Table of ContentsUuit 1 What is Geomatics? (什么是测绘学) 2Unit 2 Geodetic Surveying and Plane Surveying(大地测量与平面测量) 6Unit 3 Distance Measurement(距离测量) 10Unit 4 Angle and Direction Measurement(角度和方向测量) 14Unit 5 Traversing (导线测量) 18Unit 6 Methods of Elevation Determination(高程测量方法) 22Unit 7 Robotic Total Station (智能型全站仪) 26Unit 8 Errors in Measurement(测量工作中的误差) 30Unit 9 Basic Statistical Analysis of Random Errors 34Unit 10 Accuracy and Precision (准确度和精度) 37Unit 11 Least-Squares Adjustment 40Unit 12 Geodesy Concepts 42Unit 13 Geoid and Reference Ellipsoid 44Unit 14 Datums, Coordinates and Conversions 46Unit 15 Map Projection 48Unit 16 Gravity Measurment 51Unit 17 Optimal Design of Geomatics Network 53Unit 18 Construction Layout (施工放样) 56Unit 19 Deformation Monitoring of Engineering Struvture 59Unit 20 Understan ding the GPS(认识 GPS) 62Uuit 21 Understanding the GPS (II) 认识 GPS(II) 65Unit 22 Competition in Space Orbit(太空轨道上的竞争) 68Unit 23 GIS Basics(GIS 的基础) 73Unit 24 Data Types and Models in GIS GIS中的数据类型和模型 79 Unit 25 Digital Terrain Modeling(数字地面模型) 83Unit 26 Applications of GIS 88Unit 27 Developments of photogrammetry 92Unit 28 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing (遥感的基础) 95Unit 29 Digital Image Processing and Its Applications in RS 99Unit 30 Airborne Laser Mapping Technology(机载激光测图技术) 104Unit 31 Interferometric SAR(InSAR) 108Unit 32 Brief Introduction toApplied Geophysics 110Unit 33 Origon of Induced Polarization 112Unit 34 International Geoscience Organization 115Unit 35 Prestigious Journals in Geomatics 118Unit 36 Relevant Surveying Instrument Companies 123Unit 37 Expression of Simple Equations and ScientificFormulsa 124Unit 38 Professional English Paper Writing 128Unit 39 Translation Techniques for EST 136Uuit 1 What is Geomatics? (什么是测绘学)Geomatics Defined(测绘学定义)Where does the word Geomatics come from?(Geomatics-测绘或地球空间信息学,这个名词是怎么来的呢?) GEODESY+GEOINFORMATICS=GEOMATICS or GEO- for earth and – MATICS for mathematical or GEO- for Geoscience and -MATICS for informatics. (大地测量学+地理信息学=GEOMATICS 测绘学或者geo 代表地球,matics 代表数学,或者 geo 代表地球科学,matics 代表信息学) It has been said that geomatics is many things to many people.(据说测绘学这个词对不同的人有不同的理解) The term geomatics emerged first in Canada and as an academic discipline; it has been introduced worldwide in a number of institutes of higher education during the past few years, mostly by renaming what was previously called “geodesy” or“surveying”, and by adding a number of computer scienceand/or GIS-oriented courses.(这个术语【term 术语】作为一个学科【academicdiscipline 学科】第一次形成【emerge】于加拿大;在过去的几年里被全世界的许多高等教育研究机构所熟知,通常是以前的“大地测量学” 或“测量学”在引入了许多计算机科学和 GIS 方向【或“基于GIS”】的课程后重新命名的。
2 基于偏度平衡的滤波算法 2.1 算法原理及流程
数理统计中的中心极限定理表述为: 在一定条件下随 机变量之和的极限分布为正态分布。具体到本文中, 需要 做如下两种假设: (1) 自然状态下量测的 LiDAR 点云数据 中, 不规则分布的地面点的概率密度分布服从正态分布; (2) 进一步的假设为非地面点 (也就是地物点) 干扰了这种 分布, 使得 LiDAR 点云数据的整体分布呈现出偏态分布, 并且这种偏态分布往往是一种正偏态。为了使这种分布 达到平衡状态, 需要从 LiDAR 点云数据样本中去除干扰地 面点分布的非地面点, 从而 “校正” 数据的整体概率密度分 布, 这种 “校正” 过程会持续进行, 直至偏度等于 0 为止, 此 时地面点的分布即接近于正态分布。该算法的本质是以 平衡 LiDAR 点云数据的概率密度分布为基础的, 这是该算 法之所以称为偏度平衡的由来。 在利用偏度平衡进行滤波的过程中, 不需要进行任何 参数、 阈值或者权因子设置, 算法完全是在没有先验知识 的情况下自动进行的, 这是该算法的最大优势所在。此 外, 分布的统计量与点的相对位置是独立的, 因此算法本 身与原始 DSM 的数据组织方式无关, 无论是规则格网还是 原始不规则离散分布的 LiDAR 点云数据均可适用该算法, 而且也不受原始 LiDAR 数据的点云密度和分辨率的影响, 这也是该算法区别其他算法的一个显著特征。基于偏度 平衡滤波算法的具体描述如下: 首先计算原始 LiDAR 点云 数据的偏度 sk , 如果 sk > 0 , 则点云分布呈正偏态, 此时点 云中的高程最高点将作为非地面点被删除; 然后继续计算 剩余点云数据的偏度值, 若仍大于 0, 则再次将数据中的最 高点作为非地面点去除, 直至点云数据的偏度值为 0, 而此 时剩余的点将会是地面点, 而去除的点则是非地面点。该 算法需要迭代进行。图 2 为算法流程图。
第34卷第4期2009年4月武汉大学学报・信息科学版G eomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University Vol.34No.4Apr.2009收稿日期:2009201218。
文章编号:167128860(2009)0420459204文献标志码:A基于机载LiDAR 数据获取森林地区DTM 新方法唐菲菲1,2 刘经南3 张小红1 阮志敏4(1 武汉大学测绘学院,武汉市珞喻路129号,430079)(2 重庆大学土木工程学院,重庆市沙正街33号,400030)(3 武汉大学卫星导航定位技术研究中心,武汉市珞喻路129号,430072)(4 重庆交通科研设计院,重庆市南岸区五公里,400067)摘 要:提出了一种继承式多分辨率体素滤波算法,从机载激光扫描数据中获取森林地区的数字地面模型。
通过将提出的滤波方法应用于实际采集数据,并与Terrascan 的滤波结果进行比较验证该方法的有效性。
关键词:机载激光扫描;体素;继承式多分辨率;滤波;数字地面模型中图法分类号:P228.3;P231.5 森林地区D TM 的获取是测绘生产的重要任务之一。
对于通过滤波提取D TM (digital terrain model ,数字地面模型)有各种不同的方法,如数学形态学滤波[1]、线性预测方法[2]、不规则三角网渐进稠化[3]、基于坡度的滤波方法[4]、移动曲面拟合滤波[5]、利用回波探测信息进行滤波[6],滤波基于分等级的格网的滤波思想[7]、灰值数学形态学重建算法[8]以及重复插值算法[9]。
ISSN 1392−1541 print Geodezija ir kartografija, 2006, XXXII t., Nr. 2 ISSN 1648−3502 online Geodesy and Cartography, 2006, Vol XXXII, No 2 UDK 528.92DEVELOPMENT OF 3D CITY MODEL APPLYING CADASTRAL INFORMATIONRytė Žiūrienė1, Rimantė Mešliūtė2, Daiva Makutėnienė3Dept of Graphical Systems, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10233 Vilnius, Lithuania1 E-mail: Ryte.Ziuriene@fm.vtu.lt2 E-mail: voverka@3 E-mail: delta@fm.vtu.ltReceived 22 12 2005, accepted 10 04 2006Abstract. Problems of development of 3D city models are analysed. To develop such kind of model a great amountof information has to be computed. Collecting and matching the initial data is the most time and labour consumingjob. Therefore first of all we have tried to investigate such a data source that would comprise the biggest part ofneeded data. We also have been looking for the data source that enabled us to constantly refresh and present the datadescribing the real or true to life situation. We have analysed the possibilities of city cadastral information system andhere we state that it is suitable for that purpose. This article presents the idea how 3D city model consisting ofprismatic building block models could be developed with the help of available cadastral information.Keywords: 3D city model, cadastral information, visualisation, modelling.1. IntroductionThe demand for 3D (three dimensional) city models is growing within various fields, namely, urban planning and design, architecture, environmental visualisation and many others [1]. The efficient generation of the 3D city models is improving the practice of urban environmental planning and design. Together with the development of new technologies there appears the need for applying 3D model instead of 2D model. The 3D model gives us the opportunity for a better and more comprehensive data evaluation. In the 3D city model the presentation of a particular situation is easier to execute as well as it is more informative; besides, the computer-aided spatial analysis becomes possible to be carried out. Spatial city model is necessary for scientists in cases when noise, heat, flood or fire spreading in cities is to be simulated. Telecommunication companies require 3D data in order to be able to calculate wave propagation in urban environment.Development of 3D city model requires appropriate data. 3D data model requires the following data terrain data, data on buildings with facades and roofs, roads, parks, traffic signs, trees etc. Most of the data is stored in the existing databases, DTM’s (Digital Terrain Model), information could be received from the aerial images, but some of the data is not comprehensive enough. However, realistic vizualisation mainly depends on data accuracy and completeness.When developing 3D city model, it is very important to define the objectives and targets for which this model is being created and tasks to be carried out with the help of the model. The reconstruction of urban areas is still a rather complex process involving quite a lot of time and manual interactions. Several different methods are applied to provide appropriate accuracy data and resolution as well as to obtain the 3D topology [2, 3]. The utilised methods can be subdivided into three major groups: manual, semi-automatic and automatic.This article presents 3D city model, which uses automatic method and which consists of prismatic building block models. With the help of this model we can visualise objects of the city in scale 1:500, 1:1000, also execute particular spatial analysis. Block extrusion is a fusion of 2D building footprints with airborne survey data and other height resources. GIS (Geographic Information System) technology allows to overlay 2D maps on airborne data and determine the spatial characteristics of the image within each building footprint. They lack architectural detail and they convey no compelling sense of the environment but are sufficient for analysing the view sheds and the shortest path.2. Applications for 3D Urban ModelsFew different categories of usage could be applied dealing with 3D city models. They could be defined as the following [4]: (1) planning and design, (2) infra-structure and facility services, (3) commercial sector and marketing, (4) promotion and learning of information on cities.(1) Planning and Design. Planning and detailed design reviews problems of site location, community planning and public participation. They all require 3Dvisualisation, because it is the best way how to supply the information on the analysed object in the best appropriate way. The focus is upon aesthetic considerations of landscapes as well as daylight and line-of-sight. Visual representation of environmental impact is also widely supported by 3D models [5]. This concerns various kinds of hazards to be visualised and planned for, and the ways of visualising the impact of future disasters as well as local pollutants at a fine scale.(2) Infrastructures and Facility Services. Urban infrastructure such as water, sewerage, and electricity provision as well as road and rail network – all require detailed 2D and 3D data for their improvement and maintenance. The analysis of sight-lines for mobile and fixed communications is also crucial in the environments dominated by high buildings in order to secure a clear reception of signals. Finally, analysis and visualisation of access routes to various locations by police, fire, ambulance and other emergency services are significant for maintaining a safe environment.(3) Commercial Sector and Marketing. 2D and 3D models are effective for visualising the locations of cognate uses, spatial distribution of the clients and market demands for specific economic activities as well as the availability of space for development. They also enable the computation of detailed data concerning floor-space and land availability as well as land values and costs of development. Finally, virtual city models in 2D and 3D provide portals to virtual commerce through semi-realistic entries to remote trading and other commercial domains.(4) Promotion and Learning of Information on Cities. 3D visualisation offers entries to urban information hubs where users at different levels of education can learn about the city as well as to give access to other learning resources through the metaphor of the city. In particular, it provides methods for displaying the tourist attractions of cities as well as ways in which tourists and other newcomers can learn about the geography of the city.3. Analysis of existing 3D city models3D city model is created in the following stages: starting with collecting initial data, finishing with visualisation of the compiled model. Alongside with the progress of technology, different ways of model development have been investigated. Below there are presented some of them, which correspond to the task solved in this paper.In order to develop 3D city model first of all we need to have data source, which depends on chosen methods and results.1. Data source. The main data source is very often considered to be material data, namely topographic maps, 2D digital maps,2.5D digital maps, aerial photographs, ortophoto (aerial) images, terrain data or laser profiler data. Each of these sources store different amount and type of data. A data source depends on the purpose the 3D city model has been created for, the precision of created model etc.2. Software. Software depends on how we create 3D city model – do we collect and process data with the existing programmes or collect data and process it with newly created programmes. For example, in Map Cube 3D city model [6] was created using Data Loading Program, Database Operating system and Data Output program. In Shah Alam Virtual City (SAVC) [7] were used ArcGIS, 3d Studio Max, Cosmo player etc. And in 3D city model of the central part Vilnius city [8] there were used ArcInfo 8.3TM and 3D Analyst programs.3. Modelling approach. This approach has got several targets: input data (topographic maps, 2D digital maps, aerial photographs etc), methods (how do we get particular elements of 3D city model), output data (final model). For example, in Besictas Region 3D city model [9].4. Visualisation. In order to achieve the highest form of visualisation, VR technology could be used. This technology is applied for 3D city viewing and processing purposes in real time. For example, Shah Alam Virtual City (SAVC) [7] the refinement process of the virtual 3D city model is done in Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML). VRML is the ISO standard to display 3D data in the web. In MapCub3D city model [6] was created VR viewer called Urban Viewer. With the help of this viewer it’s better to deal with a great amount of 3D city data, easier to operate with the data as well as draw faster.4. Structure of cadastral databaseIn order to create 3D city model, we need appropriate data. In this paper, cadastral data from cadastral data base were used to create 3D city model. This data is stored by SE Centre of Registers. We use this data because there has been created a good informational system in which the data are well structured, systematised. These data are always renewed and corrected and will always reflect the existing situation. Data submitted in this DB are precise as the information is judicially certified and registered in real estate registry as real estate cadastral dataWe can chart data in real estate data base as follows (Fig 1).A real estate cadastre is a set of organically and systematically ordered graphic and attributive data of immovable objects (in the national coordinate system), stored in computerised version. The data could be used individually on line or in any other way [10].A real estate cadastral map comprises a graphic part of real estate cadastral which exhibits the place of immovable objects and its boundaries in the national coordinate system. This information is given in numbers and graphical elements.A real estate cadastral map is worked out and corrected with the help of geo-reference DB, real estate registry data, documents compiled during the process of immovable objects formation and preparation.The cadastral map embraces all the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. It consists of the following layers.Fig 1. The chart of data in Real estate cadastre database The real estate cadastral map is used for works related to territory planning, land cadastre projects implementation, for other cadastres and registries helping to determine real estate taxation and for other purpose [11].When registering the real estate cadastral data into the National Real Estate Cadastre, the latter items are identified onto the real estate cadastral map. Before designation of real estate boundaries on the real estate cadastral map, the re-examination is executed to verify the layouts of the immovable things to be sure that the schemes have been properly formulated and positioned and to be able to detect as well as determine any real estate item in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania according to the applied data of the national coordinate systemThere has been compiled a general computerised system to administer real estate property in Lithuania. This system incorporates attributive and graphical data on the parcels (cadastral data), ownership rights, restrictions and obligations of real estate usage, data on the structures themselves, apartments, engineering structures etc.One of the constituent parts of cadastral information system of the National Land Cadastre is considered to be the graphical data on parcel boundaries, indicating buildings located on the parcels and submitting other required data. Before any parcel registration to be performed at the National Registry Centre, the parcels are plotted onto the cadastre map as well as their size and geographic position is checked in regard to other parcels.Graphical information is necessary in order to register a real estate item as well as one’s rights of ownership to the item itself, to ensure the correctness and precision of the real estate registry data, to characterise the geographic location of registered parcel on the map and to plot it geometrically in respect to the neighbouring parcels.5. Development of 3D city modelIn order to realise representation of 3D model, foremost we need to describe its composition, ie to create the system of representation of city model graphical elements (Fig 2). During a long-lasting development of cartography, the system of graphical elements has been elaborated and it contains structures, water system, road net, certain region boundaries, terrain surface, vegetation etc. The author has made an attempt to prove that those elements have to be considered as the essential ones and the proper presentation of city model has served for that purpose [12]. The main elements the visualisation of which is under consideration at this stage of investigation are to be regarded as terrain surface and buildings. Besides those two elements, other objects such as separate trees, streets, vegetation areas etc could be added to fully accomplish city model visualisation.Fig 2. The chart of graphical elements of the cityFig 3. A scheme of application of cadastral data in 3D city model developmentIn executing urban planning and object visualisation within an appropriate scale suitability of the data received from CDB the terrain surface, buildings and other objects are considered sufficient for visualisation. The scheme in Fig 3 shows what object data could be received from Data Base of Governmental Centre of Registers and how the data could be used for development of 3D city.6. ImplementationAccording to the scheme of data circulation (Fig 3), program D3DCM (Development of 3D City Model) has been created, which enables the generation of digital terrain surface and modelling of buildings applying cadastral information. D3DCM works as an extension of Autodesk Map® 3D 2005 program. This program has been chosen for 3D city visualisation, because it is a good tool for integration of CAD and GIS technologies. Autodesk Map® 3D 2005 supports the environment of MS Visual Basic® language for programming and editing.This language in integration with Microsoft Office Access® 2003 database has been used in creating D3DCM program.The D3DCM program enables the integration of data received from the National Registry Centre (this data is presented using ArcView® 8.2 program), and from CDB10LT (Cadastral Data Base 10LT) (data presented using ArcInfo® program).D3DCM program applies continuously the renewed and judicially approved data received directly from the National Registry Centre and CDB10LT, that is why they reflect the real situation concerning the real estate. These data are accumulated in one place and that is why the data are harmonised; besides, these data are enough for developing the model of the selected detailed city 3D.The National Registry Centre does not collect and store information on altitude points available for digital terrain surface generation. Since all data are received from CDB10LT, the data on the terrain surface altitude points have to be stored in the same place. They are stored in one of the layers of ArcInfo®. These layers, together with the information possessed on them, are transferred in the form of *.xml file.The buildings are visualised using extrude operation, when footprint perimeter is extruded through the proper altitude. Each building has its centroid, which has unique ID. In database table for each ID there is attached perimeter, area, z value, address and the number of floors. According to these parameters D3DCM program selects discrepancies between the drawing and data base recordings, recognises buildings as objects and makes it necessary to visualise the buildings 3D. The value of altitude is received from the database. Digital terrain surface model is generated in accordance with the chosen type version (linear-horizontal, TIN). Both objects are generated automatically, determining data base for building visualisation, and digital terrain surface model is generated by inserting the file containing altitude information and by selecting the desirable surface visualisation type.D3DCM acts under such a principle. First of all, the vector data are imported from the National Register Center using ArcView ® 8.2 program. These data are stored in different shapefile layers. The geometry for a feature is stored as a shape comprising a set of vector coordinates. For creating 3D city model with D3DCM program we have to import essential layers with building perimeters and centroids of those perimeters. The layers with parameters of buildings and centroids of buildings are imported to Autodesk Map® 3D 2005 program and so creating in it *.dwg type drawing with the corresponding layers (Fig 4).Fig 4. A fragment of *.dwg drawing with buildings perimeters and buildings centroidsThen the data from National Register Center‘s Oracle® database are imported to the Microsoft Office Access® 2003 program which is also used by D3DCM program. In this case the data include parcel centroid ID (Fig 5), parcel area, parcel perimeter, altitude value z and other additional data (address of building, building type, floor quantity, year of construction etc). The three first data are required for the altitude extrusion of buildings. There might be supplied more data in accordance with the possessed data stored in database, the aim of the model compiled and the needs of the user.Fig 5. The table of buildings databaseFig 6. A dialog box of 3D city model developmentThere is presented a dialog box of 3D city in Fig 6 model development. The dialog box consists of two parts: Extrusion of buildings (for buildings vizualisation) and Surface management (for terrain surface visualisation). In order to visualise buildings firstly it is needed to indicate the data base from which the data are going to be chosen on buildings (Choose Database), then to choose the layer of the drawing, in which there are the centroids of buildings and then to synchronise the data base (Synchronise Database), ie to check if the data on the drawing correspond to the data of the table. Then it becomes possible to extrude the selected object (Extrude Selected Obj) or obtain information on the chosen object. For the visualisation of the terrain surface there is selected .xml file (Choose XML File) and the type of the chosen display style (Choose Display Style).Fig 7. 3D city model presented in linear-horizontal terrain surface display styleD3DCM program automatically generates terrain surface and buildings (Fig 7). While continuing the implementation of this 3D city model, such objects as separate trees, vegetation areas, bridges and streets have to be added. Visualisation of these objects, taking into consideration their peculiarities, is available in accordance with the analogous way provided with the building vizualisation.7. ConclusionsAfter having analysed the structure of cadastral data it is possible to conclude, that this system shall have to be applicable for development of any selected 3D city model, because it has the appropriate initial data, namely orthophoto, vector data (footprint perimeters of buildings), point data (altitude points of terrain surface, location points of trees). The data are presented in an applicable form, because a similar information is grouped into appropriate layers. Data from one layer use the same table of attributive database. Data are stored in one place. The implication is that we do not waste time for data collecting from various institutions to match it. Moreover, there is an additional advantage for this database usage, namely the feature of regular data renewal. The data do not indicate a designed situation, but the real or true to life situation, because in this database itself there is stored only the precise information judicially authorised and registered under the real estate registry as authentic real estate cadastral dataThere has been created an algorithm on the experience in modelling 3D city models as well as on the bases of cadastral information system analysis. This algorithm enables the automation of the main stages of model development, in accordance with reliable and constantly renewable initial data.There was created a D3DCM program, which enables automatically generate 3D terrain surface and buildings. There have been determined possibilities not only for the visualisation of those objects, but for providing certain analysis of the model, which is inevitably required within the urban planning process.There is a possibility to read a more detailed information about ideas presented in the paper and its realisation in one of co-authors R. Mešliūtė Master degree thesis [13].References1. Zlatanova, S. 3D GIS for urban development, 2000, PhDthesis, ISBN 90-6164-178-0, ITC publication 69, ISBN 90-6164-178-0.2. Zlatanova, S. 3D modelling for augmented reality. In: Procof the 3rd ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS, 23–25 May, 2001, Bangkok, Thailand, p. 415–420.3. Vermeij, M.; Zlatanova, S. Semi-automatic 3D buildingreconstruction using Softplotter. In: Proc of the International Symposium on “Geodetic, Photogrammetric and Satellite technologies: development and integrated applications”, 8–9 Nov 2001, Sofia, Bulgaria, p. 305–314.4. 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VGTU, Dept of Graphical Systems, 2005 (in Lithuanian).MIESTO 3D MODELIO KŪRIMAS TAIKANT KADASTRO INFORMACIJĄR. Žiūrienė, R. Mešliūtė, D. MakutėnienėS a n t r a u k aNagrinėjamos miesto erdvinio modelio kūrimo problemos. Kuriant tokį modelį reikia apdoroti labai didelius informacijos kiekius. Daugiausia laiko ir jėgųįdedama pradiniams duomenims surinkti ir suderinti tarpusavyje. Dėl šios priežasties pirmiausia buvo ieškoma tokio duomenų šaltinio, kuriame jau būtų sukaupta didesnė dalis reikalingų duomenų. Pradiniųduomenų šaltiniui buvo keliamas patikimumo reikalavimas. Straipsnyje pateikiama idėja, kaip miesto 3D modelis gali būti kuriamas taikant kadastro informaciją.Prasminiai žodžiai: miesto 3D modelis, kadastro informacija, vizualizacija, modeliavimas.Rytė ŽIŪRIENĖ. Dr Dept of Graphical Systems. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius-40, Lithuania.(Ph + 370 5 274 4848, Fax +370 5 274 4844).Phd (2002). MSc of Informatics (1996), First degree in Architecture (1993). Author (or co-author) of 15 research papers.Research interests: engineering computer graphics, 3D modelling, CAD systems.Rimantė MEŠLIŪTĖ. Dept of Graphical Systems. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius-40, Lithuania.(Ph + 370 5 274 4848, Fax +370 5 274 4844).A graduate of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (MSc of Informatics 2005, Bachelor of Geodesy 2003).Research interests: cadastral information system, 3D modelling. Daiva MAKUTĖNIENĖ. Dr, Assoc Prof. Dept of Graphical Systems. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius-40, Lithuania.(Ph + 370 5 274 4848, Fax +370 5 274 4844).Phd (2001), MSc of Information technologies (1997), First degree in Architecture (1984), VGTU. Author (or co-author) of 21 research papers.Research interests: computer aided design systems, intelligent design in computer-aided civil engineering and architecture, information vizualisation technologies.。
精品文档Glossary of《Introduction to Modern Photogrammetry》《当代摄影测量》双语教学词汇表AAbbe comparator principle阿贝比长原理aberration 像差absolute flying height 绝对航高absolute orientation 绝对定向absorption 吸收access 存取、访问accessory 附件、辅助设备accident error 偶然误差accuracy 精度、准确度accuracy assessment 精度评定acquisition 获取active remote sensing 主动式遥感adaptability 适应性adjustment 平差adjacent 邻接adjacent flight line 相邻航线adjacent area 邻接区域adjoining sheets 邻接图幅aerial camera 航空摄影机aerial photograph 航摄像片aerial photographic gap 航摄漏洞aerial photogrammetry航空摄影测量aerial remote sensing 航空遥感aerophotogrammetry 航空摄影测量aerotriangulation 空中三角测量block triangulation区域网三角测量strip triangulation航带法空中三角测量independent model triangulation独立模型法空中三角测量bundle triangulation光束法空中三角测量affine rectification 仿射纠正affined transformation 仿射变换aggregation 聚合、聚集air base 摄影基线airbone imagery 机载影像airborne sensor 机载传感器alignment 排列成行、对准algebra 代数algorithm 算法allocation 配置altimeter 测高仪altitude 高度、高程ambiguity 模糊、不定性anaglyph 互补色anaglyphical stereoscopic viewing互补色立体观察analog 模拟analog/digital conversion 模数转换analog photogrammetry 模拟摄影测量analytical aerotriangulation解析空中三角测量analytical photogrammetry 解析摄影测量analytical plotter 解析测图仪ancillary data 辅助数据angular field of view 像场角angular momentum 角动量animation 动画annotation 注释、注记annotated photograph 调绘像片aperture 光圈、孔径relative ~ 相对孔径effective ~ 有效孔径approximation 近似值、逼近archive 档案archiving 存档architectural photogrammetry建筑摄影测量archaeological photogrammetry考古摄影测量artificial intelligence 人工智能artificial target 人工标志(点)aspect 方位aspect map 坡向图assessment 评定、估价astigmatism 像散atlas 地图集atmospheric haze 大气蒙雾atmospheric refraction 大气折光atmospheric window 大气窗口atmospheric transmission 大气传输atmospheric transmissivity 大气透过率attenuation 衰减attitude 姿态attitude parameter 姿态参数attribute 属性autocollimation 自准直autocorrelation 自相关automatic triangulation自动空中三角测量azimuth angle 方位角azimuth resolution 方位角分辨率Bbackprojection 逆投影backup 备份ballistic camera 弹道摄影机ballistic photogrammetry弹道摄影测量bandwidth 波段宽barrel 圆筒、桶形失真baseline 基线base-height ratio 基-高比batch process 批处理baud rate 波特率Bayes classification 贝叶斯分类bilinear interpolation 双线性内插binary image 二值影像biomedical photogrammetry生物医学摄影测量biostereometrics 生物立体量测学black-and-white film 黑白片blinking method of stereoscopic viewing 闪闭法立体观察block adjustment 区域网平差blunder detection 粗差探测bulk processing 粗处理bundle of rays 光束boundary 边界breakline 断裂线bridging of models 模型连接brightness 亮度Ccadastral mapping 地籍制图calibration 检校camera calibration 摄影机检校carrier phrase measurement载波相位测量Cartesian coordinates 笛卡尔坐标cartography 地图学characteristic curve of photographic emulsion 感光特性曲线check point 检查点chromatic 彩色的classification 分类classifier 分类器close-range photogrammetry近景摄影测量clustering 聚类cognitive mapping 认知制图collinearity condition 共线条件collinearity equations 共线方程color enhancement 彩色增强color infrared film 彩色红外片color film 彩色片coma 彗星像差combined adjustment 联合平差comparator 坐标量测仪compensation 补偿complementary colors 互补色component 组件、分量compression 压缩computer aided mapping 机助测图computer vision 计算机视觉computer-aided cartography计算机辅助制图condition equations 条件方程confidence 置信度coverage 覆盖conformal 正形的、等角的contact printing 接触晒印content of information 信息量contour lines 等高线contour interval 等高距constraint 约束contrast enhancement 反差增强contrast coefficient 反差系数control point 控制点control photostrip 骨架航线convergent photography 交向摄影convolution operators 卷积算子coordinate grid 坐标格网coordinate system 坐标系photographic coordinate system 像平面坐标系image space coordinate system 像空间坐标系object coordinate system物方坐标系coplanarity equation 共面方程correlation efficient 相关系数corresponding image point 同名像点corresponding image rays 同名光线corresponding epipolar line 同名核线cosine transformation 余弦变换covariance 协方差covariance matrix 协方差矩阵crest 山脊、峰顶cross-section 断面cyberspace 信息空间、赛博空间cycle slip 周跳Ddata acquisitation 数据获取data compression 数据压缩data mining 数据挖掘data snooping 数据探测法data transmission 数据传输data processing 数据处理data warehouse 数据仓库datum 基准deformation 变形densitometer 密度计density slicing 密度分割depression 抑制、衰减depth of field 景深detector 探测器developing 显影diagonal matrix 对角矩阵diaphragm 光圈differential 差分differential method of photogrammetric mapping 分工法测图differential rectification 微分纠正diffraction 衍射diffusion 扩散、漫射digital/analog transform 数/模转换digital correlation 数字相关digital earth 数字地球digital image 数字影像digitizer 数字化器digitization 数字化digitized image 数字化影像digital mapping 数字测图digital mosaic 数字镶嵌digital surface model数字表面模型(DSM)digital terrain model数字高程模型(DTM)digital orthophoto map数字正射影像(DOM)digital orthoimage 数字正射影像digital photogrammetry 数字摄影测量digital raster graphic数字栅格地图(DRG)digital rectification 数字纠正digital tracing table 数控绘图桌dimensional 维one- dimensional一维的two- dimensional 二维的three- dimensional 三维的disparity 不同、差异displacement of image 像点位移distortion of lens 物镜畸变差distribution function 分布函数direct line transformation直接线性变换(DLT)direct scheme of digital rectification直接法纠正direction cosines 方向余弦discrimination 辨别、区分dispersion 分散、散射drainage 水系drawing 绘图drift angle 偏流角dynamic 动态的Eearth curvature 地球曲率earth ellipsoid 地球椭球eccentricity 偏心、偏心率edge detection 边缘检测edge enhancement 边缘增强eigenvalue 特征值eigenvector 特征向量electromagnetic spectrum 电磁波谱elements of interior orientation内方位元素elements of exterior orientation外方位元素elements of relative orientation相对定向元素elements of absolute orientation绝对定向元素elements of rectification 纠正元素emulsion 药膜encoding 编码enhancement 增强entity 实体entropy (信息)熵entropy coding 熵编码environment 环境epipolar line 核线epipolar plane 核面epipolar correlation 核线相关epipolar resampling 核线重采样epipole 核点equalization of histogram 直方图均衡equivalent vertical photograph等效竖直像片equally tilted photography 等倾摄影error circle 误差圆Ethernet 以太网expert system 专家系统ES exposure 曝光exposure station 摄站exponential 指数的exterior orientation 外部定向event 事件Ffalse color film 假彩色片false color photography 假彩色摄影false color composite 假彩色合成feature 特征feature coding 特征编码feature extraction 特征提取feature selection 特征选择fiducial marks 框标mechanical fiducial marks机械框标optical fiducial marks光学框标field curvature像场弯曲field of view 视场filtering 滤波fixing 定影flight block 摄影分区flight height (flying height)航高flight line 摄影航线flight plan of aerial photography航摄计划flight strip 航带flying height 航高absolute ~ 绝对航高relative ~ 相对航高flying trace 航迹floating mark 浮游测标flux 通量、流动focal distance 焦距focal length 焦距focal plane 焦平面format 像幅forward motion compensation (FMC)向前运动补偿Fourier transformation 傅立叶变换fractal 分数维frame camera 框幅式摄影机free net adjustment 自由网平差frequency 频率Fresnel 菲滠耳fuzzy classifier method 模糊分类法fuzzy image 模糊影像GGaussian distribution 高斯分布generalization 综合geodetic origin 大地原点generation 产生geodetic datum 大地基准geodetic database 大地测量数据库geocentric coordinate system地心坐标系geodetic origin 大地原点geodetic datum 大地基准geographic coding 地理编码geoid 大地水准面geomatics 测绘学geometric correction 几何校正geometric rectification 几何纠正geometric registration of image图像几何配准geometric model 几何模型geostationary 地球静止的geo-synchronous satellite 地球同步卫星gnomonic 球心的goniometer 测角器、测向器gradients 梯度graphic 图形的grating 格子、光栅gravity 重力grey level 灰度级grey scale 灰度级grey wedge 光契grid 格网ground nadir point 地底点gross error detection 粗差检测GPS aerotriangulation GPS空中三角测量Gruber point 标准配置点Hheight displacement 投影差high-pass filtering 高通滤波histogram equalization 直方图均衡histogram 直方图histogram specification直方图规格化histogram equalization直方图均衡化hologram photography 全息摄影hologrammetry 全息摄影测量homogeneous 均质的、齐次的homologous image point 同名像点homomorphic filtering 同态滤波horizon camera 地平线摄影机horizontal 水平的、平面的horizontal parallax 左右视差(x-parallax)horizontal parallax difference左右视差较hot spots 热点hough transformation 霍夫变换Huffman 霍夫曼hue 色度hypergraph 超图hypermedia 超媒体hyperspectral 高光谱、超光谱hypertext 超文本hypothesis 假设Iidentified photograph 调绘片index contour 计曲线illuminance of ground 地面照度image,imagery 影像image coding 影像编码image correlation 影像相关image description 影像描述image digitization 影像数字化image enhancement 影像增强image fusion 影像融合image interpretation 影像解译image matching 影像匹配image mosaic 影像镶嵌image motion compensation像移补偿image overlaying 影像复合image pyramids 影像金字塔image quality 影像质量image recognition 影像识别image registration 影像配准image resolution 影像分辨力image restoration 影像复原image motion compensation像移补偿(IMC)image segmentation 图像分割image space coordinate system像空间坐标系image transformation 图像变换image understanding 图像理解imaging equation 构像方程imaging radar 成像雷达imaging spectrometer 成像光谱仪incident angle 入射角independent model aerial triangulation 独立模型法空中三角测量indirect scheme of digital rectification 间接法纠正industrial photogrammetry工业摄影测量inertial measurement unit (IMU)惯性测量装置information extraction 信息提取infrared film 红外片infrared photography 红外摄影infrared remote sensing 红外遥感infrared scanner 红外扫描仪inner 内部的inner orientation 内定向instrument 仪器、设备integration 集成intensity 亮度interactive 交互interest point 兴趣点、有利点interferogram 干涉图interferometry 干涉测量学interior orientation 内部定向interometry SAR 干涉雷达(INSAR)interoperability 互操作interpolation 内插bilinear interpolation 双线性内插nearest-neighbor interpolation邻近像元内插invariant 不变量irradiance 辐射照度isocenter of photograph 像等角点isometric 等角、等值的isometric parallel 等比线iteration method 迭代法iteration method with variable weights选权迭代法intersection 相交inverse matrix 逆矩阵Kkey-in 键盘输入key word 关键字kinematic positioning 动态定位knickpoint 转折点、裂点Llaboratory 实验室Landsat 陆地卫星landform 地形landscape map 景观地图large format camera大像幅摄影机(LFC)latent 潜在的lateral tilt 旁向倾角(roll)lateral overlap(side overlap,side lap)旁向重叠layover 雷达图像移位least squares correlation最小二乘相关leveling of model 模型置平linear array sensor 线阵列传感器linear features 线特征linear transformation 线性变换linearization 线性化logarithmic 对数的longitudinal tilt 航向倾角(pitch)longitudinal overlap(end overlap,forward overlap)航向重叠low-pass 低通Mmagazine 暗盒magnification 放大manual 人工的manuscript map 原图map compilation 地图编辑map legend 图例map projection 地图投影map revision 地图更新mapping satellite 测图卫星marine charting 海洋测绘mathematical expectation 数学期望maximum likelihood classification最大似然分类matrix 矩阵mean square error 中误差measuring mark 测标mechanics 力学median filters 中值滤波器mesh 网、网格metadata 元数据meteosat 气象卫星minimum distance classification最小距离分类metric camera 量测摄影机microwave remote sensing 微波遥感method of least squares 最小二乘法microwave radiation 微波辐射microwave radiometer 微波辐射计modulation transfer function调制传递函数(MTF)moiré莫尔条纹monocomparator 单像坐标量测仪mount 安装、座架mosaic 镶嵌optical mosaic 光学镶嵌digital mosaic 数字镶嵌most probable value 最或然值multicollimator 多投影准直仪multiplex 多倍仪multistage rectification 多级纠正multispectral camera 多光谱摄影机multispectral photography多光谱摄影multispectral remote sensing多光谱遥感multispectral scanner多光谱扫描仪(MSS)multi-temporal analysis 多时相分析multi-temporal remote sensing多时相遥感multiplicity 多重性、相重性Nnadir point 底点navigation 导航negative 负片neighborhood method 邻元法nodal point 节点front nodal point 前节点rear nodal point 后节点neutral network 神经网络nonlinear 非线性的non-metric camera 非量测摄影机non-topographic photogrammetry非地形摄影测量normal case photography 正直摄影normal distribution 正态分布normal equation 法方程式normalization 正交化Ooblique 倾斜的oblique photography 倾斜摄影object space coordinate system物空间坐标系object spectrum characteristics地物波谱特性object oriented 面向对象observation 观测值observation equation 误差方程式occlusion 遮蔽offset 移位off-line 离线、脱机on-line 在线、联机on-line aerial triangulation联机空中三角测量one-dimensional 一维的opacity 不透明的operator 算子optical axis of lens 物镜主光轴optical rectification 光学纠正optical-mechanical rectification光机械学纠正optical projection 光学投影optical transfer function光学传递函数(OTF)orthogonal matrix 正交矩阵orientation elements 方位元素orientation point 定向点orthogonal projection 正射投影orthographic 正射的orthogonal matrix 正交矩阵orthoimage 正射影像orthophoto 正射像片orthophotomap 正射影像地图orthophoto stereomate正射影像立体配对片orthophoto technique 正射影像技术outline map 略图outstanding point 明显地物点overlap 重叠Ppackage 包panchromatic film 全色片panoramic camera 全景摄影机panoramic photography 全景摄影panoramic distortion 全景畸变parallax 视差parallax difference 视差较parallel-averted photography等偏摄影parameter 参数parameter estimation 参数估计pass point 加密点pattern recognition 模式识别perceived model 视模型perigee 近地点perspective center 透视中心phase transfer function相位传递函数(PTF)photogrammetric distortion摄影测量畸变差photogrammetric workstation摄影测量工作站photogrammetry 摄影测量terrestrial ~ 地面摄影测量two-medium ~ 双介质摄影测量biomedical ~ 医学摄影测量photography 摄影学photographic baseline 摄影基线photographic bundle of rays 摄影光束photographic coordinate system摄影测量坐标系photographic interpolation摄影测量内插photographic paper 相纸photographic processing 摄影处理photographic scale 摄影比例尺photo base 像片基线photo coordinate system像平面坐标系photo interpretation 像片判读photo map 像片平面图photo mosaic 像片镶嵌photo nadir point 像底点photoplan 像片平面图photo rectification 像片纠正photo scale 像片比例尺phototheodolite 摄影经纬仪physiological parallax 生理视差picture format 像幅pinhole 小孔(成像)pixel 像元planarity 平面性、平面条件platform 平台platen 压平板、平台plot 平面图、略图plumb line 铅垂线point marking 刺点point transfer 转点point of interest 兴趣点polar 极、极地的polar coordinates 极坐标polarized 极化polarization 极化polygon 多边形polynomial 多项式positive 正片power spectrum 功率谱precision 精密度precision estimation 精度估计prediction 预测、推估prick point 刺点primary color 原色principal component transformation 主分量变换principal distance of photo 像片主距principal distance 主距principal line 像主纵线principal plane 像主垂面principal point 像主点principal point of photograph 像主点principle of geometric reverse几何反转原理printer 印相机prism 棱镜precision estimation 精度估计probable error 或然误差probability 概率论processing 处理bulk processing 粗处理precision processing 精处理product 产品production 生产、产量projection 投影projection center 投影中心projection printing 投影晒印propagation of errors 误差传播protocol 协议prototype 原型pseudo-color image 伪彩色影像pseudo range measurement 伪距测量pushbroom imaging 推扫式成像pyramids 金字塔Qquadtree 四叉树qualitative 定性的quality control 质量控制quantitative 定量的quantizing 量化quantization 量化quantum 量子query 查询、检索Rradargrammetry 雷达图象测量radial distortion 径向畸变radial triangulation 辐射三角测量radiant 辐射的radiation correction 辐射校正radiograph X光照相radiometry 辐射测量radiometric correction 辐射校正radiometer 辐射计random error 随机误差、偶然误差random variable 随机变量raster grid 栅格网raster to vector conversion栅格-矢量转换ratio transformation 比值变换real-aperture radar 真实空径雷达real-time photogrammetry实时摄影测量reconstruction 重建rectifier 纠正仪rectification 纠正affine rectification 仿射纠正reduction 归化redundancy 余redundant information 余信息refinement 改正reflectance spectrum 反射波谱region of target 目标区region of search 搜索区relative flying height 相对航高relative orientation 相对定向relaxation 松池reliability 可靠性relief displacement 投影差resampling 重采样remote sensing 遥感aerial remote sensing 航空遥感space remote sensing 航天遥感remote sensing of resources 资源遥感environmental remote sensing环境遥感geological remote sensing 地质遥感ocean remote sensing 海洋遥感forest remote sensing 森林遥感atmospheric remote sensing大气遥感infrared remote sensing 红外遥感microwave remote sensing 微波遥感multi-spectral remote sensing多光谱遥感active remote sensing 主动遥感passive remote sensing 被动遥感remote sensing platform 遥感平台representation 显示、表达reseaux 网格resection 后方交会residual 残差resolution 分解力、分辨率ground resolution 地面分解力space resolution 空间分辨率temporal resolution 时间分辨率temperature resolution 温度分辨率resolving power of lens 物镜分辨力restitution 测图、成图、复原、恢复restoration 恢复retrieval 检索return beam vidicon camera反束光导(RBV)管摄影机reversal film 反转片roam 漫游rotation matrix 旋转矩阵route 路径Ssampling 采样sampling interval 采样间隔satellite altimetry 卫星测高satellite attitude 卫星姿态satellite-borne sensor 星载遥感器saturation 饱和度scaling of model 模型缩放scanner 扫描仪searching area 搜索区seasat 海洋卫星segmentation 分割self-calibration 自检校semiconductor 半导体semi-metric camera 半量测摄影机sensitivity 感光度sensitometry 感光测定sensitization 感光sensitometry 感光度测定sensitive material 感光材料sensor 传感器sequential 序列的shadow 阴影shutter 快门sidelap 旁向重叠side-looking radar侧视雷达(SLR)similarity 相似、相似性simulation 模拟single image 单张像片singularity 奇异性small format aerial photography小像幅摄影space intersection 空间前方交会space photography 航天摄影space photogrammetry航天摄影测量space remote sensing 航天遥感space resection 空间后方交会Spacelab 空间实验室space shuttle 航天飞机spatial 空间的spatial domain 空间域specification 规范、说明spectral 光谱的spectral sensitivity 光谱感光度spectrograph 摄谱仪spectrometer 波谱测定仪spectroradiometer 光谱辐射仪spectrum character curve波谱特征曲线spectrum response curve波谱响应曲线spectrum feature space 波谱特征空间sphere 球面、球体spline 样条squint 斜视static 静态的stellar camera 恒星摄影机standard deviation 标准差standard error 标准差statistical 统计的statoscope 高差仪stereocamera 立体摄影机stereocomparator 立体坐标量测仪stereometer 立体量测仪stereo pair 立体像对stereo plotter 立体测图仪stereoscope 立体镜bridge-type ~ 桥式立体镜mirror ~ 反光立体镜stereoscopic vision 立体视觉stereoscopic observation 立体观测stereopair 立体像对stereophotogrammetry立体摄影测量stereoscopic model 立体观测模型stop-number 光圈号数stochastic 随机的strips 航线、航带strip aerial triangulation航带法空中三角测量sub pixel 子像素sun-synchronous satellite太阳同步卫星superimposition 叠加supervised classification 监督分类surface model 表面模型survey adjustment 测量平差survey mark 测量标志surveying and mapping 测绘surveying 测量学elementary surveying 普通测量topographic survey 地形测量control surveying 控制测量sweep 扫描swing angle 像片旋角(yaw)symmetry 对称synthetic aperture radar合成空径雷达system integration 系统集成systematic error 系统误差Ttangential distortion 切向畸变target area 目标区template 模板terrestrial camera 地面摄影机terrestrial photogrammetry地面摄影测量texture enhancement 纹理增强texture analysis 纹理分析thematic map 专题地图thematic mapper 专题制图仪(TM)theodolite 经纬仪thermal radiation 热辐射thermal infrared imagery 热红外影像threshold 阈值tie point 连接点tilt angle of photograph 像片倾角tilt displacement 倾斜位移tracing 跟踪transparent negative 透明负片transparent positive 透明正片triangulated irregular network不规则三角网(TIN)triple 三倍的、三重的true-orthophoto 真正射影像two-medium photogrammetry toning 调色topographic map 地形图topology 拓扑toponomastics, toponymy 地名学trainning field 训练区transmittance 透光率translation 平移、移动transparent 透明的transverse 横轴、横向的triangulation 三角测量aerial ~ 空中三角测量analogue aerial ~ 模拟法空三测量analytical aerial ~ 解析法空三测量block ~ 区域网空中三角测量strip ~ 航带法空中三角测量independent model ~独立模型法空中三角测量bundle ~ 光束法空中三角测量trichromatic 三色的Uuncertainty 不确定性underwater camera 水下摄影机under photogrammetry水下摄影测量universal method of photogrammetric unit matrix 单位矩阵unit weight 单位权unsupervised classification非监督分类update 更新urban mapping 城市制图user interface 用户界面mapping 全能法测图Vvanishing point 灭点、合点variance 方差variance-covariance 方差-协方差vectograph method of stereoscopic viewing 偏振光立体观察vector 矢量vectorization 矢量化verifiability 置信度verification 确认vertical 竖直的、高程的vertical exaggeration 高程扩张vertical parallax上下视差(y-parallax)vertical photography 竖直摄影viewpoint 视点virtual reality 虚拟现实visual 目视的visual interpretation 目视判读visualization 可视化voxel 体素Wwavelet 小波wavelength 波长weight 权weight function 权函数weight matrix 权矩阵weighted mean 加权平均数whiskbroom 横扫式workstation 工作站XX-ray photogrammetry X射线摄影测量Yyan angle 航偏角y-tilt 航向倾角Zzenith angle 天顶角zonal rectification 分带纠正zone 带zone generation 区域增长zoom 缩放zoom in 缩小zoom out 放大注:更详细的摄影测量与遥感专业词汇请查阅:1、《英汉测绘词汇》. 测绘出版社2、《测绘学名词》. 测绘出版社, 2002缩写词CAC Computer-aided Cartography 机助地图制图CCD Charge-coupled Device 电荷偶合器件DCBD Digital Cadastral Database 数字地籍数据库DLG Digital Line Graph 数字线划图DRG Digital Raster Graphics 数字栅格图DOQ Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle 数字正射影像图DPW Digital Photogrammetric Workstation摄影测量工作站GLONASS Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System [俄罗斯]全球轨道导航卫星系统GPS Global Positioning System 全球定位系统ERTS earth resources technology satellite 地球资源卫星ETM Enhancement Thermatic Mapper 增强型专题制图仪HRSC High Resolution Stereo CameraIFOV Instantaneous Field of View 瞬时视场IFSAR Interometry SAR干涉雷达IMU Inertial Measurement Unit 惯性测量装置INS Inertial Navigation System 惯性导航系统ISS Inertial Surveying System 惯性测量系统LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging 激光探测和测距LIS Land Information System 土地信息系统MTF Modulation Transfer Function 调制传递函数NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetative IndexNSDI National Spatial Data Infrastructure 国家空间数据基础设施RMSE root mean square error 均方根差,中误差SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar 合成空径雷达SDI Spatial Data Infrastructure 空间数据基础设施SLAR Side Looking Airborne Radar 侧视雷达WGS84 World Geodetic System for 1984 1984年世界大地坐标系学会、组织名称ACSM American Congress on Surveying and Mapping 美国测绘学会ASPRS American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing美国摄影测量与遥感学会CSGPC Chinese Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography 中国测绘学会ESA European Space Agency 欧洲空间局FIG Federation International of Geometres 国际测量师联合会ICA International Cartographic Association 国际制图协会ISO International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织ISPRS International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing国际摄影测量与遥感学会IUSM International Union of Surveying and Mapping 国际测量联合会NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration [美国]国家航空与航天局NASDA National Space Development Agency [日本]国家宇宙开发事业团NGCC National Geomatics Center of China [中国]国家基础地理信息中心。
描述扫地机器人的英语作文The Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - A Technological Marvel in Home CleaningThe modern home has witnessed a remarkable transformation with the advent of innovative technologies that have revolutionized the way we approach everyday tasks. Among these technological marvels, the robotic vacuum cleaner stands out as a true game-changer in the realm of home cleaning. These autonomous machines have not only simplified the arduous chore of vacuuming but have also ushered in a new era of convenience and efficiency.At the heart of the robotic vacuum cleaner lies a sophisticated array of sensors, microprocessors, and advanced algorithms that work in tandem to navigate the intricate landscape of a household. These robotic cleaners are equipped with state-of-the-art navigation systems that enable them to map out the layout of a room, detect obstacles, and plot the most efficient cleaning path. This level of spatial awareness and decision-making capability is truly remarkable, as it allows the robotic vacuum to clean thoroughly while avoidingfurniture, stairs, and other potential hazards.One of the most impressive features of these robotic vacuums is their ability to adapt to various floor types and surfaces. Whether it's delicate hardwood floors, plush carpets, or even uneven terrain, these machines are designed to adjust their suction power and brush patterns to ensure a thorough and gentle cleaning. This versatility is a testament to the engineering prowess behind these devices, as they seamlessly transition between different floor types without compromising the quality of the cleaning.Another standout characteristic of robotic vacuums is their impressive battery life and autonomous operation. Many models can run for extended periods, with some boasting up to 120 minutes of continuous cleaning on a single charge. This extended runtime allows the robotic vacuum to cover large areas of a home without the need for constant human intervention. Furthermore, these machines are equipped with intelligent docking stations that automatically recharge the battery when needed, ensuring that they are always ready to tackle the next cleaning session.The convenience factor of robotic vacuums is truly unparalleled. Gone are the days of lugging a heavy, cumbersome vacuum cleaner from room to room. With the simple press of a button or a voice command, these robotic cleaners spring into action, efficientlycleaning the floors while the homeowner can focus on other tasks or simply relax. This hands-off approach to cleaning has revolutionized the way we manage our homes, freeing up valuable time and energy that can be dedicated to more enjoyable pursuits.But the benefits of robotic vacuums extend beyond just convenience. These machines are also designed with environmental sustainability in mind. By automating the cleaning process, robotic vacuums significantly reduce the amount of energy and resources required compared to traditional vacuum cleaners. Many models are equipped with energy-efficient motors and advanced filtration systems that minimize power consumption and ensure that the cleaning process is as eco-friendly as possible.Furthermore, robotic vacuums have the potential to improve indoor air quality. Their advanced filtration systems are capable of trapping fine dust, pet dander, and other airborne allergens, effectively reducing the presence of these particles in the home environment. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with respiratory conditions or allergies, as it can help alleviate symptoms and create a healthier living space.The integration of cutting-edge technology in robotic vacuums has also led to the development of innovative features that enhance their overall functionality. Many models now incorporate Wi-Ficonnectivity, allowing homeowners to control and monitor the cleaning process remotely through their smartphones or voice assistants. This connectivity also enables firmware updates and the introduction of new features, ensuring that the robotic vacuum remains a cutting-edge cleaning solution.In addition to their cleaning prowess, robotic vacuums have also become a symbol of modern home design. With their sleek, compact, and unobtrusive profiles, these machines seamlessly blend into the aesthetic of a room, complementing the décor a nd blending in with the surrounding environment. This design-conscious approach has made robotic vacuums a desirable addition to many households, as they not only perform their cleaning duties but also enhance the overall ambiance of the living space.As the technology behind robotic vacuums continues to evolve, it is exciting to imagine the future advancements that may emerge. Researchers and engineers are constantly exploring ways to improve the navigation, suction power, battery life, and overall intelligence of these machines. The potential for robotic vacuums to integrate with smart home systems, learn from user preferences, and even collaborate with other household appliances is an intriguing prospect that could further revolutionize the cleaning experience.In conclusion, the robotic vacuum cleaner stands as a testament tothe power of innovation and the relentless pursuit of making our lives more convenient and efficient. These autonomous cleaning machines have not only simplified the arduous task of vacuuming but have also introduced a new level of environmental sustainability, improved indoor air quality, and enhanced home design. As we continue to embrace the technological advancements that shape our daily lives, the robotic vacuum cleaner remains a shining example of how cutting-edge technology can transform the way we approach even the most mundane household chores.。
absolute error 绝对误差absolute orientation 绝对定向absorptance 吸收active microwave sensors主动微波遥感传感器active remote sensing 主动式遥感addition constant加常数adjusted value 平差值adjustment of correlated observation 相关平差adjustment of observations, survey adjustment测量平差adjustment of typical figures典型图形平差aerial photogrammetry航空摄影测量aerial photography 航空摄影flight altitude 航高aerial triangulation空中三角测量airborne laser mapping机载激光测图airborne laser sounding机载激光探测airborne laser terrain mapping(ALTM)机载激光地形测图airborne sensor机载遥感器analogue photogrammetry 模拟摄影测量analytical aerotriangulation 解析空中三角测量analytical photogrammetry 解析摄影测量analytical plotter 解析测图仪angle closing error of traverse导线角度闭合差annexed leveling line 附和水准路线approximate adjustment近似平差argument of latitude 升交角距artificial earth satellite人造地球卫星ascending node 升交点astronomic positioning 天文定位atomic clock 原子钟attribute data 属性数据automatic aerial triangulation 自动空中三角测量automatic level,compensator level 自动安平水准仪automatic target recognition(ATR)目标自动识别average error 平均误差backsight(BS)后尺barometric leveling 气压水准测量block adjustment 区域网平差BM(benchmark)水准基点broadcast ephemeris 广播星历CCD camera CCD摄影机CCD(charge-coupled device)电荷耦合器件celestial body 天体circular encoders编码度盘clock error 钟差closed leveling line闭合水准路线closed loop traverse 闭合环导线closed traverse 闭合导线close-range photogrammetry近景摄影测量closing error in coordinate increment 坐标增量闭合差Coarse/Acquisition Code C/A码collimation line method 视准线法combined adjustment 联合平差command tracking station (CTS) 指令跟踪站computer graphics计算机图形学condition adjustment with parameters 附参数条件平差conditional adjustment 条件平差conditional equation 条件方程connecting traverse 附和导线constant error 常差control network 控制网control point控制点control segment 控制部分control survey 控制测量covariance function 协方差函数crust deformation measurement地壳变形观测crustal deformation 地壳变形crustal motion 地壳运动data capture 数据采集data classification 数据分类data compression 数据压缩data recorder 电子手簿data transfer 数据转换data transmission 数据转换deflection observation 挠度观测deformation monitoring(observation)变形监测depression angle 仰角detail survey 碎部测量differential correction 差分改正differential GPS (DGPS) 差分GPSdifferential interferometry差分干涉测量differential leveling微差水准测量digital elevation model(DEM)数字高程模型digital image processing 数字图像处理digital image数字图像digital orthoimage数字正射影像digital orthophoto map数字正射影像图digital photogrammetry数字摄影测量digital surface model(DSM) 数字表面模型digital terrain model(DTM)数字地面模型direct adjustment 直接平差direct leveling,spirit leveling 几何水准测量direct plummet observation 正垂线观测displacement observation 位移观测distance measurement 距离测量distance measuring instrument,rangefinder测距仪distance-measuring error 测距误差dual-frequency 双频earth tide 地球潮汐earth’s flattening 地球扁率EDM(electronic distance measurement)电子测距仪electromagnetic distance measuring instrument 电磁波测距仪electromagnetic radiation电磁辐射electromagnetic spectrum电磁波谱仪electronic level 电子水准仪electronic theodolite电子经纬仪electro-optical distance measuring instrument 光电测距仪elevation angle 高度角elevation difference 高差elevation of sight视线高程error distribution误差分布error ellipse误差椭圆error of closure,closing error,closure 闭合差error of focusing调焦误差error propagation,propagation of error 误差传播error test 误差检验ESA:European Space Agency 欧空局expectation,expected value 期望值figure of the earth 地球形状fissure observation 裂缝观测fixed error 固定误差foresight(FS)前尺forward intersection 前方交会full digital photogrammetry 全数字摄影测量functional model 函数模型GALILEO Control Center(GCC)伽利略控制中心GALILEO伽利略系统Gaussian distribution 高斯分布geodesy 大地测量学geodetic astronomy 大地天文学geodetic azimuth 大地方位角geodetic instrument 大地测量仪器geodetic network 大地网geodetic surveying 大地测量geodimeter 光速测距仪geographic information communication 地理信息传输geographic information system (GIS)geoidal undulation大地水准面高geological survey 地质测量geomatics 测绘学geometric geodesy 几何大地测量学geo-robot 测量机器人geo-synchronous satellite 地球同步卫星Global Navigational Satellite System(GNSS) 全球导航卫星系统global positioning system(GPS)GLONASS(global navigation satellite system) 全球导航卫星系统(俄)GPS constellation GPS星座GPS receiver GPS接收机gravimetric deflection 重力偏差gravimetric leveling 重力水准测量gravity field 重力场gray value 灰度值grey level 灰度级grid bearing 坐标方位角gross error detection粗差检验gross error 粗差ground-based control complex (GCC) 地面控制部分gyro azimuth 陀螺方位角gyroscopic theodolite 陀螺经纬仪height of instrument(HI)仪器高height of target(HT)目标高homologous points 同名点homologous ray 同名射线horizontal angle 水平角horizontal circle 水平度盘horizontal control network 平面控制网horizontal refraction error 水平折光误差horizontal survey 水平测量Huanghai vertical datum of 1956 1956黄海高程系统hydrographic survey水道测量image analysis 图像分析image coding 图像编码image correlation 影像相关image data 图像数据image description 图像描述image digitization图像数字化image enhancement 图像增强image fusion 影像融合image horizon 像地平线,合线image matching影像匹配image mosaicing 影像镶嵌image overlaying图像重合image point 像点image processing 图像处理image quality影像质量image recognition 图像识别image rectification影像纠正image resolution 图像分辨率image restoration图像复原image segmentation 图像分割image transformation 图像变换image understanding 图像理解inclination angle 倾角index error of vertical circle 竖盘指标差index of precision 精度指标indirect adjustment 间接平差inertial reference system惯性参考系统infrared EDM instrument 红外测距仪instrument of geomatics engineering 测绘仪器instrumental error 仪器误差intensity value 强度值interferogram fringe 相干条纹interferometry SAR 干涉雷达interferometry干涉测量internal orientation 内定向inverse of weight matrix 权逆阵inverse plummet observation 倒垂线观测ionospheric delay 电离层延迟land management 土地管理land survey (survey,boundary survey ,cadastral survey)地籍测量laser distance measuring instrument,laser ranger 激光测距仪laser level 激光水准仪laser transmitter激光发射器law of probability概率论least squares collocation最小二乘配置法least squares method 最小二乘法least-squares adjustment最小二乘平差level rod 水准尺level 水准仪LIDAR(Light Detection And Ranging)激光探测和测距limit error极限误差linear intersection边交会法linear-angular intersection边角交会法local navigation satellite system 区域导航卫星系统long-range EDM instrument 远程电子测距仪lunar laser ranging(LLR)激光测月magnetic azimuth 磁方位角marine survey 海洋测量master control station 主控站mean square error of a point点位中误差mean square error of angle observation 测角中误差mean square error of azimuth 方位角中误差mean square error of coordinate 坐标中误差mean square error of height高程中误差mean square error of side length 边长中误差mean square error(MSE)中误差Medium Earth Orbit(MEO)中地球轨道method by series,method of direction observation 方向观测法method in all combinations 全组合测角法method of laser alignment 激光准直法method of tension wire alignment 引张线法microwave distance measuring instrument 微波测距仪mine survey 矿山测量mining subsidence observation 开采沉陷观测minor angle method 小角度法monitor station 监控站most probable value(MPV)最或然值multipath effect 多路径效应multiplication constant 乘常数multiresolution 多分辨率multisensor 多传感器multispectral scanner 多谱段扫描仪multitemporal多时相national vertical datum of 1985 1985国家高程基准navy navigation satellite system(NNSS)海军导航卫星系统nominal accuracy 标准精度normal distribution正态分布normal equation 法方程normal error distribution curve 正态误差分布曲线normal random variable 正态随机变量oblique observation,tilt observation 倾斜观测observation equation 观测方程observation error 观测误差observation of slope stability 边坡稳定性观测open traverse 支导线optical image 光学影像optical level光学水准仪optical plummet光学对中器optical theodolite光学经纬仪orthophoto正射像片parameter adjustment with condition附条件间接平差parametric adjustment 参数平差passive microwave sensing 被动微波遥感passive positioning system 被动式定位系统passive remote sensing 被动式遥感personal error 人为误差phase unwrapping相位解缠photo tilt 像片倾斜photogrammetry摄影测量学photographic principal distance 摄影主距photographic scale 摄影比例尺physical geodesy 物理大地测量学picture element/pixel 像素pipe survey管道测量place-name database地名数据库plane surveying 平面测量plane table photogrammetry平板摄影测量planetary geodesy行星大地测量学polar motion 极移position and orientation system(POS)定位与定向系统positive positioning system 主动式定位系统post- processed differential correction 后处理差分改正precise alignment 精密准直precise code 精码precise ephemeris 精密星历precise positioning service(PPS) 精密定位服务precise ranging 精密测距probability density function 概率密度函数probable error 或然误差proportional error 比例误差pseudorange 伪码quasi-stable adjustment 拟稳平差radar altimeter 雷达测高仪radar overlay 雷达覆盖区radar remark 雷达指向标radar responder雷达感应器radiometer辐射计random error,accident error随机(偶然误差) rank defect adjustment秩亏平差raster data 栅格数据real-time differential correction 实时差分改正real-time kinematic(RTK)实时动态定位receiver antenna 接收机天线redundant observation 多余观测reference datum 参考基准面reference receiver 基准接收机reflectance反射reflecting stereoscope 反光立体镜refraction correction折光差改正relative error相对误差relative orientation相对定向remote controller远距离遥控器remote sensing 遥感remote sensor 遥感器resection 后方交会rigorous adjustment 严密平差river-crossing leveling跨河水准测量robotic (motorized) total station 智能型全站仪rotating mirror 旋镜route survey 路线测量roving receiver 流动接收机SAR(synthetic aperture radar)合成孔径雷达satellite clock 卫星钟satellite geodesy 卫星大地测量学satellite laser ranger 卫星激光测距仪satellite laser ranging(SLR)卫星激光测距satellite positioning 卫星定位satellite-to-satellite tracking 卫星跟踪卫星技术scatterometer 散射计scatterometry 散射测量Selective Availability(SA)选择可用性sequential adjustment 序贯平差servo motors 伺服马达settlement(subsidence) observation 沉陷观测side intersection 侧方交会side-looking airborne radar(SLAR)机载侧视雷达sighting distance视距space geodesy 空间大地测量学space segment 空间部分spatial analysis 空间分析spatial data infrastructure 空间数据基础设施spatial data transfer空间数据转换spatial database management空间数据库管理系统spectroradiometer分光辐射计spur leveling line支水准路线stadia addition constant 视距加常数stadia hair 视距丝stadia interval 视距间隔stadia multiplication constant 视距乘常数standard deviation标准差standard field of length 长度标准检定场standard positioning service(SPS) 标准定位服务stereo glasses 立体镜stereocomparator立体坐标测量仪stereopair,stereo photopair 立体像对stochastic model 随机模型survey specifications,specifications of surveys测量规范surveying and mapping 测绘system control center(SCC)系统控制中心systematic error 系统误差terrestrial photogrammetry 地形摄影测量texture analysis 纹理分析theory of error误差理论thermal imager 热像仪thermal infrared detector 红外探测器tolerance 限差topographic survey 地形测量topological relationship 拓扑关系total length closing error of traverse 导线全长闭合差total station 全站仪transmittance传播traverse angle导线折角traverse leg 导线边traverse network 导线网traverse network导线网traverse point 导线点traversing 导线测量triangular irregular network(TIN)不规则三角网triangulateration network边角网triangulation network 三角网triangulation 三角测量trigonometric leveling 三角高程测量trilateration network三边网trilateration 三边测量tropospheric delay 对流层延迟true error 真误差true north 真北two-color laser ranger 双色激光测距仪unbiased estimate无偏估计up-link station 注入站user segment 用户部分variance of unit weight 单位权方差variance-covariance matrix 方差-协方差阵variance-covariance propagation law方差-协方差传播率variance方差vector data 矢量数据vertical angle 竖直角vertical circle垂直度盘vertical control network 高程控制网vertical survey 高程测量very long baseline interferometry(VLBI)甚长基线干涉测量weight coefficient 权系数weight function 权函数weight matrix 权阵weight reciprocal of figure 图形权倒数zenith distance 天顶距。
Airborne Laser Altimetry
Abstract: This paper is the framework of a lecture presented in 2002 in Sweden
on the occasion of the retirement of Prof. Dr. Torlegard. It is designed as an extended abstract with respective literature references from the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing at the Technical University of Vienna (I.P.F.).
LiDAR Bibliography:
Last updated: 4/29/2004
Page 3 of 47
2. Filtering and Strip Adjustment: Methods and Algorithms
LiDAR Activities at the Viennese Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Airborne Laser Altimetry
Annotated Bibliography
1. General/Introductory 2. Filtering and Strip Adjustment: Algorithms and Methods 3. DTM Generation; Terrain and Fluvial Applications 4. Calibration; Error Assessment; Quality Control 5. Commercial LiDAR 6. Forestry Applications 7. Urban Applications 8. Other Applications 9. Intensity
人工智能技术在航天领域的应用书籍英文版全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Awesome Power of AI in Space ExplorationHave you ever dreamed of traveling to space and exploring other planets? Well, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), that dream is becoming easier than ever before! AI is a type of super-smart computer technology that can think and learn just like humans. It's helping scientists and engineers in some amazing ways when it comes to space exploration. Let me tell you all about it!First off, AI is really great at spotting patterns and analyzing huge amounts of data. This is super helpful when studying images and data sent back by spacecraft exploring other planets or asteroids. Normal computers can get overwhelmed by all that information, but AI can quickly sort through it and find interesting things that human scientists might miss.For example, let's say a rover on Mars sends back thousands of images of rocks. An AI system can study all those pictures and identify which rocks look most interesting or different from therest. It can then flag those rocks for the human scientists to take a closer look. How cool is that?Another way AI helps is by controlling and operating robots and rovers on other planets. You see, sending commands from Earth to a rover on Mars takes a really long time because the planets are so far apart. By the time a command makes it to Mars, the situation may have already changed!But AI systems on the rovers can quickly make decisions and adjust as needed without having to wait for instructions from Earth. The AI can say "Oh, there's a big rock in my path. Let me just drive around it!" This AI autonomy makes space exploration way more efficient.AI also plays a role in designing spacecraft and planning flight paths. There are so many different factors to consider like gravity, air resistance, fuel efficiency and more. AI systems can run advanced calculations and simulations to find the best spacecraft designs and most optimal flight trajectories. This saves a ton of time, money and headaches for the engineers!Maybe the coolest use of AI is in identifying potential new discoveries in space data. AI software can be trained to recognize certain patterns that might indicate new planets, asteroids, stars, or even possible signs of alien life! With so much data constantlystreaming in from telescopes and probes, AI is essential for spotting interesting signals that humans could easily miss.As you can see, AI is becoming a true superstar when it comes to space exploration. It's like having a team of highly intelligent robot assistants working tirelessly to help scientists explore the cosmos. Who knows what mind-blowing discoveries AI will help make next?Isn't it amazing how advanced technology is allowing us to study space in ways we could barely imagine just a few decades ago? AI is seriously taking space research and exploration to new frontiers. The next generation of kids like you may even get to be the first space colonizers on Mars thanks to AI! How awesome would that be?So keep studying hard, feed your curiosity about space and science, and who knows? You may end up playing a pivotal role in humankind's next great leap among the stars with the help of AI! The future of space exploration is going to beout-of-this-world incredible. Let's explore it together!篇2The Awesome World of AI in Space ExplorationHave you ever dreamed of blasting off into space and exploring other planets? Well, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), that dream is becoming a reality! AI is a type of super-smart computer technology that can think and learn like humans. And it's playing a huge role in helping us explore the great unknown of outer space.Let me tell you about some of the amazing ways AI is being used in space missions:Piloting SpacecraftFlying a spacecraft is no easy task, especially when you're millions of miles away from Earth. That's where AI comes in! Powerful AI systems can help pilot and navigate spacecraft, making countless calculations and decisions in a fraction of a second. This ensures that the spacecraft stays on course and avoids any obstacles in its path, like asteroid fields or cosmic debris.Analyzing Data from SpaceWhen we send probes and rovers to other planets, they collect a massive amount of data – things like images, soil samples, and readings on temperature, radiation levels, and more. But sifting through all that data can be overwhelming forhuman scientists. That's why AI is used to analyze and make sense of this information, identifying patterns and insights that might be missed by the human eye.Designing Better Rockets and SpacecraftBuilding a rocket or spacecraft that can withstand the extreme conditions of space is a huge challenge. But AI is lending a hand by simulating and testing different designs virtually, before anything is built in real life. This way, engineers can experiment with different materials, shapes, and configurations to find the most efficient and safest options.Exploring Extraterrestrial EnvironmentsWhen we send rovers to planets like Mars, we want them to be able to navigate the terrain and make decisions on their own, without having to wait for instructions from Earth (which can take a long time because of the vast distances involved). AI allows these rovers to perceive their surroundings, identify obstacles and scientifically interesting features, and make decisions about where to go and what to study next.Searching for Extraterrestrial LifeOne of the biggest questions humans have is whether we're alone in the universe or if there's life on other planets. AI isplaying a crucial role in this search by analyzing data from telescopes and space probes, looking for patterns and signs that could indicate the presence of life – things like unusual gases in a planet's atmosphere or biosignatures in soil samples.These are just a few of the ways AI is revolutionizing space exploration. As AI technology continues to advance, who knows what other amazing discoveries and achievements we'll unlock in our quest to understand the cosmos?Maybe one day, you could even be part of the team that designs an AI system for a mission to Mars or beyond! If you're into science, technology, and space, studying AI could open up a world of exciting possibilities.For now, keep reaching for the stars, and remember – with AI on our side, the sky is no longer the limit!篇3The Wonders of AI in Space ExplorationHave you ever dreamed of traveling to outer space? Of exploring distant planets and galaxies? Well, thanks to some really cool technology called Artificial Intelligence (AI), scientistsand engineers are able to explore the mysteries of the universe from right here on Earth!What is Artificial Intelligence?AI is like having a super smart robot helper that can process tons of information and solve complex problems faster than any human. It uses advanced computer programs and algorithms to analyze data, recognize patterns, and make decisions. Pretty neat, right?AI in Space MissionsAI plays a crucial role in space missions by helping scientists and engineers in many different ways. Let me give you some examples:Spacecraft NavigationNavigating a spacecraft through the vast expanse of space is no easy task. There are countless factors to consider, like the gravitational pull of planets, the trajectory of asteroids, and even tiny bits of space debris. AI systems can crunch all this data and calculate the safest and most efficient routes for spacecraft to travel.Robotic ExplorationHave you heard of the Mars Rovers? These are awesome robots that have been exploring the surface of Mars for years, taking pictures and collecting samples. AI helps these rovers to navigate the rough Martian terrain, avoid obstacles, and even choose which rocks to analyze based on their scientific value.Image and Data AnalysisSpacecraft and telescopes send back tons of data and images from space every day. AI algorithms can quickly analyze this data, identifying patterns and anomalies that human scientists might miss. This helps us learn more about the universe and make new discoveries.Fault Detection and RepairImagine being millions of miles away from Earth, and something goes wrong with your spacecraft. AI systems can monitor the various components of a spacecraft, detect any faults or anomalies, and even suggest ways to repair or work around the problem. This keeps astronauts safe and missions running smoothly.Mission PlanningPlanning a space mission is like a giant, complicated puzzle. There are so many factors to consider, like fuel consumption,launch windows, crew schedules, and scientific objectives. AI can simulate different scenarios and come up with the most efficient and effective mission plans.AI on Earth for Space ExplorationAI doesn't just help in space – it also plays a vital role in space exploration right here on Earth. For example:Telescope OperationsPowerful telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope generate massive amounts of data. AI algorithms help astronomers sort through this data, identifying interesting celestial objects and events for further study.Satellite MonitoringThere are thousands of satellites orbiting Earth, monitoring everything from weather patterns to national security threats. AI systems can analyze data from these satellites in real-time, alerting authorities to potential storms, forest fires, or other emergencies.Rocket Design and TestingBuilding rockets is a complex engineering challenge. AI can simulate different rocket designs, test them in virtual environments, and optimize their performance before they're ever built and launched.The Future of AI in Space ExplorationAs AI technology continues to advance, its applications in space exploration will only become more exciting. Scientists are working on AI systems that can autonomously plan and execute entire space missions, from launch to landing.Imagine an AI-powered spacecraft that can explore distant planets and moons, making its own decisions and discoveries without human intervention. Or an AI system that can search for signs of life on exoplanets by analyzing their atmospheres and surface features.The possibilities are endless, and AI will undoubtedly play a crucial role in unlocking the secrets of the universe.ConclusionAI is truly a game-changer in the field of space exploration. From navigating spacecraft to analyzing data and planning missions, this incredible technology is helping us push theboundaries of what's possible. Who knows, maybe one day you'll even get to explore space with the help of an AI companion!篇4The Awesome Power of AI in Space Exploration!Have you ever dreamed of traveling to other planets or even galaxies far, far away? Well, get ready because artificial intelligence (AI) is making space exploration easier and more exciting than ever before! AI helps scientists and engineers solve really tough problems so they can build awesome rockets, satellites, rovers, and more to explore the mysteries of the cosmos.What is AI anyway? It's a type of computer software that can learn, reason, and make decisions in a way that's kind of like how humans think - but way faster! AI programs can look at huge piles of data and find hidden patterns that would take people forever to figure out.One of the coolest ways AI helps with space is in the design process for new spacecraft and rockets. Normally, humans have to spend months or years drawing up blueprints and running simulations to test all their ideas. But with AI, they can feed the computer tons of data on things like aerodynamics, propulsion,materials science, and more. Then the AI crunches those numbers to come up with optimized designs in just days or weeks!For example, NASA used AI to design a weird-looking shuttle with air-scooped engine designs for future missions to Mars. The AI found a shape that makes the vehicle lighter and more fuel efficient for interplanetary travel. Who knows what kinds of crazy, futuristic spaceships the AI will dream up next? Maybe one day we'll be zooming through the galaxy in something straight out of a sci-fi movie!AI also plays a huge role in getting spacecraft off the ground and navigating through space. Controlling powerful rockets that are blasting off into the atmosphere is an insanely difficult task with a bajillion different factors to consider at every second. But AI flight control systems can monitor all those variables like weather, fuel levels, trajectories, and so on - way better than any human possibly could. They can make split-second adjustments to keep the launch going smoothly.Then once the spacecraft is in space, AI guides it along the best possible path to its destination, whether that's orbiting the Earth, visiting the Moon, or flying by Mars. It has to take into account the gravitational pull of planets, the trajectories ofdebris fields, fuel efficiency, and tons of other variables. Without AI's help, we'd get hopelessly lost out there in the big cosmic ocean!AI's incredible processing power also comes in handy when rovers like Perseverance or Curiosity are exploring the surfaces of other planets and moons. These cool little robotic vehicles are loaded with scientific instruments that collect massive amounts of data every day on things like the soil composition, mineral content, atmospheric conditions, and potential signs of microbial life.All that data gets beamed back to Earth, where teams of scientists start analyzing it. But there's so much of it that it would take them years to go through it all - and by then, the rovers would have already moved on! That's why they use AI programs to rapidly process the raw data and identify anything interesting that human scientists should take a closer look at.The AI can spot subtle patterns and anomalies that we might miss. Then it flags those sections so researchers know exactly where to focus their eyes and efforts. Thanks to AI's tireless data-crunching abilities, scientists don't waste time and can make new discoveries way faster.Let's not forget about AI's role in deep space exploration too! You've probably heard of the Hubble Space Telescope and James Webb Space Telescope taking all those breathtaking pictures of galaxies billions of light years away. But do you know what helps them decide what areas of space to aim their cameras at and when?You guessed it - AI! These space telescopes are designed to search for things like potentially Earth-like exoplanets in the "goldilocks" zones of other solar systems where liquid water (and possibly life?!) could exist. But with billions upon billions of stars out there, how do they choose which ones to examine? AI algorithms analyze all the data we have on those star systems and prioritize the targets that are most promising.Then once the images come back from those observations, AI helps scientists study them for any signs of exoplanets or other incredible phenomena we've never seen before. For example, AI has discovered mysterious, ultra-powerful cosmic particles called "WIMPzillas" slamming into our galaxy from some unknown source! Who knows what other crazy new things AI will help scientists uncover?As you can see, AI is absolutely indispensable when it comes to exploring the great beyond. Its ability to rapidly process hugeamounts of data and come up with solutions to complex problems is helping us make new discoveries and go farther into space than ever before. From designing next-generation spacecraft to studying astronomical mysteries light years away, AI is expanding humanity's understanding of the cosmos every single day.So the next time you gaze up at the stars, remember that AI is playing a huge behind-the-scenes role in unraveling their secrets - and maybe even one day helping us travel between them! Isn't AI just the coolest? The future of space exploration is going to be an awesome cosmic adventure thanks to this incredibly powerful technology.篇5Exploring Artificial Intelligence in the Sky: How Smart Computers Help Us SoarHi there, young explorers! Today, we're going to talk about something truly out of this world – artificial intelligence (AI) and how it's helping us explore the vast unknown of space. Get ready to have your mind blown by the incredible ways thesesuper-smart computer programs are changing the game in the aerospace industry!What is Artificial Intelligence?Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of how AI is used in space exploration, let's first understand what it is. Artificial intelligence is like having a really, really smart friend who can process tons of information incredibly quickly and solve complex problems that would take humans ages to figure out. It's a computer program that can learn, reason, and make decisions just like humans do, but way faster and more efficiently.AI in Space ExplorationNow, let's talk about how these intelligent computer programs are helping us explore the great beyond. Buckle up, because the applications are truly mind-boggling!Rocket ScienceDid you know that AI plays a crucial role in designing and launching rockets into space? These smart programs can simulate countless scenarios, analyze vast amounts of data, and help engineers optimize every aspect of a rocket's design and trajectory. From ensuring the rocket has enough fuel to calculating the perfect launch window, AI makes sure our space missions go off without a hitch.Navigating the CosmosOnce a spacecraft is in space, AI takes over the navigation. These intelligent systems can process data from various sensors, cameras, and other instruments to ensure the spacecraft stays on course and avoids any potential hazards, like space debris or asteroids. AI also helps control the spacecraft's movements, making precise adjustments to its trajectory and orientation.Exploring Distant WorldsWhen it comes to exploring other planets, moons, and celestial bodies, AI is our best friend. Imagine trying to analyze all the data and images sent back by a rover on Mars or a probe orbiting Jupiter – it would take humans forever! But AI can quickly process this information, identifying interesting features, analyzing soil samples, and even helping to decide where to send the rover next.Searching for Extraterrestrial LifeOne of the most exciting applications of AI in space exploration is its potential to help us find evidence of extraterrestrial life. These smart programs can sift through vast amounts of data from telescopes and other instruments, looking for patterns or anomalies that could indicate the presence of life on other planets or in distant galaxies.Monitoring Space WeatherJust like we have weather on Earth, there's also space weather that can affect our missions and technology in space. AI helps us monitor and predict things like solar flares, cosmic radiation, and other space weather events that could potentially disrupt our spacecraft or communication systems.The Future of AI in Space ExplorationAs amazing as these applications already are, we've only scratched the surface of what AI can do for space exploration. In the future, we can expect AI to play an even bigger role in areas like:Designing and building advanced spacecraft and habitats for long-term space missionsAssisting astronauts during spacewalks and other complex tasksHelping us establish sustainable human settlements on other planets or moonsAnalyzing data from powerful new telescopes to unravel the mysteries of the universeThe possibilities are truly endless, and it's all thanks to the incredible power of artificial intelligence!Final ThoughtsAs you can see, AI is an incredibly powerful tool that's helping us push the boundaries of space exploration like never before. From designing rockets to searching for alien life, these super-smart computer programs are playing a crucial role in our quest to understand the cosmos.So, the next time you look up at the stars, remember the amazing AI technology that's helping us unravel the secrets of the universe. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be part of the team developing the next generation of AI systems that take us even further into the great beyond!篇6The Amazing Ways Artificial Intelligence Helps in Space ExplorationHi there, fellow space enthusiasts! Today, I want to tell you all about something really cool – how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used in space exploration. AI is like having a super-smartrobot helping scientists and astronauts explore the vastness of space.1. Smart Robots and Astronaut AssistantsImagine having a robot buddy who can help astronauts with their work in space. Well, that's exactly what AI does! AI-powered robots can be sent on space missions to assist astronauts with tasks like repairing equipment or carrying out experiments. These smart robots can even learn from their experiences and get better at their jobs over time. They can explore dangerous places that might be too risky for humans, making space exploration safer for everyone.2. Autonomous SpacecraftAnother amazing way AI is used in space is through autonomous spacecraft. These spacecraft can think for themselves and make important decisions without human intervention. They use AI algorithms to analyze data and navigate through space. With the help of AI, spacecraft can adjust their routes, avoid obstacles, and even land on other planets safely. It's like having a smart pilot flying the spacecraft!3. Understanding Space DataSpace is full of data, and analyzing all that information can be a big challenge. But thanks to AI, scientists can now process and understand space data more easily. AI algorithms can sift through vast amounts of data collected by telescopes and satellites, helping scientists make new discoveries. They can find patterns, identify celestial objects, and even predict space weather. AI is like a space detective, uncovering the secrets of the universe!4. Planning Space MissionsPlanning a space mission is a complex task. There are many factors to consider, like fuel consumption, spacecraft trajectory, and safety. AI can help scientists and engineers plan these missions more efficiently. By using AI algorithms, they can optimize routes, calculate fuel usage, and predict potential problems. This helps save time, money, and resources, making space exploration more successful.5. Assisting Astronaut HealthSpace travel can be tough on astronauts' bodies, but AI is here to help! AI technology can monitor astronauts' health and provide real-time assistance. It can analyze vital signs, detect any health issues, and even suggest remedies. This ensures thatastronauts stay healthy and safe during their missions. AI is like a space doctor, taking care of our brave astronauts.In conclusion, AI is an incredible tool that is revolutionizing space exploration. From smart robots to autonomous spacecraft, AI is helping us explore space like never before. It analyzes data, plans missions, and assists astronauts in their important work. So, the next time you look up at the stars, remember that AI is up there too, making the universe a little easier to understand. Keep dreaming big and reach for the stars!Word Count: 457I hope you find this article helpful and enjoyable to read. Happy exploring, young astronomers!。
第31卷 第1期2009年1月北 京 林 业 大 学 学 报JOURNA L OF BEI J I NG FORESTRY UNI VERSITYV ol.31,N o.1Jan.,2009收稿日期:200822032220http :ΠΠw w ,http :ΠΠ 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(40504001)、遥感国家重点实验室资助项目“利用机载激光雷达数据提取森林地区DT M ”。
主要研究方向:机载LiDAR 在森林地区的应用。
Email :fftang80@1261com 地址:400030重庆市沙坪坝区沙正街33号重庆大学土木工程学院测量工程系。
基于体素的森林地区机载LiDAR 数据DTM 提取唐菲菲1,2 刘经南3 张小红1 阮志敏4(1武汉大学测绘学院 2重庆大学土木工程学院 3武汉大学卫星导航定位技术研究中心 4重庆交通科研设计院勘察设计所)摘要:机载LiDAR 是一种能够直接、快速获取被测目标三维空间信息的主动式遥感技术,被广泛用于获取高精度的数字地面模型,但是在植被比较密集、地势比较陡峭的森林地区,能够穿透植被到达地表的激光脚点数量较开阔区域少,对于提取精确的DT M 有一定难度。
该文提出一种继承式多分辨率体素滤波算法,从机载激光扫描数据中获取森林地区的DT M 。
该方法将激光点云数据划分为不同分辨率等级的体素,以体素为单位通过与邻域体素的高程加权均值比较,剔除植被点,保留地面点,从而获取森林地区的DT M 。
实验证明该滤波方法能够有效地提取森林地区的DT M 。
关键词:机载激光扫描;继承式多分辨率;体素;滤波;数字高程模型中图分类号:S75712 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000221522(2009)012200552205T ANG Fei 2fei 1,2;LI U Jing 2nan 3;ZH ANG X iao 2hong 1;RUAN Zhi 2min 4.A voxel 2based filtering algorithmfor DTM data extraction in forest areas .Journal o f Beijing Forestry Univer sity (2009)31(1)552259[Ch ,10ref.]1School of G eodesy and G eomatics ,Wuhan University ,430079,P.R.China ;2C ollege of Civil Engineering ,Chongqing University ,400030,P.R.China ;3G lobal Navigation Satellite System Research Center ,Wuhan University ,430072,P.R.China ;4Chongqing C ommunication Research &Design Institute ,400067,P.R.China.Airborne LiDAR is an advanced rem ote sensing technique ,which can collect the 3D spatial information of objects directly and effectively ,and it has been widely used in acquiring precision digital terrain m odel (DT M ).Nevertheless ,in forest areas with a dense vegetation and steep slopes ,the am ount of laser footprints that can penetrate through the vegetation and reach the ground is relatively less than that in an open area ,s o the DT M acquisition is difficult to s ome extent in forest areas.The paper proposes an inherited multi 2res olution v oxel 2based filtering alg orithm ,aiming at deriving the digital terrain m odel in forest areas.The laser scanning data were divided into v oxels with different res olutions by com paring the weighted average height with neighbors.Vegetation in v oxels was rejected and terrain points were retained to be interpolated into the DT M.This study suggests that the filtering alg orithm is effective in DT M acquisition of forest areas.K ey words airborne laser scanning ;inherited multi 2res olution ;v oxel ;filtering ;digital terrain m odel(DT M ) 由于植被的遮挡和大面积阴影的存在,用数字摄影测量的方法获取森林地区的真实地形存在一定难度。
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森 林 工 程
第 39 卷
0 引言
森林生态系统是陆地上最重要的生态系统,也 是生物圈的重要组成部分,在缓解全球气候变暖中 发挥了十分重要的作用[1-2] 。 但由于人类的过度开 采,森林遭到严重的破坏,环境日益恶化,人们才逐 渐意识到其重要性,开始重视和保护森林资源。 林 下地形测量同样十分重要,是各种后期森林制图及 绘制大 尺 度 数 字 地 面 模 型 ( Digital Terrain Model, DTM) 的基础。 而传统的相关数据获取方式主要以 外业为主,费 时 费 力 且 调 查 面 积 较 小, 不 适 合 大 范 围的测量。 随着激光雷达技术的发展,人们拥有了 更方便的手段来获取森林参数。 激光雷达是一种 主动式的探测技术,对植被和地面有较强的探测能 力,尤其是对 植 被 冠 层 高 度 的 探 测, 相 较 于 其 他 类 型的遥感数据具有独特的优势[3-5] ,尤其是搭载于 卫星平台的 激 光 雷 达, 可 以 迅 速、 大 面 积 地 获 取 森 林参数[6-8] 。
ZHANG Congkai1, YU Ying1,2∗
(1. School of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management ( Northeast Forestry University) , Ministry of Education, Harbin 150040, China)来自张丛凯1 ,于颖1,2∗
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Scienc
3D City Modeling with TLS (Three-Line Scanner) DataArmin Gruen1, Zhang Li1, Xinhua Wang21Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH-Hoenggerberg, CH-8093, Zurich, Switzerland2 CyberCity AG, Bellikon, Switzerland(agruen,zhangl,wang)@geod.baug.ethz.chKEY WORDS: Three-Line-Scanner Principle, TLS System, CyberCity Modeler, Semi-Automated Building Extraction & Modeling, Texture MappingABSTRACT: The TLS (Three-Line-Scanner) system is a new aerial camera system developed by STARLABO, Tokyo. Due to its flexibility in image and GPS/INS recording and the possibility of its mounting on different aerial platforms it can be used in a great variety of applications. We report about a project of producing 3D city models with TLS data. Essentially we have interfaced TLS data with CyberCity Modeler functionality and have produced two data sets over Yokohama. We will report briefly about the current status of TLS functionality (the system is still under development) and we will describe the related generation of city models. We show high-resolution photo-textured models of Yokohama, including items like street lamps, roads, waterways, parking lots, bridges and trees. The combination of two modern technologies from sensing and processing opens interesting perspectives for future applications in 3D virtual environment generation.1.IntroductionThe development of new high-resolution aerial cameras is currently an important issue in photogrammetric system and in algorithmic research. In particular Three-Line Scanner technology, with its new sensor model and quasi real-time capabilities, provides a challenge for algorithmic redesign. Geometric and radiometric conditions vary significantly from traditional photographic single frame based systems. This opens the possibility to reconsider and improve many photogrammetric processing components, like image enhancement, multi-channel color processing, rectification, triangulation, ortho-image generation, DTM generation and object extraction in general. We will focus here on the generation of high-resolution 3D city models.In the year 2000, STARLABO Corporation, Tokyo designed a new airborne digital imaging system, the Three-Line-Scanner (TLS) system, jointly with the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo and completed in the meantime several test flights. The TLS system was originally designed to record line features (roads, rivers, railways, power-lines, etc) only, but later tests also revealed the suitability for general mapping and GIS-related applications (see Murai, Matsumoto, 2000 and Murai, 2001). Currently the second generation system called STARIMAGER SI-200 is under development.Our group is responsible for the design and development of the application software, including user interface, manual measurement system, image enhancement, rectification, ortho-image generation, triangulation, point positioning, and DTM generation. We have reported about these activities in several publications (Gruen, Zhang, 2001, 2002a, 2002b).In this paper, we deal with the derivation of 3D city models by applying CyberCity Modeler technology to TLS imagery. First we will briefly report about the current status of the system in terms of hardware and software. Then we will outline the particular advantages that come with Three-Line-Scanner technology with respect to object extraction, including city modeling. In chapter 4 we show the results of two pilot projects over the city of Yokohama, Japan, which were executed in cooperation with STARLABO Corporation, Tokyo, CyberCity AG, Bellikon and the photogrammetry group of the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH Zurich.2. The TLS System2.1 Hardware statusFigure 1: TLS CCD sensor configurationThe TLS (Three-Line-Scanner) system is an aerial multi-spectral digital sensor system, developed by STARLABO Corporation, Tokyo (Murai, Matsumoto, 2000; Murai, 2001; Chen et al., 2001). It utilizes the Three-Line-Scanner principle to capture digital image triplets in along-strip mode. It has panchromatic sensors of forward, nadir and backward direction, and also has multi-spectral sensors of RGB. The imaging system contains three times three parallel one-dimensional CCD focal plane arrays, with 10 200 pixels of 7µm each (Figure 1). The TLS system produces seamless high-resolution images with usually 5 - 10 cm footprint on the ground with three viewing directions (forward, nadir and backward). There are two configurations for image acquisition. The first configuration ensures the stereo imaging capability, in which the three CCD arrays working in the green channels are read out with stereo angles of about 21 degrees. The second configuration uses the RGB CCD arrays in nadir direction to deliver color imagery. STARLABO is currently developing a new generation camera system, called SI-200 (STARIMAGER-200). This comes with an improved lens system and with 10 CCD arrays on the focal plane (3 × 3 work in RGB mode, 1 CCD array works in infrared mode). Each CCD array consists of 14 404 pixels at 5µm size. For the detailed sensor and imaging parameters see Table 1.Table 1: TLS and SI-200 sensor parameters* forward-nadir / nadir-backward stereo view angleIn order to get highly precise attitude and positional data over long flight lines a combination of a high local accuracy INS with the high global accuracy GPS is exploited. An advanced stabilizer is used to keep the camera pointing vertically to the ground in order to get high quality raw level images and outputs attitude data at 500 Hz. A Trimble MS750 serves as Rover GPS and collects L1/L2 kinematic data at 5 Hz and another Trimble MS750 serves as Base GPS on the ground. The rover GPS is installed on the top of the aircraft and the INS and the TLS camera are firmly attached together. Figure 2 shows theconfiguration of the TLS components.Figure 2: System configuration of the TLS system2.2. Application software developmentThe application software is developed at the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH Zurich. The outline of the TLS dataprocessing is shown in Figure 3. The processing modules include:Figure 3: Outline of the TLS data processing chain+ User interface and measurement systemThe user interface allows the display, manipulation and measurement of images. It includes the mono and stereoscopic measurement modules in manual and semi-automated mode. It employs large-size image roaming techniques to display the TLS forward, nadir, and backward (plus other channels if possible) view direction images simultaneously. The stereoscopic measurement module, together with a STARLABO developed plug-in module “SIPES.dll” for attributation, is responsible for manual measurement / collection of the objects such as roads, buildings and others.+ TriangulationThis module consists of two stages. At the first stage, the directly measured GPS/INS data are taken as input and the exterior orientation elements for each scan-line are calculated /interpolated at the time of image capturing. The output of this procedure is called “raw orientation data”. The raw orientation parameters are already of fairly good quality and may be used in some applications right away, e.g. in small scale mapping.For high accuracy applications however we recommend a previous triangulation. The related software is a modified bundle adjustment called TLS-LAB. We have developed a special TLS camera model and offer three different trajectory models (DGR… Direct Georeferencing Model; PPM…Piecewise Polynomial Model and LIM… Lagrange Interpolation Model). For more details and results of several accuracy tests see (Gruen, Zhang, 2001, 2002a). The self-calibration technique is currently implemented. The accuracy of the orientation data is improved by simultaneous bundle adjustment with the exterior orientation parameters from the pre-processing stage.We also have developed new methods for automated tie point measurement. Tie points in multi-strip / cross-strip configuration, with different image scales and image directions can be measured through a least squares matching approach.+ Image RectificationHere the raw level image data is transformed into quasi-epipolar form in order to reduce the large y-parallaxes caused by high frequency variations of the parameters of exterior orientation.This is absolutely necessary for smooth stereo viewing and also recommended for image matching. Rectification comes in two modes. The coarse version just uses the orientation elements as given (or already derived from triangulation) and projects the raw images onto a pre-defined horizontal object plane. The refined version uses an existing DTM (of whatever quality) in replacement of the object plane. This latter method reduces the remaining y-parallaxes substantially.+ DTM generationWe have devised and implemented a new matching strategy for the automatic generation of Digital Surface Models, from which Digital Terrain Models may be derived. This strategy consists of a number of matching components (cross-correlation, least squares matching, multi-image matching, geometrical constraints, multi-patch matching with continuity constraints,etc.), which are combined in particular ways in order to respond to divers image contents (e.g. feature points, textureless areas,etc.). The matching module can extract large numbers of mass point by using multi-images. Even in non-texture image areas reasonable matching results can be achieved by enforcing the local smoothness constraints. For more details on matching see (Gruen, Zhang, 2002b).+ Ortho-image generationThis is a special solution for fast derivation of ortho-images given the TLS-geometry and images.3. CyberCity Modeler and TLS Data Interface3.1 CyberCity ModelerCyberCity Modeler (CCM) represents a methodology for semi-automated object extraction and modeling of built-up environments from images of satellite, aerial and terrestrial platforms. It is generic in the sense that it allows to model not only buildings, but all objects of interest which can be represented as polyhedral model, which includes DTM, roads, waterways, parking lots, bridges, trees and so forth (even ships have been modeled). As such it produces 3D city models efficiently, with a high degree of flexibility with respect to metric accuracy, modeling resolution (level of detail), type of objects and processing speed. The basic algorithm and related projects have been previously reported in (Gruen, Wang, 1998).In a parallel effort and as a pilot project, a spatial information system (CC-SIS, CyberCity Spatial Information System) has been developed which, based on a relational database (ORACLE), includes both 3D functionality and image raster data integration on database level and as such represents a fully hybrid system (Wang, Gruen, 2000).In the meantime, CCM became a commercial software product, marketed by the ETHZ spin-off company CyberCity AG ( There is a steadily increasing interest in 3D city models, with the current major customers being city planning and surveying offices, industrial facilities (chemical and car industry) and telecom companies. With the different types of customers comes a great variability in project specifications. Here it turned out to be of advantage that CCM was set up from the very beginning as a technique with high degree of flexibility. In spite of that, some additions to and extension of the original functionality had to be developed in order to fulfill specific requests (Gruen, Wang, 2001). The latest addition is the derivation of 3D city models from image data of the newly developed TLS system.CyberCity Modeler, as the name suggests, was designed as a tool for data acquisition and structuring for 3D city model generation. From the very beginning, CCM has been devised as a semi-automated procedure. This was done in view of the need to observe the following constraints:− Extract not only buildings, but other objects as well, like traffic network, water, terrain, vegetation and the like− Generate truly 3D geometry and topology− Integrate natural (real) image textures− Allow for object attributation− Keep level of detail flexible. Accept virtually any image scale − Allow for a variety of accuracy levels (5 cm to 2 m)− Produce structured data, compatible with major CAD and visualization softwareIn site recording and modeling, the tasks to be performed may be classified according to:− Measurement− Structuring of data− Visualization, simulation, animation− AnalysisIn CCM, the image interpretation and even the measurement task is done by the operator. The software does the structuring. For visualization, simulation, animation and analysis we largely resort to other parties’, mostly commercial, software.CCM presents a new method for fitting planar faces to the resulting 3D point cloud. This face fitting is defined as a consistent labeling problem, which is solved by a special version of probabilistic relaxation. As an automatic topology generator,CCM is generic in the sense that any object, which is bounded by a polyhedral surface, can be structured. With this technique, hundreds of objects may be measured in a day.The computation of the structure is much faster than the measurements of the operator, such that the procedure can be implemented in on-line mode. If overlay capabilities are available on the stereo device, the quality control and the editing by the operator becomes very intuitive and efficient.The DTM, if not given a priori, can also be measured and integrated. Texture from different kinds of images (including the TLS images) is mapped automatically on the terrain and on the roofs, since the geometrical relationship between object faces and image planes has been established. Façade texture is produced semi-automatically via projective transformation from terrestrial images, usually taken by camcorders or still video cameras.The system and software are fully operational. In the order of 600 000 objects at high-resolution have been generated already with this approach.3.2 CyberCity Modeler and TLSThere are mainly two advantages in using TLS imagery to derive a 3D city model. Firstly, very high-resolution seamless image data (3-7 cm ground resolution) can be obtained by installing the system on a helicopter. All the detailed information on the ground can be viewed and measured. Several multispectral channels (RGB, Infrared) are available simultaneously. Secondly, unlike with the traditional frame-based photography, the three-line geometry is characterized by nearly parallel projection in the flight direction and perspective projection perpendicular to it (so-called line-perspective projection). In the TLS system, a stabilizer is used to absorb the high frequency positional and attitude variations of the camera during the flight in order to get high quality raw-level images. Furthermore, the stabilizer always keeps the camera pointing vertically to the ground. This results in minimal occlusions in the nadir view images and, in additional, the image information of the building’s façades can be viewed inthe forward and backward view images (Figure 4).Figure 4: Forward, nadir and backward view images Since the input data of CC-Modeler is just point clouds, it does not matter which sensor model is used to construct the 3D vector model. The measurement procedure must follow the regulation of CC-Modeler, such that CC-Modeler can process TLS data directly.With the TLS stereoscopic measurement software package the buildings, roads and other kinds of man-made objects can be measured manually or semi-automatically. After the internal format conversion, this data can be input to CC-Modeler.However, the sensor model must be identified if the full 3D model with texture mapping is expected. In this case, the necessary extension of CC-Modeler is to extend the sensor model from the normal frame perspective projection to the line-perspective projection of the TLS system. “CC-TLSAutotext” does the texturemapping with TLS images as the original data source.Figure 5: The workflow of the texture mapping with TLSimages (CC-TLSAutotext)In “CC-TLSAutotext”, the procedure of texture mapping is to project the 3D polygon to the TLS images (forward, nadir and backward view) and take the image patch that has the highest resolution. The highest resolution is equivalent to the largest related image patch size. However, considering the possible occlusions between 3D objects, the best texture may not be contained in the patch with the highest resolution. It could be the one with the highest amount of completeness or could be an image mosaic with texture patches that are from different TLS images. Therefore, an occlusion checking procedure has to be involved. In case of occlusions the user has three options: (a)Paste partial patches from different images together, (b) useterrestrial images captured on the ground and (c) randomly take artificial textures. In case of full occlusions the procedure will use the artificial texture or manual texturing. The workflow of the texture mapping is described in the Figure 5.4. Example YokohamaWe report here about two test projects, executed over the city ofYokohama.Figure 6: Experimental area of YokohamaFigure 8: Enlarged area of TLS imageThe first project includes a small area in downtown Yokohama,Japan (Area 1 in Figure 6). This project was designed in order to test the performance of our newly developed TLS image dataFigure 7: TLS image strips of the Yokohama areaprocessing and texture mapping software packages. All the buildings, the detailed infrastructures, main roads, and some trees were measured and a 3D model was constructed. Figure 11 shows the 3D hybrid model, rendered with Cosmo Player.The second project represents an larger area of about 1.5 km 2,with a boulevard in front of the Shin-Yokohama Station (Area 2in Figure 6). The whole model includes 2482 houses, 26 bridges,20 road segments, 1 river, 129 trees, 8 electric power lines, 170street lights. Figure 7 shows the three overlapping TLS image strips with 6.5cm ground resolution (Figures 4 and 8). For texture mapping purposes about 100 terrestrial photos of some high buildings were used.After the triangulation procedure with several ground control points, a DTM was automatically generated with the TLS image matching module “TLS-IMS”, and a 0.25 m resolution ortho-image was generated with TLS image rectification module “TLS-IRS”.We use the stereoscopic measurement module “TLS-SMS” as the measurement platform to measure the point clouds, following the regulation of CC-Modeler. The integration of CC-Modeler and TLS-SMS is crucial for the 3D model generation. After measuring all the objects, CC-modeler is employed to construct the 3D model. Figures 9a and 9b show views on the reconstruction results. The level of detail in reconstruction can be checked by theroof structures of Figure 9b.Figure 9a: View on the reconstructed 3D model(rendered with Cosmo Player)Figure 9b: Detailed roof structures of the 3D model(rendered with Cosmo Player)Finally, the texture mapping procedure for all measured objects is done with CC-Modeler’s extended module “CC-TLSAutotext”. In this procedure, the ortho-image mosaic is mapped onto the DTM,and the high-resolution image patches are mapped onto the 3D objects such as houses, bridges and roads. The workflow is shown in Figure 10. Figure 12 and 13 show the hybrid 3D textured models. In these models, a backward static image with sky and clouds is also rendered in order to achieve a more realistic effect.5. ConclusionsThe status of the hardware and application software of the Three-Line-Scanner (TLS) system, developed by STARLABO Corporation, Tokyo has been briefly described. We have outlined the advantages that lie in the use of Three-Line-Scanner data for general object extraction and for city modeling in particular. With the pilot projects Yokohama we have demonstrated the successful integration of TLS image data and CyberCity Modeler.Currently, the TLS sensor is being replaced by a new camera,called STARIMAGER SI-200, which features a new, improved lens, 14 400 pixels per line and an additional infrared CCD line in the focal plane. Our future tests will include this new imagery aswell.Figure 10: Work flow of the hybrid model generation withTLS image dataTLS-IMS: TLS Image Matching Software Module TLS-IRS: TLS Image Rectification Software Module TLS-SMS: TLS Stereo Measurement Software ModuleAcknowledgementThe authors would like to thank STARLABO Corporation, Tokyo for their project support and provision of the test TLS image datasets.Figure 11: 3D textured model of a small area in downtownYokohama (rendered with Cosmo Player)Figure 12: 3D textured model of the Yokohama project(rendered with CyberCity Browser)Figure 13: An overview of the whole 3D textured model of the Yokohama project (rendered with CyberCity Browser)ReferencesChen, T., Shibasaki, R., Morita, K., 2001. High Precision Georeference for Airborne Three-Line Scanner (TLS) Imagery.3rd International Image Sensing Seminar on New Developments in Digital Photogrammetry, Sept. 24-27, Gifu, Japan, pp. 71-82Murai, S., 2001. Development of Helicopter-borne Three Line Scanner with High Performance of Stabilizer and IMU. 3rd International Image Sensing Seminar on New Development in Digital Photogrammetry, Sept. 24-27, Gifu, Japan, pp. 1-3Murai, S., Matsumoto, Y., 2000. The Development of Airborne Three Line Scanner with High Accuracy INS and GPS for Analysing Car Velocity Distribution. IAPRS, Vol. 33, Part B2,Amsterdam, pp. 416-421Gruen, A., Wang, X. 1998. CC-Modeler: A Topology Generator for 3-D City Models. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry &Remote Sensing 53(5): 286-295Gruen, A., Wang, X. 2001. News from CyberCity Modeler.Proceedings Workshop "Automatic extraction of man-made objects from aerial and space images (III)", Monte Verita, 10-15June 2001, (Eds.: E. Baltsavias, A. Gruen, L. Van Gool),Balkema, Lisse, pp. 93-101Gruen, A., Zhang L., 2001. TLS Data Processing Modules. 3rd International Image Sensing Seminar on New Development in Digital Photogrammetry, September 24-27, 2001, Gifu, JapanGruen, A., Zhang, L., 2002a. Sensor Modeling for Aerial Mobile Mapping with Three-Line-Scanner (TLS) Imagery. IAPRS, Vol.34, Part 2, Xi’an, P. R. China, pp. 139-146Gruen, A., Zhang L., 2002b: Automatic DTM Generation from Three-Line-Scanner (TLS) images. IAPRS, Vol. 34, Part 2A,Graz, Austria, pp. 131-137Wang, X., Gruen, A. 2000. A Hybrid GIS for 3-D City Models.IAPRS, Vol. 33, Part 4/3, pp. 1165-1172。
DB33∕T 1136-2017 建筑地基基础设计规范
地基计算 ....................................................................................................................... 14 5.1 承载力计算......................................................................................................... 14 5.2 变形计算 ............................................................................................................ 17 5.3 稳定性计算......................................................................................................... 21
主要起草人: 施祖元 刘兴旺 潘秋元 陈云敏 王立忠 李冰河 (以下按姓氏拼音排列) 蔡袁强 陈青佳 陈仁朋 陈威文 陈 舟 樊良本 胡凌华 胡敏云 蒋建良 李建宏 王华俊 刘世明 楼元仓 陆伟国 倪士坎 单玉川 申屠团兵 陶 琨 叶 军 徐和财 许国平 杨 桦 杨学林 袁 静 主要审查人: 益德清 龚晓南 顾国荣 钱力航 黄茂松 朱炳寅 朱兆晴 赵竹占 姜天鹤 赵宇宏 童建国浙江大学 参编单位: (排名不分先后) 浙江工业大学 温州大学 华东勘测设计研究院有限公司 浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 杭州市建筑设计研究院有限公司 浙江省建筑科学设计研究院 汉嘉设计集团股份有限公司 杭州市勘测设计研究院 宁波市建筑设计研究院有限公司 温州市建筑设计研究院 温州市勘察测绘院 中国联合工程公司 浙江省电力设计院 浙江省省直建筑设计院 浙江省水利水电勘测设计院 浙江省工程勘察院 大象建筑设计有限公司 浙江东南建筑设计有限公司 湖州市城市规划设计研究院 浙江省工业设计研究院 浙江工业大学工程设计集团有限公司 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究院 华汇工程设计集团股份有限公司
激光雷达英语专业术语English Answer:LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)。
LiDAR is a remote sensing technology that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to measure ranges (variable distances) to the Earth. These light pulses – emitted from a rapidly firing laser – interact with the surface of the Earth and are scattered in different directions. The timeit takes for the reflected light to return to the sensor is recorded and used to calculate the distance between the sensor and the target. By emitting multiple laser pulses in rapid succession and scanning the pulses over a target area, a dense point cloud of the target can be generated.Key Components of a LiDAR System.Laser Source: Emits pulsed laser light at a specific wavelength.Scanner: Directs the laser pulses towards the target area.Detector: Receives the reflected laser pulses and measures the time-of-flight (TOF).Processing Unit: Computes the distances from the TOF measurements and generates a point cloud.Applications of LiDAR.LiDAR technology has numerous applications in various fields, including:Mapping and Surveying: Generating detailed terrain models, topographic maps, and bathymetric charts.Forestry: Estimating tree height, canopy cover, and biomass.Transportation: Autonomous vehicle navigation, roadmapping, and traffic monitoring.Archaeology: Discovering and mapping buried structures and artifacts.Architecture: Building facade analysis, precision measurements, and 3D modeling.Types of LiDAR Systems.LiDAR systems can be classified into several types based on:Platform: Ground-based, airborne, or spaceborne.Pulse Type: Single-pulse or multi-pulse.Wavelength: Near-infrared, mid-infrared, or ultraviolet.Scan Pattern: Linear, raster, or spherical.Advantages of LiDAR.High point density, enabling detailed representations of objects and surfaces.Accuracy in measuring distances and elevations.Ability to penetrate vegetation and dense materials.Real-time data collection and processing.Limitations of LiDAR.Susceptibility to atmospheric interference, such as fog and dust.Limited range under certain conditions, such as dense vegetation.High cost of acquisition and deployment.中文回答:激光雷达。
•德国Stuttgart大学研制的SCOP程序 •Munich大学研制的 HIFI程序 •Hannover大学研制的TASH程序 •奥地利Vienna工业大学研制SORA程序 •瑞士 Zurich工业大学研制的 CIP程序。
数字地面模型DTM是地形表面形态等多种 信息的一个数字表示. DTM是定义在某一区 域D上的m维向量有限序列:
概述 数字地面模型的发展 数字地面模型的概念与形式 数字地面模型的数据获取
数字地面模型DTM(Digital Terrain Model)Miller教授 1956年提出来。用于各种线 路的设计、各种工程面积、体 积、坡度的计算,任意两点间 可视性判断及绘制任意断面图。
数字高程模型DEM 表示形式
利用一系列在X, Y方向上都是等间 隔排列的地形点的 高程Z表示地形, 形成一个矩形格网 DEM。
Xi=X0+i*DX (i= 0,1,···,NX- 1)
(j= 0,1,···,NY- 1)
存贮量最小、便于使用管理。缺点是有 时不能准确表示地形的结构与细部,
2.现有地图数字化 :用数字化仪对已有地 图上的信息,进行数字化的方法。手扶跟 踪数字化仪;扫描数字化仪,
3.空间传感器:利用GPS、雷达和激光测高 仪等进行数据采集
LIDAR(Light Detection and Ranging)
德国Ebner教授等提出了 Grid-TIN混合形式的 DEM,一般地区使用矩形 网数据结构沿地形特征
数字地面模型的生成与应用方法数字地面模型(Digital Surface Model,简称DSM)是用数字摄影测量和遥感影像处理技术生成的一种数字数据模型,可以准确描述地表地貌特征。
1. 雷达测高技术雷达测高技术利用微波信号穿过地物后的反射信号来测量地物的高度,可以实现对地面的快速、大范围高度数据采集。
2. 激光雷达激光雷达技术是一种常用的数字地面模型生成方法。
3. 摄影测量摄影测量是一种通过航空、航天摄影获取地表地貌信息的技术。
1. 资源调查与规划数字地面模型可以提供地表高程和地形信息,为资源调查与规划提供重要支持。
2. 城市规划与建设数字地面模型可以提供准确的地表高程数据,为城市规划和建设提供依据。
利用QAR和DEM的机载气象雷达地杂波仿真方法张金玉;秦娟;卢晓光;钟元昌【摘要】地杂波是降低机载气象雷达性能的一个关键因素.利用数字高程模型(Digital elevation model,DEM)精确计算不同地形的电磁散射时,本文提出了将经纬度变化量转换成距离变化量的方法,简化计算,并修正了俯角和擦地角计算.然后根据气象雷达方程建模地杂波,按照WXR-2100的实际参数设置雷达参数,结合快速存取记录器(Quick access recorder,QAR)反演的航班飞行参数,分别高保真地仿真了起飞和巡航两个阶段机载气象雷达不同工作模式下的杂波图,反映了实际的运行情况,最后建立了杂波图数据库.%A key factor degrading the performance of airborne weather radar is clutter.Here,the change amount of latitude and longitude is converted into the distance variation to compute electromagnetic scattering of different terrain using a digital elevation model (DEM).The calculation of depression and grazing angle isfixed.According to the meteorological radar equation,the ground clutter is modeled.Radar parameters are set in accordance with the actual parameters of WXR-2100,while flight parameters by the quick access recorder (QAR).The clutter maps for airborne weather radar in the different operating modes are simulated during take-off and cruise stages.The results can reflect actual operating conditions.Finally,the clutter map database is established.【期刊名称】《数据采集与处理》【年(卷),期】2017(032)004【总页数】7页(P785-791)【关键词】机载气象雷达;地杂波仿真;数字高程模型;快速存取记录器;坐标转换【作者】张金玉;秦娟;卢晓光;钟元昌【作者单位】天津理工大学电气电子工程学院薄膜电子与通信器件重点实验室,天津,300384;天津理工大学电气电子工程学院薄膜电子与通信器件重点实验室,天津,300384;中国民航大学智能信号与图像处理天津市重点实验室,天津,300300;天津理工大学电气电子工程学院薄膜电子与通信器件重点实验室,天津,300384【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN959.4杂波是雷达波束覆盖内的物体表面形成的不需要的电磁散射。
机载激光雷达简介机载激光雷达(Airborne LiDAR)是一种在飞行器上搭载的激光雷达系统,用于高精度地测量地表地形、建筑物、植被和其他地貌特征的三维信息。
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DIGITAL TERRAIN MODELS FROM AIRBORNE LASER SCANNER DATA- A GRID BASED APPROACHR.Wack *, A.WimmerJoanneum Research, Institut of Digital Image Processing, Wastiangasse 6, 8010 Graz, AustriaKEY WORDS: airborne laser scanning, DTM generation, lidar, gridbased DTM calculationABSTRACT:Since Airborne laser scanning sensors are operational and the data capture, including the calculation of the exterior orientation by using GPS and INS, has reached a high level of automation, the focus has turned on the development of algorithms to extract information from the 3D point cloud. The main tasks are the derivation of terrain information, forest parameters or the extraction of buildings. Since terrain information also affects the calculation of forest parameters and gives an input to building extraction, many different approaches were developed in the past years to derive highly accurate digital terrain models. Most of these approaches, like mathematical morphology, weight iteration or triangulation, work with the 3D data points itself. This paper presents an approach that is based on the rasterization of data points which allows the usage of fast digital image processing methods for the calculation of DTM’s. The algorithm consists of a hierarchical approach in combination with a weighing function for the detection of raster elements that contain no ground data. The weighing function considers the terrain shape as well as the distribution of the data points within a raster element.1. Introduction2. 3. 4. * Corresponding author: E-m ail: roland.wack@joanneum.atIn the past years airborne laser scanning has become a reliable technique for a data capture of the earth surface. It supplements the assortment of sensors to obtain topographical information. Using a laser scanner for data acquisition will yield to a 3D point cloud that consists of quasi randomly distributed points. These points define the spot were the emitted laser pulses got remitted and stopped the runtime measurement of the signal. The exterior orientation can be accomplished by GPS and INS (Lohr, 1999). Besides erroneous points the 3D point cloud defines a digital surface model (DSM) which requires a task driven filtering to extract information. The main tasks are the derivation of digital terrain models (DTM), forest parameters (Schardt et al, 2000) and the extraction and reconstruction of buildings (Axelson, 1999; Maas and Vosselman, 1999). Since terrain information also affects the calculation of forest parameters and gives an input to building extraction, many different approaches were developed in the past years to derive highly accurate digital terrain models.DTM generationFor the generation of DTM’s a separation between ground points and non ground points is required. Most of the developed algorithms work on the raw data points itself. Examples are the usage of mathematical morphology (Vosselmann, 2000), adaptive tin models (Axelson, 2000) or a weight iteration (Pfeifer und Briese, 2001). The method developed at Joanneum Research(Wimmer et al, 2000; Ziegler et al, 2001) presents an approach that is based on the gridding of data points which allows the usage of fast digital image processing methods for the calculation of DTM’s from airborne laser scanner data.DTM generation – a grid based approachTo enable a processing with regularly distributed data requires a gridding of the randomly distributed raw data points. Each raster element contains numerous raw data points depending on its size. Since each raster element can only be represented by one height value, it takes some considerations to define this height correctly.From vector data to raster dataIf the centre of each raster element refers to the terrainheight at this point, the height value of the lowest raw data point within the raster element is not a good representation. In steep terrain this point would be located somewhere at the edge of the raster element and cause a significant height deviation from the terrain at the centre. To find a representative value of the terrain height the gradient information is used to define the perpendicular of the terrain. According to this axes the lowest data point will be taken and a height adaptation, based on the gradient information, applied. The adaptation is necessaryto obtain a correct height that refers to the centre of the raster element.5. 6. Examples6.1 The algorithmThe algorithm combines a hierarchical approach with the usage of a weighing function for the detection of non terrain raster elements (figure 1).In a first step raster elements with a resolution of 9 meter are used which enables the algorithm to interpolate a DTM in regions with large buildings or dense vegetation. To find a representative height value for each raster element, the gradient information of a filtered 9m DTM gets calculated. This rough 9 meter DTM simply uses the lowest data point height from 99 % of all data points within a raster element, by this way the algorithm can overcome the influence of erroneous data. The gradient information for each raster element can now be used to find the real quasi lowest data point according to the perpendicular of the terrain. To exclude regions that strongly deviate from the terrain model of the first approach a maximum allowed height deviation is defined. If such raster elements are detected, they will be replaced by the height values of the DTM-first approach. This helps to accelerate the further calculations.In a second step all non terrain elements need to be detected and removed. Here a laplacian of gauss (log) operation helps to detect such elements. The resulting DTM with a 9 meter resolution serves now as a base for the calculations with a resolution of 3 meters.The gradient information of the resampled 9m DTM enables the algorithm now to calculate a representative height value for the 3m raster elements. Due to thresholding the raster elements with height values from heigh buildings or trees are cut out and replaced by the values from the resampled 9m DTM.Figure 1. Algorithm for the generation of DTM’s from airborne laser scanner dataThe remaining raster elements that contain no terrain points are again detected by laplacian of gauss. At a resolution of 3m and beneath this operation lets edges of the terrain occur as elements that don’t contain terrain points. Therefore a weight function that considers thestandard deviation of the data points within each element and the terrain shape needs to be applied on the output data of the log operation.After a removal of the remaining non terrain elements the resampled 3m DTM serves now as a base for the calculation of the DTM with 1m resolution. All the operations mentioned before are used again to derive the final DTM. Higher resolutions like 0.33m and 0.11m are also possible if required but a resolution of 1m is most common.At two sites a geodetic network was first created by the use of GPS and a total station. Tachymeter measurements with the total station defined several dense point clouds which served as reference to verify the results of the DTM’s from laser scanner data. In both sites no manual corrections to the DTM have been applied.Test site HohentauernThis site is located in the north part of the austrian Province Styria. At this alpine test site 3500 points have been measured. For the calculation of this DTM only first pulse data was available (figure 2.).The average penetration rate of the laser pulses in forest areas only reached a level of 25 %. This fact has an impact on the results of the verification (table 1). All plots are located at dense forest areas where only few information on the terrain is available.test site HT-21HT-22HT-3HAT-4mean[m]-0,051-0,0600,0200,110stdev[m]0,4600,1950,2940,324Table 1. Verification results at test site Hohentauern6.2 Test site Monte do PradoThis Portuguese site has an area of 60 km² and is covered with dense eucalyptus plantations. The scanning mission was flown by TOPOSYS at a height of 800m which yielded to a 3D point cloud of 5 Gigabyte last pulse data. The derivation of the DTM (figure 3) with 1m resolution, calculated by the algorithm described above, took about 6 hours.test site600 pointsmean[m]0,11stdev[m]0,20Table 2. Verification results at test site Monte do PradoA tiling of the area as a preprocessing step was not required. The verification of the results (table 2) show better results then the test site Hohentauern which can be explained by the missing last pulse data at the test site Hohentauern and its steep terrain.Figure 3. Part of the DTM of test site Monte do Prado A visual interpretation of the DTM showed some remaining vegetation at creeks in narrow valleys and also some remaining small low buildings. In both cases the weighing function scaled down the output data of laplacian of gauss which resulted in a classification of the elements as terrain. This was caused firstly, by a low standard deviation of the data points within each raster element at the dense vegetation and secondly by the location of the non terrain elements. Since the terrain shape is defined by the second derivative of the DTM it causes the weighing function to be more permissive in areas with a higher curvature.7. .ConclusionIn this paper we presented a grid based approach for the generation of DTM’s from airborne laser scanner data. The regular distributed data allows the usage of fast digital image processing techniques and yields to a reduced amount of data that needs to be handled. Consequently a tailing for the processing of large terrain models is not require. The laplacian of gauss operator in combination with the weight function enables the algorithm to detect and remove raster elements that do not contain any ground points, all other raster elements stay unchanged. To verify the quality of the final DTM’s,several thousand terrain points from dense tachymeter measurements have been used. The results show that a high accuracy of the DTM’s can be achieved.The removal of some affects at terrain edges, where the correct detection of raster elements that contain no terrain data sometimes failed, will be a task for further investigations.8. ReferencesAxelson P., 1999. Processing of laser scanner data – algorithms and applications. ISPRS,Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 54, pp. 138-147.Axelson P., 2000. DEM Generation from Laser Scanner Data Using Adaptive TIN Models. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Amsterdam,Netherlands 32,B4/1, pp. 110 – 117Briese C, Pfeifer N., 2001. Airborne Laser Scanning and Derivation of Digital Terrain Models. Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques Vienna, pp. 80 - 87Lohr U., Wehr A., 1999. Airborne laser scanning – an introduction and overview ISPRS,Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 54, pp. 68-82.Maas H.-G.,Vosselman G., 1999. Two algorithms for extracting building models from laser altimetry data. ISPRS, Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 54, pp. 153-163.Nilsson M., 1996. Estimation of tree height and stand volume using an airborne lidar system. Remote Sensing of Environment, 56, pp. 1-7.Schardt M., Konrad H., Hyyppä J., Ruppert G., Hyyppä H., Ziegler M., Wimmer A., Hofrichter J., 2000. Assessment of forest attributes and single-tree segmentation by means of laser scanning Proceedings of SPIE, AEROSENSE, Orlando/Florida Vosselman G., 2000. Slope based filtering of laser altimetry data.. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Amsterdam,Netherlands 32,B3/2, pp. 935 - 942 Wimmer A, Ruppert G, Beichel R., Ziegler M., 2000. An adaptive multi-resolutional algorithm for high precision forest floor DTM generation Proceedings of SPIE, Laser Radar Technology and Applications V, Orlando, Florida, pp. 97 – 105 Ziegler M., Wimmer A., Wack R., 2001. DTM generation by means of airborne laser scanner data – an advanced method for forested areas. Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques Vienna, pp. 97 - 102.。