版本」
在 SYSMAC CP 系列中,为了管理由于版本升级等引起的 CPU 单元配置功能的差异,引 入了「单元版本」这个概念。
关于 CP 系列的「单元版本」
Ver. Ver.
1.0 1.0
Ver. Ver.
为了管理由于版本升级等引起的 CPU 单元配置功能的差异的标 签。
请根据需要贴在产品的正面。 These Labels can be used to manage differences in the available functions among the Units. Place the appropriate label on the front of the Unit to show what Unit version is actually being used.



ID (t) VDD
VDS (t)
Fig 16. Unclamped Inductive Switching Test Circuit & Waveforms
Jun 2013
Power Device REV.A2
PFP160N10S / PFB160N10S
Characteristics Test Circuit & Waveform (continued)
Drain-Source On Resistance
VGS = 10V 6
ID, Drain Current [A]
Power Device REV.A2
PFP160N10S / PFB160N10S
Typical Characteristics (continued)
TJ, Junction Temperature [oC]
ID, Drain Current [A]
Drain Current
TJ, Junction Temperature [oC]
12 VDS = 80V IDS = 90A
Gate Charge



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Description :The TP-Link Single Parallel Port Print Server TL-PS110P is a device to share your parallel printer among multi users on the network in your home or small/medium office. All you need to do is to connect it to a parallel printer and your network, after several clicks following the clear instruction of the setup wizard, you will have your parallel printer networked and shared. Compatible with most of the parallel printers on the market, the TL-PS110P provides you a ideal solution to build a printing network or replace the dedicated PC server of your current printing network, saving the time, energy and cost.TL-PS110PSingle Parallel Port Fast Ethernet Print ServerShare your parallel printer over the network, eliminating the need ofa dedicated PCCompatible with most ofthe parallel printers on the market*Setup Wizard for quick installation, bundled utility for easy management* For detailed compatibility list, please check on our website: /products/ps.aspAllows multi users to share the parallel port printer over the networkCompatible with most of the parallel printers on the marketMulti-protocol and multi-OS supported to share printing in almost all the network environmentCompact design provides you a space, energy and cost saving solution over a dedicated PC serverHassle free setup in just several clicks Bundled utility and web interface provides easy management and monitoring E-mail alert function ensures you to be aware of every status change by sending emailsIPP (Internet Printing Protocol) supported to print les over the internet just as in your own o ceStandardsNetwork ProtocolNetwork Operating System SupportManagementAdvances FeaturesHardware Interface LEDsPowerSafety & Emission Dimensions EnvironmentIEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3u TCP/IP IPX/SPXNetBEUI/Apple Talk LPRIPP/SMB RAW TCPWindows 9X/Me/NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7Mac OS 8.0 or higher/UNIX/LinuxNetware 3.12 or higher (Bindery/NDS)Windows-Based Setup program (PSAdmin) Web ManagementTelnet Con guration/HP Web JetAdmin/HP JetAdmin DHCP(client) Support E-mail Alert/Print Job Log SNMPSupports POST(Power On Self Test)Firmware UpgradableBuilt in 1M Flash RAM/2M SDRAM Built in 10/100Mbps RJ-45 port1 Parallel Port/1 Fast Ethernet RJ-45 Port Status 10Mbps 100Mbps 3.3V DC 2A FCC, CE59×52×22 mmOperating Temperature: 0℃~50℃ (32℉~122℉)Operating Humidity: 0%~70% non-condensing-------Single Parallel Port Fast Ethernet Print Server TL-PS110P Power AdapterQuick Installation Guide Resource CDSingle USB2.0 Port Fast Ethernet Print Server TL-PS110USingle USB2.0 Port MFP and Storage Server TL-PS310UPocket-sized Wireless Print Server TL-WPS510USpecifications are subject to change without notice. TP-LINK is a registered trademark of TP-LINK Technologies Co., Ltd. Other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. No part of the specificationsmay be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without permission from TP-LINK Technologies Co., Ltd.WiredWireless ADSL2+ Modem RouterLaptop PrinterDesktop Laptop TL-PS110PSingle Parallel Port Fast Ethernet Print Server。






废话少说,上例程://===================================== ===================#include "extern.h"KeyBounce equ 30*1000 //30msvoid FPPA0(void){.ADJUST_IC SYSCLK=IHRC/2;pac = 0b_1111_1110;pa = 0b_0000_0000;paph = 0b_0000_0001;$ padier 0b_1111_1001;while (1){if( pa.0 == 0 ){if(--KeyBounce == 0){if( pa.0 == 0 ){A = pa.3;A ~= 0b00001000;pa = A;}}}}}//===================================== ===================以上例程非常简单#include "extern.h"是程序的头文件。

void FPPA0(void)相当于程序的 main() 函数。

.ADJUST_IC SYSCLK=IHRC/2;是对芯片时钟的设定,具体参考使用的单片机芯片来设定。

pac = 0b_1111_1110;pa = 0b_0000_0000;paph = 0b_0000_0001;$ padier 0b_1111_1001;是对芯片引脚设定。

这里设定 pa.0 为输入,启用上拉电阻。


while (1)无限循环函数,与大多数函数相似。

if( pa.0 == 0 )判断 pa.0 是否被人按下了。




XWWK-CC1110基础实验目录实验1、CC1110-指示灯自动闪烁试验 (1)一、试验目的 (1)二、试验设备 (1)三、试验现象 (4)四、代码分析 (5)实验2、CC1110-按键控制指示灯试验 (5)一、试验目的 (5)二、试验设备 (6)三、试验现象 (6)四、代码分析 (6)实验3、CC1110-按键控制指示灯闪烁试验 (7)一、试验目的 (7)二、试验设备 (7)三、试验现象 (7)四、代码分析 (7)实验4、CC1110-按键中断试验 (8)一、试验目的 (8)二、试验设备 (8)三、试验现象 (9)四、代码分析 (9)实验5、CC1110-Timer1试验 (9)一、试验目的 (9)二、试验设备 (10)三、试验现象 (10)四、代码分析 (10)实验6、CC1110-Timer2试验 (11)一、试验目的 (11)二、试验设备 (11)三、试验现象 (11)四、代码分析 (11)实验6、CC1110-Timer3试验 (13)一、试验目的 (13)二、试验设备 (13)三、试验现象 (13)四、代码分析 (13)实验8、CC1110-Timer4试验 (14)实验9、CC1110-串口发送试验 (14)一、试验目的 (14)二、试验设备 (14)三、试验现象 (15)四、代码分析 (15)实验10、CC1110-串口接收试验 (17)实验11、CC1110-定时器中断试验 (17)一、试验目的 (17)二、试验设备 (17)三、试验现象 (17)四、代码分析 (18)实验12、CC1110-睡眠定时器试验 (19)一、试验目的 (19)二、试验设备 (19)三、试验现象 (19)四、代码分析 (19)实验13、CC1110-系统唤醒试验 (20)一、试验目的 (20)二、试验设备 (20)三、试验现象 (20)四、代码分析 (21)实验14、CC1110-系统睡眠试验 (22)一、试验目的 (22)二、试验设备 (22)三、试验现象 (22)四、代码分析 (22)实验15、CC1110-AD采集VDD%3试验 (24)一、试验目的 (24)二、试验设备 (25)三、试验现象 (25)四、代码分析 (25)实验16、CC1110-AD采集片内温度传感器试验 (26)一、试验目的 (26)二、试验设备 (27)三、试验现象 (27)四、代码分析 (27)实验17、CC1110-看门狗试验 (28)一、试验目的 (28)二、试验设备 (28)三、试验现象 (28)四、代码分析 (28)实验18、CC1110-看门狗试验-喂狗 (29)一、试验目的 (29)二、试验设备 (29)三、试验现象 (29)四、代码分析 (29)实验1、CC1110-指示灯自动闪烁试验一、试验目的通过本试验实现指示灯的自动闪烁,学习单片机IO口编程,实现驱动指示灯。

RS811 Datasheet

RS811 Datasheet

Manual Reset
The manual-reset input (MR) allows reset to be triggered by a push button switch. MR has an internal pullup resistor, so it
can be left open when not used.
Pin Configuration
Pin Description
Pin VCC Type Description Supply Voltage. Reset is asserted when VCC drops below the Reset Threshold Voltage (V RST). Reset remains asserted until VCC rises above VRST and keep asserted for the duration of the Reset Timeout Period (tRS) once VCC rises above VRST. Ground Active-Low Reset Output (Push-Pull). It goes low when Vcc is below the reset threshold. It remains low for about 200ms after Vcc rises above the reset threshold (VRST). Manual-Reset: (CMOS). Active low. Pull low to force a reset. Reset remains asserted for the duration of the Reset Timeout Period after MR transitions from low to high. Leave unconnected or connected to VCC if not used.



Panduit GMM1 MaterialThis specification is intended to outline the physical and chemical properties of P ANDUIT’s GM M1 material and include the following printable material identifiers:PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS:Description: Material is RoHS compliant (European Union directive 2002/95/EC).GMM1consists of a flame retardant polyester film.Adhesive: Acrylic based, pressure sensitive permanent adhesive.Standard Colors: WhiteThickness: 3.3 +/- 0.2 mils(substrate and adhesive)Service Temperature Range: Minus 30F to 266F (Minus 1C to 130C)Minimum Application Temperature: 40F (4C)Storage Conditions: Store at 70°F (21°C) and 50% Relative Humidity. PROPERTIES: PERFORMANCE:Peel Adhesion: Tensile Strength: Elongation: 25 oz/in minimum (PSTC 101, 15 min dwell) MD: 31 +/- 3.0 lbs./inch width (PSTC-131) MD 50% +/- 5% (ASTM D-1000)UV Resistance: *3000 hours no change observed (ASTM G154)Elevated Temperature Exposure: Flammability:*3000 hours equates to 5 years of assimilated outdoor UV exposure After 8 hours at 150︒F (65︒C) there was no deterioration of the substrate.Material is flame retardant and conforms to UL 510,also recognized as UL 94 VTM-0 per UL 94CHEMICAL/SOLVENT RESISTANCE:The testing was conducted at room temperature. Test performed according to PSTC-101, ASTM D-543-87 andASTM D-896-90.The testing was conducted at room temperature and performed with reference to the above test methods. Printed samples were cut 1” wide and were applied to stainless steel panels and conditioned for 24 hours. The samples were then immersed in the specified reagents for 5 immersions using the following cycle: a 10 minute immersion time followed by a 30 minute recovery time. After the fifth immersion, the samples were conditioned for 24 hours before testing. Percent retention of performance was based on a 48 hour adhesion value of 30 oz/inch.P STC: Pressure Sensitive Tape Council (USA)ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials (USA)LIMITED WARRANTYAll P ANDUIT Identification Solution Products (except for Software programs) are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship at the time of sale but our obligation under this warranty is limited to replacement of the product proved to be defective within 6 months from the date of sale, or in the case of printers, within 90 days from the date of sale. This warranty is void if the products or printers are modified, altered or misused in any way. Use of P ANDUIT printers with any product other than the specified P ANDUIT products for which the printer was designed constitutes misuse. Before using, the user shall determine the suitability of the product for its intended use and user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connection therewith. The foregoing may not be altered except by an agreement signed by officers or seller and manufacturer.NEITHER P ANDUIT OR SELLER SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY OTHER INJURY, LOSS OR DAMAGE, WHETHER DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF, OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT OR THE PRINTER.THIS WARRANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS OF PARTICULAR USE ARE SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED.The information contained in this literature is based on our experience to date and is believed to be reliable. It is intended as a guide or use by persons having technical skill at their own discretion and risk. We do not guarantee favorable results or assume any liability in connection with its use. Dimensions contained herein are for reference purposes only. This publication is not to be taken as a license to operate under, or a recommendation to infringe any existing patents. This supersedes and voids all previous literature, etc.。

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Product DatasheetP1110 – 915 MHz RF Powerharvester™ ReceiverDESCRIPTIONThe Powercast P1110 Powerharvester receiver is an RF energy harvesting device that converts RF to DC. Housed in a compact SMD package, the P1110 receiver provides RF energy harvesting and power management for battery and capacitor recharging. The P1110 converts RF energy to DC and provides the energy to the attached storage element. When an adjustable voltage threshold on the storage element is achieved, the P1110 automatically disables charging. A microprocessor can be used to obtain data from the component for improving overall system operation.APPLICATIONS• Wireless sensors - Industrial Monitoring - Smart Grid - Structural Health Monitoring - Defense - Building automation - Agriculture - Oil & Gas - Location-aware services Wireless trigger Low power electronics• •FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMFEATURES• • • • • • • • • • High conversion efficiency, >70% Low power consumption Configurable voltage output to support Li-ion and Alkaline battery recharging Operation from 0V to support capacitor charging Received signal strength indicator No external RF components required Internally matched to 50 ohms Wide operating range Operation down to -5 dBm input power Industrial temperature range RoHS CompliantGNDGNDGNDPIN CONFIGURATIONPowerharvester and Powercast are registered trademarks of Powercast Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Rev A –2010/04© 2010 Powercast Corporation, All rights reserved. DOUT DSET+1 800-963-6538 P a g e |1Product DatasheetP1110 – 915 MHz RF Powerharvester™ ReceiverABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSTA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted. Parameter RF Input Power RFIN to GND DSET to GND VOUT to GND VOUT Current Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Rating 23 0 6 4.3 100 -40 to 85 -40 to 85 Unit dBm V V V mA °C °CExceeding the absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device.ESD CAUTIONThis is an ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Proper ESD precautions should be taken to avoid degradation or damage to the component.PIN FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONPin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Label LI GND RFIN GND DSET VSET GND VOUT DOUT ALK Function Li-ion/LiPo recharging pin. Connect directly to the analog ground plane for 4.2V maximum recharging. NC when using ALK or VSET pin. RF Ground. Connect to analog ground plane. RF Input. Connect to 50Ω antenna through a 50Ω transmission line. Add a DC block if antenna is a DC short. RF Ground. Connect to analog ground plane. Digital Input. Set to enable measurement of harvested power. If this function is not desired leave NC. Maximum Output Voltage Adjustment. Sets the maximum output voltage on the VOUT pin. Connect to an external resistor. NC when using LI or ALK pin. DC Ground. Connect to analog ground plane. DC Output. Connect to external storage device. Maximum output voltage set by VSET, LI, or ALK pin. Analog Output. Provides an analog voltage level corresponding to the harvested power. Alkaline recharging pin. Connect directly to the analog ground plane for 3.3V maximum recharging. NC when using LI or VSET pin.Rev A –2010/04© 2010 Powercast Corporation, All rights reserved. +1 800-963-6538 P a g e |2Product DatasheetP1110 – 915 MHz RF Powerharvester™ ReceiverSPECIFICATIONSTA = 25°C, VOUT = 3.0V, unless otherwise noted. Parameter RF Characteristics Input Power Frequency DC Characteristics Output Voltage Output Current Output Current VSET Range Signal Strength Digital Characteristics DSET Input High Timing Characteristics DSET Delay Symbol RFIN Condition Min 0 902 0 No RFIN 1.8 RFIN = 0dBm 61 1 20 -1.5 4.2 Typ Max 20 928 4.2 50 Unit dBm MHz V mA µA V mV V µsVOUT IOUT IOUT VSET DOUTRev A –2010/04© 2010 Powercast Corporation, All rights reserved. +1 800-963-6538 P a g e |3Product DatasheetP1110 – 915 MHz RF Powerharvester™ ReceiverFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONRF INPUT (RFIN) The RF input is an unbalanced input from the antenna. Any standard or custom 50Ω antenna may be used with the receiver. The P1110 has been optimized for operation in the 902-928MHz band but will operate outside this band with reduced efficiency. Contact Powercast for custom frequency requirements. The RF input must be isolated from ground. For antennas that are a DC short, a high-Q DC blocking capacitor should be added in series with the antenna. STORAGE SELECTION (VOUT) The P1110 is designed to charge an external storage element including batteries and capacitors. The output voltage from the P1110 will be set by the voltage of the storage element with a maximum set by the VSET, LI, or ALK pin. The P1110 will produce a charging current that will be dependent on the RF input power. The voltage on this pin can vary from 0V to 4.2V. The charging current for a fixed input RF power will decrease as the voltage on the VOUT pin increase due to the fixed amount of power available. The P1110 monitors the voltage on the storage element and turns off VOUT when the element is fully charged. The P1110 does not monitor the charging current because it is typically much less than the maximum charge current of the storage element. When selecting a storage element, the leakage current must be strongly considered. Certain battery chemistries have higher leakage currents than others. It is recommended that the leakage current of the storage element be less than 1% per month. Higher leakage currents will result in using more of the harvested energy to replace the capacity lost due to leakage rather than replenishing the capacity. When no load is attached to the P1110, a minimum of 10uF is required on the VOUT pin. RSSI OPERATION (DOUT, DSET) The RSSI functionality allows the sampling of the received signal to provide an indication of the amount of energy being harvested. When DSET is driven high the harvested DC power will be directed to an internal sense resistor, and the corresponding voltage will be provided to the DOUT pin. The voltage on the DOUT pin can be read after a 20μs settling time. When the RSSI functionality is being used, the harvested DC power is not being stored. If the RSSI functionality is not used, the DOUT and DSET pins should be left as no connects. The DSET pin has an internal pull down. SETTING THE OUTPUT VOLTAGE (VOUT) The maximum voltage from the P1110 is set using the VSET, LI, or ALK pin. The LI pin can be directly connected to ground to set the maximum voltage to 4.2V, or the ALK pin+1 800-963-6538 P a g e |4Rev A –2010/04© 2010 Powercast Corporation, All rights reserved. Product DatasheetP1110 – 915 MHz RF Powerharvester™ Receivercan be directly connected to ground to set the maximum voltage to 3.3V. For custom voltage settings, the VSET pin can be used. Placing a resistor from VSET to ground will adjust the maximum output voltage. The resistor can be calculated using the following equation.R= 12.35M VOUT −MAX − 1.235 The DOUT pin can contain low-level analog voltage signals. If a long trace is connected to this pin, additional filtering capacitance next to the A/D converter may be required. Additional capacitance on this pin will increase the DSET delay time.LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS When setting the output voltage, the resistor connected to the VSET pin should be as close as possible to the pin. No external capacitance should be added to this pin.The RFIN feed line should be designed as a 50Ω trace and should be as short as possible to minimize feed line losses. The following table provides recommended dimensions for 50Ω feed lines (CPWG) for different circuit board configurations.PCB Side ViewMaterial FR4 (εr = 4.2) FR4 (εr = 4.2)Thickness (H) 62 31Trace Width (S) 50 50Spacing (W) 9 20*All dimensions are in mils. The GND pins on each side of the RFIN pin should be connected to the PCB ground plane through a via located next to the pads under the receiver.Rev A –2010/04© 2010 Powercast Corporation, All rights reserved. +1 800-963-6538 P a g e |5Product DatasheetP1110 – 915 MHz RF Powerharvester™ ReceiverTYPICAL PERFORMANCE GRAPHSPowerharvester Efficiency vs. RFIN (dBm)TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.Powerharvester Efficiency vs. RFIN (mW)Powerharvester Efficiency vs. FrequencyPowerharvester Efficiency vs. FrequencyRev A –2010/04© 2010 Powercast Corporation, All rights reserved. +1 800-963-6538 P a g e |6Product DatasheetP1110 – 915 MHz RF Powerharvester™ ReceiverTYPICAL PERFORMANCE GRAPHSReceived Signal Strength Indicator vs. RFIN (dBm)TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.Received Signal Strength Indicator vs. RFIN (mW)Charge Current vs. RFIN (dBm)Charge Current vs. RFIN (mW)Rev A –2010/04© 2010 Powercast Corporation +1 800-963-6538 P a g e |7Product DatasheetP1110 – 915 MHz RF Powerharvester™ ReceiverTYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITPower Receiving AntennaVOUT RFINCommunication AntennaP1110 MicroprocessorDSET GND ALK DOUTRadio moduleSensorsRev A –2010/04© 2010 Powercast Corporation +1 800-963-6538 P a g e |8Product DatasheetP1110 – 915 MHz RF Powerharvester™ ReceiverMECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSRev A –2010/04© 2010 Powercast Corporation, all rights reserved. +1 800-963-6538 P a g e |9Product DatasheetP1110 – 915 MHz RF Powerharvester™ ReceiverIMPORTANT NOTICEInformation furnished by Powercast Corporation (Powercast) is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Powercast for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Powercast. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.POWERCAST PRODUCTS (INCLUDING HARDWARE AND/OR SOFTWARE) ARE NOT DESIGNED OR INTENDED TO BE FAIL-SAFE, FAULT TOLERANT OR FOR USE IN ANY APPLICATION THAT COULD LEAD TO DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE (INDIVIDUALLY AND COLLECTIVELY, “CRITICAL APPLICATIONS”), SUCH AS LIFE-SUPPORT OR SAFETY DEVICES OR SYSTEMS, CLASS III MEDICAL DEVICES, NUCLEAR FACILITIES, APPLICATIONS THAT AFFECT CONTROL OF A VEHICLE OR AIRCRAFT, APPLICATIONS RELATED TO THE DEPLOYMENT OF AIRBAGS, OR ANY OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. CUSTOMER AGREES, PRIOR TO USING OR DISTRIBUTING ANY SYSTEMS THAT INCORPORATE POWERCAST PRODUCTS, TO THOROUGHLY TEST THE SAME FOR SAFETY PURPOSES. CUSTOMER ASSUMES THE SOLE RISK AND LIABILITY OF ANY USE OF POWERCAST PRODUCTS IN CRITICAL APPLICATIONS, SUBJECT ONLY TO APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING LIMITATIONS ON PRODUCT LIABILITY.Powercast warrants its products in accordance with Powercast’s standard warranty available at .Rev A –2010/04© 2010 Powercast Corporation, all rights reserved. +1 800-963-6538 P a g e | 10。
