Analysis of rho-omega interference in the pion form-factor
P P A M基因shRNA真核表达载体的构建及其干扰效果鉴定辛婧、沈亚非、邓飞\谢亚争、张日华2,刘云21.漯河市中心医院内分泌科,河南漯河462000;2•南京医科大学第一附属医院老年医学内分泌科摘要:目的构建过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体y(PPARy)基因RNA干扰的真核表达载体,转染小鼠3T3-L1前体脂肪 细胞,并鉴定其干扰效果。
方法选择设计2条针对小鼠PPA R y基因的干扰耙序列,构建真核表达载体PLKO. 1-PPARy-GFP-shRNAl/2,以PCR鉴定并进行序列分析。
证实质粒构建成功后,转染小鼠3T3-U前体脂肪细胞,荧光显微镜下观察 绿色荧光蛋白(eGFP)的表达,计算转染效率;采用实时定量PC R法和W estern印迹检测载体对PPA R y基因的表达干扰效 果;采用油红染色观察PPA R y在脂肪细胞分化过程中对脂滴形成的作用。
结果成功构建PPA R y干扰质粒PLKO.1- PPARy-GFP-shRNAl/2,PC R和DNA测序证实序列与设计完全一致;荧光显微镜下观察到3T3-L1细胞绿色荧光蛋白的表 达,证实重组质粒成功转人细胞,转染效率(92. 67士1.53)%;实时荧光定量PC R和Western B lot印记试验均显示PLKO. 1-PPARy-GFP-shRNAl/2转染的3T3-L1细胞PPARy基因分别被特异性抑制;耙点1干扰效率[(78. 2士2.1)%]高于耙点2 [(55.8±4.3)%],差异有统计学意义(P C0.05),靶点1初步鉴定为有效靶点。
油红染色显示PLKO. 1-PPARy-GFP-shR-NA1/2转染均可抑制3T3-L1脂肪细胞分化和脂滴聚集。
结论成功构建了耙向干扰PPA R y基因的shRNA真核表达质粒 PLKO.l-PPARy-GFP-shRNAl/2,并筛选出有效抑制靶基因的表达质粒,初步验证PPA R y基因对脂肪细胞分化的作用,为 进一步研究提供了有效的分子生物学工具。
基础研究标本存放时间及温度对刺激法Thl/Th2胞内细胞因子检测的影响#苗竹林,钟兴明,崔蓉,李佩佩,王永霞,钟文瑶,赵文忠广东省计划生育专科医院、广东省计划生育科学技术研究所国家卫生和计划生育委员会男性生殖与遗传重点实验室(广东广州510600)【摘要】目的探讨标本不同存放时间及温度对剌激法检测外周血T h l/T h2胞内细胞因子检验结果的影响方法对20例乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)抗凝外周血全血标本放置冰箱及室温(20 ± 5 ) =1:保存,在不同的时间点取出标本,经过PMA +丨<,1〗刺激后采用流式细胞诊断技术检测T lil(C D4'/IF N)和Th2细胞(C D4’/I I,-4*),计算T h l/T IC值,对不同温度和不同存放时间的检测结果进行比较结果标本室温或4T:冰箱放置时,在72丨!内检测结果相对稳定,检测结果变化差异无统计学意义(户>0. 05) 标本存放3 d后,无论是室温放置,还是在冰箱存放都与抽血当天检测结果比较存在较大的差异(P <〇. 05) 结论放置时间是影响检验结果的主要因素,而存放温度无明显影响【关键词】流式细胞检测;T h l/T h2;时间;温度;细胞因子【中图分类号】丨r m.3;K392.8【文献标志码】ADO I: 10. 13820/j. inki. gdyx. 20201895Effects of time and temperature of specimen storage on the results of cytokine Thl/Th2 in peripheral blood. Ml-AO Z lm-l in, ZHONG Xing -m ing, CUI Rong, U Pei - pei, WANG Yong - x ia, /HONG Wen -yao, 7.HA0 Wen -zlwng. Family Planning Hospilal nj Guangdong Province, Family Planning Research Institute oj Guangdong Province, Key Laboratory o f the Natioiud Health and Family Planning Conimissum for Male Reproduction and Genetics, Guangzhou 510600, Guangdong, China【Abstract】Objective I'o investigate the effects of dilferenl storage time and temperature on the results of F h l/Ph2 test in peripheral hlood. Methods Twenty cases of ethvlenediaminetetraacetic arid (E D T A) anticoagulant peripheral blootl samples were stored in refrigerator at and room tempcralurt* (20± 5) . The samples were taken out at different time. After stimulated by FMA + Ion, Till (C D4+/IF N-7) and Th2 cells (C D4 + /I L-4*),the sampleswere detected hy flow cvtom etn ;and rh l/T h2values were calculaled and the detection results at different tem perature and storage lime were compared. Results When the sam ples were placed at room tem perature or 4^] refrigerator, the resultswere relatively stable within 72 hours, and there was no significant difference in the results ( P> 0. 05 ). After 3 clays,there were significant differences hetwef^n the test results of sanij)les stored at room tem perature or in refrigerator and thefirst day of blood sampling. Conclusion The storage time is the main influence factor on the test resu lts, while the storage tem perature has no obvious effect.【Key words】fl(m.【.yt(mieti).; Thl/Th〕;tim e;tem perature;cytokine流式细胞检测技术对免疫细胞可进行有关物 理、化学特性的多参数测量,是目前临床检验的重要 手段。
云南大山包黑颈鹤国家级自然保护区昭通杜鹃种群状况初步调查作者:钱颖吴太平赵子蛟马永鹏来源:《安徽农业科学》2024年第14期摘要昭通杜鵑(Rhododendron tsaii)于2021年列入《云南省极小种群野生植物名录》,云南大山包黑颈鹤国家自然保护区为新分布记录,为掌握该保护区内昭通杜鹃的种群及分布状况,于2022年3—8月采用访问、踏查、实地调查及面积测量等方法,初步查清昭通杜鹃在该地的分布及种群状况。
结果显示:昭通杜鹃空间上分布于大山包集镇南侧的4个地块;种群分布面积3 022.24 m2;种群数量共计550丛,其中健康223丛,亚健康207丛,不健康120丛,单株幼树2株;成苗率低、种群面积狭小,鼠害、干旱等是昭通杜鹃繁衍的主要威胁因子;受限于空间分布狭窄,且处于人为干扰较频繁的区域,严重威胁着昭通杜鹃的生存,急需采取相关保护措施;现有文献资料表明云南大山包黑颈鹤国家自然保护区是昭通杜鹃已知种群数量最大的分布地。
关键词极小种群;昭通杜鹃;数量分布;保护示范小区中图分类号 S759.9 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2024)14-0071-02doi:10.3969/j.issn.0517-6611.2024.14.015Preliminary Investigation on the Population Status of Rhodendron tsaii in Dashanbao Black-necked Crane Nature Reserve, YunnanQIAN Ying1, WU Tai-ping2, ZHAO Zi-jiao2 et al(1. Forestry Station of Dashanbao Town, Zhaotong, Yunnan 657000;2.Administrative Bureau of Dashanbao Black-necked Crane National Nature Reserve, Zhaotong,Yunnan 657000)Abstract Rhodendron tsaii was recently included in the List of Yunnan Protected Plant Species with Extremely Small Population (2021),the Yunnan Dashanbao Black-necked Crane National Nature Reserve was a new distribution record. In order to understand the population and distribution status of Rhododendron tsaii in the reserve, methods such as visits, field surveys and area measurements were used from March to August 2022 to preliminarily investigate the distribution and population status of Rhododendron tsaii in the area.The result showed that Rhodendron tsaii was found in four specific areas within the Hexing Village range.The population distribution area was 3 022.24 m2.The population consists of 550 clusters, including 223 healthy clusters, 207 sub-healthy clusters, 120 unhealthy clusters, and 2 single young trees.The low seedling rate, narrow population area, rodent infestation, drought, etc. were the main threat factors to the reproduction of Rhodendron tsaii.Due to its narrow spatial distribution and vulnerability to human interference,urgent protective measures were needed to ensure the survival of Rhodendron tsaii.Existing literature data showed that the Yunnan Dashanbao Black-necked Crane National Nature Reserve was the largest known distribution area of Rhodendron tsaii population. Based on the above results, it was suggested that relevant departments take on-site and near-site protection measures, establish a Rhodendron tsaii conservation demonstration area in the reserve, and strictly protect it to restore its population.Key words Minimal population;Rhodendron tsaii;Quantity distribution;Conservation demonstration area作者简介钱颖(1975—),男,云南昭阳人,高级工程师,从事植物多样性研究。
旋转流体流动的基本方程如下:质量守恒方程:$$\\frac{{\\partial \\rho}}{{\\partial t}} + \ abla \\cdot (\\rho \\mathbf{v}) = 0$$其中,$\\rho$是流体密度,$\\mathbf{v}$是流体速度。
动量守恒方程:$$\\frac{{\\partial \\mathbf{v}}}{{\\partial t}} + \\mathbf{v} \\cdot \ abla\\mathbf{v} = - \\frac{1}{\\rho} \ abla p + \\mathbf{g} +\\mathbf{f}_{\\text{rot}}$$其中,p是压强,$\\mathbf{g}$是重力加速度,$\\mathbf{f}_{\\text{rot}}$是旋转力。
旋转力的表达式可以通过向量叉乘得到:$$\\mathbf{f}_{\\text{rot}} = 2m \\rho \\boldsymbol{\\omega} \\times\\mathbf{v}$$其中,m是涡动量修正因子,$\\boldsymbol{\\omega}$是旋转速度。
Package‘iDINGO’October13,2022Type PackageTitle Integrative Differential Network Analysis in GenomicsVersion1.0.4Date2020-07-17Author Caleb A.Class<*****************>,Min Jin Ha<*******************>Maintainer Caleb A.Class<*****************>Imports mvtnorm,glasso,parallel,GGMridge,visNetwork,scalesDepends igraphDescription Fits covariate dependent partial correlation matrices for integrative models to identify dif-ferential networks between two groups.The methods are de-scribed in Class,(2018)<doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btx750>and Ha,(2015)<doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btv4 License GPL-2LazyLoad yesRoxygenNote7.1.1NeedsCompilation noRepository CRANDate/Publication2020-07-3014:00:02UTCR topics documented:iDINGO-package (2)brca (2)dingo (3)extendedBIC (4)gbm (5)Greg.em (6)idingo (7)plotNetwork (8)scaledMat (9)scoring.boot (10)scoring.boot.parallel (11)12brca Sigmax (12)single.boot (13)trans.Fisher (14)Index15 iDINGO-package iDINGO:Integrative Differential Network Analysis in GenomicsDescriptionThis packages jointly estimates group specific partial correlations in a multi-level/platform data set.DetailsThis packages jointly estimates group specific partial correlations in a multi-level/platform data set, considering the directionality of effects between platforms using a chain graph model.Author(s)Min Jin Ha,Caleb Class,Veerabhadran Baladandayuthapani,and Kim-Anh Dobrca Modified TCGA Breast Cancer dataDescriptionModified TCGA Breast Cancer data.Usagedata(brca)FormatThree data frames,with columns as standardized miRNA,gene,and protein expressions.One vector with the two classes of the samples(tumor or normal tissue).Also one iDINGOfit object,obtained by running the example in the idingo manual entry.dingo3 dingo Fit DINGO modelDescriptionThis functionfit DINGO model and calculates edge-wise differential scores for all pairwise edges among p variables.Usagedingo(dat,x,rhoarray=NULL,diff.score=T,B=100,verbose=T,cores=1)Argumentsdat nxp data with colnames as genenamex a length n vector representing a binary covariaterhoarray a vector representing candidate tuning parameters of glasso forfitting global network model.If it is one value,then we use the value as the tuning parameter.It is set by NULL as default and we select100candidate values.diff.score a logical value.If TRUE,edge-wise differential scores are calculated from boot-strap standard error.Otherwise,wefit Steps1and2of DINGO model to getgroup specific GGMs(partial correlations)B the number of bootstrap samples to calculate differential scores.verbose if TRUE,lists the procedurecores the number of cores to run in parallel for bootstrapping,set to1as a default.If more cores are specified than the recommended maximum(the number of coresdetected minus1),this value will be replaced by the recommended value. Valuegenepair a p(p-1)/2x2matrix indicating all pairs of geneslevels.x a length2vector indicating levels of the binary covariate x,thefirst element is for group1and the second element is for group2R1a length p(p-1)/2vector indicating partial correlations for group1and the order is corresponding to the order of genepairR2a length p(p-1)/2vector indicating partial correlations for group2and the order is corresponding to the order of genepairboot.diff a p(p-1)/2x boot.B matrix indicating bootstrapped difference,Fisher’s Z trans-formed R1-R2.The rows are corresponding to the order of gene pair and thecolumns are corresponding to the bootstrap samplesdiff.score a p(p-1)/2vector of differential score corresponding to genepairp.val a p(p-1)/2vector of corrected p-values corresponding to genepairrho selected tuning parameter of glassofit4extendedBICP p by p matrix of Global component of the DINGO modelQ p by2matrix of the coefficient parameter of the local group specific component L(x)of the DINGO model.Psi p by p diagonal matrix of the noise covariance parameter of the local group specific component L(x)of the DINGO model.step.times a length3vector containing the elapsed time for Step1,Step2,and Bootstrap Scoring,respectively.Author(s)Min Jin HA*******************,Caleb CLASS**********************Examplesdata(gbm)#Run DINGO(the first column, x ,contains the group data).#This may take5-10minutes.##Not run:fit<-dingo(gbm[,-1],gbm$x,diff.score=TRUE,B=100,cores=2) extendedBIC Extended bayesian information criteria for gaussian graphical modelsDescriptionExtended bayesian information criteria for gaussian graphical modelsUsageextendedBIC(gamma,omegahat,S,n)Argumentsgamma a tuning parameter taking a scalar in[0,1]and leading to stronger penalization of large graphsomegahat a p x p matrix indicating an estimates of precision(inverse covariance)matrix S a p x p matrix indicating sample covariance matrixn a scalar indicating sample sizeValueExtended BIC penalized by the size of graphsAuthor(s)Min Jin Ha<*******************>gbm5 ReferencesFoygel,R.and Drton,M.(2010).Extended bayesian information criteria for gaussian graphical models.arXiv preprint arXiv:1011.6640.Exampleslibrary(glasso)data(gbm)x=gbm[,1]Y=gbm[,-1]#Estimating inverse covariance matrix using GLasso#S=cov(Y)rhoarray=exp(seq(log(0.001),log(1),length=100))BIC=rep(0,length(rhoarray))for(rh in1:length(rhoarray)){fit.gl1=glasso(S,rho=rhoarray[rh])BIC[rh]=extendedBIC(gamma=0,omegahat=fit.gl1$wi,S=S,n=nrow(Y))}rho=rhoarray[which.min(BIC)]fit.gl2=glasso(S,rho=rho)Omega=fit.gl2$wigbm Modified TCGA Glioblastoma dataDescriptionModified TCGA Glioblastoma data.Usagedata(gbm)FormatA data frame withfirst column as a covariate and other columns as standardized gene expressions.6Greg.em Greg.em Fitting precision regression modelsDescriptionThis functionfits the covariance regression model by Hoff and Niu(2012)using EM algorithm with the restriction of diagonal matrix for the noise varianceUsageGreg.em(formula,data=NULL,R=1,tol=1e-10,itmax=1000,verbose=F)Argumentsformula an object of class"formula"used in model.frame functiondata a data frame used in model.frame functionR rank of the modeltol a stopping criterionitmax maximum number of iterationverbose If true,estimation results for each iteration are printedValueA MLE of the baseline covariance matrixB MLE of the regression coefficientsAuthor(s)Min Jin Ha<*******************>ReferencesHoff,P.D.and Niu,X.(2012)A covariance regression model.Statistica Sinica,22,729-753.Exampleslibrary(glasso)data(gbm)x=gbm[,1]Y=as.matrix(gbm[,-1])p=ncol(Y)#Estimating inverse covariance matrix using GLasso#S=cov(Y)w.upper=which(upper.tri(S))rhoarray=exp(seq(log(0.001),log(1),length=100))BIC=rep(0,length(rhoarray))idingo7 for(rh in1:length(rhoarray)){fit.gl1=glasso(S,rho=rhoarray[rh])BIC[rh]=extendedBIC(gamma=0,omegahat=fit.gl1$wi,S=S,n=nrow(Y))}rho=rhoarray[which.min(BIC)]fit.gl2=glasso(S,rho=rho)Omega=fit.gl2$wi#Fitting(Covariance Regression on transformed data)diag.Omega=diag(Omega)P=-Omega/diag.Omegadiag(P)=0tY=Ymdat=apply(tY,2,mean)sdat=apply(tY,2,sd)std.tY=t((t(tY)-mdat)/sdat)smat=diag(sdat)##rank1covariance regressionfit.g=Greg.em(std.tY~x,R=1)idingo Fit iDINGO modelDescriptionThis functionfits the iDINGO model and calculates edge-wise differential scores for all pairwise edges among p variables between multiple platforms.Usageidingo(dat,dat2=NULL,dat3=NULL,x,plats=NULL,rhoarray=NULL,diff.score=T,B=100,verbose=T,cores=1)Argumentsdat nxp dataframe/matrix with colnames as genenamedat2Second nxp dataframe/matrix with colnames as genename(optional)dat3Third nxp dataframe/matrix with colnames as genename(optional)x a length n vector representing a binary covariateplats a length1-3vector(corresponding to the number of data sets submitted,with names for the platforms/levels of the data,such as"microRNA"or"RNAseq".This is optional,and default names"platN"will be used if names are not pro-vided.rhoarray a vector representing candidate tuning parameters of glasso forfitting global network model.If it is one value,then we use the value as the tuning parameter.It is set by NULL as default and we select100candidate values.8plotNetwork diff.score a logical value.If TRUE,edge-wise differential scores are calculated from boot-strap standard error.Otherwise,wefit Steps1and2of DINGO model to getgroup specific GGMs(partial correlations)B the number of bootstrap samples to calculate differential scores.verbose if TRUE,lists the procedurecores the number of cores to run in parallel for bootstrapping,set to1as a default.If more cores are specified than the recommended maximum(the number of coresdetected minus1),this value will be replaced by the recommended value. Valuegenepair a p(p-1)/2x2matrix indicating all pairs of geneslevels.x a length2vector indicating levels of the binary covariate x,thefirst element is for group1and the second element is for group2R1a length p(p-1)/2vector indicating partial correlations for group1and the order is corresponding to the order of genepairR2a length p(p-1)/2vector indicating partial correlations for group2and the order is corresponding to the order of genepairdiff.score a p(p-1)/2vector of differential score corresponding to genepairp.val a p(p-1)/2vector of corrected p-values corresponding to genepairAuthor(s)Caleb CLASS**********************,Min Jin HA*******************Examplesdata(brca)#Run iDINGO with microRNA,RNA,and protein data.#Generally,we recommend a minimum of100bootstraps.##Not run:fit<-idingo(brca$mirna,dat2=brca$rna,dat3=brca$prot,x=brca$class,plats=c("microRNA","RNA","Protein"),diff.score=TRUE,B=20,cores=2)##End(Not run)plotNetwork Plot differential networkDescriptionThis function plots the differential network from a completed DINGO or iDINGO model.UsageplotNetwork(fit,threshold=0.05,thresh.type="p.val",layout="circular",legend.pos="left")scaledMat9Argumentsfit output from running dingo()or idingo()threshold a numeric value containing the threshold for which edges will be included in the differential network plot.If’thresh.type’is’p.val’,all edges with p-valuesbelow this threshold will be included in the plot.If’thresh.type’is’diff.score’,all edges with absolute differential scores above this threshold will be includedin the plot.thresh.type either’p.val’or’diff.score’,defining which variable is used as threshold for edge inclusion.layout either’circular’or one of igraph’s supported layouts.If’circular’,dingo net-works will be plotted in a circle,and idingo networks will be plotted as a cylin-der(with each platform/level as a separate circle).legend.pos Legend position for multi-platform networks,in c("left","right").Legend is not included for single-platform networks.ValuevisNet a network plot,using igraph and visNetworkNoteTo calculate differential scores and p-values for use in network plot thresholding,diff.score must be set to TRUE in dingo()or idingo().Author(s)Caleb CLASS**********************,Min Jin HA*******************Examplesdata(brca)#Plot the iDINGO result using a p-value threshold of0.01.plotNetwork(brca$fit,threshold=0.01,thresh.type="p.val")scaledMat scale a square matrixDescriptionscale a square matrix to have unit diagonal elements.UsagescaledMat(x)10scoring.bootArgumentsx a square matrix with positive diagonal elementsValuescaled matrix of xAuthor(s)Min Jin Ha*******************scoring.boot Calculating differential scoreDescriptionThis function calculates standard errors for edge-wise partial correlation differences obtained from DINGO model.Usagescoring.boot(stddat,z,Omega,A,B,boot.B=100,verbose=T)Argumentsstddat standardized nxp data with colnames as genenamez a length n vector representing a binary covariateOmega a p x p precision matrix for std dat which implies the global networkA p x p matrix of the MLE for the baseline covariance matrix which is obtainedfrom A value of the Greg.em function.B p x2matrix of the MLE for the regression coefficient which is obtained from Bvalue of the Greg.em functionboot.B a scalar indicating the number of bootstrapsverbose if TRUE,lists the bootstrap replicationsValuegenepair a p(p-1)/2x2matrix indicating all pairs of geneslevels.z a length2vector indicating levels of the binary covariate z,thefirst element is for group1and the second element is for group2R1a length p(p-1)/2vector indicating partial correlations for group1and the order is corresponding to the order of genepairR2a length p(p-1)/2vector indicating partial correlations for group2and the order is corresponding to the order of genepairscoring.boot.parallel11 boot.diff a p(p-1)/2x boot.B matrix indicating bootstrapped difference,Fisher’s Z trans-formed R1-R2.The rows are corresponding to the order of gene pair and thecolumns are corresponding to the bootstrap samplesdiff.score a p(p-1)/2vector of differential score corresponding to genepairp.val a p(p-1)/2vector of corrected p-values corresponding to genepairAuthor(s)Min Jin HA*******************scoring.boot.parallel Calculating differential score with parallel bootstrap scoringDescriptionThis function calculates standard errors for edge-wise partial correlation differences obtained from DINGO model.Bootstrapping is done in parallel using parSapply from the"parallel"library.Usagescoring.boot.parallel(stddat,z,Omega,A,B,boot.B=100,verbose=T,cores=1) Argumentsstddat standardized nxp data with colnames as genenamez a length n vector representing a binary covariateOmega a p x p precision matrix for std dat which implies the global networkA p x p matrix of the MLE for the baseline covariance matrix which is obtainedfrom A value of the Greg.em function.B p x2matrix of the MLE for the regression coefficient which is obtained from Bvalue of the Greg.em functionboot.B a scalar indicating the number of bootstrapsverbose if TRUE,lists the bootstrap replicationscores the number of cores to run in parallel for bootstrapping,set to1as a default. Valuegenepair a p(p-1)/2x2matrix indicating all pairs of geneslevels.z a length2vector indicating levels of the binary covariate z,thefirst element is for group1and the second element is for group2R1a length p(p-1)/2vector indicating partial correlations for group1and the order is corresponding to the order of genepairR2a length p(p-1)/2vector indicating partial correlations for group2and the order is corresponding to the order of genepair12Sigmax boot.diff a p(p-1)/2x boot.B matrix indicating bootstrapped difference,Fisher’s Z trans-formed R1-R2.The rows are corresponding to the order of gene pair and thecolumns are corresponding to the bootstrap samplesdiff.score a p(p-1)/2vector of differential score corresponding to genepairp.val a p(p-1)/2vector of corrected p-values corresponding to genepairAuthor(s)Min Jin HA*******************,Caleb CLASS**********************Sigmax group specific covariance matricesDescriptionFrom parameters of DINGO model,group specific covariance matrices are obtainedUsageSigmax(P=NULL,Q,Psi,x)ArgumentsP a p x p matrix specifying global componentQ the coefficient parameter matrix of covariance regression model using Greg.em functionPsi the diagonal error variance matrix of covariance regression model using Greg.em functionx a vector specifying group.This must be corresponding to the design matrix of Greg.em functionValuegroup specific precision matrixAuthor(s)Min Jin Ha<*******************>single.boot13 Exampleslibrary(glasso)data(gbm)x=gbm[,1]Y=as.matrix(gbm[,-1])p=ncol(Y)#Estimating inverse covariance matrix using GLasso#S=cov(Y)w.upper=which(upper.tri(S))rhoarray=exp(seq(log(0.001),log(1),length=100))BIC=rep(0,length(rhoarray))for(rh in1:length(rhoarray)){fit.gl1=glasso(S,rho=rhoarray[rh])BIC[rh]=extendedBIC(gamma=0,omegahat=fit.gl1$wi,S=S,n=nrow(Y))}rho=rhoarray[which.min(BIC)]fit.gl2=glasso(S,rho=rho)Omega=fit.gl2$wi#Fitting(Covariance Regression on transformed data)diag.Omega=diag(Omega)P=-Omega/diag.Omegadiag(P)=0tY=Ymdat=apply(tY,2,mean)sdat=apply(tY,2,sd)std.tY=t((t(tY)-mdat)/sdat)smat=diag(sdat)##rank1covariance regressionfit.g=Greg.em(std.tY~x,R=1)##obtain covariance matrix of Y when x=1sigmaX1=Sigmax(Q=fit.g$B,P=P,Psi=fit.g$A,x=c(1,1))single.boot Calculating differential score for a single bootstrapDescriptionThis function calculates the edge-wise partial correlation difference for a single bootstrap.Usagesingle.boot(i,z,n,,P,levels.z,w.upper)14trans.FisherArgumentsi iteration number.This is not used within this function,but necessary for parSap-ply within scoring.boot.parallel function.z a length n vector representing a binary covariaten the number of rows in data the transformed standardized dataP the global correlation componentlevels.z the levels of the covariatesw.upper the upper triangular of OmegaValueboot.diff the difference for this bootstrapAuthor(s)Min Jin HA*******************,Caleb CLASS**********************trans.Fisher Fisher’s Z-transformationDescriptionFisher’s Z-transformation of(partial)correlation.Argumentsx a vector having entries between-1and1ValueFisher’s Z-transformed valuesAuthor(s)Min Jin HA*******************Index∗datasetsbrca,2gbm,5∗packageiDINGO-package,2brca,2dingo,3extendedBIC,4gbm,5Greg.em,6iDINGO(iDINGO-package),2idingo,7iDINGO-package,2plotNetwork,8scaledMat,9scoring.boot,10scoring.boot.parallel,11Sigmax,12single.boot,13trans.Fisher,1415。
目前发布的HCG 国际标准物质含有杂质,并且对于无活性的α亚基和β亚基赋值错误。
人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)与促黄体生成激素(LH)、促卵泡激素(FSH)及促甲状腺激素(TSH)都是由一个α亚基和一个β亚基所组成[8,9] 。
子宫内膜异位症患者血清中微量元素变化研究作者:罗劲,葛华来源:《中国医药导报》2010年第11期[摘要] 目的:探讨子宫内膜异位症患者(endomethiosis,EMT)血清中微量元素含量变化的特点。
方法:2002~2005年,采集我院子宫内膜异位症患者和健康妇女肘静脉血各5 ml,离心后取其血清用等离子体发射光谱仪测定并进行统计学处理。
结果:子宫内膜异位症患者血清中的Se、Cr、Mn、Fe、Cu、Zn的含量与健康妇女比较,Se和Cr的含量降低,而Fe、Zn、Cu和Mn的含量升高,两组比较,有显著性和高度显著性差异(P[关键词] 子宫内膜异位症;血清;微量元素[中图分类号] R711.71 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1674-4721(2010)04(b)-037-02Variation of serum microelements in the patients with endometriosisLUO Jin, GE Hua(Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department of the First Affiliated Hospital, Baotou Medical College of Inner Mongolia of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, China)[Abstract] Objective: To explore the variation of serum microelements in the patients with endometriosis. Methods: 5 ml venous blood was acquisitioned each from endometriosis patients and healthy women elbow from 2002 to 2005 in our hospital. After centrifugation, whichever serum was measured by plasma emission spectrometer, and then statistical analyzed. Results: Se and Cr contents in serum of patients were lower and Mn、Fe、Cu、Zn contents were higher than that of healthy women. There were significant difference (P[Key words] Endometriosis; Serum; Microelement子宫内膜异位症(endomethiosis,EMT)是一种始于细胞水平而终止于以盆腔疼痛和不孕为特点的持续性病变。
针刺调节RhoA/ROCK 信号通路对创伤性脑出血大鼠血脑屏障的影响王 翠,杨 畅,金 玉,高 蜜,刘江华摘要 目的:探究针刺调节Ras 同源基因家族成员A (RhoA )/Rho 相关卷曲螺旋蛋白激酶(ROCK )信号通路对创伤性脑出血(TICH )大鼠血脑屏障的影响㊂方法:随机将SD 大鼠分为假手术(Sham )组㊁TICH 组㊁针刺组㊁RhoA 抑制剂组,除Sham 组外,其余各组均采用自由落体击打法制备TICH 模型,于TICH 模型大鼠苏醒后,针刺组给予百会穴透刺患侧曲鬓穴针刺干预,RhoA 抑制剂组给予Rhosin (40mg/kg )腹腔注射干预,连续干预3d ㊂3d 后采用Loeffler 评分法评估神经缺损程度(Loeffler 评分与神经缺损程度呈负相关);烘干法测定脑组织含水量;原位末端标记测定法(TUNEL )染色检测脑组织神经元凋亡情况;伊文思蓝染色(Evans blue )检测血脑屏障损伤情况(伊文思蓝渗透量与血脑屏障损伤严重程度呈正相关);蛋白质免疫印迹法(Western Blot )检测脑组织RhoA/ROCK信号通路相关蛋白表达情况㊂结果:与Sham 组比较,TICH 组Loeffler 评分减少(P <0.05),脑组织含水量㊁神经元凋亡率㊁伊文思蓝渗透量增加(P <0.05);与TICH 组比较,针刺组㊁RhoA 抑制剂组Loeffler 评分增加(P <0.05),脑组织含水量㊁神经元凋亡率㊁伊文思蓝渗透量减少(P <0.05);针刺组与RhoA 抑制剂组比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)㊂与Sham 组比较,TICH 组脑组织RhoA ㊁ROCK 蛋白表达增加(P <0.05);与TICH 组比较,针刺组㊁RhoA 抑制剂组RhoA ㊁ROCK 蛋白表达减少(P <0.05);针刺组与RhoA 抑制剂组比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)㊂结论:针刺可保护TICH 大鼠血脑屏障,可能通过抑制RhoA/ROCK 信号通路激活而改善脑水肿以及神经损伤㊂关键词 创伤性脑出血;针刺;Ras 同源基因家族成员A/Rho 相关卷曲螺旋蛋白激酶信号通路;血脑屏障;大鼠;实验研究d o i :10.12102/j.i s s n .1672-1349.2023.15.011 创伤性脑出血(traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage ,TICH )为脑出血的一种常见类型,系指因交通事故㊁高处坠落等因素而致头部外伤,进而引发的脑实质出血,可导致血脑屏障受损,继而引发脑水肿㊁神经损伤,具有较高的致残率㊁致死率[1]㊂针刺为我国传统医术的一种,是运用针具刺入一定的穴位而达到防治疾病目的的一种疗法,具有适应证广㊁操作简便㊁疗效显著㊁经济安全等优点[2]㊂已有临床研究报道,针刺对脑出血疾病的治疗取得了较大进展,但其具体作用机制仍待探究㊁阐明[3-5]㊂Ras 同源基因家族成员A (Rashomologous gene family member A ,RhoA )/Rho 相关卷曲螺旋蛋白激酶(Rho -associated coiled -coil forming protein kinase ,ROCK )信号通路是机体内紧要的信号转导通路之一,在脑出血疾病的进展中发挥着关键作用,已成为治疗脑出血疾病的热门研究靶点之一[6-7]㊂此外,有研究报道,针刺可通过抑制RhoA/ROCK 信号通路激活而改善阿尔茨海默病小鼠学习记忆功能,减轻高脂血症大鼠血管内皮损伤[8-9]㊂基于此,推测针刺亦可能通过抑制RhoA/ROCK 信号通路激活而保护TICH 大鼠血脑屏障㊂本研究采用自由落基金项目 武汉市卫生健康委员会资助项目(No.WZ21C58)作者单位 武汉市中医医院(武汉430000)通讯作者 刘江华,E -mail :**************引用信息 王翠,杨畅,金玉,等.针刺调节RhoA/ROCK 信号通路对创伤性脑出血大鼠血脑屏障的影响[J ].中西医结合心脑血管病杂志,2023,21(15):2773-2776.体击打法制备TICH 模型,观察针刺对TICH 大鼠血脑屏障的影响,并探究RhoA/ROCK 信号通路激活作为其作用机制的可能性㊂1 材料与方法1.1 实验动物120只无特定病原体(SPF )级SD 大鼠,由北京华阜康生物公司提供,7~8周龄,雄性,体质量(240ʃ20)g ㊂于武汉市中医医院实验室饲养3d 使其稳定后开始造模,饲养环境:12h 光/暗交替模式,温度23~28ħ,湿度45%~55%,自由摄食㊁饮水㊂1.2 主要试剂与仪器RhoA 抑制剂(Rhosin )(货号HY -12646A ,MCE 公司);原位末端标记测定法(TUNEL )染色试剂盒㊁二喹啉甲酸法(BCA )试剂盒(货号分别为C1091㊁P0012,Beyotime 公司);伊文思蓝(Evans blue )示踪染色试剂盒(货号GOY -C3751,上海谷研实业公司);RIPA 裂解液(货号AR0102,武汉博士德生物工程公司);兔抗大鼠一抗anti -GAPDH ㊁anti -RhoA ㊁anti -ROCK 及山羊抗兔二抗(货号分别为ab181602㊁ab187027㊁ab45171㊁ab97051,Abcam 公司)㊂颅骨钻(型号DB014,北京智鼠多宝生物科技公司);一次性无菌针灸针(苏械注准20172271874,江苏华文医疗器械有限公司);石蜡包埋机㊁切片机(型号分别为HS -B7126-B ㊁HS -S7220-B ,沈阳恒松科技公司);烘箱(型号Thermo OGS100,上海赛莹科学仪器公司);凝胶成像仪(型号Invitrogen iBright ,赛默飞世尔科技公司);酶标仪(型号iMark ,Bio -Rad 公司);光学显微镜(NiKON E100,上海普赫生物科技公司)㊂1.3实验分组随机将120只SD大鼠分为假手术(Sham)组㊁TICH组㊁针刺组与RhoA抑制剂组(Rhosin,40mg/kg),每组30只㊂1.4TICH模型制备及干预腹腔注射戊巴比妥钠麻醉大鼠后,使其俯卧㊁固定于手术台,将额顶剃毛㊁消毒,于人字缝㊁矢状缝右侧约3mm作一2cm切口,而后使用颅骨钻钻孔(直径约5mm),操作过程中保持硬膜完整,而后将致伤垫片置于孔上,以20g砝码行自由落体(于距头顶30cm处释放)击打致伤垫片制备TICH模型,而后用牙科水泥封闭钻孔,消毒㊁缝合切口㊂Sham组仅作钻孔处理㊂针刺组于大鼠苏醒后进行针刺干预,采用一次性无菌针灸针(0.35mmˑ40mm)自百会穴透刺患侧曲鬓穴,进针约1.5cm,留针30min,留针期间以180~200r/min的速度撵转,每次5min,共撵转3次,每次间隔5min㊂12h针刺1次,每日2次,连续3d㊂RhoA抑制剂组于大鼠苏醒后腹腔注射Rhosin(40mg/kg),每日1次,连续3d㊂1.5Loeffler评分法评估神经缺损程度于干预后第4天采用Loeffler评分法[10]评估神经缺损程度㊂评分标准:正常运动,5s内翻身计为5分;自主运动减少,5s内翻身计为4分;>5s翻身计为3分;不能翻身计为2分;不能运动计为1分;死亡计为0分㊂Loeffler评分与神经缺损程度呈负相关,各组大鼠均无死亡情况㊂1.6烘干法测定脑组织含水量评估大鼠神经行为学后每组取10只断头取脑,轻轻拭去表面液体,称量得到湿重,而后置于烘箱中烘干水分,称量得到干重㊂脑组织含水量(%)=(湿重 干重)/湿重ˑ100%㊂1.7TUNEL染色检测脑组织神经元凋亡情况评估大鼠神经行为学后每组取10只断头取脑,部分脑组织冻存备用,余者置于多聚甲醛(4%)中固定36h,经脱水㊁透明后进行浸蜡包埋,制作4μm厚的冠状位切片,将切片脱蜡至水,依次浸于蛋白酶K中孵育20min(37ħ)㊁含3%H2O2的甲醇中封闭15min (室温)㊁TUNEL反应液中孵育1h(37ħ),滴加二氨基联苯胺(DAB)显色液孵育5min,洗涤后于光学显微镜下计数TUNEL阳性细胞数及细胞总数,计算神经元凋亡率㊂神经元凋亡率(%)=TUNEL阳性细胞数/细胞总数ˑ100%㊂1.8伊文思蓝示踪染色检测血脑屏障损伤情况评估大鼠神经行为学后,每组剩余10只大鼠于处死1h前尾静脉注入2%伊文思蓝染液(4mL/kg),1h 后麻醉并行心脏灌流,断头取脑,拍照保存脑组织肉眼直观图,称量获得其湿重,加入磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS)进行匀浆,离心取上清,加入等体积的三氯乙酸,于室温孵育24h后离心取上清,借助酶标仪测定620nm波长下吸光值㊂同时根据测定的已知浓度(不同梯度)的标准伊文思蓝的吸光值获得标准曲线,计算脑组织中伊文思蓝含量㊂结果以每克脑组织中所渗透的伊文思蓝量表示,伊文思蓝渗透量与血脑屏障损伤严重程度呈正相关㊂1.9蛋白质免疫印迹法(Western Blot)检测脑组织RhoA/ROCK信号通路相关蛋白表达情况冻存的脑组织经PBS清洗后加入RIPA裂解液匀浆,离心取上清,BCA法测定总蛋白浓度,利用上样缓冲液定量,通过凝胶电泳使蛋白分离,而后将其转印至聚偏二氟乙烯膜(PVDF)上,封闭后孵育一抗anti-RhoA㊁anti-ROCK㊁anti-GAPDH(过夜),后孵育二抗(1h),最后加入显色剂,利用凝胶成像仪拍照,通过Image J软件进行灰度分析㊂1.10统计学处理采用SPSS23.0软件进行统计学分析,定量资料符合正态分布的以均数ʃ标准差(xʃs)表示,多组间比较行单因素方差分析,进一步两两比较采用SNK-q 检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2结果2.1各组Loeffler评分比较与Sham组比较,TICH组Loeffler评分减少(P< 0.05);与TICH组比较,针刺组与RhoA抑制剂组Loeffler评分增加(P<0.05);针刺组与RhoA抑制剂组评分比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)㊂详见表1㊂表1各组Loeffler评分比较(xʃs)单位:分组别只数Loeffler评分Sham组30 4.70ʃ0.26 TICH组30 2.17ʃ0.21①针刺组30 4.10ʃ0.18②RhoA抑制剂组30 4.07ʃ0.19②注:TICH组与Sham组比较,①P<0.05;与TICH组比较,②P<0.05㊂2.2各组脑组织含水量与神经元凋亡率与Sham组比较,TICH组脑组织含水量㊁神经元凋亡率增加(P<0.05);与TICH组比较,针刺组㊁RhoA 抑制剂组脑组织含水量㊁神经元凋亡率减少(P<0.05);针刺组与RhoA抑制剂组比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)㊂详见图1㊁表2㊂图1各组脑组织TUNEL染色图表2各组脑组织含水量与神经元凋亡率(xʃs)单位:%组别只数脑组织含水量神经元凋亡率Sham组1072.65ʃ4.18 6.81ʃ2.52 TICH组1089.73ʃ5.24①37.59ʃ4.17①针刺组1076.58ʃ4.73②14.82ʃ3.25②RhoA抑制剂组1077.13ʃ4.69②15.12ʃ3.28②注:TICH组与Sham组比较,①P<0.05;与TICH组比较,②P<0.05㊂2.3各组血脑屏障损伤情况与Sham组比较,TICH组脑组织伊文思蓝渗透量增加(P<0.05);与TICH组比较,针刺组㊁RhoA抑制剂组伊文思蓝渗透量减少(P<0.05);针刺组与RhoA 抑制剂组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)㊂详见图2㊁表3㊂图2各组脑组织肉眼直观图表3各组脑组织伊文思蓝渗透量比较(xʃs)单位:ng/g组别只数渗透量Sham组100.29ʃ0.08TICH组10 1.21ʃ0.14①针刺组100.45ʃ0.12②RhoA抑制剂组100.47ʃ0.11②注:TICH组与Sham组比较,①P<0.05;与TICH组比较,②P<0.05㊂2.4各组脑组织RhoA/ROCK信号通路相关蛋白表达情况与Sham组比较,TICH组脑组织RhoA㊁ROCK蛋白表达增加(P<0.05);与TICH组比较,针刺组㊁RhoA抑制剂组RhoA㊁ROCK蛋白表达减少(P< 0.05);针刺组与RhoA抑制剂组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)㊂详见图3㊁表4㊂图3各组脑组织RhoA/ROCK信号通路相关蛋白条带图表4各组脑组织中RhoA/ROCK信号通路相关蛋白表达情况(xʃs)组别只数RhoA/GAPDH ROCK/GAPDH Sham组100.26ʃ0.080.32ʃ0.10 TICH组100.83ʃ0.12①0.92ʃ0.15①针刺组100.45ʃ0.10②0.51ʃ0.12②RhoA抑制剂组100.43ʃ0.11②0.48ʃ0.11②注:TICH组与Sham组比较,①P<0.05;与TICH组比较,②P<0.05㊂3讨论血脑屏障是保护中枢神经系统的重要结构,当TICH发生后其完整性被破坏,导致体液㊁胞浆蛋白渗出,继而引发脑水肿㊁神经功能异常等脑损伤,使TICH病情加重㊁恶化[11]㊂西医多采用降低颅内压㊁血压等常规药物及外科手术治疗脑出血,其中常规药物治疗对症状改善及预后不理想,而外科手术治疗创伤大,且手术指征㊁时机尚存争议[12]㊂针刺作为我国一种传统医术,治疗脑出血效果明确,且相较于西医,具有起效快㊁操作简便㊁价格低廉且副作用小的优势[13-14]㊂百会穴㊁曲鬓穴为针刺治疗脑出血疾病常用穴,其中百会穴位于两耳尖与头顶正中线连线的交点处,为百脉之会,百病所主[15];曲鬓穴位于耳尖水平线与耳前鬓角发际后缘垂线的交点处,为足少阳胆经穴,主治头面五官病㊁神志病[16]㊂多项研究报道,经百会穴透刺曲鬓穴针刺可改善脑出血大鼠脑水肿,减少神经元凋亡,保护其神经功能[17-18]㊂本研究选取百会穴透刺曲鬓穴对TICH大鼠进行针刺干预,结果显示,与Sham组比较,TICH组Loeffler评分减少,脑组织含水量㊁神经元凋亡率㊁伊文思蓝渗透量增加,而经针刺干预后,上述情况均明显改善,表明针刺可保护TICH大鼠血脑屏障,改善脑水肿,减轻神经元损伤㊂虽然针刺治疗脑出血疾病一直被临床所推崇,但其作用机制仍不清楚㊂研究显示,RhoA/ROCK信号通路是与脑出血疾病进展密切相关的信号转导通路之一,其中RhoA是一种三磷酸鸟苷(guanosine triphosphate,GTP)结合蛋白,分子量为20~25kDa,有GTP酶活性; ROCK为一种丝氨酸-苏氨酸激酶,分子量约为160 kDa,为RhoA的下游靶点,当RhoA与ROCK相互结合㊁作用后可使ROCK激活,破坏血脑屏障[19-20]㊂有研究发现,在阿尔茨海默病小鼠模型中,针刺可通过抑制RhoA/ ROCK信号通路激活而改善其学习记忆功能[8];在高脂血症大鼠模型中,针刺可通过抑制RhoA/ROCK信号通路激活而减轻其血管内皮损伤[9]㊂而针刺是否通过抑制RhoA/ROCK信号通路激活而保护TICH大鼠血脑屏障尚未可知㊂本研究结果显示,与Sham组比较,TICH 组脑组织RhoA㊁ROCK蛋白表达增加,表明RhoA/ROCK 信号通路激活参与大鼠TICH的发生过程㊂经针刺干预后,TICH大鼠脑组织RhoA㊁ROCK蛋白表达减少,表明针刺可抑制RhoA/ROCK信号通路;同时设置RhoA抑制剂处理为平行对照,结果显示,抑制RhoA/ROCK信号通路激活后大鼠血脑屏障及脑水肿㊁神经元损伤均得到了明显改善,综合本研究结果,推测通过抑制RhoA/ROCK信号通路激活可能为针刺保护TICH大鼠血脑屏障的作用机制㊂综上所述,针刺可保护TICH大鼠血脑屏障,可能通过抑制RhoA/ROCK信号通路激活而改善脑水肿以及减轻神经损伤㊂参考文献:[1]SULHAN S,LYON K A,SHAPIRO L A,et al.Neuroinflammationand blood-brain barrier disruption following traumatic brain injury:pathophysiology and potential therapeutic targets[J].Journal ofNeuroscience Research,2020,98(1):19-28.[2]CHEN F I,ANTOCHI A D,BARBILIAN A G.Acupuncture and theretrospect of its modern research[J].Romanian Journal ofMorphology and Embryology,2019,60(2):411-418.[3]郭子泉,黄泳,姜华,等.早期针刺治疗外伤性脑内血肿:随机对照研究[J].中国针灸,2018,38(5):493-498.[4]LIU H,ZHANG B,LI X W,et al.Acupuncture inhibits mammaliantarget of rapamycin,promotes autophagy and attenuates 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早在1991年,来自于美国和荷兰的两个转 基因植物实验组,将紫色色素基因导入矮 牵牛(petunia)植物,目的是想通过增加紫 色色素基因拷贝来获得具有更多红花的矮 牵牛,结果则出乎他们的预料:有些转基 因的矮牵牛却开出部分或全部白花,表明 色素合成不是增加了而是减少。事实上, 不但导入的基因没有表达,而且植物本身 的色素合成基因也受到某种程度的抑制, 这种现象当时称为共抑制(cosuppression)
C. elegans (Fire et al., 1998)
Drosophila (Carthew et al., 1998)
Planaria (Newmark et al., 1998) Trypanosomes (Ullu et al., 1998) Hydra (Lohmann et al., 1999) Zebrafish (Wargelius et al., 1999) Mice (Wianny & Zernicka-Goetz, 2000) ------
Small interfering RNA Active molecules in RNA interference
Gene Silencing
Gene silencing has been observed in many organisms: C. elegans, Drosophila, planaria, hydra, trypanosomes, fungi, plants, mice and human, etc. There are different mechanisms of gene silencing. A common trigger for these processes is RNA. Double-stranded RNAs are most effective at triggering silencing of gene expression.
【WORD格式论文原稿】肌球蛋白Ⅱ在有丝分裂中的作用免费查阅标准与论文:* 肌球蛋白?在有丝分裂中的作用1刘阳,安美文,李晓娜,王立(太原理工大学应用力学与生物医学工程研究所,太原,030024 ) 摘要:细胞骨架具有产生主动变形和抵抗被动变形的能力,与有丝分裂等主动变形活动密切相关。
关键词:主动变形; 肌球蛋白?;有丝分裂1.引言细胞骨架是指真核细胞中的蛋白纤维网架体系,细胞骨架不仅在维持细胞形态,保持细胞内部结构的有序性中起重要作用,而且与细胞运动、能量转换、信息传递、基因表达、细胞分化等重大生命活动密切相关。
肌球蛋白?具有两条完全相同的长肽链(重链 ) 和两对短肽链(轻链),组成两个球状头部和一个长杆状尾部(图1),分子量约460kD。
[1]图 1 肌球蛋白?的结构示意图[1]Fig. 1 Schematic of myosin ?2.肌球蛋白?在细胞有丝分裂中的作用在有丝分裂过程中,细胞核和细胞质都发生了一系列的变化,通过形成有丝分裂器,将[2]遗传物质平均分配到两个子代细胞中。
肌球蛋白?在整个皮层都有分布,但是在不同时期不同区域的聚集程度也有所不同:在有丝分裂后期,肌球蛋白?在赤道区域的聚集情况比较* 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10672114),山西省自然科学基金资助项目(2007011011)1 通讯作者:安美文,太原理工大学应用力学与生物医学工程研究所,E-mail:meiwen_an@ - 1 -免费查阅标准与论文:明显;胞质分裂中,肌球蛋白?由赤道区域逐渐移动到子细胞的两极。
Schlage NDE 移动端启用无线圆柱锁说明书
NDE mobile enabled wireless cylindrical lock is designed to affordably extend electronic access control deeper into the building beyond traditional perimeter and high security openings and offers users the security and convenience of using aNDE wireless locks simplify installation by combining the lock, credential reader, door position sensor and request-to-exit switch all in one unit, eliminating the need toThe open architecture design of NDE allows it to be managed by Allegion software or Alliance program. This enables customers to choose the system that best fits their NDE suites with all Schlage ND levers and keyways to provide attractive options to Features and benefits§NDE includes interior push button withindication for storeroom, office, privacy, andapartment applications§Standard multi-technology credentialcompatibility includes Schlage MIFARE®,Bluetooth® and NFC mobile 1, and proximity−Optional support for HID® smart and NFCmobile credentials§Wireless configuration from connectedsmartphones and tablets§Built-in Wi-Fi® enables automated daily updates sent directly from host softwareSchlage • NDENDE wireless lock specificationsUsers Up to 5,000 1AuditsUp to 2,000 2Credential verification time 3Smart and proximity: ≤ 1 second Mobile: mobile device dependent Visual communicationsLED (red, amber, green)Audible communications Audible indicator (field configurable)Communication standards§ 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi ® (IEEE 802.11b/g/n) §WPA2, WPA, WEP, 802.1x§Bluetooth ® low energy (version 4.2)§Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.2§Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 256-bitGateway communication rangeUp to 30' in typical building environments. A detailed site survey isrecommended using the ENGAGE Test Kit (TKE). Reference ENGAGE ™ Gateway Data Sheet for additional detail.Wake-Up on Radio Responds to command from host in less than 5 seconds when linked to ENGAGE Gateway (requires PACS provider system)Data rate54 Mbps Connectivity options§Bluetooth via mobile device (send updates at the lock) §Wi-Fi access point (automatic daily updates 7) §No-Tour 8§ENGAGE Gateway (real-time communication) −RS-485 to ACP or IP to hostBattery life 4Uses 4 AA batteries Up to 2 yearsOperating temperatureExterior: -31° to 151°F (-35° to 66°C)Exterior: -13° to 151°F (-25° to 66°C) (NDEBSi)°°°° Maximum database storage capacity of lock.Can vary by access control software database capacity. Maximum audit storage capacity of lock. Can vary by access control software audit storage capacity. Response time does not include latency time of host when linked with an ENGAGE Gateway or when using No-Tour. Assuming indoor application, default settings, 80 actuations, interior LED disabled and one Wi-Fi update per day.Consult your access control software provider for specific scope of support. Software indicates lock/unlock status based on sequence of events. Daily update will occur within 24 hours as scheduled by the host. With MT20W and smart credential or mobile credential (consult your access control software provider for specific support).Exterior of the lock1.19"Interior of the lockSchlage • NDENo-Tour applications require a 1K Byte Schlage MIFARE smart credential. Specify CE-5901-0402 for ISONAS credential parity. Dependent on PACS /Proptech provider capabilities. Visit /alliances for more information. Supported through ENGAGE web and mobile apps, ISONAS Pure Access Cloud. Proximity bit lengths greater than 37 not supportedStandard multi-technology reader specificationsCredential technologies Proximity (125 kHz), Smart (13.56 MHz), Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) (2.4 GHz), and Near Field Communication (NFC) StandardsISO standard 15693 and ISO 14443Maximum read rangeProximity: up to 1.25"Smart: up to .75"Bluetooth Low Energy: up to 15'NFC: mobile device dependentProximitycredential compatibilityCompatibility: Schlage ®, ISONAS ™, HID 5, GE/CASI ProxLite ®, AWID ® and LenelProx ®Schlage credential style formats: Clamshell, ISO card, ISO card with magnetic stripe, keyfob, thin keyfob, PVC adhesive discSmartcredential compatibility 1Secure sector compatibility: Schlage MIFARE Classic ®, Schlage MIFARE Plus ®, Schlage MIFARE ® DESFire ®; HID support with the Si option CSN only compatibility: HID iCLASS ®, HID iCLASS SE ®, Inside Contactless Pico Tag ®, MIFARE Classic/Plus/DESFire 2,ST Microelectronics ®, Texas Instruments Tag-It ®, Phillips I-Code ®Schlage credential style formats: Clamshell, ISO card, ISO card with magnetic stripe, keyfob, thin keyfob, wearable wristband, PVC adhesive patchMobile credential compatibility 3Schlage Mobile Bluetooth ® credential 4, integrated PACS/Proptech mobile credential with Bluetooth, Apple Wallet ® NFC student ID and employee badge mobile credentials, Google Wallet ™ NFC student ID and employee badge mobile credentials; HID NFC support with the Si optionMechanical specificationsChassis CylindricalHandingRight-handed from factory. Field reversible in seconds (no tools required).ANSI standard (Meets or exceeds)ANSI/BHMA A156.25-2013 (Indoor/Outdoor)ANSI/BHMA A156.2-2011, Series 4000, Grade 1Door thickness Standard: 1 5⁄8" - 2" (41mm - 51mm) only Backset Standard: 2 3⁄4" (70mm)Optional: 2 3⁄8" (60mm)Latch bolt Standard: 1⁄2" (12mm) throw deadlatch (steel)Optional: 3⁄4" (19mm) throw anti-friction deadlatch available for pairs of fire doors Levers Pressure cast zinc, platedStrike Standard: 1 3⁄16" lip, ANSI, DPS, 1 1⁄4" x 4"Optional: Additional strikes, lip lengths and ANSI strike box availableCylinder and keysStandard: Schlage 6-pin Everest 29 S123 keyway Conventional cylinder with two patented keys. Additional keying optionsavailable, including interchangeable cores, competitor brands, master keying and grand master keying.Schlage key systems Conventionalkey-in-lever cylinder Full sizeinterchangeable core Small formatinterchangeable core With cylinder P, P6, Z M, R G7Construction core ----T H Disposable core --------BDC Less cylinderLJBCompatible cylinders listed above are supported on all levers.SARGENT ® - Less cylinder L-SAR J-SAR ----Corbin Russwin ® - Less cylinder L-CO6J-CO6, J-CO7----Yale ® - Less cylinder ----J-YA6, J-YA7----Medeco - Less cylinder----J-MED----Six-pin competitive cylinders listed above are supported on ATH, SPA, RHO, and TLR levers. Seven-pin competitive cylinders listed above are supported on RHO levers.Compatible cylindersMobile enabled retrofit kitsRetrofit kits are available allowing theupgrade of legacy NDE locks to the mobile enabled model, adding the ability to read Bluetooth ® mobile credentials and new functions supported by an interior push button with indication.§Kit includes: Interior escutcheon with PCBA and DPS with lead (requires modified door prep)** K it requires reuse of exterior of lock, lock chassis, existing levers/spring cages, battery cover, mounting screws and interior mounting plate.Si option with HID ® supportSupports:§Secure application area of HID iCLASS ®, iCLASS SE ®, Seos ® and MIFARE ® DESFire ® EV1 smart credentials§iCLASS Standard Key and Elite Keys §HID NFC mobile credentials §All Schlage MIFARE and mobile credentials Does not support: §Proximity§HID Seos Bluetooth mobileAbout AllegionAllegion (NYSE: ALLE) is a global pioneer in seamless access, with leading brands like CISA ®, Interflex ®, LCN ®, Schlage ®, SimonsVoss ® and Von Duprin ®. Focusing on security around the door and adjacent areas, Allegion secures people and assets with a range of solutions for homes, businesses, schools and institutions. For more, visit Ordering informationSelections correspond with the numbers aboveStandards options are indicated in bold. See price book for specific configuration options.3/5 Lever styleATH Athens*BRK Boardwalk * BRW Broadway *LAT LatitudeLON Longitude OME Omega RHO Rhodes*SPA Sparta *TLR Tubular *Available with tactile surface.4/6 Finish626Satin chrome 605 Bright brass606 Satin brass 612 Satin bronze619 Satin nickel 622 Matte black 625 Bright chrome643e Aged bronze626AMSatin chrome antimicrobial7Backset and latch13-24723⁄4" backset, deadlatch, square corner, 11⁄8" x 2 1⁄4"See price book for additional backset and latch options.8 Strike47267101 1 1⁄4" x 4 7⁄8" with 1 3⁄16" lip (NDEB)See price book for other available strikes.9 Dim (strike lip length)138 1 3⁄8" non-standard lip lengthEnter only for non-standard strike lip lengths. See price book for other available non-standard lengths.10Additional detailsS123Everest 29See price book for other available keyway options including restricted keyways in Primus XP high security cylinders and master keying.1 Series NDEB M obile enabled cylindrical withconfigurable functions NDEBSi M obile enabled cylindrical withconfigurable functions that supports HID ® credential typesPrior to ordering, confirm support with preferred PACS provider, visit /alliances .2Lever cylinder typeP6Schlage 6-pin Conventional key-in-leverSee price book for other SFIC, FSIC and Less Cylinder options available. Supports Schlage, SARGENT , Corbin, Russwin , and Yale .Allegion, the Allegion logo, ENGAGE technology, the ENGAGE technology logo, Schlage, the Schlage logo and Vandlgard are trademarks of Allegion plc, its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the United States and other countries. The HID, iCLASS, iCLASS SE, Seos, SARGENT, Corbin, Russwin, and Yale trademarks are owned by ASSA ABLOY. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Lever stylesThe NDE shares the same levers as the Schlage ND mechanical lock. All NDE locks feature mechanical key override; standard, SFIC or FSIC options available.Athens Boardwalk Longitude Rhodes BroadwayOmegaLatitude Sparta Tubular© 2023 Allegion 010409, Rev. 08//us605Bright brass 606Satin brass 612Satin bronze 643eAged bronze619Satin nickel625Bright chrome626Satin chrome626AMSatin chrome antimicrobialFinishesWarm tone finishesCool tone finishes622Matte black。
UG术语中英文对照2D Exchange 二维转换2D Manikin 2D虚拟3D 三维Assembly Sequencing 装配次序Abort 中止Absolute 绝对Absolute coordinate system 绝对坐标系Accuracy 精度Action 操作Active 活动的Active view 激活视图Add 增加Add a component 添加一个组件Add Existing Component 加入已存的组件Add existing part 加入已存的部件Add View to Drawing 在图纸中增加视图Adding a view distance 添加一个视图的距离Adding a north graphic view 添加一个正投影视图Adding entries 添加记录Adding members to assembly 添加成员到装配体中Adding poles 添加极点Additional 附加的Adjacency 相邻Adjacent Edges Devuation 相邻边偏差Adjust 调整Advisor 顾问Advanced Lights 高级光Advantages over interpart expressions 超出部件间表达式的优点Align 对齐Align curve 对准曲线Align View 对齐视图Aligning drawing views 对准图纸视图Alignment 对准Alignment methods 对准方法Alignment options 对准选项All 全部Allow 允许Allow substitution 允许替换Allowance 余量Along 沿着Along curve 沿曲线Along direction 沿某一方向Along driver normals 沿驱动的法向Along face normals 沿表面的法向Along fixed vector 沿固定矢量方向Along vector 沿矢量方向Alternate 可变的Alternate Solution 另解Alternates 替换Analysis 分析Analysis and Reporting Functions 分析和报告功能Analysis Data Set Functions 分析数据集功能Analysis Functions 分析功能Analysis Toolbar 分析工具条Analysis type 分析类型Analysis V iews Edge Highlight 分析视图边界高亮显示AnalyzeShape 分析外形AnalyzeShapeToolbar 分析成形工具条Analyzing 分析Anchor and orientation point 锚点和方位点Anchor point 锚点Angle 角度Angle tolerance 角度公差Angle extensions 角度延伸Angular 角度Angular dimensions 角度尺寸Angular law 角度规律Animate 动画模拟Animation 动画Anisotropic material 各向异性材料annotation 注释Annotation editor 注释编辑器Annotation Preferences 注释预设置Annotations 注释Ansys solve Ansys 解算器Anti-aliasing 反锯齿Any 任何Apex 顶点Apex string 顶点线串Apparent 外观Apparent intersection point 表观交点Append 附加Appended 组件Appended text controls 附加文本控制Application 应用程序Application context 应用的上下文Application Toolbar 应用程序工具条Applications 应用Applications of W A VE W A VE的应用Apply 应用Apply Filter 应用过滤器Approx 近似Approximate 近似Approximate Rho 近似的Rho值Arc 弧Arc Center 圆心Arc Length 弧长Area 面积Area law 面积规律array 阵列Arrow 箭头Arrow line display 箭头线显示Arrow segment 箭头段Artistic Image 艺术图像ASCII 美国信息交换标准码Aspect Ratio 纵横比Assemble As Group 装配为组Assemble Step 装配步骤Assemblies 装配Assemblies Clearance 装配间隙Assembly 装配Assembly analysis 装配体分析Assembly Hidden Line Removal 装配消隐线移去Assembly Modeling 装配建模Assembly Navigator 装配导航器Assembly Navigator Tool 装配导航工具Assembly part 装配部件Assembly preferences 装配参数预设置Assembly Sequencing 装配导航器Assembly views 装配视图Assembly Zone 装配区域Assembly Sequences 装配次序Assign 指定Assignment 分派Associate 关联Associated 相关联的Associative 关联Associative offsets 相关偏置Associative View Scale 相关视图比例Associativity 相关性Associativity of utility symbols 实用符号的相关性At angle to vector 与矢量方向成角度At Time stamp 按时间标记Attachment 附着Attachment methods 附着方式Attribute 属性Attribute editor 属性编辑器Attributes 属性Attributes hierarchy 属性优先级别Auto 自动Auto dimension 自动尺寸标注Auto ballon 自动注释Automatic 自动Auxiliary 辅助Auxiliary View 辅助视图axis 轴Axisymmetric 轴对称Axisymmetric analysis 轴对称分析Axisymmetric loading 轴对称加载Back 下一个Background 背景Bad 坏的Baffle 隔片Balance 平衡Ball 球Bandwidth 带宽Bar 栏Base Diameter 底部直径Basepart 基础部件Basepoint 基点Basic 基本Basic comcepts of GeometricTolerancing 几何公差的基本概念Basic Curves 基本曲线Basic Lights 基本光Batch Processing 批处理正在进行Bead 筋Bend 折弯Bend segment 折弯段Bend sequence table 弯曲顺序表Bezier spline 贝塞尔样条Binder Ring 压边圈Blank 隐藏Blend 倒圆Blend solid edge 倒圆实体边缘Blend types 倒圆类型Blending function 倒圆功能Block 块Body 体Body Design 体设计Body extents (物)体范围Body of revolution 旋转体Body Taper 体拔模Bold 粗的Book mark 书签Boolean Face Properties From 布尔运算面属性Boolean operation 布尔运算Border 边界Borders 边界Boss 园台Both 两者Bottom 底部Bound by objects 用对象定视图边界boundary 边界Boundary point 边界点Boundary types 边界类型Bounded Plane 有界平面Bounding 边界Box 盒子Bracket 支架Break 打断Bridge 桥接Bridge Curve 桥接曲线Bridge Depth 桥接深度Bridge Skew 桥接扭曲Broken Links 断开的链接Broken View 断开剖Build 生成Bundle 捆But 除By corners 按拐角分段By equal segments 按等长分段By Equation 按方程式By input arc length segments 按输入的弧长分段By knot point segments 按节点分段By law curve 按规律曲线By points 通过点By poles 通过极点By segments 按段数By tolerance 按公差Calculator capabilities 计算器功能Call outs 零件明细表序号Camera Step 摄像机步长Cancel 取消Canned layout 储存的布局Canned view 储存的视图Cartesian 笛卡尔(直角坐标系)Catalog 目录Categorise 分类Category 类别Cavity 型腔Cells 单元Center 中心centerline 中心线CGM CGM格式文件Chain 链接Chaining 成链Chamfer 倒角Chamfer edges 边缘倒角Change degree 改变阶次Change edge 改变边缘Change stiffness 改变刚度Change WCS XC Direction 改变坐标系XC方向Change WCS YC Direction 改变坐标系YC方向Change weights 改变权值Character 字符Characteristic 特性Check 检查Check Clearances 间隙分析Check for overlaps 重叠部分检查Checking the format 检查格式Children 子Circle 圆Circle array 圆形阵列Circular 圆形Circular boundary 圆形边界Circular extension 圆形延伸CL 刀位CL file 刀位文件CL point 刀位点Class 分类Class Selection 分类选择Class selection subfuction 分类选择子功能Class selection tools 分类选择工具Classification 分类Clear 清除Clearance 间隙Clearance analysis 间隙分析Clearance zone 间隙区域Click 单击Cliff 陡峭Cliff edges 陡峭边缘Clone 克隆Clone assembly 克隆装配Cloning 克隆Close Gaps 封闭间隙Closed 封闭Closed bodies 封闭体Closed Curve 封闭曲线Closed defining points 封闭的定义点Closed in U U向封闭Closed in V V向封闭Closs 关闭Coarse 粗糙Code 代码Code set 代码集Coincident 重合Collaborate 协作Collapse All 全部折叠Collinear 共线Color 颜色Color legend 颜色图标Color,font and width option 颜色、字型和宽度选项Column 列Column degree 列的阶次Combined 组合Combined curve projections 组合曲线的投射Combined Projection 组合投影Common 普通Common tools 通用工具Compare 比较Complement Arc 补弧Complete 完成Component 组件Component members 组件成员Component object 组件对象Components 组件Components Arrays 组件阵列Components Filters 组件过滤器Components Operations 组件操作Composite Feature control Frame 复合特征控制框架Compress 压缩Computed 计算Computed curves 计算的曲线Concentric 同心的Concentric Circle 同心圆Concepts 概念Concurrent 并行Concurrent Engineering 并行工程Conditional annotation 条件注释Conduit 沟渠Cone 圆锥Cone direction 圆锥方向Cone origin 圆锥底面圆心Configuration 配置Confirm Upon Apply 应用时确认Confirmation 确认Conic 二次曲线Conic Rho 二次曲线Rho值Connected Faces 相连的面Connection 连接Conponents Sets 组件集Constant 常量Constrain 约束Constrain Face 约束面Constrain options 约束选项Constraint 约束Constructed 构造Constructed curves 构造的曲线Construction 构造Construction Points 构造点Contact mesh 接触网格Containment 包容Containment Interference 包容干涉Contiguous 邻近的Continuity 连续性Continuity Checks 连续性检查Continuity method 连续方式Continuity type 连续性类型Contour 轮廓Contour Curve 轮廓曲线Contour lines 轮廓线Contour plot 轮廓图control 控制Control by 受控于Control Point 控制点Control Polygon 控制多边形Control structure 控制结构Control vertex 控制顶点Control 控制Convert 转换Convert dependency 转换依附性Coordinate 坐标Coordinate system 坐标系统Copy 拷贝Copy component 拷贝组件Copy geometry 拷贝几何体Copy method 拷贝方法Copy Object 复制对象Copy to Layer 拷贝至层Copying drawing views 拷贝图视图Core 型芯Corner 拐角Count 数量Counter clock wise 逆时针Course 课程Course objectives 课程目的Create 创建Create animation 创建动画Create Component Array 生成组件陈列Create Explosion 生成爆炸Create Filter 建立过滤器Create Geometry 创建几何体Create linked part 创建链接部件Create Method 创建方法Create New Component 创建新的组件Create new level 创建新的一级Create Operation 创建操作Create Program 创建程序组Create Sequence 生成序列Create Tool 创建刀具组Creating a Components Arrays 创建组件阵列Creating a cylindrical centerline 创建圆柱体的中心线Creating a half section view 创建一个半剖视图Creating a Heilcal Spline 创建一个螺旋样条线Creating a linear center line 创建一条线型中心线Creating a new drawing 创建一个新的图纸Creating a revolved section view 创建一个旋转剖视图Creating a simple section view 创建一个简单剖视图Creating an offset center point 创建一个偏置的中心点Creating an unfolded section cut 创建一个展开的剖视图Creating and Editing Assemblies 创建和编辑装配Creating Dimensions 创建尺寸Creating explode views 创建爆炸视图Creating family members 创建家庭成员Creating ID Symbols 创建ID符号Creating pattern data 创建图样数据Creating Section Views 创建剖视图Creating text with a leader 创建带引线的文本Creating Utility Symbols 创建实用符号Creation 创建Cross 交叉Cross section 横截面Cross Splines 交叉样线条Cross strings 交叉线串Cross hairs 十字线Cross hatch 断面线Cross hatch Boundary 断面线边界Cross hatching 剖面线Cross hatching adjacency tolerance 剖面线邻近公差Cross over 交叉CSYS 坐标系Created in an assembly 在一个装配中创建Cubic 三次的Cubic fit surface 三次拟合曲面Current 当前的Current Layout 当前布局Current parameters 当前参数Current view 当前视图Cursor 光标Cursor location 光标位置Curvature 曲率Curvature analysis 曲率分析Curvature comb 曲率梳Curvature method 曲率方法curve 曲线Curve analysis display 曲线分析显示Curve Chamfer 曲线倒角Curve creation 曲线建立Curve divide curve 用曲线分割曲线Curve extension 曲线延伸Curve fit creation methods 曲线拟合的建立方法Curve fit with template 使用模板来拟合曲线Curve mesh 曲线网格Curve on Surface 曲面上的曲线Curve to face option 曲线到表面的选项Curve Toolbar 曲线工具条Custom 定制Custom menubar 客户化菜单条Custom Symbol 定制符号Cut 剖切Cut Angle 剖切角Cut line 剖切线Cut Object 剪切对象Cut segment 剖切段Cuts 细缝Cycle 周期,循环Cylinder 圆柱体cylindrical 圆柱的Darker 较暗Dart 筋Dash 虚线DataBase 数据库DataModel 数据模型DataPoints 数据点集Datum 基准Datumaxis 基准轴DatumCSYS 基准坐标系DatumEditor 基准编辑器Datumplane 基准平面Decimal Places 小数点位数Default 默认Define 定义Defining 定义Defining a UG Expression table 定义一个UG表达式表Defining Face 定义表面Defining points 定义点集Defining the Assembly Structure 定义装配结构Defining the datum origin 定义基准原点Defining the plotter 定义绘图仪Defining the section view display 定义剖视图显示Definition 定义Deform 变形Deform Sheet 曲面变形Deg 度Degree 阶次Degree greater than maximum 阶次大于最大值Degree less than minimum 阶次小于最小值Delay 延迟Delay inter part updates 延迟部件间更新Delayed 延迟Delayed update 延迟更新Delayed Update on Edit 编辑时延迟的更新Delete 删除Delete all edits 删除所有编辑Delete Drawing Sheet 删除图纸页面Delete Explosion 删除爆炸图Delete Object 删除对象Delete positioning dimension 删除定位尺寸Delete selected edits 删除选择的编辑Delete selected erasures 删除选择的擦除Delete Toolpath 删除刀轨Deleteing parent geometry 删除户几何体Deleteing autility symbol 删除一个实用符号Delta 增量Delta Offset 增量偏置Demo 演示Density 密度dependency 依附Dependent 依附的Depth 深度Derivative 派生Derivative V ector 派生矢量Description 描述Descriptor 描述符Deselect All 全部不选Deselection 取消选择Design 设计Design in Context 按上下文设计Design rule 设计规则Design Template 设计模板Destination 目标Destination Layer 目标层Destination Point 目标点Detail 详细Detail Design 详细设计Detail View 详细视图Detailed 详细的Destination 目的Deviation 偏差Deviation Analysis 偏差分析Deviation check 偏差检查Deviation Gauge 偏差度量dialog 对话框Dialog Bar 对话栏Dialog Bar Fields 对话栏域Dialog Manager 对话栏管理Dialog Preferences 对话框参数预设置Diameter 直径Die Addendum Surface 工艺补充面Die Area Fill 区域填充Die Binder Wrap 压料面Die Carry over 制件信息传递Die Design 冲模设计Die Design Toolbar 冲模设计工具条Die Engineering 冲模工程Die Engineering Toolbar 冷冲模设计工具条Die Face 冲压面Die Flange Task 翻边工序Die Form Task 成形工序Die Line up 冲压陈列Die Lower Scrap Cutter 模板下部废料裁剪Die Operation 冲模操作Die Pierce Task 模板钻孔任务Die Process Assistant 冲压工艺辅助Die Product Replace 冲模产品替换Die Ribbon Builder 冲模条带建模器Die Section 模具截面Die Steel Insert 模板钢插入Die Tip 冲压方偏转Die Tip Reference 冲压方向偏转参考Die Trim Post 模板裁剪发布Die Trim Steel 修边镶块Die Trim Steel Assistant 模具修边镶块辅助Die Trim Task 修边工序Dim 尺寸dimension 尺寸标注Dimension Constraints 尺寸约束Dimension Local Settings 尺寸局部设置dimensions 尺寸Direct 直接Direct Field of View 直接视野Direct Modeling 直接建模Direct Modeling Toolbar 直接建模工具条direction 方向Direction point 定向点Directories 路径Directory 目录Directory Entry Section 目录登录区Disable 禁用Disassemble As Group 拆卸为组Disassemble Step 拆卸步骤display 显示Display Drawing 显示图纸Display File 显示文件Display Instance Editor 显示引用特征编辑器Display label 显示标记Display Object 显示对象Display Options 显示选项Display Preferences 显示参数预设置Display Selected Part 显示所选部件Display Type 显示类型Display WCS 显示工作坐标系Displayed Part 显示部件distance 距离Distance and Angle 距离及角度Distance Check 距离检查Distance Normal to Curve 垂直于曲线的距离Distance Tolerance 距离公差Distance V alue 距离值divide 分割Divide Curve 分割曲线Divided Symbols 分割符号Document Tag 文件标签Documentation 手册DOF 自由度DOL Report DOL报告Double 双Double Border 双边界Double offset chamfer 双边偏置倒角Downward 向下Draft 拔模Draft Analysis 拔模角分析Draft Angle 拔模角度Draft Height 拔模高度Drafting 制图Drafting Annotation 页面注释Drafting Application 制图应用Drafting Associativity 制图相关性Drafting Dimensions 制图尺寸Drafting Edit 图面编辑Drafting Object 二维图对象Drafting Preferences 制图预设置Drafting Symbols 制图符号Drafting Tables 制图表Drafting Toggles 制图切换Drag 拖拽Dragging 正在拖动Draw Die Punch 拉伸模冲压Drawing 图纸Drawing Borders 图片边框Drawing Layout 图纸布局Drawing Operations 制图操作Drawing V iew Boundaries 图视图边界Drawing V iews 图视图Drive 驱动Drive Curves 驱动曲线Driver Type 驱动类型Dual 双重Dual Constraints 双重约束DXF to Unigraphics 从DXF转换到UG Dynamic 动态edge 边缘Edge and Cross Tangents 边缘与交叉切矢Edge and Normals 边缘与法线Edge Blend 边缘圆角Edge Chamfer 边倒角Edge Curvature 边缘与曲率Edge deviation 边缘偏差Edge Hiding Edge 边缘消隐边缘Edge Only 仅仅边缘Edge Rip 边缘裂口Edge to Face 边缘到表面Edges 边Edit 编辑Edit Alignment 编辑对准Edit Arc Length 编辑弧长Edit Arrangements 编辑安排Edit Category 编辑层组Edit Curve 编辑曲线Edit Curve Parameters 编辑曲线参数Edit Curve Toolbar 编辑曲线工具条Edit Dimension Associativity 编辑尺寸相关性Edit During Update 更新期间编辑Edit Entire Segments 编辑整个段Edit Explosion 编辑爆炸视图Edit Feature 编辑特征Edit Feature Parameters 编辑特征参数Edit Feature Toolbar 编辑特征工具条Edit Fillet 编辑圆角Edit Free Feature 编辑自由形式特征Edit Free Form Feature Toolbar 编辑自由形式特征工具条Edit Object 编辑对象Edit Object Display 编辑对象显示Edit Object Segments 编辑对象段Edit Positioning 编辑位置Edit Sketch Dimension 编辑草图尺寸Edit Solid Density 编辑实体密度Edit Spline by Adding a point 通过添加点来编辑样条Edit Structure 编辑结构Edit Table 编辑表Edit Text 编辑文本Edit Tool path 编辑刀轨Edit V Degree 编辑V向阶次Editing Dimension Text 编辑尺寸文本Editing Drafting Object 编辑制图对象Editing ID Symbols 编辑ID符号Editing Ordinate Dimensions 编辑坐标尺寸Editing Text 编辑文本Editing the Display of Drawing V iews 编辑图视图的显示Editing the Section Line Segments 编辑剖面线段Editing Utility Symbols 编辑实用符号Effects 效果Eject 顶出Element Size 单元尺寸ellipse 椭圆Embed 内嵌Embedded 内嵌的Emboss 凸起Emphasize 强调Emphasize Work Part 强调工作部件Empty 空Empty Reference set 空的引用集Enable 启用End 终点End Curvatures 端点曲率End point 终点End Slopes 端点斜率End Tangent Overflow 终点相切溢流Enforce 强制Engine RollEngineering 工程Enhancements 增强功能Enlarge 扩大Enter 输入Enter Radius 键入半径Entire 整个Entire Part Condition 整个部件零件entries 记录Entries Options 记录选项Environment V ariable 环境变量Epual Arc Length Segments 等弧长分段Equal 相等的Equal Arc length 等弧长Equal Radius 等半径Equation 公式Erase 删除Erase Objects 擦除对象Erase Shade 擦除渲染Error 错误Error Messages 错误信息Evaluate 评估Evaluating 评估Evaluating Concepts 评估概念Examine 检查Exchange 转换Exclude 除外Existing 现有的Existing Point 已存点Exit Unigraphics 退出UGExpand 扩展Expand All 全部展开Exploded Views 爆炸视图explode 爆炸Export 输出Export GIF 输出GIFExport JPEG 输出JPEGExport Module 导出模块Export Operation Navigator to Browser 输出操作导航树至浏览器Export PNG 输出PNGExport TIFF 输出TIFFExporting 输出Exporting a Drawing 输出一张图纸Expression 表达式Expression Check 表达式检查Expression Editior 表达式编辑器Expressions 表达式Extend 延伸Extend Factor 延伸因子Extended Tangents 延伸相切Extension 延伸Extension Line Display 延伸线的显示Extension Lines 延伸线Extension Surface 延伸曲面extents 范围External 外部的Extra Fine 特别精密Extract 提取Extract Curve 提取曲线Extract Geometry 提取几何体Extract Isoline 抽取等参数线Extracted 提取extrude 拉伸Extruded Body 拉伸体Eyellipse 眼椭圆Fabrication 制造face 面Face Analysis 表面分析Face Blend 面倒圆Face Edges 面的边Face Normals 表面法向Face to Face 表面到表面Face pair DEF 面对-定义特征Facet 小平面Facet Edges 面片的边Faceted Body 用小平面表示的体Factor 系数Failure 失败False 错误(的)family 家庭Family Member 家庭成员Family of Parts 部件家庭Family Table 家庭表Fast Font 快速生成字体FEA有限元分析Feature 持征Feature Edit 特征编辑Feature Operation 特征操作Feature Operation Toolbar 特征操作工具条Feature Parameters 特征参数Feature Playback 特征回放Feature Sets 持征集Feedrates 进给率FEM 有限元建模File 文件File Extensions 文件扩展名File Pull Down Menu 文件选项下拉菜单Fill 填充Fillet 圆角Fillet Surface 倒圆曲面Filter 过滤器Filter Box 过滤器输入框Filter Methods 过滤方法Filtering 过滤Filtering and Filtering Mode 过滤和过滤模式Find 查找Find Component 查找组件Find in Navigator 在导航器中查找Find in Sequences 显示所有次序Find Object 查找对象Fine 好First 第一First Offset 第一偏置First Set 第一组First Side String 第一侧边线串fit 拟合Fit Methods 拟合方法Fit Splines 拟合样条Fit View to Selection 将视图拟合到选中的区域fixed 固定Fixed Length Method 固定长度方法Fixture 夹具Flag Section 标志区Flange 凸缘Flange Post 弯边柱Flange Steel 弯边钢FLEXlm User Guide FLEXlm用户指南Floor 底Fog 雾Fold 折叠Folded Radius 带折线的半径Folded Radius Dimension 折叠半径标注Font 字体Font Character 字符Font Object Library 字体库Font Table 字体表Force 强制(力量)Force Close 强制关闭Forced Direction 强制的方向Foreign 外来的Form 成型(由)Form Block Line 成型块直线Form Feature 外型特征Form Feature Boss Creation 成型特征:凸台建立Form Feature Pad Creation 成型特征:凸垫建立Form Feature Toolbar 成形特征工具条Form Features 成型特征format 格式Formatting Options 格式选项Forming Table 成型表Formula 公式Forward To Last 前进到最后一个Four Point Surface 四点曲面Free Form Feature 自由形状特征Free Form Feature Toolbar 自由形式特征工具条Free Form Shape 自由外形Free Form Shape Toolbar 曲面成形工具条Freeform 自由(曲面)Freezing 冻结Freezing Entries 冻结记录Freezing parts 冻结部件Fringe 云图Fringes 云图条纹From Point Cloud 由点云From Poles 由极点Full Circle 整圆Fully loaded 全部加载function 功能Gage 度量Gaps 缝隙Gate 浇口Gateway 入门Gaussian 高斯Gaussian Radius 高斯半径GDT 型位公差GDT Parameters GDT参数GDT Symbol GDT符号General 一般General Concepts 通用概念General Conic 一般二次曲线General Flange 通用弯边General Function 通用功能General Spline 通用样条线Generate Toolpath 生成刀轨Generate 生成Geometric 几何Geometric Constraint 几何约束Geometric Tolerancing 几何公差Geometric Tolerancing Associated 关联的几何公差Geometric Tolerancing List All 列出所有的几何公差Geometric Tolerancing Search 几何公差搜索Geometry 几何Geometry Linker 几何体链接器Geometry Navigator 几何体导航器Geometry V iew 几何视图Give 给出Global 全局的Global Layer Mask 全程层屏蔽Global Shaping 一般变形Go to Cell URL 转至单元格URLGouge Check 干涉检查Graph 图表Graphics 图形Graphics window 图形窗Gray 灰色Grid 栅格Grid Lines 栅格线Grid Section Analysis 网格截面分析Groove 沟槽Group 组Grow 增长Guide Curve 引导曲线Guide String 引导线串Gyration 回转Half Angle 半角Hardcopy 硬拷贝Hard Interference 硬干涉Hardware 硬件Harness 电路设计模块Harness List 电路列表Hatch 断面线Hatching 剖面线Header 头(标题)Header position 标题设置Heal 修复Heavy 重的Hedgehog 刺猬状Height 高度Helical 螺旋Helix 螺旋线Help 帮助Hidden line removal 消隐线移除Hide 隐藏Hide Component 隐藏组件High quality image 高质量图像High light 高亮High light Hidden Edges 高亮消隐边High light Lines 高亮线Hinge Line 折叶线Hole 孔Hollow 挖空Hollow Enhancements 挖空增强功能Hollow feature 挖空特征Hollow Solid 挖空实体Horizontal 水平Horizontal Baseline 水平基准线Horizontal Chain 水平链Horizontal Dimension 水平尺寸Hyperbola 双曲线ID Symbol 标识符号Idealization 理想化Identify 识别IGES IGES标准Ignore 忽略Image 图片Import 输入Inch 英寸Include 包含Included Angle 包含的角Incomplete 不完整(的)Increment 增量Incremental 递增的Individual Layer Mask 个别层的屏蔽Inferred 自动推断的Inferred Dimension 推断尺寸Inflection 变形Info 信息Information 信息Information Window 信息窗口Inherit 继承Initial 初始Input 输入Insert 插入Insert Drawing Sheet 插入图纸页面Insert Parts List 插入部件列表Insert Tabular Note 插入表格注释Inset Flange 内嵌弯边Inside 内部Instance 引用(实例)Instance Feature 引用特征Instrument Panel Visibility 仪器面板可视性Interactive 交互Interactive Function 交互功能Interactive Step 交互步Interactive techniques 交互技术Interference 干涉Interfering 干涉Internal 内部Interoperate 交互操作Interpart Expressions 部件间表达式Interpart Modeling 部件间建模Interpolation 插补Interpolation methods 插补方法Intersect 相交Intersecting Curve 相交曲线Intersection 交点Intersection point 交点Intersection tolerance 相交公差Intersections 相交Invisible 不可见的Isocline 等斜率线Isolate Component 分离组件Isoline 等参数线Isometric V iew 正轴侧视图Isoparametric 等参数Isoparmetric Element 等参元Isotropic Material 各向同性材料Italic 斜体字Items 项目JACOBIAN Ratio 雅可比比率JACOBIAN Zero 雅可比零点Jobs 任务Join 连接Join Curve 连接曲线Join Methods 连接方法Justification 对准KeyFrames 关键帧Keywords 关键词Knot 节Knotpoint 结点Knowledge Fusion "知识融接"Knowledge Fusion Toolbar “知识融接”工具条Last 上一个law 规律Law Control 规律控制Law Controlled Extension 规律控制延伸Law Curve 规律曲线Law Extension 规律控制的延伸Law Subfunctions 规律子功能Layer 层Layer Category 层组Layer Filter 层过滤器Layer Setting 层设置Layer Visible in View 视图中的层显示状态Layout 布局Leader 指引线Least Squares Method 最小2乘方Left 左legend 图标Length 长度Letter 字母Lettering 字体Level 层Library 库Light 光Lighter 较亮Lights 亮Limit 限制Line 直线LineFont 线型Linear 线性(的)Linear Buckling Analysis 线性弯曲分析Linear Element 线性单元Linked Parts 链接部件Linker 链接器Links 链接List 列出List Box 列表框List information 列信息List Toolpath 列出刀轨Listing Window 列表窗口Load 加载Load Options 加载选项Loaded Part 已加载部件Local Scale 本地比例location 位置Lock 锁(定)Log 日志Loop 环Lower Binder 下部压边圈Lower Scrap Cutter Bas 下废料刀基部Machine Tool Builder 机床建造器Machine Tool View 机床刀具视图Machining Method View 加工方法视图Macro 宏Macro Options 暂停时间Main 主Maintain 保持Make Current Step 执行当前步骤Make Work Part 使成为工作部件Manager 管理Manager Roles 管理器任务Manual 手动Manufacturing 加工Manufacturing Create 加工生成Manufacturing Objects 加工对象Manufacturing Operations 加工操作Manufacturing Workpiece 加工工件Manximum length 最大长度Margin 边缘Mark 标记Mass 质量Mass Check 质量检查Master Model 主模型Master Model Toleraning 主模型公差Match 匹配Match Edge 匹配边界Matching Edges 匹配边缘Mate 配对Mate Component 匹配组件Mate Conditions 配对条件Mate Conditions Dialog 配对条件对话框Mate Types 配对类型Mated Component 配对组件Material 材料Mating Constraint 配对约束maximum 最大值Maximum radius 最大半径MB1 鼠标左键MB2 鼠标中键MB3 鼠标右键Mean 平均Mean Radius 平均半径Measure 测量members 成员Menu 菜单Menu bar components 菜单条元件Menu reference 菜单参考Menu Script 菜单脚本Menu bars 菜单条Merge 合并Mesh 网格Mesh Density 网格密度Mesh of curves 曲线网格Message 信息Meta Form 钣金成形method 方法Micropositioning 微定位Mid Point 中点Mid value 中值Mid side Nodes 中间节点Mid surface 中间面Mid surface feature 中间面特征Millimeters 毫米minimum 最小值Minimum Pitch 最小螺距Minimum Radius 最小半径Mirror 镜像Mirror Assembly 镜像装配Mirror Certification 镜像认证Mirror Display 视镜显示Mirror Feature 镜像特征Mirror through line 过线镜像Misaligned 未对齐的Missing Part 缺少的部件Modal 模态Mode 模式Model 模型Model Check 模型检查Model Compare 模型比较Model Idealization 模型理想化Model Navigation Tool 模型导航工具Model Navigator 模型导航器Model Simplification 模型简化Model Space 模型空间Model Units 模型单位Modeling 建模Modeling operation 建模操作Modeling spread sheet 建模电子表格Modeling Toggles 建模切换Moment 力矩More 更多Motion 运动Move Defining Point 移动定义点Move drafting entity origin 移动制图实体原点Move Feature 移动特征Move Pole 移动极点Move Region 移动区域Move to Layer 移动至层Moving a single point 移动单个点Moving Drawing Views 移动图纸视图Moving multiple points 移动多个点Multibend Bracket 多折弯托架Multiple 多个Name 名称Name Selection 名称选择Naming 命名Navigate 导航Navigate guided 导航指导Navigating Unigraphics 导航UGNavigation Options 漫游选项Navigator 导航器Negative 负的Neutral Point 中性点New 新的Newly Broken Links 新打断的链接Next leg (过旋转中心的)下一要剖切线Nonprojected views 非投影视图Nonsectioned Components 非剖切组件normal 法向(正常)Normal Extensions 法向延伸Normal radius 法向半径Notch 凹槽Notes and Labels 注释和标记Null Part 空部件Number of Copies 拷贝数Number of Segments 段数Number of teeth 齿数Number of turns 螺旋线圈数Numeric 数字NURBS 非均匀有理B样条Object 对象Object Attribute 对象属性Object select on methods 对象选择方法Off 关Offset 偏置Offset Curve 偏置曲线Offset Face 偏置面Offset in Face 在面上偏置Offset Region 偏置区域Offset Surface 偏置曲面On Context Help 有关上下文帮助One guide string 单引导线段Online help 在线帮助Open by Proximity 按逼近范围打开Open Component 打开组件Open Drawing Sheet 打开图纸页面Open UIStyle 开放的UIStyleOpening files Using Load options 打开文件时使用加载选项Openings 开放的operation 操作Operation Navigator 操作导航器Operations 操作Operator 运算符Optimization 优化Optimization Wizard 忧化向导Option 选项Ordinary 普通Ordinate 坐标Ordinate Dimension 坐标尺寸Orient WCS 工作坐标系方向Orientation 方位Origin 原点Origin Preferences 原点预设置Original 原先的Orthographic 正交Orthographic Projection 正交投射Orthographic views 正交视图Orthotropic Material 各向异性材料Out of date 过期Out of Date Objects 过期对象Out of Date Parts 过期部件Outline 轮廓Output 输出Output CLSF 输出CLSFOutput Die Curves 模具曲线输出Overall Element Size 整体单元大小Overflow 溢出Overlapping 重叠overlaps 重叠部分Overlay 覆盖Pad 凸垫Pan 平移Parabola 抛物线Parallel 平行Parallel Projection 平行投射Parameter 参数Parameter Data Section 参数数据部分Parameter design 参数设计Parameter Expression V ariably 参数表达式变量Parametric Equations 参数化方程Parent 父Parentview 父视图Parrallel 平行Part 部件Part and object attributes 部件和对象属性Part Attribute 部件属性Part File 部件文件Part Link Browser 部件链接浏览器Part Modality 部件模态Part navigator 部件导航器Partial 部分(的)Partially 局部Partially Loaded Part 部分加载部件Parting 分型Parting Lines 分型线Parting Surfaces 分型面Parts List 部件清单Parts list dialog 部件清单对话框Parts List Levels 部件列表层Paste 粘贴Paste Object 粘贴对象Patch 补片Patch Body 补丁体Patch Type 补片类型Path 路径Path segment 路径段Patial 部分Patial loading 部分加载pattern 图样Pattern Face 图样面Pause Duration 暂停时间PD Section 参数数据部分Peak 峰值点Percentage 百分比Percentage method 百分比方法Performance 性能Performing assemblies Structure 构造装配结构Perimeter law 按圆周规律Perpendicular 垂直的Perpendicular to a line 与线垂直Perpendicular to planes 与平面垂直Perspective 透视Perspective Projection 透视投射PID 特性ID号Piece 件Piece Part 零件Piping 管道铺设Pitch 螺距Placement 放置Placement options 放置选项plane 平面Plane of curve 曲线的平面Plane strain element 平面应变单元Play 播放Play back Speed 回放速度Plot parameters 绘图参数Ploting 绘图plotter 绘图仪Plug 塞子Pocket 腔Point 点Point Constructor 点构造器Point from a file 从文件输入点Point Set 点组Point Subfunction 点子功能Point to point 点到点Pole 极点Polygon 多边形Polynomial 多边形Pop up 弹出Port 端口Position 位置Positive 正的Post processor 后置处理器Precision 精度Precision options 精度选项preferences 参数预设置Prefix 前缀Prefrences 预设置Prepare Geometry 准备几何体Preprocessor 前处理器Preview 预览Preview size 预览大小Primary 主要Primary string 主线串Primitives 体素Principle Radius of Curvature 曲率主半径Print 打印Procedure to create link 建立链接步骤Process 过程Process Table 过程表Product 产品。
摘要: 为探究卵黄蛋白受体( Vitellogenin receptorꎬVtgr) 在双须骨舌鱼性腺发育的作用及组织表达规律ꎬ 本研究 运用 RACE 技术首次克隆获得双须骨舌鱼 vtgr cDNA 全序列ꎬ 该序列全长为 2 841 bpꎬ 开放阅读框( ORF) 为 2 556 bpꎬ 编码氨基酸 851 个ꎬ 5′端非编码区 26 bpꎬ 3′端非编码区 258 bpꎮ 生物信息学分析显示ꎬ vtgr 蛋白分子质量为 93������ 6 kuꎬ 等电点为 4������ 78ꎬ 含有 8 个低密度脂蛋白受体 A 结构域( LDLa) ꎬ 5 个低密度脂蛋白受体 YWTD 结构域 ( LY) ꎬ 2 个类表皮生长因子结构域( EGF) ꎬ 1 个钙结合类表皮生长因子结构域( EGF - CA) ꎬ 1 个跨度为 23 个氨 基酸的跨膜结构域ꎬ 属于极低密度脂蛋白受体( vldlr) ꎬ 是亲水性跨膜蛋白ꎮ 多序列比对分析表明ꎬ 双须骨舌鱼 vtgr 高度保守ꎬ 与美丽硬仆骨舌鱼( Scleropages formosus) 相似度最高为 95������ 96% ꎮ 系统进化树分析发现ꎬ 与美丽硬 仆骨舌鱼聚为一支ꎬ 与鲽形目、 鲤形目、 鲑形目亲缘性较远ꎮ qRT - PCR 结果分析发现ꎬ 双须骨舌鱼 vtgr 在雌雄 鱼的 8 个不同组织中均有表达ꎬ 在卵巢和精巢中的相对表达量显著高于鳃、 肝、 脾、 心脏、 头肾、 脑等组织( P < 0������ 05) ꎮ 此外ꎬ vtgr 在雌雄鱼性腺发育Ⅱ、 Ⅲ和Ⅳ期表达分析表明ꎬ 在卵巢中 vtgr 相对表达量依次递减ꎬ 且Ⅱ 期显著高于Ⅲ和Ⅳ期( P < 0������ 05) ꎻ 精巢中 3 个时期 vtgr 表达无显著差异( P > 0������ 05) ꎬ 但Ⅱ和Ⅲ期表达量显著低于 卵巢( P < 0������ 05) ꎮ 研究表明ꎬ vtgr 基因编码区序列有较高保守性ꎮ Vtgr 在双须骨舌鱼前期卵巢发育中发挥着重要 作用ꎮ 关键词: 双须骨舌鱼( Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) ꎻ 卵黄蛋白受体ꎻ 组织表达ꎻ 生物信息学分析 中图分类号: S917������ 4 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000 ̄6907 ̄(2018)04 ̄0030 ̄09
cf好听的英文名字cf好听的英文名字1、【 Jennifer】2、【 AyoM 麦兜】3、【爱情 NO why】4、【 Despair】5、【二分之一梦°Paris】6、【□ Yinkui】7、【念旧- feat mellwo Blessed 幸福】8、【 O°MyへLove】9、【 Exusee】10、【恬恬Angla@】11、【 Aonk】12、【The End】13、【 Christmas Day】14、【碎脸 Scent fla】15、【 Story!剧终°】16、【 lnternet迷@】17、【 Je t’aime】18、【 I an okany】19、【 SEXY MAN -】20、【 cherry╔╣血樱】21、【Bill】22、【 Silence】23、【草莓 Baby】24、【 _Crazy°】25、【 Painted love ~】26、【 Unlock now】27、【 Sud丶笨笨】28、【 B° Hana】29、【 ?○uTヽ】30、【 EXO,爱到失控】31、【丿Naive丶幼稚°】32、【へ Tae yang】33、【咒歌 Curse】34、【 Do not weak(别软弱)】35、【 Bohemian life】36、【 Obsession つ】37、【小悸动°Octobse】38、【 Dancer丿(舞者)】39、【 I will not love】40、【 Shaggy】41、【败犬ueen】42、【 Lost heart \"】43、【 Wish】44、【暖男,sunshine°】45、【禁忌‖I FIND ENGLI】46、【 Prick silk】47、【ianJoy】48、【 Blow Me a Ki】49、【ぅ Purity】50、【 Go over 重温︴︴】51、【 Understand◇】52、【Bruce丿】53、【 Final°Analysis 致命爱人】54、【 Dandelion°】55、【/Dolly 】56、【 Cindy小萝莉】57、【 ___Ella___】58、【 -Oh yeah哦耶】59、【﹏Kiss°﹏Miss°】60、【 Last Kiss】61、【 Lanki°蓝琪梦莎〃】62、【 Strange怪咖】63、【 Adorable (萌)】64、【〆゛丶yo yo】65、【 Drunk(醉)】66、【 Sex蛊惑】67、【 Xerxes统治者】68、【 MinT_YS】69、【 Black◎white】70、【 Style〃】71、【我爱bigbang!】72、【 Moment °如此的伤痛℡】73、【 Existence°鱼】74、【 Whispers (情话)】75、【Nancy】76、【 Ruthless(狠)】77、【 -Thieves men】78、【丨Peter】79、【小超人kimi@】80、【 in the future 在将来】81、【 Lonely】82、【 Cantarella。
希腊字母的英语读法The Greek Alphabet's English PronunciationThe Greek alphabet is a writing system that has been in use for centuries, originating in ancient Greece. It is the ancestor of the Latin alphabet, which is the most widely used alphabet in the world today. The Greek alphabet consists of 24 letters, each with its own unique sound and appearance. While the Greek alphabet may seem unfamiliar to those who are not familiar with it, understanding the English pronunciation of the Greek letters can be a valuable tool in various fields, from science and mathematics to classical studies and language learning.One of the most important aspects of the Greek alphabet is the fact that each letter has a unique sound. Unlike the English alphabet, which has multiple ways to represent the same sound (such as the "c" in "cat" and "city"), the Greek alphabet has a one-to-one correspondence between letters and sounds. This makes it easier for English speakers to learn the pronunciation of Greek words and terms.The first letter of the Greek alphabet is "alpha," which is pronouncedas "al-fuh." This letter represents the "a" sound in English, and is often used as the first letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "alpha particle" or "alpha coefficient."The second letter is "beta," which is pronounced as "bay-tuh." This letter represents the "b" sound in English, and is often used as the second letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "beta particle" or "beta function."The third letter is "gamma," which is pronounced as "gam-muh." This letter represents the "g" sound in English, and is often used as the third letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "gamma ray" or "gamma function."The fourth letter is "delta," which is pronounced as "del-tuh." This letter represents the "d" sound in English, and is often used as the fourth letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "delta function" or "delta wing."The fifth letter is "epsilon," which is pronounced as "ep-si-lon." This letter represents the "e" sound in English, and is often used as the fifth letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "epsilon-delta proof" or "epsilon-greedy algorithm."The sixth letter is "zeta," which is pronounced as "zay-tuh." This letterletter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "zeta function" or "zeta potential."The seventh letter is "eta," which is pronounced as "ay-tuh." This letter represents the "e" sound in English, and is often used as the seventh letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "eta coefficient" or "eta function."The eighth letter is "theta," which is pronounced as "thay-tuh." This letter represents the "th" sound in English, and is often used as the eighth letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "theta function" or "theta rhythm."The ninth letter is "iota," which is pronounced as "eye-oh-tuh." This letter represents the "i" sound in English, and is often used as the ninth letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "iota function" or "iota subgroup."The tenth letter is "kappa," which is pronounced as "kap-puh." This letter represents the "k" sound in English, and is often used as the tenth letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "kappa distribution" or "kappa statistic."The eleventh letter is "lambda," which is pronounced as "lam-duh."the eleventh letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "lambda function" or "lambda calculus."The twelfth letter is "mu," which is pronounced as "mew." This letter represents the "m" sound in English, and is often used as the twelfth letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "mu coefficient" or "mu distribution."The thirteenth letter is "nu," which is pronounced as "new." This letter represents the "n" sound in English, and is often used as the thirteenth letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "nu distribution" or "nu function."The fourteenth letter is "xi," which is pronounced as "ksee." This letter represents the "x" sound in English, and is often used as the fourteenth letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "xi function" or "xi statistic."The fifteenth letter is "omicron," which is pronounced as "oh-mee-kron." This letter represents the "o" sound in English, and is often used as the fifteenth letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "omicron distribution" or "omicron function."The sixteenth letter is "pi," which is pronounced as "pie." This letterrepresents the "p" sound in English, and is often used as the sixteenth letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "pi function" or "pi distribution."The seventeenth letter is "rho," which is pronounced as "row." This letter represents the "r" sound in English, and is often used as the seventeenth letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "rho coefficient" or "rho function."The eighteenth letter is "sigma," which is pronounced as "sig-muh." This letter represents the "s" sound in English, and is often used as the eighteenth letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "sigma function" or "sigma distribution."The nineteenth letter is "tau," which is pronounced as "taw." This letter represents the "t" sound in English, and is often used as the nineteenth letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "tau function" or "tau statistic."The twentieth letter is "upsilon," which is pronounced as "oo-psi-lon." This letter represents the "u" sound in English, and is often used as the twentieth letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "upsilon function" or "upsilon distribution."The twenty-first letter is "phi," which is pronounced as "fee." Thisletter represents the "f" sound in English, and is often used as the twenty-first letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "phi function" or "phi distribution."The twenty-second letter is "chi," which is pronounced as "kie." This letter represents the "k" sound in English, and is often used as the twenty-second letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "chi-square distribution" or "chi-square test."The twenty-third letter is "psi," which is pronounced as "sigh." This letter represents the "ps" sound in English, and is often used as the twenty-third letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "psi function" or "psi distribution."The twenty-fourth and final letter is "omega," which is pronounced as "oh-may-guh." This letter represents the "o" sound in English, and is often used as the twenty-fourth letter in various scientific and mathematical terms, such as "omega function" or "omega distribution."Overall, understanding the English pronunciation of the Greek alphabet can be a valuable tool in various fields, from science and mathematics to classical studies and language learning. By familiarizing oneself with the unique sounds of each Greek letter, one can more easily navigate the world of Greek-derivedterminology and better understand the origins of various scientific and mathematical concepts.。
Vol. 42No. 4Dec. 2020第42卷第4期2020年12月延 边.大 学 农 学 学 报Agricultural Science Journal of Yanbian University 文章编号:1004-7999(2020)04-0001-07DOI :10. 13478/j. cnki. jasyu. 2020. 04. 001膜荚黄芪IOMT 基因的克隆及表达分析胡仕婕】,赵 洋】,冯艺川】,李子羊2,全雪丽】,吴松权(1•延边大学农学院,吉林延吉133002;.百泰生物药业有限公司,北京100176)摘要:该研究采用RACE 技术克隆到了膜荚黄芪毛蕊异黄酮葡萄糖苷生物合成途径基因犃犿IOMT ,并进行了生物信息学分析;调查了犃犿IOMT 在膜荚黄芪不同发育时期的根、茎、叶和花中的表达量与芒柄花素之间的关系。
结果表明犃犿IOMT 序列全长为1 213 bp,其中,开放阅读框(ORF)编码362个氨基酸多肽,蛋白质分子量约为40. 64 kDa,理论等电点pl 为4.95,为亲水性蛋白,定位于细胞质中。
犃犿IOMT 在根、茎和叶中的表达呈上升趋势,与芒柄花素的含量一致,推测其参与了芒柄花素的生物合成,这为利用生物技术增加芒柄花素的含量提供了理论依据。
关键词:膜荚黄芪;异黄酮O -甲基转移酶;表达分析中图分类号:S567.239 文献标识码:ACloning and expression analysis of IOMT gene from Astragalus membranaceusHU Shijie 1 , ZHAO Yang 1 , FENG Yichuan 1 , LI Ziyang 2, QUAN Xueii 1 , WU Songquan 1*(1. Agricultural College of Yanbian University , J Ilin Yanji 133002, China ;2. Biotech Pharmaceutical CO. , LTD , Beijing 100176 , China)Abstract : The Isoflavone O-methyltransferase (IOMT ) gene was analyzed Astragalus membranaceus usingRACE technique and bioinformatics of AmIOMT was analyzed . The correlations between the expressionlevels of AmIOMT and the contents of formononetin in root , stem , and leaf were also investigated. Theresults showed that the full length of AmIOMT was 1 213 bp , the open reading frame (ORF ) encoded 362 amino acids , the molecular weight of the protein was 40. 64 kDa , and the theoretical PI was 4. 95 , be-longedto hydrophilic protein locating in the cytoplasm ,respectively Theexpression of AmIOMT in roots ,stemsandleavesshowedanupwardtrend ,whichwasconsistentwiththecontentofformononetinIt was speculated that AmIOMT was involved in the biosynthesis of formononetin , which provided a theo- reticalbasisforincreasingthecontentofformononetinbybiotechnology .Key words : Astragalus membranaceus ; Isoflavone O-methyltransferase ; expression analysis黄芪(Radix Astragali )具有补气固表、利尿消普遍应用,素有“十药八芪”之称「匕现代医学研究肿、托毒生肌之功效,在传统中药与临床医学中已被表明,黄芪能够预防感冒、肺结核盗汗、慢性肝炎、增收稿日期:2020-10-21基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(21462044);国家自然科学基金资助项目(30860036);吉林省自然科学基金资助项目(201115228)作者简介:胡仕婕(1997—),女,湖北恩施人,在读硕士,研究方向为特种植物资源与生物技术。
基于RhoA信号转导通路探讨半枝莲提取物对人三阴性乳腺癌细胞Ezrin的影响目的:通过检测人三阴性乳腺癌细胞株MDA-MB-231细胞在表皮生长因子(epiderma growth factor,EGF)介导下半枝莲提取物对RhoA、p-RhoA和Ezrin蛋白的定性定量研究,研究半枝莲提取物抑制三阴性乳腺癌细胞作用。
方法:通过溶剂萃取法提取半枝莲提取物,采用Western Blot检测在RhoA信号转导通路下半枝莲提取物对人三阴性乳腺癌细胞株MDA-MB-231细胞RhoA、p-RhoA和Ezrin蛋白含量的影响。
结论:在RhoA信号转导通路中,半枝莲提取物可以抑制p-RhoA 和Ezrin蛋白的表达,可能抑制细胞转移并对人三阴性乳腺癌起到治疗作用。
关键词:三阴性乳腺癌;RhoA;Ezrin;半枝莲提取物Effect of Scutellaria Barbata Extract on Ezrin Expression in Triple NegativeBreast Cancer Cells Based on RhoA Signal Transduction Pathway Objective:Study the inhibitory effect of Scutellaria barbata extract on RhoA, p-RhoA and Ezrin protein in human triple negative breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 mediated by epidermal growth factor (EGF).Method:The extract of Scutellaria barbata was extracted by solvent extraction. Western blot was used to detect the effects of Scutellaria barbata extract on RhoA, p-RhoA and Ezrin protein contents in MDA-MB-231 cells under RhoA signal transduction pathway.Result:Compared with the blank control group, EGF could increase the expression of p-RhoA and Ezrin (P < 0.05), but EGF had no effect on RhoA protein expression.After pretreatment with Scutellaria barbata extract (10 mg/ml), EGF induced p-RhoA and Ezrin protein expression levels decreased significantly (P < 0.05), but RhoA protein expression was not significantly affected.Conclusion:In the RhoA signal transduction pathway, Scutellaria barbata extract can inhibit the expression of p-RhoA and Ezrin protein, which may inhibit cell metastasis and play a therapeutic role in human triple negative breast cancer.Key word s:Triple-negative breast cancer; RhoA; Ezrin; Scutellaria Barbata extract乳腺癌(breast cancer,BC)是世界上最常见的三种癌症之一,也是全世界妇女癌症死亡的最常见原因之一[1]。
59第15卷 第6期 2013 年 6 月辽宁中医药大学学报JOURNAL OF LIAONING UNIVERSITY OF TCMVol. 15 No. 6 Jun .,2013血塞通注射液具有扩张心脑血管、抑制血小板聚集和抗血栓等药理作用,是目前治疗脑出血后遗症、缺血性脑血管疾病和冠心病的临床常用中药注射剂。
其主要有效成分为三七总皂苷,其中-Rb 1、-Re、-R 1、-Rg 1及-Rd 为主要皂苷成分。
皂苷类物质本身具有溶血特性,我们在前期研究中建立了基于血塞通注射液致红细胞异常溶血与微量元素相关性研究肖航,项峥,张剑峰,窦德强(辽宁中医药大学药学院,辽宁 大连 116600)摘 要:目的:确定血塞通注射液中微量元素与其导致红细胞异常溶血的关联性。
关键词:三七总皂苷;溶血;电感偶合等离子体质谱;微量元素中图分类号:R284 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-842X (2013) 06- 0059- 02收稿日期:2012-12-18基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(30973859);高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金课题(20092133110001)作者简介:肖航(1987-),女,辽宁抚顺人,2010级硕士研究生,研究方向:中药化学。
E-mail :doudeqiang2003@。
Study on Relevance of Microelements and Erythrocyte AbnormalHemolysis Induced by Xuesaitong Injection XIAO Hang,XIANG Zheng,ZHANG Jianfeng,DOU Deqiang (College of Pharmacy,Liaoning University of Traditional ChineseMedicine,Dalian 116600,Liaoning,China)Abstract :Objective :To determine the relevance of microelements in Xuesaitong Injection and erythrocyte abnormal hemolysis induced by the injections. Method :25 kinds of metal microelements of different batches injections were assayed by ICP-MS method,and the difference between normal hemolysis group and abnormal hemolysis group was compared. Results :No difference existed between normal hemolysis group and abnormal hemolysis group,and the content of Zn of normal hemolysis group was higher than that of the normal hemolysis group. Conclusion :The abnormal hemolysis induced by Xuesaitong Injection was irrelevant to heavy metals.Key words :Panax Notoginseng Saponins ;hemolysis ;ICP-MS ;microelement 不畅,血液黏滞,而成瘀。
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14 February, 1996
The formalism underlying the analysis of e+ e− → π + π − in the ρ − ω interference region is carefully revisited. We show that the standard neglect of the pure I = 0 omega, ωI , “direct” coupling to ππ is not valid, and extract those combinations of the direct coupling and ρ-ω mixing allowed by experiment. The latter is shown to be only very weakly constrained by experiment, and we conclude that data from the e+ e− → π + π − interference region cannot be used to fix the value of ρ−ω mixing in a model-independent way unless the errors on the experimental phase can be significantly re-
Published in Phys. Lett. B376 (1996) 19. ADP-95-50/T197 hep-ph/9601309
Analysis of rho-omega interference in the pion form-factor
arXiv:hep-ph/9601309v2 19 Aug 1996
The cross-section for e+ e− → π + π − in the ρ − ω resonance region displays a narrow interference shoulder resulting from the superposition of narrow resonant ω and broad resonant ρ exchange amplitudes [1]. The strength of the ω “interference” amplitude has generally been taken to provide a measurement of ρI -ωI mixing (where ρI , ωI are the pure isovector ρ and isoscalar ω states) [2,3]. The extracted mixing has then been used to generate ρI -ωI mixing contributions to various few-body observables [4–6], a program which, combined with estimates for other sources of isospin-breaking, produces predictions for few-body isospin breaking in satisfactory accord with experiment [5]. The phenomenological success, for those observables for which ρI -ωI contributions are significant, rests, inextricably, on two assumptions, (1) that the interference amplitude is dominated by ρI -ωI mixing (i.e., negligible “direct” ωI → ππ contribution to the physical ω decay amplitude) and (2) that the resulting mixing amplitude is independent of momentum-squared, so the extracted value can be used unchanged in meson-exchange forces in few-body systems, where q 2 < 0. The neglect of “direct” ωI → ππ coupling (i.e., coupling which does not go via mixing with the ρI ) can actually be re-interpreted physically, this re-interpretation simultaneously providing the conventional justification for taking the ρI -ωI self-energy, Πρω , to be real in modern analyses of e+ e− → π + π − [7,8]. As will become clear below, however, corrections to the underlying argument, usually thought to be small, have unexpectedly large effects on the extraction of the ρ − ω mixing contribution from experimental data. The assumption of the q 2 -independence of Πρω (q 2 ) is more problematic [9,10]. In general, one knows that a system of, e.g., nucleons, vector mesons and pseudoscalar mesons, can be described by an effective low-energy Lagrangian, constructed so as to be compatible with QCD (e.g., one might think of the effective chiral Lagrangian, Leff , obtainable via the Coleman-Callan-Wess-Zumino construction [11]). Such a Lagrangian, involving terms of arbitrarily high order in derivatives, will produce momentum-dependence in all
Department of Physics ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้nd Mathematical Physics, University of Adelaide 5005, Australia
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Adelaide 5005, Australia
Kim Maltmana,b , H.B. O’Connellb and A.G. Williamsb,c
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, York University, 4700 Keele St., North York, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3
duced. Certain other modifications of the usual formalism necessitated by the unavoidable momentum-dependence of ρ−ω mixing are also discussed.
E-mail: hoconnel,; Keywords: vector mesons, pion form-factor, mixing, isospin. PACS: 11.20.Fm, 12.40.Vv, 13.60.Le, 13.65.+i
observables which can in principle become momentum-dependent. This has been seen explicitly for the off-diagonal (mixing) elements of meson propagators by a number of authors, employing various models [12,13], as well as QCD sum rule and Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) techniques [14]. Such q 2 -dependence has also been shown to be consistent with the usual vector meson dominance (VMD) framework [15]. The possibility [16] that an alternative choice of interpolating fields might, nonetheless, correspond to the standard assumption of q 2 -independence has been shown to be incompatible with the constraints of unitarity and analyticity [17]. It is thus appropriate to revisit and generalize the usual analysis. As has been known for some time, to obtain properties of unstable particles which are process-independent and physically meaningful, one determines the locations of the resonance poles in the amplitude under consideration, and makes expansions about these pole locations [18]. The (complex) pole locations are properties of the S-matrix and hence independent of the choice of interpolating fields, and the separate terms in the Laurent expansion about the pole position have well-defined physical meaning [18]. The importance of such an “S-matrix” formalism for characterizing resonance properties has been stressed recently by a number of authors in the context of providing gauge- and process-independent definitions of the Z 0 mass and width in the Standard Model [19,20]. For our purposes this means that: (1) the “physical” {ρ, ω } fields are to be identified as those combinations of the {ρI , ωI } fields containing the corresponding S-matrix poles and (2) to analyze e+ e− → π + π − one should include both resonant terms involving the complex ρ and ω pole locations (and hence constant widths) and “background” (i.e. nonresonant) terms. In quoting experimental results we will, therefore, restrict ourselves to analyses which, as closely as possible, satisfy these requirements. To our knowledge, only one such exists: the fifth fit of Ref. [21] (performed explicitly in the S-matrix formalism, though without an s-dependence to the background). As stressed in Ref. [21], using the S-