(中考物理)人教版物理中考总复习 《功和机械能》(原卷+解析卷)
下列说法,正确的是( )A.长征11号发射过程中,其动能转化为重力势能B.地球同步卫星进入轨道后相对于地面是静止的C.火箭加速升空时,气体对火箭的力大于火箭对气体的力D.长征11号全长近21m,重58t,起飞推力为120t2.2019年4月23日内蒙古“主席杯”足球赛在锡林郭勒盟拉开帷幕。
小旭对比赛中如图所示现象的解释,不正确的是( )A.足球在空中飞行的过程中,人对足球没有做功B.足球飞在最高点时,若所受力全部消失,它将静止C.球最终落回地面,说明力可以改变物体的运动状态D.足球在地面滚动时速度越来越小,惯性的大小不变3.如图所示,粗糙的弧形轨道竖直固定在水平面,一小球由A点以一定的速度υ沿轨道滚下,经另一侧与A等高点B后到达最高点C.下列分析正确是( )A.整个过程只有重力在对小球做功B.小球在A点的惯性比在C点的惯性大C.小球在A点的动能比在B点的动能大D.小球在A具有的机械能等于它在C点具有的重力势能4.跳伞运动员在空中竖直下降到适当位置时打开降落伞,人和伞受到较大的空气阻力,开始做减速运动,空气阻力随速度的减小而减小,竖直下降一段高度后,开始匀速下降直到落地,匀速下降的高度与减速下降的高度相等。
以人和伞为研究对象,下列说法正确的是( )A.减速下降中重力做功比匀速下降中多B.减速下降中重力做功的功率比匀速下降中大C.减速下降中减少的动能等于克服空气阻力做的功D.匀速下降中机械能总量保持不变5.北京世园会上,车身离地30cm高的电动无人扫地车在平直路面上匀速前进并将地面上的落叶吸入车内,此过程中,扫地车整体的( )A.动能不变,重力势能不变B.动能不变,重力势能变大C.动能变大,重力势能不变D.动能变大,重力势能变大6.如图,轻质弹簧竖直放置,下端固定于地面,上端位于O点时弹簧恰好不发生形变。
中考数学复习专题训练精选试题及答案一、选择题1. 以下哪一个数是最小的无理数?A. √2B. πC. 3.14D. √9答案:A2. 若一个等差数列的首项是2,公差是3,则第8项是多少?A. 17B. 18C. 19D. 20答案:A3. 一个二次函数的图像开口向上,顶点坐标为(3,-4),则该二次函数的一般式为:A. y = x² + 6x - 13B. y = x² - 6x + 13C. y = -x² + 6x - 13D. y = -x² - 6x + 13答案:B4. 在三角形ABC中,a = 5,b = 7,C = 60°,则边c 的长度等于:A. 6B. 8C. 10D. 12答案:C二、填空题1. 已知a = 3,b = 4,则a² + b² = _______。
答案:252. 已知一个等差数列的前5项和为35,首项为7,求公差d = _______。
答案:23. 在梯形ABCD中,AB // CD,AB = 6,CD = 8,AD = BC = 5,求梯形的高h = _______。
答案:34. 若函数f(x) = x² - 2x + 1的最小值为m,求m =_______。
答案:0三、解答题1. 已知一元二次方程x² - 4x - 12 = 0,求解该方程。
解:首先,将方程因式分解为(x - 6)(x + 2) = 0。
然后,解得x = 6或x = -2。
答案:x = 6或x = -22. 已知一个长方体的长为a,宽为b,高为c,且a、b、c成等差数列。
解:由题意可知,a + c = 2b,所以c = 2b - a。
长方体的体积V = abc = ab(2b - a)。
答案:V = ab(2b - a)3. 已知三角形ABC,AB = AC,∠BAC = 40°,BC = 6,求三角形ABC的周长。
【答案】(1) 《壶口瀑布》——来到黄河中游,感受黄河的汹涌奔腾,声震天地。
(2) 《红星照耀中国》追忆之旅/成长之旅鲁迅意象丰富,追求光明与正义/感情充沛,对祖国与人民的热爱(意对即可)(3)示例:研学非常重要。
[28935699]每日必刷题 42—2021年浙教版中考科学考前复习(1)
下列关于疫苗的叙述错误的是( )A. 疫苗通常是用杀死的或减毒的病原体制成的生物制剂B. 接种疫苗后可以使人获得非特异性免疫C. 疫苗能够促使人体内产生相应的抗体抵抗病原体D. 预防接种的目的是为了保护易感人群2. 如图所示的做法符合安全用电原则的是()A. 试电笔的握法B. 发生触电事故时要立即断开电源C. 电灯和开关的连接D. 多个大功率用电器同时使用一个插座3.构成人体骨骼和牙齿的无机盐称为骨盐,其中含有氟化钙(CaF2)。
氟化钙中氟(F)元素的化合价为()A. −2B. −1C. +1D. +24.下列是分析已变质氢氧化钠溶液的相关实验,其中合理的是()①证明变质:取少量溶液,滴加适量的氯化钡,观察现象②确定成分:取少量溶液,加入足量氯化钙,过滤,向滤液中滴加酚酞溶液③测定纯度:取一定量溶液,加入足量浓盐酸,用氢氧化钠固体吸收气体,称量④除去杂质:取溶液,滴加石灰水至恰好完全反应,过滤A. ②③B. ①②③C. ①②④D. ①③5.地球是我们的家园,现在利用卫星不仅确证了地球的形状,而且精确地测量了大小()A. 平均半径6371千米B. 赤道周长约8万千米C. 表面积51亿平方千米D. 是一个正球体6.有关对磁场的认识和电磁知识的应用,下列说法中正确的是()A. 磁感线描述的磁场不是真实存在的B. 地球是一个巨大的磁体,地理的南北极与地磁场的南北极基本重合C. 电动机是利用通电线圈在磁场中受力转动的原理制成的D. 发电机是利用电磁感应现象制成的,工作时将电能转化为机械能7.一种纳米纤维催化剂,可将二氧化碳转化成液体燃料甲醇,其微观示意图如图(图中的微粒恰好完全反应)。
下列说法正确的是()A. 丁的化学式为H2O2B. 该反应为置换反应C. 参加反应的甲与乙的质量比为3:1D. 该反应体现了无机物可以转化为有机物8.二氧化硫(SO2)是空气污染物之一.SO2中S元素的化合价为()A. 0B. +2C. +4D. +69.一个小孩儿从公园中的滑梯上加速滑下,如图所示,下列说法正确的是( )A. 重力势能减少,动能不变,机械能减少,内能增加B. 重力势能减少,动能增加,机械能减少,内能增加C. 重力势能减少,动能增加,机械能增加,内能减少D. 重力势能减少,动能增加,机械能不变,内能不变10.心脏四个腔的关系中,不正常的是( )A. 左心房与右心房不相通B. 左心室与右心室不相通C. 同侧的心房与心室相通D. 不同侧的心房与心室相通11.如图所示,在电路中滑动变阻器滑片P逐渐向左适当移动的过程中,条形磁铁始终保持静止,下列说法不正确的是()A. 电磁铁的磁性逐渐增强B. 条形磁铁受到的摩擦力逐渐增大C. 电磁铁的左端是N极D. 条形磁铁对电磁铁没有力的作用12.小江学习了下列四种单细胞生活的相关知识后,绘制了单细胞生物分类检索表(如图).下列关于检索表中的甲、乙、丙、丁与这四种单细胞生活对应关系正确的是()单细胞生物分类检索表1a 无成形的细胞核…甲1b 有成形的细胞核 (2)2a 无细胞壁…乙2b 有细胞壁 (3)3a 无叶绿体…丙3b 有叶绿体…丁.A. 甲﹣草履虫B. 乙﹣酵母菌C. 丙﹣大肠杆菌D. 丁﹣衣藻13.今年5月6日中午11点35分,天空中再次出现“超级月亮”,那是今年月球离地球最近的时刻。
人教版物理中考总复习 三轮冲刺 《电与磁》中考试题精选(原卷+解析卷)
下列选项中与受电线圈工作原理相同的是( )A.交流电动机B.动圈式扬声器C.动圈式话筒D.电磁继电器2.我国的新型航母将采用自行研制的电磁弹射器,小明猜想它的工作原理如图所示,电磁弹射器的弹射车与飞机前轮连接,并处于强磁场中,当弹射车内的导体通过强电流时,即可受到强大的推力,小明的猜想与下列实验原理相同的是( )A.B.C.D.3.如图所示是闭合电路的一部分导体在两磁极间运动一周的情形,图中小圆圈代表导体的横截面,箭头表示导体的运动方向,下列说法正确的是( )A.在a、b、c、d四个位置时,导体都有感应电流B.在a、c两个位置时,导体中没有感应电流C.在a、c 两个位置时,导体中有感应电流且电流方向相同D.在b、d两个位置时,导体中没有感应电流4.笔记本电脑发热会影响使用寿命。
下列分析正确的是( )A.风扇转动的原理是电磁感应B.风扇之间一定串联C.风扇在工作时主要将电能转化为内能D.电脑是通过与空气之间的热传递来散热的5.能写红黑双色的磁画板截面如图所示,按下写字笔黑色按钮写出黑色的字,按下红色按钮写出红色的字,刷子左右移动则字消失。
下列说法正确的是( )A.刷子可以用铁制作B.写黑字时笔尖为S极C.写红字时笔尖为N极D.写字的原理是同名磁极相互排斥6.如图所示,内部均装有磁铁的两块清洁器M和N隔着窗玻璃总能合在一起移动,这让玻璃清洁变得安全高效。
关于清洁器的分析正确的是( )A.两块清洁器能合在一起的原理是异名磁极相互吸引B.N受到的重力和M对N的吸引力是一对平衡力C.玻璃对N的支持力和M对N的吸引力是一对相互作用力D.移动M时,N也能跟着一起移动,说明力能改变物体的形状7.济南是全国率先启用新能源汽车号牌的5个试点城市之一,新能源汽车越来越普及,如图所示为新能源汽车号牌专用标识。
中考化学总复习《溶液》专项试题一、单选题1.关于溶液,下列说法正确的是A.将20毫升汽油放入烧杯中,加50毫升水搅拌,得到溶液B.凡是均一的、稳定的液体一定是溶液C.溶液中的溶质可以是气体、液体或固体D.氢氧化钠溶于水形成溶液时,温度下降2.现有室温下100 g溶质质量分数为10%的氯化钠溶液。
下列有关说法错误的是A.将10 g氯化钠溶于90 g水中,可制得该溶液B.恒温蒸发水可将此溶液转化为氯化钠的饱和溶液C.加入10 g氯化钠完全溶解后所得溶液的溶质质量分数为20%D.溶解氯化钠时,钠离子和氯离子向水中扩散的过程中需要吸收热量3.把少量的下列物质分别放入水中,充分搅拌,不能形成溶液的是A.面粉B.乙醇C.蔗糖D.高锰酸钾4.60℃时,向100g水中加入一定量KNO3形成溶液,再降温至20℃,析出固体质量的变化如图1,结合图2,下列说法正确的是A.加入的KNO3质量为41.6gB.降温过程中KNO3溶液始终为饱和溶液C.蒸发溶剂可将M点的溶液转化到N点D.20℃时,100g KNO3饱和溶液中有KNO331. 6g5.下列有关溶液的说法正确的是A.硝酸铵溶于水,溶液温度降低B.固体物质的溶解度都随温度的升高而增大C.饱和溶液就是不能再继续溶解任何物质的溶液D.喝下汽水后常会打嗝,说明气体的溶解度随温度的升高而增大6.向100克溶质质量分数为20%的硝酸钾溶液中加入100克水,所得溶液中溶质质量分数是A.5%B.10%C.20%D.40%7.甲、乙试管中各盛有10.0g水,向其中一支中加入3.0gKNO3固体,另一支中加入3.0gNaCl 固体,按图1进行实验(KNO3和NaCl的溶解度曲线如图2),下列说法正确的是A.甲中加入的固体是KNO3B.0℃时,甲中溶液可能饱和,乙中溶液一定饱和C.KNO3中含有少量NaCl杂质,可用冷却KNO3热饱和溶液的方法提纯D.40℃时,若使图1中甲、乙试管内的溶液恰好变为相应饱和溶液,甲中加入对应的溶质质量大于乙中加入对应的溶质质量8.把少量下列物质分别放入水中,充分搅拌,能得到溶液的是A.硝酸钾B.植物油C.面粉D.泥土9.生活中的下列现象不能说明气体溶解度随温度升高而减小的是A.打开汽水瓶盖有大量泡沫逸出B.烧水时水沸腾前有气泡逸出C.喝下汽水打嗝D.夏季黄昏,池塘里的鱼常浮出水面10.向盛有下列物质的烧杯中分别加入适量水,充分搅拌后能得到溶液的是A.奶粉B.食盐C.花生油D.面粉11.实验室配制50g 质量分数为6%的氯化钠溶液时,下列说法正确的是A.配制该溶液需要称量3g 氯化钠,量取50mL 蒸馏水B.称量氯化钠时,只需在盛放氯化钠的右盘垫一张纸C.用玻璃棒搅拌是为了增大氯化钠的溶解度D.量取蒸馏水时俯视读数,所配溶液溶质质量分数偏大12.如图是X、Y、Z三种固体物质的溶解度曲线,下列说法正确的是A.在t1℃时,将15gX物质加入到50g水中充分溶解,得到溶液的质量为65gB.将t3℃时三种物质的饱和溶液降温到t2℃,所得三种溶液中溶质的质量分数大小关系是Y>X>ZC.t2℃时,X、Z的饱和溶液中所含溶质的质量相等D.若X中混有少量Y时,最好采用蒸发结晶方法提纯X13.实验室配制质量分数为6%的NaCl溶液。
中考复习:文化常识试题3课时第1课时:中考文化常识(1)(试题版)一、选择题1.用下列句中加点词语称呼右图中的礼仪,正确的一项是( )(2分)A.我要向你稽首..(《雷电颂》)B.(翠莲)向前来深深的道了三个万福..(《水浒传》)C.范进向他作揖..(《范进中举》)D.(秦王)长跪..而谢之曰(《唐雎不辱使命》)2.下列句子中加点词语表示谦称的一项是()A.元方曰:“君与家君..期日中。
D. “自既望以至十八日为最盛。
中考化学总复习《金属》专项试题一、单选题1.下列各组物质能验证Fe、Cu、Ag三种金属活动性强弱的是A.Fe、Cu、Ag、稀盐酸B.FeSO4溶液、Cu、AgC.Fe、CuSO4溶液、Ag D.FeSO4溶液、CuSO4溶液、Ag2.现有X、Y、Z三种金属,将X和Y分别放入盐酸中,X溶解并产生H2,Y不反应,将Y和Z分别放入AgNO3溶液中,一段时间后,在Y表面有Ag析出,而Z没有变化。
X、Y 和Z的金属活动性顺序正确的是A.X>Y>Z B.X>Z>Y C.Y>X>Z D.Z>Y>X3.金属和合金是生活中比较常见的物质。
下列有关说法正确的是A.银能与稀硫酸发生置换反应B.钢的硬度比纯铁的硬度小C.在常温下,铝比镁更容易与氧气发生化学反应D.钨的熔点高,可以用来制作灯泡中的灯丝4.如图所示是模拟工业炼铁的化学反应装置,以下说法错误的是A.实验开始时应先通入一氧化碳,目的是排净硬质玻璃管内的空气,防止爆炸B.硬质玻璃管内氧化铁发生还原反应C.实验过程中硬质玻璃管内观察到的现象是黑色粉末逐渐变成红色D.装置中导管末端加一点燃的酒精灯,目的是为了燃烧未反应的一氧化碳,防止污染环境5.现有质量和形状均相同的X、Y、Z三种金属,将X、Y分别放入CuSO4溶液中,只有Y 的表面产生红色固体;又将Y、Z分别放入等浓度的稀盐酸中,后者产生气泡比前者快。
由此判断,几种金属的活动性顺序为A.Z>Y>Cu>X B.Z>Cu>Y>X C.Y>Z>X>Cu D.Y>Z>Cu>X 6.将m克Fe加入到含n克CuSO4的溶液中,下列图像能正确表示反应中固体质量变化的是A.B.C.D.7.景泰蓝制作工艺能将28克金拉成65公里长的金丝。
中考数学专题复习试题分类汇编三等腰三角形和直角三角形学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________评卷人得分一、单选题1.已知线段AB,按如下步骤作图:①作射线AC,使AC AB⊥;①作BAC∠的平分线AD;①以点A为圆心,AB长为半径作弧,交AD于点E;①过点E作EP AB⊥于点P,则:AP AB=()A.1:5B.1:2C.1:3D.1:22.如图,在ABC中,45,60,B C AD BC∠=︒∠=︒⊥于点D,3BD=.若E,F分别为AB,BC的中点,则EF的长为()A.33B.32C.1D.623.如图,在Rt ABC△纸片中,90,4,3ACB AC BC∠=︒==,点,D E分别在,AB AC 上,连结DE,将ADE沿DE翻折,使点A的对应点F落在BC的延长线上,若FD 平分EFB∠,则AD的长为()252515204.如图,正三角形ABC的边长为3,将①ABC绕它的外心O逆时针旋转60°得到①A'B'C',则它们重叠部分的面积是()A.23B.334C.332D.35.如图,在Rt①ABC中,①ACB=90°,CD为中线,延长CB至点E,使BE=BC,连结DE,F为DE中点,连结BF.若AC=8,BC=6,则BF的长为()A.2B.2.5C.3D.46.①BDE和①FGH是两个全等的等边三角形,将它们按如图的方式放置在等边三角形ABC内.若求五边形DECHF的周长,则只需知道()A.①ABC的周长B.①AFH的周长C.四边形FBGH的周长D.四边形ADEC的周长7.如图,等腰直角三角形ABC中,①ABC=90°,BA=BC,将BC绕点B顺时针旋转θ(0°<θ<90°),得到BP,连结CP,过点A作AH①CP交CP的延长线于点H,连结AP,则①P AH的度数()B.随着θ的增大而减小C.不变D.随着θ的增大,先增大后减小8.已知直线m n,将一块含45︒角的直角三角板ABC按如图方式放置,其中斜边BC 与直线n交于点D.若125∠=︒,则2∠的度数为()A.60︒B.65︒C.70︒D.75︒9.“三等分角”大约是在公元前五世纪由古希腊人提出来的.借助如图所示的“三等分角仪”能三等分任一角.这个三等分角仪由两根有槽的棒OA,OB组成,两根棒在O点相连并可绕O转动,C点固定,OC CD DE==,点D,E可在槽中滑动,若75BDE∠=︒,则CDE∠的度数是()A.60°B.65°C.75°D.80°10.在ABC中,若一个内角等于另外两个角的差,则()A.必有一个角等于30B.必有一个角等于45︒C.必有一个角等于60︒D.必有一个角等于90︒评卷人得分二、填空题11.如图,在①ABC中,①ACB=90°,AC<BC.分别以点A,B为圆心,大于12AB的长为半径画弧,两弧交于D,E两点,直线DE交BC于点F,连接AF.以点A为圆心,AF为半径画弧,交BC延长线于点H,连接AH.若BC=3,则①AFH的周长为_____.12.如图,在ABC中,AB AC=,70B∠=︒,以点C为圆心,CA长为半径作弧,交直线BC于点P,连结AP,则BAP∠的度数是_______.13.如图,等边三角形纸片ABC的边长为6,E,F是边BC上的三等分点.分别过点E,F沿着平行于BA,CA方向各剪一刀,则剪下的△DEF的周长是_____ .评卷人得分三、解答题14.如图,在四边形ABCD中,AB=AD=20,BC=DC=102(1)求证:①ABC①①ADC;(2)当①BCA=45°时,求①BAD的度数.15.问题:如图,在①ABD中,BA=BD.在BD的延长线上取点E,C,作①AEC,使EA=EC,若①BAE=90°,①B=45°,求①DAC的度数.答案:①DAC=45°思考:(1)如果把以上“问题”中的条件“①B=45°”去掉,其余条件不变,那么①DAC的度数会改变吗?说明理由;(2)如果把以上“问题”中的条件“①B=45°”去掉,再将“①BAE=90°”改为“①BAE=n°”,其余条件不变,求①DAC的度数.16.如图,在△ABC和△DCE中,AC=DE,①B=①DCE=90°,点A,C,D依次在同一直线上,且AB①DE.(1)求证:△ABC①①DCE;(2)连结AE,当BC=5,AC=12时,求AE的长.17.如图1是实验室中的一种摆动装置,BC 在地面上,支架ABC 是底边为BC 的等腰直角三角形,摆动臂长AD 可绕点A 旋转,摆动臂DM 可绕点D 旋转,30AD =,10DM =.(1)在旋转过程中:①当,,A D M 三点在同一直线上时,求AM 的长;②当,,A D M 三点在同一直角三角形的顶点时,求AM 的长.(2)若摆动臂AD 顺时针旋转90︒,点D 的位置由ABC 外的点1D 转到其内的点2D 处,连结12D D ,如图2,此时2135AD C ∠=︒,260CD =,求2BD 的长.18.如图,在76⨯的方格中,ABC 的顶点均在格点上,试按要求画出线段EF (E ,F 均为格点),各画出一条即可.19.如图,在ABC中,AC AB BC.①已知线段AB的垂直平分线与BC边交于点P,连结AP,求证:2APC B;①以点B为圆心,线段AB的长为半径画弧,与BC边交于点Q,连结AQ,若B,求B的度数.3AQC参考答案:1.D【解析】【分析】由题意易得①BAD =45°,AB =AE ,进而可得①APE 是等腰直角三角形,然后根据等腰直角三角形的性质可求解.【详解】解:①AC AB ⊥,①90CAB ∠=︒,①AD 平分BAC ∠,①①BAD =45°,①EP AB ⊥,①①APE 是等腰直角三角形,①AP =PE ,①222AE AP PE AP =+=,①AB =AE ,①2AB AP =,①:1:2AP AB =;故选D .【点睛】本题主要考查等腰直角三角形的性质与判定、勾股定理及角平分线的定义,熟练掌握等腰直角三角形的性质与判定、勾股定理及角平分线的定义是解题的关键.2.C【解析】【分析】根据条件可知①ABD 为等腰直角三角形,则BD =AD ,①ADC 是30°、60°的直角三角形,可求出AC 长,再根据中位线定理可知EF =2AC 。
中考复习《矩形、菱形、正方形》测试题(含答案)一、选择题(每题4分,共24分)1.[2015·泸州]菱形具有而平行四边形不具有的性质是(D) A.两组对边分别平行B.两组对角分别相等C.对角线互相平分D.对角线互相垂直2.[2015·衢州]如图28-1,已知某菱形花坛ABCD的周长是24 m,∠BAD=120°,则花坛对角线AC的长是(B)A.6 3 m B.6 m图28-1 C.3 3 m D.3 m【解析】易知△ABC为等边三角形,所以AC=AB=6 m.3.[2015·益阳]如图28-2,在矩形ABCD中,对角线AC,BD交于点O,以下说法错误的是(D) A.∠ABC=90°B.AC=BDC.OA=OB D.OA=AD图28-2 图28-34.[2014·福州]如图28-3,在正方形ABCD的外侧,作等边三角形ADE,AC,BE相交于点F,则∠BFC为(C) A.45°B.55°C.60°D.75°【解析】∵四边形ABCD是正方形,∴AB=AD,又∵△ADE 是等边三角形, ∴AE =AD =DE ,∠DAE =60°, ∴AB =AE ,∴∠ABE =∠AEB ,∠BAE =90°+60°=150°, ∴∠ABE =(180°-150°)÷2=15°, 又∵∠BAC =45°, ∴∠BFC =45°+15°=60°.5.[2015·临沂]如图28-4,四边形ABCD 为平行四边形,延长AD 到E ,使DE =AD ,连结EB ,EC ,DB .添加一个条件,不能使四边形DBCE 成为矩形的是 (B) A .AB =BEB .BE ⊥DCC .∠ADB =90°D .CE ⊥DE【解析】 因为四边形ABCD 为平行四边形,所以AD 綊BC ,因为DE =AD ,所以DE 綊BC所以四边形EDBC 为平行四边形,A .假若AB =BE ,因为AB =BE ,AD =DE ,BD =BD ,所以△ADB ≌△EDB ,所以∠BDE =90°,所以四边形EDBC 为矩形; B .假若BE ⊥DC ,可得四边形EDBC 为菱形;C .假若∠ADB =90°,所以∠EDB =90°,所以四边形EDBC 为矩形;D .假若CE ⊥DE ,所以∠DEC =90°,所以四边形EDBC 为矩形,故选B. 6.[2015·日照]小明在学习了正方形之后,给同桌小文出了道题,从下列四个条件①AB =BC ,②∠ABC =90°,③AC =BD ,④AC ⊥BD 中选两个作为补充条件,使▱ABCD 成为正方形(如图28-5)现有下列四种选法,你图28-4图28-5认为其中错误的是(B)A.①②B.②③C.①③D.②④【解析】此题考查正方形的判定,即在▱ABCD的基础上,需要再同时具备矩形和菱形的特征.①是菱形的特征;②是矩形的特征;③是矩形的特征,④是菱形的特征.而B中都是矩形的特征,故选B.二、填空题(每题4分,共20分)7.[2015·铜仁]已知一个菱形的两条对角线长分别为6 cm和8 cm,则这个菱形的面积为__24__cm2.8.[2014·衡阳]如图28-6,在矩形ABCD中,∠BOC=120°,AB=5,则BD的长为__10__.9.[2015·上海]已知E是正方形ABCD的对角线AC上一点,图28-6 AE=AD,过点E作AC的垂线,交边CD于点F,那么∠F AD=__22.5__度.10.[2014·淄博]已知▱ABCD,对角线AC,BD相交于点O,请你添加一个适当的条件,使▱ABCD成为一个菱形.你添加的条件是__AB=BC或AC⊥BD等__.11.[2014·资阳]如图28-7,在边长为4的正方形ABCD中,E是AB边上的一点,且AE=3,点Q为对角线AC上的动点,则△BEQ周长的最小值为__6__.图28-7【解析】如答图,连结BD,DE,∵四边形ABCD是正方形,∴点B与点D关于直线AC对称,∴DE的长即为BQ+QE的最小值,∵DE=BQ+QE=5,∴△BEQ周长的最小值=DE+BE=5+1=6.三、解答题(共20分)12.(10分)[2015·安顺]如图28-8,已知点D在△ABC的BC边上,DE∥AC交AB于E,DF∥AB交AC于图28-8F.(1)求证:AE=DF;(2)若AD平分∠BAC,试判断四边形AEDF的形状,并说明理由.证明:(1)∵DE∥AC,DF∥AB,∴四边形AEDF是平行四边形,∴AE=DF;(2)若AD平分∠BAC,四边形AEDF是菱形,理由如下:∵DE∥AC,DF∥AB,∴四边形AEDF是平行四边形,∵AD平分∠BAC,∴∠EAD=∠F AD,∵AE∥DF,∴∠EAD=ADF,∠DAF=∠FDA,∴AF=DF,∴平行四边形AEDF为菱形.13.(10分)[2015·青岛]已知:如图28-9,在△ABC中,AB =AC,AD是BC边上的中线,AE∥BC,CE⊥AE,垂足为E.(1)求证:△ABD≌△CAE;图28-9(2)连结DE ,线段DE 与AB 之间有怎样的位置和数量关系?请证明你的结论. 解:(1)证明:∵AB =AC ,AD 是BC 边上的中线, ∴AD ⊥BC ,BD =CD . ∵AE ∥BC ,CE ⊥AE , ∴四边形ADCE 是矩形, ∴AD =CE .在Rt △ABD 与Rt △CAE 中, ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧AD =CE ,AB =CA ,∴△ABD ≌△CAE (HL );(2)DE ∥AB ,DE =AB .证明如下: 如答图所示,∵四边形ADCE 是矩形, ∴AE =CD =BD ,AE ∥BD , ∴四边形ABDE 是平行四边形, ∴DE ∥AB ,DE =AB .14.(10分)[2014·扬州]如图28-10,已知Rt △ABC ,∠ABC =90°,先把△ABC 绕点B 顺时针旋转90°后至△DBE ,再把△ABC 沿射线AB 平移至△FEG ,DE ,FG 相交于点H .(1)判断线段DE ,FG 的位置关系,并说明理由; (2)连结CG ,求证:四边形CBEG 是正方形. 解:(1)DE ⊥FG ,理由如下:由题意得∠A =∠EDB =∠GFE ,∠ABC =∠DBE =90°,第13题答图图28-10∴∠BDE+∠BED=90°.∴∠GFE+∠BED=90°,∴∠FHE=90°,即DE⊥FG;(2)证明:∵△ABC沿射线AB平移至△FEG,∴CB∥GE,CB=GE.∴四边形CBEG是平行四边形.∵∠ABC=∠GEF=90°,∴四边形CBEG是矩形.∵BC=BE,∴四边形CBEG是正方形.15.(10分)[2015·南京]如图28-11,AB∥CD,点E,F分别在AB,CD上,连结EF,∠AEF,∠CFE的平分线交于点G,∠BEF,∠DFE的平分线交于点H.(1)求证:四边形EGFH是矩形;(2)小明在完成(1)的证明后继续进行了探索,过G作MN∥EF,分别交AB,CD于点M,N,过H作PQ∥EF,分别交AB,CD交于点P,Q,得到四边形MNQP.此时,他猜想四边形MNQP是菱形,请在下列框图中补全他的证明思路.小明的证明思路由AB∥CD,MN∥EF,易证四边形MNQP是平行四边形,要证▱MNQP是菱形,只要证MN=NQ.由已知条件__FG平分∠CFE__,MN∥EF,可证NG=NF,故只要证GM=FQ,即证△MEG≌△QFH,易证__GE=FH__,__∠GME =∠FQH__.故只要证∠MGE=∠QFH.易证∠MGE=∠GEF,∠QFH=∠EFH,__∠GEF=∠EFH__,即可得证.图28-11解:(1)证明:∵EH平分∠BEF.∴∠FEH=12∠BEF,∵FH平分∠DFE,∴∠EFH=12∠DFE,∵AB∥CD,∴∠BEF+∠DFE=180°,∴∠FEH+∠EFH=12(∠BEF+∠DFE)=12×180°=90°,又∵∠FEH+∠EFH+∠EHF=180°,∴∠EHF=180°-(∠FEH+∠EFH)=180°-90°=90°,同理可证,∠EGF=90°,∵EG平分∠AEF,∴∠FEG=12∠AEF,∵EH平分∠BEF,∴∠FEH=12∠BEF,∵点A,E,B在同一条直线上.∴∠AEB=180°,即∠AEF+∠BEF=180°.∴∠FEG+∠FEH=12(∠AEF+∠BEF)=12×180°=90°,即∠GEH=90°.∴四边形EGFH是矩形;(2)本题答案不唯一,下列解法供参考.例如,FG平分∠CFE;GE=FH;∠GME =∠FQH;∠GEF=∠EFH.16.(6分)[2015·资阳]若顺次连结四边形ABCD四边的中点,得到的图形是一个矩形,则四边形ABCD一定是(D) A.矩形B.菱形C.对角线相等的四边形D.对角线互相垂直的四边形17.(10分)如图28-12,在菱形ABCD中,边长为10,∠A=60°.顺次连结菱形ABCD各边中点,可得四边形A1B1C1D1;顺次连结四边形A1B1C1D1各边中点,可得四边形A2B2C2D2;顺次连结四边形A2B2C2D2各边中点,可得四边形A3B3C3D3;…;按此规律继续下去,则四边形A2B2C2D2的周长是__20__;四边形A2 016B2 016C2 016D2 016的周长是__521 005__.图28-12。
中考复习的试题练习中考复习的试题练习一、选择题1.选出对《天净沙秋思》赏析有误的一项( )(2分)天净沙秋思马致远枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。
2.下列这首小令赏析正确的一项是( )(3分)天净沙秋思马致远枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。
3.宋词和元曲中分别有词牌和曲牌,下列各项中属曲牌的是()(2分)A、浪淘沙B、水调歌头C、天净沙D、西江月4.对《天净沙秋思》的评析有误的一项是( )(2分)A.枯藤老树西风,写的均是秋末之景。
中考英语知识点复习测试题 反义疑问句练习 附答案
反义疑问句练习1."What should I get my mum for her birthday?”“Why_____get her a scarf?"A.don't youB.do you.C.are you.3.-Jim had nothing for breakfast this morning,?-.He got up too late.A.had he,Yes.B.hadn't he,Yes.C.did he,No. 4.—He hasn’t watched the movie“So Young”,has he?—________.He told me it’s very moving and interesting,he’d like to watch it again.A.Yes,he hasB.Yes,he hasn’tC.No,he hasn’tD.No,he has5.There’s little important news in the newspaper today,______?A.isn’t thereB.is thereC.is itD.are there6.I don’t think the newly-directed film by Zhaowei is as interesting as people say,_______?A.do youB.isn’t itC.is itD.don’t you7.-----You are going to visit the Great Wall,_____?-----That’s right.A.are youB.aren’t youC.don’t you8.---You never have sweet snacks,do you?---________.Though I know they’re bad for our health.A.YesB.NoC.Yes,I don’tD.No,I do10.The children had to repeat that story twice,________they?A.didn’tB.hadn’tC.didD.had11.—There is little water left in the bottle,______?—No,we need to buy some more before we run out of it.A.is thereB.isn’t thereC.is itD.isn’t it12.There’s little important news in the newspaper today,______?A.isn’t thereB.is thereC.is itD.are there13.—He’s not married Laura,____?—____.They will celebrate their one year of marriage this Sunday. A.has he;Yes B.is he;YesC.has he;NoD.is he;No14.The tall man over there is our new English teacher,_________? A.is he B.is there C.isn’t he D.isn’t there15.Let’s go swimming to relax ourselves,_______?A.do weB.will youC.shall we16.–Taobao is the largest shopping website in China,_________?–Yes,it is very popular now.A.is itB.isn’t itC.are theyD.aren’t they17.—Rose,we will start at six tomorrow morning.Don't be late, _______?—_______.I'll be there on time.A.won't you;Yes,I willB.will you;Yes,I willC.will you;No,I won't18.—Tom’s never done extra work for his class,_______he?—_______.He is the laziest boy in his class.A.has;YesB.is;NoC.is;YesD.has;No 19.Sally has few friends here,?A.did sheB.doesn’t sheC.does sheD.hasn’t she20.I hear the girl wearing glasses is your new classmate.She plays the violin quite well,_______?A.isn’t sheB.don’t sheC.doesn’t she 21.—She’s already back to Nantong,______?—______.She is on a visit to Tokyo.A.isn’t she,NoB.hasn’t she,NoC.isn’t she,YesD.hasn’t she,Yes22.We can hardly tell what life without the Inter net will be like in the future,_________?A.can weB.can’t weC.will itD.won’t it 23.There was a loud cry from the backstage immediately after the concert ended,_______?A.wasn’t thereB.was thereC.didn’t itD.did it 24.–Mrs.Huang often speaks to foreigners,_________?–Yes,she wants to practice her spoken English.A.doesn’t sheB.is sheC.does sheD. isn’t she25.—My cousin often has nothing for breakfast,______she?—______.Because she often gets up late and is afraid of being late for school.A.has;YesB.doesn’t;NoC.does;NoD. hasn’t;Yes26.Tom hardly hurt himself in the accident,________?A.didn’t heB.does heC.doesn’t heD.did he27.She’s never seen such a wonderful film,_______she?A.isB.isn’tC.hasD.hasn’t 28.—There are still many old city walls in Xi’an,_______?—Yes,there are.A.are thereB.aren’t thereC.are theyD.aren’t they29.—You haven’t been to the West Lake in Hangzhou,have you?—_______.How I wish to go there!A.Yes,I haveB.Yes,I haven’tC.No,I haveD.No,I haven’t30.Lily’s never been to Hainan,________she?A.isB.isn’tC.hasD. hasn’t31.——You aren’t a stranger,are you?——,don’t you remember me at the school gate ten minutes ago?A.Yes,to seeB.No,seeingC.No,sawD.Yes, seeing32.You can hardly see anything in the dark room,_____?A.can’tB.can youC.can’t weD.can we 33.There’re few oranges in the box,_____?A.aren’t theyB.aren’t thereC.are theyD.are there36.---Mike seldom has breakfast at home,_______?---_______this morning.A.does he;No,but he didB.does he;No,he hasn’tC.has he;Yes,he hasD.hasn’t he;Yes,he doesn’t37.—There is little water left in the bottle,______?—No,we need to buy some more before we run out of it. A.is there B.isn’t thereC.is itD.isn’t it38.Jim wants to play football,_______?A.doesn’t JimB.does JimC.doesn’t heD.does he 39.Doing sports is good for your health,_______?A.is itB.are theyC.isn’t itD.aren’t they 40.—He’s often seen to help others,?—.He’s helpful.We all like him.A.hasn’t,NoB.isn’t,YesC.hasn’t,YesD.isn’t,No41.Tom hardly had time for concerts at that time,____?A.wasn't he B.was he C.did he D.didn't he42.–Is that girl your sister?-No,.A.it isB.it isn’tC.she isn’t43.E-mail is very popular today.People hardly post letters,_________?A.did theyB.do theyC.didn’t theyD.don’t they44.-He didn’t go to the concert yesterday,did he?-______.He was busy studying for the tests all day.A.No,he didn’tB.Yes,he didC.No,he didD.Yes,he didn’t45.The book cost you50yuan,_______?A.doesn’t itB.did itC.does itD. didn’t it46.—She has never been to Japan,___________?—_________.She went there last month.A.has she;Yes,she hasB.is she;No,she isn’t.C.has she;No,she hasn’tD.is she;Yes,she is.47.---They have never seen the film,they?---Yes,they have.A.haveB.haven’tC.doD.don’t48.You went to the concert yesterday,____?A.do youB.don’t youC.did youD.didn’t you49.Let’s take a walk for supper,____________?A.shall weB.will youC.will weD.are you 50.There are few students in the park,_________?A.are thereB.are theyC.aren’t thereD. aren’t they参考答案1.A2.D3.C4.A5.B6.C7.B8.A9.D10.A11.A12.B14.C 15.C 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.C 20.C 21.A 22.A 23.A 24.A 25.C 26.D 27.C 28.B 29.D 30.C 31.B 32.B 33.D 34.D36.A 37.A 38.C 39.C 40.B 41.C 42.C 43.B 44.A 45.D 46.A 47.A 48.D 49.A 50.A。
2024年山东省德州市英语中考复习试题与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1.Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to the question.A. It’s sunny outside.B. It’s raining heavily.C. It’s windy and cool.Answer: BExplanation: In the conversation, the speaker mentions that they need an umbrella because it’s raining outside. This directly corresponds to option B, “It’s raining heavily.”2.Listen to the short passage and answer the following question. Question: What time does the museum open?A. 9:00 amB. 10:00 amC. 11:00 amAnswer: AExplanation: The passage states that the museum opens at 9:00 am sharp and visitors are advised to arrive early to avoid the rush. This confirms that the correct answer is A, “9:00 am.”3、Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.A)It’s sunny.B)It’s cloudy.C)It’s rainy.Answer: C) It’s rainy.Explanation: In the conversation, the speaker mentions that they need to take an umbrella because it’s raining. This directly correspon ds to option C, “It’s rainy.”4、Listen to the passage and answer the question.Question: What is the main topic of the passage?A)The benefits of exercise.B)The history of a famous athlete.C)The importance of healthy eating.Answer: A) The benefits of exercise.Explanation: The passage discusses various positive effects that regular exercise has on one’s health, such as improving mood, increasing energy levels, and reducing the risk of certain diseases. This suggests that the main topic is the benefits of exercise, corresponding to option A.5、Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer.A: What’s your favorite subject in school?B: My favorite subject is English. I enjoy reading books and writing stories.Question: What’s B’s favorite subject?Answer: BExplanation: The dialogue states that B’s favorite subject is English. Theyenjoy reading books and writing stories, which are activities often associated with English language learning.6、Listen to the passage and answer the question.Passage: In the morning, I usually wake up at 6:30 and take a shower. Then, I have breakfast with my family at 7:00. After breakfast, I brush my teeth and get dressed for school. I leave the house at 7:30 and take the bus to school.Question: What time does the speaker leave for school?Answer: 7:30Explanation: The passage states that the speaker leaves the house at 7:30 and takes the bus to school. Therefore, the answer to the question is 7:30.7、Question: Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer to the question.The question is: What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Take a break from studying.B. Study harder for the exam.C. Ask her teacher for help.Answer: AExplanation: In the recording, the man says, “You’ve been studying all day, why don’t you take a break and relax for a bit?” This suggests that he is advising the woman to take a break from studying, so the correct answer is A.8、Question: Listen to the conversation and select the missing word or phrase in the sentence.The sentence is: I’m sorry, but I can’t make it to the meeting tomorrow. I have a(n)_____appointment.A. importantB. boringC. unnecessaryAnswer: AExplanation: In the conversation, the speaker expresses regret for not being able to attend the meeting and gives the reason that they ha ve an “important” appointment. The word “important” fits the context best, indicating that the appointment is significant and cannot be missed, so the correct answer is A.9、Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question.Question: Where does the woman suggest they go for lunch?A. A Chinese restaurant.B. A fast-food restaurant.C. A pizza place.Answer: BExplanation: In the dialogue, the man asks the woman where she wants to go for lunch. The woman responds by saying, “I’m feeling kind of lazy today. Let’s just go to a fast-food restaurant nearby.” This indicates that she suggests going to a fast-food restaurant, making option B the correct answer.10、Listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To describe the benefits of exercise.B. To encourage people to start a new hobby.C. To warn about the dangers of sedentary lifestyle.Answer: CExplanation: The short passage discusses the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle, including increased risk of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. It emphasizes the importance of physical activity and movement throughout the day. The main purpose of the passage, therefore, is to warn about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, making option C the correct answer.11、Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer to the question.Question: What is the man going to do on Saturday?A) He’s going t o play tennis.B) He’s going to watch a movie.C) He’s going to visit a friend.Answer: A) He’s going to play tennis.Explanation: The recording states, “I’m planning to hit some tennis balls on Saturday afternoon. It’s been a while since I last played.” T his indicates that the man is going to play tennis on Saturday, so option A is the correct answer.12、Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentence with the missing information.Sentence: The woman suggested___________for lunch.A)going to a fast food restaurantB)cooking at homeC)trying a new Italian restaurantAnswer: C) trying a new Italian restaurantExplanation: In the dialogue, the woman says, “Why don’t we try that new Italian place for lunch today? I’ve heard it’s quite good.” This suggests that the woman proposed trying a new Italian restaurant for lunch, so the missing information in the sentence is “trying a new Italian restaurant,” making option C the correct answer.13、Listen to the recording and choose the best response to the question.Question: What time does the train leave for New York?A. 8:30 amB. 9:30 amC. 10:30 amAnswer: BExplanation: The recording states that the train for New York departs at 9:30 am. Therefore, the correct answer is B.14、Listen to the dialogue and complete the missing information in the sentence.Dialogue:Man: Excuse me, where can I find the nearest bookstore?Woman: Oh, it’s just around the corner on Main Street. It’s called “Books and Beyond”.Sentence: The nearest bookstore is called “_____” and it’s located on_____.Answer: Books and Beyond, Main StreetExplanation: The woman in the dialogue informs the man that the nearest bookstore is called “Books and Beyond” and that it’s located on Main Street, just around the corner.15、Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to the question.Question: What is the woman’s plan for the weekend?A)She plans to go shopping.B)She plans to visit a friend.C)She plans to watch a movie.Answer: BExplanation: In the conversation, the woman says, “I’m going to visit my friend Mary this weekend. She just moved to a new house.” This directly answers the question, indicating that the woman’s plan for the weekend is to visit her friend Mary.16、Listen to the news report and fill in the missing information.News report: The government has announced a new initiative aimed at reducing traffic congestion in the city center. The plan includes_______measures to encourage the use of public transport and reduce the number of private cars on the roads.A)severalB)littleC)noAnswer: AExplanation: The news report mentions that the government’s plan includes “measures to encourage the use of public transport and reduce the number of private cars on the roads.” The word “measures” typically implies more than one action or strategy, so the appropriate adjective to fill in the blank would be “several,” indicating there are multiple measures being implemented. “Little” would not be appropriate as it suggests a small quantity, and “no” would indicate there are no measures at all, which contradicts the report.17、Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer to the question.Question: What time does the train leave for London?A)8:30 amB)9:00 amC)9:30 amAnswer: B) 9:00 amExplanation: The recording states that the train to London departs at 9:00 am. Listen carefully for the specific time mentioned in the audio.18、Listen to the conversation and answer the following question.Question: Where is the man going for his vacation?A)The beachB)The mountainsC)The cityAnswer: A) The beachExplanation: In the conversation, the man mentions that he’s planning torelax at the beach for his upcoming vacation. Pay attention to the details of the dialogue to identify the correct destination.19、Listen to the recording and choose the best answer to complete the sentence.Answer: The speaker mentioned that they preferred to read books on weekends. Explanation: The audio clip discussed the speaker’s preference for reading books during the weekends, so the answer that completes the sentence accurately reflects this information.20、Listen to the conversation and decide whether the statement is true or false.Statement: Both speakers agreed that watching TV is a waste of time. Answer: FalseExplanation: In the conversation, one speaker expressed the view that watching TV can be a waste of time, but the other speaker disagreed and argued that it can be relaxing and educational. Therefore, the statement that both speakers agreed on this point is false.二、阅读理解(30分)Title: The Benefits of ReadingReading is a fundamental skill that opens doors to knowledge, imagination, and personal growth. It is a journey through time and space, allowing us to explore different cultures, histories, and perspectives. The benefits ofreading extend far beyond simply increasing vocabulary or improving language skills; they encompass a wide range of cognitive, emotional, and social advantages.Cognitive Benefits:1.Memory Boost: Regular reading strengthens memory by exercising the brain’s ability to retain information. As we read, our brains create mental maps and associations that help us remember details more effectively.2.Critical Thinking: Books, especially those with complex plots or ideas, encourage us to analyze, evaluate, and form opinions. This fosters critical thinking skills essential for problem-solving and decision-making.3.Expanded Vocabulary: Reading exposes us to new words and phrases, enriching our language and making us more articulate communicators.Emotional Benefits:1.Empathy: Stories allow us to step into someone else’s shoes, experiencing their joys, sorrows, and struggles. This fosters empathy, making us more understanding and compassionate individuals.2.Stress Relief: Escaping into a good book can provide a much-needed break from daily stresses, helping us relax and recharge.3.Self-Discovery: Through reading, we may encounter characters or situations that mirror our own experiences, leading to insights about ourselves and our place in the world.Social Benefits:1.Cultural Awareness: Books introduce us to diverse cultures, traditions, and beliefs,broadening our horizons and fostering cultural awareness.2.Conversation Starters: Reading provides a wealth of topics for discussions, enhancing our ability to engage in meaningful conversations with others.3.Leadership and Collaboration: Reading about historical figures or fictional heroes can inspire us to emulate their qualities, such as bravery, integrity, and teamwork, which are crucial for leadership and collaboration.Questions:1.According to the passage, what are three cognitive benefits of reading?•Answer: Memory boost, critical thinking, and expanded vocabulary.2.How does reading contribute to emotional well-being?•Answer: Reading fosters empathy, provides stress relief, and aids in self-discovery, all of which contribute to emotional well-being. one social benefit of reading mentioned in the passage.•Answer: Cultural awareness. (Other answers like “conversation starters” or “leadership and collaboration” are also acceptable.)三、完型填空(15分)Section Three: Cloze TestDirections: Read the following passage carefully. For each numbered blank, choose the most suitable word or phrase from the given options and fill in the corresponding blank. There is one extra option which does not fit in any of theblanks.(1)It was a typical winter day in New York City. The sky was gray and the wind wasblowing (2) _. People hurried along the streets, trying to find shelter from the cold.Among them was a young man named Jack, who was (3)_his way to the subwaystation.As Jack approached the entrance, he noticed a small, shivering figure huddled in the corner. It was an old woman, (4)_in thin clothing. Without hesitation, Jack took off his coat and (5)_it around the old woman’s shoulders.(A)fiercely(B)gently(C)slowly(D)happily(E)making(F)taking(G)heading(H)driving(I)dressed(J)wearing(K)putting(L)having(M)wrapped(N)tied(O)put(P)hungAnswers:(1)A(2)C(3)B(4)A(5)AExplanation:(1)The wind was blowing fiercely, indicating the severity of the winterweather.(2)Jack was heading his way to the subway station, using the verb “head”to describe the direction of his movement.(3)The old woman was dressed in thin clothing, using the past participle“dressed” to describe her state of attire.(4)Jack wrapped his coat around the old woman’s shoulders, using the verb“wrapped” to describe the action of covering her with the coat.(5)There is no suitable option for the first blank as it is part of theintroduction and does not require a fill-in-the-blank response.四、语法填空题(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1.Question:The book,____I bought last week, is very interesting.Answer: whichExplanation: This sentence requires a relative pronoun to link the two clauses. The non-defining relative clause “I bought last week” provides additional information about the book, but is not essential to defining the book itself. Therefore, we use “which” to introduce the clause.2.Question:She____her homework before dinner, but she forgot to turn it in.Answer: had doneExplanation: The context suggests that the action of doing homework occurred before the action of forgetting to turn it in, which in turn happened before dinner. This calls for the past perfect tense, which is used to indicate that an action happened before another past action. “Had done” is the correct form of the past perfect tense for the verb “do.”3、______ is well known to us all is that the old scientist, for______life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his eighties.A. As; whomB. What; whoseC. It; whoseD. What; whomAnswer: DExplanation: The first blank is a subject clause, which should be guided by a connective word that can serve as a subject. “As” can guide subject clauses, but it cannot be used at the beginning of a sentence as a subject. “It” is often used as a formal subject to replace the real subject clause at the end of the sentence, but in this sentence, the real subject clause is “that theold scientist, for______life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his eighties”, which is too long to be placed at the end. Therefore, “What” is the appropriate choice here, as it can serve as both a connective word and a subject.The second blank is a case where we need to determine the correct preposition for a non-restrictive attributive clause. The clause “for______life was hard in the past” modifies “the old scientist”. Since “life” belongs to “the old scient ist”, we need a possessive pronoun. “Whose” is the possessive form of “who”, indicating the possessor of something. Here, “whom” is not suitable because it is an object pronoun, not a possessive pronoun.4、_____ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.A. Having been lostB. To be lostC. Being lostD. LostAnswer: AExplanation: The phrase “_____ in the mountains for a week” is an adverbial clause of time, describing the state of the two students before they were saved. We need to determine the correct form of the verb “lose” to fit this context.Option A, “Having been lost”, is the present perfect participle form of the passive voice. It indicates that the action of being lost happened before the main action (being saved) and has a passive meaning, which fits the context perfectly.Option B, “To be lost”, is the infinitive form with the passive voice tobe. It usually expresses purpose or intention, which is not relevant here.Option C, “Being lost”, is the prese nt participle form of the passive voice. It describes an ongoing action or state, but since the students were no longer lost when they were saved, this option is not suitable.Option D, “Lost”, is the past participle form of the verb “lose”, but it is usually used as an adjective here. However, when used as an adjective, it does not indicate the timing of the action (before being saved) as clearly as the present perfect participle form. Therefore, “Having been lost” is the most appropriate choice.5、The book I borrowed from the library last week________(return) to me yet.Answer: hasn’t been returnedExplanation: 本题考查时态和语态。
一元一次方程测试题一、填一填!1、若3x+6=17,移项得_____, x=____。
2、代数式5m +14与5(m -14)的值互为相反数,则m 的值等于______。
3、如果x=5是方程ax+5=10-4a 的解,那么a=______4、在解方程123123x x -+-=时,去分母得 。
5、若(a -1)x |a|+3=-6是关于x 的一元一次方程,则a =__;x =___。
6、当x=___时,单项式5a2x+1b 2 与8a x+3b 2是同类项。
7、方程5x 4x 123-+-=,去分母可变形为______。
8、如果2a+4=a -3,那么代数式2a+1的值是________。
10、当x 的值为-3时,代数式-3x 2+ a x -7的值是-25,则当x =-1时,这个代数式的值为 。
11、若()022=-+-y y x ,则x+y=___________ 12、某学校为保护环境,绿化家园,每年组织学生参加植树活动,去年植树x 棵,今年比去年增加20%,则今年植树___________棵.二、慧眼识真!1. 1、下列各题中正确的是( )A. 由347-=x x 移项得347=-x xB. 由231312-+=-x x 去分母得)3(31)12(2-+=-x x C. 由1)3(3)12(2=---x x 去括号得19324=---x xD. 由7)1(2+=+x x 移项、合并同类项得x =52、方程2-2x 4x 7312--=-去分母得___。
A 、2-2(2x -4)=-(x -7) B 、12-2(2x -4)=-x -7C 、24-4(2x -4)=-(x -7)D 、12-4x +4=-x +73、一批宿舍,若每间住1人,则有10人无法安排;若每间住3人,则有10间无人住。
中考数学复习专题训练精选试题及答案目录实数专题训练 (2)实数专题训练答案 (4)代数式、整式及因式分解专题训练 (5)代数式、整式及因式分解专题训练答案 (6)分式和二次根式专题训练 (7)分式和二次根式专题训练答案 (8)一次方程及方程组专题训练 (9)一次方程及方程组专题训练答案 (11)一元二次方程及分式方程专题训练 (11)一元二次方程及分式方程专题训练答案 (13)一元一次不等式及不等式组专题训练 (13)一元一次不等式及不等式组专题训练答案 (15)一次函数及反比例函数专题训练 (15)一次函数及反比例函数专题训练答案 (17)二次函数及其应用专题训练 (18)二次函数及其应用专题训练答案 (20)立体图形的认识及角、相交线与平行线专题训练 (20)立体图形的认识及角、相交线与平行线专题训练答案 (22)三角形专题训练 (23)三角形专题训练答案 (25)多边形及四边形专题训练 (25)多边形及四边形专题训练答案 (27)圆及尺规作图专题训练 (28)圆及尺规作图专题训练答案 (30)轴对称专题训练 (30)轴对称专题训练答案 (32)平移与旋转专题训练 (33)平移与旋转专题训练答案 (35)相似图形专题训练 (35)相似图形专题训练答案 (37)图形与坐标专题训练 (38)图形与坐标专题训练答案 (40)图形与证明专题训练 (40)图形与证明专题训练答案 (42)概率专题训练 (42)概率专题训练答案 (44)统计专题训练 (45)统计专题训练答案 (47)实数专题训练一、填空题:(每题 3 分,共 36 分)1、-2 的倒数是____。
2、4 的平方根是____.3、-27 的立方根是____。
4、-2 的绝对值是____。
020精确到____位,它有____个有效数字.8、若 n 为自然数,那么(-1)2n+(-1)2n+1=____.9、若实数 a、b 满足|a-2|+( b+)2=0,则 ab=____.10、在数轴上表示 a 的点到原点的距离为 3,则 a-3=____。
2023届山东省滕州柴胡店中学中考复习检测题英语试题一、完形填空Few parents think the computer game is a great way to help children do something around the house. There is a new app, and it can help kids do more housework by 1 some prizes to them.Brooke Wise says the app makes her three children compete who can do more housework. Through it, they know how to do housework. In the app, each child needs to 2 one of the roles in the app first and then start their work. 3 children finish the housework, they can get some Internet coins from the app. They can use them to 4 some things from the store online. Kids often see who can get the most money, so they will learn morehousework 5 .Ms. Wise used to worry about her kids, because they usually 6 their parents to do everything. However, the results of using the new app made her 7 . “They can make their beds, clean the floor and take out the rubbish through the 8 app now!”Experts say children can 9 their life habits through the housework. At the same time, doing housework can make kids know they are the family 10 . And it can also improve the relationship between children and parents.1.A.offering B.comparing C.reaching D.solving2.A.choose B.mean C.serve D.realize3.A.Before B.Since C.During D.When4.A.lend B.plan C.report D.buy5.A.events B.cultures C.skills D.matches6.A.looked after B.depended on C.found out D.took up7.A.bored B.upset C.surprised D.interested8.A.special B.serious C.clear D.cheap9.A.develop B.delete C.catch D.notice10.A.examples B.programs C.subjects D.members二、阅读单选11.We should ________ before brushing teeth.A.floss the teeth B.clean the toothbrush C.check the teeth carefully D.go to the dentist12.Which of the following can help protect the back teeth well?A.B.C.D.13.The writer advises us to ________.A.stop eating too much sugar B.visit the dentist twice a month C.brush teeth twice a day D.change the toothbrush each month 14.The text is mainly about ________.A.how to brush teeth B.how to have healthy teethC.what’s the right toothbrush for us D.how to save money if we have a toothache15.In which part of a magazine can we read the text?A.SPORTS B.ENVIRONMENT C.NATURE D.HEALTHThis story takes place 700 years in the future. The Earth has become too polluted to live on. The plants have all died. Humans have left for other planets. A robot called Wall-E is left alone to clean up the trash (垃圾). He goes about his work each day. He has only one friend, a cockroach (蟑螂) called Hal.Wall-E is lonely. He collects strange items of trash. He then uses them to decorate his home. He watches an old video tape over and over again. The tape has taught Wall-E about holding hands and falling in love. He dreams of meeting someone special.One day, Wall-E’s life changes. A spacecraft lands on the dirty planet and brings anegg-shaped robot named Eva. Humans send Eva to the Earth to check for any signs of life. Wall-E falls in love with Eva, but Eva is more interested in her work.When Eva finishes her work, the spacecraft returns to take her back. Wall-E decides to follow her. Nothing will stop him being with Eva, not hundreds of thousands of miles of space travel, not evil robots or fat humans who have lost the ability (能力) to do things for themselves.The movie Wall-E is filled with humour and love. You can see it on DVD. It will surely touch the soft part of your heart.16.The Earth has become so ________ that Humans can’t live on it.A.hot. B.cold C.polluted. D.clean17.What does the robot called Wall-E do?A.Watch the earth. B.clean up the trash.C.Feed his friend, a cockroach (蟑螂) called Hal. D.Plant trees.18.What happens in the end according to the passage?A.Wall-E is left alone on the earth.B.Wall-E walks around the earth.C.Wall-E goes with Eva on the spacecraft.D.Wall-E dreams of meeting someone special.19.What does the und erlined word “decorate” mean in Chinese?20.What’s the best title for the passage?A.Robot Wall-E B.Robot EvaC.The polluted earth D.Life in the future.三、阅读判断It was midday when I got the call that my grandfather was not well and he was quickly getting worse. My family did not know how long he would stay in the world. I knew I had to get to the hospital to tell him how much I loved him.When I got to the hospital, I hurriedly looked for his hospital room. On my knees, I said softly, “Hello. Grandpa.” Still feeling shy, I decided not to leave his bedside without letting him know. While I asked about his condition, he told me. “I’ll be fine. Henry.” Although we both knew that wasn’t true. Then he asked me with a smile how I was doing.He aring what my grandpa said, I was much moved. I felt special, but I knew I wasn’t there to tell him what I was doing. I made a decision that I had to show my thanks to him. As I found all the courage I had, I hold his hand tightly. From the expression on my face, he knew I had something important to say.I took a deep breath. In doing this, our eyes locked. Our eyes spoke more than words ever could. I cried out. “Grandpa. I just want to let you know how much I love you. I hope you already know that yet I ju st want to make sure.” By this time, tears were rolling down my face. All those years of love that I had shut and not let him know, became free.With a smile, he said, “I know. Thank you for telling me that. All I have on this planet is my family and my love for them. If there is anything I could ask of you, I want you to be good to your family, your mother, your father, and your brother. That’s all I want of you.” I promised him that I would. What I learned that day changed my whole life. From then on I began telling people how much I love them, care for them, and respect them.根据短文内容判断正、误。
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介词More and more people in Shanghai choose to go to work __underground A. In B. with C.by D.for1.Students are encouraged to share their learning experience __their classmates A.to B.in C.at D.with2.You see, Kenin is writing ___his left hand A.at B.as C.for D.with3.A conversation ___a wise person is worth ten years‟ study of books A.for B.like C.with D.to冠词Let‟s take __photo!Everyone ,cheese! A.a B.an C.the D./4.-What ___heavy rain it was!-Yes, but I love ___air after it rains .It smells so fresh. A.the;a B.a;the C.the ;the D.a; a5.The traffic is moving very slowly as so many cars___on their way back to Shanghai. A. am B.is C.are D .be动词___carefully,Michael! There …s a school ahead. A.Drive B. To drive C. Drove D.Driving6.All passengers__go through safety check before they take a plane A.can B.may C.must D.ought7.Aunt Lucy will tell us something about her trip to Australia when she ___back A. came es C.would come D.will come8.Susan and lily __tomatoes on the farm this time yesterday. A.pick B.are picking C.will pick D.were picking9.Harry has decided __an online shop after graduating from school A.open B.to open C.opened D.opening10. I wouldn‟t mind __a roommate we can help each other and save money as well .A.having B.to have C.have D.had11.Don‟t forget __thanks when other people help you. A.accept B.to accept C.say D.to say12.I __follow you.Would you please repeat it? A.can‟t B.mustn‟t C.needn‟t D.shouldn‟t13.Mom is making dinner. It __so nice! A.smells B.tastes C.feels D.sounds14.Steven,we should ___the bus at the next stop. A.get up B.get off C.get to D.get in15.Someone__at the door.Can you open it? A.knocks B.knocked C.is knocking D.was knocking16.I‟m busy now.I___to you after school this afternoon. A.talk B.talked C.will talk D.have talked17.The teacher is already standing here.Do you know when she ____ es B.came C.is coming D.was coming.18.Monica,you __the exam!Congratulations! A.pass B.have passed C.will pass D.are passing.19.The pet dog is warm and loving. It __as a daughter of my family. A. Treats B.treated C.is treated D.was treated20.I saw Ken.___Joe for the school magazine. in the meeting room A.interview B.interviewed C to interview D.interviewing21.Choosing the right circle of friends will _us a lot of troubles. and possibly a life of deep regret A.save B.share C.keep D.bring22.When Tim __why he was late for school .he just kept silent. A.was B.asked C.was asking D.is asked23.-Do you climb mountains every day?-Yes,__a little exercise.I‟m so out of shape A.getting B.get C.got D.to get24.-Does this bus go to the beach?-No,You__the wrong way.You want the Number 1.A.go B.were going C.are going D.would go 疑问词--can you finish the report on food safety?--In two days. A.How far B.How much C.How often D.How soon.代词Old Mr Black lives happily with his three dogs,__of them are part of his family. A.Both B.All C.None D.Neither25.Do you have toys? I‟d like to buy__for my cousin. A.it B.one C.this D.that26.At present,children mean __to most parents in China. A.everything B.nothing C.anything D.something27.It‟s possible to get 100yuan a day in this company,and some days you can get __ A.much B.more C.little D.fewer.28.We must protect plants.They are friends of ___ A.we C.our D.ours副词-Let‟s call Harry,He__knows the best places to go A.only B.nearly C.seldom D.always连词Johe didn‟t give up looking for a job__he got an offer from a German company. A.until B.since C.because D.if29.Diana isn‟t here,__leave a message in her desk. A.or B.so C.and D.but30.Eric arrived on time,__it was the rush hour. A.though B.because C.while D.unless31.He‟s not a perfect child. he sometimes talks back__his parents talk with him. A.if B.before C.when D.until形容词Air pollution has become__than ever before.We must do something to stop it.A.seriousB.more seriousC.most seriousD.the most serious32.Water is cheapest drink.And it‟s also__A.healthier B.healthiest C.the healthier D. The healthiest感叹句The robot can help me sweep the floor,__smart invention it is! A.What B.What a C.What an D.How名词I want sweet milk.Put some__in my cup, please A.ice B.soup C.salt D.sugar33.-You may go to Milan for a free trip-It‟s a very kind__,but I really can‟t accept it.A.excuse B.offer C.promise D.decision宾语从句I have some tickets for the basketball match.I wonder___A.where you buy the ticketsB.why you like to go thereC.if you‟d like to come alongD.when you watch the match34Excuse me,Can you tell me__A.that there is a train B.when the train leaves C.which train can I take D.where does the train go 语言运用-Remember to print on both sides of the paper.-___ A.Me,too B.Well done C.Sure,I will D.That‟s all right.35,”Underground”is the only word in the English language__begins and ends with the letters “und”A.what B.that C.whoD.whom 任务型阅读In today‟s world of mobile phones,MP5players and mini computers,most people have at least one time-telling tool with them.Since these small machines are so common,will people stop wearing the 500-year-old watches?According to somepeople,yes,A teenager says it‟s unnecessary to wear a watch 。