


I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science, 2013, 06, 41-49
Published Online May 2013 in MECS (/) DOI: 10.5815/ijitcs.2013.06.06
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In section II, a review of the necessary background required to effective implement of our algorithm is presented. The experimental result of the proposed algorithm for edges is described in section III. After that, application of the proposed algorithm is discussed in section IV, and we draw our conclusion in the last section.
The fuzzification and defuzzification steps are due to the fact that we do not possess fuzzy hardware. Therefore, the coding of image data (fuzzification) and decoding of the results (defuzzification) are steps that make it possible to process images with fuzzy techniques. The main power of fuzzy image processing is in the middle step (modification of membership values). After the image data are transformed from gray-level plane to the membership plane (fuzzification), appropriate fuzzy techniques modify the membership values. This can be a fuzzy clustering, a fuzzy rule-










关键词:进给率控制模糊推理带旋转机构的数控机床CAD/CAM 模具抛光机器人1、引言在国内制造业,采用简单模式的油漆滚筒,通常被用于把一个设计抄到刚刚粉刷过的墙上。


























数控刀具专业英语书籍英文回答:As a professional in the field of CNC tooling, I have come across several books that I would recommend forfurther study. These books cover a wide range of topics related to CNC tooling, from basic principles to advanced techniques. Let me share some of these books with you.One of the books that I found particularly useful is "CNC Machining Handbook: Building, Programming, and Implementation" by Alan Overby. This book provides a comprehensive overview of CNC machining, including tooling selection, programming, and implementation. It covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of CNC tooling, making it a valuable resource for beginners and experienced professionals alike.Another book that I would recommend is "CNC Programming Handbook" by Peter Smid. This book focuses specifically onCNC programming, providing detailed explanations of various programming techniques and strategies. It also includes numerous examples and case studies to help readers understand and apply the concepts discussed.For those interested in the design and optimization of cutting tools, "Cutting Tool Technology: Industrial Handbook" by Graham T. Smith is an excellent choice. This book delves into the science behind cutting tool design, materials, and coatings, as well as the latest advancements in tooling technology. It also explores the principles of tool life and performance optimization, providing valuable insights for tooling engineers and researchers.In addition to these books, there are also numerous online resources and forums dedicated to CNC tooling. These platforms provide a wealth of information, including tutorials, discussions, and user experiences. Some popular online resources include CNCZone, Practical Machinist, and CNC Cookbook.中文回答:作为数控刀具领域的专业人士,我遇到了几本我推荐进一步学习的书籍。



毕业论文外文文献译文题目::先进的数控系统在加工过程中的进给率优化题目学生:学号:200905010331院(系):机电工程学院专业:机械设计制造及其自动化指导教师:张斌2013年6月5日先进的数控系统在加工过程中的进给率优化Firman Ridwan,Xun Xu摘要:严格的质量要求和严格的客户需求是更普遍的,是适应性强的和可互操作的新一代机床控制器的发展背后的主要推力。




在系统中,optiSTEP NC,AECopt的控制器和基于知识的评估模块(KBE)已经制定出来的optiSTEP-NC系统的目的是执行最初的进给速率优化基于STEP-NC的数据,以协助工艺人员在分配适当的加工参数。


KBE MTConnect负责获得加工在。











t h e e x i s t i n g r e c o g ni t i o n me t h o d. Ke y wo r d s: FS VM ;f a u l t s d i a g n o s i s;t o o l we a r
随着金 属 切 削 加 工 过 程 的 不 断 深 入 , 实 际 切 削条 件 随着 刀具 的 磨 损 程 度不 断 变化 , 并 且 在 某
好 地处 理小 样本 情况 下 的学 习 问题 。该 方法 在诸 多 领域 已被 广 泛 应 用 , 例如, 语 音识 别 、 模 式识 别
些切削信号特征量中有一定的表现。对刀具磨损 过程 的监’ 坝 0 与识 别一 直 被 专 家学 者 们所 关 注 ,出 现了从切削力和振动信号中提取表征刀具磨损情
文章 编号 : 1 0 0 9— 3 1 5 X( 2 0 1 4 ) 0 1 — 0 0 3 9— 0 4
基于模糊支持 向量机的刀具磨损检测
邵 强 , 冯长建 , 康 晶
( 大连 民族 学院 机 电信 息 工程 学院 , 辽 宁 大连 1 1 6 6 0 5 )
摘 要: 提 出一 种基 于模 糊支持向量机 ( F S V M) 的切削过程 中刀具磨损检测方法 , 对切 削加 工过程中的刀
况 的特征 量 、 基 于 动 态 切 削 力 信 号 及 声 发 射 t y , D a l i a n L i a o n i n g 1 1 6 6 0 5 , C h i n a )
Ab s t r a c t : A t o o l w e a r d e t e c t i o n me t h o d b a s e d o n F u z z y S u p p o r t V e c t o r Ma c h i n e( F S V M)i s



(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)中英文对照外文翻译原文:Design Of Tool Machine PropResearch significanceThe original knife machine control procedures are designed individually, not used tool management system, features a single comparison, the knife only has to find the tool knife, knifepositioning the shortest path, axis tool change, but does not support large-scale tool.Automatic knife in the knife election, in the computer memory knife-election on the basis of using the Siemens 840 D features, and the election procedures knife more concise, and complete the space Daotao View. ATC use the knife rapid completion of STEP-7 programming, and have been tested in practice. In the positioning of the knife, PLC controlled modular design method, which future production of similar machines will be very beneficial, it is easy to use its other machine. Automatic tool change systems will be faster growth, reduced tool change time, increase the positioning accuracy tool is an important means to help NC technology development.Tool and inventory components of modern production is an important link in the management, especially for large workshop management. The traditional way of account management, and low efficiency, high error rate, and not sharing information and data, tools and the use of state can not track the life cycle, are unable to meet the current information management needs. With actual production, we have to establish a workshop tool for the three-dimensional tool storage system to meet the knife workshop with auxiliary storage and management needs.The system uses optimization technology, a large number of computer storage inventory information, timely, accurate, and comprehensive tool to reflect the inventory situation. The entire system uses a graphical interface, man-machine dialogue tips from the Chinese menu, select various functions can be realized and the importation of all kinds of information. Management system using online help function. Through the workshop management, network management and sharing of information. Have automated inventory management, warehousing management tool, a tool for the management and statistical functions.1.System components and control structureThe entire system, including the structure and electrical machinery control systems.1.1.1Mechanical structure and working principleTool from the stent, drive, drive system, Turret, shielding, control system, and electrical components. Support from the column, beam, the upper and lower guide Central track, and track support component.1) Drive for the system chosen VVVF method. Cone used brake motors, with VVVF by Cycloid reducer through sprocket drive.2) Drag a variable frequency drive system and control technology. VVVF adopted, will speed drive shaft in the normal range adjustment to control the speed rotary turret to 5 ~ 30mm in, the drive shaft into two, two under through sprocket, the two profiled rollers Chain driven rotating shelves. Expansion chain adopted by the thread tight regulation swelling, swelling the regular way. - Conditioned, under the same chain-of-conditioning, so that the chain of uniform.3) Turret and shields the entire total of 14 independent Turret. 13 of them as a socket-Turret, as a drawer-Turret, each Turret back through the pin and, under the conveyor chain link chain plate, installed at the bottom roller, chain driven rotating turret rotation along the track. Outlet-Turret and BT50-BT40 Turret Turret two kinds of forms. To strengthen management, security, landscaping modeling, shelf peripherals and shields. Turret-drawer drawer placed at six other Des V oeux a knife, can be categorized with some of knife auxiliary equipment, such as bits, such as turning tools.1.1.2.Electrical Control SystemThis tool storage systems is the main electrical control their shelves for operational control and position control. Operational control equipment, including operation of the start of braking control. Position Control is the main location and address of the shelves for testing. Control system as shown in Figure 1.图 1 Tool Control System1) Electric Transmission horizontal rotary tool storage systems are the mechanical movements are repeated short-term work system. And the run-time system needs some speed, speed transmission needs, the system will use VVVF method can be used simple structure, reliable operation of the motor and frequency inverter.2) Control of the system is divided into two kinds of manual control and automatic control, manual control as a general reserve and debugging methods of work; ways to the system control computer (IPC) and the control unit (inverter contactor , etc.) consisting of a control system.3) location and positioning accuracy of the system automatically identify the site and location using a detection device as proximity switches, relays through the plate-point isolation and the number plate recorded close to the switching signal acquisition and operation of Hutchison witha Optimal Path addressable identify the current location and shelves of the purpose of the shelf location. In order to enable a more accurate positioning system, adopted two photoelectric switches, to detect the two shelves of the two films.1.2.The functions of the knifeknife The is the role of reserves a certain number of tools, machine tool spindle in hand to achieve the fungibility a disc cutter knife is the type of library, the chain knives, and other means, in the form of the knife and capacity according to the Machine Tool to determine the scope of the process.mon typesThe knife is a tool storage devices, the common knife mainly in the following forms:(1) the turret knifeIncluding the first level turret vertical turret and the first two, see Figure 2.6 a) and b):(2) the disc cutterDisc knife in the library with discoid knife, cutting tool along See how vertical arrangement (including radial and axial from knife from knife), along See how radial array into acute or arranged in the form of the knife. Simple, compact, more applications, but are ring-cutter, low utilization of space. Figure 2.7 a) to c). If the knife storage capacity must be increased to increase the diameter of the knife, then the moment of inertia also increased correspondingly, the election campaign long knife. Tool number not more than 32 general. Cutter was multi-loop order of the space utilization knife, but inevitably given the knife from complex institutions, applicable to the restricted space Machine Tool storage capacity and more occasions. Two-disc structure is two smaller capacity knife on both sides of the sub-spindle place, more compact layout, the number of certificates corresponding increase knife, apply to small and medium-sized processing center.(3) the chain knifeIncluding single-and multi-ring chain ring chain, chain link can take many forms change, see Figure 2.8 a) to c), thebasic structure shown inFigure 2. 8 doFeatures: knife apply tothe larger capacity of theoccasion, the space of thesmall number ofgenerally applicable tothe tool in the 30-120.Only increase the lengthof the chain tool will increase the number should not be increased circumferential speed of itsmoment of inertia of the knife does not increase the disc as large.(4) linear combination knife and the knife libraryThe linear knife simple structure in Figure 2.9, tool single order, the capacity of small knife, used for CNC lathe and drill press on. Because the location of fixed knife, ATC completed action by the spindle without manipulator. The cutter knife is generally the turret combination turret with a combination of the disc cutter knife and the chain combination. Every single knife the knife certificates of smaller, faster tool change. There are also some intensive drum wheel, and the lattice-type magazine for the knife, the knife-intensive though. Small footprint, but because of structural constraints, basically not used for single processing center, the concentration used for FMS for the knife system.1.4 Tool storage capacityTool storage capacity of the first to consider the needs of processing, from the use of point of view, generally 10 to 40 knives, knife will be the utilization of the high, and the structure iscompact.1.5 Tool options(1) choose to order processing tool according to the order, followed Add to the knife every knife in the Block. Each tool change, the order of rotation of a cutter knife on location, and remove the need knives, has been used by the cutter knife can be returned to the original Block, can also order Add Block, a knife. However, as the knife in the tool in different processes can not be repeated use of the knife must increase the capacity and lower utilization rate.(2) most of the arbitrary choice of the current system of using arbitrary NC election knives, divided into Daotao coding, coding and memory-cutter, three. Daotao coding tool code or knives or Daotao need to install the code used to identify, in accordance with the general principle of binary coding coding. Tool knife election coding method uses a special knife handle structure, and each of the coding tool. Each of the tool has its own code, thereby cutting tool can be in different processes repeatedly used, not to replace the tool back at the original knife, the knife capacity can be reduced accordingly. Memory-election this paper knife, in this way can knives and knife in the position corresponding to the Daotao memory of the PLC in the NC system, no matter which tool on the Inner knife, tool information is always there in mind, PLC . On the knife with position detection devices, will be the location of each Daotao. This tool can be removed and sent back to arbitrary. On the knife is also a mechanical origin, every election, the nearest knife selection.1.6.Control of the knife(1) the knife as a system to control the positioning axis. In the ladder diagram in accordance with the instructions for computing T code comparison of the output angle and speed of instructions to the knife the knife servo drive servo motor. Tool storage capacity, rotation speed, and / deceleration time, and other system parameters can be set in such a manner free from any outside influence positioning accurate and reliable but the cost is higher.(2) knife from the hydraulic motor drives, fast / slow the points, with proximity switches count and positioning. In comparison ladder diagram of the current storage system knife (knife spindle) and goals knife (pre-knife) and computing, then output rotation instructions, judging by the shortest path rotation in place. This approach requires sufficient hydraulic power and electromagnetic valve knife the rotational speed can be adjusted through the throttle. But over time may be oily hydraulic, oil temperature and environmental factors impact the change in velocity and accuracy. Not generally used in large and medium-sized machine tool change frequently.(3) the knife from AC asynchronous motor driven cam mechanism (Markov institutions), with proximity switches count, which means stable operation, and generally accurate and reliablepositioning cam used in conjunction with a mechanical hand, ATC fast-positioning.2. ATC, the main types, characteristics, and the scope of application 2.1 Auto Rotary ToolRotary Tool automatically onthe use of CNC machine tool is asimple installation of automatic toolchange, the Quartet and 47.60 TurretTool various forms, such as rotaryturret were installed on four, six ormore of the Tool , NC instructions byATC. Rotary Tool has two verticaland horizontal, relatively simplestructure, applicable to economicCNC lathe.Rotary Tool in the structure musthave good strength and stiffness,resistance to bear rough Cutting Toolin the cutting force and reduce therole of deformation and improveprocessing accuracy. Rotating Toolto choose reliable positioningprogramme structure and reasonable position, in order to ensure that each rotary turret to a higher position after repeated positioning accuracy (typically 0.001 to 0.005mm). Figure 2.1 shows the spiral movements of the Quartet Turret.Auto Rotary Tool in the simplest of ATC, is 180 º rotary ATC devices, as shown in Figure 2.2 ATC instructions received, the machine control system put ATC spindle control to the designated location at the same time, the tool movement to the appropriate location, ATC, with the rotary axis and at the same time, the knives matching tool; drawbars from Spindle Cutting Tools rip, ATC, will be the tool from their position removed; ATC, 180 º rotary tool spindle and the tool and tool away; ATC, the Rotary At the same time, the tool refocusing its position to accept Spindle removed from the cutting tool; Next, ATC, will be replaced with the cutter knives were unloaded into the spindle and tool: Finally, back to the original ATC, "standby" position. At this point, ATC completed procedures to continue to run. This ATC, the main advantage ofsimple structure, the less movement, fast tool change. The main disadvantage is that knives must be kept in parallel with the axis of the plane, and after the home side compared to the tool, chip and liquid-cutting knife into the folder, it is necessary to the tool plus protection. Cone knife folder on the chip will cause ATC error, or even damage knife folders, and the possibility of spindle. Some processing centre at the transfer, and the tool side. When the ATC command is called, the transfer-cutter knives will be removed, the machine go forward, and positioning with the ATC, in line with the position. 180 º "Rotary ATC devices can be used horizontal machine, can also be used for vertical machining centers.2. 2 ATC head-turret installedWith rotating CNC machine tool often used such ATC devices, with a few turret head spindle, each with a spindle on both knives, the first tower interim process can be automatic tool change-realization. The advantage is simple structure, tool change time is short, only about 2 s. However, due to spatial constraints, the number of spindle can not be too much, usually only apply to processes less, not to high precision machine tools, such as the NC drill, such as CNC milling machine. In recent years there has been a mechanical hand and the turret head with a knife for the automatic tool change ATC devices, as shown in Figure 2.3. It is in fact a turret head ATC, and the knife-ATC device combination. The principle is as follows:5 turret on the first two tool spindle 3 and 4, when using the tool spindle 4 processing tool, the manipulator 2 will be the next step to the need for the tool does not work on the tool spindle 3 until after the completion of this process , the first rotary turret 180 º, ATC completed. ATC most of their time and processing time coincidence, the only real tool change time turret transposition of the first time, this approach mainly used for ATC and NC NC drilling file bed. 2. 3.Daidao system for the automatic tool changeFigure 2.4 shows the knife and the whole machine tool CNC machine tools for the appearance of Fig.Figure 2.5 shows the knife and split-type machine to the appearance of CNC machine tool plans.At this point, knife storage capacity, a heavier tool can, and often additional transport unit to complete the knife between the spindle and cutting tool transport.Daidao the knife from the ATC, the election knives, automatic loading and unloading machine tool and tool exchange institutions (manipulator), composed of four parts, used widely.Tool Automatic Tool Change the manipulator system, the whole process more complicated ATC. We must first used in the processing of all installed in the standard tool on the knife handle in the machine outside the pre-size, according to a certain way Add to the knife. ATC, selected first in the knife knife, and then from ATC, from the knife from the knife or spindle, exchange, the new knife into the spindle, the old knife back into the knife.ATC, as the former two knives to accommodate a limited number can not be too many, can notmeet the needs of complex parts machining, CNC machine tool Automatic Tool Change Daidao the use of the automatic tool change devices. The knife has more capacity, both installed in the spindle box side or above. As for the automatic tool change Daidao device CNC machine tool spindle box only a spindle, spindle components to high stiffness to meet the machining requirements. The number of establishments in larger knife, which can meet the more complex parts of the machining processes, significantly improving productivity. Daidao system for the automatic tool change applied to drilling centres and CNC machining centers. The comparison drawn Daidao automatic tool change system is the most promising.3.PLC control of the knife random mode of election3. 1Common methods of automatic election knifeAutomatic control of the knife CNC refers to the system after the implementation of user instructions on the knife library automation process, including the process to find knives and automatic tool change [(63,71]. CNC Machining Center device (CNC) directive issued by the election knife , a knife, the tool required to take the knife position, said the election automatic knife. automatically elected knife There are two ways: random sequence election knives and knife election method.3.1.1 order election knifeTool Selection order is the process tool according to the sequence of the insert knife, the use of knives in order to take place, used knives back at the original knife, can also order Add Block, a knife. In this way, no need Tool identification devices, and drive control is a relatively simple, reliable and can be used directly from the points of the knife machinery to achieve. But the knives in each of the tool in different processes can not be reused, if the tool is installed in accordance with the order of the knife, there will be serious consequences. The need to increase the number of knives and knife the capacity of the tool and reduce the utilization of the knife. 3.1.2Random election knifeRandom election under the knife is arbitrary instructions to select the required tools, then there must be tool identification devices. Tool knife in the library do not have the processing in accordance with the order of the workpiece can be arbitrary storage. Each of the tool (or knifeblocks) are for a code, automatic tool change, the rotary cutter, every tool have been the "tool identification device" acceptable identification. When CNC tool code and the code in line with directives of the tool selected, the rotary cutter knives will be sent to the ATC position, waiting to grab manipulator. Random knife election is the advantage of the cutter knife in the order has nothing to do with the processing sequence, the same tool can be used repeatedly. Therefore, the relatively small number of knives, knife the corresponding smaller. Random elections knife on the tool must be coded to identify. There are three main coding.1. Tool coding. Adopt special knife handle structure coding, the drawbars on the knife handle back-end packages such as spacing of the coding part of the lock-nut fixed. Coding diameter ring diameter of a size two, respectively, said that binary "1" and "0" to the two rings are different, can be a series of code. For example, there are six small diameter of the ring can be made to distinguish between 63 (26-1 = 63) of the coding tool. All of 0 normally not allowed to use the code, to avoid the cutter knife Block did not confuse the situation.2. Knife Block coding. On the knife Block coding, coding tool, and tool into line with the number of knives in the Block. ATC knife when the rotation, so that each knife seats followed through knowledge knife, knife found blocks, knives stopped the rotation. At this time there is no knife handle encoding part of the knife handle simplified.3. Annex coding methods. This style of coding keys, coded cards, coding and coding-disc, which is the most widely used coding keys.First to knives are attached to a tool of the show wrapped coding keys, and when the cutter knife to the store at knife in, so put the number of keys to remember knife Block Road, will be inserted into key to the coding Block next to the key hole in the seat for the knife to the numbers.ConclusionFocused on in today's manufacturing environment tool storage and management of new models and methods, practical application of good results in systems integration and optimization, and other aspects of operations will be further explored, so that it has a higher theoretical and practical level.译文:机床刀具设计课题研究意义机床原来的刀库控制程序是单独设计的,没有采用刀具管理系统,功能也比较单一,只实现了刀库刀具的找刀、刀库最短路径定位、主轴换刀,而且不支持大型刀具。








标签:刀具磨损分类;电流信号;回归分析;模糊分类0 引言对切削刀具磨损状态监测的有效手段研究一直是切削加工自动化的热点话题之一[1]。




























数控机床维修学术造诣范文大全英文回答:CNC Machine Maintenance: A Comprehensive Guide.Introduction.Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines are essential tools in modern manufacturing. They are used to automate the production of a wide variety of parts, from simple components to complex assemblies. However, like any other machine, CNC machines require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity.Types of CNC Machine Maintenance.There are two main types of CNC machine maintenance:Preventive maintenance: This type of maintenance is performed on a regular schedule to prevent problems fromoccurring. It includes tasks such as cleaning, lubrication, and inspection.Corrective maintenance: This type of maintenance is performed to repair problems that have already occurred. It includes tasks such as replacing worn parts and fixing electrical problems.Importance of CNC Machine Maintenance.CNC machine maintenance is important for several reasons:Improved performance: Regular maintenance can help to improve the performance of your CNC machine by keeping it in good working order. This can lead to increased productivity and reduced downtime.Extended lifespan: Proper maintenance can help to extend the lifespan of your CNC machine by preventing premature wear and tear. This can save you money in the long run.Reduced downtime: By preventing problems from occurring, regular maintenance can help to reduce downtime. This can keep your production schedule on track and minimize lost profits.Improved safety: A well-maintained CNC machine is less likely to experience accidents. This can help to protect your employees and your equipment.Frequency of CNC Machine Maintenance.The frequency of CNC machine maintenance will vary depending on the type of machine, the usage environment, and the manufacturer's recommendations. However, it is generally recommended to perform preventive maintenance on a monthly basis and corrective maintenance as needed.Preventive Maintenance Tasks.Preventive maintenance tasks for CNC machines typically include:Cleaning the machine and its components.Lubricating all moving parts.Inspecting the machine for wear and tear.Tightening any loose screws or bolts.Checking the coolant levels.Replacing any worn or damaged parts.Corrective Maintenance Tasks.Corrective maintenance tasks for CNC machines typically include:Repairing electrical problems.Replacing worn parts.Fixing mechanical problems.Calibrating the machine.Troubleshooting software problems.Conclusion.CNC machine maintenance is essential for ensuring optimal performance, extending lifespan, reducing downtime, and improving safety. By following a regular maintenance schedule, you can keep your CNC machine running smoothlyfor years to come.中文回答:数控机床维修学术造诣范文大全。



河南科技Henan Science and Technology 机械与动力工程总第810期第16期2023年8月基于CEEMDAN-S的数控铣床刀具磨损故障特征提取张天骁谷艳玲(沈阳工业大学机械工程学院,辽宁沈阳110870)摘要:【目的】解决因刀具失效而造成的工件报废和关键部件损坏等问题。






关键词:刀具;CEEMDAN算法;S变换;特征提取中图分类号:TG714文献标志码:A文章编号:1003-5168(2023)16-0050-05 DOI:10.19968/ki.hnkj.1003-5168.2023.16.011The Fault Feature Extraction of CNC Milling Machine Based onCEEMDAN-SZHANG Tianxiao GU Yanling(Shenyang University of Technology,School of Mechanical Engineering,Shenyang110870,China)Abstract:[Purposes]This paper aims to address issues such as workpiece scrapping and key component damage caused by tool failure.[Methods]This paper proposed a method of cutting tool wear fault feature extraction based on CEEMDAN-S.First,CEEMDAN algorithm is used to decompose the collected vibra⁃tion signal data to obtain multiple IMF components,and then according to the selection criteria of corre⁃lation coefficient,the effective IMF component value is selected to eliminate noise and other interference factors and retain effective characteristics,so as to realize the noise reduction processing of the original data.S transform of the reconstructed signal to analyze the time frequency characteristics.[Findings]By comparing the S transformation of the reconstructed signal with the original signal,fault feature can be obviously found.[Conclusions]The results show that for the extraction of fault feature of the milling ma⁃chine the proposed CEEMDAN-S algorithm has high identification accuracy,obvious fault features,and is better than other feature extraction methods.Keywords:tool;CEEMDAN algorithm;S transform;feature extraction0引言刀具是机械加工生产线的重要组成部分,作为磨损最严重的零部件之一,其磨损状态会直接影响工件的加工质量,甚至会影响整个机床的稳定性。





支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,简写SVM)是20世纪90年代,由Vapnik等人提出的一种新型通用的有监督学习的机器学习方法,能很好地处理小样本情况下的学习问题。



针对这些不足,Lin等学者[4-5]提出隶属度的概念,并将其引入到支持向量机,构建了模糊支持向量机(Fuzzy Support Vector Machine,FSVM),其主旨是在支持向量机的基础上分别给每个样本赋予一个隶属度值,对不同的样本采用不同的惩罚权重系数,在构造目标函数时,使不同的样本有不同的贡献,对噪声或孤立点赋予很小的权值,从而达到消除噪声或孤立点的目的。





【期刊名称】《制造业自动化》【年(卷),期】2015(000)015【总页数】4页(P78-81)【关键词】模糊评判;深孔;刀具选择;CAPP;参数优化【作者】张保平;关世玺;张雪冬;王斌;田甜【作者单位】中北大学机电工程学院,太原 030051;中北大学机电工程学院,太原 030051;北方通用动力集团有限公司,大同 037036;北方通用动力集团有限公司,大同 037036;北方通用动力集团有限公司,大同 037036【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TH1640 引言在深孔加工过程中,刀具的选择不仅直接制约零件的加工质量,而且影响工艺方案的选择[1]。


























几个神经网络模型估算[1,2,19,31]以及分类[3-6,30] 车削操作中的刀具磨损已经开发出来。



在本研究的实验结果表明,针对不同的新鲜工具切削力和AErms具有相同规格的差异可高达30 - 50%。






基于时序分析与模糊聚类的铣削刀具磨损状态识别ΞSTATE RECOGNITION OF MI LLING TOOL WEAR BASED ON TIME SERIES ANALYSIS AN D FUZZY CL USTER徐创文ΞΞ1,2 陈花玲1 程仲文2 李宝栋2(1.西安交通大学机械工程学院,西安710049)(2.兰州工业高等专科学校机械工程系,兰州730050)XU ChuangWen1,2 CHEN HuaLing1 CHEN G ZhongWen2 LI BaoDong2(1.School o f Mechanical Engineering,Xi′an Jiaotong Univer sity,Xi′an710049,China)(2.Department o f Mechanical Engineering,Lanzhou Polytechnic College,Lanzhou730050,China)摘要 对XK A714数控铣床采集的刀具运行状态振动信号进行计算、检验、分析样本自相关函数和样本偏相关函数的截尾性、拖尾性和周期性以及模型参数估计等时间序列相关分析,可判断动态数据序列适于AR(p)(autoregression)模型。



关键词 时间序列分析 模糊聚类分析 刀具磨损 识别中图分类号 TG714 TH165.3Abstract Based on time series analysis and fuzzy cluster analysis,a new method of state recognition of milling tool wear was set up.A fter calculating,verifying liberation signal of tool state,and analyzing cutoff property,trailing property,periodicity of the sample autocorrelation function and partial autocorrelation function as well as estimating parameter of m odel.It can be decided that dynamic data serial is suit AR(p)(autoregression)m odel.T aking p equal to12as a feature vector extraction,based on the fuzzy cluster analysis the similarity relation between the feature vector of the tool w orking state and the sample feature vector was obtained.W orking state of tool wear was determined according to the similarity relation of feature vector.This method was used to recognize initial wear state,normal wear state and acute wear state of milling tool.The result indicates that this method of tool wear recognition based on time series analysis and fuzzy cluster is effective.K ey w ords Time series analysis;Fuzzy cluster analysis;Tool w ear;R ecognitionCorresponding author:XU ChuangWen,E2mail:xuchuangwen@,T el:+86293122861344,Fax:+86293122861111 Manuscript received20060522,in revised form20060707.1 引言加工过程中刀具磨损将造成机床产生振动,工件表面粗糙度和尺寸精度变差,严重时还会造成刀具破损、工件报废、机床停机等故障。

FuzzyJ Toolkit中模糊推理机制的改进(英文)

FuzzyJ Toolkit中模糊推理机制的改进(英文)

FuzzyJ Toolkit中模糊推理机制的改进(英文)
【摘要】运用聚合运算符γ算子和一个全新的方法处理模糊推理中的全局数据贡献 ,可以有效地解决模糊专家系统外壳FuzzyJToolkit在推理过程中出现的信息丢失和运行效率降低问题 .实例分析表明 ,这种方法可以克服系统采用的max ,min操作符所固有的不精确性 ,有效地提高信息的准确性和系统的性能 ,从而增强了系统的可用性 .
1.一种改进的模糊推理模型在飞机战伤抢修专家系统中的应用 [J], 常浩;金大玮;邢国平;孙德翔
2.一种改进的基于模糊案例推理方法及其在分类中的应用 [J], 张守川; 王华忠
3.直接转矩控制中基于模糊推理的相位补偿(英文) [J], 谢庆国;万淑芸;赵金;李志国
4.基于改进自适应模糊推理系统的半导体制造系统瓶颈设备预测方法(英文) [J], 曹政才;邓积杰;刘民;王永吉
5.自适应神经模糊推理系统改进算法在机械加工参数优化中的应用 [J], 武星星;朱喜林;杨会肖

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基于模糊推理的通用数控车削刀具磨损优化兰天雄中国台湾苗栗县裕达大学信息管理系E-mail: tslan@.tw2010年10月12日—2010年11月6日修订;2010年11月9日发表摘要:在现代数控(计算机数控)车削加工中,刀具磨损是常见的。





考虑4个输入和20个输出的时间间隔,然后,使用重心解模糊完成的S / N(信号- 噪声)比作为引入。




























然后,解模糊的量化使用的重心,而且引入田口实验S / N(信号- 噪声)比,因此,最佳的一般扣除参数可以被接收。




2.1模糊集理论设X是一个合集,A是一个X的模糊子集,如果所有所述x∈X,就有一个集合,分配给集合成员x to A,并且被称为A的隶属度函数。










性能测量值,信号- 噪声比(S / N)[25]提出的田口是用于获取最优对米组合。

较大的S / N表示质量的关系会变得更好。


相关的S / N比被定义为其中n是每个实验组的实验次数,和yi表示在i相反,较大的质量特性将有更好的结果吨时,考虑到最好的质量较大,因此,通过采取入方程(5)中的质量特性的逆相关的S / N比也可以推导出,示出在等式(6)。

在这项研究中,去模糊化介绍了数控加工中的刀具磨损田口实验结果的S / N比。


除了的S / N比,统计方差分析(ANOVA),[26]可以被用来表示工艺参数的影响。






























介绍刀具磨损较小的最佳期望的信号噪声比(S / N)的定量结果作为因子的反应,结果被计算并在表6中列出。

平均为S / N比的影响,然后绘制由MINITAB 14,如图3所示。



TOSHIBA WTJNR2020K16的工具持有人与三菱NX2525插入被用作切削刀具。





图4中的刀具磨损长度VB2(毫米)在3D SONY彩色视频电子相机中选择和缩放。













