乐理题库 (1)
( )9.将乐音按高低次序排列起来,称为“音列”。
A.纯八度 B纯四度 C.大三度 D.大二度15.不属于音的性质的是()A.音高B.音质C.音量D.音色16.乐音不包括()A.二胡B.军鼓C.笛子D.钢琴四、名词解释17.乐音体系:18.半音:五、简答题19.音的性质?20.音名与唱名?21.列出改变基本音级的变音记号?六、理解题22.十二平均律的特点?第二章记谱法与音值一、填空题23.记写音符与休止符的距离相等、互相平行的五条横线叫做()。
(0806)《视唱练耳》网上作业题及答案1:第一次作业2:第二次作业3:第三次作业4:第四次作业5:第五次作业6:第六次作业1:[填空题]视唱练耳课第六次作业一、听旋律判断拍子:(在四种拍子内作出回答)判断范围: A.2/4拍 B.3/4拍 C.4/4拍 D.6/8拍一题()二题()三题()第六次第一题音响参考答案:视唱练耳课第六次作业答案一、C、B、A答题分析:第一题因为旋律中两强两弱以及长音部位的节拍延伸决定了答案为C 第二题因为旋律中一强两弱以及长音部位的节拍延伸决定了答案为B第三题因为旋律中一强一弱以及长音部位的节拍延伸决定了答案为A2:[填空题]二、三和弦及其转位协和性判断:(用A协和、B不协和作出回答)一题()二题()三题()第六次第二题音响参考答案:二、B、A、A答题分析:第一题因为和弦音响的刺耳与不协和决定了答案为B第二题因为和弦音响的悦耳与协和决定了答案为A第三题因为和弦音响的悦耳与协和决定了答案为A3:[填空题]第六次第三题音响参考答案:二、B、A、A答题分析:第一题因为和弦音响的刺耳与不协和决定了答案为B第二题因为和弦音响的悦耳与协和决定了答案为A第三题因为和弦音响的悦耳与协和决定了答案为A1:[填空题]一、节奏拍号选择题:(在ABCD四个选项中选出节奏短句使用的拍号)选项: A.2/4拍 B.3/4拍 C.4/4拍 D.6/8拍一题()二题()三题()第五次第一题音响参考答案:视唱练耳课第五次作业答案一、C、B、A答题分析:第一题因为节奏中两强两弱以及长音部位的节拍延伸决定了答案为C 第二题因为节奏中一强两弱以及长音部位的节拍延伸决定了答案为B第三题因为节奏中一强一弱以及长音部位的节拍延伸决定了答案为A2:[填空题]二、五声调式音阶选择题:(在五个选项中找出与音响相吻合的正确答案)选项:①宫调式②商调式③角调式④徵调式⑤羽调式一题()二题()三题()第五次第二题音响参考答案:二、2 5 1答题分析:第一题因为二、三音和四、五音间的小三度关系决定了答案为2第二题因为一、四音间的大三度关系决定了答案为5第三题因为一、三音间的大三度关系决定了答案为13:[填空题]三、音程与和弦选择题:(看谱听琴,在括号内双选出与琴声相吻合的答案)第五次第三题音响参考答案:三、DC、AB、AC、CD答题分析:第一题因为和弦低音与高音的小六度和音程的纯四度关系决定了答案为DC 第二题因为和弦低音与高音的大六度和音程的大六度关系答案为AB第三题因为音程的单薄性关系决定了答案为AC第四题因为和弦低音与高音的大六度和音程的大六度关系答案为CD1:[填空题]视唱练耳课第四次作业一、旋律单项选择题:(在括号内用ABCD选出空白小节的答案)第四次第一题音响参考答案:三、2 6 4 3答题分析:第一题因为一、二音的小三度和二、三音的纯四度音程关系决定了答案为2 第二题因为一、二音的纯四度和二、三音的小三度音程关系决定了答案为6第三题因为一、二音的小三度和二、三音的大三度音程关系决定了答案为4 第四题因为一、二音的纯四度和二、三音的大三度音程关系决定了答案为632:[填空题]二、和声音程选择题:(用ABCD选出与音响相吻合的选项)1.选项:A.纯一 B.纯四 C.纯五 D.纯八答案()2.选项:A.小二 B.大二 C.小三 D.大三答案()3.选项:A.小二 B.大二 C.小七 D.增四答案()第四次第二题音响参考答案:一、C、A、D答题分析:第一题因为第一小节第二拍纯五度音程关系决定了答案为C第二题因为第二小节第二拍音阶式的下行决定了答案为A第三题因为第一小节二、三拍间的小六度音程关系决定了答案为D3:[填空题]三、整和弦判断题:(判断和弦性质,在括号处填出和弦序号)判断范围:①大三和弦②小三和弦③增三和弦④减三和弦一题()二题()三题()四题()第四次第三题音响参考答案:三、3 1 2 4答题分析:第一题因为音响的不协和性和扩张感特点决定了答案为3第二题因为音响的明亮与协和决定了答案为1第三题因为音响的黯淡、柔和与协和决定了答案为2第四题因为音响的收缩感、不稳定、不协和决定了答案为41:[填空题]视唱练耳课第三次作业一、音组选择题:(在括号内用ABCD标出与音响吻合的选项)第三次第一题参考答案:三、1 8 6 5答题分析:第一题因为相邻、紧张、尖锐、不协和的音响决定了答案为1 第二题因为两音距离较远且紧张不协和决定了答案为8第三题因为两音纯净、悦耳、协和的音响决定了答案为6第四题因为两音游移、不协和、距离居中的特点决定了答案为52:[填空题]二、旋律音程选择题:(在每题ABCD四个选项中找出与音响相吻合的音程)1.选项:A.小二 B.大二 C.小三 D.大三答案()2.选项:A.小六 B.大六 C.小七 D.大七答案()3.选项:A.纯四 B.纯五 C.纯八 D.纯一答案()第三次第二题音响参考答案:二、B、C、A答题分析:第一题因为两音间距离较窄,刺耳、不协和的音响特点决定了答案为B 第二题因为两音间距离较宽,刺耳、不协和的音响特点决定了答案为C第三题因为两音间距离居中,协和、悦耳的音响特点决定了答案为A3:[填空题]三、分解和弦判断题:(判断和弦性质,在括号处填出和弦序号)判断范围:①大三和弦②大6和弦③大64和弦④小三和弦⑤小6和弦⑥小64和弦一题()二题()三题()四题()第三次第三题音响参考答案:三、2 6 4 3答题分析:第一题因为一、二音的小三度和二、三音的纯四度音程关系决定了答案为2 第二题因为一、二音的纯四度和二、三音的小三度音程关系决定了答案为6第三题因为一、二音的小三度和二、三音的大三度音程关系决定了答案为4第四题因为一、二音的纯四度和二、三音的大三度音程关系决定了答案为631:[填空题]视唱练耳课第二次作业一、音组选择题:(用ABCD在括号内标出与音响相吻合的选项)第二次第一题音响参考答案:视唱练耳课第二次作业答案一、B、A、D、答题分析:第一题因为三、四音之间的小三度关系决定了答案为B第二题因为一、二音之间的小六度关系决定了答案为A第三题因为二、三音之间的三全音关系决定了答案为D2:[填空题]二、节奏选择题(用ABCD在答案括号处选出与音响相吻合的节奏短句)一题选项答案()二题选项答案()三题选项答案()第二次第二题音响参考答案:三、1 8 6 5答题分析:第一题因为相邻、紧张、尖锐、不协和的音响决定了答案为1 第二题因为两音距离较远且紧张不协和决定了答案为8第三题因为两音纯净、悦耳、协和的音响决定了答案为6第四题因为两音游移、不协和、距离居中的特点决定了答案为53:[填空题]三、音程判断题:(判断与音响相吻合的音程序号并在括号内填出)判断范围:①小二度②大二度③小三度④大三度⑤增四、减五度⑥纯四度⑦纯五度⑧小七度⑨大七度⑩纯八度一题()二题()三题()四题()第二次第三题音响参考答案:三、1 8 6 5答题分析:第一题因为相邻、紧张、尖锐、不协和的音响决定了答案为1 第二题因为两音距离较远且紧张不协和决定了答案为8第三题因为两音纯净、悦耳、协和的音响决定了答案为6第四题因为两音游移、不协和、距离居中的特点决定了答案为51:[填空题]视唱练耳课第一次作业一、单音选择题:(在题后的括号内用ABCD选出括号内所缺一音)第一次第一题音响参考答案:视唱练耳课第一次作业答案一、A、B、D答题分析:第一题因为第二音与第三音构成纯五度关系,所以答案只能是A 第二题因为第一音与第二音构成三全音关系,所以答案只能是B第三题因为第三音与第四音构成纯五度关系,所以答案只能是D2:[填空题]二、旋律单项选择题:(在括号内用ABCD选出与琴声相吻合的旋律短句)1题选项答案()2题选项答案()3题选项答案()第一次第二题音响参考答案:视唱练耳课第二次作业答案一、B、A、D、答题分析:第一题因为三、四音之间的小三度关系决定了答案为B第二题因为一、二音之间的小六度关系决定了答案为A第三题因为二、三音之间的三全音关系决定了答案为D3:[填空题]三、音阶判断题:(判断琴声所示音阶的性质)选项:A.自然大调 B.自然小调 C.和声小调 D.旋律小调一题()二题()三题()四题()第一次第三题音响参考答案:三、A、C、D、B答题分析:第一题因为一、三音的大三度和七音与上方主音的小二度决定了答案为A 第二题因为一、三音的小三度和六、七音之间的增二度决定了答案为C第三题因为一、三音的小三度和音阶上行升高,下行还原的特征决定了答案为D 第四题因为一、三音的小三度和七音与上方主音的大二度决定了答案为B。
1.将乐音体系中的音,按照一定音高关系和次序,由低到高,或由高到低,依次排列起来的一组音叫做()A.音阶B 音列C第二篇:018年乐理考试018年的艺考即将拉开序幕,小伙伴们都准备好了吗?我们为大家准备了一份全面的乐理考题,并附上了答案,快来复习一下吧!一、单选1、什么是音程(C)A 两个音的协和关系B 两个音的变化关系C 两个音的音高关系D 两个音的升降关系2、旋律音程的出现方式为(A)A 先后B 重复C 同时D 省略 3、4—7 是(B)A 减五度B 增四度C 增五度D 减四度4、4--重降7 是(C)A 纯四度B 增四度C 减四度D 倍减四度5、关于缩小音程正确的说法(A)A 降低上方音B 降低下方音C 升高上方音D 还原变化音6、下面哪个为变化音程(D)A 增四度B 减五度C 小七度D 减八度7、减六度转位是(B)A 增六度B 增三度C 增二度D 减四度8、增八度转位是(D)A 减一度B 增一度C 纯一度D 减八度9、下面为减七度的音程是(C)A 1--7B 1--降7C 升1--降7D 升1--重降7 10、1--高音1 为纯八度,1--高音降6为(A)A 小十三度B 大十三度C 增十三度D 减十三度11、下面为等音程的是(C)A 降3--5升2--降6B 升4--降7降5--7 C 降2--升5升1--降6D 升1--升3升1--降412、下面全部为不协和的音程是(D)A 纯一度大三度小六度B 纯四度减五度大七度C 增四度小二度小三度D 小七度大二度减五度13、在乐音体系中的半音是指(B)A 两音之间的距离B 两音之间的关系C 相邻两音的距离14、乐音体系中的变化音级是指(B)A 没有固定名称的音级B 带有变化音的音级C 带有升降记号的音级15、乐音体系中的主音是指(C)A 音阶中主要的音B 音乐中主要的音C 音阶中的第一个音16、两个音先后发出为:(C)A 和声音程B 分解和弦C 旋律音程17、基础乐理中关于三和弦的定义是(B)A 将乐音以三度重叠B 将三个音按一定的音程关系重叠C 三个音以三度重叠18、音程中的大三度加上小三度等于(C)A 减六度B 增五度C 纯五度19、音乐体系中的固定唱名法指的是(A)A 音名与唱名同步B 音名与唱名不同步C 音名与唱名时而同步,时而不同步。
2014年12月高等学校英语应用能力考试A级真题及详解[听力音频]Part ⅠListening Comprehension (15 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4 sections. Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recordedquestion. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer fromthe 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then youshould mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a singleline through the center.1. A. Production planning.B. Financial affairs.C. Public relations.D. Import and Export.【答案】B【解析】事实细节题。
【录音原文】W: What do you do in the company, Mr. Green?M: I’m in charge of the company’s financial affairs department.Q: What department is Mr. Green in charge of in the company?2. A. More workers are needed.B. Advertising costs more.C. Raw materials are more expensive.D. Workers’salaries are higher.【答案】C【解析】事实细节题。
英语十四级试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。
A. He is a teacher.B. He is a student.C. He is a doctor.[答案] B2. What is the woman going to do next?A. Go to the library.B. Go to the cinema.C. Go to the supermarket.[答案] A(以下题目依此类推,共10题)二、阅读理解(共30分)A. 阅读以下短文,选择最佳答案。
According to the passage, what is the main idea?A. The importance of education.B. The benefits of technology.C. The impact of globalization.[答案] C(以下题目依此类推,共5题)B. 阅读以下短文,回答下列问题。
What does the author suggest about the future of work?[答案] The author suggests that the future of work will be heavily influenced by technological advancements.(以下题目依此类推,共5题)三、完形填空(共20分)Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.In recent years, online education has become increasingly popular. It offers students the convenience of learning at their own pace and in their own environment. However, some educators argue that it lacks the personal touch that traditional classroom settings provide.1. This has led to a debate over the effectiveness of online learning.[答案] This2. While some believe that online education is a valuable resource, others feel that it is not a suitable replacement for face-to-face instruction.[答案] While(以下题目依此类推,共10题)四、语法与词汇(共15分)Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence.1. Despite the heavy rain, the game went on as _______.A. scheduledB. scheduleC. schedulingD. schedules[答案] A2. The new policy aims to reduce pollution and _______ the environment.A. protectB. protectionC. protectorD. protective[答案] A(以下题目依此类推,共15题)五、翻译(共15分)Translate the following sentences into English.1. 随着科技的发展,我们的生活变得越来越便利。
2014年全国新课标卷听力(含答案和原文)7.What does the woman suggest Harry do?A。
Take a walk with her later。
Watch TV with her。
Rest and take some medicine.Rewritten:Part 1 Listening (30 points in total)During the test。
please mark your answers on the n paper first。
After the。
content is finished。
you will have two minutesto ___.n 1 (7.5 points in total)Listen to the following 5 dialogues。
After each dialogue。
there is a n。
Choose the best answer from the three ns (A。
C) and mark it on the corresponding n on the n paper。
You will have10 seconds to answer each ___.___: How much is the shirt。
A.£19.15.B.£9.18.C.£9.15.The answer is C.1.What does the woman want to do?A。
Find a place。
Buy a map。
Get an address.2.What will the man do for the woman?A。
Repair her car。
Give her a ride。
Pick up her aunt.3.Who might Mr。
Peterson be?___.4.What does the man think of the book?A。
第十四届新课标考级 参考答案.doc
76.get 81. This 82.time83. to bed 84. having fun /enjoying themselves1-5 CABCC 16.plans21-25 CACBB 41-45 BAACB 61-65 BBCAC 6-10 BABB A17.picnic26-30 ACBCA46-50 ABCCA66-70ABCBA11-15ACBCB18.beach31-35 BACBC51-55CAACB19.camping36-40 ABCAC56-60BACCA20.concer76. parent 77.dancer78. icecreams79. cinema 80.missed83. right away/ at once1-5 BACCA 21-25 ABCCB 41-45 CACCB 61-65 CCBAA6-10 BBCAA26-30 ACABA46-50 ACCAB66-70 AABAB11-15 BABCC31-35 CCBCB51-55 CBAAB16-20 CBCAB36-40 BBACB56-60 ACBCB 77. read 78. lunch 79. homework 80. watch85. are there参考范文:I'm Nancy. This is a picture of my family. There are six people in my family. They are my grandpa, my grandma, my father, my mother, my brother and I. My father is a teacher, and my mother is a nurse. I'm nine years old. My brother is five years old. I love my family.第十四届新课标英语等级测试全国统一试题(EGT小学二级)参考答案71.He lived in a small town.72.He bought a new car.73.He was washing his new car.74.Mr Brown's son, Joe.75.No, he doesn't.81. Hurry up / Be quick 82. had a good time 84. lots of 85. listening; music参考范文:Dear Steve,How are you? Last Sunday, I did lots of things. I was very happy.First, I got up at 7:30 and had breakfast at 8:00 in the morning. Then I cleaned my bedroom. After that, I did my homework. In the afternoon, I played football with my brother. In the evening, I called my friend, Sam. We watched a film together. The film was very interesting.What did you do last weekend? Write to me soon.Yours,Eric71. plane 72. eyes 73. plant 74. monkey 75. football75.Yes, they did.76.wall 81. hotter 86. is tidying laziest参考范文:77. famous82. brighter87. kinds of78. dirty83. nearer88. hate;gives79. dictionary84. farther89. lots ofDuring the winter vacation, nothing will be different for my life.80. praised85. smaller90. ugliest; But I won't be第十四届新课标英语等级测试全国统一试题(三级)参考答案1-5 BCBAC 6-10ACABA 11-15 BACAC16. farmer 17. sets 18. sell 19. road 20. rest21-25 BCACB 26-30 ACBAB 31-35ABCCB36-40 BAACB 41-45 BAEDC 46-50 CACCB51-55 ABCCA 56-60 CABCA 61-65 ACCCA66-70 BCCBA71.She saw a wallet.72.They took the wallet to the nearby police station and turned it in.73.Over 2,000 dollars.74. A TV news reporter filmed the story.bored all the time. Sometimes I will read books; sometimes I will listen to music or radio, because it will be very cold outside all the day. I will also meet some of my good friends during the vacation, and we will have a very long talk about the life of each other in the past years and play table tennis together. And I will watch some interesting TV programmes.Maybe you think it will be boring, but I will enjoy it.第十四届新课标英语等级测试全国统一试题(四级)参考答案1-5 BDDAB 6-10 CDDAC 11-15 ABDBC16. island 17. back 18.changes 19. either 20. forests21-25 ACBDC 26-30 CBDCB 31-35 ADBCA36-40 DBCAF 41-45 CBACB 46-50 ACABD51-55 BDACC 56-60 CADBD 61-65 CD ABB 66-70 BCDCA71.Balloons for sport.72.For about one hundred years / one century.73.Ifs safer and cheaper.74.Because the wind is light.75.Only once.76. slowly 77. during 78. has grown 79. smaller 80.enough 81. fell asleep 82. handed in 83. catch up 84. went out 85. aswell86. while / when 87. same 88. drinking 89. traffic 90. each参考范文:Dear classmates,I'm Zhang Hua. We found that 70% of the students think they should take all kinds of exercise every day but not spend too much time. They think exercise builds body and can keep them healthy. Sports also let them have a good rest. And their study will become better.30% students believe that taking exercise is tiring and it's a waste of time. They say that they're very excited after exercise. They can't pay attention to their lessons after exercise. Ifs possible to be hurt while doing sports.第十四届新课标英语等级测试全国统一试题(五级)参考答案1-5 BCDAC 6-10 DBCDB 11-15 BCDAD16. areas 17. heavy 18. tomorrow 19. south 20. temperature21-25 CBDAA 26-30 BDCDD 31-35 ABCBD 36-40 FCAEB 41-45 BDACB 46-50 ADCAB51-55 ADBCA 56-60 CACDA 61-65 DABCA66-70 ACCDC71. They went to town once a week or once a month.72.One family couldn't build a house alone.73.Families asked their friends and neighbours for help to build houses.74.There were many other children to play with.75.这很有趣,生活也变得更容易了。
2014年12月四级真题听力题+答案+原文Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
1. A) The woman is fussy about the cleanness of the apartment,B) He has not cleaned the apartment since his mother’s visit.C) He does not remember when his mother came over.D) His mother often helps him to clean the apartment.2. A) The bus stop is only two minutes’ walk.B) The running made him short of breath.C) They might as well take the next bus.D) The woman is late by a couple of minutes.3. A) She is suffering a pain in her neck.B) She is likely to replace Miss Smith.C) She has to do extra work for a few days.D) She is quite sick of working overtime.4. A) Change her job.B) Buy a dishwasher.C) Open a flower shop.D) Start her own business.5. A) He forgot where he had left the package.B) He slipped on his way to the post office.C) He wanted to deliver the package himself.D) He failed to do what he promised to do.6. A) The speakers do not agree with each other.B) The woman does not like horror films.C) The man pays for the tickets as a rule.D) The speakers happened to meet in the cinema7. A) The woman is just as unlucky as the man.B) The woman is more sensitive than the man.C) The speakers share a common view on love.D) The speakers are unhappy with their marriage.8. A) Preparations for a forum.B) Participants in the forum.C) Organizers of a forum.D) Expectations of the forum.Questions 9 to 11are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. A) France.B) Scandinavia.C) Russia.D) East Europe.10. A) More women will be promoted in the workplace.B) More women will overcome their inadequacies.C) More women will receive higher education.D) More women will work outside the family.11. A) Try hard to protect women's rights.B) Educate men to respectwomenmore.C) Help women acquire moreprofessional skills.D) Spend more time changingwomen's attitudes.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A) In a restaurant.B) In a hotel lobby.C) At the man’s office.D) A t the woman’s place.13. A) He is the chief designer of the latest bike model.B) He has completed an overseas market survey.C) He is the Managing Director of Jayal Motors.D) He has just come back from a trip to Africa14. A) To select the right model.B) To get a good import agent.C) T o convince the board members.D) T o cut down production costs.15. A) His flexibility.B) His vision.C) His intelligence.D) His determination.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
2014TEM4 听力理解作业
2014 TEM4听力真题(听力理解部分)PART Ⅱ LISTENING COMPREHENTION (20 MIN)SECTION A CONVERSATIONS(利用读指导语的时间读完第一篇的题目及答案选项)In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations ca refully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions l to 3 are based on the following conversation.At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the conversation.1. What are they mainly talking about in the conversation?A. TransportB. CustomersC. RelocationD. Restaurants.2. Which of the following is mentioned by Tim as a good reasonfor moving?A. More office space.B. Convenient parking.C. Fewer office workers.D. A near-by train station.3. Why is Jane worried about winter in the new location?A. It is much colder there.B. There are few activities.C. There are no good restaurants.D. There is no cinema or theatre. Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation.At the end of the conversation,you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen tothe conversation.4. Miss Parkinson became interested in her own business _______.A. before she worked for the media companyB. when she was on holiday five years agoC. after she went to therapists and classesD. after her friend recommended it to her5. Why did she ask her teachers to teach her at home?A. She was busier than before.B. It was more convenient.C. She liked to exercise at home.D. She was given a promotion.6. Which of the following is NOT true according to the conversation?A. She recommended people to take classes.B. She was willing to pay more for classes at home.C. She left her job immediately after her promotion.D. She regarded the business as a pastime at first.7. Why did she finally leave her job?A. She got bored with her job.B. She saw an opportunity.C. She needed the money.D. She was forced to leave.Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation.At the end of the conversation,you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen tothe conversation.8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the single-lens reflex?A. Different lenses can be used.B. Focusing is easier.C. You can see what you are taking.D. It is cheaper and lighter.9. According to the shop assistant, the main difference between the two types of cameras lies in _______.A. lensB. priceC. weightD. size10. It can be inferred from the conversation that the customer is more li kely to buy _______in the end.A. a single-lens cameraB. nothingC. a rangefinder cameraD. several lenses insteadSECTION B PASSAGES(关注细节)In this section ,you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage.At the end of the passage,you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the passage.11. Which of the following details about the front of the house is CORRE CT?A. The front is pink.B. The curtain is drawn.C. No window can be seen.D. There are two doors.12. What is to the immediate left side of the house?A. A washing line.B. Another house.C. A flat area.D. A chimney.13. Where is the small town in the picture?A. Between two hills.B. Further to the left of the house.C. At the back of the house.D. At the side of a hill.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage.At the end of the passage,you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the passage.14. When did Ben first become interested in Mongolia?A. When he grew up.B. When he learned Mongolian.C. When he returned home.D. When he was nine years old.15. Where did he spend most of his teenage years?A. In MongoliaB. In the Arab worldC. In his hometownD. In some other regions16. We learn from the passage that Ben _______ while doing his master’s degree.A. became interested in classical MongolianB. learned classical and modern MongolianC. gave up modern MongolianD. mastered modern Mongolian17. Which of the following details is NOT true according to the passage?A. Ben wants to visit Mongolia when the weather is warm.B. Ben considers the travel expense reasonable.C. The trip today is expensive considering inflation.D. Ben was unable to travel to Mongolia in1971.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage.At the end of the passa ge,you will begiven 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the passage.18. Which is the height of towers at Sky Greens vertical farm?A. 9 metersB. 20 metersC. 100 metersD. 40 meters19. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. The farm sells its vegetables to a local supermarket.B. The farm uses less water and energy to grow vegetables.C. The farm causes less pollution in its production.D. The farm sells at the same price as imported produce20. According to the passage, one particular advantage of the Sky Green is _______.A. local climateB. local supportC. plan for expansionD. closeness to the citySECTION C NEWS BROADCAST(重点关注每则新闻的主题及时间、地点、数字等细节)In this section, you will hear several news items.Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 21 and 22 are based on the following news.At the end of thenews item,you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.21. According to the passage, Turkish police were unsure about _____.A. when the woman was killedB. the main cause of the deathC. the woma n’s identityD. why she failed to return home22. How many people had been detained by Turkish police?A. 9.B. 19.C.22.D. 33.Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news.At the end of the news item.you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.23. What is the situation now in Kidal according to the news?A. Islamist militants are still in control of the town.B. French forces have entered the town.C. French are going to land at the airport.D. Islamist militants are attacking the airport.24. Why did the French launch the military operation?A. To control Kidal airport.B. To protect the town.C. To protect the capital Bamako.D. To fight against Islamist militants. Questions 25 and 26 are based on the following news.At the end of the news it em,you will begiven 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.25. Which of the following is TRUE about the immigration reform?A. It was proposed by a group of senators.B. Mr Obama had carried out the reform.C. Illegal immigrants would soon be given citizenship.D. The reform failed to improve the current system.26. According to Obama’s 2011 blueprint, how long would it take for ille gal immigrants to gain citizenship?A. Eight years.B. Five years.C. Thirteen years.D. Eleven years.Questions 27 and 28 are based on the following news.At the end of the news item,you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.27. What is Lorraine Melvill’s business?A. Running a plastic surgery clinic.B. Arranging for surgery and safaris.C. Providing consultancy to local people.D. Organizing trips to UK and American.28. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the news ?A. Local African clients helped keep her business going.B. Her clients were unable to pay her the money.C. Her business was affected by the global financial crisis.D. She still had as many European clients as before.Questions 29 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you w ill be given 5 seconds to answer the question. Now, listen to the news.29. What is the main idea of the news item?A. Foreign investment in unstable regions.B. BP’s presence in North Africa.C. Security concerns in risky countries.D. Protection for foreign oil workers.Questions 30 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you w ill be given 5 seconds to answer the question. Now, listen to the news.30. What is the main message of the news item?A. London attracts shoppers from all over the world.B. Most people in Nigeria live in poverty.C. Wealthier Nigerians become a big spender.D. People from the Middle East are the most wealthy.Part I DICTATION (15MIN)答案Limiting the Growth of TechnologyThroughout history man has changed his physical environment to improve his way of life.With the tools of technology man has altered many physical features of the earth.He has transformed woodland into farmland.He has modified the face of the earthby cutting through mountains to build roads and railways. However,these changes inthe physical environment have not always had beneficial results.Today,pollution of the airand water is a danger to the health of the planet.Each day thousands of tons of gases comeout of vehicles.Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding countryside.The air in cities is becoming increasingly unhealthy.The pollution of water isequally harmful.In the sea pollution from oil is killing a lot of sea plants and fish.It is now necessary for man to limit the growth of technology in order to survive on earth.。
教师资格认定考试高级中学音乐真题2014下半年(精选)一、单项选择题1. 梁代丘明传谱的《碣石调·幽兰》是我国现存最早的一首琴谱,它的记谱方式是______。
A.文字谱B.律吕字谱C.减字谱D.工(江南博哥)尺谱正确答案:A2. 由马思聪创作,部分主题源自《墙头上跑马》《叫大娘,你过来》等民歌的小提琴曲是______。
A.《摇篮曲》B.《绥远组曲》C.《西藏音诗》D.《牧歌》正确答案:B[解析] 《绥远组曲》又名《内蒙组曲》(小提琴组曲),这是马思聪1938年创作的一部小提琴组曲。
3. 下列哪首影视歌曲是由赵季平创作的?______A.《绿叶对根的情意》B.《牧羊曲》C.《信天游》D.《黄土地》正确答案:D[解析] 赵季平,中国音乐家协会主席,陕西省文学艺术联合会主席,西安音乐学院院长。
4. 因创作弦乐四重奏《风·雅·颂》(1983年)而获得国际韦伯室内乐作曲比赛二等奖的我国“新潮音乐”作曲家是______。
A.瞿小松B.郭文景C.谭盾D.陈其钢正确答案:C[解析] 谭盾,著名作曲家、指挥家,在国际上享有盛名。
( )9.将乐音按高低次序排列起来,称为“音列”。
A.纯八度 B纯四度 C.大三度 D.大二度15.不属于音的性质的是()A.音高B.音质C.音量D.音色16.乐音不包括()A.二胡B.军鼓C.笛子D.钢琴四、名词解释17.乐音体系:18.半音:五、简答题19.音的性质?20.音名与唱名?21.列出改变基本音级的变音记号?六、理解题22.十二平均律的特点?第二章记谱法与音值一、填空题23.记写音符与休止符的距离相等、互相平行的五条横线叫做()。
1. W: I can’t seem to reach the tea at the back of the cupboard.M: Oh… Why don’t you use the ladder? You might strain your shoulder.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?2. W: Since it’s raining so hard, let’s go and see the new exhibits.M: That’s a good idea. Mary Johnson is one of my favorite painters.Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?3. M: I hear the students gave the new teacher an unfair evaluation.W: It depends on which student you are talking about.Q: What does the woman imply?4. W: It must have taken you a long time to fix up all these book shelves.M: It wasn’t too bad. I got Doris to do some of them.Q: What does the man mean?5. W: Rod, I hear you’ll be leaving at the end of this month. Is it true?M: Yeah. I’ve been offered a much better position with another firm. I’d be a fool to turn it down.Q: Why is the man quitting his job?6. W: I honestly don’t want to continue the gardening tomorrow, Tony?M: Neither do I. But I think we should get it over with this weekend.Q: What does the man mean?7. W: You’ve already furnished your apartment?M: I found some used furniture that was dirt cheap.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?8. W: Has the mechanic called the bus repairers?M: Not yet .I’ll let you know when he calls.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Conversation one:M: Hello. Matt Ellis speaking.W: Hello, Dr. Ellis, my name’s Pan Johnson. My roommate, Janet Holmes, wanted me to call you.M: Janet Holmes? Oh, that’s right. She’s in my Shakespearean English class. Has anything happened to her?W: Nothing, it’s just that she submitted a job application yesterday and the company asked her in for an interview today. She’s afraid she won’t be able to attend your class this afternoon though. I’m calling to see whether it would be OK if I gave you her essay. Janet said it’s due today.M: Certainly, that would be fine. Uh, you can either drop it off at my class or bring it to my office.W: Would it be all right to come by your office around 4:00? I’m afraid I can’t come any earlier because I have three classes this afternoon.M: Uh, I won’t be here when you come. I’m supposed to be at a meeting from 3:00 to 6:00, but how about leaving it with my secretary? She usually stays until 5:00. W: Fine, please tell her I’ll be there at 4:00. And Dr. Ellis, one more thing, could you tell me where your office is? Janet told me where your class is, but she didn’t give me directions to your office.M: Well, I’m in Room 302 of the Gregory Building. I’ll tell my secretary to put the paper in my mail box, and I’ll get it when I return.W: I sure appreciate it. Goodbye, Dr. Ellis.M: Goodbye, Ms. Johnson.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. Why couldn’t the woman’s roommate attend the Shakespearean English class that afternoon?10. What favor is the woman going to do for her roommate?11. What does the woman want to know at the end of the conversation?Conversation 2:W: How are things going, Roald?M: Not bad, Jane. I’m involved in several projects and it’s a long working day. But I’m used to that so it doesn’t bother me too much.W: I heard you have moved to a new house in the suburb. How do you like commuting to London every day? Don’t you find it a string?M: It was terrible at first, especially getting up before dawn to catch that 6:30 train. But it’s bearable now that I’ m used to it. W: Don’t you think it’s an awful waste of time? I couldn’t bear to spend three hours sitting in a train every day.M: I used to feel the same as you. But now I quite enjoy it.W: How do you pass the time? Do you bring some work with you to do on the train?M: Ah, that’s a good question. In the morning, I just sit in comfort and read the papers to catch up with the news. On the way home at night, I relax with a good book or chat with friends or even have a game of bridge.W: I suppose you know lots of people on the train now.M: Yes, I bumped into someone I know on the platform every day. Last week I came across a couple of old school friends and we spend the entire journey in the bar.W: It sounds like a good club. You never know. I may join it too.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. What does the man say about his job?13. Which train does the man take to work every day?14. How does the man feel about commuting to work every day now?15. How does the man spend his time on the morning train? Passage One Most American college students need to be efficient readers. This is necessary because full-time students probably have to read several hundred pages every week. They don't have time to read a chapter three or four times. They need to extract as much information as possible from the first or second reading. An extraordinarily important study skill is knowing how to mark a book. Students mark the main ideas and important details with a pen or pencil, yellow or blue or orange. Some students mark new vocabulary in a different color. Most students write questions or short notes in the margins. Marking a book is a useful skill, but it's important to do it right. First, read a chapter with one pen in your hand and others next to you on the desk. Second, read a whole paragraph before you mark anything. Don't mark too much. Usually you will mark about 10% of a passage. Third, decide on your own system for marking. For example, maybe you will mark main ideas in yellow, important details in blue and new words in orange. Maybe you will put question marks in the margin when you don't understand something and before an exam. Instead, you just need to review your marks and you can save a lot of time.16. What should American college students do to cope with their heavy reading assignments?17. What suggestion does the speaker give about marking a textbook?18. How should students prepare for an exam according to the speaker? Passage Two The thought of having no sleep for 24 hours or more isn't a pleasant one for most people. The amount of sleep that each person needs varies. In general, each of us needs about 8 hours of sleep each day to keep us healthy and happy. Some people, however, can get by with just a few hours of sleep at night. It doesn't matter when or how much a person sleeps. But everyone needs some rest to stay alive. Few doctors would have thought that there might be an exception to this. Sleep is, after all, a very basic need. But a man named Al Herpin turned out to be a real exception, for supposedly, he never slept! Al Herpin was 90 years old when doctors came to his home in New Jersy. They hoped to challenge the claim that he never slept. But they were surprised. Though they watched him every hour of the day, they never saw Herpin sleeping. He did not even own a bed. He never needed one.The closest that Herpin came to resting was to sit in a rocking chair and read a half dozen newspapers. His doctors were puzzled by the strange case of permanent sleeplessness. Herpin offered the only clue to his condition. He remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he had been born. Herpin died at the age of 94, never, it seems, having slept at all. 19. What is taken for granted by most people? 20. What do doctors think of Al Herpin's case? 21. What could have accounted for Al Herpin's sleeplessness? Passage Three Hetty Green was a very spoiled, only child. She was born in Massachusetts USA in 1835. Her father was a millionaire businessman. Her mother was often ill, and so from the age of two her father took her with him to work and taught her about stocks and shares. At the age of six she started reading the daily financial newspapers and opened her own bank account. Her father died when she was 21 and she inherited 7.5 million dollars. She went to New York and invested on Wall Street. Hetty saved every penny, eating in the cheapest restaurants for 15 cents. She became one of the richest and most hated women in the world. At 33 she married Edward Green, a multi-millionaire, and had two children, Ned and Sylvia. Hetty’s meanness was well-known. She always argued about prices in shops. She walked to the local grocery store to buy broken biscuits which were much cheaper, and to get a free bone for her much loved dog. Once she lost a two-centstamp and spent the night looking for it. She never bought clothes and always wore the same long, ragged black skirt. Worst of all, when her son, Ned, fell and injured his knee, she refused to pay for a doctor and spent hours looking for free medical help. In the end Ned lost his leg. When she died in 1916 she left her children 100 million dollars. Her daughter built a hospital with her money.22. What do we learn about Hetty Green as a child?23. How did Hetty Green become rich overnight?24. Why was Hetty Green much hated?25. What do we learn about Hetty's daughter? Among the kinds of social gestures most significant for second language teachers, are those which are identical in form, but different in meaning in the two cultures. For example, a Columbian who wants someone to approach him often signals with a hand movement, in which all the fingers of one hand cupped point downward as they move rapidly back and forth. Speakers of English have a similar gesture, though the hand may not be cupped and the fingers may be held more loosely. But for them, the gesture means "goodbye" or "go away", quite the opposite of the Columbian gesture. Again in Columbia, a speaker of English would have to know that when he indicates height, he must choose between different gestures depending on whether he is referring to a human being or an animal. If he keeps the palm of the hand parallel to the floor, as he would in his own culture when making known the height of a child for example, he will very likely be greeted by laughter. In Columbia, this gesture is reserved for the description of animals. In order to describe human beings, he should keep the palm of his hand at a right angle to the floor. Substitutions of one gesture for the other often create not only humorous but also embarrassing moments. In both of the examples above, speakers from two different cultures have the same gesture physically, but its meaning differs sharply.【短对话总评】这次英语四级听⼒短对话总体难度适中,主要考点仍然集中在对⽇常⽣活的理解上。
Unit 1Optional Listening 1A. Emily is at the airport. Listen and check the correct box.Josh: Hello?Emily: Hi, Josh? It’s Emily.Josh: Hi, Em. Are you at the airport with Uncle Tim?E: Yes, I’m here, but Idon’t see Uncle Tim,tell me again--- whatdoes he look like?J: He’s tall, and he’s in his 30s. He has long brown hair.E: Ok…J: Oh, and he wears glasses E: No, I don’t see him…Optional Listening 2A. Listen to the description of a family photo. Then drag the names from the box and drop them on the right personEmilio is in his fifties. He is tall--- about 182 cm. He is average weight. He has brown eyes. He has short, curly, gray hair.Kathy is in her forties. She is short. she is slim. she has blue eyes. She has long, straight, blond hair.Michael is young. He is tall. He is average weight. He has dark, brown eyes. He has short, curly, blond hair.Alexis and Ashley are twins. They are young. They are average height. They are slim. Alexis has blue eyes, but Ashley has green eyes. They both have long, curly, red hair.B. Now listen to these people introducing themselves, Then answer the questions asked.1. I’m Carrie Brown from New York. I’m an art strdent ans I like listening to music ans playing basketball.2. Hello, everyone. My name is Ann Andrews. I come from Wellington, New Zealand. I’m a teacher and I like shopping and hanging out with friends.3. Hi, I’m Julia Sanchez. I’m a reporter from Lima, Peru. I like srufing and blogging.4. My name is Charles Horton. I live in Boston. USA. I’m a chef. In my spare time, I like painting and traveling.5. I’m George Simmel from Berlin, Germany. I’m a fashion designer. I like watching films and jogging very much.6. My name is Kevin Smith. I come from Sydney, Australia. I like cooking and reading detective stories. I’m a finance manager.Optional Listening 3A. Look at the picture and listen to the e-mail message. Then tell which one in the picture is Mr. Ryder.Dear Mr. Peters,Please meet Mr. James Ryder at the airport station at 11:00 tomorrow. His flight is UA 238 from Los Angeles. HE is a tall man in his sixties with gray hair, and he wears big glasses. His meeting with the Marketing Department is at 4:00.Thank you.Kyra GreeneMarketing DepartmentB. Listen to another e-mail message. Then tell which one in the picture is Tom.Gina---HELP! Can you meet my friend Tom at the airport tomorrow? My car has big problems and I can’t drive it. Tom is coming on flight KX 661 from Denver at 11:00. He’s average height and kind of thin, with long blond hair and a mustache. Thanks a million!ChrisOptional Listening 4: Celebrity doublesA. Now listen to the passage. Do you think Andrew Barn is happy being a celebrity double?A group of teenagers is standing outside a hair salon in Manchester, England. Many of them have cameras and are looking I the salon window. Then want to see soccer player David Beckham/ A man in the salon looks like Bechham ( he has blond hair and Beckham’s good looks). But the man in the salon isn’t the famous soccer player. He’s Andrew Barn--- Atwenty-two-year-old hairdresser.Barn isn’t surprised by the teenagers. People often stop him on the street and want to take his picture. Barn is a hairdresser, but he also makes money as a Beckham double. Barn travels all over Rurope as David Beckham. Newspapers often take his photo. It’s an exciting life for the hairdresser from Manchester.Today, many companies work with celebrity doubles. The most popular celebrity foubles. The most popular celebrity doubles look like famous athletes,pop singers, and actors. The companies pay doubles to go to parties and business meetings. Doubles are also on TV and in newspaper ads.Why do people want to look like a celebrity? An Anna Kournikova double in the U.S. says, “ I can make good money. I also make a lot of people happy./eng/nsclass2_1.html/eng/nsclass2_2.htmlBook1-Uint 2Optional Listening 1: Conversation 1Man: next, please!Woman: Hi, here’s my ticket.M: And where are you going today, Ms. Gregory?W: Berlin.M: May I see your passport, please?W: Sure, here you are.M: And how many suitcases do you have ?W: Just one.Conversation 2M: Too bad it’s our last day in New York. There’s a lot to see.W: I know. But at least we’re here at the Statue of Liberty. Isn’t it beautiful?M: Yeah, it is. Hey, we need a photo. Excuse me?M2: Yes?M: Can you take our picture, please?M2: Sure.Conversation 3W: Welcome to the Ritz Carlton, Shanghai.M: Thank you. My name is Ian Walters. I have a room for myself and my wife.W: Okey. Can I see a credit card and ID, Please?M: Of course. Here’s my card and my passport.W: Thank you. Here are your keys, Mr. Walters. Enjoy your stay.Optional Listening 2: Travel tips for ThailandThailand is a nice country in Southeast Asia, with something for every visitor. There is a lot for you to discover there.But before you go, you should make a plan to help you be better prepared. Here are some tips.Firstly, the weather in Thailand is hot and humid all year, so you should pack sunglasses, T-shirts, and sandals with you. Secondly, you should buy your plane ticket early. Thailand is a very popular place for a vacation, and the planes are very full. Thirdly, the traffic in this country is very bad and people drive really fast, so you should rent a car. Another tip is that you should drink a lot of water and juice to stay cool. Finally, and this is a very important tip, you shouldn’t take photos outside in the afternoon. It’s too sunny and bright! Remember these tips and you’ll have a great time there.Have fun in Thailand!Optional Listening 3:A. Watch the Weather!Most people plan their vacations very carefully. They think a lot about plane tickets, passports, and hotel reservations. But they often forget about one important thing--- the weather. You should learn about the tight time to visit your vacation spot. Here is some information to help you pan your next vacation.Italy. The weather is sunny all year, but it’s sometimes cold in winter. April and May are warm and beautiful. From June to September, it’s very hot.Australia. Summer here is from December to April. It sometimes rains, but the weather is usually very good. In winter, it snows a little in some places, but most of Australia isn’t very cold.B. Hong Kong, China. The Weather is hot and very humid here a lot of the year. In July and August, it’s sometimes very windy, and there are bad storms. October and November are warm and not so humid, but in December and January, it gets very chilly sometimes.Germany. From November to April, the weather is cold, cloudy, and snowy. In spring it’s warn, but there’s a lot of rain. July and August are usually warm and sunny.India. You shouldn’t travel to India from June to September. There is a lot of rain everywhere. From November to April, after the rainy season, the weather is nice and cool. In April and May, it often gets very hot.Optional Listening 4In Tokyo, it’s an envelope with $850,000 in cash. At Florida’s Disney World, it’s a glass eye. At a hotel in England, it’s a goat and a false leg. How are all of these things similar? They are unusual things that people leave in hotel rooms, in airports, and on city streets. Irish Martino works in the lost and Found Center at an airport in a U.S. city. “Sure, we find the usual stuff—cell phones, keys, sunglasses and wallets,” she says. “But people also forget some weird things at the airport, too.” “What does Ms. Martino find? A woman’s false teeth in the bathroom. A mannequin in an airport waiting area. “ How do you forget those things?” Martino wonders. Nobuo Hasuda works for the Lost and Found Center in downtown Tokyo. The Center has almost 800,000 items Three hundred thousand od them are umbrellas! There are also many other things--- jewelry and briefcases, snowshoes and musical instrument. Mr. Hasuda keeps the lost items for six months and two weeks. After this time, the finder can take the item. This is good luck for some people. Remember the envelope in Tokyo with $ 850,000? The owner did not claim it. Now the money belongs to the finder!Key: OL1: A. 1. checking in at the airport; 2. looking at; 3. checking into a hotel. B. Berlin; 2. New York; 3. ShanghaiOL2: A. 5 tips; B. 1. sunglasses; 2. plane; 3. really fast; 4. shouldn’t.OL3: Italy: April and May; Because April and May are warm and beautiful. Australia: From December to April; Because weather is usually very good. B. Hong Kong, China: October and November; Because it’s warm and not humid. Germany: July and August; Because it’s usually warm and sunny. India: From November to April; Because the weather is nice and cool.OL4: A.They are all in a Lost and Found Center. B. 1. 850,000; 2. goat, false leg; 3. cell phones, keys, sunglasses, wallets. 4. 300,00/three hundred thousand; 5. finder.OL5: 1. packing; 2. souvenirs; 3. bringing; 4. explains; 5. niece; 6. belongs; 7. bear; 8. gift; 9. travel; 10. partner.Book 1-Unit 3Optional Listening 1Dad: Ashley?Ashley: Yeah, Dad! I’m in my room. I’m packing.Dad: Hi, honey. I can’t believe you’re going to college!Ashley: I know.Dad: So, what do you want to study?Ashley: Art.Dad: Art?Ashley: I am serious, Dad.Dad: I think you should study business so you can get a good job.Ashley: Business?Dad: Yes, you’re a smart, organized young woman. It’s perfect for you.Ashley: But, Dad…there’s a lot I can do with an art degree. The business world is very competitive…Dad: I don’t know, Ashley…Ashley: Come on Dad. Let’s look at the university website. There’s more information there.Optional Listening 2A: I interviewed Sara Foxx. She likes sales, but wants to work part time.B: Hmm…I spoke with Jason Gray, and he wants to work at home but likes responsibility.A: Does he want to work full time?B: Yes, he does. How about Sara?A: Well, she wants to work part time, but she plans to stay at the sales position for at least two years. And she loves people.B: What does she plan to do in two years’ time?A: She expects to go to grad school in the future, but she likes the job.B: Jason likes the job too. He wants to make a good salary and he loves to travel.A: Well, Sara hates to fly. It seems Jason would be the person we need.B: Unfortunately, he doesn’t have any sales experience.Optional Listening 3A. I’m Don Pierce. A good actor works very, very hard. People think that actors spend their time at a lot of parties and nightclubs, but that isn’t true. Actors spend hours-many hours-studying their lines for each movie. And you really have to understand people so that you can understand your characters in the movie.I’m Janice. I think the most important thing for a good doctor is being a good listener. You have to understand people and their problems. A good doctor likes to solve problems and always wants to help his or her patients. And you can’t be impulsive---you should always be careful. Sometimes the first answer you think of isn’t the right answer. Doctors need a lot of energy, because they are usually hardworking.Hi, I’m Daniel. To be a success in business, you have to work well with groups of people. At the same time, you need to have strong opinions and be able to explain your opinions clearly. Good business-people always like to make new things and try new ideas. They are very organized, and they work very long hours.Optional Listening 4The Dreamer:A dreamer thinks there is a “right” way to do things. This person wants to live in the “perfect world”. A Dreamer is often hardworking and organized. Many are good listeners and like to help others. Many Dreamers work as teachers, lawyers, and in leadership roles.The Partner: A Partner wants to be in a group. For this person, rules and group harmony are important. These rules keep peace in the group. Partners are often serious, careful people. Many do well as teachers, managers, police officers, and politicians.The Thinker: For Thinkers, understanding things is very important. They like to solve problems and make new things. Thinkers can also be competitive. They like to win. They are independent and often have very strong opinions. Many Thinkers work as scientists, inventors, politicians, and engineers.The Artist: Artists want to be free. They don’t want to follow the rules all the time. Artists like action and are often impulsive. They also like trying new things. Like Thinkers, many Artists have strong opinions. Many Artists are creative and do well as musicians, actors, fashion designers, and athletes.Key OL1: A. Ashley’s major at school. B. 1. arts; 2. business; 3. a lot; 4. too competitiveOL2: A. C; B. Sara: 1,5, 6OL3: B. 1. doctor (d); 2. actor (a), d, businessperson (b); 4. b; 5. a. d; 6. d; 7. b; 8. d; 9. b; 10.b. C. 1. hardworking; 2. competitive; 3. independent; 4. careful; 5. serious.OL4: 1. P; 2. D; 3. A; 4. T; 5. D, P; 6. P, T; 7. A; 8. T.OL5: 1. sports; 2. times; 3. swimming; 4. competitive; 5. invites; 6. serious; 7. fun; 8. agree; 9. athletic.Book 1- Unit 4Optional Listening 1A. Interviewer: And welcome back to the KPLX radio in Los Angeles. We’re talking this morning with Europe’s hottest singer, Yeliz. Thanks for joining us.Yeliz: Sure! Hello Los Angeles!Interviewer: So, tell us a little about yourself, Yeliz. Where are you from exactly?Yeliz: I was born in Istanbul, but I live in Scotland now. My dad’s Scottish. My mom’s Turkish.Interviewer: You’re only seventeen. What’s it like being successful at your age?Yeliz: It’s pretty exciting. I get to travel, and meet some interesting people.(B. )Interviewer: You’re touring now, but what are your plans for the future?Yeliz: After the tour, I want to take a break. Then, later this year, I plan to make a new CD.Interviewer: Do you have any advice for other young artists?Yeliz: Well, I’d say follow your dreams. Work hard, and you can be successful.Optional Listening 2If you want to become a successful businessman, you should do three things. First, you should think about your goals every day. Make plans for today, tomorrow, and next year. Second, you should join a business club. You can learn a lot from the other members, and they can give you good advice. Third, you shouldn’t work every night and every weekend. Sometimes you should take a break. You get more energy and ideas when you relax. And you need a lot of energy and ideas to make money!Optional Listening 3---Find your dreamWe all have dreams, but some people actually take their dreams come true. Their secret? They quit dreaming. And they start doing. Even a very big dream starts with small steps, and small goals. Maybe your dream is to become a doctor. Start by thinking about small goals for yourself. Ask, “What can I do today?” You can’t start medical school today, but you can send e-mails and make phone calls to get information about medical schools. Make a list of schools to call, and then call a few of them every day. What do you need for your dream? Tell friends and family members—many of them can help you. For example, you want to become an artist. You need a lot of cheap paper for drawing. Maybe your friend’s brother throws away a lot of big paper at his office. So, share your dream with the world! Another good idea is talking to people who are doing your dream job. Do you dream about having your own restaurant? Go to your favorite restaurant and ask the owner lots of questions. Most people like to talk about their work.Optional Listening 4 ---A lifetime dreamEveryone has his or her own dream jobs. Let’s listen to Yi Wang, a 29-year-old young teacher, and Hicham Nassir, who are going to talk about their dream jobs.“At the moment, I’m teaching chemistry at a university in Beijing. It’s a good job, but my dream is to make films. In China, young artists move to Beijing from all over the country. Many of them are painters, writers, and actors. I’d like to make a film about their lives and their work.” Wang is writing the film now with help from her friends. But it isn’t easy. “At the moment, the biggest problem is money,” explains Wang. “We don’t have much.” But this isn’t going to stop Wangand her partners. She says, “First, we are going to make this movie. Then, we’d like to show it in China and, maybe someday, at film festivals around the world. ”16-year-old Hicham Nassir is a soccer player. He’s getting ready for a soccer match with his teammates. Hicham, the team’s star player, is a native of Morocco. He now lives in London with his family. “My parents want me to go to college, and major in business or law,” he explains. “They want me to become a lawyer or a successful businessman. I understand them, but I want to change their minds,” says Hicham, “I want to play soccer professionally. It’s my dream”Key: OL1: A. 1. singer; 2. Turkish (Scottish is also an acceptable answer.); 3. 17; 4. travels a lot.OL2: 1. think about your goals every day; 2. join a business club; 3. work every night and every weekend.OL3: B. 1. doing; 2. information; 3. help; 4. Talking.OL4: B. 1. Chemistry; 2. films; 3. money; 4. China, around the world; 5. play soccer; 6. business, law; 7. change their minds.OL5: 1. style; 2. haircut; 3. quit; 4. travel; 5. famous; 6. movie; 7. write; 8. million; 9. book; 10. starts.。
1、和弦判断(看谱听琴,在每组A、B、C、D四个答案中找出与音响相吻合的答案)40.mp31.、单音音高判断:(在A、B、C、D中选出每题空白小节的答案)1.mp31.、和弦判断(看谱听琴,在每组A、B、C、D四个答案中找出与音响相吻合的答案)49.mp31.、和弦判断(看谱听琴,在每组A、B、C、D四个答案中找出与音响相吻合的答案)41.mp31.、节奏与旋律判断(看谱听琴,在A、B、C、D四个选项中选出每题空白小节的答案)56.mp31.、单音音高判断:(在A、B、C、D中选出每题空白小节的答案)8.mp31.、单音音高判断:(在A、B、C、D中选出每题空白小节的答案)3.mp31.、和弦判断(看谱听琴,在每组A、B、C、D四个答案中找出与音响相吻合的答案)46.mp31.、单音音高判断:(在A、B、C、D中选出每题空白小节的答案)5.mp31. C.、节奏与旋律判断(看谱听琴,在A、B、C、D四个选项中选出每题空白小节的答案)52.mp31.、和弦判断(看谱听琴,在每组A、B、C、D四个答案中找出与音响相吻合的答案)42.mp31.、音程判断(根据标准音,在A、B、C、D四个选项中找出一个与音响相吻合的正确答案,文字标注音程不给标准音。
2014 TEM4听力真题(听力理解部分)PART Ⅱ LISTENING COMPREHENTION (20 MIN)SECTION A CONVERSATIONS(利用读指导语的时间读完第一篇的题目及答案选项)In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions l to 3 are based on the following conversation.At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the conversation.1. What are they mainly talking about in the conversation?A. TransportB. CustomersC. RelocationD. Restaurants.2. Which of the following is mentioned by Tim as a good reasonfor moving?A. More office space.B. Convenient parking.C. Fewer office workers.D. A near-by train station.3. Why is Jane worried about winter in the new location?A. It is much colder there.B. There are few activities.C. There are no good restaurants.D. There is no cinema or theatre. Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation.At the end of the conversation,you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen tothe conversation.4. Miss Parkinson became interested in her own business _______.A. before she worked for the media companyB. when she was on holiday five years agoC. after she went to therapists and classesD. after her friend recommended it to her5. Why did she ask her teachers to teach her at home?A. She was busier than before.B. It was more convenient.C. She liked to exercise at home.D. She was given a promotion.6. Which of the following is NOT true according to the conversation?A. She recommended people to take classes.B. She was willing to pay more for classes at home.C. She left her job immediately after her promotion.D. She regarded the business as a pastime at first.7. Why did she finally leave her job?A. She got bored with her job.B. She saw an opportunity.C. She needed the money.D. She was forced to leave.Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation.At the end of the conversation,you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen tothe conversation.8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the single-lens refle x?A. Different lenses can be used.B. Focusing is easier.C. You can see what you are taking.D. It is cheaper and lighter.9. According to the shop assistant, the main difference between the t wo types of cameras lies in _______.A. lensB. priceC. weightD. size10. It can be inferred from the conversation that the customer is more likely to buy _______in the end.A. a single-lens cameraB. nothingC. a rangefinder cameraD. several lenses insteadSECTION B PASSAGES(关注细节)In this section ,you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefull yand then answer the questions that follow.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage.At the end of the passage,you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the passage.11. Which of the following details about the front of the house is COR RECT?A. The front is pink.B. The curtain is drawn.C. No window can be seen.D. There are two doors.12. What is to the immediate left side of the house?A. A washing line.B. Another house.C. A flat area.D. A chimney.13. Where is the small town in the picture?A. Between two hills.B. Further to the left of the house.C. At the back of the house.D. At the side of a hill.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage.At the end of the passage,you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the passage.14. When did Ben first become interested in Mongolia?A. When he grew up.B. When he learned Mongolian.C. When he returned home.D. When he was nine years old.15. Where did he spend most of his teenage years?A. In MongoliaB. In the Arab worldC. In his hometownD. In some other regions16. We learn from the passage that Ben _______ while doing his master’s degree.A. became interested in classical MongolianB. learned classical and modern MongolianC. gave up modern MongolianD. mastered modern Mongolian17. Which of the following details is NOT true according to the passag e?A. Ben wants to visit Mongolia when the weather is warm.B. Ben considers the travel expense reasonable.C. The trip today is expensive considering inflation.D. Ben was unable to travel to Mongolia in1971.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage.At the end of the pas sage,you will begiven 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the passage.18. Which is the height of towers at Sky Greens vertical farm?A. 9 metersB. 20 metersC. 100 metersD. 40 meters19. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. The farm sells its vegetables to a local supermarket.B. The farm uses less water and energy to grow vegetables.C. The farm causes less pollution in its production.D. The farm sells at the same price as imported produce20. According to the passage, one particular advantage of the Sky Gre en is _______.A. local climateB. local supportC. plan for expansionD. closeness to the citySECTION C NEWS BROADCAST(重点关注每则新闻的主题及时间、地点、数字等细节)In this section, you will hear several news items.Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 21 and 22 are based on the following news.At the end of thenews item,you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.21. According to the passage, Turkish police were unsure about ____ _.A. when the woman was killedB. the main cause of the deathC. the woma n’s identityD. why she failed to return home22. How many people had been detained by Turkish police?A. 9.B. 19.C.22.D. 33.Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news.At the end of the news item.you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.23. What is the situation now in Kidal according to the news?A. Islamist militants are still in control of the town.B. French forces have entered the town.C. French are going to land at the airport.D. Islamist militants are attacking the airport.24. Why did the French launch the military operation?A. To control Kidal airport.B. To protect the town.C. To protect the capital Bamako.D. To fight against Islamist militants. Questions 25 and 26 are based on the following news.At the end of the new s item,you will begiven 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.25. Which of the following is TRUE about the immigration reform?A. It was proposed by a group of senators.B. Mr Obama had carried out the reform.C. Illegal immigrants would soon be given citizenship.D. The reform failed to improve the current system.26. According to Obama’s 2011 blueprint, how long would it take for il legal immigrants to gain citizenship?A. Eight years.B. Five years.C. Thirteen years.D. Eleven years.Questions 27 and 28 are based on the following news.At the end of the news item,you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.27. What is Lorraine Melvill’s business?A. Running a plastic surgery clinic.B. Arranging for surgery and safaris.C. Providing consultancy to local people.D. Organizing trips to UK and American.28. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the ne ws?A. Local African clients helped keep her business going.B. Her clients were unable to pay her the money.C. Her business was affected by the global financial crisis.D. She still had as many European clients as before.Questions 29 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, yo u will be given 5 seconds to answer the question. Now, listen to the news.29. What is the main idea of the news item?A. Foreign investment in unstable regions.B. BP’s presence in North Afric a.C. Security concerns in risky countries.D. Protection for foreign oil worke rs.Questions 30 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, yo u will be given 5 seconds to answer the question. Now, listen to the news.30. What is the main message of the news item?A. London attracts shoppers from all over the world.B. Most people in Nigeria live in .C. Wealthier Nigerians become a big spender.D. People from the Middle East are the most wealthy.Part I DICTATION (15MIN)答案Limiting the Growth of TechnologyThroughout history man has changed his physical environment to improve his way of life.With the tools of technology man has altered many physical features of the earth.He has transformed woodland into farmland.He has modified the face of the earthby cutting through mountains to build roads and railways. However,these changes inthe physical environment have not always had beneficial results.Today,pollution of the airand water is a danger to the health of the planet.Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of vehicles.Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding countryside.The air in cities is becoming increasingly unhealthy.The pollution of water is equally harmful.In the sea pollution from oil is killing a lot of sea plants and fish.It is now necessary for man to limit the growth of technology in order to survive on earth.[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]。