



汉语口语速成入门篇上习题汉语口语速成入门篇(上)第1课你好xie pin yin一、写注音。

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 你好老师对不起没关系谢谢不客气( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 再见请进请坐听写说读wan cheng dui hua二、完成对话。

A:你好~ A:________~_________。

B:您好~ B:A:谢谢~ A:________~B:__________。


kan tu shuo dong ci三、看图说动词。

1 2 3 4(1) (2)(3) (4)1汉语口语速成入门篇(上)第2课你好吗xie pin yin一、写注音.( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( ) 很累不饿很渴不忙爸爸妈妈都也du pin yin xie ju zi二、读拼音,写句子。

nǐ yǒu gē ge ji? jie ma?______________________________ ? wǒ dìdi mâi mei hěn máng。


tā ài rén hěn è。


wan cheng dui hua二、完成对话。

1、A:你好吗,2、A:你妈妈忙吗,B:__________,你呢, B:___________________。


A:_____________,B:你爸爸妈妈都好吗, B:他不累。



2汉语口语速成入门篇(上)第3课你吃什么zhu yin一、注音( )( )( )( )( )( )( )饺子米饭面条面包包子啤酒茶( )( )( )( )( )( )( )咖啡矿泉水牛奶词典本子书笔( )( )书包可口可乐wan cheng dui hua二、完成对话。



演讲要求:仪态大方,口齿清楚,声 音洪亮,感情充沛。 朗诵的要求:要表达出文章蕴含的感 情。 讲故事的要求:具体生动,能用语言 打动他人。
交流汇报 同学评价
2003 年 10 月 15 日, “神舟”五号发射 升 空 精 彩 瞬 间 2003年10月16日“飞船着陆成功!”
“神舟七号” 载人航天飞船于 2008 年 9 月 25 日 21 点 10 分 04 秒 988 毫秒从中国酒泉卫星发射中 心载人航天发射场发射升空。
“ 嫦 娥 二 号 ” 于 2010 年 10 月 1 日 18 时 59 分 57 秒在西昌卫 星发射中心发射升空,并获得 了圆满成功。
我们的祖国幅员辽阔,历史 悠久,民族文化源远流长。岁月 的诗篇,写不尽奋进的豪情。作 为即将小学毕业的我们,可以为 祖国做些什么呢?
1970年4月24日 中国第一颗人造地球卫星“东方 红一号”发射成功
载 人 试 验 飞年 船 在月 酒 泉日 发, 射我 中国 心“ 发神 射州 成一 功号 。” 可 1999 11 20
文天祥:南宋著名的 爱国将领。当他被别 的国家的人抓到的时 候。他坚决不投降, 不管给他多么丰厚的 待遇,他都不为之所 动,别人问他,你不 怕死吗?他说道:我 宁愿死也不会出卖自 己的祖国。临刑前, 他写下了:“人生自 古谁无死 留取丹心 照汗青 ” 的千古名 句。



• 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家好!今天我演讲的题目是“勿忘国 耻,振兴中华!” 当鲜艳的五星红旗冉冉升起;当北京奥运会成功举办;当上海世博 会也即将开幕。同学们,你们可曾想起那些曾在这个强大的民族头上横 行霸道的侵略者呢?你还记得日本帝国主义大肆张开它的魔爪,伸向了 我中华的心脏时的狞笑吗?让历史的风,吹翻起百年前的那一页,让我 们怀着沉重的心去看看我们永生不能忘的国耻吧!
• • • • • • 10 分制: 演讲感情丰富3分 吐字清晰,流畅,使用普通话3 分 表情、动作自然大方、适度2 分 赛场效果1分 服装得体2 分
• 同学们,老师们: 大家好!我今天演讲的题目是勿忘国耻,振兴中华。 我们的祖国历史悠久,我们的祖国文化灿烂,我们的祖国地大物博,作 为炎黄子孙,我感到无比的骄傲和自豪!我们骄傲,中国是四大文明古国之 一!我们自豪,中国拥有五千年的灿烂文化!我们中华民族曾经为人类的发 展做出过不可磨灭的贡献,然而我们的祖国也有过屈辱的历史。 英国人来了,无耻呀,他们不是带着友谊,而是带着毒品鸦片来的,仗 着他们的洋枪洋炮打开了中国的国门。 法国人来了,野蛮啊!强盗们不是带着和平,而是带着抢劫之心来的。 他们和英国人烧毁了文明世界的瑰宝——圆明园。 葡萄牙人来了,可憎啊!一个弹丸小国,也从四亿多人口的中国生生地 割去一个澳门!最残暴最无耻的日本人来了,他们不光要我们的财物,他们 还要我们的土地,甚至还要我们亡国灭种!在所有欺负中国的帝国主义国家 中,日本人侵略我们最久,给我们带来的伤害最重,灾难最大!他们在中国 横行霸道八年啊,他们杀光烧光抢光,他们哪里是人,分明是两条腿的野兽 啊! 日军来了!进占南京城,在军司令官松井石根和谷寿夫等法西斯分子的 指挥下,对我手无寸铁的同胞进行了长达6周年惨不忍睹的大规模屠杀。不能 遗忘!中国民族的一段血泪史!



商贸英语口语之询价一、惯用单句1 我们对中国的地毯非常感兴趣,我想就这方面进行询价。

We are very interested in Chinese carpets. I'd like to make an inquiry.2 我们对你们的地毯很感兴趣。

你方的报价如何?We're quite interested in your carpets. How about your offer?3 请把你们的价格表或目录寄给我们好吗?Will you please send us your price list or catalogue?4 请把你们的目录和详细报价寄给我们好吗?Will you please send us your catalogue together with a detailed offer?5 您能把目录中所列产品的价格报给我们吗?Could you make offers for the items listed in your catalogue?6 您能把七号产品的价格报给我吗?Would you give me an offer for Item No.7?7 您能把ZX102型的价格报给我吗?May I have your offer for Model ZX102?8我能问一下这种产品的价格吗?May I ask the price of this product?9我能问一下这种产品的最低价吗?May I ask the rock-bottom price of this product?10 您能告诉我这个产品的单价是多少吗?Could you tell me the unit price of this product?11你能给我报这些商品的最低价格吗?Would you please quote me your lowest prices for the goods? 12希望您能报给我们纽约到岸价的最优惠价格。







1. 疯狂世界2. 拥抱3. 透露4. 生活5. 爱情的模样6. 嘿!我要走了7. 轧车8. 志明与春娇9. hosee10. 黑白讲11. I love you 无望12. 风若吹爱情万岁这是五月天的第二张专辑,接著第一张一鸣惊人的出击,第二张专辑仍然延续著上一张的风格,和〈拥抱〉比深情的〈温柔〉,气氛high到最高点的〈终结孤单〉和〈轧车〉有著异曲同工之妙,和〈志明与春娇〉一样可以大声合唱的〈心中无别人〉,〈叫我第一名〉和〈H osee〉同样的放荡不羁,这些歌曲都听得出来是上一张延续下来的作品。



、1. 爱情万岁2. 反而3. 憨人4. 叫我第一名5. 罗密欧与茱丽叶6. 明白7. 有你的将来8. 为什么9. 温柔10. 心中无别人11. 雨眠12. 终结孤单候鸟《侯鸟》的电影音乐是五月天第一张全程参与的电影音乐作品,他们从构思、制作到完成花了将近半年时间。

































第1课你好xie pin yin一、写注音。

()()()()()()你好老师对不起没关系谢谢不客气()()()()()()再见请进请坐听写说读wan cheng dui hua二、完成对话。




kan tu shuo dong ci三、看图说动词。

1234(1)(2)(3)(4)第2课你好吗xie pin yin一、写注音.()()()()()()()()很累不饿很渴不忙爸爸妈妈都也du pin yin xie ju zi二、读拼音,写句子。

nǐyǒu gēge jiĕ jie ma?______________________________ ?wǒdìdi mèi mei hěn máng。


tā ài rén hěn è。


wan cheng dui hua二、完成对话。






第3课你吃什么zhu yin一、注音()()()()()()()饺子米饭面条面包包子啤酒茶()()()()()()()咖啡矿泉水牛奶词典本子书笔()()书包可口可乐wan cheng dui hua二、完成对话。




演讲稿不仅可以用事实来证明观点, 还可以穿插故事、名言警句、数字统 计等,但这些材料必须典型别致。
以上写出来的话,就是演讲稿中的观点。 那么怎么让别人觉得你的观点很有说服 力呢?这就需要借助一些材料了。比如 说“祖国科技发达”,我们可以从古代 的四大发明,到现代的火箭技术,说到 神州五号、六号、七号……
祖国历史悠久 祖国文化灿烂; 祖国人才济济;
祖国山河壮丽; 祖国和谐发展; 祖国科技发达;
祖国发展日新月异; 中国人民勤劳智慧;
祖国如巨龙在腾飞; 祖国迎来奥运;
演讲稿不但要观点明确、正确,而且 材料也要典型。什么是典型材料?最 能说明这个观点的材料,就是典型材 料。
王维独居空山幽谷,却不觉孤寂,浑然有万物皆我友朋的 情怀,“独坐幽篁里,弹琴复长啸,深林人不知,明月来相 照”。使自己的生活艺术化、情趣化,不也正是古今人人所追 求的吗?
南国情柔,北国情壮,万里长空下,一片碧绿的草原,风 吹草浪,几只巨鹰旋空而鸣,“敕勒川,阴山下,天似穹庐, 笼盖四野,天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊”。其实,月儿 本无情,群山之所以予人娴静,草原之所以予人壮丽之感,都 是因为多情的人赋予它们生命,使它们鲜活,使它们富丽。 “母亲”的孩子啊!可忆起北平的紫禁城,湖南的岳阳楼, 青海的凄寒,西湖的柔美,长江的浩浩,黄河的滔滔?骨肉同 胞情,激起了“母亲”每一个孩子的热血、热泪、热情,让正 义之血喷涌吧!让自由之泪洒落吧!让真理之情坚定吧!
尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 你们好! 今天,站在这里,我要说的,是我 们的祖国。 中国是什么?是世界版图上的一只公 鸡,许许多多的国家中的一个,不仅是 如此。

《U8 It must belong to Carla3》教案(省优获奖)

《U8 It must belong to Carla3》教案(省优获奖)

Unit 8 It must belong to Carla〔第3课时〕一、Teaching aims:1. Knowledge aims:1) words: policeman, noise, wolf, happening, uneasy2.Ability aims1) The ability of reading for specific information.2) To improve students’ reading ability.二、Teaching important and difficult points1. Teaching important points:1)Master the new words and phrases.2) Read for some useful information.2. Teaching difficult points:1) Master some reading skills.2) Understand and learn to use the words and phrases.三、Teaching proceduresI. RevisionII. PresentationPresent the new words in the dialogues.A: Do you hear strange noise s outside our windowB: Yes, something unusual is happening in our town.A: My father called the policeman, but he couldn’t find anything strange. B: Maybe it was a wolf, everyone in our town is feeling uneasy.III. ReadingWork on 3a:1.Tell Ss to read the article and decide which might be the best title.A.A Small and Quiet TownB.Strange Happenings in my townC.Animals in our neighborhood2. Read quickly and try to find out the main idea of each paragraph.3. Check the answers.IV. Careful Reading1. Work on 3b:1). Read carefully and finish 3b.2). Ask students to discuss with each other and then check the answers.2. Work on 3c1). Read the article carefully and write what people think about the strange noises.2). Ss work in pairs. Let students discuss the answers.3). Check the answers with the students.V. Language points1.It used to be very quiet.used to do sth 曾经,过去常常〔现在不做了〕be used to do sth. (=be used for doing sth.) 被用来做……be used to doing sth 习惯于做……2. However, these days, something unusual is happening in our town.构成:不定代词+形容词 (定语后置)e.g. something importantun- 表示否认 usual 通常的 unusual 不平常的happy 快乐的unhappy 不快乐的3. Victor, a teacher at my school, is really nervous.a teacher at my school 在句中作同位语。



假如你们五月要举行一场英语聚会的英语作文As the month of May approaches, the anticipation for an upcoming English gathering is growing among our community. This event is not only an opportunityfor language enthusiasts to come together but also a chance to celebrate the beauty and diversity of the English language. In this essay, we will delve into the historical background of English gatherings, analyze different perspectives on such events, provide case studies to illustrate key points, evaluate the benefits and drawbacks, and conclude with future implications and recommendations for our upcoming English gathering.The concept of English gatherings has been around for centuries, with roots in the literary salons of the 17th and 18th centuries. These gatherings were a place for intellectuals, writers, and artists to come together to discuss literature, philosophy, and the arts. Over time, the idea of English gatherings has evolved to encompass a wider range of activities, including language exchange, cultural celebrations, and educational events.One perspective on English gatherings is that they provide a valuable opportunity for language learners to practice their skills in a supportive and immersive environment. By interacting with native speakers and other language learners, participants can improve their fluency, expand their vocabulary, and gain confidence in using English. Additionally, English gatherings can foster cultural exchange and understanding, as participants from diverse backgrounds come together to share their experiences and perspectives.On the other hand, some may argue that English gatherings can be intimidating for language learners, especially those who are still building their confidence in using English. The pressure to perform well in front of others can create anxiety and hinder the learning process. Furthermore, there is a risk of linguistic elitism, where native speakers may inadvertently dominate conversations, leaving little space for non-native speakers to participate fully.To illustrate the impact of English gatherings, let us consider the case of a language exchange event held in a multicultural city. Participants from various linguistic backgrounds gathered to practice their English skills and learn from each other. Through structured activities such as group discussions, role-plays, and language games, participants were able to engage in meaningful conversations and build connections with others. As a result, many reported feeling more confident in using English in their daily lives and developing a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity.Despite the benefits of English gatherings, it is important to critically evaluate the potential drawbacks. One concern is the tendency for such events to become insular, with a focus on language proficiency rather than meaningful communication. This can lead to a competitive atmosphere where participants feel pressured to perform rather than simply enjoy the experience of learning and sharing. Additionally, there is a risk of cultural appropriation, where aspects of English-speaking cultures are superficially adopted without a genuine understanding of their significance.Looking ahead, it is essential to consider the future implications of English gatherings and make recommendations for their continued success. To ensure that these events remain inclusive and supportive, organizers should prioritize creating a welcoming and non-judgmental environment where all participants feel valued and respected. This can be achieved through thoughtful event planning, clear communication of expectations, and the implementation of inclusive language policies. Furthermore, there is a need to promote a holistic approach to language learning, one that emphasizes the importance of cultural exchange, empathy, and open-mindedness.In conclusion, the upcoming English gathering presents a valuable opportunity for our community to come together, celebrate the English language, and engage in meaningful conversations. By understanding the historical background of such events, analyzing different perspectives, and evaluating their impact, we can ensure that our gathering is inclusive, enriching, and beneficial for allparticipants. As we look to the future, it is important to remain mindful of the potential challenges and make proactive efforts to create a welcoming and supportive environment for language learners.。



表示活动举办时间地点的英语作文句子1.英语作文举办一场国际交流节时间地点干什么:it's sunny today.all the students in our class are going out for a walk.the sun is shining on us,we are feeling comfortable.at first,we are flying our kites,i am so happy that my kite is the highest of all the kites.after that,we are having lunch together.2.英语作文:地点是在你家举行毕业典礼,时间是Sunday june27写一份邀请函给你的朋友:Dear XXX will be very glad to see you at my home if you can attend my graduation ceremony.Since we have taken part in the entrance exam,we should be happy about any result.The date of the graduate.3.英语作文假如你是XX,你校将举行英语口语大赛,请你根据下面内容拟一份通知:举办时间:2011年12月5日举办地点;教学楼二楼会议室:Notice Dear all,now i have a notice to tell.our school will hold a English Speaking Contest,please get ready for it. Dates:December 5,2011;Venue:conference room on the second floor in the teach.4.一篇英语作文自写.80-100字a notice1环保俱乐部的宗旨2活动3如何参会4成立大会举行的时间和地点以上是作文内容:Notice We will found an EPC,which is the abbreviation of EnvironmentProtection Club.The purpose of EPC is to publicize the meaning and ways of protecting the environment.5.英文向你的朋友介绍这个星期天要举行party,邀请你的朋友参加时间、地点、人、邀请的主题、要准备什么:Dear XXX,I am very glad and honored to invite you to the party.It will be held on this Sunday,at my home.The topic is about how can we make progress in our study.Now I am sincere.6.求英语作文英语作文关于班级活动通知,活动地点XX公园,时间五月七号上午九点到十一点,活动内容湖边植树,保洁公园,浇花树要求字数100左右:Please note that our class will hold an activity in XX Park.Please gather at the gate of the park at 9 a.m.on 7th May,and we will finish everything at eleven.Moreover please bring some basins and brooms with you when coming to the park.。



《今天几号》教案荣继华教学目标:1. 能听懂和说出身边的日期和时间。

2. 熟练运用日期和月份的汉字。

3. 能正确地使用“今天几号”和“今天星期几”结构。

教学重点:1. 运用所学知识正确回答问题。

2. 正确使用数字和汉字。

教学准备:1. 教师准备图片或卡片,上面写有不同的日期和月份的汉字。

2. 教师准备相应的练习题。

3. 教师准备录音,播放与日期相关的口语对话。

教学过程:Step 1: Warming up教师播放一段与日期相关的口语对话,介绍今天的日期和星期几,引入新课。

T: Good morning, everyone. Today is Monday, September 3rd. Do you know what day it is today? What's the date today?S1: Today is September 3rd.S2: Today is Monday.Step 2: Presentation1. 教师出示卡片或图片,让学生认识各个月份的汉字,并辅助运用数字加深记忆。

January 一月 February 二月 March 三月April 四月 May 五月 June 六月July 七月 August 八月 September 九月October 十月 November 十一月 December 十二月2. 然后教师可以继续出示卡片或图片,教授日期的汉字及用法。

一号二号三号四号五号六号七号八号九号十号十一号十二号十三号十四号十五号十六号十七号十八号十九号二十号二十一号二十二号二十三号二十四号二十五号二十六号二十七号二十八号二十九号三十号三十一号3. 学生可以用数字或汉字回答问题,练习掌握所学内容。

T: What's the date today?1. 教师可以根据学生的年龄和程度准备相应的练习来帮助他们巩固所学内容。

T: Let's do some exercises to practice what we've learned.2) Answer the questions orally.2. 教师可以借助实景练习,引导学生运用所学内容。

《汉语口语速成 入门篇》第5课 图书馆在哪儿

《汉语口语速成 入门篇》第5课 图书馆在哪儿

10、办公室 n.
sù shè bàn gōng shì hào
number; indicating the order of sequence building
+— AB
qǐngwèn,túshūguǎn zài nǎr?
yóu jú zhī dào yín háng yī yuàn shāng diàn shū diàn qù
post office to know bank hospital shop bookstore to go
+— AB
qǐngwèn,yóujú zài nǎr?
A: 请 问, 邮局 在 哪儿?
duìbuqǐ,wǒ bù zhīdào。
B: 对不起,我 不 知道。
20、天安门 n.
21、故宫 n. 22、颐和园 n. 23、长城 n.
Gùgōng Yíhé Yuán
the Tian’anmen Square
A: 请 问, 图书馆 在 哪儿?
jiù zài nàr。
B: 就 在 那儿。
liúxuéshēng sùshè
bàngōngshì qīhàolóu









一般来说,口试的内容一般由"朗读短文、回答问题、情景对话和话题简述" 4部分组成。

"朗读短文" 要求学生能比较流利地朗读一篇所学课文或难度略低于所学语言材料的内容。


"回答问题" 要求学生能根据所给情景回答所提问题。


"情景对话" 要求学生能根据所给情景提示进行交谈,不少于5句话,尽管此题也是考查学生对日常交际用语的掌握情况,但要求明显高于"回答问题"。

"话题简述" 要求学生能按题目和提示要点连续说一段话,清楚地表达主要意思,不少于7句。


店铺提前为大家整理了中考口语的十篇范文,一天一篇读起来↓↓↓中考口语范文1Tea is one ofthe most important and popular drinks in China.There are many different kinds of tea. Mostly, we have green tea, black tea, oolong tea and white tea. There are also many different kinds of flower tea.Most people know the story about Dragon Well green tea. This tea comes from the Chinesevillage of Dragon Well, not far from Hangzhou. Nearly 2000 years ago, thevillage had many months with no rain. All of the crops were dying, and the farmers were very worried. Them aman found a dragon in a well. He asked the dragon to get out of the well. As soon as the dragon came out, it began to rain andthe crops were saved. People now call the tea from the area,“Dragon Well tea.”中考口语范文2Yesterday, from around 11 a.m.until 7 p.m. all the electricity was off in Garden City. The lights went out.The buses and the underground stopped. It was Saturday. Many people were athome, in the street, or in shopping malls. Many other people were travelling by bus or by underground. When it happened, people did not care about it at first.However, soon people became worried. People at home and in shopping malls came out onto the streets. The streets became more and more crowded. People on busesgot off, and people in the underground began to phone their family and friends.The electricity still did not come back on. People became more and more worried and impatient. The sun set, and the only light in the city came from the cars.中考口语范文3The first Olympic Games happened thousands of years ago in Greece.People started the Olympic Games to show respect to the gods. They would prayto their gods in the morning and then have the games in the afternoon. Thefirst Olympic Games only lasted for one day! In modern times, the Olympic Gameslast fortwo weeks.Thousands of years ago, married women could not watch the games.Otherwise, they would be punished! Here is a story about a woman at the ancient Olympic Games in Greece. Her name was Helen. Helen’s son Rodus took part in the competition of running in the Olympic Games. Helen wanted to watch Rodus run,so she made herself look like a soldier and entered the stadium. Unfortunately,Helen was found inside the stadium. Rodus won the competition, but his mother was punished.中考口语范文4I have a friend.His mane is Henry Day, but everyone calls him Happy. Happy travels widely. When he comes to a new place, he opens a pet shop and begins selling African GhostFish.According to Happy, these are the world’s only invisible fish, and theyneed no food. Once a year, the female Ghost Fish lays eggs. Then, while everything is quiet, she becomes visible. But, in no time, she’s the mostbeautiful creature alive.After Happy tells his customers this story,his fish tanks sell very quickly. When Happy sells out of fish tanks, heusually leaves for another town. He has rarely received a complaint since hebegan the business. In fact, many people take pleasure in looking at theirinvisible fish with their friends.中考口语范文5Disneyland is a famous park in the USA. Its founder was Walt Disney (1901—1996). He is famous for his cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and SnowWhite. Disney was born in the USA. After leaving school, he sold newspapers and delivered letters. At the same time, he studied art at night. Finally, he got ajob drawing cartoons for films. Sometimes a mouse sat on Walt’s desk when he was at work.He drew the mouse and put it in a cartoon. This became Disney’smost famous cartoon character ---- Mickey Mouse. Mickey soon became a star and Disney became rich and famous.Disneyland opened in many places, such as inJapan and Hong Kong. Not only young people but also the old go to Disneyland for fun.中考口语范文6For thousands of years, people used different ways to measure things.Some people measured things using the size of their king's foot or hand. When the king died, they used the new king's foot, and so on. This wasn't a good way to measure things.People all over the world used the sun and the moon to measure time. However, they all had different numbers of days in aweek and different numbers of hours in a day. In 1584, one of the scientists started to think about a set of measures which used the number ten, but no onewas interested in his ideas. About two hundred years later, many scientists decided to use metres to measure length and they worked out how long a metre should be.中考口语范文7Most people who work in the office have a boss. So do I. But my boss is a little unusual.What’s unusual about him? It’s a big dog. Many people have dogs, but few men bring their dogs to the office every day. My boss’s dog, Robinson, is big and brown. My boss brings him to work every day. He takes the dog to meetings andhe takes the dog to lunch. When there is telephone call for my boss, I always know whather he is in the office or not.I only look under his desk. If I see something brown and hairy under it, I know my boss is somewhere in the office.If there is no dog, I know my boss is out.中考口语范文8I am going to talk about Bangkok, Thailand. There are many interesting places to visit, butfirst I want to tell you about the traffic problem.The streets are very crowded in Bangkok, so itcan take a long time to get from place to place. It used to take me more thantwo hours to get to school by bus! I often slept on my way there! If you wantto get somewhere on time in Bangkok, you must leave early. Lots of people taketuk-tuks to get through the traffic quickly. Tuk-tuks are like little cars with three wheels.Bangkok is next to a big river. It is interesting to visit the Floating Market on the river. At the market, people sell lots of fresh fruit and vegetables from their boats.中考口语范文9My grandfather often tells me many interesting stories about his childhood. At that time, thesky was blue, the air was fresh and the water was clean. When my grandfather and his friends played in the forest, they could hear birds sing. When they swam in the river, they could see many fish. However, today, the air and water are becoming dirtier. People are killing animals, and cutting down and burning trees. Some animals and plants are now disappearing. Earth is in trouble. I want you to join us by helping protect our environment. We need to protect Earth because it is our home. We do not need to do big things ---- we can start out small. Do not throw any rubbish onto the ground. Do not waste water.中考口语范文10People work with different parts of their bodies. A construction worker mostly uses his hands.An athlete mostly uses his or her arms and legs. Teachers use their brains for thinking,their mouths for speaking, their eyes for reading and their ears for listening.A perfume maker must have a good sense of smell. A good sense of smell is also useful for working with any kind of food. A cook working in a restaurant uses his or her nose all day. He or she must have a good sense of taste as well. Firemen need to have a good sense of smell. The best firemen can smell smoke very quickly and because of this, a fireman with a good sense of smell will always be safer than one without.【2017年合肥中考口语考试时间为5月15-16日】。



韩语之时间和日期지금, 몇시예요?몇시?한시두시세시네시다섯시여섯시일곱시여덟시아홉시열시열한시열두시몇분?오분십분십오분이십분이십오분삼십분삼십오분사십분오십분요일现在,是几点?几点?一点两点三点四点五点六点七点八点九点十点十一点十二点几分?五分十分十五分二十分二十五分三十分三十五分四十分五十分星期월요일화요일수요일목요일금요일토요일일요일몇일1일(일일)2일(이일)3일(삼일)4일(사일)5일(오일)6일(육일)7일(칠일)몇월1월(일월)2월(이월)3월(삼월)4월(사월)5월(오월)6월(유월)7월(칠월)8월(팔월)9월(구월)10월(시월) 11월(십일월) 12월(십이월) 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日几号1号(一号)2号(二号)3号(三号)4号(四号)5号(五号)6号(六号)7号(七号)几月注意此处特殊音变며둴1月(一月)2月(二月)3月(三月)4月(四月)5月(五月)6月(六月)注意此处ㄱ收音脱落7月(七月)8月(八月)9月(九月)10月(十月)注意此处ㅂ收音脱落11月(十一月)12月(十二月)며칠간일일간이일간삼일간사일간오일간육일간칠일간(일주일간) 십사일간(이주일간) 삼십일간(한달간) 几天(期间)一天两天三天四天五天六点七天(一周)十四天(两周)三十天(一个月)*에요还是예요?‘에요'加在‘이다'或者‘아니다'的词干后,‘예요'是叙述格助词词干‘이-'后加上‘에요',并从‘이에요'缩略而得。

































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Part 11. Your Work or Your Studies2. Your Home (Your Accommodation)3. Your Hometown4. Sounds (Noises)5. Collecting6. Languages7. Flowers8. Time9. Weather & Seasons10. Films11. Neighbours12. Magazines and Newspapers13. Travelling14. Cooking15. Clothes and Fashion16. Shopping17. Reading18. Animals19. Colours20. Food21. Mobile Phones22. Leisure Time23. SportPart 2&3描述一个人(7个)1.describe an experience when you helped othersWhy and how can parents teach children to help others?How can school teach students to help others?Do you like helping others? Why?What should you do when you help children/elderly people?Why do you think people want to choose careers that can help others, e.g. nurse, teacher? /Why should teachers and doctors help others?describe a teacher you want to meet again//还有a primary school teacher What should the teacher do if the students dislike him or her?Why do you think some people want to become teachers?How can the government encourage the elite to become teachers?How are teachers paid now?What are the characteristics of good teachers?Some people think education is less popular than before, do you think so? Nowadays, how are teachers different from teachers in the past?describe a friend you know for a long timeCan people you admire be good examples for you?In what areas can a good example influence you?What kind of young people can become successful?How does technology affect communication?What’s more important, educational background or experience? What do you think of friendship?What is the most important part of a friendship?Shoul d friends share the same interests? Why? Do you think it’s better for friends to have different interests?What factors can break up friendships?Do you make friends who are much older or younger than you?4.Describe a child you know解:是谁?怎么认识的?外貌特征?有啥性格行为特点?和你的关系?你的评价5. Describe a family member you admire or respect6. Describe an adventurous person7.describe a friend who is a leader描述一个地(12个)1.describe a noisy placeWhy is noise harmful?How can we reduce noises?How can we control the noise?Does the government have the duty to reduce it?Is there any way that the noise will be reduced naturally?2.describe a peaceful/quiet place解:是?在哪里的?你咋知道的?外围如何的?内部如何的?人们在那里干啥?评价3.describe a perfect apartment//ideal house解:应该在哪里的?外围如何的?内部如何的?为啥是这样?你怎么去实现呢?4.describe a hotel you once lived inHow to improve the service at a hotel?5.describe a place near water解:是?在哪里的?你咋知道的?周围如何的?人们在那里都能干些啥?评价6.describe a place//a city you like to visit7.describe an ideal housedescribe a leisure place / center you like to go to9.describe a place you often go to have lunch10.describe a school building11.describe a room you preferred to live in when you were a child12.describe a restaurant描述一个物(22个)1.describe your favorite photograph解:是?啥时候在哪里的拍?背景是啥?里面都有谁?你为啥喜欢?评价describe a the most expensive thing you boughtShould parents buy whatever the children ask?How can children save money?Can children be influenced by ads?5.describe an effective advertisement"What advertisements do you like the most?"Do advertisements influence you about what brand you buy?"What kind of advertisement can be seen by more people?"Where can you find ads outdoors?"Do you think there’re too many ads nowadays?"Are ads more likely to succeed if they have celebrities in them?"6\。

describe sth you bought but you saved the money for a long time解:是?你咋知道的?为何想买?你怎么买到手的?对你有啥意义的?评价7、Describe a practical skill you learnedWhy are some children smarter than others?"Are there any disadvantages for being smarter than others?"What skills do children learn faster than adults?"How do you learn something new? How do people learn new things now?"Do you think children should also learn some special skills?"How do you learn things through the internet?"Why do you think some people are gifted in certain areas?Can people be more talented if they get enough training?"Is i t good to praise a child by saying “you’re smart”?"Is it more difficult to learn the skills than the facts?"Are some children born with talents?"What practical skills do you think teachers should teach children at school? "8、describe a general knowledge quiz show"Why do you think people watch these programs?"Do old people like it? How about young people?"How do you think about educational TV programs?"What are the disadvantages for people who watch too much TV?"How can celebrities influence children?9、describe a book you like to readHow often do you read? Do Chinese people do enough reading?"What kind of people like reading and what kind of people don't like reading very much?"What benefits do people get from reading?"Do young people and old people like to read the same kind of materials? (Why?) Do men and women like to read the same kinds of things?"Compare books and magazines. (How are they similar and how are they different?)Compare people’s reading habits (or tastes) today to those of the past."How do you think people’s reading habits will change in the future?Do you think it’s a g ood idea to teach children to read before they start school?10、describe the outdoor activities you like to do"What benefits can big sport events, such as the Olympics, bring to a country?"Why does China care so much about big sport events, such the Olympics?"Why do you think that some countries are good at certain sports?"Should companies invest in sports to help their employees stay healthy? If companies invest in sports, what can they gain?"What do we learn from doing sports?"Why do some people like risky sports? Should parents encourage their children to do risky sports?"Should fast food companies invest in sports because junk food is harmful to our health?"Do you think sport classes are necessary at school?11、describe a small but successful company12、describe an ideal job//describe a job you want to have a try13、describe a broken machine/ equipment at home14、describe a vehicle you want to buy15、describe a change you like to make in your lifestyle to stay healthy16、describe a piece of interesting news17、describe a piece of clothe others bought for you18、describe a foreign food you like19、describe a gift you sent to others20、describe a piece of advice you received21、describe sth you are interested in your study22、describe a piece of recent news you cared about描述一件事(7个)1.describe a naughty thing /event in your childhoodWhen will a person be considered an adult?"What benefits can a person get when they reach the age of eighteen?"Is it bad or good if children always do what they are told?."Is there anything you cannot do when you become adult?What should parents do when children act strangely? Give an example."What should parents do when the children ask something that the parents don’t want to buy?"What are the differences between naughty things did by boys and girls?2.describe a small thing you did to protect the environment"What’s the most serious pollution in China?"How can we improve the environment?"Who plays a more important role in improving the environment, government, citizens, or businessmen? What can they do?"What kind of trash can be recycled?"Why do people prefer private cars to public transportation?3.describe an occasion of being late4.describe a travel with friend5.describe sth you are good at6.describe a happy event in your childhood7.describe a celebration in your culture(a very important day)。
