The Human mTERF Is Fully Active in Vitro in the Non-phosphorylated Form




·4037··指南·共识·【编者按】 2型糖尿病(T 2DM )是一种终身性代谢性疾病,目前没有被治愈的证据,但经研究证实,针对超重和肥胖的T 2DM 患者采取强化生活方式干预、药物治疗(包括强化胰岛素治疗和口服降糖药治疗)以及代谢手术治疗可以实现T 2DM 缓解。

什么是T 2DM 缓解?近期美国糖尿病协会(ADA )发布的《2021 共识报告:缓解2型糖尿病的定义和解释》,将停用降糖药物至少3个月后,糖化血红蛋白<6.5%作为T 2DM 缓解的诊断标准;当糖化血红蛋白不能反映真实血糖水平,可以用空腹血糖<7.0 mmol/L 或通过动态葡萄糖监测计算估计的糖化血红蛋白<6.5%作为诊断T 2DM 缓解的替代标准。

目前我国T 2DM 呈高发趋势,患者承受着心理、身体、社会、经济等多方面的压力,若能实现糖尿病缓解,对于患者及其家庭,乃至整个社会的意义重大。

因此,由邹大进教授、张征教授、纪立农教授牵头组织国内专家,结合国内外研究证据及ADA 的共识报告,制定了一部符合我国糖尿病患者健康需求的《缓解2型糖尿病中国专家共识》,以期指导临床医生规范开展T 2DM 缓解诊疗工作,帮助T 2DM 患者获得安全、有效且经济的干预措施。

缓解2型糖尿病中国专家共识《缓解2型糖尿病中国专家共识》编写专家委员会【摘要】 2型糖尿病(T2DM)是一种以高血糖为特征的进展性疾病,一直被认为需要长期使用降糖药物治疗。

近年来大量研究结果显示,通过生活方式干预、药物治疗以及代谢手术能够促进合并超重和肥胖的T2DM 缓解,使患者在较长时间内免于使用降糖药物。

T2DM 缓解有助于减轻患者心理负担、增强患者依从健康生活方式的信心,提升患者生活质量,远期还可以延缓疾病进展速度,降低终生并发症的发生风险。

为帮助我国临床医生规范开展在超重和肥胖T2DM 患者中缓解T2DM 相关的临床诊疗工作,促进相关研究的发展,使患者获得安全、有效的干预措施,特制定《缓解2型糖尿病中国专家共识》。



·论著·中医药调节肠道菌群治疗2型糖尿病的研究进展田 硕1,毋建华2*,高会萍3*(1.莲湖区北关社区卫生服务中心,陕西 西安 710015;2.西安大兴新区社区卫生服务中心,陕西 西安 710014;3.陕西省西安市莲湖区卫生局,陕西 西安 710002)[摘要]2型糖尿病是一种常见的代谢性疾病。








[关键词]中医药;肠道菌群;2型糖尿病;研究进展[中图分类号]R587.1 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]2095-7629-(2021)8-0001-03Research progress of TCM regulating intestinal flora in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitusTIAN Shuo1,WU Jianhua2*,GAO Huiping3*(1. Lianhu District Beiguan Community Health Service Center, Xi 'an 710015, Shaanxi, China;2. Community Health Service Center of Xi 'anDaxing New District, Xi 'an 710014, China;3. Lianhu District Health Bureau, Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province, Xi 'an 710002, China)[Abstract] Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a common metabolic disease. In recent years, the number of type 2 diabetes patients in China has been increasing year by year. This disease has become one of the major diseases threatening the health of Chinese residents. Human beings are closely related to microorganisms and their metabolites at all stages of life, and microorganisms can form “symbiotic functions” with their hosts. Under normal conditions, there is a dynamic equilibrium between the microbe and the host, and when this dynamic equilibrium is disturbed, it can lead to a variety of diseases, including type 2 diabetes. Various traditional Chinese medicine therapies (acupuncture therapy, Chinese medicine therapy, etc.) have positive regulation effect on intestinal flora. Type 2 diabetes mellitus can be treated by adjusting intestinal flora with TCM therapy. This article mainly summarizes the research progress in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus by using TCM therapy to regulate intestinal flora.[Key words]traditional Chinese medicine; Intestinal flora; Type 2 diabetes; The research progress糖尿病(Diabetes mellitus)是一种常见的代谢性疾病。



生物医学英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is the most common type of cancer in the world?A. Lung cancerB. Breast cancerC. Prostate cancerD. Colorectal cancer答案:A2. The term "pathogen" refers to:A. A substance that causes diseaseB. A person who has a diseaseC. An organism that causes diseaseD. A symptom of a disease答案:C3. What is the primary function of red blood cells?A. To carry oxygenB. To fight infectionsC. To clot bloodD. To regulate body temperature答案:A4. The nervous system is divided into two main parts: thecentral nervous system and the:A. Peripheral nervous systemB. Autonomic nervous systemC. Sympathetic nervous systemD. Parasympathetic nervous system答案:A5. Which of the following is a characteristic of a viral infection?A. Presence of bacteria in the bloodB. Inflammation of the heartC. Infection by a virusD. Infection by a fungus答案:C6. The hormone responsible for the regulation of blood sugar levels is:A. InsulinB. Thyroid hormoneC. CortisolD. Adrenaline答案:A7. What is the term for the process by which the body maintains a stable internal environment?A. HomeostasisB. MetabolismC. Circadian rhythmD. Immunity答案:A8. The largest organ in the human body is:A. The brainB. The liverC. The skinD. The heart答案:C9. Which of the following is a type of connective tissue?A. Muscle tissueB. Nervous tissueC. Epithelial tissueD. Cartilage答案:D10. The process of cell division that results in two identical cells is called:A. MitosisB. MeiosisC. ApoptosisD. Cytokinesis答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1. The study of the structure of organisms is called__________.答案:anatomy2. The process by which cells extract energy from nutrients is known as __________.答案:metabolism3. The basic unit of heredity is the __________.答案:gene4. The medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels is called __________.答案:cardiology5. The hormone that stimulates the growth and development of bones and muscles is __________.答案:growth hormone6. The study of the causes and effects of diseases is called __________.答案:pathology7. The body's response to injury or infection is known as__________.答案:inflammation8. The process by which the body gets rid of waste products is called __________.答案:excretion9. The largest gland in the human body is the __________.答案:liver10. The study of the nervous system is called __________.答案:neurology三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. Explain the role of the immune system in defending the body against infections.答案:The immune system plays a crucial role in defending the body against infections by recognizing and eliminating harmful pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and otherforeign substances. It consists of various cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body. When a pathogen enters the body, the immune system responds by activating white blood cells and producing antibodies that target and neutralize the invaders. This response helps to prevent the spread of infection and promotes healing and recovery.2. Describe the process of respiration in humans.答案:Respiration in humans is a process that involves the exchange of gases, primarily oxygen and carbon dioxide, between the body and the environment. It consists of two main stages: inhalation and exhalation. During inhalation, air containing oxygen is drawn into the lungs through the nose or mouth, then travels down the trachea and into the bronchi, which branch into smaller tubes called bronchioles. The bronchioles end in tiny air sacs called alveoli, where the exchange of gases occurs. Oxygen from the air diffuses across the thin walls of the alveoli into the bloodstream, where itbinds to hemoglobin in red blood cells. At the same time, carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular respiration, diffuses from the blood into the alveoli. During exhalation, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax, causing the chest cavity to decrease in size and forcing the carbon dioxide-rich air out of the lungs. This cycle of inhal。









2023北京卷D篇阅读What is life? Like most great questions, this one is easy to ask butdifficult to answer. The reason is simple: we know of just one type of life and it’s challenging to do science with a sample size of one. The field of artificial life-called ALife for short — is the systematic attempt to spell out life’s fundamental principles. Many of these practitioners, so-called ALifers, think that somehow making life is the surest way to really understand what life is.什么是生活?像大多数伟大的问题一样,这个问题很容易问,但很难回答。



THE BIOPROSTHETICVERSUS MECHANICALV ALVE DEBATE:UNWINNABLE ANDINCREASINGLYIRRELEV ANT?Reply to the Editor:It is a remarkable fact that surgeons and specialty leaders,including3American Association for Thoracic Surgerypresidents,are divided between2therapies as different asmechanical and bioprosthetic valve replacement—split be-tween stances that range from advocating mechanicalvalves in the elderly to recommending bioprosthetic valvesin the young.1It is remarkable,but it is not surprising.The enormouspile of relevant evidence can be selectively quoted orcritiqued to support both positions and the entire spectrumin between.Dr Emiliano Rodriguez-Caulo2outlines someof the issues in his critique of the meta-analysis of mechan-ical versus bioprosthetic valve published recently in theJournal,3and he then goes on to describe ANDA V ALVE,a prospective,observational registry trial—but even thismethodology cannot adequately address the selection biasthat undermines the reliability of every nonrandomizedstudy.Is a randomized trial the answer?Only if we can wait20years for survival data that would inform practice,butobviously that is too long in a specialty where patient pref-erence and rapid advances in technology are the primarydrivers of practice change,and where it took less than adecade for transcatheter valve replacement to go fromfirst-in-human to the dominant therapy for valve replace-ment in aortic stenosis.The Achilles’heel of transcatheter technology is calcificdegeneration of xenografts.Solving this could establishtranscatheter aortic valve surgery as thefirst choice for pa-tients in all age groups.The solution looks increasinglylikely to lie in emerging polymer technology,which ininitial hemodynamic in vitro testing has shown improvedhemodynamics,minimization of platelet activation andthrombosis,and improved strength,mechanical stability,and durability.Recent work suggests that a novel polymerictranscatheter valve outperforms clinically used xenografttranscatheter valves in vitro,and it hints at the possibilityof a future new clinical pradigm.4In the interim,producing more nonrandomized datacomparing mechanical and bioprosthetic valves just addsto the mounting slush pile of evidence without materiallyinforming or shifting the debate.Knowledge gaps that wecould usefully tackle instead include the incidence of struc-tural valve degeneration at5years after transcatheter valvereplacement in patients at intermediate and low risk,strate-gies to minimize the operative mortality of reoperativeaortic valve replacement and optimize valve-in-valve out-comes,and the role of novel anticoagulants in reducing bio-prosthetic valve thrombosis and structural degeneration.Wherever we choose to focus,it is time to stop repeatingstudies with the same methodologic problems.This is anunwinnable debate.And it is one that may soon beirrelevant.Joanna Chikwe,MD,FRCSDepartment of Cardiovascular SurgeryMount Sinai Medical CenterNew York,NYDepartment of SurgeryThe State University of New YorkStony Brook,NYReferences1.Sundt T,Schaff H,Soltesz EG,Uva MS,Adams DH.Mechanical vs biologicvalves:our modern day conundrum.Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.2016;28:404-17.2.Rodriguez-Caulo E.More evidence favoring bioprostheses for patients older than55years in aortic valve replacement.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.2019;157:e357.3.Diaz R,Hernandez-Vaquero D,Alvarez-Cabo R,Avanzas P,Silva J,Moris C,et al.Long-term outcomes of mechanical versus biological aortic prosthesis:systematicreview and meta-analysis.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.November20,2018[Epubahead of print].4.Rotmen OM,Kovarovic B,Chiu W,Bianchi M,Marom G,Slepian MJ,et al.Novelpolymeric valve for transcatheter aortic valve replacement applications:in vitrohemodynamic study.Ann Biomed Eng.2019;47:113-25.https:///10.1016/j.jtcvs.2019.02.086SHOULD WE MODIFYTHE PROTOCOL OF ASYSTEMATIC REVIEWTO INCLUDE ARELEV ANT STUDY?Reply to the Editor:We thank Rodriguez-Caulo1forhis letter and Chikwe and Weiss2for their editorial com-mentary on our systematic review and meta-analysis on me-chanical versus biological valves.We concludedthat,compared with biological valves,mechanical aortic pros-theses provide better long-term survival.Under ideal conditions,the best evidence comes from themeta-analysis of randomized,controlled trials(RCTs).Thisis not the case for this issue,however,because there is only asingle RCT with small statistical power.Overcoming thislimitation is the main goal of any meta-analysis.Propensityscore methods are used to deal with the intrinsic biases ofobservational studies.In addition,propensity score match-ing allows direct comparison of survival curves.3SoAdult:Aortic Valve:Letters to the Editore358The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery c June2019StudyAdesignStudy Favors mechanicalFavors biologicalES (95% CI)%a1a0n1n0Study Date of Weight 1Hazard Ratio.110BHazard Ratio.1110StudyStudy designStudy Favors mechanicalFavors biologicalES (95% CI)%a1a0n1n0Date of Weight FIGURE 1.A,Forest plot for late survival if we had included the study by Goldstone and associates.5The lower hazard ratio for the mechanical valve group versus the biological valve group indicates better survival in the mechanical valve group.The statistic I 2¼0.4%indicates the near absence of inconsistency or heterogeneity.B,Forest plot for late survival if we had included both the study by Goldstone and associates 5and the study by Rodriguez-Caulo and colleagues.4The lower hazard ratio for the mechanical valve group versus the biological valve group indicates better survival in the mechanical valve group.The statistic I 2¼0%indicates an absence of inconsistency or heterogeneity.ES ,Estimation (hazard ratio);CI ,confidence interval;RCT ,randomized,controlled trial;PSM ,propensity score matched;PSW ,propensity score weighted.Adult:Aortic Valve:Letters to the EditorThe Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery c Volume 157,Number 6e359propensity score matching,as Rodriguez-Caulo and col-leagues4and Chikwe5used in their good works,is a good alternative when RCTs are not possible or are hard to achieve.In November2017,the largest study on this issue was published in The New England Journal of Medicine by Goldstone and associates.6Unfortunately,we could not include it,because it did not meet one of the inclusion criteria of our previously published protocol.It was not a propensity score–matching study,but rather a propensity score–weighted study.The only solution would have been to change the inclusion criteria with the sole objective of including this study.We considered it very carefully.To prevent biases,we decided that introduction, conclusions,journal identification,and other details should not be available during the selection process.Should we modify our protocol to include a study published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine?Clearly, our meta-analysis would be improved with very little added effort.Would this,however,be ethical?Does the noninclusion of an observational and retrospective study that is based on a registry invalidate our meta-analysis just because it is large,well-designed,and published in The New England Journal of Medicine?Ultimately,we decided not to modify the protocol.Let us imagine,however,that we had changed the protocol so that we could include the study of Goldstone and associates.6Figure1,A,shows the result.The conclusion would be similar!Let us think now that we could have included the even newer published article by Rodriguez-Caulo and colleagues4(Figure1,B).The conclusion would be similar again!There is great consistency among all the studies.Therefore,until more RCTs have been published,the available evidence will not generate blind beliefs.Until then,we can trust this meta-analysis,knowing that even the moon has spots and still is great.Daniel Hernandez-Vaquero,MD,PhD a,bRocio Diaz,MD,PhD a,bCesar Moris,MD,PhD a,b,ca Heart AreaHospital Universitario Central de AsturiasOviedo,Spainb Instituto de Investigaci o n Sanitaria del Principado deAsturiasOviedo,Spainc University of OviedoOviedo,SpainReferences1.Rodriguez-Caulo EA.More evidence favoring bioprosthesis older than55years inaortic valve replacement.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.2019;157:e357.2.Chikwe J,Weiss A.The mid-life crisis of the meta-analysis.J Thorac CardiovascSurg.November27,2018[Epub ahead of print].3.Deb S,Austin PC,Tu JV,Ko DT,Mazer CD,Kiss A,et al.A review ofpropensity-score methods and their use in cardiovascular research.Can J Cardiol.2016;32:259-65.4.Rodr ıguez-Caulo EA,Mac ıas D,Adsuar A,Ferreiro A,Arias-Dachary J,Parody G,et al.Biological or mechanical prostheses for isolated aortic valve replacement in patients aged50-65years:the ANDALVALVE study.Eur J Cardiothorac Surg.January3,2019[Epub ahead of print].5.Chiang YP,Chikwe J,Moskowitz AJ,Itagaki S,Adams DH,Egorova NN.Survival and long term outcomes following bioprosthetic vs mechanical aortic valve replacement in patients aged50to69years.JAMA.2014;312:1323-9.6.Goldstone AB,Chiu P,Baiocchi M,Lingala B,Patrick WL,Fischbein MP,et al.Mechanical or biologic prostheses for aortic-valve and mitral-valve replacement.N Engl J Med.2017;377:1847-57.https:///10.1016/j.jtcvs.2019.02.036 Adult:Aortic Valve:Letters to the Editore360The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery c June2019。



doi: 10.13241 /ki.pmb.2020.21.033康复新液辅助纤维支气管镜灌注联合化疗对耐多药肺结核患者肺功能、炎症因子和T淋巴细胞亚群的影响*高华石海萍△张权武肖攀云张喜平(陕西省结核病防治院结核内科陕西西安7丨〇丨〇〇)摘要目的:探讨康复新液辅助纤维支气管镜灌注联合化疗对耐多药肺结核患者肺功能、炎症因子和T淋巴细胞亚群的影响。

方 法:选取2015年1月到2017年2月期间我院收治的耐多药肺结核患者68例,根据治疗方案将患者分为对照组(n=34,纤维支气 管镜灌注联合化疗)和研究组(n=34,康复新液辅助纤维支气管镜灌注联合化疗),比较两组患者临床疗效以及肺功能、炎症因子 和T淋巴细胞亚群变化,记录两组治疗期间不良反应发生情况。

结果:研究组治疗12个月后、治疗20个月后病灶吸收率、痰菌转 阴率、空洞闭合率均高于对照组(P<〇.〇5)。

两组患者治疗6个月后第I s用力呼气容积占预计值百分比(F E V1%)、用力肺活量占预 计值百分比(F V C%)、每分钟最大通气量占预计值百分比(\1\^/。


)、7-干扰素(11^-7)、〇34*、004+/008+均较治疗前升高,且研究 组高于对照组(P<〇.〇5)。

两组患者治疗6个月后白介素-6(I L-6)、C反应蛋白(C R P)、C D8‘均较治疗前降低,且研究组低于对照组 (P<0.05)。


结论:康复新液辅助纤维支气管镜灌注联合化疗治疗耐多药肺 结核患者,疗效理想,能够有效改善患者肺功能和免疫功能,缓解炎症反应,安全性较好,具有一定的临床应用价值。

关键词:康复新液;纤维支气管镜灌注;化疗;耐多药肺结核;肺功能;炎症因子;T淋巴细胞亚群中图分类号:R521文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-6273(2020)21-4147-05Effect of Kangfuxinye Oral Supplementary Fiberoptic Bronchoscopic Infusion Chemotherapy on Multidrug-resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis*G A O Hua, SH IH ai-pingf1, Z H A N G Quan-wu, X IA O Pan-yun, Z H A N G X i-p in g(D epartm ent o f I nternal M edicine-Tuberculosis, Shaanxi Tuberculosis Prevention an d C ontrol Institutet X i'an, Shaanxi, 710100, C hina)A B S T R A C T Objective: 丁o investigate the effects o f K a n g f l i x i n y e oral s u p p l e m e n t a r y fiberoptic b r o n c h o s c o p i c inflision c h e m o t h e r a p y o n p u l m o n a r y function, i n f l a m m a t o r y factors a n d T l y m p h o c y t e subsets in patients w i t h multidrug-resistant p u l m o n a r y tuberculosis. M e t h o d s:68 patients w i t h multidrug-resistant p u l m o n a r y tuberculosis w h o w e r e a d m i t t e d to o u r hospital f r o m J a n u a r y 2015 to F e b r u a r y 2017w e r e selected, a n d t h e y w e r e d i v i d e d into control g r o u p(n=34,fiberoptic b r o n c h o s c o p i c infusion c o m b i n e d w i t h c h e m o t h e r a p y) a n d s t u d y g r o u p(n=34,K a n g f u x i n y e s u p p l e m e n t a r y fiberoptic b r o n c h o s c o p i c infusion c o m b i n e d w i t h c h e m o t h e r a p y) a c c o r d i n g to the t r e a t m e n t plan. T h e clinical efficacy, p u l m o n a r y fiinction, i n f l a m m a t o r y factors a n d T l y m p h o c y t e subsets levels o f the t w o g r o u p s w e r e c o m p a r e d.T h e o c c u r r e n c e o f ad v e r s e reactions d u r i n g t r e a t m e n t w a s recorded. Results: T h e f o c u s ab s o r p t i o n rate, s p u t u m ne g a t i v e c o n v e r s i o n rate a n d cavity closure rate o f the s t u d y g r o u p after 12 m o n t h s o f trea t m e n t a n d after 20 m o n t h s o f t r e a t m e n t w e r e h i g h e r t h a n t h o s e o f the control g r o u p(P<0.05). A f t e r6 m o n t h s o f treatment, the f o r c e d expiratory v o l u m e in o n e s e c o n d to f o r c e d vital capacity (F E V1), f o r c e d vital c a p acity (F V C), m a x i m u m ventilatory v o l u m e (M W), interferon-7 (I F N-7), C D4+, C D4+/C D8+ in b o t hg r o u p s w e r e h i g h e r th a n th o s e b e f o r e treatment, a n d those in the s t u d y g r o u p w e r e h i g h e r t h a n those in the control g r o u p(P<0.05). A f t e r6 m o n t h s o f treatment, the levels o f interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-r e active protein (C R P) a n d C D8+ in b o t h g r o u p s w e r e l o w e r t h a n th o s e b e f o r e treatment, a n d t h o s e in the s t u d y g r o u p w e r e l o w e r than th o s e in the control g r o u p(P<0.05). T h e r e w a s n o significant difference in the inci d e n c e o f total a d v e r s e reactions b e t w e e n the t w o g r o u p s(P>0.05). C o n c l u s i o n:K a n g f u x i n y e oral s u p p l e m e n t a r y fiberoptic b r o n c h o s c o p i c infusion c h e m o t h e r a p y for multidrug-resistant p u l m o n a r y tuberculosis patients h a s satisfactory curative effect, it c a n effectively i m p r o v e the p u l m o n a r y function, i n f l a m m a t o r y reaction a n d i m m u n e function o f patients, the safety is g o o d,a n d i t h a s a certain clinical application value.K e y w o r d s:K a n g f u x i n y e;Fiberoptic b r o n c h o s c o p i c infusion; C h e m o t h e r a p y;Multidrug-resistant p u l m o n a r y tuberculosis; P u l m o n a r y function; I n f l a m m a t o r y factors; T l y m p h o c y t e subsetsC h i n e s e L i b r a r y C l a s s i f i cation(CLC): R521D o c u m e n t c o d e: AArticle ID: 1673-6273(2020)21-4147-05*基金项目:陕西省卫生健康委员会科研基金项目(2018D1446)作者简介:高华(丨973-),女,本科,主治医师,研究方向:肺结核,E-mail:*********************A通讯作者:石海萍(1973-),女,本科,主任医师,研究方向:结核病,E-mail:****************(收稿日期:2020-〇4-〇7接受日期:2020-04-28)刖目结核病是指由结核分枝杆菌感染引起的一种慢性传染性 疾病,可侵袭多个脏器,其中以肺结核最为常见我国将肺结核列为乙类传染病,近年来随着抗菌药物的滥用及部分初治患 者不规律用药的情况频发,导致耐多药肺结核患者数量逐渐增 多,为肺结核防控带来更加严峻的挑战。



山东大学/医学院/英文原版/生理试题A/B真题卷(考前必做版)(含答案)Terminal Examination of Physiology (A)I. Select the Correct Answer (1 mark each, 40 in total)1.Extracellular fluid was termed ― Internal Environment‖ of the human body byA.Claude BernardB. HarveyC. PavlovD. HodgkinE. Cannon2. Inactivation of the sodium-potassium pump will causeA.An increase in intracellular volumeB.An increase in intracellular K+ concentrationC.Hyperpolarization of membrane potentialD.Increase in the excitability of nerve cellE.An increase in flow of sodium out of cell3. Depolarization of an axon is produced byA.Inward diffusion of Na+B. Active extrusion of K+C. Outward diffusion of K+D. Inward active transport of Na+E. Inward diffusion of Ca2+4. Which one of the following processes is not included in a cross bridge cycle?A. Myosin head is energizedB. B. Attachment of cross bridge to actinC. Power stroke causes contractionD. Detachments of heads from actinE. Excitation causes filament sliding5. Which one of the following is not the effect of preload on muscle contraction?A. In a limited range, tension caused by isometric contraction increases with the length.B. At optimal initial length a maximum tension is developedC. Tension declines when the length is shorter than optimal initial lengthD. Tension increases when the length is longer than optimal initial lengthE. Maximal active tension developed at length 2~2.2 μm of sarcomere6. Which of the following would cause a decrease in stroke volume:A.block the conduction of the vagus nerveB.stimulation of the sympathetic nerves to the heartC.decrease of the pressure in the carotid increase in the end-diastolic pressureE.from lying position to upright position7. If a person has an arterial pressure of 125/75 mmHg,A. The pulse pressure is 40 mmHgB. The mean arterial pressure is 92 mmHgC. Diastolic pressure is 80 mmHgD. Systolic pressure is 120 mmHgE. The mean arterial pressure is 100 mmHg8. Of the following substances, which has an effect on vascular resistance that is opposite to the effect of the others?A. vasopressinB. bradykininB. norepinephrineD. angiotensionE. none of the above9. The membrane potential of a ventricular myocardium is closest to equilibrium potential of K+ duringA. Phase 0 of the action potentialB. Phase 2 of the action potentialC. Phase 3 of the action potentialD. Phase 4 of the action potentialE. The effective refractory period10. Which of the following agents or changes has a negative inotropic effect on the heartA. Increased heart rateB. Sympathetic stimulationC. NorepinephrineD. AcetylcholineE. Cardiac glycosides11. Minimum aortic pressure during the cardiac cycle is attainedA. immediately after closure of the aortic semilunar valveB. immediately before opening of the aortic semilunar valveC. immediately before opening of the atrioventricular mid-diastoleE. none of the above12. If you know the stroke volume, the only other thing you need to know to be able to determine the cardiac output isA. heart rateB. afterloadC. preloadD. ventricular contractilityE. end-systolic volume13. The main reason of the formation of intrapleural negative pressure isA. Elastic recoil force of the lungB. Surface tensionC. Airway resistanceD. Contraction of the inspiratory musclesE. Intrapulmonary pressure14. Which of the following in arterial blood exerts the most important control on ventilation under normal conditions?A. PO2,B. PCO2,C. pHD. 2,3-DPGE. PCO15. A lack of normal surfactant will result inA. Increased lung complianceB. Stabilization of alveolar volumeC. Increased retractive force of the lungsD. Reduced alveolar-arterial O2 tension differenceE. Increased partial pressure of O2 in blood16. Which of the following shift the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right?A. Reduction in temperatureB. Reduction in pHC. Reduction in PCO2D. Reduction in 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in the red blood cellE. Reduction in PCO17. When surrounding temperature is greater than the skin temperature the only means by which the body can loses heat isA. RadiationB. ConductionC. ConvectionD. EvaporationE. Brown fat tissue18. Which of the following is not a significant function of the stomach?A. short term storage of ingested foodB. release of chyme into the small intestineC. mixing and liquefaction of foodD. initiation of protein digestionE. absorption of amino acids19. Which of the following enzymes would you expect to be most active in an environment where the pH was 2.0 ? What is the substrate for this enzyme?A. pepsin, starchB. trypsin, proteinC. amylase, starchD. pepsin, proteinE. enterokinase, neutral fat20. During digestion, the small intestine is flooded with proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin. What is the source of trypsin (actually secreted as trypsinogen) ?A. salivary glands and gastric epitheliumB. hepatocytesC. gastric epithelial cellsD. bile duct epithelial cellsE. pancreatic exocrine cells21. Which of the following statements about the enteric nervous system is true?A. it functions both autonomously and by communication with the central nervous systemB. it's neurons are embedded in the tunica mucosaC. it controls secretion, but has no effect on motility in the intestineD. it innervates the esophagus and stomach, but not the intestinesE. it’s not communicated with the central nervous22. The main difference between primary urine and blood plasma is:A. Glucose concentration.B. Crystal osmotic pressure.C. NaCl concentration.D. Plasma protein concentration.E. pH value.23. Proximal tubule of kidneys reabsorbsA. 85% of filtrated water.B. 85% of filtrated Na+C. 65~70% of filtrated Na+ and water.D. 65~70% of filtrated glucose.E. 65~70% of filtrated HCO3-.24. Which type receptor is the naked peripheral end of an afferent neuron?A. nociceptorsB. mechanoreceptorsC. photoreceptorsD. opiate receptorsE. vitreous receptors25. Sensory receptors convert carious forms of energy into electrical energy. What is the conversion process called?A. depolarizationB. hyperpolarizationC. frequency modulationD. somesthetic propagationE. transduction26. Which receptors do not adapt at all or adapt slowly?A. tactileB. nociceptorsC. phasicD. tonicE. taste27. An increase in the action potential frequency in a sensory nerve usually signifiesA. increased intensity of the stimulusB. cessation of the stimulusC. adaptation of the receptorD. constant and maintained stimulusE. An increase in the action potential28. Why is the blind spot on the retina not usually perceived?A. it is very small, below the ability of the sensory cells to detectB. It is present only in very young childrenC. Its location in the visual field is different in each eyeD. constant eye motion prevent the spot of spot from remaining stillE. lateral input from adjacent cells fills in the missing information29. The condition known as presbyopia is due toA. change in the shape of the eyeball as a result of ageB. an age-related loss of cells in the retinaC. change in the elasticity of the lens as a result of ageD. a loss of transparency in the lensE. increased opacity of the vitreous humor30. Which of the following is the principal function of the ossicles of the middle ear?A. they provide mechanical support for the flexible membranes to which they are attached (i.e., the eardrum and the oval window)B. they reduce the amplitude of the vibrations reaching the oval window, protecting it from mechanical damageC. they increase the efficiency of vibration transfer through the middle earD. they control the opening of the Eustachian tubes and allow pressure to be equalizedE. they have little effect on the process of hearing in humans, since they are essentially passive structures.31. The most important role of the gamma motoneurons is toA. Stimulate skeletal muscle fibers to contractafferent activity during B. Maintain I contraction of muscleC. Detect the length of resting skeletal muscleD. Prevent muscles from producing too much forceE. Above-mentioned are wrong.32. Which one of the following is not the cholinergic neuronA. All preganglionic neurons of the autonomic nervous systemB. The neurons in the caudate nucleus, putaman, globus pallidusC. Motor neurons in the spinal cordD. The postganglionic neurons of parasympatietic nervous systemE. Most of postganglionic neurons of sympathetic nervous system33. The reason of decerebrate rigidity isA. Overactivity of the spinocerebellumB. Overactivity of the medullary reticular inhibitor systemC. Non-functional of the medullary reticular inhibitor systemD. Non-functional of the pontine excitatory systemE. Non-functional of the spinocerebellum34. Which one is not belong to the feature of visceral painA. The highly localized types of damage to the viscera cause severe pain.B. Ischemia, chemical damage, and stretching of the ligaments cause severely pain.C. Localization of visceral pain is frequently difficult.D. Often followed by the referred pain and referred hyperalgesia.E. The signals are transmitted by Ad fibers GABA(a gammaaminobutyric acid)35. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the fast wave sleep?A. It is the first state of sleep entered when a person falls asleepB. It is accompanied by the vivid dreamingC. It is characterized by a slow but steady heart rateD. It occurs more often in adults than in childrenE. It lasts longer than periods of slow-wave sleep36. During a voluntary movement, the muscle spindle provide the central nervous system with information aboutA. The blood flow to the muscle being movedB. The velocity of the movementC. The length of the muscle being movedD. The tension developed by the muscle being movedE. The change in joint angle produced by the movement37. The specific neurotransmitter pathway from the substantia nigra to striatum isA.Dopamine,B.Acetylcholine,C.Gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA)D.NoradrenalineE.Glutamate38. Which of the following hormones is associated with acromegaly?A. growth hormoneB. thyroid hormoneC. thyroid stimulating hormoneD. adrenocorticotropic hormoneE. thyrotropin releasing hormone39. Which of the following hormones is associated with cretinism?A. growth hormoneB. thyroid hormoneC. prolactinD. adrenocorticotropic hormoneE. melanophore stimulating hormone40. Which of the following hormones is not secreted from adenohypophysis?A. growth hormoneB. thyroid stimulating hormoneC. prolactinD. luteinizing hormoneE. corticotropin releasing hormone.II Define the Concepts (2 marks each, 20 marks in total)1. Voltage gated channel2. Threshold potential3. Ejection fraction4. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)5. Hemostasis6. Basic electrical rhythm7. Visual Accommodation8. Food specific dynamic effect9. Forced expiratory volume10. Axoplasmic transportIII Answers the following questions (8 marks each, 40 marks in total)1.Describe the possible mechanisms of glucose transport across cell membrane.2. What factors determine the arterial blood pressure?3. Describe the factors that determine the glomerular filtration rate.4. Describe the regulation of glucocorticoids secretion.5. Describe the detail of the neuronal circuit and function of the skeletal muscle stretch reflex. Examination of Physiology(B)Class_____ Name_____________ Numbers_____ Scores_____I .Choose the best answer for each of the following ( 1 point for each, total 40 points)1.The most important mechanism to maintain the homeostasis isA.Negative feedbackB.Positive feedbackC.Nervous regulationD.Humoral regulationE.Autoregulation2. Which of the following is not an example of cotransport?A.Movement of glucose and Na+ through the epithelial membrane in the intestinal epitheliumB.Movement of Na+ and K+ through the action of the Na+ pumpC.Movement of Na+ and glucose across the kidney tubulesD.Movement of Na+ into a cell while Ca2+ moves outE.Exchange between Na+ and H+ ions3. What would happen if the threshold potential were increased?A.Amplitude of AP will be higher than normalB.Propagation velocity of AP will be increasedC.Sodium channels will be more activatedD.Excitability of cells will be increasedE.Excitability of cells will be decreased4.Ca2+ triggers contraction by binding toA.TropomyosinB.ActinC.Cross bridgeD.TtroponinE.Myosin5. In resting muscle, tropomyosinA. Inhibits Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulumB. Prevents Ca2+ from binding to troponinC. Excites the binding of heavy meromyosion globular heads to actin subunits.D. Prevents the formation of cross-bridgesE. Promots Ca2+ transport from plasma to sarcoplasmic reticulum6. An increase of intracellular Na+ concentration would expected toA.Stimulate Ca2+ pumpB. Stimulate Na+ pumpC.Low excitability of the cellD.Increase intracellular level of amino acidE.Decrease intracellular Ca2+ concentration7. The transmission at neuromuscular junction is characterized byA.Two way directional propagationB. No time delayC. Affected uneasy by drugs and changes of environmentD. One to one transportE. All above are false8. A hematocrit of 45% means that in the sample of blood analyzedA.45% of the hemoglobin is in the plasmaB.45% of the total blood volume is made of blood plasmaC.45% of the total blood volume is made of platelets and red and white blood cellsD.45% of the hemoglobin is in the red blood cellsE.45% of the formed elements in blood are red blood cells9.When the radius of the resistance vesseles is increased, which one of the following is increased?A. Systolic blood pressureB. Diastolic blood pressureC.Viscosity of the bloodD.HematocritE.Capillary blood now10.Stroke volume is increased byA.Decrease in venous complianceB.Increase in afterloadC.Increase in contractilityD.Increase in heart rateE.Decrease in coronary blood now11. When a person moves from a supine position to a standing position, which of the following compensatory changes occurs?A.Decreased heart rateB.Increased contractilityC.Decreased total peripherad resistanceD.Decreased cardiac outputE.Increased phase 0 of the action potential12.The membrane potential of a ventricular myocardium is closest to equilibrium potentialof K+ duringA.Phase 0 of the action potentialB.Phase 2 of the action potentialC.Phase 3 of the action potentialD.Pphase 4 of the action potentialE.The effective refractory period13.If systolic pressure is 120 mmHg, diastolic pressure is 80mmHg, the mean blood pressure isA.100mmHgB.93.3mmHgC.95.3mmHgD.90mmHgE.80mmHg14.If the ejection fraction increases, there will be a decrease inA.Cardiac outputB.End-diastolic volumeC.Heart rateD.Pulse pressureE.Stroke volume15.Which of the following agents or changes has a negative inotropiceffect on the heart?A.Increased heart rateB.Sympathetic stimulationC.Norepinephrine (NE)D.Acetylcholine(ACh)E.Cardiac glycosides16.Total lung capacity is the sum ofA.Residual volume + Functional residual volumeB.Residual volume + Vital capacityC.Residual volume + Expiratory volume + Tidal volumeD.Residual volume + Inspiratory reserve volumeE.Functional residual volume + Tidal volume17.A lack of normal surfactant will result inA.Increased lung complianceB.Stabilization of alveolar volumeC.Increased retractive force of the lungsD.Reduced alveolar-arterial O2 tension differenceE.Increased partial pressure of O2 in blood18.Hypoxemia (low partial pressure of PO2 in blood) produces hyperventilation by adirest effect on theA.Phrenic nerveB.J receptorsC.Lung stretch receptorsD.Medullary chemoreceptorsE.Arotid and aortic body chemoreceptors19.If an area of the lung is not ventilated because of bronchial obstruction, the pulmonary capillary blood serving that area will have a Po2 that isA.Equal to atmospheric PO2B.Equal to mixed pulmonary venous PO2C.Equal to normal systemic arterial Po2D.Lower than mixed pulmonary venous PO2E.Higher than the mixed pulmonary venous PO220.The most versatile and important digestive juice isA.Gastric juiceB.Small intestinal juiceC.Pancreatic juiceD.BileE.Saliva21.Which of the following factors inhibits the gastric emptying?A.Gastric tonic contractionB.The enterogastric reflexC.The distention of foods on gastric wallD.AcetylcholineE.Gastric peristalsis22. When surrounding temperature is greater than the skin temperature the only means by which the body can loses heat isA.RadiationB.ConductionC.ConvectionD.EvaporationE.Brown fat tissue23.Which one of the following is not the important factor that determines the rate of heat production ?A.BMR of all the cellsB.Extra metabolism caused by muscle activityC.Extra metabolism caused by the effect of hormoneD.Shivering thermogenesis and non-shivering thermogenesisE.Decreasing of the skin vascular tone24.The force opposing glomerular filtration isA. Arterial blood pressureB. Glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressureC. Plasma colloid osmotic pressureD. Blood pressure of afferent arterioleE. Blood pressure of efferent arteriole25.Which of followings can increase glomerular filtratioon rate ?A. Arterial blood pressure increases from 80 mmHg to 180 mmHgB. Arterial blood pressure decreases from 80 mmHg to 60 mmHgC. Increased action of renal sympathetic nerveD. Intravenously infusing a large volume of normal saline ?E. Intravenously infusing hyperosmotic glucose solution ?26. When reabsorption of water filtrated by glomerulus decrease 1%, how much the quantityof urine will increase ?A.1%B.10%C.50%D.70%E.100%27. The location reabsorbing glucose isA.proximal tubuleB. Henle’s loopC.distal convoluted tubuleD. collecting ductE. proximal tubule and distal tubule28. The location regulated by antidiuretic hormone isA. Proximal convoluted tubleB. Thick segment of descending limbC. Thick segment of ascending limbD. Thi n segment of Henle’ loopE. Distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct(Test Paper B)29. When sound wave is transmitted by tympanic membrane and ossicular chain to oval window, which of followings is correctA. Both amplitude and pressure intensity of sound wave increaseB. Both amplitude and pressure intensity of sound wave decreaseC. Amplitude of sound wave decreases and pressure intensity of sound wave increasesD. Frequency of sound wave increasesE Frequency of sound wave decreases30.which of the following is related to after discharge?A.DivergenceB.ConvergenceC.Chain circuitD.Recurrent circuitE.Synaptic sensitization31.All of the following are true for neuromodulator, exceptA.Often synthesized by presynaptic cellB.Involved in rapid communicationC.Co-released with neurotranmitterD.Amplifying or dampening the effectiveness of ongoing synaptic activityE.Change the presynaptic cell’s metabolism of a transmitter32. Which of the following is not important in saltatory conduction of the action potential along the axonA.The myelin sheath surrounding the axonB. The node of ranvierC. Loading neurotransmitter in the synaptic vesicleD.Passive current flow along the length of the membraneE.Voltage-sensitive Na+ gates33. Which one is not the feature of visceral pain ?A.The highly localized types of damage to the viscera cause severe painB.Ischemia, chemical damage, and stretching of the ligaments cause severely painC.Localization of visceral pain is frequently difficultD Often followed by the referred pain and referred hyperalgesiafibers GABA (a E.The signals are transmitted by A gamma-aminobutyric acid)34.Which one of following is wrong about tendon reflexA.It is caused by rapid stretch of the muscleB.An instantaneous, strong reflex contraction of the same muscleC.A dynamic stretch reflexD.Multiple synaptic pathway, continues for a prolonged periodE.Transmitted to spinal cord from the IA sensory ending of the muscle spindle35. The most importment output pathway from the motor cortex isA.The rubrospinal tractB.The reticulospinal and vestibulospinal tractsC.The corticospinal tractD.The pontocerebellar fibersE.The olivocerebellar fibers36. The specific neurotransmitter pathway from the substantia nigra to striatum isA.DopamineB.AcetylcholineC.Gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA)D.NoradrenalineE.Glutamate37.The cause of the acromegaly isA.High concentration of growth hormone in adultB.Low concentration of growth hormone in adultC.Low concentration of growth hormone in childhoodD.High concentration of thyroid hormones in adultE.High concentration of growth hormone in childhood38.About the humoral regulation of protein metabolism, which is right?A.GH increases the breakdown of proteinsB.Thyroid hormones decreases the synthesis of the protein in normal levelC.In patients with hyperthyroidism, high level of T3/T4 always promote the catabolismD.Cortisol increases the breakdown of proteins in liverE.Cortisol inhibits the breakdown of proteins in muscle39.Which one of the following is not the hormone that increases the glucose of blood?A.CortisolB.EpinephrineC..NorepinephrineD.Growth hormoneE.Somatostatin (SS)40.Which one of the following is right?A.ACTH increases the release of CRHB.Wolf-Chaikoff effect is caused by the increase of T3/T4C.Stimulation of parasympathetic nerve inhibits the release of T3/T4D.Cortisol increases the release of ACTHE.Cortisol decreases the number of red blood cellII. Define the terms (2 points for each term,total 20 points)1.Optimal length2.Oxygen capacity3.Forced expiratory volume4.Effective refratory period5.Basic electrical rhythm6.Hypothalamic regulatory peptide7.Filtration fraction8.Dark adaptation9.The specific dynamic action of protein(food specific dynamic effect)10.Afferent collateral inhibitionIII.Answer the questions (10 points for each question,total 40 points )1.Describe the types of glucose transport across epithelial cell.2.To describe the mechanism of production of an action potential in ventricular muscle cell.3. Describe the composition and function of gastric juice.4.Describe the function of the muscle spindle.Answer Points for the Terminal Examination of Physiologyfor English Medicine Student(A)Answer sheetI. Select the Correct Answer (1 mark each, 40 in total)1 A2 A3 A4 E5 D6 E7 B8 B9 D 10 D 11 B 12 A 13 A 14 B 15 C16 B 17 D 18 E 19 D 20 E 21 A 22 D 23 C 24 A 25 E 26 D 27 A 28 D29 C 30 C 31 B 32 E 33 B 34 A 35 B 36 C 37 A 38 39 B 40 DII Define the Concepts (2 marks each, 20 marks in total)1. Voltage gated channelIt is a type of ionic channel which gate is controlled by changes in the membrane potential.2. Threshold potentialIt is a critical membrane potential level at which an action potential can occur. The value of threshold potential of most excitable cell membrane is about 15 to 20 mV less negative than the resting potential.3. Ejection fraction55-65%stroke volume/ end-diastolic volume4. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)The quantity of ultrafiltrate formed by both kidneys per unit time (each minute) is called GFR5. HemostasisProcess to stop bleeding automatically of small vessel.6. Basic electrical rhythmThe smooth muscle membrane automatically and slowly, depolarizes and repolarizes in a cyclic fashion, this electric activity is called the slow wave or basic electric rhythm.7. Visual AccommodationThe process whereby near objects are brought to a sharp focus on the retina is called accommodation of eye or visual accommodation8. Food specific dynamic effectAfter a meal that contains a large quantity of carbohydrates or fats, the metabolic rate usually increases only about 4 per cent. However, after a meal that contains large quantities of protein, the metabolic rate usually begins rising within 1 hour, reaching a maximum about 30 per cent above normal, and this lasts for 3 to 12 hours. This effect of food on the metabolic rate is called the specific dynamic action of food 9. Forced expiratory volumeThe volume of air expelled during the first second of forced expiration is called the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1). It is normally in excess of 83% of the FVC.10. Axoplasmic transportVarious organelles and materials must be moved from the cell body, where they are made, to the axon and its terminals in order to maintain the structure and function of the cell axonIII Answers the following questions (8 marks each, 40 marks in total)1. Describe the possible mechanisms of glucose transport across cell membrane.(1) Facilitated diffusion via carrierFacilitated Diffusion means the diffusion of lipid insoluble or water soluble substances across the membrane down their concentration gradients by aid of membrane proteins. Facilitated diffusion via carrier is the diffusion carried out by carrie r protein. Mechanism is a ―ferry ‖ or ―shuttling ‖ process carried out by carrier protein in the cell membrane.(2) Secondary Active TransportSecondary Active Transport is a type of active transport in which process the expending energy is supplied indirectly from ATP.Mechanism is a Na+ -glucose co-transport mechanism, a process carried out by Na+ - glucose transporter or symporter.Process: ①Na+ ions diffuse from higher to lower concentration because the intracellular concentration of Na+ is kept low by the primary active transport of Na+ out of the cell across the basolateral membrane, where all of the Na+ pumps are located. In other words, Na+ moves downhill into the epithelial cell and then uphill out of it to the blood. ②The transporter (symporter) on the lumen membrane has 2 binding sites on its exterior side, one for Na+ ion and one for glucose molecule. Once both Na+ and glucose bind to these two sites, a conformational change of the transporter occurs automatically, and this allows both Na+ and glucose to be transported together into the inside of the cell at same time. Therefore, glucose moves from a lower concentration in the lumen fluid to a higher concentration in the epithelial cell, and the intracellular concentration of glucose becomes higher than lumen fluid. ③Glucose in the epithelial cell is then transported by carrier mediated facilitated diffusion across the basement membrane of the epithelial cell into blood.2. What factors determine the arterial blood pressure?(1) Stroke volume—systolic .pulse pressure increase(2) HR –diastolic,(3) Peripheral resistence—diastolic(4) Electic property of the aortic ---pulse pressure(5) Rate of the circulatory volume and vessel system volume3. Describe the factors that determine the glomerular filtration rate.(1) Glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure: It is the force driving filtration, it promotes the filtration ,GFR is is in direct proportion to (positive related to) it. The higher the Glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure, the more the GFR(2) Pplasma colloid osmotic pressure: It is force opposing filtration, GFR is in negative proportion to it(3) Bowman’s capsular hydrostatic pressure: It is force opposing filtration, GFR is in negative proportion to it(4) Renal plasma flow(RPF): GFR is in direct proportion to RPF.(5) Filtration coefficient ( KF): GFR is in direct proportion to both the fluid permeability and surface area of filtration membrane..4. Describe the regulation of glucocorticoids secretion.Hypothalamus – Anterior Pituitary – Adrenocortical Axis(1) Action of ACTH: Cortisol secretion is almost entirely controlled by ACTH (adrenocorticotropin。



高中英语科技伦理探讨单选题40题1. The development of new technology often brings _ effects.A. variousB. sameC. singleD. few答案:A。


A 选项“various”表示各种各样的,新技术的发展通常会带来多种影响,符合科技伦理中关于技术影响多样性的探讨。

B 选项“same”相同的,不符合实际情况。

C 选项“single”单一的,过于绝对。

D 选项“few”很少,也不准确。

2. We should _ the potential risks of technology before using it.A. ignoreB. considerC. forgetD. avoid答案:B。


B 选项“consider”考虑,在使用技术之前应该考虑其潜在风险,这是科技伦理中强调的重要方面。

A 选项“ignore”忽视,不符合正确的做法。

C 选项“forget”忘记,也不合适。

D 选项“avoid”避免,强调的是结果而不是行动。

3. The ethical _ of artificial intelligence is a hot topic nowadays.A. problemB. questionC. issueD. matter答案:C。


C 选项“issue”通常指具有争议性或重要性的问题,人工智能的伦理问题是当前的热门话题,符合语境。

A 选项“problem”更侧重于困难或麻烦。

B 选项“question”主要指需要回答的问题。

D 选项“matter”泛指事情。

4. Scientists are _ to find solutions to ethical challenges in technology.A. tryingB. succeedingC. failingD. refusing答案:A。



Multiple Choice一.骨肌系统( The Musculoskeletal System)1. What connects bone to bone?A. MusclesB. JointsC. CartilageD. Tendons2. The sternum is located in the ____________A. Lower legB. Upper armC. ChestD. Shoulder3.The “ilium”髂骨is a bone of the __________?A. Shoulder girdleB. Pel vi sC. SpineD. Upper extremity4. How many cervical vertebrae are there in the human spine?A. FourB. FiveC. SixD. Seven5. Which bone “elevates” when you “shrug” your shoulders?A. SternumB. HumerusC. Scapula肩胛骨D. Elbow6. Which answer best describes the location of the fibula腓骨?A. Hip to kneeB. Knee to ankle (lateral side)C. Knee to ankle (medial side)D. Knee cap7. The trapezius muscle斜方肌is located in the.....A. Lower legB. BackC. ForearmD. Buttocks臀部8. What is the longest, strongest bone in the body?A. Spinal columnB. Humerus肱骨C. Femur股骨D. Tibia 胫骨9. The latissimus dorsi muscle(背阔肌) is located in the ___________.A. StomachB. BackC. ChestD. Upper arm10. How many lumbar vertebrae腰椎are there in the human spine?A. FourB. FiveC. SixD. Seven11. The number of thoracic vertebrae in the spine?A. NineB. TenC. ElevenD. Twelve12. A fracture at the distal end of the radius桡骨in the forearm with dorsal背部的and radial displacement of the wrist and hand is _____________.A. B aker’s fractureB. Comminuted fractureC. Compound fractureD. Colle’s fracture13. Spontaneous fractures are considered as ____________.A. Traumatic fracture创伤性骨折B. Stress fractures 压缩性骨折C. Greenstick fractures青枝骨折D. Pathological fractures 病理性骨折青少年骨折的称为青枝状骨折,意思是和树枝一样可以自己长好的。

高二英语 Book 5 Unit 3 Fit for Life(学生版)单词重点句型语法默写清单

高二英语 Book 5 Unit 3 Fit for Life(学生版)单词重点句型语法默写清单

Book 5 Unit 3 Fit for Life(1)ReadingP29.1. _______________ __________ the care of p eople’s ____________专门研究人类牙齿护理P31-322. as _________________as _________ ________________ 像基因组编辑一样具有颠覆性3. play a ________ _________ in ________ our lives 对于塑造生命起着决定性作用4. the _______________ ______ of _______ inside a living ________一个生物体内的一套完整的基因 come into being _________________bring sth. into being _________________________alien beings _________________5. __________________________________ 决定寿命长短6. ___________ the chances of _________________ certain diseases 影响罹患某种疾病的概率7. _______________ a certain ______________ 感染某种病毒________________ a ______________ form of _______________ 患上某种特定类型的癌症8. ____________ which genes _______ _______ which disease 找出哪些基因与哪些疾病有关9. an _______ _________ of disease _________and __________ 治疗和预防疾病的一种有效手段10. ___________ this ____________ ____ treat health problems 运用这项技术解决健康问题11. __________ one’s ______________ 恢复视力12. be ________ __________ 先天性耳聋13. _________ _______________ genes early on 及早修正异常基因14. ______/function/work _____ a new______ in the fight against disease 作为对抗疾病的一种新武器15. lead to a ____________________ change 带来根本上的改变16. develop _______ a fast _________ 迅速发展17. increase the human _____________ _______ flues 提高人体对流感的抵抗力18. __________ human senses使人的感官变得敏锐19. select specific ________________选择特定的特征20. ________ ________ such _________ issues设法解决这些道德问题21. keep the technology from __________ _______防止这项技术失控22. __________ _____________ controls ____ ________采取恰当的管制措施23. _______ one’s advantage /benefit对... 有利in the interest of sb./sth为了 ...利益24. There is much to _____ ________ and _______ on the subject of对于...话题,要探索和讨论的还有很多。

Heat transfer in a porous saturated wavy channel withasymmetric convective boundary conditions

Heat transfer in a porous saturated wavy channel withasymmetric convective boundary conditions

mechanical and physiological situations. Some interesting studies relevant to this topic are given by ELSHEHAWEY et al [2−3], HAYAT et al [4−5], HAROUN et al [6−7], ELMABOUD and MEKHEIMER [8] and KUMARI and RADHAKRISHNAMACHARYA [9]. The study of heat transfer in fluid flows through porous medium has received attention in recent years because of its numerous applications such as separation processes in chemical industries, transpiration cooling, transport processes in aquifers, storage of nuclear waste materials transfer, filtration and ground water pollution. Examples of natural porous media are human lung, gall bladder with stones, bile duct, rye bread, wood, beach sand, sandstones, lime stones and the small blood vessels. In some pathological situations, the distribution of fatty cholesterol and artery clogging blood clots in the lumen of coronary artery can be considered to be equivalent to a porous medium. MEKHEIMER et al [10−11] studied the effects of magnetic field and space porosity on peristaltic flow with heat transfer. Moreover, OGULU [12] discussed the effect of heat generation on low Reynolds number fluid and mass transport in a single lymphatic blood vessel with uniform magnetic field. An attempt for mixed convective heat and mass transfer effects in a non-Newtonian fluid with temperature-dependent



nmn是什么人群,nmn适合什么年龄,清单来了nmn是什么人群,nmn适合什么年龄,清单来了!近年来,抗衰产品越来越火爆,多项科学研究表明,国内外科学家也都在致力于“抗衰补充剂”NMN各种临床研究,有力证实了NMN 的有效性和安全性。




First of all, consumers know that ALTHOUGH NMN has many functions, its core function is to help the human body resist aging, so it is not suitable for children to take NMN.另外,虽说抗衰老是早点开始为好,不过消费者还是要保持理性,二十几岁及以下的青少年就没必要服用NMN,他们正是处于人生中各项身体素质较佳的时间段,吃好睡好,适当运动就是天然有效的营养保健!那什么样的人群适合服用nmn,nmn适合什么年龄,在实际应用中,服用美国W+NMN(端粒塔)12000的适龄人群基本清晰:1)年龄50以上的中老年人是需要补充NMN的群体,在衰老引发的疾病(尿糖病、睡眠、白发、心脑血管)等方面都有症状明显改善的案例The middle and old people above 50 are the first groups that need NMN supplementation, and the symptoms of aging-induced diseases (uretic disease, sleep, gray hair, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases) are obviously improved cases2)年龄30~50的青壮年,服用NMN也有明显效果(力量、视力、改善皮肤松弛、提升肌肉紧实度)等都有明显提高In the young and middle-aged aged from 30 to 50, taking NMN also has obvious effects (strength, vision, improving skin relaxation, and improving muscle tightness)3)低于30岁,服用NMN依然可以提高精力、改善亚健康、美白护肤,激活免疫系统,提高记忆力。



高二生物学与人体健康英语阅读理解30题1<背景文章>The human immune system is a complex and fascinating network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend the body against harmful invaders. It plays a crucial role in maintaining our health and well-being.The immune system consists of two main parts: the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system. The innate immune system is the first line of defense and provides immediate protection against a wide range of pathogens. It includes physical barriers such as the skin and mucous membranes, as well as cells like neutrophils and macrophages that can quickly recognize and destroy foreign invaders.The adaptive immune system, on the other hand, is more specific and takes longer to respond. It involves lymphocytes, such as T cells and B cells, which can recognize and remember specific pathogens. When the body is exposed to a pathogen for the first time, the adaptive immune system takes time to mount a response. However, once it has encountered a particular pathogen, it can remember it and respond more quickly and effectively if the pathogen is encountered again.In addition to these two main parts, the immune system also relies ona variety of other components, such as cytokines and antibodies. Cytokines are signaling molecules that help coordinate the immune response, while antibodies are proteins produced by B cells that can bind to specific pathogens and mark them for destruction.The immune system's ability to defend the body against disease is essential for our survival. However, sometimes the immune system can malfunction and either overreact or underreact, leading to various health problems. For example, allergies and autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks harmless substances or the body's own tissues. On the other hand, a weakened immune system can make us more susceptible to infections and diseases.Understanding how the immune system works is crucial for maintaining good health. By taking steps to support our immune system, such as eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly, we can help it function properly and protect us from disease.1. The innate immune system provides ________ protection against pathogens.A. immediateB. delayedC. specificD. long-term答案:A。



高中新教材译林版英语必修第二册单元佳句必修二 Unit11. Whatever wour answer is. there's always a lot more to it than first meets the eye无论你的答案是什么,它(电影)都远比你第一眼看到的更为复杂2.Actually, the film you see on the screen is the product of a huge amount of hard work,most of which takes place behind the scenes.事实上,你在银幕上看到的电影是大量艰苦工作的产物,其中大部分工作发生在幕后3. Hopefully,next time you go to the'll spare a thought for all those talented people behind the scenes希望下次你去看电影时,能想一想所有幕后那此才华出众的人们4.But, I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world 但是,我清楚地记得我第一次听到全世界最甜美的声音时的情景必修二Unit21. It has also been proven that active people tend to have better immune systems and are at lower risk of diseases.事实也证明,经常锻炼的人往往会有更好的免疫系统,患病风险低2. To prevent soft tissue injury,make sure that you weur proper clothes and equipment when exercising为了防止软组织受伤,锻炼时要确保你穿戴合适的衣服和护具3.After learning the basics of tai chi in those first new classes, I found myself bored and aching from doing the same moves over and over again学完前八节太极拳基础课之后,我发现一遍又一遍地重复这些招式让我心生厌倦,而且肌肉酸痛4.Tai chi has taught me to relax my mind,enabling me to stay cool in stressful situations.太极拳教会了我放松大脑,让我能够在紧张的情况下保持冷静必修二 Unit31.There were hundreds of guests,all dressed up in formal,colowful clothes客人有几百个,他们个个身着色彩艳丽的礼服2. The Carnival current carried us through the evergrowing sea of people,dancing all the way.狂欢节的人潮带着我们在越来越浩瀚的人海中穿行,一路走,一路跳.3.I was so caught up in the party fever that I hardly noticed five hours fly by!我深深地沉浸在派对的狂热中,丝毫未察觉五个小时已经过去了4. Even as I lay in bed that evening, the bright colours and lively music were still swimming all around me 甚至那天晚上当我躺在床上时,鲜艳的颜色和欢快的音乐仍然在我周围回荡5. Indeed, the whole family could not be happier to be together的确,没有比一家人团圆更让人高兴的事了6.However,the high-speed train has made it much more convenient for them to go back home然而,高铁使他们回家变得更加方便必修二 Unit41.A child and a man were walking on the beach when the child found a shell and held it to his ear. 一个孩子和一名男子正在海滩上散步,这时孩子发现了一枚贝壳,然后把它放到了耳边2. What amazed the child was not a new world,but the unnoticed music of the old 让孩子为之惊奇的其实不是新世界,而是旧世界那被人忽视的音乐3.In a word we have now reached a point where we wish to enjoy and understand literature.总之,我们现在已经到了想要欣赏和理解文学的阶段4.The fish righted himself and swam off again slowly with the great tail weaving in the air鱼正了正身子又慢慢游开,大尾巴在海面上绕来绕去。




抗老衰药品NMN,全称为β-烟酰胺单核苷酸,属于一种减缓衰老的生物活动性核苷酸,分子量为334.221 g/mol。

nmn参与细胞内NAD+的合成,NAD+是人体重要的一种辅酶,参与人体上千种生物催化反应,是我们身体活动力的发动机,日本W+NMN25000黑金版被人体吸收后形成NAD+,简单来说,把人体生物运作和代谢比喻为机器的运作,那NAD+的存在就相当于是电池给机器供电,是整个运作过程重要的存在;nmn is involved in the synthesis of NAD+ in cells, which is an important coenzyme in human body. NAD+ is involved in thousands of biological catalytic reactions in human body, and it is the engine of our body activity. After being absorbed by human body, the black gold version of Japan W+NMN25000 forms NAD+. The existence of NAD+ is equivalent to the battery powering the machine, which is an important presence in the whole operation process;但电池的电并不是源源不断,随着使用时间的增长,电量越来越少,这时就需要给电池充电,而W+NMN25000就是给NAD+充电的物质,所以NMN可以理解为一种含金量非常高的保健品。



细胞色素c序列查找和分析1 登陆NCBI网站,查找关于细胞色素C相关的蛋白的序列,选取了human,rat,yeast,drosophila等14个物种的细胞色素C蛋白序列,制订成表格,如下:2 将所查找的序列作成fasta格式的文本文档。

3 选取第二条序列(AAA21711)为代表,进行蛋白质一级,二级,三级结构的预测a.一级结构用的是/tools/protparam.html,结果如下:User-provided sequence:1 11 21 31 41 51 | | | | | |1 MGDVEKGKKI FIMKCSQCHT VEKGGKHKTG PNLHGLFGRK TGQAPGYSYT AANKNKGIIW 6061 GEDTLMEYLE NPKKYIPGTK MIFVGIKKKE ERADLIAYLK KATNEReferences and documentation are available.Number of amino acids: 105Molecular weight: 11748.7Theoretical pI: 9.59Amino acid composition:Ala (A) 6 5.7%Arg (R) 2 1.9%Asn (N) 5 4.8%Asp (D) 3 2.9%Cys (C) 2 1.9%Gln (Q) 2 1.9%Glu (E) 8 7.6%Gly (G) 13 12.4%His (H) 3 2.9%Ile (I) 8 7.6%Leu (L) 6 5.7%Lys (K) 18 17.1%Met (M) 4 3.8%Phe (F) 3 2.9%Pro (P) 4 3.8%Ser (S) 2 1.9%Thr (T) 7 6.7%Trp (W) 1 1.0%Tyr (Y) 5 4.8%Val (V) 3 2.9%Asx (B) 0 0.0%Glx (Z) 0 0.0%Xaa (X) 0 0.0%Total number of negatively charged residues (Asp + Glu): 11 Total number of positively charged residues (Arg + Lys): 20 Atomic composition:Carbon C 526Hydrogen H 845Nitrogen N 143Oxygen O 149Sulfur S 6Formula: C526H845N143O149S6Total number of atoms: 1669Extinction coefficients:Conditions: 6.0 M guanidium hydrochloride0.02 M phosphate bufferpH 6.5Extinction coefficients are in units of M-1 cm-1 .The first table lists values computed assuming ALL Cys residues appear as half cystines, whereas the second table assumes that NONE do.276 278 279 280 282 nm nm nm nm nm Ext. coefficient 12795 12727 12505 12210 11720 Abs 0.1% (=1 g/l) 1.089 1.083 1.064 1.039 0.998276 278 279 280 282 nm nm nm nm nm Ext. coefficient 12650 12600 12385 12090 11600 Abs 0.1% (=1 g/l) 1.077 1.072 1.054 1.029 0.987Estimated half-life:The N-terminal of the sequence considered is M (Met).The estimated half-life is: 30 hours (mammalian reticulocytes, in vitro). >20 hours (yeast, in vivo).>10 hours (Escherichia coli, in vivo). Instability index:The instability index (II) is computed to be 11.38This classifies the protein as stable.Aliphatic index: 66.00Grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY): -0.706b.二级结构用的是:结果如下:GOR4 result for : UNK_162940Abstract GOR secondary structure prediction method version IV, J. Garnier, J.-F. Gibrat, B. Robson, Methods in Enzymology,R.F. Doolittle Ed., vol 266, 540-553, (1996)View GOR4 in: [MPSA (Mac, UNIX) , About...] [AnTheProt (PC) , Download...] [HELP]10 20 30 40 50 60 70| | | | | | | MGDVEKGKKIFVQKCAQCHTVEKGGKHKTGPNLHGLFGRKTGQAAGFSYTDANKNKGITWGEDTLMEYL Ecccccccc eeeeee cccc eeee cccccccccc eeee cccccccccc eee ccccccccc ee cccc hhhhh cNPKKYIPGTKMIFAGIKKKGERADLIAYLKKATNEccccccccc hhhhhhhhhh cc hhhhhhhhhh c ee cSequence length : 105GOR4 :Alpha helix (Hh) : 25 is 23.81%310 helix (Gg) : 0 is 0.00%Pi helix (Ii) : 0 is 0.00%Beta bridge (Bb) : 0 is 0.00%Extended strand (Ee) : 21 is 20.00%Beta turn (Tt) : 0 is 0.00%Bend region (Ss) : 0 is 0.00%Random coil (Cc) : 59 is 56.19%Ambigous states (?) : 0 is 0.00%Other states : 0 is 0.00%Prediction result file (text): [GOR4]C.三级结构用的是结果如下:e-mail:*******************4.用PHYLIP软件推导进化树。



DIVER TESTS9190www.div E rNE t .comwww.div E rNE t .comWELL AND TRUL YTESTED‘I saw the reassuring little heart icon on the screen steadily pulsing away to confirm that I was indeed alive’ –NIGEL WADE tests the computer that gets to know youIN THE EARLY DAYS, DIVE COMPUTERS WERE crude and unreliable. One particular model earned the nickname “Bendomatic”.In those days I preferred to calculate my no-stop times using tables and a wristwatch which, incidentally, led to very short bottom-times but minimised the chances of getting a decompression hit.Since those dark days, dive-computertechnology has advanced. The humble tables and watch are left for diver-training agencies imparting basic principles to their students, and the modern dive-computer has become standard kit for all but a few.Modern dive-computers work usingdecompression algorithms. Simply put, these are advanced dive-tables used in conjunction with a depth-sensor and timer.Scientists and physicians have experimented with numerous algorithms, calculating the levels of various gases in divers’ blood and tissues and how they act in their bodies for years and continue to do so.The biggest challenge for these boffins has been to find an all-encompassing formula that will keep everyone safe – one that fits us all regardless of age, body size, shape, fat-content,gender or fitness levels.Everyone is different (thankfully) and we all absorb and release gases at differing rates during a dive. The ideal solution would be to stick a needle in an arm and link it to some formalthough the screen and graphics are smaller than those of a block-style computer they have a really good contrast.I could see them clearly and assimilate the information displayed easily and instantly –a big plus factor.The menus are accessed with a series of pushes on three buttons. The bottom-left button gave me the option of selecting or exiting the menu choices, and the two on the right scrolled up or down. The fourth button activates the backlight, which increases the screen contrast even more. I fitted the Polar HRM belt under my wetsuit and saw the reassuring little heart icon on the screen steadily pulsing away to confirm that I was indeed alive and that it had paired with the Mantis.What I can’t tell you is whether it made any difference to my profiles. I always dive with nitrox if it’s available and I always dive conservatively. The last thing I want is apainful and potentially dangerous bend plus a harrowing trip to the recompression chamber because I was stupid.What I’m saying is that I couldn’t bring myself to push the limits for this test. I did however have my own tried and trusted dive computer with me. It uses a reduced gradient bubble model (RGBM) algorithm and has kept me safe over more years than I care to remember and over thousands of dives.I compared the difference in no-stop times and deco penalties by setting them both to air (with the added safety factor of actually breathing 32% nitrox) and wasn’t surprised to see that the Mantis gave an average of 4-5minutes less bottom-time on the test dives. This was obviously the safer option, and the one I followed religiously.ConclusionI don’t know of any other computer-makerusing biometrics by incorporating a heart-rate monitor to adapt the profiles in real-time,real-person scenarios.The addition of the skin-temperaturesensor will be even more valuable, especially when your body temperature is much warmer than the water when wearing a drysuit.Existing dive-computers can measure only the ambient water temperature, which may have a detrimental bearing on the state of play decompression-wise.The Mantis is the nearest I’ve seen to aplug-into-your-arm computer, and it’s likely to become closer still. There is also a Black Tech model available (see Just Surfaced ) and this has a reversed LCD screen and a black PVD-coated case.The Mantis M1 is stylish enough to wear as a replacement for a watch, telling people who care to notice that you’re a diver. For the fitness fanatics, the extra features will keep you up to date on how far you’ve swum or run and how many calories you’ve used.For me, however, when I’m not under water all I need to know is how long it is until kick-off at Stamford Bridge.Iof super-biological computer that reads and recognises exactly what’s going on inside our bodies with regard to micro-bubbles.This may be impractical,but forward-thinking dive-computer manufacturer Scubapro has taken a few steps towards personalising our algorithms by adding a heart-monitor to read our work rates under water and adjusting the decompression calculations accordingly.Initially it has incorporated this concept in its Galileo range of block-style computers. Now it has launched the same principle in its latest wristwatch-size computer, the Mantis M1.The HardwareThe Mantis M1 comes in a compact timepiece-style wrist computer featuring what the maker calls “Katana sharp graphics” in a back-lit segmented LCD display set behind a mineral glass face.The case is constructed from two-tonebrushed marine-grade 316L stainless-steel, with four magnetic control buttons reducing the number of failure points that could cause a leak at depth. The bezel has imprinted labels to identify these button functions.A user-replaceable lithium-ion CR2032battery that’s claimed to last for two years or300 dives powers the computer. A buckle-style adjustable polymer strap is augmented with an additional extension piece for useover thicker wetsuits or drysuits. The Mantis I was sent to test came with a USB dongle and interface cradle to download and log the dive profiles to my PC.It was also supplied with a Polar heart-rate monitor belt. This, I’m told, will have been upgraded to Scubapro’s own version by the time you read this feature, and the new version will also include a skin-temperature sensor to add to the personalisation of the Mantis to your own body.The FunctionsThe main feature of the Mantis is its adaptive biometrics for what the maker calls “Human Factor Diving”. This allows for personal customisation of the dive profiles, and atpresent takes into account the user’s heart rate via the simple Polar heart-monitor belt.The Mantis has all the other functions you would expect in an up-to-date dive instrument.These include nitrox settings from 21 to 100%with a choice of three gas mixes, Gauge, Apnea and Decompression modes plus a CCR mode for fixed PO 2rebreathers.It doesn’t stop there, however. The Mantis also has the ability to be used as an altimeter,thermometer or a chronometer with a lap-memory function. It can also be used as astroke-counter while swimming, recording the distance covered, and, with the aid of the cradle and software, it can be a calorie-counter too. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that it can be used as a digital watch as well as an alarm clock.The AlgorithmThe all-important algorithm used in thesoftware is Scubapro’s own ZHL-8 ADT MB PMG,an advanced predictive multi-gas algorithm that calculates the formation and release of micro-bubbles in the body.These micro-bubble settings can be adapted to take into account the user’s experience, age and personal fitness level to ensure that safer profiles are calculated.The addition of a heart-rate monitor enables the computer to constantly readjust itsdecompression calculation based on real-time,real-person information.In UseI took the Mantis on a Red Sea trip to put it through its paces. Before I bore the pants off you with the algorithm thingy, let me tell you about the computer itself.My eyes are as old as I am, so they’re classed as antiques, and they don’t work as well as they used to and need some help. I could either get expensive prescription lenses for my mask or a bigger, sharper screen on my dive-computer. What I found with the Mantis was thatPRICE 8£369ALGORITHM 8Scubapro ZHL-8 ADT MB PMG MODES 8Deco, Gauge, Apnea, Fixed PO 2CCR NITROX 8Three gases, switchable FO2 821% to 100%PO2 81.2 to 1.6bar MAX DEPTH 8120mPOWER 8User-changeable lithium CR2032batteryBATTERY LIFE 8Two years / 300 dives STRAP COLOUR OPTIONS 8Black, blue, red,yellow, pinkCONTACT DIVER GUIDE #########$SPECSScubapro Mantis M1 dive-computer with Polar belt and USB data-transfer cradle.The Mantis M1 graphics are easy to read because of their contrast.。

the human genetic阅读答案

the human genetic阅读答案

the human genetic阅读答案June 26th, 2000 - human genome (genome) the project, which cost US $3billion and lasted 15 years, aims to map the human gen ome, and has now completed more than 90%. The scientific and m edical communities are very excited about the opportunity that ge netic research provides for the elimination of diseases and the exte nsion of life span (extending human life). However, as the project u nveils the mysteries of life, these communities and decision makers are also cautious about the door of science they are opening.In the past few years, genetic progress in the field of biotechn ology development has provided materials for various work, but th e development of modern science in unlocking the secrets of hum an genetic code has opened a possible world for human health an d public imagination.Researchers in Europe and Japan are making rapid progress in decoding (decoding) human DNA is the leading organization of ge netic research in the United States. Since 1990, it is "unlocking" the human body's password to learn how to overcome fatal diseases.The human genome project has been widely known and praised fo r the discovery of genes related to terrible diseases, and has made progress in isolating genes that show signs of breast cancer or AID S.Once these genes are discovered and studied, researchers can develop new methods to attack infections and genetic diseases. M edical companies are very interested in mapping human genome b ecause they hope to develop many new drugs to treat these diseas es.Why do scientists try to map the human genome?A. Because the human genome can destroy many diseases.B. Because the completion of the human genome can help the m get rid of many diseases.C. Because they want to be more famous than others.D. Because the human genome can provide many jobs.62. Which country in the world has the fastest research speed on genes?A. Japan.B. Germany.C. United States.D. China.63. Which of the following is incorrect?A. If these genes can be found, scientists can study many new ways to treat diseases.B. Scientists have made great progress in linking genes to canc er.C. Many medical companies have shown great interest in map ping human genome.D. Genetic research began in the United States as early as the 19th century.The authors believe that the human genome project may lead to.A. Decision makers are very worried and cautiousB. Scientists work hardC. Many people find jobs easilyD. Many companies produce many new drugsThe main idea of this article is about.A. Unlock the genetic codeB. discovery of genesC. The great human genomeD. genes and scientistsanswer:Mapping the human genome will mean that human beings willeliminate the harm of cancer and AIDS, and prolong human life wil l become a reality.61. B semantic problem solving. From paragraph 1 of the last p aragraph of the article Once these genes are discovered and studie d, researchers can develop new methods to attack infection (infecti on) and genetic diseases. It can be seen that scientists have comple ted the purpose of human genome mapping.62. C details. Because... The leading organization of genetic res earch is in the United States, so the answer is C63. D true and false questions. The United States began mappi ng the human genome in 1990, that is, at the end of the 20th cent ury, so option D is wrong.64. B true and false questions. It can be seen from the content of the article that the completion of the human genome map will h elp scientists overcome a series of difficulties. Therefore, they are w orking harder to explore.65. A theme. Based on the content of this article, it is not diffic ult to summarize the main idea of this article: interpreting the gene tic code.。

专题35 个人身体保健-备战2022高考英语阅读七选五热点话题+体裁分类训练(高考模拟+名校真题)

专题35 个人身体保健-备战2022高考英语阅读七选五热点话题+体裁分类训练(高考模拟+名校真题)

备战2022高考英语七选五热点话题+体裁分类训练(高考模拟+名校真题)专题35 个人身体保健(2022·江西·模拟预测)Do you like to keep fit? We're always told that regular exercise is good for our body and mind. More and more people are taking up activities that improve their fitness. ___1___Well, for some people, fitness has become an addiction as they aim forperfection___2___,especially if someone is driven by achievement and perfectionism. And sharing data on social media means exercising becomes public and competitive,which could cause problems in someone who is vulnerable (易受伤的).___3___. Symptoms of over-exercising include injuries such as stress fractures, tendinitis and a low immune system. So how much exercise is too much?___4___ — and that it was best to jog no more than three times a week or for 2.5 hours in total, showing that moderate jogging is possibly more beneficial than being inactive or undertaking strenuous jogging.If you're more of a couch potato than a short distance runner,___5___. But for amateur athletes who can't help but push their bodies to the limit, the advice from Martin Turner, a sports and exercise psychologist, is, “it's all about letting go, not being addicted, learning not to control everything, saying, 'You don't need to be perfect.””A.this might sound like good newsB.And fitness trackers and apps can add to this is abnormal and it is considered as a mental problemD.Mental health is the balance between all aspects of lifeE.But is there a risk some of us might get addicted and overdo it?F.Too much exercise can damage someone's physical health as wellG.Research found the ideal pace to jog was about eight kilometers per hour (2022·湖南·模拟预测)When the mind is tired and overwhelmed it can be difficult to concentrate and stop thinking always on the same subject. Here are some ways to get it checked, achieving wellness quickly and efficiently.Stretch your muscles. For anyone who works a lot of time in the same position, whether standing or sitting, it’s very nice to be able to stop a few minutes to be able to stretch themuscles. This type of exercise is an excellent way to relax the thoughts and also the body.____6____Eat a piece of chocolate. One square chocolate, with minimum 70% cocoa also helps to calm the nerves and feel calmer in a short time. The chocolate helps regulate the amount of cortisol, which is the stress hormone in the blood and aid in the release of endorphins, which promote well being ____7____ That’s due to the high calorie content, which can lead to increased weight.____8____ Even though the forced laughter doesn’t exactly have the same effect as a genuine good bottleneck, it can help you feel better, managing to relax—the body and mind. By smiling endorphins are released into the bloodstream and the effect can be felt in a few minutes, relaxing the body and mind.Be in contact with nature. ____9____ Observing the sea waves has this same calming effect for the mind, but if it’s too much heat, the effect may be the other way around, so the ideal is to start or thin the day by observing the sea.____10____ The blue and green colors calm the brain and the mind quickly and efficiently.A.Watch a comedy.B.Have a calming tea.C.And it will achieve well-being quickly.D.However, one should not consume a larger quantity.E.A good strategy is to look for a quiet place.F.If not possible, you can see a video of the sea for a few minutes.G.A leisurely walk, or just with socks, on top of the grass is an excellent way to relax real quick.(2022·河南·鹤壁高中模拟预测)Helen Keller, American blind writer, said: if I were given three days to see, I would not want to see too many wonderful things. ___11___ Still let me quietly see the miracle of the night into the day, the blooming of flowers to wither, the changing of the sky white clouds. According to the above, we know eyes are so important for us.National Eye Caring Day in China is on June 6th, which came from 1996. ___12___ They hoped to catch the public's attention to protect their eyes. Nowadays, many young people haven't realized the loss of sight, and have no idea to protect their eyes. ___13___Most people are born with good eyesight. But look at the students in college, we can see over ninety percent of them are wearing glasses. ___14___ So it is easy to get short sight. Though the students are asked to do eye exercise during the break time, still their sight becomes weaker.___15___ They should let children know the beauty of nature and spend more time to appreciate the scenery. Seeing different colors and taking a break after reading for a long time, we can protect our eyes. Parents shouldn't just give their children iPads when they feel annoyed.A.It can do harm to our health and bring us trouble.B.At that time the doctors advised the government to name a day.C.Because when the darkness came, I would miss them too much.D.So it is important to let the public know the ways to protect eyes.E.What's more, a balanced diet is necessary to keep our eyes healthy.F.Parents have the responsibility to supervise kids to protect their eyes.G.The young generation often watch the electronic products for a long time.(2022·福建莆田·一模)Four Ideas for Better SleepMost teens need 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. But many teens have trouble sleeping. Lack of sleep can affect everything from our emotions to how well we focus on tasks like driving. ___16___ And it may be linked to weight gain in some people. How can we get the sleep we need? Here are some ideas:Be active during the day.You've probably noticed how much running around little kids do — and how soundly they sleep. ___17___ Physical activity can decrease stress and help people feel more relaxed. Just don't work out too close to bedtime because exercise can wake you up before it slows you down.Say goodnight to your telephone or TV.___18___ If you can't make your bedroom a tech-free area, at least shut everything down an hour or more before lights out. Nothing says, "Wake up, something's going on!" like the noise of a text of a phone.Keep a sleep routine (规律).___19___ Creating a set bedtime routine can improve this relaxation effect. So relax yourself every night by reading, listening to music, spending time with a pet, writing in ajournal, or doing anything else that relaxes you.___20___Stress can cause sleeplessness, so the more you suffer from not sleeping, the greater the risk you'll lie awake staring at the ceiling. Instead of worrying that you won't sleep, remind yourself that you can. Say, "Tonight, I will sleep well" several times during the day. It can also help to practice breathing exercises before bed.A.Expect a good night's sleep.B.You may wake up in the middle of the night.C.Experts recommend using the bedroom for sleep only.D.The more you try to fall asleep, the more difficultly you can.E.Learn from a kid and get at least 60 minutes of exercise a day.F.Going to bed at the same time every night helps the body expect sleep.G.It can affect sports performance, and increase our chances of getting sick.(2022·安徽黄山·一模)Is It Bad to Cross Your Legs When You Sit?Crossing your legs is an extremely, common habit; most people don’t even notice that they’re doing it when they sit down. ____21____A study published in Blood Pressure Monitoring stated that sitting with your legs crossed can increase your blood pressure. The reason this happens is because the blood in your legs has to work against gravity to be pumped back to your heart, crossing one leg over the other increases resistance, making it even harder for the blood to circulate. This causes your body to increase your blood pressure to push the blood back to the heart.____22____ However, if you sit for long periods of time, it’s important that you take note of how long you have your legs crossed for. You shouldn’t have your legs crossed for more than 15 minutes, and it’s important that you get up and walk around at least once every hour.____23____ Ideally, it’s best for our bodies to sit with our feet planted flat, hip (髋部,臀部) width apart, on the floor, but it’s not easy to maintain perfect posture all day. When you sit with your legs crossed your hips are in a twisted position, which can cause one of your pelvic (骨盘的) bones to turn. Since your pelvic bone supports your neck, this can cause pressure on your lower and middle back and neck.Crossing your legs at the knee can also cause pressure on the major nerve in your leg that passes just below your knee and along the outside of your leg, explains Richard Graves, a medical expert.____24____ While this feeling of discomfort may only last a minute or two,repeatedly crossing your legs until they feel numb (麻木的) can cause permanent nerve damage.____25____ Not only will it help your posture and stability, but it will also save your health in the long run.A.It is usually practiced unconsciously.B.You won’t feel any immediate effects.C.Crossing your legs can also lead to neck and back pain.D.So when you take a seat, warn yourself of the bad habit.E.Crossing your legs might cause problems that you are not aware of.F.So next time you sit down, try to sit with both of your feet on the floor.G.This pressure can cause numbness of some of the muscles in your foot and leg.(2021·全国·模拟预测)Staying Safe in Hot Temperatures Hot weather kills hundreds of people every year. The World Health Organization estimates that from 1998 to 2017 more than 166,000 people died as a result of extreme heatwaves. That includes the more than 70,000 people who died during the 2003 heatwave in Europe.____26____. There are steps you can take to stay safe during periods of very high temperatures. Many things can affect your body’s ability to cool itself during extremely hot weather. For example, when the wetness is high, body sweat will not dry as quickly. This restricts the body’s ability to release heat. ____27____.Also, take note of nighttime temperatures. Experts say heat waves often become dangerous when the nighttime temperature does not drop much past the highest daytime temperature. ____28____. So, hot nighttime temperatures put great pressure on the human body.____29____. Alcohol, caffeine, and sugar, for example, can weaken the body’s system for cooling itself.On its website, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, explains that some people are at high risk of suffering from heat-related illnesses. A person’s age and weight play a part in surviving high temperatures. People over 65 and under 2 are especially at risk of becoming sick from heat.Your general health is also a very important factor to consider. ____30____, you must move to a cool place, loosen your clothing, put a cool wet cloth on your body or take a coolbath and drink water.Experts at the CDC say that “everyone should take these steps to prevent heat-related illnesses, injuries, and death” when the weather is very hot.A.If you have health problemsB.Since mental illness can bring greater riskC.Some foods can also affect the body’s temperatureD.Yet, heat related deaths and sickness are preventableE.Contact your local health department quickly, if possibleF.Our bodies repair themselves at night when we are sleepingG.So, pay attention to not only the temperature but also the level of wetness (2021·陕西·宝鸡市陈仓区教育体育局教学研究室一模)Slow Walking and Aging Getting old might not be something that’s yet to cross your mind . ____31____ , so it’s something I’m sure we’d all like to control. That’s why scientists are constantly seeking out evidence that will show us what we need to do to achieve longevity (长寿).____32____.To walk 10,000 steps a day or do three 10-minute brisk walks plays an effective role in our health.But the latest research might put a spring in your step if you’re accustomed to walking at a fast pace. That ’ s because the speed at which people walk is a sign of how much their brains as well as their bodies, are aging .According to the result of those tested, slower walkers tended to show signs of accelerated aging .Their lungs, teeth and immune systems were in worse shape than those who walked faster.____33____. Professor Terrie E. Moffitt has proved that a slow walk is a problem sign decades before old age .This might be seen as a wake-up call for people with a slower gait (步态)who might feel it ’ s time to work out and get fitter . But it might be too late; researchers were able to predict the walking speed of 45-year-olds using the results of intelligence, language and motor skills tests from when they were aged three .____34____.So , what ’ s the point of knowing that a slower walking pace might mean a smaller brain ? Well ,researchers say measuring walking speed at a younger age , and understanding what this might mean, could be a way of testing treatments to slow human aging .____35____. Any step we can take to prolong a good mental and physical state is a no-brainer !A.Everyone wishes to keep youngB.There are various ways to exerciseC.We all know that regular exercise is good for usD.But unavoidably , all of us do get older day by dayE.This might help us make lifestyle changes while we ’ re still young and healthyF.In other words , some signs even in early life will show who will live younger and healthierG.To add insult to injury , the result also indicated the faces of slower walkers looked older and they had smaller brains(2021·山东·模拟预测)To be healthy is simple and easy. Just live a healthy lifestyle by following a healthy diet and doing regular exercise. All of us know that good health is important, for it enables us to achieve what we set out to do.Following a healthy diet means eating right. ___36___ Try to avoid fat-rich foods such as meat. Take the time to prepare your meals properly and make sure you include plenty of vitamin-rich vegetables in every meal. Eat more grain, fruit and vegetables. Such food gives you carbohydrates for energy, plus vitamins, minerals as well as fiber. ___37___ Lifestyle is another important contributing factor to living healthily. If you do not have access to at least an hour of sunlight every day, you can count on having oily skin, poor complexion and depression. Work stress is definitely bad for health. ___38___ It will not only make it easy for you to manage your time but also reduce pressure on you.Make sure you exercise regularly. ___39___ It can be an hour of aerobics or something meditative such as yoga. By working out on a regular basis, it helps to prevent the development of heart disease, obesity, and other illnesses. This is by improving the ability of our body to pump blood, which will boost the amount of oxygen in our bloodstream, burn fat and eliminate all toxins from our body through sweat. As useful are mental exercises or meditation. They are effective in eliminating negative emotions and habits from our minds.___40___ In doing so, you will grow stronger, play longer and look better. It will certainly make you feel happier and better. If you are happy, you are healthier.A.It also tastes good.B.Going to the clinic with your friends.C.So come up with a timetable for your daily schedule.D.To do so, you need to eat a lot more fruit and vegetables.E.Choose an exercise routine that you are comfortable with. F.Make healthy eating and physical activities fun and habitual. G.This means being clear on all levels: mentally and physically.参考答案:1.E2.B3.F4.G5.A【解析】【导语】本文是说明文。

毒理学 外源化学物在体内的转化过程

毒理学  外源化学物在体内的转化过程


请填写你的答案1236.醛酸结合反应的供体是请选择你的答案P-450酶系UDPGA√乙酰辅酶A硫酸酯7.毒物蓄积若要达到最大蓄积量,至少需要几个生物半减期请选择你的答案8246√8.毒物对不同个体毒作用的敏感性不同,其原因不包括请选择你的答案化学物的化学结构和理化性质√机体修复能力差异代谢酶的遗传多态性宿主的其它因素9.毒物经皮吸收必须具备下述哪项条件请选择你的答案水溶性和脂溶性√水溶性脂溶性分子量小于10010.化学物通过消化道吸收的主要方式是请选择你的答案滤过简单扩散√通过营养物质作载体载体扩散11.外源化合物排泄的主要途径是请选择你的答案唾液肾脏√汗液肠道12.化学物经消化道吸收的主要方式是请选择你的答案载体扩散滤过简单扩散√通过营养物质作载体13.吸收必须具备下述哪项条件请选择你的答案水溶性和脂溶性√水溶性脂溶性分子量小于10014.hanisms that contribute to transmembrane movement of toxicants include all the following EXCEPT请选择你的答案the process of filtration.√the process of biotransformation.the process of active transport.the process of passive diffusion.15.物体内生物转化I相反应的酶主要存在于请选择你的答案细胞膜内质网√线粒体细胞核16.气体状态或易挥发的化学毒物的排泄,下列哪一项描述是正确的请选择你的答案肺通气量加大可加速其排除速度√血液中溶解度低可减缓其排除速度排出的速度与吸收的速度成正比通过主动转运的方式经肺泡壁排出气体17哪项描述是错误的请选择你的答案动物的种属、年龄、性别、营养状态及遗传特性,对生物转化的性质与强度均有重大影响前致癌物可通过生物转化后变成终致癌物解毒作用是机体防御功能的重要组成部分经过体内的生物转化,所有化学毒物的毒性均降低√18.外源化学物生物转化两重性表现在请选择你的答案脱硫反应,对硫磷对氧磷(水溶性增加,毒性增强)以上都是生物转化两重性的典型例子√环氧化,苯并(α)芘7,8-二醇-9,10环氧化物(致癌)N一氧化,苯胺N羟基苯胺(毒性增强)19.排泄的主要途径是请选择你的答案唾液汗液肾脏√肠道20.ADEM指的是消化的什么过程请选择你的答案生物转化氧化、还原、水解毒物效应动力学吸收、分布、代谢、排泄√21.外源化合物与毒物结合的供体是请选择你的答案P-450酶系硫酸酯UDPGA√乙酰辅酶A22.物在消化道吸收的主要部位是请选择你的答案大肠胃小肠√食管23.orption of an inhaled gas is usually请选择你的答案not dependent on blood flow.not dependent on dissolution of toxicant in the bloo [D]dependent on degree of ionization.dependent on the blood-gas partition of the following statements describes the process of active transport?请选择你的答案Administration of metabolic inhibitors that block energy production stimulates transport. The chemical moves across the membrane through an energy-consuming process.The chemical moves with an electrochemical gradient through a carrier-mediated process. The chemical moves from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.25.学物对代谢酶的诱导是指请选择你的答案以上都是√酶的含量增加生物转化速度增高某些化学物可使某些代谢酶活力增强26.不同个体毒作用的敏感性不同,其原因不包括请选择你的答案代谢酶的遗传多态性化学物的化学结构和理化性质√宿主的其它因素机体修复能力差异27.学物生物转化的两重性表现在请选择你的答案脱硫反应,对硫磷对氧磷(水溶性增加,毒性增强)环氧化,苯并(α)芘7,8-二醇-9,10环氧化物(致癌)以上都是生物转化两重性的典型例子√N一氧化,苯胺N羟基苯胺(毒性增强)28.物在消化道吸收的主要部位是请选择你的答案大肠食管小肠√胃29填空生物转运是指外源化学物通过吸收、分布和排泄的方式穿越______的过程,其本身结构和性质______变化(填写“发生”或“不发生”)。

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The Human Mitochondrial Transcription Termination Factor (mTERF)Is Fully Active in Vitro in the Non-phosphorylated Form*Received for publication,February1,2005,and in revised form,April27,2005Published,JBC Papers in Press,May17,2005,DOI10.1074/jbc.M501145200Jordi Asin-Cayuela‡,Thomas Schwend,Ge´raldine Farge,and Claes M.Gustafsson§From the Department of Medical Nutrition,Karolinska Institutet,Novum,Huddinge Hospital,S-14186Huddinge,SwedenThe human mitochondrial transcription termination factor(mTERF)is a39-kDa protein that terminates tran-scription at the3؅-end of the16S rRNA gene and thereby controls expression of the ribosomal transcription unit of mitochondrial DNA.The transcription termination activity of human mTERF has been notoriously difficult to study in vitro,and it has been suggested that the activity of the protein is regulated by posttranslational modifications or by protein polymerization.We here characterize the activity of recombinant human mTERF expressed in insect cells.We observed that mTERF effi-ciently promotes sequence-specific termination in a completely recombinant and highly purified in vitro sys-tem for mitochondrial transcription.The termination activity has a distinct polarity,and we observed com-plete transcription termination when the mTERF-bind-ing site is oriented in a forward position relative the heavy strand promoter but only partial transcription termination when the binding site is in the reverse po-sition.We analyzed the biochemical characteristics of the active mTERF protein and found that it is a stable monomer at physiological salt concentration.Structural analysis,including phosphostaining,two-dimensional electrophoresis,and electrospray mass spectrometry, detected no evidence of phosphorylation.We conclude that the monomeric human mTERF is fully active in its non-phosphorylated form and that the protein does not require additional cellular factors to terminate mito-chondrial transcription in vitro.Transcription of the heavy(H)strand of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)involves two overlapping transcription units(1,2). One unit starts directly upstream of the tRNA Phe gene and spans the tRNA Phe,12S rRNA,16S rRNA,and tRNA Val genes (initiation site H1).The other transcription unit startsϳ100bp further downstream(initiation site H2)at the boundary be-tween the tRNA Phe and12S rRNA genes and produces a single polycistronic RNA that encompasses almost the entire length of the heavy strand.The ribosomal transcription unit is tran-scribed at a much higher rate compared with the other tran-scription unit,and control of its expression is exerted at both the initiation and termination levels(3,4).A central role in the control of termination has been attributed to the mitochondrial transcription termination factor(mTERF),1a39-kDa protein that binds to a28-base pair region of mtDNA located within the tRNA Leu(UUR)gene at a position immediately downstream of the16S rRNA gene(5,6).Previous characterization of re-combinant mTERF expressed in bacteria or in coupled in vitro transcription and translation systems produced pro-teins with sequence-specific DNA binding activity but no transcription termination activity(7).These observations in-dicated that mTERF requires other cellular factors and/or a posttranslational modification to efficiently terminate tran-scription.Furthermore,a recent study of recombinant rat mTERF suggested that phosphorylation of four amino acids is required for transcription termination activity(8).Alter-natively,mTERF activity may be regulated by its polymeri-zation state,because native human mTERF is present in HeLa mitochondrial lysates in two forms,an active monomer and an inactive polymer(9).Native mTERF has a high tend-ency to polymerize,thereby explaining a dramatic loss of activity during purification.We here characterize mTERF-dependent transcription ter-mination in a highly purified and recombinant in vitro system for mitochondrial transcription(10).Previous investigations of mTERF function were performed in partially purified mito-chondrial extracts,and the possible contribution of yet to be identified cellular factors was therefore difficult to address. Because bacterial expression in the past had failed to generate an active human protein,we expressed recombinant mTERF in insect cells using the baculovirus system.The advantages of this eukaryotic expression system are the abundant expression of recombinant protein combined with the possibility of co-translational and posttranslational modifications,including N-glycosylation and phosphorylation(11–14).We found that baculovirus-expressed human mTERF efficiently terminates transcription in vitro and displays distinct strand specificity. The mTERF protein does not require other cellular factors for its termination activity,and a comprehensive structural anal-ysis revealed that mTERF is a stable monomer in solution that actively promotes transcription termination in its non-phos-phorylated form.MATERIALS AND METHODSExpression and Purification of Recombinant Human mTERF—The gene encoding mTERF(GenBank TM accession number BC000965)was amplified from cDNA by PCR and cloned it into the pBacPAK9(Clon-*This work was supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council,the Swedish Cancer Society,the Swedish Foundation for Stra-tegic Research,the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems(VIN-NOVA),and the European Union Sixth Framework Program(EUMI-TOCOMBAT)(to C.M.G.).The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges.This article musttherefore be hereby marked“advertisement”in accordance with18 U.S.C.Section1734solely to indicate this fact.‡Recipient of a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship from the European Union Sixth Framework Program.§To whom correspondence should be addressed.Tel.:46-8-5858-3974;Fax:46-8-779-5383; abbreviations used are:mTERF,mitochondrial transcription factor;Chaps,3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesul-fonic acid;DTT,dithiothreitol;HSP,heavy strand promoter;IEF,iso-electric focusing;LSP,light strand promoter;MALDI,matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization;Ni2ϩ-NTA,nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid; PVDF,polyvinylidene fluoride;TOF,time-of-flight.T HE J OURNAL OF B IOLOGICAL C HEMISTRY Vol.280,No.27,Issue of July8,pp.25499–25505,2005©2005by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Inc.Printed in U.S.A.This paper is available on line at 25499 by guest, on November 13, Downloaded fromtech).During the cloning the leader peptide was deleted,a Met residuewas added to the N terminus,and a His6tag was added to the Cterminus.Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus,recombi-nant for mTERF,was prepared as described in the BacPak manual(Clontech).For protein expression,Spodoptera frugiperda(Sf9)cellsgrown in suspension were infected with the virus(5–10plaque-formingunit/cell)and incubated for60–72h at27°C in SF900II medium with L-glutamine(Invitrogen)complemented with2%fetal calf serum and 1%PEST antibiotic mixture(Invitrogen).Cells were then pelleteddown,washed in phosphate-buffered saline,snap-frozen in liquid nitro-gen,and stored atϪ80°C.The recombinant mTERF protein was purified by Ni2ϩ-NTA chroma-tography.The frozen cell pellets were resuspended in10ml of lysisbuffer(25m M Tris-HCl(pH8.0),10m M2-mercaptoethanol,1m Mphenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride,2␮M pepstatin,0.6␮M leupeptin,and2 m M benzamidine)and incubated on ice for20min.The cells were homogenized with15strokes of a tight-fitting pestle in a Dounce ho-mogenizer,and the homogenate was brought to15ml with lysis buffer. After the addition of3ml of5M NaCl,the solution was incubated at 4°C for45min in an orbital shaker.The insoluble material was re-moved by centrifugation at100,000ϫg for40min at4°C.The super-natant containing mTERF was passed10times through an18-gauge needle to shear DNA.One volume of buffer A(25m M Tris-HCl(pH8.0), 1M NaCl,10m M2-mercaptoethanol,1m M phenylmethylsulfonyl fluo-ride,2␮M pepstatin,0.6␮M leupeptin,and2m M benzamidine)supple-mented with20m M imidazole was added to the supernatant.The lysate was mixed with Ni2ϩ-NTA Superflow resin(Qiagen)previously equili-brated in buffer A supplemented with10m M imidazole(1ml Ni2ϩ-NTA resin per400ml of cell culture).The mixture of supernatant and resin was incubated at4°C for1h in an orbital shaker,and the beads were then collected by centrifugation for10min at1,500ϫg.After removal of the supernatant(flow-through),10resin volumes of buffer A supple-mented with40m M imidazole were added to the resin.After15min of incubation,the mixture was centrifuged for10min at1,500ϫg,after which the supernatant(wash)was removed and the resin transferred into a Poly-Prep®chromatography column(Bio-Rad).The resin was incubated for15min with12ml of elution buffer(buffer A supple-mented with250m M imidazole),and the mTERF protein was subse-quently eluted in1-ml fractions that were snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored atϪ80°C.Gel Filtration Chromatography—The gel filtration chromatographyof Ni2ϩ-NTA-purified mTERF was performed as described(9)with thefollowing modifications.The column(Superose®12;Amersham Bio-sciences)was equilibrated in running buffer(25m M HEPES(pH7.6),5m M MgCl2,0.5m M EDTA,1m M dithiothreitol,10%glycerol,0.1%Tween20,and500m M KCl)at a flow rate of0.3ml/min.Following the instructions of the column’s manufacturer,a calibration curve was prepared with blue dextran2000,ferritin(440kDa),catalase(232kDa), ovalbumin(47kDa),and insulin(5.8kDa),all from Amersham Bio-sciences(except for insulin from Sigma,catalog number I9278).The protein samples were dialyzed against gel filtration running buffer prior to injection.The injected sample volume was1ml,the flow rate was0.4ml/min at4°C,and0.2-ml fractions were collected.Fractions were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Coomassie Blue staining.The mTERF-containing fractions were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored atϪ80°C.The mTERF protein concentration was determined with Bradford reagent(Sigma).In Vitro Transcription Assay—The termination activity of mTERF was tested in a fully reconstituted in vitro transcription system described previously(10).Four different DNA templates were used. To construct pHSP1,a DNA fragment corresponding to bp499–742of human mtDNA(containing both HSPs)was cloned into pUC18.To construct pHSP1-TERM,a fragment corresponding to bp3063–3594 of human mtDNA(containing the binding site for mTERF,between nucleotides3229and3256)was cloned immediately downstream of HSP1fragment in pHSP1.For the generation of pHSP1-MRET,the human mtDNA3063–3595fragment was cloned into the same posi-tion as in pHSP1-TERM,but in the reverse orientation.For pLSP-MRET,a LSP-containing fragment spanning bp477–1of human mtDNA was cloned into pUC18followed by the mTERF-binding site fragment(3594–3063)immediately downstream.After linearization (pHSP1-TERM and pHSP1-MRET with BmrI and pLSP-MRET with EcoRI),the plasmid constructs were used to measure promoter-specific transcription in a runoff assay as described previously(10). The protein concentrations used in the in vitro transcription experi-ments were250fmol of His-POLRMT,500fmol of TFB2M,2.5pmol of TFAM and,when indicated,variable amounts of mTERF or an equivalent volume of buffer.For the pulse-chase experiment,pHSP-TERM was used as template,and the in vitro transcription reaction was scaled up to a final volume of100␮l.The in vitro transcription reaction contained0.3␮M [␣-32P]UTP(100␮Ci),and after5min of incubation at32°C cold UTP was added to a final concentration of2.5m M.Samples(25␮l)were collected0,30,60,and90min after the addition of UTP,and the transcription products were analyzed as described previously(10).Phosphoprotein Blot Staining—The indicated amounts of recombi-nant mTERF,ovalbumin,and bovine serum albumin were separated by electrophoresis on a12.5%SDS-polyacrylamide gel,and the proteins were blotted to a polyvinylidene fluoride(PVDF)membrane.The PVDF membrane was subsequently stained with the Pro-Q®Diamond phos-phoprotein blot stain kit(Molecular Probes)following the instructions of the manufacturer.The stained bands were revealed by direct UV light transillumination and photographed with a charge-coupled device camera,model ICD-42E(Ikegami Tsushinki Co.)Two-dimensional Electrophoresis—The mTERF protein was sepa-rated by isoelectric focusing(IEF)in the first dimension and by SDS-PAGE in the second dimension.For the analysis an mTERF protein purified by gel filtration over a Superose®12column and dialyzed against a running buffer(25m M HEPES(pH7.6),5m M MgCl2,0.5m M EDTA,10%glycerol,0.1%Tween20,1m M DTT,and100m M KCl)was used.IEF was carried out essentially according to the instructions of the manufacturer(Amersham Biosciences).The IEF strips(Immobi-line™DryStrip pH7–11NL,7cm)were rehydrated overnight in200␮l of DeStreak®rehydration solution containing1%of IPG pH7–11NL buffer.Twenty microliters of mTERF(1pmol/␮l)were mixed with69.5␮l of UTC buffer(7M urea,2M thiourea,and4%Chaps),10␮l of DTT (1M),and0.5␮l of IPG pH7–11NL buffer,and the sample was loaded onto the IEF strip anodically in a sample cup.The IEF was performed on an IPGphor(Amersham Biosciences)IEF unit at20°C with a50-␮A current per strip using the following schedule:step1(step and hold), 300V and200V-h;step2(gradient),1000V and704V-h;step3 (gradient),5000V and4500V-h;and step4(step and hold),5000V and 3000V-h.For the alkaline phosphatase treatment experiments,20␮l of mTERF protein(1pmol/␮l)were incubated with2.6␮l of10ϫdephos-phorylation buffer(Roche Applied Science)and4␮l of calf intestine alkaline phosphatase(1unit/␮l;Roche Applied Science)at37°C for30 min.As a negative control,the calf intestine alkaline phosphatase wasreplaced with4␮l of H2O.After incubation,the samples were immedi-ately diluted in UTC buffer,DTT,and IPG buffer and loaded onto the IEF strip as described above.After IEF,the strips were incubated for15min at room temperature under constant shaking in10ml of equilibration solution(50m M Tris-HCl(pH8.8),6M urea,30%glycerol,2%SDS,and0.002%brom-phenol blue)supplemented with10mg/ml DTT,followed by a second incubation for15min in equilibration solution supplemented with25 mg/ml iodoacetamide.The strip was next placed on top of a12.5% SDS-polyacrylamide mini-gel that had been covered with a solution of 0.5%agarose and0.002%bromphenol blue in SDS running buffer.After electrophoresis,the polyacrylamide gels were stained with Coomassie Blue or silver as indicated.Precision Plus protein standard plug(Bio-Rad)was used as a molecular mass marker.Protein Analysis with Mass Spectrometry—Matrix-assisted laser de-sorption ionization(MALDI)time-of-flight(TOF)analysis of in-gel di-gested proteins was carried out with an Ultraflex II TOF/TOF mass spectrometer from Bruker(Billerica,MA).The samples were prepared as described previously(15).Mass spectra were obtained in the positive ion mode at an acceleration voltage of25kV and a pulsed ion extraction time of80ns.Typically,300shots were combined for one spectrum. Data base searches were done with the MS BIOTOOLS software from Bruker by using the Mascot search engine(Matrix Science, London,UK).For electrospray ionization mass spectrometry,20␮l(1.6␮g)of Ni2ϩ-NTA-purified mTERF was loaded on a reversed phase trapping column(Poros R1;Applied Biosystems)equilibrated in0.1%trifluoro-acetic acid.The column was washed for2min with0.1%trifluoroacetic acid at a flow rate of200␮l/min,and mTERF was subsequently eluted with a buffer containing80%acetonitrile and0.1%trifluoroacetic acid at a flow rate of20␮l/min.The protein samples were analyzed with an electrospray ionization-quadrupole TOF mass spectrometer(Applied Biosystems)using the standard conditions for the electrospray inter-phase.Mass calibration was performed with100pmol of apomyoglobin. Deconvolution of the spectra was done with the software supplied with the quadrupole TOF mass spectrometer.The S.D.of the estimated masses were calculated as described.Termination of Mitochondrial Transcription in Vitro25500by guest, on November 13, Downloaded fromRESULTSRecombinant mTERF Efficiently Terminates Transcription in a Fully Reconstituted in Vitro Transcription System—Previ-ous studies have suggested that mTERF activity is regulated by phosphorylation or protein polymerization.We wanted to investigate the requirements for mTERF activity in vitro and therefore generated a recombinant baculovirus encoding the mature form of the human mTERF protein fused in-frame with a carboxyl-terminal His 6-tag.Recombinant mTERF was ex-pressed in insect cells and purified by Ni 2ϩ-NTA chromatogra-phy and gel filtration to near homogeneity (Fig.1A ).We inves-tigated mTERF-dependent transcription termination in an in vitro system for mitochondrial transcription reconstituted with highly purified and recombinant transcription factor A (TFAM),RNA polymerase (POLRMT),and transcription factor B2(TFB2M).For our analysis,we used linearized DNA tem-plates containing HSP followed by the mTERF-binding site in the forward or reverse orientation.We ran the transcription experiments in parallel but on two different gels to allow for direct comparisons of the transcription termination activity on the forward and reverse templates (Fig.1,B and C ).In the absence of mTERF,the mitochondrial transcription machinery synthesized the expected full-length transcripts (see lanes 2in Fig.1,B and C ).We added increasing amounts of mTERF and observed the appearance of an additional transcript with the expected size for an RNA transcript terminated at the mTERF-binding site.The recombinant mTERF protein was highly ac-tive,and we observed termination already at a molar ratio of about 1:20of mTERF to DNA template (see lane 4in Fig.1,B and C ).The mTERF termination activity was dependent of the relative orientation of the mTERF-binding site.When the mTERF-binding site was in the same orientation as theHSPF IG .1.Effects of recombinant human mTERF on mitochondrial transcription in vitro .Transcription reactions were performed as described under “Materials and Methods”and,for clarity,schematic presentations of the DNA templates used are depicted on the right .A ,the mTERF protein purified over Ni 2ϩ-NTA-agarose by gel filtration was separated by SDS-PAGE (12.5%)and revealed with Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining.The purified protein was used in the experiments illustrated in panels B–E .B ,in vitro termination activity of mTERF on pHSP-TERM.Increasing amounts of mTERF were added as ne 1,basal transcription reaction;lane 2,mTERF storage buffer.C ,in vitro termination activity of mTERF on pHSP-MRET.The protein content in each lane was as in panel B .The transcription reactions in panels B and C were performed in parallel,and band intensities can therefore be compared directly.D ,in vitro termination activity of mTERF on pLSP-TERM.The protein content of each lane was as in panel B .E ,the mTERF protein,and not POLRMT RNA polymerase pausing,promotes true termination on the pHSP-TERM template.After a 5-min pulse of radiolabeled UTP,a 8000-fold excess of cold UTP was added.At the times indicated,15-ml aliquots were removed and analyzed as described under “Materials and Methods.”MW ,32P-5Ј-end-labeled DNA ladder (100-bp DNA ladder;New England Biolabs).Termination of Mitochondrial Transcription in Vitro 25501by guest, on November 13, 2012 Downloaded from(pHSP-TERM),we failed to observe complete termination even at the highest mTERF concentrations (Fig.1B ).If we instead placed the mTERF-binding site in the reverse orientation (pHSP-MRET),we observed almost complete termination of transcription already at a molar ratio of about 1:1of mTERF to DNA template (Fig.1C ,lane 6).The mTERF protein has been shown previously to stimulate HSP transcription (5,9).The stimulation is only observed when mTERF binds to its cognate binding site and both the promoter and the mTERF-binding site are in the same orientation.In our recombinant in vitro transcription system,we noted that the overall level of transcription was higher on the pHSP-TERM template (Fig.1B )relative to the pHSP-MRET template.We could not,however,detect specific stimulation of transcription upon the addition of increasing amounts of mTERF to either of these two templates (Fig.1,B and C ).To further characterize the mTERF protein,we analyzed transcription termination with the LSP followed by the mTERF-binding site in the reverse orientation (that is,as in vivo ).We observed effective and complete mTERF-dependent termination but no stimulation of the overall levels of tran-scription (Fig.1D ).The observed results were essentially iden-tical to what had been observed with the pHSP-MRET tem-plate (Fig.1C ).Finally,we wanted to see if the shorter transcript observed in Fig.1B was derived from true termination of transcription and not only polymerase pausing.To distinguish between these two possibilities,we performed a transcription reaction with the pHSP-TERM template.After a 5-min pulse of radiolabeled UTP,we added an 8000-fold excess of cold UTP and followed the transcription reaction for 90min.If mTERF caused RNA polymerase pausing,we expected that the ratio of terminated-to-runoff transcripts would decrease progressively with time due to the resumption of elongation by the stalled enzyme.We found that the shorter transcript persisted for up to 90min of incubation without any obvious change in the ratio between terminated and runoff transcripts (Fig.1D ).We concluded that the shorter transcripts formed in the presence of mTERF are likely due to true transcription termination and not to POL-RMT RNA polymerase pausing.Recombinant mTERF Is a Monomer—The mTERF protein purified from mammalian cells has been shown previously toexist in two distinct states,as an active monomer and as an inactive polymer.We determined the multimeric state of our recombinant mTERF with gel filtration chromatography us-ing Superose ®12.The mTERF protein eluted as one single peak with an apparent molecular mass of ϳ40kDa,closely corresponding to the theoretical mass of the protein (Fig.2A ).Because the gel filtration analysis had been performed at high salt concentrations (0.5M KCl)that might disrupt a potential polymer,we pooled peak fractions from the gel filtration,dialyzed the material against a buffer with 0.15M KCl,and repeated the gel filtration analysis.Also under these conditions the mTERF protein eluted as a monomer (Fig.2B ).We concluded that our recombinant mTERF re-mains in the active monomeric conformation and does not polymerize to the same extent as demonstrated previously for nativemTERF.F IG .2.Recombinant human mTERF is a stable monomer in solution.A ,a peak fraction of mTERF from Ni 2ϩ-NTA agarose was subjected to gel filtration through Superose ®12at high ionic strength (0.5M KCl).Individual fractions were separated with SDS-PAGE and revealed by Coomassie Blue staining.B ,peak fractions from gel filtra-tion at high ionic strength (panel A )were subjected to gel filtration through Superose ®12at lower ionic strength (0.15M KCl).The open arrow over panel A marks the expected elution volume for a mTERFtrimer.F IG .3.The active mTERF protein is not phosphorylated.A ,phosphoprotein blot staining was performed as described under “Ma-terials and Methods.”Ovalbumin (OA )has two phosphorylated amino acid residues and was used as a positive control.Bovine serum albumin (BSA )is not phosphorylated and was used as a negative control.MW ,Precision Plus protein standards (Bio-Rad).B ,two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis of recombinant mTERF.Pu-rified mTERF protein (fraction 69;see Fig.2B )was separated by isoelectric focusing (pH 7–11)in the first dimension and by electro-phoresis with a 12.5%SDS-polyacrylamide gel in the second dimen-sion.Proteins were visualized by Coomassie Blue staining.MW ,Precision Plus protein standard plug (Bio-Rad).C ,two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was performed as for panel B .Samples were incubated at 37°C for 30min in the absence (top )or presence (bottom )of 4units of alkaline phosphatase (AP )as described under “Materials and Methods.”Proteins were visualized by silver staining.1st dim ,first dimension.Termination of Mitochondrial Transcription in Vitro25502 by guest, on November 13, 2012 Downloaded fromF IG .4.Determination of the molecular mass of recombinant mTERF by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry.A ,40pmol of Ni 2ϩ-NTA-purified recombinant human mTERF were desalted by reversed phase chromatography (Poros R1)and analyzed on an electrospray ionization-quadrupole TOF mass spectrometer as described under “Materials and Methods.”B ,the molecular mass of human mTERF was calculated by deconvolution.C ,magnification of the area of interest depicted in panel B .The mass of individual peaks is indicated.Termination of Mitochondrial Transcription in Vitro 25503by guest, on November 13, 2012 Downloaded fromThe Recombinant mTERF Protein Is Not Phosphorylated—Previous reports of rat mTERF and its regulation by phospho-rylation prompted us to investigate the existence of phospho-rylated amino residues in our active mTERF.We first used a small molecule organic fluorophore(Pro-Q Diamond dye)that binds directly to the phosphate moiety and has been reported to detect as little as2ng of phosphoproteins directly on PVDF membranes(16).We separated our purified mTERF(from frac-tion69in Fig.2B)on a SDS-polyacrylamide gel alongside equal amounts of ovalbumin(containing two phosphorylated sites and used as a positive control)and bovine serum albumin(used as a negative control).After transfer to a PVDF membrane,we stained the proteins with Pro-Q Diamond dye(Fig.3A). We observed no staining of our mTERF,even when3␮g of it was loaded,but obtained a strong signal with1␮g of ovalbumin.Phosphoprotein staining is a sensitive technique,and com-parisons between autoradiography and Pro-Q Diamond stain-ing on the same32P-labeled protein samples have revealed very small differences(16).We did,however,want to verify our findings with unrelated techniques and therefore inves-tigated the migration pattern of mTERF during two-dimen-sional gel electrophoresis.For the first dimension IEF we used DeStreak®Rehydration Solution(Amersham Bio-sciences)instead of DTT in the running buffer to avoid streaking,a common artifact caused by oxidation of basic proteins.In the second dimension we separated the mTERF protein with SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie Blue (Fig.3A).Under these conditions,we detected a major single spot(spot I)that migrated in excellent agreement with the theoretical isoelectric point(pH9.26)and molecular mass of mTERF.Two minor spots(spots II and III)could be observed directly above and below the major spot.Another minor spot (spot IV)was also visible.All spots were identified as mTERF by MALDI-TOF analysis.The mTERF protein is known to run as a doublet in SDS-PAGE gels,presumably due to slight conformational changes,which might explain the appearance of extra spots immediately above or below the major spot.We could not detect any spots to the left,the expected location for a phosphorylated form of mTERF.In a second set of experi-ments,we analyzed mTERF after alkaline phosphatase treatment(Fig.3B,bottom section).As a control,we exposed the mTERF protein sample to identical conditions but with-out adding the alkaline phosphatase(Fig.3B,top section).In these two experiments we observed one major spot at exactly the same position.The presence of mTERF in the spots was confirmed by MALDI-TOF mass fingerprint analysis.There-fore,alkaline phosphatase treatment did not alter the migra-tion pattern of mTERF,arguing against the presence of phos-phorylated residues.In a final effort to identify phosphorylated amino acid residues,we analyzed mTERF by electrospray mass spec-trometry,a technique that allows for the determination of the exact molecular mass of a peptide with high accuracy.From the multiple charged protein ions obtained(Fig.4A),the molecular mass of the protein was determined by deconvolu-tion(Fig.4,B and C).The determined mass for the dominant species was40233.2(S.D.Ϯ0.6Da),which coincides pre-cisely with that predicted for the mTERF molecule(40190.5 Da)with an N-terminal acetylation(42.7Da).Two additional peaks of40256.1and40278.0Da fit nicely with sodium adducts of the major peak.Our electrospray mass spectrom-etry analysis also revealed a minor protein peak at40308.8 (S.D.Ϯ0.9Da)with a putative sodium adduct of40352.4Da. The difference in mass of76.6Da relative to the major mTERF peak at40233.2Da is consistent with a disulfide adduct between the protein and␤-mercaptoethanol(expected mass increase of76.0Da)and efficiently rules out phospho-rylation,which should cause an80-Da increase in mass.DISCUSSIONWe used here a highly purified and recombinant transcrip-tion system to characterize recombinant human mTERF in vitro.Our defined experimental system minimized the inter-ference of contaminants and led us to conclude that mTERF does not require any additional factors present in mitochon-drial extracts to actively promote transcription termination.As observed previously with the native protein,recombinant mTERF terminates transcription bidirectionally of both HSP-and LSP-initiated transcripts(17).The purified mTERF pro-tein is highly active,and we can detect transcription termina-tion already at protein concentrations well below the concen-tration of the DNA template.We observed near complete transcription termination at about equimolar concentrations of mTERF relative to that of the DNA template.Another relevant conclusion from our study is that non-phosphorylated mTERF is active in transcription termination.We use phosphostaining, two-dimensional electrophoresis,and electrospray mass spec-trometry analysis to demonstrate that the active mTERF pro-tein is not phosphorylated.It could,of course,be argued that a small,non-detectable fraction of mTERF is modified and that this fraction is responsible for the termination activity ob-served in vitro.But because the mTERF protein promotes almost complete transcription termination at a molar ratio slightly above1:1of protein to DNA template,this possibility appears extremely unlikely.Even if human mTERF does not require phosphorylation to terminate transcription in vitro,we do not want to exclude a role for posttranslational modifications in the regulation of mTERF activity in vivo.Specific modifications of mTERF could e.g.promote polymerization and inactivate the protein or influence the DNA binding sequence specificity.Previous studies of the native mTERF protein have shown that the protein does not only terminate transcription at the mTERF-binding site but also stimulates transcription initiation at HSP(5,9).The stimulation was only observed when mTERF binds to its cognate-binding site and both the promoter and the mTERF-binding site are in the same orientation.We failed to observe mTERF-specific stimulation of transcription in our reconstituted in vitro transcription,which could indi-cate a difference between the native and recombinant protein in this respect.Mitochondrial transcription termination factors have been isolated and characterized from many different eukaryotes, including sea urchin(18),Drosophila(19),rat,and human.We, for first time,analyzed here the biochemical characteristics of one such termination factor in a fully defined in vitro transcrip-tion system.In future studies we will use our experimental system and combine biochemical experiments with genetics to further elucidate the regulatory aspects of mTERF-dependent transcription termination.Acknowledgments—The authors thank Dr.Maria Falkenberg, Martina Gaspari,and Dr.Xuan-Hoi Pham for contributions to the expression of recombinant TFAM and POLRMT.The advice of Erik Hedman on two-dimensional electrophoresis was greatly appreci-ated.We also thank Dr.Thomas Ruppert for contributions to the electrospray mass spectrometry analysis.REFERENCES1.Montoya,J.,Christianson,T.,Levens,D.,Rabinowitz,M.,and Attardi,G.(1982)Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.79,7195–71992.Montoya,J.,Gaines,G.L.,and Attardi,G.(1983)Cell34,151–1593.Gelfand,R.,and Attardi,G.(1981)Mol.Cell.Biol.1,497–5114.Attardi,G.,Chomyn,A.,King,M.P.,Kruse,B.,Polosa,P.L.,and Murdter,N.N.(1990)Biochem.Soc.Trans.18,509–513Termination of Mitochondrial Transcription in Vitro25504by guest, on November 13, Downloaded from。
