A View of Cloud Computing
communicatio ns o f th e acm | apr i l 201 0 | vol. 5 3 | no. 4
hours. This elasticity of resources, without paying a premium for large scale, is unprecedented in the history of IT. As a result, cloud computing is a popular topic for blogging and white papers and has been featured in the title of workshops, conferences, and even magazines. Nevertheless, confusion remains about exactly what it is and when it’s useful, causing Oracle’s CEO Larry Ellison to vent his frustration: “The interesting thing about cloud computing is that we’ve redefined cloud computing to include everything that we already do…. I don’t understand what we would do differently in the light of cloud computing other than change the wording of some of our ads.” Our goal in this article is to reduce that confusion by clarifying terms, providing simple figures to quantify comparisons between of cloud and conventional computing, and identifying the top technical and non-technical obstacles and opportunities of cloud computing. (Armbrust et al4 is a more detailed version of this article.) Defining Cloud Computing Cloud computing refers to both the applications delivered as services over the Internet and the hardware and systems software in the data centers that provide those services. The services themselves have long been referred to as Software as a Service (SaaS).a Some vendors use terms such as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service) to describe their products, but we eschew these because accepted definitions for them still vary widely. The line between “low-level” infrastructure and a higher-level “platform” is not crisp. We believe the two are more alike than different, and we consider them together. Similarly, the
存储系统可分为直接依附存储系统(Direct Attached Storage,DAS)、附网存储系统(Network-attached Storage,NAS)和存储区域网络(Storage Area Network, SAN)三类。DAS是服务器的一部分,由服务器控制输入/输出,目前大多数存储系统都属于这类.NAS将数据处理与存储分离开来,存储设备独立于主机安装在网络中,数据处理由专门的数据服务器完成。用户可以通过NFS或CIFS数据传输协议在NAS上存取文件、共享数据.SAN向用户提供块数据级的服务,是SCSI技术与网络技术相结合的产物,它采用高速光纤连接服务器和存储系统,将数据的存储和处理分离开来,采用集中方式对存储设备和数据进行管理。
服务器虚拟化也称系统虚拟化,它把一台物理计算机虚拟化成一台或多台虚拟计算机,各虚拟机间通过被称为虚拟机监控器(Virtual Machine Monitor,VMM)的虚拟化层共享CPU、网络、内存、硬盘等物理资源,每台虚拟机都有独立的运行环境,如图4-1所示。虚拟机可以看成是对物理机的一种高效隔离复制,要求同质、高效和资源受控.同质说明虚拟机的运行环境与物理机本质上是相同的;高效指虚拟机中运行的软件需要有接近在物理机上运行的性能;资源受控指VMM对系统资源具有完全的控制能力和管理权限。
2.1 IaaS
云计算技术应用英语作文英文回答:Cloud computing is a paradigm shift in the way we think about computing. It is a model for delivering computing services over the Internet ("the cloud") on demand, typically on a pay-as-you-go basis. Cloud computing offers a number of advantages over traditional IT models, including:Scalability: Cloud computing resources can be scaled up or down to meet changing needs, without the need for upfront investment in hardware or software. This can save businesses a significant amount of money.Flexibility: Cloud computing allows businesses to access computing resources from anywhere, at any time. This can make it easier for businesses to collaborate with partners and customers, and to respond to changing market conditions.Reliability: Cloud computing providers typically offer high levels of reliability, with multiple layers of redundancy to protect against data loss or service outages. This can give businesses peace of mind knowing that their data is safe and their applications are always available.Cost-effectiveness: Cloud computing can be more cost-effective than traditional IT models, as businesses only pay for the resources they use. This can free up capitalfor other investments or projects.I have used cloud computing in a number of different ways, including:To develop and test new applications: I have used cloud computing to quickly and easily develop and test new applications, without having to invest in my own hardware or software.To host my website: I have used cloud computing to host my website, which has given me the flexibility toscale my website up or down to meet traffic demands.To store and backup my data: I have used cloud computing to store and backup my data, which has given me peace of mind knowing that my data is safe and secure.Overall, I have found cloud computing to be a valuable tool that has helped me to save time, money, and resources.I believe that cloud computing will continue to play a major role in the way that we do business in the future.中文回答:云计算技术是一种关于我们思考计算方式的范式转变。
秉承“按需服务”理念的“云计算(Cloud computing)”正⾼速发展,“数据即资源”的“⼤数据(big data)”时代已经来临[1]。
关键词: ⼤数据云计算数据分析数据挖掘引⾔在学术界,⼤数据这⼀概念的提出相对较早。
2008 年9 ⽉,《⾃然》杂志就推出了名为“⼤数据”( big data) 的专刊。
2011 年5⽉,麦肯锡全球研究院发布了名为《⼤数据: 创新、竞争和⽣产⼒的下⼀个前沿》(Big data: The next frontier forinnovation,competition,and productivity)的研究报告,指出⼤数据将成为企业的核⼼资产,对海量数据的有效利⽤将成为企业在竞争中取胜的最有⼒武器。
2012 年,联合国发布⼤数据政务⽩⽪书,指出⼤数据可以使⽤极为丰富的数据资源来对社会经济进⾏前所未有的实时分析,帮助政府更好地响应社会和经济运⾏。
2012 年3 ⽉29⽇,奥巴马政府发布了《⼤数据研究与发展计划倡议》,宣布启动对⼤数据的研发计划,标志着美国把⼤数据提⾼到国家战略层⾯,将“⼤数据研究”上升为国家意志,对未来的科技与经济发展必将带来深远影响。
关于云计算的作文1200字英文回答:Cloud computing, as a revolutionary technology, has greatly impacted the way we store, access, and process data. It refers to the delivery of computing services, including storage, servers, networking, software, and more, over the internet. This means that instead of keeping data and applications on a personal computer or local server, they are stored and accessed remotely through the internet.One of the most significant benefits of cloud computing is its scalability. Businesses can easily scale their resources up or down based on their needs, without the need for physical infrastructure changes. This flexibilityallows for cost savings and improved efficiency. Additionally, cloud computing offers improved accessibility, as users can access their data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection.Security is a common concern when it comes to cloud computing. However, many cloud service providers have robust security measures in place to protect data. They often have dedicated security teams and advanced encryption methods to ensure the safety of their users' information.Furthermore, cloud computing has enabled collaboration and innovation on a global scale. It has facilitated the development of new technologies and services, and has allowed businesses to streamline their operations and improve productivity.In conclusion, cloud computing has transformed the way we store, access, and process data, offering scalability, accessibility, security, and innovation. It has become an essential part of the modern digital landscape and will continue to shape the future of technology.中文回答:云计算作为一项革命性技术,极大地影响了我们存储、访问和处理数据的方式。
云计算外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Technical Issues of Forensic Investigations in Cloud Computing EnvironmentsDominik BirkRuhr-University BochumHorst Goertz Institute for IT SecurityBochum, GermanyRuhr-University BochumHorst Goertz Institute for IT SecurityBochum, GermanyAbstract—Cloud Computing is arguably one of the most discussedinformation technologies today. It presents many promising technological and economical opportunities. However, many customers remain reluctant to move their business IT infrastructure completely to the cloud. One of their main concerns is Cloud Security and the threat of the unknown. Cloud Service Providers(CSP) encourage this perception by not letting their customers see what is behind their virtual curtain. A seldomly discussed, but in this regard highly relevant open issue is the ability to perform digital investigations. This continues to fuel insecurity on the sides of both providers and customers. Cloud Forensics constitutes a new and disruptive challenge for investigators. Due to the decentralized nature of data processing in the cloud, traditional approaches to evidence collection and recovery are no longer practical. This paper focuses on the technical aspects of digital forensics in distributed cloud environments. We contribute by assessing whether it is possible for the customer of cloud computing services to perform a traditional digital investigation from a technical point of view. Furthermore we discuss possible solutions and possible new methodologies helping customers to perform such investigations.I. INTRODUCTIONAlthough the cloud might appear attractive to small as well as to large companies, it does not come along without its own unique problems. Outsourcing sensitive corporate data into the cloud raises concerns regarding the privacy and security of data. Security policies, companies main pillar concerning security, cannot be easily deployed into distributed, virtualized cloud environments. This situation is further complicated by the unknown physical location of the companie’s assets. Normally,if a security incident occurs, the corporate security team wants to be able to perform their own investigation without dependency on third parties. In the cloud, this is not possible anymore: The CSP obtains all the power over the environmentand thus controls the sources of evidence. In the best case, a trusted third party acts as a trustee and guarantees for the trustworthiness of the CSP. Furthermore, the implementation of the technical architecture and circumstances within cloud computing environments bias the way an investigation may be processed. In detail, evidence data has to be interpreted by an investigator in a We would like to thank the reviewers for the helpful comments and Dennis Heinson (Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt - CASED) for the profound discussions regarding the legal aspects of cloud forensics. proper manner which is hardly be possible due to the lackof circumstantial information. For auditors, this situation does not change: Questions who accessed specific data and information cannot be answered by the customers, if no corresponding logs are available. With the increasing demand for using the power of the cloud for processing also sensible information and data, enterprises face the issue of Data and Process Provenance in the cloud [10]. Digital provenance, meaning meta-data that describes the ancestry or history of a digital object, is a crucial feature for forensic investigations. In combination with a suitable authentication scheme, it provides information about who created and who modified what kind of data in the cloud. These are crucial aspects for digital investigations in distributed environments such as the cloud. Unfortunately, the aspects of forensic investigations in distributed environment have so far been mostly neglected by the research community. Current discussion centers mostly around security, privacy and data protection issues [35], [9], [12]. The impact of forensic investigations on cloud environments was little noticed albeit mentioned by the authors of [1] in 2009: ”[...] to our knowledge, no research has been published on how cloud computing environments affect digital artifacts,and on acquisition logistics and legal issues related to cloud computing env ironments.” This statement is also confirmed by other authors [34], [36], [40] stressing that further research on incident handling, evidence tracking and accountability in cloud environments has to be done. At the same time, massive investments are being made in cloud technology. Combined with the fact that information technology increasingly transcendents peoples’ private and professional life, thus mirroring more and more of peoples’actions, it becomes apparent that evidence gathered from cloud environments will be of high significance to litigation or criminal proceedings in the future. Within this work, we focus the notion of cloud forensics by addressing the technical issues of forensics in all three major cloud service models and consider cross-disciplinary aspects. Moreover, we address the usability of various sources of evidence for investigative purposes and propose potential solutions to the issues from a practical standpoint. This work should be considered as a surveying discussion of an almost unexplored research area. The paper is organized as follows: We discuss the related work and the fundamental technical background information of digital forensics, cloud computing and the fault model in section II and III. In section IV, we focus on the technical issues of cloud forensics and discuss the potential sources and nature of digital evidence as well as investigations in XaaS environments including thecross-disciplinary aspects. We conclude in section V.II. RELATED WORKVarious works have been published in the field of cloud security and privacy [9], [35], [30] focussing on aspects for protecting data in multi-tenant, virtualized environments. Desired security characteristics for current cloud infrastructures mainly revolve around isolation of multi-tenant platforms [12], security of hypervisors in order to protect virtualized guest systems and secure network infrastructures [32]. Albeit digital provenance, describing the ancestry of digital objects, still remains a challenging issue for cloud environments, several works have already been published in this field [8], [10] contributing to the issues of cloud forensis. Within this context, cryptographic proofs for verifying data integrity mainly in cloud storage offers have been proposed,yet lacking of practical implementations [24], [37], [23]. Traditional computer forensics has already well researched methods for various fields of application [4], [5], [6], [11], [13]. Also the aspects of forensics in virtual systems have been addressed by several works [2], [3], [20] including the notionof virtual introspection [25]. In addition, the NIST already addressed Web Service Forensics [22] which has a huge impact on investigation processes in cloud computing environments. In contrast, the aspects of forensic investigations in cloud environments have mostly been neglected by both the industry and the research community. One of the first papers focusing on this topic was published by Wolthusen [40] after Bebee et al already introduced problems within cloud environments [1]. Wolthusen stressed that there is an inherent strong need for interdisciplinary work linking the requirements and concepts of evidence arising from the legal field to what can be feasibly reconstructed and inferred algorithmically or in an exploratory manner. In 2010, Grobauer et al [36] published a paper discussing the issues of incident response in cloud environments - unfortunately no specific issues and solutions of cloud forensics have been proposed which will be done within this work.III. TECHNICAL BACKGROUNDA. Traditional Digital ForensicsThe notion of Digital Forensics is widely known as the practice of identifying, extracting and considering evidence from digital media. Unfortunately, digital evidence is both fragile and volatile and therefore requires the attention of special personnel and methods in order to ensure that evidence data can be proper isolated and evaluated. Normally, the process of a digital investigation can be separated into three different steps each having its own specificpurpose:1) In the Securing Phase, the major intention is the preservation of evidence for analysis. The data has to be collected in a manner that maximizes its integrity. This is normally done by a bitwise copy of the original media. As can be imagined, this represents a huge problem in the field of cloud computing where you never know exactly where your data is and additionallydo not have access to any physical hardware. However, the snapshot technology, discussed in section IV-B3, provides a powerful tool to freeze system states and thus makes digital investigations, at least in IaaS scenarios, theoretically possible.2) We refer to the Analyzing Phase as the stage in which the data is sifted and combined. It is in this phase that the data from multiple systems or sources is pulled together to create as complete a picture and event reconstruction as possible. Especially in distributed system infrastructures, this means that bits and pieces of data are pulled together for deciphering the real story of what happened and for providing a deeper look into the data.3) Finally, at the end of the examination and analysis of the data, the results of the previous phases will be reprocessed in the Presentation Phase. The report, created in this phase, is a compilation of all the documentation and evidence from the analysis stage. The main intention of such a report is that it contains all results, it is complete and clear to understand. Apparently, the success of these three steps strongly depends on the first stage. If it is not possible to secure the complete set of evidence data, no exhaustive analysis will be possible. However, in real world scenarios often only a subset of the evidence data can be secured by the investigator. In addition, an important definition in the general context of forensics is the notion of a Chain of Custody. This chain clarifies how and where evidence is stored and who takes possession of it. Especially for cases which are brought to court it is crucial that the chain of custody is preserved.B. Cloud ComputingAccording to the NIST [16], cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal CSP interaction. The new raw definition of cloud computing brought several new characteristics such as multi-tenancy, elasticity, pay-as-you-go and reliability. Within this work, the following three models are used: In the Infrastructure asa Service (IaaS) model, the customer is using the virtual machine provided by the CSP for installing his own system on it. The system can be used like any other physical computer with a few limitations. However, the additive customer power over the system comes along with additional security obligations. Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings provide the capability to deploy application packages created using the virtual development environment supported by the CSP. For the efficiency of software development process this service model can be propellent. In the Software as a Service (SaaS) model, the customer makes use of a service run by the CSP on a cloud infrastructure. In most of the cases this service can be accessed through an API for a thin client interface such as a web browser. Closed-source public SaaS offers such as Amazon S3 and GoogleMail can only be used in the public deployment model leading to further issues concerning security, privacy and the gathering of suitable evidences. Furthermore, two main deployment models, private and public cloud have to be distinguished. Common public clouds are made available to the general public. The corresponding infrastructure is owned by one organization acting as a CSP and offering services to its customers. In contrast, the private cloud is exclusively operated for an organization but may not provide the scalability and agility of public offers. The additional notions of community and hybrid cloud are not exclusively covered within this work. However, independently from the specific model used, the movement of applications and data to the cloud comes along with limited control for the customer about the application itself, the data pushed into the applications and also about the underlying technical infrastructure.C. Fault ModelBe it an account for a SaaS application, a development environment (PaaS) or a virtual image of an IaaS environment, systems in the cloud can be affected by inconsistencies. Hence, for both customer and CSP it is crucial to have the ability to assign faults to the causing party, even in the presence of Byzantine behavior [33]. Generally, inconsistencies can be caused by the following two reasons:1) Maliciously Intended FaultsInternal or external adversaries with specific malicious intentions can cause faults on cloud instances or applications. Economic rivals as well as former employees can be the reason for these faults and state a constant threat to customers and CSP. In this model, also a malicious CSP is included albeit he isassumed to be rare in real world scenarios. Additionally, from the technical point of view, the movement of computing power to a virtualized, multi-tenant environment can pose further threads and risks to the systems. One reason for this is that if a single system or service in the cloud is compromised, all other guest systems and even the host system are at risk. Hence, besides the need for further security measures, precautions for potential forensic investigations have to be taken into consideration.2) Unintentional FaultsInconsistencies in technical systems or processes in the cloud do not have implicitly to be caused by malicious intent. Internal communication errors or human failures can lead to issues in the services offered to the costumer(i.e. loss or modification of data). Although these failures are not caused intentionally, both the CSP and the customer have a strong intention to discover the reasons and deploy corresponding fixes.IV. TECHNICAL ISSUESDigital investigations are about control of forensic evidence data. From the technical standpoint, this data can be available in three different states: at rest, in motion or in execution. Data at rest is represented by allocated disk space. Whether the data is stored in a database or in a specific file format, it allocates disk space. Furthermore, if a file is deleted, the disk space is de-allocated for the operating system but the data is still accessible since the disk space has not been re-allocated and overwritten. This fact is often exploited by investigators which explore these de-allocated disk space on harddisks. In case the data is in motion, data is transferred from one entity to another e.g. a typical file transfer over a network can be seen as a data in motion scenario. Several encapsulated protocols contain the data each leaving specific traces on systems and network devices which can in return be used by investigators. Data can be loaded into memory and executed as a process. In this case, the data is neither at rest or in motion but in execution. On the executing system, process information, machine instruction and allocated/de-allocated data can be analyzed by creating a snapshot of the current system state. In the following sections, we point out the potential sources for evidential data in cloud environments and discuss the technical issues of digital investigations in XaaS environmentsas well as suggest several solutions to these problems.A. Sources and Nature of EvidenceConcerning the technical aspects of forensic investigations, the amount of potential evidence available to the investigator strongly diverges between thedifferent cloud service and deployment models. The virtual machine (VM), hosting in most of the cases the server application, provides several pieces of information that could be used by investigators. On the network level, network components can provide information about possible communication channels between different parties involved. The browser on the client, acting often as the user agent for communicating with the cloud, also contains a lot of information that could be used as evidence in a forensic investigation. Independently from the used model, the following three components could act as sources for potential evidential data.1) Virtual Cloud Instance: The VM within the cloud, where i.e. data is stored or processes are handled, contains potential evidence [2], [3]. In most of the cases, it is the place where an incident happened and hence provides a good starting point for a forensic investigation. The VM instance can be accessed by both, the CSP and the customer who is running the instance. Furthermore, virtual introspection techniques [25] provide access to the runtime state of the VM via the hypervisor and snapshot technology supplies a powerful technique for the customer to freeze specific states of the VM. Therefore, virtual instances can be still running during analysis which leads to the case of live investigations [41] or can be turned off leading to static image analysis. In SaaS and PaaS scenarios, the ability to access the virtual instance for gathering evidential information is highly limited or simply not possible.2) Network Layer: Traditional network forensics is knownas the analysis of network traffic logs for tracing events that have occurred in the past. Since the different ISO/OSI network layers provide several information on protocols and communication between instances within as well as with instances outside the cloud [4], [5], [6], network forensics is theoretically also feasible in cloud environments. However in practice, ordinary CSP currently do not provide any log data from the network components used by the customer’s instances or applications. For instance, in case of a malware infection of an IaaS VM, it will be difficult for the investigator to get any form of routing information and network log datain general which is crucial for further investigative steps. This situation gets even more complicated in case of PaaS or SaaS. So again, the situation of gathering forensic evidence is strongly affected by the support the investigator receives from the customer and the CSP.3) Client System: On the system layer of the client, it completely depends on the used model (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) if and where potential evidence could beextracted. In most of the scenarios, the user agent (e.g. the web browser) on the client system is the only application that communicates with the service in the cloud. This especially holds for SaaS applications which are used and controlled by the web browser. But also in IaaS scenarios, the administration interface is often controlled via the browser. Hence, in an exhaustive forensic investigation, the evidence data gathered from the browser environment [7] should not be omitted.a) Browser Forensics: Generally, the circumstances leading to an investigation have to be differentiated: In ordinary scenarios, the main goal of an investigation of the web browser is to determine if a user has been victim of a crime. In complex SaaS scenarios with high client-server interaction, this constitutes a difficult task. Additionally, customers strongly make use of third-party extensions [17] which can be abused for malicious purposes. Hence, the investigator might want to look for malicious extensions, searches performed, websites visited, files downloaded, information entered in forms or stored in local HTML5 stores, web-based email contents and persistent browser cookies for gathering potential evidence data. Within this context, it is inevitable to investigate the appearance of malicious JavaScript [18] leading to e.g. unintended AJAX requests and hence modified usage of administration interfaces. Generally, the web browser contains a lot of electronic evidence data that could be used to give an answer to both of the above questions - even if the private mode is switched on [19].B. Investigations in XaaS EnvironmentsTraditional digital forensic methodologies permit investigators to seize equipment and perform detailed analysis on the media and data recovered [11]. In a distributed infrastructure organization like the cloud computing environment, investigators are confronted with an entirely different situation. They have no longer the option of seizing physical data storage. Data and processes of the customer are dispensed over an undisclosed amount of virtual instances, applications and network elements. Hence, it is in question whether preliminary findings of the computer forensic community in the field of digital forensics apparently have to be revised and adapted to the new environment. Within this section, specific issues of investigations in SaaS, PaaS and IaaS environments will be discussed. In addition, cross-disciplinary issues which affect several environments uniformly, will be taken into consideration. We also suggest potential solutions to the mentioned problems.1) SaaS Environments: Especially in the SaaS model, the customer does notobtain any control of the underlying operating infrastructure such as network, servers, operating systems or the application that is used. This means that no deeper view into the system and its underlying infrastructure is provided to the customer. Only limited userspecific application configuration settings can be controlled contributing to the evidences which can be extracted fromthe client (see section IV-A3). In a lot of cases this urges the investigator to rely on high-level logs which are eventually provided by the CSP. Given the case that the CSP does not run any logging application, the customer has no opportunity to create any useful evidence through the installation of any toolkit or logging tool. These circumstances do not allow a valid forensic investigation and lead to the assumption that customers of SaaS offers do not have any chance to analyze potential incidences.a) Data Provenance: The notion of Digital Provenance is known as meta-data that describes the ancestry or history of digital objects. Secure provenance that records ownership and process history of data objects is vital to the success of data forensics in cloud environments, yet it is still a challenging issue today [8]. Albeit data provenance is of high significance also for IaaS and PaaS, it states a huge problem specifically for SaaS-based applications: Current global acting public SaaS CSP offer Single Sign-On (SSO) access control to the set of their services. Unfortunately in case of an account compromise, most of the CSP do not offer any possibility for the customer to figure out which data and information has been accessed by the adversary. For the victim, this situation can have tremendous impact: If sensitive data has been compromised, it is unclear which data has been leaked and which has not been accessed by the adversary. Additionally, data could be modified or deleted by an external adversary or even by the CSP e.g. due to storage reasons. The customer has no ability to proof otherwise. Secure provenance mechanisms for distributed environments can improve this situation but have not been practically implemented by CSP [10]. Suggested Solution: In private SaaS scenarios this situation is improved by the fact that the customer and the CSP are probably under the same authority. Hence, logging and provenance mechanisms could be implemented which contribute to potential investigations. Additionally, the exact location of the servers and the data is known at any time. Public SaaS CSP should offer additional interfaces for the purpose of compliance, forensics, operations and security matters to their customers. Through an API, the customers should have the ability to receive specific information suchas access, error and event logs that could improve their situation in case of aninvestigation. Furthermore, due to the limited ability of receiving forensic information from the server and proofing integrity of stored data in SaaS scenarios, the client has to contribute to this process. This could be achieved by implementing Proofs of Retrievability (POR) in which a verifier (client) is enabled to determine that a prover (server) possesses a file or data object and it can be retrieved unmodified [24]. Provable Data Possession (PDP) techniques [37] could be used to verify that an untrusted server possesses the original data without the need for the client to retrieve it. Although these cryptographic proofs have not been implemented by any CSP, the authors of [23] introduced a new data integrity verification mechanism for SaaS scenarios which could also be used for forensic purposes.2) PaaS Environments: One of the main advantages of the PaaS model is that the developed software application is under the control of the customer and except for some CSP, the source code of the application does not have to leave the local development environment. Given these circumstances, the customer obtains theoretically the power to dictate how the application interacts with other dependencies such as databases, storage entities etc. CSP normally claim this transfer is encrypted but this statement can hardly be verified by the customer. Since the customer has the ability to interact with the platform over a prepared API, system states and specific application logs can be extracted. However potential adversaries, which can compromise the application during runtime, should not be able to alter these log files afterwards. Suggested Solution:Depending on the runtime environment, logging mechanisms could be implemented which automatically sign and encrypt the log information before its transfer to a central logging server under the control of the customer. Additional signing and encrypting could prevent potential eavesdroppers from being able to view and alter log data information on the way to the logging server. Runtime compromise of an PaaS application by adversaries could be monitored by push-only mechanisms for log data presupposing that the needed information to detect such an attack are logged. Increasingly, CSP offering PaaS solutions give developers the ability to collect and store a variety of diagnostics data in a highly configurable way with the help of runtime feature sets [38].3) IaaS Environments: As expected, even virtual instances in the cloud get compromised by adversaries. Hence, the ability to determine how defenses in the virtual environment failed and to what extent the affected systems havebeen compromised is crucial not only for recovering from an incident. Also forensic investigations gain leverage from such information and contribute to resilience against future attacks on the systems. From the forensic point of view, IaaS instances do provide much more evidence data usable for potential forensics than PaaS and SaaS models do. This fact is caused throughthe ability of the customer to install and set up the image for forensic purposes before an incident occurs. Hence, as proposed for PaaS environments, log data and other forensic evidence information could be signed and encrypted before itis transferred to third-party hosts mitigating the chance that a maliciously motivated shutdown process destroys the volatile data. Although, IaaS environments provide plenty of potential evidence, it has to be emphasized that the customer VM is in the end still under the control of the CSP. He controls the hypervisor which is e.g. responsible for enforcing hardware boundaries and routing hardware requests among different VM. Hence, besides the security responsibilities of the hypervisor, he exerts tremendous control over how customer’s VM communicate with the hardware and theoretically can intervene executed processes on the hosted virtual instance through virtual introspection [25]. This could also affect encryption or signing processes executed on the VM and therefore leading to the leakage of the secret key. Although this risk can be disregarded in most of the cases, the impact on the security of high security environments is tremendous.a) Snapshot Analysis: Traditional forensics expect target machines to be powered down to collect an image (dead virtual instance). This situation completely changed with the advent of the snapshot technology which is supported by all popular hypervisors such as Xen, VMware ESX and Hyper-V.A snapshot, also referred to as the forensic image of a VM, providesa powerful tool with which a virtual instance can be clonedby one click including also the running system’s mem ory. Due to the invention of the snapshot technology, systems hosting crucial business processes do not have to be powered down for forensic investigation purposes. The investigator simply creates and loads a snapshot of the target VM for analysis(live virtual instance). This behavior is especially important for scenarios in which a downtime of a system is not feasible or practical due to existing SLA. However the information whether the machine is running or has been properly powered down is crucial [3] for the investigation. Live investigations of running virtual instances become more common providing evidence data that。
以下是几篇相关文献的简要介绍:1. 文献标题: "Emerging Trends in Information Technology"- 作者: John Smith- 发表年份: 2019本文调查了信息技术领域的新兴趋势,包括人工智能、大数据、云计算和物联网等。
2. 文献标题: "Cybersecurity Challenges in the Digital Age"- 作者: Anna Johnson- 发表年份: 2020这篇文献探讨了数字时代中信息技术领域所面临的网络安全挑战。
3. 文献标题: "The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Job Market"- 作者: Sarah Thompson- 发表年份: 2018这篇文献研究了人工智能对就业市场的影响。
云计算环境下的协同办公系统的实现-人事管理子系统的设计与实现-英语论文AbstractIn recent years, with the rapid development of cloud computing technology, collaborative office systems based on cloud computing have attracted widespread attention. This paper focuses on the design and implementation of the human resources management sub-system in a collaborative office system under the cloud computing environment. The human resources management sub-system is responsible for managing and organizing personnel information and is a crucial module in the collaborative office system. This paper proposes a solution to the design and implementation of the human resources management sub-system using a cloud computing infrastructure. The solution is based on the analysis of the business requirements and user needs, and the use of cloud computing technology, including virtualization, distributed computing, and storage. The experimental results show that the proposed solution achieves good performance and provides high reliability, scalability, and security.IntroductionWith the development of information technology, the traditional office model is gradually transforming into a digital model. Collaborative office systems have emerged as a significant innovation in the office field, which aims to provide efficient and convenient office services for users. Collaborative office systems gather a variety of functions,such as document management, task management, communication, and collaboration, into an integrated platform. Collaborative office systems effectively improve collaboration and work efficiency, reduce costs, and simplify management.As the foundation of collaborative office systems, cloud computing is an important technology for data processing and storage. Cloud computing provides a flexible and scalable infrastructure, and it is widely used in many fields, such as e-commerce, social networking, and scientific research. In a collaborative office system, cloud computing can provide efficient and cost-effective support for collaboration and data management.Human resources management, as a valuable module in the collaborative office system, is responsible for the management and organization of personnel information, employment and separation management, payroll processing, and employee performance management, among others. The importance of human resources management in the collaborative office system cannot be overstated. The development of cloud computing has brought new opportunities for the design and implementation of human resources management sub-systems in collaborative office systems. Cloud computing cansignificantly reduce the complexity of system development, improve system scalability, and enhance the reliability and security of system operation.This paper presents a solution for the design and implementation of the human resources management sub-systemin a collaborative office system based on cloud computing. The system uses virtualization, distributed computing, and storage technologies to achieve high performance and scalability. The proposed solution is based on the in-depthanalysis of business requirements and user needs.Background and Related WorkCollaborative office systems have been researched for many years. Collaborative office systems provide a usefultool for efficient collaboration, communication, and management in the office environment. The development of cloud computing technology has brought new opportunities for collaborative office systems. In the cloud computing environment, collaborative office systems can benefit from scalable and flexible resources, which can significantly reduce the complexity and cost of system development.Human resources management systems are widely used in various industries. Human resources management systems provide useful functions for employee management, such as record management, performance evaluation, and compensation control, among others. The design and implementation of an effective human resources management system is essential for the smooth operation of an organization. Researchers have proposed different solutions for human resources management systems based on cloud computing technology.In [1], the authors proposed a cloud-based human resources management system. The system takes advantage of cloud computing technology to provide efficient and reliable personnel management functions. The system uses a multi-layer architecture and employs different types of virtualization technologies to implement virtual hardware, virtual operating system, and virtual infrastructure. In [2], the authors proposed a cloud-based human resources management system for the construction industry, which aims to manage the human resources of construction projects. The system uses cloud computing, mobile internet, and big data technology toefficiently manage construction personnel. The system adopts a micro-service architecture to achieve high scalability and reliability. In [3], the authors proposed a cloud-based human resources management system for small and medium-sized enterprises. The system uses cloud computing technology to provide a web-based platform for personnel information management. The system implements different virtual environments for different enterprises and provides aflexible and scalable infrastructure.The proposed solution in this paper is mainly based on the use of cloud computing infrastructure, including virtualization, distributed computing, and storage, to provide a robust and efficient human resources management system.Design and Implementation of the Human Resources Management Sub-systemBusiness analysisThe human resources management sub-system mainly implements the functions of personnel information management, employment and separation management, payroll processing, employee performance management, and other related functions. The system needs to meet the following requirements:1. Efficient and accurate personnel information management2. Secure and reliable storage and access of personnel information3. Automated employment and separation management4. Accurate and timely payroll processing5. Automatic calculation and management of employee performance information6. Accessible and user-friendly interfacesTo satisfy the above requirements, the human resources management sub-system is implemented using a cloud computing infrastructure, which provides a scalable and flexible platform for system development and operation.System architectureThe architecture of the human resources management sub-system is shown in Fig 1. The sub-system adopts a multi-layer architecture, including the presentation layer, application layer, and data layer.Fig 1. Architecture of the human resources management sub-systemThe presentation layer is responsible for the display of information and the interaction between users and the system. The presentation layer provides a web-based user interfacefor accessing the system functions. The user interface is designed to be user-friendly and informative, which provides users with a convenient and efficient way of managing personnel information.The application layer implements the system's business logic and the processing of user requests. The application layer is designed as a set of distributed services that can run on different servers and intercommunicate through the message queue. These services help to realize automated employment and separation management, accurate payroll processing, and automatic calculation and management of employee performance information.The data layer provides storage and retrieval of personnel information in a reliable and scalable way. The data layer is designed as a distributed storage system that can store data in multiple copies to ensure data security and high availability. The data layer uses a NoSQL database tostore and manage personnel information.System workflowThe workflow of the human resources management sub-system is shown in Fig 2. The system workflow covers the main functions of the sub-system, which includes personnel information management, employment and separation management, payroll processing, and employee performance management.Fig 2. Workflow of the human resources management sub-system1. Personnel information management. The system collects and stores personnel information, including personal basic information, unit and department information, job information, and education and training information. The personnel information is stored in a distributed NoSQL database, which provides high reliability and scalability.2. Employment and separation management. The system provides automated employment and separation management. The system generates corresponding records when an employee is employed, terminated, or transferred. The system stores employment and separation records in the database and automatically updates personnel information.3. Payroll processing. The system automaticallycalculates and generates employees' salaries based on theirjob and personal information. The system uses a distributed service to calculate salaries and generates related records.4. Employee performance management. The systemcalculates and manages employee performance information, including goal setting, performance appraisal, andperformance feedback. The system generates performancerecords and reports based on the evaluation results.Experimental resultsTo evaluate the proposed solution, we conducted experiments on a cloud computing platform. The experimental environment is set up on the OpenStack platform. The experimental objects include the performance of the system,the scalability of the system, and the security of the system.PerformanceWe conducted stress tests on the human resources management sub-system to assess system performance. Thestress test was carried out with 50, 100, and 200 concurrent user requests. The average response time and throughput ofthe system are shown in Fig 3.Fig 3. Performance test results of the systemAs shown in Fig 3, the average response time of the system was about 0.02s, which means that the human resources management sub-system responds quickly to user requests. The throughput of the system was improved with the increase ofthe concurrent requests, indicating that the system has good scalability.ScalabilityWe tested the scalability of the human resources management sub-system when processing a large amount of data. We tested the system with 10,000, 100,000, and 1,000,000 personnel information records. The system responded correctly and rapidly to the query requests, and there was nosignificant system performance degradation observed.SecurityWe tested the security of the human resources management sub-system by conducting penetration testing. We tested the system for common vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection and XSS attacks. The proposed solution of the human resources management sub-system passed the penetration test andachieved good security.ConclusionThis paper proposed a solution for the design and implementation of the human resources management sub-systemin the collaborative office system based on cloud computing. The human resources management sub-system plays a crucialrole in the collaborative office system, and needs to provide efficient and accurate personnel information management, automated employment and separation management, accurate payroll processing, and automatic calculation and managementof employee performance information. The solution adopts a multi-layer architecture, which uses virtualization,distributed computing, and storage technologies to achievehigh performance and reliability. The experimental results show that the proposed solution achieves good performance and provides high scalability and security. The proposed solution has practical value and can be applied to variouscollaborative office systems.Reference[1] Wang, J., Zhao, Y., Li, W., & Li, J. (2019). Cloud-based human resources management system. Journal of Cloud Computing, 8(1), 1-14.[2] Huang, G., Yu, W., & Zhang, H. (2018). Cloud-based human resources management system for construction projects. International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology, 9(3), 18-29.[3] Zhang, X., Yang, J., & Wu, J. (2017). Cloud-based human resources management system for small and medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 10(4), 721-734.。
云计算技术的应用与发展趋势(英文中文双语版优质文档)With the continuous development of information technology, cloud computing technology has become an indispensable part of enterprise information construction. Cloud computing technology can help enterprises realize a series of functions such as resource sharing, data storage and processing, application development and deployment. This article will discuss from three aspects: the application of cloud computing technology, the advantages of cloud computing technology and the development trend of cloud computing technology.1. Application of Cloud Computing Technology1. Resource sharingCloud computing technology can bring together different resources to realize resource sharing. Enterprises can use cloud computing technology to share resources such as servers, storage devices, and network devices, so as to maximize the utilization of resources.2. Data storage and processingCloud computing technology can help enterprises store and process massive data. Through cloud computing technology, enterprises can store data in the cloud to realize remote access and backup of data. At the same time, cloud computing technology can also help enterprises analyze and process data and provide more accurate decision support.3. Application development and deploymentCloud computing technology can help enterprises develop and deploy applications faster and more conveniently. Through cloud computing technology, enterprises can deploy applications on the cloud to realize remote access and management of applications. At the same time, cloud computing technology can also provide a variety of development tools and development environment, which is convenient for enterprises to carry out application development.2. Advantages of cloud computing technology1. High flexibilityCloud computing technology can flexibly adjust the usage and allocation of resources according to the needs of enterprises, so as to realize the optimal utilization of resources. At the same time, cloud computing technology can also support elastic expansion and contraction, which is convenient for enterprises to cope with business peaks and valleys.2. High securityCloud computing technology can ensure the security of enterprise data through data encryption, identity authentication, access control and other means. At the same time, cloud computing technology can also provide a multi-level security protection system to prevent security risks such as hacker attacks and data leakage.3. Cost-effectiveCompared with the traditional IT construction model, the cost of cloud computing technology is lower. Through cloud computing technology, enterprises can avoid large-scale hardware investment and maintenance costs, and save enterprise R&D and operating expenses.4. Convenient managementCloud computing technology can help enterprises achieve unified resource management and monitoring. Through cloud computing technology, enterprises can centrally manage resources such as multiple servers, storage devices, and network devices, which is convenient for enterprises to carry out unified monitoring and management.5. Strong scalabilityCloud computing technology can quickly increase or decrease the usage and configuration of resources according to the needs of enterprises, so as to realize the rapid expansion and contraction of business. At the same time, cloud computing technology can also provide a variety of expansion methods, such as horizontal expansion, vertical expansion, etc., to facilitate enterprises to expand their business on demand.3. The development trend of cloud computing technology1. The advent of the multi-cloud eraWith the development of cloud computing technology, the multi-cloud era has arrived. Enterprises can choose different cloud platforms and deploy services on multiple clouds to achieve high availability and elastic expansion of services.2. Combination of artificial intelligence and cloud computingArtificial intelligence is one of the current hot technologies, and cloud computing technology can also provide better support for the development of artificial intelligence. Cloud computing technology can provide high-performance computing resources and storage resources, providing better conditions for the training and deployment of artificial intelligence.3. The Rise of Edge ComputingEdge computing refers to the deployment of computing resources and storage resources at the edge of the network to provide faster and more convenient computing and storage services. With the development of the Internet of Things and the popularization of 5G networks, edge computing will become an important expansion direction of cloud computing technology.4. Guarantee of security and privacyWith the widespread application of cloud computing technology, data security and privacy protection have become important issues facing cloud computing technology. In the future, cloud computing technology will pay more attention to security measures such as data encryption, identity authentication and access control to ensure the security and privacy of corporate and personal data.To sum up, cloud computing technology has become an indispensable part of enterprise information construction. Through cloud computing technology, enterprises can realize a series of functions such as resource sharing, data storage and processing, application development and deployment. At the same time, cloud computing technology also has the advantages of high flexibility, high security, high cost-effectiveness, convenient management and strong scalability. In the future, with the multi-cloud era, the combination of artificial intelligence and cloud computing, the rise of edge computing, and the protection of security and privacy, cloud computing technology will continue to enhance its importance and application value in enterprise information construction.随着信息技术的不断发展,云计算技术已经成为企业信息化建设中不可或缺的一部分。
云计算(Cloud Computing)是由分布式计算(DistributedComputing)、并行处理(Parallel Computing)、网格计算(Grid Computing)发展来的,是一种新兴的商业计算模型摘要本文首先介绍了云计算的定义,产生的原动力,原理及特点,对云计算有一个大致的了解。
在文章的末尾给出了高性能计算和分布式计算,从侧面对云计算作进一步了解.关键词:核心技术,应用,信息安全,高性能计算,分布式计算AbstractThis paper firstly introduces the definition of computing clouds,produces prime mover, principle and characteristics of cloud computing, a roughly understanding。
Secondly introduces cloud computing core technology and the service mode of cloud computing,in-depth understanding。
At last,the paper introduces the application of cloud computing in information security, outlining computing clouds development prospects.The end of the article gives the high performance computing and distributed computing, from the side further understanding of cloud computing。
Cloud ComputingChen PengSchool of Information Science and Technology, YanChenNormal College,YanChen ChinaEmail:chenpengyls@163。
comAbstract--Cloud computing is a new computing model;it is developed based on grid computing.We introduced the development history of cloud computing and its application situation and gave a new definition;took google’s cloud computing techniques as an example,summed up key techniques,such as data storage technology(Google File System),data management technology(BigTable),as well as programming model and task scheduling model(Map—Reduce),used in cloud computing;and analyzed the differences among cloud computing,grid computing and traditional super—computing,and fingered out the further development prospects of cloud computing.Key words:cloud computing;data storage;data management;programming modelⅠ。
关键词:云计算;安全;信任中图分类号:tp393.08 文献标识码:a文章编号:1007-9599(2011)24-0000-01the safety discussion of cloud computingliang yimin,pan xiaoyan(wuxi city fourth people’s hospital information branch,wuxi214071,china)abstract:cloud computing security is the key issue of whether the user is able to rely entirely on cloud services.cloud computing platform availability of technology to solve data,user data privacy and user trust and other issues,it is necessary to explore its safety,so the technology would not die a natural death because of trust issues.keywords:cloud computing;security;trust一、概述云计算,其实是一个比较模糊的概念,因为其应用范畴较广。
关于云计算的英语作文英文回答:Cloud computing is a revolutionary technology that has transformed the way businesses and individuals store, access, and manage data. It allows users to access applications and data from any device with an internet connection, making it incredibly convenient and flexible. 。
One of the major benefits of cloud computing is itscost-effectiveness. Instead of investing in expensive hardware and software, businesses can simply pay for the services they use on a subscription basis. This not only reduces upfront costs but also allows for scalability asthe business grows.Another advantage of cloud computing is its reliability and security. Cloud service providers invest heavily instate-of-the-art security measures to protect data from cyber threats and ensure constant access to data. This isparticularly important for businesses that rely on data for their operations.Furthermore, cloud computing enables collaboration and remote work. With cloud-based applications and storage, teams can work together on projects from different locations, making it easier to stay connected and productive.In addition, cloud computing has had a significant impact on the entertainment industry. Streaming services like Netflix and Spotify rely on cloud computing to deliver content to millions of users simultaneously, without any lag or interruption.Overall, cloud computing has revolutionized the way we store and access data, and its impact can be seen across various industries.中文回答:云计算是一项革命性的技术,改变了企业和个人存储、访问和管理数据的方式。
人工智能的影响论文英语作文Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has been a subject of fascination and debate for decades. It is a field of computer science that aims to create machines capable of performing tasks that would typically require human intelligence. This essay will delve into the various impacts of AI on society, economy, and culture, exploring both the positive andnegative aspects.IntroductionThe advent of AI has been likened to the second industrial revolution, with the potential to transform every aspect ofour lives. From the way we work and communicate to how welearn and make decisions, AI is becoming increasingly integrated into our daily routines. However, this integration also brings with it a host of ethical, social, and economic challenges that need to be addressed.Impact on the WorkforceOne of the most significant impacts of AI is on the workforce. Automation and intelligent systems are replacing traditional jobs, particularly in manufacturing, customer service, anddata processing. While this has led to increased efficiency and productivity, it has also resulted in job displacementand the need for reskilling and upskilling of the workforce. The fear of a jobless future is a common concern among many,but it also presents an opportunity for the creation of new jobs in AI development, maintenance, and oversight.Economic ImplicationsEconomically, AI has the potential to drive growth and innovation. It can optimize processes, reduce costs, and create new markets. For instance, AI-powered analytics can help businesses make more informed decisions, while AI in finance can detect fraudulent activities more efficiently. However, the benefits are not evenly distributed, and there is a risk of widening the gap between the technologically advanced and those who are not.Social and Ethical ConcernsThe social and ethical implications of AI are vast. Issues such as privacy, surveillance, and bias in AI algorithms are becoming increasingly prominent. The use of AI insurveillance raises questions about personal freedom and the right to privacy. Bias in AI systems, often a reflection of the data they are trained on, can perpetuate existing inequalities and stereotypes, leading to unfair treatment of certain groups.Cultural ShiftsAI is also influencing culture. It is changing the way we consume media, with personalized recommendations shaping our viewing habits and potentially creating echo chambers. In the arts, AI is being used to create music, visual art, and evenliterature, raising questions about creativity and authorship.Education and LearningIn education, AI can provide personalized learning experiences, adapting to the pace and style of individual learners. This can be particularly beneficial for studentswith learning disabilities or those who need additional support. However, it also raises questions about the role of teachers and the social aspects of learning.Healthcare and MedicineAI's impact on healthcare is profound. It can assist in diagnosing diseases, predicting outbreaks, and evenperforming surgeries with a level of precision that surpasses human capabilities. Yet, the reliance on AI in healthcarealso brings up issues of accountability and the potential for errors in diagnosis and treatment.Environmental ImpactAI can also play a crucial role in environmental conservation, from monitoring climate change to optimizing energy consumption. However, the development and deployment of AI technologies also consume significant amounts of energy,which needs to be considered in the broader context of sustainability.ConclusionIn conclusion, the influence of AI is multifaceted and far-reaching. It holds the promise of a more efficient and convenient future but also poses significant challenges that need to be navigated carefully. As we move forward, it is crucial to ensure that the development and application of AI are guided by ethical considerations, inclusivity, and a commitment to the common good. The future of AI is not just about technological advancement but also about the kind of society we wish to build and the values we wish to uphold. It is a future that requires a collective effort to shape, ensuring that the benefits of AI are accessible to all and that its potential is harnessed responsibly.。
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Cloud computing1. IntroductionCloud computing is known as the most anticipated technological revolution over the entire world, and the reason why cloud computing has brought widespread attention is that it not only represent a new technology appeared, but also lead to the entire industry to change. Therefore, the ranking of national competitiveness will change accordingly.2. Cloud computing definition and applicationThe concept of cloud computing is put forward by Google, which is a beautiful network applications mode. Based on increasing in Internet-related services and delivery models, it provides dynamic, easy to expand and virtualized resources usually through the Internet. This service can be related to IT, software and Internet; other services can be supported too. It means that computing power can be circulation as a commodity. As we expect, more and more enterprise use this new technology into the practical application, such as webmail, Gmail and apple store use it for computing and storage. With the technology development, cloud computing has given full play to it roles, Industry, Newcomers and Media buy computer technology to make network cheaper, faster, convenient and better control.Cloud computing is used in the distributed computers by computing, rather than the local computer or remote server, the operation of the enterprise data center and the Internet are more similar. This process allows companies to be able to switch resources to the urgent application according to computer and storage systems demand access. This means that the computing power can be negotiable, like water and electricity, access convenient andlow-cost. The biggest difference is that it is transmitted via the Internet.3. AdvantageBy providing a large and secure data storage centers for cloud computing, users do not have to worry about their own data which be lost for some reason or destroyed by computer virus invasion, such as some data stored in the hard disk data will be lost by the computer damaged and virus invasion, so that users cannot access the data and recover data, another disadvantage may also appear when other people use your computer steal the user's computer, such as personal confidential information and business data loss. “Gate of blue photos " is a typical insecure example. If user uploads the photos through the Interne into data storage center, it may have less chance to access personal confidential information. And with cloud computing development, for the user, these services are free of charge, for the future, advanced technology will certainly become a cash cow for merchants, and for the country, the computing power is also able to reflect a country technological level and the level of overall national strength.As the user data stored in the cloud storage center, can reduce customer demand for the hardware level, coupled with cloud computing extremely powerful computing capability, it can enable users to call data more convenient and quick if can add the high-speed networks. Users no longer need replace the computer caused by having no enough hard disk space and CPU computing power. Otherwise, users only surf the Internet to access cloud storage center and then easily access the data.As powerful data storage centers, the most wonderful features is sharing data. No matter computer data or a variety of communication devices such as mobile phones and PDA. When some damaged appeared in your phone, lost or replaced in order to chase the trend of the times and phone, data copy is a tedious thing. However, in another way, you can solve the entire problem through cloud storage center.Cloud computing services will create more millions of jobs. On March 6, a news show that show that Microsoft statement a commissioned research conducted by theworld-renowned market analyst firm IDC. The research show that cloud computing will create nearly 14 million new jobs worldwide in 2015. And also predicted that it can stimulate IT innovation and brought the new revenue which can reach about $ 1.1 trillion, coupled with cloud computing efficiency substantially promote, the organization will increasere-investment and work opportunity. IDC chief research officer , as senior vice president, John F. Gantz said: "For most organizations, there is no doubt that cloud computing will significantly enhance the return on investment and flexibility, reduce investment costs, and bring revenue growth multiplied as well, we usually believe that cloud computing will reduce jobs by mistake, the opposite, it can create a lot of jobs around the world, no matter emerging market, small cities and small businesses will increase employment opportunities and get benefit from cloud computing. "14. DisadvantageWith large storage center, cloud computing strongly urges powerful hardware conditions and safety measures, which including a large storage space and powerful computing capabilities. As today's scientific and technological rapid develop, user increased, hardware capabilities become one of the necessary condition for development, moreover, the cloud should be kept to enhance their computing power and storage space, and endless. Security measures also include two aspects; firstly, it is necessary to ensure that user data not damaged, lost, and stolen by others, which requires a strong IT team to full range of maintenance and strict access management strategies. Some information has been confirmed, the existing cloud computing service provider still cannot guarantee no similar problem occurs. For users, this is a very serious problem. Another security issue is a natural or unnatural disaster, also can cause the storage center damaged, can cause users cannot access.Cloud computing services are available via the Internet, therefore, user usually have high demands for network access speed, although domestic access speeds improve fast, but compared with LAN, it will appear delays, incomparable, In addition, no network, the user will not be able to access cloud services.The rapid rise of Cloud technology, in another perspective, also restricts the speed of1Reference[1]development, which also lead to lower demand for high-end devices. It is the basic reason why can restrict terminal development. Customer needs, determine the business requirements for products, if customers reduce the terminal's hardware and software requirements, the business will be greatly reduced the degree of product development and restricted the pace of the terminal technology development.5. Cloud computing devel opment in chinaIn China, Cloud computing services have been in a state of rapid development. Looking at the cloud computing industry, government accounted for a major position, and in the market they have also been given the affirmation of the cloud computing. The cloud computing services major support for government agencies and enterprises, therefore, the personal cloud computing services in China is a potential big cake and wait for people enjoying. However because of the domestic personal network speed upgrade too slow, and relevant government network supervision, the development of personal cloud computing services will have more difficult. Due to excessive speculation in the international aspects, in our country, a lot of companies want to get some benefit from the rapid development of technology, exploit cloud computing services projects and promote enterprise development. My personal view is that enterprises should do some preparation, judge it’s good or bad and prospects, as well as estimate the strength of the company and do their best. Through access to information discovery, cloud computing as a technology trend has been got the world's attention, but look at the forefront of foreign enterprise closely, we can easily find almost no companies start the business rely on cloud computing; cloud computing applications and related research are also mostly implement by those large enterprise with more funds. As the prospects for development, for the enterprise, profit is the most critical issues.Although cloud computing has been integrated into our lives, but the domestic development of cloud computing is still confronted with many problems, such as lack of user awareness, migration risk, lack of standards, user locks, security and data privacy, safety, standards, data privacy has become a topic of which we are most concerned.Nowadays, people still lack of comprehensive, systematic cognitive of Cloud computing, part of them just imitate completely others and foreign experience, ignoring the specific conditions in our country, resulting in spending much money, but failed to alleviate the complex IT issues. In the original data center, hardware is relatively independent, but migrates to cloud computing data center, systematic assessment and scientific analysis must be essential.Otherwise it may lead to the hardware platform not achieve the proper effect and even the collapse of the application system. Cloud computing products is quite diversity, but the birth of the cloud standard is extremely difficult, the major manufacturers just have their own standards, the Government is also involved, both of them are striving to be able to dominate the major position, so more efforts are still needed. The other faced challenge is how to provide users legitimate services is also very important, except the risks in the systems. Compared with traditional data centers, it cloud provided more services diversity, which also bring more difficult to control. Therefore, analyze the needs of users, reasonable, enforceable service level agreements (SLAs) provided will help users establish confidence in cloud computing services in a large extent. Security problems can be said that a key factor in cloud computinglanding. Amazon failure made people deep in thought, which is just one factor of the security. The other security risks include user privacy protection, data sovereignty, disaster recovery, and even illegal interests caused by some hackers. In the era of cloud computing, there will be more user privacy data placed in the clouds, more data, and more value. Most importantly, lack of user’s trust will lead to cloud computing landing.Although the development road is very far away, but the Government has been giving support and encouragement. In 2012 Cloud Computing Industry Development Forum was successfully held, which is strong evidence. At the meeting, as a CCID Consulting, cloud industry observers, as well as excellence forerunner of the cloud computing industry, Microsoft, with their co-operation, complete the first "China Cloud economic development Report”, which shows that in-depth interpretation the content of cloud formation and specify the key factor of economic development in the cloud. The result obtained based on thelong-term observation and in-depth research on cloud computing industry. In addition, the participants share their own point about industry environment, market situation, technology development, application service elements and so on; they also can come up with any question about the cloud computing, expects will do their best to give analysis and authoritative view.26. Future prospectsAbout cloud computing services future prospects, in my opinion, it will have great potential, we can find out the answer from the action of the giants of the major IT companies, but now it still in a state of excessive speculation. Many small companies have no any knowledge and experience about it, and still want to exploit the services project. I don’t think it is a sagacious decision. in fact, for current state, I maintained a cautious attitude, as a corporate without strong financial strength, I think they should focus on business development and growth, in order to reduce unnecessary waste of resources, they can develop and use it when the technology get mature stage.Finally, have to say that the future of the cloud computing, it not only can provide unlimited possibilities for storage, read, and manage data using the network. But also provides us infinite computing power because of its huge storage space, there is no powerful computing capabilities, it cannot provide users with easy and fast. In one word, the development potential of cloud computing is endless.7. Reference[1] Microsoft news, Cloud computing services will create more millions of jobs.2012-03-06[2] CCIDNET news, Cloud Computing Industry Development Forum was successfully. 2012-03-072Reference[2]。