Spatial representation and reasoning


Modeling the Spatial Dynamics of Regional Land Use_The CLUE-S Model

Modeling the Spatial Dynamics of Regional Land Use_The CLUE-S Model

Modeling the Spatial Dynamics of Regional Land Use:The CLUE-S ModelPETER H.VERBURG*Department of Environmental Sciences Wageningen UniversityP.O.Box376700AA Wageningen,The NetherlandsandFaculty of Geographical SciencesUtrecht UniversityP.O.Box801153508TC Utrecht,The NetherlandsWELMOED SOEPBOERA.VELDKAMPDepartment of Environmental Sciences Wageningen UniversityP.O.Box376700AA Wageningen,The NetherlandsRAMIL LIMPIADAVICTORIA ESPALDONSchool of Environmental Science and Management University of the Philippines Los Ban˜osCollege,Laguna4031,Philippines SHARIFAH S.A.MASTURADepartment of GeographyUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia43600BangiSelangor,MalaysiaABSTRACT/Land-use change models are important tools for integrated environmental management.Through scenario analysis they can help to identify near-future critical locations in the face of environmental change.A dynamic,spatially ex-plicit,land-use change model is presented for the regional scale:CLUE-S.The model is specifically developed for the analysis of land use in small regions(e.g.,a watershed or province)at afine spatial resolution.The model structure is based on systems theory to allow the integrated analysis of land-use change in relation to socio-economic and biophysi-cal driving factors.The model explicitly addresses the hierar-chical organization of land use systems,spatial connectivity between locations and stability.Stability is incorporated by a set of variables that define the relative elasticity of the actual land-use type to conversion.The user can specify these set-tings based on expert knowledge or survey data.Two appli-cations of the model in the Philippines and Malaysia are used to illustrate the functioning of the model and its validation.Land-use change is central to environmental man-agement through its influence on biodiversity,water and radiation budgets,trace gas emissions,carbon cy-cling,and livelihoods(Lambin and others2000a, Turner1994).Land-use planning attempts to influence the land-use change dynamics so that land-use config-urations are achieved that balance environmental and stakeholder needs.Environmental management and land-use planning therefore need information about the dynamics of land use.Models can help to understand these dynamics and project near future land-use trajectories in order to target management decisions(Schoonenboom1995).Environmental management,and land-use planning specifically,take place at different spatial and organisa-tional levels,often corresponding with either eco-re-gional or administrative units,such as the national or provincial level.The information needed and the man-agement decisions made are different for the different levels of analysis.At the national level it is often suffi-cient to identify regions that qualify as“hot-spots”of land-use change,i.e.,areas that are likely to be faced with rapid land use conversions.Once these hot-spots are identified a more detailed land use change analysis is often needed at the regional level.At the regional level,the effects of land-use change on natural resources can be determined by a combina-tion of land use change analysis and specific models to assess the impact on natural resources.Examples of this type of model are water balance models(Schulze 2000),nutrient balance models(Priess and Koning 2001,Smaling and Fresco1993)and erosion/sedimen-tation models(Schoorl and Veldkamp2000).Most of-KEY WORDS:Land-use change;Modeling;Systems approach;Sce-nario analysis;Natural resources management*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed;email:pverburg@gissrv.iend.wau.nlDOI:10.1007/s00267-002-2630-x Environmental Management Vol.30,No.3,pp.391–405©2002Springer-Verlag New York Inc.ten these models need high-resolution data for land use to appropriately simulate the processes involved.Land-Use Change ModelsThe rising awareness of the need for spatially-ex-plicit land-use models within the Land-Use and Land-Cover Change research community(LUCC;Lambin and others2000a,Turner and others1995)has led to the development of a wide range of land-use change models.Whereas most models were originally devel-oped for deforestation(reviews by Kaimowitz and An-gelsen1998,Lambin1997)more recent efforts also address other land use conversions such as urbaniza-tion and agricultural intensification(Brown and others 2000,Engelen and others1995,Hilferink and Rietveld 1999,Lambin and others2000b).Spatially explicit ap-proaches are often based on cellular automata that simulate land use change as a function of land use in the neighborhood and a set of user-specified relations with driving factors(Balzter and others1998,Candau 2000,Engelen and others1995,Wu1998).The speci-fication of the neighborhood functions and transition rules is done either based on the user’s expert knowl-edge,which can be a problematic process due to a lack of quantitative understanding,or on empirical rela-tions between land use and driving factors(e.g.,Pi-janowski and others2000,Pontius and others2000).A probability surface,based on either logistic regression or neural network analysis of historic conversions,is made for future conversions.Projections of change are based on applying a cut-off value to this probability sur-face.Although appropriate for short-term projections,if the trend in land-use change continues,this methodology is incapable of projecting changes when the demands for different land-use types change,leading to a discontinua-tion of the trends.Moreover,these models are usually capable of simulating the conversion of one land-use type only(e.g.deforestation)because they do not address competition between land-use types explicitly.The CLUE Modeling FrameworkThe Conversion of Land Use and its Effects(CLUE) modeling framework(Veldkamp and Fresco1996,Ver-burg and others1999a)was developed to simulate land-use change using empirically quantified relations be-tween land use and its driving factors in combination with dynamic modeling.In contrast to most empirical models,it is possible to simulate multiple land-use types simultaneously through the dynamic simulation of competition between land-use types.This model was developed for the national and con-tinental level,applications are available for Central America(Kok and Winograd2001),Ecuador(de Kon-ing and others1999),China(Verburg and others 2000),and Java,Indonesia(Verburg and others 1999b).For study areas with such a large extent the spatial resolution of analysis was coarse(pixel size vary-ing between7ϫ7and32ϫ32km).This is a conse-quence of the impossibility to acquire data for land use and all driving factors atfiner spatial resolutions.A coarse spatial resolution requires a different data rep-resentation than the common representation for data with afine spatial resolution.Infine resolution grid-based approaches land use is defined by the most dom-inant land-use type within the pixel.However,such a data representation would lead to large biases in the land-use distribution as some class proportions will di-minish and other will increase with scale depending on the spatial and probability distributions of the cover types(Moody and Woodcock1994).In the applications of the CLUE model at the national or continental level we have,therefore,represented land use by designating the relative cover of each land-use type in each pixel, e.g.a pixel can contain30%cultivated land,40%grass-land,and30%forest.This data representation is di-rectly related to the information contained in the cen-sus data that underlie the applications.For each administrative unit,census data denote the number of hectares devoted to different land-use types.When studying areas with a relatively small spatial ex-tent,we often base our land-use data on land-use maps or remote sensing images that denote land-use types respec-tively by homogeneous polygons or classified pixels. When converted to a raster format this results in only one, dominant,land-use type occupying one unit of analysis. The validity of this data representation depends on the patchiness of the landscape and the pixel size chosen. Most sub-national land use studies use this representation of land use with pixel sizes varying between a few meters up to about1ϫ1km.The two different data represen-tations are shown in Figure1.Because of the differences in data representation and other features that are typical for regional appli-cations,the CLUE model can not directly be applied at the regional scale.This paper describes the mod-ified modeling approach for regional applications of the model,now called CLUE-S(the Conversion of Land Use and its Effects at Small regional extent). The next section describes the theories underlying the development of the model after which it is de-scribed how these concepts are incorporated in the simulation model.The functioning of the model is illustrated for two case-studies and is followed by a general discussion.392P.H.Verburg and othersCharacteristics of Land-Use SystemsThis section lists the main concepts and theories that are prevalent for describing the dynamics of land-use change being relevant for the development of land-use change models.Land-use systems are complex and operate at the interface of multiple social and ecological systems.The similarities between land use,social,and ecological systems allow us to use concepts that have proven to be useful for studying and simulating ecological systems in our analysis of land-use change (Loucks 1977,Adger 1999,Holling and Sanderson 1996).Among those con-cepts,connectivity is important.The concept of con-nectivity acknowledges that locations that are at a cer-tain distance are related to each other (Green 1994).Connectivity can be a direct result of biophysical pro-cesses,e.g.,sedimentation in the lowlands is a direct result of erosion in the uplands,but more often it is due to the movement of species or humans through the nd degradation at a certain location will trigger farmers to clear land at a new location.Thus,changes in land use at this new location are related to the land-use conditions in the other location.In other instances more complex relations exist that are rooted in the social and economic organization of the system.The hierarchical structure of social organization causes some lower level processes to be constrained by higher level dynamics,e.g.,the establishments of a new fruit-tree plantation in an area near to the market might in fluence prices in such a way that it is no longer pro fitable for farmers to produce fruits in more distant areas.For studying this situation an-other concept from ecology,hierarchy theory,is use-ful (Allen and Starr 1982,O ’Neill and others 1986).This theory states that higher level processes con-strain lower level processes whereas the higher level processes might emerge from lower level dynamics.This makes the analysis of the land-use system at different levels of analysis necessary.Connectivity implies that we cannot understand land use at a certain location by solely studying the site characteristics of that location.The situation atneigh-Figure 1.Data representation and land-use model used for respectively case-studies with a national/continental extent and local/regional extent.Modeling Regional Land-Use Change393boring or even more distant locations can be as impor-tant as the conditions at the location itself.Land-use and land-cover change are the result of many interacting processes.Each of these processes operates over a range of scales in space and time.These processes are driven by one or more of these variables that influence the actions of the agents of land-use and cover change involved.These variables are often re-ferred to as underlying driving forces which underpin the proximate causes of land-use change,such as wood extraction or agricultural expansion(Geist and Lambin 2001).These driving factors include demographic fac-tors(e.g.,population pressure),economic factors(e.g., economic growth),technological factors,policy and institutional factors,cultural factors,and biophysical factors(Turner and others1995,Kaimowitz and An-gelsen1998).These factors influence land-use change in different ways.Some of these factors directly influ-ence the rate and quantity of land-use change,e.g.the amount of forest cleared by new incoming migrants. Other factors determine the location of land-use change,e.g.the suitability of the soils for agricultural land use.Especially the biophysical factors do pose constraints to land-use change at certain locations, leading to spatially differentiated pathways of change.It is not possible to classify all factors in groups that either influence the rate or location of land-use change.In some cases the same driving factor has both an influ-ence on the quantity of land-use change as well as on the location of land-use change.Population pressure is often an important driving factor of land-use conver-sions(Rudel and Roper1997).At the same time it is the relative population pressure that determines which land-use changes are taking place at a certain location. Intensively cultivated arable lands are commonly situ-ated at a limited distance from the villages while more extensively managed grasslands are often found at a larger distance from population concentrations,a rela-tion that can be explained by labor intensity,transport costs,and the quality of the products(Von Thu¨nen 1966).The determination of the driving factors of land use changes is often problematic and an issue of dis-cussion(Lambin and others2001).There is no unify-ing theory that includes all processes relevant to land-use change.Reviews of case studies show that it is not possible to simply relate land-use change to population growth,poverty,and infrastructure.Rather,the inter-play of several proximate as well as underlying factors drive land-use change in a synergetic way with large variations caused by location specific conditions (Lambin and others2001,Geist and Lambin2001).In regional modeling we often need to rely on poor data describing this complexity.Instead of using the under-lying driving factors it is needed to use proximate vari-ables that can represent the underlying driving factors. Especially for factors that are important in determining the location of change it is essential that the factor can be mapped quantitatively,representing its spatial vari-ation.The causality between the underlying driving factors and the(proximate)factors used in modeling (in this paper,also referred to as“driving factors”) should be certified.Other system properties that are relevant for land-use systems are stability and resilience,concepts often used to describe ecological systems and,to some extent, social systems(Adger2000,Holling1973,Levin and others1998).Resilience refers to the buffer capacity or the ability of the ecosystem or society to absorb pertur-bations,or the magnitude of disturbance that can be absorbed before a system changes its structure by changing the variables and processes that control be-havior(Holling1992).Stability and resilience are con-cepts that can also be used to describe the dynamics of land-use systems,that inherit these characteristics from both ecological and social systems.Due to stability and resilience of the system disturbances and external in-fluences will,mostly,not directly change the landscape structure(Conway1985).After a natural disaster lands might be abandoned and the population might tempo-rally migrate.However,people will in most cases return after some time and continue land-use management practices as before,recovering the land-use structure (Kok and others2002).Stability in the land-use struc-ture is also a result of the social,economic,and insti-tutional structure.Instead of a direct change in the land-use structure upon a fall in prices of a certain product,farmers will wait a few years,depending on the investments made,before they change their cropping system.These characteristics of land-use systems provide a number requirements for the modelling of land-use change that have been used in the development of the CLUE-S model,including:●Models should not analyze land use at a single scale,but rather include multiple,interconnected spatial scales because of the hierarchical organization of land-use systems.●Special attention should be given to the drivingfactors of land-use change,distinguishing drivers that determine the quantity of change from drivers of the location of change.●Sudden changes in driving factors should not di-rectly change the structure of the land-use system asa consequence of the resilience and stability of theland-use system.394P.H.Verburg and others●The model structure should allow spatial interac-tions between locations and feedbacks from higher levels of organization.Model DescriptionModel StructureThe model is sub-divided into two distinct modules,namely a non-spatial demand module and a spatially explicit allocation procedure (Figure 2).The non-spa-tial module calculates the area change for all land-use types at the aggregate level.Within the second part of the model these demands are translated into land-use changes at different locations within the study region using a raster-based system.For the land-use demand module,different alterna-tive model speci fications are possible,ranging from simple trend extrapolations to complex economic mod-els.The choice for a speci fic model is very much de-pendent on the nature of the most important land-use conversions taking place within the study area and the scenarios that need to be considered.Therefore,the demand calculations will differ between applications and scenarios and need to be decided by the user for the speci fic situation.The results from the demandmodule need to specify,on a yearly basis,the area covered by the different land-use types,which is a direct input for the allocation module.The rest of this paper focuses on the procedure to allocate these demands to land-use conversions at speci fic locations within the study area.The allocation is based upon a combination of em-pirical,spatial analysis,and dynamic modelling.Figure 3gives an overview of the procedure.The empirical analysis unravels the relations between the spatial dis-tribution of land use and a series of factors that are drivers and constraints of land use.The results of this empirical analysis are used within the model when sim-ulating the competition between land-use types for a speci fic location.In addition,a set of decision rules is speci fied by the user to restrict the conversions that can take place based on the actual land-use pattern.The different components of the procedure are now dis-cussed in more detail.Spatial AnalysisThe pattern of land use,as it can be observed from an airplane window or through remotely sensed im-ages,reveals the spatial organization of land use in relation to the underlying biophysical andsocio-eco-Figure 2.Overview of the modelingprocedure.Figure 3.Schematic represen-tation of the procedure to allo-cate changes in land use to a raster based map.Modeling Regional Land-Use Change395nomic conditions.These observations can be formal-ized by overlaying this land-use pattern with maps de-picting the variability in biophysical and socio-economic conditions.Geographical Information Systems(GIS)are used to process all spatial data and convert these into a regular grid.Apart from land use, data are gathered that represent the assumed driving forces of land use in the study area.The list of assumed driving forces is based on prevalent theories on driving factors of land-use change(Lambin and others2001, Kaimowitz and Angelsen1998,Turner and others 1993)and knowledge of the conditions in the study area.Data can originate from remote sensing(e.g., land use),secondary statistics(e.g.,population distri-bution),maps(e.g.,soil),and other sources.To allow a straightforward analysis,the data are converted into a grid based system with a cell size that depends on the resolution of the available data.This often involves the aggregation of one or more layers of thematic data,e.g. it does not make sense to use a30-m resolution if that is available for land-use data only,while the digital elevation model has a resolution of500m.Therefore, all data are aggregated to the same resolution that best represents the quality and resolution of the data.The relations between land use and its driving fac-tors are thereafter evaluated using stepwise logistic re-gression.Logistic regression is an often used method-ology in land-use change research(Geoghegan and others2001,Serneels and Lambin2001).In this study we use logistic regression to indicate the probability of a certain grid cell to be devoted to a land-use type given a set of driving factors following:LogͩP i1ϪP i ͪϭ␤0ϩ␤1X1,iϩ␤2X2,i......ϩ␤n X n,iwhere P i is the probability of a grid cell for the occur-rence of the considered land-use type and the X’s are the driving factors.The stepwise procedure is used to help us select the relevant driving factors from a larger set of factors that are assumed to influence the land-use pattern.Variables that have no significant contribution to the explanation of the land-use pattern are excluded from thefinal regression equation.Where in ordinal least squares regression the R2 gives a measure of modelfit,there is no equivalent for logistic regression.Instead,the goodness offit can be evaluated with the ROC method(Pontius and Schnei-der2000,Swets1986)which evaluates the predicted probabilities by comparing them with the observed val-ues over the whole domain of predicted probabilities instead of only evaluating the percentage of correctly classified observations at afixed cut-off value.This is an appropriate methodology for our application,because we will use a wide range of probabilities within the model calculations.The influence of spatial autocorrelation on the re-gression results can be minimized by only performing the regression on a random sample of pixels at a certain minimum distance from one another.Such a selection method is adopted in order to maximize the distance between the selected pixels to attenuate the problem associated with spatial autocorrelation.For case-studies where autocorrelation has an important influence on the land-use structure it is possible to further exploit it by incorporating an autoregressive term in the regres-sion equation(Overmars and others2002).Based upon the regression results a probability map can be calculated for each land-use type.A new probabil-ity map is calculated every year with updated values for the driving factors that are projected to change in time,such as the population distribution or accessibility.Decision RulesLand-use type or location specific decision rules can be specified by the user.Location specific decision rules include the delineation of protected areas such as nature reserves.If a protected area is specified,no changes are allowed within this area.For each land-use type decision rules determine the conditions under which the land-use type is allowed to change in the next time step.These decision rules are implemented to give certain land-use types a certain resistance to change in order to generate the stability in the land-use structure that is typical for many landscapes.Three different situations can be distinguished and for each land-use type the user should specify which situation is most relevant for that land-use type:1.For some land-use types it is very unlikely that theyare converted into another land-use type after their first conversion;as soon as an agricultural area is urbanized it is not expected to return to agriculture or to be converted into forest cover.Unless a de-crease in area demand for this land-use type occurs the locations covered by this land use are no longer evaluated for potential land-use changes.If this situation is selected it also holds that if the demand for this land-use type decreases,there is no possi-bility for expansion in other areas.In other words, when this setting is applied to forest cover and deforestation needs to be allocated,it is impossible to reforest other areas at the same time.2.Other land-use types are converted more easily.Aswidden agriculture system is most likely to be con-verted into another land-use type soon after its396P.H.Verburg and othersinitial conversion.When this situation is selected for a land-use type no restrictions to change are considered in the allocation module.3.There is also a number of land-use types that oper-ate in between these two extremes.Permanent ag-riculture and plantations require an investment for their establishment.It is therefore not very likely that they will be converted very soon after into another land-use type.However,in the end,when another land-use type becomes more pro fitable,a conversion is possible.This situation is dealt with by de fining the relative elasticity for change (ELAS u )for the land-use type into any other land use type.The relative elasticity ranges between 0(similar to Situation 2)and 1(similar to Situation 1).The higher the de fined elasticity,the more dif ficult it gets to convert this land-use type.The elasticity should be de fined based on the user ’s knowledge of the situation,but can also be tuned during the calibration of the petition and Actual Allocation of Change Allocation of land-use change is made in an iterative procedure given the probability maps,the decision rules in combination with the actual land-use map,and the demand for the different land-use types (Figure 4).The following steps are followed in the calculation:1.The first step includes the determination of all grid cells that are allowed to change.Grid cells that are either part of a protected area or under a land-use type that is not allowed to change (Situation 1,above)are excluded from further calculation.2.For each grid cell i the total probability (TPROP i,u )is calculated for each of the land-use types u accord-ing to:TPROP i,u ϭP i,u ϩELAS u ϩITER u ,where ITER u is an iteration variable that is speci fic to the land use.ELAS u is the relative elasticity for change speci fied in the decision rules (Situation 3de-scribed above)and is only given a value if grid-cell i is already under land use type u in the year considered.ELAS u equals zero if all changes are allowed (Situation 2).3.A preliminary allocation is made with an equalvalue of the iteration variable (ITER u )for all land-use types by allocating the land-use type with the highest total probability for the considered grid cell.This will cause a number of grid cells to change land use.4.The total allocated area of each land use is nowcompared to the demand.For land-use types where the allocated area is smaller than the demanded area the value of the iteration variable is increased.For land-use types for which too much is allocated the value is decreased.5.Steps 2to 4are repeated as long as the demandsare not correctly allocated.When allocation equals demand the final map is saved and the calculations can continue for the next yearly timestep.Figure 5shows the development of the iteration parameter ITER u for different land-use types during asimulation.Figure 4.Representation of the iterative procedure for land-use changeallocation.Figure 5.Change in the iteration parameter (ITER u )during the simulation within one time-step.The different lines rep-resent the iteration parameter for different land-use types.The parameter is changed for all land-use types synchronously until the allocated land use equals the demand.Modeling Regional Land-Use Change397Multi-Scale CharacteristicsOne of the requirements for land-use change mod-els are multi-scale characteristics.The above described model structure incorporates different types of scale interactions.Within the iterative procedure there is a continuous interaction between macro-scale demands and local land-use suitability as determined by the re-gression equations.When the demand changes,the iterative procedure will cause the land-use types for which demand increased to have a higher competitive capacity (higher value for ITER u )to ensure enough allocation of this land-use type.Instead of only being determined by the local conditions,captured by the logistic regressions,it is also the regional demand that affects the actually allocated changes.This allows the model to “overrule ”the local suitability,it is not always the land-use type with the highest probability according to the logistic regression equation (P i,u )that the grid cell is allocated to.Apart from these two distinct levels of analysis there are also driving forces that operate over a certain dis-tance instead of being locally important.Applying a neighborhood function that is able to represent the regional in fluence of the data incorporates this type of variable.Population pressure is an example of such a variable:often the in fluence of population acts over a certain distance.Therefore,it is not the exact location of peoples houses that determines the land-use pattern.The average population density over a larger area is often a more appropriate variable.Such a population density surface can be created by a neighborhood func-tion using detailed spatial data.The data generated this way can be included in the spatial analysis as anotherindependent factor.In the application of the model in the Philippines,described hereafter,we applied a 5ϫ5focal filter to the population map to generate a map representing the general population pressure.Instead of using these variables,generated by neighborhood analysis,it is also possible to use the more advanced technique of multi-level statistics (Goldstein 1995),which enable a model to include higher-level variables in a straightforward manner within the regression equa-tion (Polsky and Easterling 2001).Application of the ModelIn this paper,two examples of applications of the model are provided to illustrate its function.TheseTable nd-use classes and driving factors evaluated for Sibuyan IslandLand-use classes Driving factors (location)Forest Altitude (m)GrasslandSlope Coconut plantation AspectRice fieldsDistance to town Others (incl.mangrove and settlements)Distance to stream Distance to road Distance to coast Distance to port Erosion vulnerability GeologyPopulation density(neighborhood 5ϫ5)Figure 6.Location of the case-study areas.398P.H.Verburg and others。



英语哲学思想解读50题1. The statement "All is flux" was proposed by _____.A. PlatoB. AristotleC. HeraclitusD. Socrates答案:C。



选项A 柏拉图强调理念论;选项B 亚里士多德注重实体和形式;选项D 苏格拉底主张通过对话和反思来寻求真理。

2. "Know thyself" is a famous saying from _____.A. ThalesB. PythagorasC. DemocritusD. Socrates答案:D。



选项A 泰勒斯主要研究自然哲学;选项B 毕达哥拉斯以数学和神秘主义著称;选项C 德谟克利特提出了原子论。

3. Which philosopher believed that the world is composed of water?A. AnaximenesB. AnaximanderC. ThalesD. Heraclitus答案:C。



选项A 阿那克西美尼认为是气;选项B 阿那克西曼德认为是无定;选项D 赫拉克利特提出万物皆流。

4. The idea of the "Forms" was put forward by _____.A. PlatoB. AristotleC. EpicurusD. Stoics答案:A。



选项B 亚里士多德对其进行了批判和发展;选项C 伊壁鸠鲁主张快乐主义;选项D 斯多葛学派强调道德和命运。

5. Who claimed that "The unexamined life is not worth living"?A. PlatoB. AristotleC. SocratesD. Epicurus答案:C。



accumulation of civilization, the number of spaces expressing rich spiritual content will also increase. For architects pursuing new architectural space design schemes, space narrative is undoubtedly a solution strategy. Tschumi uses the event-architecture theory in la Villette park to refer to the three parts of space, events and activities in the city through the three levels of point, line and plane. The narrative of space is well conveyed.Key words narrative space; deconstruction aesthetics; la Villette park; multiculturalism当今信息化技术发展迅速,相较于以往任何一个时代,人们受到的多样性数据冲击是前所未有的,对于空间的社会文化情感需求更加突出。

在此背景下,解构主义率先提出融合叙事领域的思想,伯纳德·屈米(Bernard Tschumi,以下简称“屈米”)作为先锋,其设计的拉·维莱特公园是建筑和景观领域运用叙事学进行创作的典例。



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它包含ArcView和ArcEditor 所有功能,并加上高级空间处理和数据转换ArcNews 美国ESRI向用户终生免费赠送的ArcNews报刊ArcSDE ArcSDE在ESRI GIS软件和DBMS之间提供通道,是一个空间数据引擎ArcUser Magazine 为ESRI用户创建的报刊ArcView 桌面GIS和制图软件,提供数据可视化,查询,分析和集成功能,以及创建和编辑地理数据的能力ARPANET ARPA 计算机网(美国国防部高级研究计划局建立的计算机网)aspatial data 非空间数据?Association of Geographic Information (AGI) 地理信息协会attribute data 属性数据attributes, types 属性,类型attributive geographic data 属性地理数据autocorrelation 自相关Autodesk MapGuide 美国Autodesk公司生产的Web GIS软件Automated mapping/facility management(AM/FM) systems 自动绘图/设备管理系统facilities 设备avatars 化身A VIRIS 机载可见光/红外成像光谱仪azimuthal projections 方位投影batch vectorization 批量矢量化beer consumption 啤酒消费benchmarking 基准Berry, Brianbest fit line 最优线binary counting system 二进制计算系统binomial distribution 二项式分布bivariate Gaussian distribution 二元高斯分布block encoding 块编码Bosnia, repartitioning 波斯尼亚,再分离成两个国家buffering 缓冲区分析Borrough, PeterBusiness and service planning(retailing) application in petroleum and convenience shopping 石油和便利购物的业务和服务规划(零售)应用business drivers 业务驱动business, GIS as 业务,地理信息系统作为Buttenfield, Barbaracadasters 土地清册Callingham, Martincannibalizing 调拨Cartesian coordinate system笛卡尔坐标系Cartograms 统计地图cartographic generalization 制图综合cartographic modeling 地图建模cartometric transformations 量图变换catalog view of database 数据库目录视图census data人口普查数据Census of Population 人口普查central Place Theory 中心区位论central point rule 中点规则central tendency 中心倾向centroid 质心choropleth mapping分区制图choosing a GIS 选择一个地理信息系统class 类别classification generalization 分类综合client 客户端client-server C/S结构客户端-服务器cluster analysis 聚类分析clutter 混乱coastline weave 海岸线codified knowledge 编码知识COGO data 坐标几何数据COGO editing tools 坐标几何编辑工具Collaboration 协作Local level 地方级National level 国家级Collection-level metadata 获取级元数据Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) systems 成熟的商业化系统chemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" />>> Commom object request broker architecture (CORBA) 公共对象请求代理体系结构Community, GIS 社区,地理信息系统Competition 竞争Component GIS 组件地理信息系统Component object model (COM) 组件对象模型Computer assisted mass appraisal (CAMA) 辅助大量估价,>>Computer-aided design (CAD)-based GIS 基于计算机辅助制图的地理信息系统Models 数据模型Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tool 计算机辅助软件工程工具Concatenation 串联Confidence limits 置信界限Conflation 异文合并Conformal property 等角特性Confusion matrix 混淆矩阵Conic projections 圆锥投影Connectivity 连接性Consolidation 巩固Constant term 常数项Contagious diffusion 传染扩散Continuing professional development (CPD) 持续专业发展Coordinates 坐标Copyright 版权Corridor 走廊Cost-benefit analysis 成本效益分析Cost-effectiveness evaluation 成本效率评估Counting method 计算方法Cresswell, PaulCustomer support 客户支持Cylindrical Equidistant Projection 圆柱等距投影Cylindrical projections 圆柱投影> >Dangermond, Jack 美国ESRI总裁>> dasymetric mapping 分区密度制图>>data 数据>>automation 自动化>>capture costs 获取代价>>capture project 获取工程>>collection workflow 采集工作流>> compression 压缩>>conversion 转换>>definition 定义>>geographic, nature of 地理数据,数据的性质>> GIS 地理信息系统>>industry 产业>>integration 集成>>mining 挖掘>>transfer 迁移>>translation 转化>>data model 数据模型>> definition 定义>>levels of abstraction 提取等级>> in practice 实际上>>types 类型>>database 数据库>>definition 定义>>design 设计>>generalization 综合>>global 全球的>>index 索引>>multi-user editing 多用户编辑>> structuring 结构>>database management system (DBMS) 数据库管理系统>>capabilities 能力>>data storage 数据存储>>geographic extensions 地理扩展>>types 类型>>Dayton Accord 达顿协定,1995年12月达顿协定(DAYTON ACCORD)签订,巴尔干和平已经实现,波斯尼亚(包括黑塞哥维那)再被分解成两个国家>>decision support 决策支持>>deductive reasoning 演绎推理>>definitions of GIS 地理信息系统的各种定义>>degrees of freedom 自由度>>density estimation 密度估算>>dependence in space 空间依赖>>desktop GIS 桌面地理信息系统>>desktop paradigms 桌面范例>>Digital Chart of the World (DCW) 世界数字化图>>digital divide 数字鸿沟>>Digital Earth 数字地球>>Digital elevation models (DEMs) 数字高程模型>>Digital line graph (DLG) 数字线划图>>Digital raster graphic (DRG) 数字影像图>>Digital representation 数字表现>>Digital terrain models 数字地形模型>>Digitizing 数字化>>DIME (Dual Independent Map Encoding) program 美国人口调查局建立的双重独立地图编码系统>> Dine CARE >>Discrete objects 离散对象>>Douglas-Poiker algorithm 道格拉斯-普克算法,一种矢量数据抽稀算法>>Dublin Core metadata standard 都柏林核心元数据标准>>Dynamic segmentation 动态分割>>Dynamic simulation models 动态仿真模型>>> >Easting 朝东方>>Ecological fallacy 生态谬误>>e-commerce 电子商业>>editing 编辑>>education 教育>>electromagnetic spectrum 电磁光谱>>ellipsoids 偏振光椭圆率测量仪>>of rotation 旋转的>>emergency evacuation 应急撤退>>encapsulation 封装>>environmental applications 环境应用>>environmental impact 环境影响>>epidemiology 流行病学>>equal area property 等面积特性>>Equator 赤道>>ERDAS ERDAS公司是世界上最大的专业遥感图像处理软件公司,用户遍布100多个国家,软件套数超过17000套。



When it comes to achieving consensus in the realm of viewpoints,several key strategies and considerations come into play.Heres a detailed exploration of the topic:1.Understanding Diverse Perspectives:The first step towards consensus is understanding the various viewpoints that exist.This involves active listening and empathy,allowing each party to express their thoughts without judgment.2.Respecting Differences:Its crucial to respect the differences in opinions.Recognizing that each persons perspective is shaped by their unique experiences and values can help foster an environment of mutual respect.3.Open Communication:Open and transparent communication is vital.This means being clear about ones own views while also being receptive to others input.Its about finding a common ground where dialogue can flourish.4.Identifying Common Goals:Often,despite differing viewpoints,there are underlying shared goals or values.Identifying these can serve as a foundation for building consensus.promise and Adaptability:Being willing to compromise is essential.This doesnt mean abandoning ones beliefs but being flexible enough to adapt to a solution that accommodates the needs and desires of all parties involved.6.Building Trust:Trust is a cornerstone of any consensusbuilding process.It involves being reliable,honest,and consistent in ones actions and Evidence and Reasoning:Presenting wellreasoned arguments supported by evidence can help persuade others and move towards a consensus.Its about appealing to logic and facts rather than emotions.8.Negotiation Skills:Effective negotiation is a skill that can facilitate consensus.This includes understanding the needs of others,making concessions,and finding winwin solutions.9.Patience and Persistence:Building consensus takes time.Patience is necessary to allow for the process to unfold,and persistence is required to keep the dialogue going even when it seems challenging.10.Conflict Resolution:Inevitably,conflicts will arise.Knowing how to resolve them constructively is crucial.This involves addressing the issues directly,finding solutions that are acceptable to all parties,and moving forward together.11.Inclusivity:Ensuring that all voices are heard and considered is important.This inclusivity helps in creating a sense of belonging and is instrumental in reaching a consensus.12.Reflecting and Learning:After a consensus has been reached,its important to reflect on the process and learn from it.This can help in improving future consensusbuilding efforts.In conclusion,consensus is not about everyone agreeing on every detail but finding a middle ground that respects and incorporates the core values and interests of all parties involved.Its a dynamic process that requires openmindedness,effective communication, and a commitment to collaboration.。

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

designed speci cally for automation, Fitting 1983] has developed a related approach based on deductive tableaux. This leads one to wonder whether there are any methods for systematically constructing modal deduction systems from non-modal systems, whether an understanding of the modal systems can be obtained from an understanding of the original non-modal systems, and whether there is a common set of principles underlying systems constructed in this manner. This paper presents a framework for the systematic design of modal deduction systems that allows us to respond a rmatively to each of the above questions. The framework achieves signi cant generality in that it provides for the extension of a wide range of nonmodal deduction systems to corresponding deduction systems for a wide range of modal logics. Along with this transformation of the deductive rules, the proofs of completeness of the original deductive system are transformed into a proof of completeness of the new deductive system. The resulting description and proof of correctness of the new system is relatively simple because it draws upon the general principles of the framework. The framework enables us to provide a proof of completeness of a deductive method, based upon resolution and paramodulation, for modal logics with equality. Most of the features of most of the members of the class of methods mentioned above can be recast into this framework. Those aspects of the methods that can not be so reconstructed serve to delimit the domain of applicability of the framework. A deeper understanding of how this class of related approaches work has been achieved. Very roughly stated, our method works as follows: We start with a set of modal sentences on which the deduction is to be performed. These sentences are translated into non-modal sentences that contain K-atoms, atoms whose predicate symbol represents the accessibility relation between possible worlds. In the case of varying domain modal logics, E-atoms, atoms whose predicate symbol denotes the existence



罗素摹状词理论研究罗素提出的摹状词(sense data)理论,是他的认知论体系的核心内容之一。








接下来举出5个例子,来证明摹状词理论的正确性:1. 看到一张红色的苹果,我们会感到红色的视觉摹状词、苹果的形态摹状词、甜味或酸味的味觉摹状词,以及香气的嗅觉摹状词等。


2. 听到一首歌曲,我们会感到节拍的摹状词、歌曲的旋律摹状词、歌词的语言摹状词,以及可能还有人声或乐器的声音摹状词。


3. 摸到一件丝绸衣物,我们会体验到温度的摹状词、质感的摹状词、重量的摹状词,以及衣物线条和形状的触觉摹状词。


4. 品尝一道美食,我们会感受到口感的摹状词、味道的摹状词、香气的摹状词,以及食物颜色和形状的视觉摹状词。


5. 感受到阳光和微风,我们会体验到温度的摹状词、光照的摹状词、风的摹状词以及周围环境的感觉摹状词等。



与演绎和归纳不同的是,因果过程追踪方法以溯因推论( abductive reasoning) 为 逻辑路径,研究者从其他案例环境中借鉴观测结果、研究结论及已有文献,同时深入 考察具体事件( Schwartz-Shea and Yanow,2012) ,研究过程经过循环往复“多次迭代” ( in a feedback loop) ,在经验观察和抽象理论之间灵活移动,开展更具扩展性的事件 追踪( Schwartz-Shea and Yanow,2012; Beach and Pedersen,2019) 。这个方法在对特 定案例进行观察分析时,一般不对事实进行过度筛选,而注重将案例事实与特定时 间和空间情境进行联系,从而在研究设计中纳入多个因果解释的可能性,通过梳理 结构性变量之间的相互作用以及多变量时序变化引起的非线性效应,从而在同一解 释框架内解释复杂的政策现象( Kay and Baker,2015) 。该方法更为关注因果过程展 开的社会情境、因果机制的时空范围条件及其基础理论,其目标是通过对单个或少 数案例的深度质性分析来观察因果过程,理清不同结构性因素对结果产生影响的过 程,揭示政 策 现 象 和 政 策 结 果 之 间 的 因 果 机 制 ( Mahoney,2004; Gerring,2007; Falleti and Lynch,2009; Goertz and Mahoney,2012; Trampusch and Palier,2016) 。
与量化研究相 比,质 性 研 究 显 然 更 擅 长 于 发 掘 和 描 述 政 策 变 化 过 程 的 因 果 机 制①( 朱天飚,2017) 。“一个完整的解释,必须规定一种机制来描述一个变量影响另 一个变量的过程,换句话说,X 是如何产生 Y 的”( Kiser and Hechter,1991) 。质性方 法论体系利用个案分析方法研究社会现实案例,是国内外公共管理以及公共政策研 究的重要载体( Sigelman and Gadbois,1983; 马骏,2012) 。个案分析方法通过对公共 政策过程的全景式描述,多角度地把握研究对象的特征,可以探索揭示公共政策实 施过 程 的 因 果 机 制,但 其 方 法 论 瓶 颈 在 于 从 个 别 到 一 般 的 因 果 推 论 解 释 力 弱 ( Eisenhardt,1989; Yin,1994; Goodin,2009) 。为提高因果推论能力,公共政策的质 性研究方法论 体 系 需 要 进 一 步 突 破。近 年 来 兴 起 的 因 果 过 程 追 踪 方 法 ( Causal Process Tracing) 具有识别并纠正虚假因果关联以及遗漏变量偏误等内生性问题的方 法论优势( Falleti,2016; 张长东,2018) ,成为公共政策学者可以使用的重要方法论 工具。




















第38卷第3期2024年5月山东理工大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Shandong University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)Vol.38No.3May 2024收稿日期:20230323基金项目:江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK20200824)第一作者:夏伦超,男,20211249098@;通信作者:赵中原,男,zhaozhongyuan@文章编号:1672-6197(2024)03-0058-07基于周期采样的分布式动态事件触发优化算法夏伦超1,韦梦立2,季秋桐2,赵中原1(1.南京信息工程大学自动化学院,江苏南京210044;2.东南大学网络空间安全学院,江苏南京211189)摘要:针对无向图下多智能体系统的优化问题,提出一种基于周期采样机制的分布式零梯度和优化算法,并设计一种新的动态事件触发策略㊂该策略中加入与历史时刻智能体状态相关的动态变量,有效降低了系统通信量;所提出的算法允许采样周期任意大,并考虑了通信延时的影响,利用Lyapunov 稳定性理论推导出算法收敛的充分条件㊂数值仿真进一步验证了所提算法的有效性㊂关键词:分布式优化;多智能体系统;动态事件触发;通信时延中图分类号:TP273文献标志码:ADistributed dynamic event triggerring optimizationalgorithm based on periodic samplingXIA Lunchao 1,WEI Mengli 2,JI Qiutong 2,ZHAO Zhongyuan 1(1.College of Automation,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;2.School of Cyber Science and Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,China)Abstract :A distributed zero-gradient-sum optimization algorithm based on a periodic sampling mechanism is proposed to address the optimization problem of multi-agent systems under undirected graphs.A novel dynamic event-triggering strategy is designed,which incorporates dynamic variables as-sociated with the historical states of the agents to effectively reduce the system communication overhead.Moreover,the algorithm allows for arbitrary sampling periods and takes into consideration the influence oftime delay.Finally,sufficient conditions for the convergence of the algorithm are derived by utilizing Lya-punov stability theory.The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is further demonstrated through numer-ical simulations.Keywords :distributed optimization;multi-agent systems;dynamic event-triggered;time delay ㊀㊀近些年,多智能体系统的分布式优化问题因其在多机器人系统的合作㊁智能交通系统的智能运输系统和微电网的分布式经济调度等诸多领域的应用得到了广泛的研究[1-3]㊂如今,已经提出各种分布式优化算法㊂文献[4]提出一种结合负反馈和梯度流的算法来解决平衡有向图下的无约束优化问题;文献[5]提出一种基于自适应机制的分布式优化算法来解决局部目标函数非凸的问题;文献[6]设计一种抗干扰的分布式优化算法,能够在具有未知外部扰动的情况下获得最优解㊂然而,上述工作要求智能体与其邻居不断地交流,这在现实中会造成很大的通信负担㊂文献[7]首先提出分布式事件触发控制器来解决多智能体系统一致性问题;事件触发机制的核心是设计一个基于误差的触发条件,只有满足触发条件时智能体间才进行通信㊂文献[8]提出一种基于通信网络边信息的事件触发次梯度优化㊀算法,并给出了算法的指数收敛速度㊂文献[9]提出一种基于事件触发机制的零梯度和算法,保证系统状态收敛到最优解㊂上述事件触发策略是静态事件触发策略,即其触发阈值仅与智能体的状态相关,当智能体的状态逐渐收敛时,很容易满足触发条件并将生成大量不必要的通信㊂因此,需要设计更合理的触发条件㊂文献[10]针对非线性系统的增益调度控制问题,提出一种动态事件触发机制的增益调度控制器;文献[11]提出一种基于动态事件触发条件的零梯度和算法,用于有向网络的优化㊂由于信息传输的复杂性,时间延迟在实际系统中无处不在㊂关于考虑时滞的事件触发优化问题的文献很多㊂文献[12]研究了二阶系统的凸优化问题,提出时间触发算法和事件触发算法两种分布式优化算法,使得所有智能体协同收敛到优化问题的最优解,并有效消除不必要的通信;文献[13]针对具有传输延迟的多智能体系统,提出一种具有采样数据和时滞的事件触发分布式优化算法,并得到系统指数稳定的充分条件㊂受文献[9,14]的启发,本文提出一种基于动态事件触发机制的分布式零梯度和算法,与使用静态事件触发机制的文献[15]相比,本文采用动态事件触发机制可以避免智能体状态接近最优值时频繁触发造成的资源浪费㊂此外,考虑到进行动态事件触发判断需要一定的时间,使用当前状态值是不现实的,因此,本文使用前一时刻状态值来构造动态事件触发条件,更符合逻辑㊂由于本文采用周期采样机制,这进一步降低了智能体间的通信频率,但采样周期过长会影响算法收敛㊂基于文献[14]的启发,本文设计的算法允许采样周期任意大,并且对于有时延的系统,只需要其受采样周期的限制,就可得到保证多智能体系统达到一致性和最优性的充分条件㊂最后,通过对一个通用示例进行仿真,验证所提算法的有效性㊂1㊀预备知识及问题描述1.1㊀图论令R表示实数集,R n表示向量集,R nˑn表示n ˑn实矩阵的集合㊂将包含n个智能体的多智能体系统的通信网络用图G=(V,E)建模,每个智能体都视为一个节点㊂该图由顶点集V={1,2, ,n}和边集E⊆VˑV组成㊂定义A=[a ij]ɪR nˑn为G 的加权邻接矩阵,当a ij>0时,表明节点i和节点j 间存在路径,即(i,j)ɪE;当a ij=0时,表明节点i 和节点j间不存在路径,即(i,j)∉E㊂D=diag{d1, ,d n}表示度矩阵,拉普拉斯矩阵L等于度矩阵减去邻接矩阵,即L=D-A㊂当图G是无向图时,其拉普拉斯矩阵是对称矩阵㊂1.2㊀凸函数设h i:R nңR是在凸集ΩɪR n上的局部凸函数,存在正常数φi使得下列条件成立[16]:h i(b)-h i(a)- h i(a)T(b-a)ȡ㊀㊀㊀㊀φi2 b-a 2,∀a,bɪΩ,(1)h i(b)- h i(a)()T(b-a)ȡ㊀㊀㊀㊀φi b-a 2,∀a,bɪΩ,(2) 2h i(a)ȡφi I n,∀aɪΩ,(3)式中: h i为h i的一阶梯度, 2h i为h i的二阶梯度(也称黑塞矩阵)㊂1.3㊀问题描述考虑包含n个智能体的多智能体系统,假设每个智能体i的成本函数为f i(x),本文的目标是最小化以下的优化问题:x∗=arg minxɪΩðni=1f i(x),(4)式中:x为决策变量,x∗为全局最优值㊂1.4㊀主要引理引理1㊀假设通信拓扑图G是无向且连通的,对于任意XɪR n,有以下关系成立[17]:X T LXȡαβX T L T LX,(5)式中:α是L+L T2最小的正特征值,β是L T L最大的特征值㊂引理2(中值定理)㊀假设局部成本函数是连续可微的,则对于任意实数y和y0,存在y~=y0+ω~(y -y0),使得以下不等式成立:f i(y)=f i(y0)+∂f i∂y(y~)(y-y0),(6)式中ω~是正常数且满足ω~ɪ(0,1)㊂2㊀基于动态事件触发机制的分布式优化算法及主要结果2.1㊀考虑时延的分布式动态事件触发优化算法本文研究具有时延的多智能体系统的优化问题㊂为了降低智能体间的通信频率,提出一种采样周期可任意设计的分布式动态事件触发优化算法,95第3期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀夏伦超,等:基于周期采样的分布式动态事件触发优化算法其具体实现通信优化的流程图如图1所示㊂首先,将邻居和自身前一触发时刻状态送往控制器(本文提出的算法),得到智能体的状态x i (t )㊂然后,预设一个固定采样周期h ,使得所有智能体在同一时刻进行采样㊂同时,在每个智能体上都配置了事件检测器,只在采样时刻检查是否满足触发条件㊂接着,将前一采样时刻的智能体状态发送至构造的触发器中进行判断,当满足设定的触发条件时,得到触发时刻的智能体状态x^i (t )㊂最后,将得到的本地状态x^i (t )用于更新自身及其邻居的控制操作㊂由于在实际传输中存在时延,因此需要考虑满足0<τ<h 的时延㊂图1㊀算法实现流程图考虑由n 个智能体构成的多智能体系统,其中每个智能体都能独立进行计算和相互通信,每个智能体i 具有如下动态方程:x ㊃i (t )=-1h2f i (x i )()-1u i (t ),(7)式中u i (t )为设计的控制算法,具体为u i (t )=ðnj =1a ij x^j (t -τ)-x ^i (t -τ)()㊂(8)㊀㊀给出设计的动态事件触发条件:θi d i e 2i (lh )-γq i (lh -h )()ɤξi (lh ),(9)q i (t )=ðnj =1a ij x^i (t -τ)-x ^j (t -τ)()2,(10)㊀㊀㊀ξ㊃i (t )=1h[-μi ξi (lh )+㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀δi γq i (lh -h )-d i e 2i (lh )()],(11)式中:d i 是智能体i 的入度;γ是正常数;θi ,μi ,δi 是设计的参数㊂令x i (lh )表示采样时刻智能体的状态,偏差变量e i (lh )=x i (lh )-x^i (lh )㊂注释1㊀在进行动态事件触发条件设计时,可以根据不同的需求为每个智能体设定不同的参数θi ,μi ,δi ,以确保其能够在特定的情境下做出最准确的反应㊂本文为了方便分析,选择为每个智能体设置相同的θi ,μi ,δi ,以便更加清晰地研究其行为表现和响应能力㊂2.2㊀主要结果和分析由于智能体仅在采样时刻进行事件触发条件判断,并在达到触发条件后才通信,因此有x ^i (t -τ)=x^i (lh )㊂定理1㊀假设无向图G 是连通的,对于任意i ɪV 和t >0,当满足条件(12)时,在算法(7)和动态事件触发条件(9)的作用下,系统状态趋于优化解x ∗,即lim t ңx i (t )=x ∗㊂12-β2φm α-τβ2φm αh -γ>0,μi+δi θi <1,μi-1-δi θi >0,ìîíïïïïïïïï(12)式中φm =min{φ1,φ2}㊂证明㊀对于t ɪ[lh +τ,(l +1)h +τ),定义Lyapunov 函数V (t )=V 1(t )+V 2(t ),其中:V 1(t )=ðni =1f i (x ∗)-f i (x i )-f ᶄi (x i )(x ∗-x i )(),V 2(t )=ðni =1ξi (t )㊂令E (t )=e 1(t ), ,e n (t )[]T ,X (t )=x 1(t ), ,x n (t )[]T ,X^(t )=x ^1(t ), ,x ^n (t )[]T ㊂对V 1(t )求导得V ㊃1(t )=1h ðni =1u i (t )x ∗-x i (t )(),(13)由于ðni =1ðnj =1a ij x ^j (t -τ)-x ^i (t -τ)()㊃x ∗=0成立,有V ㊃1(t )=-1hX T (t )LX ^(lh )㊂(14)6山东理工大学学报(自然科学版)2024年㊀由于㊀㊀X (t )=X (lh +τ)-(t -lh -τ)X ㊃(t )=㊀㊀㊀㊀X (lh )+τX ㊃(lh )+t -lh -τhΓ1LX^(lh )=㊀㊀㊀㊀X (lh )-τh Γ2LX^(lh -h )+㊀㊀㊀㊀(t -lh -τ)hΓ1LX^(lh ),(15)式中:Γ1=diag (f i ᶄᶄ(x ~11))-1, ,(f i ᶄᶄ(x ~1n ))-1{},Γ2=diag (f i ᶄᶄ(x ~21))-1, ,(f i ᶄᶄ(x ~2n))-1{},x ~1iɪ(x i (lh +τ),x i (t )),x ~2i ɪ(x i (lh ),x i (lh+τ))㊂将式(15)代入式(14)得㊀V ㊃1(t )=-1h E T (lh )LX ^(lh )-1hX ^T (lh )LX ^(lh )+㊀㊀㊀τh2Γ2X ^T (lh -h )L T LX ^(lh )+㊀㊀㊀(t -lh -τ)h2Γ1X ^T (lh )L T LX ^(lh )㊂(16)根据式(3)得(f i ᶄᶄ(x ~i 1))-1ɤ1φi,i =1, ,n ㊂即Γ1ɤ1φm I n ,Γ2ɤ1φmI n ,φm =min{φ1,φ2}㊂首先对(t -lh -τ)h2Γ1X ^T (lh )L T LX ^(lh )项进行分析,对于t ɪ[lh +τ,(l +1)h +τ),基于引理1和式(3)有(t -lh -τ)h2Γ1X ^T (lh )L T LX ^(lh )ɤβhφm αX ^T (lh )LX ^(lh )ɤβ2hφm αðni =1q i(lh ),(17)式中最后一项根据X^T (t )LX ^(t )=12ðni =1q i(t )求得㊂接着分析τh2Γ2X ^(lh -h )L T LX ^(lh ),根据引理1和杨式不等式有:τh2Γ2X ^T (lh -h )L T LX ^(lh )ɤ㊀㊀㊀㊀τβ2h 2φm αX ^T (lh -h )LX ^(lh -h )+㊀㊀㊀㊀τβ2h 2φm αX ^T (lh )LX ^(lh )ɤ㊀㊀㊀㊀τβ4h 2φm αðni =1q i (lh -h )+ðni =1q i (lh )[]㊂(18)将式(17)和式(18)代入式(16)得㊀V ㊃1(t )ɤβ2φm α+τβ4φm αh -12()1h ðni =1q i(lh )+㊀㊀㊀τβ4φm αh ðni =1q i (lh -h )+1h ðni =1d i e 2i(lh )㊂(19)根据式(11)得V ㊃2(t )=-ðni =1μih ξi(lh )+㊀㊀㊀㊀ðni =1δihγq i (lh -h )-d i e 2i (lh )()㊂(20)结合式(19)和式(20)得V ㊃(t )ɤ-12-β2φm α-τβ4φm αh ()1h ðni =1q i (lh )+㊀㊀㊀㊀τβ4φm αh 2ðn i =1q i (lh -h )+γh ðni =1q i (lh -h )-㊀㊀㊀㊀1h ðni =1(μi -1-δi θi)ξi (lh ),(21)因此根据李雅普诺夫函数的正定性以及Squeeze 定理得㊀V (l +1)h +τ()-V (lh +τ)ɤ㊀㊀㊀-12-β2φm α-τβ4φm αh()ðni =1q i(lh )+㊀㊀㊀τβ4φm αh ðni =1q i (lh -h )+γðni =1q i (lh -h )-㊀㊀㊀ðni =1(μi -1-δiθi)ξi (lh )㊂(22)对式(22)迭代得V (l +1)h +τ()-V (h +τ)ɤ㊀㊀-12-β2φm α-τβ2φm αh-γ()ðl -1k =1ðni =1q i(kh )+㊀㊀τβ4φm αh ðni =1q i (0h )-㊀㊀12-β2φm α-τβ4φm αh()ðni =1q i(lh )-㊀㊀ðlk =1ðni =1μi -1-δiθi()ξi (kh ),(23)进一步可得㊀lim l ңV (l +1)h -V (h )()ɤ㊀㊀㊀τβ4φm αh ðni =1q i(0h )-16第3期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀夏伦超,等:基于周期采样的分布式动态事件触发优化算法㊀㊀㊀ðni =1(μi -1-δi θi )ðl =1ξi (lh )-㊀㊀㊀12-β2φm α-τβ2φm αh-γ()ð l =1ðni =1q i(lh )㊂(24)由于q i (lh )ȡ0和V (t )ȡ0,由式(24)得lim l ң ðni =1ξi (lh )=0㊂(25)基于ξi 的定义和拉普拉斯矩阵的性质,可以得到每个智能体的最终状态等于相同的常数,即lim t ңx 1(t )= =lim t ңx n (t )=c ㊂(26)㊀㊀由于目标函数的二阶导数具有以下性质:ðni =1d f ᶄi (x i (t ))()d t =㊀㊀㊀㊀-ðn i =1ðnj =1a ij x ^j (t )-x ^i (t )()=㊀㊀㊀㊀-1T LX^(t )=0,(27)式中1=[1, ,1]n ,所以可以得到ðni =1f i ᶄ(x i (t ))=ðni =1f i ᶄ(x ∗i )=0㊂(28)联立式(26)和式(28)得lim t ңx 1(t )= =lim t ңx n (t )=c =x ∗㊂(29)㊀㊀定理1证明完成㊂当不考虑通信时延τ时,可由定理1得到推论1㊂推论1㊀假设通信图G 是无向且连通的,当不考虑时延τ时,对于任意i ɪV 和t >0,若条件(30)成立,智能体状态在算法(7)和触发条件(9)的作用下趋于最优解㊂14-n -1φm -γ>0,μi+δi θi <1,μi-1-δi θi >0㊂ìîíïïïïïïïï(30)㊀㊀证明㊀该推论的证明过程类似定理1,由定理1结果可得14-β2φm α-γ>0㊂(31)令λn =βα,由于λn 是多智能体系统的全局信息,因此每个智能体很难获得,但其上界可以根据以下关系来估计:λn ɤ2d max ɤ2(n -1),(32)式中d max =max{d i },i =1, ,n ㊂因此得到算法在没有时延情况下的充分条件:14-n -1φm -γ>0㊂(33)㊀㊀推论1得证㊂注释2㊀通过定理1得到的稳定性条件,可以得知当采样周期h 取较小值时,由于0<τ<h ,因此二者可以抵消,从而稳定性不受影响;而当采样周期h 取较大值时,τβ2φm αh项可以忽略不计,因此从理论分析可以得出允许采样周期任意大的结论㊂从仿真实验方面来看,当采样周期h 越大,需要的收剑时间越长,但最终结果仍趋于优化解㊂然而,在文献[18]中,采样周期过大会导致稳定性条件难以满足,即算法最终难以收敛,无法达到最优解㊂因此,本文提出的算法允许采样周期任意大,这一创新点具有重要意义㊂3㊀仿真本文对一个具有4个智能体的多智能体网络进行数值模拟,智能体间的通信拓扑如图2所示㊂采用4个智能体的仿真网络仅是为了初步验证所提算法的有效性㊂值得注意的是,当多智能体的数量增加时,算法的时间复杂度和空间复杂度会增加,但并不会影响其有效性㊂因此,该算法在更大规模的多智能体网络中同样适用㊂成本函数通常选择凸函数㊂例如,在分布式传感器网络中,成本函数为z i -x 2+εi x 2,其中x 表示要估计的未知参数,εi 表示观测噪声,z i 表示在(0,1)中均匀分布的随机数;在微电网中,成本函数为a i x 2+b i x +c i ,其中a i ,b i ,c i 是发电机成本参数㊂这两种情境下的成本函数形式不同,但本质上都是凸函数㊂本文采用论文[19]中的通用成本函数(式(34)),用于证明本文算法在凸函数上的可行性㊂此外,通信拓扑图结构并不会影响成本函数的设计,因此,本文的成本函数在分布式网络凸优化问题中具有通用性㊂g i (x )=(x -i )4+4i (x -i )2,i =1,2,3,4㊂(34)很明显,当x i 分别等于i 时,得到最小局部成本函数,但是这不是全局最优解x ∗㊂因此,需要使用所提算法来找到x ∗㊂首先设置重要参数,令φm =16,γ=0.1,θi =1,ξi (0)=5,μi =0.2,δi =0.2,26山东理工大学学报(自然科学版)2024年㊀图2㊀通信拓扑图x i (0)=i ,i =1,2,3,4㊂图3为本文算法(7)解决优化问题(4)时各智能体的状态,其中设置采样周期h =3,时延τ=0.02㊂智能体在图3中渐进地达成一致,一致值为全局最优点x ∗=2.935㊂当不考虑采样周期影响时,即在采样周期h =3,时延τ=0.02的条件下,采用文献[18]中的算法(10)时,各智能体的状态如图4所示㊂显然,在避免采样周期的影响后,本文算法具有更快的收敛速度㊂与文献[18]相比,由于只有当智能体i 及其邻居的事件触发判断完成,才能得到q i (lh )的值,因此本文采用前一时刻的状态值构造动态事件触发条件更符合逻辑㊂图3㊀h =3,τ=0.02时算法(7)的智能体状态图4㊀h =3,τ=0.02时算法(10)的智能体状态为了进一步分析采样周期的影响,在时延τ不变的情况下,选择不同的采样周期h ,其结果显示在图5中㊂对比图3可以看出,选择较大的采样周期则收敛速度减慢㊂事实上,这在算法(7)中是很正常的,因为较大的h 会削弱反馈增益并减少固定有限时间间隔中的控制更新次数,具体显示在图6和图7中㊂显然,当选择较大的采样周期时,智能体的通信频率显著下降,同时也会导致收敛速度减慢㊂因此,虽然采样周期允许任意大,但在收敛速度和通信频率之间需要做出权衡,以选择最优的采样周期㊂图5㊀h =1,τ=0.02时智能体的状态图6㊀h =3,τ=0.02时的事件触发时刻图7㊀h =1,τ=0.02时的事件触发时刻最后,固定采样周期h 的值,比较τ=0.02和τ=2时智能体的状态,结果如图8所示㊂显然,时延会使智能体找到全局最优点所需的时间更长,但由于其受采样周期的限制,最终仍可以对于任意有限延迟达成一致㊂图8㊀h =3,τ=2时智能体的状态36第3期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀夏伦超,等:基于周期采样的分布式动态事件触发优化算法4 结束语本文研究了无向图下的多智能体系统的优化问题,提出了一种基于动态事件触发机制的零梯度和算法㊂该机制中加入了与前一时刻智能体状态相关的动态变量,避免智能体状态接近最优值时频繁触发产生的通信负担㊂同时,在算法和触发条件设计中考虑了采样周期的影响,在所设计的算法下,允许采样周期任意大㊂对于有时延的系统,在最大允许传输延迟小于采样周期的情况下,给出了保证多智能体系统达到一致性和最优性的充分条件㊂今后拟将本算法向有向图和切换拓扑图方向推广㊂参考文献:[1]杨洪军,王振友.基于分布式算法和查找表的FIR滤波器的优化设计[J].山东理工大学学报(自然科学版),2009,23(5):104-106,110.[2]CHEN W,LIU L,LIU G P.Privacy-preserving distributed economic dispatch of microgrids:A dynamic quantization-based consensus scheme with homomorphic encryption[J].IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,2022,14(1):701-713.[3]张丽馨,刘伟.基于改进PSO算法的含分布式电源的配电网优化[J].山东理工大学学报(自然科学版),2017,31(6):53-57.[4]KIA S S,CORTES J,MARTINEZ S.Distributed convex optimization via continuous-time coordination algorithms with discrete-time communication[J].Automatica,2015,55:254-264.[5]LI Z H,DING Z T,SUN J Y,et al.Distributed adaptive convex optimization on directed graphs 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他认为实体之间存在的关系是通过“本体关系”(ontic relation)来定义和描述的。










英语世界《文心雕龙》‘神思’范畴的译释全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Magic of Imagination: Unlocking the Power of "Shen Si"Have you ever had a really cool idea pop into your head out of nowhere? Maybe you imagined a awesome superhero with amazing powers, or dreamed up an exciting adventure in a faraway land. That flash of creativity is what the ancient Chinese writer Liu Xie called "shen si" - which means "spiritual thought" or "inspired imagination."Shen si is like a magical key that unlocks the door to unlimited creativity and imagination in our minds. With it, we can come up with the most wild and wonderful ideas, no matter how crazy or far-fetched they may seem at first.In his famous book "The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons," Liu Xie explained that shen si is what allows poets, writers, artists and anyone really to create brand new ideas that have never existed before. It's the spark that lights up our minds and lets our thoughts soar free like a kite on a sunny day.Liu Xie said shen si comes from deep within us, from a sacred place of pure inspiration untouched by the normal, everyday world. It's like a hidden reserve of magic and enchantment inside our hearts and souls, just waiting to be tapped into.With shen si's help, we can take the simplest, most ordinary things and transform them into something extraordinary through our imagination. A plain old rock could become a precious gem, a stick in the yard might morph into a powerful wizard's staff, and a random doodle could turn into a portal to an undiscovered realm of adventure.The great writers, artists and inventors of history all had incredible shen si. They used its power to dream up ideas that changed the world - from new inventions that made life easier to spellbinding stories that continue to enchant us today.Just think of J.K Rowling conceiving of the wizarding world of Harry Potter from her incredible shen si. Or artist Salvador Dali using his imagination to create his iconic melting clocks that still blow people's minds. They both tapped into that deep well of inspiration within.The awesome thing about shen si is that every single one of us has it. We're all born with that infinite source of creativity just waiting to be unlocked through our imagination and thoughts.All you need is an open mind, a sprinkle of curiosity, and the courage to let your ideas run wild and free.Whenever you have a crazy idea or thought that makes you smile, that's your shen si at work. Don't ignore it or brush it aside as silly. Embrace it! Nurture those whimsical ideas and let them grow and blossom through your imagination. That's how the greatest inventions, stories, artworks and discoveries begin - as tiny seeds of inspiration.Who knows, you might end up coming up with something that changes your life, your community, or maybe even the entire world. Just imagine the possibilities when you wield the magic of shen si! Let your mind soar to new creative heights. All it takes is a little imagination and a whole lot of spiritual thought.篇2The Magic of Shensai: Unlocking Creative GeniusHave you ever noticed how some writers can create the most amazing stories and poems that transport you to different worlds? It's like they have a special kind of magic that allows their minds to come up with wildly creative ideas. Well, there's actually a word for this magic from an ancient Chinese bookcalled "The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons" - it's called shensai!Shensai refers to the highest level of creative thinking and literary talent. It's when a writer taps into their deepest imaginative powers to produce works of genius that are out of this world. Kind of like how superheroes have special abilities, writers with shensai have the ability to create literary masterpieces that leave you in awe.But what exactly does it mean to have shensai? Let me break it down for you.First off, shensai starts in the mind. It's all about freeing your thoughts and letting your imagination run wild without any limits. You have to let your creative juices flow like a raging river, allowing the most bizarre and fantastical ideas to take shape.Imagine your mind is a magical forest full of strange creatures and mystical landscapes that you've never seen before. That's the kind of mental realm shensai allows you to explore! Pretty cool, right?Secondly, shensai is about expressing those wild ideas through writing in a way that is beautiful, profound, and unlike anything anyone has ever read before. It's taking that imaginaryworld in your head and using words to sculpt it into something just as marvelous on paper.A writer with true shensai has a mastery over language. Their words have the power to paint vivid pictures, stir up strong emotions, and make you ponder the deepest mysteries of life. Reading their work is like being transported to another dimension!So how can you develop this shensai ability? Well, like anything great, it takes tons of practice and dedication. You have to constantly exercise your imagination by exploring new ideas, opening your mind to different perspectives, and always striving to be original.It also helps to really lose yourself in the worlds of other great writers who have demonstrated shensai. Let their genius words and unparalleled creativity inspire you to tap into your own hidden superpowers of the literary mind.Who knows, with enough passion and hard work, you too could one day create a masterpiece that showcases your shensai for the whole world to admire. Just imagine people hundreds of years from now still being amazed by your magical creativity and way with words!Shensai is the mark of true artistic brilliance, allowing writers to produce works that transcend what is normally possible. All you need is an unshackled imagination, a love of language, and the courage to walk the path of creative mastery. Unlock your shensai, and the realms of literary genius will be yours to explore!篇3Divine Thoughts: Exploring the Imagination in "The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons"Have you ever heard of a guy named Liu Xie? He was a really smart dude who lived in China way back in the 5th century. Liu Xie wrote a famous book called "The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons," and it's all about how to be a great writer and create amazing stories.One of the coolest things Liu Xie talked about in his book is something called "Divine Thoughts" or "Shen Si" in Chinese. Basically, Divine Thoughts are the super creative ideas that come from deep inside your mind, almost like magic!Imagine you're playing outside on a sunny day, and suddenly, you have the most incredible idea for a story about a brave knight who has to fight a fire-breathing dragon to save aprincess. That's a Divine Thought! It's a spark of pure imagination that just pops into your head out of nowhere.Liu Xie believed that great writers have these Divine Thoughts all the time, and they use their incredible creative powers to turn those ideas into beautiful stories, poems, and plays. He said that when you have a Divine Thought, it's like your mind becomes a magical workshop where you can sculpt words into amazing works of art, just like a sculptor carves a block of stone into a stunning statue.But here's the really cool part: Liu Xie didn't think Divine Thoughts were just random ideas that popped into your head. He believed that they came from a special place deep inside your mind, a place where your thoughts and emotions could swirl and mix together to create something totally new and incredible.It's like your brain is a big cauldron, and all your experiences, feelings, and knowledge are the ingredients. When you stir them up just the right way, they can combine to form a Divine Thought – a brand new idea that's never existed before!Liu Xie said that the best writers were the ones who could tap into this special place and let their Divine Thoughts flow freely. They didn't just write about what they saw or heard; theyused their imaginations to create whole new worlds and characters that had never been seen before.Isn't that just the coolest thing ever? It's like having a magical power inside your mind that lets you come up with the most amazing stories and ideas whenever you want!So, the next time you're sitting in class and your mind starts to wander, don't just tune it out! That could be a Divine Thought trying to get your attention. Who knows, maybe you'll come up with the most epic adventure story ever, or a poem that makes people's hearts soar. Just let your imagination take over, and see where it leads you!篇4The Magic of Divine ThoughtsHave you ever read a book or poem that felt like magic? The words seemed to come alive, painting vivid pictures in your mind and stirring up powerful emotions. Well, a long time ago in ancient China, a wise scholar named Liu Xie wrote about this magical quality in literature. He called it "divine thoughts" or "shensi."What are divine thoughts? They are the deepest, most profound ideas and feelings that an author can express through their writing. Liu Xie believed that great writers had a special connection to the divine, allowing them to tap into universal truths and capture the essence of human experience.Imagine you are standing in a beautiful garden, filled with fragrant flowers and chirping birds. You take a deep breath and feel completely at peace, marveling at the wonders of nature. A divine thought is like bottling up that feeling and pouring it into words on a page. The best writers can make readers feel like they are right there in the garden, experiencing the same sense of tranquility and awe.But divine thoughts aren't just about pretty scenery and nice feelings. They can also explore the big questions of life, like why we are here, what it means to be human, and how we should treat others. The greatest works of literature tackle these deep topics in a way that resonates with readers across different cultures and time periods.Liu Xie said that divine thoughts come from the author's mind, which he compared to a skilled artisan carving an intricate dragon statue. Just like the sculptor must chisel away at the raw material to reveal the magnificent creature within, a writer mustrefine their ideas and craft their words carefully to fully express a divine thought.While the concept of divine thoughts comes from an ancient Chinese text, you can find examples across all cultures and time periods. A haiku capturing the fleeting beauty of a cherry blossom. A novel that makes you question your place in the universe. A speech that inspires people to fight for justice and equality. Whenever an author's words stir your soul and open your eyes to something greater than yourself, those are divine thoughts at work.So next time you read something that feels truly special and transformative, remember the magic of divine thoughts. You are connecting with the deepest well of human wisdom and creativity, transcending the boundaries of language and culture. What could be more wondrous than that?篇5Here's an article on the 'Spiritual Thoughts' category from 'The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons' by Liu Xie, written in English from a child's perspective (around 1000 words):What's 'Spiritual Thoughts' All About?Hi there! Today I'm going to tell you about something really cool from an ancient Chinese book called 'The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons'. It was written a long, long time ago by a guy named Liu Xie, who was super smart and knew a lot about literature.In this book, Liu Xie talks about different categories of writing, and one of them is called 'Spiritual Thoughts'. Sounds pretty mystical, right? Well, it's all about using your imagination and creativity to write really awesome stuff!You see, 'Spiritual Thoughts' is all about letting your mind wander and come up with new ideas. It's like dreaming while you're awake! Liu Xie believed that great writers should be able to think outside the box and create things that no one has ever seen or heard before.He said that when you're writing with 'Spiritual Thoughts', you should let your mind go wild and explore all kinds of crazy ideas. Don't hold back! If you think of something really weird or out-there, that's great! The crazier, the better!But here's the cool part: even though your ideas might seem totally bonkers at first, you have to find a way to make them make sense. That's where your creativity comes in. You have totake those wild thoughts and shape them into something that people can understand and appreciate.It's kind of like building a sandcastle or a cool Lego creation. You start with a bunch of random pieces, but then you have to put them together in a way that makes sense and looks awesome.Liu Xie said that writers who can do this – who can take their 'Spiritual Thoughts' and turn them into something amazing – are the real masters. They're the ones who can truly capture people's imaginations and make them see the world in a whole new way.So, if you want to be a great writer someday, you have to learn how to tap into your 'Spiritual Thoughts'. Let your mind run free, come up with crazy ideas, and then figure out how to make them work. It's not easy, but it's super fun and rewarding!Who knows, maybe someday you'll write a book that blows everyone's mind with your 'Spiritual Thoughts'. Just remember to keep exploring, keep creating, and never be afraid to let your imagination soar!篇6The Magic of "Divine Thoughts"Have you ever had a really cool idea pop into your head out of nowhere? Like one second you're just sitting there, and the next, BOOM, you think of an awesome story or a fun new game to play with your friends. That's kind of like what the ancient Chinese writer Liu Xie was talking about with his concept of "divine thoughts."Liu Xie lived a long, long time ago, around 1500 years back, during the Liu Song Dynasty in China. Back then, he wrote an incredibly important book called The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons. It's all about different ideas and styles for writing poetry, stories, essays and other literature. One of the main concepts he discusses is called "divine thoughts" or "spirit thoughts."So what exactly are divine thoughts? Basically, Liu Xie believed that true artistic inspiration comes from the universe or heavens in spontaneous flashes of creativity and genius ideas. It's those light bulb moments where something just clicks in your mind and an original, profound thought pops in seemingly out of thin air. Liu Xie saw these bursts of inspiration as mystical gifts from the divine realms.He explained that when writers and artists are in a state of utterly pure tranquility and focus, their minds become likeperfectly still pools of water. And just like how you can only see clear reflections on untroubled water, their calm consciousness allows divine thoughts to manifest clearly in their minds like reflections.These flashes of divine inspiration often arrive unexpectedly when the artist isn't even trying to create something specific. The ideas just spontaneously appear, almost like magic! According to Liu Xie, that's because the divine thoughts transcend our normal thinking and reasoning abilities. They bypass our conscious efforts by arriving directly into our minds from the heavenly realms of pure inspiration.Pretty cool, right? It's like getting awesome creative superpowers straight from the universe itself! Liu Xie believed the greatest works of poetry, literature and art throughout history were born from these gifted divine thoughts.Liu Xie used the example of a farmer who prepares the land, plants seeds, waters the crops and toils away - but the life force that allows seeds to actually grow and flourish comes from the heavens and earth themselves. Similarly, human effort and craft act as the "farmer," but the divine thoughts provide that initial spark of creative life.So next time you're struck by a random awesome idea out of nowhere, maybe you were just visited by divine inspiration from the cosmos! Those light bulb moments of unexpected genius are partly what Liu Xie was trying to describe with his fascinating concept of divine thoughts.。











实验1通过对1sabelle Blanchette和Keyin Dunbar(2002)的研究的进一步分析,对他们的实验材料进行了修改,排除了记忆混淆现象对先前实验结果的可能解释,确证了类比组被试与无类比组被试成绩的差异是由于类比推理的结果整合进目标信息的表征而导致的。





Respect is a fundamental value that plays a crucial role in nurturing and illuminating ones dreams.It is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various aspects of human interaction and societal norms.Here is an essay that explores the significance of respect in realizing ones aspirations.The Power of Respect in Achieving DreamsIn the journey of life,dreams serve as the guiding stars that lead us towards our aspirations.However,the path to achieving these dreams is often fraught with challenges and obstacles.It is respect,a simple yet profound virtue,that can light the way and make the journey smoother and more fulfilling.Understanding RespectRespect is the acknowledgment of the intrinsic worth of oneself,of others,and of the collective human endeavor.It is the recognition that every individual has the right to be treated with dignity and consideration.Respect is not merely a social courtesy it is a deepseated belief in the value of diversity and the uniqueness of each persons contribution to society.Respect and Personal GrowthWhen we respect ourselves,we develop a strong sense of selfworth.This selfrespect is the bedrock upon which we build our dreams.It gives us the confidence to pursue our goals without fear of judgment or ridicule.It is the inner voice that encourages us to believe in our abilities and to persist in the face of adversity.Respect and Social HarmonyIn our interactions with others,respect fosters an environment of mutual understanding and cooperation.When we respect the dreams and aspirations of others,we create a supportive community where individuals can thrive.This social harmony is essential for the collective pursuit of progress and the realization of shared dreams.Respecting DiversityThe world is a tapestry woven from the threads of diverse cultures,beliefs,and experiences.Respecting this diversity is crucial for the enrichment of our dreams.It broadens our perspectives,challenges our preconceptions,and encourages us to innovate and create.In respecting the dreams of others,we also enrich our own.Cultivating RespectCultivating respect is a continuous process that requires selfawareness,empathy,and openmindedness.It involves listening to others,valuing their opinions,and acknowledging their contributions.In the pursuit of our dreams,we must be willing to learn from the experiences of others and incorporate their insights into our own journey. Respect and the Realization of DreamsUltimately,respect is the catalyst that can transform dreams into reality.It empowers individuals to overcome barriers,to collaborate effectively,and to innovate boldly.When we respect ourselves and others,we create a world where dreams are not just aspirations but achievable goals.ConclusionIn conclusion,respect is the beacon that lights the path to our dreams.It is the bridge that connects individuals and communities in the pursuit of shared aspirations.By embracing respect in all its forms,we can create a world where dreams are not only cherished but also realized.Let us,therefore,strive to respect ourselves,others,and the diverse dreams that enrich our lives.。















内在价值:(英intrinsic value)哲学术语。










"Epistemic" 的名词形式是"epistemology",意思是认识论。


- Epistemologist:认识论者,研究认识论的学者。

- Epistemic virtue:认识论美德,指与获取和运用知识相关的良好品质或性格特质。

- Epistemic value:认识论价值,指知识或认知活动所具有的价值。

- Epistemic justification:认识论证明,指为某个信念或知识提供合理的理由或证据。

- Epistemic circularity:认识论循环,指在论证或推理中出现的循环依赖或循环论证的问题。

- Epistemic community:认识论共同体,指具有共同的认识论标准和方法的一群学者或研究者。

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Spatial Representation and ReasoningJerry R.Hobbs and Srini NarayananArtificial Intelligence CenterSRI International1IntroductionA robot moving through an environment,an interface to a geographical database,and a natural language program for giving directions all need means for representing and reasoning about spatial properties and relations. These include shape,size,distance,orientation,and relative location.The most precise and highly developed system of spatial representation is the mathematics of Euclidean space.But very often this is too precise for the purposes at hand.We may not have exact information and we may not need precise answers.For example,if we are telling someone how to get to the post office,we don’t need to be more precise than the streets to follow.For this reason,much work in artificial intelligence has focused on qualitative spatial representation and reasoning.Indeed,studies of human problem solving and language understanding [Talmy1983,Herskovits1986,Langacker,1987,Lakoff,1987,Tversky1993, Landau&Jackendoff1993]indicate that we draw fairly subtle and impor-1tant qualitative spatial distinctions.It is accepted that a topological de-scription of the environment is central to building a cognitive map which is developmentally prior to a metrical description.Infants have been shown [Landau et al.,1992]to be sensitive to shape distinctions and invariants veryearly in childhood,suggesting that some qualitative representation of space precedes,or at least coexists,with a more metrical one.Research in primate vision[Ungerleider&Mishkin,1982,Milner&Goodale,1995] further suggests the existence of two separate pathways for visual informa-tion processing;a dorsal pathway which projects from the visual cortex tothe posterior parietal cortex and a ventral pathway which projects into the inferotemporal cortex.The dorsal pathway is referred to as the“where”system and is suggested as primarily computing task related spatial infor-mation(such as location in egocentric coordinates or hand pre-shaping fora grasping task)while the ventral or“what”pathway is suggested as com-puting primarily object related characteristics(such as shape or other visual features).While there seems to be robust evidence(including double dissoci-ation evidence)of these two different pathways,it is also clear that there are complex interactions through multiple cortico-cortical connections betweenthem.Based on thesefindings,[Landau&Jackendoff1993]suggest the ex-istence of related subsystems in language;a“where”system correspondingto spatial predications(such as prepositions)and a“what”system corre-sponding to object naming and nouns.From a computational perspective,the most general and most challeng-ing problem in spatial representation and reasoning is route planning:What2paths can an object of a given shape,size and location follow through an environment with obstacles of particular shapes,sizes,locations,and tra-jectories?Most researchers have studied restricted versions of this problem. For example,the problem may be merely to place an object within an en-vironment and not to move it.Or the size and shape of an object may be viewed as negligible as it moves through the environment.Thus,thefirst broad problem that must be addressed is to devise ways for representing and reasoning about relations and measures between objects at a range of granularities,from the purely topological to fully metric.The second problem is how to represent and reason about shape in two and three dimensions,again at a range of granularities.Finally,there is the problem of how to represent and reason about objects of particular shapes when they are moving.2Levels of StructureSpatial and other quantities can be represented at a range of granularities. The coarsest level in common use is what is known as the“sign algebra”([Forbus,1984]among others);the real line is divided into the negative num-bers,zero,and the positive numbers,and what is known about a quantity is only which of the three regions it lies in.This has proven very useful in qualitative physics for reasoning about increases and decreases in quantities and direction offlow.A more refined structure can be imposed by dividing the real line into further intervals,with ordering relations between them. For example,for a pot of water sitting on a stove,we might want to dis-3tinguish the intervals between the freezing point,the boiling point,and the temperature of the stove,as well as the transition points themselves.More-over,“landmarks”can be set during the reasoning process.For example,to determine whether an oscillation is damping,we should compare successive maxima;these would be the landmarks[Kuipers,1986].Some work has been done on providing logarithmic structure to scales. This is known as order-of-magnitude reasoning[Raiman1991].We may not know whether Los Angeles is closer to San Diego or Santa Barbara,butwe certainly know that it is closer to both than it is to Chicago,because these distances are of different orders of magnitude.Most work in order-of-magnitude reasoning has sought to exploit the fact that quantities at lower orders of magnitude can be ignored in operations involving higher orders of magnitude.Thus,we know that adding a stamp to a letter will not increaseits weight enough that more postage will be required.A veryfine-grained representation of space is one that places -neighborhoods around points and considers points indistinguishable if they are within the same -neighborhood[Roberts,1973].More generally,the level of structure we want to view space at will de-pend on functionality.If we are planning a land trip and are only concerned with getting the right visas,then we can view countries as nodes in a graph, regardless of their size,where each country is connected by an arc to each ofits neighbors.When we are traveling in the country,we need afiner-grained view.43DimensionalityThe most important feature that distinguishes space from other quantita-tive domains is the fact that it has more than one dimension.The minimal condition that is required before a notion of dimensionality makes sense is that there must be two or more scales where the order of elements on one scale cannot be determined by their order on the other scales.We cannot infer from the fact that Chicago is east of Denver which of the two is farther north.The scales need not be fully numeric.A spatially represented bar graph may have a numeric vertical dimension while its horizontal dimension is a discrete space of alphabetically ordered named entities.The dimension-ality of an entity is dependent on perspective.A road,for example,may be viewed as one-dimensional when we are planning a trip,two-dimensional when we are driving on it,and three-dimensional when we hit a pothole.When one admits several dimensions,problems arise involving objects of different dimensions.For example,can we have an object consisting of a volume and a line segment?Does the boundary of an object have a lower dimension,and is it part of the object?These problems are related to more general problems concerning open and closed sets.[Galton,1996]has developed an interesting solution to these problems.In his system,an object cannot be part of an object of a different dimension,but objects are bounded by objects of lower dimension.Where there are dimensions,there must be frames of reference for de-scribing locations in each of the dimensions.In human cognition,as evi-denced by language,there are a number of frames of reference character-5ized by how they are anchored[Carlson&Irwin1993].There are the self-anchored frame of reference,right-left-front-back,and the world-anchored frame of reference,north-south-east-west.There can be frames of refer-ence anchored on the vehicle one is in,port-starboard-bow-stern,or one’s geographical region—the Hawaiian language has prepositions for“toward the center of the island”and“toward the ocean”.There can be frames of reference determined by the forces that are acting on one,such as windward-leeward and upriver-downriver.Neurobiologists have also shown the exis-tence of mulitple reference frames including ones anchored on specific joints [Rizzolatti et al.,1997].4RegionsIn recent years,there has been a good deal of research in purely qualitative representations of space[Randall et al.,1992,Gotts et al.,1996,Gotts1996, Cohn,1997,Lemon&Pratt,1997,Cohn&Hazarika,2001].Much of this work attempts to build axiomatic theories of space that are predominantly topological in nature and based on taking regions rather than points as prim-itives.Topological relationships between regions in two-dimensional space have been formalized,with transitivity inferences similar to those used in temporal reasoning,identified for vocabularies of relations[Randall et al.,1992, Cohn,1997].The basic primitive is a notion of two regions x and y being connected if the closures of x and y share at least one point.This primitive connect(x,y)has been shown to be extremely powerful and has led to the development of a rich calculus of spatial predicates and6relations referred to as the RCC calculus.[Gotts et al.,1996,Gotts1996] show how the RCC calculus can describe and distinguish between compli-cated objects such as loops,Figure-8’s and doughnuts with degenerate holes. However,this expressiveness is costly and reasoning with the general RCC calculus is undecidable[Cohn,1997,Lemon&Pratt,1997].There has been some work on tractable subclasses.The best known is based on identifying a pairwise disjoint,jointly exhaustive set of eight spatial relations called the RCC8calculus.The RCC8calculus is able to describe the relations inside (touching the boundary or not),outside,touching,overlapping for objects describable as regular sets;regular sets cannot have holes.The RCC8sub-set also has a well-founded semantics(unlike the RCC calculus)based on Euclidean Geometry[Lemon&Pratt,1997]and has been shown to be com-plete under this interpretation.5OrientationIn Euclidean geometry,the representation of orientation is straightforward. There is afixed set of axes,and a direction corresponds to a vector,normal-ized to length1,from the origin to some point in the space.That vector can be specified by projecting its endpoint onto the axes.Qualitative representations of orientation can be inherited from quali-tative representations on the axes.For example,if the structure of each of the two axes in a two-dimensional system is{+,0,−},then the corre-sponding representation of orientation maps the direction into one of eight values—along one of the four axes or in one of the four quadrants.7Afiner structure on the axes yields afiner structure on orientations.For example,if each axis has regions corresponding to“slightly positive”and “slightly negative”,then it will be possible to define the notion of angles being“slightly acute”[Liu,1998].6ShapeShape is one of the most complex phenomena that must be dealt with in the qualitative representation of space.There is a range of possibilities.In topology,a circle,a square,and an amoeba-shaped blob are all equivalent, as long as they don’t have holes in them.In Euclidean geometry,a large square and the same square with a slight nick in one side are different.Shape is very important in commonsense reasoning because very often the shape of an object is functional.The shapes of objects and obstacles determine possible paths.It is important for a door and a doorframe to be the same shape,and the fact that they are the same shape is the reason doors must be open for things to pass through them.One form of representation for shape is the use of occupancy arrays that encode the location of an object in a2-D or3-D grid[Funt1980, Glasgow et al.,1995].These representations have a number of attractive properties including ease of visualization and a natural parallel implemen-tation of operations such as intersection,translation,and computing spatial relations between objects.However,occupancy arrays are inflexible and cannot express abstractions and partial knowledge.Another way to characterize shapes is by the shapes of their boundaries.8In one approach[Hoffman&Richards1982],the sides of a complexfigure are classified as straight or curving in or out,and the vertices as angling in or out.Boundary information can be combined with qualitative length information so that we can distinguish between“thin”and“fat”rectangles, for example,or between rectangles that are wider than they are tall and ones that are taller than they are wide.Boundary information can also be combined with theories of orientation,so that we can get qualitative measures of angles between sides.Another represenation of shape is in terms of its“bounding box”,or smallest containing quadrangle,or in terms of its convex hull.These repre-sentations are useful in moving objects through an environment.To deter-mine whether a car willfit through a garage doorway,you need to take the side mirrors into account,but not the cavities due to open windows.A commonly used representation for complex three-dimensional objects is cylinders[Davis,1990].This representation is subject to variations in granularity.For example,a human being can be represented at a very coarse grain as a cylinder.At afiner grain,the person is resolved into a cylinder for the torso,cylinders for each arm and leg,and a cylinder for the neck and head.At evenfiner grains,there are cylinders for the upper and lower arms or for individualfingers.7MotionFor any quantity or quality that can be represented at an instant in time, we can also imagine it changing across time.Topological relations between9entities can change as the entities move.The distance between two objects, the orienatations of two lines,the shape of two objects can all change with time.In general,given any qualitative theory of a spatial feature and any qualitative theory of time,we can develop a qualitative theory of how the spatial feature changes with time.In most instances,this will involve trans-forming what is a continuous motion in Euclidean space into a motion of discrete jumps in the qualitative space,as when an entity suddenly crosses the boundary between region A and region B of a plane.Various qualita-tive theories impose various constraints on the possible motions,or possible changes of state.Thus,we cannot go from positive to negative without passing through zero.Representing the behavior as a transition graph(fully qualitative or with metric information attached to the nodes),allows for algorithms that generate and recognize behaviors using a variety of analytic and simulation techniques.Modeling spatially distributed motion is more complex and some efforts have attempted to use spatial aggregation based on motionfield invariants and other methods from computer vision to repre-sent qualitative structures offluid motion[Yip1995]and geometric features in phase space[Zhao1994].8Imagistic and Propositional Representations There is a long-standing debate among researchers in spatial representation and reasoning about whether representations of spatial relationships should be imagistic or propositional,that is,more like pictures or more like linguis-10tic descriptions[Pylyshyn,1981,Shepard&Cooper,1982,Kosslyn1994]. Proponents of propositional representations argue that imagistic representa-tions reduce to propositional ones,but impose constraints on what situations can be represented that make them of very limited use[Lemon&Pratt,1997].On the other hand,Imagistic representations are common in models of human spatial reasoning.In human communication,imagistic repre-sentations such as sketches,maps andfigures are commonly used to com-municate information about shape,size,routes,and spatial arrangements. Images and diagrams are also commonly used to communicate and com-prehend abstract structures ranging from data-structure visualizations and process-flow diagrams to corporate hierarchies.Reasoning with imagistic representations has often been argued to be fundamental in human cog-nition[Kosslyn1994,Farah1995].It has been shown that infants,very early,perhaps pre-attentively,do grouping based on similarity of shapes, orientations and sizes[Julesz1984]as well as shape closure[Treisman1982, Treisman,1985].There is evidence that even symbolic tasks such as lan-guage understanding may use imagistic representations[Langacker,1987, Lakoff,1987].A computational model of the role of such representations in the acquisition of spatial prepositions can be found in[Regier1992].There is growing evidence that acquiring,storing and reasoning with spa-tial concepts requires the coordinated use of heterogeneous representation and inferential processes that involve both propositional and imagistic com-ponents(qualitative and metric)[Glasgow et al.,1995],and much of current research is exploring how this can be accomplished computationally.11References[Carlson&Irwin1993]Carlson-Radvansky,L.A.,and D.E.Irwin.1993.“Frames of Reference in Vision and Language:Where is Above?”Cogni-tion,46,223-244.[Cohn,1997]Cohn,A.G.“Qualitative Spatial Representation and Reason-ing Techniques”,Proceedings of KI-97,edited by G.Brewka and C.Habel and B.Nebel,LNAI,1303,pp1-30,Springer Verlag,(1997).[Cohn&Hazarika,2001]Cohn,A.G.,and S.M.Hazarika.“Qualitative Spatial Representation and Reasoning:An Overview”,Fundamenta In-formaticae,46(1-2),pp1-29,(2001).[Davis,1990]Davis,E.,1990.Representations of Commonsense Knowledge, Morgan-Kaufmann,1990[Farah1995]Farah,M.,1995.“The Neural Bases of Mental Imagery”, In M.S.Gazzaniga(Ed),The Cognitive Neurosciences,(963-975).Cam-bridge,MA:MIT Press.[Forbus,1984]Forbus,K.,1984.“Qualitative Process Theory.”,in Artificial Intelligence,24pp.85-168.[Funt1980]Funt,B.,1980.“Problem Solving with Diagrammatic Represen-tations.”,in Glasgow,J.,B.Karan,and N.Narayanan,(Eds.),1995.Di-agrammatic Reasoning,Cambridge Mass.:AAAI Press/The MIT Press, pp.33-38.12[Galton,1996]Galton,Anthony,1996.“Taking Dimension Seriously in Qualitative Spatial Reasoning”,in Proceedings,12th European Confer-ence on Artificial Intelligence,Budapest,Hungary,August,1996,pp. 501-505.[Glasgow et al.,1995]Glasgow,J.,B.Karan,and N.Narayanan,(Eds.), 1995.Diagrammatic Reasoning,Cambridge Mass.:AAAI Press/The MIT Press.[Gotts et al.,1996]Gotts,N.M.,J.M.Gooday,and A.G.Cohn,1996.“A Connection Based Approach to Common-sense Topological Description and Reasoning”,The Monist,79(1),pp51-75,(1996).[Gotts1996]Gotts,N.M.1996.“Toplogy from a Single Primitive Relation: Defining Topological Properties and Relations in Terms of Connection”, Report96.23,School of Computer Studies,University of Leeds,(1996). 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