Copper(II) adsorption on the kaolinite(001) surface Insights from first-principles calculations and.
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农村生态环境 2004,20(4):1-5 Rural Eco2Environment 几种粘土矿物和粘土对溶液中磷的吸附效果袁东海1,高士祥1,景丽洁2,尹大强1①,王连生1① (1.南京大学污染控制与资源化国家重点实验室,江苏南京 210093;2.吉林化工学院环境科学系,吉林吉林 132022)摘要:通过磷等温吸附与饱和吸附后释放试验,研究了高岭土、蒙脱土、凹凸棒土、蛭石和沸石对溶液中磷的吸附效果及其影响因素。
关键词:粘土矿物;粘土;磷;吸附;净化中图分类号:X793;X703;S153 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-5906(2004)04-0060-04Phosphorus adsorption of some clay minerals and soils.YUAN Dong2hai1,G AO Shi2xiang1,JING Li2jie2,YIN Da2qiang1,WANG Lian2sheng1(1.S tate K ey Laboratory of P ollutant C ontrol and Res ources Reuse,Nanjing University,Nanjing210093,Chi2 na;2.Department of Environmental Science,Jilin Institute of Chemical T echnology,Jilin132022,China).Rural Eco2Environ2 ment,2004,20(4):60-63,72Abstract:Phosphorus ads orption of kaolinite,m ontm orillonite,attapulgite,vermiculite and zeolite and their affecting factors were studied through experiment on is otherm P ads orption and post2saturation2ads orption P release.Results show that vermiculite is the2 oretically the highest in P saturation ads orption capacity,being3473mg・kg-1and followed by attapulgite,yellow cinnam on s oil, m ontm orillonite and X iashu loess,zeolite and kaolinite.The last is the lowest in theoretic P saturation ads orption capacity,lingering at554mg・kg-1.The P ads orption capacity of these clay minerals and s oils was mainly in fluenced by their contents of reactive Ca,Fe and Al,but it was not much affected by s oil pH value,CEC and specific sur face of the clay minerals and s oils,because the main mechanism of the ads orption is chemical s orption.Meanwhile another experiment on des orption of phosphorus from these clay minerals and s oils saturated with phosphorus was als o conducted.Results show that P release from the clay minerals and s oils after P saturation ads orption was very limited.K ey w ords:clay mineral;clay s oil;phosphorus;ads orption;purification 粘土矿物和粘土是我国重要的非金属矿资源,近些年来,由于粘土矿物和粘土具有优越的表面性能和电化学性质,在环境保护和污染物净化处理技术中得到广泛应用[1]。
研究结果表明:高岭石对TC的吸附非常符合Freundlich等温吸附模型,并呈现显著的非线性特征;且在pH=3的酸性条件下,TC浓度升高到一定程度(>60 mg/L),TC在高岭石上的吸附得到进一步增强。
关键词:高岭石;盐酸四环素;吸附;热力学参数A study on adsorption model and thermodynamics for tetracycline onto kaoliniteAbstrast:Based on kaolinite (Kt) that is one of widespread clay mineral in soil, the batch experiment methods were applied to explore the adsorption nature of Kt for tetracycline, with emphasis on the influences of initial TC concentration, background electrolytes, and reaction temperature on the adsorption. The obtained results showed that adsorptions of Kt for TC can be well fitted to Freundlich model, representing highly nonlinear adsorption characteristics. However, under conditions at stronger acidic medium pH (pH=3), there existed further improved TC adsorption onto kaolinite as is selected the much more increase of initial TC concentration, up to 60 mg/L and higher. Meanwhile, temperature factor can greatly influence the TC adsorption, where the temperature promotes the TC adsorption. As to background electrolytes, they can also evidently affect the TC adsorption. Hence, the electrostatic interactions involving hydrogen bonding significantly contribute to TC adsorption onto kaolinte.Key words: Kaolinte; tetracycline; adsorption; thermodynamic parameters.当前我国多种抗生素被广泛应用,主要作为动物饲料添加剂用于来防治动物疾病。
胶体悬液中白云母与铁铝氧化物表面双电层的相互作用王艳平;徐仁扣;李九玉【摘要】@@ 白云母是一种原生矿物,也是土壤中常见的层状硅酸盐矿物,其负电荷主要由四面体结构中的Al置换Si而来[1].在通常的pH条件下,白云母带负电荷,可变电荷土壤中的铁、铝氧化物带正电荷.当白云母与铁、铝氧化物存在于同一悬液体系中时,带相反电荷的胶体颗粒之间可以发生相互作用.Qafoku和Sumner[2]提出可变电荷土壤中带相反电荷的胶体颗粒表面双电层重叠的假说.【期刊名称】《土壤学报》【年(卷),期】2011(048)003【总页数】4页(P650-653)【关键词】扩散双电层;zeta电位;白云母;铁铝氧化物;胶体颗粒相互作用【作者】王艳平;徐仁扣;李九玉【作者单位】土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室(中国科学院南京土壤研究所),南京,210008;中国科学院研究生院,北京,100049;土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室(中国科学院南京土壤研究所),南京,210008;中国科学院研究生院,北京,100049;土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室(中国科学院南京土壤研究所),南京,210008;中国科学院研究生院,北京,100049【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S153白云母是一种原生矿物,也是土壤中常见的层状硅酸盐矿物,其负电荷主要由四面体结构中的Al置换Si而来[1]。
在通常的 pH条件下,白云母带负电荷,可变电荷土壤中的铁、铝氧化物带正电荷。
Flotation of diaspore and aluminosilicate minerals applying novel carboxyl hydroxamic acids as colle
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier.The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use,including for instruction at the authors institutionand sharing with colleagues.Other uses,including reproduction and distribution,or selling or licensing copies,or posting to personal,institutional or third partywebsites are prohibited.In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of thearticle( Word or Tex form)to their personal website orinstitutional repository.Authors requiring further informationregarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies areencouraged to visit:/copyrightFlotation of diaspore and aluminosilicate minerals applying novel carboxyl hydroxamic acids as collectorYu-Ren Jiang a ,⁎,Bin-Nan Zhao a ,b ,⁎,Xiao-Hong Zhou a ,Li-Yi Zhou aa College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,People ’s Republic of China bHunan Suntown Technology Group Co.,Ltd,No.109Jinxin Road,Suntown Industrial Park,Changsha,Hunan 410200,Chinaa b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 10December 2009Received in revised form 3March 2010Accepted 14May 2010Available online 20May 2010Keywords:Flotation reagent DiasporeAluminosilicateCarboxyl hydroxamic acid Adsorption mechanismThree novel carboxyl hydroxamic acids including ortho-carboxyl tetrachlorobenzohydroxamic acid (OCB),ortho-carboxyl hexahydrobenzohydroxamic acid (OHB)and ortho-carboxyl tetrahydrobenzohydroxamic acid (OTB),were synthesized and tested as collectors for flotation of diaspore,kaolinite and illite contained in diasporic bauxite from China.Subsequently,their flotation mechanism to diaspore and aluminosilicate minerals was investigated by zeta potential measurements and FT-IR spectrum checking.The results of flotation experiments show that by using carboxyl hydroxamic acid as collectors,the pulp pH value has signi ficant in fluence on their collecting performance as the floatability of either diaspore or aluminosilicates varies sharply with their change,and the appropriate pH value for the flotation of diaspore gets close to neutral condition where diaspore presents good floatability while kaolinite and illite exhibits poor performances.Additionally,the floatability of diaspore and aluminosilicates is in the descending order of diaspore,kaolinite,and illite in the presence of three collectors,and their collecting capacity to three minerals is in the ascending order of OTB,OHB and OCB.Of three synthesized carboxyl hydroxamic acids,OCB has the strongest collecting capability to diaspore while relatively weak to aluminoscilicate minerals,whose good selectivity for the flotation between diaspore and aluminosilicates is possibly suited for direct flotation desilication of diasporic bauxite.Moreover,the optimum pH value for diaspore flotation associated with FT-IR spectrum and zeta potentials indicate that the adsorption interaction between the synthesized collectors and diaspore is dominantly a kind of chemical bonding one in the form of three cycle chelate rings due to the coordination of carboxyl and hydroxamate to the metal aluminum atoms,where the oxygen atoms contained in carboxyl and hydroxamate of the polar group have the stereo conditions to form five to seven membered rings.By contrast,the adsorption interactions of the carboxyl hydroxamic acid on the surfaces of aluminosilicate minerals are mainly dominated by means of hydrogen bonds.©2010Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionBauxite is the major raw material for alumina production,and Bayer process is widely applied in alumina technology with mass ratio of Al 2O 3to SiO 2(A/S)more than 8(Xu et al.,2004)on account of the advantage of short flow,small investment,stable product quality and low energy consumption.Although there are plenty of bauxite resources in China,most of them (at least 90%)are characteristic of high silica,high alumina and low mass ratio A/S (A/S=4–6)(Huang et al.,2005).High-grade bauxite with mass ratio of A/S greater than 10is necessary to be processed directly by the Bayer process (Ma et al.,1996;Papanastassiou et al.,2002;Zhong et al.,2008).Due to this reason,majority of the bauxites in China cannot meet the requirement of the advanced Bayer process in alumina technology.Therefore,it ishighly desirable to increase the mass ratio of A/S by flotation desilication before Bayer process.Flotation is known to be a highly versatile separation technology and has been widely used for industrial mineral processing (Yoon and Shi,1989).Many researches on direct flotation desilication have been shown to be an ef ficient method for the desilicating of diasporic bauxite (Feng et al.,1998;Liu,1999;Lu et al.,2002).Flotation reagents are the critical technique in the flotation separation process.The use of traditional reagents and their combinations has been reported a lot in the field of direct flotation desilication (flotation of diaspore and depression of aluminosilicates)such as oleic acid,tall oil,sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate,oxidized paraf fin soap,733,styrene phosphate,aliphatic hydroxamic acid,and aromatic hydroxamic acid and their mixtures (Wang et al.,2003;Hu et al.,2004;Hu et al.,2005);Jiang et al.(2001a)synthesized a new type of collector called COBA,which has a strong collecting ability to diaspore,weaker capability to kaolinite,and higher selectivity than salicylhydroxamic acid.The difference of whose collecting perfor-mance was due to the difference of polar group,like electronegativity,Hydrometallurgy 104(2010)112–118⁎Corresponding authors.Tel.:+8673188836834.E-mail addresses:jiangyr@ (Y.-R.Jiang),zhaobinnan2003@ (B.-N.Zhao).0304-386X/$–see front matter ©2010Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.hydromet.2010.05.006Contents lists available at ScienceDirectHydrometallurgyj o u r n a l h o me p a g e :w w w.e l s ev i e r.c o m/l o c a t e /hyd ro m e ttopological index,cross-section size and hydrophobicity.Recently,the research on novelflotation reagents for reverseflotation desilication (flotation of aluminosilicates and depression of diaspore)has been soaring in China.Liu et al.(2003)discovered a kind of cationic polyacrylamide,which had little influence on kaoliniteflotation, possessed the ability to inhibit diaspore at pH range of5.5–8.5.The research work of Li et al.(2001)showed that the modified starch/ polyacrylamide,absorbed on mineral surfaces through electrostatic force,and chemical/hydrogen bonding,were superior to starch in the inhibition of diaspore.Hu et al.(2003a)synthesized the cationic collector N-dodecyl-1,3-diaminopropane,which excelled over lauryl amine in the collecting ability to kaolinite,pyrophyllite and illite with theflotation recoveries over80%.Zhao et al.(2003a,b,2004)also synthesized N-(3-aminopropyl)dodecanamide,N-(2-aminoethyl) dodecanamide and N-(3-diethylaminopropyl)fatty amide forflota-tion of aluminosilicates.It was proved that N-(3-aminopropyl) dodecanamide had relatively strong collecting ability to kaolinite, pyrophyllite,and illite.N-(2-aminoethyl)dodecanamide presented very strong collecting ability to pyrophyllite with theflotation recovery of97.7%;while relatively weak collecting ability to kaolinite and illite with theflotation recoveries no more than82%.N-(3-diethylaminopropyl)fatty amide possessed very high collecting ability to diaspore withflotation recovery of99.9%;but the data of flotation of aluminosilicates was not given to understand the selectivity of these collectors.From the aspect of reportedflotation reagents for desilication,no matter direct or reverseflotation of bauxite,collectors and depres-sants have achieved certain developments.However,due to its short history in research,plenty of difficulties and problems still remain. First,the selection offlotation reagents mostly focuses on the traditional ones and their combinations;few studies have reported the designing and synthesis of novel structures.In addition,the present reagents are characteristic of low selectivity,and highly efficient reagents for the separation of bauxite have not been found. For instance,although directflotation desilication for diasporic bauxite has been employed for several years in China,the recovery of an acceptable bauxite concentrate was not yet very high in commercial scale(Liu and Liu,2005).Hydroxamic acid is extensively applied in theflotation of rare earth minerals as collector(Yang et al.,1992)because it has nitrogen and oxygen atoms which contain lone pair electrons to coordinate with metal atoms.The self-made COBA(Jiang et al.,2001a)containing carboxyl group and hydroxamate group in the same molecule was employed in theflotation of diaspore and kaolinite as collector showing that it has much higher selectivity than salicylhydroxamic acid,which indicates that the introduction of carboxyl group has greatly enhanced the selectivity of the collector.The present work is to try to design a type of new compounds for theflotation of diaspore against aluminosilicate minerals by putting a carboxyl group and a hydroxamate group into one molecule based on our previous experiment ing chemical approach,three novel carboxyl hydroxamic acids,ortho-carboxyl tetrachlorobenzohydroxa-mic acid(OCB),ortho-carboxyl hexahydrobenzohydroxamic acid (OHB)and ortho-carboxyl tetrahydrobenzohydroxamic acid(OTB), were synthesized as collectors for theflotation of diaspore and aluminosilicates.The investigations of theflotation experiments and the adsorption mechanism illustrated that the synthesized carboxyl hydroxamic acids was a new type of selective collectors,especially OCB possesses high selectivity for theflotation between diaspore and aluminosilicates and possibly suites the directflotation desilication of diasporic bauxite.2.Experimental2.1.Mineral samples and reagentsDiaspore,kaolinite,illite were all were obtained from Henan, China,which were handpicked and then crushed and ground in a porcelain mill.The fraction of minus0.076mm was used inflotation. The results of mineralogical analysis,chemical analysis and X-ray diffraction showed that the three minerals were all at least90%pure.Three novel carboxyl hydroxamic acid compounds including ortho-carboxyl tetrachlorobenzohydroxamic acid(OCB),ortho-car-boxyl hexahydrobenzohydroxamic acid(OHB)and ortho-carboxyl tetrahydrobenzohydroxamic acid(OTB)were synthesized in our laboratory.The pH modifiers employed were analytical grade hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide,the frother used was chemical grade1,and3-dimethylbutanol and distilled water made in our laboratory was used in all tests.2.2.Synthesis procedures of carboxyl hydroxamic acidsNovel carboxyl hydroxamic acids used in theflotation tests were synthesized by reaction of hydroxylamine hydrochloride with the corresponding dicarboxylic esters referring to the method described for the general synthesis procedures(Fatih and Veysel,2001).The structures of synthesized compounds were identified and consistent with the data of elemental analysis and the IR spectra.Scheme1 illustrates the general synthetic method of the carboxyl hydroxamic acids.2.2.1.General synthetic procedures for carboxyl hydroxamic acids1Equiv.of respective dicarboxylic acid in ethanol was mixed with 0.4equiv.of98%sulfuric acid,and then the solution was refluxed with stirring for6h.The excess ethanol was eliminated on a rotary evaporator and sulfuric acid was neutralized with an aqueous solution 5%sodium bicarbonate until formation of carbon dioxide ceased.The formed diester was washed with water and separated in a separatory funnel.1Equiv.of hydroxylamine hydrochloride in methanol was added to a methanol solution containing1equiv of potassium hydroxide. Potassium chloride precipitated from the solution was removed by suctionfiltration,and then a methanol solution with1equiv of potassium hydroxide was added to thefiltrate.Subsequently,the synthesized diester dissolved in methanol was added to the hydroxylamine solution and stirred for8h at room temperature.A color change to orange red occurred during the reaction.The volume of the resulting solution was reduced by evaporating at40°C and acetone was added to the solution to precipitate potassium salt of carboxyl hydroxamate.The precipitate was recrystallized in water and acidified to pH5.5by using aqueous solution5%hydrochloride acid to give the desired product carboxyl hydroxamic acid.Ortho-carboxyl tetrachlorobenzohydroxamic acid(OCB).Yield:72.5%. Found(%):C,30.72;H,1.04;N,4.30.Calculated for C8H3Cl4NO4(%):C, Scheme1.General synthetic method of carboxyl hydroxamic acids.113 Y.-R.Jiang et al./Hydrometallurgy104(2010)112–11830.13;H,0.95;N, 4.39.IR(KBr,νmax/cm−1):3175.09vs(NH), 2848.13b(OH),1667.25vs(CO)and1569.53s(CN).Ortho-carboxyl hexahydrobenzohydroxamic acid(OHB).Yield: 68.3%.Found(%):C,52.01;H,7.23;N,7.26.Calculated for C8H13NO4 (%):C,51.33;H,7.00;N,7.48%.IR(KBr,νmax/cm−1):3500.70vs(NH), 2869.30b(OH),1714.74vs(CO)and1562s(CN).Ortho-carboxyl tetrahydrobenzohydroxamic acid(OTB).Yield: 67.8%.Found(%):C,52.01;H,6.03;N,7.32.Calculated for C8H11NO4 (%):C,51.89;H,5.99;N,7.56;IR(KBr,νmax/cm−1):3439.46vs(NH), 2923.67b(OH),1703.42vs(CO)and1538.85s(CN).2.3.Flotation performance of carboxyl hydroxamic acidsFlotation tests were performed with a XFG-35flotation machine having30mL effective cel1volume,where the impeller speed was fixed at l650r/min.In each test,2.0g mineral samples and decent amount of distilled water were used,and the dosage of frother used wasfixed at5.0×10−4mol/L.The general procedures for theflotation tests were as follows:the mineral sample and distilled water were added in theflotation cell,and the suspension was agitated for1min. After the desired pH value was adjusted by mass ratio5%aqueous solution hydrochloric acid or aqueous solution sodium hydroxide,a desired amount of collector and frother were added;and then the flotation was carried out and maintained for5min.Thefloated products and the unfloated ones were collected,dried,and weighed. Theflotation recovery was calculated based on the percentage mass ratio of thefloated products in the summation offloated and unfloated products.2.4.FT-IR spectroscopyIn order to characterize the nature of the interaction between the collectors and the minerals,the infrared spectra of collectors as well as samples with or without collectors pretreated are measured by the KBr technique.Model FTIR-750Infrared spectrophotometer from Nicolet USA was used to obtain the IR spectra.The mineral samples were ground to be less than5μm in an agate mortar before being conditioned with2×10−2mol/L collectors.2.5.Zeta potential measurementZeta potential was measured on a Delsa-440SX zeta potential instrument(Brookhaven Corporation,USA).The mineral sample was further ground to minus5μm in an agate mortar.The mineral suspension containing0.01%(mass fraction)solid was dispersed in a beaker for 15min and the pH value was measured.1×10−3mol/L KNO3solution was used as a supporting electrolyte.The measurement error was found to be within±5mV after at least three measurements in each condition.3.Results and discussion3.1.Flotation behaviors of diaspore and aluminosilicates with carboxyl hydroxamic acids as collectorsTheflotation recoveries of diaspore,kaolinite and illite with 2×10−4mol/L of OCB,OHB and OTB as collectors of different carbon types are shown in Fig.1.It can be seen that by using carboxyl hydroxamic acid as collectors,the pulp pH value has significantinfluence on their collecting performance as thefloatability of either diaspore or aluminosilicates varies sharply with its change, especially when below6and above8.The appropriate pH value for theflotation of diaspore gets close to neutral condition where diaspore presents goodfloatability while kaolinite and illite exhibits poor performances.Additionally,thefloatability of the three minerals is in the descending order of diaspore,kaolinite and illite in the presence of three collectors with the same concentration.Their collecting capability to three minerals is in the ascending order of OTB,OHB and OCB in the presence of the same concentration.Theflotation responses of the diaspore and aluminosilicates as functions of the concentration of OCB,OHB and OTB at pulp pH7are presented in Fig.2.As it can be concluded from Fig.2,the recoveries of the diaspore and aluminosilicates rise with the increase of collectors' dosages.For diasporeflotation,the collecting capacity of OCB remains at a very high level with theflotation recoveries above95%.Atthe Fig.1.Effect of pulp pH value onflotation of diaspore and aluminosilicates using OCB, OHB and OTB as collectors:(a)diaspore;(b)kaolinite;(c)illite.114Y.-R.Jiang et al./Hydrometallurgy104(2010)112–118concentration of 2×10−4mol/L OCB,the recovery of diaspore is 97.4%,but for OHB and OTB,the collecting abilities are relatively poor,and the flotation recovery of diaspore is 67.6%and 45.5%,respectively.The maximum flotation recoveries of diaspore using OCB,OHB and OTB in the tested dosage are 99.7%,89.2%and 73.0%,respectively.The collecting ability of the three collectors to diaspore is in the descending order of OCB,OHB and OTB,illustrating that with the increase of the nonpolar group in carboxyl hydroxamic acid itscollecting ability grows correspondingly.For aluminosilicates flota-tion,although the recoveries rise with the growth of collectors dosage and there exists difference of recovery between kaolinite and illite,the three carboxyl hydroxamic acids still exhibit poor collecting ability to illite and kaolinite as none of their recoveries can reach up to 40%.Integrated results from Figs.1and 2,the novel synthesized collectors all present better collecting abilities to diaspore than that to illite and kaolinite,the collecting capacity of them to mineral flotation is in the order of diaspore N kaolinite N illite,and the collecting capacity of them is in the order of OCB N OHB N OTB.Of the three synthesized carboxyl hydroxamic acids,OCB has very strong collecting capacity to diaspore while relatively weak to aluminoscilicate minerals,since the flotation recovery of diaspore above 97%while those of kaolinite and illite below 40%with relatively low OCB dosage in a relatively wide pH range,so OCB is possibly suited for the direct flotation desilication of diasporic bauxite.3.2.Zeta potential of diaspore and aluminosilicates with or without carboxyl hydroxamic acidSince it exhibits good selectivity in the flotation between diaspore and aluminosilicate minerals,OCB was selected as a representative compound to investigate its effect on the zeta potential of kaolinite,illite and diaspore.Fig.3shows the relationship between zeta potential of minerals and pH values in the absence and presence of OCB.The results present that isoelectric point (IEP)determined is 4.3,3.4and 6.3for kaolinite,illite and diaspore,respectively,which are generally consistent with the previous reported literatures (Fuerste-nau and Fuerstenau,1982;Saada et al.,1995;Hussain et al.,1996;Jiang et al.,2001b;Qin et al.,2003;Xia et al.,2009).Compared with kaolinite and illite,diaspore has a relatively higher IEP.In the pH region below the isoelectric point,the negative zeta potential increases slightly.When pH N IEP,the zeta potential increases rapidly with the negative growth of pH values,while pH reaching 10for diaspore or 8for kaolinite and illite,it has no signi ficant change and keeps approximate invariance.However,no matter without or with OCB,the zeta potential of diaspore,kaolinite and illite presents almost the same variance trend.Based on the zeta potential of diaspore and aluminosilites without OCB,qualitatively,the higher IEP value of diaspore is related to a greater number of surface Al –O sites,while the lower IEP value of aluminosilicates is attributed to a greater number of surface Si –O sites.The structure of diaspore is signi ficantly different from aluminosili-cates.The comminution destroys ionic/covalent Al –O bonds,resulting in a surface of unsaturated or ionic nature.The aluminosilicates are negatively charged in the pH range 2–10.This is attributable to isomorphic exchange of surface ions and surface ionization of the hydroxyl group.Si 4+can be replaced by Al 3+ions,leading to the formation of negatively charged oxygen surfaces.This permanent negative charge is independent of pH value.Al 3+,K +,Na +ions may be dissolved out of the basal plane of aluminosilicates and contribute to the negative charge of the mineral surfaces.This dissolution processresults in negatively charged SiO 32−and AlO 2−groups left on thesurface.Furthermore,the ionization of the surface hydroxyl group gives rise to the charge on the surface of diaspore and aluminosilicate as:Al –OH ⇌Al –O −+H +and Si –OH ⇌Si –O −+H +.The extent of surface ionization is a function of the pulp pH value.Adsorption or dissociation of H +and OH −accounts for their surface charges.When collector OCB is introduced into the pulp in the pH range around 7,its polar group is mainly in the form of carboxyl anion (–COO −)and neutral hydroxamate group (–COCNHOH)or hydroaxamic anion (–CONHO −)since pKa 1of –COOH around 4.5and pKa 2of –CONHOH around 8.5.Therefore,there will be no electrostatic forces between OCB and mineral surfaces.However,around this pH value,better floatabilities of mineral are observed than those at otherpHFig. 2.Effect of OTB,OCB and OHB concentration on flotation of diaspore and aluminosilicates (a)diaspore;(b)kaolinite;(c)illite.115Y.-R.Jiang et al./Hydrometallurgy 104(2010)112–118value,especially for diaspore nearly getting to 100%recovery,indicating that OCB around this pH value should be adsorbed on the surfaces of minerals by other force such as chemical bond or hydrogen bond.Analyzed from the polar group of OCB at pH value around 7,on one hand,the N NH and –OH in the –CONHOH group act as donator of hydrogen bond,and ≡Al –O −and (or)≡Si –O −on the mineral surface act as receptor.Accordingly,when OCB contacts with the particles of minerals,hydrogen bond may take place between the above groups ofOCB and minerals (kaolinite,illite and diaspore);On the other hand,as the polar group of OCB,the oxygen atoms of N C O and –OH in –COOH group,the oxygen atoms of N C O and –NHOH in –CONHOH group all have lone-pair electrons.Since the negative value of net charge of these oxygen atoms is relatively high and aluminum atoms on the mineral surface is absent of electrons,those oxygen atoms in OCB act as Lewis base and may form covalent bond with aluminum atom (acting as Lewis acid)on the mineral surface.OCB possessed poor collecting capacity to aluminosilicates and very highcollectingFig. 3.Relationship between zeta potential and pulp pH with or without OCB (a)diaspore;(b)kaolinite;(c)illite.Fig. 4.FT-IR spectra of diaspore and aluminosilicates with and without collector (a)diaspore;(b)kaolinite;(c)illite.116Y.-R.Jiang et al./Hydrometallurgy 104(2010)112–118capacity to diaspore.These evidences indicate that the adsorption of OCB on aluminosilicates (either kaolinite or illite)is hydrogen bond while the adsorption of OCB on diaspore surface is mainly chemical bond (perhaps including hydrogen bond).3.3.FT-IR spectra analysis of diaspore and aluminosilicates with or without carboxyl hydroxamic acidTo further investigate the interaction mechanism of carboxyl hydroxamic acid on minerals,OCB was also chosen for analyzing its in fluence on the FT-IR spectra of diaspore,kaolinite,and illite.Fig.4presents the FT-IR spectra of diaspore,and aluminosilicates treated with or without OCB.For the IR spectra of free OCB,a broad band at center of 3448.13cm −1is assigned to the vibrating absorption of OH in the carboxyl and hydroxamate group with the strong hydrogen bond.The typical N –H stretching band appears at a medium band of 3000–3200cm −1,and a strong absorption at 1667.25cm −1is attributed to the C O vibration of the carboxyl and hydroxamate carboxyl group.For the IR spectra of the three minerals untreated with OCB,a band in 1984–1821cm −1of Al O or Si O stretching absorption were observed due to the relaxation and reconstruction of the planes,which are in great accordance with those reported in previous literatures (Hu et al.,2003b;Xia et al.,2009).When the three minerals treated with OCB,characteristic absorption peaks of OCB were not observed on these minerals surfaces except N C O absorption on diaspore,where such result is possibly caused by the concentration of OCB which is too low to be detected by the FT-IR spectrophotometer.However,it can be observed from Fig.4that OCB led the shift of absorption peaks of the minerals in many aspects.Observed from Fig.4a,diaspore is an amphoteric oxide mineral,so there are a wide stretching and vibrating absorption of OH at 2800and 3000cm −1.The bands of 2117.23cm −1and 1985.32cm −1are the inside and outside swing absorption of OH,962.37cm −1and 1066.72cm −1are the inside and outside bending and vibrating absorption of OH,and 747.01cm −1is the stretching and vibrating absorption of Al –O.When diaspore is treated with OCB,absorption of C O at 1667.25cm −1in OCB redshifts to 1656.90cm −1with thedecreased intensity;the stretching and vibrating peak of Al –O in diaspore at 747.01cm −1blueshifts to 766.24cm −1with the decreased intensity.These results illustrate that probably there are chemical bonds between diaspore and the collector;and such results are con firmed by and in agreement with the result of zeta potential mentioned above.Seen from Fig.4b,the weak absorption at 1633.80cm −1in the spectrum of kaolinite attributing to the bending mode of H –O –H indicates the existence of little free water (Zhao et al.,2003c;Guan et al.,2009).After conditioned by OCB,spectrum of kaolinite exhibits a peak at 1636.80cm −1.This may be caused by the formation of the N –H ⋯O hydrogen bond between the group of NHOH in OCB and the oxygen of kaolinite surface (Liu et al.,2007);therefore,the N –H bond is enhanced and leads the absorption shift to a higher wavenumber and intensity.In Fig.4c,similar to kaolinite,after treated with OCB the absorption of 1637.72cm −1in illite shifts to a higher wavenumber of 1639.31cm −1with higher intensity,so,the hydrogen bond is also formed for illite.This result is also con firmed by an agreement with the result of zeta potential mentioned above.To summarize,the adsorption between OCB and diaspore is mainly by means of chemical bonding while for kaolinite and illite is through hydrogen bond.3.4.Interaction mode of carboxyl hydroxamic acid on mineral surface In the polar groups of the synthesized collectors,–OH of the carboxyl group and –NHOH of the hydroxamate group may dissociate to oxygen anions possessing strong coordination capacity for the formation of covalent bonds to aluminum atom on diaspore surface.Additionally,the oxygen atom of N C O in the carboxyl group –COOH,the oxygen atom of N C O in the hydroxamate group all have lone-pair electron whose negative value of net charge is relatively high,which presents that these atoms all have the possibility of bonding with diaspore.Meanwhile,these atoms have the natural conditions to form five to seven numbered bined with the analysis of zeta potential and IR spectra as well as the facts of flotation experiments,the interaction mechanism of the synthesized collectors anddiasporeFig.5.The suggested interaction mode of carboxyl hydroxamic acid on mineral surface (a)carboxyl hydroxamic acid on diaspore surface through chemical bonding;(b)carboxyl hydroxamic acid on aluminosilicates surface through hydrogen bond.117Y.-R.Jiang et al./Hydrometallurgy 104(2010)112–118。
band near 575 nm can be related to trimers on the external surface and that the band at 610 nm corresponded to dimers at the outer and inner surfaces of the clay. The investigators confirmed that the band at 670 nm was due to the adsorption of monomers and showed that the band at 765 nm is due to the protonated Methylene Blue (MB) adsorbed on the clay. Many of the aggregation and adsorption properties of clays can be related to the layer charge density.25 Bujdak and Komadel26 studied the interaction between modified clays with various layer charges and MB in aqueous suspensions. The authors concluded that the strong aggregation and redistribution of the molecules in the negative sites of clay surfaces suggests that the dye is adsorbed initially only on a small fraction of the clay particles, followed by a redistribution with time.
材料专业英语常见词汇材料专业英语常见词汇(一Structure 组织Ceramic 陶瓷Ductility 塑性Stiffness 刚度Grain 晶粒Phase 相Unit cell 单胞Bravais lattice 布拉菲点阵Stack 堆垛Crystal 晶体Metallic crystal structure 金属性晶体点阵 Non-directional 无方向性Face-centered cubic 面心立方 Body-centered cubic 体心立方 Hexagonal close-packed 密排六方 Copper 铜Aluminum 铝Chromium 铬 Tungsten 钨Crystallographic Plane 晶面 Crystallographic direction 晶向 Property 性质 Miller indices 米勒指数Lattice parameters 点阵参数Tetragonal 四方的Hexagonal 六方的Orthorhombic 正交的Rhombohedra 菱方的Monoclinic 单斜的Prism 棱镜Cadmium 镉 Coordinate system 坐Point defec点缺陷 Lattice 点阵 Vacancy 空位Solidification 结晶Interstitial 间隙Substitution 置换Solid solution strengthening 固溶强化Diffusion 扩散Homogeneous 均匀的Diffusion Mechanisms 扩散机制Lattice distortion 点阵畸变Self-diffusion 自扩散Fick’s First Law菲克第一定律 Unit time 单位时间Coefficient 系数Concentration gradient 浓度梯度Dislocations 位错Linear defect 线缺陷Screw dislocation 螺型位错Edge dislocation 刃型位错Vector 矢量Loop 环路Burgers’vector柏氏矢量Perpendicular 垂直于Surface defect 面缺陷Grain boundary 晶界Twin boundary 晶界 Shear force 剪应力Deformation 变形Small ( or low) angel grain boundary 小角度晶界Tilt boundary 倾斜晶界Supercooled 过冷的Solidification 凝固Ordering process 有序化过程Crystallinity 结晶度Microstructure 纤维组织Term 术语Phase Diagram 相图Equilibrium 平衡Melt 熔化Cast 浇注Crystallization 结晶Binary Isomorphous Systems 二元匀晶相图Soluble 溶解Phase Present 存在相Locate 确定Tie line 连接线Isotherm 等温线Concentration 浓度Intersection 交点The Lever Law 杠杆定律Binary Eutectic System 二元共晶相图Solvus Line 溶解线Invariant 恒定Isotherm 恒温线Cast Iron 铸铁Ferrite 珠光体Polymorphic transformation 多晶体转变Austenite 奥氏体Revert 回复Intermediate compound 中间化合物Cementite 渗碳体Vertical 垂线Nonmagnetic 无磁性的Solubility 溶解度Brittle 易脆的Eutectic 共晶Eutectoid invariant point 共析点Phase transformation 相变Allotropic 同素异形体Recrystallization 再结晶Metastable 亚稳的Martensitictransformation 马氏体转变Lamellae 薄片Simultaneously 同时存在Pearlite 珠光体Ductile 可塑的Mechanically 机械性能Hypo eutectoid 过共析的Particle 颗粒Matrix 基体Proeutectoid 先共析Hypereutectoid 亚共析的Bainite 贝氏体Martensite 马氏体Linearity 线性的Stress-strain curve 应力-应变曲线Proportional limit 比例极限Tensile strength 抗拉强度Ductility 延展性Percent reduction in area 断面收缩率Hardness 硬度Modulus of Elasticity 弹性模量Tolerance 公差Rub 摩擦Wear 磨损Corrosion resistance 抗腐蚀性Aluminum 铝Zinc 锌Iron ore 铁矿Blast furnace 高炉Coke 焦炭Limestone 石灰石Slag 熔渣Pig iron 生铁Ladle 钢水包Silicon 硅Sulphur 硫Wrought 可锻的Graphite 石墨Flaky 片状Low-carbon steels 低碳钢Case hardening 表面硬化Medium-carbon steels 中碳钢Electrode 电极As a rule 通常Preheating 预热Quench 淬火Body-centered lattice 体心晶格Carbide 碳化物Hypereutectoid 过共晶Chromium 铬Manganese 锰Molybdenum 钼Titanium 钛Cobalt 钴Tungsten 钨Vanadium 钒Pearlitic microstructure 珠光体组织Martensitic microstructure 马氏体组织Viscosity 粘性Wrought 锻造的Magnesium 镁Flake 片状Malleable 可锻的Nodular 球状Spheroidal 球状Superior property 优越性Galvanization 镀锌Versatile 通用的Battery grid 电极板Calcium 钙Tin 锡Toxicity 毒性Refractory 耐火的Platinum 铂Polymer 聚合物Composite 混合物Erosive 腐蚀性Inert 惰性Thermo chemically 热化学Generator 发电机Flaw 缺陷Variability 易变的Annealing 退火Tempering 回火Texture 织构Kinetic 动力学Peculiarity 特性Critical point 临界点Dispersity 弥散程度Spontaneous 自发的Inherent grain 本质晶粒Toughness 韧性Rupture 断裂Kinetic curve of transformation 转变动力学曲线Incubation period 孕育期Sorbite 索氏体Troostite 屈氏体Disperse 弥散的Granular 颗粒状Metallurgical 冶金学的Precipitation 析出Depletion 减少Quasi-eutectoid 伪共析Superposition 重叠Supersede 代替Dilatometric 膨胀Unstable 不稳定Supersaturate 使过饱和Tetragonality 正方度Shear 切变Displacement 位移Irreversible 不可逆的金属材料工程专业英语acid-base equilibrium酸碱平衡acid-base indicator酸碱指示剂acid bath酸槽acid (Bessemer)converter酸性转炉acid brick酸性耐火砖acid brittleness酸洗脆性、氢脆性acid burden酸性炉料acid clay酸性粘土acid cleaning(同pickling)酸洗acid concentration 酸浓度acid converter酸性转炉acid converter steel酸性转炉钢acid content酸含量acid corrosion酸腐蚀acid deficient弱酸的、酸不足的acid dip酸浸 acid dip pickler(沉浸式) 酸洗装置acid(dip)tank酸液(浸洗)槽acid drain tank排酸槽acidless descaling无酸除鳞acid medium酸性介质acid mist酸雾acid-proof paint耐酸涂料(漆)acid-proof steel耐酸钢acid-resistant耐酸钢acid-resisting vessel耐酸槽acid strength酸浓度acid supply pump供酸泵acid wash酸洗acid value酸值acid wash solution酸洗液acieration渗碳、增碳Acm point Acm转变点(渗碳体析出温度)acorn nut螺母、螺帽acoustic absorption coefficient声吸收系数acoustic susceptance声纳actifier再生器actionline作用线action spot作用点activated atom激活原子activated bath活化槽activated carbon 活性碳activating treatment活化处理active corrosion活性腐蚀、强烈腐蚀active area有效面积active power有功功率、有效功率active product放射性产物active resistance有效电阻、纯电阻active roll gap轧辊的有效(或工作)开口度active state活性状态active surface有效(表)面activity coefficient激活系数、活度系数actual diameter(钢丝绳)实际直径actual efficiency实际效率actual error实际误差actual time实时actual working stress实际加工应力actuating device调节装置、传动装置、起动装置actuating lever驱动杆、起动杆actuating mechanism 动作机构、执行机构actuating motor驱动电动机、伺服电动机actuating pressure作用压力actuation shaft起动轴actuator调节器、传动装置、执行机构acute angle 锐角adaptive feed back control自适应反馈控制adaptive optimization自适应最优化adaptor接头、接合器、连结装置、转接器、附件材料科学基础专业词汇:第一章晶体结构原子质量单位Atomic mass unit (amu) 原子数Atomic number 原子量Atomic weight波尔原子模型Bohr atomic model 键能Bonding energy 库仑力Coulombic force共价键Covalent bond 分子的构型molecular configuration电子构型electronic configuration 负电的Electronegative 正电的Electropositive基态Ground state 氢键Hydrogen bond 离子键Ionic bond 同位素Isotope金属键Metallic bond 摩尔Mole 分子Molecule 泡利不相容原理Pauli exclusion principle元素周期表Periodic table 原子atom 分子molecule 分子量molecule weight极性分子Polar molecule 量子数quantum number 价电子valence electron范德华键van der waals bond 电子轨道electron orbitals 点群point group对称要素symmetry elements 各向异性anisotropy 原子堆积因数atomic packing factor(APF)体心立方结构body-centered cubic (BCC) 面心立方结构face-centered cubic (FCC)布拉格定律bragg’s law 配位数coordination number 晶体结构crystal structure晶系crystal system 晶体的crystalline 衍射diffraction 中子衍射neutron diffraction电子衍射electron diffraction 晶界grain boundary 六方密堆积hexagonal close-packed (HCP)鲍林规则Pauling’s rules NaCl型结构NaCl-type structureCsCl型结构Caesium Chloride structure 闪锌矿型结构Blende-type structure纤锌矿型结构Wurtzite structure 金红石型结构Rutile structure萤石型结构Fluorite structure 钙钛矿型结构Perovskite-type structure尖晶石型结构Spinel-type structure 硅酸盐结构Structure of silicates岛状结构Island structure 链状结构Chain structure 层状结构Layer structure架状结构Framework structure 滑石talc 叶蜡石pyrophyllite 高岭石kaolinite石英quartz 长石feldspar 美橄榄石forsterite 各向同性的isotropic各向异性的anisotropy晶格lattice 晶格参数lattice parameters 密勒指数miller indices 非结晶的noncrystalline多晶的polycrystalline 多晶形polymorphism 单晶single crystal 晶胞unit cell电位electron states(化合)价valence 电子electrons 共价键covalent bonding金属键metallic bonding 离子键Ionic bonding 极性分子polar molecules原子面密度atomic planar density 衍射角diffraction angle 合金alloy粒度,晶粒大小grain size 显微结构microstructure 显微照相photomicrograph扫描电子显微镜scanning electron microscope (SEM)透射电子显微镜transmission electron microscope (TEM) 重量百分数weight percent 四方的tetragonal 单斜的monoclinic 配位数coordination number材料科学基础专业词汇:第二章晶体结构缺陷缺陷defect, imperfection 点缺陷point defect 线缺陷line defect, dislocation面缺陷interface defect 体缺陷volume defect 位错排列dislocation arrangement位错线dislocation line 刃位错edge dislocation 螺位错screw dislocation混合位错mixed dislocation 晶界grain boundaries 大角度晶界high-angle grain boundaries小角度晶界tilt boundary, 孪晶界twinboundaries 位错阵列dislocation array位错气团dislocation atmosphere 位错轴dislocation axis 位错胞dislocation cell位错爬移dislocation climb 位错聚结dislocation coalescence 位错滑移dislocation slip位错核心能量dislocation core energy 位错裂纹dislocation crack位错阻尼dislocation damping 位错密度dislocation density原子错位substitution of a wrong atom 间隙原子interstitial atom晶格空位vacant lattice sites 间隙位置interstitial sites 杂质impurities弗伦克尔缺陷Frenkel disorder 肖脱基缺陷Schottky disorder 主晶相the host lattice错位原子misplaced atoms 缔合中心Associated Centers. 自由电子Free Electrons电子空穴Electron Holes 伯格斯矢量Burgers克罗各-明克符号Kroger Vink notation中性原子neutral atom材料科学基础专业词汇:第二章晶体结构缺陷-固溶体固溶体solid solution 固溶度solid solubility 化合物compound间隙固溶体interstitial solid solution 置换固溶体substitutional solid solution金属间化合物intermetallics 不混溶固溶体immiscible solid solution转熔型固溶体peritectic solid solution 有序固溶体ordered solid solution无序固溶体disordered solid solution 固溶强化solid solution strengthening取代型固溶体Substitutional solid solutions 过饱和固溶体supersaturated solid solution非化学计量化合物Nonstoichiometric compound材料科学基础专业词汇:第三章熔体结构熔体结构structure of melt过冷液体supercooling melt 玻璃态vitreous state软化温度softening temperature 粘度viscosity 表面张力Surface tension介稳态过渡相metastable phase 组织constitution 淬火quenching退火的softened 玻璃分相phase separation in glasses 体积收缩volume shrinkage材料科学基础专业词汇:第四章固体的表面与界面表面surface 界面interface 同相界面homophase boundary异相界面heterophase boundary 晶界grain boundary 表面能surface energy小角度晶界low angle grain boundary 大角度晶界high angle grain boundary共格孪晶界coherent twin boundary 晶界迁移grain boundary migration错配度mismatch 驰豫relaxation 重构reconstuction 表面吸附surface adsorption表面能surface energy 倾转晶界titlt grain boundary 扭转晶界twist grain boundary倒易密度reciprocal density 共格界面coherent boundary 半共格界面semi-coherent boundary 非共格界面noncoherent boundary 界面能interfacial free energy应变能strain energy 晶体学取向关系crystallographic orientation惯习面habit plane材料科学基础专业词汇:第五章相图相图phase diagrams 相phase 组分component 组元compoonent相律Phase rule 投影图Projection drawing 浓度三角形Concentration triangle冷却曲线Cooling curve 成分composition 自由度freedom相平衡phase equilibrium 化学势chemical potential 热力学thermodynamics相律phase rule 吉布斯相律Gibbs phase rule 自由能free energy吉布斯自由能Gibbs free energy 吉布斯混合能Gibbs energy of mixing吉布斯熵Gibbs entropy 吉布斯函数Gibbs function 热力学函数thermodynamics function 热分析thermal analysis 过冷supercooling 过冷度degree of supercooling杠杆定律lever rule 相界phase boundary 相界线phase boundary line相界交联phase boundary crosslinking 共轭线conjugate lines相界有限交联phase boundary crosslinking 相界反应phase boundary reaction相变phase change 相组成phase composition 共格相phase-coherent金相相组织phase constentuent 相衬phase contrast 相衬显微镜phase contrast microscope相衬显微术phase contrast microscopy 相分布phase distribution相平衡常数phase equilibrium constant 相平衡图phase equilibrium diagram相变滞后phase transition lag 相分离phase segregation 相序phase order相稳定性phase stability 相态phase state 相稳定区phase stabile range相变温度phase transition temperature 相变压力phase transition pressure同质多晶转变polymorphic transformation 同素异晶转变allotropic transformation相平衡条件phase equilibrium conditions 显微结构microstructures 低共熔体eutectoid不混溶性immiscibility材料科学基础专业词汇:第六章扩散活化能activation energy 扩散通量diffusion flux 浓度梯度concentration gradient菲克第一定律Fick’s first law 菲克第二定律Fick’s second law 相关因子correlation factor 稳态扩散steady state diffusion 非稳态扩散nonsteady-state diffusion扩散系数diffusion coefficient 跳动几率jump frequency填隙机制interstitalcy mechanism 晶界扩散grain boundary diffusion短路扩散short-circuit diffusion 上坡扩散uphill diffusion 下坡扩散Downhill diffusion互扩散系数Mutual diffusion 渗碳剂carburizing 浓度梯度concentration gradient 浓度分布曲线concentration profile 扩散流量diffusion flux 驱动力driving force间隙扩散interstitial diffusion 自扩散self-diffusion 表面扩散surface diffusion空位扩散vacancy diffusion 扩散偶diffusion couple 扩散方程diffusion equation扩散机理diffusion mechanism 扩散特性diffusion property 无规行走Random walk达肯方程Dark equation 柯肯达尔效应Kirkendall equation本征热缺陷Intrinsic thermal defect 本征扩散系数Intrinsic diffusion coefficient离子电导率Ion-conductivity 空位机制Vacancy concentration材料科学基础专业词汇:第七章相变过冷supercooling 过冷度degree of supercooling 晶核nucleus 形核nucleation形核功nucleation energy 晶体长大crystal growth 均匀形核homogeneous nucleation非均匀形核heterogeneous nucleation 形核率nucleation rate 长大速率growth rate热力学函数thermodynamics function 临界晶核critical nucleus临界晶核半径critical nucleus radius 枝晶偏析dendritic segregation局部平衡localized equilibrium 平衡分配系数equilibrium distributioncoefficient有效分配系数effective distribution coefficient 成分过冷constitutional supercooling引领(领先)相leading phase 共晶组织eutectic structure 层状共晶体lamellar eutectic伪共晶pseudoeutectic 离异共晶divorsed eutectic 表面等轴晶区chill zone柱状晶区columnar zone 中心等轴晶区equiaxed crystal zone定向凝固unidirectional solidification 急冷技术splatcooling 区域提纯zone refining单晶提拉法Czochralski method 晶界形核boundary nucleation位错形核dislocation nucleation 晶核长大nuclei growth斯宾那多分解spinodal decomposition 有序无序转变disordered-order transition马氏体相变martensite phase transformation 马氏体martensite材料科学基础专业词汇:第八、九章固相反应和烧结固相反应solid state reaction 烧结sintering 烧成fire 合金alloy 再结晶Recrystallization 二次再结晶Secondary recrystallization 成核nucleation 结晶crystallization子晶,雏晶matted crystal 耔晶取向seed orientation 异质核化heterogeneous nucleation 均匀化热处理homogenization heat treatment 铁碳合金iron-carbon alloy渗碳体cementite 铁素体ferrite 奥氏体austenite 共晶反应eutectic reaction固溶处理solution heat treatment。
第41卷第1期2022年1月硅㊀酸㊀盐㊀通㊀报BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol.41㊀No.1January,2022分子模拟技术在高岭石研究中的应用进展杨有威,罗玉霞,张青青,王春英(江西省矿冶环境污染控制重点实验室,赣州㊀341000)摘要:高岭石是长石和其他硅酸盐矿物天然蚀变的产物,是一种不含水的铝硅酸盐矿物,其层状晶体结构使之具有优异的物理化学性能,从而得到广泛的应用㊂分子模拟技术是一种能在微观层面研究物质性质的科学方法,在材料科学研究中具有重要的作用㊂本文综述了分子模拟技术的基本原理和近年来该技术在高岭石开发应用中的研究进展,主要包含高岭石的理化性质㊁高岭石的掺杂改性对理化性质的影响㊁高岭石对离子/分子的吸附性能规律以及高岭石在矿产开发领域中的一些应用实例㊂根据高岭石的性质特点和实际需要,探讨了高岭石的吸附特性规律,高岭石的改性开发对吸附特性的影响以及理论指导在开发矿产资源方面的应用㊂关键词:高岭石;分子模拟;吸附;改性;密度泛函理论;蒙特卡罗中图分类号:TD985㊀㊀文献标志码:A ㊀㊀文章编号:1001-1625(2022)01-0153-09Application Progress of Molecular Simulation Technology in Kaolinite ResearchYANG Youwei ,LUO Yuxia ,ZHANG Qingqing ,WANG Chunying(Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Mining and Metallurgy Environmental Pollution Control,Ganzhou 341000,China)Abstract :Kaolinite is the product of natural alteration of feldspar and other silicate minerals.It is a kind of aluminosilicate mineral without water content.Its layered crystal structure makes it have excellent physical and chemical properties and it is wide used.Molecular simulation technology is a scientific research method which studies the properties of materials at the micro level and plays an important role in the research of materials science.This paper summarized the basic principle of molecular simulation technology and the application progress of this technology in the development and research of kaolinite in recent years,mainly including the physical and chemical properties of kaolinite,the influence of doping modification of kaolinite on physical and chemical properties,the law of ion /molecular adsorption of kaolinite,and some application examples of kaolinite in the field of mineral development.According to the characteristics and practical needs of kaolinite,the adsorption characteristics of kaolinite,the influence of kaolinite modified development on adsorption characteristics,and the application of theoretical guidance in mineral development were explored.Key words :kaolinite;molecular simulation;adsorption;modification;density functional theory;Monte Carlo 收稿日期:2021-09-04;修订日期:2021-11-09基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2019YFC1805100);江西理工大学清江青年英才支持计划(JXUSTJYX2016003)作者简介:杨有威(1998 ),男,硕士研究生㊂主要从事分子模拟与环境污染控制技术的研究㊂E-mail:1287476942@通信作者:王春英,博士,副教授㊂E-mail:cywang@ 0㊀引㊀言高岭石是高岭土的主要成分[1],得名于江西省景德镇的高岭山,其具有土状光泽,呈白色或灰白色,分子式为Al 4[Si 4O 10](OH)8,化学组分为39.50%(质量分数)AlO 3,46.54%(质量分数)SiO 2,13.96%(质量分数)H 2O,属三斜晶系㊂硅氧四面体(SiO 4)和铝氧八面体(AlO 6)靠O 原子连接成1ʒ1型层状结构,层间的O 原子形成氢键,从而构成了重叠的高岭石层状分子[2-3]㊂作为典型的铝硅酸盐层状黏土矿物[4],高岭石具有良好的电绝缘性㊁耐火性㊁可塑性及一定的白亮度,因此在陶瓷㊁涂料㊁催化剂㊁吸附剂等领域具有广泛的应用[5-9]㊂随着21世纪科学技术不断发展,分子模拟技术作为一种基于经典力学和量子力学等理论的计算模154㊀资源综合利用硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第41卷拟方法已经成为研究物质分子水平性质的有力工具,应用十分广泛[10-13]㊂1㊀分子模拟技术及方法分子模拟技术是一种基于PC 端的计算模拟方法,通过运用一些模拟软件,将试验得到的原始结构数据化,将数据导入软件构建物质模型,验证其合理性后确定物质微观结构㊂分子模拟不仅可以在分子层面模拟物质的结构,还能够模拟物质发生反应前后分子的运动变化,这使其在科学研究中的作用愈加明显[14]㊂目前使用较为广泛的分子模拟软件有Nanoscale Molecular Dynamics(NAMD)㊁Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package(VASP)和Materials Studio(MS)等㊂NAMD 是在计算机上快速模拟大分子体系并进行动力学模拟的代码包,使用经验力场,通过数值求解运动方程计算原子轨迹㊂NAMD 是众多计算模拟软件中并行处理最好的,可以支持几千个CPU 运算,模拟体系原子数可达103~106个,适合模拟蛋白质㊁核酸㊁细胞膜等体系㊂VASP 是维也纳大学Hafner 小组开发的运用平面波赝势方法进行电子结构计算和量子力学-分子动力学模拟的软件包,通过近似求解Schrödinger 方程得到体系的电子态和能量,既可以在密度泛函理论(DFT)框架内求解Kohn-Sham 方程,也可以在Hartree-Fock(HF)的近似下求解Roothaan 方程;VASP 可以自动确定任意构型的对称性,利用对称性可设定Monkhorst-Pack 特殊点,便于高效计算体材料和对称团簇,不过,软件运行基于Linux 操作系统,操作不及MS 方便㊂MS 是美国Accelrys 公司在2000年专门为材料科学领域研究设计的一款PC 端运行的模拟软件,能够构建分子㊁固体及表面等结构模型,通过运用第一性原理近似求解薛定谔方程,预测材料的物理化学性质,以及模拟催化㊁聚合等化学反应㊂MS 在Windows㊁Linux 操作系统中均可运行,界面友好,包含4大板块23个模块,实用方便,但其开放性不如VASP,且并行效率不高㊂分子模拟方法主要包括量子力学和经典力学㊂量子力学模拟方法包括以DFT 为依据的第一性原理计算法㊁半经验法(Semi-enpirical)和从头算法(Ab initial)㊂经典力学模拟方法主要有分子力学方法(MM)㊁分子动力学方法(MD)和蒙特卡罗方法(MC)等㊂高岭石分子模拟研究中,使用的方法有第一性原理计算法㊁分子力学法㊁分子动力学法和蒙特卡罗方法[15-19]㊂第一性原理计算法根据轨道近似㊁非相对论近似和玻恩近似建立计算模型,并对薛定谔方程作近似处理,只需基本物理量就能用从头算法进行模拟计算,无需任何经验参数对物质体系的性质和结构进行预测和分析,这种计算结果比半经验法应用程度更好㊂通过将多粒子转化成多电子的量子力学方法,帮助解决了许多难以解释的物理化学问题[20]㊂图1㊀分子动力学模拟流程图[22]Fig.1㊀Molecular dynamics simulation flow chart [22]分子动力学方法是一门将数学㊁化学和物理结合成一体的方法㊂以牛顿第二定律为基础,描述模拟分子体系的运动变化,从系统中抽取样本计算构型函数,求解[21]得到模拟体系中原子或分子的位移㊁速度㊁加速度等数据㊂通过对系统内分子运动轨迹进行分析处理,可以得到粒子的径向分布函数㊁均方位移以及自扩散系数等,随后利用得到的数据对粒子的性质进行分析,分子动力学模拟方法的主要流程[22]见图1㊂其中,初始设置的位置和速度是随机选择的,依靠温度和速度大小进行校正,校正结果保证了体系总动量(P )为零(见式(1))㊂P =ðN 1m i v i =0(1)式中:m i 为第i 个原子的质量;v i 为第i 个原子的速度;N 为体系原子数㊂由于Bolzmann 分布随机选取速度为v i 的第i 个原子,当温度为T 时,原子在X 轴上速度v ix 的概率密度ρ(v ix )为:ρ(v ix )=(m i π/PT )1/2exp 12-m i v ix ()(2)其中一定速度下体系的温度(瞬时)可通过公式(3)求得:第1期杨有威等:分子模拟技术在高岭石研究中的应用进展155㊀T =13Nk B ðN i =1|P i |22m i (3)式中:N 为体系原子数;m i 为第i 个原子的质量,g;P i 为第i 个原子的动量,J;k B 为Bolzmann 常数,1.38066ˑ10-23J /K㊂分子力学模拟方法是根据经典力学中的分子力场进行计算模拟的㊂计算时有三个基于核间的近似假设:(1)不考虑电子本身运动和分子力场参数的基础上,根据某一个原子的原子核所在位置,即波恩-奥本海默近似;(2)分子是通过化学键作用聚集起来的原子团;(3)分子的基本单元在不同的分子中仍然具有结构上的相似性㊂只考虑分子中化学键的伸缩㊁旋转和键角的变化,通过能量数值描述变化,寻找合适力场中势能最低的稳定构型,其中力场选择的正确与否决定了计算结果是否可靠㊂蒙特卡罗方法是一种基于热力学进行随机抽样的统计计算方法,抽样是蒙特卡罗方法的核心原理㊂在系统条件下,采用Metropolis 抽样方法,生成微观粒子随机构型,Boltzmann 分布逐渐趋近于平衡后,根据给定的分子位能函数,将粒子间内能加和,得到能量数据㊂具体计算中每产生一个随机状态,粒子都包含3种可能的操作:粒子的插入㊁删除和移动㊂(1)粒子插入㊂在体系中的随机位置插入一个粒子,概率为:p ins (N ңN +1)=min 1,V ∀3(N +1)exp{β[μ-U (N +1)+U (N )]}()(4)(2)粒子删除㊂在体系中随机删除一个粒子,概率为:p del (N ңN -1)=min 1,∀3N V exp{-β[μ+U (N -1)-U (N )]}()(5)(3)粒子移动㊂在体系中随机选取一个粒子移动到另一位置,概率为:p move (s ңsᶄ)=min(1,exp{-β[U (sᶄN )-U (s N )]})(6)式中:U 为构型总势能,J /mol;V 为体系体积,m 3;N 为粒子数;μ为化学势,J /mol;∀为德布罗意波长,m;β=1/k B T ;s 和sᶄ为移动前后粒子在体系中的状态㊂2㊀分子模拟方法在高岭石研究中的应用进展2.1㊀高岭石晶体表面结构特性的模拟研究Gruner [23]于1932年采用X 射线粉末衍射仪对高岭石表面性质进行了分析,发现高岭石晶胞空间群为C c ,属于包含两个结构层的单斜晶系㊂此后,Bish [24]在1993年研究得到了高岭石结构参数(a =0.51535nm,b =0.89419nm,c =0.73906nm,α=91.926ʎ,β=105.046ʎ,γ=89.797ʎ),空间结群C 1最为准确,提出了高岭石属三斜晶系的观点,具体显示见图2,此参数目前被作为研究高岭石的基本标准,并得到广泛的运用㊂高岭石是多晶面矿物,李海普等[25]研究表明,高岭石在(001)面发生的解离只是结构单元层间氢键的断裂,没有化学键的断裂,并且在自然破碎下(001)面的解离相比于其他晶面更加完全,事实上高岭石的(001)面在高岭石颗粒总面积中所占比例也是最大的㊂胡雪飞[26]基于密度泛函理论对高岭石进行研究,证明高岭石(001)面较易解离㊂首先运用MS 软件CASTEP 模块对高岭石晶体模型进行优化,通过收敛性测试确定了模拟的构型参数,在此基础下,选用Buid 功能建立超胞模型改用CASTEP 模块Task 任务优化后计算高岭石晶体结构的能带结构㊁电荷布居㊁态密度等性质,对比后发现O 原子与Si 原子之间的作用强度更强,高岭石晶体易沿着(001)面解离㊂无论是理论模拟还是实验测试,均已对高岭石的结构特性有了充分研究,目前其结构特性已不是研究重点㊂156㊀资源综合利用硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第41卷图2㊀高岭石初始构型三视图Fig.2㊀Three views of initial configuration of kaolinite2.2㊀高岭石改性的模拟研究目前,已有多个研究证明了高岭石对环境污染物的吸附能力[27-29]㊂对于高岭石的吸附原理研究也在不断进行,韩永华等[30]对羟基钙在高岭石表面的吸附机理进行了探索,采用MS软件的CASTEP模块优化,以285eV的截断能㊁LDA(local density approximation)函数和4ˑ2ˑ3的K点为计算条件,优化后建立起2ˑ2ˑ1超胞模型,改用Dmol3模块对已优化的表面模型及Ca(OH)+进行能量计算㊂结果表明,羟基钙吸附可在硅氧面和铝氧面进行,在铝氧面氢原子的1s轨道与羟基钙中氧原子的2p轨道杂化成键,在硅氧面两者以静电吸附的方式结合㊂硅氧面的吸附较为稳定,水分子会影响铝氧面的吸附,说明高岭石虽不是水化膨胀类黏土矿物,但水分子的存在可以影响高岭石对物质的吸附㊂分子模拟技术的另一特点是可以较易满足试验研究所需的条件,如对高岭石进行改性掺杂[31]㊂Zhang等[32]首先合成了煤矸石/g-C3N4催化剂活化过硫酸盐,采用第一性原理计算得出煤矸石中的高岭石降低了过硫酸盐的吸附能,与复合改性前相比,合成的催化剂可以有效地吸附和活化过硫酸盐产生的活性自由基,与试验结果一致㊂Scholtzov 等[33]对高岭石差层复合改性进行了研究,通过第一性原理模拟计算了纯高岭石㊁甲醇插层高岭石㊁甲氧基接枝高岭石㊁混合接枝/插层高岭石和含水混合高岭石的弹性常数㊁体积㊁剪切和杨氏模量等力学参数,分析得到了高岭石最稳定的改性方法为接枝/插层㊂周丽萍[34]通过CASTEP模块优化被掺杂高岭石,优化后的高岭石表面电荷分布㊁态密度和布居分析结果显示高岭石表面的Al原子可以被Fe/Mg/Ca原子单取代或双取代(见图3),从而使高岭石表面具有更多的负电荷,增强了表面共价性,从而增加了成键可能性㊂同时以水合铅离子作为吸附质,研究其在Fe/Mg/Ca掺杂高岭石表面的吸附,与未掺杂的高岭石对比,证实了可以通过掺杂改性提高高岭石的吸附性能㊂实际上,Rybka等[35]合成了零价铁修饰改性高岭石,并将其用作水溶液中Pb(II)和Mo(VI)的吸附剂,试验结果表明,合成的改性高岭石对Pb(II)和Mo(VI)的吸附量相对于未改性高岭石有显著提高,印证了高岭石可通过改性方式提高吸附特性㊂运用密度泛函/第一性原理进行理论计算时,多采用CASTEP模块和Dmol3模块(以MS软件为例),对于能量计算,一般Dmol3模块更为准确,具体计算步骤为,CASTEP模块/Dmol3模块对初始单胞进行结构优化,由Buid模块建立合适的超胞模型并优化,然后进行过渡态搜索或吸附能计算,最后通过模块自带的分析功能选择分析数据,计算参数一般取自经验参数㊂而运用分子力学和分子动力学原理计算时一般以Forcite 模块和Adsorption Locator模块为主,不同的是建立超胞模型后可设置温度㊁压强和孔隙率等参数对模型的淬火㊁退火㊁竞争吸附等行为进行模拟,分子变化能够很直观地在界面体现,具体数据可在返还的文件中找到或在模块分析中导出㊂近年来的研究表明,基于密度泛函理论,分子模拟技术的应用对高岭石的开发研究具有理论指导意义,第1期杨有威等:分子模拟技术在高岭石研究中的应用进展157㊀不但完善了高岭石反应机理,还为高岭石提供了改性方向和方法㊂基于此,未来的模拟技术应用可将其定位为对高岭石变化特征的一种微观研究方法,例如元素插入对高岭石的影响或高岭石与其他材料复合后的变化等,使高岭石材料的研究更富有说服力和可信度㊂图3㊀对高岭石初始结构扩展2ˑ2ˑ1Fig.3㊀Initial structure of kaolinite expanded by 2ˑ2ˑ12.3㊀高岭石对离子/分子吸附的模拟研究已有实验证明高岭石与多数离子相互吸附[36],但离子与高岭石之间的相互作用机理仍需分子层面的理论解释㊂Chen 等[37]通过经典分子动力学模拟研究了Cs +在高岭石中的吸附和扩散行为,结果表明,Cs +优先以表面络合物的形式吸附在硅氧面,并且随着温度的升高,Cs +的扩散系数显著增加㊂然而,不同的高岭石浓度和竞争阳离子对Cs +的扩散系数会有轻微影响;Zhu 等[38]采用分子动力学模拟研究了磺基水杨酸与铝㊁稀土离子(镧和钇)的相互作用以及在高岭石表面的吸附,结果表明,磺基水杨酸和铝之间发生络合反应,形成O Al 共价键,但与稀土离子之间只有弱吸附,因此,磺基水杨酸可以与游离铝离子形成络合物,也可以通过与高岭石(100)面的铝形成氢键吸附在高岭石上,最后通过XPS 和SEM 的检测和分析,验证了分子动力学模拟结果;Zhang 等[39]用密度泛函理论计算和蒙特卡罗方法研究了钙和钾在高岭石表面的微观吸附机理,得到了钙离子和钾离子在高岭石(001)和(001)面上的吸附结构,计算了其结合能,结果显示吸附在高岭石(001)面的主要产物为钙(II)和钾(I),结合穆利肯键电荷和布居数的部分态密度投影表明,吸附产物的钙氧键和钾氧键受离子相互作用支配㊂阳离子水合可以增加吸附发生的概率,增强键间的共价相互作用,之后的吸附实验证明钙离子比钾离子更容易吸附在高岭石上;Chen 等[40]通过第一性原理计算探讨了镉在高岭石基面上的吸附机理㊂结果表明,镉(II)在Kln-Al(001)面的双齿配位优于所有其他研究模型,计算的电子密度差揭示了吸附时表面氧向镉电荷转移,部分态密度分析显示,由于Cd-5p 和O s -2p 轨道在价带中的重叠,Cd-O s 键表现出共价特征㊂此外,利用AIMD 模拟的径向分布函数确定了高岭石-水界面镉配位壳的结构特征㊂杨飞等[41]研究了不同温度下高岭石对重金属离子的吸附,研究表明,在288K 到308K 区间内,随着温度的升高高岭石对Pb 2+㊁Cd 2+的吸附量逐渐降低,密度分布见图4,从吸附量上看,高岭石对吸附图4㊀高岭石吸附Pb 2+密度分布Fig.4㊀Density distribution of Pb 2+adsorbed by kaolinite Pb 2+更有利,且在两种离子的竞争吸附中Pb 2+强于Cd 2+,吸附结果与Sari 等[42]和Zhong 等[43]的实验测试结果基本吻合㊂分子模拟技术目前应用于解释高岭石对离子/分子的吸附机理,对于实验中高岭石去除污染物的现象,直观模型能很好地展示高岭石吸附前后的变化㊂分子模拟方法已经成为研究黏土矿物和其他层状结构材料孔隙中离子/分子能量学㊁结构和动力学的有效工具,为实验结果提供了有价值的补充和指导,是高岭石吸附研究中应用较为广泛的方法之一,未来应用重点依然是对吸附机理的微观变化解释㊂158㊀资源综合利用硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第41卷2.4㊀高岭石在选矿/采矿领域的模拟研究区别于密度泛函理论研究的吸附,分子动力学㊁分子力学和蒙特卡洛方法多组合用于研究高岭石矿物吸附目标矿产/浮选药剂性能㊂在选矿/采矿(主要是采气)领域,Ma等[44]对多种物质分子在高岭石表面的吸附行为进行了模拟研究,结果表明,温度和压力对高岭石(001)面吸附特性有重要影响㊂在较低温度条件下,CO2在高岭石表面的吸附距离小于CH4,但在温度为373K㊁压力为25MPa的条件下,CO2在高岭石表面的吸附距离大于CH4㊂氟碳表面活性剂在高岭石表面的吸附距离远小于H2O㊁CO2㊁CH4㊁N2和C8H18体系,主要是氟碳表面活性剂与高岭石表面具有较强的氢键相互作用,可以改变高岭石表面的润湿性,不仅提高了油气采收率,还削弱了储层亲水性,减弱了高岭石孔隙的锁水效应㊂Liu等[45]和唐巨鹏等[46]还研究了高岭石对页岩气的吸附性能规律,由于页岩气主要存在于页岩层中的有机质和黏土矿物中,占到了总气量的20%~85%(体积分数)[47],因此,两位学者对高岭石吸附页岩气主要成分CH4进行了研究,蒙特卡洛和分子动力学研究表明,高岭石吸附CH4时优先发生在硅氧面上,为物理吸附,但高温不利于其吸附CH4分子,含水率的增加会减少其对CH4的吸附量,研究结果为页岩开采提供了一定的理论支持㊂Han等[48]研究六偏磷酸钠在高岭石颗粒上的分散机理(六偏磷酸钠是浮选工艺和黏土工业中广泛使用的分散剂),应用分子动力学和密度泛函理论模拟了线性聚磷酸盐链与高岭石铝羟基封端表面的相互作用及[HPO4]2-与高岭石铝羟基表面的相互作用,解释了高岭石与分散剂之间的吸附机理㊂黄药作为选矿药剂广泛应用于选矿,Zhang 等[49]考虑到高岭石是采矿中常见的脉石矿物,有必要了解其与黄药的相互作用,因此通过表征手段㊁分子动力学模拟和密度函数理论研究了黄药和高岭土表面的相互作用㊂结果表明,黄药在高岭土表面的吸附符合伪一级(PFO)和朗格缪尔模型,黄药分子以单层吸附在高岭土表面,影响了废水处理过程中高岭土和絮凝剂之间的相互作用㊂Chang等[50]采用实验和分子动力学模拟方法,综合研究了聚丙烯酰胺对铝土矿浮选的影响,发现当聚丙烯酰胺浓度超过临界值时,铝土矿浮选的回收率和选择性迅速下降㊂研究表明,聚丙烯酰胺可以通过其酰胺基与矿物表面的氢氧化铝之间的氢键作用吸附在一水硬铝石和高岭石上㊂低浓度时,聚丙烯酰胺的烃链向外取向,增加了矿物表面的疏水性,而高浓度时,聚丙烯酰胺分子通过分子间作用相互缠结,降低了矿物表面的疏水性,结果与接触角测量结果吻合较好㊂Ziemiański等[51]通过高压和低压气体吸附技术研究了黏土矿物吸附甲烷的影响因素,研究表明,黏土矿物的温度㊁含水量㊁阳离子和孔隙压力等因素都会影响吸附,吸附位点主要位于黏土矿物的层间距表面,不同类型的黏土矿物是控制甲烷吸附的主要因素,佐证了高岭石吸附甲烷的模拟研究结果㊂综合来看,应用分子模拟技术研究与高岭石相关的选矿/浮选领域报道甚广㊂高岭石作为黏土矿物的主要成分之一,在许多矿产中均能发现高岭石的存在㊂因此,高岭石与矿产之间的吸附机理,与浮选药剂之间的作用机理成为研究热点㊂基于矿产资源高效开发利用,未来研究的主要方向依然是与选矿/浮选有关的高岭石改性吸附㊂3㊀结语与展望目前,高岭石吸附离子/分子的模拟研究已从多方面展开㊂近年矿产资源开发利用方面应用模拟技术进行的研究更偏向于外部环境因素(物理㊁化学)对高岭石晶体构型变化规律和对物质吸附特性的影响,如水含量和空隙压力对高岭石吸附CH4的影响或温度㊁金属离子的存在是否会引起高岭石表面的水化等㊂矿产资源开发利用中常能看到高岭石的影子,许多的采矿/浮选实验还留有空白,需要理论计算填补㊂在已有的改性高岭石分子模拟中,国内外对其晶体结构和吸附特性的相关性尚未给出有力证据㊂因而,在实验基础上建立分子模拟研究模型,有利于深入探讨改性高岭石晶体结构和吸附特性的相关性㊂近几年分子模拟技术作为热门的新兴研究方法,广泛应用在材料研究领域㊂分子模拟技术具有指导实验方向,不受实验条件限制,最大限度地避免人为实验所带来的误差等优点㊂综合近年国内外学者的研究,在高岭石开发研究的应用中,国内的计算模拟研究要少于国外,对实验现象的描述以各类表征手段为主㊂因此,国内学者无论是在高岭石吸附㊁改性或是在矿产开发研究中都可将分子模拟技术作为一种可应用的表征手段,以填补理论计算的空白㊂未来高岭石的研究路线应趋向于理论模拟计算指导实验,实验验证模拟计算结果㊂随着模拟方法和实验表征技术的不断发展,分子模拟技术在物质㊀第1期杨有威等:分子模拟技术在高岭石研究中的应用进展159性质研究及开发过程中将发挥重要作用㊂参考文献[1]㊀陆现彩,尹㊀琳,赵连泽,等.常见层状硅酸盐矿物的表面特征[J].硅酸盐学报,2003,31(1):60-65.LU 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参考答案●群文阅读中国茶申遗成功Reading Check1~4DBBC甲骨文Reading Check1~4DABA冰岛草皮屋:历久弥新Reading Check1~4CCDB爱丁堡城堡Reading Check1~4DABD英格兰最古老的糖果店Reading Check1~4CBCA科技还是传统?Reading Check1~4BADC主题应用·语库构建The Mogao Caves Situated at a strategic point along the Silk Road in Gansu Province,the Mogao Caves are famous for their statues and wall paintings,spanning1,000years of Buddhist art.The Caves,a collection of492Bud⁃dhist temples carved into the rock walls, are decorated with over45,000square me⁃ters of paintings and more than2,400col⁃ored statues of ancient Chinese art.The paintings show beautifully⁃painted designs in bright emerald⁃green and amber⁃orange, witnessing the civilizations of ancient China during the Sui,Tang and Song dynasties. The colored statues with Buddhist themes differ in size,ranging from a few centime⁃ters to33meters high,embodying the re⁃markable imagination of their makers. All these treasures tell Buddhist sto⁃ries,witness the ancient Chinese art,poli⁃tics,economy as well as cultural ex⁃changes between China and the world,and are vivid materials for future generations to appreciate and study.●巧读妙写英国的古老城堡Reading Check1~3ABC语言运用Ⅰ.例句仿写1.where we had met2.surrounded by mountains on three sidesⅡ.写作实践Dear Alice,How are you going?With summer holiday approaching,my parents and I have decided to go to England for the holi⁃day.As I don t know much about the coun⁃try,I d like you to give me some advice. My parents and I plan to set out on August1and stay there for about fifteen days.I ve learned from books that England has some of the oldest castles in the world, and we want to see them with our own eyes.Therefore,I hope you will recom⁃mend to us some most popular ones so that we can make our visit memorable. Looking forward to your early reply!Yours,Li Hua夏至日的巨石阵Reading Check1~3CDC语言运用Ⅰ.例句仿写A number of high buildings have arisenⅡ.写作实践Dear John,How are you getting on recently?I am writing to ask you for help.I ve learned on the Internet something about the summer solstice celebration at Stonehenge.I only know that it is a tradi⁃tion that has been handed down for thou⁃sands of years,so I want you to give me some detailed information about it.When is the celebration held and how long does it last?What kind of activities are there during the celebration?I d appreciate it very much if you give me an early reply.Yours,Li Hua ●时文精粹遇见中国Reading Check1~4DBCA风暴追逐者Reading Check1~4DCBA玛莎的博客Reading Check1~4CBBA爱鸟护绿,共赢未来Reading Check1~4ACBD网络时代,报纸该何去何从?Reading Check1~4CBDC●纯享悦读小小男孩的环保事业Reading CheckIt was set up to raise people s climate and recycling awareness through beach cleanups and other events.是妈妈的爱呀Reading CheckAny answer can be possible as long as it makes sense.错发短信收获七年友谊Reading CheckAge made absolutely no difference.奔跑的意义Reading CheckShe has run six marathons.饥饿战士Reading CheckIt involves organizing food drives, finding and organizing volunteers,gather⁃ing donations,and raising money.蜜蜂为何越来越少?Reading CheckBecause they pollinate flowering plants and crops,resulting in the produc⁃tion of seeds and fruits.●写作园地地点介绍写作即时训练Dear Jack,I m glad that you re going to pay a visit to my hometown.I feel proud to make a brief introduction to my hometown,Ping⁃yao to you.Pingyao,located in central China,is an ancient city in Shanxi Province.It has four distinct seasons,which bring us beau⁃tiful natural scenery and rich agricultural produce,such as corn and watermelons. As an ancient city,Pingyao has a long his⁃tory,making it full of historic scenic spots, like Shuanglin Temple and Qiao Family Courtyard.In recent years,my hometown has greatly developed and become a well⁃known tourist destination,attracting thou⁃sands of visitors from around the world.Welcome to my city and enjoy the special local produce.I m sure you ll love it.Yours,Li Hua丑小鸭还是白天鹅?一、语篇研读(一)基本要素1.inappropriate2.flawlessly3.friend4.ignored5~8TTFT(二)主题探索The text tells us that a little boy be⁃came a source of happiness for his class⁃mates because of his late arrival and also his inappropriate clothing.Although he was likable,his classmates often ignored him.However,a concert made him a new star at school.Through Mohi s story,the author wants to tell us not to judge people by their appearance and genius is often hidden under the rough appearance.二、语言学习(一)词块1.突然开始做……2.嘟哝;口齿不清地说3.冲到座位上4.盯着……5.低声轻笑6.十有八九;几乎总是7.齐声呼喊某人的名字8.友好地挥手9.出现;到来;露面10.某人惊奇地睁大眼睛。
TOEFL普林斯顿样题3语法笔记TOEFL普林斯顿样题3语法笔记编委:Diaboss1. Cobalt resembles iron and nickel in tensile strength, appearance, ---.(A) is hard(B) although hard(C) has hardness(D) and hardnessKey:D分析:考点是并列平行结构。
2. --- who was the first Black woman to run for the office of President of the United Statesin1972.(A) Shirley S. Chisholm(B) It was Shirley S. Chisholm(C) Shirley S. Chisholm was(D) When Shirley S. ChisholmKey:B分析:考点是it引导的强调句型。
参考译文:1972年Shirley S. Chisholm成为第一位竞选美国总统的黑人妇女。
3. --- versatile performer, soprano Kathleen Battle has oftenconcluded a program of artsongs and arias with selections from ragtime or popular music.(A) A(B) Which(C) So(D) BecauseKey:A分析:考点是主谓结构(句子基本结构)。
23 磷酸铵镁法循环处理高浓度氨氮废水
磷酸铵镁法循环处理高浓度氨氮废水3赵婷 周康根 姜科(中南大学冶金科学与工程学院 长沙410083) 摘 要 提出了磷酸铵镁(M AP )法循环处理氨氮废水的新方法。
在对M AP 的热分解进行特性分析的基础上,利用M AP 在100℃左右温度下直接进行热解2h 的产物来处理高浓度氨氮废水。
研究表明,对于NH 4+质量浓度为900mg/L 的废水,虽然随着循环进行氨氮去除率逐渐减少,但第5次循环后氨氮去除率仍然高于70%。
此方法的特点是磷酸铵镁(M AP )热分解时,可回收高浓度氨水而不再需要投加大量的镁盐和磷盐,实现氨氮的回收和M AP 的循环使用。
关键词 磷酸铵镁 氨氮 循环R ecycle T reatment for W astew ater With H igh Concentration of Ammonium -nitrogen by MAPZHAO T ing ZHOU K ang -gen J IANG K e(School o f Metallurgical Science and Engineering ,Central South Univer sity Changsha 410083)Abstract M AP method is proposed to dispose the amm onium -nitrogen containing wastewater.Based on s ome analysis the decom position of the magnesium amm onium phosphate (M AP ),the residues of magnesium amm onium phosphate decom posed by heating under 100℃in 2h are repeatedly used as the s ources of phosphate and magnesium for the rem oval of high amm onium concentration from wastewater.It shows :to wastewater with initial concentration of NH 4+900mg/L ,the amm onium rem oval decreases gradually following the increase of M AP ,but in the 5th cycle ,amm onium rem oval rate is still over 70%.The advantages of this method is that high concentration amm onia s olution can be recovered by heat decom position of M AP and large am ounts of M agmesium and Phosphorus is not needed to be added ,s o the recovering of am 2m onia -nitrogen and the recycling use of M AP can be realized.K eyw ords M AP amm onium -nitrogen reuse1 前言氨氮是水体污染的主要污染物之一。
小学下册英语第6单元测验卷[有答案]考试时间:90分钟(总分:110)A卷一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 听力题:The ______ is where we live on Earth.2. ower brought the first Pilgrims to ________ (美洲). 填空题:The Medi3. 填空题:Certain plants can ______ (影响) local ecosystems positively.4. 填空题:I like to __________ (动词) with my __________ (玩具名) in the garden.5. 选择题:Which animal is known for its strong sense of smell?A. CatB. DogC. HamsterD. Goldfish答案:B6. 选择题:What is the capital of Monaco?A. MonacoB. NiceC. CannesD. Monte Carlo答案: A7. 选择题:What is the capital of Italy?A. RomeB. ParisC. BerlinD. Madrid答案:A8. 填空题:Lizards can change their _______ (颜色) to blend in.9. 填空题:The __________ (历史的视野) invites exploration.10. 听力题:I can _____ my bike without training wheels. (ride)11. 填空题:The __________ (历史的不断) progresses with society.12. 选择题:What is the opposite of "day"?A. MorningB. AfternoonC. NightD. Evening答案: C13. 填空题:My sister enjoys _______ (画画)。
第49卷第12期2020年12月应用化工Applied Chemical IndustryVol.49No.12Dec.2020(分析测试?不锈钢酸洗过程酸度测定的新方法郝敏1,张昭阳1,高建峰1,崔宁1,刘艳1,崔娟1,刘江汇1,代志鑫2(1.中北大学理学院,山西太原030051;2,中北大学化学工程与技术学院,山西太原030051)摘要:为解决不锈钢酸洗过程中存在的一些有色金属离子会对废液酸度的测定造成干扰的问题,通过理论计算,建立了一种新型的酸度测定方法:根据强酸滴定强碱的突跃范围为4.31-9.70,已知/C ap[Fe(OH2)]=4.87x10",所得突跃范围内Fe2+的浓度范围为1.9388x10-8~1.1682xl03o将废酸稀释一定倍数,使其溶液中Fe2+的浓度在该范围内时,直接以Fe?+作为指示剂进行酸碱滴定,将Fe*沉淀时刻作为基准时刻,计算原酸浓度。
关键词:不锈钢;酸洗;废酸;有色金属离子;酸度测定;加标回收法中图分类号:TQ ll;TQ0;O065文献标识码:A文章编号:1671-3206(2020)12-3242-04A new method for determining acidity ofstainless steel pickling processHAO Min,ZHANG Zhao-yang1,GAO Jian-feng,CUI Ning1,LIU Yan,CUI Juan,UU Jiang-hui1,DAI Zhi-xin(1.School of Science,North University of China,Taiyuan030051,China;2.School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,North University of China,Taiyuan030051,China)Abstract:There are some non-ferrous metal ions in the pickling process of stainless steel,which will interfere with the determination of the acidity of the waste liquid.Through theoretical calculation,a new method for acidity determination was established:the titration range of strong acid titrate base was4・31~9.70,and A^sp[Fe(0H)2]=4.87X10_17was known.The concentration of Fe2+ranges from1・9388X10~8to1.1682x103.When the waste acid is diluted until the concentration of Fe2+in the solution is within this range,the acid-base titration is direcdy performed using Fe2+as an indicator,and the concentration of the original acid is calculated by using the Fe3+precipitation time as a reference lime・The new method has a wide range of applications and is suitable for the determination of acidity in a variety of steel pickling processes・In the article, 1mL of waste acid was diluted10times,20times and30times respectively,and the relative error calculated by the standard addition recovery method was0.23%.Key words:stainless steel;pickling;waste acid;non-ferrous metal ion;acidity determination;standardrecovery method不锈钢酸洗是利用酸溶液去除钢铁表面上的氧化物和锈蚀物等⑴的方法。
常德2024年03版小学英语第一单元全练全测(含答案)考试时间:100分钟(总分:140)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、听力题:I found a ________ on the table.2、填空题:The __________ (历史的探索挑战) invite curiosity.3、填空题:The pufferfish can inflate itself to _________ (自卫).4、填空题:The flowers in the garden are very _______ and bright.5、What do you call a person who repairs cars?A. DoctorB. MechanicC. ChefD. Teacher答案:B6、听力题:A chemical change cannot be easily _____ back.7、填空题:The ancient Egyptians used ________ for religious texts.8、听力题:The main component of soda is _____.9、听力题:The cat chases _______ around the house.A ______ (植物的园艺) can be fulfilling and productive.11、填空题:The cat sleeps on the ________.12、What is the capital of Kyrgyzstan?a. Bishkekb. Oshc. Jalal-Abadd. Talas答案:a13、听力题:The _______ of an object can be tested with a balance.14、填空题:The __________ is an area characterized by heavy rainfall. (热带地区)15、选择题:What do we call the force that pulls objects towards the Earth?A. MagnetismB. GravityC. FrictionD. Pressure16、What do you call a person who studies the human mind?A. PsychologistB. BiologistC. SociologistD. Anthropologist答案:A17、听力题:Chalk is made of calcium ______.18、听力题:The main gas produced during combustion is ______.19、听力题:The ____ lounges in the sun and enjoys the warmth.20、听力题:A weak base has a pH closer to ______.The chemical formula for ammonium dichromate is __________.22、听力题:The chemical reaction that occurs when iron rusts is called _______.23、 (Viking) sagas tell stories of exploration and adventure. 填空题:The ____24、What do we call the act of improving relationships?A. ReconciliationB. HealingC. MendingD. All of the Above答案:D25、听力题:A balanced chemical equation has the same number of atoms on both _____.26、听力题:My favorite drink is ________.27、What do you call the person who studies stars?A. GeologistB. BiologistC. AstronomerD. Meteorologist答案:C28、听力题:The __________ is where food is processed in the body.29、听力题:The __________ is a large area of land that is mostly empty.30、听力题:My mom loves to practice ____ (meditation).31、填空题:A _____ (兔子) hops around happily.32、听力题:A saturated solution contains the maximum amount of dissolved ______.33、What is the opposite of "happy"?A. SadC. ExcitedD. Cheerful34、 (French Revolution) began in 1789. 填空题:The ____35、What is the name of the largest moon of Neptune?A. TritonB. EuropaC. GanymedeD. Callisto36、填空题:The invention of ________ has reshaped modern transportation.37、填空题:The _____ (rainforest) is rich in biodiversity.38、What is the name of the famous American singer known for his hit song "Thriller"?A. Michael JacksonB. PrinceC. Elvis PresleyD. Madonna答案: A39、What is the name of the famous British detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle?A. Hercule PoirotB. Miss MarpleC. Sherlock HolmesD. Sam Spade40、听力题:The chemical symbol for chromium is ____.41、听力题:A ______ is a type of energy related to heat.42、填空题:________ (植物生长) is influenced by many factors.43、Which fruit is orange and round?A. AppleB. BananaD. Pear答案:C44、填空题:A kitten learns to hunt by playing with its ________________ (兄弟姐妹).45、What do we call the process of breaking down food into smaller molecules?A. DigestionB. AbsorptionC. AssimilationD. Metabolism答案:A46、填空题:The bird can _______ (唱) beautifully in the morning.47、听力题:A _______ is a type of mixture where the components are evenly distributed.48、填空题:He is a magician, ______ (他是一位魔术师), who performs tricks.49、填空题:My favorite holiday is ________.50、What is the name of the popular animated series about a family of superheroes?A. The IncrediblesB. The SimpsonsC. Family GuyD. Avatar答案: A51、填空题:My cat likes to sit in the _______ (阳光).52、听力题:My ______ loves to create new recipes.53、填空题:The ancient Romans were known for their ________ (公共设施).54、What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated on the last Monday of May?A. Memorial DayB. Labor DayC. Independence DayD. Thanksgiving答案:A55、听力题:The ____ has a distinctive tail that helps it balance.56、填空题:The antelope is known for its incredible ______ (跳跃).57、听力题:Emily is a ______. She loves animals.58、What is the main ingredient in sushi?A. RiceB. NoodlesC. BreadD. Potatoes59、填空题:The _____ (野生花) bloom in fields and meadows.60、听力题:A volcano's opening is called a ______.61、How many players are there in a rugby team?A. 11B. 13C. 15D. 7答案:C62、听力题:The chemical symbol for tungsten is _____.63、Where do bees live?A. NestB. HiveC. DenD. Burrow答案:B64、War was a period of intense ________ (竞争). 填空题:The Cold65、听力题:I like to ________ my friends.66、填空题:The rabbit can be very _______ (友好) with children.67、听力题:The birthday cake is _____ (round/square).68、填空题:I enjoy collecting ______ (邮票) from different countries.69、填空题:I like to play ______ with my cousins.70、听力题:The _____ (city/country) is big.71、填空题:We have a ______ (快乐的) family gathering every month.72、填空题:A _______ (小水獺) plays in the river.73、听力题:My sister enjoys participating in ____ (theater).74、听力题:The chemical formula for potassium sulfate is __________.75、听力题:My friend is a ______. He loves to play football.76、What is the capital of Chile?A. SantiagoB. ValparaísoC. ConcepciónD. La Serena答案:A77、填空题:I can ______ (利用) my time wisely.78、Which planet is closest to the sun?A. EarthB. VenusC. MercuryD. Mars答案: C79、听力题:The chemical symbol for carbon is ______.80、What is the name of the famous waterfall located between the USA and Canada?A. Victoria FallsB. Niagara FallsC. Angel FallsD. Iguazu Falls答案:B81、填空题:A _______ (鸟) sings sweet melodies.82、填空题:A _____ (34) can be hot or cold.83、听力题:She is _______ (looking) for her shoes.84、选择题:What is the tallest mountain in the world?A. KilimanjaroB. K2C. Mount EverestD. Rocky Mountain85、Which is the largest land animal?a. Lionb. Elephantc. Giraffed. Rhino答案:b86、听力题:The _______ of a plant can vary widely.87、听力题:A reaction that produces a solid precipitate is called a ______ reaction.88、听力题:I can ________ (hear) the birds singing.89、听力题:A ______ is created when water erodes the land over time.90、听力题:When you mix vinegar and baking soda, it produces __________.91、What is the main ingredient in bread?A. SugarB. FlourC. SaltD. Water答案: B92、听力题:Caterpillars eat a lot before becoming ______.93、What is the longest river in the world?A. AmazonB. NileC. MississippiD. Yangtze答案: B94、What is the capital of Japan?A. BeijingB. SeoulC. TokyoD. Bangkok95、听力题:Sugar dissolves in water to form a ______.96、填空题:I wish my __________ (玩具名) could __________ (动词) with me.97、听力题:The chemical formula for sodium bicarbonate is ______.98、填空题:The __________ (历史的复兴) can inspire movements.99、Which month has 28 days?A. JanuaryB. FebruaryC. MarchD. April答案:B100、填空题:The __________ (历史的再现) can evoke powerful emotions.。
无锡2024年统编版小学5年级英语第5单元测验试卷考试时间:90分钟(总分:120)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、听力题:The Earth's atmosphere is composed mainly of nitrogen and ______.2、选择题:What is the name of the famous statue in New York Harbor?A. Christ the RedeemerB. Statue of LibertyC. DavidD. Lincoln Memorial3、填空题:My _____ (祖父) tells the best stories.4、听力题:A balanced chemical equation has the same number of atoms on both _____.5、填空题:_____ (森林保护) is essential for wildlife.6、填空题:I have a collection of _______ (邮票) from different countries.7、What is 15 + 10?A. 20B. 25C. 30D. 35答案:B8、听力题:The chemical symbol for neptunium is _____.The kangaroo hops around using its strong ______ (后腿).10、选择题:What is the largest planet in our solar system?A. EarthB. MarsC. JupiterD. Saturn11、填空题:My _____ (亲戚) came to visit.12、What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated on the second Monday in October?A. ThanksgivingB. Columbus DayC. Memorial DayD. Independence Day答案:B13、填空题:I find it ________ (有趣) to learn about space.14、听力题:I want to learn how to ______ (dance) salsa.15、听力题:His favorite food is ________.16、选择题:What do we call the process of plants making food?A. DigestionB. PhotosynthesisC. RespirationD. Metabolism17、What is the capital of the Falkland Islands?a. Stanleyb. Port Stanleyc. Darwind. Goose Green答案:a18、听力题:A reaction that releases gas is called a ______ reaction._______ are important for producing oxygen.20、听力题:The Great Red Spot is a massive storm on ______.21、What do you call a place where you can borrow books?A. SchoolB. LibraryC. StoreD. Park答案:B22、填空题:I saw a _______ (小鸟) learning to fly.23、填空题:On rainy days, I love to watch movies and drink __________. (热巧克力)24、What is the name of the famous landmark in Egypt with a lion's body and a human head?A. Great WallB. ColosseumC. Statue of LibertyD. Sphinx答案: D25、填空题:I saw a _______ (小蜈蚣) crawling on the ground.26、填空题:A dragonfly has long, ________________ (细长) wings.27、听力题:My ______ is very artistic.28、填空题:The fish swims in a _________. (鱼缸)29、听力题:My mom is ______ (cooking) dinner.30、听力题:A _______ is a tool that helps to determine the height of an object.31、What is the name of the famous ancient city in Egypt?A. GizaB. LuxorC. MemphisD. Alexandria答案:A. Giza32、填空题:My favorite _____ is a bright red kite.33、填空题:My ________ (玩具名称) is a character from a movie.34、填空题:The ________ is covered in leaves.35、What do you call a baby quail?A. ChickB. GoslingC. KitD. Calf36、听力题:The _____ (cat/dog) is playful.37、填空题:I like to watch _______ in the sky (我喜欢看天上的_______).38、填空题:The _______ (The American Civil War) was fought primarily over the issue of slavery.39、填空题:The raccoon is known for its _______ (聪明).40、听力题:I have _____ crayons in my box. (ten)41、What is the name of the planet we live on?A. MarsB. VenusC. EarthD. Jupiter答案: C42、听力题:The computer is very ___ (slow/fast).43、听力题:I can do a ___ (cartwheel).44、听力题:The capital city of South Africa is __________.45、 Fire of London occurred in the year __________. (1666年) 填空题:The Grea46、Which animal can swim?A. HorseB. DuckC. DogD. Cat答案:B47、听力题:I like to ______ my bike in the park. (ride)48、听力题:A __________ is a place where magma reaches the earth's surface.49、听力题:Black holes are regions of spacetime with extreme ______.50、What is the name of the slow-moving animal with a shell?A. RabbitB. TurtleC. SlothD. Snail答案:B51、听力题:I have a _______ (plan) for the weekend.52、听力题:The ancient Romans had a system of laws known as ________.53、What is the capital of Japan?A. BeijingB. SeoulC. TokyoD. Bangkok54、填空题:________ (植物生态保护) is beneficial for ecosystems.55、What do we call the large, wild cat that lives in Africa?A. LeopardB. TigerC. LionD. Cheetah答案: C56、听力题:A chemical reaction that occurs between an acid and a base is called a ______ reaction.57、What do you call a young female cow?A. CalfB. HeiferC. KidD. Lamb答案: B58、填空题:A _____ (绿色屋顶) can help cool buildings.59、听力题:The antelope runs very ____.60、听力题:A mixture of metals is called an ______.61、听力题:He is going to the ___. (market)62、Which shape has three sides?A. SquareB. CircleC. TriangleD. Rectangle答案:C63、填空题:The __________ (水的来源) affects plant growth.64、填空题:My _____ (外公) always tells funny stories about his childhood.我外公总是讲述他童年时的有趣故事。
浅谈对城市更新的认识方遥,葛幼松*(南京大学城市与区域规划系,江苏南京210093)摘要 城市更新是城市飞速发展的中间过程,是城市新陈代谢的有机功能。
关键词 城市更新;调节机制;研究进展中图分类号 F 293 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2008)27-11973-01Preliminary D iscussion on the Cog nition of Urban Renew alFA N G Yao et al (D epart ment of Urban and Reg io nal Plannin g,NanjingUniv ersity,Nanjin g,Jiang su 210093)Abstract Urban rene w al is the intermediate process o f urban rapid d evelop ment and i t is an o rg anic fu nctio n o f u rban metab olism .C o mbini ng wi th the dev elo p ment of the u rban renew al in the w o rld,the backg ro un d o f the u rban renew al i n Chin a w as i ntro duced.A nd the appearin g proble ms i n the pro cess were th ou gh t o v er.Key w ords U rban renew al;Reg ulati on mechanism;Research pro gres s作者简介 方遥(1976-),男,江苏丹阳人,在读硕士,讲师,从事城市规划与设计研究。
研究结果表明:高岭石对TC的吸附非常符合Freundlich等温吸附模型,并呈现显著的非线性特征;且在pH=3的酸性条件下,TC浓度升高到一定程度(>60 mg/L),TC在高岭石上的吸附得到进一步增强。
关键词:高岭石;盐酸四环素;吸附;热力学参数A study on adsorption model and thermodynamics for tetracycline ontokaoliniteAbstrast:Based on kaolinite (Kt) that is one of widespread clay mineral in soil, the batch experiment methods were applied to explore the adsorption nature of Kt for tetracycline, with emphasis on the influences of initial TC concentration, background electrolytes, and reaction temperature on the adsorption. The obtained results showed that adsorptions of Kt for TC can be well fitted to Freundlich model, representing highly nonlinear adsorption characteristics. However, under conditions at stronger acidic medium pH (pH=3), there existed further improved TC adsorption onto kaolinite as is selected the much more increase of initial TC concentration, up to 60 mg/L and higher. Meanwhile, temperature factor can greatly influence the TC adsorption, where the temperature promotes the TC adsorption. As to background electrolytes, they can also evidently affect the TC adsorption. Hence, the electrostatic interactions involving hydrogen bonding significantly contribute to TC adsorption onto kaolinte.Key words: Kaolinte; tetracycline; adsorption; thermodynamic parameters.当前我国多种抗生素被广泛应用,主要作为动物饲料添加剂用于来防治动物疾病。
锦州2024年08版小学五年级下册英语第六单元期中试卷考试时间:90分钟(总分:100)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、听力题:A ______ is used to indicate the concentration of a solution.2、填空题:The ________ (生态系统服务功能) supports life.3、填空题:A ______ (种子库) preserves genetic diversity in plants.4、填空题:I always greet my parents in the morning by saying . (早上我总是向父母问好,说。
)5、n Wall separated East and West ________. 填空题:The Berl6、听力题:The chemical formula for calcium carbonate is _____.7、听力题:The ____ is known for its powerful roar in the jungle.8、What is the process of plants making their food called?A. RespirationB. PhotosynthesisC. DigestionD. Fermentation答案: B. Photosynthesis9、填空题:The alligator lives in the _________. (沼泽)10、填空题:I enjoy ______ in the summer.11、填空题:The parakeet can be very _________ (活泼).12、听力题:The periodic table organizes elements by their _______ properties.13、How many months are there in a year?a. 10b. 11c. 12d. 13答案:c14、听力题:The __________ is essential for understanding the geology of an area.15、听力题:A __________ is a mixture of two or more metals.16、What is the name of the famous museum in Paris?A. LouvreB. British MuseumC. Metropolitan MuseumD. Uffizi Gallery答案: A17、 Depression led to the election of ________ (罗斯福). 填空题:The Grea18、听力题:The process of making wine involves fermentation of _______.19、听力题:The chemical formula for sodium fluoride is _____.20、填空题:________ (兰花) are known for their beauty.21、What do you call a person who studies the human mind?A. PsychologistB. SociologistC. AnthropologistD. Biologist答案: A22、填空题:I like to play ________ (拼图).23、What type of animal is a dolphin?A. FishB. AmphibianC. MammalD. Reptile答案:C24、填空题:I love going to the ______ (艺术展) to see incredible works. It inspires my creativity.25、选择题:What do we call the part of a tree that grows above the ground?A. RootsB. StemC. LeavesD. Canopy26、填空题:The _______ (鲸鱼) is a giant sea animal.27、What is the opposite of "hard"?A. ToughB. SoftC. StrongD. Solid28、填空题:We need to _______ (宣传) environmental awareness.29、填空题:The __________ (人类进化) from primates took millions of years.30、What is the capital of Italy?a. Florenceb. Romec. Veniced. Milan答案:b31、What do we call the part of the plant that absorbs water and nutrients from the soil?A. StemB. LeafC. RootD. Flower答案:C32、填空题:I love to _______ (进行) science experiments.33、What is the name of the famous artist known for his "The Night Watch"?A. RembrandtB. Johannes VermeerC. Vincent van GoghD. Claude Monet答案: A34、听力题:A chemical reaction can produce ______.35、填空题:The ancient Greeks held the first ________ in Olympic sports.36、填空题:The cow gives milk for _______ (制作奶制品).37、填空题:The __________ is the imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole. (经线)38、听力题:The first recorded Olympic Games were held in _______.39、听力题:The _____ shows the positions of stars and constellations.40、填空题:The ostrich cannot ______ (飞).41、What is the capital of Japan?A. BeijingB. SeoulC. TokyoD. Bangkok42、听力题:The kitten is _____ with a ball of yarn. (playing)43、听力题:The element with the symbol Sn is __________.44、听力填空题:I think nature is beautiful. My favorite natural scenery is __________.45、填空题:The ________ (生态链) includes plants.46、What is the capital of Romania?A. BucharestB. Cluj-NapocaC. TimișoaraD. Iași47、What do you call the festival of lights celebrated by Hindus?A. DiwaliB. EidC. ChristmasD. Hanukkah48、选择题:What do we call the device used to measure weight?A. ScaleB. RulerC. MeterD. Balance49、选择题:What is 12 - 5?A. 6B. 7C. 5D. 850、填空题:I enjoy making my own games using my ________ (玩具名). It sparks my imagination.51、What is the capital of Vanuatu?a. Port Vilab. Luganvillec. Lenakel答案:a52、填空题:The ______ (植物的生长速度) can vary based on conditions.53、What is the name of the event where people celebrate their culture?A. FestivalB. GatheringC. CeremonyD. Parade答案: A54、听力题:The rabbit is _______ (hopping) around.55、What is the capital city of Mexico?A. CancunB. GuadalajaraC. Mexico CityD. Tijuana答案:C56、听力题:The chemical symbol for ruthenium is ______.57、What is the name of the famous lion in "The Lion King"?a. Simbab. Mufasac. Scard. Nala答案:a58、听力题:A solution with a lower concentration of solute is said to be ______.59、What is the main ingredient in pizza dough?A. RiceB. FlourC. CornD. Oats答案: B60、What is the opposite of fast?A. QuickB. SlowD. Rapid答案: B61、听力题:The sun is _____ (shining/raining) bright today.62、填空题:Planting _____ (药用植物) can benefit health and wellness.63、What is the capital city of Egypt?a. Cairob. Alexandriac. Luxord. Aswan答案:a64、a is the largest ________ (沙漠) in the world. 填空题:The Samu65、听力题:The teacher is _____ the lesson. (explaining)66、听力题:The __________ is famous for its unique rock formations.67、What is the name of the planet we live on?A. MarsB. VenusC. EarthD. Mercury68、What do we call a story that is made up?A. NonfictionB. MythC. FictionD. History答案:C69、What is the name of the famous park in New York City?A. Central ParkB. Hyde ParkC. Golden Gate ParkD. Stanley Park答案:A. Central Park70、填空题:The roadrunner can run very _______ (快).71、填空题:The capital of Japan is __________. (东京)72、听力题:Plants can be very _______ and grow quickly.73、听力题:I have a ______ (special) gift for you.74、填空题:The flowers in the garden bloom in every _______ you can think of.75、填空题:A monkey can _______ (爬) trees easily.76、听力题:The ______ teaches us about chemistry.77、听力题:The dog is barking ___. (loudly)78、听力题:The chemical formula for glucose is ______.79、听力题:The ______ is a famous historian.80、听力题:The _______ of a pendulum increases when the height increases.81、Which holiday celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ?A. ThanksgivingB. EasterC. ChristmasD. Halloween答案:C82、What type of tree produces acorns?A. PineB. OakC. MapleD. Birch答案:B83、What is the term for a baby dolphin?A. PuppyB. CalfC. KidD. Foal答案:B84、听力题:My dad works at a _____ (hospital/school).85、听力题:The chemical symbol for palladium is ______.86、听力题:The stars are ___ (twinkling/shining) in the night.87、What is the term for the area around a person's home?A. NeighborhoodB. CommunityC. DistrictD. Region答案:A88、听力题:We go to school ___ (by/with) bus.89、How many colors are in a rainbow?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 890、What is the primary purpose of a map?A. To tell timeB. To guide travelersC. To measure distancesD. To show weather答案: B. To guide travelers91、听力题:The moon is _______ (full) tonight.92、What do you call a story that is not true?A. FactB. FictionC. HistoryD. News答案:B93、填空题:The ______ (生态挑战) require innovative solutions.94、What is 15 + 15?A. 30B. 25C. 20D. 3595、填空题:My friend has a cool ____ that lights up. (玩具名称)96、Which animal is known for its roar?A. DogB. LionC. CatD. Elephant97、填空题:My toy car is very _______ (我的玩具车非常_______).98、填空题:The first recorded use of the wheel was in ______ (美索不达米亚).99、What is the main ingredient in bread?A. FlourB. SugarC. WaterD. Salt100、填空题:The _____ (大象) flaps its ears to cool off.。
南充2024年03版小学四年级英语第1单元暑期作业(含答案)考试时间:100分钟(总分:120)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、填空题:My friend’s brother, ______ (我朋友的哥哥), plays basketball.2、选择题:What do we call the area of land where a specific type of plant or animal lives?A. HabitatB. EcosystemC. EnvironmentD. Biome3、听力题:The _____ can affect the orbits of nearby planets.4、听力题:The chemical symbol for copper is _____ (Cu).5、填空题:A _____ (盆栽) can be placed indoors.6、选择题:What is the color of the sky on a clear day?A. BlueB. GreenC. YellowD. Gray7、填空题:The first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic was ________ (阿梅莉亚·埃尔哈特).8、听力题:The solid part of a solution after filtration is called ______.The _____ (阳光充足) area is perfect for sun-loving plants.10、填空题:The __________ (工业革命) changed many societies.11、听力填空题:I love to go __________ during the summer for fun activities.12、What do we call the study of fungi?A. MycologyB. BotanyC. ZoologyD. Ecology答案:A. Mycology13、What is the opposite of 'big'?A. SmallB. TinyC. LittleD. All of the above答案:D14、听力题:The ____ is known for its impressive migration patterns.15、What is the capital of Finland?A. HelsinkiB. OsloC. StockholmD. Tallinn答案: A16、What is the name of the famous building in Paris that has a glass pyramid?A. Louvre MuseumB. Eiffel TowerC. Arc de TriompheD. Notre-Dame Cathedral答案:A17、听力题:We listen to music ___. (every day)18、听力题:We need to ___ (clean/cook) the house.The _____ (树干) of the tree is strong and thick.20、What is the capital city of Algeria?A. AlgiersB. OranC. ConstantineD. Annaba21、What is the main ingredient in bread?A. SugarB. FlourC. YeastD. Water答案:B22、选择题:What is the capital of Norway?A. OsloB. BergenC. TrondheimD. Stavanger23、填空题:The __________ (绿色空间) is essential for health.24、听力题:Dolphins communicate using ______.25、填空题:A _____ (植物的) life cycle includes stages like seed, sprout, and mature plant.26、Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. VenusB. EarthC. MarsD. Mercury答案: C27、选择题:What is the capital of Norway?A. OsloB. StockholmC. CopenhagenD. HelsinkiThe flamingo gets its color from the carotenoids in its ________________ (饮食).29、填空题:The invention of the airplane changed the way people _____.30、选择题:What do you call a person who repairs pipes?A. ElectricianB. PlumberC. MechanicD. Carpenter31、What do we call the process of a gas changing into a liquid?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. FreezingD. Melting答案: B. Condensation32、听力题:I can ___ (ride) a unicycle.33、What do we call the study of insects?a. Entomologyb. Zoologyc. Botanyd. Ecology答案:a34、What do we call a person who writes books?A. AuthorB. JournalistC. PoetD. Editor答案:A35、听力题:My sister is a ______. She loves to play the flute.36、填空题:The country famous for its opera houses is ________ (澳大利亚).37、听力题:The train is _____ the station. (at)A _____ (植物观察活动) can encourage curiosity and exploration.39、填空题:I like to listen to ______ while I study.40、听力题:We have _____ (两) hands.41、听力题:She is _______ (playing) with her toys.42、填空题:I like to ______ (观察) birds in the park.43、听力题:The chemical symbol for potassium is ______.44、What do we call the unit of measurement for temperature?A. LiterB. MeterC. CelsiusD. Gram答案:C45、填空题:A bison can run at speeds up to ______ (每小时35公里).46、听力题:I can ______ my name in cursive. (write)47、填空题:We have a ______ (大) family reunion every year.48、听力题:The ____ is a fluffy pet that enjoys playing.49、填空题:The discovery of ________ has revolutionized our understanding of the human body.50、听力题:Eclipses happen when one celestial body moves into the _______ of another.51、填空题:A ____(grassroots movement) advocates for change from the ground up.52、What do you call a person who travels in space?A. AstronautB. PilotC. ScientistD. Explorer答案: A53、听力题:The kitten is ______ with a ball of yarn. (playing)54、听力题:Einstein's theory of relativity changed our understanding of ______.55、听力题:The _____ (wind/snow) is blowing.56、听力题:A solution that does not conduct electricity is called a ______ solution.57、填空题:The stars are _______ (在闪耀).58、听力题:I enjoy ______ my favorite games on weekends. (playing)59、听力题:They are playing ___ (football/basketball) in the park.60、填空题:I enjoy reading ______ (童话) before I go to bed.61、听力题:__________ can be found in everyday products like soap and shampoo.62、填空题:The _____ (habitat) is where plants live.63、How many sides does a pentagon have?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7答案:B64、听力题:The bird is ___ in its nest. (resting)65、填空题:I can ______ (享受) my hobbies.66、选择题:What do we call the way in which people communicate with each other?A. LanguageB. DialogueC. ConversationD. All of the above67、选择题:What is the capital of Norway?A. OsloB. StockholmC. HelsinkiD. Copenhagen68、What is the capital of Afghanistan?A. KabulB. KandaharC. HeratD. Mazar-i-Sharif答案: A69、What do we call the time it takes for the Earth to rotate once on its axis?a. Yearb. Monthc. Dayd. Hour答案:c70、What is the capital city of Turkey?A. IstanbulB. AnkaraC. BursaD. Izmir答案: B71、填空题:Cacti grow in _______ environments and need little care.72、填空题:My ________ (玩具名称) is a great way to unwind.73、sh established colonies in ______ (北美洲). 填空题:The Byza74、What is the capital city of Japan?A. BeijingB. SeoulC. TokyoD. Bangkok答案: C75、听力题:A chemical change involves the rearrangement of ______.76、听力题:A compound with a bitter taste is likely a ______.77、填空题:I can ______ (开发) my talents through practice.78、填空题:The zebra has distinct _______ (条纹).79、听力题:A __________ is a geological feature that can provide habitats for wildlife.80、填空题:I have a pet ___ (小鸽子) that coos softly.81、听力题:The ______ is home to many different species of fish.82、听力填空题:I enjoy reflecting on my experiences. Journaling helps me process my thoughts and feelings. I write about __________ to keep track of my growth and progress.83、How many fingers are on one hand?A. FourB. FiveC. SixD. Seven答案:B84、听力题:Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and _____.85、填空题:I like to watch ______ (音乐视频) for inspiration. They often tell powerful stories through art.86、填空题:Planting trees helps combat _____ (气候变化).87、听力题:The ______ helps with the production of saliva.88、填空题:I enjoy playing ________ games on my tablet.89、听力题:A __________ is a famous site for outdoor festivals.90、Which holiday is celebrated on December 25th?A. ThanksgivingB. HalloweenC. ChristmasD. New Year答案:C91、What do you call the small creature that is often kept as a pet and has a long body?A. SnakeB. LizardC. FrogD. Fish答案: A92、填空题:My cat likes to hide behind the ______ (沙发).93、听力题:A ______ is a type of animal that can live in trees.94、听力题:The Earth's crust is thickest under ______ and thinnest under the oceans.95、填空题:The ________ (生态系统服务) supports life.96、填空题:The __________ (古埃及) civilization lasted for over 3,000 years.97、填空题:A __________ (溶胶) is a colloidal mixture with solid particles dispersed in a liquid.98、What is the capital of the Solomon Islands?A. HoniaraB. GizoC. AukiD. Tulagi答案:A99、填空题:My favorite toy is a _______ (玩偶).100、What is the name of the famous artist known for his "The Last Supper"?A. Leonardo da VinciB. MichelangeloC. RaphaelD. Titian答案: A。
安庆“PEP”2024年小学四年级上册英语第四单元期中试卷考试时间:80分钟(总分:140)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、填空题:The ancient Romans established ________ to govern their territories.2、填空题:A porcupine's quills can detach when ______ (攻击).3、What do we call a young chicken?A. CalfB. ChickC. DucklingD. Piglet答案:B4、填空题:A ________ (鱼) swims in the water and can be very colorful.5、听力题:The chemical formula for calcium cyanamide is ______.6、填空题:The discovery of __________ (青铜) marked the beginning of the Bronze Age.7、听力题:A _______ is a representation of a chemical reaction using symbols.8、填空题:My friend is very __________ (具有同情心).9、What do we call the act of looking after children?A. ParentingB. BabysittingC. ChildcareD. Nurturing答案:A10、选择题:What is the opposite of 'happy'?A. SadB. ExcitedC. AngryD. Joyful11、选择题:What do we call the process of keeping something safe?A. ProtectingB. SavingC. StoringD. Guarding12、填空题:A _____ (种植计划) helps organize garden activities.13、听力题:A chemical that can neutralize an acid is called a ______.14、听力题:She is _______ (climbing) the stairs.15、听力题:A chemical bond can form between ______.16、填空题:We can _______ a garden together.17、What do we call a baby chicken?A. KittenB. PuppyC. ChickD. Calf答案: C18、What is the capital city of Sweden?A. OsloB. CopenhagenC. HelsinkiD. Stockholm答案:D19、What is the name of the famous ship that sank in 1912?A. LusitaniaB. TitanicC. BritannicD. Queen Mary答案: B20、填空题:A frog's webbed feet are perfect for ______ (游泳).21、What do you call a group of lions?A. PackB. PrideC. FlockD. Troop答案:B22、填空题:The ancient Sumerians are known for creating the first ________ (城市).23、听力题:A habitat is where an animal __________.24、听力题:I see a _____ (caterpillar) on the leaf.25、填空题:My mom loves __________ (参与当地事务).26、听力题:The chemical formula for water is _____.27、听力题:We go to school by ______ (bike).28、听力题:I can ________ my own lunch.29、填空题:_____ (可再生资源) like bamboo are sustainable.30、填空题:The __________ (历史的交集) fosters unity.31、听力题:Sodium bicarbonate is another name for _____ (baking soda).32、What is the term for the study of ancient civilizations?A. AnthropologyB. ArcheologyC. HistoryD. Sociology答案:B33、选择题:What do you call a large body of freshwater?A. OceanB. LakeC. RiverD. Stream34、听力题:The man is very ________.35、填空题:The antelope grazes on _______ (草).36、填空题:I love to dress up my ________ (玩具名称).37、填空题:The _______ (小金哈巴) swims gracefully in the lake.38、听力题:The ______ helps us learn about different cultures.39、填空题:A tiny ___ (小蜗牛) carries its home on its back.40、听力题:The chemical formula for ammonium molybdate is __________.41、填空题:My favorite ice cream flavor is ______ (巧克力).42、Which season comes after spring?A. WinterB. SummerC. FallD. Autumn43、What is the main function of a computer?A. To cook foodB. To process informationC. To cleanD. To provide entertainment答案:B44、Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. EarthB. MarsC. VenusD. Mercury答案:B45、听力题:A molecule that has a net charge is called an ______ ion.46、填空题:The _____ (气候) greatly influences plant life.47、填空题:The __________ (历史的践行) embodies principles.48、Which of these is a type of fruit juice?A. AppleB. RiceC. BreadD. Soup49、How many players are there in a basketball team?a. 5b. 7c. 9d. 11答案:a50、听力题:A ______ is a chart showing the arrangement of elements.51、填空题:I enjoy taking ________ (照片) of my family.52、Which of these animals can fly?A. ElephantB. DogC. EagleD. Fish答案:C53、听力题:A saturated solution cannot dissolve any more _____.54、听力题:The boiling point of water is _______ degrees Celsius at sea level.55、What is the capital city of Hungary?A. BudapestB. DebrecenC. SzegedD. Miskolc56、听力题:Star clusters can be open or ______.57、听力题:The cat is _____ on the windowsill. (sitting)58、填空题:A ________ (猎豹) is known for being the fastest land animal.59、What do we call the lines on a map that run north to south?A. LatitudeB. LongitudeC. EquatorD. Prime Meridian答案:B60、Which animal is known for its wisdom?A. FoxB. OwlC. CrowD. Parrot答案:B61、听力题:The _______ of an object can change based on its position.62、听力题:A ______ is a type of animal that can glide from tree to tree.63、听力题:The _______ of an object can be calculated with a scale.64、填空题:I love to play with people, so I often invite friends to join me in playing with my________ (玩具名).65、听力题:She is _______ (coloring) a picture.66、填空题:My sister is a _____ (作家) who writes children's books.67、听力题:The __________ is the temperature at which a substance changes from solid to liquid.68、填空题:My sister is very ________ (有才华).69、听力题:I can _______ (count) to twenty.70、听力题:I have _____ pets at home. (two)71、选择题:What do we call a baby bird?A. ChickB. CubC. PupD. Kitten72、填空题:The invention of the light bulb was by _____.73、听力题:The children are ___ at the playground. (playing)74、What is the term for a picture made by arranging colored pieces?A. MosaicB. CollageC. PortraitD. Landscape答案:A75、填空题:My ________ (玩具名称) is a special gift from my parents.76、What is the largest organ in the human body?A. HeartB. LiverC. SkinD. Brain77、environmental education) promotes awareness and action. 填空题:The ____78、 Wall is one of the most famous ________ (地标). 填空题:The Grea79、填空题:My dad is a wonderful __________ (父亲) who supports my dreams.80、What do you call a young kangaroo?A. JoeyB. KitC. PupD. Calf81、听力填空题:I enjoy taking photographs of __________ to capture special moments.82、听力题:An _______ reaction requires energy to proceed.83、填空题:A garden can be a peaceful ______ for reflection and creativity.(花园可以是反思和创造力的宁静场所。
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Applied Surface Science 389(2016)316–323Contents lists available at ScienceDirectApplied SurfaceSciencej o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /a p s u scCopper(II)adsorption on the kaolinite(001)surface:Insights from first-principles calculations and molecular dynamics simulationsXiang-Ping Kong,Juan Wang ∗College of Chemistry and Pharmacy,Qingdao Agricultural University,Qingdao 266109,Shandong,PR Chinaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 6April 2016Received in revised form 21June 2016Accepted 17July 2016Available online 22July 2016Keywords:Kaolinite Cu(II)Adsorption First-principlesMolecular dynamicsa b s t r a c tThe adsorption behavior of Cu(II)on the basal hydroxylated kaolinite(001)surface in aqueous environ-ment was investigated by first-principles calculations and molecular dynamics simulations.Structures of possible monodentate and bidentate inner-sphere adsorption complexes of Cu(II)were examined,and the charge transfer and bonding mechanism were bining the binding energy of complex,the radial distribution function of Cu(II)with oxygen and the extended X-ray absorption fine structure data,monodentate complex on site of surface oxygen with “upright”hydrogen and bidentate complex on site of two oxygens (one with “upright”hydrogen and one with “lying”hydrogen)of single Al center have been found to be the major adsorption species of Cu(II).Both adsorption species are four-coordinated with a square planar geometry.The distribution of surface hydroxyls with “lying”hydrogen around Cu(II)plays a key role in the structure and stability of adsorption complex.Upon the Mulliken population anal-ysis and partial density of states,charge transfer occurs with Cu(II)accepting some electrons from both surface oxygens and aqua oxygens,and the bonding Cu 3d -O 2p state filling is primarily responsible for the strong covalent interaction of Cu(II)with surface oxygen.©2016Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionCopper (Cu)is an essential trace element for living organisms.However,it becomes extremely toxic when presented at a high concentration.Excessive copper intake can cause severe damage to liver and kidney,and may be responsible for hemolysis,neu-rological dysfunction and gastrointestinal disturbance [1,2].The problem of removing Cu(II)from contaminated water is becoming an important process that closely related to the ecological security,and the mineral adsorption has been found to be one of the most economical and effective approaches [3,4].Kaolinite is a 1:1layered aluminosilicate mineral that is com-mon in soil systems.It plays an important role in the transport of metals,protons and organic molecules in soils,and has been widely used as adsorbent for the retention or removal of various metal ions [5,6].Kaolinite has a higher selectivity to Cu(II)than most of the other metal ions such as Zn(II)and Cd(II)[7].Removal of Cu(II)with kaolinite from aqueous solution has been extensively investi-gated experimentally through batch tests and the empirical surface modeling approaches [8–10].While a lot of empirical models based∗Corresponding author.E-mail addresses:kxp2004@ (X.-P.Kong),juaner80@ (J.Wang).on the outer-sphere and inner-sphere complexation are developed,several questions arise with respect to the inner-sphere complex of Cu(II)on kaolinite surfaces.(i)Is the inner-sphere complex mon-odentate or bidentate?(ii)What is the coordination number of the adsorption complex?(iii)Is there one preferred adsorption complex or an equilibrium among several of them?(iv)What is the bonding nature of Cu(II)with surface oxygen?Understanding the structure of Cu(II)adsorption complex from the molecular or atomic level would be helpful in answering these questions.Among the experimental techniques,only spectroscopic data from the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS)deter-mination provide average structural parameters on the molecular level.But a few direct EXAFS spectroscopic investigations of Cu(II)-kaolinite adsorption have been documented.Peacock and Sherman [11]identified the mononuclear and binuclear inner-sphere com-plexes of Cu(II)on the variable charge sites of kaolinite based on the spectra of EXAFS and ab initio calculations.Arai [12]reported the outer-sphere Cu(II)dimer surface species on kaolinite from the EXAFS determination.Computational chemistry has become a useful tool to com-plement experimental data recently.Adsorptions of heavy metal Cd(II),Cu(II),Hg(II),Ni(II)[13]and Pb(II)[14]atoms on the kaolinite(001)surface have been investigated using the density-functional approach.However,these investigations were carried/10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.07.1120169-4332/©2016Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.X.-P.Kong,J.Wang/Applied Surface Science389(2016)316–323317out with free metal ions adsorbed.Coordination of the metal ion with other ligands such as the water molecules of aqueous medium was not considered.Structure of Cu(II)adsorption complex could not be presented in their work.Thus,a surface complexation model based on actual surface species will be more reliable in improving our understanding of Cu(II)adsorption in real water environment.In this work,a combination offirst-principles calculations and molecular dynamics(MD)simulations was used to investigate the adsorption of Cu(II)on the basal hydroxylated(001)surface of kaolinite in aqueous environment.Structures of inner-sphere, mononuclear,mono-and bi-dentate complexes of Cu(II)were examined,with two different types of surface hydroxyl sites con-sidered.The preferred adsorption sites and adsorption species of Cu(II)were presented based on the value of binding energy,the cal-culation of radial distribution function(RDF)and the similarity of structure parameters to experimental spectroscopic data.Mulliken population and partial density of states(PDOS)were also analyzed in detail to evaluate the related charge transfers and to explore the bonding nature of Cu(II)with surface oxygen.2.Theoretical methods and modelsputational detailsFirst-principles calculations were performed with the CASTEP code[15]in Materials Studio 6.0[16],using the plane-wave ultrasoft pseudopotential method[17]based on density func-tional theory(DFT).The electronic exchange-correlation energy was treated within the generalized gradient approximation(GGA), using the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof(PBE)functional[18].Condi-tions similar to those of our previous study[19]were adopted for the optimizations of kaolinite bulk and kaolinite(001)surface models,including the cutoff energy of380eV,the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno(BFGS)scheme[20],the Brillouin zone sampling of(4×2×3)and(2×2×1)k-points[21]respectively and the setting of tolerances for self-consistence.Hydration of Cu(II) in aqueous system was investigated with all possible species of [Cu(H2O)n]2+(1≤n≤7)examined in a10×10×10Å3periodic box, using1×1×1grid of k-point sampling.As conventional DFT func-tionals have difficulty in describing the strong correlation effect among the partiallyfilled Cu3d shell[22],the well-known DFT+U method[23,24]was used for the calculations of Cu(II)complexes. The value of effective U for Cu(II)(U eff=U−J=6.5eV)was adopted according to the related references[23,25]as well as our compar-ative calculations across different parameter U values.MD simulations were carried out using the Forcite program of Materials Studio6.0[16].The Universal forcefield[26],based on the single point charge(SPC)water model[27],was adopted.The kaolinite-Cu-H2O system wasfirst simulated in a NPT ensemble for 200ps with constant pressure of0.1MPa and temperature of298K. An extra NVT period of200ps was then performed under the tem-perature of298K.A time step of1fs was used for the velocity Verlet algorithm to integrate the particle motion.The trajectory frame was recorded every20fs.The Ewald summation method was adopted to calculate the long-range electronic interactions.The Nose thermo-stat and Berendsen barostat were used to maintain the temperature and pressure,respectively.Atomic charges were assigned using the charge equilibration method[28].All atoms were allowed to move freely during the simulations.2.2.Surface modelsA one-layer-thick(2×1)slab supercell of kaolinite,composed of six atomic“sublayers”of“H O Al O Si O”[19,29],was adopted for the staticfirst-principles calculations.The slab wasrepeated Fig.1.Top view of the basal hydroxylated(001)surface of kaolinite(i)and the possible adsorption sites for Cu(II)on the cyan AlO6octahedra(ii).Atoms of H,O, Al and Si are in white,red,cyan and yellow,respectively.(For interpretation of the references to colour in thisfigure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)periodically with a vacuum region of15Å.Only atoms in the two bottom“sublayers”were keptfixed during the geometry optimiza-tions.The two different types of hydroxyl groups on the surface, O u H(oriented perpendicularly to the surface)and O l H(oriented parallel to the surface),were considered separately.As shown in Fig.1,monodentate complex of Cu(II)may occur on the surface site of“O u”or“O l”of any Al center.The obtained complexes can be des-ignated as configurations A and B,respectively.Bidentate complex of Cu(II)may form on the“O u–O u”or“O u–O l”site of single Al cen-ter(black solid lines a and b)or two neighboring Al centers(black dashed lines c and d),corresponding to configurations C,D,E and F,respectively.All possible adsorption complexes with general for-mula of[Al(OH)3−x(O)x Cu(H2O)m](2−x)+(1≤x≤2,1≤m≤6)were tested.Only reasonable adsorption complex with maximum aqua ligands was adopted and analyzed.The coordination number of Cu(II)was mainly determined by the optimized Cu O bond length (R Cu O<2.8Å)[30]and the Cu O bonding characteristics in PDOS curves.Binding energies(E b)of the hydrated Cu(II)species and the corresponding adsorption complexes are calculated based on the energy difference of Reactions(1)and(2),respectively.Cu2++n H2O→[Cu(H2O)n]2+E b=E[Cu(H2O)n]2+−nE H2O−ECu2+(1)Al(OH)3+[Cu(H2O)n]2++x OH−→Al(OH)3−x(O)x Cu(H2O)m(2−x)++(n−m+x)(H2O)E b=E com+(n−m+x)E H2O−xE OH−−E[Cu(H2O)n]2+−E Al(OH)3(2)where E com represents the calculated total energy of the kaolin-ite(001)slab with Cu(II)adsorbed on the surface.The deprotonation of surface hydroxyl is considered in Reaction(2)by the parameter x,as inner-sphere complex of Cu(II)has been found to be formed at the pH region of larger than the point of zero charge of kaolinite [31,32].The“OH−”acts as an example group in aqueous system, which can react with the missed“H+”of Al(OH)3here.A periodic supercell(a=20.85Å,b=18.10Å)consisted of8 (4×2×1)unit cells of kaolinite with a total of272atoms was cre-ated for the MD simulations.Consistent with thefirst-principles318X.-P.Kong,J.Wang /Applied Surface Science 389(2016)316–323Fig.2.Equilibrium geometries of [Cu(H 2O)1−6]2+from the optimization conditions of PBE functional,ultrasoft pseudopotential and the cutoff energy of 380eV.Atom of Cu is colored blue.Symbols of (a)and (b)stand for complex of [Cu(H 2O)5]2+in geometries of square pyramid and trigonal bipyramid,respectively.(For interpre-tation of the references to colour in this figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)calculations,lattice parameters for the unit cell of kaolinite were adopted from the neutron powder diffraction determination [33].The water molecules and the Cu(II)atom were packed in a cubic box with the lengths a and b matching pretty well with the constructed supercell of kaolinite.Two defect sites were obtained by the depro-tonation of two surface OH bonds,which can also neutralize the positive charge of Cu(II).The RDF (also called pair distribution func-tion or pair correlation function)is analyzed [34],and the average coordination number of Cu(II)in the complex is calculated accord-ing to Formula (3):n ij (r )=4 jrr 2g ij (r )dr(3)where n ij (r ), j and g ij (r )denote the average coordination number,the average number density and the RDF,respectively.Parameters i and j represent the two different types of interacted atoms,and r refers to the distance from surrounding interacted atoms of j to the central atom of i .3.Results and discussion3.1.Structures of hydrated Cu(II)complexesThe hydration of Cu(II)has been investigated by experimen-tal spectroscopic techniques [35,36]and theoretical calculations [37,38].The numbers of hydrated water molecules in the first solva-tion shell are mainly four,five and six.Consistent with the previous results,reasonable structures of [Cu(H 2O)n ]2+were obtained at hydration number lower than seven from the DFT +U optimizations in our work.One or more aqua ligands of [Cu(H 2O)7]2+were found to be excluded from the coordination sphere of Cu(II)and went into the second hydration shell or solution ultimately.The equilibrium geometries of [Cu(H 2O)n ]2+with n ranging from 1to 6were shown in Fig.2,where geometries of both square pyramid and trigonal bipyramid were examined for the complex of [Cu(H 2O)5]2+.As seen from Fig.2,the hydrated complex of Cu(II)changed from the linear structure at n =1,2to a square planar geometry at n =4and an elongated octahedron at n =6.With the increase of the num-ber of aqua ligands,the mean Cu O bond length (Cu O m )extended from 1.86Åat n =1to 1.97Åat n =4,2.04Åat n =5and 2.12Åat n =6(Table 1).Repulsive interactions among the aqua ligands of Cu(II)should be responsible for these enlarged pared with complexes of [Cu(H 2O)]2+,[Cu(H 2O)2]2+and [Cu(H 2O)3]2+,differ-ence among the binding energies of [Cu(H 2O)4]2+,[Cu(H 2O)5]2+and[Cu(H 2O)6]2+was relatively small.Moreover,comparable Mulliken charges of Cu(II)in complexes of [Cu(H 2O)4]2+,[Cu(H 2O)5]2+(a),[Cu(H 2O)5]2+(b)and [Cu(H 2O)6]2+(1.47,1.46,1.48and 1.46|e|,respectively)were obtained (Table 1).These results indicate that the hydrated complex of Cu(II)in aqueous solution may be tetra-,penta-or hexa-coordinated.Structure transformation has been reported to occur dynamically among the three of them [39].Furthermore,mean equatorial and axial Cu O bond lengths in [Cu(H 2O)6]2+were calculated to be 2.02and 2.34Å(Table 1),in con-sistent with the experimental data of 1.94–2.00and 2.40±0.10Åfrom various research techniques [37,40],respectively.Thus,com-plex of [Cu(H 2O)6]2+featuring the highest hydration number was adopted as the dominant adsorbate on kaolinite surface in aqueous environment,and the value of six was adopted for n when the bind-ing energy of Cu(II)adsorption complex was calculated by Reaction (2).3.2.Monodentate adsorption complexes of Cu(II)The metal ion of Cu(II)can react with the hydroxyl group of kaolinite(001)surface in a monodentate manner.The maximum number of aqua ligands in the possible complex of surface “O u H”site was obtained at 4(Fig.3A 1),and the adsorption complex fea-turing the common coordination number of 4was also presented (Fig.3A 2).With respect to the “O l H”site,the most probable complex containing three aqua ligands was shown in Fig.3B.The coordi-nation number of Cu(II)in monodentate complex was lower than that in [Cu(H 2O)6]2+in aqueous solution.When the hydrated Cu(II)complex approached the hydroxylated kaolinite surface,some of the aqua ligands were crowded out of the coordination shell of Cu(II)due to the large steric hindrance of kaolinite.Also,repulsive interactions from surrounding “upright”surface hydroxyl groups (O u H)to the aqua ligands played less of a factor here.Hydrogen bonds (black dashed lines in Fig.3)have been observed to be the major interactions between kaolinite surface hydroxyls and aqua ligands of complex.Three types of hydro-gen bonds formed,surface oxygen of “O l ”or “O u ”with hydrogen of aqua ligand (designated as “O l ···H w ”and “O u ···H w ”,respec-tively)and oxygen of aqua ligand with hydrogen of surface “O u H”group (“O w ···H u ”).Compared with atom of surface “O u ”,surface “O l ”connecting with the “lying”hydrogen has the position advan-tage to interact with the aqua ligands.The strong interaction can be confirmed by the short bond distance of 1.39–1.60Åfor the hydrogen bond of “O l ···H w ”type (Table 2).Long bond lengths of 1.48–1.61and 1.96–2.45Åfor bonds of “O u ···H w ”and “O w ···H u ”were found (Table 2),respectively,indicating the relatively weak interaction between surface “O u H”groups and the ligating waters.Thus,hydrogen bonding interaction of “O l ···H w ”played a key role in the stability of Cu(II)adsorption complex.Configuration A 1featured Cu O s bond length of 1.91Åand Cu O w lengths of 2.01,2.01,2.19and 2.36Å(Table 2).A distorted square pyramidal geometry was obtained in Fig.3A 1.The geometry has been frequently reported for five-coordinated Cu(II)complexes [41,42].Configuration A 2displayed a slightly short Cu O s bond of 1.89Å,with the longest Cu O w bond of 2.12Åbeing observed.The approximately square planar geometry of configuration A 2was consistent with many other four-coordinated Cu(II)complexes [43,44].Both complexes were stabilized by the hydrogen bonding interactions of “O l ···H w ”and “O w ···H u ”types.The Cu O s lengths of 1.91and 1.89Åin the two configurations were consistent with the value of 1.89Åin the Cu(II)adsorption complex on kaolinite at pH 6.5from the EXAFS technique [11].Comparable shortest Cu Al separations of 3.38and 3.36Åin the two configurations have also been observed,which were close to the corresponding distance ofX.-P.Kong,J.Wang /Applied Surface Science 389(2016)316–323319Table 1Structural parameters (in Å),coordination geometries,binding energies (in kcal/mol)and Mulliken charges (in |e|)of [Cu(H 2O)n ]2+.nCu OCu O m aGeometryE bQ Cu1 1.861.86straight line −128.98+1.762 1.83,1.841.84broken line −218.18+1.663 1.89,1.90,1.921.90trigonal planar −280.85+1.664 1.95,1.98,1.98,1.961.97square planar −324.92+1.475(a)2.00,1.98,2.00,2.04,2.19 2.04square pyramid −352.33+1.465(b) 2.12,2.04,2.07,1.98,1.972.04trigonal bipyramid −353.30+1.4862.03,2.03,2.00,2.02,2.33,2.342.12elongated octahedron−374.89+1.46aThe mean value of Cu–O bondlengths.Fig.3.Optimized structures of monodentate Cu(II)complexes adsorbed on “O u ”(A 1and A 2)and “O l ”(B)sites of the hydroxylated kaolinite(001)surface.Black dashed lines are representative of hydrogen bonding interactions between aqua ligands and surface hydroxyls.Table 2Structure parameters (distances in Å)and binding energies (in kcal/mol)of mono-and bi-dentate Cu(II)adsorption complexes on the hydroxylated kaolinite(001)surface.ComplexN a Cu O s bCu O w cO l ···H wO u ···H wO w ···H uCu Al dE bA 15 1.91 2.01,2.01,2.19,2.36 1.40,1.42,1.60– 2.38,2.43,2.45 3.38−119.63A 24 1.89 1.96,1.98,2.12 1.39,1.40–2.363.36−103.74B 4 1.862.00,1.99,2.04–1.48,1.59,1.61 1.96 3.25−96.42C 4 1.96,1.872.03,2.18 1.56,1.66–– 2.68−86.04D 4 1.86,2.03 2.11,2.04 1.692.32– 2.76−89.61E41.88,1.872.20,2.291.64,1.65––3.06−87.72a Coordination number of the complex.b Distance of Cu(II)to surface oxygen center.c Distance of Cu(II)to oxygen center of aqua ligand.dSeparation of Cu(II)to the nearest aluminum center of octahedra.3.34Åin the Cu(II)adsorption complex on the surface of gibbsite from the EXAFS determination [45].Configuration B,the monodentate complex of “O l ”site,exhib-ited Cu O s bond of 1.86Åand Cu O w bonds at lengths of about 2.0Å.The short Cu O s length was close to that in complex of [Cu(H 2O)]2+or [Cu(H 2O)2]2+.Repulsive interactions from sur-rounding “upright”surface hydroxyl groups to the aqua ligands may act as the major cause.As seen from Fig.1,there were six sur-face “O u H”groups evenly distributing around every “O l H”group with a distance of approximately 3.4Å[19].When the adsorption took place on the “O l ”site,only “O u ···H w ”and “O w ···H u ”types of hydrogen bonds formed between surface “O u H”and aqua ligands of Cu(II).No interaction of “O l ···H w ”bond occurred,which might lead to the weak stability of the complex.The binding energies of complexes A 1and A 2were calcu-lated to be −119.63and −103.74kcal/mol (Table 2),respectively.Both values were higher than that of complex B (–96.42kcal/mol),revealing the less likely adsorption of Cu(II)on the surface “O l ”site.From the Reaction (2),binding energy of complex A 1incorpo-rated hydration energy of one proton from surface hydroxyl group,dissociation energies of two aqua ligands from [Cu(H 2O)6]2+and adsorption energy of Cu(II).Obviously,dissociation energy of one more water molecule from [Cu(H 2O)6]2+was incorporated in the binding energy of complex A 2.Thus,the adsorption energies of Cu(II)in the two complexes might be comparable.Both configu-rations A 1and A 2can be the preferred monodentate complex of “O u ”site on the kaolinite(001)surface.3.3.Bidentate adsorption complexes of Cu(II)Complexation of Cu(II)with the hydroxylated kaolinite(001)surface in bidentate way was shown in Fig.4.The possible adsorp-tion complexes on sites of “O u –O u ”,“O u –O l ”of single Al center and on “O u –O u ”of neighboring Al centers were corresponding to the configurations C,D and E,respectively.Site of “O u –O l ”on neigh-boring Al centers was found hard for the Cu(II)adsorption to occur,where long Cu O w bond length of greater than 2.80Åand short Cu O s length of about 1.84Åwere observed during the DFT +U optimization.Configurations C,D and E all exhibited the four-coordinated structure of Cu(II).A distorted tetrahedral coordination geometry was observed for configurations C and E,whereas an approximately square planar geometry was found for configuration D.According to the crystal field theory (CFT)[46],the square planar structure of Cu(II)complex featuring much higher crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE)should be more stable than the tetrahedral complex.No significant difference was found among the structural parame-ters of these bidentate adsorption complexes,except for the nearest Cu–Al separation.Configuration D displayed two Cu O s bonds of 1.86and 2.03Å,two Cu O w bonds of 2.11and 2.04Åand a nearest320X.-P.Kong,J.Wang /Applied Surface Science 389(2016)316–323Fig.4.Optimized structures of bidentate Cu(II)complexes adsorbed on “O u –O u ”(C)and “O u –O l ”(D)sites of the same Al center and on “O u –O u ”(E)site of neighboring Al centers of the hydroxylated kaolinite(001)surface.Hydrogen bonding interactions are indicated by black dashed lines.Cu–Al distance of 2.76Å.Configuration E exhibited relatively long Cu–Al separation of 3.06Å.The calculated binding energies of con-figurations C,D and E were −86.04,−89.61and −87.72kcal/mol,respectively.The formation of bidentate Cu(II)adsorption complex has been reported by a number of related spectroscopic investigations.A combination of EXAFS spectra and DFT calculations showed the existence of bidentate Cu(II)complex on kaolinite surface [11].A XAFS study reported the edge-sharing bidentate Cu(II)com-plex on the oxide-water interface of ␣-Al 2O 3(0001)surface,with Cu O s length of 1.92–1.94Åand the nearest Cu–Al separation of 2.78–2.93Å[47].An electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR)determination gave the structure of bidentate complex of Cu(II)on hydrous oxide surface of ␦-Al 2O 3with Cu O s length of 2.0Å[48].Among the three possible configurations of bidentate Cu(II)complexes on kaolinite(001)surface,configuration D featured the highest binding energy,the experimentally determined Cu O s length of 1.92–1.94Å,Cu–Al separation of 2.78–2.93Åand the reported edge-sharing adsorption mode.Correlating well with the XAFS study [47],ion of Cu(II)in configuration D bonded to the Al(OH)3groups through the equatorial bonds and displayed a sim-ilar square planar coordination geometry.Therefore,configuration D should be the preferred bidentate adsorption species of Cu(II)on the hydroxylated kaolinite(001)surface.3.4.Charge transfer and bond populationCharge transfers of different atoms and Cu O s bond populations in the possible mono-and bi-dentate Cu(II)adsorption complexes were obtained from the Mulliken population analysis [49].As shown in Table 3,charges of atoms O u and O l in the clean kaolin-ite(001)surface before Cu(II)adsorption were −1.06and −1.05|e|,respectively,indicating that few charge difference existed between the “upright”and the “lying”oxygens.In the adsorption complexes,charges of surface oxygens (O u and O l )varied between −1.02and −1.08|e|.Except for atom of O l in complex C and O u in complex D,surface oxygens in the examined adsorption modes exhibited positive charge transfer values ( Q Os )of +0.02to +0.04|e|.The finding indicates that most surface oxygens act as the role of elec-tron contributors during the adsorption process.Meanwhile,atom of Cu(II)accepted electrons from the ligated oxygens with Q Cu ranging from −0.25to −0.42|e|(Table 3).As the absolute value of Q Cu was much larger than that of Q Os ,oxygens of aqua ligands of Cu(II)should also denote electrons to Cu(II)here.Moreover,the charges of Cu(II)in the six possible adsorption configurations were lower than that in the initial adsorbate of [Cu(H 2O)6]2+,revealing the further decreased ionic character of Cu(II)in the adsorption complexes.The Mulliken overlap population can provide an objective cri-terion for bonding between atoms,and has been used frequentlyto assess the covalent or ionic nature of a bond.Values of Mulliken population for bonds of Cu O u and Cu O l in different types of com-plexes were listed in Table 3.All the Cu O s bond populations were positive and relatively large,revealing the strong covalent charac-ter of bond Cu O u or Cu O l in the adsorption complexes of Cu(II)on the kaolinite(001)surface.Populations for bond of Cu O u in all possible complexes varied between 0.24and 0.36,and the only two Cu O l populations in complexes B and D were obtained at 0.30and 0.18,respectively.Populations of Cu O u in monodentate com-plexes A 1and A 2were 0.32,slightly larger than the Cu O l value of 0.30in complex B.This is in consistent with the lower binding energy of complex B than complex A 1or A 2,and further confirms the less likely monodentate complex of Cu(II)on surface “O l ”site.In the preferred bidentate edge-sharing complex D,bond of Cu O u seems to be stronger than Cu O l based on the much higher popu-lation of 0.29than the value of 0.18in Table 3.3.5.RDF analysisIn order to further identify the exact structure of mononuclear inner-sphere complex of Cu(II)on the kaolinite(001)surface,clas-sical MD simulations for the preferred adsorption configurations A and D were carried out.The initial conformation for the simulation of monodentate complex A was illustrated in Fig.5(i),where the two deprotonated O u H bonds located on different Al centers were far away from each other (the green atoms of oxygen).After the NPT and NVT ensembles,the water molecules in the aqueous system moved freely from different directions to interact with the hydrox-ylated kaolinite(001)surface,and the atom of Cu(II)was located just above one “O u ”defective site with a separation about 1.90Å(Fig.5(ii)).The resulted RDF and average coordination number of Cu(II)with oxygen were shown in Fig.6.Two narrow connected peaks were obtained on the g Cu O (r )curve at 1.90and 2.03Å,corresponding to the mean bond lengths of Cu O s and Cu O w ,respectively.These two values were very close to the Cu O s bond of 1.89Åand mean Cu O w length of 2.02Åin adsorption complex A 2(Table 2).Coordination number of n Cu O (r )for the first peak at r of 1.82–1.96Åwas 1.06,in consistent with the Cu(II)complexa-tion with kaolinite(001)surface in monodentate way.Coordination number of n Cu O (r )for the second peak at r of 1.96–2.50Åwas 2.93,indicating that three aqua ligands were involved in the first coor-dination sphere of Cu(II).Thus,it confirmed that the adsorption complex A 2was the dominant monodentate adsorption species of Cu(II)on the kaolinite(001)surface.Conformations of MD simulations for the bidentate adsorption complex D were shown in Fig.7.Two defective sites of “O u ”and “O l ”(green atoms of oxygen)were on the same Al center of kaoli-nite(001)surface,and the atom of Cu(II)was located almost above the middle of the two defective sites with mean Cu O s separa-tion of 1.94Åafter the final NVT ensemble.From the RDF shown in Fig.8,the g Cu O (r )curve at r of 1.84–2.22Åexhibited a rela-。