









根据银行家算法,我们可以回答以下问题:1) 在T0时刻,系统处于安全状态,安全序列为P1、P3、P4、P2、P0.2) 若进程P1在T0时刻发出资源请求Request(1,0,2),则可以实施资源分配。


3) 在P1请求资源之后,若进程P4发出资源请求Request(3,3,0),则无法实施资源分配。



4) 在P1请求资源之后,若进程P0发出资源请求Request(0,2,0),则可以实施资源分配。


Process n Need AvailableP0 0 3 20 0 1 21 6 2 2P1 1 0 01 7 5 0P2 1 2 2 3 5 6P3 3 3 20 6 5 2P4 0 1 40 6 5 6n: (1) Is the system in a safe state。

(2) If process P2 requests (1,2,2,2)。

can the system allocate the resources to it?Answer: (1) Using the safety algorithm。




A 一般性B综合性C精确性D实践性名词解释管理(P2)、系统(P5)、管理者(P11)、管理者的技能(P16)、管理学(P21)、简答题1、如何理解管理的含义?(P2~P3)2、管理的基本职能有哪些?(P4~P5)3、管理的基本原理有哪些?(P5~P9)4、从管理层次来看管理者可分成哪几类?(P11~P13)5、简述管理者在组织中扮演着三类十种不同的角色。


(P16 ~P17)7、简述管理的科学性和艺术性。

(P24)第二章管理思想与管理理论单项选择题1、被誉为“管理学之父”的是:(B )A 法约尔B泰罗C韦伯D梅奥2、西蒙是哪个学派的代表人物?(C )A 系统管理学派B 权变理论学派C决策理论学派D经验管理学派简答题1、简述《科学管理原理》的理论要点。




(P77)5、组织文化如何影响管理?(P78~P79)6、如何建设组织文化?(P82~P83)第四章决策单项选择题1、下列哪个不属于决策的特点?( B )A超前性B适时性C目标确定性D风险性名词解释决策(P95)、德尔菲法(P101)简答题1、简述决策的内涵。




轨迹方程的求法一、知识复习轨迹方程的求法常见的有1直接法;2定义法;3待定系数法4参数法5交轨法;6相关点法注意:求轨迹方程时注意去杂点,找漏点.一、知识复习例1:点P-3,0是圆x2+y2-6x-55=0内的定点,动圆M与已知圆相切,且过点P,求圆心M的轨迹方程;例2、如图所示,已知P 4,0是圆x 2+y 2=36内的一点,A 、B 是圆上两动点,且满足∠APB =90°,求矩形APBQ 的顶点Q 的轨迹方程.解:设AB 的中点为R ,坐标为x ,y ,则在Rt △ABP 中,|AR |=|PR |.又因为R 是弦AB 的中点,依垂径定理:在Rt △OAR 中,|AR |2=|AO |2-|OR |2=36-x 2+y 2 又|AR |=|PR |=22)4(y x +-所以有x -42+y 2=36-x 2+y 2,即x 2+y 2-4x -10=0因此点R 在一个圆上,而当R 在此圆上运动时,Q 点即在所求的轨迹上运动. 设Qx ,y ,Rx 1,y 1,因为R 是PQ 的中点,所以x 1=2,241+=+y y x , 代入方程x 2+y 2-4x -10=0,得244)2()24(22+⋅-++x y x -10=0 整理得:x 2+y 2=56,这就是所求的轨迹方程.例3、如图, 直线L 1和L 2相交于点M, L 1⊥L 2, 点N ∈L 1. 以A, B 为端点的曲线段C 上的任一点到L 2的距离与到点N 的距离相等. 若∆AMN 为锐角三角形, |AM|= 错误!, |AN| = 3, 且|BN|=6. 建立适当的坐标系,求曲线段C 的方程.解法一:如图建立坐标系,以l 1为x 轴,MN 的垂直平分线为y 轴,点O 为坐标原点;依题意知:曲线段C 是以点N 为焦点,以l 2为准线的抛物线的一段,其中A ,B 分别为C 的端点;设曲线段C 的方程为)0,(),0(22>≤≤>=y x x x p px y B A ,其中x A,x B 分别为A ,B 的横坐标,P=|MN|;)2(92)2()1(172)2(3||,17||)0,2(),0,2(22=+-=++==-A A A A px px px px AN AM p N p M 得由所以 由①,②两式联立解得p x A 4=;再将其代入①式并由p>0解得⎩⎨⎧⎩⎨⎧====2214A A x p x p 或 因为△AMN 是锐角三角形,所以Ax p >2,故舍去⎩⎨⎧==22A x p∴p=4,x A =1由点B 在曲线段C 上,得42||=-=pBN x B ;综上得曲线段C 的方程为)0,41(82>≤≤=y x x y解法二:如图建立坐标系,分别以l 1、l 2为作AE ⊥l 1,AD ⊥l 2,BF ⊥l 2垂足分别为E 、D 、F 设Ax A , y A 、Bx B , y B 、Nx N , 0 依题意有)0,63)(2(8}0,,)(|),{(),(6||||4||||||||||22||||||3|||||22222222>≤≤-=>≤≤=+-====++=+=∆=+======y x x y C y x x x x y x x y x P C y x P NB BE x AE AM ME EN ME x AMN DA AM DM y AN DA ME x B A N B N A A 的方程故曲线段属于集合上任一点则由题意知是曲线段设点为锐角三角形故有由于例4、已知两点)2,0(),2,2(Q P -以及一条直线ι:y =x ,设长为2的线段AB 在直线λ上移动,求直线PA 和QB 交点M 的轨迹方程.解:PA 和QB 的交点Mx ,y 随A 、B 的移动而变化,故可设)1,1(),,(++t t B t t A , 则PA :),2)(2(222-≠++-=-t x t t y QB :).1(112-≠+-=-t x t t y 消去t ,得.082222=+-+-y x y x当t =-2,或t =-1时,PA 与QB 的交点坐标也满足上式,所以点M 的轨迹方程是.0822222=+--+-y x x y x例5、设点A 和B 为抛物线 y 2=4pxp >0上原点以外的两个动点,已知OA ⊥OB ,OM ⊥AB ,求点M 的轨迹方程,并说明它表示什么曲线.解法一:设Mx ,y ,直线AB 的方程为y =kx +b 由OM ⊥AB ,得k =-yx由y 2=4px 及y =kx +b ,消去y ,得k 2x 2+2kb -4px +b 2=0 所以x 1x 2=22kb , y 1y 2=kpb 4,由OA ⊥OB ,得y 1y 2=-x 1x 2所以k pk4=-22kb , b =-4kp故y =kx +b =kx -4p , 得x 2+y 2-4px =0x ≠0故动点M 的轨迹方程为x 2+y 2-4px =0x ≠0,它表示以2p ,0为圆心,以2p 为半径的圆,去掉坐标原点.解法二:设Ax 1,y 1,Bx 2,y 2,Mx ,y依题意,有⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧--=---=--⋅-=⋅==112121212122112221211144x x y y x x y y x x y y x y x yx y px y px y①-②得y 1-y 2y 1+y 2=4px 1-x 2 若x 1≠x 2,则有2121214y y px x y y +=-- ⑥ ①×②,得y 12·y 22=16p 2x 1x 2 ③代入上式有y 1y 2=-16p 2⑦⑥代入④,得yxy y p -=+214 ⑧ ⑥代入⑤,得py x y y x x y y y y p442111121--=--=+所以211214)(44y px y y p y y p --=+ 即4px -y 12=yy 1+y 2-y 12-y 1y 2 ⑦、⑧代入上式,得x 2+y 2-4px =0x ≠0 当x 1=x 2时,AB ⊥x 轴,易得M 4p ,0仍满足方程.故点M 的轨迹方程为x 2+y 2-4px =0x ≠0它表示以2p ,0为圆心,以2p 为半径的圆,去掉坐标原点.① ②③ ④ ⑤|轨 迹 方 程练习11.08、山东文22已知曲线1C :||||1(0)x y a b a b+=>>所围成的封闭图形的面积为 45,曲线1C 的内切圆半径为253,记2C 为以曲线1C 与坐标轴的交点为顶点的椭圆.1求椭圆2C 的标准方程; 2设AB 是过椭圆2C 中心的任意弦,L 是线段AB 的 垂直平分线,M 是L 上异于椭圆中心的点.①若||MO =λ||OA O 为坐标原点,当点A 在椭圆2C 上运动时,求点M 的轨迹方程;②若M 是L 与椭圆2C 的交点,求AMB ∆的面积的最小值.解:1由题意得22245253ab ab a b⎧=⎪⎨=⎪+⎩⇒4522==b a ,⇒椭圆方程:2254x y +=1.2若AB 所在的斜率存在且不为零,设 AB 所在直线方程为y =kxk≠0,A A A y x ,.①由22154,x y y kx ⎧+=⎪⎨⎪=⎩⇒2222220204545A A k x y k k ==++, ⇒2222220(1)||45AAk OA x y k+=+=+. 设Mx,y,由|MO|=λ|OA|λ≠0⇒|MO|2=λ2|OA|2⇒2222220(1)45k x y k λ++=+.因为L 是AB 的垂直平分线,所以直线L 的方程为y =1x k -⇒k =x y-,代入上式有:22222222222220(1)20()4545x x y y x y x y x yλλ+++==++⨯,由022≠+y x ⇒2225420x y λ+=, 当k =0或不存时,上式仍然成立.,综上所述,M 的轨迹方程为22245x y λ+=,λ≠0.②当k 存在且k ≠0时,2222220204545AA k x y k k ==++,⇒|OA|2=222220(1)45A A k x y k ++=+. 由221541x y y xk ⎧+=⎪⎪⎨⎪=-⎪⎩⇒2222220205454M M k x y k k ==++,⇒22220(1)||54k OM k +=+. ⇒222222111120(1)20(1)4554k k OAOMk k +=+++++=209. 222119||||20OA OB OA OM≤+=⨯⇒||||OB OA ⨯≥940.||||21OB OA S AMB ⨯⨯⨯=∆=||||OB OA ⨯≥40,当且仅当4+5k 2=5+4k 2时,即k =±1时等号成立.当1400229AMB k S ∆==⨯=>,; 当k 不存在时,140429AMB S ∆==>.综上所述,AMB ∆的面积的最小值为409.2.07、江西理21设动点P 到点(10)A -,和(10)B ,的距离分别为1d 和2d ,2APB θ∠=,且存在常数(01)λλ<<,使得212sin d d θλ=.1证明:动点P 的轨迹C 为双曲线,并求出C 的方程;2过点B 作直线与双曲线C 的右支于M N ,两点,试确定λ的范围,使OM ·ON =0,其中点O 为坐标原点.解:1在PAB △中,2AB =,即222121222cos 2d d d d θ=+-, 2212124()4sin d d d d θ=-+,即2121244sin 212d d d d θλ-=-=-<常数,点P 的轨迹C 是以A B ,为焦点,实轴长221a λ=-的双曲线,方程为:2211x y λλ-=-. 2设11()M x y ,,22()N x y ,①当MN 垂直于x 轴时,MN 的方程为1x =,(11)M ,,(11)N -,在双曲线上.即2111511012λλλλλ-±-=⇒+-=⇒=-, 因为01λ<<,所以512λ-=. ②当MN 不垂直于x 轴时,设MN 的方程为(1)y k x =-.由2211(1)x y y k x λλ⎧-=⎪-⎨⎪=-⎩得: 2222(1)2(1)(1)()0k x k x k λλλλλ⎡⎤--+---+=⎣⎦,由题意知:2(1)0k λλ⎡⎤--≠⎣⎦ ⇒21222(1)(1)k x x k λλλ--+=--,2122(1)()(1)k x x kλλλλ--+=-- ⇒22212122(1)(1)(1)k y y k x x k λλλ=--=--. 由OM ·ON =0,且M N ,在双曲线右支上,所以2121222122212(1)0(1)5121011231001x x y y k x x k x x λλλλλλλλλλλλλλλ-⎧+=⎧-⎧=⎪>-⎪⎪⎪+-+>⇒⇒⇒<<+--⎨⎨⎨⎪⎪⎪>+->>⎩⎩⎪-⎩. 由①②知32215<≤-λ.3.09、海南已知椭圆C 的中心为直角坐标系xOy 的原点,焦点在x 轴上,它的一个顶点到两个焦点的距离分别是7和1.1求椭圆C 的方程;2若P 为椭圆C 上的动点,M 为过P 且垂直于x 轴的直线上的点,2OP e OMe 为椭圆C 的离心率,求点M 的轨迹方程,并说明轨迹是什么曲线.解:Ⅰ设椭圆长半轴长及分别为a,c .由已知得⎩⎨⎧=+=-71c a c a ⇒a =4,c =3⇒椭圆C 的方程为221167x y +=. 2设Mx,y,P 0x ,0y . 其中0x ∈-4,4,0x =x .有22001167x y +=……① 由OP e OM=得:2240022x y e x y +=+=169. 故22220016()9()x y x y +=+下面是寻找关系式0x =fx,y,0y =gx,y 的过程又⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-==167112220220x y x x ……………………………………②②式代入①:22001167x y +=并整理得:47(44)3y x =±-≤≤,所以点M 的轨迹是两条平行于x 轴的线段.轨 迹 方 程练习24.09、重庆理已知以原点O 为中心的椭圆的一条准线方程为433y =,离心率32e =,M 是椭圆上的动点. 1若C 、D 的坐标分别是0,√3、0,-√3,求||MC ·||MD 的最大值;2如图,点A 的坐标为1,0,点B 是圆221x y +=上的点,点N 是点M 椭圆上的点在x 轴上的射影,点Q 满足条件:OQ =OM +ON ,QA ·BA =0.求线段QB 的中点P 的轨迹方程.解:1设椭圆方程为:22221x y a b +=a >b >0.准线方程3y ==c a 2,2e ==ac ⇒2=a ,32=c 1=⇒b ⇒椭圆方程为:2214y x +=.所以:C 、D 是椭圆2214y x +=的两个焦点⇒||MC +||MD =4.||MC ·||MD ≤4)2||||(2=+MD MC ,当且仅当||MC =||MD ,即点M 的坐标为(1,0)±时上式取等号⇒||MC ·||MD 的最大值为4.2设M(,),(,)m m B B x y B x y ,(,)Q Q Q x y ,N 0,m x ⇒4422=+m m y x ,122=+B B y x . 由OQ =OM +ON⇒m Q x x 2=,m Q y y =⇒4)2(2222=+=+m m Q Qy x y x ………①由QA ·BA =0 ⇒Q Q y x --,1·B B y x --,1=Q x -1B x -1+B Q y y =0 ⇒=+B Q B Q y y x x 1-+B Q x x …………②记P 点的坐标为P x ,P y ,因为P 是BQ 的中点⇒B Q P x x x +=2,B Q P y y y +=2⇒2222)2()2(BQ B Q P P y y x x y x +++=+=)22(412222B Q B Q B Q B Q y y x x y y x x +++++ =)]1(25[41-++B Q x x =)245(41-+P x ⇒P P P x y x +=+4322 ⇒动点P 的方程为:1)21(22=+-y x .5.09、安徽已知椭圆22a x +22by =1a >b >0的离心率为33.以原点为圆心,以椭圆短半轴长为半径的圆与直线y =x +2相切.1求a 与b 的值;2设该椭圆的左,右焦点分别为1F 和2F ,直线1L 过2F 且与x 轴垂直,动直线2L 与y 轴垂直,2L 交1L 于点p.求线段1PF 的垂直平分线与直线2L 的交点M 的轨迹方程,并指明曲线类型解:1e =33⇒22a b =32.又圆心0,0到直线y =x +2的距离d =半径b =22112+, ∴2b =2,2a =3.12322=+y x 21F -1,0、2F 1,0,由题意可设P 1,tt ≠0.那么线段1PF 的中点为N0,2t . 2L 的方程为:y =t,设M M M y x ,是所求轨迹上的任意点.下面求直线MN 的方程,然后与直线2L 的方程联立,求交点M 的轨迹方程直线1PF 的斜率k =2t ,∴线段1PF 的中垂线MN 的斜率=-t2. 所以:直线MN 的方程为:y -2t =-t 2x .由⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧+-==22t x t y t y ⇒⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=-=t y t x MM 42, 消去参数t 得:M M x y 42-=,即: x y 42-=,其轨迹为抛物线除原点.又解:由于MN =-x,2t -y,1PF =-x,2t -y .∵MN ·1PF =0, ∴⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧==---ty y t x t x 0)2(·)2,(,,消参数t 得:x y 42-=x ≠0,其轨迹为抛物线除原点.6.07湖南理20已知双曲线222x y -=的左、右焦点分别为1F ,2F ,过点2F 的动直线与双曲线相交于A B ,两点.直接法求轨迹1若动点M 满足1111F M F A F B FO =++其中O 为坐标原点,求点M 的轨迹方程;2在x 轴上是否存在定点C ,使CA ·CB 为常数 若存在,求出点C 的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由.解:1由条件知1(20)F -,,2(20)F ,,设11()A x y ,,22()B x y ,.设()M x y ,,则1(2)F M x y =+,,111(2)F A x y =+,,1221(2)(20)F B x y FO =+=,,,, 由1111F M F A F B FO =++⇒121226x x x y y y +=++⎧⎨=+⎩ ⇒12124x x x y y y+=-⎧⎨+=⎩⇒AB 的中点坐标为422x y -⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,. 当AB 不与x 轴垂直时,1212024822y y y y x x x x --==----, 即1212()8y y y x x x -=--. 又因为A B ,两点在双曲线上,所以22112x y -=,22222x y -=,两式相减得12121212()()()()x x x x y y y y -+=-+,即1212()(4)()x x x y y y --=-.将1212()8y y y x x x -=--代入上式,化简得22(6)4x y --=. 当AB 与x 轴垂直时,122x x ==,求得(80)M ,,也满足上述方程. 所以点M 的轨迹方程是22(6)4x y --=. 2假设在x 轴上存在定点(0)C m ,,使CA ·CB 为常数. 当AB 不与x 轴垂直时,设直线AB 的方程是(2)(1)y k x k =-≠±.代入222x y -=有2222(1)4(42)0k x k x k -+-+=. 则12x x ,是上述方程的两个实根,所以212241k x x k +=-,2122421k x x k +=-,于是CA ·CB 22221212(1)(2)()4k x x k m x x k m =+-++++22222222(1)(42)4(2)411k k k k m k m k k +++=-++-- 222222(12)2442(12)11m k m m m m k k -+-=+=-++--. 因为CA ·CB 是与k 无关的常数,所以440m -=,即1m =,此时CA ·CB =-1.当AB 与x 轴垂直时,点A B ,的坐标可分别设为(2,(2,此时CA ·CB =1,√2·1,-√2=-1.故在x 轴上存在定点(10)C ,,使CA ·CB 为常数.。






A. 产品(Product):专注于手机制造,增加服装生产线以扩大经营规模。

B. 价格(Price):设定合适的价格以获得最大利润。

C. 促销(Promotion):通过广告和营销活动提高品牌知名度和销售量。

D. 渠道(Place):优化分销渠道以扩大市场覆盖范围。

答案:C. 促销(Promotion):通过广告和营销活动提高品牌知名度和销售量。





(A)O(B)H(C)K (D) Y





答案:牛顿第二定律的基本原理是描述力和加速度之间的关系,其数学表达式为:\[ F = ma \],其中\( F \)代表作用在物体上的合力,\( m \)是物体的质量,\( a \)是物体的加速度。



例如:1. 汽车制动时,车辆受到的制动力越大,车辆的减速度就越大,从而能够更快地减速或停止。

2. 运动员投掷铅球时,施加在铅球上的力越大,铅球获得的加速度就越大,从而能够投掷得更远。





例如,氮气和氢气合成氨的哈伯过程:\[ N_2(g) + 3H_2(g) \rightleftharpoons 2NH_3(g) \]在这个反应中,当氮气和氢气以一定的比例混合并在一定条件下反应时,会生成氨。







2015年6月ACCA P4考试真题答案

2015年6月ACCA P4考试真题答案
Professional Level – Options Module, Paper P4 Advanced Financial Management
June 2015 Answers
1 (a) Benefits of own investment as opposed to licensing Imoni Co may be able to benefit from setting up its own plant as opposed to licensing in a number of ways. Yilandwe wants to attract foreign investment and is willing to offer a number of financial concessions to foreign investors which may not be available to local companies. The company may be able to control the quality of the components more easily, and offer better and targeted training facilities if it has direct control of the labour resources. The company may also be able to maintain the confidentiality of its products, whereas assigning the assembly rights to another company may allow that company to imitate the products more easily. Investing internationally may provide opportunities for risk diversification, especially if Imoni Co’s shareholders are not well-diversified internationally themselves. Finally, direct investment may provide Imoni Co with new opportunities in the future, such as follow-on options.



C语言程序设计(第三版)习题答案习题一一、名词解释(1)程序P1 (2)程序设计P1 (3)机器语言P1 (4)高级语言P2(5)汇编程序P3 (6)编译程序P4 (7)算法P5 (8)结构化程序设计方法P10二、简答题1. 设计程序时应遵循哪些基本原则?P4答:正确性、可靠性、简明性、有效性、可维护性、可移植性。

2. 算法具有哪些特点?答:有穷性、确定性、有效性、有零个或多个输入、有一个或多个输出。

3. 算法的表示形式有哪几种?答:自然语言、伪代码、传统流程图、N-S流程图、计算机语言。

4. 结构化程序设计方法的三种基本结构是什么?答:顺序结构、选择结构和循环结构。

5. 传统流程图与N-S流程图最大的区别是什么?答:N-S流程图去掉了在传统流程图中常用的流程线,使得程序的结构显得更加清晰、简单。


1. 从键盘输入10个整数,求出其中的最小数并输出。

2. 求1+2+3+…+100的值。

3. 求10~50的所有素数之和。

4. 求下列分段函数的值。

四、请参照本章例题,编写一个简单的C 程序,输出以下三行信息。

**************************Yangtze University**************************#include <stdio.h>void main(){printf("**************************\n");printf(" Yangtze University\n");printf("**************************\n");}4X-1 (X ≤1) 5(X-1)+6 (1<X<5) 6-3X (X ≥5)习题二一、选择题1~10: B C D C D D B C A A11~20: D A C D B D B A C D二、填空题1.字母 L 或字母 l2. %c(或字符) 、 %d(或整数)3.在程序运行过程中,其值可以在一定的范围内变化的量4.'\0'5.小数形式、指数形式6.关键字、预定义标识符、用户标识符7.字母、数字、下划线、数字8. 189. 2 、 1 、 3010.双精度实数或double11.赋值、逗号、 20 、 20 、 20 、 412. 4 、 4习题三一、选择题1~10: B C C B C C C D C C注:第4题答案D为: 10 22↙33↙二、填空题1. printf 、 scanf2. h3."%5d"4.'\0'5. e 、 E6. 67. s 、 c8. *9. - 、 +10. i三、编程题1. 编写程序,从键盘输入一个以秒为单位的时间数,将其换算成几小时几分几秒,然后进行输出。



MacawberAssume that it is now mid December.The finance director of Macawber Inc (incorporated), has recently reviewed the company’s monthly cash budgets for the next year. As a result of buying new machinery in three months time, his company is expected to require short-term financing of $20 million for a period of six months until the proceeds from a factory disposal became available. The finance director is concerned that, as a result of increasing wage settlements, the Central Bank will increase interest rates in the near future.LIBOR is currently 6% per annum and Macawber can borrow at LIBOR+0.9%.Derivative contracts may be assumed to mature at the end of the relevant month.Three types of hedge are available:(1)FRA prices3 – 6 6.11 – 6.013 – 9 6.38 – 6.30(2)Three month futures ($500,000 contract size, $12.50 tick size)December 93.870March 93.790June 93.680(3)Options on three month sterling futures ($500,000 contract size, premium cost in annual %)Calls PutsDecember March June December March June 93750 0.120 0.195 0.270 0.020 0.085 0.180 94000 0.015 0.075 0.155 0.165 0.255 0.335 94250 0 0.085 0.085 0.400 0.480 0.555 Required(a)Prepare a report for the finance director, which:(i)Briefly discusses the relative advantages and disadvantages of the three types of hedge(ii)Illustrates how the short-term interest rate risk might be hedged, and the possible results of the alternative hedges, if interest rates increase by 0.5%All relevant calculations must be shown.(15 marks) (b)The following five-year loan interest rates are available to Stentor Ltd, an AA credit ratedcompany in the Macawber group, and to Evnor Ltd, a BB+ rated company. Stentor wants to borrow at a floating rate of interest, and Evnor wants to borrow at a fixed rate of interest.Fixed rate Floating rateStentor 8.75% LIBOR+0.50%Evnor 9.50% LIBOR+0.90%A bank is willing to act as an intermediary to facilitate a five year swap, for an annual fee of0.05% of the swap value. Both of these fees are payable by EACH of the companies.Taxation may be ignored.RequiredEvaluate, using an illustrative swap, whether or not an interest rate swap may be arranged that is beneficial to both companies. (5 marks)(Total= 20 marks)SOLUTION(a)REPORTTo: Finance DirectorFrom: Financial AccountantDate:Subject: Hedging methodsCurrent positionIf we are still able to borrow at the current rate in three months’ time, the interest charge will be: $20 million*6.9%*(6/12) = $690,000If however interest rates increase by 0.5%, the interest charge will be:$20 million*7.4%*(6/12) = $740,000The hedging methods we can use are as follows.Forward rate agreementA FRA effectively fixes the rate of interest for borrowing at a certain time in the future. If the actual interest rate is above the rate agreed, the bank will pay the company the difference. If the actual rate is lower than the rate agreed, the company pays the bank the difference.(i) A FRA fixes the sum that Macawber hasto pay, and eliminates the possibility oflarge losses if interest rate increases aregreater than are currently expected.(ii)The forward rate should be an unbiased predictor of the future interest rate,based on the information.(iii)Macawber should have no difficulty obtaining a forward rate agreement, sincethe size of the loan and the time periodare both of appropriate magnitudes forsuch an agreement.(iv)FRAs have no margin requirements. (i)The spot rate may not move in thedirection or to the extent predicted by theFRA, and Macawber will be unable to takeadvantage of favorable spot ratemovements.(ii)There may be problems renewing the agreement if it turns out that Macawberneeds the finance for much longer thananticipated.Using a forward rate agreementUsing a 3-9 agreement with a rate of 6.38If the LIBOR rate increases to 6.50%, and the borrowing rate therefore rises to 7.40%, the cost is:$ Payment on loan as above (0.074*$20m*(6/12)) 740,000 Less: Receipt from FRA (6.50 – 6.38)%*$20m*(6/12) (12,000)728,000Interest rate futures are similar to FRAs, except that the terms, amounts and periods are standardized.(i)The futures price is likely to vary withchanges in interest rates, and this acts as ahedge against adverse interest ratemovements(ii)Transaction costs should be lower than for the other hedging methods.(iii)The exact date of the interest receipt or payment does not have to be known, as thecontract can be closed out on the date thatthe payment is made. (i)Contract cannot be tailored toMacawber’s exact requirements.(ii)Hedge inefficiencies arise because Macawber has to deal in a whole numberof contracts and by basis risk.(iii)Futures are only available on certain financial instruments.(iv)Macawber will be required to deposit a margin (cash or securities).Using futuresSet-up today – mid December1.Number of contracts requiredexposure periodprincipal$20m6Contracts=*=*= 80contract size contract period$0.5m32.Date – start of the loanmid March3.Contracts to sellEnter into 80 March contracts to pay interest at 6.21% (100-93.79)Outcome – mid March4.Actual transaction @LIBOR + 0.9% 7.40%5.Profit/loss on the futuresOpening position – (sell) pay 6.21%Closing position – (buy) receive 6.53%(profit)0.32% step 4&57.08%Note: In £s this is 0.0708*$20m*6/12= $708,000. A better outcome than the FRA Workings Now – mid December Mid March March futures 6.21 6.53LIBOR 6.00 6.50Basis 0.21 ×1/7= 0.037 half-months of timing 1 half-month remainingAn interest rate option gives the buyer the right but not the obligation to deal at an agreed interest rate at a future maturity date. A buyer with the option to borrow will not wish to exercise it if the market interest rate is below the rate specified in the option agreement.(i)Options reduce exposure to adverseinterest rate movements whilst allowingthe borrower to profit from favorableinterest rate movements.(ii)OTC interest rate options tailored to the company’s needs can be obtained. (i)Premium cost(ii)The option contracts are standard contracts, suffering from the limitationsof standard futures contracts.Using optionsSet-up today – mid December1.Number of contracts required= 802.Date – start of the loanmid March3.Buy 80 March put options at 93750 94000 942504.Premium 0.085% 0.255% 0.480% Outcome – mid March5.Actual transaction @LIBOR + 0.9% 7.40%7.40%7.40%6.Profit/loss on the futuresOpening position – (sell) pay 6.25% 6.00% 5.75%Closing position – (buy) receive 6.53%* 6.50% 6.47%(profit)0.28%(profit)0.50% (profit)0.72% step 4&5&6 7.205%7.155% 7.160%$720,500 $715,500 $716,000*Workings Now – mid December Mid MarchMarch options 6.25 6.53LIBOR 6.00 6.50Basis 0.25 ×1/7= 0.037 half-months of timing 1 half-month remainingConclusionThe futures contract gives the lowest cost and should be recommended if interest rates are expected to rise.(b)Total payment without swap =LIBOR + 0.5% (Stentor) + 9.5% (Evnor) = LIBOR + 10%Total payment with swap =LIBOR + 0.9% (Evnor) + 8.75% (Stentor) + 0.1% fees = LIBOR+9.75% There is a potential gain of 0.25% on the swap value. Assume this is split equally between the parties, although Stentor may be able to negotiate a higher share of the gain because of its better credit rating.Keeping the floating rate at LIBOR:Stentor EvnorPays interest (8.75%) (LIBOR +0.9%)Bank fees (0.05%) (0.05%)Pays in swap (LIBOR) (8.425%)Receives in swap 8.425%* LIBORNet cost (LIBOR +0.375%) (9.375%)Gain of 0.125% Gain of 0.125%* 8.75%+ 0.05% + LIBOR - X= LIBOR+ 0.50% - 0.125% X=8.425%。










到货验收 P 1 入库登记图书供应商 供货单 F1验收合格单 F2D 2 馆藏目录S 1 购书清单 P 3D1D 3 入库单P 4 P23.某图书馆图书借阅管理的主要业务如下所述:读者借书时,需填写借书单交给借阅管理员,借阅管理员对借书单进行审核并检查图书库存,若库存满足并核对无误,则根据合格的借书单填写借阅登记表,并根据借阅信息修改图书库存;否则将不合格的借书单返回给读者,请根据业务流程描述绘制数据流图。





p4充装考试试题及答案考试时间:120分钟一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 液化石油气(LPG)的主要成分是什么?A. 氢气B. 甲烷C. 丙烷和丁烷D. 氮气2. 以下哪个不是液化石油气充装站的安全要求?A. 必须有防火、防爆设施B. 必须有良好的通风条件C. 可以靠近居民区D. 必须有泄漏检测系统3. 液化石油气充装时,以下哪个操作是正确的?A. 可以超量充装B. 必须在充装前检查气瓶是否合格C. 可以随意更换气瓶阀门D. 可以不检查气瓶的密封性4. 液化石油气充装站的充装设备必须符合以下哪个标准?A. 国家工业产品生产许可证B. 国家强制性产品认证制度C. 国家安全生产许可证D. 国家食品卫生标准5. 液化石油气充装站的充装操作人员需要具备以下哪个条件?A. 必须持有特种作业操作证B. 可以是临时工C. 无需任何培训D. 必须持有大学文凭二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 液化石油气充装站的充装设备不需要定期检查和维护。

(错误)2. 液化石油气气瓶在充装前不需要进行外观检查。

(错误)3. 液化石油气充装站的充装操作人员必须经过专业培训。

(正确)4. 液化石油气气瓶的充装量可以超过其标称容量。

(错误)5. 液化石油气充装站的充装设备在发生故障时可以继续使用。

(错误)三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 请简述液化石油气充装站的安全操作规程。

2. 描述液化石油气气瓶充装过程中的检查流程。

四、案例分析题(每题15分,共30分)1. 某液化石油气充装站发生泄漏事故,初步判断是气瓶阀门损坏。


2. 描述一个液化石油气充装站的充装操作流程,并说明每个步骤的安全注意事项。


答案一、选择题1. C2. C3. B4. B5. A二、判断题1. 错误2. 错误3. 正确4. 错误5. 错误三、简答题1. 液化石油气充装站的安全操作规程应包括但不限于:确保所有设备和气瓶符合安全标准;充装前检查气瓶的密封性和完整性;充装过程中监控压力和温度,防止超压;充装后检查气瓶的密封性;确保所有操作人员都经过专业培训并持有相应的操作证。




A因素的三个水平为A1 = 10,A2 = 20,A3 = 30;B因素的三个水平为B1 = 5,B2 = 10,B3 = 15;C因素的三个水平为C1 = 2,C2 = 4,C3 = 6。


1. 选择正交表。

- 对于三因素三水平的试验,我们可以选用L9(3⁴)正交表。

2. 表头设计。

- 将A、B、C三个因素分别安排在正交表的三列上,例如A安排在第1列,B安排在第2列,C安排在第3列。

3. 确定试验方案。

- 根据正交表L9(3⁴)的安排进行试验。


4. 进行试验并记录结果。

- 假设经过试验得到9个试验结果分别为y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6,y7,y8,y9。

5. 分析试验结果。

- 计算各因素同一水平下试验结果的平均值。

- 对于A因素:- K1A=(y1 + y2+y3)/3,K2A=(y4 + y5 + y6)/3,K3A=(y7 + y8 + y9)/3。

- 计算极差RA = max(K1A,K2A,K3A)-min(K1A,K2A,K3A)。

- 对于B因素:- K1B=(y1 + y4 + y7)/3,K2B=(y2 + y5 + y8)/3,K3B=(y3 + y6 + y9)/3。

- 计算极差RB = max(K1B,K2B,K3B)-min(K1B,K2B,K3B)。

- 对于C因素:- K1C=(y1 + y6 + y8)/3,K2C=(y2 + y4 + y9)/3,K3C=(y3 + y5 + y7)/3。



银行家算法例题假定系统中有五个进程{P0,P1,P2,P3,P4} 和三类资源{A ,B,C},各种资源的数量分别为10、5、7,在T0 时刻的资源分配情况(1)T0时刻的安全性利用安全性算法对T0时刻的资源分配情况进行分析(2)P1请求资源:P1发出请求向量Request1(1,0,2),系统按银行家算法进行检查 ①Request1(1,0,2)≤Need1(1,2,2) ②Request1(1,0,2)≤Available1(3,3,2)③系统先假定可为P1分配资源,并修改Available ,Allocation1和Need1向量,由此形成资源情况进程Max Allocation Need Available A B C A B C A B C A B C P0 7 5 3 0 1 0 7 4 3 3 3 2 P1 3 2 2 2 0 0 1 2 2 P2 9 0 2 3 0 2 6 0 0 P3 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 P44 3 30 0 24 3 1资源情况 进程Work A B C Need A B C Allocation A B CWork+Allocatio n A B C FinishP1 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 0 0 5 3 2 TRUE P3 5 3 2 0 1 1 2 1 1 7 4 3 TRUE P4 7 4 3 4 3 1 0 0 2 7 4 5TRUE P2 7 4 5 6 0 0 3 0 2 10 4 7 TRUE P010 4 77 4 30 1 010 5 7TRUE的资源变化情况如下图所示。


P1 申请资源时的安全性检查(3)P4请求资源:P4发出请求向量Request4(3,3,0),系统按银行家算法进行检查: ①Request4(3,3,0)≤Need4(4,3,1); ②Request4(3,3, 0)≮Available (2,3,0),让P4等待。



2017骞?2鏈圓CCA鑰冭瘯P4楂樼骇璐㈠姟绠$悊鐪熼(鎬诲垎锛?25.00锛屽仛棰樻椂闂达細195鍒嗛挓)妗堜緥鍒嗘瀽棰?br/>Section A涓哄繀鍋氶锛孲ection B涓洪€夊仛棰樸€?/p>(鎬婚鏁帮細4锛屽垎鏁帮細125.00)Section A – This ONE question is compulsory and MUST be attemptedConejo Co is a listed company based in Ardilla and uses the $ as its currency. The company was formed around 20 years ago and was initially involved in cybernetics, robotics and artificial intelligence within the information technology industry. At that time due to the risky ventures Conejo Co undertook, its cash flows and profits were very varied and unstable. Around 10 years ago, it started an information systems consultancy business and a business developing cyber security systems. Both these businesses have been successful and have been growing consistently. This in turn has resulted in a stable growth in revenues, profits and cash flows. The company continues its research and product development in artificial intelligence and robotics, but this business unit has shrunk proportionally to the other two units.Just under eight years ago, Conejo Co was successfully listed on Ardilla’s national stock exchange, offering 60% of its share capital to external equity holders, whilst the original founding members retained the remaining 40% of the equity capital. The company remains financed largely by equity capital and reserves, with only a small amount of debt capital. Due to this, and its steadily growing sales revenue, profits and cash flows, it has attracted a credit rating of A from the credit rating agencies.At a recent board of directors (BoD) meeting, the company’s chief financial officer (CFO) argued that it was time for Conejo Co to change its capital structure by undertaking a financial reconstruction, and be financed by higher levels of debt. As part of her explanation, the CFO said that Conejo Co is now better able to bear the increased risk resulting from higher levels of debt finance; would be better protected from predatory acquisition bids if it was financed by higher levels of debt; and could take advantage of the tax benefits offered by increased debt finance. She also suggested that the expected credit migration from a credit rating of A to a credit rating of BBB, if the financial reconstruction detailed below took place, would not weaken Conejo Co financially.Financial reconstructionThe BoD decided to consider the financial reconstruction plan further before making a final decision. The financial reconstruction plan would involve raising $1,320 million ($1·32 billion) new debt finance consisting of bonds issued at their face value of $100. The bonds would be redeemed in five years’ time at their face value of $100 each. The funds raised from the issue of the new bonds would be used to implement one of the following two proposals:(i) Proposal 1: Either buy back equity shares at their current share price, which would be cancelled after they have been repurchased; or(ii) Proposal 2: Invest in additional assets in new business ventures.Conejo Co, Financial informationExtract from the forecast financial position for next yearConejo Co’s forecast after-tax profit for next year is $350 million and its current share price is $11 per share.The non-current liabilities consist solely of 5·2% coupon bonds with a face value of $100 each, which are redeemable at their face value in three years’ time. These bonds are currently trading at $107·80 per $100. The bond’s covenant stipulates that s hould Conejo Co’s borrowing increase, the coupon payable on these bonds will increase by 37 basis points.Conejo Co pays tax at a rate of 15% per year and its after-tax return on the new investment is estimated at 12%.Other financial informationCurrent government bond yield curveThe finance director wants to determine the percentage change in the value of Conejo Co’s current bonds, if the credit rating changes from A to BBB. Furthermore, she wants to determine the coupon rate at which the new bonds would need to be issued, based on the current yield curve and appropriate yield spreads given above.Conejo Co’s chief executive officer (CEO) suggested that if Conejo Co paid back the capital and interest of the new bond in fixed annual repayments of capital and interest through the five-year life of the bond, then the risk associated with the extra debt finance would be largely mitigated. In this case, it was possible that credit migration, by credit rating companies, from A rating to BBB rating may not happen. He suggested that comparing the duration of the new bond based on the interest payable annually and the face value in five years’ time with the duration of the new bond where the borrowing is paid in fixed annual repayments of interest and capital could be used to demonstrate this risk mitigation.Required:锛堝垎鏁帮細50锛?/p>(1).Discuss the possible reasons for the finance director’s suggestions that Conejo Co could benefit from higher levels of debt with respect to risk, from protection against acquisition bids, and from tax benefits. 锛堝垎鏁帮細7锛?/p>__________________________________________________________________________________________ 姝g‘绛旀锛?Increasing the debt finance of a company relative to equity finance increases its financial risk, and therefore the company will need to be able to bear the consequences of this increased risk. However, companies face both financial risk, which increases as the debt levels in the capital structure increase, and business risk, which is present in a company due to the nature of its business.In the case of Conejo Co, it could be argued that as its profits and cash flows have stabilised, the company’s business risk has reduced, in contrast to early in its life, when its business risk would have been much higher due to unstable profits and cash flows. Therefore, whereas previously Conejo Co was not able to bear high levels of financial risk, it is able to do so now without having a detrimental impact on the overall risk profile of the company. It could therefore change its capital structure and have higher levels of debt finance relative to equity finance.The predatory acquisition of one company by another could be undertaken for a number of reasons. One possible reason may be to gain access to cash resources, where a company which needs cash resources may want to take over another company which has significant cash resources or cash generative capability. Another reason may be to increase the debt capacity of the acquirer by using the assets of the target company. Where the relative level of debt finance is increased in the capital structure of a company through a financial reconstruction, like in the case of Conejo Co, these reasons for acquiring a company may be diminished. This is because the increased levels of debt would probably be secured against the assets of the company and therefore the acquirer cannot use them to raise additional debt finance, and cash resources would be needed to fund the higher interest payments.Many tax jurisdictions worldwide allow debt interest to be deducted from profits before the amount of tax payable is calculated on the profits. Increasing the amount of debt finance will increase the amount of interest paid, reducing the taxable profits and therefore the tax paid. Modigliani and Miller referred to this as the benefit of the tax shield in their research into capital structure, where their amended capital proposition demonstrated the reduction in the cost of capital and increase in the value of the firm, as the proportion of debt in the capital structure increases.)瑙f瀽锛?/div>(2).Prepare a report for the board of directors of Conejo Co which:(i) Estimates, and briefly comments on, the change in value of the current bond and the coupon rate required for the new bond, as requested by the CFO; (6 marks)(ii) Estimates the Macaulay duration of the new bond based on the interest payable annually and face value repayment, and the Macaulay duration based on the fixed annual repayment of the interest and capital, as suggested by the CEO; (6 marks)(iii) Estimates the impact of the two proposals on how the funds may be used on next year’s forecast earnings, forecast financial position, forecast earnings per share and on forecast gearing; (11 marks)(iv) Using the estimates from (b)(i), (b)(ii) and (b)(iii), discusses the impact of the proposed financial reconstruction and the proposals on the use of funds on:– Conejo Co;– Possible reaction(s) of credit rating companies and on the expected credit migration, including the suggestion made by the CEO;–Conejo Co’s equity holders;–Conejo Co’s current and new debt holders.(16 marks)Professional marks will be awarded in part (b) for the format, structure and presentation of the report. (4 marks)锛堝垎鏁帮細43锛?/p>__________________________________________________________________________________________ 姝g‘绛旀锛?Report to the board of directors (BoD), Conejo CoIntroductionThis report discusses whether the proposed financial reconstruction scheme which increases the amount of debt finance in Conejo Co would be beneficial or not to the company and the main parties affected by the change in the funding, namely the equity holders, the debt holders and the credit rating companies. Financial estimates provided in the appendices are used to support the discussion.Impact on Conejo CoBenefits to Conejo Co include the areas discussed in part (a) above and as suggested by the CFO. The estimate in appendix 3 assumes that the interest payable on the new bonds and the extra interest payable on the existing bonds are net of the 15% tax. Therefore, the tax shield reduces the extra amount of interest paid. Further, it is likely that because of the large amount of debt finance which will be raised, the company’s assets would have been used as collateral. This will help protect the company against hostile takeover bids. Additionally, proposal 2 (appendix 3) appears to be better than proposal 1, with a lower gearing figure and a higher earnings per share figure. However, this is dependent on the extra investment being able to generate an after-tax return of 12% immediately. The feasibility of this should be assessed further.Conejo Co may also feel that this is the right time to raise debt finance as interest rates are lower and therefore it does not have to offer large coupons, compared to previous years. Appendix 1 estimates that the new bond will need to offer a coupon of 3·57%, whereas the existing bond is paying a coupon of 5·57%.The benefits above need to be compared with potential negative aspects of raising such a substantial amount of debt finance. Conejo Co needs to ensure that it will be able to finance the interest payable on the bonds and it should ensure it is able to repay the capital amount borrowed (or be able to re-finance the loan) in the future. The extrainterest payable (appendix 3) will probably not pose a significant issue given that theprofit after tax is substantially more than the interest payment. However, the repayment of the capital amount will need careful thought because it is significant.The substantial increase in gearing, especially with respect to proposal 1 (appendix 3), may worry some stakeholders because of the extra financial risk. However, based on market values, the level of gearing may not appear so high. The expected credit migration from A to BBB seems to indicate some increase in risk, but it is probably not substantial.The BoD should also be aware of, and take account of, the fact that going to the capital markets to raise finance will require Conejo Co to disclose information, which may be considered strategically important and could impact negatively on areas where Conejo Co has a competitive advantage.Reaction of credit rating companiesCredit ratings assigned to companies and to borrowings made by companies by credit rating companies depend on the probability of default and recovery rate. A credit migration from A to BBB means that Conejo Co has become riskier in that it is more likely to default and bondholders will find it more difficult to recover their entire loan if default does happen. Nevertheless, the relatively lower increase in yield spreads from A to BBB, compared to BBB to BB, indicates that BBB can still be considered a relatively safe investment.Duration indicates the time it takes to recover half the repayments of interest and capital of a bond, in present value terms. Duration measures the sensitivity of bond prices to changes in interest rates. A bond with a higher duration would see a greater fluctuation in its value when interest rates change, compared to a bond with a lower duration. Appendix 2 shows that a bond which pays interest (coupon) and capital in equal annual instalments will have a lower duration. This is because a greater proportion of income is received earlier and income due to be received earlier is less risky. Therefore, when interest rates change, this bond’s value will change by less than the bond with the higher duration. The CEO is correct that the bond with equal annual payments of interest and capital is less sensitive to interest rate changes, but it is not likely that this will be a significant factor for a credit rating company when assigning a credit rating.A credit rating company will consider a number of criteria when assigning a credit rating, as these would give a more appropriate assessment of the probability of default and the recovery rate. These criteria include, for example, the industry within which the company operates, the company’s position within that industry, the company’s ability to generate profits in proportion to the capital invested, the amount of gearing, the quality of management and the amount of financial flexibility the company possesses. A credit rating company will be much less concerned about the manner in which a bond’s value fluctuates when interest rates change.Impact on equity holdersThe purpose of the financial reconstruction would be of interest to the equity holders. If, for example, Conejo Co selects proposal 1 (appendix 3), it may give equity holders an opportunity to liquidate some of their invested capital. At present, the original members of the company hold 40% of the equity capital and proposal 1 provides them with the opportunity to realise a substantial capital without unnecessary fluctuations in the share price.Selling large quantities of equity shares in the stock exchange may move the price of the shares down and cause unnecessary fluctuations in the share price.If, on the other hand, proposal 2 (appendix 3) is selected, any additional profits after the payment of interest will benefit the equity holders directly. In effect, debt capital is being used for the benefit of the equity holders.It may be true that equity holders may be concerned about the increased risk which higher gearing will bring, and because of this, they may need higher returns to compensate for thehigher risk. However, in terms of market values, the increased gearing may be of less concern to equity holders. Conejo Co should consider the capital structure of its competitors to assess what should be an appropriate level of gearing.Equity holders will probably be more concerned about the additional restrictive covenants which will result from the extra debt finance, and the extent to which these covenants will restrict the financial flexibility of Conejo Co when undertaking future business opportunities.Equity holders may also be concerned that because Conejo Co has to pay extra interest to debt holders, its ability to pay increasing amounts of dividends in the future could be affected. However, appendix 3 shows that the proportion of interest relative to after-tax profits is not too high and any concern from the equity holders is probably unfounded. Impact on debt holdersAlthough the current debt holders may be concerned about the extra gearing which the new bonds would introduce to Conejo Co, appendix 1 shows that the higher coupon payments which the current debt holders will receive would negate any fall in the value of their bonds due to the credit migration to BBB rating from an A rating. Given that currently Conejo Co is subject to low financial risk, and probably lower business risk, it is unlikely that the current and new debt holders would be overly concerned about the extra gearing. The earnings figures in appendix 3 also show that the after-tax profit figures provide a substantial interest cover and therefore additional annual interest payment should not cause the debt holders undue concern either.The curre nt and new debt holders would be more concerned about Conejo Co’s ability to pay back the large capital sum in five years’ time. However, a convincing explanation of how this can be achieved or a plan to roll over the debt should allay these concerns.The current and new debt holders may be concerned that Conejo Co is not tempted to take unnecessary risks with the additional investment finance, but sensible use of restrictive covenants and the requirement to make extra disclosures to the markets when raising the debt finance should help mitigate these concerns.ConclusionOverall, it seems that the proposed financial reconstruction will be beneficial, as it will provide opportunities for Conejo Co to make additional investments and/or an opportunity to reduce equity capital, and thereby increasing the earnings per share. The increased gearing may not look large when considered in terms of market values. It may also be advantageous to undertake the reconstruction scheme in a period when interest rates are low and the credit migration is not disadvantageous. However, Conejo Co needs to be mindful of how it intendsto repay the capital amount in five years’ time, the information it will disclose to the capital markets and the impact of any negative restrictive covenants.Report compiled by:DateAppendices:Appendix 1: Change in the value of the current bond from credit migration and coupon rate required from the new bond (Question (b) (i))Spot yield rates (yield curve) based on BBB ratingBond value based on BBB rating$5·57 x 1·0220–1+ $5·57 x 1·0251–2+ $105·57 x 1·0284–3= $107·81Current bond value = $107·80Although the credit rating of Conejo Co declines from A to BBB, resulting in higher spot yield rates, the value of the bond does not change very much at all. This is because theincrease in the coupons and the resultant increase in value almost exactly matches the fall in value from the higher spot yield rates.Coupon rate required from the new bondTake R as the coupon rate, such that:Take R as the coupon rate, such that:($R x 1·0220–1) + ($R x 1·0251–2) + ($R x 1·0284–3) + ($R x 1·0325–4) + ($R x 1·0362–5) + ($100 x 1·0362–5) = $1004·5665R + 83·71 = 100R = $3·57Coupon rate for the new bond is 3·57%.If the coupon payments on the bond are at a rate of 3·57% on the face value, it ensuresthat the present values of the coupons and the redemption of the bond at face value exactly equals the bond’s current face value, based on Conejo Co’s yield curve.Appendix 2: Macaulay durations (Question (b) (ii))Macaulay duration based on annual coupon of $3·57 and redemption value of $100 in year 5: [($3·57 x 1·0220–1x 1 year) + ($3·57 x 1·0251–2x 2 years) + ($3·57 x 1·0284–3 x 3 years) + ($3·57 x 1·0325–4x 4 years) + ($103·57 x 1·0362–5x 5 years)]/$100 = [3·49 + 6·79 + 9·85 + 12·57 + 433·50]/100 = 4·7 yearsMacaulay duration based on fixed annual repayments of interest and capital:Annuity factor: (3·57%, 5 years) = (1 –1·0357–5)/0·0357 = 4·51 approximatelyAnnual payments of capital and interest required to pay back new bond issue = $100/4·51 = $22·17 per $100 bond approximately[($22·17 x 1·0220–1 x 1 year) + ($22·17 x 1·0251–2x 2 years) + ($22·17 x 1·0284–3 x 3 years) + ($22·17 x 1·0325–4x 4 years) + ($22·17 x 1·0362–5x 5 years)]/$100 = [21·69 + 42·20 + 61·15 + 78·03 + 92·79]/100 = 3·0 yearsAppendix 3: Forecast earnings, financial position, earnings per share and gearing (Question (b) (iii))Adjustments to forecast earningsNotes:If gearing is calculated based on non-current liabilities/(non-current liabilities + equity) and/or using market value of equity, instead of as above, then this is acceptable as well. Proposal 1Additional interest payable is deducted from current assets, assuming it is paid in cash and this is part of current assets. Reserves are also reduced by this amount.Shares repurchased as follows: $1 x 120m shares deducted from share capital and $10 x 120m shares deducted from reserves. $1,320m, consisting of $11 x 120m shares, added to non-current liabilities.Proposal 2Treatment of additional interest payable is as per proposal 1Additional debt finance raised, $1,320 million, is added to non-current liabilities and to non-current assets, assuming that all this amount is invested in non-current assets to generate extra income.It is assumed that this additional investment generates returns at 12%, which is added to current assets and to profits (and therefore to reserves).(Explanations given in notes are not required for full marks, but are included to explain how the figures given in appendix 3 are derived)(Note: Credit will be given for alternative relevant presentation of financial positions and discussion))瑙f瀽锛?/div>Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attemptedEview Cinemas Co is a long-established chain of cinemas in the country of Taria. Twenty years ago Eview Cinemas Co’s board decided to convert some of its cinemas into sports g yms, known as the EV clubs. The number of EV clubs has expanded since then. Eview Cinemas Co’s board brought in outside managers to run the EV clubs, but over the years there have been disagreements between the clubs’ managers and the board. The managers h ave felt that the board has wrongly prioritised investment in, and refurbishment of, the cinemas at the expense of the EV clubs.Five years ago, Eview Cinemas Co undertook a major refurbishment of its cinemas, financing this work with various types of debt, including loan notes at a high coupon rate of 10%. Shortly after the work was undertaken, Taria entered into a recession which adversely affected profitability. The finance cost burden was high and Eview Cinemas Co was not ableto pay a dividend for two years.The recession is now over and Eview Cinemas Co has emerged in a good financial position, as two of its competitors went into insolvency during the recession. Eview Cinemas Co’s board wishes to expand its chain of cinemas and open new, multiscreen cinemas in locations which are available because businesses were closed down during the recession.In two years’ time Taria is due to host a major sports festival. This has encouraged interest in sport and exercise in the country. As a result, some gym chains are looking to expand and have contacted Eview Cinemas Co’s board to ask if it would be interested in selling the EV clubs. Most of the directors regard the cinemas as the main business and so are receptive to selling the EV clubs.The finance director has recommended that the sales price of the EV clubs be based on predicted free cash flows as follows:1. The predicted free cash flow figures in $millions for EV clubs are as follows:2. After Year 4, free cash flows should be assumed to increase at 5·2% per annum.3. The discount rate to be used should be the current weighted average cost of capital, which is 12%.4. The finance director believes that the result of the free cash flow valuation will represent a fair value of the EV clubs’ business, but Eview Cinemas Co is looking to obtain a 25% premium on the fair value as the expected sales price.Other information supplied by the finance director is as follows:1. The predicted after-tax profits of the EV clubs are $454 million in Year 1. This can be assumed to be 40% of total after-tax profits of EV Cinemas Co.2. The expected proceeds which Eview Cinemas Co receives from selling the EV clubs will be used firstly to pay off the 10% loan notes. Part of the remaining amount from the sales proceeds will then be used to enhance liquidity by being held as part of current assets, so that the current ratio increases to 1·5. The rest of the remaining amount will be invested in property, plant and equipment. The current net book value of the non-current assets of the EV clubs to be sold can be assumed to be $3,790 million. The profit on the sale of the EV clubs should be taken directly to reserves.3. Eview Cinemas Co’s asset beta for the cinemas can be assumed to be 0·952.4. Eview Cinemas Co currently has 1,000 million $1 shares in issue. These are currently trading at $15·75 per share. The finance director expects the share price to rise by 10% once the sale has been completed, as he thinks that the stock market will perceive it to be a good deal.5. Tradeable debt is currently quoted at $96 per $100 for the 10% loan notes and $93 per $100 for the other loan notes. The value of the other loan notes is not expected to change once the sale has been completed. The overall pre-tax cost of debt is currently 9% and can be assumed to fall to 8% when the 10% loan notes are redeemed.6. The current tax rate on profits is 20%.7. Additional investment in current assets is expected to earn a 7% pre-tax return and additional investment in property, plant and equipment is expected to earn a 12% pre-tax return.8. The current risk-free rate is 4% and the return on the market portfolio is 10%.Eview Cinemas Co’s current summarised statement of financial position is shown below. The CEO wants to know the impact the sale of the EV clubs would have immediately on the statement of financial position, the impact on the Year 1 forecast earnings per share and on the weighted average cost of capital.Required:锛堝垎鏁帮細25锛?/p>(1).Calculate the expected sales price of the EV clubs and demonstrate its impact on Eview Cinemas Co’s statement of financial position, forecast earnings per share and weighted average cost of capital.锛堝垎鏁帮細17锛?/p>__________________________________________________________________________________________ 姝g‘绛旀锛?Proceeds from sales of EV clubsPresent value in Year 5 onwards = $490m x 1·052/(0·12 –0·052) x 0·636 = $4,821mTotal present value = $1,318m + $4,821m = $6,139mDesired sales proc eeds (25% premium) = $6,139m x 1·25 = $7,674mImpact on statement of financial position ($m)Profit on sale = $7,674m – $3,790m = $3,884mCurrent assets adjustment = $2,347m + $7,674m –($2,166m x 1·5) = $6,772mPPE adjustment = $6,772m – $3,200m = $3,572m)瑙f瀽锛?/div>(2).Evaluate the decision to sell the EV clubs.锛堝垎鏁帮細8锛?/p>__________________________________________________________________________________________ 姝g‘绛旀锛?Shareholders would appear to have grounds for questioning the sale of the EV clubs. It would mean that Eview Cinemas Co was no longer diversified into two sectors. Although shareholders can achieve diversification themselves in theory, in practice transaction costs and other issues may mean they do not want to adjust their portfolio.The increase in gym membership brought about by the forthcoming sports festival couldjustify the predicted increases in free cash flows made in the forecasts. Although increased earnings per share are forecast once the EV clubs are sold, these are dependent on Eview Cinemas Co achieving the sales price which it desires for the EV clubs and the predicted returns being achieved on the remaining assets.The proposed expansion of multiscreen cinemas may be a worthwhile opportunity, but the level of demand for big cinema complexes may be doubtful and there may also be practical problems like negotiating change of use. In Year 1 the EV clubs would be forecast to make a post-tax return on assets of (454/3,790) = 12·0% compared with 9·6% (12% x 0·8) on the additional investment in the cinemas.Investors may also wonder about the motives of Eview Cinema s Co’s board. Selling the EV clubs offers the board a convenient way of resolving the conflict with the management teamof the EV clubs and investors may feel that the board is trying to take an easy path by focusing on what they are comfortable with managing.There may be arguments in favour of the sale, however. The lower WACC will be brought about by a fall in the cost of equity as well as the fall in the cost of debt. A reduction in the complexity of the business may result in a reduction in central management costs.。



《卓越现场4P管理体系》认证考试题库(答案解释)2卓越现场4P管理体系认证考试题库(答案解释)2第一题:问题:卓越现场4P管理体系具备以下哪些特点和优势?答案解释:卓越现场4P管理体系是一种综合性的管理体系,具备以下特点和优势:1. 高效性:卓越现场4P管理体系通过精细化的流程设计和优化,能够提高工作效率,降低生产成本,使企业在市场竞争中更具竞争力。

2. 统一性:卓越现场4P管理体系能够将企业各个部门的工作整合起来,实现资源的共享和协同,促进企业整体运行的统一性和协调性。

3. 风险控制:卓越现场4P管理体系对工作过程进行标准化和规范化管理,能够及时发现和解决潜在的问题和风险,减少生产安全事故的发生。

4. 持续改进:卓越现场4P管理体系强调持续改进的理念,通过不断的监控和评估,发现问题并制定改进计划,提高工作质量和效率。

5. 客户满意度:卓越现场4P管理体系注重客户需求的理解和满足,通过优化工作流程和产品质量,提高客户满意度,增强企业的市场竞争力。



通过卓越现场4P管理体系认证,企业可以得到以下几个方面的好处:1. 提高市场竞争力:卓越现场4P管理体系认证可以证明企业在质量管理、环境管理、职业健康安全管理和社会责任管理等方面具备一定的能力和水平,使企业在市场竞争中更具竞争力。

2. 优化资源配置:卓越现场4P管理体系认证能够整合企业各个部门的资源,实现资源的共享和协同,提高资源的利用率和效益。

3. 降低运营成本:卓越现场4P管理体系认证能够通过优化工作流程和提高工作效率,降低生产成本,增加利润空间。



排列组合问题教学目标:1•使学生正确理解排列、组合的意义;正确区分排列、组合问题;2. 了解排列、排列数和组合数的意义,能根据具体的问题,写出符合要求的排列或组合;3. 掌握排列组合的计算公式以及组合数与排列数之间的关系;4. 会、分析与数字有关的计数问题,以及与其他专题的综合运用,培养学生的抽象能力和逻辑思维能力;通过本讲的学习,对排列组合的一些计数问题进行归纳总结,重点掌握排列与组合的联系和区别,并掌握一些排列组合技巧,如捆绑法、挡板法等。

5. 根据不同题目灵活运用计数方法进行计数。


二.乘法原理:如果完成某项任务,可分为k个步骤,完成第一步有n i种不同的方法,完成第二步有n2种不同的方法,……完成第k步有n k种不同的方法,那么完成此项任务共有n i Xn 2 X ............ X n k种不同的方法。


每一类中的每一种方法都可以独立完成此任务;两类不同办法中的具体方法,互不相同(即分类不重);完成此任务的任何一种方法,都属于某一类(即分类不漏)做一件事,需要分n个步骤,步与步之间是连续的,只有将分成的若干个互相联系的步骤,依次相继完成,这件事才算完成,因此用乘法原理.任何一步的一种方法都不能完成此任务,必须且只须连续完成这 n 步才能完 成此任务;各步计数相互独立;只要有一步中所采取的方法不同,则对应的 完成此事的方法也不同这样完成一件事的分“类”和“步”是有本质区别的,因此也将两个原理区分开来.四.排列及组合基本公式1. 排列及计算公式从n 个不同元素中,任取m(mcn)个元素按照一定的顺序排成一列,叫做从n 个不同 元素中取出m 个元素的一个 排列;从n 个不同元素中取出m(mcn)个元素的所有排列的 个数,叫做从n 个不同元素中取出m 个元素的排列数,用符号P m n 表示.P =n(n-1)( n- 2) ......... (n -m+1) n!2. 组合及计算公式从n 个不同元素中,任取m(mCn)个元素并成一组,叫做从n 个不同元素中取出m 个元素的一个组合;从n 个不同元素中取出m(mc n)个元素的所有组合的个数,叫做从n 个不同元素中取出m 个元素的组合数.用符号c n 表示.一般当遇到m 比较大时(常常是m>0.5n 时),可用戊=C 畀来简化计算 规定:C\ =1, C 0n =1.3. n 的阶乘(n!) ―― n 个不同元素的全排列P ;=n!=n x (n-1) x (n-2)…3x 2x 1例题精讲:排列组合的应用【例1】 小新、阿呆等七个同学照像,分别求出在下列条件下有多少种站法?(1) 七个人排成一排;(2) 七个人排成一排,小新必须站在中间(3) 七个人排成一排,小新、阿呆必须有一人站在中间(4) 七个人排成一排,小新、阿呆必须都站在两边(5) 七个人排成一排,小新、阿呆都没有站在边上(6) 七个人战成两排,前排三人,后排四人 •(规定 0!=1) • C i = P 篤 /m!= n! (n-m)! x m!(7)七个人战成两排,前排三人,后排四人•小新、阿呆不在同一排。

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MacawberAssume that it is now mid December.The finance director of Macawber Inc (incorporated), has recently reviewed the company’s monthly cash budgets for the next year. As a result of buying new machinery in three months time, his company is expected to require short-term financing of $20 million for a period of six months until the proceeds from a factory disposal became available. The finance director is concerned that, as a result of increasing wage settlements, the Central Bank will increase interest rates in the near future.LIBOR is currently 6% per annum and Macawber can borrow at LIBOR+0.9%.Derivative contracts may be assumed to mature at the end of the relevant month.Three types of hedge are available:(1)FRA prices3 – 6 6.11 – 6.013 – 9 6.38 – 6.30(2)Three month futures ($500,000 contract size, $12.50 tick size)December 93.870March 93.790June 93.680(3)Options on three month sterling futures ($500,000 contract size, premium cost in annual %)Calls PutsDecember March June December March June 93750 0.120 0.195 0.270 0.020 0.085 0.180 94000 0.015 0.075 0.155 0.165 0.255 0.335 94250 0 0.085 0.085 0.400 0.480 0.555 Required(a)Prepare a report for the finance director, which:(i)Briefly discusses the relative advantages and disadvantages of the three types of hedge(ii)Illustrates how the short-term interest rate risk might be hedged, and the possible results of the alternative hedges, if interest rates increase by 0.5%All relevant calculations must be shown.(15 marks) (b)The following five-year loan interest rates are available to Stentor Ltd, an AA credit ratedcompany in the Macawber group, and to Evnor Ltd, a BB+ rated company. Stentor wants to borrow at a floating rate of interest, and Evnor wants to borrow at a fixed rate of interest.Fixed rate Floating rateStentor 8.75% LIBOR+0.50%Evnor 9.50% LIBOR+0.90%A bank is willing to act as an intermediary to facilitate a five year swap, for an annual fee of0.05% of the swap value. Both of these fees are payable by EACH of the companies.Taxation may be ignored.RequiredEvaluate, using an illustrative swap, whether or not an interest rate swap may be arranged that is beneficial to both companies. (5 marks)(Total= 20 marks)SOLUTION(a)REPORTTo: Finance DirectorFrom: Financial AccountantDate:Subject: Hedging methodsCurrent positionIf we are still able to borrow at the current rate in three months’ time, the interest charge will be: $20 million*6.9%*(6/12) = $690,000If however interest rates increase by 0.5%, the interest charge will be:$20 million*7.4%*(6/12) = $740,000The hedging methods we can use are as follows.Forward rate agreementA FRA effectively fixes the rate of interest for borrowing at a certain time in the future. If the actual interest rate is above the rate agreed, the bank will pay the company the difference. If the actual rate is lower than the rate agreed, the company pays the bank the difference.Advantages of FRAs Disadvantages of FRAs(i) A FRA fixes the sum that Macawber hasto pay, and eliminates the possibility oflarge losses if interest rate increases aregreater than are currently expected.(ii)The forward rate should be an unbiased predictor of the future interest rate,based on the information.(iii)Macawber should have no difficulty obtaining a forward rate agreement, sincethe size of the loan and the time periodare both of appropriate magnitudes forsuch an agreement.(iv)FRAs have no margin requirements. (i)The spot rate may not move in thedirection or to the extent predicted by theFRA, and Macawber will be unable to takeadvantage of favorable spot ratemovements.(ii)There may be problems renewing the agreement if it turns out that Macawberneeds the finance for much longer thananticipated.Using a forward rate agreementUsing a 3-9 agreement with a rate of 6.38If the LIBOR rate increases to 6.50%, and the borrowing rate therefore rises to 7.40%, the cost is:$ Payment on loan as above (0.074*$20m*(6/12)) 740,000 Less: Receipt from FRA (6.50 – 6.38)%*$20m*(6/12) (12,000)728,000Interest rate futures are similar to FRAs, except that the terms, amounts and periods are standardized.Advantages of futures Disadvantages of futures(i)The futures price is likely to vary withchanges in interest rates, and this acts as ahedge against adverse interest ratemovements(ii)Transaction costs should be lower than for the other hedging methods.(iii)The exact date of the interest receipt or payment does not have to be known, as thecontract can be closed out on the date thatthe payment is made. (i)Contract cannot be tailored toMacawber’s exact requirements.(ii)Hedge inefficiencies arise because Macawber has to deal in a whole numberof contracts and by basis risk.(iii)Futures are only available on certain financial instruments.(iv)Macawber will be required to deposit a margin (cash or securities).Using futuresSet-up today – mid December1.Number of contracts requiredexposure periodprincipal$20m6C ontracts=*=*= 80contract size contract period$0.5m32.Date – start of the loanmid March3.Contracts to sellEnter into 80 March contracts to pay interest at 6.21% (100-93.79)Outcome – mid March4.Actual transaction @LIBOR + 0.9% 7.40%5.Profit/loss on the futuresOpening position – (sell) pay 6.21%Closing position – (buy) receive 6.53%(profit)0.32% step 4&57.08%Note: In £s this is 0.0708*$20m*6/12= $708,000. A better outcome than the FRA Workings Now – mid December Mid March March futures 6.21 6.53LIBOR 6.00 6.50Basis 0.21 ×1/7= 0.037 half-months of timing 1 half-month remainingAn interest rate option gives the buyer the right but not the obligation to deal at an agreed interest rate at a future maturity date. A buyer with the option to borrow will not wish to exercise it if the market interest rate is below the rate specified in the option agreement.Advantages of options Disadvantages of options(i)Options reduce exposure to adverseinterest rate movements whilst allowingthe borrower to profit from favorableinterest rate movements.(ii)OTC interest rate options tailored to the company’s needs can be obtained. (i)Premium cost(ii)The option contracts are standard contracts, suffering from the limitationsof standard futures contracts.Using optionsSet-up today – mid December1.Number of contracts required= 802.Date – start of the loanmid March3.Buy 80 March put options at 93750 94000 942504.Premium 0.085% 0.255% 0.480% Outcome – mid March5.Actual transaction @LIBOR + 0.9% 7.40%7.40%7.40%6.Profit/loss on the futuresOpening position – (sell) pay 6.25% 6.00% 5.75%Closing position – (buy) receive 6.53%* 6.50% 6.47%(profit)0.28%(profit)0.50% (profit)0.72% step 4&5&6 7.205%7.155% 7.160%$720,500 $715,500 $716,000*Workings Now – mid December Mid MarchMarch options 6.25 6.53LIBOR 6.00 6.50Basis 0.25 ×1/7= 0.037 half-months of timing 1 half-month remainingConclusionThe futures contract gives the lowest cost and should be recommended if interest rates are expected to rise.(b)Total payment without swap =LIBOR + 0.5% (Stentor) + 9.5% (Evnor) = LIBOR + 10%Total payment with swap =LIBOR + 0.9% (Evnor) + 8.75% (Stentor) + 0.1% fees = LIBOR+9.75% There is a potential gain of 0.25% on the swap value. Assume this is split equally between the parties, although Stentor may be able to negotiate a higher share of the gain because of its better credit rating.Keeping the floating rate at LIBOR:Stentor EvnorPays interest (8.75%) (LIBOR +0.9%)Bank fees (0.05%) (0.05%)Pays in swap (LIBOR) (8.425%)Receives in swap 8.425%* LIBORNet cost (LIBOR +0.375%) (9.375%)Gain of 0.125% Gain of 0.125%* 8.75%+ 0.05% + LIBOR - X= LIBOR+ 0.50% - 0.125% X=8.425%。
