


(一)政治 政治什么时候准备这也不好说,完全看个人记忆习惯。我从九月初开 始看大纲,(红宝书)十月中下旬看完,之后陆续看了两遍,最后直接各种 做题。参考书,就推荐两种,一个是教育部出的大纲解析,俗名红宝书(网 上所有自称红宝书的都是假的,真的红宝书不叫红宝书,而是江湖人称红 宝书……)看三遍这个虽然三观尽毁,但绝对够了。还有一个要推荐,声 明下我真不是卖书的,我和肖爷真的没有关系。我的题只有一套,肖爷 1000 题,当然我随后买了他的其他全套。
2.强烈的愿望 一个顶尖的推销员最优秀的素质是要有强烈的成交愿望,一个优秀足球前锋最可贵 的素质是强烈的射门意识。同样,要实现考研成功,你必须先有强烈的成功愿望。 人在追求强烈愿望的目标时,较容易获得和保持坚韧的精神。想想自己考上研究生 后会实现自己哪些愿望。或许你考上研是为了换个更好的工作挣更多的钱,或许是为了
4.热情的团队精神 在考研复习中,要积极和别人合作,尤其是和与自己考同一个专业甚至同一个导师 的研友合作。有些人往往处处“树敌”,特别是对那些和自己考同一个专业,同一个导 师的人,简直狠之入骨。其实,这些做法是完全错误的。殊不知,就算你使他没有考上, 也未必能保证你考得上。天下之大,比你强十倍、百倍的大有人在,你要作的是和他连 手,共同复习研讨,共同考上。 要特别交代的是,和一个研友(尤其是和自己考同一个专业的人)一起复习,还能够 促使双方不断发奋,坚持不懈。因为你们相互之间可以互相帮助鼓励,取对方之所长补 己之所短;而且,相互之间形成的学习气氛也是产生动力的源泉。
1.坚定的决心 请随时随地问自己:我到底想要什么?是想要,还是一定要?如果是想要,我们可 能什么都得不到;如果是一定要,我们一定能够有方法得到。考研成功就在于你做决定 的那一刻。 知道自己需要什么,是发展坚韧的最重要的一步。强烈的驱策力会使一个人去克服 许多的困难。所以,复习一开始就要确定自己要考哪所大学,分析考上的难度,给自己 定个位,告诉自己要实现这个目标需要付出多少汗水。



2013年北京师范大学翻译硕士英语翻译基础考研真题1.粮食安全food security/grain security2.团购group purchase/group buying3.山寨copycat4.人肉搜索human flesh search5.水货smuggled goods6.救火fire fighting7.大片blockbuster8.方便面instant noodles9.买一赠一buy one and get one free10.彩票a lottery ticket11.食用方法HOW TO EAT IT(参考翻译)12.吉日a lucky day/auspicious day/a white day13.靶心bull's-eye14.暂停pause15.归化domestication1.prize fellow得到奖学金的学生2.tariff barrier关税壁垒3.software wizard软件天才4.a wet hen泼妇5.polite society上流社会,文雅社会6.a counter-officer7.soft soap软皂,奉承8.shallow laughter9.Achill’s heel致命的弱点10.demanding work要求高的工作11.release a poll公布民意测试结果izen网民13.economy class经济舱14.child’s play容易干的事,轻而易举的事汉译英在中国文化的长河中,群雄逐鹿也好,太平盛世也罢,玉的身影总是伴随着每个朝代的兴起和没落,不论时光如何更替,人们爱赏的配饰里、吟咏的诗文里总是少不了玉。













百科词语解释:文选、文选妖孽和桐城谬种、《荷马》、、Matthew Arnold、CSR、温室气体排放、文学翻译、文化中心主义、一带一路、语言桥(翻译公司),也就只能记住这些了,这些词汇的出处都是刘宓庆的《中西翻译思想比较研究》和另外一本《未来企业之路》,真心把握不住会考哪个词语,所以,还是实打实地把这两本书过一遍为妙,至少也可以混个眼熟,不至于碰到一个词,什么也说不出来。










翻译基础首先词汇翻译,考了两个去年考过的:桂冠诗人、室内设计,还有就是孕妇装、付费电视、露天市场、读者文摘,人事部,古兰经,英译汉:Vatican City,Union Jack,string quartet, X-rate, spaghetti, tea ceremony,timesquare,party-goer英译汉:是关于modenity,self, self-realization, self-exploration, aesthetics, 中间举例子有马克思、尼采、韦伯等人的思想,最后回归到了double consciousness(这是翻译硕士英语中排序题的主题词应该是选自同一篇文章),最后讲到modernity不再局限于西方,而是扩展到所有追求现代的人,是给所有人的poisoned gift。



2013年北京师范大学翻译硕士英语翻译基础考研真题1.粮食安全food security/grain security2.团购group purchase/group buying3.山寨copycat4.人肉搜索human flesh search5.水货smuggled goods6.救火fire fighting7.大片blockbuster8.方便面instant noodles9.买一赠一buy one and get one free10.彩票a lottery ticket11.食用方法HOW TO EAT IT(参考翻译)12.吉日a lucky day/auspicious day/a white day13.靶心bull's-eye14.暂停pause15.归化domestication1.prize fellow得到奖学金的学生资料来源:育明考研考博官网2.tariff barrier关税壁垒3.software wizard软件天才4.a wet hen泼妇5.polite society上流社会,文雅社会6.a counter-officer7.soft soap软皂,奉承8.shallow laughter9.Achill’s heel致命的弱点10.demanding work要求高的工作11.release a poll公布民意测试结果izen网民13.economy class经济舱14.child’s play容易干的事,轻而易举的事汉译英在中国文化的长河中,群雄逐鹿也好,太平盛世也罢,玉的身影总是伴随着每个朝代的兴起和没落,不论时光如何更替,人们爱赏的配饰里、吟咏的诗文里总是少不了玉。


























2016年北京大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题一、完型填空文章如下:How digital culture is rewiring our brainsOur brains are superlatively evolved to adapt to our environment: a process known as neuroplasticity. The connections between our brain cells will be shaped strengthened and refined by our individual experiences. It is this personalisation of the physical brain driven by unique interactions with the external world that arguably constitutes the biological basis of each mind so what will happen to that mind if the external world changes in unprecedented ways for example with an all-pervasive digital technology?A recent survey in the US showed that more than half of teenagers aged 13 to 17 spend more than 30 hours a week outside school using computers and other web-connected devices. If their environment is being transformed for so much of the time into a fast-paced and highly interactive two-dimensional space the brain will adapt for good or ill. Professor Michael Merzenich of the University of California San Francisco gives a typical neuroscientific perspective.''There is a massive and unprecedented difference in how 'digital natives' brains are plastically engaged in life compared with those of average individuals from earlier generations and there is little question that the operational characteristics of the average modern brain substantially differ'' he says. The implications of such a sweeping ''mind change'' must surely extend into education policy. Most obviously time spent in front of a screen is time not spent doing other things. Several studies have already documented a lixxxxnk between the recreational use of computers and a decline in school performance. Perhaps most important of all we need to understand the full impact of cyber culture on the emotional and cognitive profile of the 21st-century mind.AdvertisementInevitably there is a variety of issues. Let us look at just three.First social networking. Eye contact is a pivotal and sophisticated component of human interaction as is subconscious monitoring of body language and most powerful of all physical contact yet none of these experiences is available on social networking sites. It follows that if a young brain with the evolutionary mandate to adapt to the environment is establishing relationships through the medium of a screen the skills essential for empathy may not be acquired as naturally as in the past.In line with this prediction a recent study from Michigan University of 14000 college students has reported a decline in empathy over the past 30 years which was particularly marked over the past decade.Such data does not of course prove a causal lixxxxnk but just as with smoking and cancer some 50 years ago epidemiologists could investigate any possible connection.The psychologist Sherry Turkle of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has argued in her recent book Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other that the more continuously connected people are in cyberspace the more isolated they feel.Second video games. Neuropsychological studies suggest frequent and continued playing might lead to enhanced recklessness. Data also indicates reduced attention spans and possible addiction. In line with this significant chemical and even structural changes are being reported in the brains of obsessional gamers. No single paper is ever likely to be accepted unanimously as conclusive but asurvey of 136 reports using 381 independent tests and conducted on more than 130000 participants concluded that video games led to significant increases in desensitisation physiological arousal aggression and a decrease in prosocial behaviour.Third search engines. Can the internet improve cognitive skills and learning as has been argued? The problem is that efficient information processing is not synonymous with knowledge or understanding. Even the chairman of Google Eric Schmidt has said: ''I worry that the level of interrupt the sort of overwhelming rapidity of information - and especially of stressful information - is in fact affecting cognition. It is in fact affecting deeper thinking. I still believe that sitting down and reading a book is the best way to really learn something.'' Given the plasticity of the brain it is not surprising adapting to a cyber-environment will also lead to positives - for example enhanced performance in skills that are continuously rehearsed such as a mental agility similar to that needed in IQ tests or in visuomotor co-ordination. However we urgently need a fuller picture.二、阅读理解(四篇)第三篇原文如下:The rise in female employment also seems to have coincided with (or perhaps precipitated) a similarly steep rise in standards for what it means to be a good parent and especially a good mother. Niggling feelings of guilt and ambivalence over working outside the home together with some social pressures compel many women to try to fulfil idealised notions of motherhood as well says Judy Wajcman a sociology professor at the London School of Economics and author of a new book "Pressed for Time: The Acceleration of Life in Digital Capitalism".The struggle to "have it all" may be a fairly privileged modern challenge. But it bears noting that even in professional dual-income households mothers still handle the lion's share of parenting—particularly the daily routine jobs that never feelfinished. Attentive fathers handle more of the enjoyable tasks such as taking children to games and playing sports while mothers are stuck with most of the feeding cleaning and nagging. Though women do less work around the house than they used to the jobs they do tend to be the never-ending ones like tidying cooking and laundry. Well-educated men chip in far more than their fathers ever did and more than their less-educated peers but still put in only half as much time as women do. And men tend to do the discrete tasks that are more easily crossed off lists such as mowing lawns or fixing things round the house. All of this helps explain why time for mothers and especially working mothers always feels scarce. "Working mothers with young children are the most time-scarce segment of society" says Geoffrey Godbey a time-use expert at Penn State University. Parents also now have far more insight into how children learn and develop so they have more tools (and fears) as they groom their children for adulthood. This reinforces another reason why well-off people are investing so much time in parenthood: preparing children to succeed is the best way to transfer privilege from one generation to the next. Now that people are living longer parents are less likely to pass on a big financial bundle when they die. So the best way to ensure the prosperity of one's children is to provide the education and skills needed to get ahead particularly as this human capital grows ever more important for success.This helps explain why privileged parents spend so much time worrying over schools and chauffeuring their children to résumé-enhancing activities. "Parents are now afraid of doing less than their neighbors" observes Philip Cohen a sociology professor at the University of Maryland who studies contemporary families. "It can feel like an arms race."No time to loseLeisure time is now the stuff of myth. Some are cursed with too much. Others find it too costly to enjoy. Many spend their spare moments staring at a screen of some kind even though doing other things (visiting friends volunteering at a church) tends to make people happier. Not a few presumethey will cash in on all their stored leisure time when they finally retire whenever that may be. In the meantime being busy has its rewards. Otherwise why would people go to such trouble?Alas time ultimately is a strange and slippery resource easily traded visible only when it passes and often most highly valued when it is gone. No one has ever complained of having too much of it. Instead most people worry over how it flies and wonder where it goes. Cruelly it runs away faster as people get older as each accumulating year grows less significant proportionally but also less vivid. Experiences become less novel and more habitual. The years soon bleed together and end up rushing past with the most vibrant memories tucked somewhere near the beginning. And of course the more one tries to hold on to something the swifter it seems to go.Writing in the first century Seneca was startled by how little people seemed to value their lives as they were living them—how busy terribly busy everyone seemed to be mortal in their fears immortal in their desires and wasteful of their time. He noticed how even wealthy people hustled their lives along ruing their fortune anticipating a time in the future when they would rest. "People are frugal in guarding their personal property; but as soon as it comes to squandering time they are most wasteful of the one thing in which it is right to be stingy" he observed in "On the Shortness of Life" perhaps the very first time-management self-help book. Time on Earth may be uncertain and fleeting but nearly everyone has enough of it to take some deep breaths think deep thoughts and smell some roses deeply. "Life is long if you know how to use it" he counseled.Nearly 2000 years later de Grazia offered similar advice. Modern life that leisure-squandering money-hoarding grindstone-nosing frippery-buying business left him exasperated. He saw that everyone everywhere was running running running but to where? For what? People were trading their time for all sorts of things but was the exchange worth it? He closed his 1962 tome "Of Time Work and Leisure" with a precision.三、排序文章如下:Modern CriticismDICKSON D. BRUCE JR.W. E. B. Du Bois and the Idea of Double ConsciousnessAs scholars have developed a greater understanding of the importance of African American literature to the American tradition they have also developed a real appreciation for the critical place of the thought of W. E. B. Du Bois in both that literature and that tradition in the twentieth century. In particular they have focused on the famous passage from Du Bois's 1897 Atlantic magazine essay "Strivings of the Negro People" -- later republished with revisions in The Souls of Black Folk (1903) -- in which Du Bois spoke of an African American "double consciousness" a "two-ness" of being" an American a Negro; two warring ideals in one dark body whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder."Du Bois's use of the idea of double consciousness to characterize issues of race was provocative and unanticipated; however as has only occasionally been noted and never really pursued the term itself had a long history by the time Du Bois published his essay in 1897. Du Bois wrote about double consciousness in a way that drew heavily on that history to create a fairly coherent pattern of connotations in both the essay and the later book. The background of meaning which the term evoked would have been familiar to many if not most of the educated middle- and upper-class readers of the Atlantic one of the foremost popular journals of letters of the day and should have contributed much to the understanding of Du Bois's arguments by those readers.In using the term "double consciousness" Du Bois drew on two main sources. One of these was essentially figurative a product of European Romanticism and American Transcendentalism. The other not entirely unrelated and mentioned briefly by historian Arnold Rarnpersad in his ownanalysis of Du Bois's work was initially medical carried forward into Du Bois's time by the emerging field of psychology. Here the term "double consciousness" was applied to cases of split personality; by the late nineteenth century it had come into quite general use not only in professional publications but also in discussions of psychological research published for general audiences as well .The figurative sources for Du Bois's idea of double consciousness are in some ways the most telling. Although one can identify from nineteenth-century literature several possible precedents for Du Bois's use of the term-from Whittier for example or George Eliot-Werner Sollors has described this figurative background as Ernersonian and indeed one of the earliest such occurrences of the term may be found in Emerson's works; In an 1843 essay entitled "The Transcendentalist" a piece he had delivered earlier as a lecture Emerson employed the term "double consciousness" to refer to a problem in the life of one seeking to take a Transcendental perspective on self and world. Constantly he wrote the individual is pulled back from the divine by the demands of daily life. The Transcendentalist knows" moments of illumination" and this makes his situation all the more difficult because lie then sees his life from the perspective those moments create as too much dominated by meanness and insignificance. As Emerson wrote "The worst feature of this double consciousness is that the two lives of the understanding and of the soul which lie leads really show very littlerelation to each other: one prevails now all buzz and din; the other prevails then all infinitude and paradise; and with the progress of life the two discover no greater disposition to reconcile themselves." Concerned with different issues Emerson used the term in a way that was not exactly the same as Du Bois's. But there was more than enough similarity to make Emerson's a useful background to what Du Bois was trying to say.In Emerson's essay "double-consciousness" evoked a set of oppositions that had become commonplace in Transcendentalism and as other scholars have shown in Romanticism generally. In the passage itself was a dichotomy between "the understanding" and "the soul" but even that referred to a more general set all organized around a central division between world and spirit. The double consciousness plaguing the Transcendentalist summarized the downward pull of life in society -- including the social forces inhibiting genuine self-realization and the upward pull of communion with the divine; the apparent chaos of things as they are and the unity of Nature comprehended by universal law; and the demanding cold rationality of commercial society and the search for Truth Beauty and Goodness -- especially Beauty-that ennobled the soul. Human beings in the world could not escape its downward pull. The worldly was an essential part of living one's life. The Transcendental double consciousness grew out of an awareness that Nature and the soul were so much more.A similar set of oppositions was an important part of Du Bois's argument in his "Strivings of the Negro People." Although in the essay Du Bois used "double consciousness" to refer to at least three different issues -- including first the real powerof white stereotypes in black life and thought and second the double consciousness created by the practical racism that excluded every black American from the mainstream of the society the double consciousness of being both an American and not an American -- by double consciousness Du Bois referred most importantly to an internal conflict in the African American individual between what was "African" and what was "American." It was in terms of this third sense that the figurative background to "double consciousness" gave the term its most obvious support because for Du Bois the essence of a distinctive African consciousness was its spirituality a spirituality baxxxxsed in Africa but revealed among African Americans in their folklore their history of patient suffering and their faith. In this sense double consciousness related particularly to Du Bois's efforts to privilege the spiritual in relation to the materialistic commercial world white America. "Negro blood has a message for the world" he wrote and this message as he had been saying since at least 1888 was of aspiritual sense and a softening influence that black people could bring to a cold and calculating world. What Sherman Paul says of Emerson's stress on the "feminine eye" one may also say of Du Bois's stress on the African soul that it serves as an alternative to a dominant inability to "see" apart from the possibilities for action and profit a notion Du Bois played on when guided by his important figure of the "veil" lie described the African American as gifted with a kind of "second sight."四、作文computer translation 的发展前景,以后需不需要人力的参与,以此为话题写作文,要求尤其讨论人力的参与与否。




非法拘留unwarranted custody; unlawful detention非法贸易illicit trading费改税tax-for-fee费改税改革tax-for-fees reform非公有制经济the non-public sectors of the economy非关税贸易壁垒non-tariff trade barriers非国有工业企业non-state industrial enterprises非婚生子女love child; illegitimate child; child born out of wedlock非军事区demilitarized zone (DMZ)非劳动收入income not from work; passive income非流通股份non-tradable stocks飞毛腿(导弹)Scud missile非贸易收汇foreign exchange earnings through non-trade channels非配额产品quota-free products非商标(非专利)产品generic products飞天奖Flying Goddess Award—a kind of award for excellent Chinese TV programs 废物的循环使用recycling of waste飞行药检spot check非银行金融机构non-bank financial institutions非银行金融机构non-bank financial institutions非再生资源non-renewable resources非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团(洛美协定)ACP(African, Caribbean and Pacific Group)非主流alternative非自住业主non-owner-occupier (The government's efforts to tighten credit and mortgage requirements for non-owner-occupiers have not bitten deeply so far. This year's spring real estate fair at the Beijing World Trade Center sold property worth 2.9 billion yuan, according to reports. 目前政府在收紧信贷和对非自住业主房贷的政策方面还不是太严格。




Section 1 Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)Happy people work differently. They’re more productive, more creative, and willing to take greater risks. And new research suggests that happiness might influence__1__firm’s work, too.Companies located in places with happier people invest more, according to a recent research paper.__2__, firms in happy places spend more on R&D (research and development). That’s because happiness is linked to the kind of longer-term thinking__3__for making investments for the future.The researchers wanted to know if the__4__and inclination for risk-taking that come with happiness would__5__the way companies invested. So they compared U.S. cities’ average happiness__6__by Gallup polling with the investment activity of publicly traded firms in those areas.__7__enough, firms’ investment and R&D intensity were correlated with the happiness of the area in which they were__8__.But is it really happiness that’s linked to investment, or could something else about happier cities__9__why firms there spend more on R&D? To find out, the researchers controlled for various__10__that might make firms more likely to invest –like size, industry, and sales –and for indicators that a place was__11__to live in, like growth in wages or population. The link between happiness and investment generally__12__even after accounting for these things.The correlation between happiness and investment was particularly strong for younger firms, which the authors__13__to ―less codified decision making process‖and the possible presence of ―younger and less__14__managers who are more likely to be influenced by sentiment.‖ The relationship was__15__stronger in places where happiness was spread more__16__.Firms seem to invest more in places where most people are relatively happy, rather than in places with happiness inequality.__17__ this doesn’t prove that happiness causes firms to invest more or to take a longer-term view, the authors believe it at least__18__at that possibility. It’s not hard to imagine that local culture and sentiment wo uld help__19__how executives think about the future. ―It surely seems plausible that happy people would be more forward-thinking and creative and__20__R&D more than the average,‖ said one researcher.1. [A] why [B] where [C] how [D] when2. [A] In return [B] In particular [C] In contrast [D] In conclusion3. [A] sufficient [B] famous [C] perfect [D] necessary4. [A] individualism [B] modernism [C] optimism [D] realism5. [A] echo [B] miss [C] spoil [D] change6. [A] imagined [B] measured [C] invented [D] assumed7. [A] Sure [B] Odd [C] Unfortunate [D] Often8. [A] advertised [B] divided [C] overtaxed [D] headquartered9. [A] explain [B] overstate [C] summarize [D] emphasize10. [A] stages [B] factors [C] levels [D] methods11. [A] desirable [B] sociable [C] reputable [D] reliable12. [A] resumed [B] held [C]emerged [D] broke13. [A] attribute [B] assign [C] transfer [D]compare14. [A] serious [B] civilized [C] ambitious [D]experienced15. [A] thus [B] instead [C] also [D] never16. [A] rapidly [B] regularly [C] directly [D] equally17. [A] After [B] Until [C] While [D] Since18. [A] arrives [B] jumps [C] hints [D] strikes19. [A] shape [B] rediscover [C] simplify [D] share20. [A] pray for [B] lean towards [C] give away [D] send out1. [标准答案] [C]how[考点分析] 连词辨析[选项分析] 根据语境,“新发现表明:快乐可能会影响工作__的稳定。



2016thereis a view that people today is spending too much time on personal enjoymentrather than doing what they should do.zebracrossingticketscalper productplacement skopostheory breach ofcontract decimalsystem ruralurbanization expresscompany soildegradation Buckinghampalace Lost andFound light beer family treeOutboundtourism National Geo graphic"" ""Buckingham Palace """"""zebra crossing """"""2015""201570"shoot-and-run area""moving-and-shooting area" "tour shoot zone"""" " """" """guerrilla area"everydesign problems require special procedures,timing,and techniques ,"" ......""My son is only six and is the youngest at school.The eldest among his schoolmates should be addressed as hsiensheng,and the next eldest should be addressed as "elder brothers".He should not be permitted to call them directly by their names. We have plenty of writing brushes and ink and paper at our home and should distribute them to the school children....And when it rains,and a poor boy is not able to go home,we should ask him to stay for supper,and at dusk send him home with an old pair of shoes.His parents love him,and though they may not beable to make good clothes for him,they generally provide a good pair of shoes and socks for him to come to school.Once that pair gets wet with mud,it will be difficult for them to get another pair.It is difficult to get a good teacher,but it is more important to respect him. One should be careful in selecting a teacher for the school,but once he is chosen, he must be treated with due respect and not found fault with.Once in officialdom, it is impossible for us to stay at home to coach the children.The teacher one invites is usually just a better scholar of the village,but by no means a famous writer.It is easy to laugh secretly at his mistakes or openly point out his errors. The teacher will become ill at ease and will not be able to devote his mind to teaching,while the pupils will lose respect for him and not work hard at their lessons.This would be matter of regret.It would be far better to make use of what the teacher excels in and make the pupils profit by it.If he is really not qualified,we should wait till the next year and employ another teacher,but meanwhile there should be no decrease in our courtesy toward him.""By the time when we have managed to movethe several hundred potted flowers to the roomsin a hurry,we will be dog-tired and wet withperspiration.[`dC^`taIEd]adj.,dog-tiredThe next day,when the weather is fine,we willhave another round of being dog-tired andperspiration in taking all the flowers out to thecourtyard again.How interesting it is!Isn't it true that without doing manual labour,we couldn't even keep a single flower alive?It filled the whole family with pride wheneverthe milkman exclaims on entering our gate."What a sweet smell.", ---When the nigh-blooming cereuses are about to be in flower,we will invite some friends to visit us in evening to feast their eyes on them--in an atmosphere smacking of nocturnal merry-making under candle light..When the cereuses have branched out,we will pick some of the flowers and send them as a present to our friends.v.feast one's eyes onv.,branch outWe are of course especially happy to see themtake away our fruits of labour.I love flowers and hence have taken to growingthem.v.take toBut,short of time to do research andexperiment in flower cultivation,I am nogardener at all.I merely take flower cultivation as a pleasure oflife.I really don't care whether or not my flowerswill put forth plump and nice-looking blossom.put forth plumpIn summer,flowers and plants growing inluxuriance in my small courtyard will leavelittle open space as playground for the littlecats,so they have to sport about in our roomsinstead.I grow many flowers,but none of them areexotic or rare ones.It is difficult to grow a precious flower species.And I feel bad to see a good glower dying ofillness.I don't want often to shed tears over that.ButBeijing's climate is more or less unfit for thegrowing of flowers.more or less unfit forFreezing in winter,windy in spring,and eithertoo dry or too often visited by rainstormWhile autumn is the best of all,it is oftenplagued by a sudden frost.In a climate like this,it is far beyond mycapacity to grow precious flowers of southernbreed.Therefore,I only grow flowers and plants thatare hardy and enjoy a high survival.Although such flowers are able to weatherthrough by themselves,I,however,neverignore them or abandon them to their own fate. v.,weather throughignore them or abandon them to their own fate.I have to care for them everyday as if they weremy close friends.In the course of time,I have somehow got thehang of flower cultivation.In the course of timeSome flowers which are accustomed togrowing in the shade should not be too muchexposed to the sun.Those which prefer drynessshould not be watered too often.It gives me much pleasure to know the rightway of handling them.It does not cost very much to plant a wholecourtyard to such flowers which,thoughhumble,are nevertheless lovely to look atsuch as morning glories on the wall,chinapinks at the foot of the wall andmarvels-of-Peru.n.,()morning gloryYet,cheap as they are,they attract butterflies!Green vegetables,cabbages,hyacinth beans,young Soya beans,cucumbers,spinach,etc.areoften carried straight from the suburbs to yourresidential quarters for marketing.。



[考研类试卷]2016年东北师范大学英语翻译基础真题试卷.doc[考研类试卷]2016年东北师范大学英语翻译基础真题试卷英译汉1 international reserve currencies2 contaminate3 orphanage4 multilateral cooperation5 external-affairs commissioner6 terrorist attack7 open ports to foreign trade8 vehicle exhaust9 live TV broadcast10 insurance policy11 put oneself in someone's shoes12 jeopardize13 intercultural communication14 foreign exchange dealing15 APEC汉译英16 友好合作的伙伴关系17 和平共处18 全民奥运19 不平等条约20 小康社会21 全球化22 感恩节23 农历24 紧急出口25 关税26 财政部27 通货膨胀28 防御性策略29 国债30 欧洲联盟英译汉31 The manufacture of plastics requires a large quantity of heavy machines as well as knowledge of science. T oday the greater part of plastics is manufactured by the world's great oil refineries and chemical works. Chemical works are factories which produce chemicals—a manmade liquids, gases and solid materials. The refineries and chemical works produce many different kinds of raw plastics, which are then taken to the tens of thousands of factories which made plastic products.Machines for making plastic objects are very different from those used for manufacturing articles of wood or metal or other natural materials. For raw plastics mustfirst be softened by heat and then pressed into moulds. It is the moulds which give plastic objects their shapes. These moulds can be of any shape or size. And the same mould can be used over and over again. In fact one mould can produce many thousands of articles before it wears out. This is one of the reasons why plastic things are so cheap.32 There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom, but without the one the other cannot be gained. We cannot have a harvest of wheat without seed and skill of cultivation. Knowledge is the root of wisdom; wisdom is the ripe fruit of knowledge. The love of knowledge has been characteristic of most great men. They not only loved knowledge but they were willing to work hard to attain it. When a man wins success, people say, "He is a genius." But the real cause for his success was that the love ofknowledge led to the effort to obtain it. Useful knowledge is the knowledge which is of benefit to ourselves and to others, and that is the most important which is the most useful. It is the belief of many people that knowledge is better than riches, and that its possession brings more comfort to the owner than anything else. The power of intellectual knowledge, without the owner of moral principle, often tends to evil. Character is the criterion of knowledge. Not what a man has, but what he is, is the question. The quality of soul is more than the quantity of information. If we have noble purpose, our intellectual attainments will naturally turn to the loftiest uses. (From On Knowledge by W. F. Mark-wick and W. A. Smith)33 The mighty Pacific washes the shores of the continents—North America, South America, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica. Its waters mingle in the southeast with the Atlantic Ocean and in the southwest with the Indian Ocean. It is not on the shores of continents or in the coastal islands, however, that the soul of the great Pacific is found. It lies far out where the fabled South Sea Islands are scattered over the huge ocean like stars in the sky.When white men first came to the Pacific islands, they found that the people living there were like happy children. They were tall men and beautiful women who seemed not to have a care in the world. Coconut palms and breadfruit trees grew at the doors of their huts. The ocean was filled with turtles and fish, ready for the net. (From Pacific Ocean) 汉译英34 国与国之间的交往,特别是经贸互动,既存在着合作,又存在着竞争。




凤凰男ugly duckling (This tag refers to a man who was born in a poor family, but who worked hard and finally found a good job in a big city. He used to be an ugly duckling, but through his hard work he becomes a swan. But in English, "ugly duckling" usually refers to the least handsome/beautiful child in a family.) (来源:21世纪英文报第753期中山大学陈萌整理)风险控制机制the mechanisms for risk management风险投资机制the mechanism for venture capital investments丰胸手术breast augmentation surgery佛经Buddhist scriptures扶持政策supportive policy复出return,come back. (So far no plans to return after the four year leave have been made.日后是否复出,目前暂无计划。

)浮动工资floating wages; fluctuating wages浮动价格floating price复读机repeater复读生return students--students reattending classes after failing the college entrance examination富二代affluent 2nd generation (The rapidly expanding affluent 2nd generation is seeking to define their identity and quality of life via luxuries.越来越多的"富二代"开始加入奢侈品消费者行列,以显其社会地位和生活品质。



[考研类试卷]2016年北京航空航天大学英语翻译基础真题试卷英译汉1 abusive translation2 domesticating translation3 expressive text4 exegetic translation5 interlingual translation6 instrumental translation7 MAT8 metatext9 parallel corpora10 prospective translation11 prototext12 pseudotranslation13 third code14 universals of translation15 untranslability汉译英16 后瞻式翻译17 接受语18 可比语料库19 回译20 描写翻译研究21 冗余22 术语库23 同声传译24 文化移植25 信息型文本26 异化翻译27 要旨翻译28 译后编译29 语义消歧30 语用翻译英译汉31 Just as the top EU official for migration was urging the White House to be "more generous" in accepting Syrian refugees, Paris was struck by a series of attacks that immediately boosted political opposition to his pitch. As in some other countries, the massacres have been co-opted by critics of refugee policy. The US in September agreed to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year, up from 1,500, under pressure from Europe. The fear that terrorists could enter the US masked as refugees was exacerbated after a Syrian passport was found near the body of one of the attackers. Many of theRepublican presidential contenders and other party members now want the White House to scrap or defer the Syrian refugee programme.32 Sigmund Freud has been out of the scientific mainstream for so long, it's easy to forget that in the early 20th century he was regarded as a towering man of science—not, as he is remembered today, as the founder of the marginalized form of therapy known as psychoanalysis. At the start of his career, he wanted to invent a "science of the mind" , but the Victorian tools he had were too blunt for the task. So he dropped the "science" part and had his patients lie on a couch, free-associating about childhood, dreams and fantasies. This technique yielded the revolutionary notion that the human mind was a soap opera of concealed lust and aggression, of dark motives, self-deception and dreams rife with hidden meaning.33 The new planet's size put it right on the edge between being rocky like Earth and being a fluffy gas ball like Neptune, according to according to studies of other such exoplanets. In an email, Jon Jenkins of NASA's Ames Research Center, home of the Kepler project, and lead author of a paper being published in The Astronomical Journal, said the likelihood of the planet's being rocky was 50 percent to 62 percent, depending on uncertainties in the size of its home star. Describing the planet during a news conference, Dr. Jenkins lapsed into lines from John Keats's poem On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer; " Then felt I like some watcher of the skies/ When a new planet swims into his ken.''汉译英34 据一份新调查显示,阿里巴巴、中国银行和华为,是中国学生梦寐以求的公司。



2016年外交学院翻译硕士考研真题今年的题总体比较简单英语翻译基础缩略语有30个,政治、经济、科技都有涉及,但是今年出的比较简单,感觉还是跟时政,热词联系较多,每个缩略语后还有提示,就像QM(学科名词)这样的QM BBA AIIB UNSC HSBC CCTV(不是中央电视台)EFTA(国际组织)影子银行三严三实hedge fund英译汉有6小段,每段4-6行吧,内容是一个《卫报》的编辑写给《卫报》成立100周年的文章,开头第一句话是A hundred years is a long time; It’s a long time even……..汉译英是时文翻译,内容跟外交关系有关:(育明教育押中原题)翻译硕士英语第一题是20个单选题,主要考词汇辨析,但是今年没有很长很偏的词,最后两个单选就是给出一句话,让选择选项中与所给句子中标黑的单词的同义词。

第二题是改错,有10个,考试形式跟专八改错一样,但是比专八稍简单第三题是阅读,共6篇,总体比较简单,但是问题形式多样,有一般的选择,还有判断对错(Yes or No or Not Given),多选,填文章主旨句,总之就是题型很多最后一题是作文,400词左右,写一下技术是怎样改变人们的交流方式和人际关系的。






搀水股票water-down stocks -- ordinary stocks that can be bought by persons inside a stock company or a business at a cost lower than their face value产销两旺both production and marketing thrive产销直接挂钩directly link production with marketing产业不景气industrial depression产业的升级换代upgrading of industies产业结构升级upgrading of an industrial structure产业升级upgrade industries产业政策industrial policy掺杂兑假mix in fake or inferior components唱对台戏put on a rival show长二捆LM-2E偿付能力solvency唱高调mouth high-sounding words常规裁军conventional disarmament常规武器conventional weapon长江后浪推前浪, 一代更比一代强As in the Yangtze River, the waves behind rideon the ones before: The new generation excels the old.长江三峡和黄河小浪底水利枢纽工程the key water projects at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River and at Xiaolangdi on the Yellow River长江三角洲Yangtze River delta长江中下游the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River唱名表决roll-call vote场内交易人floor trader长跑a long-distance running敞蓬轿车open-topped limousine长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共"long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other and the sharing of weal or woe "长期国债long-term government bonds常设国际法庭permanent international tribunal唱双簧play a duet----collaborate; echo each other畅通工程Smooth Traffic Project长途电话long-distance calls场外证券市场over-the-counter market常委会standing committee常务董事managing director; executive director常务理事executive member of the council长线产品product in excessive supply畅销货best selling lines (All these articles are best selling lines. 所有这些产品都是我们的畅销货。



2016年翻译硕士考研真题北京外国语大学考研真题,育明教育学员回忆英语翻译基础35715个英译汉15分1.AKA2.RSVP3.GUI4.CIF5.TPP6.Grand Prix7.Life expectancy8.Payabale at sight9.No loitering10.World Anti-Doping Agency11.Cholesterol12.National treatment13.Interpol14.Insurance policy15.displaced people15个汉译英15分1.和平共处五项原则2.阅兵3.华侨4.21世纪海上丝绸之路5.抗日战争6.佣金7.人民币离岸市场8.传销9.川菜10.转基因玉米11.电磁炉12.农药残留13.不可抗力14.天下为公15.消防通道英译汉一篇60分:关于人类物种进化汉译英一篇60分:关于孔子简介汉语写作与百科知识448名词解释25分1.TPP2.哈姆莱特3.巴尔扎克4.新航路5.但丁6.斯巴达克7.普罗米修斯8.国风9.西欧近代三大思想解放运动10.阿克琉斯11.离骚12.霍去病13.张衡14.张仲景15.傅雷16.三大宗教翻译家17.小李杜18.大江健三郎19.西厢记20.牡丹亭21.一条鞭法22.昆阳之战23.癫张狂素24.川端康成25.南欧三大半岛应用文写作45分:写一篇倡议书大作文60分:以“累,并快乐着”为题写一篇散文1.坚定的决心请随时随地问自己:我到底想要什么?是想要,还是一定要?如果是想要,我们可能什么都得不到;如果是一定要,我们一定能够有方法得到。

















对于如何对待幼儿园的孩子进行课堂管理,你有哪些建议?4、案例分析(40)张老师在德国教书遇到的问题:1、称德方秘书Berta Schneider为Berta,Berta不高兴2、Berta生病了,张老师主动询问病情,Berta不高兴3、张老师大受打击,接下来在德国还能继续工作和生活吗?。



2016年翻译硕士考研指导英语翻译基础一、英译汉:the Authorized Version钦定版圣经flesh and blood血肉之躯a wet blanket令人扫兴的人puppy love早年初恋the Analects论语contact lenses隐形眼镜proof positive铁证track and field田径运动child's play容易干的事,不重要的事danger money危险工作的额外报酬pull sb's leg愚弄某人in for a penny,in for a pound一不做二不休between the devil and the deep blue sea左右为难real economy实体经济二、汉译英音译transliteration国内生产总值GDP八折优惠20%off左上角top left corner淡酒light wine老于世故的人man of the world/sophisticated person硬性推销hard sale promotion天道酬勤god helps those who help themselves隔墙有耳wall have ears三三两两small knots of people耐用消费品durable consumer goods招领启事Lost and Found拦路虎a lion in the way可持续发展sustainable development新兴市场国家Emerging Market Countries三、英译汉:I was slow to understand the deep grievances of women.This was because,as a boy,I had envied them.Before college,the only people I had ever known who were interested in art or music or literature,the only ones who read books,the only ones who ever seemed to enjoy a sense of ease and grace were the mothers and daughters.Like the menf**d about money,they scrimped and made-do.But,when the pay stopped coming in,they were not the ones who had failed.Nor did they have to go to war,and that seemed to me a blessed fact.By comparison with the narrow,ironclad days of fathers,there was expansiveness,I thought,in the days of mothers.They went to see neighbors,to shop in town,to run errands at school,at the library,at church. No doubt,had I looked harder at their lives,I would have envied them less.It was not my fate to become a woman,so it was easier for me to see the graces.Few of them held jobs outside the home,and those who did filled thanklessroles as clerks and waitresses.I didn’t see,then,what a prison a house could be,since houses seemed to me brighter,handsomer places than any factory.I did not realize—because such things were never spoken of-how often women suffered from men's bullying.I did learn about the wretchedness of abandoned wives,single mothers,widows;but I also learned about the wretchedness of lone men.Even then I could see how exhausting it was for a mother to cater all day to the needs of young children.But if I had been asked,as a boy,to choose between tending a baby and tending a machine,I think I would have chosen the baby.四、汉译英:书信作为人际交往中传递信息,建立,发展和改变人际关系,联络和加深思想感情,以至评论时政抒发己见的主要形式,古时就已有之。





Corporate boards and the critical oversight function they play have come to the fore over the last year. You don\'t need to look any further than the scandal roiling ExxonMobil to understand the high stakes at play.Exxon is facing a moment of truth with potentially huge financial ripples. Using internal company documents, Inside Climate News and The Los Angeles Times recently reported that Exxon deliberately misled the public about climate change research, even though its own scientists began warning the company about the dangers of warming global temperatures in 1977. Within days, the New York Attorney General confirmed that it has been investigating whether Exxon misled investors in a manner that violated state securities laws.Exxon presents a perfect case for examining how building sustainability into board governance can help prevent and manage risk. In the case of Exxon, climate risk is a sustainability issue that has been raised by investors through shareholder resolutions for well over a decade. So it\'s logical to ask how much did Exxon\'s board know about the company\'s research on climate change, and did any of the board members have the expertise necessary to question it? Did the company\'s research factor into board conversations on performance, risk and opportunity? And, importantly, did the board engage with stakeholders to inform its views?Investors are increasingly focused on the decisions made by corporate boards on corporate strategy and the extent to which it incorporates sustainability risks and opportunities. In 2013, a group of over 75 institutional investors collectively managing more than $3.5 trillion in assets sent letters to 45 of the world\'s largest fossil fuelcompanies, including Exxon, urging them to address the risks posed by climate change, including carbon asset risk.(Carbon asset risk is the potential of fossil fuel reserves being unusable - \'stranded,\' in Wall Street parlance - as the global economy transitions to low-carbon energy sources. Those risks are especially severe for fossil fuel companies if carbon-reducing efforts are successful in preventing Earth\'s temperatures from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.Board oversight and intervention have had a major impact on how companies respond. For example, only three of the fossil fuel companies initially targeted have endorsed the use of a 2 degree scenario analysis in their business planning: BHP Billiton, Statoil and ConocoPhillips. In each of these cases, the decision to move forward with the analysis was initiated from the board rather than from management. But this type of proactive approach remains the exception ratherthan the rule.Corporate boards need to move from being reactive on sustainability issues, to proactively and systematically thinking about how environmental and social challenges factor into corporate strategies and performance. Ceres recently published a report, \"View from the Top: How Corporate Boards can Engage on Sustainability Performance\", outlining specific recommendations for proactive board engagement. Based on interviews with dozens of board members, senior corporate leaders and governance experts, the report underscores that informed oversight is critical to good governance. Among the report\'s key recommendations:(1 Where a sustainability issue is material to the company, the board should include directors with expertise on key issues in question. Investors are especially focused on having companies recruit \"climate competent\" and \"sustainability competent\" directors. Companies like Prudential Financial, for example, identify \"expertise in corporateresponsibility/sustainability\" as a board qualification. Directors and management should assess the qualifications and expertise of current directors and map this against the company\'s sustainability priorities. Now is an ideal time for Exxon to re-consider shareholder calls for board members with climate expertise.(2 Boards run substantial risks when they operate as isolated entities. Engaging with external stakeholders, including investors, on sustainability priorities can mitigate those risks by giving directors a clearer view of the landscape of risks facing the company -- a view that is sometimes obscured when board directors rely solely on the perspective of company executives. The boards of three European oil and gas majors, Shell, BP and Statoil, embraced this approach and actually endorsed shareholder resolutions on climate change in 2015. Board engagement with shareholders led to a mutual understanding that better assessing climate risk would create long-term value. Nonetheless, companies like Exxon and Chevron continue to fight tooth and nail against any shareholder engagements that raise climate concerns, and requests to meet with board members are often rebuffed by management.The research indicates that Exxon\'s board would be better served by hearing directly from the shareholders that have been warning about climate and carbon asset risks. The reality is that sustainability is good business. Research, including from Harvard Business School, Morgan Stanley, and others consistently show that companies that embrace sustainability outperform their peers on a variety of crucial financial metrics.It\'s time for boards to embrace this reality.将第5-10段翻译成中文。

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Corporate boards and the critical oversight function they play have come to the fore over the last year. You don\'t need to look any further than the scandal roiling ExxonMobil to understand the high stakes at play.Exxon is facing a moment of truth with potentially huge financial ripples. Using internal company documents, Inside Climate News and The Los Angeles Times recently reported that Exxon deliberately misled the public about climate change research, even though its own scientists began warning the company about the dangers of warming global temperatures in 1977. Within days, the New York Attorney General confirmed that it has been investigating whether Exxon misled investors in a manner that violated state securities laws.Exxon presents a perfect case for examining how building sustainability into board governance can help prevent and manage risk. In the case of Exxon, climate risk is a sustainability issue that has been raised by investors through shareholder resolutions for well over a decade. So it\'s logical to ask how much did Exxon\'s board know about the company\'s research on climate change, and did any of the board members have the expertise necessary to question it? Did the company\'s research factor into board conversations on performance, risk and opportunity? And, importantly, did the board engage with stakeholders to inform its views?Investors are increasingly focused on the decisions made by corporate boards on corporate strategy and the extent to which it incorporates sustainability risks and opportunities. In 2013, a group of over 75 institutional investors collectively managing more than $3.5 trillion in assets sent letters to 45 of the world\'s largest fossil fuel companies, including Exxon, urging them to address the risks posed by climate change, including carbon asset risk.(Carbon asset risk is the potential of fossil fuel reserves being unusable - \'stranded,\' in Wall Streetparlance - as the global economy transitions to low-carbon energy sources. Those risks are especially severe for fossil fuel companies if carbon-reducing efforts are successful in preventing Earth\'s temperatures from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.)Board oversight and intervention have had a major impact on how companies respond. For example, only three of the fossil fuel companies initially targeted have endorsed the use of a 2 degree scenario analysis in their business planning: BHP Billiton, Statoil and ConocoPhillips. In each of these cases, the decision to move forward with the analysis was initiated from the board rather than from management. But this type of proactive approach remains the exception rather than the rule.Corporate boards need to move from being reactive on sustainability issues, to proactively and systematically thinking about how environmental and social challenges factor into corporate strategies and performance. Ceres recently published a report, \"View from the Top: How Corporate Boards can Engage on Sustainability Performance\", outlining specific recommendations for proactive board engagement. Based on interviews with dozens of board members, senior corporate leaders and governance experts, the report underscores that informed oversight is critical to good governance. Among the report\'s key recommendations:(1) Where a sustainability issue is material to the company, the board should include directors with expertise on key issues in question. Investors are especially focused on having companies recruit \"climate competent\" and \"sustainability competent\" directors. Companies like Prudential Financial, for example, identify \"expertise in corporate responsibility/sustainability\" as a board qualification. Directors and management should assess the qualifications and expertise of current directors and map this against the company\'s sustainability priorities. Now is an ideal time for Exxon to re-consider shareholder calls for board members with climate expertise.(2) Boards run substantial risks when they operate as isolated entities. Engaging with external stakeholders, including investors, on sustainability priorities can mitigate those risks by giving directors a clearer view of the landscape of risks facing the company -- a view that is sometimes obscured when board directors rely solely on the perspective of company executives. The boards of three European oil and gas majors, Shell, BP and Statoil, embraced this approach and actually endorsed shareholder resolutions on climate change in 2015. Board engagement with shareholders led to a mutual understanding that better assessing climate risk would create long-term value. Nonetheless, companies like Exxon and Chevron continue to fight tooth and nail against any shareholder engagements that raise climate concerns, and requests to meet with board members are often rebuffed by management.The research indicates that Exxon\'s board would be better served by hearing directly from the shareholders that have been warning about climate and carbon asset risks. The reality is that sustainability is good business. Research, including from Harvard Business School, Morgan Stanley, and others consistently show that companies that embrace sustainability outperform their peers on a variety of crucial financial metrics. It\'s time for boards to embrace this reality.将第5-10段翻译成中文。
