



化学化工专业英语试卷及答案标准化管理部编码-[99968T-6889628-J68568-1689N]2011年春季学期应用化学专业《08级化学化工专业英语试卷答案》1. state-of-the-industry 中文:工业发展水平(1分)2. alkyl ether sulfate中文:烷基醚硫酸盐(酯)(分)3. W/O 英文: water in oil,(oil emulsion) ;中文:油乳胶(油包水)(分)4. 2,6-Dimethy-2,7-octadien-6-ol 画出结构式:(4分)5. The inherent tendency of the whole or a part of a molecule to pass out of or not to penetrate into a water phase.英文: Hydrophoby ;中文:疏水性(亲油性)分)6. A substance which, when introduced in a liquid, increases its wetting tendency.英文: Wetting agent ;中文:润湿剂分)7. The process by which soil is dislodged from the substrate and bought into a state of solution or dispersion.英文: Detergency ;中文:去污性(力)分)8. An attribute which is related to benefit not directly but through association or suggestion.英文: Signal attribute ;中文:信号属性分)9. A colorless gas with a characteristic pungent odor, consisting of nitrogen and hydrogen.英文: ammonia ;中文:氨气 (2分)10. A chemical compound composed of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a single carbon atom.英文: Carbon dioxide ;中文:二氧化碳 (2分)11. A chemical element with atomic number 9, it is the lightest halogen.英文: Fluorine ;中文:氟 (2分)12. KH2PO4 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (2分)13. ZnSO4·7H2O Zinc sulfate hept(a)hydrate (2分)14.3-methyl-2-ethyl(-1-)butene (3-methyl-2-ethyl but-1-ene) 分) 15.4-(1-ethyl-butayl)-5-hydroxy-2-hexayne-1-al 分)16. A good example of such a versatile attribute is fragrance. (2分)译文:这样一个多功能属性的好例子就是香味。



*******************学年第一学期《有机化学》期末考试试卷院: 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------装-----------------------------订---------------------------线----------------------------------***************级化学工程与工艺专业*********班《有机化学》期末考试试卷题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分 核分人 得分-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------一、命名下列化合物或写结构式(每小题1分,共10分)1.N(CH 3)2ON2.CH 2CHCH 2CH 2CHCH 3|||OCH 3N,N –二甲基对亚硝基苯胺 5–甲基–1,2–环氧已烷3.OHOHCH 34.O COOH4–甲基–1,2苯二酚 3–氧代环已甲酸5.|=OO=6.SSO 3H2-环己烯-1,4-二酮 α–噻吩磺酸 7.5–溴–1–已炔–3–醇 8.苯胺盐酸盐(氯化苯胺)CH ≡ CCHCH 2CHCH 3OH BrC 6H 5N +H 3Cl -9.乙酸丁酯 10.丙烯酰氯 CH 3COCH 2CH 2CH 2CH 3 CH 2=CHCOCl二、单顶选择题(每小题1分,共20分)1.下列化合物与RMgX 亲核加成反应活性由快至慢顺序排列正确的是 ( C )a .BrCH 2CHOb .CH 2=CHCHOc .ClCH 2CHOd .CH 3CH 2CHO A .b>d>a>c B .a>d>b>c C .c>a>b>d D .a>b>d>c 2.下列化合物的沸点由高至低排列顺序正确的是 ( B )a .CH 3(CH 2)4CH 2Clb .CH 3(CH 2)3COClc .CH 3(CH 2)3COOHd .CH 3(CH 2)5NH 2A .d>b>a>cB .c>d>b>aC .c>a>b>dD .c>b>a>d3.下列化合物在弱酸碱性条件下,能与C 6H 5N 2Cl 发生偶联反应的是 ( D )A .OH Cl ClClB .NH 2C .NHCOCH 3D .OHCH 34.下列化合物酸性由强到弱排列顺序正确的是 ( A )a .COOHNCb .COOHc .COOHCld .COOHHOA .a>c>b>dB .b>a>c>dC . b>d>a>cD .d>b>c>a 5.下列化合物最不容易烯醇化的是 ( C )A .CH 3CH 2CHOB .CH 3COCH 2COCH 3C .CH 3COCH 2CH 3D .CH 3COCH 2COOCH 3得分 阅卷人得分 阅卷人*******************学年第一学期《有机化学》期末考试试卷院: 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------装-----------------------------订---------------------------线----------------------------------6.能经HIO 4氧化,生成的产物与Ag(NH 3)2发生银镜反应的是 ( B )A .OH OHHB .H OHO C .OOHD .OHO7.下列化合物能与Ph 3P =CHCH 2CH 3发生反应的是 ( A )A .PhCHOB .EtCOOHC .MeCOOEtD .CH 3CONH 28.下列化合物与I 2的NaOH 溶液反应,能生成二元羧酸钠盐的是 ( D )A .CHOCOCH 3B .CHOHCH 3CH 2OHC .OCOCH 3D .CHOHCH 3COCH 39.下列化合物与Lucss 反应由快至慢顺序排列正确的是 ( C )a .苄醇b .对氰基苄醇c .对羟基苄醇d .对甲基苄醇 A .a>c>b>d B .b>a>c>d C .b>a>d>c D .d>b>c>a 10.下列化合物在酸性条件下,最不容易脱水成烯的是 ( D )A .(CH 3)3COHB .CH 3CHOHC 2H 5 C .CH 2=CHCH 2OHD .CH 3CH 2CH 2OH11.下列化合物属于内酰胺的是 ( A )A .NHOB .NH C .NHCHOD .NHOO 12.下列酯与乙醇钠作用,容易发生Dickmann 酯缩合反应的是 ( B )A .丁二酸二乙酯B .己二酸二乙酯C .戊二酸二乙酯D .丙二酸二乙酯13.下列化合物按碱性的强弱顺序排列正确的是 ( A )a .六氢吡啶b .三苯胺c .二苯胺d .苯胺 A .a>d>c>b B . b>d>a>c C .b>c>d>a D .a>c>d>b14.下列化合物能发生歧化反应的是 ( B )A .吡啶B .α–呋喃甲醛C .吲哚D .噻吩 15.喹啉与浓H 2SO 4在220 ℃下作用,生成的产物是 ( D )A .2–喹啉磺酸B .5–喹啉磺酸C .4–喹啉磺酸D .8–喹啉磺酸 16.下列糖中是还原性糖的是 ( C )A .纤维素B .蔗糖C .葡萄糖D .淀粉17.+COCH 2CH 2N CH 2CH 3CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 3OH -热消除的主要产物是 ( A )A .COCH=CH 2B .COCH 2CH 2NC 2H 5CH 3C .CH 2=CH 2D .CH 3CH =CH 218.下列羧酸酐在H +催化下发生水解反应速率最慢的是 ( C )A .(CH 3CH 2CO)2OB .HCOOCOHC .[(CH 3)2CHCO]2OD .(CH 3CO)2O 19.能把CH 3CH ≡CHCOOC 2H 5还原CH 3CH ≡CHCH 2OH 应选择的还原剂是 ( D )A .Zn-Hg/HClB .NaBH 4C .H 2/PtD .Na /C 2H 5OH 20.下列糖类化合物溶于水后有变旋现象的是 ( B )O H OHHHOHHOHCH 2OHH OHOHH HOH HOHCH 2OHH OA.CH 2OHOCH 3H CH 2OH H OH OH HB.O H OHHHOHHOH CH 2OHH O HOCH 3H HOHHOH CH 2OHH C.OD.OHOHH OCH 3H OHHOH CH 2OHH*******************学年第一学期《有机化学》期末考试试卷院: 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------装-----------------------------订---------------------------线----------------------------------三、完成下列化学反应(每一步反应1分,共19分)1.OHOH−−→−HBr BrOH−−→−NaOH BrONa−→−∆2.OCH2CH=CH 2CHCH=CH 2OH3.BrMg Et 2O (1)O (2)H 3+OCH 2CH 2OHCrO 3吡啶CH 2CHO4.CHO(CH 3CH 2CO)2OCH 3CH 2COONaCH=CCOONaCH 35.CH 3||||CH 3OH OH−−→−4HIO CH 3COCH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2COCH 3−−−−−→−+O H NaOH I 32.2/.1(Na)HOCOCH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2COOH(Na) + CHI 36.O−−→−OH CH 3−−−→−-O H OH2/(CH 3)2CH ||OH |CH 2OCH 37.C 6H 5CH =CHCOCH(CH 3)2−−−−−→−+OH EtMgBr 3)2(,)1( C 2H 5C 6H 5CH =CHCCH(CH 3)2OH8.COOH−−→−2SOCl COCl−−→−3NH CONH 2−−−→−-OH Br /2NH 29.NH 2COOHLiAlH 4NH 2CH 2OH10SNO 2Br 2HAcSNO 2Br11.O−−−−→−SHCH HSCH 22SS−−→−NiH /212. N(CH 3)3OH -CH 3+CH 3四、用化学方法鉴别和分离提纯化合物 (每小题5分,共15分 )1. 鉴别:A. 苯甲酸; B. 水杨酸;C. 丙酮酸⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧↓⎩⎨⎧−−−−→−⎩⎨⎧↓−−−−→−⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫-)1()1()1()1()1(32分黄分显紫色分无变化无黄分溶液分C B A B A C B A FeCl NaOH I2. 鉴别:A. 丙醛;B. 丙醇;C. 异丙醇⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧⎩⎨⎧−−−−−−→−⎩⎨⎧−−−−−→−⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫-)1()1()1()1(4,21(/2分几分钟后混浊分不反应分沉淀无变化分二硝基苯肼分C B A B A C B A )ZnCl HCl 3.分离提纯:A. 苯甲醛;B. 苯乙酮;C. N,N –二甲基苯胺⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧−−→−−−→−−−→−−−→−−−→−−→−−−−−→−-−−→−−−→−−−→−−−→−−−−−−→−⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫+--)()()(N N C B A H )(N a H S O OH )分苯乙酮醚层分苯甲醛结晶醚层分二甲苯胺水层蒸馏干燥蒸馏干燥乙醚分蒸馏干燥乙醚分乙醚稀盐酸111,111(3得分 阅卷人得分 阅卷人*******************学年第一学期《有机化学》期末考试试卷院: 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------装-----------------------------订---------------------------线----------------------------------五、推断题(共21分)1.芳烃A(C 8H 10),在AlCl 3存在下与CH 3COCl 反应,生成单一产物B(C 10H 12O)。



2013—2014学年度第一学期应用化学专业专业英语课程试卷A注意事项:1. 考生务必将自己姓名、学号、专业名称写在指定位置;2. 密封线和装订线内不准答题;一、词汇填空 写出下列每个词汇对应的英汉单词共20小题,每空1分,共20分 1、 分子 molecule2、 物理性质 physical property3、 硬度 hardness4、 电解质 electrolyte5、 熔点 melting point6、 沸点 boiling point7、 离子键 ionic bond or electrovalent bond8、 晶体 crystal9、 硅 silicon10、钾 potassium11、溶解度 solubility12、构型 configuration13、挥发性 volitility14、正电荷 positive charge15、phosphorus 磷16、alcohol 乙醇17、acetone 丙酮18、base 碱19、acid 酸20、ether 乙醚二、给下列无机化合物的英语名称共10小题, 每小题2分,共20分1、 NaCN Sodium cyanide2、 BaOH 2 Barium hydroxide3、 KMnO 4 Potassium permanganate4、 H 2SO 4 Sulfuric acid5、 ZnSO 4 zinc sulfate or zinc sulphate6、 FeS Iron II sulfide or Ferrous sulfide7、 H 3PO 4 phosphoric acid8、 H 2SO 3 Sulfurous acid9、 HClO 4 Perchloric acid10、FeCl 3 iron III chloride or ferric chloride二、给下列有机化合物的英语名称共5小题, 每小题4分,共20分1. 甲乙醚 ethyl methyl ether2.对甲基苯酚 4-methyl phenol3.苯乙烯 styrene4.CH3CH=CCH2CH3 CH2 OH 2-ethyl-2-buten-1-ol5.CH33CCH2CH2OH 4,4-dimethyl-1-butanol or 4,4-dimethyl butanol三、英译汉共10小题, 每小题4分,共40分1、Carbon-sodium and carbon-potassium bonds are largely ionic incarbon-lead, carbon-tin, carbon-thallium and carbon-mercury bonds are essentially covalent.碳-钠键和碳-钾键有较大的离子性,碳-铅键,碳-锡键,碳-铊键和碳-汞键基本上属于共价键;2、The reactivity of organometallic compounds increases with the percent ionic character ofthe carbon-metal bond.金属有机化合物的反应活性随着碳金属键中离子性所占的百分数的增大而增强;3、Organometallic compounds of lithium and magnesium are of great importance in organicsynthesis.锂和镁的金属有机化合物在有机合成上有重大的意义;4、Unlike absorption, in which solute molecules diffuse from the bulk of a gas phase to thebulk of a liquid phase, in adsorption molecules diffuse from the bulk of the fluid to the surface of the solid adsorbent, forming a distinct adsorbed phase.在吸收过程中,溶质分子从气相主体中扩散的液相主体中;但是在吸附过程中,分子从流体主体中扩散到固体吸附剂的表面,形成一个独立的吸附相;5、Equipment for extraction must be capable of providing intimate contact between two phasesso as to affect transfer of solute between them and also of ultimate effecting a complete separation of the phases.提取的设备必须能够让两相有紧密的接触,使得两相中溶质的转移得以实现; 同时这个设备还要让两相的分离得以实现;6、Any potential application of adsorption has to be considered along with alternatives, notablydistillation, absorption and liquid extraction.任何可能的对于吸附的应用必须和其他的分离手段一起考虑来比较优劣,例如蒸馏,吸收和液相萃取;7、Leaching refers to the extraction of a soluble constituent from a solid by means of a solvent.浸提指的是通过使用一种溶剂把一种可溶性组分从固体中分离出来的提取办法;8、Separation of the compounds of a mixture by distillation takes advantages of the fact thatdifferent substances can differ in the degree to which they can be vaporized under the conditions of the experiment.通过蒸馏来分离混合物中的组分利用的是这样一个原理:不同的物质在同一个实验条件下气化的程度有区别;9、In a mixture of two completely immiscible liquids, each exerts its own vapor pressureindependently of the other.在一个由两个完全不互溶的液体所形成的混合物中,每一种液体都形成各自独立的蒸气压,相互不影响;10、On both large and small scale crystallization is the most important method for thepurification of solid organic compounds无论是在大规模还是小规模上,结晶都是一种非常重要的提纯固体有机物的方法;。



2014~2015学年秋季学期化工专业英语期末考试一、简单词汇翻译(每题1分,共20分)1、Alkali ( )2、sulphuric ( )3、ammonia ( )4、polymer ( )5、polyethylene( )6、polyurethane ( )7、cyclohexane ( ) 8、hydrogen( )9、nitric ( ) 10、profitability( )11、Seale-up ( ) 12、leaching( )13、corriosion ( ) 14、distillation( )15、gradient ( ) 16、exothermic( ) 17、polycarbonate( )18、isothermal( )19、cybernetics ( ) 20、filtration( )二、句子翻译(每题5分,共30分)1、Once the pilot plant is operational,performance and optimization data can be obtained in order to evaluate the process from an economic point of view.___________________________________________________________2、By contrast,the chemical engineer typically works with much larger quantities of material and with very large equipment.___________________________________________________________3、pressure drives the equilibrium forward ,as four molecules of gas are being transformed into two.___________________________________________________________4、What industry needs to achieve in the process is an acceptable combination of reaction speed and reaction yield.___________________________________________________________5、The ammonia and air mixture can be oxidized to dinitrogen and water.___________________________________________________________6、The important point to keep in mind is that all energy of all kinds must be included,although it may be converted to a single equivalent.___________________________________________________________三、化工专业名词书写(每题一分,共24分)1、加热()2、焙烧()3、吸收()4、冷凝()5、沉降()6、结晶()7、粉碎()8、电解()9、搅动()10、离心()11、平衡()12、体积()13、催化剂()14、一()15、二()16、三()17、四()18、五()19、六()20、七()21、八()22、九、()23、十()24、氮基化合物()四、表达方式运用,用括号里的单词翻译下列句子(每题5分,共20分)1、化学工程师经典的角色是把化学家在实验室里的发现拿来并发展成为能赚钱的、商业规模的化学过程。



2014~2015学年秋季学期化工专业英语期末考试1、简单词汇翻译(每题1分,共20分)1、Alkali ( )2、sulphuric ( )3、ammonia () 4、polymer ( )5、polyethylene( )6、polyurethane ( )7、cyclohexane ( ) 8、hydrogen( )9、nitric ( ) 10、profitability( )11、Seale-up ( ) 12、leaching( )13、corriosion ( ) 14、distillation( )15、gradient ( ) 16、exothermic( ) 17、polycarbonate( )18、isothermal( )19、cybernetics ( ) 20、filtration( )2、句子翻译(每题5分,共30分)1、Once the pilot plant is operational,performance and optimization data can be obtained in order to evaluate the process from an economic point of view.2、By contrast,the chemical engineer typically works with much larger quantities of material and with very large equipment.3、pressure drives the equilibrium forward ,as four molecules of gas are being transformed into two.4、What industry needs to achieve in the process is an acceptable combination of reaction speed and reaction yield.5、The ammonia and air mixture can be oxidized to dinitrogen and water.6、The important point to keep in mind is that all energy of all kinds must be included,although it may be converted to a single equivalent.3、化工专业名词书写(每题一分,共24分)1、加热()2、焙烧()3、吸收()4、冷凝()5、沉降()6、结晶()7、粉碎()8、电解()9、搅动()10、离心()11、平衡()12、体积()13、催化剂()14、一()15、二()16、三()17、四()18、五()19、六()20、七()21、八()22、九、()23、十()24、氮基化合物()。



大学化学化工专业《英语》期末考试试卷含参考答案1. state-of-the-industry 中文:工业发展水平(1分)2. alkyl ether sulfate中文:烷基醚硫酸盐(酯)(1.5分)3. W/O 英文: water in oil,(oil emulsion) ;中文:油乳胶(油包水)(1.5分)4. 2,6-Dimethy-2,7-octadien-6-ol 画出结构式:(4分)5. The inherent tendency of the whole or a part of a molecule to pass out of or not to penetrate into a water phase.英文: Hydrophoby ;中文:疏水性(亲油性) (1.5分) 6. A substance which, when introduced in a liquid, increases its wetting tendency.英文: Wetting agent ;中文:润湿剂 (1.5分)7. The process by which soil is dislodged from the substrate and bought into a state of solution or dispersion.英文: Detergency ;中文:去污性(力) (1.5分)8. An attribute which is related to benefit not directly but through association or suggestion.英文: Signal attribute ;中文:信号属性 (1.5分) 9. A colorless gas with a characteristic pungent odor, consisting of nitrogen and hydrogen.英文: ammonia ;中文:氨气 (2分)10. A chemical compound composed of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a single carbon atom.英文: Carbon dioxide ;中文:二氧化碳 (2分)11. A chemical element with atomic number 9, it is the lightest halogen.英文: Fluorine ;中文:氟 (2分)12. KH2PO4 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (2分)13. ZnSO4·7H2O Zinc sulfate hept(a)hydrate (2分)14.3-methyl-2-ethyl(-1-)butene (3-methyl-2-ethyl but-1-ene) (3.5分)15.4-(1-ethyl-butayl)-5-hydroxy-2-hexayne-1-al (7.5分) 16. A good example of such a versatile attribute is fragrance. (2分)译文:这样一个多功能属性的好例子就是香味。



化学工程与工艺专业英语试题卷参考答案一.Put the following into English or Chinese.1.石油化学制品2. alkali3. sodium carbonate4. 聚合作用5. ammonia6. 药物7. antioxidant8. 聚四氟乙烯9. 环己烷10..carbonmonoxide 11. 乙醇胺12. thermodynamics 13. 光谱学14. refinery 15. 多相的16. isothermal17. 聚氧化亚甲基18. chloride 19. ethanol 20. 聚氯乙烯二.Translation.1. 4 generations under one roof2. to be a winner of the family3. 教务处4.国家助学金5.Principles of chemistry(unit operations)6.生产实习7.graduation thesis8.妇产医院9.transport phenomena10.金窝,银窝,不如自己的狗窝11.normal university 12.综合性大学13.应试教育14.master of business administrator 15.分析化学16.税务局17.party committee 18.专卖店19.chain store(multiple shop) 20.主任医生三、Put the following sentences underlined into ChineseA在20世纪六、七十年代,由于聚乙烯、聚丙烯、尼龙、聚酯环氧树脂等聚合物合成需求量的大量增加,石油化工产品产量呈现爆炸式的增长。





化学化工英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is a chemical element?A. WaterB. OxygenC. HydrogenD. Carbon答案:B, C, D2. The chemical formula for table salt is:A. NaOHB. NaClC. HClD. NaHCO3答案:B3. What is the process called when a substance changes from a solid to a liquid?A. SublimationB. VaporizationC. MeltingD. Condensation答案:C4. In the periodic table, which group contains alkali metals?A. Group 1B. Group 2C. Group 17D. Group 18答案:A5. What is the name of the process where a substance decomposes into two or more substances due to heat?A. CombustionB. OxidationC. ReductionD. Decomposition答案:D6. Which of the following is a physical property of a substance?A. ColorB. TasteC. SolubilityD. Reactivity答案:A7. What is the term for a compound that releases hydrogen ions (H+) when dissolved in water?A. BaseB. AcidC. SaltD. Neutral答案:B8. The law of conservation of mass states that in a chemical reaction:A. Mass is lostB. Mass is gainedC. Mass remains constantD. Mass can be converted into energy答案:C9. Which of the following is a type of chemical bond?A. Ionic bondB. Covalent bondC. Hydrogen bondD. All of the above答案:D10. What is the name of the process where a substance absorbs energy and changes from a liquid to a gas?A. MeltingB. VaporizationC. SublimationD. Condensation答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The symbol for the element iron is ________.答案:Fe2. The pH scale ranges from ________ to ________.答案:0 to 143. A compound that produces a basic solution when dissolvedin water is called a ________.答案:base4. The smallest particle of an element that retains its chemical properties is called a ________.答案:atom5. The process of separating a mixture into its individual components is known as ________.答案:separation6. The study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter is called ________.答案:chemistry7. The process of a substance changing from a gas to a liquid is called ________.答案:condensation8. A(n) ________ reaction is a type of chemical reactionwhere two or more substances combine to form a single product. 答案:synthesis9. The volume of a gas at constant temperature and pressureis directly proportional to the number of ________.答案:moles10. The process of converting a solid directly into a gas without passing through the liquid phase is known as ________. 答案:sublimation三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. Explain what is meant by the term "stoichiometry" in chemistry.答案:Stoichiometry is the calculation of the relative quantities of reactants and products in a chemical reaction.It is based on the law of conservation of mass and involvesthe use of balanced chemical equations and the molar massesof substances to determine the amounts of reactants needed to produce a certain amount of product or the amounts ofproducts formed from a given amount of reactant.2. Describe the difference between a physical change and a chemical change.答案:A physical change is a change in the state or form of a substance without altering its chemical composition. Examples include melting, freezing, and boiling. A chemical change, on the other hand, involves a change in the chemical composition of a substance, resulting in the formation of new substances. Examples include combustion and rusting.3. What are the three main types of chemical bonds, and givean example of each.答案:The three main types of chemical bonds are ionic bonds, covalent bonds, and metallic bonds. An ionic bond is formed when electrons are transferred from one atom to another, resulting in the formation of oppositely charged ions. An example is the bond between sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl) in table salt (NaCl). A covalent bond is formed when two atoms share electrons, as seen in water (H2O) where hydrogen atoms share electrons with oxygen. Metallic bonds occur in metals, where a "sea" of delocalized electrons is shared among positively charged metal ions, as in sodium metal。



《化工专业英语》答案一、词汇翻译1. 盐酸2. 颜料3. 硫酸4. 氢氧化钾5. 氯化钠6. 硝酸铵7. 甲烷8. 硅9. 碳酸钙10. 二氧化碳11.碳酸钙12.乙炔13.氯化钾14.氧化汞15.网格球顶16.晶体学17.对称的18.杂化19.聚氨酯20炸药二、阅读理解1.C2.D3.B4.D5.A;C D C D A四、英译汉1. 也许你主修保健科学,希望从事一个医学或药学方面的工作。


分在过去的几十年里,化学家们研制了很多挽救生命的产品,包括在化学疗法中使用的药物和用于对付抗性微生物的新型抗生素2. 在这种土壤中,化合物中的氮是植物生物化学过程中的有限反应物农民通过向土壤中施加氨和其它氮肥以增加这种有限反应物的量,从而大幅提高大豆、小麦和其它作物的产量3. 食品工业中使用盐酸从玉米淀粉中制备玉米糖浆,从骨头中制取明胶。



4. 在杂货店中出售的清洗液“阿莫尼亚”实际上是氨气的水溶液。



5. Smalley以擅长网格球顶设计的建筑师巴克敏斯特富勒的名字来命名这个分子为“巴克敏斯特富勒烯”,他提出的结构与足球相同,C60很快又被冠以“巴基球”的昵称。



2012-2013学年化工专业英语试题答案一、Write the corresponding formula or molecular formula .( 15′)1、H—Cl2、Cl-O-Ca-O-Cl3、C6H64、C6H125、CH3CH2CH2CH=CH2二、Put the following into English or Chinese.( 30′)1.石油化学制品2. butane3. sodium carbonate4. 聚合作用5.ammonia6. 药物7. antioxidant 8. 聚四氟乙烯9.环己烷10.heavy distillate11.乙醇胺12. thermodynamics13.光谱学14. refinery15.多相的16. isothermal17.聚氧化亚甲基18. chloride19. ethanol 20. 聚氯乙烯三、complete the note below with words taken from the text above.(unit 3) Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.( 30′)1.Mechanical2.electrical3.civil4.scale-upmercial-size6.reactors7.distillation columns8.pumps9.control and instrumentation10.mathematics11.industry12.academia13.steam14.cooling water15.nitrogen四、Put the following sentences underlined into Chinese.(10′)㈠单一的化工厂产量有从精细化工领域的每年几吨到肥料、石油领域的化工巨头的每年500,000吨。



一、词汇与用法1-10B D B DC B A C B A二、阅读理解短文一1-10C A CD D短文二6-10CBAAD短文三11-15BCA DD短文四16-20篇章A 油气专业CADDB篇章B 炼化专业ABBCD篇章C 综合CBABA第二部分主观题三、翻译短文一(15分)①在美国,机器人广泛应用于仓储设施。













(6分)短文二(25分)篇章A 油气专业②高质量的油藏图件(储层图件)对于团队决策在何处进行油气勘探开发至关重要。








3-nitrotoluene centrifugationpartial pressure bubble phaseboiling bed streamlines flow sensible heat pressure drop internal energy particulate fluidization extractive agent civil engineer boundary layer buffer layer dehumidification original temperature catalytic cracking dew pointsodium chloride internal energy二、将下列单词或词组译成英语(10%,每个1分)。


The first products given off during the distillation of petroleum are gaseous. They are mainly hydrocarbons having one to five carbon atoms which are usually separated from each other by chemical methods.四、将下列句子译成汉语(30%,每题6分)。

(1)Dehumidification of air can be effected by bringing it into contact with a cold surface, either liquid or solid.(2)At high velocities two separate phases are formed; the continuous phase which is often referred to as the dense or emulsion phase, and the discontinuous phase known as the lean(phase)or bubble phase.(3)There are two principal types of flow which will be discussed in detail namely streamlines and turbulent flow .(4)If the process is carried out adiabatically all the energy added to the system appears in the gas and its temperature rises.(5)When the frictional drag on the particles becomes equal to their apparent weight(actual weight less buoyancy), the particles become rearranged.五、阅读回答题(20%)。



化工英语试卷参考有关化工英语试卷范文参考化工专业英语试卷一,Give a definition for the following words. 1, Chemical Industry: A large group of industry that use chemical and engineering principles to separate or change materials into salable product.2,Chemical engineering:chemical engineering is that branch of engineering which is concerned with the study of the design, manufacture, and operation of plant and machinery in industrial chemical processes. 3Filtration: the separation of solids from a suspension in a liquid by means of a porous medium or screen which retains the solids and allows the liquid to pass is termed filtration.4,Unit operations: The unit operations were conceived as an organized means for discussing the many kind of equipment-oriented physical processes required in the process industries. 二,fill in the blanks.1,Urea-formaldehyde and polyurethanes, are important insulating materials for reducing heat losses and hence reducing energy usage 2Agriculture relies on the chemical industry for its large quantities of artificial fertilizers and crop protection chemicals .3,The applied or more targeted type of research and development commonly carried out in industry can be of several types and we will briefly consider each. They are:(ⅰ)product development, (ⅱ) process development,(ⅲ) process improvement and (ⅳ) applications development 4,Usually a chemical plant may compose of many process units,such as reactors, tanks , distillation columns, heat exchanges,pumbs, compressors, control and instrumentation devices and so on.三.According to the textbook, answer questions. 1, Which factors depend on in process development for a new product? Process development for a new product depends on things such as the scale on which it is to be manufactured, the by-products formed and their removal/recovery, and required purity. 2, Whats the classical role of the chemical engineer? The classical role of the chemical engineer is to take the discoveries made by the chemist in the laboratory and develop them into money--making, commercial-scale chemical processes. 3, List some advice for both enjoying and improving your engineering work? Enhance technical skills, hone interpersonal skills, do the whole job, see the big picture, be a leader, be a mentor, beware of diversions, keep fit, enjoy your profession. 4,What four concepts are basic and form the foundation for the calculation of all operations? The Material Balance, The Energy Balance, The Ideal Contact, Rates of an Operation.of “research” and “development”?Research can be thought of as the activity which products new ideas and knowledge whereas developments is putting those ideas into practices as new process and products.7,What’s the main task of the basic chemi cal industry?The job of the basic chemicals industry is to find economical ways of turning raw materials intouseful intermediates.四,Connection.1, the Fluid flow 1,This is a special case of heat transfer ,Which deals with evaporation of a volatile solvent suchas water from a nonvolatile solute such as salt or any other material in solution2 Heat transfer 2, This concerns the principles that determine the flow or transportation of any fluid flow one point to another3 Evaporation 3,This process involves the diffusion of a solute from a liquid or gas through a semipermeable membrane barrier to another fluid.4 Distillation 4,This unit operation deals with the principles that govern accumulation and transfer of heat and energy from one place to another5Membrane separation 5,This concerns the removal of a solute such as a salt from a solution by precipitating the solute from the solution。



化工英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a type of catalyst used in chemical reactions?A. Homogeneous catalystB. Heterogeneous catalystC. Biological catalystD. Inert catalyst答案:D2. The process of converting raw materials into products in a chemical plant is known as:A. SynthesisB. DistillationC. ReactionD. Processing答案:D3. What is the term used to describe the separation of a mixture into its individual components?A. FiltrationB. EvaporationC. DistillationD. Crystallization答案:C4. In chemical engineering, what does the acronym "P&ID" stand for?A. Process and Instrumentation DiagramB. Product and Industry DesignC. Plant and Industrial DevelopmentD. Power and Industrial Devices答案:A5. Which of the following is a common method for measuring the concentration of a solution?A. SpectrophotometryB. ChromatographyC. TitrationD. All of the above答案:D6. What is the main purpose of a heat exchanger in a chemical process?A. To increase the temperature of the reactantsB. To cool down the productsC. To transfer heat between two fluidsD. To separate components of a mixture答案:C7. Which of the following is a unit of measurement for pressure?A. Pascal (Pa)B. Newton (N)C. Joule (J)D. Coulomb (C)答案:A8. What is the term used to describe a chemical reaction that produces energy in the form of heat or light?A. Endothermic reactionB. Exothermic reactionC. Isothermal reactionD. Photochemical reaction答案:B9. In the context of chemical engineering, what does the term "yield" refer to?A. The amount of product produced per unit of timeB. The percentage of theoretical product that is actually producedC. The efficiency of a chemical processD. The amount of raw material used in a process答案:B10. Which of the following is a type of pollution control technology used in chemical plants?A. ScrubbersB. FiltersC. Both A and BD. Neither A nor B答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The chemical formula for water is __________.答案:H2O2. The SI unit for temperature is __________.答案:Kelvin (K)3. The process of converting a solid into a liquid by heating is called __________.答案:Melting4. A __________ is a device used to control the flow of a fluid in a pipeline.答案:Valve5. The __________ is a type of diagram that shows the relationship between different parts of a chemical process. 答案:Flowchart6. The term __________ refers to the study of the physical and chemical properties of materials.答案:Material Science7. The __________ is a type of equipment used to separate liquid mixtures based on differences in their boiling points. 答案:Distillation Column8. The __________ is a type of chemical reaction where two ormore substances combine to form a new compound.答案:Synthesis Reaction9. __________ is a method used to remove impurities from a substance by passing it through a semipermeable membrane.答案:Dialysis10. The __________ is a unit of measurement for the amount of substance in a system.答案:Mole三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. Explain the difference between a homogeneous and a heterogeneous catalyst.答案:A homogeneous catalyst is a catalyst that is in thesame phase as the reactants, usually a liquid or gas. A heterogeneous catalyst is a catalyst that is in a different phase from the reactants, typically a solid.2. Describe the purpose of a control system in a chemical process.答案:A control system in a chemical process is used tomonitor and adjust the process variables to maintain the desired operating conditions. This ensures the process runs efficiently, safely, and produces the desired product quality.3. What are the three main types of distillation processes?答案:The three main types of distillation processes aresimple distillation, fractional distillation, and vacuum distillation.4. Discuss the importance of safety measures in a chemical plant.答案:Safety measures in a chemical plant are crucial to prevent accidents, protect the health of workers, and minimize environmental impact. They include proper equipment design, training of personnel, emergency response plans, and adherence to safety regulations.。



黄冈师范学院2009-2010学年度第一学期期末试卷考试课程:专业英语考核类型:考试B卷考试形式:闭卷出卷教师:杨一思考试专业:化学考试班级:应用化学200701 一、Translate the following into English(36 points)1.酰基化2。






溴化物二、Translation the following into chinese (48 points)1. Advanced ceramics, also known as engineering or technical ceramics,refer to materials which exhibit superior mechanical properties,corrosion/oxidation resistance, and thermal, electrical, optical or magnetic properties.Advanced ceramics are generally broken down into the following segments: structural ceramics,electrical and electronic ceramics, ceramics coatings, chemical processing and environmental ceramics.Structural ceramics include applications such as industrial wear parts, bioceramics, cutting tools, and engine components。



一、单项选择题1.硫:()A、zinc,ZnB、carbon,CC、aluminum,AlD、mercury,HgE、chlorine,ClF、sulfur,S答案: F2.氯:()A、calcium,CaB、carbon,CC、oxygen,OD、silver,AgE、hydrogen,HF、chlorine,Cl答案: F3.铝:()A、zinc,ZnB、carbon,CC、aluminum,AlD、mercury,HgE、chlorine,ClF、sulfur,S答案: C4.钙:()A、calcium,CaB、carbon,CC、oxygen,OD、silver,AgE、hydrogen,HF、chlorine,Cl答案: A5.磷:()A、copper,CuB、aluminum,AlC、gold,AuD、tin,SnE、phosphorus,PF、magnesium,Mg 答案: E6.铁:()A、sodium,NaB、iron,FeC、gold,AuD、iodine,IE、nitrogen,NF、tin,Sn答案: B7.镁:()A、copper,CuB、aluminum,AlC、gold,AuD、tin,SnE、phosphorus,PF、magnesium,Mg 答案: F8.碘:()A、sodium,NaB、iron,FeC、gold,AuD、iodine,IE、nitrogen,NF、tin,Sn答案: D9.钠:()A、sodium,NaB、iron,FeC、gold,AuD、iodine,IE、nitrogen,NF、tin,Sn答案: A10.氧:()A、calcium,CaB、carbon,CC、oxygen,OD、silver,AgE、hydrogen,HF、chlorine,Cl答案: C11.铜:()A、copper,CuB、aluminum,AlC、gold,AuD、tin,SnE、phosphorus,PF、magnesium,Mg 答案: A12.汞:()A、zinc,ZnB、carbon,CC、aluminum,AlD、mercury,HgE、chlorine,ClF、sulfur,S答案: D13.银:()A、calcium,CaB、carbon,CC、oxygen,OD、silver,AgE、hydrogen,HF、chlorine,Cl答案: D14.碳:()A、zinc,ZnB、carbon,CC、aluminum,AlD、mercury,HgE、chlorine,ClF、sulfur,S答案: B15.氮:()A、sodium,NaB、iron,FeC、gold,AuD、iodine,IE、nitrogen,NF、tin,Sn答案: E16.锌:()A、zinc,ZnB、carbon,CC、aluminum,AlD、mercury,HgE、chlorine,ClF、sulfur,S答案: A二、填空题1.be named as:()、()答案: be called、be known as,在表示“命名、称作”的词组任意两个2.but:()、()答案: however、nevertheless、yet,在表示“转折”的单词任意两个3.so:()、()答案: therefore、hence、consequently、thus,在表示“因此”的单词任意两个4.replace:()、()答案: displace、substitute,在表示“替代”的单词任意两个5.in addition to:()、()答案: other than、in addition、as well as、except for,在表示“除了”的词组任意两个6.main:()、()答案: predominant、chief、major、principal,在表示“主要”的单词任意两个7.only:()、()答案: just、merely、barely、simply,在表示“仅是”的单词任意两个8.many:()、()答案: numerous、a great deal of、plenty of、a great many of、many a、lots of,在表示“许多”的单词任意两个三、化合物名称翻译1.sodium hydroxide:()答案:氢氧化钠2.trimethylpentane:()答案:三甲基苯3.calcium hypochlorite:()答案:次氯酸钙4.sodium perchlorate:()答案:高氯酸钠5.copper sulphate:()答案:硫酸铜6.2-hexene:()答案: 2-己烯7.dichloromethane:()答案:二氯甲烷8.1-hexene:()答案: 1-己烯9.sodium chloride:()答案:氯化钠10.butyl chloride:()答案:丁基氯11.calcium carbonate:()答案:碳酸钙12.sulfur dioxide:()答案:二氧化硫13.aluminum oxide:()答案:氧化铝四、句式改写1.请将两个简单句合并为which或that引导的从句The peak of graphene oxide was shifted to 22.5°.This is due to partial reduction of graphene oxide to graphene caused by co-precipitation reaction of iron ions.答案: The peak of graphene oxide was shifted to 22.5°, which is due to partial reduction of graphene oxide to graphene caused by co-precipitation reaction of iron ions.五、英译汉1.With the rapid development of industrialization, heavy metal contaminationhas become an important environmental problem, leading to serious healthproblems for human beings.答案:随着工业化的快速发展,重金属污染已成为一个重要的环境问题,给人类带来了严重的健康问题。

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菏泽学院化学与化工系2008级2010-2011学年第二学期化学工程与工艺《专业英语》期末试卷(B)(110分钟)一、IUPAC命名(每小题3分,共18分)1、HN2、ClOH3、OHN-methylpropan-1-amine 4-chlorobutan-2-ol propan-1-ol或4-chloro-2-butanol 或1-propanol4、5、O6、ClBr1,1,2-trimethylcyclopentane 1-ethoxy-3-methylpentane 4-bromo-2-chloro-1-methylcyclohexane二、画出下列无机化合物英文名称(每小题3分,共12分)1、CO carbon monoxide2、SO2 sulfur dioxide3、K3PO3 potassium phosphite4、H2CO3 carbonic acid三、写出下列实验仪器的英文名称(每小题4分,共20分)1、洗瓶wash bottle2、抽滤瓶filter flask3、烧杯beaker4、容量瓶volumetric flask5、试管test tube四、写出缩略词全名(每小题4分,共20分)1、IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry2、ACS American Chemical Society3、CAS No Chemical Abstracts Service Number4、HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography5、IR Infra-Red Spectroscopy五、翻译(每小题6分,共30分)························阅·······················卷························密························封························线·························系别:_____________年级:____________专业:____________________姓名:_______________学号:_______________························装·······················订························密························封························线·························1、A paper is not just an archival device for storing a completed research program, it is also a structure for planning your research in progress. If you clearly understand the purpose and form of a paper, it can be immensely useful to you in organizing and conducting your research.一篇论文并不仅仅是收集已经得到的研究结果,它也有助于形成进一步的研究工作的框架。


2、The drawbacks of a continuous-flow microwave apparatus are that it can be difficult toprocess solids, highly viscous liquids, or heterogeneous reaction mixtures. Also, adaptation of conditions from simple small-scale reactions to the continuous-flow cell could end up being time-consuming.连续流微波设备的缺点是处理固体、高粘度液体或非均相反应混合物可能会比较困难。


3、The other option is to use a batch-type process. This could either involve using one large vessel or parallel batch reactors. One of the key advantages of batch processing is that heterogeneity does not prove an issue.另外一个选择是使用间歇式工艺。



4、The use of continuous-flow rather than batch processing means that signicant quantities of reagents can be processed and only a relatively small quantity of material is in the microwave field at any one time.使用连续流而非间歇式工艺意味着在任一时间只有相对少量的物料处于微波区域的情况下就可以处理大量的反应物。

5、Our objectives when starting out with our work with continuous-flow apparatus were to determine if it was possible to process homogeneous, heterogeneous, and highly viscous reaction mixtures and to use directly the reaction conditions from small batch runs without need for reoptimization.我们在使用连续流设备开始工作时,目的是想确定使用它来处理均相、非均相和高粘度混合物是否可能,直接使用小批次得来的反应条件并不再优化是否可能。

························阅·······················卷························密························封························线························· 系别:_____________ 年级:____________ 专业:____________________ 姓名:_______________ 学号:_______________························装·······················订························密························封························线·························。
