Effect of Galla chinensis on the In Vitro Remineralization of Advanced Enamel Lesions
Vol. 39 No. 1 Jan. 2 0 2 1
DOI: 10. 13193 / j. issn. 1673-7717. 2021. 01. 046
现代研 究 表 明,五 倍 子 具 有 解 热、镇 痛、抗 炎、抗 菌、抗 病 毒、抗氧化、抗衰老、降血糖[1 - 11]等多种药理作用,茶叶具有降 血糖、降血压、抗血栓、降血脂、抗动脉粥样硬化、抑菌、提高免 疫力、抗肿瘤及抗艾滋病毒等药理作用[12]。百药煎是由五倍 子同酒糟或酒曲及茶叶经发酵制成的块状物[13 - 14],味酸、甘, 性平,具有清热化痰,生津止渴的功效,用于肺热咳嗽,风火牙 痛,口舌糜烂,久痢脱肛[15]。查阅文献,关于百药煎的研究多 为历史沿革、炮制工艺以及化学成分等,暂未针对百药煎药理
Keywords: Wubeizi( Galla Chinensis) ; Baiyao Decoction( 百药煎) ; fermentation; anti - inflammatory and analgesic effect; relieving cough and reducing phlegm
第 39 卷 第 1 期 2021 年1 月
Vol. 39 No. 1 Jan. 2 0 2 1
作用的研究,而对五倍子发酵为百药煎后其药理作用是否发生 变化的研究也较少。本实验采用二甲苯致耳廓肿胀法、醋酸扭 体法和热板法比较百药煎与五倍子的抗炎和镇痛作用,测定血 清中肿瘤坏死因子 α( TNF - α) 、白介素 10( IL - 10) 、白介素 6 ( IL - 6) 和白介素 1β( IL - 1β) 的含量,探究其抗炎机制,以期 明确发酵炮制对五倍子药效的影响,从而为五倍子发酵为百药 煎后药理作用的变化提供依据。
农加贵心得体会英文回答:Reflecting on my incredible experience as a value-added agricultural professional, I'm filled with gratitude forthe invaluable lessons I've learned. From the fundamentalsof crop production to the intricacies of market dynamicsand consumer behavior, this journey has broadened my horizons and ignited a passion within me for the transformative potential of agriculture.One of the most profound insights I gained was the critical role of innovation in driving agricultural progress. By embracing cutting-edge technologies and best practices, we can sustainably increase yields, reduce costs, and enhance the nutritional value of our food. I witnessed firsthand how precision farming techniques, such asvariable-rate application and remote sensing, empowered farmers to make data-driven decisions that optimized crop growth and profitability.Furthermore, I developed a deep appreciation for the importance of market intelligence. Understanding consumer preferences and market trends is essential for developing products and services that meet real-world needs. Through extensive market research and consumer surveys, I gained valuable insights into the factors that influence food choices, enabling me to tailor our offerings accordingly.Beyond technical knowledge and business acumen, my experience also underscored the profound impact that agriculture has on society. From ensuring food security to safeguarding the environment, agriculture plays a vitalrole in our collective well-being. I was humbled by the opportunity to contribute to this noble cause and to witness the transformative power of agriculture in improving lives and livelihoods.As I embark on the next chapter of my career, I will carry with me the invaluable lessons and experiences gained during my time as a value-added agricultural professional.I am committed to applying my knowledge and skills to driveinnovation, enhance sustainability, and promote agricultural prosperity for generations to come.中文回答:作为一名农加贵专业人士,回首我的奇妙经历,我满怀感激,因为我学到了无价的经验。
English traditional culture is a rich tapestry woven with the threads of history, literature,and societal norms that have shaped the language and its speakers over the centuries.Here,we will explore some of the key elements that make up the traditional culture of Englishspeaking countries,particularly focusing on the United Kingdom,and how they have influenced the language.1.Historical Influences:The English language has been influenced by various invasions and migrations,such as the Romans,the AngloSaxons,and the Normans.Each of these groups brought their own culture and language,which contributed to the development of the English we know today.2.Literature:English literature is a testament to the countrys rich cultural heritage.From the works of Geoffrey Chaucer in the Middle Ages to the plays of William Shakespeare, the novels of Jane Austen,and the poetry of William Wordsworth,the literary tradition has been a significant part of English culture.These works not only reflect the social norms and values of their times but also influence the languages vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.3.Festivals and Celebrations:Traditional festivals such as Christmas,Easter,and Halloween have deep roots in English culture.These celebrations often involve specific customs,foods,and rituals that have been passed down through generations.For example, the tradition of Christmas carols and the exchange of gifts during the holiday season is a significant part of the festive spirit.4.Cuisine:English cuisine,while often overshadowed by the culinary traditions of other countries,has its own unique characteristics.Traditional dishes such as fish and chips, roast dinners,and afternoon tea are not only a part of the culinary culture but also reflect the social customs and history of the country.cational Traditions:The British educational system,with its emphasis on classical literature,history,and the sciences,has played a crucial role in shaping the intellectual and cultural landscape of the Englishspeaking world.Institutions like Oxford and Cambridge Universities have been at the forefront of this tradition.6.Sports:Sports such as cricket,football,and rugby are deeply ingrained in English culture.They are not only a source of entertainment but also a means of fostering a sense of community and national pride.7.Architecture:The architectural landscape of England,with its castles,cathedrals,and stately homes,is a reflection of its historical and cultural evolution.Each architecturalstyle tells a story about the society and the values of the time.8.Mannerisms and Etiquette:The English are known for their politeness and adherence to social etiquette.Phrases like please,thank you,and excuse me are commonly used,and 排队等候queueing is considered a social norm.These manners are a part of the cultural fabric and are often reflected in the language used in daily interactions.nguage Variations:The English language itself has variations across different regions of the UK,such as the Received Pronunciation RP,Cockney,and regional dialects like Geordie or Scouse.These variations are a testament to the diversity within English culture.10.Influence on Global Culture:The traditional culture of Englishspeaking countries has had a profound impact on the global stage.Through colonization and the spread of English as a global language,elements of English culture have been adopted and adapted in various parts of the world.Understanding the traditional culture of Englishspeaking countries not only enriches ones appreciation of the language but also provides insight into the societal values and historical events that have shaped the Englishspeaking world.。
Catechins depletion patterns in relation to theaflavin
Catechins depletion patterns in relation to theaflavin and thearubigins formationFrancis Muigai Ngure a ,John K.Wanyoko b ,Symon M.Mahungu a ,Anakalo A.Shitandi a,*a Department of food science,Egerton University,Njoro,P.O.Box 536,Egerton,Kenya bTea Research Foundation of Kenya,P.O.Box 820,Kericho,Kenyaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 11February 2008Received in revised form 25September 2008Accepted 6October 2008Keywords:Clonal teaDi-and trihydroxylated catechins Theaflavins Thearubiginsa b s t r a c tThe determination of the depletion pattern of catechins in black tea processing is important in achieving optimum tea quality.This study investigated catechins (unoxidised di-and trihydroxylated)depletion patterns in relation to theaflavin and thearubigin formation.It was during the process of green leaf fer-mentation at selected temperature and time combinations.The tea leaves were obtained from three clones (6/8,303/577and 311/287)within the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya.The results were showed that unequal depletion rates of di-and trihydroxylated catechins led to a decline in total theaflavin and an increase in thearubigins levels.An equitable decline in both groups of catechins corresponded to a subse-quent rise in theaflavins content.The decline in the catechins levels was much faster at higher tempera-tures resulting in a shorter fermentation time to achieve a peak of the theaflavins content.Clone 311/287had the highest mean theaflavins content (26.99l mol/g)and the least mean percent thearubigins (15.02%)level.Theaflavins content correlated positively with liquor brightness determined by a spectro-photometer and tea tasters (r =0.7221,p <.0001).The thearubigins content was however found to relate negatively with liquor brightness.It was concluded that the experimental conditions tested form a good basis for clonal specific processing conditions that can be utilised in manufacturing quality black tea.Ó2008Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionCommercial production of tea beverages from Camellia sinensis (L.),O.Kuntze is widely distributed in the world.The green leaf can be processed into green tea (non fermented type),oolong (semi fermented tea)or black tea (naturally oxidised tea or microbial fer-mented tea).Approximately 76–78%of the tea produced and con-sumed worldwide is black tea (Cabrera et al.,2003).During the black tea manufacture,a natural enzyme catalyses oxidation and condensation of green leaf tea catechins leading to the formation of theaflavins (TF)and thearubigins (TR)(Robertson,1992).This process is normally referred to as fermentation even if no microor-ganisms are used in this kind of enzyme-oxidized black tea (Mo,Zhu,&Chen,2008).Most of Kenyan black teas are classified as plain to medium fla-vour in the international market (Owuor,1996).The plain black teas are evaluated on the basis of their briskness,brightness,strength,body and total colour of liquors (Roberts &Smith,1963).These attributes of black tea quality are mainly dictated by the levels of theaflavins and thearubigins (Robertson,1992).Theaflavins are responsible for the astringency,brightness,colour and briskness of the black tea.Thearubigins contribute to themouth feel (thickness)and colour of the tea (Biswas,Biswas,&Sar-kar,1973).Black tea quality is mainly influenced by total theaflav-ins (Wright,Mphangwe,Nyirenda,&Apostolides,2002)or derived theaflavin digallate equivalents (Owuor &Obanda,1997).The structures of the catechins and theaflavins are shown in Figs.1and 2,respectively.The formation of a single theaflavin requires a dihydroxy and trihydroxy flavan-3-ols.The ratio of dihydroxyflavan-3-ol to trihy-droxy-3-ol in green leaf may thus have a major influence on the amount of theaflavins in black tea.The correct balance and amount of dihydroxyflavan-3-ol and trihydroxyflavan-3-ol are therefore necessary to ensure maximum formation of the theaflavins (Wright et al.,2002).The amount of the individual theaflavins are formed largely influenced by the amounts of the precursor cat-echins in green leaf,their redox potential and/or affinity for poly-phenol oxidase and activity (Owuor &Obanda,2007).Fermentation is a critical stage in the manufacture of black tea during which oxidative condensation of catechins to TF and TR oc-curs.Catechins,together with their oxidation products are respon-sible for most of the sensory characteristics associated with black tea liquors (Biswas et al.,1973).Temperature and time are impor-tant factors in determining the extent of fermentation.Processing conditions which favour less degradation of simple theaflavins and the retention of higher epicatechin gallate (ECG)and epigallo-catechin gallate (EGCg)levels produce more brisk tea liquors (Obanda,Owuor,&Mang’oka,2001).Theaflavins and unoxidized0308-8146/$-see front matter Ó2008Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2008.10.006*Corresponding author.Tel.:+2545162454;fax:+2545162527.E-mail addresses:anakalos@ ,guildfordresearch@ (A.A.Shitandi).Food Chemistry 115(2009)8–14Contents lists available at ScienceDirectFood Chemistryj o u r n a l ho m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c ate/foodchemcatechins are thought to have considerable human health benefits (Apostolides&Weisberger,1995).Therefore,tea clones or processing conditions with a high potential of achieving this,can enhance the health benefit potential of black tea and impact posi-tively on liquor astringency.Significant interactions between fermentation duration and temperatures and all plain black tea quality parameters have been reported(Owuor&Obanda,2001).In a previous study by Obanda, Owuor,and Mang’oka(2001),theaflavins formed over time was observed to be dependent on temperature.It is therefore important to establish optimal fermentation temperature and duration for clones that are commercially grown,for production of high quality black teas.This study was done to determine catechins depletion patterns in relation to theaflavins and thearubigins formation at different fermentation temperatures and duration.2.Materials and methods2.1.Tea manufactureGreen leaf(two leaves and a bud)was obtained from thefields at the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya(TRFK).The clones6/8, 303/577and311/287were sampled from the Timbilil Estate of TRFK at an altitude of2178m a.m.s.l and latitude0°2200S.TRFK clone6/8is a high quality clone and it is considered a standard in the manufacture of black tea in Kenya.TRFK clone303/577is an open pollinated progeny of clone6/8.It is a high yielder with medium quality and is increasingly being cultivated commercially. TRFK clone311/287is a catechin rich tetraploid clone,rich in EGCg, with a pharmacological potential for use in herbal formulations.Green leaf(12kg)were plucked from each clone and withered under ambient conditions for18–22h.The leaf was‘crushed,torn and curled’(CTC)–macerated and fermented at18,24and30°C (wet bulb and dry bulb temperature)for60,90,120and150min in environmentally controlled cabinets(Tea Craft,UK).The fermen-tation was stopped by drying the‘dhool’to a moisture content of about3%using a miniature drier(Tea Craft,UK)set at120°C.Each treatment was replicated three times.2.2.ReagentsAuthenticflavanol standards((+)-catechin,C;(À)-epicatechin EC;(À)-epigallocatechin EGC;(À)-epicatechin gallate ECg and (À)-eipigallocatechin gallate(EGCg)were obtained from Sigma chemicals.Isobutyl methyl ketone(IBMK)and Flavognost reagent were purchased from Aldrich Chemicals.All the solvents used were HPLC grade,whilst water was double distilled.2.3.HPLC analysis of catechins in black teaHPLC analysis of catechins in the processed black tea under the various fermentation conditions was done by the modified method of Wang,Helliwell,and You(2000)using isocratic elution system. This analysis was done by using a Shimadzu SCL-10A liquid chro-matograph equipped with a pump,LC-10AS,thermostatically con-trolled compartment and a Shimadzu UV–VIS detector(SPD-10AV), and a C-R7A CHROMATOPAC data processor(Kyoto,Japan).The tea samples were prepared according to the conventional tea brewing method.The samples(3g)were infused with150ml of boiling deionized distilled water for5min.The infusions were thenfil-tered and cooled to room temperature and thenfiltered through a0.45l mfibre glassfilter before HPLC analyses.Authentic catechins standards of(+)-Catechin,C;(À)-epicate-chin,EC;(À)-epigallocatechin,EGC;(À)-epigallocatechin gallate, EGCg;(À)-epicatechin gallate,ECg and gallic acid were use to pre-pare mixed standards of known concentrations selected to cover the range of compositions typically found intea.Fig.1.Theflavan-3-ols(catechins)in fresh tea leaves.F.M.Ngure et al./Food Chemistry115(2009)8–1492.4.Determination of plain black tea quality parameters2.4.1.Determination of dry matter contentBlack tea (5g)of were weighed to the nearest 0.001g,placed in aluminium dishes and heated in an oven at 103±2°C for at least 16h to constant weight.The percentage of dry matter (DM)in the sample was then calculated.2.4.2.Total theaflavins content analysis (Flavognost)Total theaflavins content was determined by the Flavognost method as described by Hilton (1973).In brief,a tea infusion was made by adding 375ml of boiling distilled water into a flask con-taining 9g of tea.The flask was shaken for 10min and the infusion was filtered through a rough cotton wool after which it was al-lowed to cool at room temperature.The infusions (10ml)were pipette into 10ml of isobutylmethylketone;(4-methylpentan-2-one,IBMK).The mixture was shaken for 10min and allowed to stand until the layers separated.The upper layers (2ml)were pip-ette into a test tube followed by 4ml of ethanol and 2ml of Flavo-gnost reagent (2g diphenylboric acid-2-aminoethyl ester dissolved in 100ml ethanol).The contents were mixed and allowed to stand for 15min for the colour to develop.The absorbance (A )at 625nm was read against an IBMK/ethanol (1:1)blank (Obanda,Owuor,&Mang’oka,2001)Theaflavin ðl mol =g Þ¼A 625nm Â47:9Â100=DM;ð1Þwhere 47.9is a conversion factor attributed to the dilution effect in theaflavin analysis.2.4.3.Determination of liquor total colourFiltered standard tea infusion (5ml)from TF analysis was pipet-ted into 45ml of distilled water in a 100ml conical flask.The solu-tion was shaken well to ensure thorough mixing.The absorbance of this solution at 460nm was read against distilled water blank.The result was corrected for dry matter content of the black tea samples.Liquor colour ¼ðA 460nm Â10Þ=ðDM =100Þð2Þ2.4.4.Spectrophotometric measurements of total thearubiginsThe method of Roberts and Smith (1963)was used to determine total thearubigins .Four solutions were made as follows:Fifty ml of the cool,well shaken and filtered standard tea infu-sion from theaflavin analysis was mixed with 50ml IBMK and gently shaken to avoid formation of an emulsion.The layers were allowed to separate and a 4ml portion of the IBMK layer was taken and made up to 25ml with methanol in a volumetric flask (solu-tion A).Two ml portions of the aqueous layer was diluted to 10ml with distilled water and then to 25ml with methanol (solu-tion B).Twenty five ml of the remaining initial IBMK layer was mixed with 25ml of 2.5%aqueous sodium hydrogen carbonate.The mix-ture was shaken vigorously and the layers allowed to separate.The aqueous layer was then discarded.A 4ml portion of the washed IBMK layer was made up to 25ml with methanol (solution C).Two ml of a saturated oxalic acid aqueous solution and 6ml of water was added to a 2ml portion of the aqueous layer left from the first extraction with IBMK,and diluted to 25ml with methanol (solution D).The absorbance A A ,A B ,A C and A D of solutions A,B,C and D were read at 380and 460nm using a Cecil Digital Grating spechtropho-tometer with distilled water as a blank.The levels of thearubigins in black tea liquor were calculated according to the method described by Obanda et al.(2001).At 380nm%TR ðTotal Þ¼ð375Â0:02Â6:25½A D þA A ÀA C Þ=ð0:733Â9ÂDM =100Þð3Þ2.4.5.Determination of liquor brightnessThis was determined from absorbance A A ,A B and A C of solutions A,B and C prepared above,and read at 460nmBrightness ð%Þ¼ð100ÂA C Þ=ðA A þ2A B Þð4Þ(Obanda et al.,2001).2.5.Sensory evaluationApproximately 2g of each of the randomly numbered black tea samples were infused in 10ml for 15min and subjected to organo-leptic evaluation by professional tea tasters from tea broking firms in Mombasa,Kenya.The tea infusions were ranked for liquor brisk-ness and brightness.Liquor brightness was ranked by assessing the appearance of the meniscus formed where the liquor touches the porcelain bowl (Werkhoven,1974).A scale of 0to 10was used to rank each attribute (10,very good;5,average and 1,poor).2.6.Statistical analysisData analysis was done by using Statistical Analysis Software (SAS,1995)version 9.1.3.Univariate analysis of variance and gen-eral linear model procedure were carried out to determine the ef-fect of clonal variation,fermentation temperature and duration on the black tea quality parameters.Pair wise comparison based on t -test (pdiff)was used for mean separation.Regression analysis was done for various models postulated to determine the relationship between theaflavins and/or thearubigins with liquor brightness.Correlation analysis was also carried out to determine the strength of the relationshipsestablished.I Simple theaflavin (TF) R 1 = R 2 = HII Theaflavin-3-gallate (TF-3-g) R 1 = 3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoyl R 2 = HIII Theaflavin-3’-gallate (TF-3’-g) R 1 = HR 2 = 3,4,5-TrihydroxybenzoylIV Theaflavin-3,3’-digallate (TF-3,3’-dg) R 1 = R 2 = 3,4,5-TrihydroxybenzoylFig.2.The major individual theaflavins in black tea.10 F.M.Ngure et al./Food Chemistry 115(2009)8–143.Results3.1.Effect of clonal differences on black tea quality parameters and tasters’scoresClone 6/8black tea was not significantly (p >0.05)different from clone 303/577in the levels of theaflavin (l mol/g)and liquor total colour.However,black tea from the two clones were signifi-cantly (p <0.05)different in total theaflavins and total colour from clone 311/287.From Table 1,it was observed that the three clones produced tea which differed significantly (p <0.05)in the levels of thearubigins and liquor brightness.Clone 311/287black tea had the highest levels of theaflavins,li-quor colour and brightness with a mean of 26.99±0.53l mol/g,5.71±0.09%and 31.18±0.86%,respectively (Table 1).Clone 303/577produced tea with the highest mean thearubigin content,21.05±0.29%.3.2.Effect of fermentation temperature and duration on black tea quality parameters and tasters’scoresFrom Table 2a it was observed that black tea fermented at 24and 30°C from clone 6/8did not differ significantly (p <0.05)in percent thearubigins and liquor colour.There was also no differ-ence in mean theaflavins content for clone 303/577fermented at 18and 24°C.Similarly tea fermented at 24and 30°C did not differ in total liquor colour (Table 2b ).Fermentation at 18°C yielded black tea with the highest mean theaflavin and liquor brightness for clone 6/8and 311/287(Tables 2a and c ).However,the highest mean theaflavins content was realised by fermentation at 24°C for clone 303/577.This peak in theaflavins content was reached after 90min for all the three clones (Tables 3a–c ).The interaction effect of fermentation temperature and duration had a significant effect on all the black tea quality parameters for clone 6/8and 303/577(p <0.05).Temperature-time effect also had a significant (p <0.05)influence on theaflavins,thearubigins and liquor brightness but less significant on colour (p =0.0457)with clone 311/287black tea.3.3.Depletion patterns of di-and trihydroxylated catechins in relation to theaflavin and thearubigins formationThere was a decline in di-(DI)and trihydroxylated (TRI)cate-chins at 18°C for clone 6/8(Fig.3).The proportional decline in the two groups of catechins between 60and 90min corresponded to the steady increase in theaflavins (TF)(Fig.3).Trihydroxylated catechins concentration was lower than dihydroxylated catechins but the latter showed a sharp decline between 60and 90min of fermentation at 24and 30°C for clone 6/8.The different rates of depletion of the catechins led to a decline in total theaflavins.The thearubigins (TR)content increased gradually with fermenta-tion time at all the temperature levels.Fermentation of clone 303/577at 18°C showed a decline for both groups of catechins between 60and 90min.This corre-sponded to the rise in theaflavins content for the same interval(Fig.4).However,trihydroxylated catechins decreased to non-detectable levels beyond 120min of fermentation.This caused the theaflavins and thearubigins content to reach a peak.At 24°CTable 1Clonal variation in quality paramaters.Clone TF (l mol/g)TR %TC BR 6/820.81b 17.98b 5.34b 23.54b 303/57720.28b 21.05a 5.31b 17.79c 311/28726.99a 15.02c 5.71a 31.18a CV14.049.9710.3821.43Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at p <0.05,n =36.Table 2aVariation in clone 6/8black tea quality parameters with fermentation temperature.Temp TF (l mol/g)TR %TC BR 1822.82a 16.47b 5.00b 29.43a 2421.30b 18.43a 5.45a 21.55b 3018.31c 19.03a 5.56a 19.65c CV7.474.534.405.83Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at p <0.05,n =12.Table 2bVariation in clone 303/577black tea quality parameters with fermentation temperature.Temp TF (l mol/g)TR %TC BR 1821.24a 20.20c 5.15b 22.10a 2421.44a 21.06b 5.35a 17.78b 3018.15b 21.89a 5.42a 13.49c CV4.784.362.433.65Table 2cVariation in clone 311/287black tea quality parameters with fermentation temperature.Temp TF (l mol/g)TR %TC BR 1829.13a 13.90c 5.47b 35.41a 2427.05b 14.56b 5.63b 31.70b 3024.81c 16.61a 6.02a 26.43c CV6. followed by the same letter are not significantly different at p <0.05.n =12.Table 3aVariation in clone 6/8black tea quality parameters with fermentation duration.Duration TF (l mol/g)%TR BR %TC 6019.93b 16.57b 27.82a 4.75b 9022.02a 18.23a 26.11b 5.49a 12020.69a b 18.35a 20.55c 5.57a 15020.61a b18.76a9.70c5.53aCV7.474.534.405.83Table 3bVariation in clone 303/577black tea quality parameters with fermentation duration.Duration TF (l mol/g)%TR BR %TC 6021.15a 19.62c 21.41a 4.77b 9021.60a 20.78b 19.81b 5.49a 12019.79b 21.72a 16.00c 5.48a 15018.56c22.08a13.94d5.51aCV4.784.362.433.65Table 3cVariation in clone 311/287black tea quality parameters with fermentation duration.Duration TF (l mol/g)%TR BR %TC 6026.82b 13.12d 35.14a 5.00b 9028.72a 14.59c 32.08b 5.83a 12026.38b 16.59a 28.21d 6.16a 15026.06b15.78b29.29c5.84aCV6. followed by the same letter are not significantly different at p <0.05(n =9).F.M.Ngure et al./Food Chemistry 115(2009)8–1411both groups of catechins were depleted at almost uniform rates between60and90min of fermentation.This was accompanied by a slight increase in theaflavins and a shorter duration to reach peak concentration.Fermentation at30°C led to a faster depletion of trihydroxylated catechins and thus the decline of theaflavins content after60min.There was a marked increase in percent thea-rubigins with decline in theaflavins at24and30°C.Fermentation of clone311/287resulted in higher levels of total theaflavins but relatively low%thearubigins compared to clone6/8 and303/577.Di-and trihydroxylated catechins decreased non-uniformly for120min followed by a rapid decline of dihydroxyl-ated catechins at18°C(Fig.5).This corresponds to the subsequent decline in theaflavins after120min.Depletion of di-and trihydr-oxylated catechins followed a similar trend at24°C.Theaflavins declined after90min of fermentation at24and30°C.Correspond-ingly percent thearubigins increased.Theaflavins formation or depletion was found to be dependent on both fermentation temperature and time.Raising fermentation temperature from18to24°C resulted in rapid formation of theaf-lavins for each clone.The peak concentration of the theaflavins was reached much faster at elevated temperatures for each clone.The decline in total theaflavins was rapid at30°C.12 F.M.Ngure et al./Food Chemistry115(2009)8–143.4.Relationship between total theaflavins,thearubigins and liquor brightnessTotal theaflavins and thearubigin contents explained 86.58%of spectrophotometric brightness and 55.13%of tasters’scores for brightness.Theaflavins had a significant,positive effect on the brightness of the black tea liquors.However,thearubigins had a negative effect on brightness (Tables 4and 5).Theaflavins correlated positively with spectrophotometric brightness (r =0.7221,p <0.01),r 2=0.5214,compared to (r =0.6391,p <0.01)r 2=0.4084for tasters’scores on brightness.This may be the reason for the determined spectrophotometric brightness of theaflavins 52.1%and the 40.8%brightness scored by the tasters.Thearubigins had a higher negative impact on Spec-trophotometric brightness (r =À0.8937,p <.01),r 2=0.7986,than on tasters’brightness (r =À0.6748,p <0.01),r 2=0.4553(Table 6).This study showed a significant contribution of theaflavins to spectrophotometric and tasters’brightness (Table 5).Theaflavins content strongly correlated with spectrophotometric and tasters’brightness (r =0.7221,and 0.6391respectively,p <0.0001).How-ever,thearubigins had a negative and significant effect on spectro-photometric and tasters’brightness of black tea liquor (r =À0.8938and À0.6748,respectively,p <0.0001).4.DiscussionDuring fermentation process theaflavins are continuously being formed or degraded (Robertson,1983).As the substrate catechins are oxidized,then the degradation of teaflavins becomes more dom-inant.Raising the fermentation temperature increases enzymatic oxidation leading to a faster depletion of all catechins.A decline in total theaflavins content and liquor brightness with extended fer-mentation time and rise in temperature has been reported (Obanda et al.,2001).This particular study demonstrated an increase in per-cent thearubigins with increase fermentation temperature and duration.The rate of formation chemical quality parameters with fermentation temperature and time was clonal dependent.Clonal variation in polyphenol oxidase activity has been ob-served to influence the rate of formation of the quality parameters (Obanda et al.,2001).Clone 6/8,a putative Assam clone has medium low EC content and 0.57l mol/g dry matters,in fresh tea shoots (Magoma,Wachira,Obanda,Imbuga,&Agong,2000).Clone 303/577is an offspring of clone 6/8with slightly higher EC content (0.61l mol/g dry matter).Clone 303/577was reported to have higher EGCg content in fresh tea shoots than clone 6/8.This probably explains why the two clones were not significantly (p <0.05)differ-ent in the mean total theaflavins.The two clones also exhibited sim-ilar trends in theaflavins formation especially at 24°C.The low levels of ECg (0.80l mol/g)in clone 6/8fresh leaf as reported by Magoma et al.(2000)could be another limiting factor to much higher theaflavins content.Though clone 303/577had higher EGCg in fresh tea leaves than clone 6/8(Magoma et al.,2000),the mean EGCg in the black tea was lower than clone 6/8black tea.It was also reported in the same (Magoma et al.,2000)study that clone 303/577had higher EC and ECg than clone 6/8.This implies that on fermen-tation the dihydroxylated catechins (EC and ECg)will be more lim-iting for theaflavins formation in clone 6/8and therefore the higher residual EGCg content.The higher content of EGCg and EGC in clone 303/577fresh tea shoots are depleted much faster due to a corre-spondingly higher content of EC and ECg.The trihydroxylated cate-chins were depleted faster in clone 303/577than the other clones.Clone 311/287had the highest mean theaflavins content (26.99±0.53l mol/g).The clone was reported to have high EGCg content (1.95l mol/g)and EGC (5.72l mol/g)(Magoma et al.,2000).However the clone had a low EC (0.52l mol/g)and ECg (1.02l mol/g).The levels of EC and ECg in the fresh tea shoots was however not low enough to limit maximum formation of theaflavins (probably theaflavin-30-gallate and theaflavin-3,30-gal-late).Clone 311/287fresh tea shoots were higher in EGC.This sug-gests that simple theaflavins and theaflavin-30-gallate could also be present in the black tea in large proportions.This observation may account for the higher theaflavins content in clone 311/287black tea compared to clones 303/577and 6/8at all temperature-time combinations.Initial high levels of EGC and EGCg in clone 311/287shoots did not translate to a higher residual EGC and EGCg in black tea compared to clone 6/8.This may be due to the high po-tential of theaflavins formation in clone 311/287.It is however evi-dent from the three clones studied that the level of dihydroxylated catechins is not limiting in theaflavins formation.Table 6Correlation Coefficients (n =108).BR %BR (tasters)TF (l mol/g)0.720.64<.01<.01TR %À0.89À0.67<.01<.01Table 4Brightness (%)regressed against theaflavins and thearubigins.BR %Linear model Variable DF Parameter estimate Standard error t Value Pr >|t |Intercept 143.75 3.2213.55<.0001TF 10.530.077.24<.0001TR %1À1.760.10À16.42<.0001Root MSE2.78Dependent mean 24.17Coeff var 11.51R-square 0.86Adj R-sq 0.86ANOVA Source DF Sum of squares Mean square F -Value Pr >F Model 25253.952626.97338.74<.0001Error105814.287.75Corrected total1076068.23Table 5Tasters’brightness regressed against theaflavins and thearubigins.BR (tasters)Linear model Variable DF Parameter estimate Standard error t Value Pr >|t |Intercept 17.39 1.30 5.67<.0001TF 10.140.03 4.74<.0001TR %1À0.250.04À5.78<.0001Root MSE1.12Dependent mean 6.10Coeff var 18.42R-square 0.55Adj R-sq 0.54ANOVA Source DF Sum of squares Mean square F -Value Pr >F Model 2163.1181.5564.50<.0001Error105132.76 1.26Corrected total107295.87F.M.Ngure et al./Food Chemistry 115(2009)8–1413During black tea processing,the tea shoots are macerated to ini-tiate fermentation,in which the enzyme polyphenol oxidase catal-yses oxidation of catechins into quinones by molecular oxygen.The quinones from the oxidation of B-ring dihyroxylated catechins con-dense with quinones arising from the oxidation of B-ring trihydr-oxylated catechins to give different theaflavins(Robertson,1992). The correct balance and amount of the trihydroxy-3-flavanols and dihydroxyflavan-3-ols is therefore necessary to ensure maxi-mum formation of theaflavins(Wright et al.,2002).Due to differ-ences in reduction potential,quinones also take part in redox equilibration reactions during fermentation,causing the different catechins to deplete at different rates(Bajaj,Anan,Tsushida,&Ike-gaya,1987).In this present study,after60min of fermentation tri-hydroxylated catechins were lower than dihydroxylated catechins for clone6/8,indicating an initial fast depletion.The B-ring tri-hydroxylated catechins,(EGC and EGCg),are oxidised at a much faster rate than the B-ring dihydroxylated catechins:(EC,ECg) due to their lower redox potentials(Owuor&Obanda2007). Though higher initially,they could be the limiting factor in theaf-lavins formation because they are depleted fast.However,thefla-van-3-ols gallates have a higher substrate inhibition property on polyphenol oxidase than the non-gallatedflavan-3-ols because of higher molecular weights andflexibility(Robertson,1983).The was an equal rate of depletion of di-and trihdroxylated cat-echins with a rise in theaflavins between60and90min of fermen-tation at18°C(Figs.3and4).This is indicative of the importance of the ratio of the two groups of catechins in theaflavins formation which require equal concentrations.The low levels of either di-or trihydroxylated and the unequal rates of catechins depletion seems to lead to a decline in theaflavins content.The imbalance of simple quinones relative to gallocatechin quinones created by redox equilibration during coupled oxidation of catechins,is known to be key in directing the majority of the catechins partic-ularly the gallocatechins into thearubigins fraction(Robertson, 1983).Theaflavin reduction could be increased by lower levels of catechins relative to gallocatechins in green tea shoots(Robertson, 1983).In the present study theaflavins content declined with in-crease in gallocatechins to catechins ratio.Oxidative degradation of theaflavins has been shown to result in formation of thearubigins(Robertson1992).This further ex-plains the increase in percent thearubigins with fermentation time. High enzyme activity due to high substrate concentration at the early stages of fermentation causes inhibition of theaflavins forma-tion due to a preferential demand for oxygen by the enzyme. Theaflavins is known to contribute to briskness and brightness of tea liquor whilst thearubigins are responsible for the colour and body of the liquor(Hilton&Ellis,1972).It was concluded that the experimental conditions tested in this study form a good basis for clonal specific processing conditions that can be utilised in manufacturing quality black tea.AcknowledgementsThe research work was sponsored by the Tea Research Founda-tion of Kenya.The authors are grateful for the permission of the Director,Tea Research Foundation of Kenya,Dr.Wilson Rono. The support of Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technol-ogy,Department of Food Science and Technology,is greatly acknowledged.ReferencesApostolides,Z.,&Weisberger,J.H.(1995).Screening of tea clones for inhibition of mutagenecity.Mutation Research,326,219–225.Bajaj,K.L.,Anan,T.,Tsushida,T.,&Ikegaya,K.(1987).Effects of(-)-Epicatechin on oxidation of theaflavins by polyphenol oxidase from tea leaves.Agriculture and Biological Chemistry,51,1767–1772.Biswas,A.K.,Biswas,A.K.,&Sarkar,A.(1973).Biological and chemical factors affecting the valuations of North-East Indian plain teas.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,24,1457–1477.Cabrera,C.,Gimenez,R.,&Lopez,M.(2003).Determination of tea components with antioxidant activity.Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry,51,4427–4435. 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tal flavonoids, total phenols, total polysaccharides and total amino acids in red stem Mesembryan-
themum crystallinum were higher than that of green stem Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. The
Open Access
1. 引言
冰菜(Mesembryanthemum crystallinum Linn.),为番杏科(Aizoaceae)日中花属一年生肉质草本耐盐植物 [1],又名冰叶日中花、冰花、非洲冰草,原产非洲南部和东部,现国内已大量引进种植。冰菜富含氨基 酸、黄酮、多羟基化合物[2] (松醇、芒柄醇和肌醇)、苹果酸及天然植物盐、钙、钾等矿质元素,对钠敏 感性高血压、高血脂、糖尿病、心血管疾病等有明确的疗效,是一种保健型特色蔬菜[3] [4]。冰菜主要食 用部位是带结晶状颗粒的嫩茎叶,绿色茎柄部的透明冰珠呈现红色和透明色,被称为红茎冰菜和绿茎冰 菜。本研究以红茎和绿茎冰菜为试验材料,分析其主要营养成分和抗氧化能力的变化,旨在为冰菜的开 发提供一定的理论基础。
DOI: 10.12677/hjas.2020.105034
练冬梅 等
2.3.2. DPPH 自由基清除能力 参照 Pan 等[6]方法测定。取 0.6 mL 上清液,加入 3.9 mL 0.1 mmol/L 的 DPPH 乙醇溶液,充分混匀
后 37℃避光水浴 1 h,517 nm 处测定吸光值 A。用 3.9 mL 无水乙醇加 0.6 mL 蒸馏水调零,以 0.1 g/L Vc 作阳性对照。重复 3 次。
6种云南天然药物对口腔优势菌的抗菌活性测定李艳红;刘娟;杨丽川;张灿华;李罡【摘要】目的测定6种云南天然药物对口腔临床常见优势菌的体外抗菌活性,从而初步确定其在口腔临床的药用价值.方法采用美国国立实验室标准化委员会推荐的厌氧菌药物敏感试验--琼脂稀释法,测定6种云南天然药物对21株口腔临床常见优势菌模式株、临床分离株的体外抗菌活性,用最小抑菌浓度(MIC)表示.结果 6种药物对21株实验细菌均有抗菌作用:对10株致龋菌的MIC值范围:苏木为5~10mg·mL~(-1);其他5种药物(丽江山慈菇、滇龙胆、诃子、龙血竭、杜仲)均大于20 mg·mL~(-1).对11株牙髓根尖周炎和牙周病的常见优势菌的MIC值范围:苏木均小于等于0.0625 mg·mL~(-1);诃子为10~20 mg·mL~(-1);其他4种实验药物均大于20 mg·mL~(-1).结论 6种药物在口腔细菌性疾病的临床治疗中具有潜在的药用价值.【期刊名称】《华西口腔医学杂志》【年(卷),期】2010(028)002【总页数】5页(P199-202,207)【关键词】口腔优势菌;抗菌活性;天然药物【作者】李艳红;刘娟;杨丽川;张灿华;李罡【作者单位】昆明医学院附属口腔医院,口腔预防儿童牙科;昆明医学院附属口腔医院,口腔预防儿童牙科;昆明医学院药学院,医药化学系;昆明医学院附属口腔医院,口腔预防儿童牙科;昆明医学院附属口腔医院,口腔修复科,云南,昆明,650031【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R780.1口腔内适宜的环境条件使许多种类的微生物在口腔内定居、生长繁殖,构成了复杂的口腔微生态环境。
22年高考英语试卷22年高考英语试卷 1年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语这篇论文一共10页,满分120分。
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1.What will the speakers do next?A. Check the map.B.Leave the restaurant.C.Park the car.2.Where are the speakers?A.Ata bus stop.B.At home.C.At the airport.3.What did the speakers do last week?A. They had acelebration dinner.B.They went to see a newbornbaby.C.They sent a mail to their neighbors.4. Why does the man make the phone call?A. To cancel a weekend trip.B. To make anappointment.C. To get some information.5.What does the man probably want to do?A. Do some exercise.B. Getan extrakey.C. Order room service.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
结论含1.5%精氨酸及1 450 ppm F-的牙膏较含1 450 ppm F-的牙膏对儿童龋病预防效果更显著。
舌尖效应专业英语作文Title: The Tongue's Edge: Exploring the Culinary Delights Through the Lens of Gastronomy。
The concept of the "Tongue's Edge Effect" is a captivating exploration into the intricate world of gastronomy. This phenomenon delves deep into the multifaceted layers of taste, culture, and tradition, encapsulating the essence of culinary artistry. In this essay, we will embark on a journey to unravel the nuances of this phenomenon, delving into its significance in the realm of professional culinary discourse.At its core, the "Tongue's Edge Effect" epitomizes the sensory experience of savoring exquisite cuisines, transcending mere gustatory perception to evoke profound emotional and cultural resonance. It encompasses the interplay of flavors, textures, and aromas, orchestrating a symphony of sensations that titillate the palate and captivate the senses.In the realm of professional gastronomy, this phenomenon holds immense significance as it underscores the mastery of culinary craftsmanship and the art of flavor composition. Chefs strive to harness the "Tongue's Edge Effect" to create culinary masterpieces that not only satiate hunger but also stimulate the mind and nourish the soul.One of the key elements of the "Tongue's Edge Effect" is its ability to transcend cultural boundaries and foster cross-cultural appreciation. Through the exploration of diverse cuisines and culinary traditions, individuals are afforded the opportunity to embark on a sensory odyssey, immersing themselves in a tapestry of flavors that reflect the rich tapestry of human civilization.Moreover, the "Tongue's Edge Effect" serves as a catalyst for culinary innovation, inspiring chefs to push the boundaries of creativity and experimentation. By incorporating novel ingredients, techniques, and presentation styles, culinary artisans can creategastronomic marvels that challenge convention and redefine the culinary landscape.In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the "Tongue's Edge Effect" also holds profound implications for health and wellness. By emphasizing the importance of mindful eating and sensory awareness, individuals can cultivate a deeper connection with their food, fostering a sense of gratitude and reverence for the nourishment it provides.Furthermore, the "Tongue's Edge Effect" underscores the interconnectedness of food and culture, highlighting the role of cuisine as a conduit for social cohesion and cultural exchange. Through communal dining experiences and culinary rituals, individuals are able to forge meaningful connections and celebrate the rich diversity of human expression.In conclusion, the "Tongue's Edge Effect" represents a fascinating intersection of sensory perception, cultural heritage, and culinary innovation. As we continue to explore the depths of gastronomy, let us embrace thetransformative power of taste and savor the myriad delights that the culinary world has to offer.。
釉质龋的非破坏性治疗方法邢琳;曲勃颖【摘要】Enamel caries is a kind of non-cell reactive lesion, posing the breakdown of the hard tission of teeth. Because tradition treatment of enamel caries will more or less damage the normal tission. At present, it is highly concerned about the new approaches on restoring enamel caries without preparing cavity. For above reasons, this paper will summarize the latest developments on treating enamel caries with non-destructive means, including the way of remineralization and the biomimetic mineralization.%釉质龋是一种非细胞反应性病变,可导致牙齿硬组织的破坏.传统治疗釉质龋的方法往往会损害到正常的牙体组织,因此目前非破坏性修复釉质龋的新方法成为了研究的热点和难点,本文就非破坏性治疗釉质龋的2种方法——再矿化和仿生矿化法的最新进展作一综述.【期刊名称】《国际口腔医学杂志》【年(卷),期】2012(039)001【总页数】3页(P63-65)【关键词】釉质龋;再矿化;仿生矿化【作者】邢琳;曲勃颖【作者单位】吉林大学口腔医院儿童口腔科长春130021;吉林大学口腔医院儿童口腔科长春130021【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R781.05釉质龋是一种非细胞反应性病变,基本变化为脱矿和再矿化。
中草药及其配伍对嗜水气单胞菌的抑菌作用张文青;龚一富;金思;孙喆君;章丽;童丽娟【期刊名称】《渔业科学进展》【年(卷),期】2012(033)001【摘要】采用二倍稀释法测定了86种中草药对嗜水气单胞菌Aeromonash ydrophila的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)和最小杀菌浓度(MBC),并采用正交试验法研究了对嗜水气单胞菌具有较强抑制作用的中草药配伍.结果表明,五倍子、五味子和乌梅对嗜水气单胞菌的抑制作用最强,最小抑菌浓度和最小杀菌浓度均为12.5 mg/ml,可作为防治水产养殖动物嗜水气单胞菌病害的首选中草药.正交试验结果表明,儿茶、五倍子、五味子和乌梅4种药分别以4∶2∶4∶1和1∶2∶2∶4的比例配伍时对嗜水气单胞菌具有最佳抑菌和杀菌作用.%The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) of 86 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines (CHMs) on Aeromonas hydrophila were examined in vitro by the microdilution method. Then the optimum mixtures of CHMs which can inhibit the A. Hydrophila were found through orthogonal test design. The result showed that Galla chinensis , Fructus schisandrae and Fructus mume had the strongest inhibitory effect on A. Hydrophila,with the MIC and MBC as 12. 5 mg/ml. In conclusion, G. Chinensis, F. Schisandrae and F. Mume were the better drugs that can cure the disease caused by the A. Hydrophila in aquatic animals. The results of orthogonal tests showed that the mixture of Acacia catechu , G. Chinensis,F. Schisandrae and F. Mume with the proportion of 4: 2: 4 :1 and 1 : 2 : 2 : 4 had the best MIC and MBC on A. Hydrophila.【总页数】8页(P114-121)【作者】张文青;龚一富;金思;孙喆君;章丽;童丽娟【作者单位】宁波大学生命科学与生物工程学院应用海洋生物技术教育部重点实验室,315211;宁波大学生命科学与生物工程学院应用海洋生物技术教育部重点实验室,315211;宁波大学生命科学与生物工程学院应用海洋生物技术教育部重点实验室,315211;宁波大学生命科学与生物工程学院应用海洋生物技术教育部重点实验室,315211;宁波大学生命科学与生物工程学院应用海洋生物技术教育部重点实验室,315211;宁波大学生命科学与生物工程学院应用海洋生物技术教育部重点实验室,315211【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S941.4【相关文献】1.45种中草药提取物对中华鳖源嗜水气单胞菌的体外抑菌作用 [J], 郭秀平;何有根;林明辉;彭勇鳌;曹少卫;潘厚军;石存斌2.中草药对嗜水气单胞菌体外抑菌作用的研究 [J], 王教玉;张亚斌;程福亮;刘丽晖;韩文瑜3.21种中草药对嗜水气单胞菌的试管内抑菌作用 [J], 高汉娇;陈昌福4.中草药对嗜水气单胞菌ST-3-3抑菌作用的研究 [J], 曹红峰;宋靖芳;李国庆;黄文芳5.21种中草药及复方制剂对嗜水气单胞菌的体外抑菌作用 [J], 陶健;李绍戊;刘红柏因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
必修第一册 Unit 5 Into the wild
Ⅰ.阅读单词——会意1.Atlantic adj.大西洋的2.whale n.鲸3.mystery n.难以理解的事物,谜4.crash v.暴跌5.per cent n.百分比6.creature n.生物,动物7.element n.基本部分,要素8.breathtaking adj.令人惊叹的9.eagle n.鹰10.capture v.(用文字或图片)记录,捕捉11.file n.档案,文件Ⅱ.重点单词——记形1.charity n.慈善机构,慈善团体2.annual adj.一年一度的,每年的3.seek v.寻找,寻求4.professor n.教授5.measure v.量,测量n.措施;尺度6.position n.位置7.eventually ad v.最终,终于8.destroy v.破坏,毁掉9.chemical n.化学品adj.化学(作用)的10.idiom n.习语,成语11.authority n.当权,权力12.source n.来源,出处13.found v.创立,创建14.button n.按钮15.encounter v.意外地遇见,与……邂逅n.意外的相遇,邂逅16.path n.小径,小道17.stare v.凝视,盯着看18.image n.图像,影像Ⅲ.拓展单词——悉变1.migrate v.移栖,迁徙→migration n.迁徙2.determine v.测定,确定→determined adj.坚决的;有决心的→determination n.决心;果断3.solution n.解决,解决方法→solve v t.解决4.amazing adj.惊人的,了不起的→amaze v.使惊讶→amazed adj.惊讶的→amazement n.惊奇;惊愕5.survive v.活下来,幸存→survival n.幸存;残存物→survivor n.幸存者;生还者6.effect n.影响,结果→effective adj.有效的;有影响的7.accommodation n.住处,工作场所→accommodate v.容纳;提供住宿8.photographer n.摄影师→photograph n.照片v i.& v t.(为……)拍照→photography n.摄影;摄影术9.recover v.(从糟糕经历中)恢复→recovery n.恢复10.shock n.吃惊,震惊→shocking adj.令人震惊的→shocked adj.感到震惊的11.variety n.多样化,变化→various adj.多种多样的→vary v i.变化;不同12.concentrate v.专注,专心→concentration n.专心→concentrated adj.全力以赴的;集中的13.freeze v.(froze,frozen) 突然停止,呆住;结冰;(使)冻住→freezing adj.极冷的;冰冻的→frozen adj.结冰的;冻僵的;冷冻的14.reaction n.(对某一情形或事件的)反应→react v i.做出反应;回应1.endow /I n'daʊ/v t.捐赠;资助be endowed with天生具备2.array /ə're I/n.大量;大群;阵列v t.布置;排列3.thread /θred/n.线;思路;线状物v t.& v i.穿(针);穿过4.beam /biːm/n.光线;束;梁v i.& v t.照射;发光;发热5.stickiness /'st I kinəs/n.黏性→sticky /'st I ki/adj.黏的;闷热的;难办的6.attribute /'ætr I bjuːt/n.属性;性质;特征/ə'tr I bjuːt/v t.把……归因于;认为是……所为7.forth /fɔːθ/ad v.向前;离去call forth使产生;引起8.circulate /'sɜːkjəle I t/v i.& v t.循环;传播9.evaporate /I'væpəre I t/v i.& v t.(使)蒸发;挥发10.moisture /'mɔI stʃə(r)/n.潮气;水汽;水分Ⅳ.背核心短语1.flow chart流程图,作业图2.kill two birds with one stone一举两得,一箭双雕3.hold your horses慢点,别急4.rain cats and dogs下倾盆大雨5.brave the elements不顾天气恶劣,冒着风雨6.after all毕竟,终究7.manage to do sth成功做某事8.the solution to...……的解决办法9.at a speed of以……的速度10.show respect to尊重11.cut down 砍倒;减少12.feed on以……为食13.concentrate on把注意力集中于,全神贯注于14.fall off从……掉下来15.recover from从……恢复16.from time to time不时,偶尔Ⅴ.悟经典句式1.The solution to the mystery of the monarch’s amazing ability comes at a time when it is in serious trouble.(when引导定语从句)黑脉金斑蝶这一惊人能力的奥秘被揭开时,这一生物正处于水深火热的生存状态中。
第 32 卷 第 5 期Vol.32,No.5180-1892023 年 5 月草业学报ACTA PRATACULTURAE SINICA 梁梦琪, 武齐丰, 邵涛, 等. 添加剂对多花黑麦草青贮发酵品质、α-生育酚和β-胡萝卜素含量的影响. 草业学报, 2023, 32(5): 180−189.LIANG Meng -qi , WU Qi -feng , SHAO Tao , et al . Effects of additives on the fermentation quality and α-tocopherol and β-carotene contents in Italian ryegrass silage. Acta Prataculturae Sinica , 2023, 32(5): 180−189.添加剂对多花黑麦草青贮发酵品质、α-生育酚和β-胡萝卜素含量的影响梁梦琪,武齐丰,邵涛,吴艾丽,刘秦华*(南京农业大学草业学院,江苏 南京 210095)摘要:为提高多花黑麦草青贮发酵品质,减少α-生育酚、β-胡萝卜素含量损失,以无添加为对照,研究了添加剂:0.4%丙酸(PA )、植物乳杆菌(LP )、环状芽孢杆菌(BC )、植物乳杆菌和环状芽孢杆菌菌株混合添加(LP+BC )对青贮发酵品质、α-生育酚和β-胡萝卜素的影响,在青贮3、7、35和70 d 后开窖取样,检测发酵品质、营养成分、α-生育酚和β-胡萝卜素含量。
结果表明:添加剂对多花黑麦草发酵品质有显著影响(P <0.05),LP+BC 组提高青贮发酵品质的效果最好,其次为LP 组。
青贮70 d 后,与对照组相比,添加剂组均降低了饲料的pH ,且pH 都在4.0以下。
LP 、BC 和LP+BC 组提高了乳酸含量和乳酸乙酸比(P <0.05);PA 组在青贮初期抑制了乳酸发酵,后期提高了青贮发酵品质,但提高效果不如其余3种添加剂。
中药五倍子化学成分对早期龋再矿化作用的扫描电镜观察(作者:___________单位: ___________邮编: ___________)作者:楚金普,郝玉庆,李继遥,周学东【摘要】目的观察pH循环后中药五倍子化学成分对早期龋表面形态变化的影响,了解中药五倍子化学成分对人工早期釉质龋的再矿化作用。
方法应用离体牛切牙制备人工釉质龋标本60例,随机分为6组:NaF组(阳性对照)、GCE组、GCE-B组、GCE-B1组、GCE-B2组和去离子水组(阴性对照),进行体外pH循环实验后,各组样本分别放入2.5%戊二醛液内固定24 h,4℃,临界点干燥,镀金,扫描电镜下观察。
【关键词】五倍子有效成分早期龋再矿化扫描电镜Abstract:ObjectiveTo evaluate the effect of chemical compounds of Galla Chinensis on the remineralisation of initial enamel carious lesions by scanning electron microscope in vitro. MethodsSixty bovine enamel blocks with early lesions were prepared and randomly divided into six treatment groups.The lesions were subjected to the pH-cycling regime for 12 days. Each daily cycle included 4 x 1 min applications with one of six treatments;1,000ppm F aq. (as NaF, positive control); deionized water (negative control); or 4,000 ppm aqueous solutions of four Galla Chinensis extracts (GCEs); GCE, GCE-B, GCE-B1, or GCE-B2. After pH-cycling,the enamel specimens were observed by scanning electron microscope.ResultsThe results showed that there were sediments formed on the surface of carious lesion for the positive control, GCE, GCE-B and GCE-B1 groups except the GCE-B2 group and DDW group. ConclusionGalla Chinensis might be a promising source of non-fluoride anti-caries agents.Key words:Galla Chinensis; Active ingredients; Initial enamel lesions; Remineralization; SEM龋病是发生在牙齿硬组织的一种慢性细菌性疾病,发病率高,分布广,严重影响人类口腔及全身健康。
When it comes to the topic of releasing fish back into nature,the narrative can be both a reflection on the importance of environmental conservation and a personal journey of understanding the delicate balance of ecosystems.Heres a detailed composition on the subject:Title:The Art of Returning Fish to Their Natural HabitatIntroduction:In the tranquil waters of our rivers and lakes,fish play a crucial role in maintaining the aquatic ecosystem.However,human activities often lead to the capture of these creatures, either for consumption or as pets.As awareness of environmental issues grows,so does the practice of returning these aquatic beings to their natural habitat.This essay explores the significance of this act and the steps involved in ensuring the successful reintegration of fish into their environment.The Importance of Releasing Fish:The act of releasing fish back into nature is more than a simple act of kindness it is a profound gesture of respect for the environment.Fish are integral to the food chain,and their absence can disrupt the balance of aquatic ecosystems.By returning fish to their natural habitat,we are not only preserving biodiversity but also contributing to the health of the water bodies that support a myriad of life forms.The Process of Releasing Fish:1.Assessment of the Fishs Health:Before releasing any fish,it is essential to ensure that they are healthy and free from diseases or injuries that could impact the ecosystem.2.Appropriate Species and Location:It is crucial to release the fish into their native habitat to avoid introducing nonnative species that could outcompete local species or disrupt the ecosystem.3.Timing and Method:The timing of the release should be considered,as certain times of the year may be more suitable for the fish to reestablish themselves.The method should be gentle and minimize stress,often involving a gradual acclimatization to the new environment.4.Legal and Ethical Considerations:In many regions,there are laws and regulations governing the release of fish to prevent the spread of diseases or the introduction of invasive species.It is important to adhere to these guidelines.Personal Experience:My first encounter with releasing fish was during a community event aimed at restoring a local river.Armed with a bucket of fish and a sense of purpose,I joined a group of volunteers.We carefully selected healthy fish and released them into the river,watching as they swam away,disappearing into the depths.This experience was humbling and instilled in me a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of life.Challenges and Solutions:Despite the good intentions,releasing fish can sometimes lead to unintended consequences.Overpopulation,disease spread,and genetic issues are potential risks.To mitigate these,it is essential to work with local environmental agencies,follow scientific guidelines,and promote responsible practices among the public.Conclusion:The act of returning fish to their natural habitat is a testament to our growing understanding of our role as stewards of the environment.It is a practice that not only benefits the fish and their ecosystems but also serves as a reminder of our responsibility to protect and preserve the natural world for future generations.As we continue to engage in such acts,we contribute to a more harmonious coexistence between humans and the myriad of species we share this planet with.This composition provides a comprehensive view of the practice of releasing fish, highlighting its importance,the process involved,personal experiences,and the challenges faced,all while emphasizing the need for responsible environmental stewardship.。
连敏,高艺玮,年新,等. 黑果枸杞花色苷的提取、纯化及降解动力学研究[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(6):24−31. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023080105LIAN Min, GAO Yiwei, NIAN Xin, et al. Study on Extraction, Purification and Degradation Kinetics of Anthocyanins from Lycium ruthenicum [J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(6): 24−31. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023080105· 特邀主编专栏—枸杞、红枣、沙棘等食药同源健康食品研究与开发(客座主编:方海田、田金虎、龚桂萍) ·黑果枸杞花色苷的提取、纯化及降解动力学研究连 敏,高艺玮,年 新,王梦泽*(宁夏大学食品科学与工程学院,宁夏银川 750021)摘 要:以花色苷提取量为主要考察指标,通过单因素和正交试验优化冻干黑果枸杞花色苷提取工艺,并在此条件下研究花色苷纯化工艺及其降解动力学,探讨不同温度、pH 下花色苷提取量的变化。
结果表明,提取最佳工艺条件为:料液比1:25(g :mL )、乙醇浓度60%、pH4、提取时间2 h ,此条件下花色苷提取量达36.507±0.325 mg/g 。
研究显示AB-8大孔树脂纯化黑果枸杞花色苷效果最好,对花色苷吸附量和解吸量的影响效果最佳,其最佳条件为:上样液浓度200 mg/100 g ,解吸乙醇浓度80%,上样流速2 mL/min ,洗脱流速2 mL/min ,上样体积为5 BV ,纯化率为90.02%。
复方中药洗剂单药的体外抑菌实验研究郭姝彤;艾彩莲;李宝莉【摘要】目的在复方中药洗剂的最佳提取工艺条件下,通过体外抑菌实验初步验证其体外抑菌作用,观察其对阴道常见致病标准菌的抑菌效果.方法采用渗漏法提取并干燥白芷、五倍子、川芎、当归、丁香、石斛、人参、珍珠8味药;采用细菌培养法进行体外抑菌实验,观察并记录8味中药提取物对白色念珠菌、大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、厌氧消化链球菌和阴道加德纳菌5种ATCC标准菌的抑菌作用,并对其进行统计学分析.结果 (1)8味中药提取物对5种ATCC标准菌的MIC中白芷对白色念珠菌和金黄色葡萄球菌、厌氧消化链球菌MIC最低,五倍子和白芷对大肠杆菌和阴道加德纳菌MIC最低.(2)8味中药提取物对5种ATCC标准菌的体外抑菌作用,与生理盐水组比较,P<0.05.结论 8味中药提取物对白色念珠菌、大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、厌氧消化链球菌和阴道加德纳菌5种ATCC标准菌均有抑菌作用,MIC不同,且以白芷为优.【期刊名称】《延安大学学报(医学科学版)》【年(卷),期】2018(016)001【总页数】4页(P68-71)【关键词】复方中药洗剂;致病菌;体外抑菌【作者】郭姝彤;艾彩莲;李宝莉【作者单位】延安大学医学院,陕西延安716000;延安大学医学院,陕西延安716000;延安大学医学院,陕西延安716000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R285据WHO统计,全球每年生殖道感染的新发病例数高达3.33亿[1]。