Brazos A Third Generation DSM System
三、三维转换视角下的口译策略1. 语言维度的转换策略在口译过程中,语言维度的转换是最基本的策略。
2. 文化维度的转换策略文化维度是口译中不可忽视的一环。
3. 交际维度的转换策略交际维度是口译的核心。
1.波德里亚劳动符号化的三重规定及其内在幻像 [J], 徐玉
2.波德里亚劳动符号化的三重规定及其内在幻像 [J], 徐玉
3.墓室壁画:封闭空间中的幻像狂欢——兼论《中国墓室壁画史论》的审美之维 [J], 周晓燕
4.产科腰硬联合麻醉后肢体幻像现象对患者焦虑情绪的影响 [J], 李玲霞;白玲;姬存亮;代玲杰;张云清;王敏;胡彬
5.产科腰硬联合麻醉后肢体幻像现象对患者焦虑情绪的影响 [J], 周敏;钟帅青
将拥 有该合 资企 业 6 % 的股 份 ,ds 司 拥有 3 % 的股 5 Iea公 5
份 。 到 目前 为 止 , 墨西 哥 国 有 公 司 Pt 1 s x ao 公 司 e 6e i n s r o Me c
在合 资企业 中没有股份 , 但仍有可能作为少数控股者和战略 参与者参 与 该 项 目。据 估计 该项 目的投 资 费 用 为 2 5亿
巴西 C aa F r l a的 P t ba 公 司的炼油厂内 , er 州 ot e az e o rs r 预计将 于 2 1 年初建成 , 01 装置运行时 的数据将被 收集用 于工业化 装置 的设计。这种 新的 GT L工艺将 在 2 1 年 底之前 进入 01
工业化阶段。 在 验 证 试 验 成 功 完 成 后 , 洋 工 程 公 司 和 Mo e 东 dc公 司
当前世界丙烯需求呈增长势头。 目前 ,0 以上 的丙烯 8%
是作为乙烯蒸 汽裂解和 流化催化裂化 ( C 工艺 的副产物 F C) 来获得的。石化公 司和研究单位正在推进 新的“目的” 丙烯 (P ) O P 生产技术 , 图解决丙烯供需不平衡 的问题 。这些技 试 术包括丙烷脱 氢、 烯烃易位 、 低碳烯 烃裂解 、 甲醇制烯烃 和改 进的 F C工艺等。 C
直共 同致 力于 中小规 模 气液 转化 ( T 装置 的开 发。近 G L) 期, 它们与 Pt ba 公 司达成一项合 作协议 , er rs o 建造一套采 用 新工艺的 GT L验证装 置。该装 置采用微通 道反应器 , 反应
器 的 基 本 专 利 由 V l y 公 司 持 有 。该 装 置 将 建 造 在 位 于 e cs o
《国家方案》统计分析了中国消耗臭氧层物质(ODS)的生产、现状,科学评估了其发展趋势,评估了中国和国际上ODS 替以及替代技术的发展情况,及其在ODS淘汰行动中的作用和地位,制定了中国逐步淘汰ODS的行动计划,提出了一套中国的保护臭氧层政策及其配套的机构框架。
AZ 不机性发展者系列说明书
D A T A S HE E TAZ® Developer,400K, and 421KInorganic DevelopersDescriptionAZ® inorganic developers are either sodium- or potassium-based developers. Most are buffered to maintain a uniform pH and to provide maximum developer bath life and process stability.These developers are odorless aqueous alkaline solutions that are compatible with batch and in-line development processes. AZ developers are defi ned by a product name and, as applicable, a dilution inparts of developer concentrate to parts of deionized water, e.g., AZ® 400K developer 1:4. AZ® Developer and AZ 400K developer are supplied as concentrates or prediluted. AZ® 421K developer is prediluted.Key Characteristics• A Z Developer: Sodium-based buffered developer that provides optimal process control while minimizing the attack on aluminum surfaces.• A Z 400K developer: Potassium-based buffered developer that provides optimal process control while minimizing con-tamination risks by using the less mobile potassium ion. Provides high throughput and contrast, particularly for thick fi lm AZ®9200 and P4000 series photoresists.• A Z 421K developer: Potassium-based unbuffered developer that provides high throughput and contrast, particularly for thicker fi lm AZ P4000 series photoresists.Features• B road range of developers provides numerous options from which to obtain wide process latitude, high contrast, and superior production throughput.• E xcellent batch-to-batch consistency from tight productspecifi cation control.ProcessingDevelopers typically have a limited range of useful dilutions. Highly concentrated dilutions have high sensitivity and allow faster photo-speeds, but they are limited by high dark fi lm losses and reduced contrast. The more dilute concentrations enable high contrast and provide greater selectivity between the exposed and unexposed resist. These require longer development times or increased exposure energy. They also have greater sensitivity to the effects of standing waves from monochromatic exposure.• A ll the high contrast and high sensitivity formulations of AZ inorganic developers are suitable for a 60 to 120 second batch immersion development at 20 to 25°C. High sensitivity dilutions and/or longer development times are recommended for dyed photoresists. While inorganic developers are not as sensitive to temperature changes as metal-ion-free developers, temperature control of ± 1°C is recommended to maintain a stable process. Mild agitation is recommended to achieve uniform development.• I n-line development applications require short development times because of equipment throughput constraints. High sensitivity developer formulations are recommended. A wide variety of spray, stream, and puddle combinations can be used. Typical processes follow.Typical Develop ProcessSpray-PuddleWet Wafer in Water Spray 0 - 5 sec, 100 - 200 rpmSpray Developer 5 - 15 sec, 100 - 200 rpmStop Wafer and Continue Spray to Set up Puddle 0 - 2 sec, 0 rpmPuddle Develop 10 - 30 sec, 0 rpmStream on Rinse 5 - 10 sec, 100 rpmSpin Dry 5 - 10 sec, 4000 rpmSpray OnlyWet Wafer in Water Spray 0 - 5 sec, 100 - 200 rpmSpray Developer 30 - 40 sec, 100 - 200 rpmOverlap Rinse and Developer Sprays 0 - 5 sec, 100 - 200 rpmStream on Rinse 5 - 10 sec, 100 - 200 rpmSpin Dry 5 - 10 sec, 4000 rpmNote: Contaminating inorganic developer baths or lines with tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) based metal-ion-free developers, even at the parts-per-million level, seriously affects the photospeed of the inorganic developer process. Use caution when changing developing equipment from a metal-ion-free to an inorganic process.Developer bath life is dependent on the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed from the air and on the amount of dissolved photoresist. Replenish the developer periodically, perhaps once a shift or when developer activity is reduced.Typical recommendations for high sensitivity and high contrast dilutions follow.Developer High Sensitivity* High Contrast*AZ® Developer 2:1 1:1AZ® 400K Developer 1:3 1:4*developer:DI waterSpecifi cationsDeveloper: Normality (R1) Normality (R2) Color Chloride Liquid Particle(ppm) Count(#/ml > 0.5 μm)AZ® Developer 0.460 ± 0.010 0.6.00 ± 0.005 25 max. 120 max. AZ® Developer 1:1 0.230 ± 0.005 0.3000 ± 0.0025 15 max. 120 max. AZ® Developer 2:1 0.307 ± 0.005 0.400 ± 0.003 25 max. 120 max. AZ® Developer 3:2 0.276 ± 0.004 0.360 ± 0.003 15 max. 120 max. AZ® 400K Developer 0.482 ± 0.005 1.390 ± 0.005 25 max. 2.0 max. 100 max. AZ® 400K Developer 1:3 0.120 ± 0.001 0.348 ± 0.001 15 max. 2.0 max. 100 max. AZ® 400K Developer 1:4 0.0960 ± 0.0005 0.2780 ± 0.0005 15 max. 1.5 max. 75 max. AZ® 400K Developer 1:5 0.080 ± 0.001 0.232 ± 0.001 15 max. 2.0 max. 100 max. AZ® 421K Developer 0.210 ± 0.001 15 max. 2.0 max. 100 max. Specifi cations are subject to revision. Contact your AZ account manager for additional information.North America:Somerville, NJ, USA (908) 429-3500 Europe:Wiesbaden, Germany 49 (611) 962-6867Far East:Shanghai, China 86-21-64851000 x 323Tsuen Wan, N.T. Hong Kong (852) 24081913Tokyo, Japan 81-3-5977-7938Seoul, Korea 82-2-510-8613Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia 603 5101 2888Singapore 65 5630288Taipei, Taiwan 886-2-2516-3268AZ® Developer, 400K, and421K Inorganic DevelopersEquipment CompatibilityAZ® inorganic developers are compatible with most commercially available wafer and photomask processing equipment. Recommended materials of construction include stainless steel, PTFE, polypropylene, and high density polyethylene.StorageKeep in sealed original containers. Protect from sunlight. Store in a cool, dry place. Empty container may contain harmful residue.Handling Precautions/First AidRefer to the current Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for detailed information prior to handling.The information contained herein is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate, but all recommendations or suggestions are made without guarantee because the conditions of use are beyond our control. There is no implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for purpose of the product or products described here. In submitting this information, no liability is assumed or license or other rights expressed or implied given with respect to any existing or pending patent, patent application, or trademarks. The observance of all regulations and patents is the responsibility of the user. AZ and the AZ logo are registered trademarks of AZ Electronic Materials. © 2005 AZ Electronic Materials. 1/05。
第三代认知行为疗法治疗强迫障碍的Meta分析刘婷婷;黄思凡;闫振杰;孙彦【期刊名称】《心理学进展》【年(卷),期】2024(14)2【摘要】目的:通过Meta分析评价第三代认知行为疗法(Third wave cognitive behavioral therapies, CBT)对强迫障碍(obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD)的干预效果。
方法:检索Cochrane Library、PubMed、Medline、PsycINFO、维普中文科技期刊数据库、中国知网和万方数据库,检索年限为建库至2023年4月1日,纳入第三代CBT治疗OCD的随机对照试验进行Meta分析,由2名研究者独立筛选文献及提取数据。
根据Cochrane评价手册对文章进行质量评价,使用Rev Man5.3软件进行数据分析。
采用耶鲁–布朗强迫量表(Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale, Y-BOCS)评估强迫症状,接受与行动问卷(Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, AAQ)评估心理灵活性。
结果表明,第三代CBT (包括接受与承诺疗法、正念等)改善强迫症状相对优于常规疗法(包括心理健康教育、暴露反应预防、渐进式放松训练等);第三代CBT在改善心理灵活性方面较常规方法效果好,但差异无统计学意义[MD = 5.54, 95%CI (−0.83, 11.90), P = 0.09]。
第 50 卷第 4 期2023 年 4 月Vol.50,No.4Apr. 2023湖南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences )基于超声TOA 的环境感知王刚†,张文静 ,邱文浩(湖南大学 汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410082)摘要:针对超声波传感器测量过程中方位角存在不确定性的问题,提出了一种基于超声反射波到达时间(Time of Arrival ,TOA )的目标距离及方位角的测量方法,并据此发展了基于超声探测的环境感知方法.基于混合高斯拟合对回波信号进行处理,消除了信号串扰问题,提高了目标距离和方位信息的测量精度.基于传感器波束角的特性,实现了不同距离下目标的同时测量.通过引入“不确定度”,构建信度分配函数,采用DSmT (Dezert-Smarandache Theory )方法进行数据融合,实现地图更新.搭建了实验装置与实验环境,并对相关方法进行了实验验证,实验结果表明,通过135次测量即可实现对环境基本轮廓的建图,建图误差在3 cm 以内.关键词:超声波传感器;到达时间;Dezert-Smarandache 理论;栅格地图中图分类号:TP24 文献标志码:AEnvironment Perception Based on Ultrasonic TOAWANG Gang †,ZHANG Wenjing ,QIU Wenhao(State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body , Hunan University , Changsha 410082, China )Abstract :In order to solve the uncertainty of azimuth in the ultrasonic sensor measurement process , a targetdistance and azimuth measurement method based on time of arrival (TOA ) is proposed , and an environment sensing method based on ultrasonic detection is developed. The echo signal is processed based on the mixed Gaussian fit⁃ting , which eliminates the problem of signal crosstalk and improves the measurement accuracy of target distance and azimuth information. Based on the characteristics of the sensor beam angle , the simultaneous measurement of targets at different distances is achieved. By introducing “uncertainty ”, a set of belief assignment functions is defined , andthe DSmT (Dezert-Smarandache Theory ) method is used for data fusion to realize map updates. Finally , the experi⁃mental device and environment are constructed for verification , and the result shows that the basic contour of the en⁃vironment can be built through 135 measurements , and the mapping error is less than 3 cm. Key words :ultrasonic sensors ;time of arrival (TOA );Dezert-Smarandache theory ;grid map同时定位与地图构建(Simultaneous Localizationand Mapping ,SLAM )是机器人进行环境感知以及定位导航的关键技术[1].目前主流的SLAM 技术主要基于激光或者视觉,但是在一些极端恶劣环境下,例如∗收稿日期:2022-04-07基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(11772123),National Natural Science Foundation of China (11772123)作者简介:王刚(1975―),男,湖南长沙人,湖南大学教授,博士生导师,博士† 通信联系人,E-mail :*************.cn文章编号:1674-2974(2023)04-0021-10DOI :10.16339/ki.hdxbzkb.2023151湖南大学学报(自然科学版)2023 年火灾导致的浓烟,受限于光波穿透能力,激光和视觉传感器的性能均会受到影响.与基于光的环境感知手段相比,超声波传感器具有成本低、抗环境干扰力强等优点,适用于上述恶劣环境,在环境感知领域已经有所运用[2-4].在基于超声波传感器的SLAM建图过程中,由于传感器波束角往往较大,波束角范围内的回波信号都会被检测到,因此其测量结果在测量方位上存在较大的不确定性[5].Tardós等[6]通过声呐扫描进行多次测量来获取反射物的位置信息时,由于波束角很宽,无法确定回波的具体方向,只能用声呐的中轴代替回波方向,这种方法存在明显的角度误差.为了解决超声波传感器测量方位存在不确定性的问题,Bank等[7]提出了切向回归技术,通过将超声波传感器检测到的锥形区域的重叠部分进行融合,并拟合边界直线段来获得环境地图,但这种方法只能检测较为简单的平面目标,对曲面特征的对象难以应用.金世俊等[2]在2009年通过贝叶斯法对每一次测量的扇形区域进行融合,实现栅格地图的更新.Lee等[8]提出一种基于模糊传感器融合从而建立栅格地图的方法.Li等[9]、Yuan等[10]通过引入不确定度,提出了利用DSmT理论进行数据融合来更新地图的方法.以上方法均未从根本上解决传感器的角度信息不确定性的问题,而是通过对多次测量得到的多个扇形区域进行融合,来间接减小超声波传感器测量方位的不确定性,因此上述方法均需要较多的测量次数,建图效率低,计算量较大.本文提出了一种基于超声反射波到达时间(Time of Arrival,TOA)的环境感知方法,通过比较超声回波到达不同传感器的时间,获得反射点的距离和方位,从而在根本上解决了测量方位的不确定性问题.同时,该方法还能对处于波束角内不同距离下的反射物体进行识别与区分,从而进一步减少了测量次数,提高了建图效率.在信号处理方面,利用混合高斯拟合和阈值检测法对回波信号进行处理,解决了信号串扰,提高了TOA测量结果的准确度.继而,基于DSmT(DeZert-Smarandache Theory)的数据融合方法,进行了栅格地图建模,进一步减小了测量误差引起的建图误差.最后通过搭建实验装置和实验环境验证了本文所提出的方法.实验结果表明,所提出的方法较好地复现了环境轮廓,且建图误差在3 cm以内.1 基于TOA的超声回波测量在超声波传感器测量过程中,其波束角范围内的回波信号都会被检测到,而原有的方法只能得到反射物体的距离信息,无法得到其回波方向,从而导致传感器测量方位的不确定性.因此,通常利用指定距离上的扇形区域来表示目标可能存在的位置,并通过融合多个扇形区域来获得反射物体的精确位置[2,8-11],这种方法需要较多的测量次数.本文通过TOA来获得反射物体的方位角信息,以此来解决方位角的不确定性问题.TOA是一种以信号到达时间为基础,结合测距来获得位置信息的方法.图1(a)是本实验采用的超声测量装置,其中处于装置中间位置的传声器T用于发射超声波信号,左右两侧的传声器R1、R2用于接收超声回波信号.超声波传感器主要有静电式和压电式,静电式超声波传感器工艺复杂,需要较高的偏置电压,而压电式超声波传感器具有带宽较窄、在中心频率处的灵敏度高以及输出信号能量大的特性,因此本实验采用压电式超声波传感器.另外,超声波传感器的工作频率与测量的精确度正相关,而与信号传播距离负相关,因此超声波传感器需要选择合适的工作频率.通过实验测试发现,发射传声器的驱动电压与超声的测量范围正相关.即增大发射传声器的驱动电压,可以增大超声的测量范围.本文发射传声器工作在48 V驱动电压下,在2 m的距离范围内,工作频率为25 kHz的超声波传感器可以接收到清晰的回波信号,因此本文选用图1(b)所示工作频率为25 kHz的压电式超声波传感器.超声测距装置单次测量的步骤是:发射传声器T (a)超声波传感器装置图(b)超声接收器(左)及发射器(右)图 1 超声测量装置Fig. 1 Ultrasonic ranging device22第 4 期王刚等:基于超声TOA 的环境感知发出超声波脉冲信号,经反射物体的反射后,分别到达左右接收传声器R 1、R 2.通过对获取的信号进行信号处理,得到回波信号的到达时间,再与超声信号发射的起始时间求差,即可以得到超声回波信号的传播时间.当测量距离远大于传感器的间距时,反射物体的形状对反射点的测量距离和角度的影响很小[12],因此在测量范围内对于连续光滑的反射物体,无论是什么形状,其轮廓在局部范围内都可以简化为一段直线,用这种方法得到的测量结果对于弧面也同样适用.为方便叙述,下文用反射区域来表示这一直线段.如图2所示,对于反射物体,回波信号相当于是发射传声器T 的平面镜像T'发出的,根据TOA 可以得到接收传声器R 1和R 2分别到虚拟发射传声器T'的距离L 1和L 2,d 为超声波传感器之间的距离.根据几何关系,可以得到发射传声器T 与反射区域的垂直距离L f 及反射区域的垂线与传声器连线之间的角度θ.L f =(1)θ=arccos(L 21-L 224dL f)(2)同时,由于传声器具有一定的波束角,为了保证信号的接收效果,信号回波方向与传声器中轴线的夹角ψ应该小于波束角,根据几何关系,可以得到:d ≥||L 1-L 22sin ψ(3)为了满足公式(3)以及保证传声器间距远小于测量距离,本文选取d =30 cm.可见,基于TOA 的测量方法可以直接得到反射区域回波的角度信息,而不需要融合多次测量数据来减小方位角的不确定性,因此该方法在保证精度的同时,大大提高了SLAM 建图效率.2 超声回波信号处理2.1 基于阈值检测和混合高斯拟合的信号处理根据文献[13],接收传声器收到的回波信号可近似为:y (t )=x (t -t 0)cos [2πf 0(t -t 0)]+w (t )(4)其中,x (t -t 0)=a 0e -a 1()t -t 0(t -t 0)2u (t -t 0)(5)式中:u (t -t 0)是延时为t 0的阶跃函数,t 0对应脉冲的起始时间;a 0、a 1是信号的幅值和衰减系数;w (t )是均值为0的白噪声.以图3中细实线所示的某次测试得到的超声回波信号为例,通过选取合适的公式(5)中的参数a 0、a 1,可得到图3中短点线所示的理论回波信号的包络线.由于实际回波信号的包络线会随着反射物体位置的变化而改变,同时该理论回波信号包络线的后半部分会偏离实际回波信号,导致该包络线与实际回波信号的包络线重合度低.因此,根据公式(4)和(5)对应的理论回波信号,无法求得准确的脉冲起始时间.针对这个问题,本文通过对实际测量得到的回波信号进行分析,发现由3个高斯曲线叠加而成的混合高斯曲线能较好地拟合回波信号的包络线.该混合高斯拟合曲线的表达式如下:图 2 基于TOA 的超声测距几何示意图Fig. 2 Geometry of ultrasonic ranging based on TOA图 3 混合高斯拟合信号Fig. 3 The mixed Gaussian fitting signal23湖南大学学报(自然科学版)2023 年V g (t )=a 1exp ()-(t -b 1)2c 1+a 2exp ()-(t -b 2)2c 2+a 3exp ()-(t -b 3)2c 3(6)式中:a 1、a 2、a 3为各高斯函数的混合系数;b 1、b 2、b 3和c 1、c 2、c 3分别为各高斯函数的均值和方差.采用混合高斯拟合方法对图3所示的实测超声回波信号的包络曲线进行拟合,得到图3中粗实线所示的混合高斯拟合曲线.由图3可见,混合高斯拟合曲线与回波信号的包络线几乎完全重合,因此该高斯拟合曲线可以代替回波信号用于阈值检测,从而判断波达时间.通过多次测量发现,超声回波信号的包络线在第一次达到峰值的75%左右时,信号增长速度最快,即斜率最大,故此处的时间信息受噪声干扰的影响也最小.因此选取混合高斯拟合曲线第一次达到其峰值75%的时间作为波达时间.2.2 基于混合高斯拟合曲线的信号串扰抑制由于超声波传感器的波束角较大,因此当传感器之间的距离过近时,发射传声器产生与其中轴呈90°的旁瓣信号会直接传播到接收器.同时,根据压电式超声波传感器的工作原理,发射传声器在发出超声信号的同时,也会激发其壳体的机械振动,并通过传声器固定装置传播到接收传感器,进而引起其中敏感元件的响应.为了表述方便,本文用直达波信号来表示由这两种因素导致的传声器接收到的信号.当反射物体距离测量系统较近时,反射信号与直达波信号发生重叠,从而引起接收传声器的内部串扰现象[14-15].图4可以很直观地解释内部串扰现象,图4中细实线代表实际测量得到的超声回波信号,虚线表示实际回波信号的包络线.其中回波信号的第一个峰对应于直达波信号,第二个峰对应于反射信号.由于目标较近,反射信号的传播时间较短,直达波信号的尾部,部分会与反射信号发生重叠,从而导致反射信号的峰值前移,引起波达时间的测量误差.通过多次测量发现,对于相同的传感器阵列,左右接收传声器测量得到的直达波信号基本保持不变.基于这个特性,本文先在无反射物体的情况下进行测量,得到直达波信号的混合高斯拟合曲线;而后,在每次正常测量后,将测量信号的包络线减去之前得到的直达波信号的混合高斯拟合曲线,就可以基本消除测量距离过近带来的信号重叠干扰.处理后信号的包络线V c (t )的表达式为:V c (t )=V (t )-V g (t )=V (t )-a 1exp ()-(t -b 1)2c 1- a 2exp ()-(t -b 2)2c 2-a 3exp ()-(t -b 3)2c 3(7)式中:V (t )为实际测量回波信号的包络线;V g (t )为混合高斯拟合的直达波信号包络线.图4中粗实线所示为采用上述方法处理后的超声回波信号,点画线为该信号的包络线,从图中可以发现,通过上述处理后,直达波信号被基本消除,从而消除了因直达波信号引起的回波信号到达时间的判断误差.测量距离过小,会导致反射物体的多重反射.此时,如果一次反射信号的传播时间过短,将导致该回波信号被直达波信号和多重反射信号完全淹没.如图5所示,当超声波传感器侧面靠近墙面时,垂直于墙面的旁瓣信号会经过墙面的反射再次回到接收传声器,从而引起信号串扰.图6中信号代表的是图5中R 1传声器收到的回波信号,由于R 1受到上述信号串扰的影响,信号存在严重的重叠干扰,这种情况下,利用混合高斯拟合方法无法获得准确的波形轮廓,由此导致较大的波达时间误差.为了解决这个问题,本文引入“不确定度”来降低这些误差对实验最终结果的影响,具体实现如下:通过多次实验测量,得到测量距离γ(单位:m )与信号峰值V max (单位:V )的近似关系如式(8)所示:图 4 重叠回波信号及处理后的结果Fig. 4 The overlapping echo signal and the processed signal24第 4 期王刚等:基于超声TOA 的环境感知V max =2.163γ2-2.948 γ+1.188(8)由于接收的超声波传感器R 1、R 2间距相对较小,灵敏度也基本一致,测量信号的能量也就是信号峰值应该相当.同时由于信号衰减,不同的测量距离也应该对应不同的信号峰值能量.因此,在对两接收传感器接收到的信号进行上述处理后,两信号的能量仍具有较大差异,或者处理后的峰值能量与计算得到的测量距离不满足式(8)所示的经验关系,则说明信号的串扰问题未完全消除,表明由该组信号得到的测量结果可能存在较大的误差,准确度和可靠度较低,不确定度较高.将测量距离γ代入式(8)即可得到理想的信号峰值能量V maxi ,该值与实际得到的峰值能量V maxp 相除得到比值ζd ,同时结合接收传声器R 1与R 2之间的峰值能量比ζv ,绘制ζd 、ζv 与实验测量距离相对误差的关系图.如图7所示,图中圆点是在不同距离和不同方向下实测的50组ζd 、ζv 与相对误差关系的数据,其灰度值越小表示测距相对误差越小.根据这些数据,制定对应的不确定度参数φ与ζd 、ζv 的关系如下:φ=ìíîïïïïïï0 , (0.9<ζd ≤1)∪(0.5<ζv ≤1)-5ζd +4.5 , (0.7≤ζd ≤0.9)∩(0≤ζv <0.2)-2.5ζv +1.5 , (0≤ζd <0.7)∩(0.2≤ζv ≤0.5)(-5ζd +4.5)(-2.5ζv +1.5) , (0.7≤ζd ≤0.9)∩(0.2≤ζv ≤0.5)1 , (0≤ζd <0.7)∩(0≤ζv <0.2)(9)其中,ζv ≤1.图7中线条为根据式(9)绘制的相对误差随ζd 、ζv 变化的等高线图.从图7可以看出,式(9)基本上符合实验实际测量的ζd 、ζv 与相对误差的关系.在后续处理中,将φ引入计算,以此提高误差较大的测量结果的不确定度,从而降低其对最终实验测量结果的影响.2.3 不同距离下多个反射物体的探测由于超声波传感器具有一定的波束角,因此只要反射波处于波束角的范围内,接收传声器就能得到对应的回波信号.如图8所示,平面反射物体和曲面反射物体都位于传感器的波束角范围内,发射传声器T 发射的超声信号将在两个物体上分别发生反射,接收传声器将首先收到曲面的回波,之后收到平面的回波.通过比较两次回波的信号能量和传播时间并进行匹配,可以在单次测量后,同时得到曲面和平面的反射点.图9所示为在图8情况下接收传感器获取的超声回波信号.根据波达时间,可以确定先到达的为曲图 5 传声器侧面靠近墙面引起的串扰Fig. 5 Crosstalk caused by microphone side close to wall图 6 传声器侧面靠近墙面的回波信号Fig. 6 The echo signal caused by microphone side close to wall图 7 ζd 、ζv 与相对误差的关系图Fig. 7 The plot of ζd , ζv and relative error25湖南大学学报(自然科学版)2023 年面反射信号,后到达的为平面反射信号.因此,如果在测量范围内存在多个反射物体,且反射物体间距足够的情况下,可通过单次测量,同时计算得到两个及以上的反射物体的距离和角度信息,从而提高探测效率.3 基于DSmT 的栅格信度分配函数建模及地图融合与更新3.1 DSmT 基本原理在采用超声波传感器绘制地图的过程中,获取到的测量信息具有不确定性、不精确性,甚至可能会高度冲突,特别是在栅格地图的绘制中,此现象尤为严重.针对这一问题,提出DSmT [16],即处理不确定、高度冲突和不精确证据源融合的完整理论,它可以将多个主体信息进行融合,并且允许根据信度函数正式组合任何类型的独立信息源.DSmT 具有多种比例冲突再分配规则[17],其中比例冲突再分配规则6(Proportional Conflict Redistrbu⁃tion 6,PCR6)是按照合取规则的逻辑,将冲突质量重新分配到非空集的最精确的数学方法,同时还满足了空信度分配(Vacuous Belief Assignment ,VBA )的中立性,并且对于合并两个以上的源有更好的直观结果[18].PCR6规则如下:∀(X ≠∅)∈D Θ,m PCR6(X )=∑Y 1∩…∩Y M =X ∏j =1Mm j()Y j+∑i =1Mm i (X )2∑∩Y ∩X ≡∅()Y ,…,Y ∈()D æèçççççççöø÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷∏j =1M -1m σ(j )()Y σ(j ))m i (X )+∑j =1M -1m σ(j )()Y σ(j )(10)其中,m i (X )+∑j =1M -1mσi (j )(Y σi (j ))≠0(11)式中:Θ为辨识框架,包含一组有限的穷举假设;D Θ为超幂集,即对一个事件所有可能判定结果的集合;M 为源的数目,即测量结果的个数;Y i ∈2Θ称为焦元;m i (Y i )为广义信度分配函数;整数σi 的取值范围为[1,i -1]∪[i +1,M ],具体为:{σi (j )=j , j <iσi (j )=j +1, j ≥i(12)3.2 栅格信度分配函数在进行测量和信号处理后,得到的反射物体的距离信息和角度信息依旧存在一定误差.图10为与图 10 反射物可能存在区域及信度函数参数示意图Fig. 10 Schematic diagram of the possible region of reflectorand the belief assignment function parameter图 8 同时测量不同距离下反射物体示意图Fig. 8 Diagram of simultaneously measuring reflectors with dif⁃ferent distances图 9 不同距离下反射物体的回波信号Fig. 9 The echo signal of reflected objects at different distances26第 4 期王刚等:基于超声TOA 的环境感知超声波传感器的单个测量结果对应的反射物可能存在的区域的模型,其中梯形区域表示物体可能存在的位置,三角区域表示物体不可能存在的位置,ω为超声波传感器的波束角,γ为反射点的测量距离,θ为反射点的测量角度,2ε为测量距离γ的误差范围.针对超声波传感器和栅格地图的特点,本文建立了辨识框架Θ={θ1,θ2},θ1表示栅格被占用,θ2表示栅格没有被占用.根据DSmT 可以得到超幂集D Θ={∅,θ1,θ2,θ1∩θ2,θ1∪θ2}.地图中的每一个栅格存在M (M ≥2)次测量数据,并且把每一次测量数据都作为证据源.由此定义一组针对每个证据源的信度分配函数,m (θ1)定义栅格被占用的概率,主要由图10中的梯形区域决定,并且离测量点越远,占有概率越小.反之,m (θ2)定义栅格未被占用的概率,由图10中的三角区域决定,且与θ的角度差值越大,占有概率越小.m (θ1∩θ2)表示栅格既被占用又未被占用的概率,即冲突.m (θ1∪θ2)表示栅格未知的程度,也就是不确定度,此处指的是由测量结果得到栅格点数据的可靠程度,主要与波束角、测量距离相关.需要说明的是,由于冲突会在PCR6的计算过程中出现,因此无需建立信度分配函数m (θ1∩θ2) [19].由此,本文构建的信度分配函数m (⋅):D Θ→[0,1],如公式(13)所示:m ()θ1=ìíîïïïA /ε⋅()m ∼N ()μ1,Σ1,()0≤||α≤ω2∩()0≤d v ≤ε0 ,其他m ()θ2=ìíîïïïA ⋅()m ∼N ()μ2,Σ2,()0≤|α|≤ω2∩()0≤d <γ∩d v >ε0 ,其他m ()θ1∪θ2=1-m ()θ1-m ()θ2(13)式中:A 为根据测量距离γ与测量角度θ引入的信度函数;μ1、μ2表示正态分布的均值矩阵;Σ1、Σ2表示正态分布的协方差矩阵,上述5个参数的定义为:A =()1-φéëêêùûúú1-()γa 2()1-|α-θ|w μ1=éëêùûúd v d p Σ1=éëêêêêùûúúúú12π00ε μ2=éëêêùûúúd ||α-θ Σ2=éëêêêêùûúúúú1ωw 00w 2(14)式中:φ为不确定度参数;d 为栅格点到发射传声器的距离;d v 为栅格点Q 沿着传感器与测量点的连线TP 的方向到测量点P 的距离;d p 为栅格点Q 到连线TP 的垂直距离,具体如图10所示.图11为当测量点角度θ=15°、测量距离γ=0.5 m时,根据公式(13)得到的栅格不确定度m (θ1∪θ2).从图11中可以看出,在波束角范围内的三角区域内,栅格数据的不确定度与栅格点和测量点角度之间的差值以及离测量点的距离正相关.在波束角以外,是装置无法测量到的区域,处于完全未知的状态,因此这里的不确定度等于最大值1,而最小值出现在发射超声波传感器的位置.由于栅格点存在数据不连续的问题,因此其不确定度最小值趋近于0.通过单次测量可以得到波束角范围内栅格点的占有概率,再图 11 θ=15°,γ=0.5 m 时,由公式(13)得到的不确定度 m (θ1∪θ2)Fig. 11 The uncertainty m (θ1∪θ2) obtained by formula (13)when θ=15°,γ=0.5 m27湖南大学学报(自然科学版)2023 年叠加不同方位的测量结果进行不断融合,可以逐渐减小栅格点的不确定度,最终获得全局的环境栅格地图.4 实验结果为了验证上述方法的有效性,搭建了如图12所示的实验环境,该实验环境是由木板围成的一个矩形区域,其右上方的斜板倾角为45°,右下角存在一开口,在环境中间放置一直径为166 mm 的塑料圆柱体,各点的坐标位置如图所示.超声波传感器的移动路径如图12中的虚线所示,虚线上的圆圈标记表示测量位置.装置从实验环境的右下方开口进入后,在测量路径前进方向上的±90°范围内,间隔45°进行5次测量.实验中有27个测量点,共进行了135次测量.相较于文献[11]所需的456次测量,本文提出的方法大大减少了测量次数,从而减少了计算量.实验装置如图13所示,其中单片机(STM32F103C8T6)用于产生超声波发射传感器所需要的25 kHz 震荡信号,再通过驱动电路(L298N )驱动发射传声器发出超声信号,经反射物反射后,回波信号由接收传声器转化为电信号.该电信号经采集卡(NI USB-6356)采集后,传输给计算机进行信号分析与处理.实验中,传感器波束角ω为60°,接收传声器测量距离误差ε经多次测量确定为15 mm.图14所示为每次测量所得到的反射点位置,实线表示环境的实际轮廓,实心圆圈表示每次测量计算得到的反射点位置.从图14可以看出,由本文方法得到的测量点位置大多比较准确,基本位于环境实际轮廓的附近,但是也存在个别测量误差较大的点,误差主要出现在测量距离过近或者测量装置正对墙角的情况下,是由被测物体的多重反射造成的.但是在本文中测量装置随机游走时,这种情况出现的概率很小,其对建图结果的影响在后续的数据融合过程中逐渐被消除.通过构建每一个测量结果的栅格信度分配函数,并利用PCR6规则将多次测量得到的结果进行融合.环境栅格地图的融合过程及最终结果如图15所示,其中实线为环境的实际轮廓,虚线为测量轨迹,虚线上的圆圈标记表示测量位置,栅格的颜色深度表示栅格的占有概率,图15(a )、15(b )、15(c )分别为测量装置完成轨迹的25%(34次测量)、50%(67次测量)和75%(101次测量)时得到的环境栅格地图,图15(d )为测量装置完成全部轨迹(135次测量)后,最终融合得到的栅格地图.从图15中可以看出,随着测量次数的增加,环境的轮廓逐渐清晰,且误差较大的测量点对地图的影响逐渐减小,最终所得到的栅格占有信度高的区域基本与环境的实际轮廓重合.图15所示结果表明,所提出的方法也能获取到圆柱反射物体较清晰的轮廓信息.图 12 实验环境及测量路径(单位:mm )Fig. 12 The experimental environment and measurementpath (unit :mm)图 13 实验装置Fig. 13 The experimental device图 14 测量得到的反射点Fig. 14 The reflection points obtained by measurements28。
了 25%。总体上 ,阔叶材市 场依旧保 持强劲势头
拍 卖 取 得 了 丰硕 的成 果 ,林 主 普 遍 对 拍 ,来 自 M611n森林 的一株橡 木获得 了 1 589欧 元 /m 的最 高出价 。从
单株价格看 ,劳恩堡私人林业公 司的一株橡木获得 7 448欧元的最高出价,该株材积 5.O7 ,单价 1 469
Giilzow 是 一 个 有 着 严 肃 科 学 研 究 氖 围 的 地 方 ,
FNR和梅 克伦堡 .前波莫 瑞 州1农业和 渔业 研 究所
也 位 于 此 地 。 另一 方 面 ,梅 克 伦 堡 .前 波 莫 瑞 州 是
欧 洲 重 要 的 木 材 加 工 地 区 ,拥 有 魏 茨 玛 木 材 产 业 集
2013年 Biosyl公 司 开 始 运 营 其 第 一 台 Diefenbacher公 司 的 分 级 筛 选 机 ClassiSizer。 Biosyl公司所有者 Antoine De Cockbome指出 :“我 们对 第一 台机器 的性 能非常 满意 ,因此在 2017年
欧元 /m 。 州有 林也 取得 了 不错 的收 益 ,Haale林
管局的一株胸径为 96 cm的橡木获得 了州有林 木材 最高单价出价。市场人士对今年的拍 品评价很高 ,
并 认 为 此 次 拍 卖 传 递 了 市 场 对 阔 叶 材 具 有 持 续 稳 定
需 求 的 信 号 。 具 体拍 卖情 况 见 表 。
群 。森林和木材能力 中心将为联邦政府制 定的 “2020
年 森林 战略 ”和 “2050年 气候 行动 计划 ” 中提 出
的关于 可持 续森林 经营和智能木材利用方面的要求
Sankara's impact on Burkina Faso and the global struggle for social justice is
1 immeasurable. He was a fearless advocate for the poor and marginalized, and his policies
principles of social justice and pan-Africanism
Today, Thomas Sankara is remembered as a heroic figure in Burkina Faso and throughout
3 Africa. He remains an inspiration to generations of Africans who continue to fight for
foreign agents
or political rivals. However, his legacy lives on through the Thomas Sankara Legacy
4 Project, which was established to promote Sankara's ideas and continue his work in
social justice
and liberation from oppression. Through the Thomas Sankara Legacy Project and other
4 similar organizations, his ideas and principles continue to shape the global movement for
Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems
Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems Decentralized wastewater treatment systems (DWTS) are becoming increasingly popular as a solution to the growing problem of wastewater management. These systems are designed to treat wastewater at the source, rather than transporting it to a centralized treatment plant. This approach has several advantages, including lower costs, reduced environmental impact, and increased efficiency. However, there are also some challenges associated with DWTS, which must be addressed in order to ensure their success.One of the main advantages of DWTS is their ability to reduce the costs associated with wastewater treatment. Traditional centralized treatment plants require large amounts of infrastructure, including pipes, pumps, and treatment facilities, which can be expensive to build and maintain. In contrast, DWTS can be installed on-site, reducing the need for expensive infrastructure. This can make them a more cost-effective solution for smaller communities or rural areas where centralized treatment is not feasible.Another advantage of DWTS is their reduced environmental impact. Traditional centralized treatment plants can be a significant source of pollution, particularly if they are located near sensitive ecosystems or bodies of water. DWTS, on the other hand, are designed to treat wastewater at the source, reducing the amount of pollutants that are released into the environment. This can help to protect local ecosystems and improve water quality.Despite these advantages, there are also some challenges associated with DWTS. One of the main challenges is ensuring that the systems are properly designed and maintained. DWTS require specialized knowledge and expertise to design and install, and they must be properly maintained to ensure that they continue to function effectively. This can be a challenge in areas where there is a lack of technical expertise or resources.Another challenge is ensuring that DWTS are properly regulated. Because these systems are decentralized, they may not be subject to the same regulations and oversight as centralized treatment plants. This can create a risk of non-compliance or even environmental harm if the systems are not properly designed or maintained. To address thischallenge, it is important to establish clear regulations and standards for DWTS, and to ensure that they are enforced.In addition to these challenges, there are also some concerns about the scalability of DWTS. While these systems can be a cost-effective solution for smaller communities or rural areas, they may not be able to handle the wastewater generated by larger urban areas. This could limit their potential impact and effectiveness in addressing the broader problem of wastewater management.Despite these challenges, DWTS have the potential to be a valuable solution to the growing problem of wastewater management. By treating wastewater at the source, these systems can reduce costs, improve water quality, and protect local ecosystems. However, it is important to address the challenges associated with DWTS, including ensuring proper design, maintenance, and regulation, and addressing concerns about scalability. With the right approach, DWTS can be an important tool in the effort to manage wastewater more effectively and sustainably.。
【摘要】@@ 近年来,"基因"与"纳米"这两个词,不但是报章杂志最热门的科学报道题材,同时也是政府投资最巨的两个项目.有朋友将两者戏称为"蛋炒饭",虽然此"基"非彼"鸡",此"米"非彼"米",但也颇为传神.
1.第十届世界生物传感器大会Biosensors' 2008暨纳米生物传感器国际专题研讨会转发第一轮通知及论文征稿
美国 加利福尼亚 桑福德再生医学研究联盟总部
美国加利福尼亚桑福德再生医学研究联盟总部9;建筑师:Fentress Architects地点:美国加利福尼亚,拉荷亚参与设计建筑师:Davis Davis Architects承包商:Hensel Phelps Construction Co.景观设计师:Civitas, Inc.项目组:Curtis Fentress, Jeff Olson, Robin Ault, Al Roberts, Sharlene Bhyun, Jesse Dzierzanowski摄影师:Jason A. Knowles9;“设计一座能增强生物医学研究领域高精尖人才之间交流的建筑。
”这就是桑福德再生医学研究联盟副主席Louis Coffman在两年前对设计团队提出的要求,他们奉命设计这座位于加利福尼拉荷亚的新研究中心。
该项目被称为“合作实验室”,由兰克福特/菲尔普斯财团开发建设,由Fentress Architects 与Davis Davis Architects 建筑师事务所合作设计。
9;Fentress Architects的主设计师Curtis Fentress介绍说:“我们的设计以研究与可持续建筑方面的最新创新为主要特色,同时与附近萨克生物研究学院大楼的现代美学风格互为呼应。
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To appear in the Proceedings of the First USENIX Windows NT Workshop , August, 1997.Brazos: A Third Generation DSM System 0Evan Speight and John K. BennettDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringRice University Houston, TX 77005{espeight,jkb}@This research was supported in part by substantial equipment donations from Compaq Computer Corporation and Schlumberger Company, andby the Texas Advanced Technology Program under Grant No. 003604-016. John Bennett was on sabbatical leave at the University of Washington while a portion of this work was conducted.AbstractBrazos is a third generation distributed shared memory (DSM) system designed for x86 machines running Microsoft Windows NT 4.0. Brazos is unique among existing systems in its use of selective multicast, a software-only implementation of scope consistency, and several adaptive runtime performance tuning mechanisms. The Brazos runtime system is multithreaded, allowing the overlap of computation with the long communication latencies typically associated with software DSM systems.Brazos also supports multithreaded user-code execution, allowing programs to take advantage of the local tightly-coupled shared memory available on multiprocessor PC servers, while transparently interacting with remote “virtual” shared memory.Brazos currently runs on a cluster of Compaq Proliant 1500 multiprocessor servers connected by a 100 Mbps FastEthernet. This paper describes the Brazos design and implementation, and compares its performance running five scientific applications to the performance of Solaris and Windows NT implementations of the TreadMarks DSM system running on the same hardware.1 IntroductionRecent improvements in commodity general-purpose networks and processors have made networks of multiprocessor PC workstations an inexpensive alternative to large bus-based distributed multiprocessor systems. However, applications for such distributed systems are difficult to develop due to the need to explicitly send and receive data between machines. By providing an abstraction of globally shared memory on top of the physically distributed memories present on networked workstations, it is possible to combine theprogramming advantages of shared memory and the cost advantages of distributed memory. These distributed shared memory (DSM) runtime systems transparently intercept user accesses to remote memory and translate these accesses into messages appropriate to the underlying communication media.The programmer is thus given the illusion of a large global address space encompassing all available memory, eliminating the task of explicitly moving data between processes located on separate machines.Both hardware DSM systems (e.g., Alewife [19],DASH [17], FLASH [15]) and software DSM systems (e.g., Ivy [18], Munin [6], TreadMarks [14])have been implemented. Because of the traditionally higher performance achievable on engineering workstations relative to personal computers (PCs),the majority of existing DSM systems are Unix-based. Recent increases in PC performance, the exceptionally low cost of PCs relative to that of engineering workstations, and the introduction of advanced PC operating systems combine to make networks of PCs an attractive alternative for large scientific computations.Software DSM systems use page-based memory protection hardware and the low-level message passing facilities of the host operating system to implement the necessary shared memory abstractions. The large size of the unit of sharing (a page) and the high latency associated with accessing remote memory combine to challenge the performance potential of software DSM systems[18].A variety of techniques have been developed over the last decade to address this challenge [6, 10, 14].DSM systems built using these techniques can be roughly grouped into three “generations”: early systems like Ivy [18] that employ a sequentially consistent memory model [16] in a single-processorworkstation environment, second generation systems like Munin [5] and TreadMarks [13] that employ a relaxed memory consistency model on similar hardware, and third generation systems that utilize relaxed consistency models and multithreading on a network of multiprocessor computers.This paper describes the design and preliminary performance of Brazos, a third generation DSM system that executes on x86 multiprocessor workstations running Windows NT 4.0. Brazos is unique among existing DSM systems in its use of selective multicast, software scope consistency, and adaptive runtime performance tuning. Brazos uses selective multicast to reduce the number of consistency-related messages, and to efficiently implement its version of scope consistency [11]. Brazos uses a software-only implementation of scope consistency to reduce the number of consistency-related messages, and to reduce the effects of false sharing[2]. Finally, Brazos incorporates adaptive runtime mechanisms that ameliorate the adverse effects of multicast by dynamically reducing the size of pages' “copysets”[6], as well as an early update mechanism that improves overall network throughput. Brazos provides thread, synchronization, and data sharing facilities like those found in other shared memory parallel programming systems. Brazos has been designed to take advantage of several Windows NT features, including true pre-emptive multithreading; support for the TCP/IP transport protocol, and in particular, multicast support; and OS support for symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) machines. Unlike most previous DSM systems, the Brazos runtime system is itself multithreaded. This allows computation to be overlapped with the long communication latencies typically associated with software DSM systems. Brazos also supports multithreaded user-code execution, allowing programs to take advantage of the local tightly-coupled shared memory available on SMP PC servers, while transparently interacting with remote “virtual” shared memory physically resident on other clusters. Brazos consists of four parts: a user-level library of parallel programming primitives, a service that allows the remote execution of DSM processes similar to the Unix rexec service, a memory management device driver that allows two virtual addresses to be mapped to the same physical address, and a Windows-based graphical user interface. Brazos currently runs on a cluster of Compaq Proliant 1500 multiprocessors connected by FastEthernet. In addition to describing the design and implementation of Brazos, this paper compares the performance of Brazos to the performance of Solaris and Windows NT implementations of the TreadMarks DSM system[14] running on the same hardware platform. For the applications studied, Brazos offers superior performance to both implementations of TreadMarks.The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes some of the important differences between Unix and Windows NT as they relate to the development of software DSM systems. Section 3 discusses the design issues related to the Brazos system, and motivates many of the implementation decisions. Section 4 presents some preliminary performance results of Brazos relative to the TreadMarks DSM system, which represents the existing state-of-the-art in software-only DSM systems. Section 5 provides a brief discussion of related work. Section 6 concludes the paper and describes plans for future development.2Unix/Windows NT Differences Windows NT differs substantially from Unix. The major differences that directly affect DSM implementation and performance include:•Windows NT has native multithreading support build into the OS.•BSD-style signals are not available.•Exception handling is implemented through structured exception handling.•Windows NT implements TCP/IP through the WinSock user-level library.2.1MultithreadingOne of the significant features of the Windows NT operating system is the native support for multithreaded operation. Windows NT provides support for multiple lightweight threads executing within the same process address space. The Win32 API provides a rich set of calls to address threading issues, including support for thread priority manipulation, synchronization, thread context manipulation, and thread suspension and resumption. Standard Unix does not provide for lightweight threads, although there are several lightweight thread packages, such as Pthreads, that are available to run on top of Unix.2.2SignalsUnix makes use of signals to inform the operating system of events that must be handled. Signals that are used extensively in software DSM systems include SIGIO, which indicates that an I/O operationis possible on a file descriptor (a socket), and SIGALARM, used as a timing device. The SIGIO signal is generally used to notify a Unix DSM system that an asynchronous message from another process is waiting to be received. An asynchronous message on any socket causes the function associated with the SIGIO signal to be invoked immediately, unless the user has explicitly blocked the delivery of the signal. The select() function must then be used to determine which socket has available data.Windows NT does not support this kind of upcall mechanism. Instead, when a socket is made asynchronous in Windows NT, the function that will handle the asynchronous message is also specified. Thus, the function to be called is tied to the socket instance instead of a signal, allowing asynchronous messages to invoke different handler routines depending on the socket on which they are received. Additionally, the receipt of an asynchronous message does not automatically halt other threads (i.e., user-code threads). This allows independent threads to process incoming messages concurrently, while still allowing computation to proceed within scheduling guidelines.2.3Structured Exception Handling Coherence is maintained in a page-based DSM system by setting page protection attributes to indicate the access permissions for a specific shared page. Processes “invalidate” pages in memory by altering the page protection such that any attempt to read or write to the page causes an access violation fault. For example, the Munin [5] and TreadMarks [13] DSM systems install interrupt handlers that specify a function to be called when a page-access violation occurs. When an access to an invalid page occurs, the DSM system enters the interrupt handler, and messages are sent to other processes to acquire the data needed to bring the page up-to-date in order to allow the user program to continue.Windows NT accomplishes exception handling through a mechanism known as structured exception handling(SEH). SEH allows a greater amount of control over how exceptions are handled. Instead of installing a separate handler for each exception, as is done in Unix, Windows NT implements SEH through the try-except block. The try-except block is similar in flavor to the throw-catch block in C++, but it is used to trap software or hardware generated exceptions. The routine identified by the __except() keyword is called whenever any exception is raised within the try-except block, and this routine decides whether to handle the exception, pass the exception up to the operating system for handling, or continue execution without addressing the exception. In this way, exceptions that occur in different parts of code can be easily handled in different ways.The code fragment below shows the use of the try-except block in the Brazos DSM system. The function UserMain()is the entry-point to the user code, and is called by each user thread. By placing the try-except block around this function, Brazos catches any page-access violations caused by threads accessing invalid pages. The function AccessViolationHandler()is the Brazos equivalent of the interrupt handler function installed in Unix-based DSM systems.ff ÃÃÃÃÃÃV r Hhv By ihyDq G phyDq 0ffr pr 6ppr Wv yh v Ch qyr 0Table 1 gives the measured performance for two virtual memory operations (running on the same hardware) for both Windows NT and Solaris, a Unix System V derivative available from Sun Microsystems. The two systems are comparable in speed for setting the protection attributes of a page. However, Windows NT is more than twice as fast as Solaris handling an access violation, due to the lower overhead of the try-except block relative to the interrupt handling capabilities of Solaris. In practice, only those applications that exhibit a large number of access violation faults will substantially benefit from this difference.OSPageProtecttry-except orSegv Handler Win NT 4.07.0 µsec20 µsecSolaris 2.5.1 6.57 µsec47 µsec2.4WinSockProcesses in Brazos use functions in the WinSock Programming API to communicate with other processes in the system. All WinSock API calls are implemented in the WinSock library. With BSD sockets, some calls are direct system calls into the operating system, while other calls are made to functions in a static library that is linked at compile-time. Consequently, there is more overhead associated with many of the WinSock calls than with Table 1. System Call Timingstheir BSD counterparts, which can result in higher per-message overheads and lower overall throughput.Figure 1 shows the average network throughput achievable between two machines connected by 100Mbps FastEthernet. The graph shows throughput for Windows NT/WinSock as well as Solaris. These tests were conducted on the same hardware to rule out any variation due to architectural differences. The test conducted was a simple request-reply sequence that typifies the type of communication pattern seen in DSM systems. The client sends a 20 byte request to the server, which responds with a message of a length specified in the request. This loop is repeated 20,000times, and the average results for different response sizes are presented here. The outlined area shows the range of response sizes that would be expected in most DSM applications (from a few bytes up to a single 4 Kbyte page).Figure 1 shows that for all response sizes in the typical DSM operating range, Solaris achieves a higher throughput than Windows NT, although neither system attains even half of the possible throughput until the response size exceeds 4 Kbytes.For responses of 16 Kbytes and 32 Kbytes, WinSock is able to stream data out more quickly, after paying the cost of initiating the message. Additionally, UDP messages can be up to 64 Kbytes in length under WinSock, but are limited to 32 Kbytes under Solaris.3 Design of BrazosBrazos has been designed to take advantage of the features available to the Windows NT and WinSock programmer. In particular, Brazos makes use of multithreading to overlap communication with computation; multicast to reduce the number of messages sent across the network; scope consistency [11] to reduce false sharing; and adaptive runtime support to implement an early update protocol and a page migration facility.3.1 Design OverviewThe Brazos user-level library is statically linked with user applications at compile-time and provides the interface between user code and DSM code. The most important part of the Brazos library is the interface for capturing accesses to invalid data and initiating messages with other processes in the system. This is accomplished by placing a try-except pair around the user code (see Section 2.3).The Brazos API also includes synchronization primitives in the form of locks and barriers, which can be used to provide synchronization both between threads in different processes as well as between threads in the same process. Routines for error reporting, statistics gathering, and data output are also provided in the Brazos API.Windows NT does not ship with a method of starting a process on a remote machine similar to the Unix rexecd daemon. Therefore, Brazos includes a serviceFigure 1. Average Network Throughput01020304050607080024681012141618log 2(Bytes in Reply)M b i t /s e cthat must be installed on each machine that will run Brazos code. This service listens for incoming DSM session requests, authenticates encrypted passwords that users must have to run a Brazos session, starts and manages current DSM sessions running on the local machine, and provides a mechanism for the owner to remotely kill a runaway DSM application. In a multithreaded DSM system such as Brazos it is necessary to have a mechanism to allow the DSM system threads to update a page of shared memory without changing a page’s protection. If a DSM system thread changes a page's protection in order to bring it up to date, there is a chance that a user thread will read part of the page before the updating is complete. There are two solutions to this problem. The first is to suspend all user threads when the system needs to atomically change the contents of a shared page. This method carries a high cost, especially when the number of user threads per process is large. The second method is to provide a mechanism to map two virtual addresses to the same physical page in memory, as Unix provides with the mmap()call. This allows there to be two different sets of protections associated with a single physical page. Windows NT does not provide a call similar to mmap(), but we altered the mapmem device driver in the Windows NT Device Developers Kit to provide this functionality.Brazos includes a graphical user interface that provides mechanisms for specifying the number of user threads to start in each process, the mapping of threads to processors, the priority at which the DSM application should run, extensive statistics gathering and presentation mechanisms, and a service that can probe the network for hosts willing to accept a DSM session. Brazos can also be run in console-application mode when a Windows desktop is not available (i.e., during a telnet login session).3.2MultithreadingThe Brazos DSM system utilizes multithreading at both the user level and DSM system level. Multiple user-level threads allow applications to take advantage of SMP servers by using all available processors for computation. Coherence is maintained between threads on the same machine through the available hardware coherence mechanisms. In addition to user-level multithreading, the Brazos runtime system itself is multithreaded. There are two main system threads in Brazos. One thread is responsible for quickly responding to asynchronous requests for data from other processes and runs at the highest possible priority. The second thread handles replies to requests previously sent by the process. As a practical matter, it is necessary for any DSM system written for Windows NT to be multithreaded to some degree, because it is difficult to interrupt a thread that is executing computationally intensive user code to cause it to respond to an asynchronous request for data. This is due to the lack of the signal-style upcall mechanism described in Section 2.2. This multithreaded aspect of Brazos allows a greater amount of computation to communication overlap, especially if there are more processors located on a given server than the number of user threads assigned to it. Finally, the use of a separate thread to handle incoming replies allows Brazos to maintain multiple simultaneous outstanding network requests, which can significantly improve performance [22].3.3Software Scope ConsistencyDSM systems must maintain data consistency to ensure that threads do not access stale or out-of-date data that was written by a thread on another machine. Although a detailed discussion of the many consistency models used in shared memory systems is beyond the scope of this paper, we will briefly outline the major consistency protocols in use in modern DSM systems.Sequential consistency(SC) [16] is the most intuitive, but also most restrictive, consistency model. Sequential consistency requires that all data accesses be consistent with a global ordering that does not violate program order. The simplest method of implementing sequential consistency requires threads to globally invalidate a page after every write to a shared variable on that page. This guarantees that no two threads will access out-of-date data, but can result in unacceptably high communication overhead in software DSM systems [5].To reduce the amount of communication, consistency constraints can be relaxed by guaranteeing that shared data is only up-to-date after specific synchronization operations have been performed. For example, release consistency (RC) [8] guarantees that data is current only after a thread has performed a release operation. Simply put, a release operation can be thought of as the releasing of a lock variable or the departure from a barrier. Between release operations, it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that no two threads perform competing accesses to the same storage space in memory (competing accesses are multiple accesses, one of which is a write). By relaxing the consistency model in this way, software DSM systems can buffer writes until they are required to be globally performed by the semantics of the consistency protocol. This results in substantial performance benefits because of the large reductionin communication overhead [5]. Lazy release consistency (LRC ) [13] further delays the propagation of invalidations until a synchronization variable is next acquired.Scope consistency (ScC ) [11], introduced as an enhancement to the SHRIMP AURC system [3], is a relaxed consistency model that seeks to reduce the false sharing present in page-based DSM systems.False sharing occurs when two or more threads modify different parts of the same page of data, but do not actually share the same data element. This leads to unnecessary network traffic, and can be a significant performance problem for DSM systems due to the large granularity of sharing. Scope consistency divides the execution of a program into global and local scopes, and only data modified within a single scope is guaranteed to be coherent at the end of that scope. Global scope delimiters include global synchronization events such as barriers. After a global scope is closed (completed), all shared data in the program is guaranteed to be coherent. A lock acquire-release operation is an example of a local scope . When a thread acquires a lock, it enters a new local scope. All changes made until the closing of the local scope (i.e., the lock release) are guaranteed to be visible to the next acquirer of the lock, but not changes made before the lock acquisition. This is in direct contrast to RC , which guarantees that all shared data is coherent after a release, regardless of when the shared write occurred or what type of release was performed.The Brazos implementation of scope consistency (SScS ) differs from that described in [11] in two ways: SScS is a software-only implementation of scope consistency that requires no additional hardware support, and Brazos uses SScS in conjunction with a distributed page management protocol similar to TreadMarks[14] as opposed to a home-based system such as Munin [5] and AURC [3]. In distributed page-based protocols, each process maintains dirty portions of each shared page of data,requiring processes to communicate with all other processes that have a modified portion in order to bring an invalid page up to date. In a home-based system, however, processes flush changes to a designated “home process”, which always has the most up to date copy of a page. Other processes simply send a single message to the home process to re-acquire an invalid page. Brazos uses a distributed page management algorithm because for systems without DSM hardware support, distributed page management protocols outperform home-based page management protocols [13].In order to be more precise about the specific conditions required to implement scope consistency for local scopes, the following conditions delineate the differences between release consistency and scope consistency using release-consistency nomenclature 0. Conditions associated with scope consistency only are shown in [boldface].Conditions associated with both release consistency and scope consistency are shown in normal type.The use of the term “performed with respect to” in these conditions is consistent with that of [11].1. Before an ordinary load or store is allowed toperform with respect to any other processor, all previous acquires must be performed.2. Before a release is allowed to perform withrespect to any other processor, all previous ordinary loads and stores [after the last acquire to the same location as the release] must be performed [with respect to that processor].3. Synchronization accesses (acquires and releases)must be sequentially consistent with one another.Figure 2 demonstrates these concepts. In Figure 2,assume that variable A is on one page of shared memory, and variables C and D are on another. In a coherence protocol such as release consistency,variable D will be invalid in process P1 after the Release(0) performed by process P0. This is because variable C was written to by process P0 before the release, and variables C and D are on the same shared page. Under scope consistency, variable D will not be invalidated because the write to C by process P0occurred outside of the local scope delimited by the 0In order to use terminology consistent with previous work in thearea of relaxed consistency, “opening” and “closing” a local scope,as defined in [11], will be considered to be equivalent to an “acquire” and “release” to the same location. “Opening” and “closing” a global scope, as defined in [11], will be considered to be equivalent to consecutive barrier events.Acquire(0)-Release(0) pair. The effect of the write to the page containing variables C and D will not bepropagated to process P1 until the end of the current global scope. Had the programmer wanted to ensure that the correct value of C would be available to process P1after the critical section performed by process P0, either the write of C should be moved into the critical section, or a global scope must be used after the write to variable C.In Brazos, SScS provides two main benefits. First, in the code fragment just discussed, the new value of A written by process P0is sent along with the lock grant to process P1, thereby eliminating a message that would result from the fault of P1 when trying to increment A under RC. Secondly, the page containing C and D is falsely shared in Figure 2. Therefore, process P1will find the page invalid under RC, even though P0 did not actually modify D. SScS removes the effects of this false sharing by not invalidating the page containing C and D when thelock ownership is transferred.In some situations, programmers may be faced with situations where it is not easy to switch from RC semantics to SScS semantics. For such instances, Brazos provides both a release consistent lock release primitive, which will flush all invalidation messages before allowing the release to complete; and a lazy release consistent acquire primitive that flushes updates to modified pages to all processes at a lock acquire. The flexibility provided by the inclusion of these two extra lock primitives makes porting existing parallel programs to Brazos easier.3.4Multicast CommunicationIn order to reduce the number of consistency-related messages, and to efficiently implement scope consistency in software, Brazos makes use of the multicast primitives provided by the WinSock 2.0library [23]. In a time-multiplexed networkenvironment such as Ethernet, sending a multicast message is no more expensive than sending a point-to-point message, and large reductions in both the number of messages sent and the number of bytes transferred to maintain coherence can be achieved by specifying multiple recipients for each message. Brazos uses multicast to reduce consistency-related communication traffic during global synchronization as follows.When a process arrives at a global synchronization point (i.e., a barrier), the process sends a message to a statically assigned barrier manager indicating that the process has arrived at the barrier. Included in this message is a list of pages that the process has written to since the last synchronization point (dirty pages). When the barrier manager receives notification from all processes, the manager collates information regarding dirty pages, and sends a message to each process indicating the pages that should be invalidated, who has dirty pieces of the page, and thatthe process is free to proceed from the barrier.After being released from the barrier, threads will begin faulting on pages that were invalidated by the barrier manager. Since the manager also communicated which processes have copies of all dirty pages, a single multicast message may be sent to the subset of all processes that have dirty pieces of the page. These processes, in turn, multicast their response to not only the requesting process, but to all processes in the current copyset for that page. The responses come in the form of diffs, which are runlength encodings of the changes made to the page since the last invalidation. Thus, processes that need the diffs, but have not yet faulted on the pages, will receive indirect diffs for these pages, with the intent of bringing them up-to-date before a page fault resulting from the accessing of the invalid page occurs.。