contract是什么意思中文翻译contract既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道contract做名词和动词分别都是什么意思吗?下面店铺为大家带来contract的英语意思和英语例句,欢迎大家参考学习!contract作名词的意思合同;契约;协议contract作动词的意思签合同;缩小;感染contract的英语音标英 [kənˈtrækt] 美 [ˈkɑnˌtrækt]contract的时态现在分词: contracting过去式: contracted过去分词: contractedcontract的英语例句1. A formal contract is signed which is renewable annually.正式签订了每年可续签的合同。
2. That contract proved to be a millstone around his neck.那个合同结果成了他的一个负担。
3. The contract was awarded to a previously unknown company.合同签给了一个之前并不知名的公司。
4. She's coining it in with a $10 million contract with Revlon.她靠与露华浓签订的一笔1,000万美元的合同发了大财。
5. They can transfer or share the contract with whosoever they choose.他们可以与他们选择的任何人交换或分享这份合约。
6. Don't sign anything until your solicitor has explained the contract to you.在律师向你解释清楚合同之前,不要签署任何东西。
7. Employees can contract out of their employer's occupational pension scheme.雇员可以退出雇主的职业养老金计划。
其谨慎。权利义务的约定部分构成了合同的主体。这 几个词如选用不当,可能会引起纠纷。
May 旨在约定当事人的权利(可以做什么),shall约 定当事人的义务(应当做什么), must 用于强制性义 务(必须做什么),may not (或shall not)用于禁止 性义务(不得做什么)。
WHEREAS…THEREFORE … It is hereby agreed as follows:
或以: WITNESSETH, WHEREAS… NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows:
2、正式用语(Formal Terms) 合同英语有着严肃的风格,与其它英语作品有很大不 同。例如:
“因为”的短语多用“by virtue of”,远远多于 “due to”一般不用“because of”; “财务年度末”一般用“at the close of the fiscal year”,而不用“in the end of the fiscal year”; “在……之前”一般用“prior to”,而不用 “before”; “关于”常用“as regards”,“concerning”或 “relating to”,而不会用“about”; “事实上”用“in effect”,而不用“in fact”;
party a wishes to be released and discharged from agreement as from the effective date”,一句中的“release”和 “discharge”意思几乎相同。
contract的过去式和用法例句contract做动词有缩小;订合同;缩短等意思,那么你知道contract的过去式是什么吗?下面小编为大家带来的contract的过去式和用法例句,供大家参考学习!contract的过去式和其他时态:过去式: contracted过去分词: contracted现在分词: contractingcontract的用法:contract的用法1:contract作订契约解时,指双方为共同利益所吸引。
用作及物动词时可接名词或动词不定式作宾语; 用作不及物动词接for可表示承包录入; 接in可表示承诺加入; 接with可表示与订合约。
contract的用法3:contract用作不及物动词时,可表示订合同,订约,后面常接介词with; 与介词for连用表示原因或目的。
contract的过去式例句:1. She contracted a formal marriage to a British ex-serviceman.她和一个英国退役军人正式订婚了。
2. When Barclays Bank contracted out its cleaning, the new company was cheaper.当巴克莱银行外包其结算业务后,新公司的价格更为便宜。
3. The manufacturing economy contracted in October for the sixth consecutive month.10月,制造业经济已经连续第6个月出现萎缩状况。
4. Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cancer contracted by women.卵巢癌是女性常患的第六大癌症。
国际商务中合同 Contract常用语及词汇
We both want to sign a contract, and we have to make some concessions to do it.
We are here to discuss a new contract with you.
I know we (the seller) should draw up a contract and the buyer has to sign it.
We should simultaneously sign two contracts, one sales contract for beef and mutton, and the other contract of equal value for the purchase of cotton.
We offered a much lower price, so they got the contract.
Are we anywhere near a contract yet?
We sign a contract when we are acting as principals.(principals refers to the seller and the buyer)
to draw up a contract 拟订合同
前者如买卖、互易合同等,后者如赠与、使用合同等。 诺成合同与实践合同:以当事人双方意思表示一致,合同即告成立的,为诺成合同。除双方当事 人意思表示一致外,尚须实物给付,合同始能成立,为实践合同,亦称要物合同。 要式合同与非要式合同:凡合同成立须依特定形式始为有效的,为要式合同;反之,为非要式合 同。《中华人民共和国经济合同法》规定,法人之间的合同除即时清结者外,应当以书面形式订 立。公民间房屋买卖合同除用书面形式订立外,尚须在国家主管机关登记过户。 主合同与从合同 :凡不依他种合同的存在为前提而能独立成立的合同,称为主合同。凡必须以 他种合同的存在为前提始能成立的合同,称为从合同。例如债权合同为主合同, 保证该合同债务之履行的保证合同为从合同。从合同以主合同的存在为前提,故主合同消灭时, 从合同原则上亦随之消灭。反之,从合同的消灭,并不影响主合同的效力。
01 法律特征
03 分类 05 形式
02 条款 04 步骤 06 变更解除
①合同是双方的法律行为。即需要两个或两个以上的当事人互为意思表示(意思表示就是将能够 发生民事法律效果的意思表现于外部的行为)。②双方当事人意思表示须达成协议,即意思表示 要一致。③合同系以发生、变更、终止民事法律关系为目的。④合同是当事人在符合法律规范要 求条件下而达成的协议,故应为合法行为。 合同一经成立即具有法律效力,在双方当事人之间就发生了权利、义务关系;或者使原有的民事 法律关系发生变更或消灭。当事人一方或双方未按合同履行义务,就要依照合同或法律承担违约 责任。
可分为基本条款和普通条款,又称必要条款和一般条款。当事人对必要条款达成协议的,合同即 为成立;反之,合同不能成立。确定合同必要条款的根据有 3种:①根据法律规定。凡是法律对 合同的必要条款有明文规定,应根据法律规定。②根据合同的性质确定。法律对合同的必要条款 没有明文规定的,可以根据合同的性质确定。例如买卖合同的标的物、价款是买卖合同的必要条 款。③根据当事人的意愿确定。除法律规定和据合同的性质确定的必要条款以外,当事人一方要 求必须规定的条款,也是必要条款。例如当事人一方对标的物的包装有特别要求而必须达成协议 的条款,就是必要条款。合同条款除必要条款之外,还有其他条款,即一般条款。一般条款在合 同中是否加以规定,不会影响合同的成立。将合同条款规定得具体详明,有利于明确合同双方的 权利、义务和合同的履行。
contract英文合同范本合同(Contract)一、合同双方甲方(Party A):公司名称:[公司名称]地址:[公司地址]法定代表人:[法定代表人姓名]联系电话:[联系电话]乙方(Party B):公司名称:[公司名称]地址:[公司地址]法定代表人:[法定代表人姓名]联系电话:[联系电话]二、合同目的本合同旨在明确甲、乙双方在[具体业务或合作事项]中的权利和义务,确保双方的合作顺利进行。
三、合作内容1. 乙方同意为甲方提供[具体服务或产品],甲方同意支付相应的费用。
2. 乙方应按照甲方的要求和规定,按时、保质、保量地完成工作任务。
3. 甲方应提供必要的支持和协助,确保乙方能够顺利开展工作。
四、费用及支付方式1. 甲方应向乙方支付的费用总额为[具体金额]。
2. 支付方式为:[具体支付方式,如分期付款、一次性支付等]。
3. 甲方应在[支付时间]支付相应的费用。
五、交付和验收1. 乙方应在[约定交付时间]将工作成果交付给甲方。
2. 甲方应在收到交付成果后的[约定验收期限]内进行验收。
3. 如验收合格,甲方应签署验收报告;如验收不合格,乙方应在[规定的整改期限]内进行整改,直至验收合格。
六、知识产权1. 乙方提供的工作成果的知识产权归乙方所有,但甲方在使用过程中应遵守相关法律法规。
2. 如甲方需要将工作成果用于其他用途,应事先征得乙方的书面同意。
七、保密条款1. 双方应对在合作过程中知悉的对方商业秘密、技术秘密等保密信息予以保密,不得向第三方披露。
2. 保密期限为[保密期限]。
八、违约责任1. 若一方违反本合同的约定,应承担违约责任,向对方支付违约金[具体金额]。
2. 如违约给对方造成损失的,还应承担赔偿责任。
十、其他条款1. 本合同自双方签字(盖章)之日起生效,有效期为[合同有效期]。
合同特点与翻译Contract—pay attention to the specific articles and is based on the agreement Agreement—focus on the fundamental principles and orientations of the two sides合同(Contract)是双方或数方当事人对某一具体项目承担权利义务的协议,对当事人均具有约束力。
定义条款(Definition Clause)是对合同书中反复使用的词汇或在合同中具有特定意义的用语进行说明和解释。
经常在合同中做出定义的用语有:product(产品),licensed product(许可产品),trademark (商标),know-how(专有技术),industrial property right(工业产权),technical documentation(技术资料),exclusive territory(独占地区),etc..基本条款(Basic Conditions)即经过交易磋商达成一致的条款,体现了双方当事人具体的权利与义务。
Name of Commodity (品名) Quality (品质) Specifications (规格)Quantity (数量) Packing (包装) Price (价格) Insurance (保险) Inspection (检验) 一般条款General Terms and Conditions :合同有效期限Duration of Contract合同的终止Termination of Contract 不可抗力Force Majeure通知手续Notice 仲裁Arbitration 适用的法律Governing Law合同的修改Amendment of Contract 合同的让与Assignment of Contract基本条款(Basic Conditions)即经过交易磋商达成一致的条款,体现了双方当事人具体的权利与义务。
contract合同范本合同范本:Contract合同范本第一条合同标的第二条合同期限2.1 本合同自双方签字之日起生效,有效期为[具体期限],除非提前终止。
第三条合同价格3.2 甲方应在收到乙方支付的合同总价款后向乙方开具正规发票。
第四条交付与验收4.1 甲方应按照合同约定的时间、地点和方式向乙方交付标的。
4.2 乙方应在收到标的后[具体时间]内进行验收,并将验收结果通知甲方。
4.3 如乙方对标的验收合格,双方应签署验收报告。
第五条质量保证5.2 甲方应在合同期限内对标的进行质量保证。
第六条违约责任6.2 如因不可抗力导致合同无法履行,受影响的一方应在合理时间内通知对方,并尽力减轻损失。
第七条保密7.1 双方应对在合同履行过程中获得的对方商业秘密、技术秘密和其它保密信息予以保密,未经对方书面同意,不得向第三方披露。
第八条争议解决8.1 双方因履行本合同发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决。
第九条其他条款9.1 本合同未尽事宜,双方可根据实际情况协商补充。
9.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
1. 标的:指本合同中甲方应向乙方提供的服务或产品。
2. 合同总价款:指乙方应向甲方支付的全部费用。
3. 质量保证:指甲方对标的在合同期限内提供的质量保障。
4. 违约责任:指一方违反合同约定应承担的法律责任。
5. 商业秘密:指不为公众所知悉,能为权利人带来经济利益,具有实用性,并经权利人采取保密措施的技术信息和经营信息。
6. 不可抗力:指无法预见、无法克服且对一方或双方造成重大影响的客观情况。
一、合同的定义和作用1. 合同的定义:合同是指两个或两个以上的自然人、法人或其他组织之间建立、变更、终止民事法律关系等财产权益关系的协议行为。
2. 合同的作用:- 确保各方权益:合同明确约定了各方在交易过程中应承担的责任和享有的权益,保证了交易双方利益互惠互利。
- 约束履行:通过签署合同,各方都有义务按照约定进行履行,减少因为各自主观判断产生歧义带来的纠纷。
- 保证权利保障:当交易发生争议时,通过检查合同可以明确双方之间约定好的权利和义务,提供法律保障。
二、常见的合同短语1. Offer and acceptance(提议与接受):- "I hereby offer to sell my car for $10,000."(我特此以1万美元出售我的汽车。
)- "Thank you for accepting my offer."(感谢您接受我的提议。
)2. Terms and conditions(条款和条件):- "The terms and conditions of this agreement are subject to negotiation."(本协议的条款和条件可进行商讨。
)- "The following terms and conditions apply to all sales transactions."(以下条款适用于所有销售交易。
)3. Consideration (对价):- "In consideration of the services rendered, I agree to pay $500."(作为对所提供服务的回报,我同意支付500美元。
Contract 与Agreement 的区别在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreement。
何谓“contract〞?1999年中国?合同法?第二条对contract定义为:A contact in this Law refers to an ag reement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations be tween subjects of equal footing, that is, between natural persons, legal persons o r other organizations〞。
,Steven H. Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary〞中将contract 定义为“contract is a promise, or a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives remedy, or the performa nce of the which the law in some way recognize as a duty.〞根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违犯承诺可以得到法律救助,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看做是一种补偿。
L.B Curzon 在其编撰的字典“A Dictionary of Law〞给contract的定义:“Contract is a legally binding agreement〞根据这一定义,合同就是有法律约束力的协议。
综合起来,有一个一样点,就是“Contract is an agreement〞,即可将合同说成是“An agre ement which binds the parties concerned〞或者说合同说成是“An agreement which i s enforceable by law〞,也可以说:Contracts are promises that the law will enfor ce。
值得一读:contract与agreement区别Contract 与Agreement的有无区别?在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreement。
第一部分、何谓“Contract”?1999年中国《合同法》第二条对contract定义为:A contact in t his Law refers to an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing, that is ,between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations. 根据这一定义,合同平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。
Steven H. Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary”中将contract 定义为“contract is a promise, or a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives remedy, or the performance of the which the law in some way recognize as a duty.”根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救助,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看做是一种补偿。
L.B Curzon 在其编撰的字典“A Dictionary of Law”给contract的定义:“Contract is a legally binding agreement”根据这一定义,合同就是有法律约束力的协议。
综合起来,有一个相同点,就是“Contract is an agreement”,即可将事同说成是“An agreement which binds the parties concerned”或者说成是“An agreement which is enforceable by law”,也可以说:Contracts are promises that the law will enforce。
1. Contract: 合同。
2. Contractor: 承包商。
3. Subcontractor: 分包商。
4. Scope of work: 工作范围。
5. Specifications: 技术规范。
6. Deliverables: 交付物。
7. Schedule: 进度表。
8. Payment terms: 付款条件。
9. Liquidated damages: 违约金。
10. Indemnification: 赔偿。
11. Force majeure: 不可抗力。
12. Termination: 终止。
13. Dispute resolution: 争议解决。
14. Governing law: 管辖法律。
15. Confidentiality: 保密性。
国际商务中合同 Contract常用语及词汇
国际商务中合同 Contract常用语及词汇在国际贸易中,口语的表达能力是商务人员的重要能力之一,也是必备的,因为很多时候,一场交易的成功与否都是跟口语有着很大的关系,那么关于合同的相关专业用语该怎么说?以下是小编给大家整理的商务中合同 Contract常用语及词汇,希望可以帮到大家Well have the contract ready for signature.我们应准备好合同待签字。
We signed a contract for medicines.我们签订了一份药品合同。
Mr. Zhang sings the contract on behalf of theChina National Silk Import & Export Corporation.张先生代表中国丝绸进出口总公司在合同上签了字。
A Japanese company and SINOCHEM have entered intoa new contract.中国化工进出口总公司已经和日本一家公司签订了一份新合同。
It was because of you that we landed the contract.因为有了你,我们才签了那份合同。
We offered a much lower price, so they got the contract.由于我们报价低,他们和我们签了合同。
Are we anywhere near a contract yet?我们可以(接近于)签合同了吗?We sign a contract when we are acting as principals.("principals" refers to the "seller" andthe "buyer")当我们作为货主时都要签订合同。
(这里的“货主”指合同中的卖方和买方)I know we (the seller) should draw up a contract and the buyer has to sign it.我们知道我们(卖方)应该拟出一份合同,买方必须签署合同。
contract 与 agreement的有无区别?在英语中,合同一般称为contract,协议一般称为agreement.下面分别进行讲解。
第一部分何谓“contract”?1999年中国《合同法》第二条对contract定义为:a contact in this law refers to an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing,that is,between natural persons,legal persons or other organizations. 根据这一定义,合同平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。
Steven h. gifts编著的“law dictionary”中将contract 定义为“contract is a promise, or a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives remedy, or the performance of the which the law in some way recognize as a duty.”根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救助,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看做是一种补偿。
I .b Curzon 在其编撰的字典“a dictionary of law”给contract的定义:“contract is a legally binding agreement”根据这一定义,合同就是有法律约束力的协议。
综合起来,有一个相同点,就是“contract is an agreement”,即可将合同说成是“an agreement which binds the parties concerned”或者说成是“an agreement which is enforceable by law”,也可以说:contracts are promises that the law will enforce.第二部分何谓“agreement”?I.b “a consensus of mind, or evidence of such consensus, in spoke or written form, relating to anything done or to be done.”根据这一定义,协议是对已经做或准备做的相关事宜,经过谈判、协商后取得一致意见,以口头或书面形式做出的约定。
Hereto:to this.本文件的。Thereof:of that.它的,其。 : 本文件的。 它的, 本文件的 : 它的 Thereto:to that 与之,向那里。 与之,向那里。 :
例句:“Licensed Products” means the devices and products described in Schedule 1 annexed hereto together with all improvement and modification thereof or development with respect thereto. “特许产品”系指 在本协议附件1中所述的装置和产品,及其全部改进和 修改的产品和与之相关的产品。
合同、协议(Contract; Agreement) 意向书(Letter of Intent) /“Memorandum of Understanding”(简称MOU, 通常翻译为谅解备忘录) / “Minute of Talks”(即会谈纪要) 契约(Covenant主要指不动产转让的合同或证明文 件 , Indenture通常也是指不动产转让的契约文件 , Deed一般指地契、房契 , Compact多用于国家间的 协定、协议 ,Protocol通常翻译为草约或者议定书, 往往也是双方会谈结果的文字依据 ) “Letter”(函)/ “Waiver”(弃权书)/ “Guaranty” (保证书)/ “Power of Attorney”(委托书)等
附录也称Addendum, Annex或Exhibit,也 有用Attachment, List或Table表示的。附录 部分作为对正文条款的补充,不是所有英 文合同都有的一项。
何谓“contract”?1999年中国《合同法》第二条对contract定义为:A contact in this Law refers to an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligationsbetween subjects of equal footing, that is, between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations”。
,Steven H. Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary”中将contract 定义为“contract is a promise, or a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives remedy, or the performance of thewhich the law in some way recognize as a duty.”根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救助,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看做是一种补偿。
L.B Curzon 在其编撰的字典“A Dictionary of Law”给contract的定义:“Contract is a legally binding agreement”根据这一定义,合同就是有法律约束力的协议。
综合起来,有一个相同点,就是“Contract is an agreement”,即可将合同说成是“An agreement which binds the parties concerned”或者说合同说成是“An agreement which is enforceable by law”,也可以说:Contracts are promises that the law will enforce。
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IntroductionA contract is an exchange of promises between two or more parties to do, or refrain from doing, which is enforceable in a court of law. It is a binding legal agreement. That is to say, a contract is an exchange of promises for the breach of which the law will provide a remedy. Agreement is said to be reached when an offer capable of immediate acceptance is met with a "mirror image" acceptance (i.e., an unqualified acceptance). The parties must have the necessary capacity to contract and the contract must not be trifling, indeterminate, impossible or illegal. Contract law is based on the principle expressed in the Latin phrase pacta sunt servanda (usually translated "pacts must be kept", but more literally "agreements are to be kept"). Breach of contract is recognized by the law and remedies can be provided. Technically, any oral agreement between two parties can constitute a binding legal contract. The practical limitation to this, however, is that only parties to a written agreement have material evidence (the written contract itself) to prove the actual terms uttered at the time the agreement was struck. In daily life, most contracts can be and are made orally, such as purchasing a book or a sandwich. Sometimes written contracts are required by either the parties, or by statutory law within various jurisdictions for certain types of agreement. For example when buying a house or land.Contract law can be classified, as is habitual in civil law systems, as part of a general law of obligations (along with tort, unjust enrichment or restitution).As a means of economic ordering, contract relies on the notion of consensual exchange and has been extensively discussed in broader economic, sociological and anthropological terms.Historical developmentContract law is the product of a business civilization. It will not be found, in any significant degree, in precommercial societies. Most primitive societies have other ways of enforcing the commitments of individuals; for example, through ties of kinship or by the authority of religion. In an economy based on barter, most transactions are self-enforcing because the transaction is complete on both sides at the same moment. Problems may arise if the goods exchanged are later found to be defective, but these problems will be handled through property law—with its penalties for taking or spoiling the property of another—rather than through contract law. Even when transactions do not take the form of barter, primitive societies continue to work with notions of property rather than of promise. In early forms of credit transactions, kinship ties secured the debt, as when a tribe or a community gave hostages until the debt was paid. Other forms of security took the form of pledging land or pawning an individual into “debt slavery.” Some credit arrangements were essentially self-enforcing: livestock, for example, might be entrusted to a caretaker who received for his services a fixed percentage of the offspring. In other cases—constructing a hut, clearing a field, or building a boat—enforcement of the promise to pay was more difficult but still was based on concepts of property. In other words, the claim for payment was based not on the existence of a bargain or promise but on the unjust detention of another’s money or goods. When a worker sought to obtain his wages, the tendency was to argue in terms of his right to the product of his labour.A true law of contracts—that is, of enforceable promises—implies the development of a market economy. Where a commitment’s value is not seen to vary with time, ideas of property and injury are adequate and there will be no enforcement of an agreement if neither party has performed, since in property terms no wrong has been done. In a market economy, on the other hand, a person may seek a commitment today to guard against a change in value tomorrow; the person obtaining such a commitment feels harmed by a failure to honour it to the extent that the market value differs from the agreed price.Roman lawThe Roman law of contracts, as found in Justinian’s law books of the 6th century ad, reflected a long economic, social, and legal evolution. It recognized various types of contracts and agreements, some of them enforceable, others not. A good deal of legal history turns upon the classifications and distinctions of the Roman law. Only at its final stage of development did Roman law enforce, in general terms, informal executory contracts—that is, agreements to be carried out after they were made. This stage of development was lost with the breakup of the empire. As western Europe declined from an urbanized, commercial society into a localized, agrarian society, the Roman courts and administrators were replaced by relatively weak and imperfect institutions.The rebirth and development of contract law was a part of the economic, political, and intellectual renaissance of western Europe. It was everywhere accompanied by a commercial revival and the rise of national authority. Both in England and on the Continent, the customary arrangements were found to be unsuited to the commercial and industrial societies that were emerging. The informal agreement, so necessary for trade and commerce in market economies, was not enforceable at law. The economic life of England and the Continent flowed, even after a trading economy began to develop, within the legal framework of the formal contract and ofthe half-executed transaction (that is, a transaction already fully performed on one side). Neither in continental Europe nor in England was the task of developing a law of contracts an easy one. Ultimately, both legal systems succeeded in producing what was needed: a body of contract doctrine by which ordinary business agreements, involving a future exchange of values, could be made enforceable.The new contract law began to grow up throughout Europe through the practices of merchants; these were at first outside the legal order and could not be upheld in courts of law. Merchants developed informal and flexible practices appropriate for active commercial life. By the 13th century, merchants’ courts had been established at the international trade fairs. The merchant courts provided expeditious procedures and prompt justice and were administered by men who were themselves merchants and thus fully aware of mercantile problems and customs.In the 12th and 13th centuries the development of the law of contracts on the Continent and in England began to diverge. In England the common law of contracts developed pragmatically through the courts. On the Continent the process was very different, with speculative and systematic thinkers playing a much larger role.Common lawFrom perhaps the 13th century on, English common law dealt with contractual problems primarily through two actions: debt and covenant. When a fixed sum of money was owed, under an express or implied agreement, for a thing or a benefit given, the money was recoverable through a simple action at debt. Other debt action was available for breach of a promise, made in an instrument with a seal, to pay a fixed sum of money. A so-called action at covenant could also be brought, but only for breach of a promise under seal. These actions did not, however, provide a remedy for the breach of an informal agreement to do something. In the 15th century the common-law courts started to develop a form of action that would render such agreements enforceable, and by the middle of the 16th century they had done so through the form of action known as assumpsit (“he has undertaken”). Originating as a form of recovery for the negligent performance of an undertaking, it came step by step to cover the many kinds of agreement called for by expanding commerce and technology. Having established in principle a comprehensive remedy, it was necessary for the courts to limit its scope. The courts found the limiting principle in the doctrine of “consideration,” according to which a promise as a general rule is not binding unless something is given or promised in exchange. This consideration need not be of commensurate value, but it must be of some value, must be bargained for, and cannot be simply a formality.Civil lawOn the Continent, the revived study of classical Roman law had an immense influence upon the developing law of contract. It stimulated the rediscovery or construction of a general law concerning the validity of agr eements. The Roman law, however, as crystallized in Justinian’s law books, tended to confirm the notion that something more than an informal expression of agreement was required if a contract was to be upheld by a court. Another significant influence in the development of contract law on the Continent was the Roman Catholic Church. The church in its own law (canon law) strongly supported the proposition that a simple, informal promise should be binding (pacta sunt servanda). This attitude was to encourage the development of informal contracts. The natural-law philosophers took up such ideas as pactasunt servanda, although they were slow to abandon the view that some contracts, especially contracts of exchange, should require part performance if they were to be held enforceable. By the 18th century the speculative and systematic thought of jurists and philosophers had finally and fully carried the day. The legal writers and legislators of the period generally considered informal contracts as enforceable in the courts. Thus in the French Civil Code of 1804, contract was approached essentially in terms of agreement; obligations freely assumed were enforceable except when the welfare of society or the need to protect certain categories of persons, such as minors, dictated otherwise. With the generalization that contract rests ultimately on agreement, the civil-law systems achieved a foundation quite different from the common law’s view that contract is basically a promise supported by a consideration.All the Western systems of modern contract law provide mechanisms through which individuals can voluntarily assume, vis-à-vis others, legally binding obligations enforceable by the other person. Contract law strives to give legal expression to the endlessly varying desires and purposes that human beings seek to express and forward by assuming legal obligations. The resulting system is open-ended; in principle, no limits are set in modern contract law to the number of possible variations of contracts.Contractual formationIn common law systems, the five key requirements for the creation of a contract are: 1. offer and acceptance (agreement) 2. consideration 3. an intention to create legal relations 4. legal capacity 5. formalitiesIn civil law systems, the concept of consideration is not central. In addition, for some contracts formalities must be complied with under what is sometimes called a statute of frauds.Where a product in large quantities is advertised in a newspaper or on a poster, it may be an offer, but generally speaking it will be regarded as an invitation to treat, since even when large stock is held it is still limited, whilst the response to an advertisement may be unlimited.1.O FFER AND ACCEPTANCEThe most important feature of a contract is that one party makes an offer for an arrangement that another accepts. This can be called a 'concurrence of wills' or 'ad idem' (meeting of the minds) of two or more parties. The concept is somewhat contested. The obvious objection is that a court cannot read minds and the existence or otherwise of agreement is judged objectively, with only limited room for questioning subjective intention. Richard Austen-Baker has suggested that the perpetuation of the idea of 'meeting of minds' may come from a misunderstanding of the Latin term 'consensus ad idem', which actually means 'agreement to the [same] thing'. There must be evidence that the parties had each from an objective perspective engaged in conduct manifesting their assent, and a contract will be formed when the parties have met such a requirement. An objective perspective means that it is only necessary that somebody gives the impression of offering or accepting contractual terms in the eyes of a reasonable person, not that they actually did want to form a contract.Offer and acceptance does not always need to be expressed orally or in writing. An implied contract is one in which some of the terms are not expressed in words. This can take two forms.A contract which is implied in fact is one in which the circumstances imply that parties have reached an agreement even though they have not done so expressly.2.C ONSIDERATION AND ESTOPPELConsideration is known as 'the price of a promise' and is a controversial requirement for contracts under common law. It is not necessary in all common law or civil law systems, and is considered by some to be unnecessary as the requirement of intention to create legal relations by both parties meets the same requirement under contract.The idea is that both parties to a contract must bring something to the bargain, that both parties must confer some benefit or detriment (for example, money, however in some cases money will not suffice as consideration - e.g., when one party agrees to make part payment of a debt in exchange for being released from the full amount). This can be either conferring an advantage on the other party, or incurring some kind of detriment or inconvenience towards oneself. Three rules govern consideration.Consideration must be real, but need not be adequate. For instance, agreeing to buy a car for a penny may constitute a binding contract. While consideration need not be adequate, contracts in which the consideration of one party greatly exceeds that of another may nevertheless be held invalid for lack of real consideration. In such cases, the fact that the consideration is exceedingly inadequate can be evidence that there was no consideration at all. Such contracts may also be held invalid for other reasons such as fraud, duress, or being contrary to public policy. In some situations, a collateral contract may exist, whereby the existence of one contract provides consideration for another. Critics say consideration can be so small as to make the requirement of any consideration meaningless.Consideration must not be from the past and must move from the promisee.Civil law systems take the approach that an exchange of promises, or a concurrence of wills alone, rather than an exchange in valuable rights is the correct basis. However, in common law systems the concept of culpa in contrahendo, a form of 'estoppel', is increasingly used to create obligations during pre-contractual negotiations. Estoppel is an equitable doctrine that provides for the creation of legal obligations if a party has given another an assurance and the other has relied on the assurance to his detriment. A number of commentators have suggested that consideration be abandoned, and estoppel be used to replace it as a basis for contracts. However, legislation, rather than judicial development, has been touted as the only way to remove this entrenched common law doctrine. Lord Justice Denning famously stated that "The doctrine of consideration is too firmly fixed to be overthrown by a side-wind."3.I NTENTION TO BE LEGALLY BOUNDThere is a presumption for commercial agreements that parties intend to be legally bound (unless the parties expressly state that they do not want to be bound, like in heads of agreement). On the other hand, many kinds of domestic and social agreements are unenforceable on the basis of public policy.4.T HIRD PARTIESThe doctrine of privity of contract means that only those involved in striking a bargain would have standing to enforce it. In general this is still the case, only parties to a contract may sue for the breach of a contract, although in recent years the rule of privity has eroded somewhat and third party beneficiaries have been allowed to recover damages for breaches of contracts they were not party to. There are two times where third party beneficiaries are allowed to fall under the contract. The duty owed test looks to see if the third party was agreeing to pay a debt for the original party. The intent to benefit test looks to see if circumstances indicate that the promisee intends to give the beneficiary the benefit of the promised performance. Any defense allowed to parties of the original contract extend to third party beneficiaries5.F ORMALITIES AND WRITINGContrary to common wisdom, an exchange of promises can still be binding and legally as valid as a written contract. A spoken contract should be called an oral contract, which might be considered a subset of verbal contracts. Any contract that uses words, spoken or written, is a verbal contract. Thus, all oral contracts and written contracts are verbal contracts. This is in contrast to a "non-verbal, non-oral contract," also known as "a contract implied by the acts of the parties", which can be either implied in fact or implied in law.Most jurisdictions have rules of law or statutes which may render otherwise valid oral contracts unenforceable. This is especially true regarding oral contracts involving large amounts of money or real estate.If a contract is in a written form, and somebody signs the contract, then the person is bound by its terms regardless of whether they have read it or not, provided the document is contractual in nature. Furthermore, if a party wishes to use a document as the basis of a contract, reasonable notice of its terms must be given to the other party prior to their entry into the contract. This includes such things as tickets issued at parking stations.C ONTRACTS1.B ILATERAL V. UNILATERAL CONTRACTSContracts may be bilateral or unilateral. The more common of the two [citation needed], a bilateral contract, is an agreement in which each of the parties to the contract makes a promise or promises to the other party.In a unilateral contract, only one party to the contract makes a promise. A typical example is the reward contract: A promises to pay a reward to B if B finds A's dog. B is not obliged to find A's dog, but A is obliged to pay the reward to B if B finds the dog.An offer of a unilateral contract may often be made to many people by means of an advertisement. In that situation, acceptance will only occur on satisfaction of the condition. If the condition is something that only one party can perform, both the offeror and offeree are protected – the offeror is protected because he will only ever be contractually obliged to one of the many offerees; and the offeree is protected, because if she does perform the condition, the offeror will be contractually obliged to pay her.In unilateral contracts, the requirement that acceptance be communicated to the offeror is waived. The offeree accepts by performing the condition, and the offeree's performance is also treated as the price, or consideration, for the offeror's promise.2.F ACTORS IN SELECTING CONTRACT TYPES.There are many factors that the contracting officer should consider in selecting and negotiating the contract type. They include the following:✓Price competition. Normally, effective price competition results in realistic pricing, and a fixed-price contract is ordinarily in the Government’s interest.✓Price analysis. Price analysis, with or without competition, may provide a basis for selecting the contract type. The degree to which price analysis can provide a realistic pricing standard should be carefully considered.✓Cost analysis. In the absence of effective price competition and if price analysis is not sufficient, the cost estimates of the offeror and the Government provide the bases for negotiating contract pricing arrangements. It is essential that the uncertainties involved in performance and their possible impact upon costs be identified and evaluated, so that a contract type that places a reasonable degree of cost responsibility upon the contractor can be negotiated.✓Type and complexity of the requirement. Complex requirements, particularly those unique to the Government, usually result in greater risk assumption by the Government.This is especially true for complex research and development contracts, when performance uncertainties or the likelihood of changes makes it difficult to estimate performance costs in advance. As a requirement recurs or as quantity production begins, the cost risk should shift to the contractor, and a fixed-price contract should be considered.✓Urgency of the requirement. If urgency is a primary factor, the Government may choose to assume a greater proportion of risk or it may offer incentives to ensure timely contract performance.✓Period of performance or length of production run. In times of economic uncertainty, contracts extending over a relatively long period may require economic price adjustment terms.✓Contractor’s technical capability and financial responsibility.✓Adequacy of the contractor’s accounting system. Before agreeing on a contract type other than firm-fixed-price, the contracting officer shall ensure that the contractor’s accounting system will permit timely development of all necessary cost data in the form required by the proposed contract type. This factor may be critical when the contract type requires price revision while performance is in progress, or when a cost-reimbursement contract is being considered and all current or past experience with the contractor has been on a fixed-price basis.✓Concurrent contracts. If performance under the proposed contract involves concurrent operations under other contracts, the impact of those contracts, including their pricing arrangements, should be considered.✓Extent and nature of proposed subcontracting. If the contractor proposes extensive subcontracting, a contract type reflecting the actual risks to the prime contractor should be selected.✓Acquisition history. Contractor risk usually decreases as the requirement is repetitively acquired. Also, product descriptions or descriptions of services to be performed can be defined more clearly.3.T YPES OF CONTRACTSThere are a lot of types of contracts. They are:Fixed-Price ContractsFirm-fixed-price contractsFixed-price contracts with economic price adjustmentFixed-price incentive contractsFixed-price contracts with prospective price redeterminationFixed-ceiling-price contracts with retroactive price redeterminationFirm-fixed-price, level-of-effort term contractsCost-Reimbursement ContractsCost-sharing contractsCost-plus-fixed-fee contractsCost-plus-incentive-fee contractsIncentive ContractsStructuring multiple-incentive contractsFixed-price contracts with award feesCost-reimbursement incentive contractsIndefinite-Delivery ContractsDefinite-quantity contractsRequirements contractsTime-and-Materials, Labor-Hour, and Letter ContractsBut we are going to describe the most commonly used of them.1. Cost-Reimbursement Contracts provide for payment of allowable incurred costs, to the extent prescribed in the contract. These contracts establish an estimate of total cost for the purpose of obligating funds and establishing a ceiling that the contractor may not exceed (except at its own risk) without the approval of the contracting officer. A cost-reimbursement contract may be used only when:The contractor’s accounting system is adequate for determining costs applicable to the contract; andAppropriate Government surveillance during performance will provide reasonable assurance that efficient methods and effective cost controls are used.The use of cost-reimbursement contracts is prohibited for the acquisition of commercial items.2. Incentive Contracts are appropriate when a firm-fixed-price contract is not appropriate and the required supplies or services can be acquired at lower costs and, in certain instances, with improved delivery or technical performance, by relating the amount of profit or fee payable under the contract to the contractor’s performance. You can find:Cost incentivesPerformance incentivesDelivery incentives3. The purpose of Materials Contracts is: Direct materials means those materials that enter directly into the end product or that are used or consumed directly in connection with the furnishing of the end product or service.4. Labor-hour contract is a variation of the time-and-materials contract, differing only in that materials are not supplied by the contractor.5. A letter contract is a written preliminary contractual instrument that authorizes the contractor to begin immediately manufacturing supplies or performing services.4.U NCERTAINTY, INCOMPLETENESS AND SEVERANCEIf the terms of the contract are uncertain or incomplete, the parties cannot have reached an agreement in the eyes of the law. An agreement to agree does not constitute a contract, and an inability to agree on key issues, which may include such things as price or safety, may cause the entire contract to fail. However, a court will attempt to give effect to commercial contracts where possible, by construing a reasonable construction of the contract.Courts may also look to external standards, which are either mentioned explicitly in the contract or implied by common practice in a certain field. In addition, the court may also imply a term; if price is excluded, the court may imply a reasonable price, with the exception of land, and second-hand goods, which are unique.If there are uncertain or incomplete clauses in the contract, and all options in resolving its true meaning have failed, it may be possible to sever and void just those affected clauses if the contract includes a severability clause. The test of whether a clause is severable is an objective test — whether a reasonable person would see the contract standing even without the clauses.5. PerformanceContract law seeks to protect parties to an agreement not only by requiring formalities but in many other ways as well. Thus rules respecting deceit, fraud, and undue influence are designed to ensure that contractual obligations are assumed freely and without one party misleading the other. Other rules regulate the modification of ongoing contractual relations with a view to preventing a party with considerable bargaining power from unfairly imposing changes in the contract.The law also allows contractual relations to be adjusted when they have been thrown out of balance by unforeseen circumstances. The task of adjustment is relatively easy in cases in which both parties made a mistake or in which one party laboured under a mistaken assumption that was, or plainly should have been, known to the other. The problem of mistake becomes more intractable when the error is chargeable to only one party. The solutions reached for such situations are complex and defy general statement.Catastrophic events such as inflation, political upheaval, or natural disasters may upset the economy of a contract. In the case of natural catastrophes, relief is frequently available under theories of force majeure (action by a superior or irresistible force) and “act of God” (act ofnature that is unforeseeable and unpreventable by human intervention). When the unsettling circumstances are economic in their nature, as with severe inflation or deflation, a solution is difficult to find. A party who benefits from inflation in one contractual or economic relation may suffer from it in another. A general readjustment in contracts would be enormously complicated and time-consuming and would interject an undesirable element of uncertainty into economic and business activity. Only under exceptional circumstances—and usually in the form of special legislation—are contractual relations adjusted for the effects of severe economic dislocations.6. Failure to performAnother branch of contract law deals with the sanctions that are made available to a contracting party when the other party fails to perform his contractual obligations. When these sanctions take the form of money damages—as they usually do in practice, even though some civil-law systems have a theoretical preference for specific relief—the system must decide whether the plaintiff is to be put in the same position economically that he would have been in had the contract been performed (expectancy damages) or simply reimbursed for the actual losses, if any, flowing from his reliance on the contract (reliance damages). Reliance damages can, of course, be very large. A subcontractor who fails to deliver parts required for the construction of an ocean liner (or delivers faulty parts) may be responsible for heavy reliance damages resulting from delay in the work or actual damage to the vessel. Legal systems utilize various techniques to limit both reliance and expectancy damages when otherwise they would be unreasonably large.If a person has agreed to buy an article from a merchant, his refusing to take delivery will not ordinarily produce substantial reliance damages. Delivery costs will have been incurred, but the merchant will presumably not have lost sales elsewhere. In such circumstances, the merchant will seek to recover not his delivery costs but his lost profit—his expectancy damages. The law allows relief on the basis that the expectancy created by an enforceable promise has a current economic value, measured by the economic gain that the party would derive if the particular agreement were performed.In some circumstances, performance is not measurable in terms of market value—as, for example, when one relative has agreed to sell to another a family painting of sentimental value but of little intrinsic worth. Many legal systems in such a case require specific performance (that is, compliance with the precise terms agreed upon in the contract). The availability of specific relief varies among contemporary legal systems, for reasons that seem more historical and doctrinal than practical.。