Lecture_01_Introduction_Eletrical Communication
2015-4-8 15
The Cellular Concept The big breakthrough came when AT&T Labs researchers divided wireless communications into a series of cells. High capacity with limited radio spectrum Goal: Increase capacity while minimizing interference
Six Main contents in the course within 32 hours
1)Introduction to Wireless Communications (ch.1,ch.2,selected ch11) 知识点:Frequency Range in Cellular Network, Wireless Communications System Definitions, the Generation of Cellular Networks, Channel Capacity,signal to noise ratio(SNR), receiver sensitivity,Effects of Wireless Channels, Some Features of Wireless Channels, related abbreviation(缩略词).
Electrical field theory
The study of the interactions between electric and magnetic fields It is based on Maxwell's equations, which describes how electric and magnetic fields are generated and propagated through space
Electronic devices
A three terminal electronic device that can simplify or switch electronic signals It insists of an emitter, base, and collector
Introduction to Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the design, development, installation, operation, and maintenance of electrical systems It encompasses a wide range of fields, including power generation, transmission, and distribution; Electronics and communication systems; And the control and automation of industrial processes and systems
EECS 252 Graduate Computer Architecture Lec 01 - …
CS252 Executive Summary
The processor you built in CS152 What you‟ll understand after taking CS252
Also, the technology behind chip-scale multiprocessors
Performance (vs. VAX-11/780)
1000 52%/year 100
10 25%/year
1 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006
• VAX : 25%/year 1978 to 1986 • RISC + x86: 52%/year 1986 to 2002 • RISC + x86: ??%/year 2002 to present
8/28 CS252-Fall’07 8
Uniprocessor Performance
From Hennessy and Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 4th edition, October, 2006
What is Computer Architecture?
Gap too large to bridge in one step (but there are exceptions, e.g. magnetic compass)
为做好毕业设计论文的写作工作和将来从事专业技 术工作奠定基础。
第一章 Electrics and Electronics
第二章 Computer and Automation 第三章 专业英语的听和读 第四章 专业英语翻译技巧 第五章 Control Theory and Technique 第六章 英语学术论文写作与投稿
6学时 4学时 6学时 8学时 2学时
刘敏 刘敏 刘小燕 刘小燕 刘小燕
平时成绩 占30% 期末成绩 占70%
戴文进主编.自动化专业英语 武汉:武汉理工大学出版社, 2012
电气工程及其自动化专业英语, 苏小林,顾雪平主编 李久胜主编.电气自动化专业英语.哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大 学出版社,1999
electromotive force [电磁] 电动势 potential difference n. [物] 势差,[物] 位差 ,电位差,电势差 Work n. 工作;[物] 功;产品;操作;职业;行为;工厂;文学、 音乐或艺术作品 vt. 使工作;操作;经营;使缓慢前进 vi. 工作;运作;起作用
电气专业英语课件Lecture one
The Unsung Heroes: What About Working Dads? 1. On our first "date" after our twin daughters were born, my husband and I went to see the movie Toy Story. We enjoyed it, but afterward my husband asked, "Where was the dad?" At first, it seemed petty to criticize an entertaining family movie because of one small point. The more I thought about it, however, the more glaring an omission it seemed. Not only was dad not around, he wasn't even mentioned — despite the fact that there was a baby in the family, so dad couldn't have been that long gone. It was as if the presence— or absence — of a father is a minor detail, not even requiring an explanation.
The + comparative degree + S +predicate…….,the + comparative degree +S+ predicate…….. The more I thought about the absence of the father in the movie, the more I became aware of the seriousness of the failure mention of the father. 可后来越想越觉得这一疏忽太严重了。
Chapter 2 Properties of materials §2.1 Mechanical property §2.2 Electrical property §2.3 Thermal property §2.4 Magnetic property §2.5 Optical property
§ 1.1 Concept and classification 1. Definition 定义 Functional materials:with excellent
electric, magnetic, thermal, sonic, mechanical, chemical and biochemical properties, can be transferred from each other and used as non-structural materials.
1. 1 Nano metallic materials
Size: < 100nm Types: 纳米晶稀土永磁材料: 纳米晶稀土永磁材料 2000年,日本三荣化成株式会社 铁粉附着钕,磁场中烧结+真空烧结 制得各向异性磁体 各向异性磁体
磁性液体:铁磁流体,具有磁性及 具有磁性及 磁性液体 流动性(我国,钢铁研究总院) 流动性 由纳米级得脆性颗粒分散在载液中 形成稳定的胶体,在重力、离心力 在重力、 在重力 及强磁场作用下不分离。 及强磁场作用下不分离 1963年美国宇航局:解决太空服头 盔转动密封问题
1. Functionally metallic materials
Some are developed and widely applied: 形状记忆合金:军事、汽车 Some are less developed but with potential opportunities: 超导合金材料、减振合金材料
Lecture 1--Introduction
Light: Laser 激光的发展史
激辐射,这是受激辐射第一次被实验验证。Lamb由于在氢原 子光谱研究方面的成绩获得1955年诺贝尔物理学奖;
E4 E3 激发态 E2
A 21 自 发 辐 射 系
数,单个原子在单 位时间内发生自发 辐射过程的概率。
基态 E1
自发辐射过程产生的光子是不相干的 Photons from spontaneous emission are not coherent 处在高能级 E2 上的粒子,各自独立地、随机 地分别跃迁到低能级 E1 上,发射出光子,这 些光子的能量虽然相同,但彼此具有不同的 相位及偏振方向,因此自发辐射发出的光是 非相干光(non-coherent light) 处于高能级 E2 的原子还可以通过放热、碰撞 等方式将能量传给其它粒子或器壁而跃迁到 低 能 级 上 , 即 无 辐 射 跃 迁 (non-radiative decay)。
Light: Laser 激光的发展史
获得1918年诺贝尔物理学奖; "in recognition of the services he rendered to the advancement of Physics by his discovery of energy quanta"
AC and DC electricity
AC (Alternating Current): The flow of electricity in which the direction of current changes periodically.
DC (Direct Current): The flow of electricity in which the direction of current remains constant.
Basic knowledge of electrical engineering
Basic concepts of circuits
A closed path that allows current to flow.
Series and parallel circuits
Series circuits have current flow in the same direction, while parallel circuits have current flow in opposite directions.
Over time, Electrical Engineering and Automation has evolved to include a wide range of sub-fields, including power engineering, control systems, robotics, and more.
Computer control systems can be used for a wide range of applications, including industrial manufacturing, process control, aviation, and more.
hybrid topology in fact
1.2.3 Network Criteria(网络指标 网络指标) 网络指标
Data communications and networking
Performance Transit time Response time: elapsed time between an inquiry and the response Throughput (吞吐量 ) 吞吐量) 吞吐量 Reliability Accuracy of delivery (error bit ratio) Frequency of failures and recovery time(恢复时间) after a failure Robustness in a catastrophe(大灾难) 大灾难) Security Unauthorized access (未授权访问) Viruses infection(病毒 病毒) 病毒
1.2 What is Data Communication Networks 1.2.1 Distributed System and Network Distributed system (分布式系统 分布式系统) 分布式系统 multiple computers complete the same task collaborati-vely ,each separate computer handling a subset Key: handling respectively Communication network (通信网络 通信网络) 通信网络 Concept: point to point point to multi-point multi-point to multi-point Communication network is made of a lot of links(链路 链路) 链路 and Nodes(节点 sharing and exchanging information 节点), 节点 Key: information sharing and exchanging
第一章第一篇sectiongTwo variables u(t) and i(t) are the most basic concepts in an electric circuit, they characterize the various relationships in an electric circuitu(t)和i(t)这两个变量是电路中最基本的两个变量,它们刻划了电路的各种关系。
Charge and CurrentThe concept of electric charge is the underlying principle for explaining all electrical phenomena. Also, the most basic quantity in an electric circuit is the electric charge. Charge is an electrical property of the atomic particles of which matter consists, measured in coulombs (C). 电荷和电流电荷的概念是用来解释所有电气现象的基本概念。
We know from elementary physics that all matter is made of fundamental building blocks known as atoms and that each atom consists of electrons, protons, and neutrons. We also know that the charge e on an electron is negative and equal in magnitude to 1.60210×1019C, while a proton carries a positive charge of the same magnitude as the electron. The presence of equal numbers of protons and electrons leaves an atom neutrallycharged. 我们从基础物理得知一切物质是由被称为原子的基本构造部分组成的,并且每个原子是由电子,质子和中子组成的。
Power in Circuits
Summary: Capacity and Induction are two important concepts in circuit analysis that describe the working principles of capacitors and inductors, respectively. Detailed description: A capacitor is a device that stores charges, and its capacity (C) is related to the electrode area, spacing, and dielectric constant. Capacitors have the function of separating direct and direct current in AC circuits. An inductor is a component that stores magnetic energy, and its inductance (L) is related to the number of turns, diameter, and length of the coil. Inductors have the function of blocking AC and DC currents in AC circuits.
目 录
Circuit Analysis Introduction
A circuit is a closed path that allows electrical current to flow It insists of components connected by conductors
Power system and network
Power system: A power system is a complex network of electrical components that generate, transmit, and distribute electricity to consumers
Transformers are widely used in fields such as power systems, electronic equipment, and industrial automation.
Maintenance and upkeep
Maintenance and upkeep
A switch is a key component that controls the on/off of a circuit, used to turn on or off the circuit.
There are various types of switches, such as mechanical switches, relay switches, photoelectric switches, etc. Mechanical switches control the on/off of circuits through mechanical movement, relay switches control the on/off of circuits through electromagnets, and photoelectric switches control the on/off of circuits through optical signals.
The equipments which form an electric system are arranged depending on the manner in which load grows in the area and may be rearranged from time to time.
学习专业英语的重要性 科研信息获取 专业英语阅读能力 技术情报资料 专业技术文献 工程(gōngchéng)设备文档资料 研究成果展示 专业英语写作能力 产品技术说明 学术论文发表 申请专利 国际交流合作 专业英语表达、听说、应变能力2
《电气工程及其自动化专业英语》 苏小林、顾雪平 主编. 北京:中国(zhōnɡ ɡuó)电力出版社,2008
《电力英语应用口语》 贾根娣、曹仁麟主编. 北京: 中国(zhōnɡ ɡuó)电力出版社,2002
Lecture 1
Reading and Translation
Basic Concepts of Electric Power System
Transmission System and Transmission Lines
Distribution System and Loads
Project-Stage of Erection and Acceptance
Relays and Protection Design
• Control systems gather information with sensors and use
electrical energy to control a physical process.
• Electromagnetics is the study and application of electric
electrical signals.
• Why Study Electrical Engi the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Examination •To have a broad knowledge and you can lead design projects in your own field •To be able to operate and maintain electrical systems •To communicate with electrical engineering consultants
and magnetic fields.
• Electronics is the study and application of materials, devices
and circuits used in amplifying and switching electrical signals.
• Photonics is an exciting new field of science and engineering
Electrical Engineering and Electronics II
Electrical Engineering
用英语介绍电路课程作文Introduction to Circuitry: A Journey Through the Heart of Electronics.Electronics is a vast and dynamic field, and at its core lies the intricate web of circuitry. Circuits are the lifeblood of all electronic devices, from the smallest microcontroller to the largest power grid. They are the invisible threads that connect components, allowing them to perform complex tasks and bring technology to life. In this essay, we will delve into the world of circuitry, exploring its fundamentals, applications, and the exciting future it holds.Fundamentals of Circuitry.At its most basic level, a circuit is a closed loopthat allows the flow of electric charge. This charge, known as electric current, is typically carried by electrons moving through conductors such as wires or metal traces.The behavior of this current is governed by several fundamental laws, including Ohm's Law, which relates voltage, current, and resistance.Voltage is the potential difference between two points in a circuit, driving the flow of current. Resistance, on the other hand, opposes the flow of current, and is measured in ohms. Ohm's Law states that the voltage across a resistor is equal to the product of the current through it and its resistance. This law forms the foundation of circuit analysis and design.Circuits can be either direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC). DC circuits involve a constant flow of current, while AC circuits involve a periodically varying current, much like the sine wave used in household electricity. AC circuits are particularly useful for long-distance transmission of power as they can be easily stepped up and down in voltage using transformers.Types of Circuits.There are several types of circuits, each with its unique purpose and application. The most basic is the series circuit, where components are connected end-to-end in a single path. In this configuration, the same current flows through each component, and the total resistance is the sum of the individual resistances. Series circuits are simple but have limited flexibility in terms of component control.Parallel circuits, on the other hand, allow components to be connected so that they share the same voltage but have separate paths for current. This configuration offers more control over individual components, as they can be independently adjusted without affecting the others. However, it requires more wiring and can be more complex to analyze.Combined series-parallel circuits are a hybrid of the two, offering the best of both worlds. They allow for complex configurations that offer both control and flexibility. However, they can be challenging to design and analyze, requiring a deep understanding of circuit theory.Applications of Circuitry.Circuitry finds applications in nearly every field of electronics. In computers, circuitry is used to perform logic operations, store data, and control various components. In communications, it enables the transmission and reception of signals over long distances, connecting people and devices worldwide. In medical equipment,circuitry powers imaging machines, pacemakers, and other life-saving devices.Circuits are also integral to renewable energy systems such as solar panels and wind turbines. They convert the natural energy sources into electricity that can be used to power homes and businesses. Additionally, circuitry plays a crucial role in transportation, controlling electric motors in cars, trains, and aircraft.The Future of Circuitry.As technology continues to advance, so does the fieldof circuitry. We are seeing a growing trend towards miniaturization, with components becoming smaller and more densely packed. This trend is driving the development of nanocircuits and microfluidics, which promise to revolutionize electronics and biomedicine.Another exciting area is the integration of circuitry with other disciplines, such as biology and materials science. Bioelectronics, for example, explores the intersection of electronics and biology, leading to the development of implantable medical devices and sensors that can monitor and regulate biological processes.Materials science is also playing a crucial role in the evolution of circuitry. The development of new conductive materials, such as carbon nanotubes and graphene, offers the potential for more efficient and flexible circuits. These materials can enable the creation of circuits that are thinner, lighter, and more durable than traditional copper wires.In conclusion, circuitry lies at the heart of themodern world, powering our devices, connecting our communities, and driving technological innovation. As we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, the field of circuitry will continue to evolve and adapt, bringing us into a more connected and sustainable future.。
Hello, everyone! I'm delighted to introduce myself and share with you my academic journey in Mechatronics Technology.My name is [Your Name], and I am currently pursuing a degree in Mechatronics Technology at [Your University/College]. Mechatronics, as the integration of mechanical engineering, electronics, and computer science, has always fascinated me with its cross-disciplinary nature and the potential it holds for innovation.During my studies, I have delved into a diverse range of courses that have equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge in this field. Some of the core courses I have taken include Mechanics, Electronics, Control Systems, and Automation. These courses have provided me with a solid foundation in the principles of mechanics, electronics, and control theory, which are essential for understanding and designing mechatronics systems.In addition to the core courses, I have also taken elective courses that have allowed me to explore specific areas of interest within mechatronics. For instance, I have studied Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, which have given me insights into the latest advancements in autonomous systems and machine learning.Through these courses, I have not only gained theoretical knowledge but also practical experience through lab work and projects. I have had the opportunity to work on real-world problems, such as designing and implementing automated systems for industrial applications. This hands-on experience has been invaluable in helping me understand the challenges and opportunities in the field of mechatronics.I am passionate about applying the principles of mechatronics tosolve real-world problems and contribute to technological advancements.I believe that the future of many industries, including manufacturing, automotive, and healthcare, lies in the integration of mechanical, electronic, and computing technologies.In conclusion, I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead in my academic journey and beyond. I am confident that the skills and knowledge I have gained through my studies in Mechatronics Technology will enable me to make a significant impact in the field of engineering and technology.Thank you for listening to my introduction. I am looking forward to sharing more about my experiences and learnings in the future.。
Digital Lecture 01 2011-33页精选文档
• Light:
bright dim
• Sound: loud quiet
• Force: strong weak
• Temperห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ture: hot cool
• Each of these can vary continuously
• Digital signals can only take on a fixed number of discrete values
computers communications entertainment systems
B. Digital Analysis
Binary numbers Boolean algebra Karnaugh maps and I-maps Minimisation of Boolean equations Basic logic gates Analysis of circuits containing logic gates
Sequential logic circuits:
SR Latches
•ADC and DAC examples •DSP
Gated D-Latches
JK flip-flops
555 Timer
Course Information
In addition to lectures, you will have:
the depth variation A scratch will always contribute to the output signal
Analogue system: Amplifier
What is Communication?
Communication has two core processes: “Sending” and “Listening”
Communication is a process that turns information into understanding
•’s ideas
• Practice common day-to-day courtesies and civilities
Individual needs
Does anyone care?
Source: Roger D’Aprix Manager’s Communication Toolkit 17
• Walk the floor
• Hold staff meetings in which people have the opportunity to express their ideas and concerns
• Solicit feedback about your own leadership style
• Outstanding Communication Skills • Ability to Attract/Keep/Develop
Great Talent • Passionate Approach • Crisis Leadership • Continuous Learner • Seeks Feedback ... And Acts on It
Several Leadership Enhancers
• Black Belt, Master Black Belt • Corporate Audit Staff • Multi-Business Experience/Exposure • Unique, Stretch Assignments • Financial Acumen • Global Experience/Cultural Breadth • Functional Depth
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Optical fiber system
wave length
17 18 19
Very little application to communications
Frequency Spectrum
Modulation techniques
v (t ) = V sin( 2π . f .t + θ )
Microwave links,satellite Sophisticated application
Electromagnetic radiation concerning heat, heat seeking, photo, astronomy
Infrared light Infrared light Infrared light Visible light Ultraviolet light X-rays Gamma rays Cosmic rays
• Office Hours, Monday afternoon 2:00-4:00PM
Module Assessment
Final Exam. 2 hrs, 100%
• • • • Communication System Radio Frequency Modulation Transmission Mode
Digital: • • • •
Amplitude shift keying (ASK) Frequency shift keying (FSK) Phase shift keying (PSK) Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)
Transmission Mode
Extremely High Frequency (EHF)
Application Ac power Voice Submarine Marine navigation AM radio broadcast SW broadcast, CB FM, TV broadcast
Modulation is the process of putting information onto a high-frequency carrier for transmission, In essence, then, the transmission take place at the high frequency (the carrier) which has been modified to “carry” the lower-frequency information
P n, en
Figure 1-2 A communication system block diagram.
Wavelength of Radio Frequency
Basic to the field of communication is the concept of modulation
2. Noise and Frequency Spectrum
• • • •
AM communications system Noise Signal to Noise ratio Bandwidth
Figure 1-2 A communication system block diagram. Both Ps and Pn
Module Structure Electronics for Communication
Lecture 1
• 14 lecture weeks • 2 (1.5) hrs each lecture • 47 non-lectures hrs, including private study
– Studying textbooks – Practicing problems – Reviewing lectures notes – Preparing for the tests and exam.
The function of a communication system is to transfer information from one point to another via some communication link
People had a natural desire and need to communicate rapidly between distant points on the earth, and that was the major concern of these development.
wavelength λ (m)
light velocity c( m / s ) frequency
Why modulation
Frequency of the human voice ranges from 20 to 3000 Hz If transmitted directly at radio wave, interference would cause them all to be ineffective Another limitation of equal importance is the virtual impossibility of transmitting such low frequencies since the required antennas for efficient propagation would be miles in length.
Modern Electronic Communication, Garry M. Miller and Jeffrey S. Beasley, 2002 Electronic Communication Techniques, P.H. Young,Merrill,1990
Communication system
Ps S in1 = Pn N in1
Information = low freq. sine
amplified + amplifier noise
Sout1 Sin1 1 = × Nout1 Nin1 NR1
Carrier = high freq. sine AM modulator Transmitter
wavelength λ ( m)
f ( Hz )
பைடு நூலகம்
3 ×108 f ( Hz )
wavelength λ ( m)
light velocity c( m / s ) frequency
f ( Hz )
3 × 108 3 ×108 = = 105 m f ( Hz ) 3 ×103 ( Hz )
1. Simplex (SX) Transmission can occur in only one direction or one way only either transmission or reception but not both at the same time. Example is radio or television broadcasting. Radio station transmits only and you receive only. 2. Half Duplex (HDX) Transmission can occur in bothdirections but not both at the same time. It is two-way alternate. Example is citizens radio or police band radio or walkie-talkie or two-way radio system that use “push-to-talk. 3. Full Duplex (FDX) Transmission can occur in bothdirections both at the same time. It is both-way simultaneous between two stations. Example is the standard telephone system. 4. Full/Full Duplex (F/FDX) Transmission can occur in bothdirections both at the same time but between more than two stations. One station can transmit to a second station and receive from a third station at the same time. Example is the data communications circuits, postal service in US.
Analog: • Amplitude modulation (AM) • Frequency modulation (FM) • Phase modulation (PM) ASK FSK QAM
v(t) = time-varying sine wave of voltage v = peak amplitude (volts) f = frequency (hertz) θ = phase shift (radians)
The very first form of “information” electrically transferred was the human voice in the form of a code (i.e., the Morse code), which was then converted back to words at the receiving site. The field of communication is still a highly dynamic one, with advancing technology constantly making new equipment possible or allowing improvement of the old system