Evaporation of Phosphorus in Molten Silicon by an Electron Beam Irradiation Method
地低于在l/2 MS液体培养基中的硫苷含量。在添加了CdCl2(50、100岬) 的RoserT0lra液体培养基中培养15天后,Cl系中的硫苷含量(4.177m眺. FW和6.85lm∥g.FW)均高于C5系中的硫苷含量(2.812 m眺.FW和4.26l mg/g.FW),且当CdCl2浓度为100岬时,C1中的硫苷含量为最高(6.851m∥g.
Cl(0.18529.FV堋ask)cmtul司in the Roser Tolra liquid media after 1 5d was slightly lower
than which of C5(0.1 8959.F、v/n硒k).Cultured in the Roser Tolra liquid media with CdCl2 or鼢licylic孔id after l 5d,the biomass accumulation of C l and C5 decreased a8 the concentration of the CdCl2 or鼢licylic acid increased.Cultured in l/2 MS liquid media with 鞠】icylic acid after l 5d, the biomass accumulation of C 1 and C5 decrcased as the concentration of the salicylic acid increased.
2)The biomass accumulation of C l(0.34789.FⅣ/nask)cultIlred in l/2 MS solid/liquid
media anerl 5d w雒higllcr tll锄which of C5(o.23489.FW/flaSk).ne biomass accumulation of
二氧化硅-共聚物杂化荧光纳米材料用于动物活体成像张泽芳;袁薇;徐明;易韬;张善端;李富友【摘要】以氧化硅(Si02)前驱体与三嵌段共聚物F108合成较小粒径的SiO2-共聚物杂化纳米体系(SNP),并与高效近红外发射的疏水染料M507自组装,构建了近红外发光纳米探针M507@SNP.同时,研究了M507@SNP的光物理性能和细胞毒性.动物成像实验证明该纳米成像探针可实现活体层次高信噪比的小动物全身成像和前哨淋巴结的指示.【期刊名称】《无机化学学报》【年(卷),期】2018(034)011【总页数】7页(P1943-1949)【关键词】杂化复合材料;荧光成像;空心二氧化硅粒子;近红外荧光染料【作者】张泽芳;袁薇;徐明;易韬;张善端;李富友【作者单位】复旦大学先进照明技术教育部工程研究中心,上海200433;复旦大学化学系,上海200433;复旦大学化学系,上海200433;复旦大学附属华山医院中西医结合科,上海200040;复旦大学先进照明技术教育部工程研究中心,上海200433;复旦大学化学系,上海200433【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O613.720 引言目前,光学成像具有无创性、实时、高分辨率的特点,在疾病的早期诊断和具有重要意义,其中近红外(near-infrared,NIR)成像其发射波长位于700~1 000 nm,在该范围内生物组织自发荧光较少,吸收低,近年来成为生物成像研究的热点。
如小分子染料吲哚菁绿(indocyanine Lreen,ICG)作为造影剂已被美国食品药品监督管理局 (Food and DruL Administration,FDA)批准应用于临床手术导航和淋巴结的指示。
科目专业英语专业冶金工程姓名仲光绪学号1045562137HISTORY OF THE BASIC OXYGEN STEELMAKING PROCESSBasic Oxygen Steelmaking is unquestionably the "son of Bessemer", the original pneumatic process patented by Sir Henry Bessemer in 1856. Because oxygen was not available commercially in those days, air was the oxidant. It was blown through tuyeres in the bottom of the pear shaped vessel. Since air is 80% inert nitrogen, which entered the vessel cold but exited hot, removed so much heat from the process that the charge had to be almost 100% hot metal for it to be autogenous. The inability of the Bessemer process to melt significant quantities of scrap became an economic handicap as steel scrap accumulated. Bessemer production peaked in the U.S. in 1906 and lingered until the 1960s.There are two interesting historical footnotes to the original Bessemer story:William Kelly was awarded the original U.S. patent for pneumatic steelmaking over Bessemer in 1857. However, it is clear that Kelly's "air boiling" process was conducted at such low blowing rates that the heat generation barely offset the heat losses. He never developed a commercial process for making steel consistently.Most European iron ores and therefore hot metal was high in sulfur and phosphorus and no processes to remove these from steel had been developed in the 1860s. As a result, Bessemer's steel suffered from both "hot shortness" (due to sulfur) and "cold shortness" (due to phosphorus) that rendered it unrollable. For his first commercial plant in Sheffield, 1866, Bessemer remelted cold pig iron imported from Sweden as the raw material for his hot metal. This charcoal derived pig iron was low in phosphorus and sulfur, and (fortuitously) high in manganese which acted as a deoxidant. In contrast the U.S. pig iron was produced using low sulfur charcoal and low phosphorus domestic ore. Therefore, thanks to the engineering genius of Alexander Holley, two Bessemer plants were in operation by 1866. However, the daily output of remotely located charcoal blast furnaces was very low. Therefore, hot metal was produced by remelting pig iron in cupolas and gravity feeding it to the 5 ton Bessemer vessels.The real breakthrough for Bessemer occurred in 1879 when Sidney Thomas, a young clerk from a London police court, shocked the metallurgical establishment by presenting data on a process to remove phosphorus (and also sulfur) from Bessemer's steel. He developed basic linings produced from tar-bonded dolomite bricks. These were eroded to form a basic slag that absorbed phosphorus and sulfur, although the amounts remained high by modern standards. The Europeans quickly took to the "Thomas Process" because of their very high-phosphorus hot metal, and as a bonus, granulated the phosphorus-rich molten slag in water to create a fertilizer. In the U.S., Andrew Carnegie, who was present when Thomas presented his paper in London, befriended the young man and cleverly acquired the U.S. license, which squelched any steelmaking developments in the South where high phosphorus ores are located.Although Bessemer's father had jokingly suggested using pure oxygen instead of air, this possibility was to remain a dream until "tonnage oxygen" became available at a reasonable cost. A 250 ton BOF today needs about 20 tons of pure oxygen every 40 minutes. Despite its high cost, oxygen was used in Europe to a limited extent in the 1930's to enrich the air blast for blast furnaces and Thomas converters. It was also used in the U.S for scarfing and welding.The production of low cost tonnage oxygen was stimulated in World War II by the German V2 rocket program. After the war, the Germans were denied the right to manufacture tonnage oxygen, but oxygen plants were shipped to other countries. The bottom tuyeres used in the Bessemer and Thomas processes could not withstand even oxygen-enriched air, let alone pure oxygen. In the late 1940s, Professor Durrer in Switzerland pursued his prewar idea of injecting pure oxygen through the top of the vessel. Development now moved to neighboring Austria where developers wanted to produce low nitrogen, flat-rolled sheet, but a shortage of scrap precluded open hearth operations. Following pilot plant trials at Linz and Donawitz, a top blown pneumatic process for a 35 ton vessel using pure oxygen was commercialized by Voest at Linz in 1952. The nearby Dolomite Mountains also provided an ideal source of material for basic refractories.The new process was officially dubbed the "LD Process" and because of its high productivity was seen globally as a viable, low capital process by which the war torn countries of Europe could rebuild their steel industries. Japan switched from a rebuilding plan based on open hearths to evaluate the LD, and installed their first unit at Yawata in 1957.Two small North American installations started at Dofasco and McLouth in 1954. However, with the know-how and capital invested in 130 million tons of open hearth capacity, plans for additional open hearth capacity well along, cheap energy, and heat sizes greater by an order of magnitude (300 versus 30 tons), the incentive to install this untested, small-scale process in North America was lacking. The process was acknowledged as a breakthrough technically but the timing, scale, and economics were wrong for the time. The U.S,which manufactured about 50% of the world's total steel output, needed steel for a booming post-war economy.There were also acrimonious legal actions over patent rights to the process and the supersonic lance design, which was now multihole rather than single hole. Kaiser Industries held the U.S. patent rights but in the end, the U.S. Supreme Court supported lower court decisions that considered the patent to be invalid.Nevertheless, the appeal of lower energy, labor, and refractory costs for the LD process could not be denied and although oxygen usage in the open hearth delayed the transition to the new process in the U.S., oxygen steelmaking tonnage grew steadily in the 1960's. By 1969, it exceeded that of the open hearth for the first time and has never relinquished its position as the dominant steelmaking process in the U.S. but the name LD never caught on in the U.S.Technical developments over the years include improved computer models and instrumentation for improved turn-down control, external hot metal desulfurization, bottomblowing and stirring with a variety of gases and tuyeres, slag splashing, and improved refractories.INTRODUCTIONAccounting for 60% of the world's total output of crude steel, the Basic Oxygen Steelmaking (BOS) process is the dominant steelmaking technology. In the U.S., that figure is 54% and slowly declining due primarily to the advent of the "Greenfield" electric arc furnace (EAF)flat-rolled mills. However, elsewhere its use is growing.There exist several variations on the BOS process: top blowing, bottom blowing, and a combination of the two. This study will focus only on the top blowing variation.The Basic Oxygen Steelmaking process differs from the EAF in that it is autogenous, orself-sufficient in energy. The primary raw materials for the BOP are 70-80% liquid hot metal from the blast furnace and the balance is steel scrap. These are charged into the Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) vessel. Oxygen (>99.5% pure) is "blown" into the BOF at supersonic velocities. It oxidizes the carbon and silicon contained in the hot metal liberating great quantities of heat which melts the scrap. There are lesser energy contributions from the oxidation of iron, manganese, and phosphorus. The post combustion of carbon monoxide as it exits the vessel also transmits heat back to the bath.The product of the BOS is molten steel with a specified chemical anlaysis at 2900°F-3000°F. From here it may undergo further refining in a secondary refining process or be sent directly to the continuous caster where it is solidified into semifinished shapes: blooms, billets, or slabs.Basic refers to the magnesia (MgO) refractory lining which wears through contact with hot, basic slags. These slags are required to remove phosphorus and sulfur from the molten charge.BOF heat sizes in the U.S. are typically around 250 tons, and tap-to-tap times are about 40 minutes, of which 50% is "blowing time". This rate of production made the process compatible with the continuous casting of slabs, which in turn had an enormous beneficial impact on yields from crude steel to shipped product, and on downstream flat-rolled quality.BASIC OPERATIONBOS process replaced open hearth steelmaking. The process predated continuous casting. As a consequence, ladle sizes remained unchanged in the renovated open hearth shops and ingot pouring aisles were built in the new shops. Six-story buildings are needed to house the Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) vessels to accommodate the long oxygen lances that are lowered and raised from the BOF vessel and the elevated alloy and flux bins. Since the BOSprocess increases productivity by almost an order of magnitude, generally only two BOFs were required to replace a dozen open hearth furnaces.Some dimensions of a typical 250 ton BOF vessel in the U.S. are: height 34 feet, outside diameter 26 feet, barrel lining thickness 3 feet, and working volume 8000 cubic feet. A control pulpit is usually located between the vessels. Unlike the open hearth, the BOF operation is conducted almost "in the dark" using mimics and screens to determine vessel inclination, additions, lance height, oxygen flow etc.Once the hot metal temperature and chemical analaysis of the blast furnace hot metal are known, a computer charge models determine the optimum proportions of scrap and hot metal, flux additions, lance height and oxygen blowing time.A "heat" begins when the BOF vessel is tilted about 45 degrees towards the charging aisle and scrap charge (about 25 to 30% of the heat weight) is dumped from a charging box into the mouth of the cylindrical BOF. The hot metal is immediately poured directly onto the scrap from a transfer ladle. Fumes and kish (graphite flakes from the carbon saturated hot metal) are emitted from the vessel's mouth and collected by the pollution control system. Charging takes a couple of minutes. Then the vessel is rotated back to the vertical position and lime/dolomite fluxes are dropped onto the charge from overhead bins while the lance is lowered to a few feet above the bottom of the vessel. The lance is water-cooled with a multi-hole copper tip. Through this lance, oxygen of greater than 99.5% purity is blown into the mix. If the oxygen is lower in purity, nitrogen levels at tap become unacceptable.CONCLUSIONThe BOS has been a pivotal process in the transformation of the U.S. steel industry since World War II. Although it was not recognized at the time, the process made it possible to couple melting with continuous casting. The result has been that melt shop process and finishing mill quality and yields improved several percent, such that the quantity of raw steel required per ton of product decreased significantly.The future of the BOS depends on the availability of hot metal, which in turn depends on the cost and availability of coke. Although it is possible to operate BOFs with reduced hot metal charges, i.e. < 70%, there are productivity penalties and costs associated with the supply of auxiliary fuels. Processes to replace the blast furnace are being constantly being unveiled, and the concept of a hybrid BOF-EAF is already a reality at the Saldahna Works in South Africa. However, it appears that the blast furnace and the BOS will be with us for many decades into the future.The American Iron and Steel Institute acknowledges, with thanks, the contributions of Teresa M. Speiran, Senior Research Engineer, Refractories and Bruce A. Steiner, Senior Environmental Advisor, Collier Shannon Scott PLLC.氧气转炉炼钢氧气转炉炼钢工艺的历史氧气转炉炼钢无疑是“贝塞麦法的衍生”,气动原件过程由爵士亨利柏麦在1856年申请了专利。
IKA RCT基本型 加热磁力搅拌器使用说明
Байду номын сангаас
GHI Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Item Designation
A Main Switch B Adjustable safety circuit C Rotary knob, heater D Rotary knob, motor E LED display, heater F LED display, motor G LED, heating plate H LED, external temperature sensor I LED (set=set point value) J LED, external temperature sensor K Power socket L Socket, contact thermometer M Threaded hole for stand
Operating instructions 使用说明
EN 4 CN 14
5005525a_RCT_HCT_052010:RCT basic 8/13/2010 5:18 PM Page 3
RCT basic safety control RCT 基本型 (安全控制型)
HCT basic safety control HCT 基本型 (安全控制型)
• Always disconnect the plug before fitting accessories. • The appliance can only be disconnected from the mains supply
技术将腐蚀前后的位错与腐蚀坑一一对应,验证了该方法的可靠性。 该改进方案已成为 SiC 衬底材料缺陷
由于 Na2 O2 在熔融 KOH 中会分解,为腐蚀剂提供充足的活性氧,从而提高腐蚀效果。 受此启发,本文引
生的氧化还原反应,使得 KOH 腐蚀 SiC 衬底的效果近似于用 KOH + Na2 O2 共熔体腐蚀得到的效果。 本研究有效改良
了传统 KOH 腐蚀方法,对于稳定 KOH 腐蚀条件,提高 SiC 位错腐蚀效果具有很好的实际应用价值。
人 工 晶 体 学 报
第 52 卷 第 5 期
2023 年 5 月
Vol. 52 No. 5
利用干燥空气改善熔融 KOH 对单晶碳化硅的腐蚀
孙 帅1,2 ,宋华平2 ,杨军伟2 ,王文军2,3 ,屈红霞2 ,简基康1
etching process is often affected due to the hydrolysis of KOH. To ensure stability and reproducibility of the etching process,
frequent replacement of KOH is necessary, which leads to a large consumption of the etching materials. In this study, an
Words and Expressionsextractive [iks'træktiv] 提取的,萃取的refine [ri'fain] 精炼metallurgy [me'tælədʒi] 冶金,冶金学ingot [ˈɪŋgət] 铸锭concentrate [ˈkɔnsəntreit] 精选,富集,精矿fabricate [ˈfæbrikeit] 加工,制作gangue [gæŋ] 脉石deposit [diˈpɔzit] 沉积,矿床mineral [ˈminərəl] dressing 选矿flotation [fləuˈteiʃən] 浮选pyrometallurgy [ˌpairəumeˈtælədʒi] 火法冶金manganese .[ˈmæŋgəˌni:z] 锰hydrometallurgy [ˌhaidrəumeˈtælə:dʒi] 湿法冶金aluminium [ˌælju:ˈminjəm] 铝electrometallurgy [iˌlektrəumeˈtælədʒi] 电冶金electrolysis .[ɪlekˈtrɔlɪsɪs] 电解beneficiation [ˈbeniˌfiʃiˈeiʃən] 选矿,矿物处理suffice .[səˈfais] 足够,满足……的需要mercury sulphide [ˈmə:kjuri] [ˈsʌlfaɪd] 硫化汞magnesium [mægˈni:zi:əm] 镁non-ferrous [ˈferəs] metals 有色金属by products 副产品impurity [ɪmˈpjʊərɪti:] 杂质distillation [ˌdɪstəˈleɪʃən] 蒸馏oxidation [ˌɔksɪˈdeɪʃən] 氧化volatile [ˈvɔlətail] 蒸馏mercury [ˈmə:kjuri] 汞cadmium [ˈkædmiəm] 镉melting point 熔点titanium [taɪˈteɪni:əm] 钛zirconium .[zə:ˈkəuniəm] 锆chromium [ˈkrəʊmi:əm] 铬niobium [naiˈəubiəm] 铌molybdenum [məˈlibdinəm] 钼molten [ˈməʊltən] 熔融的refractory [rɪˈfræktəri:] 难熔的crucible [ˈkr u:sibl] 坩埚oxygen [ˈɔksidʒən] 氧nitrogen [ˈnaitrədʒən] 氮slag [slæg] 渣electromotive series [ilektrəuˈməutiv] [ˈsiəri:z] 电化序reducing agent [riˈdju:siŋ] [ˈeidʒənt] 还原剂roast [rəust] 焙烧smelt [smelt] 熔炼convert [kənˈvə:t] 吹炼aqueous [ˈeikwiəs] solution 水溶液trace back 追溯到concern with 与……有关by means of 用,依靠organic [ɔ:ˈgænik] 有机的vacuum [ˈvækjuəm] 真空conventional [kənˈvenʃənl] 常规的,传统的inorganic [ˌɪnɔ:ˈgænɪk] 无机的alchemist [ˈælkimist] 炼金术imminent [ˈiminənt] 即将发生的depletion [dɪˈpli:ʃən] 消耗,枯竭lean [li:n] ore 贫矿discard [disˈka:d] 废弃,丢弃manganese nodule [ˈnɔdʒu:l] 锰结核dust [dʌst] 烟尘matte [mæt] 冰铜锍speiss [spais] 黄渣sludge [slʌdʒ] 污泥burgeoning [ˈbə:dʒəniŋ] 新兴的recycling [ri:ˈsaikliŋ] 回收,循环assess [əˈses] 估计,评价alleviate [əˈli:vieit] 减轻,缓和rare metal 稀土金属associate [əˈsəuʃieit] with 联系,与……交往flowsheet [fləuˈʃi:t] 流程图relegate [ˈreligeit] 把……置于次要地位panacea [ˌpænəˈsi:ə] 万灵药complementary [ˌkɔmpləˈmentəri] 互补的revenue [ˈrevənju:] 收入hafnium [ˈhæfniəm] 铪mint [mint] 铸造furnace [ˈfə:nis] 炉子atmospheric [ˌætməˈsferɪk] 大气的disposal [disˈpəuzəl] 处置,处理matte smelting造锍熔炼converting [kənˈvə:tiŋ] 吹炼sulphide [ˈsʌlfaɪd] 硫化物blast [bla:st] furnace 鼓风炉,高炉silica [ˈsilikə] 二氧化硅alumina [əˈlju:minə] 氧化铝calcium [ˈkælsiəm] 钙phosphorus.[ˈfɔsfərəs] 磷sulphur [ˈsʌlfə] 硫interface [ˈintəfeis] 界面reverberatory.[riˈvə:bərətəri] furnace反射炉lime [laɪm] 石灰refractory [rɪˈfræktəri:] 难熔的thermal [ˈθə:məl] barrier [ˈbæriə] 隔热层quartz [kwɔ:ts] 石英iron [ˈaiən] 铁liquidus [ˈlikwidəs] 液相线viscosity [vɪˈskɔsɪti:] 黏度specific [spiˈsifik] gravity [ˈgræviti]比重dissolve [diˈzɔlv] 溶解orthosilicate [ˌɔ:θəˈsiləkeit] 正硅酸盐acidic [əˈsɪdɪk] 酸性的neutralization [ˌnju:trəlaiˈzeiʃən] 中和anion [ˈænaiən] 阴离子pentoxide [ˌpenˈtɔksaid] 五氧化物phosphorus pentoxide 五氧化二磷molecule [ˈmɔlikju:l] 分子polymer [ˈpɔləmə] 聚合物,聚合的basicity [bəˈsisiti] 碱度neutral [ˈnju:trəl] 中性的equilibrium [ˌi:kwəˈlɪbri:əm] 平衡ionic [aiˈɔnik] 离子的undissociated [ˈʌndiˈsəuʃieitid] 未离解的desulphurize [di:ˈsʌlfəraiz] 脱硫cation [ˈkætaiən] 阳离子fluorspar [ˈflu(:)əspa:] 氟石synthetic [sin'θetik]人造的silicate ['silikit] 硅酸盐resin ['rezin] 树脂cuprammoniumrayon铜氨纤维brass [brɑ:s] 黄铜electroplate [i'lektrəu'pleit] 电镀uranium [juəˈreiniəm] 铀sorption. ['sɔ:pʃən] 吸附saturated ['sætʃəreitid] 饱和的effluent ['efluənt] 污水elution [iˈlju: ʃən]洗涤vanadium [və'neidiəm] 钒platinum ['plætinəm] 铂ion exchange 离子交换solvent extraction 溶剂萃取agitation [ˌædʒi'teiʃən] 搅拌immiscible [i'misəbl] 不互溶的stripped solvent反萃剂contaminant [kən'tæmənənt]污染物extractant [iks'træktənt]萃取剂alkali ['ælkəlai] 碱hydrolyze ['haidrəlaiz] 使水解derivative [di'rivətiv]衍生物chelate ['ki:leit] 螯合的chelating compound螯合物reagent [ri:'eidʒənt] 试剂kerosene ['kerəsi:n] 煤油perforated ['pə:fəreitid] 多孔的chalcocite ['kælkəsait] 辉铜矿covellite [kəu'velait] 铜蓝chalcopyrite [ˌkælkə'pairait] 黄铜矿bornite ['bɔ:nait] 斑铜矿pyrite [pairait] 黄铁矿cuprite ['kju:prait] 赤铜矿tenorite ['tenərait] 黑铜矿coke [kəuk] 焦炭exhaust [ig'zɔ:st] 耗尽pulverize ['pʌlvəraiz] 粉碎negative ['negətiv] 负的flux [flʌks] 助熔剂hearth [hɑ:θ] 炉床horizontal [ˌhɔri'zɔntl] 水平的boiler ['bɔilə] 锅炉siliceous [si'liʃəs] 硅酸的cast [kɑ:st] 浇铸roughen ['rʌfən] 粗糙blister ['blistə] copper 泡铜anode ['ænəud] 阳极electrolytic tank [tæŋk] 电解槽cathode ['kæθəud] 阴极electrolyte [i'lektrəu,lait] 电解质contaminate [kən'tæmineit] 使不纯soluble ['sɔljubl] 可溶的selenium [si'li:niəm] 硒tellurium [te'ljuəriəm] 碲arsenic ['ɑ:sənik] 砷hydrocarbon ['haidrəu'kɑ:bən] 碳氢化合物anode refining 阳极精炼agitate ['ædʒiteit] 搅动eutectic [ju:'tektik] 共晶体dilute [dai'lju:t] sulfuric [sʌl'fju:rik] acid 稀硫酸precipitation [priˌsipi'teiʃən] 沉淀sponge [spʌndʒ] 海绵cement [si'ment] 水泥,胶状材料preheat [pri:'hi:t] 预热calamine ['kæləmain]异极矿blende [blend]闪锌矿arsenic['ɑ:sənik]砷antimony['æntiməni]锑tin[tin]锡indium['indiəm]铟germanium[dʒə:'meiniəm]锗gallium['gæliəm]镓fluidize ['flu:ədaiz]使流化electrostatic[i'lektrəu'stætik]静电marmatite['mɑ: mətait]铁闪锌矿carbonate ['kɑ:bəneit] 碳酸盐combustion [kəm'bʌstʃən] 燃烧volatilize['vɔlətilaiz] 挥发concomitantly [kən'kɔmitənt] 伴生的blend [blend]掺和,混合,掺和物sphalerite ['sfælərait]闪锌矿smithsonite ['smiθsənait]菱锌矿zinc [ziŋk]锌zinc pyrite 锌黄铁矿zincite ['ziŋkait]氧化锌,红锌矿,ZnO vertical retort process 竖罐炼锌tuyere [twi:'jɛə] (冶金炉)风口,风眼briquet [bri'ket]团块,坯块,制团galvanizing ['gælvənaiz]镀锌petzite['petˌsait]碲金银矿cyanide ['saiənaid]氰化物deaerated [di:'ɛəreit]使气泡除去telluride ['teljuraid]碲化物nugget['nʌgit]天然金矿,矿块calaverite[kælə'vɛərait]碲金矿sylvanite['silvəˌnait]针碲金(银)矿tailing['teiliŋ]矿渣filtration[fil'treiʃən]过滤scum[skʌm]浮渣granular['grænjulə]粒状的percolation[ˌpə:kə'leiʃən]过滤amalgamation[əˌmælgə'meiʃən]融合,合并container [kən'teinə] 容器packaging ['pækidʒiŋ] 包装,包装物bauxite ['bɔ:ksait] 铝碱土,铝土矿electrical conductor 导电体hydrate ['haidreit] 氢氧化物,水合物titania [tai'teiniə] 二氧化钛,氧化钛anhydrous [æn'haidrəs] 无水的reserve [ri'zə:v] 储备物,储藏量exclusively [iks'klu:sivli] 排外的,专有的distinct [dis'tiŋkt] 清楚的,明显的digest [dai'dʒest] 浸煮蒸煮,煮解caustic ['kɔ:stik] 腐蚀性的,苛性的soda ['səudə] 碳酸水,纯碱,氢氧化钠residue ['rezidju:] 剩余物,残余,残渣filtration [fil'treiʃən] 过滤,筛选liquor ['likə] 液体,母液be seeded with做孕育处理,使孕育crystal ['kristl] 晶体,结晶,水晶trihydrate [trai'haidreit] 三水合物alumina trihydrate 氢氧化铝reverse [ri'və:s] 颠倒,倒转,倒退precipitate [pri'sipiteit] 使沉淀,沉淀conductor [kən'dʌktə] 导体cryolite ['kraiəlait] 冰晶石additive ['æditiv] 添加剂cell [sel] 电解槽,小房间probable ['prɔbəbl] 很可能的,大概的dissociate [di'səuʃieit] 分解,游离,chloride ['klɔ:raid] 氯化物sodium ['səudiəm] 钠petroleum [pi'trəuliəm] 石油tar [tɑ:] 焦油,柏油pitch [pitʃ] 沥青柏油coal tar pitch 煤焦油沥青purification [ˌpjurifi'keiʃən] 净化,提纯,精致blow-off 排出,喷出digestion [di'dʒestʃən] 溶解,溶出,煮解robot ['rəubɔt] 机器人,遥控设备preferentially [ˌprefə'renʃəli] 先取的,优先的clarify ['klærifai] 澄清,使纯净sedimentation [ˌsedimən'teiʃən] 沉淀,沉降inherent [in'hiərənt] 固有的,内在的supersaturate [su:pə'sætʃəreit] 使过度饱和excess [ik'ses] 多余的,额外的exploit ['eksplɔit] 利用,使用,开发,开采slurry ['slə:ri] 不溶解物的悬浮液sand [sænd] 除沙槽coarse [kɔ:s] 粗的,粗糙的fraction ['frækʃən] 小部分,微量tank [tæŋk] 槽,箱,桶filter ['filtə] 过滤器,滤光器pressure ['preʃə] 压力过滤器gibbsite ['gibsait] 水铝矿,铝土矿green [gri:n] 未加工的,湿的socket ['sɔkit] 穴,孔,插座modify ['mɔdifai] 调节,限制crust [krʌst] 外壳,硬壳interfacial tension 界面张力interfacial [ˌintə'feiʃəl] 界面的,分界面的holding ['həuldiŋ] 保温炉tension ['tenʃən] 压力,张力,牵力siphon ['saifən] 用虹管吸收dilute [dai'lju:t] 冲淡,稀释hooded ['hudid] 有罩盖的,带头巾的potline ['pɔtlain] 制铝用的电解槽系列crane [krein] 起重机commensurate [kə'menʃərit] 相当的,相称的assist [ə'sist] 帮助,辅助manipulate [mə'nipjuleit] 熟练的操作使用cable ['keibl] 钢丝绳,缆索be commensurate with 与什么相当,与什么相称weld [weld]焊接combustion chamber 燃烧室checkerwork 格式装置,砌砖格checker mass 蓄热室burner ['bə:nə]燃烧器air stream 风流,空气流pack [pæk] 填塞,塞满checker brick 格子砖volume ratio 体积比,容积比checker chamber 蓄热室flue [flu:] 烟道,通气管on blast 送风,鼓风natural gas天然气coke oven ['ʌvən] 焦炉compress [kəm'pres] 压缩bypass 绕过,使通过…旁道valve[vælv] 阀门mixervalve 混风阀turbulent ['tə:bjulənt] 涡旋的,狂暴的exhaust [ig'zɔ:st] 排气chimney['tʃimni]废气dome[dəum] 圆顶,圆屋顶preset[pri:'set] 事先调整,预调backdraft 到转,逆通风creep [kri:p]蠕变,蠕动creep-resistant 抗蠕变的thermal['θə:məl]热的,热量的skinwall隔墙specification [ˌspesifi'keiʃən] 规格,技术要求automation [ˌɔ:tə'meiʃən] 自动控制,自动操作contamination [kənˌtæmi'neiʃən] 污染,污染物direct reduced iron(DRI)直接还原铁methane ['meθein] 甲烷,沼气carbon monoxide [mɔ'nɔksaid] 一氧化碳descend [di'send] 下来,下降scarce [skɛəs] 缺乏的,不足的uniform ['ju:nifɔ:m] 均匀的,均质的go into production 投产gas reformer [ri'fɔ:mə] 气体转化炉gravity['græviti] 重力discharge [dis'tʃɑ:dʒ] 排出,流出seal [si:l] legs 料封管bustle ['bʌsl] pipe 环形风管counter current 相反的,逆流charge solid 固体炉料gravity feed 重力给料outlet ['autlet] 出口,出路burden ['bə:dn] 炉料,配料scrubber ['skrʌbə] 气体洗涤器recompress 再压缩preheat [pri:'hi:t] 预热pipe 以管输送reformer tube 重整管catalyst ['kætəlist] 催化剂,触媒recycle [ri:'saikl] 使再循环,反复使用sponge [spʌndʒ] iron 海绵铁porosity [pɔ:'rɔsiti] 多孔性,有孔性lime shell [ʃel] 石灰涂层passivation [ˌpæsi'veiʃən] 钝化water glass 水玻璃(硅酸钠)subdivide ['sʌbdi'vaid] 再分,细分gasifier ['gæsifaiə] 汽化器,燃气发生炉outlet pipe 流出管,排出管melter gasifier 熔融汽化炉iron bath reactor 铁浴反应炉briquette [bri'ket] 压块magnesite ['mægnəsait] 菱镁矿jet [dʒet] 射流,气流tray [trei] 底板,托架charge [tʃɑ:dʒ]装料,装满penetrate['penitreit]穿透,渗透splash [splæʃ] 飞溅,斑点circulation [ˌsə:kju'leiʃən] 循环,流通pouring['pɔ: riŋ]钢包evolution [ˌi:və'lu:ʃən]放出(气体),形成tapping hole 出钢口free running slag 易流动渣rim [rim] 边,轮缘tap-to-tap [tæp] time 出钢时间filling ['filiŋ] 装料duration [dju'reiʃən] of a heat 冶炼(一炉)时间The L D practice氧气顶吹转炉工艺。
琼脂糖凝胶电泳法(agarose gel electrophoresis)agarose gel electrophoresisThe principle of 1. agarose gel electrophoresisAgarose gel electrophoresis is a standard method for isolation, identification and purification of DNA fragments. The technique is simple and rapid and can be used to distinguish DNA fragments that cannot be isolated by other methods such as density gradient centrifugation. When the dye Ethidium (bromide, EB) is dyed with low concentration fluorescent dye, DNA bands of 1-10ng can be detected at least under ultraviolet light so that the position of DNA fragments in the gel can be determined. In addition, a specific DNA band can be recovered from the electrophoretic gel for subsequent cloning operations.Agarose can be made into various shapes, sizes, and porosities. Agarose gel separated DNA slices with a wide range of sizes. Agarose gels of different concentrations could separate DNA fragments from 200bp to near 50kb. Agarose is commonly used in horizontal devices for electrophoresis under constant electric field with constant intensity and direction.Agarose is mainly used as a solid support substrate in DNA electrophoresis, and its density depends on the concentration of agarose. In the electric field, the negative charge DNA moves towards the anode at the neutral pH, and the migration rate is determined by the following factors:Molecular size of 1. DNA:A linear double stranded DNA molecules in a certain concentration in agarose gel migration rate and molecular weight of DNA is inversely proportional to the logarithm of the molecular, the greater the resistance is greater, more difficult in the gel pores. Therefore, the slower migration.2. agarose concentrationA linear DNA molecule of a given size has a different migration rate at different concentrations of agarose gels. The logarithm of mobility of DNA electrophoresis is linearly related to gel concentration. The choice of gel concentration depends on the size of the DNA molecule. The concentration required for separating DNA fragments less than 0.5kb is 1.2-1.5%, and the concentration of DNA molecules larger than 10KB is 0.3-0.7%, and the concentration of DNA fragments between them is0.8-1.0%.Conformation of 3.DNA moleculeWhen the DNA molecule is in different conformation, it moves in the electric field, not only in relation to the molecular weight, but also to its conformation. The same molecular weight of the linear, open loop and ultra helical DNA in agarose gel moving speed is not the same, ultra helical DNA moving fastest, and linear double stranded DNA move the slowest. As in the electrophoresis of plasmid purity found several gel DNA with plasmid DNA is difficult to determine the cause of different conformation or because of containing other caused by DNA, can be gradually recovered from the agarose gel, DNA, respectively,hydrolysis, using the same restriction enzyme and gel electrophoresis, as in the DNA appear on the map is the same. For the same kind of DNA.4 、 supply voltageAt low voltage, the migration rate of the linear DNA fragment is proportional to the applied voltage. But with the increase of field strength, the migration of DNA with different molecular weight fragment rate will increase with different amplitude, fragment is larger, because the field strength increases caused by migration rate increased more significantly, so the voltage increases, the effective separation range of agarose gel will be reduced. To maximize the resolution of the DNA fragment greater than 2KB, the voltage shall not exceed 5v/cm.5, the presence of embedded dyesEthidium bromide, a fluorescent dye, was used to detect DNA in agarose gels,The dye is embedded between the stacked base pairs, stretching the elongated and notched ring DNA, making it more rigid and reducing the linear DNA mobility by 15%.6. effect of ionic strengthThe composition and ionic strength of electrophoretic buffer affect the electrophoretic mobility of DNA. In the absence of ion existence (such as the misuse of distilled water gel), theconductivity minimum, DNA almost does not move in high ionic strength buffer in (such as the error plus 10 x buffer), has very high conductance and obvious heat production would cause serious gel melting or denaturation of DNA.For natural double stranded DNA, several commonly used electrophoretic buffers are TAE[, EDTA (pH8.0) and Tris- acetic acid], TBE (Tris-, boric acid and EDTA), TPE (Tris-, phosphoric acid and EDTA) are generally formulated as concentrated mother liquor and stored at room temperature.2. steps of agarose gel electrophoresis1. take 5 * TBE buffer, 20ml add water to 200ml, prepare 0.5 * TBE dilution buffer.2. glue preparation: weigh 0.4g agarose, a 200ml conical flask, adding 0.5 50ml * TBE dilution buffer, placed in a microwave oven (or electric heating) to remove all agarose melting, shake, this is the 0.8% agarose gel. During heating, the agarose particles attached to the bottle wall shall be shaken from time to time to enter the solution. Heating should be covered with sealing film to reduce moisture evaporation.3., the preparation of rubber board: plexiglass trough trough at the ends of each with rubber paste (width 1cm) sealed tightly. Place the sealed glue trough on the horizontal support, insert the sample comb, and pay attention to observe the gap between the comb tooth edge and the bottom of the rubber tank to keep the clearance of about 1mm. Adding to the ethidium bromide agarose liquid cooled to 45-60 DEG C in (EB) solution to thefinal concentration of 0.5 g /ml (or not added EB gel after electrophoresis, but EB solution with 0.5 g/ml staining). Absorb a small amount of molten agarose gel with a pipette and seal the inner side of the adhesive. After the agarose solution is coagulated, the remaining agarose is carefully poured into the gel groove to form a uniform adhesive layer. Pour glue when the temperature can not be too low, otherwise the solidification is uneven, the speed can not be too fast, otherwise prone to bubbles. After the gel has been completely solidified, dial the comb and pay attention not to damage the gel at the bottom of the comb. Then add 0.5 * TBE dilution buffer to the surface of the comb, just above the surface of the rubber sheet. Because of the edge effect, there will be some uplift near the sample slot, which prevents the buffer from entering the sample tank, so make sure the sample tank is filled with buffer.4. add sample: take 10 L enzymolysis liquid and mix with 2 l 6 * sample liquid, carefully add into the sample trough with micro liquid gun. If the content of DNA is low, the amount of sample can be increased according to the above proportion, but the total volume can not exceed the capacity of the sample tank. When each sample is added, replace the tip head to prevent contamination. Attention should be paid to handling the sample, avoiding damage to the gel or piercing the gel at the bottom of the sample slot.5. electrophoresis: after finishing the sample, close the electrophoresis cover and turn on the power immediately. The control voltage is kept at 60-100V and the current is above 40mA. When the br blue indicator band is moved to the gum 3/4, theelectrophoresis is stopped at all times.6. dyeing: no EB rubber plate, after electrophoresis, moved into 0.5 g/ml EB solution, dyeing at room temperature for 20-25 minutes.SevenObserve and photograph: adjust the shooting range and focal length of the lens under the long wavelength ultraviolet lamp with the wavelength of 254nm, and observe or dye the electrophoresis gel board with EB added. The presence of DNA showed a reddish orange fluorescence band visible to the naked eye. Finally, print the photos and make the relevant analysis records.Note: 1. observation of DNA can not be separated from ultraviolet transmittance instrument, but ultraviolet light has a cutting effect on DNA molecule. When the DNA is recovered from the glue, the illumination time should be shortened and the long wavelength ultraviolet lamp (300-360nm) should be adopted to reduce the ultraviolet ray cutting DNA.2.EB is a potent mutagen that has potential carcinogenicity and is moderately toxic. Therefore, gloves must be used when preparing and using it, and do not spill EB on the table or on the ground. Any container or article contaminated with EB must be specially treated before it can be washed or discarded.3. when the EB is too much, the gel is too dark and the DNA band is not clear, the gel can be distilled into distilled water andbe re observed after 30 minutes.4. avoid the formation of bubbles when preparing agarose gel5., the sample should be of appropriate concentration and smaller volume, with a micro syringe slowly add samples, point sample, the power must be in a closed state. In order to indicate the distance between electrophoresis and to prevent the sample from floating in the buffer of the electrophoresis bath, the sample buffer containing sucrose or glycerol and indicator (bromo phenol blue, xylene blue, etc.) is often added into the prepared sample. In addition, the salt content in the sample can not be too high, otherwise, the electrophoresis will occur in the disappearance of zones and the uneven front. The content of DNA in the sample should be no less than 0.1 mu g in each zone, and the concentration of DNA is too high, which will widen the electrophoresis zone and change the swimming distance of DNA.6., under the violet light observation, should wear protective glasses or plexiglass mask, so as not to damage the eye.。
1、About 216–224 g. –moles) of powdered anhydrous is added to a 1Lthree-necked flask.在1L的三口烧瓶中加入大约216-224g– moles)的无水三氯化铝。
While the free-flowing catalyst is stirred , 81 g. mole) of is added from the dropping funnel in a slow stream over a period of 20–30 minutes. 自由流动的催化剂边搅拌边用滴液漏斗缓慢滴加81g苯乙酰。
Considerable heat is evolved, and, if the drops of ketone are not dispersed, darkening or charring occurs. 放热反应,假如滴加的酮不能被分散,就会变黑或是碳化。
When about one-third of the has been added, the mixture becomes a viscous ball-like mass that is difficult to stir.当三分之一的乙酰苯被滴加,反应混合物变成一个很难搅拌的粘性的球状团块。
Turning of the stirrer by hand or more rapid addition of ketone is necessary at this point. 在这时,改用手动搅拌或快速滴加酮是非常必要的。
The addition of ketone, however, should not be so rapid as to produce a temperature above 180°. 然而,速度不能太快,当反应温度超过180℃时。
M A LE I C AN H YDR I D E1.P r o du c t I d e n t i f i c a t i o nSynonyms: cis-Butenedioic anhydride; 2,5-furandione; toxilic anhydrideCAS No.: 108-31-6Molecular Weight: 98.06Chemical Formula: C4H2O3Manufacturer info.:Name:Address:Tel:2.C o m p o s i t i o n/I n f o r m a t i o n o n I n g re d i e n t sIngredient CAS No Percent Hazardous Maleic Anhydride 108-31-6 99.5% Yes3.H a z a r d s I d e n t i f i c a t i o nEmergency OverviewDANGER! CORROSIVE. CAUSES BURNS TO SKIN AND EYES. MAYCAUSE IRRITATION AND/OR ALLERGIC REACTION IN THERESPIRATORY TRACT. MELTED MATERIAL CAUSES THERMALBURNS. MAY BE HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED.Health Rating: 3 - Severe (Life)Flammability Rating: 1 - SlightReactivity Rating: 2 - ModerateContact Rating: 3 - Severe (Corrosive)Lab Protective Equip: GOGGLES; LAB COAT; PROPER GLOVESStorage Color Code: White (Corrosive)Potential Health EffectsInhalation:Inhalation of dust or vapor may cause irritation of the nose and throat.Coughing, sneezing, and burning of the throat may be experienced. Can causeallergic respiratory reactions.Ingestion:Corrosive. Toxic. Swallowing can cause sore throat, abdominal pain, andvomiting. May cause burns to the digestive tract.Skin Contact:Corrosive. May not cause immediate burning of the skin, but prolonged contactwith moist skin cause reddening and blistering or burns.Eye Contact:Corrosive. Dust or vapor cause burns or irritation of the eyes with swelling.Sensitivity to light and double vision may occur.Chronic Exposure:Repeated inhalation may cause chronic bronchitis of the asthmatic type.Repeated skin contact may lead to dermatitis or sensitization.Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions:No information found.4.F i r s t A i d M e a s u re sInhalation:Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing isdifficult, give oxygen. Call a physician.Ingestion:Induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anythingby mouth to an unconscious person.Skin Contact:In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of soap and water for atleast 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Washclothing before reuse. Call a physician immediately.Eye Contact:Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, liftinglower and upper eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention immediately.5.F i re F i g h t i n g M e a s u re sFlash point: 102C (216F) CCAutoignition temperature: 477C (891F)Flammable limits in air % by volume:lel: 1.4; uel: 7.1Explosion:Above flash point, vapor-air mixtures are explosive within flammable limitsnoted above.Fire Extinguishing Media:Alcohol foam, carbon dioxide. DO NOT USE dry chemical, multipurpose drychemical, or loaded stream media because of explosion potential due to reactivityof basic compounds in these extinguishing media.Special Information:In the event of a fire, wear full protective clothing and NIOSH-approved self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece operated in the pressuredemand or other positive pressure mode.6.A cc i d e n t a l R e l e a s e M e a s u re sRemove all sources of ignition. Ventilate area of leak or spill. Wear appropriatepersonal protective equipment as specified in Section 8. Spills: Clean up spills ina manner that does not disperse dust into the air. Use non-sparking tools andequipment. Reduce airborne dust and prevent scattering by moistening with water.Pick up spill for recovery or disposal and place in a closed container.Evacuatearea of all unnecessary personnel. US Regulations (CERCLA) requirereporting spills and releases to soil, water and air in excess of reportablequantities.7.H a nd li n g a nd S t o r ag eKeep in a tightly closed container, stored in a cool, dry, ventilated area. Protectagainst physical damage. Isolate from incompatible substances. Do not reusecontainer. Containers of this material may be hazardous when empty since theyretain product residues (dust, solids); observe all warnings and precautions listedfor the product. Avoid dust formation and control ignition sources. Employgrounding, venting and explosion relief provisions in accord with acceptedengineering practices in any process capable of generating dust and/or staticelectricity. Empty only into inert or non-flammable atmosphere. Emptyingcontents into a non-inert atmosphere where flammable vapors may be presentcould cause a flash fire or explosion due to electrostatic discharge.8.E x p o s u re C o n t r o l s/P er s o n a l P r o t ec t i o nAirborne Exposure Limits:-OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): 0.25 ppm, 1 mg/m3 (TWA)-ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV): 0.1 ppm, (TWA), Sensitizer, A4 - Not classifiable as a human carcinogen.Ventilation System:A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended to keep employeeexposures below the Airborne Exposure Limits. Local exhaust ventilation is generally preferred because it can control the emissions of the contaminant at its source, preventing dispersion of it into the general work area. Please refer to the ACGIH document, Industrial Ventilation, A Manual of Recommended Practices, most recent edition, for details.Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved):If the exposure limit is exceeded, and engineering controls are not feasible, a full- face piece respirator with an organic vapor cartridge and particulate filter(NIOSH type N100 filter) may be worn up to 50 times the exposure limit, or the maximum use concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency or respirator supplier, whichever is lowest. If oil particles (e.g. lubricants, cutting fluids, glycerine, etc.) are present, use a NIOSH type R or P particulate filter. For emergencies or instances where the exposure levels are not known, use a full- face piece positive-pressure, air-supplied respirator. WARNING: Air-purifying respirators do not protect workers in oxygen-deficient atmospheres. Where respirators are required, you must have a written program covering the basic requirements in the OSHA respirator standard. These include training, fit testing, medical approval, cleaning, maintenance, cartridge change schedules, etc. See 29CFR1910.134 for details.Skin Protection:Wear impervious protective clothing, including boots, gloves, lab coat, apron or coveralls, as appropriate, to prevent skin contact.Eye Protection:Use chemical safety goggles and/or full face shield where dusting or splashing of solutions is possible. Maintain eye wash fountain and quick-drench facilities in work area.9.P h y s i c a l a nd C h e m i c a l P r o p er t i e sAppearance:White crystals.Odor:Sharp irritating acrid odor.Solubility: 16.3 g/100ml water @ 25C (77F); slowly hydrolyzes.Specific Gravity: 1.48pH: No information found.% Volatiles by volume @ 21C (70F): No information found.Boiling Point: 202C (396F)Melting Point: 53C (127F)Vapor Density (Air=1): 3.38Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): 0.16 @ 20C (68F)Evaporation Rate (BuAc=1): No information found.10.S t a b ili t y a nd R e a c t i v i t yStability:Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. Readily sublimes.Decomposes slowly with water forming maleic acid. When dissolved inwater it is a strong acid. Molten product should be stored under 70C (158F)Hazardous Decomposition Products:Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide may form when heated todecomposition.Hazardous Polymerization:Will not occur.Incompatibilities:Incompatible with alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, amines > 66C (150F).Reacts violently with bases. Contact with strong oxidizers may cause firesand explosions.Conditions to Avoid:Moisture, heat, flames, ignition sources and incompatibles.11.T ox i c o l og i c a l I n f o r m a t i o nOral rat LD50: 400 mg/Kg; Skin rabbit LD50: 2620 mg/Kg Standard Draizerabbit,eye,1%, severe Investigated as a tumorigen, mutagen, reproductive effector.--------\Cancer Lists\---------------------------------------------------------NTP Carcinogen---Ingredient Known Anticipated IARC Category Maleic Anhydride (108-31-6) No No None 12.E c o l og i c a l I n f o r m a t i o nEnvironmental Fate:When released to air, soil and water; maleic anhydride will probably hydrolyze tomaleic acid and be processed as follows. When released into the soil, thismaterial is expected to leach into groundwater. When released into the soil, thismaterial is expected to readily biodegrade. When released into water, thismaterial is expected to readily biodegrade. When released into water, thismaterial is not expected to evaporate significantly. When released into the air,this material is expected to exist in the aerosol phase with a short half-life.When released into the air, this material is not expected to be subject to wetdeposition. When released into the air, this material is expected to be degradedby reaction with ozone and photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals. Thismaterial is not expected to significantly bioaccumulate. This material has anestimated bioconcentration factor (BCF) of less than 100.Environmental Toxicity:When released to soil and water; maleic anhydride will probably hydrolyze tomaleic acid and be represented by the following data for maleic acid.TLm /Fathead minnow/5ppm/96 hr./fresh waterTLm/Mosquito fish/240 ppm/24-48 hr./fresh water13.D i s p o s a l C o n s i d er a t i o n sWhatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be handled ashazardous waste and sent to a RCRA approved incinerator or disposed in aRCRA approved waste facility. Processing, use or contamination of this productmay change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulationsmay differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unusedcontents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements.14.T r a n s p o r t I n f o r m a t i o nDomestic (Land, D.O.T.)Proper Shipping Name: MALEIC ANHYDRIDEHazard Class: 8UN/NA: UN2215Packing Group: IIIInformation reported for product/size: 500GInternational (Water, I.M.O.)Proper Shipping Name: MALEIC ANHYDRIDEHazard Class: 8UN/NA: UN2215Packing Group: IIIInformation reported for product/size: 500G15.R e g u l a t o r y I n f o r m a t i o n--------\Chemical Inventory Status - Part 1\--------------------------------- Ingredient TSCA EC Japan AustraliaMaleic Anhydride (108-31-6) Yes Yes Yes Yes--------\Chemical Inventory Status - Part 2\-----------------------------------Canada-- Ingredient Korea DSL NDSL Phil.Maleic Anhydride (108-31-6) Yes Yes No Yes--------\Federal, State & International Regulations - Part 1\-----------------SARA 302- ------SARA 313------ Ingredient RQ TPQ List Chemical Catg.Maleic Anhydride (108-31-6) No No Yes No--------\Federal, State & International Regulations - Part 2\-----------------RCRA- -TSCA- Ingredient CERCLA 261.33 8(d)Maleic Anhydride (108-31-6) 5000 U147 NoChemical Weapons Convention: No TSCA 12(b): No CDTA: NoSARA 311/312: Acute: Yes Chronic: Yes Fire: No Pressure: NoReactivity: Yes (Pure / Solid)Australian Hazchem Code: 2XPoison Schedule: None allocated.WHMIS:This MSDS has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of theControlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of theinformation required by the CPR.16.O t h er I n f o r m a t i o nNFPA Ratings: Health: 3 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 1Label Hazard Warning:DANGER! CORROSIVE. CAUSES BURNS TO SKIN AND EYES. MAY CAUSE IRRITATION AND/OR ALLERGIC REACTION IN THE RESPIRATORY TRACT. MELTED MATERIAL CAUSES THERMAL BURNS. MAY BE HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED.Label Precautions:Do not breathe dust or vapor.Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing.Keep container closed.Use only with adequate ventilation.Wash thoroughly after handling.Keep away from heat, sparks and flame.Label First Aid:In all cases call a physician immediately. If swallowed, induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. In case of skin contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse.Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. In case of eye contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. In all cases call a physician immediately..。
CompoundsPhosphorus(V)The most prevalent compounds of phosphorus are derivatives of phosphate (PO 43−), a tetrahedralanion.[35] Phosphate is the conjugate base of phosphoric acid, which is produced on a massive scale for use in fertilisers. Being triprotic, phosphoric acid converts stepwise to three conjugate bases:H 3PO 4 + H 2O ⇌ H 3O + + H 2PO 4− K a1= 7.25×10−3H 2PO 4− + H 2O ⇌ H 3O + + HPO 42− K a2= 6.31×10−8HPO 42− + H 2O ⇌ H 3O + + PO 43− K a3= 3.98×10−13Phosphate exhibits the tendency to form chains and rings with P-O-P bonds. Many polyphosphates are known, including ATP. Polyphosphates arise by dehydration of hydrogen phosphates such as HPO 42− and H 2PO 4−. For example, the industrially important trisodium triphosphate (also knownas sodium tripolyphosphate, STPP) is produced industrially on by the megatonne by this condensation reaction:2 Na 2[(HO)PO 3] + Na[(HO)2PO 2] → Na 5[O 3P-O-P(O)2-O-PO 3] + 2 H 2OPhosphorus pentoxide (P 4O 10) is the acid anhydride of phosphoric acid, but several intermediates between the two are known. This waxy white solid reacts vigorously with water.With metal cations, phosphate forms a variety of salts. These solids are polymeric, featuring P-O-M linkages. When the metal cation has a charge of 2+ or 3+, the salts are generally insoluble, hence they exist as common minerals. Many phosphate salts are derived from hydrogen phosphate (HPO 42−). PCl 5 and PF 5 are common compounds. PF 5 is a colourless gas and the molecules have trigonal bypramidal geometry. PCl 5 is a colourless solid which has an ionic formulation of PCl 4+ PCl 6−, but adopts the trigonal bypramidal geometry when molten or in the vapour phase.[11] PBr 5 is an unstable solid formulated as PBr 4+Br −and PI 5is not known.[11] The pentachloride and pentafluoride are Lewis acids. With fluoride, PF 5 forms PF 6−, an anion that is isoelectronic with SF 6. The most important oxyhalideis phosphorus oxychloride, (POCl 3), which is approximately tetrahedral.Before extensive computer calculations were feasible, it was thought that bonding in phosphorus(V)compounds involved d orbitals. Computer modeling of molecular orbital theory indicates that this bonding involves only s- and p-orbitals.[36]Phosphorus(III)All four symmetrical trihalides are well known: gaseous PF 3, the yellowish liquids PCl 3 and PBr 3, and the solid PI 3. These materials are moisture sensitive, hydrolysing to give phosphorous acid. The trichloride, a common reagent, is produced by chlorination of white phosphorus:P 4 + 6 Cl 2 → 4 PCl 3The trifluoride is produced from the trichloride by halide exchange. PF 3 is toxic because it binds to haemoglobin.Phosphorus(III) oxide, P 4O 6 (also called tetraphosphorus hexoxide) is the anhydride of P(OH)3, the minor tautomer of phosphorous acid. The structure of P 4O 6 is like that of P 4O 10 without the terminal oxide groups.Phosphorus(I) and phosphorus(II)The tetrahedralstructure ofP 4O 10 and P 4S 10.A stable diphosphene , a derivative ofphosphorus(I).These compounds generally feature P-P bonds.[11] Examples include catenated derivatives of phosphine and organophosphines. Compounds containing P=P double bonds have also been observed, although they are rare.Phosphides and phosphinesPhosphides arise by reaction of metals with red phosphorus. The alkali metals (group 1) and alkaline earth metals can form ionic compounds containing the phosphide ion, P3−. These compounds react with water to form phosphine. Other phosphides, for example Na3P7, are known for these reactive metals. With the transition metals as well as the monophosphides there are metal rich phosphides, which are generally hard refractory compounds with a metallic lustre, and phosphorus rich phosphides which are less stable and include semiconductors.[37] Schreibersite is a naturally occurring metal rich phosphide found in meteorites. The structures of the metal rich and phosphorus rich phosphides can be structurally complex.Phosphine (PH3) and its organic derivatives (PR3) are structural analogues with ammonia (NH3) but the bond angles at phosphorus are closer to 90° for phosphine and its organic derivatives. It is an ill-smelling, toxic compound. Phosphorus has an oxidation number of -3 in phosphine. Phosphine is produced by hydrolysis of calcium phosphide, Ca3P2. Unlike ammonia, phosphine is oxidised by air. Phosphine is also far less basic than ammonia. Other phophines are known which contain chains of up to nine phosphorus atoms and have the formula P n H n+2. The highly flammable gas diphosphine (P2H4) is an analogueof hydrazine.OxoacidsPhosphorous oxoacids are extensive, often commercially important, and sometimes structurally complicated. They all have acidic protons bound to oxygen atoms, some have nonacidic protons that are bonded directly to phosphorus and some contain phosphorus - phosphorus bonds.[11] Although many oxoacids of phosphorus are formed, only nine are important, and three of them, hypophosphorous acid, phosphorous acid, and phosphoric acid, are particularly important(See the table).NitridesThe PN molecule is considered unstable, but is a product of crystalline phosphorus nitride decomposition at 1100 K. Similarly, H2PN is considered unstable, and phosphorus nitride halogens like F2PN, Cl2PN, Br2PN, and I2PN oligomerise into cyclic Polyphosphazenes. For example, compounds of the formula (PNCl2)n exist mainly as rings such as the trimer hexachlorophosphazene. The phosphazenes arise by treatment of phosphorus pentachloride with ammonium chloride:PCl5 + NH4Cl → 1/n (NPCl2)n + 4 HCl When the chloride groups are replaced by alkoxide (RO−), a family of polymers is produced with potentially useful properties.[38]SulfidesPhosphorus forms a wide range of sulfides, where the phosphorus can be in P(V), P(III) or other oxidation states. The most famous is the three-fold symmetric P4S3 which is used in strike-anywhere matches. P4S10 and P4O10 have analogous structures.[39] Mixed oxyhalides and oxyhydrides of phosphorus(III) are almost unknown.Organophosphorus compoundsCompounds with P-C and P-O-C bonds are often classified as organophosphorus compounds. They are widely used commercially. The PCl3 serves as a source of P3+ in routes to organophosphorus(III) compounds. For example, it is the precursor to triphenylphosphine:PCl3 + 6 Na + 3 C6H5Cl → P(C6H5)3 + 6 NaClTreatment of phosphorus trihalides with alcohols and phenols gives phosphites, e.g. triphenylphosphite: PCl3 + 3 C6H5OH → P(OC6H5)3 + 3 HClSimilar reactions occur for phosphorus oxychloride, affording triphenylphosphate:OPCl3 + 3 C6H5OH → OP(OC6H5)3 + 3 HCl24 27 28 29 30 31 32CompoundsFluorine has a rich chemistry, encompassing organic and inorganic domains. It combines with metals, nonmetals, metalloids, and most noble gases,and usually assumes an oxidation state of −1.[note10] Fluorine's high electron affinity results in a preference for ionic bonding; when it forms covalent bonds, these are polar, and almost always single.MetalsHydrogenHydrogen and fluorine combine to yield hydrogen fluoride, in which discrete molecules form clusters by hydrogen bonding, resembling water more than hydrogen chloride.[123][124][125] It boils at a much higher temperature than heavier hydrogen halides and unlike them is fully miscible with water.Hydrogen fluoride readily hydrates on contact with water to form aqueous hydrogen fluoride, also known as hydrofluoric acid. Unlike the other hydrohalic acids, which are strong, hydrofluoric acid is a weak acid at low concentrations.However, it can attack glass, something the other acids cannot do.Other reactive nonmetalsBoron trifluoride is planar and possesses an incomplete octet. It functions as a Lewis acid and combineswith Lewis bases like ammonia to form adducts.[132] Carbon tetrafluoride is tetrahedral and inert; itsgroup analogues, silicon and germanium tetrafluoride, are also tetrahedral[133] but behave as Lewis acids. The pnictogens form trifluorides that increase in reactivity and basicity with higher molecular weight, although nitrogen trifluoride resists hydrolysis and is not basic.[136] The pentafluorides of phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony are more reactive than their respective trifluorides, with antimony pentafluoride the strongest neutral Lewis acid known.Chalcogens have diverse fluorides: unstable difluorides have been reported for oxygen (the only known compound with oxygen in an oxidation state of +2), sulfur, and selenium; tetrafluorides and hexafluorides exist for sulfur, selenium, and tellurium. The latter are stabilized by more fluorine atoms and lighter central atoms, so sulfur hexafluoride is especially inert.Chlorine, bromine, and iodine can each form mono-, tri-, and pentafluorides, but only iodine heptafluoride has been characterized amongpossible interhalogen heptafluorides.Many of them are powerful sources of fluorine atoms, and industrial applications using chlorine trifluoride require precautions similar to those using fluorine.Noble gasesThese xenon tetrafluoride crystals were photographed in 1962. The compound's synthesis, as with xenon hexafluoroplatinate, surprised many chemists.Noble gases, having complete electron shells, defied reaction with other elements until 1962 when Neil Bartlett reported synthesis of xenon hexafluoroplatinate;xenon difluoride, tetrafluoride, hexafluoride, and multiple oxyfluorides have been isolated since then. Among other noble gases, krypton formsa difluoride, and radon and fluorine generate a solid suspected to be radon difluoride. Binary fluorides of lighter noble gases are exceptionally unstable: argon and hydrogen fluoride combine under extreme conditions to give argon fluorohydride. Helium and neon have no long-lived fluorides,] and no neon fluoride has ever been observed;helium fluorohydride has been detected for milliseconds at high pressures and low temperatures.Organic compoundsImmiscible layers of colored water (top) and much denser perfluoroheptane (bottom) in a beaker; a goldfish and crab cannot penetrate the boundary; quarters rest at the bottom.Chemical structure of Nafion, a fluoropolymer used in fuel cells and many other applicationsThe carbon–fluorine bond is organic chemistry's strongest, and gives stability to organofluorines. It is almost non-existent in nature, but is used in artificial compounds. Research in this area is usually driven bycommercial applications;the compounds involved are diverse and reflect the complexity inherent in organic chemistry.Discrete moleculesThe substitution of hydrogen atoms in an alkane by progressively more fluorine atoms gradually altersseveral properties: melting and boiling points are lowered, density increases, solubility in hydrocarbonsdecreases and overall stability increases. Perfluorocarbons,[note 16] in which all hydrogen atoms are substituted, are insoluble in most organic solvents, reacting at ambient conditions only with sodium in liquid ammonia.The term perfluorinated compound is used for what would otherwise be a perfluorocarbon if not for the presence of a functional group,[157][note 17] often a carboxylic acid. These compounds share many properties with perfluorocarbons such as stability and hydrophobicity,[159] while the functional group augments their reactivity, enabling them to adhere to surfaces or act as surfactants;[160] Fluorosurfactants, in particular, can lower the surface tension of water more than their hydrocarbon-based analogues. Fluorotelomers, which have some unfluorinated carbon atoms near the functional group, are also regarded as perfluorinated.[159]PolymersPolymers exhibit the same stability increases afforded by fluorine substitution (for hydrogen) in discrete molecules; their melting points generally increase too. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), the simplestfluoropolymer and perfluoro analogue of polyethylene with structural unit –CF2–, demonstrates this change as expected, but its very high melting point makes it difficult to mold;Various PTFE derivatives are less temperature-tolerant but easier to mold: fluorinated ethylene propylene replaces some fluorine atoms with trifluoromethyl groups, perfluoroalkoxy alkanes do the samewith trifluoromethoxy groups,[162] and Nafion contains perfluoroether side chains capped with sulfonicacid groups. Other fluoropolymers retain some hydrogen atoms; polyvinylidene fluoride has half the fluorine atoms of PTFE and polyvinyl fluoride has a quarter, but both behave much like perfluorinated polymers.1。
一种热解炭在金属钠中的相变徐子颉*吉涛王玮衍夏炳忠马超甘礼华(同济大学化学系,上海200092)摘要:通过酚醛树脂的裂解和碳化所形成的热解炭与金属钠在氩气保护气氛中加热,得到一种无定形碳在常压和较低温度下进行石墨化的方法,并研究了热解炭在金属钠熔体中的相变.对所得样品用X 射线粉末衍射(XRD)、光散射拉曼光谱、透射电子显微镜(TEM)以及Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET)法氮气吸附进行表征与分析.结果表明:热解炭在金属钠熔体中于800°C 加热24h,发生明显的石墨化;于900°C 加热24h,所得样品的石墨化度为40%,石墨化碳的平均厚度约为40nm,孔结构由微孔转变为介孔.探讨了金属钠在无定形碳中的渗透扩散导致其相变的原因.关键词:酚醛树脂;热解炭;石墨化;金属钠;相变中图分类号:O642;O792Phase Transformation of Pyrocarbon in Molten Sodium MetalXU Zi-Jie *JI TaoWANG Wei-YanXIA Bing-ZhongMA ChaoGAN Li-Hua(Department of Chemistry,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,P .R.China )Abstract :A method to graphitize amorphous carbon was carried out by annealing pyrocarbon from crackedphenolic resin in molten sodium metal at a lower temperature and ambient pressure and the phase transformation of pyrocarbon from amorphous carbon to crystallized carbon was studied.X-ray diffraction (XRD),Raman scattering spectroscopy,transmission electron microscopy (TEM),and nitrogen gas physisorption by the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET)method were used to probe the prepared samples for carbon composition,particle size,and morphology.The graphitization of amorphous carbon was obvious when being annealed in molten sodium metal in argon atmosphere at 800°C for 24h.For the sample annealed at 900°C for 24h,the degree of graphitization was 40%and the average thickness of the graphitized carbon layers was about 40nm.The effect of sodium metal infiltration into the matrix of amorphous carbon on the graphitization is also discussed.Key Words :Phenol resin;Pyrocarbon;Graphitization;Sodium metal;Phase transformation[Article]物理化学学报(Wuli Huaxue Xuebao )Acta Phys.⁃Chim.Sin .,2011,27(1):262-266JanuaryReceived:August 9,2010;Revised:September 12,2010;Published on Web:November 15,2010.∗Corresponding author.Email:xuzijie-tj@;Tel:+86-21-65982654-8430ⒸEditorial office of Acta Physico ⁃Chimica Sinica炭/炭复合材料是一种多相非均质混合物,因其具有高比强度、高比模量等显著的材料结构性能,逐渐成为新一代航空航天材料的发展方向.然而炭/炭复合材料的石墨化,会影响该类材料的力学性能、物理性能和化学性能,是最重要的结构控制因素之一,通过调整该类材料的石墨化状态,可改善其综合性能,从而满足不同的使用要求.因此,开展无定形碳材料在较低温度下的石墨化研究对炭/炭复合材料的应用具有重要的意义.无定形碳的石墨化就是在一定的二维平面范围内有序的乱层结构碳的残片进行定向重排的相变过程.由于在该相变过程中,无定形碳容易形成亚稳态,使得这种相变的阻力增大,因此商品化石墨的生产一般都在2700°C 左右进行.但是,在如此高温条件下进行石墨化,使得材料的力学和电学性能受到损害,如无定形碳材料在2700°C 经石墨化262No.1徐子颉等:一种热解炭在金属钠中的相变所得样品的放电容量为74mAh·g-1,而在1000℃温度条件下石墨化后,所得样品的放电容量为250 mAh·g-1[1].目前,基于溶解再析出和碳化物转化机理的催化石墨化方法可以有效地降低石墨化温度,具体方法主要有两类:其一,在碳基质中加入过渡金属及其氧化物,如Fe、Mn、Cr等过渡金属及其氧化物[2-3];其二,在碳基质中形成三组分的插层化合物,如Tanaike等[4]将金属Li、Na和K溶于四氢呋喃中,获得相应的有机金属化合物,结果表明所得材料的石墨化度很低.Rojas-Cervantes[5]和Oya[6]等合成了分别含有金属Na、K、Mg和Zr的碳的干凝胶,在1000°C氮气气氛中烧结,没有发现这些金属的催化活性,得到的仍然是无定形碳.由于酚醛树脂产碳量高,常被用作制备先进碳材料的先驱物.选用酚醛树脂类物质作为碳源,经热解后得到热解炭,开展其石墨化的研究近年来已引起人们的重视.张福勤等[7]研究了化学气相沉积热解炭的可石墨化性;王永刚等[8]采用化学气相渗透对泡沫碳进行复合处理,在2500°C得到石墨化泡沫碳;周德凤等[9]报道了在酚醛树脂中加入氯化锌,可以改变热解炭的微观结构及石墨化程度;Chen等人[10-11]使用硝酸镨作催化剂研究其对酚醛树脂热解炭的石墨化作用,在催化剂含量为15%(w)以及2400°C时获得最优化的石墨化条件,他们还用含量为29%(w)的石墨氧化物作催化剂在2400°C时获得较完整的石墨结构;Cai等[12]使用含量为5%(w)的铁镍催化剂,在外加磁场以及1200°C时实现酚醛树脂的石墨化.除此之外,还有文章报道[13]使用金属钇作催化剂研究酚醛树脂的催化石墨化.本文通过将酚醛树脂裂解和碳化后形成的热解炭与金属钠在氩气保护下加热,开展无定形碳在金属钠熔体中的相变研究.采用X射线粉末衍射(XRD)以及激光散射拉曼光谱技术,对所得样品碳组成的相态以及层内、层间碳原子的状态进行表征;通过透射电子显微镜(TEM)观察碳组成的形貌,通过比表面积分析研究热解炭在石墨化前后孔结构特征的变化.探讨了金属钠在无定形碳基质中的渗透与扩散对无定形碳相变产生的影响.该方法可用于新型结构的炭/炭复合材料的石墨化研究中.1实验1.1热解炭的制备将市售酚醛树脂(2130型,无锡久耐防腐材料有限公司)放入烘箱(102A-2型,上海试验仪器总厂)中,调节温度到80°C,保温10h,再升温至120°C,保温10h,继续升温至140°C并保温24h,使酚醛树脂完全固化.将固化后的酚醛树脂放入管式炉(SK2-15-13T型,上海实验电阻炉厂)中,通入氩气保护,以10°C·min-1的升温速率升温至200°C,保温3 h,再以相同的升温速率升温至800°C并保温4h,得到热解炭.1.2石墨化方法称取5g按上述方法制备的热解炭,放入带盖的坩埚中,在充有氩气的手套箱(ZKX1型,南京南大仪器厂)内切割金属钠块,并称取3g放置其表面,再将坩埚置于管式炉(SK2-15-13T型,上海实验电阻炉厂)中并通入氩气保护,以10°C·min-1的升温速率升温至所设定温度并保温24h,本实验所设定的温度分别是600、700、800和900°C;将所得样品用蒸馏水超声清洗,直至洗液的pH值为7,再将清洗后的用品在烘箱(102A-2型,上海试验仪器总厂)内于120℃干燥.1.3表征方法使用D8FOCUS型X射线粉末衍射仪(德国, Bruker AXS)对样品进行XRD表征,测试条件为40 kV,40mA,Cu Kα射线;使用Renishaw inVia激光拉曼光谱仪(英国,Renishaw)对所得样品进行拉曼光谱分析;使用S-TWIN F20型场发射透射电镜(荷兰, FEI)对样品进行TEM形貌表征;使用Micromeritics Tristar3000比表面积测定仪(美国,Micromeritics),采用Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET)法分析样品的比表面积、孔径分布以及孔结构特征.2结果与讨论选用酚醛树脂作为碳源,经800°C热解、碳化后得到热解炭,用以研究无定形碳材料在金属钠熔体中的相变.由于残存于样品中的金属钠在样品的后处理中遇到空气被氧化,形成的氧化钠成分在XRD检测时会产生很强的衍射峰,干扰了对碳组成的表征,因此,样品在表征前必须经蒸馏水洗涤,去除氧化钠组分.2.1不同温度条件下热解炭在金属钠中的相变图1是热解炭在不同温度条件下进行热处理所得样品的XRD谱.图谱(1)为在没有金属钠存在的条件下,将热解炭在900°C保温24h,所得样品的碳组成仍然是典型的无定形碳,表明无定形碳在此温263Vol.27Acta Phys.⁃Chim.Sin.2011度时没有发生相变.当热解炭与金属钠在600°C 加热24h,得到谱(2),根据文献[6]的解释,表明金属粒子已经渗透和扩散在无定形碳的基质中,使得其中的乱碳结构残片开始在局部进行重新取向,导致2θ分别在25°和45°附近出现较为明显的漫衍射峰.当热解炭与金属钠中的加热温度为700°C 时,得到谱(3),从中可见其特征衍射峰已经明显锐化,表明此时热解炭中的无定形碳已经晶格化.当加热温度升高至900°C ,得到谱(4),显示石墨化碳的特征衍射峰更加锐化.当样品的加热温度从700°C 升高至900°C 时,样品的衍射数据也相应发生变化,其中2θ值从25.9°增加至26.3°,相应的d 002值从0.3433nm 变为0.3406nm.根据Mering 和Maire 公式[14],样品的石墨化度可由G =((0.3440-d 002)/(0.3440-0.3354))×100%计算得到,当加热温度从700°C 升高至900°C 时,所得样品的石墨化度分别从8.5%增加至40%.对一系列样品的XRD 表征结果的分析表明,在金属钠熔体中,无定形碳的碳组成发生明显的变化,随着加热温度的升高,热解炭的石墨化特征愈加明显.图2是所选样品的拉曼谱图.在1350、1570和2700cm -1处的谱峰被分别称为D 、G 和G ′峰.图谱中D 峰是发生于相同碳原子间的拉曼振动模式,G 峰则表示两种不同碳原子之间的光子振动模式,而G ′峰表示一种源自晶面之间的碳原子所发生的光子振动模式,是一种二阶拉曼散射过程.谱图(1)是酚醛树脂裂解碳在没有金属钠存在的条件下,经过900°C 加热后所得样品的拉曼谱图,图谱中D 峰强度高于G 峰并且两峰没有完全分离,另外,图谱中无G ′峰,表明样品对激光的漫散射分别在乱碳结构残片内部的碳原子以及乱碳结构残片间进行,这种光子振动模式证明了热解炭中的无定形碳含有二维有序的乱碳结构而且呈现杂乱无章地堆积.图谱(2)是热解炭在金属钠中,经过700°C 加热所得样品的拉曼谱图,此时D 峰强度降低,G 峰强度增加并呈现两峰分离的迹象,表明激光在样品中不同碳原子间的光子振动模式加强.另外,图谱中同时呈现一个明显的G ′峰,表明光子振动发生在石墨化层间的碳原子之间,进一步说明乱碳结构残片在此时已经发生明显的定向重排.图谱(3)是热解炭在金属钠中,经过900°C 加热所得样品的拉曼谱图,此时D 峰强度明显降低,G 峰强度明显增加而且两峰完全分离,表明光子的振动模式主要发生在晶面之间的碳原子中,说明该样品中的碳原子已经转变为石墨结构.2.2金属钠在无定形碳中的渗透与扩散对其相变的影响根据对所得样品进行的XRD 和拉曼谱分析知,在没有金属钠存在时,热解炭在900°C 加热条件下没有发生相变,而有金属钠存在的条件下,无定形碳在700°C 加热24h 后,观察到无定形碳开始向结晶态碳转化,随着加热温度的升高,这种相态转化更加明显.因此,金属钠的存在是导致热解炭在加热条件下发生相变的必要因素.虽然目前对金属钠与碳组成的相互作用机制进行原位的实时表征和分析还比较困难,但是,根据XRD 和拉曼的表征结果,不仅证实了这种相变的发生,而且揭示金属钠对该相变的重要影响,即金属钠原子在无定形碳中的渗透与扩散引起了其中乱碳结构残片的重排与取向.当金属图1热解炭在不同条件下退火24h 的XRD 图谱Fig.1XRD patterns of pyrocarbons annealed at differentconditions for 24h(1)900°C without sodium metal;(2)600°C,(3)700°C,and(4)900°C in molten sodiummetal2热解炭在900°C (1)以及在金属钠中于700°C (2)和900°C (3)加热24h 的拉曼图谱Fig.2Raman spectra of pyrocarbons annealed at 900°Cwithout sodium metal (1)and at 700°C (2),900°C(3)in molten sodium metal for 24hNo.1徐子颉等:一种热解炭在金属钠中的相变钠原子渗入到乱碳结构残片间,钠原子外层电子的高活泼性,影响了残片中碳原子周围的电场环境,同时渗透与扩散在其中的钠原子可以形成金属钠的连续相,并充当优良的导热介质,使得无定形碳在石墨化过程中的结晶潜热能够通过导热介质及时地向周围环境释放,从而有利于无定形碳在较低温度条件下发生相变.金属钠在无定形碳中的渗透、扩散与加热温度密切相关.随着加热温度的升高,对所得样品的XRD 和拉曼表征结果都表现出了高度的一致性,即石墨化度增加.无定形碳在金属钠中的相变过程示意图如图3所示.对样品形貌学的观察进一步证实了金属钠对热解炭在其中发生相变的影响.图4(a)是热解炭与金属钠在700°C 加热24h 所得样品的TEM 照片,图中“A ”所在区域为无定形碳,“T ”所在区域显现出湍流碳的形貌特征,“G ”区域则显现出石墨化碳的形貌特征.通过对样品不同区域进行TEM 观察,发现湍流碳总是出现在无定形碳和石墨化碳的过渡区域,其形貌特征显示出无定形碳中的乱碳结构残片已在有限范围内进行了定向重排,但不够完整.在700°C 加热条件下,金属钠在无定形碳中的渗透与扩散不完全,没有形成均匀的金属钠连续相,使得乱碳结构残片的定向重排过程不能在长程范围内连续进行.湍流碳的出现使得无定形碳向石墨化碳转化的阻力增加,这也是商品化石墨必须在高温条件下生产的主要原因.图4(b)是热解炭与金属钠在900°C 加热24h 所得样品的TEM 照片,随着加热温度的升高,石墨化碳的厚度与长度显著增加,所得样品中石墨化碳的平均厚度约为40nm,显然升高温度加速了金属钠在碳基质中的渗透与扩散,有利于无定形碳向石墨化碳的转化.2.3在金属钠作用下热解炭中孔结构特征的变化图5是热解炭在金属钠中发生相变前后样品的对氮气的吸附-脱附等温线.从图中可见,热解炭样品的吸附-脱附等温线属于类型I,插图所示的孔分布曲线表明热解炭中存在大量孔径小于2nm 的微孔,等温线中很小的滞后环表明热解炭中的微孔对氮气的吸附与脱附具有良好的可逆性,这些孔结构特征反映出热解炭中的微孔分布在无定形的乱碳结构残片之间并具有良好的连通性.然而当热解炭与金属钠在900°C 加热24h 所得石墨化热解炭样品的氮气吸附-脱附等温线出现一个较大的滞后环(如等温线2所示),插图中的孔分布曲线显示样品中的孔径尺寸主要集中在4-5nm 之间,属于介孔尺寸,表明热解炭在石墨化前后孔结构发生由微孔向介孔发生转变.导致孔结构转化的原因是由于热解炭中图3无定形碳在金属钠中的相变过程示意图Fig.3Sketch map of the phase transformation of amorphous carbons in molten sodium metalThe conditions of (1)-(4)are the same as those inFig.1.图4热解炭与金属钠在700(a)和900°C (b)加热24h 所得样品的TEM 照片Fig.4TEM image of pyrocarbons annealed in molten sodium metal at 700°C (a)and 900°C (b)for 24hArea A denotes amorphous carbons,aera T denotes turbostraticcarbons,and area G denotes graphitic carbons.图5样品的氮气吸附-脱附等温线Fig.5Nitrogen adsorption desorption isotherms ofselected samplesIsotherm 1represents the sample of pyrocarbon and isotherm 2represents the sample of graphitized pyrocarbon.Inset is pore sizedistributioncurve.265Vol.27 Acta Phys.⁃Chim.Sin.2011的乱碳结构残片在金属钠原子的作用下定向重排,使得原先分布在其中的相互连通的微孔发生合并增大,形成了分布在石墨化碳层间的插层状孔,由于此时毛细管作用力的增强,导致样品对氮气的脱附滞后.另外,从图中可见,热解炭发生石墨化后,随着乱碳结构残片的定向重排使得石墨化热解炭样品的比表面积有所下降.酚醛树脂热解炭在金属钠作用下,其孔结构特征的改变是碳组成发生相变的结果,同时也进一步证实了金属钠原子在乱碳结构残片间的渗透与扩散有利于其发生定向重排,从而导致热解炭能够在较低的温度条件下实现石墨化.催化石墨化是通过在碳基质中引入催化剂,以降低石墨化温度,但是,目前的方法对于一些新型碳材料的石墨化显现出一定的缺陷.首先,在材料的制备阶段必须将催化剂加到碳材料的基质中,这势必增加了材料制备的难度,甚至对材质特性产生不良影响.例如,对碳气凝胶材料的石墨化,如果采用现有的催化石墨化方法,就需要在碳气凝胶制备所必经的溶胶-凝胶过程中加入催化剂,它可能改变胶体离子的微环境,继而影响了碳气凝胶的结构特性.其次,目前所采用的催化剂多数是过渡金属的氧化物,在碳材料石墨化以后,很难将催化剂从碳材料的基质中去除干净,这可能对转型后碳材料的电学特性或电化学催化特性等产生影响.再者,现有催化石墨化方法[4-6]对于碳气凝胶的石墨化效果仍不理想.酚醛树脂热解炭在金属钠作用下发生相变进行石墨化,该方法不仅具有操作简单的特点,而且可以避免在碳基质中加入催化剂给材质纯度、特性带来的不利影响并且可以降低材料的制备难度.另外,该方法有利于一些新型多孔性碳材料的石墨化,因为多孔性结构十分有利于金属钠在碳基质中的渗透与扩散.而实现这类材料的低温石墨化,可以使无定形碳材料的多孔特性与石墨晶体材料的材质特性相结合,有助于扩展碳材料在传感器、探测器、航天以及新能源电池等领域的应用范围.我们以自制的碳气凝胶通过文中方法进行石墨化研究,初步结果表明在800°C实现了碳气凝胶的石墨化,相关研究工作正在进行中.3结论由酚醛树脂经过裂解碳化后得到的热解炭,通过与金属钠一起在氩气保护下,在800°C加热24h 可以观察到明显的石墨化现象.金属钠在无定形碳中的渗透与扩散引起乱碳结构残片的定向重排,湍流碳的形成是金属钠在其中的渗透与扩散不均匀所致,是无定形碳向石墨化碳转化的中间相态,通过升高加热温度,可以改善金属钠在其中的扩散,从而提高了石墨化程度.热解炭在金属钠作用下发生石墨化使得样品中的孔结构由微孔转化为介孔,在900°C时石墨化度达到40%,样品中石墨化碳层的平均厚度达到40nm.致谢:本文实验研究过程中的部分分析测试工作得到同济大学化学系实验中心的支持.References1Skowroński,J.M.;Knofczyński,K.;Inagaki,M.Solid State Ionics,2007,178:1372Oya,A.;Otani,S.Carbon,1979,17:1313Curtis,B.J.Carbon,1966,4:4834Tanaike,O.;Inagaki,M.Carbon,1997,35:8315Rojas-Cervantes,M.L.;Alonso,L.;Díaz-Terán,J.;López-Peinado,A.J.;Martín-Aranda,R.M.;Gómez-Serrano,V.Carbon,2004,42:15756Oya,A.;Mochizuki,M.;Otani,S.;Tomizuka,I.Carbon,1979, 17:717Zhang,F.Q.;Huang,Q.Z.;Zou,L.H.;Huang,B.Y.;Xiong,X.;Zhang,C.F.Journal of Inorganic Materials,2004,19(5):1118[张福勤,黄启忠,邹林华,黄伯云,熊翔,张传福.无机材料学报,2004,19(5):1118]8Wang,Y.G.;Lin,X.C.;Yang,H.J.;Zhang,J.S.;Xu,D.P.Journal of Materials Science&Engineering,2008,26(3):365[王永刚,林雄超,杨慧君,张江松,许德平.材料科学与工程学报,2008,26(3):365]9Zhou,D.F.;Xie,H.M.;Zhao,Y.L.;Wang,R.S.Journal of Functional 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晶圆制造工艺流程英文版9个步骤The manufacturing process of semiconductor wafers involves several crucial steps to produce high-quality chips. The following nine steps outline the typical process used in semiconductor wafer manufacturing:Step 1: Wafer Ingot GrowthThe process begins with the growth of a silicon ingot, which serves as the starting material for the wafers. The ingot is carefully grown using the Czochralski method, where a seed crystal is dipped into molten silicon and slowly drawn out to form a cylindrical ingot.Step 2: Ingot CuttingOnce the ingot has been grown to the desired size, it is then cut into thin wafers using a diamond wire saw. This step requires precision to ensure the wafers are of uniform thickness and free from defects.Step 3: Surface PolishingAfter cutting, the wafers undergo a series of chemical and mechanical processes to remove any surface imperfections and create a mirror-like finish. This step is critical to ensure the wafers are pristine and ready for the next stages of processing.Step 4: PhotolithographyIn this step, a light-sensitive photoresist is coated onto the wafer's surface, followed by exposure to UV light through a photomask. This process transfers the pattern of the photomask onto the wafer, defining the circuit layout for the chips.Step 5: EtchingThe exposed areas of the wafer are selectively etched away using chemical or plasma etching processes, leavingbehind the desired pattern in the wafer. This step is crucial for defining the circuitry and features of the chips.Step 6: DopingDopants such as phosphorus or boron are implanted into the wafer to modify its electrical properties and create the necessary regions for transistor formation. This step is essential for controlling the conductivity of the semiconductor material.Step 7: Thermal ProcessingThe doped wafers undergo high-temperature annealing processes to activate the dopants and repair any damage caused during doping and etching. This step is critical for ensuring the proper functioning of the semiconductor devices.Step 8: MetallizationThin films of metal are deposited onto the wafer's surface to create interconnections and contacts for thesemiconductor devices. This step involves sputtering or evaporation of metal layers followed by patterning through photolithography and etching.Step 9: PackagingThe individual wafers are diced into separate chips and assembled into packages, along with wire bonding and encapsulation processes to protect the chips. This final step prepares the chips for testing and integration intoelectronic devices.In conclusion, the manufacturing process of semiconductor wafers involves a series of intricate steps, each of which plays a crucial role in producing high-performance chips for electronic applications. From ingot growth to packaging, careful control and precision are essential to ensure the quality and reliability of the semiconductor devices.。
萤石在铸造过程的应用Fluorite, also known as fluorspar or 萤石 in Chinese, is a widely used mineral in various industries. One of its significant applications is in the field of casting and foundry processes. In this article, I will discuss the various uses of fluorite in the casting industry, its benefits, and the reasons behind its popularity.First and foremost, fluorite is used as a fluxing agent in the casting process. As a flux, it helps to reduce the melting point of the raw materials, facilitating the casting process. By adding fluorite to the mixture, it enables the molten metal to flow more freely and fill the mold cavity with ease. This ensures that the final product has a smooth and uniform surface, reducing the need for additional post-processing.Furthermore, fluorite is known for its ability to remove impurities from molten metal. During the casting process, impurities such as sulfur and phosphorus can bepresent in the raw materials. These impurities can negatively affect the quality and mechanical properties of the final product. However, by adding fluorite to the molten metal, it acts as a deoxidizer and desulfurizer, effectively removing these impurities and improving the overall quality of the castings.In addition to its fluxing and purifying properties, fluorite also acts as a grain refiner in the casting process. When molten metal solidifies, it forms grains that determine the mechanical properties of the final product. Larger grains can lead to reduced strength and increased brittleness. However, by adding fluorite, it helps torefine the grain structure, resulting in a finer and more uniform distribution of grains. This enhances the mechanical properties of the castings, making them stronger and more durable.Moreover, fluorite is also used as a coating material in the casting industry. By applying a thin layer offluorite coating on the surface of the mold, it acts as a release agent, preventing the molten metal from sticking tothe mold. This not only facilitates the casting process but also ensures that the final product has a smooth and flawless surface finish.Another advantage of using fluorite in casting is its cost-effectiveness. Compared to other fluxing agents and additives, fluorite is relatively inexpensive and readily available. Its abundance in nature makes it a cost-effective choice for the casting industry, allowing manufacturers to reduce production costs without compromising on the quality of the final product.In conclusion, the application of fluorite in the casting industry is widespread and beneficial. Its fluxing, purifying, grain refining, and coating properties make it an essential ingredient in the casting process. Its cost-effectiveness further adds to its popularity. By utilizing fluorite, manufacturers can achieve high-quality castings with improved mechanical properties, smooth surface finish, and reduced production costs.。
1. 湿棉花的吸附作用湿棉花作为一种多孔材料,其表面具有丰富的缝隙和孔隙结构,能够吸附和附着水分分子。
2. 湿棉花的导湿作用湿棉花不仅可以吸附水分,还能将吸附的水分从远处传导到反应区域。
3. 湿棉花的保护作用Fe与水蒸气反应中,Fe的表面容易被氧化,生成氧化铁。
参考文献:1. Nguanprasert, T., et al. (2016). "Water absorption in cotton fibres with various moisture contents for thermo-regulating textiles". Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 125(2): 573-580.2. Liu, J., et al. (2020). "Effect of moisture content on reactive infiltration of molten aluminum into Ti–6Al–4V/GFRP preforms". Journal of Materials Science 55(1): 240-254.3. Chen, X., et al. (2019). "Hygroscopic effect on water absorption and evaporation characteristics of twisted cotton staple yarn". Textile Research Journal 89(7): 1345-1356.4. Song, M., et al. (2018). "Effect of surface moisture on the sagging performance of viscose fiber sheets". Journal of Applied Polymer Science 135(35): 46684.。
关于写为什么烧过的火柴有磁性的作文Fire is a fascinating phenomenon that has been used by humans for thousands of years. It provides warmth, light, and the ability to cook food. However, some people may be surprised to learn that burnt matches have magnetic properties.火是一个迷人的现象,人类已经使用了几千年。
From a scientific perspective, the reason why burnt matches have magnetic properties is due to the presence of iron oxide. When a match is ignited, the head of the match, which contains the red phosphorus, ignites and produces heat. This heat causes the striking surface to create friction, which in turn produces iron oxide.从科学的角度来看,火柴燃烧后具有磁性是因为存在氧化铁。
The formation of iron oxide on the burnt match makes it magnetic. Iron oxide is a magnetic material, which is why the burnt match has magnetic properties. When a magnet is brought close to the burnt match, it causes the iron atoms to realign and become temporarily magnetized.在燃烧的火柴上形成氧化铁后,它就具有了磁性。
聚碳酸酯CAS#111211-39-3 ABSCAS#9003-56-9 与三芳基磷酸酯共混阻燃剂
CHEMICAL SAFETY DATA SHEETChina1.PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONProductName:ProductCode:ProductDescription:Chinese Product Name:TradeName:Company:website address:Manufacturer, importer, supplier:Emergency Telephone Number:C6200-111C6200-111-0-PGNAPolycarbonate (CAS# 111211-39-3) / ABS (CAS# 9003-56-9) blend flame retardant with triarylphosphate estersPolycarbonate (CAS# 111211-39-3) / ABS (CAS# 9003-56-9) blend flame retardant with triarylphosphate estersPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSProductType: MixtureRemarks: This product consists primarily of high molecular weight polymerswhich are not expected to be hazardous. The ingredients in thisproduct are present within the polymer matrix and are not expectedto be hazardous.3.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONSkincontact:May cause skin irritation in susceptible persons.EyeContact:Resin particles, like other inert materials, are mechanically irritatingto eyes.Inhalation:Pellet inhalation unlikely due to physical form.Ingestion:Pellet ingestion unlikely due to physical form4.FIRST AID MEASURESContact:Cool skin rapidly with cold water after contact with hot polymer.SkinWash off immediately with soap and plenty of water. Consult aphysician.Contact:Immediately flush with plenty of water. After initial flushing, remove Eyeany contact lenses and continue flushing for at least 15 minutes. Ifeye irritation persists, consult a specialist.Inhalation:Move to fresh air in case of accidental inhalation of fumes fromoverheating or combustion. If symptoms persist, call a physician.Processing fumes inhalation may be irritating to the respiratorytract. If symptoms are experienced remove victim from source ofcontamination or move victim to fresh air and obtain medicaladvice.Ingestion:No hazards which require special first aid measures.5.FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESHazardous Combustion Products: Intense heat, smoke, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide,hydrocarbon fragments.Extinguishing Media and Methods:Suitable Extinguishing Media:Water spray mist or foam.Carbon dioxide (CO2), Dry chemicalExtinguishing media which must not be used for safetyreasons:Methods: Do not enter fire area without proper protection including self-Fire-fightingcontained breathing apparatus and full protective equipment. Fightfire from a safe distance and a protected location due to thepotential of hazardous vapors and decomposition products.Hazards:Take precautionary measures against static discharges DuringSpecificprocessing, dust may form explosive mixture in air Thermaldecomposition can lead to release of irritating gases and vapors6.ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESup:Sweep up and shovel into suitable containers for disposal. Do not Cleancreate a powder cloud by using a brush or compressed air.Precautions:See section 8.PersonalPrecautions:Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer system. ShouldEnvironmentalnot be released into the environment.7.HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling:Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safetypractice. Provide for appropriate exhaust ventilation and dustcollection at machinery. Avoid dust formation.Storage:Keep tightly closed in a dry and cool place. Keep away from heatand sources of ignition.8.EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTIONLimitsExposureMonitoringMethodsControls: A continuous supply of fresh air to the workplace together withEngineeringremoval of processing fumes through exhaust systems isrecommended. Processing fume condensate may be a fire hazardand toxic; remove periodically from exhaust hoods, ductwork, andother surfaces using appropriate personal protection. Localventilation requirements must be determined to limit exposure toprocessing fumes in the workplace.Engineering Measures to Reduce Exposure:In the case of hazardous fumes, wear self contained breathingapparatus. Wear face-shield and protective suit for abnormalprocessing problems. Handle in accordance with good industrialhygiene and safety practice. Provide for appropriate exhaustventilation at machinery.Personal Protective EquipmentProtection:Protective gloves.HandProtection:Safety glasses with side-shields.EyeProtection:In the case of hazardous fumes, wear self contained breathingRespiratoryapparatus. In case of insufficient ventilation wear suitablerespiratory equipment.Skin and Body Protection:Long sleeved clothing9.PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESState:SolidPhysicalAppearance:PelletsOdor:NoneMeltingpoint/range:This product does not exhibit a sharp melting point but softensgradually over a wide range of temperatures.Temperature:490°C (914°F) estimatedAutoignitionSolubility:InsolubleWaterExplosiveLimitslower:Not availableupper:Not availableRate:NegligibleEvaporationOtherInformation:Ecological damages are not known or expected under normal use.10.STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStability:Stable at normal conditions. Hazardous polymerisation does notoccur.Conditions to Avoid:Avoid temperatures above 490 °C without adequate ventilation. Toavoid thermal decomposition, do not overheat. Heating can releasehazardous gases.Hazardous Decomposition Products:Trace levels of triarylphosphate esters, phenols, styrene,hydrocarbons, fluorocarbons. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide(CO2), triarylphosphate ester fragments, oxides of phosphorus,hydrogen cyanide (hydrocyanic acid), hydrocarbons fragments,traces of fluorinated products.11.TOXICOLOGICAL DATALD50/oral/rat:>5000 mg/kgLD50/dermal/rabbit:>2000 mg/kgMinor Acute Toxicity and Chronic Toxicity: No information availableIrritation: No information availableRemarks: The toxicological data has been taken from products of similarcomposition12.ECOLOGICAL DATAEcotoxicityEffects:Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer system.13.WASTE DISPOSALWaste from residues / unused products:Where possible recycling is preferred to disposal or incineration.Dispose of in accordance with local regulations.14.TRANSPORT INFORMATIONTransportClassification: Not regulated.15.REGULATION INFORMATIONNationalRegulations16.OTHER INFORMATIONOther (registered trademark): Preparedby:Disclaimer:is a registered trademark of SABIC Innovative Plastics BVProduct Stewardship & ToxicologyThis publication provides information and guidelines for safehandling and processing of SABIC Innovative Plastics' resins and isbased on currently available experience and knowledge. It is notdesigned as a comprehensive product performance data sheet, noras a guide to application possibilities of our materials.Users should follow all applicable local regulations governingHealth and Safety at work, and are requested to pass thispublication on to all relevant employees and customers.End of Material Safety Data Sheet。
经典化学合成反应标准操作杂环的酚羟基或醚的烷氧基卤代反应目录1.前言 (2)2.氯代 (2)2.1杂环的酚羟基的用三氯氧磷氯代反应示例 (2)2.2杂环的酚羟基用三氯氧磷与五氯化磷混合处理氯代反应示例 (3)2.3杂环的酚醚甲氧基用三氯氧磷氯代反应示例 (3)3.溴代 (4)3.1杂环的酚羟基用POBr3溴代反应示例(一) (4)3.2杂环的酚羟基用POBr3溴代反应示例(二) (4)3.3杂环的酚羟基用四丁基溴化胺法溴代反应示例 (5)3.4杂环的甲氧基用PBr3溴代反应示例 (5)4.参考文献 (6)1.前言杂环的酚羟基的通常较易被卤代,其也是杂环一种常见的官能团的转换方式之一,卤代反应常见的有氯代、溴代反应。
2. 氯代杂环的酚羟基的氯代一般用三氯氧磷1,2,3或三氯氧磷与五氯化磷混合4,5处理。
杂环烷氧基的氯代也可用三氯氧磷直接处理6.2.1 杂环的酚羟基的用三氯氧磷氯代反应示例1NO 2NI OHN O 2N I Cl 122-Hydroxy-3-iodo-5-nitropyridine 1 (70.5 g, 0.27 mol) was added to quinoline (16 mL, 0.133 mol). The reaction flask was cooled to 5 degree and phosphoryl chloride (25 mL, 0.27 mol) was added dropwise. The mixture was blanketed with argon and heated to 120 degree for 2 h. Upon complete consumption of the precursor, as indicated by TLC, the mixture was cooled to room temperature and 100 mL of H 2O was added. The mixture was then cooled to 0 degree, and the resulting brown solid was filtered. Recrystallization from ethanol gave sand-color crystals 2 (60 g, 0.21mol, 78% yield).2.2 杂环的酚羟基用三氯氧磷与五氯化磷混合处理氯代反应示例5NNCl PCl /POCl 12To a solution of 10.5 g of 1 in 16 mL of phosphorus oxychloride was heated to reflux and added 20 g of phosphorus pentachloride in small portions over a period of 1.5 hr. The oil bath temperature was then raised to 165 degree and kept there for 1 hr. The phosphorus oxychloride was removed under reduced pressure, 50 g of ice then added, and the mixture made strongly basic by adding a concentrated KOH solution. When this was steam distilled, a colorless heavy oil was obtained, which was separated by two extractions with 100-mL portions of ether. The ether was dried and removed, and the residue distilled, giving a colorless oil (4.0 g, 34%).2.3 杂环的酚醚甲氧基用三氯氧磷氯代反应示例6N BnO NBn Cl 12A mixture of 1 (10 mmol) and phosphoryl chloride (20 mL) was refluxed for 0.5 hr. Then the excess of phosphoryl chloride was evaporated in vacuo . The residue was carefully poured onto ice (30 g) and neutralized with conc. ammonia at 0-5 degree. The solid was filtered off, washed with water and air-dried. The product was purified by crystallized from ethanol to give 86-94% yields.3.溴代杂环的酚羟基的溴代常见的方法有用三溴氧磷7,8或四丁基溴化胺9。
单晶硅工艺流程Single Crystal Silicon Process Flow。
Single crystal silicon is the purest form of silicon and is widely used in the semiconductor industry for the production of electronic devices such as microprocessors, memory chips, and solar cells. The process of producing single crystal silicon involves several steps, each of which is critical for the final product's quality and performance. In this article, we will discuss the single crystal silicon process flow in detail.Step 1: Purification of Silicon。
The first step in the production of single crystal silicon is the purification of silicon. The silicon used in the process is obtained from silica, which is abundant in nature. However, the silicon obtained from silica is not pure and contains impurities such as oxygen, carbon, and metals. Therefore, the silicon is purified through aprocess called the Siemens process. In this process, the silicon is converted into trichlorosilane, which is then purified through a distillation process to obtain pure silicon.Step 2: Preparation of Seed Crystal。
DYNACOLL Copolyesters for Reactive Hotmelts Gabriele Brenner, Bernhard SchleimerWhat is DYNACOLL 7000 ?•Evonik Degussa‘s product range of medium molecular weightadhesive copolyesters•Molecular weight(Mn) range2000 -8000•saturated, linear, solvent free•hydroxyl terminated•OH value range13 -55, mainly30•tailor-made raw materials for moisture curing reactive hot melts(RHM)DYNACOLL polyester preparation Water, Diols Water Diols DiacidsAdditives &CatalystsChargingEsterificationCondensation Drumming Liquid bulk200 kgdrums30 kgpailsDYNACOLL 7000building block systemSeries7100amorphous Tg > 0°CSeries7200liquid Tg < 0°CSeries7300partially crystalline Tg < 0°CMixtures of DYNACOLLs are used to design RHM propertiesCharacterising of RHMViscosity (°C)Open time (sec)Setting time / wooden cubes method (sec)Setting time / T-bond method (sec)Tensile strength, elongation at break (N/mm2/ %)Shear adhesion (N/mm2)Melting point DSC (°C)Softenig point (°C)Melt viscosityBrookfield Thermosel00,511,522,5708090100110120130140150Temperature(°C)M e l t v i s c o s i t y (P a .s)Softening point(R&B)Test methodsOpentimeSetting time Setting timeT-BondShear adhesionwood metal plasticReactive Hotmelt preparation•Melting of DYNACOLL in heating boxes•Charging of molten polyesters•Drying of the molten polyesters evaporation of humidity at < 10 mbar and 130°C to avoide side reactions•Reaction with excess diisocyanate(mainly MDI) under protective gas typical temperatures are120-130 °C•Degassing until the melt is bubble-free•Filling into sealed containersQuality control by checking NCO content and viscosity0,511,522,53110 °C130 °C150 °Creaction temperature(%)determinedtheoreticalNCO contentviscosity at 130°CDYNACOLL 7130/ 7250/ 7360 (1/1/1) and MDI (OH/ NCO 1/ 2.2)Reaction time 45 minutes200400600800110 °C 130 °C150 °Creaction temperatureL V T 4 (P a *s )Packaging and Processing of RHMTypical packaging•cartridges•pouch bags•pails•drumsMelting•drum melter•melting pot•heated cartridge gunInfluences of DYNACOLLon RHM propertiesSeries710072007300O pen tim e /Setting tim eG reen strengthViscosityFlexibility0246810100200300400time in hours (at 25°C, 65 % rel. humidity)b o n d s t r e n g t h (N /m m 2)wood/wood PVC/PVCwood/wood (0.05% DBTL)PVC/PVC (0.05% DBTL)DYNACOLL 7150, 7250, 7360 1/1/1MDI (OH/ NCO 1/2.2)Moisture Curing of RHM12345S h e a r a d h e s i o n(N /m m 2)Stainless steelGalvanized steelAluminiumRHM compositionDYNACOLL 7150 / 7210 / 7330 3 / 4 / 3MDI OH / NCO 1 / 2.2Adhesion properties on metalS h e a r a d h e s i o n(N /m m 2)ABS PBT PS PA 6PA 12PP PVC PCRHM compositionDYNACOLL 7230/7320/7380 3 / 3 / 1MDI OH/NCO 1 / 2.2Adhesion properties on plastic24681012S h e a r a d h e s i o n (N /m m 2)ALUWOODABSPCPMMAPVCPBTcontrol 10 % DYNAPOL S140220 % DYNAPOL S1402DYNAPOL S 1402 containing RHM Shear adhesionRHM for woodworking and flat lamination applicationsSandwich constructionsProfile wrappingParquet floorsEdge bandingRHM are used in various applicationsWindshield bondingbookbindingTextile laminationIf you have further questions, pleasecontact us!Gabriele BrennerPhone: +49 2365 49 4534Fax: +49 2365 49 4990gabriele.brenner@Bernhard SchleimerPhone: +49 2365 49 9580Fax: +49 2365 49 4990bernhard.schleimer@This information is based on our present knowledge and experience. However, it implies no liability or other legal responsibility on our part, including with regard to existing third party intellectual property rights, especially patent rights. In particular, no warranty, whether express or implied, or guarantee of product properties in the legal sense is intended or implied. We reserve the right to make any changes according to technological progress or further developments. The customer is not released from the obligation to conduct careful inspection and testing of incoming goods. Performance of the product described herein should be verifyed by testing, which should be carried out only by qualified experts in the sole responsibility of a customer. Reference to trade names used by other companies is neither a recommendation, nor does it imply that similar products could not be used.。
esp轧钢工艺流程英文回答:ESP (Electric Steel Plant) is a steelmaking processthat utilizes electric arc furnaces to produce steel. It is a modern and efficient method of steel production, offering several advantages over traditional methods. Let me walk you through the ESP steelmaking process.The first step in the ESP process is the charging of raw materials into the electric arc furnace. This includes scrap metal, iron ore, and other additives such as limestone and alloys. The furnace is then energized, and an electric arc is formed between the electrodes and the scrap metal.As the electric arc heats up, it melts the scrap metal and other raw materials. The intense heat generated by the electric arc reaches temperatures of up to 3,000 degrees Celsius. This high temperature allows for the completemelting of the raw materials, resulting in a molten metal bath.Once the raw materials are melted, the impurities inthe metal are removed through a process called slagging. Slag, which is a byproduct of the steelmaking process,forms on top of the molten metal. It consists of impurities such as sulfur, phosphorus, and excess carbon. The slag is then skimmed off, leaving behind a cleaner molten metal.Next, the molten metal undergoes refining to adjust its chemical composition and remove any remaining impurities. This is done by adding various alloys and fluxes to the molten metal. The alloys help enhance the desiredproperties of the steel, such as strength and corrosion resistance. The fluxes aid in the removal of impurities.After the refining process, the molten steel is readyfor casting. It is poured into a water-cooled copper mold, where it solidifies and takes the shape of a continuousslab or billet. The water-cooling process helps in rapid solidification and ensures the desired quality of the steel.Once solidified, the continuous slab or billet isfurther processed through rolling mills to produce various steel products such as sheets, plates, and bars. Therolling process involves passing the steel through a series of rollers to reduce its thickness and shape it accordingto the desired dimensions.Finally, the steel products undergo further treatments such as heat treatment, surface finishing, and quality testing to meet the required specifications. These treatments enhance the mechanical properties, surface quality, and overall performance of the steel.中文回答:ESP(电炉炼钢厂)是一种利用电弧炉生产钢铁的工艺流程。
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Evaporation of Phosphorus in Molten Silicon by an Electron Beam Irradiation Method *1Kazuhiro Hanazawa,Noriyoshi Yuge *2and Yoshiei Kato *3Steel Research Laboratory,JFE Steel Corporation,Chiba 260-0835,JapanThe evaporation behavior of phosphorus in molten silicon during electron beam irradiation was investigated with the aim of producing solar grade silicon (SOG-Si)from metallurgical grade silicon (MG-Si)by a sequential metallurgical process.Batch experiments showed that the evaporation rate of phosphorus increased in proportion to the power of the electron beam and phosphorus content.The phosphorus removal rate was controlled by free evaporation from the molten silicon surface.Electron beam irradiation makes it possible to secure a higher temperature at the free liquid surface,which results in more efficient dephosphorization.A continuous flow experiment indicated that the phosphorus concentration at the outlet increased when the silicon feed rate was raised,which was attributed to the fact that the hearth residence time of the molten silicon was proportionally shorter.Thus,the flow of molten silicon in the hearth did not behave as a complete mixed reactor flow type reaction,but was close to a plug flow type reaction.With a 150kg scale pilot manufacturing plant,MG-Si containing about 25mass ppm of phosphorus was successfully purified to P <0.1mass ppm.(Received November 11,2003;Accepted December 26,2003)Keywords:phosphorus,silicon,electron beam,vapor pressure,vacuum,solar grade silicon,metallurgical grade silicon1.IntroductionPhotovoltaic power generation has been an object of intense interest in recent years as one approach to solving environmental and energy problems,and is rapidly gaining popularity as a residential power source.At present,off-spec silicon scrap from the semiconductor industry is the main material for solar grade silicon (SOG-Si)in multi-crystalline wafers,which are applied most universally in solar cells.However,sharply rising demand in recent years,it has become increasingly difficult to secure an adequate supply of off-spec silicon.Thus,an economical mass production process for SOG-Si has been desired.The authors developed a metallurgical process for pro-ducing high-purity SOG-Si from commercially available metallurgical grade silicon (MG-Si).1,2)When using MG-Si,it is necessary to remove a variety of impurities from the feedstock to levels which satisfy the purity requirements of SOG-Si.For example,when using MG-Si with a phosphorus content of 30mass ppm,the targeted P content of SOG-Si material is below 0.1mass ppm,3)and the allowable P content of the SOG-Si wafer for obtaining 95%of the maximum conversion efficiency (conversion ratio of solar to electric energy)with 0%P is below 0.012mass ppm.4)Directional solidification is used to remove certain impurities,but is not effective for dephosphorization of molten silicon because the equilibrium partition coefficient of P is 0.35.5)High frequency vacuum melting and resistor heating 6,7)and electron beam (EB)melting 8)were inves-tigated as possible phosphorous removal techniques.How-ever,with vacuum melting,the phosphorous removal rate was slow,and with the EB technique,the final P content was3–6mass ppm,which does not achieve the targeted P content for SOG-Si.We therefore studied EB melting dephosphorization in batch and continuous flow experiments at the laboratory scale in order to clarify the de-P mechanism and verify the feasibility of this technique as a mass production technology.2.Experimental Procedure2.1Experimental apparatusSchematic views of the apparatus for the batch and continuous flow experiments are shown in Figs.1and 2,respectively.The basic equipment consisted of an EB gun,vacuum chamber,vacuum pumps (rotary,oil diffusion,and turbo molecular pumps),and a hearth (water-cooled copper or graphite hearth).A sampling and temperature measuring device was also used in the batch experiments,and a continuous feeder,hearth for silicon melting,and water-Device for Sampling andElectron Fig.1Experimental procedure for batch melting by electron beam.*1ThisPaper was Originally Published in Japanese in J.Japan Inst.Metals 67(2003)569–574*2Present address:Planning and Administration Division,JFE R&D Corporation.Kawasaki 210-0855,Japan *3Present address:Patent &Technical Information Business Division,Kawasaki Steel Techno-Research Corporation,Tokyo 100-0005,JapanMaterials Transactions ,Vol.45,No.3(2004)pp.844to 849#2004The Japan Institute of Metalscooled copper mold for continuous silicon tapping were provided for the continuous flow experiments.The molten silicon moves between the hearths for silicon melting and dephosphorization and the water-cooled copper mold for tapping by overflow.At the water-cooled copper mold for directional solidification,the silicon melt is irradiated with another EB.9)MG-Si of 99%purity was used in these experiments.The impurity contents of the MG-Si usually used in experiments are P/25–30,B/5–10,Fe/1000–1500,Al/600-800,Ti/150–200,and C/150–250mass ppm,but those for the batch experiment with the water-cooled hearth were P/20–27,B/22–30,Fe/440–600,Al/570–900,Ti/30–60,and C/500–830mass ppm.Phosphorous contents above 1mass ppm were analyzed by the ICP (Induced Coupled Plasma)atomicemission spectrometry method,and those below 1mass ppm were analyzed by ICP mass spectrometry.2.2Batch experimentsThe conditions used in the batch experiments are shown in Table 1.The mass of silicon,EB power,and surface area of the silicon in the hearth were varied in the range of 1.2–6.6kg,20–100kW,and 0.022–0.075m 2,respectively,in the laboratory scale experiments,whereas values of 45kg,190–210kW,and 0.40m 2were used in the industrial scale experiments.After charging the given amount of MG-Si into the water-cooled or graphite hearth,the chamber was evacuated by the vacuum pumps to a pressure of 10À3to 10À2Pa.The EB was then irradiated on the MG-Si,and sampling and temperature measurements were performed intermittently to examine dephosphorization behavior.Evap-oration of silicon due to EB irradiation was calculated from the difference in mass before and after the experiment.The EB irradiation pattern was a sine curve in the laboratory scale experiments and spiral curve toward the center in the industrial scale experiments.2.3Continuous flow experimentThe experimental conditions used with the continuous feed process are shown in Table 2.Two hearths were used,No.1hearth for silicon melting and No.2hearth for phosphorous removal.The silicon feed rate,EB power for phosphorous removal,and surface area of the silicon in No.2hearth were varied in the range of 2–12kg/hr,80kW,and 0.04m 2in the laboratory scale experiments and 16–70kg/hr,220–250kW,and 0.4m 2in the industrial scale experiments.After initially melting silicon in the hearth to begin the process,MG-Si was continuously charged to No.1hearth.Experiments wereFig.2Experimental procedure for continuous melting by electron beam.Table 1Experimental condition of batch process.Laboratory scaleIndustrial scaleMass of Si,W si /kg 1.2,2.4 2.2,4.4,6.645EB power,P EB /kW 30,60,80,10020–90190,210EB irradiation pattern Sine curve SpiralChamber pressure/Pa 1:3Â10À2–6:7Â10À22:7Â10À2–8:0Â10À2Surface area of Si,A /m 20.0400.022,0.050,0.0750.40Material of hearthWater-cooled copperGraphite GraphiteTable 2Experimental condition of continuos feed process.Laboratory scaleIndustrial scaleSupplied rate of Si,F si /kgh À12–1216–70Chamber pressure/Pa1:3Â10À2–6:7Â10À21:3Â10À2–8:0Â10À2EB power,P EB /kW2080No.1hearth EB irradiation pattern Sine curve Spiral (melting)Surface area of Si/m 20.0100.10Material of hearthGraphite Graphite No.2hearth EB power,P EB /kW 80220,250(Phosphorus EB irradiation pattern Sine curve Spiral removal)Surface area of Si/m 20.0400.40Material of hearthCopperGraphiteEvaporation of Phosphorus in Molten Silicon by an Electron Beam Irradiation Method845terminated when the mass of silicon in the water-cooled mold reached approximately 20kg in the laboratory scale experi-ments and 150kg in the industrial scale experiments.De-P behavior was also examined in the case of EB irradiation of the silicon in the water-cooled mold.The P content of the silicon was analyzed in the MG-Si,silicon added at the overflow mouth of No.1and No.2hearths,and silicon ingot in the water-cooled mold.3.Results and Discussions3.1Batch experiments3.1.1Chemical composition of evaporated silicon anddephosphorization rateEvaporated silicon adhering to the inner wall of the chamber was collected and analyzed after the laboratory scale experiment with the water-cooled copper hearth.Table 3shows the contents of impurities in the raw and evaporated silicon.The contents of phosphorous,aluminum,and calcium,which have high vapor pressures,10)increase remarkably in the evaporated silicon,which means that evaporation is effective for eliminating these impurities from silicon.Figure 3shows the relationship between the P content normalized for the initial content,½P 0,and EB irradiation time in the laboratory scale experiment on semilogarithmic scales.The P content decreased linearly with time.Thus,the dephosphorization rate is proportional to the phosphorous content,as is also the case in the high frequency vacuum induction melting method,6,7)and is given by the following equation:Àd ½P =d t ¼K ½P ð1ÞK ¼k P ðA =V Þð2Þwhere [P ]is the phosphorous content (mass ppm),K is the rate constant (s À1)for dephosphorization,k P is a rate constant (m/s)of the first order reaction,A is the interface area (m 2)of the dephosphorization reaction,and V is the volume (m 3)of molten silicon in the hearth.Figure 4shows the dependence of A =V on K for a surface area of 0.022m 2of molten silicon in the graphite hearth and 30kW of EB power.As predicted from eq.(2),K is proportional to 1=V .3.1.2Effects of EB irradiation power density and hearthmaterial on dephosphorization rate and evapora-tion rate of siliconThe de-P rate can be increased by raising the temperature at the reaction interface,as estimated from the high vapor pressure of phosphorous.Figure 5shows the relationship between k P and EB power density,defined as EB power divided by the interface area of the de-P reaction in the hearth.The de-P rate for each experimental condition varies proportionately with ðP EB =A Þ1:75,where P EB is EB power (kW).The locally higher temperature at the free siliconTable 3Impurities contents of raw and evaporated silicon.(mass ppm)PAl Ca Cu C Fe Ti B Metallurgical 27860100<180********grade silicon Evaporated 1182799124772319358724<1silicon0.511.522.53(m a s s p p m )Time, t /ks[P ]/[P ]Fig.3Relation between phosphorus content and treatmenttime.100.0050.0040.0030.0020.001020304050K /s-1-1A /V /mFig.4Relation between K and A =V .1010104R a t e c o n s t a n t f o r d e p h o s p h o r i z a t i o n , k P /m . s-1Electron beam power density, P EB /kW .m-2101010310.Fig.5Relation between rate constant for dephosphorization and electron beam power density.846K.Hanazawa,N.Yuge and Y.Katosurface irradiated by the EB increases the dephosphorization rate.As seen in the plots of and which have almost the same interfacial area,A (m 2),and mass of silicon,W Si (kg),the de-P rate is higher with the graphite hearth than with the water-cooled copper hearth.The relationship between the vaporization rate,V Si (kg/m 2s),of silicon and EB power density in the graphite hearth is shown in Fig.6.Like the de-P rate,V Si also increases as the EB power density,free surface area,and mass of silicon increase.From Fig.6,V Si is proportional to the cube of the EB power density.3.1.3Rate-determining step of dephosphorization andbath temperatureFree evaporation through the free surface of the molten silicon can be assumed to be the rate-controlling step in silicon vaporization because V Si appears not to be affected by diffusion of silicon in the gas and liquid phases.Thus,V Si can be expressed by the Hertz-Knudsen-Langumuir equation as follows.V Si ¼4:37Â104ÁP Si ÁðM Si =T Þ1=2ð3Þlog P Si ¼À20900=T À0:565Âlog T þ12:9ð4Þwhere P Si is the vapor pressure (Pa)of phosphorous,M Si is the atomic weight of silicon,and T is the free surface temperature (K)of the molten silicon.Equation (4)is supported by a database collected by Kubachewski et al.10)Figure 7shows the surface temperature calculated from eqs.(3)and (4)using the measured silicon vaporization and the bulk temperatures estimated from the measured carbon content and measured by thermocouple.The bulk temper-ature estimated from the carbon content is obtained from the following equation for saturated carbon solubility.11)log ½C =1000¼3:63À9660=Tð5ÞAs seen in Fig.7,the estimated surface temperature is 250–400K higher than the bulk temperature,although there is a temperature difference of 90–130K between the temper-ature measured by thermocouple and that estimated from the carbon content.Increasing the EB power density contributes to higher temperatures both at the surface and in the bulk.In the EB melting process,the evaporation rate ofvaporized components is controlled by free evaporation,12)diffusion in the liquid phase,13)or both.14)Equations (6)and (7)are obtained 15)on the assumption that free evaporation of phosphorous is the rate-determining step in dephosphoriza-tion.k P ¼4:44Â104exp ðÁG 0=RT ÞÁð1= Si ÞðM P =T Þ1=2ð6ÞÁG 0¼À387000þ103Tð7Þwhere ÁG 0is the change of free energy for the P ðg Þ¼P reaction (J/mol), Si is the density of molten silicon (kg/m 3),and M P is the atomic weight of phosphorous (À).Figure 8shows the relationship between k P,calc.and k P,meas..The value of k P,calc.is obtained by substituting T calculated from eqs.(3)–(4)and the measured value of V Si ,into eqs.(6)–(7),and the value of k P,meas.is obtained from eqs.(1)–(2).As seen in Fig.8,k P,calc.and k P,meas.show good agreement over a wide range,which means the de-P rate is controlled by free evaporation.3.1.4Comparison of EB melting process and vacuuminduction process in de-P processThe relationship between the dephosphorization rate and molten silicon bath temperature is shown in Fig.9,which1010-410-310Electron beam power density, P EB /kWm-2105 × 102V a p o r i z a t i o n r a t e o f s i l i c o n , V s i /k g . m -2. s -1.Fig.6Relation between vaporization rate of silicon and electron beam powerdensity.1400160018002000220024001000200030004000Electron beam power density,PEB/kWm-2T e m p e r a t u r e , T /K.Fig.7Relation between temperature of molten silicon and electron beam powerdensity.10k P ,c a l c ./m .s-1k P,meas./m . s-11010101010Fig.8Relation between calculated and measured rate constant for dephosphorization.Evaporation of Phosphorus in Molten Silicon by an Electron Beam Irradiation Method 847compares EB melting with the vacuum induction process investigated by Suzuki et al.6)and Yuge et al.,7)and also includes the calculated results from eq.(6).The de-P rate is higher in EB melting than with the vacuum induction process at the same bath temperature because a locally higher temperature exists at the reaction interface (free surface of molten silicon)when an EB is applied to the melt.Thus,EB melting proved to be more effective for removing phospho-rous from molten silicon.3.2Continuous flow experiments3.2.1Flow pattern of continuous silicon feedFigure 10shows the relationship between the phosphorous content at the exit of the hearth and the mean residence time, (s),in the hearth.¼V =F Sið8Þwhere F Si is the molten silicon feed rate (kg/s)and the phosphorous content is that of MG-Si.From Fig.10,the P content increases when the silicon feed rate is raised because the mean hearth residence time of the silicon is proportion-ately shorter.Dephosphorization behavior in the continuous flow experi-ment can be expressed as an n-stage mixed reactor system,as follows.16)½P 0=½P ¼f 1þk P ðA =V Þð =n Þg nð9Þwhere ½P 0is the initial P content (mass ppm)and n is the number of mixed reactors.Figure 11shows the relationship between n calculated from eq.(9)and ½P 0=½P .The range and mean value of n are 3-9and 6.1,respectively.According to eq.(9),the de-P rate is enhanced by larger values of n .Further,n !1,that is,plug flow,is expected for a continuous silicon feed process.3.2.2Continuous operation experiment with industrialscale equipmentA continuous operation experiment was carried out with industrial scale equipment using an MG-Si feed rate of 45kg/h,EB power at No.2graphite hearth of 250kW,and the other experimental conditions shown in Table 2.An EB power of 600kW was irradiated on the molten silicon in the water-cooled copper mold for directional solidification.The sampling position in the silicon ingot obtained by directional solidification was the middle of the purified part.The change in [P ]in the silicon ingot is shown in Fig.12.The mean value and standard deviation of [P ]in this campaign were 0.077and 0.017mass ppm,respectively,which achieved the target of below 0.1mass ppm required for solar cells.Figure 13shows the silicon supply rate dependence of [P ]at the outlet of No.2hearth.Here,[P ]increases as the silicon supply rate increases.As shown in Fig.13,to obtain the10-610-5R a t e c o n s t a n t f o rd e p h o s p h o r i z a t i o n ,k P /m . s-1Bath temperature, T /K1010Fig.9Relation between rate constant for dephosphorization and bathtemperature.12345[P ](m a s s p p m )Mean residual time,/ksτFig.10Relation between phosphorus content and mean residualtime.510152000. (-)[P]/[P]0(-)Fig.11Relation between n and phosphorus content atoutlet.[P ](m a s s p p m )Ingot No. (-)Fig.12Sequential phosphorus content in silicon ingots manufactured for trial.848K.Hanazawa,N.Yuge and Y.Katorequired ½P <0:1mass ppm with an EB power of 220kW,the silicon supply rate must be below 30kg/h,whereas with 250kW,the supply rate must be below 50kg/h.4.ConclusionsThe evaporation behavior of phosphorus in molten silicon during electron beam irradiation was investigated with the aim of producing SOG-Si from metallurgical MG-Si by a newly developed sequential metallurgical process,with the following conclusions.(1)The dephosphorization reaction proceeds according tothe first order rate law.(2)The de-P rate increases with increasing EB powerdensity (power per surface area of molten silicon in the hearth).(3)The surface temperature of the molten silicon isestimated to be 250-400K higher than the molten silicon bath temperature.(4)The de-P rate is controlled by free evaporation throughthe surface of the molten silicon.(5)The flow pattern of the molten silicon in the hearth didnot behave as a complete mixed flow type reaction,but was close to a plug flow type reaction.(6)With 150kg scale equipment,MG-Si containing ap-proximately 25mass ppm of phosphorus was success-fully purified to P <0.1mass ppm.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)and Agency of Natural Resources and Energy.The authors wish to thank Prof.Emeritus N.Sano of the University of Tokyo,Prof.T.Saitoh of Tokyo A&T University,and Dr.F.Aratani of the former SOG-Si Technology Research Asso-ciation for discussion of technical questions.REFERENCES1)Y.Kato,K.Hanazawa,H.Baba,N.Nakamura,N.Yuge,Y.Sakaguchi,S.Hiwasa and F.Aratani:Tetsu-to-Hagane 86(2000)717–724.2)N.Nakamura,H.Baba,Y.Sakaguchi and Y.Kato:Mater.Trans.45(2004)858–864.3)Y.Sakaguchi,H.Terashima and F.Aratani:Shinsozai 5(1994)39–43.4)J.Fally,E.Fabre and B.Chabot:Rev.Phys.Appl.22(1987)529–534.5) F.A.Trumbore:Bell Syst.Tech.J.39(1960)205–233.6)K.Suzuki,K.Sakaguchi,T.Nakagiri and N.Sano:J.Japan Inst.Metals54(1990)161–167.7)N.Yuge,K,Hanazawa,K.Nishikawa and H.Terashima:J.Japan Inst.Metals 61(1997)1086–1093.8)T.Ikeda and M.Maeda:ISIJ Int.32(1992)635–642.9)N.Yuge,K.Hanazawa and Y.Kato:Mater.Trans.45(2004)850–857.10)O.Kubachewski and C.B.Alock:Metallurgical Thermochemistry ,5thEd.,(Pergamon Press Ltd.,New York,1979)p.372.11)K.Yanaba,M.Akasaka,M.Taguchi,M.Watanabe,T.Narushima andY.Iguchi:Mater.Trans.,JIM 38(1997)990–994.12)R.Nakao,S.Fukumoto,M.Fuji and H.Takeuchi:ISIJ Int.32(1992)685–692.13)S.Watakabe,K.Suzuki and K.Nishikawa:ISIJ Int.32(1992)625–629.14)T.Isawa,H.Nakamura and K.Murakami:ISIJ Int.32(1992)607–615.15)T.Miki,K.Morita and N.Sano:Metall.Trans.B 27B (1996)937–941.16)O.Levenspiel:Chemical Reaction Engineering ,2nd Ed.,(John Wiley&Sons,New York,1972)p.[P ] (m a s s p p m )Supplied rate of silicon, F Si/kg . h -1Fig.13Relation between phosphorus content and supplied rate of silicon.Evaporation of Phosphorus in Molten Silicon by an Electron Beam Irradiation Method 849。