Inorganic Chemistry


专业英语作业Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry

专业英语作业Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry

Lesson 6N omenclature of Inorganic Chemistry(无机命名法则)The IUPAC nomenclature of inorganic chemistry is a systematic method of naming inorganic chemical compounds, as recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Ideally, every inorganic compound should have a name from which an unambiguous formula can be determined.译文:无机化学国际纯粹与应用化学联合会命名法是国际纯粹与应用化学联合会(IUPAC)推荐的系统命名无机化合物。


The names "caffeine" and "3,7-dihydro-1,3,7-trimethyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione" both signify the same chemical. The systematic name encodes the structure and composition of the caffeine molecule in some detail, and provides an unambiguous reference to this compound, whereas the name "caffeine" just names it. These advantages make the systematic name far superior to the common name when absolute clarity and precision are required. However, for the sake of brevity, even professional chemists will use the non-systematic name almost all of the time, because caffeine is a well-known common chemical with a unique structure. Similarly, H2O is most often simply called water in English, though other chemical names do exist.译文:名称“咖啡因”和“3,7 -二氢- 1 ,3,7 -三甲基氢嘌呤- 2 ,6 -二酮”描述着同样的化学物质。

化学专业英语-inorganic 共134页

化学专业英语-inorganic 共134页
Fluorine (氟) Chlorine (氯) Bromine (溴) Iodine (碘) Astatine(砹)
Noble gases
Helium (氦) Neon (氖) Argon (氩) Krypton (氪) Xenon (氙) Radon (氡)
Molecular Structure
polar molecule(极性分子) nonpolar molecule(非极性分子) orbital overlap (轨道重叠) hybridization(杂化) hybrid orbital(杂化轨道)
Molecular Structure
Po polonium
Hydrogen (氢)
Deuterium (氘) 源自希腊语 deuteros[ 第二 ]
Tritium (氚)
源自希腊语 tritos[ 第三 ]
Boron (硼)
Carbon (碳)
Nitrogen (氮) Oxygen (氧) Ozone (臭氧) 源自希腊语 ozon[ 嗅 ] Allotrope (同素异形体)
8O 1S22S22P4
26Fe [18Ar]4S23d6
Atomic Structure
Pauli Exclusion Principle(保里不相容 原理)
Hund’s Rule(洪特规则) screening effect (屏蔽效应)
penetration (钻穿效应)
Atomic Structure
4. Molecular interaction

inorganic chemistry de1写作模板

inorganic chemistry de1写作模板

Inorganic ChemistryInorganic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that focuses on the study of inorganic compounds, which are substances that do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds. It deals with the properties, structure, composition, reactions, and synthesis of inorganic compounds.IntroductionInorganic chemistry plays a crucial role in various scientific and technological fields. It encompasses the study of elements and their compounds, including minerals, metals, nonmetals, and organometallic compounds. This branch of chemistry has applications in medicine, materials science, environmental science, energy production, and many other areas.History of Inorganic ChemistryThe history of inorganic chemistry can be traced back to ancient times when humans started using metals for tools and weapons. However, the formal recognition of this field as a distinct discipline occurred during the 18th century with the discovery of new elements and the development of chemical theories.Key Concepts in Inorganic ChemistryAtomic StructureInorganic chemistry involves studying the structure of atoms and how they interact to form compounds. It explores concepts such as atomic orbitals, electron configuration, periodic trends, and chemical bonding.Coordination ChemistryCoordination chemistry is a subfield of inorganic chemistry that focuses on the study of coordination complexes. These complexes consist of a central metal ion or atom bonded to ligands. Ligands are molecules or ions that donate electron pairs to form coordinate bonds with the metal center.Solid-State ChemistrySolid-state chemistry deals with the properties and behavior of solids.It investigates crystal structures, phase transitions, defects in crystals, and various physical properties such as conductivity and magnetism.Organometallic ChemistryOrganometallic chemistry involves studying compounds that contain metal-carbon bonds. These compounds have diverse applications in catalysis, organic synthesis, and materials science.Bioinorganic ChemistryBioinorganic chemistry explores the role of inorganic elements in biological systems. It investigates the functions of metals and metalloids in biological processes, such as enzyme catalysis and oxygen transport.Techniques in Inorganic ChemistryInorganic chemists utilize various techniques to study and analyze inorganic compounds. Some commonly used techniques include:•X-ray crystallography: This technique is used to determine the arrangement of atoms in a crystal lattice.•Spectroscopy: Inorganic chemists use various spectroscopic methods, such as UV-Vis spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, and nuclearmagnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, to study the electronic and vibrational properties of compounds.•Electrochemistry: Electrochemical methods are employed to investigate redox reactions and measure the electrochemicalproperties of compounds.•Mass spectrometry: Mass spectrometry is used to determine the molecular mass and structural information of compounds. Applications of Inorganic ChemistryInorganic chemistry has numerous applications in different fields:Materials ScienceInorganic compounds are widely used in materials science for theirunique properties. For example, semiconductors such as silicon areessential components of electronic devices. Metal alloys are used for their strength and resistance to corrosion.MedicineInorganic chemistry plays a crucial role in medicine. For instance, metal-based drugs like cisplatin are used for chemotherapy treatments. Radiopharmaceuticals containing radioactive isotopes are utilized for diagnostic imaging and cancer therapy.Environmental ScienceInorganic chemistry contributes to understanding environmental processes and pollution control. It investigates the behavior of heavy metals in water systems, air pollution caused by industrial emissions, and the development of catalysts for environmental remediation.Energy ProductionInorganic chemistry is involved in energy production technologies such as batteries, fuel cells, solar cells, and catalysts for energy conversion reactions. It seeks to develop efficient and sustainable energy sources.ConclusionInorganic chemistry is a diverse field that encompasses the study of inorganic compounds and their applications. It has contributed to advancements in various scientific and technological areas, making it a vital branch of chemistry. By understanding the fundamental principles and applying them, inorganic chemists continue to make significant contributions to society.。



《无机化学》课程简介课程编号:C0301014课程名称:无机化学课程英文名称:Inorganic chemistry课程性质:必修课开课单位:无机化学教研室适用专业:药学、化学工程与工艺、药物制剂、制药工程等专业开课时间:第一学年第一学期总学时:90学时,其中理论学时54学时,实验学时36学时。






教材:《无机化学》(第四版),许善锦主编,全国高等学校教材,北京人民卫生出版社,2006年6月主要参考书目:1.《无机化学》(第四版),主编:大连理工大学无机教研室编,出版社:高等教育出版社,出版或修订时间:2001 年2.《化学》(Chemistry,Schaum’s) ,主编:David E. Goldberg,,出版社:高等教育出版社,出版或修订时间:20003.《无机化学》第三版,主编:武汉大学等校编,出版社:高教出版社,出版或修订时间:19994.《无机化学丛书》主编:张青莲,出版社:科学出版社,出版或修订时间:陆续出版5.《无机化学》上、下册(第三版),北京师范大学等校编,北京高等教育出版社,1992年5月6.《无机化学》(第二版),王夔主编,高等医药院校教材,北京人民卫生出版社,1994年4月。


Examples: tetrasulfur tetranitride S4N4, diborane B2H6, silicones, buckminsterfullerene C60.
Transition metal compounds
Compounds containing metals from group 4 to 11 are considered transition metal compounds. Compounds with a metal from group 3 or 12 are sometimes also incorporated into this group, but also often classified as main group compounds.
Inorganic Chemistry 无机化学
What is Inorganic Cemistry concerned with the elements and all their compounds except those containing carbon. Some simple carbon compounds, such as oxides, carbonates, etc, are treated as inorganic chemistry.
Inorganic Compounds
Over the past century, the precise classification of inorganic vs organic compounds has become less important to scientists, primarily because the majority of known compounds are synthetic and not of natural origin. Furthermore, most compounds considered the purview of modern inorganic chemistry contain organic legend. The fields of organometallic chemistry and bioinorganic chemistry explicitly focus on the areas between the fields of organic, biological, and inorganic chemistry.



化学作为自然科学中的一门重要学科,主要是 研究物质的组成、结构和性质;研究物质在原 子和分子水平的变化规律以及变化过程中的能 量关系。
1、古代化学(17 世纪前) (1) 实用和自然哲学时期(公元前后)∶ 火、炼铁、炼铜等; 四“原性”(热、冷、干、湿)组合成四“原质”(水、 火、气、土)等。 (2) 炼金术、炼丹时期(公元前后—公元1500年)∶ 如炼“丹”(即今日的Pb3O4 (红丹)和HgS (朱砂) ) (3)医化学时期(公元1500 —1700 年)∶ 阿格利柯拉“论金属” ,李时珍“本草纲木”等。 (4) 燃素学说时期(公元1700 —1774年)∶ 物质燃烧时失去“燃素” 。
化学无处不在,存在于物质世界中的任何物质都由 至少一种化学物质组成,并且它还存在于生活中的 各个领域。化学被认为是一门核心科学,目前国际 上最关心的几个重大问题,如环保、能源、功能材 料、信息通讯、生命现象奥秘等,都与化学紧密相 关,离开化学,这些领域都不可能发展。认识化学 及化学在整个社会中的作用,有利于我们认识自然。
1998 年,医药诺贝尔奖授予那些揭 示了 NO 在心血管系统中重要功能 的科研工作者们。 砒霜制成砷注射剂治疗白血病;依地酸二钠钙( CaNa2EDTA)治疗铅中毒;铂系金属配合物抗癌药 物;抗炎及抗病毒金和铜的化合物;稀土药物的开发 研究等。 矿物药的作用机理、毒性及质量标准等;微量元素与 各种疾病的关系等。
2、近代化学(17 世纪中—19 世纪未)∶ 天平的使用;质量不灭定律(罗蒙诺索夫) ;燃 烧的氧化理论(拉瓦锡);定比定律(普劳斯特); 倍比定律、当量定律、原子学说、相对原子量概念( 道尔顿);气体简比定律(盖· 吕萨克);阿佛加德罗 定律和分子概念;元素周期律(门捷列夫)等。 这些基本定律、原子-分子学说和元素周期律使化 学成为一门科学。 19 世纪未逐渐形成了无机化学、有机化学、分析化 学和物理化学等分支学科。

inorganic Chemistry化学专业英语

inorganic  Chemistry化学专业英语

homogeneous(均相的) heterogeneous(非均相的) concentration(浓度) activity (活度) number of moles
6. Solution
solvent(溶剂) solute(溶质) dilute solution(稀溶液) concentrated solution unsaturated solution saturated solution supersaturated solution
Atomic Structure
principal quantum number angular momentum quantum number magnetic quantum number spin quantum number energy level sublevel degenerate (能量简并)
5. Fundamental theories
Fundamental theories
Classical Lewis Theory Valence Bond Theory Molecular Orbital Theory Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR Theory)(价层电子对互斥理论)
Inorganic Chemistry 无机化学
Significant Terms (Glossary) Nomenclature of Compounds
Periodic table
Do You Know?
As, arsenic was discovered in about 1250

inorganic chemistry

inorganic chemistry

inorganic chemistry 综述研究元素、单质和无机化合物的来源、制备、结构、性质、变化和应用的一门化学分支。



















In 1913, Moseley X-ray experiments:
•The metal used as cathode in discharge tube is bombarded by highspeed electron to produce ray that is, X-rays with characteristic wavelengths.
2. The Hydrogen spectrum
Uv scale
Visible scale
Infrared scale
Hδ Hγ 410.2 434.0 7.31 6.91
Hβ 486.1 6.07
Hα 656.3 4.57
Spectroscopic characteristics of hydrogen atoms: • Discontinuous spectrum, e.g. linear spectrum • Its frequency has certain regularity
Dalton arbitrarily thought that the water molecule consists of one hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom, so he mistook the atomic mass of oxygen.
But this theory can not explain the discovery of isotopes. It does not explain the difference between atoms and molecules, and can not elucidate the structure and composition of atoms.

inorganic chemistry ni指数 -回复

inorganic chemistry ni指数 -回复

inorganic chemistry ni指数-回复题目:Inorganic Chemistry Impact Factor (IF)导言:科学研究的推动力之一就是对研究成果的评估和认可。

在化学领域,学术期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor,简称IF)成为衡量一篇论文重要性和影响力的主要指标之一。

在无机化学领域,刊物的IF通常以“Inorganic Chemistry”后跟的NI指数来表示。

本文将详细介绍Inorganic Chemistry NI指数的定义、计算方法以及影响因子的意义和局限性。

一、Inorganic Chemistry NI指数的定义:Inorganic Chemistry是一本由美国化学学会(ACS)出版的学术期刊。

NI指数是衡量该期刊引用量和影响力的指标,代表了Inorganic Chemistry期刊中发表的文章的引用频次。

具体来说,NI指数指的是Inorganic Chemistry期刊中前两年发表的论文被其他期刊引用的次数总和,再除以Inorganic Chemistry期刊中前两年发表的论文总数。


二、Inorganic Chemistry NI指数的计算方法:计算NI指数需要考虑两个因素:被引用次数和发表的论文数量。

首先,统计Inorganic Chemistry期刊内前两年发表的所有研究论文的被引用次数,包括其他期刊和同行评审的论文。


接下来,统计前两年Inorganic Chemistry期刊内发表的论文总数。

最后,将总的被引用次数除以论文总数,即可得到NI 指数。



inorganic chemistry的文献格式

inorganic chemistry的文献格式

inorganic chemistry的文献格式Inorganic Chemistry 文献格式Inorganic Chemistry 文献格式是科学研究领域中一种常见的引用格式,用于呈现和引用相关研究材料。

本文将介绍 Inorganic Chemistry 文献格式的基本要求和适用范围,并提供实例来帮助读者正确应用该格式。

一、Inorganic Chemistry 文献格式的基本要求Inorganic Chemistry 文献格式要求引用材料必须准确、完整,并提供足够的信息以便读者能够追溯到引用材料的来源。

为此,以下是Inorganic Chemistry 文献格式中常见的引用要素和其排列顺序:1. 作者信息:包括作者的姓氏和名字的首字母缩写,多个作者之间用逗号隔开。

如果参考文献有超过十个作者,可以列出前十位作者的信息,后面的作者统一用 et al. 表示。

实例:Smith, J. R.; Johnson, A. B.; Brown, C. D.; et al.2. 文献标题:用引号括起来并斜体显示。

实例:"Title of the Article"3. 期刊信息:包括期刊的名称、卷号、期号和页面范围。

实例:Journal Name, 2010, 10(2), 123-135.4. DOI(Digital Object Identifier):DOI 是一个唯一的数字标识符,用于标识特定的研究文献。

实例:DOI: 10.xxxx/xxxxxxx5. 出版物信息:包括出版地和出版社的名称。

实例:Publisher, City, Year.6. 其他信息:根据需要,可以提供其他相关信息,如国际标准书号(ISBN)。

二、Inorganic Chemistry 文献格式的适用范围Inorganic Chemistry 文献格式适用于涉及无机化学的研究领域,包括但不限于以下内容:1. 无机物的合成与表征:如合成方法、晶体结构解析和光谱表征等。

inorganic chemistry frontiers 级别

inorganic chemistry frontiers 级别

inorganic chemistry frontiers 级别1. 引言1.1 概述无机化学是研究无机物质的组成、结构、性质以及它们与生命体系和环境之间相互作用的科学领域。



1.2 文章结构本文分为五个部分进行讨论。






1.3 目的本文旨在深入探讨无机化学领域的前沿知识,通过回顾当前的研究进展和实验方法,分析并解释研究结果,并对未来的应用前景进行展望。


2. 正文:2.1 无机化学基础知识:无机化学是研究无机物质及其性质、结构、合成和反应的科学领域。



2.2 当前研究热点及进展:在当前的研究中,无机化学领域出现了一些热点和重要进展。







四大化学分支的英文作文There are four branches of chemistry: inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry and analytical chemistry.1.Inorganic chemistry includes: elemental chemistry, inorganic synthetic chemistry, inorganic polymer chemistry, inorganic solid chemistry, coordination chemistry (complex chemistry), isotope chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, metal-organic chemistry, metal-enzyme chemistry, etc.anic chemistry includes: general organic chemistry, organic synthesis chemistry, metal and non-metal organic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, biological organic chemistry, organic analytical chemistry.3.Physical chemistry includes: structural chemistry, thermochemistry, chemical thermodynamics, chemical dynamics, electrochemistry, solution theory, interface chemistry, quantum chemistry, catalysis and its theory, etc.Analytical chemistry includes chemical analysis, instrumental and new technology analysis.Biochemistry is an interdisciplinary subject, mainly applying chemical theories and methods to study life phenomena, clarifying the chemical essence of life phenomena at molecular level, that is, studying the chemical composition of organisms and the law of chemical changes. Biochemistry provides a necessary theoretical basis for other basic medical courses and clinical medical courses, so it is a required course for all relevant medical majors.化学有无机化学、有机化学、物理化学、分析化学四大分支。

化学 国外书籍

化学 国外书籍

《无机化学原理》(Inorganic Chemistry Principles):由美国化学家哈尔-布林克(Harry B. Gray)和爱德华-穆森(Edward M. Stiefel)合著,系统介绍

《有机化学》(Organic Chemistry):由美国化学家弗朗西斯-凯瑟尔合著,是一本经典的有机化学教材,系统介绍了有机化学的基本概念和反应机理。

《分析化学基本原理》(Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry):由美国化学家道格拉斯-斯库贝尔合著,是分析化学领域的经典教材,介绍了分析

《物理化学》(Physical Chemistry):由英国化学家彼得-阿特金斯合著,

《化学反应工程》(Chemical Reaction Engineering):由美国化学家奥古斯特-维斯特合著,是化学反应工程领域的经典著作,介绍了化学反应工程




介绍2001年新版的《Inorganic Chemistry》

介绍2001年新版的《Inorganic Chemistry》

介绍2001年新版的《Inorganic Chemistry》姚光庆【摘要】@@ Catherine E.Housecroft和Alan G.Sharpe的<Inorganic Chemistry>(无机化学)是Prentice Hall出版社在2001年出版的无机化学教科书(第一版).Alan G.Sharpe本人在1981年出版过<Inorganic Chemistry>,1986和1992年进行再版,原书以系统的描述化学见长,被用作高校化学系本科生的无机化学参考书.此次由Catherine E.Housecroft和Alan.G.Sharpe合作重新编写的,以介绍现代无机化学为目的的新版<Inorganic Chemistry>,内容上与Sharpe本人的原书已有明显不同.【期刊名称】《大学化学》【年(卷),期】2001(016)005【总页数】2页(P62-63)【关键词】《Inorganic;Chemistry》;无机化学;教材;2001版;内容;知识扩展【作者】姚光庆【作者单位】北京大学化学学院,北京,100871【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O61-43Catherine E.Housecroft和Alan G.Sharpe的《Inorganic Chemistry》(无机化学)是Prentice Hall出版社在2001年出版的无机化学教科书(第一版)。

AlanG.Sharpe本人在1981年出版过《Inorganic Chemistry》,1986和1992年进行再版,原书以系统的描述化学见长,被用作高校化学系本科生的无机化学参考书。

此次由Catherine E. Housecroft和Alan.G.Sharpe合作重新编写的,以介绍现代无机化学为目的的新版《Inorganic Chemistry》,内容上与Sharpe本人的原书已有明显不同。

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Inorganic Chemistry
1. 化学原理·chemical principles
2. 气体,液体和溶液的性质·the behaviors of gas,liquid and solution
3. 理想气体定律·ideal gas law
4. 道尔顿分压定律·Dalton’s Law of Partial pressures
5. 液体的蒸汽压·vapor pressure of liquid
6. 液体的凝固点·freezing point of liquid
7. 体系和环境·system and surrounding
8. 状态和状态函数·states and state functions
9. 化学热力学基础·the basis of chemical thermodynamics 10. 化学平衡·chemical equilibrium 11. 体系与状态·system and state 12. 热力学定理·law of thermodynamics 13. 热化学·thermochemistry 14. 焓·enthalpy 15. 混乱度·disorder 16. 熵·entropy 17. 吉布斯自由能·Gibbs free energy 18. 化学平衡·chemical equilibrium 19. 标准平衡常数·standard equilibrium constant 20. 同离子效应·the common ion effect
21. 缓冲溶液·buffered solution 22. 酸碱理论与电离平衡·the theories of acids&bases and ionization equilibrium 23. 盐的水解·the hydrolysis of salts 24. 沉淀反应·the precipitation reactions 25. 溶度积·solubility product 26. 沉淀溶解平衡的移动·equilibrium shift between precipitation and dissolution 27. 分步沉淀·stepwise precipitation 28. 盐效应·salt effect 29. 氧化还原反应·oxidation and reduction reactions 30. 还原剂·reducing agent or reducer or reductant 31. 氧化剂·oxidazing agent or oxidizer or oxidant 32. 原电池·galvanic cell 33. 负极,正极·negative pole, positive pole 34. 阳极,阴极·anode ,cathode 35. 燃料电池·fuel cell 36. 电化学·electrochemistry 37. 电极电势·electrode potential 38. 歧化反应·disproportionation reaction 39. 化学动力学基础·the basis of chemical dynamics 40. 化学反应速率·the rate of chemical reaction
41. 化学反应机理·reaction mechanism 42. 化学反应活化能·activation energy of chemical reaction 43. 动能·kinetic energy 44. 基元反应·elementary reaction 45. 一级反应·first-order reaction 46. 零级反应·zero-order reaction 47. 化学理论·chemical theories 48. 原子结构·the atomics structure 49. 元素周期律·periodic system of elements 50. 原子内部·structure in atom 51. 氢原子光谱·the spectrum of atomic hydrogen 52. 等电子原理·isoelectronic principle 53. 电子构型·electronic structure of atom 54. 价电子构型·valance electronic configuration 55. 主量子数·principal quantum number ·56. 角量子数·angular quantum number 57. 磁量子数·magnetic quantum number 58. 能级·energy levels 59. 原子核外电子的运动状态·moving stations of electrons outer the atomic nucleus 60. 多电子原子结构·structure in many-electron atoms 61. 周期系·periodic system
62. 元素基本性质的周期性·periodic properties of the elements 63. 化学键和分子,晶体结构·chemical bonds and structures of molecules&crystals 64. 金属键和金属晶体·metallic bond and metallic crystal 65. 离子键和离子晶体·ionic bond and ionic crystal 66. 晶体学基础·crystallographic foundation 67. 配位化合物的基本概念·basic concepts of coordination compounds 68. 异构现象·isomerism 69. 化学结构异构现象·chemical structure isomerism 70. 电离异构体·ionization isomer 71. 溶剂合异构体·solvent isomer 72. 配位异构体·coordination isomer 73. 聚合异构体·polymer isomer 74. 键连异构体·linkage isomer 75. 立体异构现象·steric isomerism 76. 几何异构现象·geometrical isomerism 77. 光学异构现象·optical isomerism 78. 手性分子·chiral molecule 79. 配合物的化学键理论·the chemical bond theories of complexes 80. 价键理论·valance bond theory
81. 内轨型杂化·inner hybridization 82. 内轨型配合物·inner orbital coordination 83. 外轨型杂化·outer hybridization 84. 外轨型配合物·outer orbital coordination 85. 配位平衡·coordination equilibrium 86. 晶体场理论·crystal field theory 87. 强场·strong field 88. 弱场·weak field 89. 配合物的稳定性·stabilization of complex 90. 配合物的平衡常数·equilibrium constant of complex 91. 配位化合物的应用·application of coordination compounds 92. 配位催化·coordination catalysis 93. 单基配体·unidentate ligand 94. 多基配体·multidentate ligand 95. 螯合物·chelate 96. 描述化学·descriptive chemistry 97. 稀有气体·the rare gases 98. 氢,碱金属和碱土元素·hydrogen ,alkali and alkali-earth metals 99. 卤素·the halogens 100.过渡元素·the transition elements。
