Description of the act of misconduct
指南中关于游戏的表述英文回答:In the guidelines, the description of the game states that it is a multiplayer online game where players can interact with each other in a virtual world. The gameoffers various features such as character customization, quests, and battles. Players can create their own unique characters by choosing from a wide range of options for appearance, skills, and abilities. They can also embark on quests and missions to explore the game world, complete objectives, and earn rewards.The game encourages collaboration and teamwork, as players can form alliances and join forces to tackle more challenging quests and defeat powerful enemies. Communication is an important aspect of the game, as players can chat with each other, strategize, and coordinate their actions. This fosters a sense of community and creates opportunities for social interaction.Furthermore, the game provides a competitive element through player versus player (PvP) battles. Players can engage in duels or participate in organized tournaments to test their skills and compete for rankings and rewards. This adds an extra layer of excitement and challenge to the gameplay.The guidelines also emphasize the importance of fair play and respectful behavior. Players are expected tofollow the rules and regulations set by the game administrators. Cheating, hacking, or engaging in any form of misconduct is strictly prohibited and can result in penalties or even permanent bans.Overall, the game aims to provide an immersive and engaging experience for players by offering a vast virtual world to explore, exciting quests and battles, and opportunities for social interaction and competition.中文回答:在指南中,关于游戏的描述表示这是一个多人在线游戏,玩家可以在虚拟世界中互动。
P6中的PM登录时提示没有配置数据库以运行后台任务Primavera 6.0 安装正常但在运行PM或者MM时总是提示没有配置数据库以运行后台任务.要更正该问题请联系系统管理员或参考Primavera管理员手.: Last System Monitor Job Run:19 03 2008 20:17:18:000 Last Data Monitor Job Run:19 03 2008 20:17:18:000 这个问题怎么解决使用英文语言的用户可以看到如下提示The database has not been configured to run background jobs. To correct this problem please contact your System Administrator or see the Primavera Administrators Guide: Last System Monitor Job Run:27 06 2008 09:18:09:000 Last Data Monitor Job Run:27 06 2008 09:18:09:000 哦这个我在其它论坛看到过说是服务器的一个服务进程没有启动。
到的服务进程管理器把的设为“自动”并运行就了其实关键是在运行所以干脆设定为“自动” Rainsnake 正解补充一下出现此问题时进行以下两项检查.SQL Server Agent服务是否已经启动服务管理器或者在系统服务中可以查看到状态.通过企业管理器查看“SQL Server代理”-》“作业”中是否有如下两个作业System Monitor Symon for PMDB Data Monitor Damon for PMDB 如果不存在这两项作业可以通过以下脚本创建-- 2008-8-9/20:36 上生成的脚本-- 由: sa -- 服务器: BEGIN TRANSACTION DECLARE JobID BINARY16 DECLARE ReturnCode INT SELECT ReturnCode0 IF SELECT COUNT FROM msdb.dbo.syscategories WHERE name NPrimaveraJobs 1 EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_add_category name NPrimaveraJobs -- 删除同名的警报如果有的话。
academic misconduct(2)
The objective reasons include the diverse effects of social
environment. The new technology such as internet and smart phones make copying and plagiarizing much easier. Some areas even came out organizations for examination copying. Another reason is the problems of academic and moral education in university. Students can succeed in escaping from being punished with the loosing management.
China to be a breakthrough in the field of high and new science and technology, independent research and development of high performance chip is one of China's scientific and big dreams.
However, in December 2005, he was revealed that forged a lot of the results of research, which make the national shock in Korea. Followed by Seoul National University investigation confirmed, Hwang published in the science of the results of research in stem cells are make-believe. Hwang's scandal of
外企全套员工手册、工作规范、规章制度、福利明细(全部按照国家规定劳动法制定、中英文对照Staff Handbook
我非常期待与你们每一位一起工作,并在这里祝愿大家在中华英才网工作愉快,事业有成!李凯润中华英才网首席执行官Welcome to China HR, we are genuinely delighted you have joined our organization and we hope that your experience with us will result in a long and successful career.The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with an overview of our business and a useful guide for all our employees. We will also provide you with online access to our HR policies, procedures and processes so you have a full understanding of our expectations as a China HR employee.Should you have any questions please contact your direct Supervisor, Manager or the HR Department for further clarification.From time to time, it may be necessary to revise and alter the contents of this handbook in line with legal requirements or company practices. These changes will be notified to you.I wish you well during your employment with us and look forward to working with you.Best Regards,Ciaran LallyCiaran Lally, China HR CEO1.1适用范围1.1 Application Range适用范围/人员 Scope/Persons Affected中华英才网内部全部公司:All Offices and Branches of ChinaHR•北京益佳信企业管理顾问有限公司Beijing E-Channel Enterprise Management Consultancy Co. Ltd.•英才网络技术(苏州)有限公司ECareer (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.•英才网络技术(上海)有限公司E-Career Co., Ltd.•上海华英网络技术有限公司Shanghai Huaying Co., Ltd.•英才华网网络技术(北京)有限公司及其分公司ECareer (Beijing) Ltd. and its branches•科兰德管理咨询(北京)有限公司Keyland Management Consulting (Beijing) Limited•网才天下科技(北京)有限公司及其分公司Wangcai Tainxia Technology (Beijing) Limited and its branches •尊智科技(北京)有限公司Zhunzhi Technology (Beijing) Limited•其它已经设立完成或正在设立中的公司(具体见附件[1]列表清单)。
通知单英语作文模板英文回答:Notice of Disciplinary Action。
Employee Name: [Employee Name]Employee ID: [Employee ID]Department: [Department]Manager: [Manager's Name]Date: [Date]Subject: Disciplinary Action。
Dear [Employee Name],。
This letter serves as formal notification ofdisciplinary action being taken against you for the following reasons:Reason 1: [Provide a specific description of the misconduct]Reason 2: [Provide a specific description of the misconduct]Your actions have violated company policy and have negatively impacted the workplace. Specifically, you have:[List the specific policy violations][Describe the negative impact of your actions]Based on the severity of your misconduct, we have decided to take the following disciplinary action:Action 1: [Specify the first disciplinary action]Action 2: [Specify the second disciplinary action (ifapplicable)]This disciplinary action is effective immediately and will remain in place for the following duration:[Indicate the duration of the disciplinary action]During this period, you are expected to:[List the expectations for the employee during the disciplinary period]Failure to meet these expectations may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.We understand that you may have concerns about this disciplinary action. If so, you have the right to appeal this decision within [number] days of receipt of this letter. To initiate an appeal, please contact [contact person].Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by signing and returning a copy to your manager.Employee Acknowledgment:I, [Employee Name], acknowledge receipt of this Notice of Disciplinary Action on [Date].Manager's Signature:Date:中文回答:纪律处分通知书。
3.协会罢工险(货物)条款INSTITUTE STRIKES CLAUSES(CARGO) 1/1/82承保风险 RISKS COVERED风险条款 Risks Clause1.本保险承保下列致使保险标的物毁损或灭失的危险,但以下第 3 和 4 条的规定除外1.This insurance covers,except as provided in Clauses 3 and 4 below,loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by1.1 由于罢工工人、停工工人、或参与劳工骚扰、暴动或内乱的人所致者。
1.1strikers,locked out workmen,or persons taking part in labour disturbances, riots or civil commotions1.2 由于任何恐怖份子或因政治动机的行为所致者。
1.2any terrorist or any person acting from a political motive.共同海损条款General Average Clause2.本保险承保根据运输合同、准据法和惯例理算或确定的共同海损和救助费用,其产生为了避免由这些条款承保的风险造成的损失或与避免该损失有关。
2.This insurance covers general average and salvage charges,adjusted or determined according to the contract of affreightment and/or the governing law and practice,incurred to avoid or in connection with the avoidance of loss from a risk covered under these clauses.除外责任 EXCLUSIONS一般除外责任条款General Exclusions Claus e3.本保险决不承保3.In no case shall this insurance cover3.1可归咎于被保险人的蓄意恶性的损失、损害或费用3.1loss damage or expense attributable to wilful misconduct of the Assured3.2 保险标的的通常渗漏、重量或体积的正常损耗、自然磨损3.2 ordinary leakage,ordinary loss in weight or volume,or ordinary wear and tear of the subject-matter insured3.3 保险标的的包装或准备不足或不当引起的损失、损害或费用(本条所称"包装"应视为包括集装箱或托盘内的积载,但仅适用于此种积载是在本保险责任开始前进行或是由被保险人或其雇员进行之时)3.3 loss damage or expense caused by insufficiency or unsuitability of packing or preparation of the subject-matter insured(for the purpose of this Clause 3.3 “packing”shall be deemed to include stowage in a container or liftvan but only when such stowage is carried out prior to attachment of this insurance or by the Assured or their servants)3.4 保险标的固有缺陷或性质引起的损失、损害或费用3.4loss damage or expense caused by inherent vice or nature of the subject-matter insured3.5 直接由延迟引起的损失、损害或费用,即使该延迟是由承保风险引起的(但根据上述第2条支付的费用除外)3.5loss damage or expense proximately caused by delay,even though the delay be caused by a risk insured against (except expenses payable under Clause 2 above)3.6 因船舶的所有人、经理人、承租人或经营人的破产或经济困境产生的损失、损害或费用3.6 loss damage or expense arising from insolvency or financial default of the owners managers charterers or operators of the vessel3.7 由于罢工、停工、劳工骚扰、暴动或内乱所致使任何类型劳工的缺席、不足或拒绝工作所造成的损毁、灭失或费用。
Name Employee No. Commencement Date 姓名 员工工号 入职日期 Position Department Section 职位部门分部TYPE OF MISCONDUCT 违纪类型Contract Term Employee Handbook Department Rules 合同条款 员工手册部门规章制度Others 其它MISCONDUCT DESCRIPTION 违纪详情Date Place 日期地点Details 违纪行为Commited Offence/s 违反条款DISCIPLINARY ACTION 纪律处分Verbal Warning Written Warning Suspension From Duty Without Pay口头警告 书面警告 无薪停职(由 至 )Last Warning Demotion Dismissal 最后警告降级开除FOR HUMAN RESOURCES USE ONLY 仅限人力资源部使用Previous Warning YES Last Disciplinary Action Date 是否有违纪记录:有 最近一次纪律处分 NO 没有Department Head General Manager 部门总监/经理 人力资源总监 总经理I have been aware of the contents of this warning, I will make every effort to improve my work and conduct. 我已经认识到此警告的内容,我将尽一切努力改善我的工作和行为。
Employee's Signature 员工签字/日期:Original: Human Resources Pink:Finance Dept. Blue: Department Concerned Yellow: Employee 原件:人力资源部粉色:财务部蓝色:相关部门黄色:员工Human Resources Director EMPLOYEE MISCONDUCT NOTICE员工违纪通知单If you persist in the same offence/s in the future, action will be taken to terminate your service. 如你重犯同样错误,将采取措施终止你的工作You are, therefore, advised to make effort to improve your work and conduct. 因此,建议你尽一切努力改进工作和行为。
公司治理问题研究的国内外文献综述目录公司治理问题研究的国内外文献综述 (1)1.1国外研究现状 (1)(1)关于公司治理的研究 (1)(2)关于委托代理理论的研究 (2)(3)关于董事会的研究 (2)1.2 国内研究现状 (3)(1)关于公司治理的研究 (3)(2)关于委托代理理论的研究 (3)(2)关于董事会的研究 (3)第2章相关概念与理论基础 (5)2.1 公司治理的概念 (5)2.2 委托代理理论 (5)2.3激励与约束理论 (6)2.4利益与相关者理论 (6)2.5公司治理模式体系及构成 (7)参考文献 (8)公司治理的相关问题已有400多年的历史,最早可以追溯到公元1600年东印度公司的成立。
Zhi Wang和Ramzan Muhammad(2020)错误!未找到引用源。
To Whom It May Concern,I, [Your Name], hereby authorize [Attorney's Name] to act as myattorney-in-fact in connection with the legal matter involving [Brief description of the legal matter]. This authorization is given in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction] and is effective as of [Date].[Attorney's Name] is granted full authority and power to engage in any and all legal activities and proceedings necessary to represent my interests in this matter. This includes, but is not limited to, the authority to file pleadings, appear in court on my behalf, negotiate with opposing parties, and sign documents on my behalf.I understand that this authorization constitutes a legal and binding obligation upon me, and that [Attorney's Name] is entitled to rely on this authorization in carrying out his or her duties as my attorney-in-fact. I further understand that [Attorney's Name] is not responsible for any actions or omissions on my part, and that I shall be solely liable for any fees or expenses incurred in connection with the representation.I hereby affirm that [Attorney's Name] has been duly appointed and authorized to act as my attorney-in-fact, and that I have provided him or her with all necessary and relevant information regarding the legal matter. I also affirm that I am of sound mind and capable of understanding the nature and consequences of this authorization.In the event that I should become unable to communicate or make decisions regarding this matter, I hereby grant [Attorney's Name] the authority to continue to act as my attorney-in-fact in accordance with the terms of this authorization.I hereby release and hold harmless [Attorney's Name] from any and all claims, demands, actions, or liabilities arising out of or in connection with the representation, except those resulting from [Attorney's Name]'s own gross negligence or intentional misconduct.This special power of attorney shall remain in effect until [Termination date], unless sooner terminated by my written revocation. A copy of therevocation shall be sent to [Attorney's Name] at the address provided below.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal on this [Date]._________________________[Your Name][Attorney's Name][Address][Phone Number][Email Address]。
违规行为描述您的违规行为具体描述如下:1. {第一个违规行为的描述}2. {第二个违规行为的描述}3. {第三个违规行为的描述}(根据实际情况添加或删除描述)后果和惩罚根据公司纪律制度的规定,您将面临以下后果和惩罚:1. {第一个后果和惩罚的描述}2. {第二个后果和惩罚的描述}3. {第三个后果和惩罚的描述}(根据实际情况添加或删除描述)教育措施和改进机会我们重视每一位员工的成长和发展,因此我们提供以下教育措施和改进机会:1. {第一个教育措施和改进机会的描述}2. {第二个教育措施和改进机会的描述}3. {第三个教育措施和改进机会的描述}(根据实际情况添加或删除描述)预防措施和建议为了避免再次发生违规行为,我们建议您采取以下预防措施:1. {第一个预防措施和建议的描述}2. {第二个预防措施和建议的描述}3. {第三个预防措施和建议的描述}(根据实际情况添加或删除描述)请注意,这封违纪通知将作为您个人档案的一部分保留,可能对您的其他工作机会产生不利影响。
Employee Violation and Discipline NoticeDescription of ViolationsYour violations are specifically described as follows:1. {Description of the first violation}2. {Description of the second violation}3. {Description of the third violation}(Add or remove descriptions based on the actual situation)Consequences and Penalties1. {Description of the first consequence and penalty}2. {Description of the second consequence and penalty}3. {Description of the third consequence and penalty}(Add or remove descriptions based on the actual situation)Education Measures and Improvement OpportunitiesWe value the growth and development of every employee, and therefore, we provide the following education measures and improvement opportunities:1. {Description of the first education measure and improvement opportunity}2. {Description of the second education measure and improvement opportunity}3. {Description of the third education measure and improvement opportunity}(Add or remove descriptions based on the actual situation)To avoid the recurrence of misconduct, we suggest you take the following preventive measures:(Add or remove descriptions based on the actual situation)。
实名举报材料格式范文英文回答:Format for Whistleblower Disclosure Document.I. Personal Information.Full name.Contact information (address, phone number, email)。
Identification number (e.g., passport or ID card)。
II. Subject of Disclosure.Brief description of the suspected misconduct or illegal activity.Date and location of the incident(s)。
Names of individuals or entities involved.III. Evidence.Provide supporting documents or materials that substantiate the allegations (e.g., emails, recordings, photographs)。
Describe the sources of the evidence and how it was obtained.Specify the location where the evidence can be accessed or obtained.IV. Witness Information.Names and contact information of any witnesses who can corroborate the allegations.Describe the witnesses' involvement and the information they can provide.V. Motivation.Explain the reasons for making the disclosure.State whether the disclosure is made in the public interest or for personal gain.VI. Confidentiality.Request for confidentiality or protection from retaliation, if desired.Specify the reasons for this request.VII. Signature and Date.Sign and date the disclosure document.Indicate the date the incident(s) occurred.中文回答:举报材料格式范文。
外企劳务合同英文范本Foreign Enterprise Labor Contract TemplateThis is a template for a labor contract between a foreign enterprise and an employee. Please note that this is a general template and should be customized to fit the specific laws and regulations of the country where the contract is being executed, as well as the specific terms and conditions agreed upon by both parties.PARTY A (Employer): [Foreign Enterprise Name]Address: [Address of the Foreign Enterprise]Contact: [Contact Person/Department]PARTY B (Employee): [Employee's Full Name]Address: [Employee's Address]Contact: [Employee's Contact Information]1. Contract Duration:This contract shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date] unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this contract.2. Position and Duties:Party B is employed as [Job Title] and shall perform duties as outlined in the job description attached hereto.3. Compensation:Party B shall receive a monthly salary of [Amount], payableon the [Payroll Day of Each Month]. Additional benefits may include [List of Benefits].4. Working Hours:The standard working hours shall be [Number] hours per dayfrom [Start Time] to [End Time], with a lunch break of [Lunch Break Duration], for a total of [Number] working days per week.5. Overtime:Overtime work shall be compensated at a rate of [Overtime Rate] times the regular hourly wage.6. Leave:Party B is entitled to [Number] days of annual leave, [Number] days of sick leave, and other leaves as per the local labor laws.7. Termination:Either party may terminate this contract by giving [Notice Period] days' written notice. Immediate termination may occur under the conditions of gross misconduct or breach of contract.8. Confidentiality:Party B agrees to keep all business information confidential and not to disclose it to any third party during and afterthe term of this contract.9. Intellectual Property:All intellectual property rights created, developed, or conceived by Party B during the term of this contract shall belong to Party A.10. Governing Law:This contract shall be governed by and construed inaccordance with the laws of [Country/State].11. Dispute Resolution:Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through [Arbitration/Court Proceedings] in [Location].12. Amendments:This contract may be amended only in writing and signed byboth parties.13. Entire Agreement:This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements.14. Signatures:Party A: [Authorized Signatory]Date: [Date]Party B: [Employee's Signature]Date: [Date]Please ensure that the specific terms are adjusted to reflect the actual agreement between the employer and the employee, and that legal advice is sought to ensure the contract complies with local labor laws and regulations.。
处分登记表填写流程英文回答:Procedure for Completing the Disciplinary Action Form.The Disciplinary Action Form is an essential tool for documenting and managing disciplinary actions within an organization. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to complete it effectively:1. Gather relevant information: Collect all necessary information, including the employee's name, position, work history, and details of the alleged misconduct.2. Review applicable policies: Familiarize yourself with the organization's policies and procedures regarding disciplinary actions to ensure that the process is conducted fairly and consistently.3. Meet with the employee: Schedule a meeting with theemployee to discuss the alleged misconduct and gather their perspective. Maintain a professional and respectful demeanor throughout the conversation.4. Document the meeting: Take detailed notes during the meeting, including the employee's response, any witnesses present, and any other relevant information.5. Investigate the matter: Conduct a thorough investigation to gather evidence and determine the facts of the case. Interviews with the employee, witnesses, andother relevant parties may be necessary.6. Make a decision: Based on the investigation findings, determine the appropriate disciplinary action, considering the severity of the misconduct and the employee's work history.7. Complete the Disciplinary Action Form: Fill out the form accurately and completely, including the following information:Employee's personal information.Date of the incident.Description of the misconduct.Evidence supporting the allegations.Witnesses and their statements.Investigative findings.Disciplinary action taken.Employee's signature (if required)。
工作计划不做的处罚规定英文回答:Disciplinary Actions for Non-Compliance with Work Plan.Failure to complete or adhere to a work plan can result in disciplinary actions, ranging from verbal warnings to termination of employment. The specific consequences will vary depending on the severity of the infraction, the employee's history of performance, and the policies of the organization.Verbal Warning: A verbal warning is typically thefirst step in the disciplinary process. It is a formal notice that the employee has violated a work plan or failed to meet expectations. The warning will typically include a brief description of the infraction and a warning that further violations may result in more serious consequences.Written Warning: A written warning is a more seriousconsequence than a verbal warning. It is a formal document that is placed in the employee's personnel file. A written warning will typically include a detailed description of the infraction, a warning that further violations mayresult in more serious consequences, and a signature from the employee acknowledging receipt of the warning.Suspension: A suspension is a temporary removal of the employee from their job duties. Suspensions can range from a few days to several weeks. During a suspension, the employee will typically not be paid. A suspension is often used as a disciplinary action for serious infractions, such as repeated failure to complete work plans or gross misconduct.Termination of Employment: Termination of employment is the most severe disciplinary action. It is a permanent separation of the employee from the organization. Termination of employment is typically used for serious infractions, such as repeated failure to complete work plans, gross misconduct, or a violation of company policy.中文回答:工作计划不做的处罚规定。
Only refund and no return lawsuitpensation standardIntroductionWith the development of emerce, an increasing number of consumers choose online shopping. However, the issue that some businesses choose to only refund without accepting returns, or refuse to refund, has harmed the legitimate rightsand interests of consumers. In response to this issue, relevant departments should formulate clear standards, strengthen oversight of business practices, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.5,007字xxx英里200字左右(大约30秒)熟悉程度High school大学了解更多中文英语篇幅大约为3000字。
师德师风举报受理流程English Answer:Reporting Process for Teacher's Ethics and Conduct.1. Gather Evidence: Collect all relevant materials and evidence, such as emails, text messages, or witness statements.2. Identify the Reporting Channel: Determine the appropriate channel for reporting teacher misconduct, such as the school principal, superintendent, or district office.3. Make a Formal Report: Submit a written report providing a detailed description of the alleged misconduct, including the specific dates, times, and individuals involved.4. Cooperate with Investigation: Assist theinvestigating authorities by providing additionalinformation, documents, or witnesses as requested.5. Maintain Confidentiality: Treat the reporting process with confidentiality to protect the integrity of the investigation and the reputation of all parties involved.6. Seek Support: If you are the victim of teacher misconduct, reach out to trusted individuals, such as family members, friends, or a therapist, for emotional support and guidance.Chinese Answer:师德师风举报受理流程。
违反规章制度的举报信范文[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, Zip Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Position][Organization's Name][Organization's Address][City, State, Zip Code]Dear [Recipient's Name],I am writing this letter to formally report a violation of the rules and regulations within our organization. As an employee who stronglybelieves in maintaining ethical standards and upholding the integrity of our workplace, I feel compelled to bring this matter to your attention.I would like to draw your attention to a specific incident that I have personally witnessed, and which involves one of our colleagues, [Colleague's Name]. On [Date], I observed [Colleague's Name] engaging in [Describe the violation in detail]. This behavior directly contradicts the established norms and rules that govern our organization.Allow me to provide a brief description of the incident. On [Date], during [Specify the time], I happened to pass by [Location] where I noticed [Colleague's Name] [Describe the actions and behavior of the colleague]. This conduct not only goes against the stated policies but also adversely affects the morale and working environment within our organization.Such actions compromise our values of professionalism, respect, and teamwork, which are vital to the success of our organization. It is imperative that immediate action is taken to address this issue and prevent any further misconduct.In accordance with the organization's guidelines, I kindly request a thorough investigation into this matter. It is important that theappropriate disciplinary measures are taken once the investigation has been completed. I believe that by handling this situation promptly and fairly, we can reinforce the values that define our organization.Please be assured that my intention in reporting this incident is solely to uphold the principles and standards that we have established within our organization. I am confident that, with your leadership and commitment to maintaining a positive work environment, this issue can be addressed effectively.Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that you will handle this issue with the utmost seriousness and confidentiality it deserves. I remain dedicated to the success and reputation of our organization and believe that by addressing and rectifying violations promptly, we can ensure a harmonious and productive workplace for all.Yours sincerely,[Your Name]。
英文版处罚通报范文Notice of Disciplinary Action.[Employee Name][Employee Address][City, State, Zip Code][Date]Re: Disciplinary Action Notice.Dear [Employee Name],。
This letter serves as formal notification of the disciplinary action taken against you for [brief description of the misconduct]. This action is based on a thorough investigation conducted by [investigating body], which has found that you violated the following companypolicies:[Relevant Policy 1][Relevant Policy 2]Summary of Misconduct.The investigation revealed that on [date of misconduct], you [briefly describe the misconduct]. This behaviorviolated the aforementioned policies and demonstrated alack of [expected behavior/values].Disciplinary Measures.Based on the findings of the investigation, thefollowing disciplinary measures have been imposed,effective immediately:[List of disciplinary measures, such as written warning, suspension, demotion, termination, etc.]Reasons for Disciplinary Action.The disciplinary action has been taken for thefollowing reasons:To hold you accountable for your misconduct and reinforce the importance of adhering to company policies.To deter similar behavior in the future and maintain a positive work environment.To protect the company and its employees from the consequences of inappropriate conduct.Next Steps.You are expected to comply with the disciplinary measures outlined above. Failure to do so may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.You are entitled to appeal this disciplinary action inwriting within [number of days] of receiving this notice. The appeal should be submitted to [appeals body] and should state the grounds for your appeal.Expectations.Moving forward, you are expected to:Adhere to all company policies and procedures.Exhibit professional and ethical behavior at all times.Take responsibility for your actions and learn fromany mistakes you have made.Seek guidance or support from management or HR if you have any concerns or require assistance.We believe that this disciplinary action is fair and appropriate under the circumstances. We hope that you will use this opportunity to reflect on your behavior and take steps to improve your performance and conduct in the future.Sincerely,。
劳动合同终身的英文Lifetime Employment ContractThis Lifetime Employment Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into on [Insert Date] by and between [Insert Company Name], a [Insert Jurisdiction of Incorporation] corporation with a principal place of business at [Insert Company Address] ("Employer"), and [Insert Employee Name], an individual residing at [Insert Employee Address] ("Employee").1. Employment CommitmentThe Employer hereby agrees to employ the Employee for an indefinite period, subject to the terms and conditions ofthis Contract. The Employee agrees to provide services to the Employer for the duration of this Contract.2. Position and DutiesThe Employee is hired for the position of [Insert Position Title]. The Employee shall perform the duties and responsibilities associated with the position, as outlined in the job description provided by the Employer.3. CompensationThe Employee shall receive a base salary of [Insert Salary Amount] per annum, payable in [Insert Payment Frequency, e.g., monthly]. The Employer may, at its discretion, provide additional compensation, bonuses, or benefits as warranted by the Employee's performance and the Employer's policies.4. Work Schedule and LocationThe Employee is expected to work [Insert Typical Work Hours] at the Employer's principal place of business or at such other locations as required by the Employer.5. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated by either party upon [Insert Notice Period, e.g., 30 days] written notice. The Employer reserves the right to terminate this Contract immediately for cause, which includes but is not limited to gross misconduct, violation of company policies, or incapacity to perform the duties of the position.6. ConfidentialityThe Employee agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary information, trade secrets, and otherconfidential matters of the Employer, both during and after the term of this Contract.7. Intellectual PropertyAll inventions, discoveries, and works created by the Employee during the term of this Contract shall be the exclusive property of the Employer.8. Non-SolicitationThe Employee agrees not to solicit or hire any other employee of the Employer for a period of [Insert Duration, e.g., two years] following the termination of this Contract.9. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Insert Jurisdiction].10. Entire AgreementThis Contract represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and understandings.11. AmendmentsThis Contract may be amended only in writing and signed by both parties.12. SeverabilityIf any provision of this Contract is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck, and the remaining provisions shall be enforced.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Employer: [Insert Company Name]By: [Insert Authorized Signatory Name]Employee: [Insert Employee Name]Date: [Insert Date]。
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Reasons for suspension
Authority regarding suspension & outgoing procedure
Empger Employee's labour representative Labour relations Remuneration
SAMPLE LETTER Suspension for Misconduct DATE AND ADDRESS Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss (LAST NAME), Description of the act of misconduct This letter follows the results of the investigation into the events of DATE AND TIME during which ALLEGED MISCONDUCT. Our investigation has revealed that on DATE, you DESCRIPTION OF ACT OF MISCONDUCT. We have concluded that you acted in this manner deliberately and that this constitutes a serious offence. This kind of behaviour is not acceptable and we will not tolerate it. We would ask that you consider the CONSEQUENCES FOR YOUR CO-WORKERS AND FOR THE ORGANIZATION. Therefore, you are suspended from you duties, without pay, for a period of X working days, equivalent to TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS. The suspension period will begin on DATE and will end on DATE. During the suspension period, you will not have access to ‘Parks Canada Agency’ premises, to your normal workplace, to your office voicemail system, to the computer system, nor to your e-mail through your personal computer. You must hand in your office keys, your identification card, and your access card to NAME. If necessary, you may contact NAME at TELEPHONE NUMBER about any work -related questions that arise during the suspension period. A copy of this letter will be placed in your personal file and will be kept for two years, in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement. We are calling on your sense of responsibility to ensure that this situation does not reoccur. Beginning immediately, we expect that you EXPECTED RECTIFICATION. Any subsequent offences will not be tolerated and could lead to more severe disciplinary actions, up to dismissal. If, at any time, you require assistance, please contact the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at 1-800-268-7708. Employee rights In accordance with section 16.01 of the ‘Parks Canada Agency’ collective agreement, you have the right to lodge a grievance on this action. Delegated manager Departmental Deputy Minister c.c.