澳洲高中模拟面试题及答案面试题:1. 请简单介绍一下你自己。
2. 你为什么选择申请澳洲的高中?3. 你认为高中教育对你未来职业规划有什么帮助?4. 你在学校最擅长的科目是什么?为什么?5. 你在学校遇到的最大挑战是什么,你是如何克服的?6. 你有哪些兴趣爱好?这些爱好如何影响你的学习?7. 你如何看待团队合作?请举例说明你在团队中的角色。
8. 你如何平衡学习和休闲时间?9. 你认为成功的定义是什么?10. 如果你被录取,你希望在我们学校实现什么目标?答案:1. 我叫张三,来自中国的一个温暖家庭。
2. 我选择申请澳洲的高中是因为澳洲的教育体系以创新和实践著称,我相信这将为我提供更广阔的视野和学习机会。
3. 高中教育是打基础的阶段,它将帮助我建立坚实的知识体系,培养批判性思维和解决问题的能力,这对我未来的职业发展至关重要。
4. 我最擅长的科目是数学,因为我喜欢解决复杂问题的挑战,并且数学逻辑性强,有助于培养我的分析能力。
5. 我在学校遇到的最大挑战是时间管理。
6. 我的兴趣爱好包括阅读和篮球。
7. 我认为团队合作是实现目标的关键。
8. 我通过制定时间表和设定优先级来平衡学习和休闲时间,确保两者都能得到适当的关注。
9. 我认为成功不仅仅是达到目标,更重要的是过程中的学习和成长。
10. 如果我被录取,我希望能够积极参与学校的各种活动,提高自己的学术水平,同时培养领导力和社交能力。
第1篇一、自我介绍类1. 请简单介绍一下自己,包括姓名、年龄、出生地、家庭背景等。
2. 请用一句话概括自己的性格特点。
3. 请谈谈你在过去的学习生活中,有哪些难忘的经历?4. 请谈谈你的兴趣爱好,为什么喜欢这个爱好?5. 请谈谈你的优点和缺点,以及你如何克服自己的缺点?二、学术能力类1. 请谈谈你在学习过程中遇到的困难,以及你是如何克服的?2. 请谈谈你对某一学科的理解,以及你在这方面的学习心得。
3. 请谈谈你在过去的学习中取得的最有成就感的一件事。
4. 请谈谈你对未来学习的规划,包括你打算报考的专业和职业目标。
5. 请谈谈你对澳大利亚教育体系的了解,以及你为什么选择来澳大利亚留学?三、性格特点类1. 请谈谈你在团队合作中扮演的角色,以及你如何与团队成员沟通、协作?2. 请谈谈你在面对挫折和压力时,通常采取什么样的应对策略?3. 请谈谈你在处理人际关系时,如何做到尊重和理解他人?4. 请谈谈你在过去的学习生活中,如何处理与同学、老师之间的矛盾和冲突?5. 请谈谈你在日常生活中,如何保持积极乐观的心态?四、兴趣爱好类1. 请谈谈你的兴趣爱好,以及你如何将这个爱好与学习、生活相结合?2. 请谈谈你在兴趣爱好方面取得的成就,以及你如何克服困难取得这些成就的?3. 请谈谈你在兴趣爱好方面,如何与他人分享、交流?4. 请谈谈你如何将你的兴趣爱好应用到实际生活中,为他人带来快乐和帮助?5. 请谈谈你在兴趣爱好方面,有哪些未来的规划和目标?五、未来规划类1. 请谈谈你的职业规划,以及你为什么选择这个职业?2. 请谈谈你对未来职业发展的期望,以及你打算如何实现这些期望?3. 请谈谈你打算在澳大利亚留学期间,如何为未来的职业发展打下基础?4. 请谈谈你对澳大利亚社会、文化的了解,以及你打算如何融入当地社会?5. 请谈谈你打算在澳大利亚留学期间,如何保持与家人、朋友的联系?六、社会热点类1. 请谈谈你对当前社会热点问题的看法,例如:环境污染、教育改革、就业压力等。
1、Q:Are you a multi-tasked individual ?你是一位可以同时承担数项工作的人吗?/Do you work well under stress or pressure ?你能承受工作上的压力吗?A:Yes,I think so .The trait is needed in my current (or previous ) position and i know i can handle it well .这种抗压特点就是我目前工作所需要的,我相信我能应付自如。
2、Q:What is your strongest traits ?你个性上最大的特点是什么?A1:Helpfulness and caring .乐于助人和关心他人。
A2:Adaptability and sense of humor .适应能力和幽默感。
A3:Cheerfulness and friendliness .乐观和友爱。
3、Q:how would your friends or colleagues describe you ?你的朋友或同事怎么形容你?(pause a few seconds)稍等几秒钟再答,表示慎重考虑。
A1:they say Mr Chen is an honest ,hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends .他们说陈先生是位很友好,敏感,关心他人和有决心的人。
4、Q:How would your boss describe you ?你的上司怎么评价你?A:My boss would describe me as hard working ,loyal ,friendly ,and committed .He would say that I work well on my own initiative and deliver what he wants on time and to a high standard .5、Q:How do you normally handle criticism ?你通常如何处理别人的批评?A1:Silence is golden .Just don't say anything ;otherwise the situation could become worse .I do ,however,accept constructive criticism .沉默是金。
本期小编来按顺序给同学们深度解析英文面试中的每一个问题,让你做到有备无患兵来将挡,怎么问都能答上来(蜜汁微笑)~1、Q: Could you say something about yourself /how would you describe yourself ?介绍一下你自己A1:With my qualifications and experience , I feel I am hardworking ,responsible and diligent in any project I undertake.Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills .以我的资格和经验,我觉得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。
A2:说出你的卖点(unique selling proposition ,USP):I'm a seasoned retail manager strong in devoloping training programs and loss prevention techniques that have resulted in revenue saving of over $2.3million for (employer's name)during the past 11 years .2、Q:Give me a summary of your current job description .对你目前的工作,能否做个概括说明。
A:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years . To be specific ,I do system analysis ,trouble shooting and provide software support .我干了五年的电脑程序员。
留学生求职英文interview必备句型及万能模板,助你在澳洲的各种interview中百战百胜!这期小编继续来跟大家普及英文interview 必备句式及万能回答解析,多做功课多学习,方能在澳洲的各种大中小interview中知己知彼百战百胜!基本问题和范例答案1、Question 1: Can you tell me something about yourself?问题1:请介绍一下你自己?注:回答这个问题的时候,要重点突出与这个工作岗位相关的个人信息,比如,你做过什么工作,擅长什么,对职业发展有什么期望,等等。
【回答范例】I like to manage people and be involved in interesting projects. I have been working for IBM for the past six years, but I am looking for a new challenge right now. I like to do sports, especially athletics. I spend free time with my wife and kids.小结:在你自我介绍的过程中,HR其实是在观察你。
2、Question 2: Why did you apply for this job?问题2:你为什么应聘这个工作岗位?注:回答这个问题的关键是,你要多说说对这家公司和这个职位的了解,也不是接着介绍你自己。
【回答范例】I really like the job description and the working duties on this position. I believe to be a perfect match for the job and a potential asset for your team. That’s why I submitted my application. I have similar wo rking experience too…I decided to apply because I really like the vision of your company and the career growth possibilities. I can use my full potential at this position and help your company to grow and prosper.小结:如果这个问题回答好了一般都能加分,说明你是做了功课来的,对这个职位表现出了诚意,也是对公司的一种尊重。
澳大利亚入境口语材料在准备澳大利亚入境时,虽然不一定需要特定的口语材料(因为大多数交流基于基本的英文对话),但以下是一些可能用到的基本英语对话样本,以帮助您顺利通过海关和移民局审查:1.与边检官员对话示例:1)官员:Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam. May I seeyour passport and visa please? (早上好/下午好/晚上好,先生/女士。
)2)您的回答:Sure, here you are. (当然,给您。
)3)官员:What is the purpose of your visit to Australia? (您来澳大利亚的目的为何?)4)您的回答:I am visiting for tourism/study/work purposes. (我来旅游/学习/工作。
)2.关于行李和物品申报:1)官员:Do you have anything to declare? Any food items, plants,animals, or medications? (您是否有任何需要申报的物品?如食品、植物、动物或药品?)2)您的回答:No, I don't have anything to declare except forpersonal effects and the items listed on my incoming passengercard. (除了个人物品和入境旅客卡上列出的物品外,我没有其他需要申报的物品。
)3.关于逗留时间:1)官员:How long do you plan to stay in Australia? (您计划在澳大利亚停留多久?)2)您的回答:I will be staying in Australia for [具体天数]days/weeks/months. (我将在澳大利亚停留[具体天数]天/周/月。
平安度过这几个雷区,前方就是胜利的offer啦~1、Q:When you’re interviewing for an internal position within your company, you may be asked what you will do if you don’t get the job.The interviewer wants to know whether you are concerned about just the advancement opportunity or the company. 内部职位竞聘常会被问到如果你没有得到这份工作的话你将会怎么办的问题。
A:I am committed to this company and its advancement so, should I not be selected, I will work with and support whoever might get selected. However, I do feel that my experience in the department and with the team would make me the best candidate.2、Q:What do you enjoy most about what you do now?A1:“I really enjoy the technical nature of the job and the speed at which I’m able to fix faults. I get a lot of satisfaction from getting people back to work as soon as possible”.A2:If working as part of a team is mentioned as a requirement of the job, you might answer:“I really enjoy being part of a team. I like it when the team pulls together to achieve something and everyone can take some credit”.3、Q: Why do you want to leave your current job/company?A1:If you’re applying for a more senior job, you might answer:“I really enjoy what I do, but I’m ready for more responsibility and challenge which your job offers. Unfortunately, my current job/employer can’t give me this.”A2:If this isn’t the reason, use yours inste ad, but always be positive in your answers to tough interview question4、Q:What do you think of your current boss?A1:“My current boss is great. He sets the team challenging but realistic targets and motivates us to achieve them…”A2:“My current boss is ve ry good. She deals with her team firmly but fairly and enjoys our respect because of this…”A3:If your current boss is not great, and you are prepared to answer more interview questions about this, say so, but do balance each criticism with a positive point. Remember the need to appear positive in your answers to interview questions. You might say:“My current boss has strengths and weaknesses. He is very good at listening to people but sometimes, in my view, doesn’t deal with underperformers firmly enough. This affects team morale sometimes…”5、Q:Why did you think you are suited to this job?A1:What they are really asking is “You know what we are looking for so can you tell us what you have done or what you have, that is relevant.”6、Q:Why should we give the job to you above other applicants?A:This is often our closing question. We want to know, in a nutshell, why you are the best candidate for the job. This is a chance to list your best attributes as they relate to the vacancy. Don’t be cocky, but don’t be shy.7、Q:Where do you see yourself in five years time?A:This can be a difficult job interview question to answer, especially if you’ve not thought beyond getting this job! When you answer, you want to sound ambitious enough to be motivated to do a good job, but not too ambitious in case your interviewers think you’re only using this job as a stepping stone to something better.I can be successful in this job and taken on additional responsibilities and be considered suitable for promotion.8、Q:How does this job fit into your career plans?A:This is a similar job interview question to the one above really, except that it looks beyond five years. Be realistic. You might say something like this if you’re going for a middle-management position:“My ambition i s to lead a department and be involved in strategicdecision-making at a senior level. I expect the role I’m applying for to give me more experience of leading and some introduction to strategy so that I’m ready fora senior role in a few years time”.9、Q:If you could start again, what career decisions would you make differently?A:You’re on sticky ground if you start trying to think of hypothetical career changes that might have served you better in the past. Your answers to interview questions will sugges t you’re not happy with the way things are and no-one wants to hire an unhappy person.“I wouldn’t change anything. I am happy with my career as it is now but want fresh challenges.”“I’m not the kind of person who looks back with regrets. I prefer to inve st my energy looking forward”.10、Q:Do you work best by yourself or as part of a team?A:Most jobs require both, to varying degrees.As with all answers to job interview questions, think about the position you are applying for. Are the interviewers looking for a team worker? Did they mention this in the advert or is it implicit in the job description? If a team player is required, tell the interviewers that you work well in a team. Give an example if you can. You might say:“I prefer to work in teams. I fin d that better decisions are reached when people work together and share ideas. Of course I’m happy to work alone when required too.”If the job is mostly done alone, you might say:“I work very well by myself because I’m self motivated, organized and consc ientious. I’m comfortable working in teams though and recognize that this is better in some situations”.11、Q:What kind of personality do you work best with and why?A:You will deal with many personalities in any job. If the interviewers know the people yo u’ll be working with, they might have a personality in mind! It’s hard for you to know this however so stick to a safe answer. You might say:“I find I work well with almost everyone but who I work best with might depend on the activity. If it’s a project,I prefer to work with someone who’s practical and organized because this is important. If it’s leading a discussion, working with someone who’s a good facilitator helps.”12、Q:What’s motivates you?A1:I was responsible for several projects where I directed development teams and implemented repeatable processes. The teams achieved 100% on-time delivery of software products. I was motivated both by the challenge of finishing the projects ahead of schedule and by managing the teams that achieved our goals.A2:I’ve always been motivated by the desire to do a good job at whatever position I’m in. I want to excel and to be successful in my job, both for my own personal satisfaction and for my employer.A3:I have always wanted to ensure that my company’s clients g et the best customer service I can provide. I’ve always felt that it’s important, both to me personally, and for the company and the clients, to provide a positive customer experience.A4:I have spent my career in sales, typically in commission-based positions, and compensation has always been a strong factor in motivating me to be the top salesperson at my prior employers.。
Todd: Hello Michael.你好,迈克尔。
Michael: Hello Todd.你好,托德。
Todd: We're going to talk about Australia. Or your going to talk about Australia. So first of all how many people live in Australia?我们聊聊澳大利亚。
第一个问题,澳大利亚有多少人口?Michael: Australia? Oh, there's about twenty million people in Australia right now. A little bit under, but close to twenty.澳大利亚?目前,澳大利亚有人口两千万。
Todd: OK. What are the biggest cities?好的,澳大利亚最大的城市是?Michael: The biggest city? The biggest city is Sydney, then it's followed by Melbourne and then Brisbane and then I think it's Perth. But most of the big cities are on the East Coast of Australia. And Perth is on the west coast, but sort of of out there by itself.最大的城市?澳大利亚最大的城市是悉尼,第二和第三大城市分别是墨尔本和布里斯班,第四是珀斯。
揭秘澳洲工作面试“必死”的十问,你就是这样错过好工作的!听说,今年毕业生比以往更难找到全职工作了国家人力资源研究所(National Institute of Labour Studies)发布研究报告显示,毕业生从事全职工作的比例大幅下跌,尤其是年龄在20-25岁之间的毕业生,三分之二的学生被迫从事临时工或兼职工作。
今天帮大家总结了一些面试时十大必死问题,华人面试者一定要小心这些陷阱!1. First, tell me about yourself.(介绍一下你自己)第一个问题往往就是简单直接——介绍自己。
2. What is your long-term objective?(长期目标是什么)这个主要考验求职者未来的规划及目标,是否对人生有清晰的认识并为之努力。
比如:Within the next five years, I would like to become the best team leader your company has ever hired. I want to work toward becoming the expert in managing others. I am confident that I'll be fully prepared to take on any future responsibilities which might be presented to me in the long run. For example, here is what I'm presently doing to prepare myself for a managing position…(之后联系自己在管理岗位的工作内容及收获的经验)。
以下是一些常见的个人信息问题及参考答案:1. 为什么选择澳大利亚作为留学目的地?参考答案:我选择澳大利亚是因为其优质的教育体系和国际声誉。
2. 您选择的专业是什么?为什么选择这个专业?参考答案:我选择专业是XXX,因为我对这个领域很感兴趣,并且我相信这个专业将为我未来的职业发展带来良好的机会。
3. 你曾经在澳大利亚学习过吗?参考答案:我没有在澳大利亚学习过,但我对澳大利亚的教育环境和文化有一定的了解。
以下是一些常见的学术背景问题及参考答案:1. 您在哪所学校完成了本科学业?参考答案:我在XXX大学完成了本科学业。
2. 您的学习成绩如何?在哪些课程中表现较好?参考答案:我的学习成绩良好,尤其在数学和科学领域表现出色。
3. 你参与过哪些课外活动或社团组织?参考答案:我在大学期间参与了学生会和志愿者组织,并参加了一些学术竞赛和社区服务活动。
以下是一些常见的留学计划问题及参考答案:1. 您打算在澳大利亚学习多久?参考答案:我计划在澳大利亚完成一个学位,通常需要三到四年的时间。
2. 你对自己的留学目标有什么期待?参考答案:我希望通过在澳大利亚的学习,获得专业知识和技能,为将来回国发展做好准备。
三、澳洲会计面试常见问题1. 请介绍一下自己的会计背景和经验。
2. 请简要介绍澳洲会计准则。
3. 请解释一下资产负债表和利润表的区别。
4. 请解释一下会计中的折旧和摊销。
5. 请解释一下会计中的现金流量表。
6. 请解释一下会计中的成本核算。
7. 请解释一下会计中的预算管理。
Z280-纳维澳新项目-GTE 电话面试问题列表-中文版
Navitas GTE SheetNo. Questions Outcomes 1. Background 背景1.1 What is your education history since high school?请说明一下高中毕业以后的教育经历?1.2 Do you have study gap from your latest education?(Yes OR No). What is your last year of study?你最近的学历教育结束以后到现在,是否有学习空档期?1.3 What have you been doing during the gap?在这段空档期,你具体在做什么?1.4 Have you ever studied in Australia or other countries?If yes, please tell details.你是否有在澳大利亚或者其他国家学习的经历? 如果有,请详细说明。
1.5 Have you ever been suspended or excluded from aneducation provider (School, TAFE, College, University)?If YES, which provider, program and year. Ifstudies are incomplete, WHY?在其他国家学习期间,你曾经是否被学校(包括TAFE,学院,大学等)停学或者开除过?如果有,请提供专业,年份。
2. Visa history 签证历史2.1 Have you ever been refused a visa for any country?(Yes OR No) If Yes, please list the country. It isadvisable to request a copy of the visa refusalletter/s你是否有过任何国家签证拒签的经历?如果有,请说明国家。
澳洲本科面试题目及答案一、澳洲本科面试题目及答案1. 为什么选择澳洲作为留学目的地?答案:澳洲以其高质量的教育体系、多元文化环境和优美的自然风光而闻名。
2. 你选择这个专业的原因是什么?答案:我选择这个专业是因为我对这一领域有着浓厚的兴趣,并且相信它将为我未来的职业生涯提供坚实的基础。
3. 请描述一次你解决困难或挑战的经历。
4. 你如何平衡学习和课外活动?答案:我通过制定详细的时间表和优先级列表来平衡学习和课外活动。
5. 你对未来的职业规划有何设想?答案:我计划在完成本科学习后,继续深造,获得更高的学位。
6. 请谈谈你对团队合作的看法。
7. 你如何看待失败?答案:我认为失败是成功的一部分,它为我们提供了学习和成长的机会。
8. 请描述你的一项重要成就。
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面试常见问题及对话(0) May I come in?(1) Hello, good morning!(2) Can you speak in English or French?We can speak in English.(3) Why can't you attend the International English Language Testing to be an interview waiver?My wife and I want to attend the interview and travel passing Hong Kong.第一部分:以下问答供您参考,您需要根据您的个人情况调整(以下问答涉及专业和工作的以计算机专业为例,您需要根据您的专业和工作情况修改)1. When were you born?2. Where were you born?3. When did you get married?4. How about your wife? What is her major?5. What kind of job does she do now?6. What kind of hobbies do you have? What do you usually do in your spare time?7. Which music do you like?I like light music and folk music.8. Have you ever got a master degree?9. How about your major? What kind of courses have you ever had about your major?or In your opinion, do you have any courses which were connected with your major?(您需要根据您的专业具体回答,以下以计算机专业为例)My major is Computer Software as Bachelor.I have learned courses about my major as follows:Pascal programming,Principles of Computer,FORTRAN77 Programming,Methods of Programming,Data structure,Numerical Methods,Computer Graphics,Method of Translation and Compiling,Operation system,Database,Software Engineering,Structure of Computer System,Principle and Application of DBASEIII.10. How about the result? Have you ever got any Honor or Prize?I had passed all of the courses. No honor nor prize.11. How about your English? (Oral/Listening/written...)I think I should improve my oral English level, I haven't too much chance to practice oral English in China. But I have read a lot of books about computer (您需要根据情况回答)inEnglish.12. What other kind of school have you ever entered?Since I had graduated from XX University, I worked hard all of these years, some times I must work day and night and I must learn a lot of new computer knowledge, I haven't opportunity to take a full time class. But I have taken some training.13. Which state or even the city does you want to immigrate?Toronto, Ontario.(根据您的具体情况回答)14. Do you know any famous cities in Canada?Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Ottawa.Toronto is provincial capital of Ontario province. It's Canadian industrial, financial, and commercial center. It is also canadian hi-tech center.Montreal is chief seaport of Canada. It's Canadian industrial and financial center.Vancouver is Canadian chief pacific port. It is Canadian manufacturing center.Ottawa is picturesque federal capital. (Parliament Buildings and Peace Tower are there.)15. Have you ever planed to continue your study after your immigration?I don’t want to study for academic degree. But I’ll study professional technology in spare time. In fact, I am almost studying computer technology everyday after work hours now. The computer technology changes too quickly. If I can’t keep on studying, I’ll be lost.16. Why do you want to leave China permanently?根据您的情况回答I want to get a better future for my family. Though the income is high comparatively in IT in China, the development level is backward. On the contrary, Canada is an advanced country, especially IT grows rapidly over the years, the level of communication and network already occupy advanced stage in the world. Canada requires a great amount of computer experts, there are many opportunities for programmer, we’ll have a better future in Canada.17. Have you been to Canada before?根据您个人情况回答18. If you have never been to Canada, how do you know that you will like it?I have many friends lived in Canada, we kept in contact with each other for quite a long time. And the earth becomes smaller because of Internet.19. Are you willing to take "any other job"?No, I am very interested in my job, I don't like to change it.20.There is a recession now in Canada. Jobs are difficult. Do you think you can find suitable employment in Canada? or What makes you believe you are qualified to work as such in Canada?I am confident I can offer my expertise to my prospective employer in Canada. I have more than 10 years professional experience in my occupation. My job field is the basis of computer industry. Every computer company needs it, so I believe I can find a suitable job. And I also believe that the economy is soon going to start improving.21. How much money do you intend to bring to Canada?I have assets of more than RMB200, 000 as transferable money.22. Do you think you can take Canadian winter?I was born in Jilin Province, I have lived there more than 20 years and it’s very cold in Jilin too. I do not think that I will have a problem.23. Why do not you hire a lawyer?I can apply by myself and in order to save money.24. After you have landed in Canada, do you plan to go back to China?I will settle in Canada, stay permanently and make Canada my second homeland, of course, I’ll return to china to visit my friends and my relatives occasionally.25. How soon are you planning to immigrate to Canada?I'll go to Canada in 3 months after I received my visa. During this time, I need contact my friends for dwelling place and job information. I also need time to prepare the luggage, it isn't a common travel.26.Could you describe your job duty? Can you express your major extensively in your job? Can you tell me something about your career? Tell me about your present job.27. Please tell me your daily duties & responsibilities? Please tell me how do you manage tooperate your daily work? What is your routine work?28. Can you give me an example of your work?29. What training did you have to be an computer programmer?Most of training came from the software project, such as …System. And it also came from exchanging experience with experts and training.30. What skills are involved in your current occupation? As a programmer, please tell me your professional skills, and your abilities to carry out your job?As a computer programmer, having more than 10 years experience, I have professional skills in programming software and maintaining system. The skills that are involved in my current occupation are the abilities to planning, analyzing , maintaining, and troubleshooting.31. Have you done anything in your job that is connected with English?As a programmer, when you use computer, you must read and write English almost all the time. Most of computer books and devices’ manuals are printed in English. Most of the Web sites are also built in English31. What do you find to be the most challenging and difficult aspect of your job? How do you solve them ?The most difficult aspect is technology changes rapidly, so I must study new technology continuously.32. How many years have you done in your field?More than 10 years.33. Why do you want to immigrate to Canada? Why do you wish to immigrate to Canada? Why do you have the intention to immigrate to Canada? Why do you want to move to Canada instead of another country?For a better future for my family. Canada is an advanced country. Canada is a beautiful, peaceful, and clean country. The people are very friendly. It is politically stable, and democratic. Canada provides excellent opportunities for people who are willing to work hard. Canada has a wonderful standard of living. The social welfare system is also excellent. Canada has long been regarded as one of the best places to live in the world. Canadian IT grows rapidly over the years, especially the network level already occupy advanced stage in the world. Canada requires a great deal of computer experts, so I believe I will be very successful and we will have a good life in Canada.34. Do you have any friends or relatives living in Canada?I have several closed friends in Canada.35. Do you have anyone who can help your settlement in Canada?My friends will help us settlement in Canada.36. Do you know anything about that field in Canada?Canada is an advanced country, IT grows rapidly over the years. Especially, the level of communication and network already occupy advanced stage in the world, Canada requires a large amount of computer experts. Software is the basis of computer, so there are many opportunities for programmers. According to my ten years working experience, I don’t worry about if I can finda job, the question just is how soon I can find a suitable job.37. What do you want to do after you immigrating to Canada?If you success, what do you see yourself doing 5 years from now? What plans have you made to live in Canada?I think the most important thing is getting a suitable job. Before I get the visa, I'll search Canadian job market through Internet. I'll ask my friends collect job information for me. I am clear it's maybe hard to find a senior programmer job immediately, I also need to improve my oral English level. So I think I can take junior programmer job first, during the work, I can improve my oral English level. I know there'll be many difficulties to a new immigrant. I believe I can make it.I prepared enough money for our family for 2 years. After I got a job, I'll do my best to do it, as I do in China. I plan to buy a car in 3 years, and I believe 5 years later, we'll be able to buy our own house. Own a house with a green lawn is our dream. I know there'll be many things happen within 5 years, we'll find our suitable steady jobs, our daughter will go to school, and we'll maybe have a son.38. Are you familiar with the job market in Toronto?(根据情况调整)I know more than 80% job positions are not advertised in Canada. Many employers ask their employees and friends to refer qualified persons. So I think my friends and Chinese communities in Toronto can help me. Except that, I know newspapers (such as《TORONTO STAR》、《THE GLOBE AND MAIL》), journals and Internet are the other job sources especially for technical information companies. Certainly, I can make contact with the Canada Employment Center for assistance, and I can use the services by employment agencies.39. Why do you think Canada is a better place? Or what do you know about Canada?Canada is a beautiful, peaceful, and clean country. The people are very friendly. Canada is a multi-cultural society, It is politically stable, and democratic. Canada provides excellent opportunities for people who are willing to work hard. It has a wonderful living standard. The social welfare systems are also excellent. Canada has long been regarded as one of the best places to live in the world. Canada, U.S.A and Mexico signed the North America Free Agreement in 1994. The population in Canada is about 30 million. Canada has 10 provinces and 2 territories. Canada has 2 official languages: English and French.40. How do you think Canadian economy?Canadian economy is flourishing as the one of the advanced country, especially in IT .41. You know Canada has one of the best social welfare systems/health systems in the world. How do you think of it?Canada is a welfare state. Canadian enjoy the highest quality of living. I think it is very good. Only advanced country could provide it. It does not make people lazy, on the contrary it makes people more diligent, Canada provides excellent opportunities for people who want to work hard.42. What particular things do you like in Canada?Canada is an advanced country. Canada is a beautiful, peaceful, and clean country. The peopleare very friendly. Canada provides excellent opportunities for people who are willing to work hard. Canada has a wonderful standard of living. The social welfare system is also excellent. Canada has long been regarded as one of the best places to live in the world. Canadian IT grows rapidly over the years, especially the level of communication and network already occupy advanced stage in the world. Canada requires a great amount of computer experts, so I believe I will be very successful and we will have a good life in Canada.43. How do you think the experience you have in China?As a computer programmer, the duties are the same in China as that in Canada. Having more than 10 years experience, I have professional skills in programming software and maintaining system. I can offer my expertise to my prospective employer in Canada.44. Do you go to Canada because you are not successful in China?No, in fact I am successful in China, my career is most required in China, I have professional skills about computer, so my boss appreciates me, but I want to get a better future for my family, 45. Where are you going to settle (or live) in Canada?Where do you plan to settle down in Canada? What is your destination in Canada?Toronto.46. Have you heard anything about Canada in Chinese media recently?Yes, a lady who is a foreign citizen of Chinese origin is elected Governor-General last year. Her name is Wu Bingzhi.47. What do you know about Toronto, the place you’re going to live?What’s your impression on Toronto (Canada)?Toronto is the biggest city of Canada. Toronto is provincial capital of Ontario province. It's Canadian industrial, financial, and commercial center. It is also canadian hi-tech center. Lake Ontario port and Riverdale Park are there. And I have heard of Toronto’s CN Tower.48. What do you think about Canadian political system?I am not quite familiar with Canadian political system, I only know Canada is a constitutional monarchy, a federal state and a parliamentary democracy. Elizabeth Ⅱ, Queen of England, is the Head of state of Canada. The Governor General is her representative in Canada. Practically however, the Governor General acts only on the advice of the Canadian Prime Minister and the Cabinet. Member of Parliament come from election.49. Have you been to Canada? [No.]50. Who is the premier of Canada?Jean Christien, the leader of the Liberal Party.51. Why don't you go to USA?Someone thinks USA is advanced, but I think Canada not only is advanced, but also is the best place to live. So I go to Canada instead of USA.52. How many people are there in your family?53. Did your parents agree with you on immigration?54. Does your spouse have any plan when she accompanies you to Canada?55. Why do you bring your child with you to Canada?57. What university did you graduate? [Jilin University.]58. Is your University famous? [Yes, it’s famous.]59. Tell me something about your university?My university is one of the best multiversity in China. It is in ChangChun city, Jilin Province.60. Since you have graduated from the university for more than 10 years, how can you catch up the fast-growing world?I study the new knowledge about computer almost every day, sometimes I attend training. The technology changes too quickly, if I can’t keep on studying, I’ll be lost.61. Have the courses you studied in the university helped you?Yes, I’ve learnt a lot of basic knowledge about computer, furthermore, I’ve learnt the method of thinking and studying independently. This is a great help to my work .62. Did you get any award in the university? [No.]63. How long have you studied English?Almost 20 years64. Can you speak any other language? [No.]65. Do you have any other languages or skills, which might assist you to find a job in Canada? no.66. Do you have to speak English, write English in your working environment?As computer programmer, I read and write English all the time, but I don’t have too much chance to practice my oral English.67. How often do you use English?Almost everyday, I read Computer books in English, but I don’t have too much opportunities to practice my oral English.69. What do you know about Internet?Internet is the international network, through Internet I can collect all kinds information, makea purchase, get in touch with my friends through sending and receiving email.70. Have you received any professional training?71. Have you received any on-site job training? [No.]72. Do you have any professional license/certificate? Have your professional qualifications been assessed? Do you have your professional qualifications assessed?No, for my occupation, this is not necessary. No, I don’t need to do that.73. How did the training help you in your present career?74. In what company are you working at present?75. How many employees are there in your company? [About employees.]76. Tell me the detail of your colleagues’ job titles?77. How long have you been working in the company? [more than years.]78. How long have you been working in this firm since your graduation?79. How long have you been in the position?80. Who do you report your work to?81. What’s the main business of your company? Name of general manager?82. What have you done in your work?Tell me about your work experience. Please tell me about your employment history.83. What are your responsibilities?84. 你的收入情况?85. Why did you work in the same company for so long?86. Do you know any company in Canada, which offers the same service as your company?No.87. Do you have a reference letter from the present employer? [Yes.]88. After you land in Canada, what sort of job you plan to look for and how long you believe will you take before you can successfully get a job offer?I’ll look for a computer programmer job after I land in Canada, and depending on my expertise,I believe I can successfully get a programmer job within 3 months.89. Why do you think you can be successful in Canada, while many other immigrants have failed in their career?At first, IT is in full flourish in Canada. It requires many programmers, so there are many opportunities. Secondly, I have rich working experience. Of course, my oral English is not better, but I will work hard at it and I do believe I can overcome it.90. How can you survive in Canada? What are you going to do if you cannot find a job in Canada? How will your friends help you?I think it isn’t problem that I can survive in Canada. It is impossible that I cannot find a job. At present, IT is in full flourish in Canada, especially in Toronto, it requires a lot of computer experts. Of course, it is maybe hard to find a suitable job immediately, but I can find a junior programmer job at first, then gradually find a suitable steady programmer job.( And my friends can help me as much as possible.)91. What will be the first important thing you are going to do after arrival in Canada?Apply Social Insurance Number (SIN)for my wife, my daughter and myself.92. You know a lot of Hong Kong people have come back from Canada, how do you think about it?I am not quite clear about it. I think maybe they don’t adapt the climate.93. Have you done any research about job opportunities in Canada? Do you know anything about the present employment situation in Canada?I know some job information from Internet and friends, I know more than 80% job positions are not advertised in Canada. Many employers ask their employees and friends to refer qualified persons. I know newspapers (such as《TORONTO STAR》、《THE GLOBE AND MAIL》), journals and Internet are the other job sources especially for technical information companies. Certainly, I can make contact with the Canada Employment Center for assistance, and I can use the services by employment agencies. I will start after I receive the visa.94. What are your friends doing in Canada?They all follow the computer career. Programmer or system analyst.第二部分:以下问答供您参考,您需要根据您的个人情况调整(以下问答涉及专业和工作的以计算机专业为例,您需要根据您的专业和工作情况修改)1. Is all the information on your application correct? [Yes.]2. Have you ever applied for a visa to Canada before? [No.]3. Have you committed any crimes? Have you ever broken any law? [No.]4. Where have you and your family resided in the last 10 years? [Shenzhen, China.]5. Are you a member of any Organization? [No.]6. Do you plan to reside permanently in Canada?Yes, but I will return to China to visit my relatives and friends occasionally.7. Do you know any Canadians? [No.]8. Are all of your family members going to immigrate to Canada? Yes.9. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Are any of them adopted?10. Will your parents worry about your living in Canada?11. What does your wife do?She is a computer programmer.12. What is her education?13. What does she plan to do in Canada?She wants to find a job as a programmer.14. Have you ever visited Canada? [No.]15. Have you ever visited outside of China? [No.]16. Have you ever lived aboard? Have you ever lived in another (foreign) country? [No.]17. Tell me about your education. Do you have any degree?I graduated from Jilin University, I got a bachelor degree.18. What is your job title? Do you have certification?Computer Programmer. Programmer doesn’t need certification.19. Do you have evidence of your work experience?I have a reference letter from my employer.20. Why did you decide to become a (such as: MCSE, mcsd, dba) ?21. Have you ever worked with any Canadians or any foreigners? [No.]22. Do you have any other work experience? [No.]23. How do you intend to support yourself in Canada?I think the most important thing is getting a suitable job. I will search Canadian job marketthrough Internet, I will also ask my friends to help me, and I will search job position information in newspapers, telephone books, and journals. I am clear it is maybe hard to find a senior programmer job immediately, I can find a junior programmer job at first, and meanwhile, I will improve my oral English. I know there will be many difficulty to a new immigrant, but relying on my ten years professional experience I am confident that I can be very successful and we’ll have a better future in Canada.24. Do you have an offer of employment? Do you have a job offer?No.25. Where do you plan to live/settle in Canada? Why do you decide to live/settle there?Are there any job opportunities in that city?Toronto. Because Toronto is Canadian industrial, financial and commercial center, it is also canadian hi-tech center, especially IT is most advanced in Toronto. There are many job opportunities for programmer.26. How did you get/accumulate so many money/assets? Salary and bonus.27. What is the capital of Canada? Ottawa28. How many populations are there in Canada? about 30 million29. How many provinces and territories are there in Canada?There are 10 provinces and 2 territories in Canada.(Alberta, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, New Brunswick,Nova Scotia, Ontario (Toronto), Quebec (Quebec City), Saskatchewan (Regina),Newfoundland;Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory)30. What are some of the large cities in Canada?Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa31. What are the official languages of Canada? English and French32. May I have your name and date of birth?Where do you live/reside now?What is your home address? Can you tell me your present home address?Do you have a mailing address? What is your mailing address?What is your telephone number?How do you arrive in (reach/get to) Hong Kong?I came here with a tour group.33. What are your job duties as a computer programmer? (See your Reference Letter)Design, develop and implement software system, provide maintenance for related areas and technical assistance to system users.34. What computer language did you use on your project?I used Visual Basic,SQL35. Do you know/use any other computer languages? Can you tell me some specific languages? (I know Foxpro, C language, borland C++, Java, Javascript, Vbscript, powerbuilder, HTML.)36.h at is a programmer?(A programmer’s job (task/duty) is to work on programming.)Computer programmers write computer program by coding sets of instruction into machine-readable form. They are employed in computer software and consulting firm and in programming units throughout the private and public sectors.Computer programmers perform some or all of the following duties:(1) write computer programs or software packages by coding instructions and algorithms intomachine-readable form.(2) Test, debug, document and implement computer programs or software packages.(3) Maintain existing computer programs by making minor modifications as required.(4) Act as a resource person, solving computer problem for users.37.h at is a systems analyst?Systems analyst is a profession, the job is to translate the user’s needs into the technical specification (needed to implement system), serve as a bridge between the user and the programmer, and to take care of the whole system.38.T ell me about your education. What is your education background?39.W hen did you study in Jilin University? How long did you spend in Jilin University?I had been studying in Jilin University from September 1985 to July 1989. It was a four-year bachelor degree program.40.I n which department had you been studying? And what is your major?I had been studying in the Computer Science Department, and my major is Software.41.D o you have a university transcript?Yes, Here it is.42. How is your English language ability? What do you think of your English language ability?I can read fluently, but I can’t speak fluently as well.43.w long have you learned English? How long have you been studying English?I have been learning English since I was 12 years old, Up to now it is almost 20 years.44.F or how many years did you study in your primary school secondary school/high school?I spent 5 years in the primary school, 3 years in the secondary school and 3 year in the high school.45.H ave you received any additional training?YesDo you have a sponsor in Canada?No, I don’t have.46.D o you know some companies in your field/occupation/profession in Canada? Do you have any company in your mind?I know there are many transnational companies in Canada. especially, Toronto is a Canadian hi-tech center, there are many companies of IT in Toronto, such as IBM, HP, AT&T, NORTEL, etc..47.W hat kind of company do you think you’ll work for?I am interested in working for software developing companies. But I am not very particular, I can work for some other companies related to my occupation.48.D o any of your friends work in a computer company? Does any of your friends work in the same occupation/profession as yours?Yes. They all follow computer area.49.D o you think your friends will help you find a job? Will your friends help you with your employment?Yes, they will help me as much as possible.50.W hat is your intended occupation in Canada?Computer programmer.51.H ow many years of experience do you have in your intended occupation?More than 10 years.52.H ave you ever been refused visa before? [No.]53.W hen did you learn English?I began learning English when I was in secondary school, about 12 years old.54.D o you speak English in your work? [No.]55.W hat kind of software do you program?Application programs about RDBMS.56.W hat do you want to accomplish in Canada? What is your job expectation?Find a job as a computer programmer.57.Y our company 都是从事软件开发的?Our company is a group corporation that is responsible for development, management, service and investment. There are many departments in our company.58.你能否熟练运用C++?No, I knew C++, but I have not programmed by using it.59.我认为VB和Foxpro不能真正代表一个程序员,如果我有需要,我也能用VB和Foxpro 写一些程序。