LiFePO4CA cathode nanocomposite with 3D conductive




电池正 极材料 LF P X射 线衍射 ( D)H ie O / C. XR ¥ 扫描 电子显微 镜( E 的表 征结果显 示, 品具有 良好 的结 晶 S M) 样
性能, 平均 粒径约 2 0n 颗粒表 面有均匀 网络状 的碳 包覆. 0 m, 充放 电循环研 究结果表 明: ie O LF P / C具有 稳定 的 电化学循环性 能, ie O / LF P C正极材料在 O1 .C倍率下首次放 电比容量达到 1 6mA ・ ~ 首次充放 电效率达 5 h g , 到 9 .%; 87 循环 4 0次后 , 电比容量 为 1 9mAh g , 放 4 ・ ~ 电池 容量保持率在 9 %以上, C倍率下首次放 电 比容量 5 1 达到 1 47mA ・ ~ 显示出较高的 电化学容量和优 良的循 环稳 定性 . 3 . h g ,
Ab ta t s r c : W e s n h sz d LF y t e ie i ePO C c m p s t a h d ma e i l y t e r e l gia h s e h d / o o i c to e e tr s a b h h o o c p a e m t o J
关键 词: 锂 离子电池 : 磷酸亚铁锂 : 正极材料: 植物蛋 白: 碳 包覆 ; 豆浆 : 流变相法
中 图 分 类 号 : 06 6 4
S n h s s a d Pr p riso i e Od t o e Ma e i l t பைடு நூலகம் e y t e i n o e t f F P C Ca h d t r h a N w e L a wi
wi e eabe po en s y e n mi s a c r o o re whl ePO4・ H2 a d LOH ・ O s r w t v g t l rt i o a b a l a a b n s u c i F h k e 4 O n i H2 a a


MA ,ZHANG y 0 ,WANG n g —we i ,WANG L i—mi n,HOU Chu n —pi n g
( K o c e l N e w E n e r g y Ma t e i r a l C o . , L t d . , N i n g x i a Y i n c h u a n 7 5 0 0 2 1 ,C h i n a )
中合成 L i F e P O / C复合锂 离子电池正极材料 。采用 X R D、S E M、电性能测试等方 式对制备 的样品进行表征 分析和性能测 试 ,并研 究 了不 同焙烧 温度对样品性能 的影 响。结果表 明 :7 0 0 o C 恒 温焙烧 1 6 h条件下 制备 的样 品为单一橄榄 石型晶体结构 ,其 0 . 1 C放 电倍率下首 次放电容量为 1 4 4 . 4 m A h / g ,充放 电循 环 1 0 0次后放 电容量可 达 1 4 0 . 8 m A h / g 。
磷酸铁锂作 为一种新 型锂 离子 电池 正极材 料 ,是 目前 国内 外的研究热点 。研究表 明 ,该新 型锂离子 电池正极 材料集 成 了
首先将 L i H 2 P O 4 、F e C 2 0 4・ 2 H 2 0按 1 . 0 5: 1 的化学计量 比
称量 ,添加质量含量分别为 1 0 %的葡萄糖 和 l %的 C MC 。将 原 L i C o O 2 、L i N i O 2 、L i M n 2 O 及其衍生物 正极材料 的优点 ,如 料分散到去离子水 中混合均匀 ,经 行星式球磨机球 磨 2 4 h 。球 不含贵金属元素 、原料 丰 富、工作 电压适 中( 3 . 4 V) 、平 台特 磨后 的浆料 直接 雾化 造粒 ,得 到 的物料 为 L i F e P O 4 / C前 驱体 。 性好 、理论容量高 ( 1 7 0 m A h / g ) 、安全 性能 好 ;此 外 ,磷 酸铁 然 后 将 L i F e P O / C前 驱 体 装 入 刚 玉 坩 埚 中 , 置 于 Z S K 一8—1 4




PAM 软模板法合成LiFePO 4/C 纳米共生物杨书廷,赵娜红,尹艳红,董红玉,岳红云,杨金鑫(河南师范大学化学与环境科学学院,河南新乡 453002)摘要:采用聚丙烯酰胺(PAM )软模板法合成了LiFePO 4/C 正极材料。

在011mA/cm 2电流密度下,PAM 软模板法合成的LiFePO 4/C 材料的放电比容量可达120mAh/g ,且可逆性增强。

材料的振实密度达到1119g/cm 3。


采用X 射线衍射实验,对PAM 软模板剂在合成过程中的改性作用进行了研究。

关键词:锂离子电池; 正极材料; LiFePO 4; 软模板剂中图分类号:TM91219 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-1579(2005)04-0263-03Synthesis of LiFePO 4/C nano 2structure intergrow th by PAM soft templating methodYAN G Shu 2ting ,ZHAO Na 2hong ,YIN Yan 2hong ,DON G Hong 2yu ,YU E Hong 2yun ,YAN G Jin 2xin(College of Chemist ry and Environmental Science ,Henan Norm al U niversity ,Xinxiang ,Henan 453002,China )Abstract :LiFePO 4/C cathode material was prepared by polyacrylamide (PAM )soft templating method 1Discharge specificcapacity of the LiFePO 4/C material prepared by PAM soft templating method reached 120mAh/g at 011mA/cm 2and its re 2versibility was increased 1The tap density of the material was 1119g/cm 31TEM and TP 2AFM pictures showed that nano 2struc 2tured intergrowth resided in the composite material and doped carbon with more electrochemical active specific surface and few ag 2gregates 1The composite effect of PAM soft template during preparing was studied by XRD test 1K ey w ords :Li 2ion battery ; cathode material ; LiFePO 4; soft template 锂离子电池正极材料橄榄石型LiFePO 4以低廉的成本、高安全性能赢得瞩目[1-2]。


第 7 卷

Vo 1 . 7, No . 4 De c .2 0 1 3
2 0 1 3年 1 2月
文章编号 : 1 6 7 3 — 9 9 8 1 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 4 — 0 2 5 2 — 0 4
罐 中混合 2 4 h , 球 料 质 量 比为 3:1 . 将 混合 物 置 于 通有 氩气 气氛 的热 处 理炉 中 , 在设 定 的温 度 和 时 间 参数 下进 行煅 烧 , 煅 烧 结 束 后 随 炉冷 却 到 1 0 0℃ 以 下, 然后 再进 行二 次球 磨 6 h , 球 料 质量 比为 6:1 , 经
1 O , 1 5 , 2 O , 2 5 %和 3 O . 通过 X R D, S E M 和恒 流 充放 电等测 试 方 法 , 研 究 了葡 萄 糖 添加 量 对 L i F e P O 4 / c材料结构 和电化学性 能的影响. 结果表 明: 当葡萄糖添加量为 2 O 时 , L i F e P O4 / c材料 以 0 .
2 C充放 电 , 放 电比容量为 1 4 0 . 6 mA ・ h / g ; 1 C倍 率 5 O次循 环后 , 容量 保持率 达到 9 7 ; 以0 . 2 C充
电, 在 0 . 2 C, 1 C, 2 C, 5 C和 1 0 C不 同倍率下放 电, 其中 1 0 C倍率放电 比容量 为 8 9 . 1 mA ・h / g , 合成 材料表现 出良好 的综合 电化学性能 . 经X R D和 S E M 测试 发现 , 制 得 的材料 均为橄榄 石型结 构 , 不 同碳 含量对材料 的颗粒尺寸有一定 的影 响. 关键词 : 锂离子电池 ; 正极材料 ; L i F e P O 4 ; 碳包覆 ; 碳热还原






与传统的锂离子二次电源正极材料LiCoO2、LiNO2、LiMn2O4相比,LiFePO4正极材料具有相对较高的比容量(170 mAh/g)、稳定的工作电压(3.5 V),且热稳定性和化学稳定性好,以及安全性能突出,是极具发展前景的绿色环保材料。





2011年第69卷化 学 学 报V ol. 69, 2011 第21期, 2632~2636ACTA CHIMICA SINICANo. 21, 2632~2636* E-mail: czr_56@Received March 31, 2011; revised June 15, 2011; accepted July 4, 2011. 国家自然科学基金(No. 21071046)资助项目.·研究简报·以二甲亚砜水溶液为反应介质低温合成纳米级磷酸亚铁锂常照荣* 刘 瑶 汤宏伟 赵海丽 黄 静(河南师范大学化学与环境科学学院 新乡 453007)摘要 采用二甲亚砜水溶液为反应介质, 在常压和108 ℃条件下, 经短时间的液相反应直接制备出橄榄石结构的纳米级LiFePO 4. IR 分析表明, 液相法直接制得的LiFePO 4晶体结构中含有少量的Fe 3+. 将液相直接制备的样品与少量葡萄糖混合后在600 ℃下焙烧3 h 得到类球形的LiFePO 4/C 材料. 电化学测试结果表明, 这种纳米级LiFePO 4/C 材料在0.2 C 倍率下放电容量达到157.2 mAh/g, 并且具有较好的放电平台. 5 C 和10 C 放电容量仍能达到126.1和103.4 mAh/g, 且循环200次后容量没有明显衰减, 表现出优异的倍率放电特性和循环性能. 关键词 液相法; 低温合成; 锂离子电池; LiFePO 4/C; 二甲亚砜Low Temperature Synthesis of LiFePO 4/C Nanocomposite inDMSO/H 2O SystemChang, Zhaorong * Liu, Yao Tang, Hongwei Zhao, Haili Huang, Jing(College of Chemistry and Environmental Science , Henan Normal University , Xinxiang 453007)Abstract Nanometer-sized LiFePO 4 with a well-developed olivine-type structure was synthesized in thedimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)/H 2O system under ambient pressure and 108 ℃. From IR analysis, less amountof Fe 3+ions were proved to exist in the composite by solution-phased method. The sphere-like LiFePO 4/C nanocomposite was obtained by sintering the mixture of nanometer-sized LiFePO 4 and glucose at 600 ℃ under inert atmosphere for 3 h. The electrochemical tests showed the specific capacity of LiFePO 4/C nano-composites at discharge rates of 0.2 C was 157.2 mAh/g. A capacity of 126.1 mAh/g at 5 C and 103.4 mAh/g at 10 C was even achievable, with no significant capacity fading after 200 cycles.Keywords solution-phased method; low temperature synthesis; lithium ion battery; LiFePO 4/C; dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)随着电动自行车, 新能源汽车产业发展步伐的不断加快, 储能科技迅速受到越来越多人的关注, 绿色能源产业对锂离子电池的要求与关注度已达到了历史最高点. 锂离子电池已成为目前最被看好的动力电源. 橄榄石结构的磷酸亚铁锂因其具有较高的理论比容量(170 mAh/g), 平稳的放电平台(3.4 V), 优异的循环稳定性和热稳定性, 原料来源丰富, 价格低廉, 对环境友好等优点, 成为极具潜力的锂离子电池正极材料, 成为近年来开发研究的热点[1~3]. 然而, 磷酸亚铁锂本身也存在着一些缺陷[4,5], 第一是其特殊的结构阻碍了锂离子的脱嵌速率; 第二是电子导电性能差, 导致高倍率放电性能较差. 根据上述的缺陷, 人们通常采用掺杂C, Ag, Cu 等微粒来改善颗粒间的导电性能[6~9], 通过掺杂Mg, Mn, Cu, Ti 等离子和减小磷酸亚铁锂粒径来改善材料的锂离子的传导性能[10~12]. 最近的研究表明, 磷酸亚铁锂粒径的减小可以直接缩短锂离子在固相的传导距离, 从而改善锂离子的快速脱嵌, 可以显著提高倍率性能[2,13,14]. 为了改善材料粒径的均匀性和细微性, 人们常采用溶胶No. 21 常照荣等:以二甲亚砜水溶液为反应介质低温合成纳米级磷酸亚铁锂2633-凝胶[[15]、共沉淀[16]、喷雾干燥[17]等方法. 这些方法虽然可以改善前驱体物料的混合程度, 但是前驱体处理复杂, 耗时废能, 而且最终仍需要经过较长时间的高温烧结. 近年来, 一些研究人员提出了水热和溶剂热合成方法, 在纯液相环境中合成纳米级磷酸亚铁锂[18~22]. Ou 等[23]以硫酸亚铁、磷酸和氢氧化锂为原料经180 ℃水热反应6 h, 随后在惰性气体保护下经750 ℃高温晶化6 h, 得到粒径大小为0.5~1 μm, 厚度为0.1 μm的板状磷酸亚铁锂, 0.2 C和5 C率放电比容量可以达到154 mAh/g和136 mAh/g. Hong[24]采用超临界连续水热法在25 MPa和400 ℃条件下经很短的时间就可以合成出粒径为200~800 nm的磷酸亚铁锂, 此法制得的磷酸锂在0.1 C倍率下循环30次后放电比容量比固相法合成的材料(60 mAh/g)高出70~80 mAh/g, 并具有良好的循环性能. Rangappa[25]将FeC2O4•2H2O, NH4H2PO4, LiOH和抗坏血酸混合后, 加入乙二醇作为溶剂, 正己烷和油酸作为共溶剂和表面活性剂, 搅拌1 h后放入不锈钢容器内在400 ℃和40 MPa下水热反应10 min, 急速冷却后洗涤得到的混合物, 干燥后在惰性气体下600 ℃焙烧4 h 后可以得到粒径较小, 电化学性能优良且具有单一相橄榄石型结构的磷酸亚铁锂. 水热合成方法虽然是在液相中进行, 可以合成出粒径均匀的亚微米级磷酸亚铁锂颗粒, 但是需要在高温高压条件进行, 对设备要求较高, 不易在工业中应用.我们研究小组提出了一种在常压和低温的液相环境下直接快速合成粒径小而均匀的并具有橄榄石结构的磷酸亚铁锂的新方法. 以二甲亚砜/水溶液作为反应介质, 在常压和108 ℃的条件下, 经很短的反应时间即可直接制得粒径小且分布均匀的单一相橄榄石结构的磷酸亚铁锂. 所制得的磷酸亚铁锂与一定量的葡萄糖混合在5% H2~95% N2气氛中在600 ℃焙烧3 h可以得到大小均匀的类球形纳米级的LiFePO4/C材料, 并显示出优良的高倍率和循环性能.1 实验1.1 LiFePO4的制备按等物质的量比配制1 mol/L的硫酸亚铁和磷酸混合溶液100 mL加入带有回流冷凝装置的500 mL三颈烧瓶中, 再加入等体积的二甲亚砜(DMSO)溶剂. 待混合溶液冷却至室温时, 缓慢加入3 mol/L氢氧化锂溶液至反应液的pH值在7左右, 然后用油浴加热并在氮气保护下使反应液在其沸点108 ℃反应 2 h, 冷却至室温, 抽滤, 用蒸馏水洗涤沉淀数次, 在真空干燥箱内120 ℃下干燥后得到LiFePO4样品A. 1.2 LiFePO4/C的制备将制得的LiFePO4样品和一定量的葡萄糖混合, 研磨, 在管式炉5% H2~95% N2气氛中600 ℃焙烧3 h, 随炉冷却至室温, 得到LiFePO4/C样品B(含碳量为3%).1.3 电化学性能测试将LiFePO4/C, 乙炔黑, 聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)按85∶10∶5的质量比混合均匀, 加入一定量的N-甲基吡咯烷酮(NMP)混合制成浆料, 将浆料均匀涂布于铝箔上, 在真空干燥箱内120 ℃干燥12 h后, 滚压制成正极片, 以金属锂片作为负极, 聚丙烯微孔膜作为隔膜, 1 mol/L LiPF6/DEC+DMC+EC(体积比1∶1∶1)作为电解液, 在充满氩气的手套箱内装成CR2016型纽扣电池. 使用LAND电池测试系统进行电性能测试, 起止电压为2.3~4.2 V.2 结果与讨论2.1 样品的晶体结构和形貌分析图1中的样品A为液相反应2 h后直接得到的产物的XRD图谱.图1磷酸亚铁锂样品的XRD图谱Figure 1XRD patterns of LiFePO4 samples样品B为样品A掺杂定量葡萄糖后在600 ℃, 5% H2~95% N2气氛中焙烧3 h所得的LiFePO4/C的XRD 图谱. 经检索, 两个样品所有的衍射峰都与LiFePO4的标准图谱(卡号: 40~1499)相一致, 未发现有任何杂峰, 说明样品均为单一相的橄榄石型结构. 根据样品A的XRD图, 可以看出在二甲亚砜和水的混合体系中, 常压和108 ℃条件下仅需要2 h的反应就可以生成单一相的磷酸亚铁锂, 这比文献[26]中报道的16 h的反应时间大大缩短, 反应可能按下式进行.4344242381KFeSO H PO3LiOHLiFePO Li SO3H O−−−−→↓++++2634化 学 学 报 V ol. 69, 2011上述反应之所以能够完成可能与二甲亚砜提升溶液的沸点, 降低溶液表面张力以降低初生晶核粒径有关, 较高的溶液温度和超细的晶核可以促使反应向生成磷酸亚铁锂的方向进行.LiFePO 4-B 的XRD 图谱中的特征衍射峰与LiFePO 4-A 相比除了峰稍有变窄和强度有所增强外, 图中没有发现碳的特征峰, 表明经短时间高温烧结改善了磷酸亚铁锂的结晶程度, 葡萄糖裂解生成的碳是以无定形碳的形式存在.图2 (a)中的样品A 为液相反应直接得到的LiFePO 4的SEM 图. 样品B [图2 (b)]为样品A 掺杂少量葡萄糖后在600 ℃, 5% H 2~95% N 2气氛中焙烧3 h 所得的LiFePO 4/C 的SEM 图. 对比图2两个样品, 可以明显看出, 直接由液相反应生成的LiFePO 4颗粒大小均匀, 颗粒形貌类似板块状, 平均长、宽和厚度大约200~400 nm, 50~150 nm 和40~80 nm. 纳米颗粒的形成可能与溶液中二甲亚砜对晶粒生长的抑制作用有关. 经过高温短时间烧结后, 磷酸亚铁锂颗粒的边缘都变得圆滑, 颗粒呈类球形, 粒径大小为200~300 nm, 这种类球形的纳米级颗粒有利于材料堆积密度的提高. 图2(c)是样品A 的高清晰TEM 图, 从图中可以明显看出, 液相一步直接合成出的磷酸亚铁锂样品的晶体结构中原子排布均匀有序, 这与Wang 的分析结果相一致[26]. 图2(d)为样品B 的高清晰TEM 图, 由图可见磷酸亚铁锂颗粒表面覆有无定形碳层, 碳层的存在不仅提高了材料的导电性能, 而且阻止了颗粒的进一步长大, 使得高温烧结后的样品颗粒能够保持液相中生成的细小颗粒和均匀性.2.2 电化学性能图3为液相法直接制得的LiFePO 4和600 ℃烧结3 h 得到的纳米LiFePO 4/C 的放电曲线.由图3(a)可以看出, 直接由液相合成出的磷酸亚铁锂其放电性能并不理想, 0.2 C 倍率放电比容量仅为120 mAh/g, 而且放电平台不佳, 主要原因可能有两个, 一是液相法直接制得的LiFePO 4本身的导电性较差, 二是因为液相反应生成的LiFePO 4尽管在XRD 图谱上没有杂相峰的存在, 其晶格中可能还有微量Fe 3+的存在.由图4的红外图谱可以看出, 样品A 在3500 cm -1处明显有一个羟基峰. 根据Delacourt [27]所作的工作, 其原因可能归结于液相和水热条件下所得到的磷酸亚铁锂晶体结构中含有少量的Fe 3+, 含有Fe 3+的磷酸亚铁锂其化学式可以表示为LiFe 1-x Fe x PO 4(OH)x . 而经过高温短时间烧结后的样品B 在3500 cm -1处几乎没有明显的羟基峰, 说明掺杂葡萄糖在5% H 2~95% N 2气氛中600 ℃下焙烧后样品中的Fe 3+被裂解的碳还原为Fe 2+, 剩余的无定形碳包覆在LiFePO 4颗粒的表面, 提高了材料的导电性, 因此材料具有优异的电化学性能.由图3(b)可以看出, 0.2 C 放电比容量达到157.2 mAh/g, 接近理论比容量的93%, 并且在3.4 V 附近有较为平坦的放电平台. 在1 C 和 5 C 时仍然能保持较好的放电平台, 放电比容量分别为142.1, 126.1 mAh/g. 即使在10 C 放电其比容量仍可以达103.4 mAh/g, 显示出优良的倍率性能, 这对于满足电动汽车等大倍率放电环境是非常重要的. 因此, 对液相反应得到的磷酸亚铁锂进行一定量的碳包覆和短时间的热处理对于材料的电化学性能的提高是非常重要的.图2 磷酸亚铁锂样品的SEM 和TEM 照片Figure 2 Morphology and structure of samples A and B: (a) SEM of Sample A; (b) SEM of sample B; (c) HRTEM image of sample A; (d) HRTEM image of sample BNo. 21常照荣等:以二甲亚砜水溶液为反应介质低温合成纳米级磷酸亚铁锂2635图3 磷酸亚铁锂样品的放电曲线a 为样品A 在0.2 C 率的放电曲线;b 为样品B 在不同倍率的放电曲线Figure 3 Room-temperature discharge curves of the samples A and B: (a) sample A at 0.2 C; (b) sample B at different C ratesfrom 0.2 to 10 C图4 磷酸亚铁锂样品的红外光谱Figure 4 Infrared spectra of samples A and B图5为LiFePO 4/C 在室温下5 C, 10 C 的放电比容量循环曲线. 由图5可见, 覆碳的纳米LiFePO 4/C 材料在高倍率充放电条件下的放电比容量经过200次循环仍然能保持初始放电比容量的90%左右. 可见, 通过此方法图5 LiFePO 4/C 的高倍率循环性能Figure 5 Cycling performances of LiFePO 4/C at 5 C and 10 C制得的LiFePO 4/C 材料不仅具有优异的高倍率放电性能而且具有很好的循环性能.材料电性能的改善首先得益于液相反应可以得到小而均匀的磷酸亚铁锂纳米级颗粒, 其次是颗粒表面的覆碳和球化. 研究表明, LiFePO 4粒径的大小对其充放电容量有很大的影响, 尤其是倍率性能的影响[28]. LiFePO 4粒径越小, 越能有效提高材料的比表面积, 增大材料和电解液的接触面积, 缩短锂离子扩散路径, 有利于锂离子的嵌入和脱嵌. 同时少量碳的存在也提高了材料的导电性能. Zhang [29]研究了不同粒径大小的磷酸亚铁锂对高倍率性能的影响, 认为粒径在100~350 nm 范围的覆碳磷酸亚铁锂粉末在高倍率性能的提升远高于单纯的粒径尺寸的减小. 本法得到的覆碳类球形磷酸亚铁锂粒径大小为80~300 nm, 高倍率性能的提升与Zhang 所得结论相一致.3 结论采用二甲亚砜/水混合体系, 在常压下经短时间的液相反应直接制备出纳米级LiFePO 4, 生成的纳米级LiFePO 4与一定量的葡萄糖混合在600 ℃下焙烧3 h 制得具有完整的橄榄石结构, 粒径小且分布均匀的LiFePO 4/C 材料. 电化学测试结果表明, 这种类球形纳米LiFePO 4/C 在0.2 C 的首次放电比容量达到157.2mAh/g, 接近理论容量的93%, 而且在3.4 V 具有较好放电平台. 5 C 和10 C 放电容量分别达到126.1 mAh/g 和103.4 mAh/g, 经200次循环未见明显的下降, 显示出优良的高倍率性能和循环性能, 这对于满足电动汽车等大倍率放电环境是非常重要的.相对于传统的合成方法, 该方法不需高压即可在液相低温条件下直接合成出分布均匀的纳米级磷酸亚铁锂, 而且具有反应时间短, 反应装置简单, 所用原材料廉价的特点. 该方法为磷酸亚铁锂的合成提供了一条新的思路.值得一提的是, 我们在实验中发现, 如果不在反应体系中加入二甲亚砜, 则没有磷酸亚铁锂的生成, 除非在水热高压条件下加热到150 ℃以上, 可见二甲亚砜的加入对于磷酸亚铁锂能在常压和低温条件下的形成起着重要作用, 关于二甲亚砜的作用我们将继续深入研究.References1 Padhi, A. K.; Nanjundaswamy, K. S.; Goodenough, J. B. J.Electrochem. Soc. 1997, 144, 1188.2 Hsu, K. F.; Tsaya, S. Y.; Hwang, B. J. J. Mater. Chem.2636化学学报V ol. 69, 20112004,14, 2690.3Jugović, D.; Uskoković, D. J. 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来克服 LiFePO4 自身的缺点 。但是包覆碳的量过多 会使比能量降低 ; 掺杂的金属替代锂的位置形成组 [11 ] 成为 Li x M1 - x FePO4 的缺陷半导体时 ,能有效提高 电导率 , 但会使 LiFePO4 理论容量降低 。而合成纳 米粒子是最有效的方法 。 下面介绍纳米 LiFePO4 的制备方法及相关电化 学性能的研究进展 。
[2 ]
LiCoO2 273 140 316 813 expensive good moderate 10 - 2 moderate poor toxic cobalt
LiNiO2 274 160 313 9917 moderate poor good 10 - 1 poor poor heavy metal (Ni)
收稿 : 2007 年 11 月 , 收修改稿 : 2008 年 3 月 3 中国工程院院士学科建设经费项目 (No. 113028019) 资助 3 3 通讯联系人 e2mail :liangfengshen7 @163. com
有以下 4 种含锂无机盐 : 钴酸锂 (LiCoO2 ) 、 镍酸锂
池体积略有变化 ,并没有冒烟或着火现象发生 ; 而对 于 LiCoO2 在加热到 165 ℃就会冒烟 。可见 LiFePO4 具有好的稳定性和极长的循环寿命 。MacNeil 等 [9 ] 和 Arnold 等 通过对 LiFePO4 、 LiNiO2 、 Li1 + x Mn2 - x O4 、
Fe Π Fe 氧化还原电对的费米能级 , 提高了开路电
3+ 2+
2 纳米 LiFePO4 的合成方法及相关的电化
211 溶胶凝胶法 Dominko 等
[15 ]


Part 5
Writing Methods for Introduction
Part 5 Introduction
❖ The introduction is the first portion of the text. Though it is often preceded by an abstract, the introduction should be a complete and selfsufficient unit with one or more paragraphs.
aromatic 芳香族; aliphatic 脂肪族
Part 5 Introduction
一.简介研究背景(background)﹑ 研究意义
❖ Since the early 1960s, …has attracted much attention due to …
❖ In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to …
Part 5 Introduction
二. 论述目前该领域旳研究现状﹑存在问题﹑待处理旳问题
❖ Although the cationic ring-opening polymerization of SOCs has been investigated extensively, only a low molecular weight (MW) polymer was obtained and the MW cannot be controlled.
❖ The free radical polymerizations of cyclic ketene (烯酮)acetals (乙缩醛,乙缩醛二乙醇)have recently evoked(唤起) a lot of interest.

Size and shape control of LiFePO4 nanocrystals for better cathode materials

Size and shape control of LiFePO4 nanocrystals for better cathode materials

Address correspondence to Qing Peng, pengqing@; Yadong Li, ydli@
small-particle, cuboid and flower-like, allowing size and shape control of LiFePO4. It is noteworthy that the size and shape of the as-prepared LiFePO4 nanocrystals can be controlled by the ratio and addition sequence of the reagents. Moreover, by comparison of the electrochemical properties of the six LiFePO4 nanocrystals, it is easy to determine the synthesis conditions giving the material with the best electrochemical performance. Finally, for further electrochemical application, the optimum LiFePO4 nanocrystals were converted to their LiFePO4/C counterparts, which shpability performance.
dimensional diffusion channels for lithium ions) and LiMn2O4 (with three-dimensional diffusion channels for lithium ions), LiFePO4 has only one channel for lithium ion diffusion, the [010] direction, which restricts its rate capability [20–27]. In this regard, it appears that the controlled synthesis of LiFePO4 with short [010] channel lengths leading to facile Li+ ion diffusion might serve as a promising way to increase the rate performance of LiFePO4. In our previous report, LiFePO4 with a well-defined nanoplate shape was synthesized in ethylene glycol (EG) [28]. In this paper, we report a full study that examines the synthesis in EG of LiFePO4 nanocrystals with six distinct shapes, namely spindle, rod, urchin,


S NG Yu l,L in O ei Ir g,C me g, A0 Du n
L,O 为原 料 , i P 蔗糖 作 为碳 的前 驱体 , 成 出 LF P 合 ie O
粉 体 ,颗粒粒 径在 05 2t .- m,在 充放 电倍 率 为 02C x . 时 放 电 比容 量 为 10 m hg 2 6 A・/ ,0次 循 环 后 容 量 衰 减
第 1 8卷
第 4期
V0 _ 8 No 4 I . 1
21 0 2年 8月
Au . 0 2 g 2 1
d i1.9 9 .s.0 8 54 . 1 . .1 o:0 6 ̄i n10 - 5 82 20 0 6 3 s 0 4
机械活化辅助 固相法合成 ie O一 LF P 4C材 料及 性 能
宋月丽 ,李 晶 ,曹笃盟 ,苑 春 ,彭汝芳
( 南 科技 大 学 材 料 科 学 与工 程 学 院 ,四 川 绵 阳 西 611) 20 0
摘 要 :为 研 究机 械 活化 处理 对 原 料 形 貌 和 终 产 物 电化 学性 能 的 影 响 ,
c p ct ane a c f % . a a i m itn eo 97 y n
小于 1 %。
Y A C u , E uag U N h n P NG R fn
( c o l f tr l S i c dE gn eig S uh s S h o Mae as ce e n n ie r , o twet o i n a n
Unvest f ce c n i ri yo S in ea dTe h lg M in a g6 1 1 c noo y, a y n 2 0 0,Chn 料 达 到 微 米级 的 均 匀混 合 和 充 分接 触 , 高 了反 应 活 性 , 于 传 原 提 利 质 过 程 和 高 温 固相 反 应 , 得 颗 粒 细 小 均 匀 、 晶 良好 的 L F P C材 获 结 ie O 一 料 , 电 比容 量 为 1 69 放 4 . mA・ / 充 放 电倍 率 为 02 C) 4 次循 环 后 3 hg( _ ,0 放 电 比 容 量 为 1 34 l hg 容 量 保 持 率 为 9 % 。 4 .0aA・ / , 7






1 前言
成 本 隔膜
1 前言
理论能量密度 (mAh/g) 实际能量密度 (mAh/g) 电压(V) 循环性(次)
LiFePO4 170
130-140 3.2-3.7 >2000 非常丰富
安全性能 适用温度(℃)
好 -20~75
[9] Lv Y J,Long Y F,Su J,et al. Synthesis of bowl-like mesoporous LiFePO4/C composites as cathode materials for lithium ion batteries[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 119(0): 155-163. [10] Li J L,Wu J H,Wang Y,et al. Synthesis of LiFePO4/C composite with high rate capability using spheniscidite as a facile precursor[J]. Materials Letters, 2014, 136(0): 282-285. [11] 陈明鸣.一种高倍率型磷酸铁锂/炭及其制备方法[P].中国专利:103904325,2014-03-21.
composite from mechanical activation using sucrose as carbon source[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2009, 54(10): 2861-2868.


Nano materials are unfavorable for processing of electrode film on Al foil.
Nano-scaled LiFePO4
Ref.: B.W. Kang, G. Ceder, “Battery materials for ultrafast charging and discharging”, Nature, 458 (2009) 190.
Ar flow C.E. R.E. W.E. (100 mesh)
LiFePO4 and pyrrole
Current (mA)
CV cycle increases
-20 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Voltage (V vs. Ag/AgCl)
• N. Ravet, J. B. Goodenough, S. Besner, M. Simoneau, P. Hovington, M. Armand, Paper 127, The Electrochemical Society Meeting, Honolulu, HI, Oct 17-22, 1999. -------Carbon coating
LiMn2O4 LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4

▲ LiFePO4
LiFePO4 As A Cathode Material
Heterosite Structure (FePO4)



高性能正极材料LiFePO4的制备及表征李海英;岳波;黄小丽;王俊安;李延俊【摘要】采用颗粒纳米化技术与雾化干燥相结合的方法合成了高性能的LiFe0.98Ti0.02PO4-xFx/C(x=0.00,0.02)正极材料.利用X-r ay粉末衍射仪、场发射扫描电子显微镜和蓝电测试系统对合成材料的晶体结构、颗粒形貌和电化学性能进行了表征.结果表明,采用该方法可明显降低一次颗粒粒径,同时引入Ti-F掺杂可进一步提高产品的电化学性能.LiFe0.98Ti0.02PO3.98F0.02/C表现出最好的电化学性能,其0.1C首次放电比容量和库伦效率分别为163.9mAh/g和97.3%;1C放电比容量为144.3mAh/g,循环50次后容量保持率为98.8%,表现出了较高放电比容量和良好的循环性能.【期刊名称】《四川有色金属》【年(卷),期】2018(000)003【总页数】4页(P58-61)【关键词】锂离子电池;磷酸铁锂;LiFe0.98Ti0.02PO4-xFx/C;碳热还原法【作者】李海英;岳波;黄小丽;王俊安;李延俊【作者单位】四川省能源投资集团有限责任公司, 四川成都 610063;四川科能锂电有限公司, 四川成都 610063;四川科能锂电有限公司, 四川成都 610063;四川科能锂电有限公司, 四川成都 610063;四川科能锂电有限公司, 四川成都 610063【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM912橄榄石型磷酸铁锂(LiFePO4)因比容量较高、安全性能好、环境友好、使用寿命长等优点被认为是动力型锂离子电池理想的正极材料之一[1-2]。





长周期循环性纳米LiFePO4的研究摘要无定形磷酸铁锂是通过等摩尔的Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2·6H2O水溶液和NH4H2 PO4自发沉淀合成锂化的FePO4得到的,过氧化氢作为氧化剂。









padhi表明锂可以提脱出化学结构,从而开启一个新的相FePO4,与磷的同构Fe0 .65Mn0 .35PO4类似。


然而,在一个特定的低电流比如2.1 mA g−1(C/81倍率),在每个单元结构中有0.6个被限制能脱出。



Ravet 等重新关注LiFePO4,报导了一种导致电子导电颗粒和杰出的电化学性能的新合成路线。


在80℃时使用聚合物电解质的进行电化学循环试验,在特定的放电电流下,放电容量几乎为理论容量170mA g−1。

Andersson 等采用原位X射线衍射和穆斯堡尔谱随后做了LiFePO4的电化学脱锂和后续嵌锂。





1.碳含量对梭形球状LiFePO4/C正极材料性能的影响 [J], 孙兴新;任冰;王娟梅;张卿
2.碳含量对LiFePO4/C复合正极材料性能的影响 [J], 阮艳莉;唐致远;黄保民
3.合成正极材料磷酸亚铁锂中铁和磷含量的测定 [J], 张琨;邓小川;宋士涛;王连亮;孙志中;诸葛芹
4.正极材料LiFePO4倍率性能提升方法研究进展 [J], 张磊;朱继平;吴玉程
5.环境友好正极材料磷酸亚铁锂中铁、磷的测定 [J], 甘晖;黄嘉福;郭婧文;王芳木;童庆松



【摘要】以Fe3+盐为铁源,采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了锂离子电池正极材料LiFePO4,用XRD、SEM、恒流充放电和交流阻抗方法研究了样品的结构、形貌和电化学性能.样品0.1 C首次放电容量达到131 mAh/g,经10次循环后,容量保持率为96%.采用溶胶-凝胶法合成的LiFePO4,抑制了循环过程中电化学反应阻抗的增加.
1.不同碳源的溶胶-凝胶法制备LiFePO4/C正极材料 [J], 雍厚辉;郑杰;韩春霞;杨文忠
2.溶胶-凝胶法制备稀土金属离子掺杂 LiFePO4/C正极材料及其电化学性能研究[J], 袁铭;梁蕾;龙秉文;邓伏礼;刘生鹏;杨昌炎;丁一刚
3.溶胶-凝胶法合成LiFePO4/C多孔正极材料 [J], 杨琳;焦丽芳;苗艳丽;袁华堂
4.溶胶凝胶法制备LiFePO4正极材料电性能研究 [J], 侯志凌
5.溶胶凝胶法制备LiFePO4正极材料电性能研究 [J], 侯志凌;

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ORIGINAL PAPERQiong Jiang &Yunlong Xu &Chongjun Zhao &Xiuzhen Qian &Shaowei ZhengReceived:4July 2011/Revised:5September 2011/Accepted:9September 2011/Published online:2October 2011#Springer-Verlag 2011Abstract A novel LiFePO 4/Carbon aerogel (LFP/CA)nanocomposite with 3D conductive network structure was synthesized by using carbon aerogels as bothand conductive framework,and subsequently wet LiFePO 4precursor inside.The LFP/CA nanocomposite was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD),TG,SEM,TEM,nitrogen sorption,electrochemical impedance spectra and charge/discharge test.It was found that the LFP/CA featured a 3D conductive network structure with LiFePO 4nanoparticles ca.10–30nm coated on the inside wall of the pore of CA.The LFP/CA electrodes delivered discharge capacity for LiFePO 4of 157.4,147.2,139.7,116.3and 91.8mA h g −1at 1°C,5°C,10°C,20°C and 40°C,respectively.In addition,the LFP/CA electrode exhibited good cycling performance,which lost less than 1%of discharge capacity over 100cycles at a rate of 10°C.The good high rate performances of LiFePO 4were attributed to the unique 3D conductive network structure of the nanocomposite.Keywords LiFePO 4/CA nanocomposite .3D conductive network structure .Impregnation .High rate performanceIntroductionThe olivine LiFePO 4is a promising cathode material for lithium-ion batteries due to its special merits such as naturalabundance,excellent cycle stability,inexpensiveness and environmental friendliness,which facilitate its potential applications in the batteries of electric vehicles (EVs)and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs)[1–4].In order to fulfill these applications,it is necessary to acquire LiFePO 4composites with good electrochemical performance at high current,which was mainly hindered by the low electronic conductivity (10−9to 10−10S cm −1)[1,2]and low diffusion rate of lithium ion (1.8×10−14cm 2s −1)[4].Many attempts have been made to overcome this problem by minimizing the particles size [5,6]or coating an electronically conductive layer [7–9].Recently,some efforts have been made to find an efficient method to reduce the LiFePO 4particles size to nano-scale and coat the LiFePO 4with a conducting layer [10].Hence,it is crucial to choose a suitable carbon source which simultaneously fulfills this dual function.Mesoporours carbon with 3D and continuous conductive network structure may be a good candidate.Guo et al.[11]reported the enhancement of conductive mesopores on both Li +and e −migration.Wu et al.[12]reported an improvement of nanoporous carbon matrix on the charge –discharge performance of nanometer particles,but the method suffered from a complicated preparation process.Wang et al.[13]presented the carbon-coated LiFePO 4prepared by a carbon aerogel synthesis process,and the composites exhibited good electronic conductivity.Recently,Doherty et al.[14]presented a meso/macroporous hierachical structure LiFePO 4electrode materials by using a meso/macroporous carbon monolith as template.Very recently,Yang and Gao [15]prepared LiFePO 4/C materials by using microporous active carbon and ordered mesoporous carbon CMK-3,which was prepared by using ordered mesoporous silica molecular sieve as the template and the sucrose as the carbon source,as template.Q.Jiang :Y .Xu (*):C.Zhao :X.Qian :S.ZhengKey Laboratory for Ultrafine Materials of Ministry of Education,Shanghai Key Laboratory of Advanced Polymeric Materials,School of Materials Science and Engineering,East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai 200237,Chinae-mail:xuyunlong@J Solid State Electrochem (2012)16:1503–1508DOI 10.1007/s10008-011-1553-yLiFePO 4/CA cathode nanocomposite with 3D conductive network structure for Li-ion batteryTo extend the work cited above,in this study we report a facile impregnation method to prepare a LiFePO4/carbon aerogel(LFP/CA)nanocomposite with3D conductive structure by using CA as a template and conductive framework.The templating function of CA can be attributed to its unique properties,such as the3D connectivity of the pore system,high pore volume and narrow pore size distribution,which can control the particle size of LiFePO4and the morphology of LFP/CA nano-composite.The conductive framework function of the CA can be attributed to the continuous and connected nano carbon particles.The detailed structure and the electro-chemical performance of LFP/CA nanocomposite were evaluated.ExperimentalPreparation of the LFP/CA nanocompositeThe CA was prepared through a sol–gel method as reference[16].Subsequently,after the grinding and sifting process,CA was chemically oxidized by nitric acid for2h under certain temperature to enhance its hydrophility. Stoichiometric amounts of Fe(NO3)3·9H2O(Sinopharm Chemical Reageni Co.Ltd,AR)and LiH2PO4(Shanghai China Lithium Industrial Co.Ltd,GR)were dissolved in de-ionized water to form a saturated solution at room temperature.Then the CA was impregnated with the above solution and filtrated until incipient wetness was obtained. The impregnated sample was first dried under the irradia-tion of an infrared light for12h and then calcined at600°C for3h(2°C min−1)under a reductive atmosphere(90%Ar and10%H2).CharacterizationThe crystal structures of the sample were characterized by X-ray diffraction measurement(XRD,D/MAX2550V, Japan)using Cu Kαradiation(λ=0.154nm).The mor-phologies were evaluated by field emission transmission electron microscopy(FETEM,JEM-2010F Japan)and field emission scanning electron microscopy(FESEM, Hitachi S-4800,Japan).The surface areas and pore volumes of samples were determined via nitrogen sorption with the Micromeritics Tristar surface area and porosity analyzer (BET,BJH,TriStar3000,American).The surface area and pore volumes were calculated using the Brunauer–Emmet–Teller(BET)method and the Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH)method,respectively.The carbon content of the LFP/CA nanocomposite was evaluated by thermogravimetry (SDT Q600,Switzerland)at a heating rate of10°C min−1 from ambient temperature to800°C in air.Electrochemical characterizationStudy of the electrochemical properties of LFP/CA and CA was performed by assembling2032coin cells.The electro-des were prepared by dispersing80wt.%active material, 10wt.%acetylene black(AB,Shanghai Haohua Chemical Co.Ltd)and10wt.%polyvinylidene fluoride(PVDF; Shanghai Ofluorine Chemical Technology Co.Ltd)binder in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidon(NMP;Shanghai Lingfeng Chemical Reagent Co.Ltd)to form a homogeneous slurry. The slurry was then uniformly spread onto a thin aluminum foil,and dried in a vacuum oven at120°C for10h.The cells were assembled in an argon-filled glove box(Super1220/ 750)using lithium metal as anode electrode,Cellgard2400as the separator,1M LiPF6in ethylene carbonate(EC)and diethyl carbonate(DMC)(1:1by volume)as the electrolyte. The charge–discharge characteristics and cycling perfor-mance test were recorded under different current densities in the voltages of 2.5–4.2V(vs.Li/Li+)at room temperature.The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)was performed by using impedance analyzer (RST5200)in the frequency range of105–10−2Hz.The LFP/CA was used as the working electrode and the lithium as the counter electrode.Results and discussionXRD pattern and TG of LFP/CA nanocompositeFigure1shows the XRD patterns of LFP/CA nano-composite and CA,as well as the JCPDS of normal LiFePO4,respectively.Figure1clearly shows that all intense diffraction peaks for LFP/CA can be wellindexedFig.1XRD patterns of the LFP/CA nanocomposite and CAto orthorhombic LiFePO4.Moreover,except those of LiFePO4,no other peaks appeared;therefore,it is con-firmed that pure LiFePO4was formed through this preparation process.The slight bump between20o and35o in the XRD pattern of LFP/CA originates from the amorphous CA,which is consistent with the broad peak in the range of20–35°of the XRD pattern for CA.The carbon content of the LFP/CA nanocomposite was further determined by TG technique,shown in Fig.2,and a total weight loss of37wt.%was clearly seen.Since the LiFePO4can be oxided to Li3Fe2(PO4)3or Fe2O3in the temperature range of300–400°C at air atmosphere,which gains a weight ratio of ca.5wt.%[17].The carbon content was calculated to be42wt.%.SEM and TEM images of LFP/CA nanocomposite Figure3shows the SEM images of the CA and LFP/CA pared with CA(Fig.3a),it is obvious that the pores or gaps between neighbor particles decrease, and at the same time,the particles of LFP/CA(Fig.3b) become bigger.Since no bared LiFePO4particles were observed,it is concluded that the pores or gaps in the CA were occupied by the formed LiFePO4particles.Thus,the change in morphology can be explained as follows:The porous CA provided a framework into which the LiFePO4 can impregnate.The TEM result of LFP/CA(Fig.4a) shows that the LiFePO4nanoparticles ca.10–30nm is coated on a continuous CA conductive framework and this structure favors the diffusion of Li+and e−(Fig.4b).N2isothermal and BET of LFP/CA nanocomposite Figure5shows the N2adsorption/desorption isotherms for the CA and the LFP/CA nanocomposite,which can further confirm the impregnation of LiFePO4in CA inner pores.All the N2sorption isotherms are typical type IV isotherms with hysteresis loops,indicating that both CA and LFP/CA nanocomposite have mesoporous structure.Furthermore, the inflection point in the isotherm for LFP/CA showing a shift to a smaller relative pressure proves that the mesopore of CA is filled or blocked by LiFePO4,resulting in a reduced surface area and pore volume.Table1shows that the BET surface area and pore volumes dropped from278 m2g−1and0.85cm3g−1for CA to243m2g−1and 0.46cm3g−1for LFP/CA nanocomposite due to the filling of pores after LiFePO4impregnate.Electrochemical performances of LFP/CA nanocomposite In order to determine the electrochemical performance of the LFP/CA nanocomposite,the charge–discharge tests of the LFP/CA nanocomposite electrode at different rates were performed.When we calculated the current and discharge capacity,the used mass was only from the active LiFePO4 and the carbon mass was subtracted.Figure6a shows the superior cycling performance of the LFP/CA nanocompo-site at various current rates,and the discharge capacityloss Fig.3SEM images of CA(a)and the LFP/CA nanocomposite(b) Fig.2TG curve of the LFP/CA nanocompositeis less than1%over100cycles even at the rate of10°C. Figure6b displays the initial discharge profiles of the sample under different current rate between2.5and4.2V (vs.Li/Li+),showing the outstanding high capacity and high rate performance.At low current rate of1°C,the discharge capacity is174mA h g−1,which even exceeded the theoretical capacity of LiFePO4(170mA h g−1). Although the capacity decreases with the discharge rate increasing,the electrode still delivers a capacity of 102.37mA h g−1at a high discharge rate up to40°C (1.5min).As shown in Fig.6c,the discharge capacity of CA is24.7and16mA h g−1at1°C and10°C,respectively. This capacity may attributed to the interfacial adsorbing/ desorbing of PF6−in porous carbon aerogels process[15]. Considering that the CA content of LFP/CA nanocomposite is42wt.%,the capacity of pure LiFePO4can be calculated, which are157.4,147.2,139.7,116.3and91.8mA h g−1at 1°C,5°C,10°C,20°C and40°C,respectively.Further study of the charge–discharge curves of LFP/CA is necessary to understand why LiFePO4in LFP/CA nanocomposite has good high capacity and high rate performance.The discharge profiles can be divided into two parts as shown in Fig.6b,the plateau part(I)and the sluggish slope part(II),corresponding to different mecha-nisms.The plateau region represents the biphasic reduction reaction in the bulk between FePO4and LiFePO4[12].The short Li+diffusion distance preserves an efficient Li+ insection/extraction process from the bulk of the LiFePO4 electrode at high current rates or within a short discharge–charge time.The slope part may contribute to the surface Li storage for the high surface area of LFP/CA[12].The slope part can be seen in many other electrode materials[14,18–21].Jiang et al.[22,23]found that the capacity from the surface Li storage was very stable upon cycling or increasing the discharge/charge current densities.The surface Li storage only depends on the surface area,and not on the diffusion time.Thus,it plays a very important role on the high rate performance and cycleability.Fig.5Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms of CA and LFP/CAnanocompositeFig.4HRTEM image of LFP/CA nanocomposite(a)and schematicillustration(b)Table1Pore volumes and BET surface areas of CA and the LFP/CAnanocompositeSample S BET(m2g−1)Pore volumes(cm3g−1)CA2780.85LFP/CA2430.46Figure 7shows the EIS test results of LFP/CA nano-composite cell.The EIS measurement was measured after 10cycles with different current rates of 1°C,10°C and 40°C,respectively.The charge transfer resistance R ct (semicircle in the middle frequency range)changed little,suggesting that electrode structure was not significantly destroyed even at high current rate,which is consistent with the results in the discharge performance mentioned above.From the inclined lines in the Warburg region,the Li +diffusion coefficient may be estimated using the following equation [24]:D ¼ðR 2T 2Þ=ð2A 2n 4F 4C 2s 2Þð1Þwhere R is the gas constant,and T ,A ,n ,F and C are the absolute temperature,the surface area of the cathode,the number of electrons per molecule during oxidization,the Faraday constant,the concentration of Li +and δthe Warburg factor associated with Z re ,respectively.Z re /sw À1=2ð2ÞFrom Eq.2,the Warburg factor could be obtained by linear fitting the relation plot between Z re and reciprocal square root of the angular frequency (as shown in the insection part of Fig.7).In Fig.7,it can be concluded that the Li +diffusion coefficient increased when the current was increased,which may be due to the SEI film formed with higher formation current density which has relatively higher ionic conductivity [25].The results can also explain the good performance of LFP/CA cathode at high current rate.Obviously,the involvement of CA enhances both the discharge capacities and stable cycling properties,which maybe correlate with the following effects of CA on LiFePO 4:(a)The network of CA confined the formation and growth of LiFePO 4particle,hence LiFePO 4particles in nano-scale was formed which facilitate the diffusion of Li +.(b)The CA serves as a conducting 3D network,whichFig.7EIS of LFP/CA cell after ten cycles at the rate of 1°C (a ),10°C (b )and 40°C (c ).Inset :variations and fittings between Z re and reciprocal square root of the angular frequency at low frequency region of LFP/CAcellFig.6a Cycling performance of LFP/CA cathode at different rates between 2.5and 4.2V (vs.Li +/Li).b Discharge curves of LFP/CA cathode at different rates.c Charge/discharge curves of CA cathode at different ratesenables e−to migrate.(c)As the LiFePO4nanoparticle was well covered with CA,aggregation during preparation and the subsequent charge/discharge process was efficiently inhabited.(d)The LFP/CA nanocomposite exhibits abun-dant pores to hold electrolyte and a high special surface area of up to243m2g−1enabling the active materials to full contact with electrolyte,hence improving the utilization ratio of the material.(e)The mesopore of the nano-composite can release the strain on/from LiFePO4during the Li+insertion/extraction process,especially at high rate discharge.(f)The excellent high rate performance of the electrodes may be partially ascribed to the low specific current density of the active material because of the large surface area and42wt.%CA coating,which can effectively stabilize the electrode and preserve a high capacity at the high rate.ConclusionIn summary,a novel3D conductive network structure of LiFePO4/CA(LFP/CA)nanocomposite for lithium-ion battery was synthesized by using continuous carbon aerogels as both template and conductive framework.The LFP/CA electrodes delivered discharge capacity for LiFePO4of157.4,147.2,139.7,116.3and91.8mA h g−1 at1°C,5°C,10°C,20°C and40°C.Furthermore,the discharge capacity loss is less than1%over100cycles at rate of10°C.Above all,this LFP/CA nanocomposite is ideal as an electrode material for high-power lithium batteries.The excellent electrochemical performances are attributed to the unique3D conductive network structure, the very small particle size,the improved conductivity provided by CA,as well as larger contacted area between the electrolyte and the nano LiFePO4particles. 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