

飞兆半导体公司 FEBFAN9673_B01H5000A 评测板用户指南说明书

飞兆半导体公司 FEBFAN9673_B01H5000A 评测板用户指南说明书

用户指南:FEBFAN9673_B01H5000A评测板5 kW 三通道 CCM PFC模块含 12 VSB评测板飞兆特色产品:FAN9673关于本测试板的直接问题或意见:“全球支持中心”Fairchild 目录1.引言 (3)1.1.特性 (3)2.评估板规格 (3)3.照片 (4)4.印刷电路板 (5)5.原理图 (8)6.材料清单 (10)7.变压器和绕组规格 (13)7.1.TX2 规格 (13)7.2.L1 和 L2 规格 (14)7.3.L3、L4 和 L5 规格 (15)7.4.L11 规格 (16)8.测试条件与测试设备 (17)8.1.特性 (17)8.2.测试步骤 (17)9.评估板性能 (18)9.1.交流上调和下调 (18)9.2.PFC ON / OFF & RDY (18)9.3.纹波和噪声 (19)9.4.效率 (19)9.5.谐波电流 (20)10.注意: (24)11.安全预防措施 (25)12.Revision History (26)本用户指南支持5000 W 评估板,三通道CCM PFC(使用FAN9673)。

应与FAN9673、数据手册以及Fairchild 应用笔记配合使用,有问题请咨询技术支持团队。

请访问 Fairchild 网站:/。

1.引言FAN9673 是一款用于控制 PFC 预调节器的 32-引脚,连续导通模式 (CCM) 功率因数校正(PFC) 控制器IC。

FAN9673 包括平均电流和升压型功率因数校正,使电源完全符合IEC1000-3-2 规范。

TriFault Detect™ 功能帮助减少外部元件,并为反馈环路提供全面保护,如过压。

当发生负载突然下降时,过压比较器关断PFC 级。

RDY 信号可用于通电序列控制。

通道管理(CM) 功能可以分别启用/ 禁用每个通道。

FAN9673 也包括 PFC 软启动、峰值电流限制和输入电压导通/欠压保护。






15. (13分)已知数列{}n a 满足12a =,132n n a a +=+. (1)证明:数列{}1n a +是等比数列; (2)求{}n a 的前n 项和n S .【解法一】(1)证明:因为132n n a a +=+,且12a =,所以10n a +≠, ··················································································· 1分 所以1132111n n n n a a a a ++++=++ ········································································ 3分 3(1)31n n a a +==+, ···································································· 5分 又113a +=,所以数列{}1n a +是以3为首项,3为公比的等比数列. ······························· 6分 (2)由(1)得13n n a +=,所以31n n a =−, ············································· 8分 所以()()()2313131n n S =−+−++−()233333n n =++++− ···························································· 10分13313n n +−=−− ············································································ 12分 133.2n n +−=− ············································································ 13分【解法二】(1)证明:因为132n n a a +=+,所以()113331n n n a a a ++=+=+, ····························································· 2分 因为12a =,所以1130a +=≠,所以10n a +≠, ········································ 4分 所以1131n n a a ++=+, 所以数列{}1n a +是以3为首项,3为公比的等比数列. ······························· 6分 (2)略,同解法一. 16. (15分)已知ABC △的内角,,A B C 的对边分别为,,a b c,且2cos cos cos a C C B =⋅. (1)求角C ;(2)若4a =,b =D 为AB 中点,求CD 的长. 【解法一】(1)因为2cos cos cos a C C B =+⋅, 由正弦定理,得2sin cos cos sin A C B C B C =·············································· 2分()B C =+ ·································································· 4分()πA −A =,······································································ 6分 因为0πA <<,则sin 0A ≠,所以cos C =, ·········································· 7分 由于0πC <<,则π6C =; ···································································· 8分 (2)因为D 为AB 中点,故()12CD CA CB =+, ······································ 10分22111πcos 4426CA CB CA CB =++ ············································ 13分 1113164442=⨯+⨯+ 314=,················································································· 14分 所以CD . ······································································ 15分 【解法二】(1)因为2coscos cos a CC B =⋅,由余弦定理,得2222222cos 22a b c a c b a C ab ac+−+−=··························· 2分 , ···························································· 4分所以cos C =, ················································································ 6分 由于0πC <<,则π6C =; ···································································· 8分 (2)由(1)知,π6ACB ∠=, 在ABC △中,由余弦定理,得2222cos c a b ab ACB =+−∠··································································· 10分 22424=+−⨯ 7=, ··························································································· 11分 故c =, ······················································································· 12分 因为D 为AB 中点,所以cos cos 0ADC BDC ∠+∠=,故222222022AD CD AC BD CD BC AD CD BD CD +−+−+=⨯⨯⨯⨯, ·········································· 13分22222240CD CD +−+−=,故CD . ··········································································· 15分 【解法三】(1)略,同解法一或解法二; (2)由(1)知,π6ACB ∠=, 在ABC △中,由余弦定理,得2222cos c a b ab ACB =+−∠··································································· 10分22424=+−⨯ 7=, ··························································································· 11分故c =, ······················································································· 12分 所以222cos 2b c a A bc+−=2224+−==, ············································································· 13分 在ACD △中,由余弦定理, 得2222cos CD AC AD AC AD A =+−⋅222⎛=+− ⎝⎭⎝314=, ······················································································· 14分故CD . ··········································································· 15分 17. (15分)如图,在四棱锥S ABCD −中,BC ⊥平面SAB ,∥AD BC ,1SA BC ==,SB =,o 45SBA ∠=.(1)求证:SA ⊥平面ABCD ;(2)若12AD =,求平面SCD 与平面SAB 的夹角的余弦值. 【解法一】(1)在△SAB 中, 因为1SA =,o 45SBA ∠=,SB =, 由正弦定理,得sin sin SA SBSBA SAB=∠∠, ········································································· 1分所以1sin 45︒, ······································································ 2分 所以sin 1SAB ∠=,因为0180SAB ︒<∠<︒,所以90SAB ∠=︒,所以SA AB ⊥. ··················································································· 4分 因为BC ⊥平面SAB ,SA ⊂平面SAB ,所以BC SA ⊥, ··················································································· 5分 又BCAB B =,所以SA ⊥平面ABCD ; ········································································· 6分 (2)解:由(1)知SA ⊥平面ABCD ,又,⊂AB AD 平面ABCD ,所以SA AB ⊥,SA AD ⊥,因为BC ⊥平面SAB , ··········································································· 7分 ⊂AB 平面SAB ,所以BC AB ⊥,因为∥AD BC ,所以AD AB ⊥,所以,,SA AD AB 两两垂直. ··································································· 8分 以点A 为原点,分别以AD ,AB ,AS 所在直线为x 轴,y 轴,z 轴建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系, ················································································ 9分 则1(1,1,0),,0,0,2(0,0,1),D S C ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭所以()1,1,1SC =−,1,0,12SD ⎛⎫=− ⎪⎝⎭,设平面SCD 的法向量为1(,,)x y z =n ,则11,,SC SD ⎧⊥⎪⎨⊥⎪⎩n n 即110,10,2SC x y z SD x z ⎧⋅=+−=⎪⎨⋅=−=⎪⎩n n 取2x =,则()12,1,1=−n , ·································································· 11分显然平面SAB 的一个法向量()21,0,0=n , ················································ 12分 所以cos ⋅=⋅121212n n n ,n n n ····································································· 13分==········································································· 14分 所以平面SCD 与平面SAB . ··································· 15分 【解法二】(1)证明:设AB x =,在△SAB 中, 因为1SA =,o 45SBA ∠=,SB =, 由余弦定理,得2222cos SA SB AB SB S AB BA =∠+−⋅, · (1)分 所以212co 5s 4x =+−︒, (2)分所以221x +−=, 所以2210x x −+=,解得1x =. ························································································ 3分 所以2222SA AB SB +==,所以SA AB ⊥. ················································ 4分 因为BC ⊥平面SAB ,SA ⊂平面SAB ,所以BC SA ⊥, ··················································································· 5分 又BCAB B =,所以SA ⊥平面ABCD ; ········································································· 6分 (2)略,同解法一.【解法三】(1)设AB x =,在△SAB 中, 因为1SA =,o 45SBA ∠=,SB =, 由余弦定理,得2222cos SA SB AB SB S AB BA =∠+−⋅, (1)分所以212co 5s 4x =+−︒, ································································ 2分所以221x+−=,所以2210x x−+=,解得1x=. ························································································3分所以2222SA AB SB+==,所以SA AB⊥.················································4分因为BC⊥平面SAB,BC⊂平面ABCD,所以平面ABCD⊥平面SAB;·································································5分又平面ABCD平面SAB AB=,SA AB⊥,SA⊂平面SAB,所以SA⊥平面ABCD;·········································································6分(2)由(1)知SA⊥平面ABCD,过B作BM SA,则BM⊥平面ABCD,又,AB BC⊂平面ABCD,所以BM AB⊥,BM BC⊥,因为BC⊥平面SAB,···········································································7分又⊂AB平面SAB,所以BC AB⊥,所以,,BM BA BC两两垂直.··································································8分以点B为原点,分别以BA,BC,BM所在直线为x轴,y轴,z轴建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系, ················································································9分则1(0,1,0),1,(,0,21,0,1),CS D⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭所以()1,1,1SC=−−,11,,02CD⎛⎫=−⎪⎝⎭,设平面SCD的法向量为1(,,)x y z=n,则11,,SCCD⎧⊥⎪⎨⊥⎪⎩nn即110,10,2SC x y zCD x y⎧⋅=−+−=⎪⎨⋅=−=⎪⎩nn取2y=,则()11,2,1=n, ···································································· 11分显然平面SAB的一个法向量()20,1,0=n, ··············································· 12分所以cos⋅=⋅121212n nn,nn n····································································· 13分=。


C. Nitrogen(氮的)
D. Excess electrons(过剩电子)
5. P-N结在反向偏置时,其内部的电场强度()
18. A, B
19. D
20. D





在p型半导体中,空穴浓度可以通过以下公式计算:p = ni^2 / n其中,p表示空穴浓度,ni表示本征载流子浓度,n表示杂质浓度。

根据题目给出的数据,本征载流子浓度ni为2.5 x 10^16 cm^-3,杂质浓度n为1 x10^16 cm^-3。

将这些数据代入公式中,我们可以得到:p = (2.5 x 10^16 cm^-3)^2 / (1 x 10^16 cm^-3) = 6.25 x 10^16 cm^-3因此,该p型半导体的空穴浓度为6.25 x 10^16 cm^-3。


根据半导体物理的知识,n 型半导体中主要存在的是电子载流子,因此我们需要计算电子浓度。

在n型半导体中,电子浓度可以通过以下公式计算:n = ni^2 / p其中,n表示电子浓度,ni表示本征载流子浓度,p表示空穴浓度。

根据题目给出的数据,本征载流子浓度ni为2.5 x 10^16 cm^-3,空穴浓度p为5 x10^15 cm^-3。

将这些数据代入公式中,我们可以得到:n = (2.5 x 10^16 cm^-3)^2 / (5 x 10^15 cm^-3) = 12.5 x 10^16 cm^-3因此,该n型半导体的电子浓度为12.5 x 10^16 cm^-3。


根据半导体物理的知识,p-n结的内建电势可以通过以下公式计算:Vbi = (kT / q) * ln(Na * Nd / ni^2)其中,Vbi表示内建电势,k表示玻尔兹曼常数,T表示温度,q表示电子电荷量,Na和Nd分别表示p型和n型半导体中杂质浓度,ni表示本征载流子浓度。

Nokia 7250 IXR-10 IXR-6 IXR-s 集成路由器说明书

Nokia 7250 IXR-10 IXR-6 IXR-s 集成路由器说明书

Interconnect routers complement IP edge and core router platforms to deliver enhanced, cost-effective IP network architectures. The 7250 IXR delivers a comprehensive set of IP/MPLS, synchronization and quality of service (QoS) capabilities. Flexible traffic management includes big buffering, per-port queuing, shaping and policing.High-density aggregationThe 7250 IXR is optimized for high-density aggregation, supporting up to 57.6 Tb/s(7250 IXR-10), 28.8 Tb/s (7250 IXR-6) or 1.6 Tb/s (7250 IXR-s) of system capacity, and is equipped with high-performance 100GE (Gigabit Ethernet), 50GE 2, 40GE, 25GE, 10GE and GE interfaces to scale networks to meet evolving traffic demands.Differentiated service supportPer-service, hierarchical queuing features support differentiated QoS, which is ideal for any-Gaggregation and fixed-mobile network convergence. These features also help industrial enterprises attain IT/OT (informational technology/operational technology) convergence by simultaneously carrying both their business and operational traffic.Nokia 7250 IXR-10/IXR-6/IXR-s Interconnect RoutersRelease 20The Nokia 7250 Interconnect Router (IXR) family addresses evolving demands driven by the cloud, 5G and the Internet of Things. The IXR-10, IXR-6 and IXR-s1 routers enable high-scale interconnectivity in data centers and across WANs and aggregation networks in service provider, enterprise and webscale environments.7250 IXR-107250 IXR-s7250 IXR-61 The 7250 IXR-10, IXR-6 and IXR-s are part of the 7250 IXR product family. Additional data sheets are available for other models in this product family.The 7250 IXR10, IXR-6 and IXR-s are referred to collectively as the 7250 IXR throughout this data sheet.2 50GE is a future software deliverable.High availabilityThe 7250 IXR sets the benchmark for high availability. The 7250 IXR-10 and IXR-6 systems support a full suite of 1+1 control, 5+1 fabric,and redundant fan and power configurations.In addition to full hardware redundancy, the robust Nokia Service Router Operating System (SR OS) supports numerous features to maximize network stability, ensuring that IP/MPLS protocols and services run without interruption. These features include innovative nonstop routing, nonstop services and stateful failover. AutomationThe 7250 IXR uses the Nokia SR OS and is managed by the Nokia Network Services Platform (NSP). The Nokia NSP offers a rich set of service management features that automate new service delivery and reduce operating cost.Standards-based software-defined networking (SDN) interfaces enable best-path computation to be offloaded to path computation elements (PCEs) such as the Nokia NSP. The 7250 IXR operates as a path computation client (PCC), collecting and reporting per-link and per-service delay, jitter and loss metrics as well as port utilization levels, for efficient path computation. Software featuresThe 7250 IXR supports, but is not limited to,the following features.Services• Point-to-point Ethernet pseudowires/virtual leased line (VLL)• Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN)–Virtual Private Wire Service (EVPN-VPWS)–Virtual Private LAN Services (EVPN-VPLS):IPv4 and IPv6 support, including VirtualRouter Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)–Multihoming with single active or active/active • Multipoint Ethernet VPN services with VPLS based on Targeted Label Distribution Protocol (T-LDP) and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)• Routed VPLS with Internet Enhanced Service (IES) or IP-VPN, IPv4 and IPv6• Ingress and egress VLAN manipulation for Layer 2 services• IP VPN (VPRN), Inter-Autonomous System (Inter-AS) Option A, B and C• IPv6 VPN Provider Edge (6VPE)Network protocols• Segment routing–Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System(SR-ISIS) and Open Shortest Path First(SR-OSPF)–Traffic engineering (SR-TE)• MPLS label edge router (LER) and label switching router (LSR) functions–Label Distribution Protocol (LDP)–Resource Reservation Protocol with trafficengineering (RSVP-TE)• BGP - Labeled Unicast (BGP-LU) (IETF RFC 3107) route tunnels• IP routing–Dual-stack Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP)–Multi-topology, multi-instance IntermediateSystem to Intermediate System (IS-IS)–Multi-instance OSPF–Multiprotocol BGP (MP-BGP)–BGP-LU support in edge, area border router(ABR) and autonomous system boundaryrouter (ASBR) roles–Usage-triggered download of BGP labelroutes to Label - Forwarding Information Base(L-FIB)–Accumulated IGP (AIGP) metric for BGP–BGP route-reflector for EVPN and IP-VPNwith VPNv4 and VPNv6 address families (AFs) • Layer 3 Multicast – base routing–Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)–Protocol Independent Multicast – Sparse Mode(PIM-SM), Source Specific Multicast (SSM)–Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD)• Layer 3 Multicast - VPRN (7250-IXR-s)–Next-generation multicast VPNs (NG-MVPN)–SSM with multicast LSPv4 (mLDPv4)–IGMP/MLD–IGMP/MLD on Routed VPLS Interface• Layer 2 Multicast–IGMP/MLD snoopingSDN• SR-TE LSPs, RSVP-TE LSPs–PCC initialized, PCC controlled–PCC initialized, PCE computed (7250 IXR-s)–PCC initialized, PCE controlled (7250 IXR-s)• SR-TE LSPs: PCE initialized, PCE controlled(7250 IXR-s)• Topology discovery: BGP-Link State (BGP LS) IPv4 and IPv6• Telemetry: streaming interface, service delay and jitter statisticsLoad balancing and resiliency• Nonstop routing (IXR-10 and IXR-6)• Segment routing topology independent and remote loop-free alternate (TI-LFA and rLFA)• LDP LFA• IEEE Link Aggregation Group (LAG) and multi-chassis (MC) LAG• Pseudowire and LSP redundancy• IP and MPLS load balancing by equal-cost multipath (ECMP)• VRRP• Configurable polynomial and hash seed shift • Entropy label (IETF RFC 6790)• RSVP-TE Fast Reroute (FRR)• BGP Edge and Core Prefix Independent Convergence (BGP PIC)Platform• Ethernet IEEE 802.1Q (VLAN) and 802.1ad (QinQ) with 9k jumbo frames• Detailed forwarded and discarded countersfor service access points (SAPs) and network interfaces in addition to port-based statistics: per Virtual Output Queue (VoQ) packet and byte counters (7250 IXR-s)• Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server for IPv4 IES, VPNv4• DHCP relay, IPv4 and IPv6, IES, IP-VPN,EVPN-VPLS• Accounting recordsQoS and traffic management• Hierarchical QoS (7250 IXR-s)–Hierarchical egress schedulers and shapersper forwarding class, SAP, network interfaceor port–Port sub-rate• Intelligent packet classification, including MAC, IPv4, IPv6 match-criteria-based classification • Granular rate enforcement with up to 32 policers per SAP/VLAN, including broadcast, unicast, multicast and unknown policers• Hierarchical policing for aggregate rate enforcement• Strict priority, weighted fair queuing schedulers • Congestion management via weighted random early discard (WRED)• Egress marking or re-markingSystem management• Network Management Protocol (SNMP)• Model-driven (MD) management interfaces–Netconf–MD CLI–Remote Procedure Call (gRPC)• Comprehensive support through Nokia NSPOperations, administration and maintenance • IEEE 802.1ag, ITU-T Y.1731: Ethernet Connectivity Fault Management for both fault detection and performance monitoring, including delay, jitter and loss tests• Ethernet bandwidth notification with egress rate adjustment• IEEE 802.3ah: Ethernet in the First Mile• Bidirectional Forwarding Detection IPv4 and IPv6• Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP), TWAMP Light• A full suite of MPLS OAM tools, including LSP and virtual circuit connectivity verification ping • Service assurance agent• Mirroring with slicing support:–Port–VLAN–Filter output: Media Access Control (MAC),IPv4/IPv6 filters–Local/remote• Port loopback with MAC swap• Configuration rollback• Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) capable (7250 IXR-s) Security• Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS), Terminal Access ControllerAccess Control System Plus (TACACS+), and comprehensive control-plane protection capabilities• MAC-, IPv4- and IPv6-based access control lists and criteria-based classifiers• Secure Shell (SSH)Hardware overview7250 IXR-10 and IXR-6 platformsThe 7250 IXR-10 and IXR-6 share common integrated media module (IMM) cards, control processor modules (CPMs) and power supplyunits (PSUs).Each chassis uses an orthogonal direct cross-connect architecture, with IMMs connecting in front and switch fabrics and fans connecting at the rear. The lack of a backplane, midplane or midplane connector system provides a compact chassis design, optimal cooling and easy capacity upgrades. The 7250 IXR supports a 5+1 switch fabric design for full fabric redundancy with graceful degradation. Fans and switch fabrics are separate, ensuring a complete separation of cooling from the dataplane and enabling non-service-impacting fan replacement options. The system uses a complete Faraday Cage design to ensure EMI containment, a critical requirement for platform evolution that will support next-generation application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs).7250 IXR-10 and IXR-6 control plane Control-plane performance is a key requirementin networking. Multicore CPUs with support for symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) provide leading capabilities in task distribution and concurrent processing, leveraging the hardened capabilitiesof the SR OS. This is a capability common to all platforms in the 7250 IXR product series.The 7250 IXR-10/IXR-6 supports dual-redundant CPMs for hot-standby control-plane redundancy and supports a fully distributed control infrastructure with dedicated CPUs per line card. Compared to single monolithic control plane systems, this distributed architecture provides optimized control plane processing without any detrimental impacts to the central CPM during system maintenance, IMM commissioning and heavy data loads. The distributed architecture also improves system security.Power suppliesThe 7250 IXR-10/IXR-6 platforms support 12and 6 PSUs respectively, allowing for full N+M(N is active and M is the number of protecting power supplies) power supply redundancy and full power feed redundancy. In contrast to systems with fewer power supplies, the 7250 IXR provides added headroom for power growth for system enhancements with next-generation ASICs.On the IXR-10/IXR-6, two PSU variants are available: a low-voltage DC PSU (LVDC) and a combined high-voltage DC (HVDC) and AC PSU. The PSUs are fully interchangeable between the chassis variants. The HVDC PSU option enables OPEX and CAPEX savings as a result of the power-supply and infrastructure design.The 7250 IXR-s supports two PSUs with 1+1 redundancy with support for either AC or LVDC power options.Technical specificationsTable 1. 7250 IXR6-10/IXR-6/IXR-s specificationsSystem configuration Dual hot-standby CPMs Dual hot-standby CPMs Single integrated CPM System throughput:Half duplex (HD) IMIXtraffic57.6 Tb/s28.8 Tb/s 1.6 Tb/sSwitch fabric capacity per module: Full duplex (FD) • 5.76 Tb/s• Single-stage fabric with gracefuldegradation• Separate fan tray from switch fabric• 2.88 Tb/s• Single-stage fabric with gracefuldegradation• Separate fan tray from switch fabricIntegratedCard slot throughput:FD per slot3.6 Tb/s 3.6 Tb/s n/aCard slots84n/aService interfaces n/a n/a• 6 x QSFP28/QSFP+100/40GE• 48 x SFP+/SFP 10/1GEControl interfaces Console, management, Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE)/1588, OES, BITS,Bluetooth, USB*, 1PPS, SD slot Console, management, USB, SD slotTiming and synchronization • Built-in Stratum 3E clock• ITU-T Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE)• IEEE 1588v2–Boundary clock (BC), slave clock (SC)–Profiles: IEEE 1588v2 default, ITU-T G.8275.1• Nokia Bell Labs IEEE 1588v2 algorithm• IETF RFC 5905 Network Time Protocol (NTP)• Building Integrated Timing Supply (BITS) ports (T1, E1, 2M) and pulse-persecond (1PPS) timing• Built-in Stratum 3E clock• ITU-T SyncE• ITU-T G.8262.1 eEEC• IEEE 1588v2–BC–Profile: ITU-T G.8275.1• ITU-T G.8273.2 Class B, C**• IETF RFC 5905 NTP• Support for GNSS SFPMemory buffer size Per card (see T able 2)Per card (see T able 2)8 GBRedundant hardware• Dual redundant CPMs• Switch fabric redundancy (5+1)• Power redundancy (M+N)• Fan redundancy (N+1)• Power redundancy (1+1)• Fan redundancy (5+1)Dimensions• Height: 57.78 cm (22.75 in);13 RU• Width: 44.45 cm (17.5 in)• Depth: 81.28 cm (32.0 in)Fits in standard 19-in rack • Height: 31.15 cm (12.25 in);7 RU• Width: 44.45 cm (17.5 in)• Depth: 81.28 cm (32.0 in)Fits in standard 19-in rack• Height: 4.35 cm (1.75 in);1 RU• Width: 43.84 cm (17.26 in)• Depth: 51.5 cm (20.28 in)Fits in standard 19-in rack* Future software deliverable** Class C for noise generation. Future support for RS-FEC.Power• 12 PSUs with N+M redundancy• LVDC (single feed): -40 V DC to-72 V DC• HVDC: 240 V to 400 V• AC: 200 V AC to 240 V AC,50 Hz/60 Hz• Front-bottom mounted • 6 PSUs with N+M redundancy• LVDC (single feed): -40 V DC to-72 V DC• HVDC: 240 V to 400 V• AC: 200 V AC to 240 V AC,50 Hz/60 Hz• Front-bottom mounted• 2 PSUs with 1+1redundancy• LVDC (single feed):-40 V DC/-72 V• AC: 200 V AC to 240 V AC,50 Hz/60 Hz• Rear mountedCooling• 3 trays of 3 ultra-quiet fans• Fan trays separate from switchfabric• Safety electronic breaks on removal• Front-to-back airflow• Fan filter door kit (optional)• 3 trays of 2 ultra-quiet fans• Fan trays separate from switchfabric• Safety electronic breaks on removal• Front-to-back airflow• Fan filter door kit (optional)• 6 trays of 1 ultra-quietfan each• Fan trays separate fromswitch fabric• Safety electronic breakson removal• Front-to-back airflowNormal operatingtemperature range0°C to +40°C (32°F to +104°F) sustainedShipping and storagetemperature-40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F) Normal humidity5% to 95%, non-condensing Note: Throughout this table, n/a = not applicable.Optical breakout solutions available on QSFP28/QSFP+ ports:• 7210 IXR-10, IXR-6: 4 x 10GE and 4 x 25GE• 7210 IXR-s: 4 x 10GETable 2. Nokia 7250 IXR-10 and IXR-6 IMM cards36-port 100GE• 36 x 100GE QSFP28/QSFP+ 100/40GE• MACsec on all ports*• 48 GB packet buffer2-port 100GE + 48-port 10GE • 2 x 100GE QSFP28/QSFP+ 100/40GE • 48 x SFP+/SFP 10/1GE• MACsec on all ports*• 8 GB packet bufferTable 3. Platform density7250 IXR-s• 288 x 100/40GE• 384 x 10/1 GE + 16 x 100/40GE • 144 x 100/40GE• 192 x 10/1GE + 8 x 100/40GE• 6 x 100/40GE•48 x 10/1GE* Future software deliverableStandards compliance3Environmental• ATIS-0600015.03• ATT-TP-76200• ETSI EN 300 019-2-1; Storage Tests, (Class 1.2)• ETSI EN 300 019-2-2; Transportation Tests,(Class 2.3)• ETSI EN 300 019-2-3; Operational Tests, (Class 3.2)• ETSI EN 300 753 Acoustic Noise (Class 3.2)• GR-63-CORE• GR-295-CORE• GR-3160-CORE• VZ.TPR.9205• VZ.TPR.9203 (CO)Safety• AS/NZS 60950.1• CSA/UL 62368-1 NRTL• EN 62368-1 CE Mark• IEC 60529 IP20• IEC/EN 60825-1• IEC/EN 60825-2• IEC 62368-1 CB Scheme Electromagnetic compatibility• AS/NZS CISPR 32 (Class A)• ATIS-600315.01.2015• BSMI CNS13438 Class A• BT GS-7• EN 300 386• EN 55024• EN 55032 (Class A)• ES 201 468• ETSI EN 300 132-3-1• ETSI EN 300 132-2 (LVDC)• ETSI EN 300 132-3 (AC)• FCC Part 15 (Class A)• GR-1089-CORE• ICES-003 (Class A)• IEC 61000-3-2• IEC 61000-3-3• IEC CISPR 24• IEC CISPR 32 (Class A)• IEC 61000-6-2• IEC 61000-6-4• IEC/EN 61000-4-2 ESD• IEC/EN 61000-4-3 Radiated Immunity• IEC/EN 61000-4-4 EFT• IEC/EN 61000-4-5 Surge• IEC/EN 61000-4-6 Conducted Immunity • IEC/EN 61000-4-11 Voltage Interruptions • ITU-T L.1200• KCC Korea-Emissions & Immunity(in accordance with KN32/35)• VCCI (Class A)Directives, regional approvals and certifications • DIRECTIVE 2011/65/EU RoHS• DIRECTIVE 2012/19/EU WEEE• DIRECTIVE 2014/30/EU EMC• DIRECTIVE 2014/35/EU LVD• MEF CE 3.0 compliant• NEBS Level 3–Australia: RCM Mark–China RoHS: CRoHS–Europe: CE Mark–Japan: VCCI Mark–South Korea: KC Mark–Taiwan: BSMI Mark3 System design intent is according to the listed standards. Refer to product documentation for detailed compliance status.7Data sheetAbout NokiaWe create the technology to connect the world. Powered by the research and innovation of Nokia Bell Labs, we serve communications service providers, governments, large enterprises and consumers, with the industry’s most complete, end-to-end portfolio of products, services and licensing.From the enabling infrastructure for 5G and the Internet of Things, to emerging applications in digital health, we are shaping the future of technology to transformthe human experience. Nokia operates a policy of ongoing development and has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the content of this document is adequate and free of material errors and omissions. Nokia assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document and reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice.Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners. © 2020 NokiaNokia OyjKaraportti 3FI-02610 Espoo, Finland。



4 of 9
Fig. 2A Switching Test Circuit Fig. 2B Switching Waveforms
10 Amps,600/650 Volts N-CHANNEL POWER MOSFET
The UTC 10N60 is a high voltage and high current power MOSFET, designed to have better characteristics, such as fast switching time, low gate charge, low on-state resistance and have a high rugged avalanche characteristics. This power MOSFET is usually used at high speed switching applications in power supplies, PWM motor controls, high efficient DC to DC converters and bridge circuits.
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise specified)







2、在半导体芯片制造过程中,以下哪个步骤是为了提高芯片的集成度?A、光刻B、蚀刻C、离子注入D、化学气相沉积3、以下哪种类型的晶体管是现代半导体器件中应用最为广泛的?A、双极型晶体管(BJT)B、金属-氧化物-半导体场效应晶体管(MOSFET)C、隧道晶体管(Tunnel FET)D、光晶体管(Phototransistor)4、在半导体制造过程中,用于去除硅片表面杂质的工艺是?A、光刻(Photolithography)B、蚀刻(Etching)C、离子注入(Ion Implantation)D、化学气相沉积(Chemical Vapor Deposition)5、在半导体制造过程中,以下哪种设备用于在硅片表面形成绝缘层?A. 离子注入机B. 化学气相沉积(CVD)设备C. 离子束刻蚀机D. 线宽测量仪6、在芯片设计过程中,以下哪个术语描述了晶体管中电子流动的方向?A. 电流B. 电压C. 漏极D. 源极7、以下哪个选项不属于半导体制造过程中的关键步骤?()A. 光刻B. 化学气相沉积C. 蚀刻D. 钎焊8、以下哪种类型的晶体管在数字电路中应用最为广泛?()A. 双极型晶体管B. 场效应晶体管C. 双栅场效应晶体管D. 双极型与场效应晶体管的混合结构9、以下哪个选项不属于半导体制造过程中常见的物理气相沉积(PVD)技术?A. 真空蒸发B. 离子束刻蚀C. 化学气相沉积D. 热丝蒸发 10、在半导体制造过程中,以下哪种工艺是为了提高晶圆的表面平整度?A. 光刻B. 化学机械抛光(CMP)C. 离子注入D. 硅片切割二、多项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分)1、以下哪些是半导体制造过程中常见的工艺步骤?()A、光刻B、蚀刻C、化学气相沉积D、离子注入E、封装2、以下关于芯片设计的描述,正确的是?()A、芯片设计主要包括逻辑设计、物理设计和验证设计B、逻辑设计关注电路的功能实现,物理设计关注电路的布局和布线C、验证设计确保设计的正确性,通常通过仿真和测试来完成D、芯片设计过程中,设计者需要考虑功耗、性能和面积等因素E、以上都是3、以下哪些是半导体制造过程中的关键工艺步骤?()A. 光刻B. 化学气相沉积(CVD)C. 离子注入D. 线宽测量E. 晶圆切割4、以下关于半导体材料的描述中,正确的是?()A. 半导体材料的导电性介于导体和绝缘体之间。

10N65.650V,10A mos管。天玖隆科技

10N65.650V,10A  mos管。天玖隆科技

Input capacitance
Output capacitance
Reverse transfer capacitance
VGS =10V , ID=4.75A VDS = 40V, ID=4.75A(note 4)
VDS=25V, VGS =0V, f=1.0MHZ
- 68 91 ns - 109 150 ns - 214 300 ns - 85 165 ns - 34 45 nC - 6.9 - nC - 12 - nC
漏-源二极管特性及最大额定值 Drain-Source Diode Characteristics and Maximum Ratings 正向最大连续电流
VGS=0V, IS=9.5A
- 1.05 - V
反向恢复时间 Reverse recovery time 反向恢复电荷 Reverse recovery charge
VGS=0V, IS=9.5A
- 425 - ns
dIF/dt=100A/μs (note 4)
- 4.31 - μC
绝对最大额定值 ABSOLUTE RATINGS (Tc=25℃)
项目 Parameter
符号 Symbol
数值 Value
单位 Unit
最高漏极-源极直流电压 Drain-Source Voltage
连续漏极电流 Drain Current -continuous



HM2302/B HM2314 HM3400/B HM3407 HM3416 HM3414 HM8205/A HM8820 HM2324 HM9435 HM4430 HM4822 HM4803 HM4886 HM6401 HM6801 HM4409 HM4407
HM2300 HM2341 HM2305 HM2306 HM3421 HM3420 HM8810 HM7002 HM2342 HM4410 HM4412 HM4812 HM4606 HM4616 HM4611 HM4440 HM4441 HM4443 HM2309 HM2319
USB限流开关IC HM4610 HM9701 HM9715 HM9711A
电压基准源IC HM431/TL431 HM432/TL432
通用DC-DC变换IC MC34063
通用PWM控制IC UC3842 UC3843 KA7500 TL494
HM15N120 HM20N120/B
HM13001 HM13003 HM13005 HM13007 HM13009
HM2117 HM2106 HM2103
HM8563 HM1302 HM1307
LED台灯驱动IC HM9921/2/3 HM9927 HM225
LED车灯驱动IC HM9805 HM9802
LED路灯驱动IC HM5305
LED手电筒IC HM6203B HM6004 HM6205 HM6002A HM6103 HM6105



SEMI E10IntroductionSEMI E10 is a widely recognized standard in the semiconductor industry for the specification of environmental, health, and safety requirements in manufacturing facilities. This standard provides guidelines and requirements for the design, construction, and operation of semiconductor manufacturing facilities to ensure the safety of employees, protection of the environment, and compliance with regulations. In this document, we will discuss the key aspects of SEMI E10 and its significance in the semiconductor industry.Key Requirements of SEMI E10SEMI E10 covers a wide range of requirements related to environmental, health, and safety in semiconductor manufacturing facilities. Some of the key requirements include:Facility Design and Construction•Site Selection: The standard requires the evaluation of potential hazards and risks associated with the siteselection for semiconductor manufacturing facilities.Factors such as proximity to residential areas,transportation routes, and potential environmental hazards are taken into consideration.•Facility Layout: SEMI E10 provides guidelines for the layout of manufacturing facilities to minimize the risk ofaccidents, contamination, and exposure to hazardous materials. It specifies the separation of incompatible processes, proper ventilation systems, and clear signage for emergency exits and safety equipment.Hazardous Materials Management•Chemical Storage and Handling: The standard defines requirements for the storage and handling of hazardous chemicals used in semiconductor manufacturing. It includes guidelines for storage facilities, labeling and signage, proper containment measures, and the training of employees on safe handling procedures.•Waste Management: SEMI E10 specifies the requirements for the proper management and disposal of waste generated during the manufacturing process. It includes guidelines for the segregation, storage, and labeling of various types of waste to prevent contamination and ensure compliance with environmental regulations. Ergonomics and Workplace Safety•Access and Egress: The standard requires the provision of safe access and egress routes throughout the facility. It includes guidelines for the design and maintenance of stairways, walkways, and ramps, as well as the installation of handrails and guardrails to prevent falls and accidents.•Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): SEMI E10 mandates the use of appropriate PPE to protect employees from different hazards present in the manufacturingenvironment. It includes guidelines for the selection,training, and proper use of PPE such as goggles, gloves,respirators, and protective clothing.Emergency Preparedness•Emergency Response Planning: The standard emphasizes the importance of developing andimplementing emergency response plans for differentscenarios, such as fires, chemical spills, and naturaldisasters. It includes guidelines for conducting drills andtraining employees on emergency procedures.•Fire Protection: SEMI E10 provides requirements for the installation and maintenance of fire protectionsystems, including firefighting equipment, smoke detectors, sprinkler systems, and emergency lighting. It also includes guidelines for the storage and handling of flammablematerials.Significance of SEMI E10 in the Semiconductor IndustryThe semiconductor industry is known for its rigorous requirements in terms of safety, environmental protection, and employee well-being. SEMI E10 plays a critical role in ensuring that semiconductor manufacturing facilities meet these requirements and maintain a safe working environment. Here are some key reasons why SEMI E10 is significant in the industry:Compliance with RegulationsSEMI E10 helps semiconductor manufacturers comply with local, national, and international regulations related to environmental, health, and safety. The standard provides clear guidelines for facility design, hazardous materials management, workplace safety, and emergency preparedness, ensuring that manufacturers operate in accordance with legal requirements.Risk MitigationBy following the guidelines outlined in SEMI E10, semiconductor manufacturers can identify and mitigate potential risks and hazards in their facilities. This includes risks associated with the handling and storage of hazardous chemicals, potential accidents, workplace ergonomics, and emergency situations. Implementing appropriate measures and controls can help prevent accidents, protect employees, and reduce the risk of environmental contamination.Reputation and Stakeholder ConfidenceCompliance with SEMI E10 demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility, employee welfare, and overall safety. By adhering to the standard, semiconductor manufacturers can enhance their reputation and instill confidence in stakeholders including employees, customers, investors, and regulatory authorities. This can lead to improved business opportunities, better relationships with stakeholders, and a positive impact on the company’s brand image.Continual ImprovementSEMI E10 is a living standard that is regularly updated to address emerging issues and reflect industry best practices. By adopting SEMI E10, semiconductor manufacturers can continually improve their environmental, health, and safety management systems. This includes implementing new technologies, processes, and controls to further enhance workplace safety, reduce environmental impact, and meet evolving regulatory requirements.ConclusionSEMI E10 is a crucial standard in the semiconductor industry for ensuring the highest standards of environmental, health, and safety in manufacturing facilities. By addressing key requirements related to facility design, hazardous materials management, workplace safety, and emergency preparedness, SEMI E10 helps semiconductor manufacturers comply with regulations, mitigate risks, enhance their reputation, and drive continual improvement. Adhering to SEMI E10 not only benefits the employees and the environment but also contributes to the long-term success of the semiconductor industry as a whole.。






ADC*break,Bbreak,C break,DAC*break,Dbreak,Jbreak,Kbreak,L break,Mbreak,POT有脚号的电位器、Qbreak,QdarBreakN达林顿,QdarBreakP达林顿,RAM8Kx1break,RAM8Kx8break,Rbreak,ROM32Kx8break,Sbreak,Wbreak,XFRM_NONLIN/CT-*,变压器3种,XFRM_NONLINEAR变压器4脚,ZbreakN。

Design Cache.OLB是绘制电路图时调用过的自动生成的模块库。




当激励信号源的信号波形从/Pspice 中的StmEd模块设置时,则信号源符号应从SOURCSTM库调用。


PSPICE仿真库文件夹下有89个库文件(Orcad9.2.3也为89个,Orcad 9.2为7 9个)和一个\pspice\advanls目录,它的路径是:OrCAD_10.1\tools\capture \library\pspice,它们是:1_shot.olb是54、74、CD数字电路模块库:54L12.,74L*,74LS*,CD4*,B系列。






n型半导体中的n-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述在半导体领域中,n型半导体是一种带有负电荷载流子的材料,与p 型半导体相对应。




1.2 文章结构本文主要分为三个部分:引言、正文和结论。








1.3 目的本文的目的旨在深入探讨n型半导体在现代电子技术中的重要性和应用。



通过对n 型半导体的研究和讨论,我们希望可以为读者提供对半导体材料和电子器件的进一步理解和认识,促进相关领域的学术交流和技术创新。

2.正文2.1 n型半导体的定义在半导体物理学中,n型半导体是指在其晶格中掺杂了杂质,使其导电性质呈现负性载流子(电子)为主的半导体材料。







一、Semif40-0699标准的背景和意义Semif40-0699标准是由半导体设备和材料国际协会(Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International,简称SEMI)制定的,旨在规范半导体生产过程中的物理参数和技术规范。





以下是几个重要内容的介绍:1. 设备规范:该标准详细规定了半导体设备的参数范围、性能要求、安装要求以及必要的检测和校准方法。


2. 材料要求:Semif40-0699标准对半导体材料的纯度、成分、尺寸和形状等方面进行了规范。


3. 测试和测量方法:标准中还包含了各种测试和测量方法的规范,包括电学测试、热学测试、光学测试等。



以下是它在该行业中的几个应用领域:1. 生产过程控制:根据Semif40-0699标准的要求,制造商可以对生产过程进行监控和控制,以确保产品的稳定性和质量。


Super-semi SJ-MOSFET Product introduce

Super-semi SJ-MOSFET Product introduce

VDD=480V, ID=20A, VGS=10V VDD=50V, VGS=10V, L=10.5mH VR=480V, IF=20A, diF/dt=100A/μs
nC A ns μc A
Lower Parasitic Cap In the SJ-MOSFET Shorter Trr Lower Qrr Lower Qg
Vds=10V,Vgs=0V,f=200kHZ (pf)
9.360E-01 1.406E+03 2.998E+02 5.090E+00 9.350E-01 1.413E+03 3.016E+02 5.290E+00 9.350E-01 1.415E+03 3.018E+02 5.560E+00 9.350E-01 1.420E+03 2.971E+02 5.370E+00 9.360E-01 1.421E+03 2.983E+02 5.440E+00 9.350E-01 1.422E+03 2.958E+02 5.700E+00 9.360E-01 1.428E+03 2.959E+02 5.730E+00 9.360E-01 1.424E+03 2.945E+02 5.580E+00
Super-Semi Infineon SPP11N60CFD SSF07N60S/SSF60R600S Super-Semi SSF07N60S wave of Body Diode same as Infineon IPA65R600E6. Soft and fast, Trr=270ns. Irrm: SSF07N60S/SSF60R600S< IPA65R600E6 SPP11N60CFD is the best on Diode recovery wave. With less energy loss in Half-bridge and Fulcustomer.
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