
HER2基因扩增检测试剂盒(荧光原位杂交法)说明书【产品名称】通用名称:HER2基因扩增检测试剂盒(荧光原位杂交法)英文名称:Zyto Light SPEC HER2/CEN17 Dual Color Probe Kit【包装规格】货号Z-2020-5:5测试/盒货号Z-2020-20:20测试/盒【预期用途】本试剂盒用于检测经10%中性缓冲福尔马林固定、石蜡包埋的乳腺癌组织切片中HER2基因的扩增状态。
【检验原理】荧光原位杂交技术(Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization, FISH)是一种以荧光标记的核酸探针与组织中的特异核酸分子进行杂交的技术,其基本原理是利用荧光标记的核酸探针在变性后根据碱基互补配对原则准确识别待检样本中的靶核酸序列,经退火复性后形成靶DNA与核酸探针杂交体,通过荧光检测系统(荧光显微镜)直接观察和分析染色体或基因的数量或结构的状态。
切片经预处理后,将HER2/CEN 17双色探针液与待测样本DNA变性、杂交。

DAB 显色液。 5% 3, 3’-二氨联苯胺四盐酸显色剂溶液。
抗原修复液(包含清洗剂)(10×)。 0.1 mol/L柠檬酸盐缓冲液,1% 吐温-20,pH 5.7。
P04605CN_01_SK00121-2CN/2017.02 2/26
10 × 试剂瓶
外。该试剂盒所提供的材料足够用于最多 10 次免疫组化染色。
1×22 mL
过氧化物酶阻断剂。 3%的过氧化氢,含有15 mmol/L的叠氮钠(NaN3)。
1×12 mL
1×22 mL
兔抗人HER2多克隆抗体。 即用型亲和分离的抗体,保存在0.05 mol/L Tris/HCl, 0.1 mol/L NaCl, 1%BSA, 酒 石黄(Tartrazin), 专利蓝V(Patentblue V), 15 mmol/L NaN3, pH 7.2溶液中。 免疫原:合成的HER2蛋白的C-末端(细胞质部分)片段部分,并偶联至血蓝蛋 白上。
2×22 mL
与HER2抗体等价蛋白浓度下的正常兔血清免疫球蛋白成分,保存在0.05 mol/L Tris/HCl, 0.1 mol/L NaCl, 15 mmol/L NaN3, pH 7.2,并含有1%BSA稳定剂的溶液 内。
DAB底物缓冲液。 50 mM咪唑, 1mM N, N'-乙基双 (2-[2-羟基苯基]甘氨酸) (EDHPA), 0.1%乙基苯基 聚乙二醇(Nonidet P-40), 0.02% 过氧化氢, 0.01% 氯化苯二甲烃铵, pH 7.5。
HercepTest™检测试剂盒包含对常规处理的、石蜡包埋的样本进行两步法免疫组化染色 所需要的全部试剂。兔抗人 HER2 蛋白一抗孵育后,该试剂盒采用基于葡聚糖技术的即用型 显色试剂。该试剂包含羊抗兔二抗和偶联至葡聚糖多聚体骨架上的辣根过氧化酶分子。因此, 不需要再依次使用连接抗体,人免疫球蛋白显色试剂和胎牛血清之间的交叉反应也因为使用 固相吸附材料而消除。依次填加的色素原的酶转换,也使得显色反应发生于抗原所在部位。 标本需要复染和封片。反应结果在光学显微镜下观察。质控玻片包含 3 个福尔马林固定、石 蜡包埋的人类乳腺癌细胞系,染色强度分别在 0、1+、以及 3+,提供用于对染色结果进行 评估。这些细胞的染色强度与其所表达的受体密度一致。

hme062r规格书英文回答:The HME062R specification sheet provides detailed information about the specifications and features of the HME062R product. It is a comprehensive document that outlines the technical specifications, performance characteristics, and operational parameters of the product.The specification sheet includes information such as the dimensions and weight of the product, the power requirements, and the operating temperature range. It also provides details about the input and output interfaces, the communication protocols supported, and any additional features or options available.For example, the specification sheet may mention that the HME062R has a compact design with dimensions of 10cm x 15cm x 5cm and weighs 500 grams. It may also state that it operates on a 12V power supply and has an operatingtemperature range of -20°C to 70°C.Furthermore, the specification sheet may highlight the product's performance characteristics, such as its processing speed, memory capacity, and data transfer rate.It may also provide details about the supported operating systems and software compatibility.Additionally, the specification sheet may outline any certifications or compliance standards that the product meets, such as ISO 9001 or CE. It may also mention any warranties or support services provided by the manufacturer.In conclusion, the HME062R specification sheet is a valuable resource for understanding the technical specifications and features of the product. It provides detailed information about the product's dimensions, power requirements, operating temperature range, performance characteristics, and additional features. It is essentialfor potential buyers or users to refer to the specification sheet to ensure that the product meets their specific requirements.中文回答:HME062R规格书提供了关于HME062R产品的详细规格和特性信息。
QIAgility— Pure Precision 2 产品说明书

The QIAgility provides:I Automated PCR setup in all formats I Convenient, easy-to-use softwareI Standardized results and increased productivity I Elimination of manual pipetting stepsI Seamless integration with QIAGEN ®sample technologiesThe QIAgility is operated via a computer with easy-to-use software.Simply select a program, set up the worktable, and walk away during PCR setup. Samples are ready for immediate use in downstream applications.Fully automated sample and assay technologiesThe QIAgility is a compact benchtop instrument that enables automated PCR setup in a wide range of formats, including PCR assays for the Rotor-Gene ™Q. The high precision of the QIAgility delivers the reproducible results you need in your end-point and real-time PCR assays, from sample to sample and laboratory to laboratory. Automated PCR setup is rapid and reliable and eliminates manual pipetting steps that can be prone to human error. The unmatched versatility of theQIAgility means that almost all tube and plate formats are supported as well as Rotor-Discs for the Rotor-Gene Q.Advanced technology for pure precisionDynamic liquid-level sensing enables the QIAgility to deliver high-precision, standardized pipetting (Table 1 and Figure 1). The instrument senses the meniscus during each pipetting event and retracts the tip while dispensing,enhancing accuracy and minimizing liquid carry-over. If the liquid is viscous, the QIAgility can adapt its pipetting speed accordingly.Exceptional safety featuresThe advanced design of the QIAgility delivers improved process safety, giving you peace of mind. An in-built sensor ensures that the instrument pauses when the hood is opened during a run, protecting users from moving parts.An optional UV light ensures effective worktable decontamination and an optional HEPA filter provides positive clean air pressure throughout PCR setup. These safety features are complemented by intelligent safety warnings from the instrument software, should an error occur.Table 1. Unrivaled precisionThe QIAgility was used to pipet 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 150, and 200 µl water, in replicates of 16. The actual volume pipetted was determined for all aliquots based on weight (i.e., 1 g=1000 µl). The mean, standard deviation (S.D.), and coefficient of variation (CV) was calculated for each volume.Figure 1. Exceptional reproducibility and accurate series dilutions. A 2-fold series dilution of human genomic DNA (30 ng to 0.6 ng) was performed using the QIAgility. IL1R2 was amplified from these dilutions, using the Rotor-Gene Q and the QuantiFast ®Probe PCR Kit. Reactions were set up in replicates of 5. DNA yields were quantified by quantitative, real-time PCR, where the Rotor-Gene Q was also used for analysis. Plots show highly precise and reproducible replicates with a 1 cycle difference between each 2-fold dilution and the standard curve.B A 5101520253035400. 3. Automated reaction setup is more accurate than manual reaction setup.IL12RB1 was amplified fromleukocyte RNA (1, 10, and 100 ng), using the Rotor-Gene Q and the QuantiFast Probe RT-PCR Kit. Replicates of 3 were set up manually and using the QIAgility. DNA yields were quantified by quantitative, real-time RT-PCR, where the Rotor-Gene Q was also used for analysis.B A 510152025303540450. o r m . F l u o r o .CycleAbsolute reliability and reproducibilityThe QIAgility is provided with optimized protocols for unmatched reliability and reproducibility. In the future, more protocols will become available. Manual pipetting steps, which are typically prone to human error, are eliminated (Figure 2 and Figure 3). Using the software in “Virtual Mode” enables user-developed protocols to be tested in the absence of reagents, avoiding costly repetition of experiments.To reduce your workload, there is no need for time-consuming manual documentation of runs since comprehensive run reports, containing all run information, are generated before and after each protocol.Figure 2. Eliminate manual pipetting steps.Prp, HugL and Cyst were amplified from human genomic DNA (10 ng). PCR reactions were set up using the TopTaq ™Master Mix Kit, in replicates of 2, using the QIAgility and manually. After cycling, reactions were analyzed by capillary electrophoresis, using the QIAxcel ™.QIAgilityManualManualM Prp HugLCystPrpHugLCystIn addition to PCR setup, the flexibility of the QIAgility allows the user to program an unrivaled range of high-precision pipetting applications,which includes:I Normalization of DNA and RNA concentrationI Transfer of liquid samples from one tube format to another I Serial dilutions with variable dilution ratios I Restriction digest setup I Sample poolingI Selective pipetting from archived sample banksFlexible workflow with built-in versatilityThe QIAgility is compatible with all your workflow needs. The worktable is easy to set up and, for optimal versatility, isconfigured to support almost all PCR tube types and plate formats, including 96-well and 384-well plates as well as Rotor-Discs for the Rotor-Gene Q. The QIAgility can set up multiple master mixes and can process multiple PCR setups in parallel.Automated solutions from sample to result — free up your time!:O& 6YkVcXZY CjXaZ^X VX^Y ejg^ÃXVi^dc eVgi^XaZ iZX]cdad\nE8G hZije hnhiZb Gdidg"<ZcZ F Ejg^ÃXVi^dc6hhVn hZije9ZiZXi^dc VcY VcVanh^hCjXaZ^X VX^Y ejg^ÃXVi^dc :O& 6YkVcXZY MAE8G hZije hnhiZbF>6\^a^inGZVa"i^bZ E8G XnXaZg"<ZcZ FGdidg GZVa"i^bZ E8Gi^XaZ iZX]cdad\n eVg hdaji^dc jh^c\ bV\cZi^X"eEfficient, walkaway automationThe QIAgility enables rapid and efficient processing of complex reaction setups, freeing up your valuable laboratory time (Table 3). The single-channel pipet can process up to 96 samples in just 17 minutes, providing enormous time savings and eliminating tedious manual pipetting which can cause repetitive strain injury. While the QIAgility is performing reaction setup, the user can concentrate on more important laboratory tasks.Table 3. Speed and versatility.* T50=50 µl Tips. †T200=200 µl Tips.The QIAgility can be used in a wide range of liquid-handling operations. The user can control tip usage, enabling cost-efficient use of consumables. Reactions can be set up using master mix that has already been prepared, or the QIAgility canprepare the master mix.Specifications of the QIAgilityComprehensive service and supportQIAGEN Instrument Service provides flexible service support agreementstailored to your needs. We also provide Warranty PLUS extendedwarranties, giving you complete cost control and enhanced coveragethrough priority response times.Intuitive software for ease of useWith the QIAgility, specialist training is not required. QIAgility software simulates the instrument worktable, making it exceptionally easy to use by the automation novice or more experienced laboratory personnel. Fast setup and development of user protocols are facilitated by wizards, which guide the user through software procedures in a stepwise fashion. The QIAgility is preinstalled with optimized protocols for convenient and effective PCR setup. The software automatically calculates reagent volumes for the selected number of samples, giving you complete cost control. In addition, the user can develop custom protocols tailored to specific research requirements.Visit /goto/QIAgility to find out more!Ordering InformationTrademarks: QIAGEN, QIAgility™, QIAxcel™, cador™, EZ1, HotStarTaq, QuantiFast, QuantiTect, TopTaq, Type-it™; Rotor-Disc™, Rotor-Gene™(Corbett Research).The QIAgility is intended for molecular biology applications. This product is neither intended for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease, nor has it been validated for such use either alone or in combination with other products. The Rotor-Gene Q, if used in combination with QIAGEN kits indicated for use with the Rotor-Gene Q instrument is intended for the applications described in the respective QIAGEN kit handbooks. If the Rotor-Gene Q instrument is used with kits other than QIAGEN kits, it is the user’s responsibility to validate the performance of such product combination for any particular application. Rotor-Gene K its, QuantiFast K its, QuantiTect K its, QIAGEN OneStep RT-PCR K it, Type-it PCR K its, QIAGEN LongRange K its, HotStar HiFidelity Polymerase K it, cador veterinary PCR K its, HotStarTaq K its, HotStarTaq Plus K its, QIAGEN Taq Kits, QIAGEN Fast Cycling PCR Kits and TopTaq Master Mix Kit are intended for research use. No claim or representation is intended to provide information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease. The cador BVDV RT-PCR Kit is approved by the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute in Germany for veterinary diagnostic use. The cador BVDV Type 1/2 RT-PCR Kit and the cador T. equigenitalis PCR Kit is under review by the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute in Germany for veterinary diagnostic use. TopTaq DNA Polymerase is intended for general laboratory use. No claim or representation is intended to provide information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease.Purchase of this product (Rotor-Gene, QuantiFast, and QuantiTect SYBR Green Kits) is accompanied by a limited, non-transferable immunity from suit to use it with detection by a dsDNA-binding dye as described in U.S. Patents Nos. 5,994,056 and 6,171,785 and corresponding patent claims outside the United States for the purchaser’s own internal research. No real-time apparatus or system patent rights or any other patent rights, and no right to use this product for any other purpose are conveyed expressly, by implication or by estoppel.This product (Rotor-Gene, QuantiFast and QuantiTect Probe and Multiplex Kits, and Type-it Probe Kits) is an Authorized 5' Nuclease Core Kit without Licensed Probe. Its purchase price includes a limited, non-transferable immunity from suit under certain patents owned by Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. or F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, for using only this amount of the product in the practice of the 5' nuclease process solely for the purchaser’s own internal research when used in conjunction with Licensed Probe. No right under any other patent claims (such as apparatus or system claims) and no right to use this product for any other purpose is hereby granted expressly, by implication or by estoppel. Further information on purchasing licenses may be obtained by contacting the Director of Licensing, Applied Biosystems, 850 Lincoln Centre Drive, Foster City, California 94404, USA.Purchase of this product (Rotor-Gene, QuantiFast, and QuantiTect RT-PCR Kits) is accompanied by a limited, non-transferable license under RT and Reverse Transcription-PCR patents owned by Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. and F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd to use it for the purchaser’s own internal research. No real-time patent rights of any kind, no right under any other patent claims (such as apparatus or system claims), and no right to use this product for any other purpose is hereby granted expressly, by implication or by estoppel.Purchase of this product (QuantiTect Kits) is accompanied by a limited license under U.S. Patent Numbers 5,035,996; 5,945,313, 6,518,026 and 6,287,823 and corresponding foreign patents.The purchase of this product (QuantiTect SYBR Green Kits) includes a limited, non-transferable license under U.S. Patent No. 5,871,908 and all continuations and divisionals, and corresponding claims in patents and patent applications outside the United States, owned by Roche Diagnostics GmbH, for internal research use or for non-in vitro diagnostics applications with authorized reagents with regard to Melting Curve Analysis. No right is conveyed, expressly, by implication or estoppel, under any other patent or patent claims owned by Roche Diagnostics GmbH, or by any other Party.Purchase of this product (TopTaq DNA Polymerase) is not accompanied by a license under patents owned by Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. and F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. No rights to real-time PCR or to any primers, probes or pathogens are conveyed expressly, by implication or by estoppel.The QIAGEN silver logo is exclusively licensed to Corbett Research.NOTICE TO PURCHASER:The purchase of this product (Rotor-Gene Q, Rotor-Disc) includes a limited, non-transferable license to certain patents (see details below) surrounding rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods and instrumentation, the use of SYBR Green I in PCR reactions, melting curve analysis, analysis methods of DNA melting data, specifically high resolution melting (HRM) and others.The purchase of this product (Rotor-Gene Q, Rotor-Disc) includes a limited, non-transferable license to one or more of US Patents Nos 6,787,338; 7,238,321; 7,081,226; 6,174,670; 6,245,514; 6,569,627; 6,303,305; 6,503,720; 5,871,908; 6,691,041; 7,387,887; and U.S. Patent Applications Nos. 2003-0224434 and 2006-0019253 and all continuations and divisionals, and corresponding claims in patents and patent applications outside the United States, owned by the University of Utah Research Foundation, Idaho Technology, Inc., and/or Roche Diagnostics GmbH, for internal research use or for non-in vitro diagnostics applications. No right is conveyed, expressly, by implication or estoppel, for any reagent or kit, or under any other patent or patent claims owned by the University of Utah Research Foundation, Idaho Technology, Inc., and/or Roche Diagnostics GmbH, or by any other Party. For information on purchasing licences for in-vitro diagnostics applications or reagents, contact Roche Molecular Systems, 4300 Hacienda Drive, Pleasanton, CA 94588, USA. ADDITIONAL NOTICE TO PURCHASER IN USA, EUROPE, AND AUSTRALIA ONLY:Practice of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process may require a license depending on the reagents and methods applied. Purchase of this instrument (Rotor-Gene Q) does not itself convey to the purchaser a complete license or right to perform the PCR process. The use of this instrument (Rotor- Gene Q) with Authorized Reagents such as Authorized QIAGEN kits and assays provides a limited PCR license in accordance with the label rights accompanying such reagents.Further information on purchasing licenses to practice the PCR process may be obtained by contacting the Director of Licensing at Applied Biosystems, 850 Lincoln Centre Drive, Foster City, California 94404, USA and/or Roche Molecular Systems, 4300 Hacienda Drive, Pleasanton, CA 94588, USA. No right is conveyed expressly, by implication or by estoppel under any other patent claim, such as claims to apparatus, reagents, kits, or methods such as 5' nuclease methods.Australia Orders 03-9840-9800 Fax 03-9840-9888 Technical 1-800-243-066Austria Orders 0800/28-10-10 Fax 0800/28-10-19 Technical 0800/28-10-11Belgium Orders 0800-79612 Fax 0800-79611 Technical 0800-79556Brazil Orders 0800-557779 Fax 55-11-5079-4001 Technical 0800-557779Canada Orders 800-572-9613 Fax 800-713-5951 Technical 800-DNA-PREP (800-362-7737)China Orders 0086-21-3865-3865 Fax 0086-21-3865-3965 Technical 800-988-0325Denmark Orders 80-885945 Fax 80-885944 Technical 80-885942Finland Orders 0800-914416 Fax 0800-914415 Technical 0800-914413France Orders 01-60-920-920 Fax 01-60-920-925 Technical 01-60-920-930Germany Orders 02103-29-12000 Fax 02103-29-22000 Technical 02103-29-12400Hong Kong Orders 800 933 965 Fax 800 930 439 Technical 800 930 425Ireland Orders 1800 555 049 Fax 1800 555 048 Technical 1800 555 061Italy Orders 02-33430-420 Fax 02-33430-426 Technical 800-787980Japan Telephone: 03-6890-7300 Fax 03-5547-0818 Technical 03-6890-7300Korea (South)Orders 1544 7145 Fax 1544 7146 Technical 1544 7145Luxembourg Orders 8002-2076 Fax 8002-2073 Technical 8002-2067Mexico Orders 01-800-7742-639 Fax 01-800-1122-330 Technical 01-800-7742-639The Netherlands Orders 0800-0229592 Fax 0800-0229593 Technical 0800-0229602Norway Orders 800-18859 Fax 800-18817 Technical 800-18712Singapore Orders 65-67775366 Fax 65-67785177 Technical 65-67775366Spain Orders 91-630-7050 Fax 91-630-5145 Technical 91-630-7050Sweden Orders 020-790282 Fax 020-790582 Technical 020-798328Switzerland Orders 055-254-22-11 Fax 055-254-22-13 Technical 055-254-22-12UK Orders 01293-422-911 Fax 01293-422-922 Technical 01293-422-999USA Orders 800-426-8157 Fax 800-718-2056 Technical 800-DNA-PREP (800-362-7737)1054662 01/2009Sample & Assay Technologies。

膀胱尿路上皮癌中HER2基因扩增及蛋白表达的意义黎美仁;郑美蓉;周燕;路名芝【摘要】目的:探讨人类表皮生长因子受体2(human epidermal growth factor receptor-2,HER2)在膀胱尿路上皮癌(urothelial carcinoma of bladder,UCB)组织中的表达及其临床意义.方法:应用免疫组织化学法及FISH检测HER2在76例膀胱尿路上皮细胞癌和30例正常膀胱黏膜组织标本中的表达情况,分析其与膀胱癌的各病理参数间的关系.结果:HER2在膀胱尿路上皮细胞癌组织中的阳性表达率为29.0%,显著高于正常膀胱黏膜组织的0,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);HER2蛋白表达水平与膀胱尿路上皮细胞癌的肿瘤大小、肿瘤级别及浸润深度相关(P<0.05).结论:HER2蛋白的过表达与人膀胱尿路上皮细胞癌的发生、发展相关.检测HER2的表达情况可能对预测膀胱尿路上皮细胞癌的预后及选择治疗方法具有重要价值.【期刊名称】《赣南医学院学报》【年(卷),期】2015(035)004【总页数】5页(P514-517,528)【关键词】膀胱肿瘤;尿路上皮癌;HER2;免疫组化;FISH【作者】黎美仁;郑美蓉;周燕;路名芝【作者单位】九江学院附属医院,江西九江332000;九江学院基础医学院,江西九江332000;九江学院附属医院,江西九江332000;江西省人民医院,江西南昌330006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R730.2膀胱癌是世界范围内人类较为常见的恶性肿瘤,男性中排名第四,女性中排名第九[1]。

TB1002IntroductionTB1002 is an advanced robot designed to perform various tasks efficiently and accurately. This document provides an overview of the robot’s capabilities, specifications, and usage instructions.Key Features1.Multiple Task Capabilities: TB1002 is equippedwith a wide range of sensors and tools, enabling it toperform tasks like cleaning, gardening, and carrying objects.2.Intelligent Navigation: The robot utilizes advancedmapping technology and obstacle avoidance algorithms to navigate and operate in any environment.er-Friendly Interface: TB1002 comes with anintuitive touch screen control panel, making it easy forusers to interact and program the robot.4.Wireless Connectivity: The robot supportswireless connectivity, allowing users to control andmonitor its activities remotely via a mobile app orcomputer.Specifications•Dimensions: The robot has a compact and lightweight design, measuring approximately 50cm in height and weighing 5kg.•Battery Life: TB1002 is powered by a long-lasting lithium-ion battery, providing up to 10 hours of continuous operation on a single charge.•Sensors: The robot is equipped with various sensors, including cameras, ultrasonic sensors, and infrared sensors, to navigate and interact with its surroundings.•Tools and Attachments: TB1002 comes with a range of interchangeable tools and attachments, such as brushes for cleaning, grippers for object handling, and water spray nozzles for gardening.•Connectivity: The robot supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, allowing seamless integration with various devices and applications.Usage Instructions1.Initial Setup: Before using TB1002, ensure that the battery is fully charged. Turn on the robot by pressing the power button and make sure it is connected to a stable Wi-Fi network.2.Control and Navigation: Use the touch screen control panel to navigate the robot. Drag your finger acrossthe screen to move the robot in different directions. Use the virtual buttons to control specific functions.3.Task Execution: Select the appropriate tool or attachment for the desired task. For example, attach the brush for cleaning or the gripper for object handling. Use the touch screen control panel to initiate the task and monitor its progress.4.Remote Control: To control TB1002 remotely, download and install the mobile app or access the control panel via a web browser. Connect to the robot using the provided credentials and follow the on-screen instructions.5.Maintenance: Regularly clean and inspect the robot’s sensors and tools to ensure optimal performance. Replace worn-out tools or attachments as needed.Safety Guidelines1.Keep Children and Pets Away: While TB1002 is designed to be safe, keep children and pets away from the robot while it is operating to prevent accidents.2.Avoid Obstacles: Ensure that the robot has enough clearance to navigate through doorways and around obstacles. Remove any potential hazards from its path.3.Do Not Modify or Disassemble: Do not modify or disassemble TB1002, as doing so may void the warranty and compromise its functionality.4.Caution During Cleaning: If using the robot forcleaning purposes, ensure that the cleaning agents used are suitable for the surface being cleaned. Follow themanufacturer’s instructions and take necessaryprecautions to avoid accidents or damage.In conclusion, TB1002 is a versatile and intelligent robot with advanced capabilities and user-friendly features. With its multiple task capabilities, intelligent navigation, and wireless connectivity, it offers a convenient and efficient solution for various tasks. By following the provided usage instructions and safety guidelines, users can maximize the robot’s potential while ensuring safety and reliability.。

1.Her-2结构:Her2位于染色体17q21,编码分子量为185KD的跨膜糖蛋白,由胞内酪氨酸激酶结构域、跨膜区和胞外结构域(extraeellular domain,ECD)三部分组成,是具有蛋白酪氨酸激酶(protein tyrosine kinace,PTK)活性的跨膜蛋白,属于表皮生长因子受体家族的成员。
HER-2 + 其他受体→异二聚体→发挥信号转导功能HER2的异二聚体使EGFR(表皮生长因子受体)在细胞膜过表达→细胞的增殖↑→肿瘤形成和生长↑3.Her2分子的检测目前一般采用免疫组织化学(IHC)检测Her2受体蛋白过表达,应用荧光原位杂交(FISH)和显色原位杂交(CISH)法检测Her2基因扩增的水平。

物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0品物料描述规范文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料大类状态类别代码物料名称描述要求例子文件编号:HK-RD-QB- - 版本:V1.0物料描述规范9908保险丝额定电压,形状尺寸,额定电流9909振荡器种类,振荡频率,(其它)9910放电管种类,放电电压,(其它)9911继电器线圈额定电压,吸合电压,线圈电阻9912遥控器机型,型号,(其它)9913束线带宽度,长度,类型,(其它)9914磁芯/磁块磁力强度,形状,颜色9915橡皮类长度,形状,宽度,高度9916固定座种类,(其它)9917杂类种类,(其它)9918静电铝箔尺寸,(其它)9919胶类类型,型号,(其它)9920胶纸类类型,型号,(其它)9921工具类种类,(其它)9922电池电池类型,电压,容量,(其它)电池 锂电池 3.7V 850mAh K69923手套种类,(其它)9924其它种类,(其它)9925摄像头驱动类型,像素,机型,(其它)摄像头 OV驱动 30万像素 K6X 9926广告机定时器种类,(其它)X 9927广告机播放器种类,(其它)X 9928电视机天线种类,(其它)X 9929电视机PVC类型,尺寸,(其它)X 9930LCD TV 其它小件9931催化剂类型,(其它)9932胶布类类型,尺寸,(其它)备注1状态栏标注“X”表示目前暂不使用的类别,以后可根据需要启用。

标, 同时其可以指导乳腺癌治疗 的药物选择[。 曲 妥珠单抗 ( e et / H r p n 赫赛 汀 ) 20 年美 国 F A c i 是 02 D 批 准 的一 种 抗 肿 瘤 药 物 ,是 一 种 人 源 化 的 针 对 H R2 E 一 受体 的单克隆抗体 ,它能通 过抑制肿瘤细 胞生长信号的传导进 而抑制肿瘤生 长 、减少 s 期 肿瘤细胞数 目, 下调肿瘤 细胞 表面的 H R 2 白 E .蛋 及减少血 管 内皮生长 因子产生 等途径发挥作 用 。 适用于 H R 2过度表达 的乳腺癌 。 目前常规免 E一
国家其发病率较高 ,在我 国乳腺癌 的发病率呈明 显上升趋势 , 严重威胁女性健康 , 其临床转归受诸 多 因素影 响。人类表皮生长 因子受体 2( E 一/ H R2 C e B 2 Eb 一 )属 酪氨酸激酶受体家族成员 之 . b ./ rB 2 r 在 2 %一 0 0 3 %的 乳 腺 癌 患 者 中存 在该 基 因 的 扩
0. 5 0 .No s n f a c s fu d b t e n HER一 e e h g — mp i c t n a d p t ns g ra i a y i i c n e wa o n e w e g i 2 g n ih a l ai n ai t’a e o x l r i f o e l
H R2 E . 信号数与 C P 1 信号数的 比率 , 比值 ≥ E .7 若 22为 阳性 ( 增 ) < . 为 阴性 ( 扩 增 ) 若 比 . 扩 , 18则 无 ;
值 接 近 临 界 (.~ .) 需 要 再 计 数 2 1 22 , 8 0个 细 胞 核 中 的信号 。
1 . 统计 学方 法 4 所 有 数 据均 经 S S 1 . 件 分析 。两 组 问 比 P S 0软 1 较采用 x 或精 确概 率法检验 , 多组 因素问 比较采 用 K uk1 ls 验 , < .5为 差 异 有 统 计 学 意 rsa. l 检 Wa i P 00
HER2_HER2蛋白_HER2 Protein使用说明书

GMP级重组人 HER2蛋白(冻干粉)Recombinant Human HER2 Protein作用机理:Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2 (HER2),also called ERBB2, HER-2,HER-2/neu, NEU, NGL,TKR1 and c-erb B2,and is a protein giving higher aggressiveness in breast cancers. It isa member of the ErbB protein family, more commonly known as the epidermal growth factor receptor family. HER2 is a cell membrane surface-bound receptor tyrosine kinase and is normally involved in the signal transduction pathways leading to cell growth and differentiation. HER2 is thought to be an orphan receptor, with none of the EGF family of ligands able to activate it. Approximately 30% of breast cancers have an amplification of the HER2 gene or overexpression of its protein product. Overexpression of this receptor in breast cancer is associated with increased disease recurrence and worse prognosis. HER2 appears to play roles in development, cancer,communication at the neuromuscular junction andregulationof cell growth and differentiation.规格参数:货号:TL-734 规格:50ug产品信息:表达宿主:人 HEK293 细胞同源名称:ERBB2,CD340,HER-2/neu ,MLN19,NEU,NGL,TKR1蛋白序列:DNA 序列编码人 HER2( UniProtKB - P04626)表达带有 His 标签在 C 末端分子量:重组人 HER2 蛋白包含 630 个氨基酸,预测理论分子量为 71 kd纯度:≥95%采用 SDS-PAGE 凝胶和高效液相色谱分析内毒素:<0.1EU/ug生物活性:(ELISA) :固定人 HER2(His 标签)以浓度为 100 ng/mL (100 μL/孔) 能够结合抗人 HER2 抗体的线性范围是 0.1-5 ng/mL。

1.6.1 黏液癌 1.6.2 囊腺癌和柱状细胞黏液癌 1.6.3 印戒细胞癌
1.22 微小浸润导管癌(无编码.极少淋巴结转移.临床按DCIS处理) 1.23 导管内乳头状肿瘤
1.23.1 中心型乳头状瘤 . 0 1.23.2 外周型乳头状瘤 . 0 1.23.3 非典型乳头状瘤 1.23.4 导管内乳头状癌 .2 1.23.5 囊内乳头状癌 .2 1.24 良性上皮增生 1.24.1 包括各种类型腺病
◆Her-2: 又名C-erbB-2, Her-2/neu 定位于17q12.1-21
◆ Her-2属于EGFR家族成员 ◆为原癌基因,编码185KD的跨膜型酪氨酸激酶生长因子受体 ◆现有研究表明,在30%以上的人类肿瘤中存在Her-2基因的
扩增/过度表达(如乳腺癌、卵巢癌、子宫内膜癌、输卵管 癌、胃癌和前列腺癌等) 其中25~30%的乳腺癌为 Her-2基因的扩增/过度表达。
HER2 阳性
HER2 阴性
Slamon DJ et al. Science 1987;235:177–82
(一)无病生存期和总生存期短相关,肿瘤预后差.在 多变量分析结果中,HER2是肿瘤复发和总生存期 长短的独立预后因素
➢ 复发率 (P=0.001) ➢ 总生存 (P=0.02)
Her 检测的概述讲课文档

*未经选择的I, II和III期乳腺癌患者
时间 (月)
Pauletti G et al. J Clin Oncol. 2000;18:3651–3664.
Reprinted with permission. © 2008 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
二、HER2检测前的最佳实验——组织处理及固定 三、HER2检测中的最佳实践——方法及流程 四、HER2检测后的最佳实践——结果判读 五、读片 六、HER2检测的质控及质保
➢什么是HER2及其作用 ➢HER2检测的意义---乳腺癌&胃癌 ➢HER2检测的方法
Her 检测的概述
一、HER2检测的概述 二、HER2检测前的最佳实验——组织处理及固定 三、HER2检测中的最佳实践——方法及流程 四、HER2检测后的最佳实践——结果判读 五、读片 六、HER2检测的质控及质保
IHC3+ or IHC2+/FISH+
• 所有的胃或胃食管结合部癌患者都应在初次诊断时检测肿瘤的HER2状态。 • HER2在胃癌中过表达预示更差的疾病结局以及进展性更强的疾病类型 • 准确的胃癌HER2表达和基因扩增检测结果是进展期胃癌HER2靶向治疗患
正常HER2 表达
HER2 基因扩增导致HER2过表达

her2分子量(原创版)目录1.HER2 分子的概述2.HER2 分子量3.HER2 分子在乳腺癌治疗中的应用正文HER2 分子的概述HER2(人类表皮生长因子受体 2)是一种蛋白质,属于表皮生长因子受体家族成员之一。
HER2 基因在正常情况下对细胞生长和分裂起到调控作用。
然而,在乳腺癌等恶性肿瘤中,HER2 基因常常过度表达,导致 HER2 蛋白过量,从而刺激肿瘤细胞生长和分裂,促使肿瘤发生和发展。
HER2 分子量HER2 分子量为 185 kDa(千道尔顿),这是一种相对较大的蛋白质。
HER2 分子由三个结构域组成,包括细胞外区域、跨膜区域和细胞内区域。
HER2 分子量对于其在细胞信号传导中的功能至关重要。
HER2 分子在乳腺癌治疗中的应用HER2 过度表达与乳腺癌的发生、发展及预后不良密切相关。
因此,针对 HER2 的治疗策略已成为乳腺癌治疗的研究热点。
针对 HER2 分子的治疗手段包括:1.HER2 单克隆抗体:如曲妥珠单抗(赫赛汀),可结合 HER2 分子,抑制其功能,从而阻断肿瘤细胞生长和分裂。
2.HER2 酪氨酸激酶抑制剂:如拉帕替尼、厄洛替尼等,可抑制 HER2 酪氨酸激酶活性,进而阻断细胞内信号传导,从而达到抑制肿瘤细胞生长的目的。
3.抗体偶联药物:如 ado-trastuzumab emtansine(Kadcyla),通过将化疗药物与 HER2 单克隆抗体结合,提高化疗药物的靶向性,减少全身毒副作用。
4.HER2 疫苗:通过诱导患者产生针对 HER2 的免疫应答,达到抑制肿瘤生长的目的。
综上所述,HER2 分子量对于其在乳腺癌治疗中的应用具有重要意义。
色谱纯异丙醇技术参数 默克 -回复

rsv1002 阿尔卡特 罗茨泵说明书

rsv1002 阿尔卡特罗茨泵说明书
丙烯酸-2-羟基乙基酯 折射率

四、影响HEA折射率的因素1. 分子结构:HEA分子中羟基和丙烯酸酯基团的数量和排列方式会影响其折射率。
2. 温度:温度的变化会导致HEA的分子结构和密度发生变化,从而影响其折射率。
3. 浓度:HEA的浓度对其折射率也有一定影响,通常可以通过浓度-折射率曲线进行表征。
六、结语通过本文对HEA的折射率进行详细的探讨,我们可以清晰了解HEA 的光学性能及其在光学领域的重要应用。

1.Her-2结构:Her2位于染色体17q21,编码分子量为185KD的跨膜糖蛋白,由胞内酪氨酸激酶结构域、跨膜区和胞外结构域(extraeellular domain,ECD)三部分组成,是具有蛋白酪氨酸激酶(protein tyrosine kinace,PTK)活性的跨膜蛋白,属于表皮生长因子受体家族的成员。
HER-2 + 其他受体→异二聚体→发挥信号转导功能HER2的异二聚体使EGFR(表皮生长因子受体)在细胞膜过表达→细胞的增殖↑→肿瘤形成和生长↑3.Her2分子的检测目前一般采用免疫组织化学(IHC)检测Her2受体蛋白过表达,应用荧光原位杂交(FISH)和显色原位杂交(CISH)法检测Her2基因扩增的水平。


主任提问:HER-2检测结果,你能准确解读吗?Her-2(人表皮生长因子受体 2)属于原癌基因,别名 Her-2/neu、ErbB-2、lien、P185、CD340 等。
正常人体组织中Her-2 表达量极低,而在多种恶性肿瘤中高表达,与肿瘤侵袭性强、易复发、易转移等有密切关系,被认为是评估肿瘤预后的重要指标之一。
Her-2 基因激活机制包括扩增、过量表达、点突变。
Her-2 阳性具体指什么?通常来说,医院病理报告上 Her-2 阳性是指 Her-2 基因扩增或蛋白过度表达,但并不意味着点突变,点突变必须通过基因检测。
•Her-2 ( ) = Her-2 阳性•若 Her-2()需要进一步做 FISH 检测,FISH 检测 Her-2 基因有扩增的话,则判断为 Her-2 阳性Her-2 基因扩增与蛋白过量表达可同步或不同步发生例如,乳腺癌的Her-2 基因扩增比例是15~20% ,过量表达也是 15~20% ,在乳腺癌中 Her-2 基因扩增往往也会蛋白过量表达。
而在非小细胞肺癌中,Her-2 过表达比例为 11~32% ,扩增比例为 2~23% ,即基因扩增不一定会蛋白高表达。
Her-2 阳性具体到肿瘤类型上也有差别例如,Her-2 阳性在胃癌和乳腺癌中表达模式不同,判读标准也不同,胃癌首选IHC 方法进行检测,而乳腺癌没有强调先行IHC 或FISH 方法。
Her-2 阳性具体到药物上也是有差别的例如,曲妥珠单抗主要是结合Her-2 蛋白的抗体发挥作用,故判断疗效首选 IHC 检测 Her-2 蛋白的过量表达情况。
无论是 Her-2 基因扩增或过表达,均极少与 Her-2 基因突变同时存在哪些患者需要检测 Her-2?目前在乳腺癌、胃肠肿瘤、肺癌等里均发现了Her-2 基因的异常现象,其中在乳腺癌和胃癌中的研究最为成熟。

1. 药学学报Acta Pharm Sin2. 中药材Chin Med Mat3. 植物学报Acta Bot Sin4. 中国药学杂志Chin Pharm J5. 天然产物研究与开发Nat Prod Res Dev6. 中草药Chin Tradit Herbal Drugs7. 中国药学英文版J Chin Pharm Sci8. 河南植物志Flora of Henan9. 中国中药资源志要The Chinese Traditional Medicine Resource Records10. 中华大辞典Dictionary of Chinese Traditional Medicine11. 新编中药志Modern Chinese Material Medica12. 分析化学手册Handbook of Analytical Chmuistry13. 中国临床药理学杂志Chin J Clin Pharmacol14. 中国中药杂志Chin J Chin Mater Med15. 中国药科大学学报J Chin Pharm Univ16. 沈阳药科大学学报J Shenyang Pharm Univ17. 中国新药杂志Chin New Drug J18. 中国医院药学杂志Chin Hosp Pharm J19. xx 药典Ch.P20. 中国天然药物Chin J Nat Med21. 时珍国医国药 Lishizhen Med Mater Med Res22. 第二军医大学学报 Acad J Second Mil Med Univ第四军医大学学报 J Fourth Mil Med Univ23.中华人民共和国药典 P harmaco poeia of the P eo pie's Re public of Chi na24.药物分析杂志 J Pharm Anal26.医药导报 Her Med27.中国药理与临床 Chin Med Pharmaco ClinicChin J Exp Tradit Med Form 29.化学快报 Chem Pharm Bull30.亚洲天然产物Nat Prod Lett 中成药 CHIN TRADIT PAT MEDJ MOL CELL BIC 分子细胞生物学报)1674-2788 108 13.400CELL RE 细胞研究)1001-0602 4243 9.417FUNGAL DIVER 真菌多样性)1560-2745 1181 5.074MOL PLANT 分子植物)1674-2052 944 4.296WORLD J GASTROENTERO 界胃肠病学杂志)1007-9327 151192.240CELL MOL IMMUNO 细胞与分子免疫学)1672-7681 10512.02625.中国临床药理学杂志Chin J Clin Pharmacol 28.中国实验方剂学杂志ACTA PHARMACOL SI中国药理学报)1671-4083 43641.909ASIAN J ANDRO S洲男性学杂志)1008-682X 11941.549ACTA BIOCH BIOPH S生物化学与生物物理学学报)1672-9145 1131 1.547HEPATOB PANCREAT D国际肝胆胰疾病杂志)1499-3872 10201.514J ENVIRON SCI-CHIN环境科学学报)1001-0742 19501.513J GENET GENOMIC遗传学报)1673-8527 4141.494SCI CHINA SER中国科学C辑一生命科学(英文版)1006-9305 892 1.345J SYST EVOL植物分类学报)1674-4918 2071.295CHINESE SCI BU(科学通报)1001-6538 61481.087J RARE EARTH台湾医学会杂志)1002-0721 13051.086J BIONIC EN(G 仿生工程学报)1672-6529 2401.032J ZHEJIANG UNIV-SC浙江大学学报A(生命医学及生命科学版)-英1673-15817701.027CHINESE MED J-P EKIN中华医学杂志)0366-6999 39000.983P EDOS PHERE土壤圈)1002-0160 8190.978WORLD J P EDIATR世界儿科杂志)1708-8569 1250.945J UNIV SCI TECHNOUB京科技大学学报(英文版)1005-8850 5410.919P ROG NAT SC自然科学进展(英文版)1002-0071 11370.832INT J ORAL SCI国际口腔科学杂志)1674-2818 230.815ASIAN J SUR亚洲外科杂志(英文版)1015-9584 3400.652CHIN J INTEGR MED中国结合医学杂志,)1672-0415 1820.578J EXERC SCI F(运动科学杂志)1728-869X 430.421J HUAZHONG U SCI-MED华中科技大学学报)1672-0733 466J WUHAN UNIV TECHNO武汉理工大学学报(英文版)1000-2413 630 0.383J CENT SOUTH UNIV中南工业大学学报(英文版)1005-9784 5170.329J ZHEJIANG UNIV-SC浙江大学学报1673-565X 4420.322CHINESE J CANCER RE国癌症研究(英文版)1000-9604 640.252P ROG BIOCHEM BIO PHY生物化学与生物物理学进展)1000-3282 336 0.236HONG KONG J PAEDIATF香港儿科杂志)1013-9923 370.211NEURAL REGEN Rl中国神经再生研究(英文版)1673-5374 1090.180ASIAN PAC J TROP MED亚太热带医药杂志)1995-7645 420.172HONG KONG J EMERG ME香港急诊医学杂志)1024-9079 440.167LIFE SCI J生命科学杂志)1097-8135 430.158HONG KONG J DERMATOL香港皮肤科学杂志)1814-7453 4INT J OPH THALMOL-CHI 国际眼科杂志)1672-5123 1 0.000SCI CHINA LIFE S中国科学:生命科学(英文版). 1674-7305 65。
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HER1001G thru HER1007G
Glass Passivated High Efficient Rectifiers Reverse Voltage 50 to 1000 Volts Forward Current 1.0 Ampere
HER 1001G 50 35 50
HER 1002G 100 70 100
HER 1003G 200 140 200
HER 1004G 400 280 400 1.0
Glass passivated chip Ultra fast switching for high efficiency Low reverse leakage current Low forward voltage drop High current capability Easily cleaned with Freon, Alcohol, Chlorothene and similar solvents Plastic material has UL flammabitily classification 94V-0
Mechanical Data
Case : JEDEC DO-204AL(DO-41) molded plastic Polarity : Color band denotes cathode Weight : 0.012 ounce, 0.335 gram Mounting position : Any
HER 1005G 600 420 600
HER 1006G 800 560 800
HER 1007G 1000 700 1000
Units Volts Volts Volts Amp
பைடு நூலகம்
30.0 1.0 1.3 5.0 100 50 17 60 15 -55 to +150 -55 to +150 75 1.7
Amps Volts uA nS pF
@TA=25oC @TA=100oC
1. Thermal resistance from junction to ambient at 0.375" (9.5mm) lead length 2. Pulse test: 300us pulse width, 1% duty cycle
Parameter Maximum repetitive peak reverse voltage Maximum RMS voltage Maximum DC blocking voltage Maximum average forward rectified current 0.375" (9.5mm) lead length at TA=55oC Peak forward surge current 8.3ms single half sine-wave superimposed on rated load (JEDEC Method) Maximum instantaneous forward voltage at 1.0A (Note 2) Maximum DC reverse current at rated DC blocking voltage Maximum reverse recovery time IF=0.5A, IR=1.0A, Irr= 0.25A Typical junction capacitance at 4.0V, 1MHz Typical thermal resistance (Note 1) Operating junction temperature range Storage temperature range
Maximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics
Ratings at 25oC ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. Single phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load. For capacitive load, derate current by 20%