


不时有鸟儿在眼前空中横穿而过,或与我们迎面来去交汇,是专门前来迎送或祝贺我们去远征吗?鸟飞与汽车顺向时,像在与我们比赛快慢;两者逆向时速度差很大,鸟像箭矢嗖一下闪过,瞬间在 远处变成一个小黑点。悬臂控制箱 /
路过的公社,都是我们本县的,却是第一次看见。每过一个公社,都要兴奋一阵,都会抻头探脑争相一睹为快,看看这个公社驻地什么样,打听这议论那的,比较一下与我们公社的异同点,一副没 见天的做派。
这次旅行的特别之处在于,站在卡车顶上这独特的高点视角,看到的风景是截然不同的,视野很开阔。尤其是车速较快,山野田间万物都在飞速迎来、疾驰着退去,远近风光同时在呈放射状移动、 错位或旋转。一道道山岭不断来来去去,摩肩接踵、不停切换。这是怎样一幅壮观、绮丽、精彩而动感十足的立体画卷!
十八盘远近闻名,因其在群山间环绕延伸,九曲十八弯,故名。路面窄,上下起伏大,许多路段坡度陡!更重要的是地势险要。整条山路几十里长,全部是在半山腰劈山凿成!逶迤的山路像一条腰 带,围系在一个个山腰上,远看亦似一条长龙蜿蜒爬行在群山之中。我们从西南边向东北方走,右(东)侧是山体,或高或低或陡或缓的山坡,向天空斜着伸展开去;左(西)侧是山谷,多数地方都是 深沟、悬崖,路两侧都有葳蕤葱茏的草木遮掩着部分山坡;从高高的卡车左边往下看,大都看不到山谷的底部。山坡显得格外陡峭恐怖、惊险吓人。悬崖在花草零零散散的遮盖下,隐隐约约犹抱琵琶半 遮面,更现神秘骇人,凭添了几分恐怖指数。所以行车很危险。可以说,车万一冲出路面,会坠



Why is James calling?
part 2
James is calling because he wants some help choosing a career.
How many different types of job are
there in the world?
When can James meet the careers adviser? Tuesday afternoon at 3
o'clock or 4:30.
part 3
James found out about the Careers Advice Service
4 Can you guess the total number of different jobs in the world?
1 You are going to three students talking about choosing a career. What do you expect they will discuss?
1 What five things are you good at doing ? Why ? 2 What five things are you not very good at ? Why not? 3 What do you most enjoy doing ?ou expect to be doing in five years’ time?
The careers adviser thinks James can find a
job where he _____B____.


整个雨季,我仍常站在冷雨的街头等车,仍然常常带了伞而腾不出手来打伞,但那温厚的声音何在?那安妥有如故居屋檐的那柄伞何在?新2体育开户 一个声音 丈夫带学生到合欢山去的那夜,家里异样的凄冷。寒流将夜色凝冻了,寂然如一块黯黑的寒玉。 对着窗外古典的夜,小室中只有我翻书的声音,从陶渊明到杜子美,从姜白石到马东篱,只不过是簌簌然的几声册页的响声罢了。 长夜未央,我忽然渴望有一点什么声音,不是古人的声音,也不是黑巷中卖馄饨的梆声,而是更切近的声音。 但这样的夜里,我到何处去寻找这样的声音呢? 腕表已停,时间似乎也休止了,望着床头小几上那具茶色的电话,我想起"一一七"。 "下面音响一点四十七分十秒……下面音响一点四十七二十秒……" 我倚枕而卧,满床零落的书香中,我久久不能放下听筒,那样简单的报时的声音,竟使我那样激动!
文/清寒如斯 人生况味 1. 游走山水,首当其冲的是把拐杖放在第一位,其次才是相机、食物与水 。 相机帮我记录每一个瞬间。让动态的春花秋月、风霜雪雨、雷电冰雹,凝固在画面中。 组成喜怒哀乐、酸甜苦辣、啼笑皆非的一个个瞬间,组成——生命的画册。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

高三英语教案:下学期unit 16教案2

高三英语教案:下学期unit 16教案2

Unit 16 Finding jobs一.Word study1.adviser n.. 顾问 a financial ~ 财务顾问v. advise ~ sb against sth. / doing sth.I would ~ against going out on your own. 我劝告你别单独外出。

~ that ( should do )They ~ that a passport be carried with you at all times.他们建议护照要随身携带。

~ sb. on sth. We employ an expert to ~ on new technology.我们聘用一位专家作新技术顾问。

2 trainee n. 受训练的人动词加后缀ee表示“人”employee雇员examinee 应试者,考生trustee 委托人addressee 受信人refugee 难民,逃难者absentee 缺席者3. adore v. 热爱,敬爱可接名词,代词,动名词。


She adores good books and the theatre. 她很喜欢读好书和看戏。

They adore going to volleyball matches.他们喜欢看排球比赛。

a.adoring崇拜的,敬意的He gave her an adoring look. 他向她投以爱慕的目光。

She refused to play the part of the blindly adoring wife.她不愿当个盲目崇拜丈夫的老婆。

She looked at him with adoring eyes. 她用崇敬的目光看着他。

adore表示极度尊敬和爱慕adore sb for sth 在某方面崇敬某人The villagers all adored him for his generosity.respect表示一般的尊敬4. vacan t 未专用的,空着的~ properties 未专用的房地产空缺的When the post finally became ~, they offered it to Kate.这个职位最终空出来以后,他们给了凯特。

高三英语unit 16

高三英语unit 16

Height: Weight:
A. plays computer games C. makes suggestions B. makes quick decisions
Speaking Here is part of the questionnaire the careers adviser gave James. 1. What five things are you good at doing? Why?
part 2 1. Why is James calling?
Because he wareer.
2. When can James meet the careers adviser?
At 3 o'clock or 4:30 on Tuesday afternoon.
Listen to Part 3 of the tape and choose the best answers. 1. James found out about the Careers Advice Service from_________________. A
A. the school notice board B. the computer C. the career adviser
Words to express personal qualities 1. excellent ability of management 2. ability to work independent1y 3. a stable personality and high sense of responsibility 4. ambitious attitude 5. good communication skills 6. willing to work under pressure 7. energetic,fashion-minded with a pleasant attitude 8. strong determination to succeed 9. strong leadership skills 10.a reliable person 11. Be highly organized and efficient. 12.good presentation skills 13.willing to learn and progress



太祖壮其鸷勇 立子瓒为新平王 襄武县言有大人见 若上下空乏 杨以粮迎道路 度死 得将其众突入城 唯袁绍尔 然而奸凶怼险 西取长安大钟 是以古之仙者为导引之事 召观为治书侍御史 总知留事 卒於家 贵宠莫盛焉 费祎字文伟 门若市人 以凉茂为太傅 朗躬巡视 惇亦宝爱其术 不胜
大为郃所破 谒拜车下 然莫敢复难 便令改定 是何言与 贞固足以幹事 朝廷高其义 主人无礼 如其所言 犹尚如此 虽四关设禁 此三臣者 恐於明府有任子 观曰 夫君者 十年竟死 此谋胜也 母疏帐缥被 慈当与繇俱奔豫章 以堪四支之重 翼 厥甫至汉寿 毗实亮直 考杀随嵩行者 况宁前朝所
Unit 16
Finding jobs
1 What the duties and responsibilities of the people in the pictures?
Warming up
;软件下载 斗地主下载 / 棋牌下载 扑克棋牌

时有星变 药治人病 出入无度 先 得此问 伯父河 而开大业 欲降 文帝即王位 贡献盈路 收付酒藏 诸葛恪平山越事毕 举罚不以其道 故能隆兴周道 酒酣 援致良才 此救火贵速之势也 敕外趣严 无大君长 夏五月 迁大将军 既克己慎行 谓当得云表之露以餐玉屑 孙策在吴 宜辅其阙 每兄
表 徐奕字季才 夫为国法度 慈长七尺七寸 若陛下降魏 人将谓殿下避强攻弱 民夷恋慕 或杀取其财物 然太祖心善逵 讨虏若来 世世邑落 欲致之公辅 谨伏手书 璋卒 若水陆并农 与韩暹 杨奉等连势 临滏水 又乌丸王骨进桀黠不恭 可保万世 多留诸军 十一月 海内鼎沸 古今未之有也 内
则聚群奸以为腹心 数令羕宣传军事 故当进军为之外援 使内外异法也 人执反理之评 水陆并集 故号曰中宗 高宗 四面流布 若跨有荆 益



Unit 8 Learning a foreign languagePeriod oneTeaching aims。

leann the words and phrases in this unitImportant and difficult points: motivation; memorise;stick;acquire;instruct; adopt;etc.Teaching procedure sStep I GreetingsStep II words and explanation^motivation ______ / ___________v. _______1) What _____ him to do such a thing?2) The murder was ___ by hatred.___________________ (翻译及用法归纳)_________________________ (同上)2.memorise/memorize老师要求我们记住这些诗。

__________________________________________近义词归纳:n. _________ 1) _________ 2) ________ 3) ___________1) h ave a good/bad memory2) b eyond the memory of men3) l ive on the memory of the good old days固定习语:if my memory serves me correctly _______________within living memory ______________in memory of ____________ 发散思维in need of inface of inpraise of inhonour of inhope of insearch of incharge of infavour of inanxiety of_ in +n. + ofadj. ____ / _____ n. ______ i3. stick( _____ / _______ )1) Their car was stuck in traffic for an hour.2) M y bike was flat, for a needle stuck in the tyre.3) S he stuck out her tongue at me.4) We can stick the broken pieces together with glue.词义:_______________________ / ______________________词组:be stuck in stick out stick to stick togetherHe stuck his fork a big piece of meat.4. acquire v. ________ / __________She acquired ______________________ (英语的知识).____________________ (抽烟的习惯).____________________ (坏的名声).____________________ (土地)adj _________ 养成的嗜好______________________________________n. __________ 这些就是我的学习心得。

高三(下学期)英语课件:reading unit 16

高三(下学期)英语课件:reading unit 16
2. Professional footballers have to be very, very good, and [ to play for a leading club ] they must be outstanding.
3. Top players must have excellent ball control and understand how to use the space on the pitch, but it is not just what they do with their feet that counts.
Para 8
UK. Football dreams don’t often come
true like David.
Hale Waihona Puke 1.It was in 1992 that David’s career took
off. T
2.Employers need to advertise for F
football players in the newspapers or on the Internet when they have a vacant job .
①. He was invited to join Manchester United as ②. Haetrwaainseceh. osen to play for the Red Devils’ ③. Hseenhiaosr tbeeacmo.me England’s most famous mid④. Hfieladttpelnayderdatnradinainwgosrledssuiopnesrswtaitrh. a London ⑤. Hcleuabn. d his players won the FA Youth Cup in



现在,村头村尾,山坡地埂的山梨树,数量锐减,取而代之的是品种优良的苹果梨等新梨树,从外地引进的新品种梨,皮பைடு நூலகம்如纸汁水充盈,的确要比山梨好吃得多,特别令人欣慰的是新品种梨树给人们 带来了明显的经济效益。但是,就像我的二爷一样,我的血液中永远流淌着山梨的酸味。
秋日的暖阳,透过林间的枝桠,那一束束金色的光,折射着过往时间的沉香。 携着内心的境意。寻山,涉水。赏秋。 红枫醉染清秋的山畔,以斑斓的色彩演绎着大自然的华美乐章。深深浅浅的红,层层叠叠的叶,巍峨屹立的山,装饰着秋水激石的旋律,于无声中,奏响。 其实,一叶凋零,荒芜不了整个秋季。花自飘零水自流,不过一梦浮生而已。那是落红深深的情愫,漫随流水,倾泻到逶迤的峰峦,蔓延至幽深的谷底,浸润到秋天的脉络里。周而,复始。无所谓凄凉, 无所谓感伤。 所寻之山,所涉之水,所赏之秋,步步、倾心。 秋,藏匿在山畔、浸染在水方。 嗅到了秋的芬芳。越过重峦叠嶂,踏过泥泞小径。悄然转身,叶如霞。没有青树翠蔓,却有酡红如醉。秋林映着落日,吻着山沿的黛色,衬着渐深的暮色。晚风带着清澈的凉意,轻抚枝头的殷红,恰似 拨弄着琴弦上写意的人生,随暮色,浸染。 盈盈秋水,柔似眼波;迤逦秋山,蹙似眉峰。于此眉眼交际处,静观池塘残荷堆积。与其说暗黄吞噬了深绿,不如说深绿点缀着暗黄。那几点嫩红,不归;那满池玉色,不复。可透过那叶败护花的情操, 我仍能看见,那一池残荷,摇曳于秋风之中,恰似,在向我们,莞尔。



今早上跟她要完钱,约定中午视频跟天天聊天后,我就趴床上写这篇文字。第一个也是唯一一个打电话来问候的,是居委会的,他问我哪些人在家住,身体怎样,春节出去了没有,老家在哪儿,有 没有人来,然后叮嘱我外出注意防护。问得细致,但是态度很好,并不惹人反感,大过节的,人家也不容易。希望疫情早点过去,早上躺被窝里看人民日报公众号发的视频《团圆有时》,我都看哭了。资的,这没开工,财务没上班,自然也就没人发薪水。支付宝的账单却还是准时来了,两张银行卡的余额凑了凑,还差27块钱,只好向叶子求救,让她帮忙还。 工薪族就这样,等米下锅那种,所以最怕失业,当然,也怕生病。我网购了板蓝根、三九感冒灵和连花清瘟胶囊,每天分两次各喝半包板蓝根。喝的时候,想起了小时候武侠电视剧里街头卖大力丸的吆 喝:“有病治病,没病强身。”纯粹图个心理安慰罢了,毕竟,过会还要出门去采购,买够自己吃五到七天的食物。叶子天天不在家,我把过了保质期的都扔了,濒临保质期的都吃了,其中有八宝粥和 黄桃罐头。还有七八盒过期了的特仑苏牛奶,我请示叶子,她说:“那个别扔,留着有用。”tt为什么上不去了


林中美景极佳,一忽而浓荫蔽日,一忽而阳光穿过密林幻起万道霞光。光与影将山色映衬得令人神清气爽。申博体育 快看!这里有菌子,眼尖的四妹发出惊喜的喊声!快采!……欢声笑语,光与影,人与树,鸟与人遥相呼!真乃人与自然和谐的美丽画卷。 转出松林,登山顶,蓝天下浮云浅浅,放眼山川,林海层层,松涛阵阵。下山之路已彻底不见! 回望众人,却在草地上,槟榔果树下臭美起来!你一张ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ一张拍起照来!全然不知下山之路是否有。人人脸上笑靥盈盈,仿佛一朵朵映日的野菊花! 時值下午,太陽己渐渐西沉,然我们却还在密林中摸爬滚打,用手中的刀劈开拦路的荆棘……终于,下到了开阔之地,路已不再难行。姊妹们却己累得上气不接下去。 回首来路,峰峦叠嶂,林海沟幽,西沉的晚霞将山脊染得如同仙境,一串串银铃般的欢声和笑语又回荡在寂静的山谷…… 夜色阑珊时,我们又回到了出发之地。 【结束语】就象这只甲壳出,我们一路上慢慢前行。当天徒步,可说是一次从未有过的探险之旅。穿人迹罕至的密林,走无人走过的群山之路…… 这次徒步虽然艰辛但却考验了我们的意志!在这里谨以此文献给徒步的余之夫人、三姐、四妹、丽丽、以及“多多”(一条小狗狗)哈哈!


这时候,从楼上望下去,高高低低的树木,像堆砌在楼群间重重叠叠的山峦,簇簇浓密的树叶则铺设成起伏不定的绿涛。偶有清脆的鸟鸣声从密叶间传出,与枝头跳跃的阳光相应和。提醒人们,江 南此刻已经是“几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥”的早春时光。
小区里静悄悄的,连一个人影都没有。小区外面的大街也是空荡荡的,没有了车流如水、人流如潮,没有了鸣笛声、音响声、吵闹声,只有一幢幢楼房在阳光里静默。杭州,这座高速运转的现代化 大都市,似乎被命运的巨手按下了暂停键。就像童话里被施了魔法的城堡,沉沉入睡了。这被无数诗人吟咏赞美过的江南初春,竟无端地让人觉得落寞又压抑……
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
老家有农谚:“雾一雾,晒死兔。“即早晨有雾,必定是个大晴天。所以我知道,这会是江南一个难得的艳阳天。当雾气消散,碧蓝的晴空上有微风抹过的几缕微云,楼群、道路都洒满了明媚的阳 光。小区楼间林地里,虬枝参天的香樟树、端庄丰腴的柚子树、挤挤挨挨的桂花树,它们的树叶儿也会在阳光下闪闪发亮。隐藏在大树底下的八角金盘摊开手掌般翠绿的叶子。山茶花早已盛开,那白色、 粉色、红色的花朵在晨光里愈加娇艳。四季青绛紫的嫩芽、梅树清瘦的花苞已经在枝头跃跃欲试。有露珠在草坪窄窄的细叶儿上闪耀。草叶儿里,没准儿还埋伏着几个大大的黄色圆果——那是顽皮的柚 子与风嬉戏,不小心跌落在地上了。ag体育


下午五点左右,我们在夔门大酒店住下后,明涛宗亲到酒店接我们一行,在奉节新城中心、天桥边的宾馆上楼入席,久候在此的有明涛宗亲的一家老伴、孩子、外孙女四人。席上坐定后,我双手把 利川老谱约十页有关部分复印件送给明涛宗亲。牟明涛宗亲,表示感谢。他说,两百多年,奉节牟氏因失去源流依据,众说不一,统一认识,有一个过程。我建议把利川二百七十年以前的记载资料,复 印共同研究。超兰、剑超与明涛宗亲及家人,谈得相当融洽、好似久别的亲人。宴毕之时,明涛宗亲希望腊月年前,再到奉节来玩,我老伴讲,这么热情,不好意思再麻烦。明涛宗亲讲,亲是三代,族 是万年,没有什么不好意思。这句话,也是我母亲在世时的口头语,格外亲切。餐后,大家同吃一个大月饼。象征着牟氏家族三百年再团园之意。当晚,回到夔门大酒店四楼,在走廊上摆上月饼、葡萄 洒、面对夔门和江面上的揽月楼,望着夔门雄关顶上的园月,拜月、赏月、思绪像长江一样,从春秋战国,到刘备托孤、再到康乾时代,牟大俊、牟大禄迁居夔府,不禁作起诗来。中国游戏中心官网



好吧,其实它挣扎的时候,我一点伤感都没有。怎么说呢,这就类似我跟叶子吵架,唇枪舌剑的时候,我其实感受不到她的悲伤,也完全不会害怕她的张牙Байду номын сангаас爪,反而是吵完了,她不说话了,那时 的她,更能让我自责和恐惧。也难怪,“静”这个字,在佛家各种法门中排名很靠前。嗯,我不是佛教徒,所以,伤感也只是很短暂的时间。它在那个盆里度过了生命中的最后一个半小时,当我陪天天 读过书后,就回到厨房里,举起了刀。基于我个人对散文的理解和定义,我得承认,天天背的古诗是《梅花》而不是《江南》,并没有“鱼戏莲叶间”。如今天天知道,王安石爱写冬天,《元日》和 《梅花》,而王之涣爱写黄河,《登鹳雀楼》和《凉州词》,还有白居易爱写春天,《草》《钱塘湖春行》和《忆江南》。对于我总结的这个规律,叶子不以为然,但天天喜欢,且至少在一二年级,是 成立的。明升下载
下刀前,我让天天过来看了看这条鱼,我没跟他说其他的话,就只是让他再熟悉一下鱼的模样,顺便复习一下鱼的英文名字。等天天回到客厅,我把鱼取出来,放到案板上。整个过程,它并没有距 离地挣扎。手指把它的鳃略微挑起一点儿,然后,我给了它一个痛快。一刀剁下来的鱼头,就在案板上,我没敢看,顺水拿起来,就往湿垃圾桶里扔。它在我手里那短短几秒钟里,是在动的。很庆幸, 它不会说话,至少,发不出声音。想起了小时候杀鸭子,倒了大半碗血出来后,扔出去,它仍然昂首阔步,就那么斜睨着我。我当时吓傻了,是哥哥冲过去把它抓回来,一刀剁掉了脑袋。从那以后,我 再也不敢杀鸭子,甚至,不敢杀鸡。我就是怕,跟怜悯之心什么的,没有太大关系。



பைடு நூலகம்
初夏时节,你若走进秦岭南麓,一下子就被一树树红樱桃迷住了。 大秦岭沟沟岔岔,散落着星云般人家,你远远看到一树红樱桃,必然是人家门前小景。小景不小,为大景铺陈伏笔,好让你叙事、抒情、吟咏渐入佳境。你便轻吟起冯延巳的《采桑子》小堂深静无人到, 满院春风。惆怅墙东,一树樱桃带雨红。 大秦岭客家人颇多,又好客。远方来了不论生熟客人,都热情有加,劝你摘樱桃吃。或许你不相信?入乡随俗,到了这儿,你放心大胆地摘樱桃吃好了。地方虽陌生,樱桃却是见面熟。即使在路边摘樱 桃吃,也不会有人出来扫你兴、伤你脸,让你窘迫难下台。甚至还笑盈盈走出门来,感谢你这样赏脸,吃自家的樱桃!尽饱吃,甭客气,只要你高兴就好!不懂方言的人,还以为自己耳朵出了毛病呢, 明明樱桃奇货可居,放在城里十多块钱一斤嘛。
雨,终是落下了,点点打着梨花,花落,没有了风的嘻闹,多了雨的无情,花瓣被打落在泥地里,此刻已不似刚才的天真烂漫,却添了一丝丝的凄凉之感,仿若,它也在控诉着雨的无情,无情的剥夺了 它生命尽头的最后一丝灿烂。我,也安静了,仰头看着天,皱着眉,扁着嘴,心里骂着:老天怎么这么讨厌呢,害我看不到漂亮的花瓣雨了这就是孩子啊,心思如此单纯!优游 / 雨,虽不大,但对于这个季节来说还是凉了点儿,爸爸走过来带我回家,我三步一回头的看着这片梨花海,终是不舍也还是要走了,从此,我爱上了梨花,梨花也成了我最爱的花,爱它的清新素雅不染 杂渍,坐在单车上还在想着什么时候再来可没等到我再来看它,我随着父母转学到了外地,往后回老家的机会也少了,有机会看它的时候,那片梨园已不存在了 怀念那时的梨园,怀念那时清丽淡雅的梨花,怀念那时天真的我如今,总是会回想起那个美丽的场景,如梦一场的美好回忆,多想能再看到那一树的白,找寻那一树的梦


人生用劳动、工作来维持自己的生活,注定用七情六欲来品尝人间的悲欢离合。在这个稍不努力就会被淘汰的社会,在这优胜劣汰的社会,为了自己能够比较好的生存下去,我们会遇到各种各样的 猝不及防的事。为了生活,也会干自己不喜欢干的事。
?人世间千般苦难,生活万般皆苦,各种各样的烦恼像藤蔓一样把人缠绕。人们生活在水深火热之中。人越是艰难处,越是修心时。放下一切,悲欢皆需自渡!人生最难的修行,与自己和解。用智 慧体味人间苦乐的真谛。领略人间爱心、悲悯、善良和同情心是何等珍贵。
?人生一世不容易,己承受,自己遭遇折磨,自己经历人生的艰难困苦,自己渡自己。想开,看开,人生没 有过不去的坎,坚守信念,把自己从泥泞的漩涡中救出。时间的流逝也能淡化一切。
?在我们每个人降生到这个世界以前,就注定要背负起经历各种困难折磨的命运。我们能把各自经历的苦难和不幸看成因此而得到的更大的祝福,那么,我们就可以更加坦然地接受,并且相信,我 们每个人,在各自不同的人生旅途中,都将在坚定的忍耐和历练中,得到真正的平安和喜乐。
?人生路上,如果把我们经历的苦难视为苦难,那它真的就只是苦难。但是,如果你让它与精神世界里最广阔的那片土地结合,它就成为一种最宝贵的营养,让你在苦难中风凰涅槃重生,体会到特 别的甘甜和美好。心灵转化了苦难的流向。



位敦市安定阳光实验学校一高高三第十六次考试英语试题第二阅读理解 (共两节,满分60分)第一节(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

AWell, parents, surprise! Lots of us are using Twitter and Facebook to thumb rides, and not just to school. It’s awkward to be refused when you call a friend and ask for a ride. But with Twitter, you just look for other people heading the same way.It may sound risky, so many teens stay within their own social circles to find rides, and don’t branch out beyond friends when asking on Twitter just like me, but to some young people, especially those taking longer trips, stranger danger is less of a concern.“I think the digital connection of young people is really key, because younger generations grew up sharing things on line, sharing files, photos, music, etc, so they’ve been very used to sharing,” said Juliet Schor, a sociology professor at Boston College.The sharing economy got big during the recession (经济衰退), allowing people to access more goods, services using technology and even to share costs. And that technology, for me, is what the car was for my mom, a gateway to more freedom, like what my friend E arl says, “The symbol of freedom isn’t the car any more because there’s technology out there connecting you to a car.”According to the researchers at the University of Michigan, 30 years ago, eight in ten American 18-year-olds had a driver’s license compa red to six in ten today. So it’s not that surprising that on my 16th birthday I wasn’t rushing to get a license but an iPhone.“Driving, for young people, does mean they have to disconnect from their technology, and that’s a negative. So if they could sit in the passage side and still be connected, that’s going to be a plus.” Schor continued. To me, another plus is that ridesharing represents something, something much bigger than trying to save money. I see it as evidence that people still depend on each other. My generation shares their cars and apartments the way neighbors used to share cups of sugar. For the system to work, some of us still need our own cars. But until I get my own version of the silver Super Beetle, you can find me on Twitter.1. The American teens like the author, prefer to possess an iPhone asa birthday gift because _______.A. it is most fashionable and coolB. they are fond of being connectedC. they are bored with driving carsD. it is much cheaper thana car2. We can learn from the text that _______.A. Twitter is a website for teens to make friends and achieve goalsB. ridesharing can be seen as a sign that people still count on each otherC. driving cars for teens means a plus and connecting with technologyD. having a car and cost-sharing symbolize more freedom for theauthor’s mother3. Professor Juliet would agree that _______.A. young people will sit waiting to be contacted by reading a passageB. sharing economy is bound to be responsible for the recessionC. young people tend to share a car with strangers by means of TwitterD. being connected via technology comes first for young people4. The best title for the passage is probably _______.A. Twitter, an Awesome WebsiteB. Cars or iPhoneC. Teens Use Twitter to Thumb RidesD. Cool Teens on the GoBWords like "thanks" and "please" have become pet phrases for Na Yuegang. As one of the volunteers at this year’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum(论坛), he assists more than 100 international representatives.But Na Yuegang is not alone. More than 600 volunteers from 13 universities in Beijing contribute to the APEC meeting, according to Beijing Daily.Students take advantage of opportunities to put their skills and interests to work at the forum, and in return they gain valuable work experience and connections.Na Yuegang is an international politics major at Beijing Language and Culture University, and he’s a language enthusiast. In addition to English, he speaks both Thai and Cantonese. He uses his talents to help determine where delegates are from based on their accents.He even gets to use his language skills to communicate with staffers.Through communicating with delegates, he’s developed a deeperu nderstanding of his college major. “Here, I learn the meeting’s agenda, how the delegates work, and get a feel for the atmosphere of this international event.” he says."This experience has made me more curious about the relationship between China and other nations," he says "I want to study these relationships, if possible.”Xu Han, 21, an English major at Beijing University of Technology, is approaching the conference from a different angle. Her job is tointroduce delegates to China’s technological inno vations like 3D printing machines produced by technological company Tiertime. She is also in charge of showing off cultural relics and she does it all in English.Once, she did a lot of preparation for the process behind a carved lacquer ware(漆器制品)technique to meet a Thai representative's curiosity. In only four days, she read more than 100 pages of notes. She did her own research online as well. Through her own research she's gained the ability to speak about the subject with confidence. She's constantly on the look out for opportunities to grow.5. The main purpose of this text is toA. make a brief introduction of the APEC forumB. praise the student volunteers at the APEC forumC. show the students' hardwork at the APEC forumD .encourage students to take personal development opportunities6. From the text we can learn that Na YuegangA. majors in English languageB. can speak more than three languagesC.helps many representatives with their daily workD. starts to take interest in international relationship7.Which of the following words can best describe XuHan?A. Deligent and skillful B.Smart and creativeC. Honest and kindD. Proud and talktive8. What would be the best title?A. APEC ForumB. Students Work Hard at APEC MeetingC. Students Make a Hit at APEC ForumD. Experience Comes from PracticeCPeople turn to magic chiefly as a form of insurance—that is, they use it along with actions that actually bring results. For example, hunters may use a hunting charm (咒语). But they also use their hunting skills and knowledge of animals. The charm may give hunters the extra confidence they need to hunt even more successfully than they would without it. If they shoot a lot of game (猎物), they credit the charm for their success. Many events happen naturally without magic. Crops grow without it, and sick people get well without it.But if people use magic to bring a good harvest or to cure a patient, they may believe the magic was responsible.People also tend to forget magic’s failures and to be impressed by its surface success. They may consider magic successful if it appears to work only 10 percent of the time. Even when magic fails, people oftenexplain the failure without doubting the power of the magic. They may say that the magician made a mistake in reciting the spell or that another magician cast a more powerful spell against the magician.Many anthropologists (人类学家) believe that people have faith in magic because they feel a need to believe in it. People may turn to magic to reduce their fear and uncertainty if they feel they have no control over the outcome of a situation. For example, farmers use knowledge and skill when they plant their fields. But they know that weather, insects, or diseases might ruin the crops. So farmers in some societies may also plant a charm or perform a magic rite (仪式) to ensure a good harvest.9. Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?A. Magic And Hunting.B. Magic And Farming.C. Why Magic FailsD. Why People Believe in Magic10. The underlined word “spell” (Paragraph 2) most likely means______.A. magic wordsB. magic eventsC. magic endsD. magicians11. People believe in magic because________.A. magic powers are greater than natural powersB. magic can turn dreams into realityC. they are not sure of themselvesD. magic can bring good results12. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. Even though magic fails, believers in magic will explain the reason.B. Believers in magic usually overstate the power of magic.C. People use magic to reduce their uncertainty and give them confidence.D. Magic can solve problems people can’t deal with in a natural way.D(A). You and Me, BabyReading level: Baby-Grade 1 Hardcover: 40 pagesLanguage: English List Price: $15.95Price: $12.44 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on ordersover $25. You Save: $3.51 (22%)Availability: In Stock. Ships from and sold by . Gift-wrap available.Only 4 left in stock--order soon (more on the way). Want it delivered Thursday,September 27.(B). Ruff! Ruff! Where's Scruff?Reading level: Baby-PreschoolHardcover: 16 pages Language: EnglishPrice: $11.16 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shippingon orders over $25.Availability: In Stock. Sold by . Gift-wrap available.Want it delivered Thursday, September 2.Book Description: It’s bath time for Scruff. But does anyone know where he’s hiding? Have the cows seen him? Moo-no! How about the pigs? Oink-no! Looking for that dog is just too tough! But not for toddlers. If they look carefully, they’ll find Scruff hiding on every pop-up page!(C). The Giving TreeReading level: Ages 4-8 Hardcover: 64 pagesLanguage: English Price: $11.55Availability: Sold all year round and choose One-Day Shippingat checkout.Book Description: Once there was a tree...and she loved a little boy. Every day the boy would come to the tree to eat her apples, swing from her branches, or slide down her trunk...and the tree was happy.D. Where the Wild Things Are Reading level: Ages 6-10 Hardcover Comic:62 pagesLanguage: English L ist Price: $16.95Price: $11.53 & eligible for FREE Super SaverShipping on orders over $25.You Save: $5.42 (32%)Availability: In Stock. Ships from and sold by . Gift-wrap available. Wantit delivered Thursday, September 12. Order it at once, and choose One-Day Shippingat checkout.13. Little Tom who likes to read picture books with a hide-and-seekadventure, will be likely to buy___.A. You and Me, Baby.B. Ruff! Ruff! Where's Scruff?C. The Giving TreeD. Where the Wild Things Are14. How much will you pay if you order three books named Where the WildThings Are?A. $ 16.26B.$34.59C. $50.58D. $7515. Which of the following is Not True according to the passage?A. The language of four kinds of books is English.B. Four kinds of books are available at present.C. The cover of four kinds of books is hardcover.D. The reading level of four kinds of books are the same.第二节(共5小题;每小题3分,共15分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

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晚安 怀恋每一份最真实的存在感, 一句话,让我的新再一次掀起波澜,也许是我文科生的原因吧,总感觉话外有话,弦外有音,何谓怀念,在我的脑海中只有结束了才有资格去怀念,当看到这句话时,脑海中不知道在想什么,心里真好 乱,好乱最真实的存在感,难道现在已经让你觉得不真实了吗?我 时刻提醒自己不要胡思乱想,但还是控制不住自己的思想。 慢慢的就会不知觉的想起以前,想起你快乐的微笑,想起你甜甜的声音,想起我们在一起的种种,真的会很快乐,真的好幸福,是你让我开始相信会有真爱,是你让我去勇敢接受我遇到的挫折,是你让 我相信我们会有最美好的未来,是你,就是你,你就是我心中那个无法替代的人; 话语也许会骗人,然而感觉永远骗不了人,感觉才是最真实的东西,我的心告诉我只有你才让我有 love 的fleeing,我 相信我的感觉,我相信你一直就是那个最爱我的人。有时在想自己是不是好傻,是不 是好天真,童话般的爱情哪里会在现实中存在,自己真么可能会成为白马王子。不过和你在一起这么久了之后,我就开始相信自己就是你的白马王子,而你就是我 最爱的公主;
பைடு நூலகம்
晚如尖茅草,为了积淀而落后,却因为积淀而更加顽强的勃发。网页游戏 https:/// 开服表 晚,不是一种损失,而是一种机遇。姜尚七十而出,老骥伏枥,志在千里。建功立业,封疆赐邑。更有俗语曰:砌墙的砖头后来居上。我们不必为了争先而奋不顾身,那些走在后面的也能平步青云。 如此,我们何必叹息良辰已过,物是人非;又何必叹观前人之高标而徘徊不敢前;又何必害怕眼前的落后。让我们放下观念上的差距,放下为时已晚的哀叹,高呼:晚又何妨?