EZDO 8200M 多功能水质分析仪 英文操作说明书
Байду номын сангаас
Thermo Scientific
前言 ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 安全和注意事项 ............................................................................................................................ 6 第一章 仪器基础信息 .................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 仪器组成 ............................................................................................................................ 7 1.1.1 接口 ........................................................................................................................ 7 1.1.2 键盘 ...................................
三、准备工作1. 检查设备:确保设备外观完好,无损坏和杂质,并检查传感器是否干净。
2. 连接电源:将多参数水质分析仪连接到电源插座,并确保电源适配器与仪器连接正确。
3. 准备水样:取得待分析的水样,确保样品已被正确收集并储存。
四、使用流程1. 打开仪器:按下电源按钮,待显示屏亮起后,多参数水质分析仪即开机成功。
2. 校准传感器:在使用前,需要进行传感器的校准。
3. 设置参数:进入主界面后,使用方向键选择参数设置选项,按下确认键,根据需要输入相应参数,并确保参数设置正确。
4. 测量水样:将待分析的水样倒入仪器的测量池中,确保水样充分覆盖传感器,并等待测量结果的显示。
5. 记录结果:根据需要,将测量结果记录在纸质表格或电子表格中,以备后续分析和参考。
五、注意事项1. 操作前请阅读操作手册,并按照要求正确操作,避免操作失误和仪器损坏。
2. 使用时请注意安全,避免将仪器暴露于潮湿、高温或污染环境中。
3. 学习仪器的校准方法和周期,确保测量结果的准确性和可靠性。
4. 定期对仪器进行维护和保养,清洁传感器和仪器表面,以防止杂质对测量结果的影响。
5. 仪器长时间不使用时,请将其断开电源,并存放在干燥通风的地方,避免损坏和电源浪费。
六、故障排除在使用过程中,可能会出现以下常见故障,用户可根据情况进行排除:1. 仪器显示异常:请检查电源是否接好,尝试重启仪器。
50 1.47%
CANCEL - hold 5 sec
A graph will be plotted during the test time (180 seconds for the EasySHIP Test and 120 seconds for the Reagent B Test).
Test complete
Always start the test with the highest range selected, when in doubt about the approximate amount of water in your test oil. Overpressure can occur if an oil sample is tested with a very high water content on the low range 100-3000ppm. This can cause permanent damage to the pressure sensor.
5)Replace Lid
NB: The amount of oil and reagent used changes with the range. Always use gloves when handling EasySHIP Sachets.
*Squeeze all of the EasySHIP Paste into the centre of the cell ** Range 100 - 3000ppm = Add 35ml ReagA
Range 0.02 - 1.0%
Range 0 - 10% Range 100 - 3000ppm
1. 目的建立多参数水质测定仪的标准使用操作规程,以期达到按期维护保养,确保测量准确的目的。
2. 范围适用于Bante系列多参数水质测定仪。
3. 职责所有使用该系列仪器的操作者。
4. 内容4.1仪器的开关使用外部电源,将USB电缆插入电源适配器,再连接至仪表USB接口。
4.4系统菜单4.5设置方法:4.5.1按住CALL 键,进入仪表菜单,屏幕主显示区显示可选的参数,次显示区显示当前页码【例如P-01】。
4.6 p H 模式4.6.1连接传感器4.6.1.1将pH 电极插入电极架左侧或右侧的插孔内。将传感器的BNC连接器插入标有pH/ISE 的连接器座,旋转并锁紧。
4.6.2选择pH 模式按MODE键直至屏幕上端显示pH 图标。
4.6.3 pH 校准在pH模式,仪表允许1至5点校准,可用的校准液包括:USA标准:pH1.68,,10.01,12.45。
NIST标准:pH 1.68,4.01,6.86,9.18,12.45。
DIN 标准:pH1.09,4.65,6.79,9.23,12.75。
Octadem奥克丹 便携式水质分析仪测试操作说明无锡奥克丹生物科技有限公司1. 奥克丹水质分析仪不同型号功能对比2. 基本操作2.1 比色皿加入水样和试剂严格按要求加入比色皿水样和试剂是精确检测的前提。
试剂条2.2 比色皿插入仪器∙ 比色皿三角形符号面对显示屏。
∙ 比色皿溶液中不能有气泡(持比色皿上部,用另手食指向下敲打比色皿上沿除去气泡)。
∙ 比色皿下面方形部分必须擦干净。
∙ 如果比色皿没扣比色皿盖,测试时需要使用仪器遮光盖。
2.3 “快速”和“常规” 测试(仅W 系列产品适用)(按 OK ) 或者“快速”(按 )测试方式。
2.4 混浊水样当水中微生物及漂浮物较多或者水样在比色皿中呈现混浊时,测试前需要对水样进行过滤处理。
Multifunctional—use as a benchtop laboratory meter or as a handheld in the fieldTDS CON °C/°FL S tore and recall up to 50 measurements with °C temperature (CON 11 meter) orup to 100 measurements with °C or °F temperature (CON 110 meter)L C ON 110 meter features RS-232 output—download data to a computer or printer! L C ON 110 meter includes FREE PC Datalog Assist Software to import data into popular spreadsheet programsThe CON 11 and CON 110 meters feature dual-line LCD that allows viewing ofconductivity or TDS and temperature simultaneously. Both models allow selection between manual and automatic temperature compensation (ATC) for correct values, even with changing solution temperatures. Normalization temperature and temperature coefficients are also customizable.Selectable auto-ranging function selects the correct range for best resolution and fastest response. Calibrate the meters with a single or multi-point calibration for greater linearity. Calibration points can be automatically selected from programmed standard values or manually entered values specific for the application.Selectable cell constants of 0.1,1.0, or 10.0 and adjustable TDS conversion factors between 0.4 to 1.0 can be set for accurate and precise measurements in applicationsfrom pure water to solutions up to 200 mS. Use the built-in stands for benchtop operation or use battery power for handheld field operation. Meters operate up to 200 hours on a single set of batteries and have a selectable auto-off function that shuts down the meter after 20 minutes of nonuse. Select meter kits for storage and field operation.Meters include: conductivity cell 35608-50 and batteries. CON 110 meter also includes Datalog Assist PC software on CD-ROM.Meter kits include: conductivity cell 35608-50, calibration solution pouches (four each of 447 μS, 1413 μS, 2764 μS, and 15,000 μS), four rinse pouches, sample bottles, batteries, and hard side carrying case. CON 110 meter kit also includes Datalog Assist PC software on CD-ROM.。
二、操作准备1. 确保仪器处于稳定的环境条件下,避免阳光直射、强电磁干扰和湿度过高等影响测试结果的情况。
2. 查看仪器所需电源规格,并将其连接到稳定电源上。
3. 根据测试要求,准备好相应的水样收集容器和试剂。
三、仪器启动与校准1. 按下电源开关,等待仪器启动。
2. 进入校准模式,在屏幕上选择需要校准的参数,按照提示进行校准操作。
四、水样测试1. 取一定量的水样,并将其倒入准备好的水样收集容器中。
2. 将水样收集容器插入仪器指定的位置,确保良好的连接。
3. 在仪器操作界面上选择需要测试的参数,点击开始测试按钮。
4. 仪器将自动完成测试过程,并在屏幕上显示测试结果。
五、测试结果解读1. 仪器将显示各项测试参数的数值,用户可根据需求查看指定参数。
2. 根据水质监测的标准,判断测试结果是否符合规定范围。
六、仪器维护与保养1. 使用完毕后,及时清洁仪器外壳,避免灰尘和污垢堆积。
2. 定期对仪器进行维护和保养,清洁和更换仪器中的滤膜、电极等配件。
3. 如遇到仪器故障或异常情况,应联系专业维修人员进行维修,切勿私自拆解或维修。
七、注意事项1. 操作前必须仔细阅读本操作指南,并按照规定进行操作。
2. 操作过程中要保持仪器和试剂的清洁和干燥,避免杂质的干扰。
3. 在测试过程中要稳定操作,避免仪器的摇晃和震动。
多参数水质速测仪使用说明书目录 1安全警示 (2)技术参数 (2)操作 (3)第1节介绍 (4)1.1 仪器描述 (4)1.2 仪器开箱 (4)1.2.1标准附件 (4)1.2.2可选择的附件 (4)1.3 键盘介绍 (4)第2节仪器设置 (5)2.1 电池安装 (5)2.2 开启仪器 (5)2.3 设置日期和时间 (5)2.4 样品池的插入 (5)2.5 遮光罩的使用 (5)第3节仪器操作 (5)3.1 菜单 (5)3.1.1用户自定义 (6)3.1.2 出厂复位 (6)3.1.3 时间设置 (6)3.1.4数据查询 (6)3.2 分析操作 (6)3.2.1样品分析前的色度仪设置 (6)3.2.2样品制备 (7)3.2.3色度仪的调零 (7)3.2.4测量所制备的样品 (7)3.3 数据存储 (7)3.4 调整标准曲线 (7)3.5质量保证 (7)第4节打印和传输数据 (7)4.1 软件的安装 (7)4.2软件的使用 (12)4.3 数据存储路径 (18)第5节维护 (20)5.1 仪器清洁 (20)5.1.1样品池 (20)5.2更换指南 (20)第6节故障排除 (20)6.1 介绍 (20)6.2浓度超出围 (20)6.3电池电量低 (20)分析操作说明书 (21)安全警示在开箱、安装或操作仪器之前请阅读本手册的全部容,特别要注意所有的危险警示和注意事项。
Weighing and Analysis in the Laboratory6 NewsTesting LabWater Quality Analysis Safeguarding FamiliesWater is intensely purified and treated by water authorities before be-ing ready for thousands of families. Everybody expects clean and safe tap water when turning on their taps. A water quality analysis center in Shanghi, China excels in its water testing and analysis with fully auto-matic potentiometric titration.Traditional Water Quality Analysis In order to ensure water hygiene and safe-ty for thousands of households, the center must deal with many different water sam-ples daily, including source water, treated water at different process stages and end-water. Every water sample requires a series of analyses. The main detection param-eters are: total hardness, chloride content, residual chloride, COD (chemical oxygen demand) plus alkalinity .The traditional method is classical man-ual titration. Previously, analysts stood by the experiment table, one hand operating the glass titration burette, the other shak-ing the conical bottle in which chemical reactions were constantly happening, observing solution color change. Past ex-perimental data was manually logged.Automatic Potentiometric Titration METTLER TOLEDO has become a wel-comed new partner at the center with a fully automatic potentiometric titration system – the T50 Excellence Titrator and the Rondo 20 fully automatic sample changer. 20 sample beakers are put on the sample changer, the shortcut key is pressed and the test begins: the propel-ler stirrer on the titration stand mixes the chemical substances whilst the dosing unit begins to dispense titrant. An elec-trode successfully detects the end point reaction, freeing up operators. When the test is completed, all relevant experiment information is printed out by a printer in order to be compliant with GLP (Good Laboratory Practice). By the time the re-port is printed, the instrument has already cleaned the detection electrode and pro-Analytical solutions in the laboratory2PublisherMettler-Toledo AG Laboratory Division Im LangacherCH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland ProductionSegment Marketing LAB Global MarCom SwitzerlandSubject to technical changes. © Mettler-Toledo AG 08/09 Printed in Switzerland.METTLER TOLEDO Testing Lab 6O n e C l i c k ™ T i t r a t i o npeller stirrer ready for the next sample. The centre periodically uses a standard substance as a sample to examine the re-liability and accuracy of each instrument. The T50 Titrator obtains precise results in every ‘trial test’ with measurement results consistently complying with standard values. The original manual titration bu-rettes are correct up to ±0.01 ml while the dispensing precision of the automatic titrator can be raised to 0.05 µl . In addi-change to judge end points leading to er-rors due to operator differences. errors can occur for titration with non-eliminates operator errors.’One-Click’, and results are achieved ef-ficiently, correctly and simply. /one-click-titration3METTLER TOLEDO Testing Lab 6A Trusted BrandThe Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie is a veterinary public health institute in Italy, conducting veterinary diagnostic testing, toxicology screening and foodstuff analyses. The institute aims to promote public health through guaran-teeing food safety, preventing any disease transfer from animals to humans and en-suring animal welfare, as well as main-taining an advanced research program. Dr. Stefano Nardelli, head of the Animal Health and Welfare department, explained why he chose METTLER T OLEDO’s pipette calibration solutions, “The Institute is ac-credited to ISO 17025 standards, meaning that all our pipettes need annual calibra-tion to ensure high standards. We recently decided to bring all of our calibration in-house, and chose the METTLER T OLEDO XP26PC Balance and MCP system as it offered an integrated solution for single- and multi-channel pipettes plus we have many other METTLER TOLEDO instru-ments in the Institute so we were confident of the products and the technical support quality.”Improved In-House ServiceLab technicians appreciate the instru-ments’ ease-of-use. Dr. Nardelli went on to say that, “The MCP workstations al-low all pipette channels to be calibrated simultaneously, saving a lot of time. This has allowed all pipette calibration to be performed by just two technicians, dra-matically improving the quality and re-producibility of this procedure.”Efficient In-House Pipette Calibration Saves Time and MoneyA leading Italian veterinarian institute is using METTLER TOLEDO’s MCP and XP26PC pipette calibration workstations to ensure the accuracy of its routine laboratory screening and foodstuff testing. Integrated in-housesolutions save time and increase lab productivity.The Calibry Network software is especially user-friendly and incorporates many cal-ibration-specific features, such as the ex-piry date calendar. The workstations also provide regulatory compliant systems for measuring, capturing and storing essen-tial data during each step of the calibra-tion and helping to speed up and simplify the process./pipcalXP26PC – single channel pipette calibration system.MCP – multichannel pipettecalibration system.A lab staff is performing tests with XP26PC.4METTLER TOLEDO Testing Lab 6XP2U Ultra Micro BalanceM i c r o b a l a n c eBetter Control of CO 2 Emissions With UMX BalanceThe Joint Research Center (JRC) is one of the biggest European research Institutes. Scientists come from all over Europe to make it one of the most important world reference centers. The Vehicle Emission Laborato-ries department (VELA) in Italy characterizes Euro5 and Euro6 emissions with a METTLER TOLEDO UMX2 Balance.New Standards for Air QualityResearchers at the European Commis-sion's Joint Research Centre are constantly addressing issues, such as cyber-security, tracing GMOs in our food, testing new solar panels, collecting and analyzing environmental data or examining seized nuclear materials. They make sure that European policies are based on robust sci-entific foundations in order to contribute to a safer life for Europe's citizens.The new ‘VELA 7’ facility will test fuel con-sumption and truck and bus emissions. The new installation at the JRC Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) realistically simulates wind drag, tyre/road friction and full drive cycles for ar-ticulated lorries of up to 40 tonnes and12 m long buses. These tests come at a crucial time when the definition of im-plementation guidelines for new emission standards, notably the Euro VI regarding heavy duty vehicles, must be completed to ensure better air quality.A Complete Systemfor Emission AnalysisThe analyses are carried out by a UMX2 Ultra Micro Balance connected with LabX Light software and a barcode reader. ThePC is also equipped with a METTLERT OLEDO label printer that prints out a unique barcode in order to assure filter identification. Truck emissions are col-lected on a 47 mm filter, which is weighedbefore and after the test on the UMX2 Balance. The LabX balance software rec-ognizes the filter from the barcode and calculates the net particulate matter con-tent.All data will be finally transmitted into the JRC Network to allow for the complete characterization of the emissions. The high level of repeatability and accuracy of the UMX2 guarantees fast and reliable weighing.Discover more about how the sucessorof UMX2, the XP2U Ultra Micro Balance fulfills many other requirement in filter weighing.www. /microVELA 7 work environment.Emission test.Improved Control System Guaranteed by Reliable InstumentsAgenda 1 Analytical Services Ltd. offers analytical support primarily to drug development companies in the UK and abroad. It is involved in a va-riety of projects, from supporting small company innovators to get a single product to market and delivering unique solutions for large multinational companies who want to outsource activities. When Agenda 1started up it inherited the majority of its equipment from Nektar’s Bradford site, which included METTLER TOLEDO instruments.Smalll Team with Great Vision Agenda 1, based in Bradford, England, is founded by 4 former employees of US based Nektar Therapeutics Inc. When the company decided to close down its Brad-ford site, these four former employees combined their analytical expertise and entrepreneurial spirit to launch an excit-ing new venture in the region.One issue Agenda 1 initially faced as a business was that it needed accurate, vali-dated systems that were extremely flexible and suitable to meet the specific needs and demands of their varied customer base. Right Instruments CountTo meet these demands we suggested the XS205DU Balance and DL38 Karl Fis-cher Titrator. The XS205DU’s SmartGrid weighing pan allowed Agenda 1 to weigh substances in fume cabinets precisely and accurately. The DL38 provides statistical analysis and offers a database of numer-ous methods.Both instruments have helped the compa-ny implement an improved control system within its laboratories. This has proved invaluable due to the stringent standards found in the pharmaceutical industry which is Agenda 1’s primary market.Mr. Ian Siragher, commercial director atAgenda 1 says, “The reason we chose topurchase the XS205DU Balance and DL38Karl Fischer Titrator was because of theconfidence we have in the brand. We rec-ognize that METTLER TOLEDO’s instru-ments represent quality, accuracy and re-liability. Furthermore, there is a local sup-port network for application advice andcontinued validation. We will definitelypurchase from METTLER TOLEDO againas our company requirements grow.”Discover more about the successor of theDL38, the V30 Volumetric Karl Fischer at:/ Karl-Fischer/xs-analyticalV30 Volumetric Karl FischerThe revolutionary grid weighing pan, Smart-Grid, minimizes the effects of air turbulencein the weighing chamber.5METTLER TOLEDO Testing Lab 66METTLER TOLEDO Testing Lab 6Identification of Polymer Blends by Glass Transition MeasurementsThe use of polymer blends for industrial applications has become more prevalent over the past few decades. A considerable amount of research has been recently conducted to obtain new polymeric materials with enhanced attributes for specific applications or a better combination of different properties.When developing suitable polymer blends it is important to consider a number of dif-ferent research, development and quality control issues. One of the most important issues is blend compatibility. Compatible polymer blends can avoid undesirable physical and chemical effects such as:• premature aging • cracking and tearing • abrasion• break down or disintegration• impermeability to natural elements • chemical attackDifferential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is a valuable thermal analysis technique which provides testing laboratories with important information on the glass tran-sition of polymer blends. Measuring the glass transition of the desired polymer blends can quickly and easily determine their compatibility.Analyzing Compatible Polymer Blends with DSCThe examples described below show how the DSC 1 was used to measure the glass transition of two different polymer blends.The samples were first cooled from 120°C to -140°C at 5K/min and then measured by heating from -140°C to 100°C at 10 K/min in a nitrogen atmosphere at50ml/min to determine the temperature at which the glass transition occurs. The DSC curves were then evaluated using the STARe software to investigate the compat-ibility of the blends.The glass transition in Figure 1 is relative-ly broad and extends over a temperature range of 60K between -110°C and -50°C. The occurrence of just one glass transi-tion in the polymer blend shows the poly-mer components are compatible.The DSC curve displayed in Figure 2 shows that two glass transitions are present. The glass transition of NR occurs at -58.8°C, while the glass transition of SBR occurs at -44.1°C indicating that the polymers used in the polymer blend are incompatible.T h e r m a l A n a l y s isFig 1. DSC curve of compatible polymer blends.7METTLER TOLEDOTesting Lab 6The above DSC results show that only one glass transition is observed with compat-ible polymer blends. Incompatible poly-mer blends demonstrate that the polymer phases are separated as each polymer phase exhibits its own glass transition. The DSC curves can provide testing labo-ratories with valuable information on the glass transition of polymers when deter-mining the compatibility of polymeric blends. The DSC 1 is an excellent tool which delivers fast and accurate results over a wide temperature range. It also has the added benefit of an optional sample robot, which enables fully automated measurements to be carried out./taFig 2. DSC curve of incompatible polymer blends.DSC 18METTLER TOLEDO Testing Lab 6Use as a Work Efficiency ResourceO n l i n e T o o l sMETTLER TOLEDOApplication Data Sheet for Moisture Determination Using the Halogen Moisture AnalyzerMoisture Determination Method for Coffee CreamReference Method: Oven offers a great deal of background infor-mation on techniques, such as weighing processes, in addition to tips and tricks on how to improve your results. Our UserCom magazines offer many examples of how to carry out better and more effici-ent working practice.e.g. Good Weighing Practice: /GWP e.g. Thermal Analysis UserCom: /ta-usercomsTips & tricks for daily work improvements9METTLER TOLEDOTesting Lab 6e.g. Thermal Analysis Webinars: /ta-webinarsDownload comprehensive documentationWe offer manuals and other documents related to our products and your business including various information supporting your equipment qualification needs.e.g. Balance Instruction Manuals:Find corresponding manuals on our product page e.g. Conformity Documents:Find corresponding manuals on our product pageGet the right help to fix problematic issues quicklyWe offer tools which interactively troubleshoot common issues with lab equipment, such as electrodes for example.Electrode Diagnosis Cockpit: 10METTLER TOLEDO Testing Lab 6Intelligent Solutionsfor Testing & Quality ControlL a b o r a t o r y I n s t r u m e n t sFast and Accurate Weighing of Different Samples and Materials METTLER TOLEDO sets the standard for weighing in testing laboratories with its Excellence Precision Balances for high-end requirements. Created for a broad spectrum of applications in a variety of testing fields, the Excellence Precision Balances provide full compliance in reg-ulated environments, utmost productiv-ity and unique flexibility when tailored solutions are required./xp-precisionQuick and efficient incoming inspection is a crucial part of the sample reception process.Automated and secure sample preparation increases analysis throughput.Quick and Confident pH MeasurementspH reagent checking is a common task in the sample preparation stage. METTLER TOLEDO offers a full spectrum of pre-mium quality pH- and ion meters. The top-of-the-line SevenMulti Meter pro-vides great flexibility through its modu-lar design. Depending on the module attached, various parameters, such as pH or conductivity can be measured/phPipetting Made Easy with Liquidator 96™The new RAININ Liquidator 96™, a unique manual bench top system, pro-vides an economical approach to high-throughput pipetting without the need for programming. Flexible and easy to use and with a small footprint, the RAININ Liquidator 96™ even fits inside a laminar flow hood for sterile applications./liquidatorAutomation of sample analyses is currently common standard procedure and requires fast and integrated solutions.Weighing Sampleswith Utmost Accuracy METTLER TOLEDO Excellence Analytical Balances are used in laboratories all over the world to provide quick and accurate results for even the most critical appli-cations. However, our weighing solutions do not just excel in measurement perfor-mance; they also considerably accelerate weighing tasks with innovations such as ErgoClips. Furthermore, maintenance is made easy by the intelligent construction of the instruments./xp-analytical Process Consistency Ensures Product QualityLabX software allows the seamless inte-gration of various METTLER TOLEDO instruments to your LIMS. It increases lab productivity, prevents user errors and sup-ports all regulatory needs. LabX software offers convenient data collection and test result traceability.The results produce optimized processes and reduced process monitoring, sam-pling and testing costs./labx One Click™ Analyzes Water Determination SamplesWater content is an important quality control parameter for the analysis of dif-ferent samples. The new compact Karl Fischer volumetric and coulometric titra-tors set a new standard in simple, efficient and secure water determination.The unique One Click™ KF Titration pro-vides simple and intuitive operation, maximizes efficiency in daily tasks and eliminates potential operator errors. The V30 and C30 titrators can be equipped with the Stromboli oven sample changer for a fully automated system./one-click-water-determination11 METTLER TOLEDO Testing Lab 6The New SevenEasy ™ pH Meter S20 and Conductivity Meter S30 Version 2 Offer:• Optimal documentation: The printer RS-P26 has an integrated date and time function – in order to create the perfect printout with date and time recorded. • Perfect protection: A protective cover is included with each instrument in order to protect the instru-ment against splashes and spills.• Greater precision: The new S20 has a resolution of 0.001 pH and an accuracy of 0.004 pH./SevenEasy-GLPComplete GLP Documentation, Easy Workflow Use your pH meter more efficientlySpotlight on PromotionS p e c i a l o f f e r i n g o n p H m e t e r /p r i n t e r!Buy a SevenEasy ™ pH or Conductivity Meter and get a discount on an RS-P26 For more informationMettler-Toledo AGLaboratory Division Im LangacherCH-8606 Greifensee, SwitzerlandContact your local representatives for detailed information.。
1. 操作前1.1 确认测量仪器和样品取自同一水源。
1.2 按照生产厂家提供的使用手册,仔细阅读仪器使用方法并了解其性能,熟悉其使用方法和操作流程。
1.3 打开仪器电源开关,确认所有设备是否正常工作,如有不良情况请及时联系维修人员进行维修。
1.4 准备好所需量具和试剂,并确保试剂已冷藏或离心完毕。
2. 操作过程2.1 在操作过程中,请严格按照生产厂家的说明进行操作,操作流程要严格按照标准规范操作。
2.2 请注意控制仪器的参数设置,主要包括:温度、声速、深度等参数。
2.3 为测试结果的准确性,请避免仪器的显色剂接触空气,或避免出现冷热交替的现象。
2.4 在操作过程中,请避免接触仪器主体、机械手和空气表面以防止磨损和污染。
2.5 在操作仪器进程中,要保证操作人员在优化的空间中,并且要穿戴口罩、手套、保护眼镜和其他必要的化学品实验室设备。
3. 操作时的安全措施3.1 禁止在操作过程中吸烟、吃喝及留长发。
3.2 在操作过程中,请随时注意仪器的状态和操作环境,不能将其外置在强烈光线下或直接在水源的顶部放置。
3.3 安放的样品瓶和试剂瓶必须保持干净清洁,并且运输时避免跌落和剧烈震荡。
3.4 在测试时,严禁吸入或摄取可能污染水源的物质。
4. 保养常识4.1 在操作完成后,要对水质快速测定仪进行清洁,定期对仪器进行检查以保证仪器的正常运行。
4.2 避免阳光直射,定期使用防护罩对仪器进行覆盖以避免沉积和损伤。
4.3 定期进行粉尘和水垢的清洗以保证仪器的清洁整洁。
4.4 在存储时,要将仪器存放在干燥、通风的地方,避免受潮和高温。
4.5 定期维护和更换仪器电池和内部墨水以保证仪器的准确性。
水质分析仪 Liquid Analytical Solution 安装指南说明书
2 Installation Hinweise – Wasseranalyse Panels1EinführungKurzanleitung was bei einer Installation eines Liquid Analytical (LAS) Panels alles beachtet werden sollte, um einen zuverlässigen Betrieb des Panels sicherzustellen. Der Aufbau des Panels kann je nach Anwendung variieren.Genereller Aufbau eines Analysepanels1 Probenahme - extraktiv, Probestrom wird nicht direktdem Prozess zurückgeführt, sondern verworfen oderSammelbehältern zugeführt Probenahme - extraktiv,Probestrom wird nicht direkt dem Prozesszurückgeführt, sondern verworfen oderSammelbehältern zugeführt 5 Trübungsmessung– aufsteigenddurchströmen, damit sich keine Luftblasensammeln2 Rohrleitungslängen - kurzhalten, um geringeVerweilzeiten und Druckverluste sicherzustellen 6 Durchflussregulierventil – Einstellungnotwendiger Probendurchfluss undGegendruck hinter Trübungsmessung, umAusgasung zu verringern3 Flexibler Anschluss am Panel mit Schlauch -möglichst geringe Schlauchlängen zur Reduktion desAlgenwachstums 7 Druckfreier Probenauslass – in offenesGerinne sorgt für gleichmässigenProbendurchfluss4 Absperrorgan auf dem Panel –sichereProbenabschaltung während der Wartung oder beiLeckagen 8 Probenverwurf –bei Trinkwasser darf dieProbe nicht dem Prozess zurückgeführt,sondern muss entsorgt werden12345678CDP20 - Water monitoring panel selection guide 3 2Montagehinweise4 Installation Hinweise – Wasseranalyse PanelsInstallationshinweiseDie Probenameleitung darf keine Querschnittsänderung aufweisen und sollte so ausgeführt werden, dass sich keine Sedimente in der Leitung bilden oder Luftblasen hängen bleiben. Bei Ablösung können diese die Messung beeinflussen und Fehlalarme auslösen.Bei der Installation in Rohwasser Brunnen muss sich das Panel unterhalb der Verwurf Leitung befinden. Der Vordruck von mindestens 1m (>0.1bar) muss auch beigeöffneter Verwurfsklappe gewährleistet seinDie Verwurfsleitung der Probe sollte nach oben abgeführt werden, somit können sich keine Luftblasen im Panel bilden. Sofern nicht möglich, ist ein ausreichend grosser Querschnitt für die Verwurfsleitung zu wählen, damit durch die abfliessende Probe kein Sog / Vakuum entsteht.CDP20 - Water monitoring panel selection guide 5 3Installations EmpfehlungDas Panel wurde für den Einsatz in trockenen Räumen bestimmt und ist für die Montage an einer Wand oder geeignetem Rahmen ausgelegt.6 Installation Hinweise – Wasseranalyse Panels4Anschlüsse4.1Elektrischer AnschlussBitte lesen Sie die Betriebsanleitung des montierten Senders zum Anschluss des Netzteils und der Sensoren.Stellen Sie vor dem Einschalten des Netzteils sicher, dassalle Transmitter korrekt an das Netzteil angeschlossensind.4.2Medien AnschlussBevor Sie die Mediumversorgung anschliessen, überprüfenSie, ob alle Sensoren ordnungsgemäss installiert und an dieTransmitter angeschlossen sind.Vermeiden Sie, dass Sand, Fasern und anderesschleifmittelförmiges Material in das System gelangen.CDP20 - Water monitoring panel selection guide 7 5BetriebssicherheitDie Analytical Panels wurden nach dem Stand der Technik entworfen und getestet und haben die Fabrik in einwandfreiem Zustand verlassen.Die auf dem Panel montierten Instrumente wurden auf elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit im industriellen Einsatz nach geltenden europäischen Normen getestet. Der Schutz vor Interferenzen wie oben angegeben gilt nur für ein Gerät, das gemäss den Anweisungen in dieser Standardbetriebsanleitung angeschlossen ist.•Der Nutzer ist für die Einhaltung der Sicherheitsbedingungen verantwortlich.•Relevante Vorschriften und europäische Standards wurden eingehalten.•Nationale und lokale Rechtsvorschriften haben Vorrang.•Aufgrund geringer Probenmengen, Druck und Temperatur findet die PED (Pressure Equipment Directive) keine Anwendung auf den Platten.Um die Schaltkontakte der optionalen Durchflussmesser zu verdrahten, können die Fittings des Durchflussmessers gelockert werden, um sie um 90 Grad zu drehen. Dann kann der Winkelstecker des Durchflussmessers verdrahtet werden. Drehen Sie den Durchflussmesser wieder in die ursprüngliche Positionund ziehen Sie die Armaturen wieder fest. Bitte stellen Sie über einen Drucktest sicher, dass die Verbindung auslaufsicher ist.Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Schutzerde angeschlossen ist.Die Bedienung der Instrumente wird in der Bedienungsanleitung der Instrumente ausführlich beschrieben.Stellen Sie sicher, dass der maximal zulässige Prozessdruck, die Prozesstemperatur, die Durchflussmenge unddie Umgebungsbedingungen den Anforderungen der verschiedenen Instrumente entsprechen.Die maximalen Druck- und Temperaturbedingungen für die Medien am Probeneinlass finden Sie in den8 Installation Hinweise – Wasseranalyse Panels6WartungWartungsverfahren und Ersatzteile sind als separate Dokumentation erhältlich. Bitte befolgen Sie die Problemaufnahmeempfehlungen in der Betriebsanleitung der Standardprodukte.Die Installation, Inbetriebnahme, Inbetriebnahme und Wartung des Messsystems muss von geschultem technischem Personal durchgeführt werden. Das technische Personal muss vom Eigentümer, Kunden oder den zuständigen Behörden für die angegebenen Tätigkeiten autorisiert werden.Bitte beachten Sie die Wartungsempfehlungen in der Betriebsanleitung der Sensoren, Kabel, Instrumente, Analysatoren und Baugruppen.Elektrische Anschlüsse müssen von einem zertifizierten Elektriker durchgeführt werden.Das technische Personal muss diese Betriebsanleitung gelesen und verstanden haben und diese einhalten.Überprüfen Sie vor der Inbetriebnahme des gesamten Messpunktes alle Anschlüsse. Stellen Sie sicher, dass elektrische Kabel und Schlauchanschlüsse nicht beschädigt werden.Prüfen Sie vor der Inbetriebnahme alle Armaturen und ziehen Sie sie ggf. wieder an, um Leckagen zu vermeiden.Betreiben Sie keine beschädigten Produkte und sichern Sie sie vor unbeabsichtigter Inbetriebnahme. Markieren Sie das beschädigte Produkt als defekt.Messstellenfehler dürfen nur durch autorisiertes und speziell geschultes Personal behoben werden.Können Fehler nicht behoben werden, so müssen die Produkte ausser Betrieb genommen und gegen unbeabsichtigte Inbetriebnahme gesichert werden.Reparaturen sind in dieser Betriebsanleitung nicht beschrieben und dürfen nur vom Eigentümer, Kunden oder zuständigen Behörden oder von der Serviceorganisation durchgeführt werden.CDP20 - Water monitoring panel selection guide 9 7RückversandDas Produkt muss zurückgegeben werden, wenn Reparaturen oder eine Werkskalibrierung erforderlich sind oder wenn das falsche Produkt bestellt oder geliefert wurde. Als ISO-zertifiziertes Unternehmen und auch aufgrund gesetzlicher Vorschriften ist Endress+Hauser verpflichtet, bestimmte Verfahren bei der Handhabung von zurückgegebenen Produkten zu befolgen, die mit Medium in Berührung gekommen sind. Um eine schnelle, sichere und professionelle Geräterückgabe zu gewährleisten, lesen Sie bitte die Rückgabeverfahren und -bedingungen unter/support/return-material.10 Installation Hinweise – Wasseranalyse Panels8SicherheitssymboleDie folgenden Beschreibungen und Symbole sind in der Betriebsanleitung enthalten, um aufmögliche Gefahren hinzuweisen.Dieses Symbol weist auf eine direkte Gefahr einer körperlichen Gefahr für das Leben und die Gesundheit des Personals hin.Die Nichtbeachtung dieser Warnung kann schwerwiegende Folgen für Gesundheit und Sicherheit haben und sogar lebensbedrohliche Verletzungen mit sich bringen.Dieses Symbol weist auf eine mögliche Gefahr einer körperlichen Gefahr für das Leben und die Gesundheit des Personals hin.Die Nichtbeachtung dieser Warnung kann schwerwiegende Folgen für Gesundheit und Sicherheit haben und sogar lebensbedrohliche Verletzungen mit sich bringen.Dieses Symbol zeigt an, dass eine Situation ein Gefahrenpotenzial birgt.Die Nichtbeachtung dieser Warnung kann zu leichten Verletzungen oder Schäden an der Ausrüstung führen.Dieses Symbol gibt wichtige Informationen über das richtige Verfahren für den Betrieb der Messstation.Die Nichtbeachtung der Wegbeschreibung kann zu Defekten an der Messstation oder ihrer Umgebung führen.CDP20 - Water monitoring panel selection guide 11 9Dekontaminationserklärung12Installation Hinweise – Wasseranalyse PanelsP U 01410/20/D E /01.21Mehr Informationen unter Schweiz Endress+Hauser (Schweiz) AG Kägenstrasse 2 4153 ReinachTel. +41 61 715 75 75Fax + 41 61 715 27 75 **********************P U 0140C /20/D E /01.21。
目录1前言2概述2.1“水护卫”的测量方法2.2测量与特性2.3系统组件3安装3.1位置选择3.2现场要求与安装3.2.1机械的安装3.3管路的要求与安装3.3.1供水3.3.2排水3.4电气的要求与安装3.4.1与主电源的连接3.4.2与外接受控设备的连接3.4.34-20毫安模块的上传接口3.4.4I/O模块上水流开关的连接与设置4首次运转与设定加装传感器与仪表4.1试剂安装与检测4.2首次菜单的设定4.2.1“水护卫”的控制面板4.2.2操作员菜单4.2.3在操作员菜单上进行设置:4.3校准4.3.1氯校准4.3.2pH校准说明4.3.3标定其他的传感器4.4技术员菜单的设定4.4.1技术员菜单中的结构设置4.5菜单特性说明4.6试运行清单填写5日常运行与维护5.1监测”水护卫”报警5.2换试剂5.3清洗过滤器5.4停机与过冬准备5.5起动与预防性维护5.5.1更换试剂蠕动泵头及管子5.6故障检测6补充测量及其特性326.1浊度测量376.1.1安装376.1.2继电器的连线与使用396.1.3首次设定与常规运行396.1.4日常维护406.1.5清洗浊度传感器406.1.6停机与过冬准备416.1.7更换组件417附录A:继电器与闭环控制497.1.1比例控制概要507.1.2设置比例系数517.1.3设置泵的周期51附录B:技术特性532.概述“水护卫” HG-702水质分析仪在水处理应用中能够持续监测化学药品的浓度。
Pure Water Quality AssuranceSelf-calibrating Silica AnalyzerThe presence of silica in boiler feedwater can very quickly lead to deposit formation in turbines. As it can only be removed during out-of-service cleaning, preventing silica from entering the water cycle is the best course of action. The new 2800Si Silica Analyzer not only quickly detects trace level contamination, the unit calibrates itself automati-cally, saving valuable operator time.Highly damaging depositsSilica has no significant corrosive effect on boilers, but its presence in water / steam is nonetheless very detrimental. It forms extremely hard coatings in steam passage ways and on turbine blades, leading to changes in steam velocities and pressure drops affecting turbine efficiency. If left unchecked, increased silica build-up can result in unbalanced rotors and cause damage through vibration at high speeds. Silica is in all water supplies and requires membrane separation and / or ion ex-change for its removal. Direct, continuous silica measurement is the most effective means to protect against contamination from spent anion resin and steam carry-over. Silica is always present in cooling water so ppb level silica measurement provides excellent sensitivity in detectingsmall condenser leaks and for identifyingexhaustion of condensate polishers. Silicahas negligible conductivity and thereforecannot be detected using conductivitymeasurement.Optimized design meets silicameasurement challengesThe METTLER TOLEDO Thornton 2800SiSilica Analyzer is a reliable on-line instru-ment designed specifically for pure watertreatment and power cycle chemistrymonitoring. The analyzer provides assur-ance of water purity to optimize ion ex-change in the treatment of pure water andto minimize silica deposition in turbines.Early detection of trace contamination isenabled with minimal operator supervi-19NewsPower GenerationPerspectives in Pure Water AnalyticsTHORNTONLeading Pure Water Analytics2METTLER TOLEDO Power Generation News 192800SiSilica Analyzersion. The 2800Si Analyzer allows unat-tended automatic calibration at a user-configured interval. Large-volume reagent containers enable long-term operation before refilling becomes necessary.Applications Ultrapure water monitoring at ppb silica levels can ensure the highest quality water is being delivered. Silica breakthrough of polisher anion resin is detected at very low ppb levels and contaminated water can be diverted before it reaches critical areas. Pure water treatment anion exchange monitoring detects the first breakthrough of silica to trigger regeneration before contamination reaches subsequent treat-ment stages.Power steam quality monitoring protects turbines from silica deposition and result-ing imbalance, and loss of capacity and efficiency. Silica measurement and con-trol may also be needed to meet turbine manufacturer warranty requirements.Condensate polisher monitoring can de-tect the need for regeneration at low ppb levels before feedwater is significantly contaminated.Features and benefitsj Large reagent containers enable a long service interval – reduce maintenancetimej Full enclosure – safely protects re-agent containers and components from plant environment j Simultaneous display of silica andmeasurement timing – provides con-venient analyzer status at a glance, saving operator timej Continuous reaction chamber temper-ature monitoring ensures reliable operationj End of measurement relay signal – enables use with sample sequencer formulti-stream measurements.For more information visit:c /Thornton-silicaPublisher / Production Mettler-Toledo AG Process Analytics Im Hackacker 15CH-8902 Urdorf SwitzerlandIllustrationsMettler-Toledo AGEast Kentucky Power Cooperative Andjic, Pa2011, Vtlmiller, Malcolmfife | Subject to technical changes. © Mettler-Toledo AG 01/13.Printed in Switzerland.METTLER TOLEDO Power Generation News 193roductsNew pHure Sensor™ LE Option Measures High Purity WaterProvides high accuracy in low conductivity water for power plant applications. The new METTLER TOLEDO Thornton pHure Sensor LE increases pH measurement accu-racy for higher performance in low conductivity water samples. Proper pH measure-ment and adjustment helps prevent scale and corrosion in boiler feedwater.Features and benefits:j Enables high accuracy pH measurement in low conductivity samples j Free flowing junction operates by gravity without external pressurization j Provides convenient buffer containers to hold electrode during calibrationj Uses a single probe electrode with very low-volume housing to pre-vent corrosion product particles from accumulating and slowing responsec /pHureOptical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Monitors Ultrapure WaterOffers significant enhancement with simplified maintenance and faster response. Optical Dissolved Oxygen (ODO) sensors are used to monitor pure water in cycle chemistry applications. METTLER TOLEDO Thornton ODO sensors offer reduced maintenance – no electrolyte exchange or sensor polarization is required. Recommended measurement pointsj Deaerator outlet to monitor performance efficiency: DO range 0 – 10 ppbj Feedwater with oxygenated treatment – controls passivation: DO range 50 – 100 ppbj Feedwater heaters - optional to confirm satisfac-tory control within target regime.j Condensate to detect air in-leakage: DO range 0 – 20 ppbj Stator cooling to minimize copper cor-rosion: DO range 0 – 20 ppb or 0 – 5 ppmFeatures and benefitsj In generator cooling ODO is not susceptible to dissolved hy-drogen interferencej Reduced maintenance – no electrolyte exchange or sensor polarization for en-hanced stability j Fast response time c /DO4METTLER TOLEDO Power Generation News 19W a t e r C y c l e C h e m i s t r yReliable, Accurate, and Low Maintenance Thornton Instruments for Thai Power PlantWhen a gas-fired power plant in Thailand was being planned, a Malaysian fabricator was contracted to supply the boiler sample panels. Panel instrumentation would have to be of very high performance to ensure water, steam, and condensate quality – the fabricator selected METTLER TOLEDO Thornton.Kemtek was contracted by a Singapore engineering procurement contractor to design and build several boiler sample panel systems to be installed in a Thailand natural gas-fired power plant, scheduled to go online in 2012.Monitoring instruments are speci-fied exclusively from a qualified supplier Kemtek designed and produced a sampling panel for the Thailand power plant cyclechemistry that consists of approximately 52 measurement points: 25 loops measur-ing conductivity, 14 measuring pH, and the remaining loops measuring dissolved oxygen in boiler feedwater, steam, and condensate. With continuous on-line monitoring of these parameters, the plant engineer can accurately assess plant conformance to cycle chemistry guide-lines to minimize corrosion and release of corrosion products into the steam genera-tion system. The engineering procurement contractor was directed by the power plant to install only analytical instruments in the boiler water system that had been pre-qualified by the owner / purchaser. From this quali-fied list, Kemtek selected METTLER TOLEDO Thornton conductivity, pH, anddissolved oxygen sensors, and the M300 dual-channel transmitters for the water cycle chemistry skids supplied for the Thailand project. Sensors calibrated with the high-est accuracy and repeatability The customer was concerned about loop calibration. Kemtek recommended using conductivity standard solutions to cali-brate the sensors – Thornton provides calibration solutions with accuracy within ± 1 %. Thornton also provides calibration systems that can be used as portable certi-fied standards to measure the same sample stream and allow comparison calibration of the on-line instrumentation. Kemtekhas expressed satisfaction with the qualityExperienced panel fabricatorMalaysia-based Kemtek Sdn Bhd is a mid-sized panel fabricator of sampling and monitoring systems for pure water, waste-water and recycling systems, providing its clients with a complete range of water treatment products, management and conditioning services and equipment. Kemtek Sdn Bhd specializes in providing new and innovative water treatment pro-grams with a dynamic technical approach. The company’s capabilities encompass design, manufacturing, installation and commissioning in accordance with MS ISO 9000; compliant with international standards and supported by trained pro-fessionals. Ir. Chen Yew Seong, Chairman of the Board and founder of Kemtek Sdn Bhd, has over 20 years of experience in the power and energy industries, and has authored two books on industrial and boiler water treatment that have been recognized as reference textbooks for en-gineering students.One of several water sampling panels utilizing Thornton M300 transmitters to monitor pH, conductivity and dis-6METTLER TOLEDO Power Generation News 19M 800 T r a n s m i t t e r a n d U n i C o n d S e n s orPower Station Upgrades to Intelligent Solution Saving Costs and Reducing InventorySensors and multi-parameter transmitters with Intelligent Sensor Management technology provide accurate measurement of multiple cycle chemistry parameters, saving cost and inventory.When lab supervisor Tom Schoolcraft needed to replace water monitoring in-struments from another manufacturer, he researched METTLER TOLEDO Thornton instruments. On the strength of a positive recommendation from associates at an-other power plant along with an on-site demonstration by Thornton sales person-nel, he decided to replace thirteen of theold single-input transmitters with just five Thornton M800 four-channel multi-pa-rameter transmitters.ISM sensors offer Plug and Measure convenience“By using two to four sensors per transmit-ter, we’re measuring multiple parameters with just one transmitter per water cate-gory,” commented Mr. Schoolcraft. “The M800 transmitter has a convenient touch-screen color display that’s simple to use and displays any or all parameters. If we need to replace or clean a sensor, it’s easy to pull it out of the panel, service and re-place it – the transmitter automaticallyDigital technologyIntelligent Sensor Management (ISM) is a new digital technology for METTLER TOLEDO Thornton sensors and transmit-ters. Through a range of advanced fea-tures, ISM expands sensor performance while simplifying installation, operation and maintenance.Cooperative power producer East Kentucky (U.S.) Power Cooperative (EKPC) is a not-for-profit, member-owned electric cooperative providing wholesale electricity to its 16 member-owner distri-bution cooperatives. It was formed in 1941 and currently serves about 519,000 homes, farms and businesses in 87 counties. ISM sensors and M800 transmit-ters replaced older instruments Cooper Station in Burnside, Kentucky has two coal-fired units producing a total of approximately 340 MW. Each boiler em-ploys a water sample panel measuring pH, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity of condensate, feedwater and boiler water(blowdown).Cooper Station, Burnside, Kentucky, USArecognizes and configures the sensor im-mediately after it’s reconnected.” The M800 multi-parameter transmitter ac-cepts up to four ISM analytical sensors plus two flow inputs.UniCond® ISM sensors accurately measure across a wide conductiv-ity rangeWith its advanced integrated measuring circuit, Thornton’s UniCond sensor mea-sures across a wide conductivity range, from brackish water (up to 50,000 µS / cm) to ultrapure water. This avoids the added cost and inventory of stocking multiple sensors with different measurement ranges in makeup water treatment sys-tems. According to Mr. Schoolcraft, “ThepH and dissolved oxygen ISM sensors pluginto the same multi-parameter transmit-ter, and we can get oxygen readings to theppb range – they really do the job.”Upgraded sensor technologyyields improved resultsISM capability in sensors and transmittersis a new technology for this power plant’swater panel. However, Cooper Station hasexperienced positive results. “METTLERTOLEDO made it easy to upgrade our oldinstruments,” reported Mr. Schoolcraft,“and with the sales support provided tofamiliarize us withoperation, we’re pleased with the results,and will consider Thornton for our secondboiler water panel upgrade.”For more informationtransmitter and ISM sensors, visit:c /ISMdesign. Puretec provides pure water needs Puretec is currently installing the newto thePuretec service technician Tim Dowds inspects instrumentation on a water system controlMETTLER TOLEDO Power Generation News 199C o n d u c t i v i t y S e n s o r C a l i b r a t o rcircuit as well, especially in nuclear plants. With conventional sensors and instruments, the measuring circuit must be calibrated against a series of precision resistors covering the range of measure-ment. METTLER TOLEDO Thornton has provided calibration modules containing all of these resistances, conveniently packaged and with traceable, certified accuracy.Calibrate without removing the sensor With new digital UniCond sensors, the measuring circuit is built into the sensor and calibration of the measuring circuitis also performed on the sensor. The pro-cedure and UniCond calibrator, with switch-selectable precision resistors, sup-ports this capability, with readout of re-sults at the transmitter. In fact the mea-suring system even allows electronics calibration with the sensor still immersed in the sample.Once the measuring circuits for conduc-tivity and temperature are calibrated, then the complete sensor, including cell con-stant and temperature sensor, are cali-brated based on a standard conductivity solution or by comparison with a certifiedreference instrument measuring the same sample. The temperature is calibrated by comparison with a standard temperature device.UniCond sensors provide a definite step up in performance compared with previous generations of conductivity sensors.For more information go to:c /unicondWhy is accuracy important?Conductivity is one of the best methods to detect ionic contamination in a makeup water treatment system. As a result its ability to repeatedly and accurately detect low levels of ionic contamination is criti-cal in power plant water chemistry. Ultra-pure water has a conductivity of 0.055 µS /cm at 25 °C; therefore, conductivity instru-ments must have the ability to accurately and repeatedly detect very small conduc-tivity c hanges w ith a n on-zero b ackground.Calibration optionsThe ability of makeup water system fabri-cators to produce water with lower ionic concentrations and the demand to reduce costs has benefitted from the introduction of a new generation of conductivity instru-ments. Today’s digital transmitters and sensors are more accurate, are easier to operate, and provide more control over the water system than ever before. The METTLER TOLEDO Thornton UniCond sensor measures an expanded conductiv-ity range from seawater to ultrapure water (0.02 – 50,000 µS / cm) and with up to 33 % higher accuracy than analog sensors. To supplement this, a unique calibration module provides simplified calibration of the internal measuring circuit without removing the sensor from the process. Simple to use calibratorCalibration practice in most plants re-quires at least annual calibration of con-ductivity sensors and often the measuringSimple Conductivity Sensor Calibration Calibrator Helps Ensure AccuracyUniCond ® conductivity sensors have a very wide measurement range – from seawater to ultrapure water – making the same model of sensor suitable for a wide variety of applications. Now, UniCond has been improved further with a tool that allows calibration without removing the sensor from the process.Automatic calibrationGet in-line with METTLER TOLEDOContinuously Monitors for TOC ContaminationThe new Thornton 5000TOCi sensor with Intelligent Sensor Manage-ment™ provides continuous, fast, and reliable monitoring of TOClevels down to sub-ppb levels.j Maximizes uptime with a robust, reliable design virtually free frommoving partsj Intelligent Sensor Management capability enables predictive mainte-nance with convenient diagnostics and sensor statusWith continuous on-line measurements, the 5000TOCi sensor helpsensure against TOC contamination in plant cycle chemistry.c /TOC/proVisit for more information。
Octadem奥克丹 便携式水质分析仪测试操作说明无锡奥克丹生物科技有限公司1. 奥克丹水质分析仪不同型号功能对比2. 基本操作2.1 比色皿加入水样和试剂严格按要求加入比色皿水样和试剂是精确检测的前提。
试剂条2.2 比色皿插入仪器∙ 比色皿三角形符号面对显示屏。
∙ 比色皿溶液中不能有气泡(持比色皿上部,用另手食指向下敲打比色皿上沿除去气泡)。
∙ 比色皿下面方形部分必须擦干净。
∙ 如果比色皿没扣比色皿盖,测试时需要使用仪器遮光盖。
2.3 “快速”和“常规” 测试(仅W 系列产品适用)(按 OK ) 或者“快速”(按 )测试方式。
2.4 混浊水样当水中微生物及漂浮物较多或者水样在比色皿中呈现混浊时,测试前需要对水样进行过滤处理。
目录1.操作说明 (3)2.G::SYSTEM简介 (4)3 常用术语 (5)4.测量 (6)4.1光谱测量原理 (6)4.2 功能检查/参考测量 (6)4.3 探头的安装 (7)5.安装 (8)5.1产品清单 (8)5.2 组装 (8)5.3连接压缩空气清洗装置 (8)5.4探头的安装 (9)6 操作 (10)6.1 con::lyte的启动 (10)6.2 探头的搜索和初始化 (11)7 测量显示/主要菜单 (12)7.1 各按键的功能 (12)7.2读数和信息显示 (12)7.3 主菜单/菜单项 (13)8 测量/CON::L YTE操作 (15)8.1自动 (15)8.2 手动操作 (15)8.3 运行日志和数据 (16)8.4 settings(测量参数设置) (16)8.4.1 Settings \ s::canpoint (16)8.4.2 Settings \ Measurement (16)8.4.3 Settings \ Cleaning (17)8.4.4 In-/Output(电源和中继界面) (17)8.4.5 In-/Outputs \ mA Output (18)8.4.6 In-/Outputs \ Relays (Fault Relay) (18)8.4.7 In-/Outputs \ Reset settings (19)8.5 Calibration (19)8.5.1 Calibration \ Global calibration (19)8.5.2 Calibration \ Local cal.<Par1> (19)8.5.3 Calibration \ function control (20)8.6 Information (20)8.7 Extra (20)9 附件 (21)9.1 多功能玻片 (21)9.2 安装棒 (21)9.3旁路器具 (23)10 运行日志消息 (25)11 软件的下载说明(CON::L YTE) (28)12 联系地址 (28)1.操作说明通过购买s::can G::system 在线水质分析仪,您会获得一种易于操作,应用围广的高科技测量产品。
COD/氨氮/总磷说明书青岛聚创环保设备有限公司目录 (1)免责 (3)第一节引言 (4)第二节技术参数 (5)第三节.试剂的配制 (7)第四节按键说明 (10)第五节仪器的基本操作 (11)1、COD的测定 (11)2、总磷的测量 (13)3、氨氮的测定 (16)4、历史记录 (17)5、时钟 (19)6、曲线 (20)第六节仪器校准及曲线的标定 (22)第七节消解器的结构及组成 (26)第八节消解器操作说明 (26)第九节常见故障及排除方法 (29)1.本手册所提到的产品规格和资讯仅供参考,如有内容更新,恕不另行通知。
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多功能水质分析仪正确使用需注意这些 分析仪如何操作
多参数水质测量仪 U-50 系列说明书
Measure and Display up to 11 Items Simultaneously RuggedOutdoorDesignMulti-parameter Water Quality MetersU-50Series JapaneseRussian Spanish Portuguese English5 languages displayMeasure and Display 11 Parameters Simultaneously with Innovative Features, Newly Designed Control Unit and Sensor Technology.Multi-parameter Water Quality MetersU-50 SeriesIntuitive software assures ease of use and operation e ciency.Experience the durability and performance of an instrument that exceeds your expectations in the eld testing of ground water and surface water applications.■Easy to read LCD Display ■ One-hand operation■ On-screen icon displays batterypower and GPS, USB and probe unit connectivity■ Quick-connect connector (cable to control unit)■ Shock resistant cover ■ Backlight display■ Turbidity Sensor conforms to US EPA method 180.1(U-53/U-53G)■ Turbidity Sensor conforms to EN ISO 7027 (U-54/U-54G)■ Minimum dissolved oxygen sensor maintenance with screw-on type membrane cap■ Chemical resistant materials of construction ■ Optional ToupH pH electrode* that is di cult to break■ Field replaceable sensorsControl Unit Features:Sensor Probe Unit Features:Measure and Display up to 11 ItemsSimultaneouslyRugged Outdoor DesignDesign and Performance that Makes Measurement Easy in a Variety of ApplicationsOperating instructions*Prevents damage during maintenance.●Measurement in MarshesThe control unit’s waterproof design allows the user to work without concern of splashing or accidentally dropping the control unit in the water. The backlight display allows the user to take measurements in the dark.●Measuring Ground Water from an IntakeWith the sensor probe lowered and submersed at an intake, 10,000 data sets can be stored in the control unit and transferred to a PC later.●Measurement at a Drainage Ditch or WharfInstantaneously monitor, collect and store data while moving the submersed sensor probe unit.●Measurements in Surface WaterThe long 30 meter cable option allows the user to deploy the sensor probe unit and collect measurement data at varying depths. The GPS models facilitate environmental surveys of oceans, lakes and rivers.Exceptional Performance and Optimal Design for eld applicationData ManagementReferenceOxidation Reduction PotentialpHConductivityDissolved OxygenTurbidityLCD displaywith backlight■U-5X series speci cation comparison listSensor Probe Unit 〉〉〉■All 11 parameters measurement data islisted on screen.■Text size can be changed to large font.■Small control unit design for operation with one hand.■Icon display information.■Operation instructions on-screen.■Variable display contrast compensatesfor extreme ambient lighting conditions.■Auto-calibration feature provides hassle free calibrationof pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, turbidity and depth.■Shock resistant cover designed for rough treatment in the eld and is easily cleaned.■Cable can be easily connected and disconnected with quick-connect tting.■Auto hold function freezes average data values on thescreen to o er more time to verify or transcribe data.■Diagnostic functions notify the user of errors.■Integral USB connection for data transfer to a PC. USB cable is sold separately and includes software.■Selectable measurement units allow the operator to report data without the need to convert data to desired units of measure.■GPS Compatible(U-52G/53G/54G)The system can be used in conjunction with the Global Positioning System (GPS) to record latitude, longitude, and other location data for individual measurements. This is particularly useful for environmental surveys.■Multiple sensors allow for the measurement of 11parameters simultaneously.(pH, pH (mv), ORP , DO, COND, Salinity, TDS, Seawater Speci c Gravity, Temperature, Turbidity, Water depth)■Turbidity Sensor U-53 conforms to US EPA method 180.1. Precision has been improved over conventional instruments. The Model U-53 high precision eld replaceable turbidity sensor with wiper has a resolution of 0.01 NTU.■Turbidity sensor of U-54 conforms to EN ISO 7027. The model U-54 has a resolution of 0.01 NTU.■Improved stability of the dissolved oxygen sensor has been achieved with a new 3 electrode design for fast response and polarographic sensor for ease of maintenance.■pH and ORP electrodes can be replaced individually to reduce replacement costs.Note:* Battery life based on continuous operation using alkaline C dry batteries when the monitor temperature is over 20℃ and the backlight OFF.* Accuracy is measured by calibrating 4 points for turbidity and electrical conductivity and 2 points for all other measurements against standard solution.* Repeatability is measured by the ability to reproduce the results against the standard solution (at 25℃ normal pressure condition).■U-50 Series Speci cations■U-50 Series■Standard solution■Consumables■Standard Accessories̶̶̶Flow chamberProbe guardCable (with data-collection software)Please read the operation manual before using this product to assure safe and proper handling of the product.。