Jason Daida工程导论课程 课件100lect07-tc-S09




工程导论课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能理解工程导论的基本概念,掌握工程学科的基本知识框架。

2. 学生能掌握工程问题的分析方法和解决流程,了解工程项目的实施步骤。

3. 学生能了解我国工程领域的发展现状及未来趋势,认识工程与社会发展的关系。

技能目标:1. 学生具备运用所学知识分析简单工程问题的能力,能提出合理的解决方案。

2. 学生能通过小组合作,进行工程项目的策划、实施和总结,提高团队协作能力。

3. 学生能运用工程思维,解决生活中的实际问题,提高创新能力和实践能力。

情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生对工程学科产生兴趣,树立良好的专业意识,培养自主学习的能力。

2. 学生在工程实践中,树立安全意识、质量意识,培养严谨、踏实的作风。

3. 学生通过了解工程与社会发展的关系,增强社会责任感和使命感,为我国工程技术事业贡献力量。





二、教学内容本课程教学内容主要包括以下几部分:1. 工程基本概念:介绍工程的概念、分类及特点,使学生了解工程学科的基本框架。

2. 工程项目实施:讲解工程项目从策划、设计、施工到验收的整个过程,使学生掌握工程实施的基本步骤。

3. 工程分析方法:介绍常见的工程分析方法和工具,如网络图、流程图等,培养学生解决工程问题的能力。

4. 工程与社会发展:分析工程与社会发展的关系,让学生了解我国工程领域的现状及未来趋势。

5. 工程实践案例:通过分析典型工程案例,使学生将理论知识与实际应用相结合,提高实践能力。


工程导论最新版教学课件第 5 章 工程与环境

工程导论最新版教学课件第 5 章 工程与环境

5.1 环境问题及挑战
❖ 当代全球环境问题挑战
全球性大气环境污染问题 非污染性大面积生态破坏问题 突发性、灾难性的环境污染事件 危险废物越境转移 外来生物入侵 塑料、电子垃圾等的大量使用
5.1 环境问题及挑战
❖ 当代全球环境问题挑战
温室效应 臭氧层(O3)空洞 酸雨:pH值小于5.6
相反,更多也考虑自然环境的利益则通常被称为 非人类中心主义。
5.2 工程环境伦理观和工程环境价值观
❖ 工程环境伦理观的核心问题
是否承认自然界及其事物拥有内在价值与相关权 利,既是环境伦理学的核心问题,又是工程活动 中不能回避的问题。
工具价值:是指自然界对人的有用性。 内在价值:为自然界及其事物自身所固有,与人存在
作者讲述了DDT杀虫剂对生物、人和环境的危害 。此书推动了国会听证会,美国环境保护局在此 背景下成立;环境科学由此诞生;大规模的民间 环境运动由此展开。
DDT是瑞士昆虫学家保罗•穆勒在1939年发现的 一种有效的杀虫剂:广谱、药效持久等。DDT广 泛用于粮食生产和防治昆虫。1970年代,世界 每年使用量超过百万吨,从害虫嘴中夺回占世界 总产量1/3的粮食。
工程共同体的环境伦理主要指工程过程应切实考 虑自然生态及社会对其生产活动的承受性,应考 虑其行为是否会造成公害,是否会导致环境污染 ,是否浪费了自然资源,要求企业公正地对待自 然,限制企业对自然资源的过度开发,最大限度 地保持自然界的生态平衡。
5.3 工程师的环境伦理责任与规范
❖ 工程共同体的环境伦理责任
❖ 环境问题的分类
一类是由于自然演变和自然灾害引起的原生环境问题, 也叫第一类环境问题,如地震、火山爆发、台风、海啸 、洪涝、干旱、崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等。

工程导论最新版教学课件第 8 章 工程项目的策划与建设程序

工程导论最新版教学课件第 8 章 工程项目的策划与建设程序

8.2 工程项目的前期策划
❖ 工程项目可行性研究的阶段
估算 精度
研究费用 占投资费 用比例
投资机会 鉴别投资方向;寻求投资机会;确 项 目 建 议 对投资方向进行初步
筛选,确定是否需要 30%
书 进行初步可行性研究
第 8 章 工程项目的策划与建设程序
❖ 8.1 工程项目策划的概念 ❖ 8.2 工程项目的前期策划 ❖ 8.3 工程项目的实施策划 ❖ 8.4 工程项目的建设程序
8.1 工程项目策划的概念
❖ 工程项目策划是工程项目管理知识体系中十 分重要的组成部分,它是在实施之前对项目 相关情况展开构想、分析与论证,把项目建 设意图转换成定义明确、系统清晰、目标具 体且具有策略性运作思路的系统活动过程。
8.3 工程项目的实施策划
❖ 工程项目管理规划大纲
由项目管理班子按照招标文件及发包人对招标文 件的解释、企业管理层对招标文件的分析结果、 工程现场情况、发包人提供的信息和资料、有关 市场信息以及投标决策意见编写而成。
8.3 工程项目的实施策划
8.3 工程项目的实施策划
❖ 工程项目管理实施规划的内容:
(1)项目概况。 (2)总体工作计划。 (3)组织方案。 (4)技术方案。 (5)各种管理计划。 (6)项目现场平面布置图。 (7)项目目标控制措施。 (8)技术经济指标。
























本课程将机电一体化定义为:以电子技术特别是微电子 技术为主导的多种新兴技术与机械技术交叉、融合而成
从定义可知,一体化技术是以机械技术为本体,和其它 技术融合。高技术的特点:高投入;高风险;高回报
机电一体化产品:是指机械系统与微电子系统相互置换 和有机结合,从而赋予新的功能和性能的新一代产品。 机电一体化技术:包括技术原理和使机电一体化产品得 以实现,使用和发展的技术。

2.2我校工程机械与物流技术学科在国内的 地位
2.3我校工程机械与物流技术学科标志性成 果展示
第3章国内外工程机械发展现状 (1h) 3.1国内外工程机械发展现状 3.2国内外的知名企业简介
第4章 工程机械本体与结构分析技术(4h) 4.1工程机械本体技术(2h) 4.2工程机械结构分析技术(2h) 1、有限元分析自动建模技术; 2、起重机结构全面校核技术 3、起重机结构混合建模、非线性和稳定性
控制理论从形成发展到至今,经历了近七十多年的历程,分三个阶 段,第一阶段是以20世纪40年代兴起的调节原理为标志,成为经典
控制理论阶段;第二阶段以20世纪60年代兴起的状态空间法为标志, 称为现代控制理论阶段;第三阶段则是20世纪80年代兴起的智能控
一级学科机械工程(机械制造及其自动化, 工业设计,工业工程,宇航制造工程)


详细介绍工程训练中的基本安全操作 规程,包括设备使用、工具管理、工 作场所安全等方面的规定。
教授学员在遇到突发情况时如何冷静 应对,包括火灾、设备故障、人员受 伤等情况的处理方法和步骤。
强调在工程训练中应具备的环保意识,让学员认识到自身在环境保护方面的责任 和义务。
包括铸造、锻造、焊接、切削加工等 工艺方法,以及相应的设备和工具。
机械制造过程中的质量控制与检测方 法,以及测量仪器的使用。
数控机床的原理、结构、编程与操作 ,加工中心的加工能力与特点。
随着智能化技术的不断发展,未来的工程训练将更加注重智能化技术的应用,如工业互联网、物联网、大数据等,实 现训练过程的智能化和个性化。
虚拟仿真技术可以为学生提供更加真实、安全、经济的实践体验,未来的工程训练将更加注重虚拟仿真技术的应用, 提高训练的效率和安全性。
随着环保意识的不断提高,未来的工程训练将更加注重绿色制造技术的推广和应用,减少对环境的负面 影响,推动可持续发展。


❖ 工业工程在降低运作成本方面可以发挥重要 作用
❖ 工业工程起源于并成熟地应用于制造业,但 其舞台不限于制造业
根本目的—提高企业盈利水平、提高企业综合竞 争力,提高企业生产率,提高社会生产率
❖增加收入,提高生活水平 ❖保障职业稳定性、安全性 ❖减轻疲劳强度,维护身体健康
TR= R i
T 企业效益TR的大小取决于R以及n, 而上述两项取决于:市场营销、生产计划
❖ 工业工程是“生产力水桶”上两个提耳之一。 离开工业工程,生产力的潜力和效率都得不 到有效开发和提高
❖艾默森(Harrington Emerson, 1853-1931):他在研究 方法上比较具弹性并且将科学管理的概念引申运用于 范围更广的组织, 他强调有良好的组织才能达成较 高的效率之重要性。
2. 工业工程的产生动因
科学技术:20世纪初进入电动机时代 生产力:福特生产线 经济形态:18-19世纪完成工业资本积累
❖甘特(Henry Laurence Gantt, 1861-1919):他发展了 著名的甘特图(Gantt Chart),用棒条图图形来控制工 作流程及进度 。
❖吉尔布雷思夫妇(Frank Bunker Gilbreth, 18681924&Lillian Moller Gilbreth, 1878-1972):他们最大 的兴趣与贡献在于工作方法的研究,以影片对工作进 行分析、研究与改良。
科学管理产生于制造企业现场管理 科学管理主要是解决如何提高生产率、降低成本 科学管理产生于商品经济环境下


? 特殊技术条款说明书(CCTP)
Cahier des clauses techniques particuliers
投标保证书lettre de garantie pour soumission
投标保函(保证金)le cautionnementprovisoire
银行担保la garantie bancaire
Plan d’hygiène et de sécurité
- 混凝土生产运输和输送作业
Fabrication, transport et manutention du béton
- 振动碾校准报告Rapport d’étalonnage des compacteurs
- 混凝土施工缝 Reprise de bétonnage
T.T.C: Toutes taxes comprises
税后价,含税价Prix T.T.C
税前价不含税价Prix H.T(hors taxe)
施工计划le planning des travaux
进度计划le planning d’avancement
施工方法la méthode d’exécution
收方计量单le métré contradictoire
竣工,完工l’achèvement des travaux
下场,退场 le repliement du chantier
临时验收la réception provisoire
正式验收la réception définitive
索赔la réclamation
- 车辆通道Passage véhicule (P.V)
- 上通道Passage supérieur (P.S)


1、赵曜.自动化概论 ,北京:机械工业出版社,2009 2、贾文超.电气工程导论,西安电子科技大学出版社,
2007 3、许勇.计算机控制技术,北京:机械工业出版社,
2008 4 、刘士荣.计算机控制系统,北京:机械工业出版社,
2011 5、[美]Kilian.现代控制技术-组件与系统(第三版),
2010年6月,为改革和发展我国的工程教育,教育部启动 “卓越工程师教育培养计划”。该计划的核心宗旨为:
1)更加重视工程教育服务国家发展战略; 2)更加重视与工业界的密切合作;
1.3 《工程导论》课程的定位
➢“工程导论”课程是关于在某一专业领域从事狭义 工程所需知识技能以及如何实施的概述性课程。
➢“专业导论”课程是关于一门专业的课程体系与初 步概念、知识的概论课程
学科导论是指用较为概括的语言来论述某一学科的基 本的和整体的思想,从而使读者对该学科有较为系统


泰勒的名著《科学管理原理》 ( The Principles of Sc ientific Management)出版于1911年。但他对管理学原理所 做的最好说明,是他在议院的委员会所作的描述。在那里,他 在一群议员面前不得不捍卫他的观点。这些议员多半怀有敌意, 因为他们同劳工领袖们一样,认为泰勒的思想将会导致工人劳 动过度并引起失业。


8. 职 业 规范
9. 个 人 和团队
11. 项 目 管理与学 科交叉
8.1 有正确价值观,理解个人与社会的关 系,了解中国国情;
8.3 理解工程师对公众的安全、健康和福 祉,以及环境保护的社会责任,能够在工 程实践中自觉履行责任。
9.1 能与其他学科的成员有效沟通,合作共 事;
7. 工 程 与 社会、环 境、可持 续发展
7.1 了解材料工程实践中生产、设计、研 究、开发、环境保护和可持续发展的相关 政策
课程讲授、作 业、讨论
*课程目标与毕业要 求对应关系
(Relationship between learning
outcomes and graduation
课程基本信息(Course Information)
课程代码 (Course Code)
*学时 (Credit Hours)
*学分 (Credits)
(Course Name) Introduction to Engineering
课程性质 (Course Type)
授课对象 (Audience)
授课语言 (Language of Instruction)
*开课院系 (School) 先修课程 (Prerequisite) 授课教师 (Instructor)
必修 工科平台(大一学生)

郭芳威 (张澜庭,段华南、邢
辉、 李军,祝国梁)
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VG 100Summer 2009Technical CommunicationOrganizationErik HildingerCopyright 2009To: Jack Jones, Head Civil Engineer of Fullbrite From: Team Wonder, Civil Engineer Group of Fullbrite Subject: Investigation of the deterioriation of the exit ramp37 on State Highway 16 in West Virginia andsolution to itDate: 18 May 2009ForewordAn unexpected[ly] quick deterioriation occurred on the surface of exit ramp 37 on State Highway 16 in West Virginia. Cracks have appeared and parts of the roadway have been kept useable only by patching them with tar, which brings about inconvenience and unsafety in traffic. We were asked by Mr. Jack Jones from Fullbrite Corporation to investigate these failures and to propose a solution. We went to West Virginia to conduct the investigation and subjected the road surface to various stress tests and measurements including the taking of core samples. This memo gives our findings and recommendations.SummaryStress tests of the road surface and sample measurements show that the road surface will continue to fail under [the] stresses of the traffic it carries, and the cause is that the subcontractor who poured the concrete applied only 70% of the required material; the concretesurface is therefore significantly shallower than it should be. We recommend to remove and replace [the removal and replacement of] the concrete surface of the exit ramp.Organization of documents!!Purpose helps determine organization !!There are some basic principlesConsider a sentence!!What is a sentence?–!A subject and a predicateConsider a sentence!!What comes first?Consider a sentence!!What comes first?–!The subject comes first, of course.–!But why?Simple sentences!!The dog barks.!!I understand.!!Ashley sees.!!What’s really going on here?Modification is going on!!!A subject is introduced. (Noun) !!The subject is modified. (Verb)–!And we can keep on modifying.!!The dog bites.Modification!!The dog bites.!!The dog bites the man.!!The dog bites.!!The dog bites the man.!!The dog that lives next door bites the man.Modification!!The dog bites.!!The dog bites the man.!!The dog that lives next door bites the man.!!The dog that lives next door bites the man who sells shoes.!!The dog that lives next door bites the man who sells shoes made for athletes.–!So, what’s the point of all this?!!The dog bites.!!The dog bites the man.!!The dog that lives next door bites the man.!!The dog that lives next door bites the man who sells shoes.!!The dog that lives next door bites the man who sells shoes made for athletes.!!The dog that lives next door bites the man who sells shoes made for athletes who play sports that are broadcast ontelevision.!!The dog that lives next door bites the man who sells shoes made for athletes who play sports that are broadcast ontelevision throughout the west.So, what’s the point of all this?A question: what is the most important part of this sentence?!!The dog that lives next door bites the manwho sells shoes made for athletes who playsports that are broadcast on television.The point is simple!!Introduce and idea.!!Then modify it.!!Y ou establish an understandingbetween the reader and yourself-- andthen you modify it.So, what follows from this?!!Thought is sequential.!!General information precedes specific.!!Old information precedes new.!!Remember these simple points; they apply to allwriting.ParagraphsThere are some principles behind writing them. Terrorists will use technology against us, so we have to fight fire with fire. We should use any technological means to fight terrorism. We shouldn't be afraid of infringing on people's civil rights because new technologies should allow us to fight terrorism without violating privacy. Only technology will allow us to fight an enemy who can hide in any country, and so we have no choice anyway. Information-mining is actually a good intelligence technique because it pinpoints suspects for surveillance, and the FBI won't have to snoop on people at random. This will insure that most people's privacy is preserved.What is a paragraph?!!A subdivision of written text!!A subdivision of written text, !!Consisting of several sentences,What is a paragraph?!!A subdivision of written text, !!Consisting of several sentences, !!Dealing with one topic.!!A subdivision of written text,!!Consisting of several sentences,!!D ealing with one topic. Because a paragraph deals with onetopic!!It has two qualitiesBecause a paragraph deals with one topic!!It has two qualities–!UnityBecause a paragraph deals with one topic!!It has two qualities–!Unity–!Coherence (often called “Flow”)!!“The state or condition of being one; oneness; singleness; being united.”Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1983.Unity!!As far as paragraphs are concerned, what does this mean?!!As far as paragraphs are concerned, what does this mean?It means that a paragraph should only deal with one subject. When you deal with another subject, then deal with it in another paragraph."The first rule of style is to have something to say; the second rule of style is to control yourself when, by chance, you have two things to say; say first one, then the other, not both at the same time."!!!!!!-- George Polya!!A paragraph should only deal with one subject.When you deal with another subject, then dealwith it in another paragraph.Basically, this means say one thing, and thenanother.Terrorists will use technology against us, so we have to fight fire with fire. We should use any technological means to fight terrorism. We shouldn't be afraid of infringing on people's civil rights because new technologies should allow us to fight terrorism without violating privacy. Only technology will allow us to fight an enemy who can hide in any country, and so we have no choice anyway. Information-mining is actually a good intelligence technique because it pinpoints suspects for surveillance, and the FBI won't have to snoop on people at random. This will insure that most people's privacy is preserved. !One problem with that paragraph is that it deals with two topics.First topic!!1. We are obliged to use technology to fight terrorism:!!Terrorists will use technology against us, so we have tofight fire with fire. We should use any technological means to fight terrorism. Only technology will allow us to fight an enemy who can hide in any country, and so we have no choice anyway.!Second topic!!2. Technology will allow us to fight terrorismwithout undue violation of people’s rights:!!We shouldn't be afraid of infringing on people's civil rights because new technologies should allow us to fightterrorism without violating privacy. Information-mining is actually a good intelligence technique because it pinpoints suspects for surveillance, and the FBI won't have to snoop on people at random. This will insure that most people's privacy is preserved.!Coherence (or Flow)What is it?Coherence!!“Connection; suitable connection or dependence proceeding from the natural relation of parts or things to each other, as in the parts of a discourse, or of a system; consistency.”Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1983.Coherence!!“. . . suitable connection or dependence proceeding from the natural relation of parts. . .”What does this mean?Coherence implies!!A certain flow!!A logical progression from one thing to anotherCoherence implies!!A certain flow!!A logical progression from one thing to anotherSo, one thing should lead naturally to another. But how is that done?Coherence is achieved by giving your paragraphs an appropriate structure.From Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker.The herbivores have keen senses with which they are continuously alert for predators, and they are usually capable of running very fast to escape them. To this end they often have long, spindly legs, and they typically run on the tips of their toes, which have become specially elongated and strengthened in evolution. The nails at the ends of these specialized toes have become large and hard, and we call them hooves. Cattle have two elongated toes at the extremities of each leg: the familiar ‘cloven’ hooves. Horses do much the same thing except that, probably for reasons of historical accident, they run on only one toe instead of two. It is derived from what was originally the middle one of the five toes. The other toes have almost completely disappeared over evolutionary time, although they occasionally reappear inThe herbivores have keen senses with which they are continuously alert for predators, and they are usually capable of running very fast to escape them. To this end they often have long, spindly legs, and they typically run on the tips of their toes, which have become specially elongated and strengthened in evolution. The nails at the ends of these specialized toes have become large and hard, and we call them hooves. Cattle have two elongated toes at the extremities of each leg: the familiar ‘cloven’ hooves. Horses do much the same thing except that, probably for reasons of historical accident, they run on only one toe instead of two. It is derived from what was originally the middle one of the five toes. The other toes have almost completely disappeared over evolutionary time, although they occasionally reappear in freakish ‘throwbacks’.From Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker.The herbivores have keen senses with which they are continuously alert for predators, and they are usually capable of running very fast to escape them. To this end they often have long, spindly legs, and they typically run on the tips of their toes, which have become specially elongated and strengthened in evolution. The nails at the ends of these specialized toes have become large and hard, and we call them hooves. Cattle have two elongated toes at the extremities of each leg: the familiar ‘cloven’ hooves. Horses do much the same thing except that, probably for reasons of historical accident, they run on only one toe instead of two. It is derived from what was originally the middle one of the five toes. The other toes have almost completely disappeared over evolutionary time, although they occasionally reappear inThe herbivores have keen senses with which they are continuously alert for predators, and they are usually capable of running very fast to escape them. To this end they often have long, spindly legs, and they typically run on the tips of their toes, which have become specially elongated and strengthened in evolution. The nails at the ends of these specialized toes have become large and hard, and we call them hooves. Cattle have two elongated toes at the extremities of each leg: the familiar ‘cloven’ hooves. Horses do much the same thing except that, probably for reasons of historical accident, they run on only one toe instead of two. It is derived from what was originally the middle one of the five toes. The other toes have almost completely disappeared over evolutionary time, although they occasionally reappear in freakish ‘throwbacks’.From Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker.The herbivores have keen senses with which they are continuously alert for predators, and they are usually capable of running very fast to escape them. To this end they often have long, spindly legs, and they typically run on the tips of their toes, which have become specially elongated and strengthened in evolution. The nails at the ends of these specialized toes have become large and hard, and we call them hooves. Cattle have two elongated toes at the extremities of each leg: the familiar ‘cloven’ hooves. Horses do much the same thing except that, probably for reasons of historical accident, they run on only one toe instead of two. It is derived from what was originally the middle one of the five toes. The other toes have almost completely disappeared over evolutionary time, although they occasionally reappear inThe herbivores have keen senses with which they are continuously alert for predators, and they are usually capable of running very fast to escape them. To this end they often have long, spindly legs, and they typically run on the tips of their toes, which have become specially elongated and strengthened in evolution. The nails at the ends of these specialized toes have become large and hard, and we call them hooves. Cattle have two elongated toes at the extremities of each leg: the familiar ‘cloven’ hooves. Horses do much the same thing except that, probably for reasons of historical accident, they run on only one toe instead of two. It is derived from what was originally the middle one of the five toes. The other toes have almost completely disappeared over evolutionary time, although they occasionally reappear in freakish ‘throwbacks’.From Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker.The herbivores have keen senses with which they are continuously alert for predators, and they are usually capable of running very fast to escape them. To this end they often have long, spindly legs, and they typically run on the tips of their toes, which have become specially elongated and strengthened in evolution. The nails at the ends of these specialized toes have become large and hard, and we call them hooves. Cattle have two elongated toes at the extremities of each leg: the familiar ‘cloven’ hooves. Horses do much the same thing except that, probably for reasons of historical accident, they run on only one toe instead of two. It is derived from what was originally the middle one of the five toes. The other toes have almost completely disappeared over evolutionary time, although they occasionally reappear inGeneral to Specific Structure!!Topic Sentence!!Details!!Details!!DetailsLet’s think of another sort of cohesion in the Dawkins paragraph…Another look at coherence Consider “weaving” your paragraphs.The herbivores have keen senses with which they are continuously alert for predators, and they are usually capable of running very fast to escape them. To this end they often have long, spindly legs, and they typically run on the tips of their toes, which have become specially elongated and strengthened in evolution. The nails at the ends of these specialized toes have become large and hard, and we call them hooves. Cattle have two elongated toes at the extremities of each leg: the familiar ‘cloven’ hooves. Horses do much the same thing except that, probably for reasons of historical accident, they run on only one toe instead of two. It is derived from what was originally the middle one of the five toes. The other toes have almost completely disappeared over evolutionary time, although they occasionally reappear in freakish ‘throwbacks’.From Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker.The herbivores have keen senses with which they are continuously alert for predators, and they are usually capable of running very fast to escape them. To this end they often have long, spindly legs, and they typically run on the tips of their toes, which have become specially elongated and strengthened in evolution. The nails at the ends of these specialized toes have become large and hard, and we call them hooves. Cattle have two elongated toes at the extremities of each leg: the familiar ‘cloven’ hooves. Horses do much the same thing except that, probably for reasons of historical accident, they run on only one toe instead of two. It is derived from what was originally the middle one of the five toes. The other toes have almost completely disappeared over evolutionary time, although they occasionally reappear inThe herbivores have keen senses with which they are continuously alert for predators, and they are usually capable of running very fast to escape them. To this end they often have long, spindly legs, and they typically run on the tips of their toes, which have become specially elongated and strengthened in evolution. The nails at the ends of these specialized toes have become large and hard, and we call them hooves. Cattle have two elongated toes at the extremities of each leg: the familiar ‘cloven’ hooves. Horses do much the same thing except that, probably for reasons of historical accident, they run on only one toe instead of two. It is derived from what was originally the middle one of the five toes. The other toes have almost completely disappeared over evolutionary time, although they occasionally reappear in freakish ‘throwbacks’.From Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker.The herbivores have keen senses with which they are continuously alert for predators, and they are usually capable of running very fast to escape them. To this end they often have long, spindly legs, and they typically run on the tips of their toes, which have become specially elongated and strengthened in evolution. The nails at the ends of these specialized toes have become large and hard, and we call them hooves. Cattle have two elongated toes at the extremities of each leg: the familiar ‘cloven’ hooves. Horses do much the same thing except that, probably for reasons of historical accident, they run on only one toe instead of two. It is derived from what was originally the middle one of the five toes. The other toes have almost completely disappeared over evolutionary time, although they occasionally reappear inThe herbivores have keen senses with which they are continuously alert for predators, and they are usually capable of running very fast to escape them. To this end they often have long, spindly legs, and they typically run on the tips of their toes, which have become specially elongated and strengthened in evolution. The nails at the ends of these specialized toes have become large and hard, and we call them hooves. Cattle have two elongated toe s at the extremities of each leg: the familiar ‘cloven’ hooves. Horses do much the same thing except that, probably for reasons of historical accident, they run on only one toe instead of two. It is derived from what was originally the middle one of the five toes. The other toes have almost completely disappeared over evolutionary time, although they occasionally reappear in freakish ‘throwbacks’.Dawkins paragraph!!Has good topic sentence!!Goes from broad to narrow!!Developed with examples!!Is woven together sentence by sentence with common topics and subjectsAny paragraph you write should!!Have a good topic sentence!!Go from broad to narrow!!Be sewn together sentence by sentence with common topics and subjectsGeneral to specific structure!!Topic Sentence!!Details!!Details!!DetailsGeneral to Specific Structure !!General!!Specific!!Specific!!Specific!!ConclusionGeneral to specific structure GeneralSpecificSpecificSpecificConclusionSome call this the teacuppatternI prefer to call this the pilsner glass designGeneralSpecificSpecificSpecificConclusionTopic sentences!!Do use a topic sentence.!!State the main idea of the paragraph in the topic sentence.A reader often needs his or her attention focused in order to easily grasp what follows.Paragraphs are often underdeveloped.How can they be developed? Paragraphs may be developedseveral ways!!Giving details!!Giving examples!!Topic-restriction-illustration!! Narrating a series of events!!Explaining a process!!Comparing and contrasting!!Classifying and dividing!!DefiningDevelopment with examplesThe so-called "Western Code" never reallyexisted. Men bent on killing did so in the mostefficient and expeditious way they knew. JesseJames was shot in the back by Bob Ford as hestood on a chair adjusting a picture. BenThompson was led into a trap in a theater andshot down with his friend King Fisher. Billythe Kid died as he entered a darkened room.Wild Bill Hickok was shot from behind whilehe was playing poker. In each case the victimhad no chance to defend himself.!!--Joseph G. Rosa, "The Gunfighter"!Henry AntrimTopic-restriction-illustrationNaturally there are physical differences between man and the other animals, even between man and the apes. In the act of vaulting, the athlete grasps his pole, for example, with an exact grip that no ape can quite match. Yet such differences are secondary by comparison with the overriding difference, which is that the athlete is an adult whose behavior is not driven by his immediate environment, as animal actions are. In themselves, his actions make no practical sense at all; they are an exercise that is not directed to the present. The athlete’s mind is fixed ahead of him, building up his skill, and he vaults in imagination into the future.--Jacob Bronowski, “The Athlete and the Gazelle”U.S.S. Casco/ leefoundation/monitor-m...The job was done, but it cost a great deal of money and resulted in the creation of one of the most heterogeneous fleets ever seen in the waters of the globe. Anything that would float and carry a gun or two would serve, for most of these blockaders would never had to fight; they were simply cops on the beat, creating most of their effect just by being on the scene. Vessels of every conceivable variety were brought into service, armed, after a fashion, and sent steaming down to take station off Southern harbors: ferryboats, excursion steamers, whalers, tugs, fishing schooners, superannuated clippers—a weird and wonderful collection of maritime oddities, which in the end gave more useful service than anyone had a right to expect. They made the blockade legally effective, and their work was aided by the Confederate government’s folly in withholding cotton from the overseas market. At the very least they gave the navy time to build some new vessels specially designed for the job.!!!!-- Bruce Catton, The Civil War, p. 72!These included two dozen 500-ton gunboats, steam powered, of shallow draft and moderate armament—“ninety-day gunboats,” they were called, because it took just three months from keel-laying to final commissioning. Deep-sea cruisers to run down Confederate commerce destroyers were built, along with forty-seven double-enders—unique, canoe-shaped side-wheelers, with rudders and pilothouses at each end, for use in the narrow rivers that fed into the coastal sounds where there was no room to turn around. The double-enders could change course by reversing their engines.!!!-- Bruce Catton, The Civil War, p. 72!From Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker.The herbivores have keen senses with which they arecontinuously alert for predators, and they are usually capableof running very fast to escape them. To this end they oftenhave long, spindly legs, and they typically run on the tips oftheir toes, which have become specially elongated andstrengthened in evolution. The nails at the ends of thesespecialized toes have become large and hard, and we call them hooves. Cattle have two elongated toes at the extremities ofeach leg: the familiar ‘cloven’ hooves. Horses do much thesame thing except that, probably for reasons of historicalaccident, they run on only one toe instead of two. It is derived from what was originally the middle one of the five toes. The other toes have almost completely disappeared overevolutionary time, although they occasionally reappear infreakish ‘throwbacks’.Review: general to specific structure !!General!!Specific!!Specific!!Specific!!ConclusionBut this principle has broader applicationA memo has!!Foreword!!Summary!!DetailsThe foreword and summary are broad pieces of information, the details are the specifics.Within each section of a report!!Background (Broad)!!Specifics!!Specifics!!SpecificsSo a report might be organized this way:!!General point–!Specific paragraph–!Specific paragraph–!Specific paragraph!!General point–!Specific paragraph–!Specific paragraph–!Specific paragraph!!General point–!Specific paragraph–!Specific paragraph–!Specific paragraphSo a report might be organized this way:!!General point–!Specific paragraph–!Specific paragraph–!Specific paragraph !!General point–!Specific paragraph–!Specific paragraph–!Specific paragraph !!General point–!Specific paragraph–!Specific paragraph–!Specific paragraph !!Topic sentence (General) –!Details–!Details–!Details!!Topic sentence (General) –!Details–!Details–!Details!!Topic sentence (General) –!Details–!Details–!DetailsRemember the sentenceSubject (general) + Verb (specific) + Other ModifiersRemember the sentenceSubject (general) + Verb (specific modifier) + Other ModifiersSummation!!General information precedes specific. !!Old information precedes new.Summation!!Paragraphs–!Have unity–!Have coherence!!Paragraphs–!Organize them (ex. broad to narrow).–!Use topic sentences.–!Develop them.!!With details!!With examples!!With process description, etc.。
