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Evans 科学出版社2002.05 ¥42.00 分子生物学导论Peter Paolella清华大学出版社2002.02¥38.00酵母遗传实验方法:冷泉港实验课手册D.Burke清华大学出版社2002.01¥26.00生态学:原理与应用Ecology :Principles and Applications (第二版) J .L.Chapman 清华大学出版社 2001.09 ¥35.00 生物统计学导论Glover &Mitchell清华大学出版社 2001.10 ¥38.00 生物序列分析,蛋白质和核酸的概率论模型 R.Durbin清华大学出版社2002.01¥38.00营养学:概念与争论(第八版) Frances sizer Eleanor Whitney 清华大学出版 2001.11 ¥68.00 真核生物转录调控概念、策略和方法 Michael Carey 清华大学出版社 2002.01 ¥68.00医学类埃伦堡-里弗金斯糖尿病学(5版研)美Daniel Porte科学出版社 医学 2000.09 ¥230.00艾弗里新生儿病学第7版(研) 美H.W.Taeusch 科学出版社医学 2001.03 ¥269.00安德鲁斯皮肤病学An drews’ Diseases of the Skin (第9版)(研) 美国加州大学Richard B.Odom 科学出版社 医学 2001.01 ¥228.00 病毒性肝炎Virus Hepatitis ,2E (研) Arie J.Zuckerman 科学出版社 医学 2001.01 ¥131.00 病理学Pathology 英Jones ,B.J.科学出版社医学 2001.12 ¥49.00 病史与查体History andExamination英James March 科学出版社 医学 2001.10 ¥39.00 代谢与营养Metabolism and Nutrition英Sarah Benyon科学出版社 医学 2001.11¥39.00戴维森内科学Davidson'sPrinciples and Practice of Medicine(18ed)(研) 英国爱丁堡大学 Christopher Haslett 科学出版社 医学 2002.03 ¥186.00 儿科学Paediatrics英Christine Budd科学出版社医学 2002.04¥42.00骨科与创伤学基础Essential Orthopaedics and Trauma (第3版)英Dandy D.J 科学出版社 医学 2001.11 ¥86.00 呼吸系统Respiratory System英Angus Jefferies科学出版社 医学 2001.10 ¥39.00 肌肉骨骼系统MusculoskeletalSystem英Sona V . 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Tondo清华大学出版社 2001.12 ¥12.00 C 的应用:入门和提高Applied C: An Introduction and MoreAlice E. Fischer清华大学出版社2001.06¥79.80IBM PC 汇编语言与程序设计IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming,4EPeter Abel清华大学出版社1999.08¥30.00Inter 微机处理器—从8086到Pentium 系列体系结构、编程与接口技术The Intel Microprocessors, 5EBarry B. Brey清华大学出版社2001.7¥49.00IP 与A TM 网络中的QoS 和业务量管理QoS& Traffic Management in IP & A TM NetworksDavid McDysan清华大学出版社 2001.12 ¥46.00 Jave 面向对象程序设计(第2版) C.Thomas Wu 清华大学出版社2001.10¥72.00TCP/IP 网络互联技术(3)客户服务器编程应用BSD 套接字版Client-Server Programming and Applications(第2版) Douglas er 清华大学出版社 2000.04 ¥32.00TCP/IP 网络互联技术(3)客户服务器编程应用Windows 套接字版Client-Server Programming and Applications,3E Douglas er 清华大学出版社 1999.11 ¥30.00TCP/IP 网络互联技术(1)原理,协议和体系结构Principles, Protocols and Architecture, 3EDouglas er清华大学出版社 2002.02 ¥30.00TCP/IP 网络互联技术(2)设计与实现Design, Implementation andInternals Douglas er 清华大学出版社 2002.02 ¥30.00 TCP/IP 协议族TCP/IP ProtocolSuite Behrouz A. 清华大学出版社2000.12 ¥69.00 UNIX 网络编程(卷一)(第二版)UNIX Network ProgrammingW. Richard Stevens 清华大学出版社1999.10 ¥43.00 XDSL 体系结构XDSL Architecture Padmanand Warrier 清华大学出版社 2000.12¥48.00操作系统:设计及实现(第2版,配光盘)Operating Systems Design and ImplementationAndrew S.Tanenbaum清华大学出版社1998.07 ¥69.00操作系统:设计及实现(第2版,配光盘)Operating Systems Design and ImplementationWillam Stallings清华大学出版社 1998.05 ¥35.00程序设计语言设计与实现Programming Language Design and Implementation, 3E Terrence W .Pratt 清华大学出版社1998.08 ¥32.00电磁学及其应用(第5版)Programming Language Design and Implementation, 3EJohn D.Kraus,Daniel A. Fleisch清华大学出版社 2001.08 ¥58.00 电力电子系统——理论与设计 Jai P . Agrawal 清华大学出版社 2001.09 ¥55.00 电路基础(配光盘)C. K. Alexander清华大学出版社2001.01¥88.00电子电路分析与设计(配光盘) Donald A. Neamen 清华大学出版社 2001.3 ¥99.80动态系统的数字控制Digital Control of Dynamic Systems (第3版) Gene F. 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Homgren 清华大学出版社2001.10 ¥79.00 电子商务——策略、技术与应用E-Commerce:Stategy, Technologiesand Applications英David Whiteley 清华大学出版社2000.09 ¥32.00定价策略与技巧Strategy andTactics of Pricing (第3版)Thomas Nagle 清华大学出版社市场营销2001.08读懂财务报表UnderstandingFinancial Statements (第5版)Lyn M. Fraser 清华大学出版社2000.02 ¥22.00 风险管理和保险导论Introductionto Risk Management and Insurance,6ed Mark S. Dorfman 清华大学出版社1998.01 ¥54.00服务营销:人员、技术与策略Services Marketing(第4版)Christopher Lovelock 清华大学出版社市场营销2001.08 ¥66.00高级管理会计(第3版)AdvancedManagement Accounting Robert S. Pindyck 清华大学出版社1998.01 ¥68.00公共关系实务Practice of publicRelations (第8版)Fraser P. Seitel 清华大学出版社管理学2001.09 ¥49.50供应链管理:战略、规划与运作Supply Chain Management Sunil Chopra 清华大学出版社管理学2001.09 ¥46.00。




作者书名中文译名1. British LiteratureKingsley Amis 金斯莱.艾米斯Lucky Jim《幸运的吉姆》Jane Austen 简·奥斯丁Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》Charlotte Bronte 夏洛蒂·勃朗特Jane Eyre《简.爱》Emily Bronte 艾米莉勃朗特Wuthering Heights《呼啸山庄》Samuel Butler 塞缪尔·巴特勒The Way of All Flesh《如此人生》Lewis Carroll 路易斯·卡罗尔Alice's Adventures in Wonderland《爱丽斯漫游奇境记》Joseph Conrad 约瑟夫·康拉德Heart of Darkness《黑暗的心》Lord Jim《吉姆老爷》Daniel Defoe 丹尼尔·笛福Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》Charles Dickens 查尔斯·狄更斯David Copperfield《大卫·科波菲尔德》Daphne Du Maurier 达夫妮·杜穆里埃Rebecca《蝴蝶梦》E. M. Forster 福斯特 A Passage to India《印度之行》John Fowles 约翰·福尔斯The FrenchLieutenant's Woman《法国中尉的女人》John Galsworthy 约翰·高尔斯华绥The Man of Property《有产业的人》William Golding 威廉·戈尔丁Lord of the Flies《蝇王》Thomas Hardy 托马斯.哈代Tess of theD'Urbervilles《苔丝》James Joyce 詹姆斯·乔伊斯A Portrait of theArtist as a Young Man《一个青年艺术家的画像》D. H. Lawrence 劳伦斯Sons and Lovers《儿子与情人》George Orwell 乔治·奥威尔Nineteen Eighty-four《1984》Salman Rushdie 萨尔曼?鲁西迪Midnight Children《午夜的孩子》Sir Walter Scott 瓦尔特·司各特Ivanhoe《艾凡赫》Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island《金银岛》罗伯特·斯蒂文森Johnathan Swift 乔纳森·斯威夫特Gulliver's Travels《格列佛游记》William M. Thackeray 威廉. 萨克雷Vanity Fair《名利场》H. G. Wells 赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯The Invisible Man《隐形人》Virginia Woolf 弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙Mrs. Dalloway《达罗卫夫人》To the Lighthouse《到灯塔去》William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚Hamlet《哈姆雷特》2. American LiteratureBenjamin Franklin 本杰明.富兰克林The autobiography《自传》Sherwood Anderson 伍德·安德森Winesburg, Ohio《小镇畸人》Kate Chopin 凯特·肖邦The Awakening《觉醒》Stephen Crane 斯蒂芬·克莱恩The Red Badge ofCourage《红色英勇勋章》Theodore Dreiser 西奥Sister Carrie《嘉丽妹妹》多·德莱塞Ralph Ellison 拉尔夫.埃里森Invisible Man《看不见的人》William Faulkner 威廉.福克纳The Sound and the Fury《喧哗与骚动》F. Scott Fitzgerald 菲茨杰拉德The Great Gatsby《伟大的盖茨比》Nathaniel Hawthorne 霍桑The Scarlet Letter 《红字》Joseph Heller 约瑟夫·海勒Catch-22《第22条军规》 Ernest Hemingway 欧内斯特·海明威 The Old Man and the Sea 《老人与海》A Farewell to Arms《永别了,武器》 Henry James 亨利·詹姆斯Daisy Miller《黛西·米勒》Jack London 杰克.伦敦The Call of the Wild《野性的呼唤》Martin Eden《马丁·伊登》Norman Mailer 诺曼·梅勒The Naked and the Dead《裸者与死者》Margaret Mitchell 玛格丽特·米切尔Gone with the Wind《飘》Toni Morrison 托妮·莫瑞森The Bluest Eye《最蓝的眼睛》Vladimir Nabokov 纳博科夫Lolita《洛丽塔》J. D. Salinger 杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格The Catcher in the Rye《麦田里的守望者》John Steinbeck 约翰·斯坦培克The Grapes of Wrath《愤怒的葡萄》Harriet Beecher Stowe哈里特·比彻·斯托Uncle Tom's Cabin《汤姆叔叔的小屋》Mark Twain 马克·吐温The Adventures ofHuckleberry Finn《哈克贝利历险记》The Adventures of TomSawyer《汤姆·索耶历险记》Alice Walker 艾丽丝•沃克The Color Purple《紫颜色》Thomas Wolfe 托马斯•沃尔夫Look Homeward, Angel《天使望故乡》Herman Wouk 赫尔曼·沃克The Winds of War《战争风云》Richard Wright 理查德·赖特Native Son《私生子》3. Canadian LiteratureMorley Callaghan 莫利·卡拉汉That Summer in Paris《在巴黎的那个夏天》Northrop Frye 诺斯洛普·弗莱The Great Code《伟大的密码》Margaret Laurence 玛格丽特·劳伦斯The Stone Angel《石头天使》Stephen Leacock 斯蒂芬·里柯克Sunshine Sketches of aLittle Town《小镇艳阳录》Malcolm Lowry 马尔科姆·劳里Under the Volcano《在火山下》Hugh MacLennanThe Watch That Endsthe Night《守夜退出》L.M.Montgomery 蒙哥马利Anne of Green Gables《绿山墙的安妮》4. AustralianLiteratureMartin Boyd 马丁?博伊德L ucinda Brayford《露辛达.布雷福特》 Peter Carey 彼得·凯瑞 Oscar and Lucinda《奥斯卡与露辛达》Miles Franklin 麦尔丝·弗兰克林My Brilliant Career《我的璀璨生涯》Thomas Keneally 托马斯·基尼利Schindler's Ark《辛德勒的方舟》Alex Miller 亚历克斯·米勒The Ancestor Game《祖先游戏》 Henry Handel Richardson 亨利·汉德尔·理查森 The Fortunes of Richard Mahony 《理查德·麦昂尼的命运》Christina Stead 克里斯蒂娜·斯特德 The Man Who Loved Children 《一个热爱孩子的男人》Randolph Stow 伦道夫·斯托To the IslandsPatrick White Voss 帕特里克.怀特. 沃斯 The Tree of Man《人树》5. Chinese CultureYung Ming 容闳My Life in China and America 《我在中国和美国的生活》Tcheng Ki Tong 陈季同 Chiang monlin Tides 《望海潮》from the WestThe Chinese Painted by Themselves《中国人自画像》Ku Hung Ming 辜鸿铭The Spirit of theChinese People《中国人的精神》Fei Hsiao Tung 费孝通 Peasant Life in China《中国农民的生活》Ch'ien Chung-shu 钱钟书 F ortress Besieged《围城》Lin Yu Tang 林语堂My Country and My People《吾国与吾民》The Art of Life《生活的艺术》个人表示鸭梨很大!英美文学当初学了点,但是还是一些几乎不知道。

英文原版教材 列表

英文原版教材 列表

英文原版教材列表美国文学美国文学:从殖民时期到当代(The Norton Anthology of American Literature:Volume 1: Colonial Era to the Nineteenth Century)编辑:罗伯特·肖利(Robert Scholley)等人美国文学:从现实主义到现代主义(The Norton Anthology of American Literature:Volume 2: Realism and Modernism)编辑:劳里·格雷夫斯(Laury Graves)等人当代美国文学:从 1945 年至今(The Norton Anthology of American Literature:Volume 3: Contemporary Literature:1945 to the Present)编辑:乔纳森·班顿(Jonathan C. Bandler)等人英国文学牛津文学百科全书(The Oxford Companion to English Literature)编辑:马格丽特·杜勒德(Margaret Drabble)剑桥英国文学史(The Cambridge History of English Literature)编辑:罗纳德·桑德斯(Ronald Sanders)文学指南手册(A Handbook to Literature)编辑:威廉·帕蒂(William Pattee)世界文学世界文学百科全书(The Encyclopedia of World Literature)编辑:默里·克雷格(Murray Craig)文学牛津词典(The Oxford Dictionary of Literature)编辑:西蒙·皮奇(Simon Petch)文学与批评(Literature and Criticism)编辑:罗伯特·肖利(Robert Scholley)文学理论与批评文学理论导论(An Introduction to Literary Theory)作者:特里·伊格尔顿(Terry Eagleton)文学批判理论(Literary Criticism Theory)作者:乔纳森·卡勒(Jonathan Culler)文学与批判新剑桥伴侣(The New Cambridge Companion to Literature and Criticism)编辑:埃文·金巴尔(Evan Kindsvatter)其他有用资源MLA 文体指南(MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing)芝加哥风格手册(The Chicago Manual of Style)牛津英语词典(The Oxford English Dictionary)。


The Miko
The Ninja
Ian Fleming 007小说集
casino royale
Daimonds Are Forever
Valhalla Rising
White Death
Eric van Lustbader作品集
Angel Eyes
Floating City
Morning Noon & Night
Nothing Last Forever
Rage Of Angels
Tell Me Your Dreams
The Sands of Time
The Stars Shine Down
Windmills Of The Gods
第5部-Desolation Island
第6部-The Fortune of War
Night Probe!
Pacific Vortex
Raise The Titanic
Shock Wave
The Mediterranean Caper2



英文版原版书English Version of Original BooksIn today's globalized world, the popularity of English language books continues to rise. Many readers, both in English-speaking countries and non-English-speaking countries, are interested in obtaining the English version of original books. This article explores the reasons behind this trend and discusses the benefits of reading books in their original English form.1. Cultural Authenticity:One of the primary motivations for acquiring the English version of original books is to experience the cultural authenticity conveyed by the author. The language used in the original English edition enables readers to immerse themselves in the nuances, subtleties, and unique expressions of the author's intended message. Translations, although they strive to capture the essence of the text, may often miss out on culturally specific elements that can significantly impact the reader's experience.2. Language Improvement:Reading books in their original English form is an effective way to enhance language skills. It allows readers to become familiar with various vocabulary, sentence structures, idiomatic expressions, and stylistic features. Exposure to authentic English writing can improve grammar, syntax, and overall language proficiency. Moreover, it helps readers develop a better understanding of English literature and the cultural context in which it is created.3. Access to Untranslated Works:Not all books are translated into different languages. By obtaining the English version of original books, readers gain access to a vast array of literary works that might not be available in their native language. This opens doors to a wider range of genres, authors, and literary movements, expanding one's literary horizons and offering unique perspectives that may be absent in translated versions.4. Retaining Author's Voice:Authorial voice, tone, and style are often lost or altered during the translation process. By reading authors' words in their original English edition, readers can experience the full impact of the author's voice and the intended emotions behind their writing. This allows for a more authentic and immersive reading experience, ensuring that the reader's interpretation aligns with the author's original vision.5. Enjoyment of Original Works:For many book enthusiasts, the joy of reading lies in experiencing the original works in their intended language. Literary merit can be fully realized when readers engage with books in the language they were originally composed in. This appreciation is not limited to English speakers; non-English speakers who are proficient in English can also enjoy the beauty of literature without the necessity of relying on translations.6. Challenge and Personal Growth:Reading English books in their original form can be challenging, especially for non-native speakers. However, this challenge can lead topersonal growth and a sense of accomplishment. By pushing oneself to read in a foreign language, readers develop perseverance, critical thinking skills, and the ability to overcome linguistic barriers. It is a valuable exercise in expanding one's academic and intellectual abilities.In conclusion, acquiring the English version of original books offers readers numerous advantages, such as cultural authenticity, language improvement, access to untranslated works, retaining author's voice, enjoyment of original works, and personal growth. Whether obtaining English books as a way to enhance language skills or to fully appreciate the original works, the benefits are significant. Reading in the original English edition allows readers to fully engage with the author's message, ensuring a richer reading experience that transcends the limitations of translation.。



完整版)初中英语教材目录(人教版) r XXX (People'XXX)Grade Seven。

Book OneStarter Unit 1: Good morning。

This unit covers the usage of the verb "to be."Starter Unit 2: What's this in English。

This unit covers the usage of pronouns (personal and possessive).Starter Unit 3: What color is it。

This unit covers the plural form of nouns.Unit 1: My name's Gina。

This unit covers the usage of nal phrases (on。




next to。

een).Unit 2: This is my sister。

This unit covers the usage of the verb "have."Unit 3: Is this your pencil。

This unit covers the usage of the verb "like" and the simple present tense.Unit 4: Where's my schoolbag。

This unit covers the usage of numbers.Unit 5: Do you have a soccer ball。

This unit covers the usage of ordinal numbers.Unit 6: Do you like bananas。

This unit covers expressing preferences。



义务教育教科书英语三年级(上册)Unit One Hello!-Hello! I’m Zoom. -Hi! My name’s Zip.-Hello! I’m Mike. -Hi, I’m Wu Yifan.-Hello, I’m Chen Jie. What’s your name? -My name’s Sarah.-Goodbye! -Bye, Miss White!Let’s talk.-Hello, I’m Miss White.-Hello, I’m Wu Yifan.-Hi, I’m Sarah.Let’s play.-Hello, I’m Liu Xin. -Hi, I’m John.Let’s learn.ruler/eraser/pencil/crayonI have a ruler.I have an eraser.Let’s chant.I have a ruler. Me too!I have a pencil. Me too!I have a crayon. Me too!I have an eraser. Me too!Let’s sing.ABC songAa-Bb-Cc-Dd-Ee-Ff-Gg,Hh-Ii-Jj-Kk-Ll-Mm-Nn,Oo-Pp-Qq,Rr-Ss-Tt,Uu-Vv-Ww-Xx-Yy-Zz.Xx-Yy-Zz,now you see, I can say my ABCs. Let’s find out.Let’s talk.-Hello, I’m Mike. What’s your name?-My name’s John.-Goodbye!-Bye, Miss White.Let’s play.-What’s your name?-My name’s Lily.Let’s learn.bag/pen/pencil box/book-Zoom! Your bag!-Oh, no!Let’s do.Open your pencil box./Show me your pen./Close your book./Carry your bag.Start to read.Circle the same letters.1. a c a o e a2. b j d q g b3.H N A H Z H4.Q D O Q C PRead and count.ruler/pen/ruler/book/crayon/eraser/book/pencil/bag/pencilbox/ruler/crayon/pen/eraser/bag pen 2 , pencil _ , pencil box _ , bag _ , book _ , crayon _ , ruler _ , eraser _ .Let’s check.Listen and number.Look and match.pencil box/eraser/pencil/bag/pen/ruler/crayon/book.Let’s sing.Hello!Hello, Sarah! Do, oh, do. Hello, John! Do, oh, do.Hello, Mike! Do, oh, do. Hello! Hello! Hello!Story time.1.-Hello!2.-Hi! Who’s there? -Guess!3.-Are you Tutu? -No!4.-Haha! I’m Zip. –Hi, Zip! My name’s Zoom.5.-Let’s play! Ok? -Great!Unit Two Colours-Let’s paint! -Ok!-Good afternoon, Yifan. -Good afternoon.-Dad, this is Mr. Jones. -Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too. Let’s talk.-Mr. Jones, this is Miss Green. -Good morning, Miss Green.-Good morning. Draw and say.-This is Miss Green.-This is Mr. Jones.Let’s learn.red/yellow/green/blue.I see green.I see red.Let’s do.Show me green.Show me red.Show me blue.Show me yellow.Letters and sounds.Listen, repeat and chant.Aa, ant, apple; Bb, book, bag; Cc, crayon, cat; Dd, dog, duck.Listen and circle.dog/cat/brown/crayon/duckWrite and say.Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd.Let’s talk.-Hi, Mum. This is Wu Yifan.-Good afternoon, Wu Yifan.-Good afternoon. Nice to meet you.-Nice to meet you, too.Let’s play.-Good afternoon, Chen Jie. This is Zoom.-Hello, Zoom! This is Zip. Nice to meet you.-Nice to meet you, too.Let’s learn.black/white/orange/brown-Colour it brown! -Ok!Let’s do.Black,black. Stand up.Orange, orange. Sit down.White, white. Touch the ground.Brown, brown. Turn around.Start to read.Find and say.I see C,a,D…Read and tick(√).red/green/brown/yellow/blue/black.Let’s check.Listen and tick(√) or cross(×).Match and colour.Let’s sing.Colour songRed and yellow and pink and green,Purple and orange and blue.I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow now.Story time.1.–Good morning, Zoom. –Good morning, Zip. –How are you? –Fine, thank you.2.–Wow! Flowers!3.…4.–A red flower. A yellow flower. A blue flower…5.–Zip, look!6.–Zoom, look!Unit Three Look at me!-Let’s play! -Ok.-How are you?-I’m fine, thank you.-How are you?-Very well, thanks.-Look at my nose!Let’s talk.-Good morning.-Good morning.-How are you?-I’m fine, thank you. Let’s go to school!-Ok!Let’s play.-Hello! Hello!-How are you?Let’s learn.face/ear/eye/nose/mouthLook at me! This is my face.Let’s do.Close your eyes.Open your mouth.Touch your nose.Touch your ear.Touch your face.Letters and sounds.Listen, repeat and chant.Ee, egg, elephant;Ff, face, foot;Gg, green, gift;Hh, hand, hi;Ii, ice, ice cream.Listen and circle.green/hand/foot/egg/ice cream.Write and say.Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii.Let’s talk.-Hi, Mike! How are you?-Very well, thanks.-Let’s make a puppet!-Great!Let’s play.-Hi, John! How are you?-I’m fine, thank you. Hi, Chen Jie! How are you? -I’m fine. Hi, Mike! How are you?-Very well, thanks.Let’s learn.arm/hand/head/body/leg/foot.-This is the arm. -This is the leg.Let’s do.Clap your hands.Touch your head.Wave your arms.Shake your legs.Shake your body.Stamp your foot.Start to read.Find and say.I see E, i…Read and count.body/hand/nose/ear/mouth/leg/nose/leg/hand/mouth/body/ear/foot/arm/eye/mouth/body arm 1 ; ear _ ; hand _ ; mouth _ ; nose _ ; leg _ ; eye _ ; body _ ; foot _ .Let’s check.Listen and number.Look and match.foot/head/leg/ear/eye/body/arm/mouth/hand/nose.Let’s sing.Head and shoulders, knees and toesHead and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Story time.1.-Let’s make a puppet.-Good idea.2.-First, make the head.3.-Then, make the body.4.-Look! An arm and a leg.5.-Let’s play with the puppet.6.-Goodbye!Recycle 1Read aloud.1.-Morning!2.-Good morning. I’m Chen Jie. This is Sarah.3.-My name’s Zip. -I’m Zoom. -White hands? - Brown arms?4.-Hello! -Look! Zoom and Zip!5.-Hey! -Bye!Listen and colour.Look and tick(√).I see …1. a yellow body; a red body.2.blue arms; brown arms.3. a red mouth; a white mouth.4.orange eyes; black eyes.Go up the ladders. Go down the snakes.Match, write and read aloud.Sing a song.How are you?Hello, Mike. Hello, Chen Jie. Hello, hello! How are you?This is Mary. This is Willy. Nice to meet you. How are you?I’m fine. I’m fine. Thank you, thank you very much.I’m fine. I’m fine. Thank you, thank you very much. Unit Four We love animals.-Look, a panda!-Look, Zoom!-What’s that?-It’s an elephant.-Cool! I like it.-What’s this?-It’s a bear.Let’s talk.-What’s this?-It’s a duck.-What’s this?-It’s a dog.-What’s this?-Oh, no! It’s a bear!-Oh, it’s Zoom!Let’s play.-What’s this?-It’s a duck.-What’s this?-It’s a dog.Let’s learn.pig/bear/cat/duck/dog.It’s a duck.It’s a dog.Let’s chant.Look at the cat. It is fat.Look at the pig. It is big.Look at the dog. It’s on the log.Look at the duck. It’s in the truck.Look at the bear. It’s on the pear. Letters and sounds.Listen, repeat and chant.Jj, jeep, jump;Kk, kate, kite;Ll, leg, long;Mm, mum, milk;Nn, nose, noodles.Listen and circle.Jeep/leg/kite/milk/nose.Write and say.Jj; Kk; Ll; Mm; Nn.Let’s talk.-What’s that?-A bear?-No! It’s a panda.-Look! A funny dog!-Cool! I like it.Let’s play.-What’s that?-Guess!-It’s a panda. I like it.-Thanks.Let’s learn.zoo/bird/panda/tiger/elephant/monkey.-What’s that?-It’s a tiger!Let’s do.Act like a bird.Act like an elephant.Act like a tiger.Act like a monkey.Act like a panda.Start to read.Find and say.I see K, j…Read and count.elephant/dog/pig/cat/bird/cat/dog/elephant/cat/dog/monkey elephant 2 ; cat _ ; bird _ ; dog _ ; pig _ ; monkey _ .Let’s check.Listen and number.Look and match.pig/tiger/bear/dog/elephant/duck/birdLet’s sing.Old MacDonaldOld MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-E-O.And on that farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O.With a quack quack here and a quack quack there,Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack quack.Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.Story time.1.-Hello, Pig! Follow me!2.-Hello, Dog! Follow Pig. Follow me!3.-Hello, Duck! Follow Zoom. Follow Pig. Follow me!4.-Hello, Rabbit! Follow Zoom. Follow Pig. Follow Dog. Follow me.5.-I have a carrot. Follow me!6.-Follow Zip! Follow me!Unit Five Let’s eat!-I’d like some bread, please.-Here you are.-Can I have some milk?-Here you are.-Thanks.-You’re welcome.-Have some cake.-Thank you.Let’s talk.-I’d like some juice, please.-Here you are. Have some bread, too.-Thanks.Let’s play.-I’d like some bread.-I’d like some bread and eggs.-I’d like some bread, eggs and juice.Let’s learn.juice/egg/milk/bread-Mum, I’m hungry!-Have some bread.Let’s do.Have some eggs.Have some juice.Eat some bread.Drink some milk.Letters and sounds.Listen, repeat and chant.Oo, on, orange;Pp, pig, pen;Qq, queen, quiet;Rr, rice, red;Ss, six, Sarah;Tt, tiger, ten.Listen and circle.pen/queen/Sarah/red/tigerWrite and say.Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt.Let’s talk.-Can I have some water, please?-Here you are.-Thank you.-You’re welcome.Let’s play.-Can I have some juice, please?-Here you are.-Have some milk.-Thank you.Let’s learn.water/cake/fish/rice-Can I have some water, please?-Here you are.Let’s do.Drink some water.Eat some fish.Eat some rice.Cut the cake.Start to read.Find and say.I see R, t…Read and count.milk/juice/juice/water/egg/rice/cake/fish/rice/water/fish/cake/bread/fish/cake egg 1 ; water _ ; cake _ ; rice _ ; juice _ ; fish _ ; bread _ ; milk _ .Let’s check.Listen and tick(√).Look and match.egg/milk/fish/bread/cake/rice/juice/waterLet’s sing.Let’s have a picnic todayLet’s have some cake today. Let’s have some cake today.Let’s have some cake today, on such a lovely day.Let’s have some milk today. Let’s have some milk today.Let’s have some milk today, on such a lovely day. Story time.1.-I’d like some fish, please.2.-Here you are.3.-I’d like some rice, please.-Sure.4.-Can I have some Coke, please?-Here you are.5.-Can I have some ice cream, please?6.-Here you are.-Oh, no! My fish!Unit Six Happy birthday!-How old are you?-I’m six.-1,2…-Happy birthday!Let’s talk.-This one, please.-Sure. How many plates?-Five.-Ok. Here you are.Count and say.How many…?Let’s learn.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.Let’s chant.Jump! Jump! Jump! One, two, three!Jump! Jump! Jump! Three, two, one!Four and five! Four and five!Jump up high! Jump up high!Five! Four! Three, two, one!Jump! Jump! It’s so fun! Letters and sounds.Listen, repeat and chant.Uu, umbrella, undere;Vv, vet, vest;Ww, wet, water;Xx, fox, box;Yy, yellow, yo-yo;Zz, zoo, Zip.Listen and circle.Write and say.Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz.Let’s talk.-John, this is my brother, Sam.-Hi, Sam. Happy birthday!-Thank you.-How old are you?-I’m six years olds.Let’s play.-What’s your name?-I’m Jin Bao.-How old are you?-I’m four years old.Let’s learn.six/seven/eight/nine/tenI’m six years old.Let’s do.Show me six.Show me seven.Show me eight.Show me nine.Show me ten.Start to read.Find and say.I see V…Find, tick(√) and match.one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight/nine/tenLet’s check.Listen and tick(√)or cross(×).Look and circle.monkeys: five six pencil: nine tenruler: eight nine eggs: six sevenLet’s sing.Ten little candlesOne little, two little, three little candles,Four little, five little, six little candles,Seven little, eight little, nine little candles,Ten little candles dancing.Story time.1.-I have two gifts. -Shh! There’s Zoom!2.-Surprise!3.-Happy birthday!4.-Thank you. Let’s eat the cake!5.-1, 2, 3… I see so many candles. You are old!Recycle 2Read aloud.1.-Baby, have some water. -No, thanks. Can I have some bread, please?2.-Ok, wait a minute.3.-Morning! What’s your name? -Bobby. -I’m Tom. You are a big boy! How old are you? -I’m2.4.-Look at your head. I like it! -Thank you.5.-Look at your face. I like it! -Thanks6.-Look at your body. I like it! -Hey cat! Go away!Listen and tick(√).Cross out(×) the words that don’t belong.1.cat/tiger/bird/elephant/egg/bear/dog/six/crayon/monkey/blue/pig/panda/hand/duck2.fish/bread/red/eight/eraser/eye/cake/milk/egg/water/rice/bear/ten/juiceGo up the ladders. Go down the snakes.Fill in the blanks.A _ _ b C c D _ E e F _ G _ H h _ I J j K _ L l _ m N n O o _ p Q _ R r S s T _ U u V v _ w X x Y _ Z z Sing a song.Words in each unit 单元词汇表Unit 1ruler 尺子pencil 铅笔eraser 橡皮crayon 蜡笔bag 包pen 钢笔pencil box 铅笔盒book 书no 不your 你(们)的Unit 2red 红色;红色的green 绿色;绿色的yellow 黄色;黄色的blue 蓝色;蓝色的black 黑色;黑色的brown 棕色;棕色的white 白色;白色的orange 橙色;橙色的Ok 好;行mum 妈妈(美式英语:mom)Unit 3face 脸ear 耳朵eye 眼睛nose 鼻子mouth 嘴arm 胳膊hand 手head 头body 身体leg 腿foot 脚school 学校Unit 4duck 鸭子pig 猪cat 猫bear 熊dog 狗elephant 大象monkey 猴子bird 鸟tiger 老虎panda 大熊猫zoo 动物园funny 滑稽的;好笑的Unit 5bread 面包juice 果汁egg 鸡蛋milk 牛奶water 水cake 蛋糕fish 鱼rice 米饭Unit 6one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十brother 兄;弟plate 盘子Useful expressions 常用表达法Unit 1Hello, I’m Wu Yifan.你好,我是吴一凡。



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Solomon清华大学出版社2001.05 ¥36.00 因特网与万维网基本原理与技术 Raymond Greenlaw 清华大学出版社 2000.11¥49.00用于面向对象系统开发的使用实例图Use Case Maps for Object-Oriented System R.J.A.Buhr 清华大学出版社 1999.08 ¥20.00 语音识别基本原理Fundamentals of Speech Recognition Lawrence Rabiner清华大学出版社1999.10¥41.00TCP/IP 网络互连(1):原理协议和体系结构Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol.1 Douglas E. Comer, David L. Stevens 人民邮电出版社 2002.01 ¥70.00TCP/IP 网络互连(1):原理协议和体系结构Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol.3 Douglas E. Comer, David L. Stevens 人民邮电出版社 2002.01 ¥57.00 编译原理技术与工具Compilers:Principles, Techniques, and Tools Alfred V . Aho Ravi 人民邮电出版社 2002.02¥63.00多媒体技术:计算、通信和应用Multimedia: Computing,Communications, and Applications Ralf Steinmetz人民邮电出版社 2002.01 ¥68.00计算机科学概论(第六版)Computer Science: An Overview, 6th Ed. J. Glenn Brookshear 人民邮电出版社 2002.01 ¥49.00计算机系统组成与体系结构Computer Systems Organization & Architecture John D. Carpinelli 人民邮电出版社 2002.01 ¥48.00人工智能:一种现代方法ArtificialIntelligence: A Modern Approach Stuart J. 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英语七年级上册(2012年人民教育 出版社出版的图书)
01 课文目录
03 录音制品
02 语言目标
《英语七年级上册》是2012年人民教育出版社出版的教科书,由人民教育出版社、课程教材研究所英语课程 教材研究开发中心及美国圣智学习集团合编 ,包括3个预备篇单元及9个正式篇单元,供初一上学期使用 。
Unit 1:Letters A-H, Greet people字母A-H,问候他人 Unit 2:Letters I-R, Identify things, Spell words字母I-R,辨认物品,拼写单词 Unit 3:Letters S-Z, Identify colors字母S-Z,辨认颜色
随书录音带全书另配录音磁带或CD光盘,由外籍专业人士朗读 。内容包括教科书中的活动内容、阅读文段、 语音练习及词汇 ,且可在“人教易视听”APP点播使用 。
出版发行:人民教育电子音像出版社 出版编号(见下表)
预备篇Biblioteka 正式篇Starter Unit 1 Good Morning! Starter Unit 2What’s this in English? Starter Unit 3 What color is it?
Unit 1 My name’s Gina. Unit 2 This is my sister. Unit 3 Is this your pencil? Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag? Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Unit 7 How much are these socks? Unit 8 When is your birthday? Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. Notes on the Text Tapescripts



英文原著分级推荐书目ywrz英文原著分级推荐书目1. 简易读物1.1最浅近的简易读物1.C ha rle s Da rwi n (b y C a rla Gre e ne) 查尔斯·达尔文2.Jo hn F. K e nne d y (b y C ha rle s P. Gra ves) 约翰·肯尼迪3.King Arthur and His Knights (by William Kottmeyer)亚瑟王和他的骑士4.One Mi llio n P o und (b y Ma rk Twa i n) 百万英镑5.Rob i n Hoo d (a da p te d b y Mi c hae l W es t) 罗宾汉6.Rip V a n Wi nk le (ad ap ted b y Mi c ha e l We s t)里普·范·温7.Stories from the Sands of Africa (adapted by Michael West) 非洲沙漠的故事8.Ta les fro m the Arabia n Nig hts (adap ted b y Mic hae l We st)天方夜谭9.The Ca nterb ury Ta les (ad ap ted b y Mic hae l Wes t) 坎特伯雷故事集10.The Ho us e o f a Tho us a nd L a nte rns (b y Vi c to ri a Ho lt)千灯府11.The Le g e nds o f A nci e nt Ro me古罗马的传说12.The Mys te ry o f the Is la nd (b y J ule s Ve rne) 神秘的海岛13.The Se ve nth K e y 第七把钥匙14.Thre e Me n o n the B umme l (b y K. Je ro me) 三人出游记15.To m Jo ne s (b y He nry F i e ldi ng) 汤姆·琼斯1.2浅近的简易读物1.Ai rp o rt (b y A rthur Ha i le y) 航空港2.Around the World i n Eighty Days (b y Jules Verne)环绕世界八十天3.A S ep a ra te Pe a ce (b y J o hn K no wle s) 独自和解4.Dai s y Mi lle r (b y H. J a me s) 黛丝·密勒5.D r J ek yll a nd Mr Hyd e (b y R. L. S te ve ns o n) 化身博士6.Flowers fo r Mrs. Harris (b y Paul Ga llico) 献给哈里斯夫人的鲜花7.F ra nk e ns tei n (b y Ma ry S he lly) 弗兰肯斯特8.Ha tte r’s Ca s tle (b y A. J. C ro ni n) 帽商的城堡9.Li ttle To m (b y B. Be ll & D. B e ll) 小汤姆10.L uck y J i m (b y Ki ng s le y A mis) 幸运的吉姆11.The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland (by Lewis Carrol) 艾丽斯漫游记12.The B lac k Tuli p (b y A le xa nd re D uma s) 黑郁金香13.The Li fe o f Ab ra ha m Li nc o ln (b y S teg a n Lo ra nt) 林肯传14.The Mi ll o n the F lo s s (b y Ge o rg e E li o t) 弗洛斯河上的磨坊15.The P ri nc e a nd the Pa up e r (b y Ma rk Twai n) 王子和贫儿16.The Red Ba dg e o f Co ura ge (b y S te p he n C ra ne) 红色英勇勋章17.The S ca pe go a t (b y Da p hne D u Ma uri e r) 替罪羊18.The Si g n o f Ind ra印达拉神像19.Thi rty-ni ne S te ps (b y J o hn B uc ha n) 三十九级台阶20.Thre e Me n i n a Bo a t (b y J. K. Je ro me) 三人同舟21.Tom Brown’s Scho oldays (by Thomas Hug hes) 汤姆·布朗的求学时代22.Wi tc h (b y Geo rge Mac k a y Bro wn) 女巫1.3一般的简写本、改写本及原著科普读物1.Ae so p’s Fa b les伊索寓言2.A nde rso n’s Fai ry Ta le s安徒生通话选3.C o mp e ll’s Ki ng do m (b y Ha mmo nd Inne s) 坎伯尔王国4.F ro ntie rs o f Sc ie nc e科学的新领域5.Gri mm’s F ai ry Ta l e s格林通话选6.Ho te l (b y A rthur Ha i le y) 旅馆7.Ja mai ca Inn (b y D a p hne D u Ma urie r) 牙买加旅店8.Po p ula r S cie nc e Rea di ngs英语科普小品9.Roo ts (b y A le x Ha rle y) 根10.Stories from Shakespeare (adapted by H. G. Wyatt) 莎士比亚戏剧故事集11.The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin (by Mark Twain) 哈克·贝里芬历险记12.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (by Mark Twain) 汤姆·索亚历险记13.The “Cai ne” Muti ny (b y He rma n Wi nk) “该隐”号兵变记14.The Ci ta de l (b y A. J. C ro ni n) 堡垒15.The Go o d So ldi e r Sc hwe ik (b y J a ro s la v Ha s ek, trans. B yP a ul Se lve r) 好兵帅克16.The Moo ns to ne (b y Wi lki e Co lli ns) 月亮宝石17.The Pe a rl (b y J o hn S tei nb ec k) 珍珠18.The S to ry o f Mad a me C uri e ( b y A li c e Tho rne) 居里夫人传19.Unc le To m’s C abi n (b y H. B e e c he r S to we)汤姆叔叔的小屋1.4英汉对照简写本(或缩写本)1.A nna K a re ni na (b y L e o To ls to y) 安娜·卡列尼娜2.A Ta le o f Two Ci ti e s (b y C ha rle s Di c ke ns) 双城记3.D a vid C op pe rfie ld (b y C ha rles D ic ke ns) 大卫·考伯菲尔德4.Emma (b y J a ne A us te n) 爱玛5.Fa r fro m the Ma ddi ng C ro wd (b y Tho ma s Ha rd y) 远离尘嚣6.F re nc hma n’s C ree k (b y C ha rles D ic ke ns) 法国人的小港湾7.Grea t E xpe c ta tio ns (b y C harle s Di ck e n s) 远大前程8.Gulli ve r’s Tra ve ls (b y J o na tha n S wi ft) 格利佛游记9.Ja ne E yre (b y C ha rlo tte B ro nte) 简爱10.Ja ws (b y Pe te r Be nc hle y) 大白鲨11.L uck y J i m (b y Ki ns le y A mi s) 幸运的吉姆12.Nic ho las Nic k leb y (b y C ha rles D ic ke ns) 尼古拉斯·尼克尔贝13.Ma ry Ba rto n (b y E li zab e th C le g ho rn Gas k e ll) 玛丽·巴顿14.Mo nte C ri s to (b y A le xa nd re D uma s) 基度山伯爵15.Oli ve r Twi s t (b y C ha rle s Di ck e ns) 雾都孤儿16.Prid e a nd Pre judi ce (b y J a ne A us te n) 傲慢与偏见17.Reb e cc a (b y Da p hne D u Ma uri e r) 蝴蝶梦18.Si la s Ma rne r (b y Ge orge E li o t) 塞拉斯·马纳19.Te ss o f the D’Urb er vi lle s (b y Tho ma s Ha rd y) 德伯家的苔丝20.The Gre e n Ye a rs (b y A. C ro ni n) 青春的岁月21.The Hunc k b ac k o f No tre Da me (b y V ic to r Hug o) 巴黎圣母院22.The Ma yo r o f Ca s te rb ri dg e (b y Tho ma s Ha rd y) 卡斯特桥市长23.The Thre e Mus ke tee rs (b y A le xa nd re D uma s) 三个火枪手24.Tre as ure Is la nd (b y R. L. S te ve s o n) 金银岛25.Va ni ty Fai r (b y W. M. Tha c ke ra y) 名利场26.Wo ma n i n W hi te (b y Wi lki e Co lli ns) 白衣女人27.W uthe ri ng Hei g hts (b y E mi ly B ro nte) 呼啸山庄2.英美澳原著2.1 较浅易的原著1.Alice’s Ad ve nture s i n Wo nde rla nd (b y Le wis Carro l) 艾丽斯漫游记2.C hi ld’s His to ry o f E ng la nd (b y C ha rle s Di ck e ns)儿童英国史3.Goo d-b ye, Mr. C hip s (b y J a me s Hi lto n) 再会,契普斯4.INTE RP OL (b y Pe te r G. L ee) 国际警察组织5.Rob i nso n C ruso e (b y D a ni e l D e fo e) 鲁滨逊漂流记6.The Ga d fly (b y E. L. Vo yni c h) 牛虻7.The S tory o f the Bi b le (b y Va n L oo n) 圣经的故事8.The S to ry o f Ma nk i nd (b y H. Wi llia m V a n Lo o n) 人类的故事9.The Gre a t Ro ad (b y Ag ne s S med le y) 伟大的道路2.2一般原著1.A n Ins p e c to r Ca lls (b y J. B. P rie s tle y) 罪恶之家2.A n Invi s i b le Ma n (b y H. G. We lls) 隐身人3.A Ta le o f Two Ci ti e s (b y C ha rle s Di c ke ns) 双城记4.Da v id Co pp erfie ld (b y C ha rles D ic ke ns) 大卫·考伯菲尔德5.Emma (b y J a ne A us te n) 爱玛6.Go ne wi th the Wi nd (b y Ma rga re t Mi tc he ll) 飘7.Gulli ve r’s Tra ve ls (b y J o na tha n S wi ft) 格利佛游记8.Ho te l (b y A rthur Ha i le y) 旅馆9.Oli ve r Twi s t (b y C ha rle s Di ck e ns) 雾都孤儿10. P ri de a nd P re judi ce (b y Ja ne A us te n) 傲慢与偏见11. P yg ma li o n (b y Be rna ld S ha w) 茶花女12. Red S ta r o ve r C hi na (b y Ed ga r S no w) 西行漫记13. Roo ts (b y A le x Ha le y) 根14. Se lec ted Re ad i ngs fro m D. H. L a wre nce劳伦斯作品选读15. The Ad ve nture s o f Huc k leb e rry Fi n (b y ma rk Twa i n)哈克·贝里芬历险记16. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (by Mark Twain) 汤姆·索亚17. The J ung le (b y Up to n S i nc la i r) 丛林18. The Old Ma n a nd The Se a (b y E rne s t He mi ng wa y) 老人与海19. The Ragged Tro usered Phila nthropists (b y Robert Tressell)穿破裤子的慈善家20. T he R is e a nd F a ll o f the Th ird R e ich (b y Willia m L.S h ire r) 第三帝国的兴亡21. Unc le To m’s Ca bi n (b y H. B ee c he r S to we)汤姆叔叔的小屋22. W in ds of Wa r (by He rma n Wou l) 战争风云2.3 较难原著1.A F a re we ll to A rms (b y E rne s t He mi ng wa y) 永别了,武器2.Ai rp o rt (b y A rthur Ha i le y) 航空港3.A Ta le o f Two Ci tie s (b y C ha rles Dic ke ns) 双城记4.Fi na nci e r (b y The o d o re D rei se r) 财政家5.Gra pe s o f Wra th (b y J. S tei nbe c k) 愤怒的葡萄6.J ane Ey re (by Ch arlo tte B ron te) 简爱7.J ud e the Ob s c ure (b y Tho ma s Ha rd y) 无名的裘德8.L ad y C ha tte rle y’s Lo ve r (b y D. H. La wre nce)查泰莱夫人的情人9.Ma rti n Ed e n (b y J ac k L o ndo n) 马丁·伊登10.P ri de a nd P re judi ce (b y Ja ne A us te n) 傲慢与偏见11.S e nse a nd S e nsi bi li ty (b y J a ne A us te n) 理智与情感12.Si s te r Ca rri e (b y The o d o re D rei se r) 嘉丽妹妹13.S o ns a nd L o ve rs (b y D. H. L a wre nc e) 儿子和情人14.Te ss o f the D’Urbe rvi lles (b y Tho ma s Ha rd y) 德伯家丝15.The A me ri ca n Tra g ed y (b y The o d o re Drei se r) 美国的悲剧16.The Fi na l D ia g nosi s (b y A rthur Ha i le y) 最后的诊断17.The Go d Fa the r (b y Ma ri o P uzo) 教父18.The Grea t Ga ts b y (b y F. S co tt Fi tzge ra ld)了不起的盖茨比19.The Hunc k b a ck o f No tre D a me (b y Vi c to r Hug o) 巴黎圣母院20.The Mo ne yc ha ng e rs (b y A rthur Hai le y) 钱商21.The Rai nb o w (b y D. H. L a wre nc e) 虹22.The Re d a nd The B lac k (b y S te nd ha l) 红与黑23.The Re turn to the Na ti ve (b y Tho ma s Ha rd y) 还乡24.The Sc a rle t L e tte r (b y Na tha nie l Ha wtho rne) 红字25.The S un A lso Ris es (b y E rnes t He mi ng wa y) 太阳照样升起26.The Tho rn B i rd s (b y C o lle e n Mc c ullo ug h) 荆棘鸟27.The Thre e Mus ke tee rs (b y A le xa nd re D uma s) 三个火枪手28.V a ni ty F ai r (b y W. M. Tha c ke ra y) 名利场29.Wi ve s a nd D a ug hte rs (b y E li za be th Ga s ke ll) 妻子与女儿30.Wuthe ri ng Hei g hts (b y E mi ly B ro nte) 呼啸山庄。




以下是各个学期的教材目录概述:九年级下册1. Unit 1: Getting Along- Lesson 1: Making Friends- Lesson 2: Invitations- Lesson 3: Polite Expressions2. Unit 2: Family Matters- Lesson 1: Family Members- Lesson 2: Family Activities- Lesson 3: Family Traditions3. Unit 3: Healthy Living- Lesson 1: Eating Habits- Lesson 2: Sports and Exercise- Lesson 3: Healthy Mind, Healthy Body4. Unit 4: Nature and Environment- Lesson 1: Weather and Seasons- Lesson 2: Environmental Issues- Lesson 3: Protecting Our Planet5. Unit 5: Skills for the 21st Century- Lesson 1: Information Technology- Lesson 2: Critical Thinking- Lesson 3: Teamwork and Collaboration6. Unit 6: Exploring Cultures- Lesson 1: Cultural Differences- Lesson 2: Festivals and Celebrations- Lesson 3: Cultural Exchanges九年级上册1. Unit 1: My World- Lesson 1: Personal Introduction- Lesson 2: My Daily Routine- Lesson 3: My Hobbies and Interests- Lesson 1: Telephone Etiquette3. Unit 3: School Life- Lesson 1: School Subjects- Lesson 2: Extracurricular Activities- Lesson 3: School Rules and Regulations4. Unit 4: Leisure Time- Lesson 1: Entertainment and Media- Lesson 2: Hobbies- Lesson 3: Travel and Adventure5. Unit 5: Future Plans- Lesson 1: Careers and Professions- Lesson 2: Setting Goals- Lesson 3: Making Decisions6. Unit 6: Global Issues- Lesson 1: Poverty and Hunger- Lesson 2: Climate Change- Lesson 3: Social Inequality以上是最新部编初中英语教材的完整目录,希望对您有所帮助。

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