v2o5晶胞结构摘要:一、引言二、V2O5 晶体的结构特点1.晶胞参数2.空间群3.原子排布三、V2O5 晶体的性质与应用1.电学性质2.磁学性质3.催化性能4.其它应用四、V2O5 晶体的研究进展与展望1.制备方法2.改性研究3.新型应用探索五、结论正文:一、引言V2O5 晶体是一种广泛应用于电化学、磁学以及催化领域的材料。
本文旨在介绍V2O5 晶体的结构特点、性质与应用,并对其研究进展与展望进行探讨。
二、V2O5 晶体的结构特点1.晶胞参数V2O5 晶体的晶胞参数为:a = 5.64 , b = 5.64 , c = 7.88 ,α = β = 90°,γ = 120°。
2.空间群V2O5 晶体属于Pbca 空间群,具有四方晶系(D 四方)的对称性。
3.原子排布V2O5 晶体的晶胞中包含2 个V 原子和5 个O 原子。
V 原子位于晶胞的顶点和面心,O 原子位于V 原子的相邻位置。
三、V2O5 晶体的性质与应用1.电学性质V2O5 晶体具有良好的电导性能,是锂离子电池和钠离子电池的理想正极材料。
2.磁学性质V2O5 晶体在低温下具有铁磁性,可应用于磁性能的研究和磁性材料的开发。
3.催化性能V2O5 晶体具有优异的氧化还原催化性能,广泛应用于催化剂的制备和研究。
4.其它应用V2O5 晶体还可用作离子导体、氧传感器等领域的材料。
四、V2O5 晶体的研究进展与展望1.制备方法V2O5 晶体的制备方法主要包括化学法和物理法,研究者们一直在寻求更高效、低成本的制备方法。
2.改性研究通过对V2O5 晶体进行改性,可以提高其性能,拓宽应用领域。
3.新型应用探索随着科学技术的发展,V2O5 晶体在新领域的应用逐渐受到关注,如超级电容器、太阳能电池等。
五、结论V2O5 晶体具有独特的结构特点和优异的性能,已在多个领域得到广泛应用。
二、Li5FeO4材料性能研究1. 结构与组成Li5FeO4具有正交晶系结构,其化学组成中铁元素以+3价形式存在,与锂离子形成稳固的框架结构。
2. 电化学性能Li5FeO4材料具有较高的理论比容量和能量密度,同时其充放电平台较为平稳,有利于提高电池的能量利用率。
三、Li5AlO4材料性能研究1. 结构与组成Li5AlO4具有立方晶系结构,铝元素以+3价形式与锂离子形成稳定的化合物。
2. 电化学性能Li5AlO4材料具有较高的工作电压和较好的充放电平台。
第48卷第7期 2020年7月硅 酸 盐 学 报Vol. 48,No. 7 July ,2020JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY DOI :10.14062/j.issn.0454-5648.2020.07.20200029锌离子二次电池的研究进展刘佳昊,何平鸽,范丽珍(北京科技大学新材料技术研究院,北京 100083)摘 要:通过探寻合适的储锌正极材料、优化锌负极结构以及深入了解电池的储锌机理,能够显著地提高锌离子电池的电化学性能。
关键词:锌离子二次电池;正极结构;锌负极;储锌机理;电化学性能中图分类号:O646; TM911 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0454–5648(2020)07–0990–13 网络出版时间:2020–04–13Research Progress on Zinc-ion BatteriesLIU Jiahao , HE Pingge , F AN Lizhen(Institute for Advanced Materials and Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China)Abstract: Exploring suitable cathode materials to effectively accommodate Zn ions, optimizing Zn anode structure and clarifing the mechanism of battery can favor the improvement of the electrochemical performance of zinc-ion batteries (ZIBs). In this review, recent development on ZIBs was represented and various kinds of cathode materials were introduced. The structural characters, electrochemical properties and Zn ion storage mechanism were reviewed. Some solutions to solve the problems faced by Zn anode were described. Meanwhile, the effect of electrolyte on the electrochemical performance of ZIBs was discussed. In addition, challenges on ZIBs and prospects for future research directions were also given.Keywords: zinc ion battery; cathode structure; zinc anode; zinc ion storage mechanism; electrochemical performance随着经济社会和工业文明的发展,对电力能源的需求日益增长。
关键词:五氧化二钒;电致变色玻璃;离子储存层;电致变色层Abstract:With the growing global energy consumption,the electrochromic device(ECD)technology has gained a lot of attention due to its great potential to reduce building energy consumption.vanadium pentoxide(V205)has become a research hotspot as electrochemical ionic storage films and electrochromic films in smart windows due to its special structure and characteristics.The modifications of V205 layer as electrochromic film and electrochemical ionic storage films for electrochromic glass are reviewed from doping and nanostructure .Key words:vanadium pentoxide,electrochromic glass,electrochromic films,electrochemical ionic storage films1前言目前建筑能耗占我国社会总能耗的27%左右,其中门窗能耗占其中的40%-50%m,节能建筑材料的应用是减少建筑物能耗的最有效途径,但是就现在国内的节能建筑材料而言,其科研和应用还是比较落后的。
1. 传统过渡金属氧化物基正极材料的局限性传统过渡金属氧化物基正极材料如钴酸锂(LiCoO2)、镍酸锂(LiNiO2)和锰酸锂(LiMn2O4)等在锂离子电池中具有一定的应用历史。
2. 新型过渡金属氧化物基正极材料的研究进展近年来,诸如钴酸铝(LiCo1-xAlxO2)、镍钴锰酸锂(LiNixCoyMnzO2)、氧化钒基材料(V2O5)等新型过渡金属氧化物基正极材料受到广泛关注。
3. 新型过渡金属氧化物基正极材料的优势和挑战相较于传统材料,新型过渡金属氧化物基正极材料具有以下优势:a.较高的比容量:一些新型正极材料具有更高的比容量,能够实现更高的能量密度,满足电动汽车等领域对电池续航能力的要求;b.较长的循环寿命:新材料的晶格稳定性和结构稳定性较高,可实现较长的循环寿命;c.较低的成本:部分新型正极材料采用廉价原料制备,能够降低电池成本。
4. 未来发展趋势随着科学技术的不断进步,人们对锂离子电池正极材料的要求也在不断提高。
紧接着,韩国的Dae Sik Kim等的研究显示石墨表面包覆非晶Al2O3能提高电池的快充性能。
最近,Jeff Dahn老哥提出新的见解,认为NCM表面包覆的Al2O3能同LiPF6反应生成LiPO2F2进而能提升电池性能。
最近,贝特瑞专攻负极安全性改善的徐涛博士提出在天然石墨表面通过sol-gel法包覆Al2O3,不仅能提高电池的循环稳定性,同时还能改善安全性,成果以Synthesisof Alumina-Coated Natural Graphite for Highly Cycling Stability and Safety of Li-Ion Batteries为题发表在Chinese Journal of Chemistry上。
图1. (a-c)分别为天然石墨(NG)、包覆1 wt% Al2O3的天然石墨(记为AN-1)和包覆3 wt% Al2O3的天然石墨(记为AN-3)的SEM图像;(a’-c’)为(a-c)中方框区域的放大图像。
图2. (a)和(e)分别为AN-1和AN-3的SEM图像;(b-d)和(f-h)分别为AN-1和AN-3的元素分布图像。
1. 引言锂离子电池是一种颇具应用前景的能量存储设备,广泛应用于电动汽车、便携设备等领域。
2. 钒氧化物的性质钒氧化物是一类具有较高容量和良好循环稳定性的正极材料,其晶体结构和电子结构可调控,具有较高的锂离子嵌入/脱嵌反应活性。
3. 钒氧化物及其衍生物在锂离子电池中的应用3.1 V2O5V2O5是钒氧化物中应用最广泛的一种。
3.2 钒氧化物/碳复合材料钒氧化物/碳复合材料是一种将钒氧化物和碳材料结合的新型正极材料。
3.3 钒氧化物基复合材料钒氧化物基复合材料是将钒氧化物与其他金属氧化物或石墨烯等复合材料相结合的新型锂离子电池正极材料。
4. 钒氧化物在锂离子电池正极材料中的挑战尽管钒氧化物在锂离子电池正极材料中具有很大的潜力,但仍面临着一些挑战。
1、Free-Sta nding Hierarchically San dwich-Type Tun gste n Disulfide Nano tubes/Graphe neAnode for Lithium-Io n Batteries (独立的分层三明治型WS2纳米管与石墨烯复合型锂离子电池阳极材料)Renjie Chen, Teng Zhao, Weiping Wu, Feng Wu, Li Li, Ji Qian, Rui Xu,Huiming Wu, Hassan M. Albishri, A.S. Al-Bogami, Deia Abd El-Hady, Jun Lu, and Khalil AmineNano Lett., 2014, 14 (10), pp 5899 -5904Publication Date (Web): August 27, 2014 (Letter)DOI: 10.1021/nl502848z2、Graphene Nanoribbon/V z O s Cathodes in Lithium-IonBatteries (石墨烯纳米带与V2O5复合锂离子电池阴极)Yang Yang, Lei Li, Huilong Fei, Zhiwei Peng, Gedeng Ruan, and James M.TourACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6 (12), pp 9590 -9594Publication Date (Web): May 20, 2014 (Research Article)DOI: 10.1021/am501969m3、Ano malous In terfacial Lithium Storage in Graphe ne/TiO2for Lithium Ion Batteries (锂离子电池用石墨烯/TiO2复合材料的无定形界面中Li存储研究)Enzuo Liu, Jiamei Wang, Chunsheng Shi, Naiqin Zhao, Chunnian He, JiajunLi, and Jian-Zhong JiangACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6 (20), pp 18147 -8151Publication Date (Web): September 23, 2014 (Research Article)DOI: 10.1021/am50504234、Carbon-Coated Mesoporous TQ2 Nano crystals Grow n on Graphe ne forLithium-Ion Batteries (在石墨烯上生长用于锂离子电池的碳包覆介孔TiO2纳米晶)Zehui Zhang, Ludan Zhang, Wei Li, Aishui Yu, and Peiyi WuACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7 (19), pp 10395 -0400Publication Date (Web): April 30, 2015 (Research Article)DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b014505、Tin Disulfide Nano plates on Graphe ne Nan oribb ons for Full Lithium Ion Batteries (在石墨烯纳米带上生长用于全锂离子电池的SnS2纳米盘)Caitian Gao, Lei Li, Abdul-Rahman O. Raji, Anton Kovalchuk, Zhiwei Peng,Huilong Fei, Yongmin He, NamDong Kim, Qifeng Zhong, Erqing Xie, andJames M. TourACS Appl. Mater. 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Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6 (16), pp 14415 -4422Publication Date (Web): August 8, 2014 (Research Article)DOI: 10.1021/am503692g19、A n Advaneed Lithium-Ion Battery Based on a GrapheneAnode and a Lithium Iron Phosphate Cathode (一种基于石墨烯阴极和LiFePO4阳极的先进锂离子电池)Jusef Hassoun, Francesco Bonaccorso, Marco Agostini, Marco Angelucci,MariaGrazia Betti, Roberto Cingolani, Mauro Gemmi, Carlo Mariani,Stefania Panero, Vittorio Pellegrini, and Bruno Scrosati Nano Lett., 2014, 14 (8), pp 4901 -4906Publication Date (Web): July 15, 2014 (Letter)DOI: 10.1021/nl502429m20、U ltrasmall TiO 2 Nanoparticles in Situ Growth onGraphene Hybrid as Superior AnodeACS Appl. Mater. 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Interfaces, 2015, 7 (33), pp 18320 -8326Publication Date (Web): August 10, 2015 (Research Article)DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b0394222、An ionic self-assembly approach towards sandwich-like graphene/SnOgraphene nano sheets for enhan ced lithium storage一种离子自组装法制备用于提高Li存储的类三明治型纳米片:石墨烯/SnO2/石墨烯)Jin zua n Wang, Ping Liu, Yan sha n Huang, Jia nzhong Jia ng, Sheng Han, Dongqing Wu andXin lia ng FengRSC Adv., 2014,4, 57869-57874DOI: 10.1039/C4RA10573G, Paper23、3D porous hybrids of defect-rich MoS2/graphe ne nano sheets with excelle nt electrochemical performa nee as anode materials for lithium ion batteries锂离子电池用具有优异的电化学性能的三维多孔复合阴极材料:具有大量缺陷的MoS2/石墨烯纳米片)Lon gshe ng Zhang, Wei Fan, Weng Weei Tjiu and Tianxi LiuRSC Adv., 2015,5, 34777-34787DOI: 10.1039/C5RA04391C, Paper24、Nb2O5/graphe ne nano composites for electrochemical en ergy storag 用于电化学能量存储的Nb2O5/石墨烯纳米复合材料)Paulraj Arun kumar, Ajithan G. Ashish, Bi nson Babu, Som Sara ng, Abhi n Suresh, Chithra H. Sharma, Madhu Thalakulam and Manikoth M. ShaijumonRSC Adv., 2015,5, 59997-60004DOI: 10.1039/C5RA07895D, Paper25、Green synthesis of 3D SnO2/graphene aerogels and their application in lithium-ion batteries (绿色合成3DSnO2/石墨烯气凝胶机器在锂离子电池中的应用)Chen Gong, Yon gqua n Zhang, Min ggua ng Yao, Yin gji n Wei, Quanjun Li, Bo Liu, Ran Liu, Zhen Yao, Tia n Cui, Bo Zou and Bingbing LiuRSC Adv., 2015,5, 39746-39751DOI: 10.1039/C5RA05711F, Paper26、Electrochemical lithium storage of a ZnF e2O4/graphe ne nano composite as an anode material for rechargeable lithium ion batterie (可充电锂离子电池阴极材料ZnFe2O4/ 石墨烯纳米复合材料的电化学Li存储)Alok Kumar Rai, Sungjin Kim, Jihyeon Gim, Muhammad Hilmy Alfaruqi, Vinod Mathew andJaekook KimRSC Adv., 2014,4, 47087-47095DOI: 10.1039/C4RA08414D, Paper27、TiO2 nano tubes grow n on graphe ne sheets as adva need anode materials for high rate lithium ion batteries (用于高倍率锂离子电池的在石墨烯片上生长TiO2纳米管的阴极材料)Yufeng Tang, Zhanqiang Liu, Xujie L , Baofe ngWa ng and Fuqia ng HuangRSC Adv., 2014,4, 36372-36376DOI: 10.1039/C4RA05027D, Paper28、N-doped TiO 2 nano tubes/N-doped graphe ne nano sheets composites as high performa nee anode materials in lithium-ion battery (氮掺杂TiO2纳米管/氮掺杂石墨烯纳米片复合材料用于高性能锂离子电池阴极材料)Yuem ing Li, Zhigua ng Wang and Xiao-Jun LvJ. Mater. Chem. A , 2014,2, 15473-15479DOI: 10.1039/C4TA02890B, Paper29、A highly nitrogen-doped porous graphene —an anode material for lithium ion batteries (高氮掺杂多孔石墨烯一一种用于锂离子电池的阴极材料)Zhu-Yin Sui, Caiy un Wang, Qua n-She ng Ya ng, Kewei Shu, Yu-Wen Liu, Bao-Ha ng Han and Gordo n G. WallaceJ. Mater. Chem. A , 2015,3, 18229-18237DOI: 10.1039/C5TA05759K, Paper30、The effect of titanium in Li 3V2(PO4)3/graphene composites as cathode material for high capacity Li-ion batteries (一种用于高容量锂离子电池阳极材料:Ti在Li3V2(PO4)3/石墨烯复合物中的作用)Man soo Choi, Kisuk Kang, Hyun-Soo Kim, Young Moo Lee and Bon g-Soo JinRSC Adv., 2015,5, 4872-4879DOI: 10.1039/C4RA09389E, Pap er31、Assess ing the improved performa nee of freesta nding, flexible graphe ne and carb on nano tube hybrid foams for lithium ion battery an odes (组装用于提高锂离子电池阴极性能的具有独立柔性的石墨烯和碳纳米管混合泡沫)Adam P. Coh n, La ndon Oakes, Rachel Carter, Shaha na Chatterjee, An drew S. Westover, Keith Share and Cary L. PintNan oscale, 2014,6, 4669-4675DOI: 10.1039/C4NR00390J, Pap er32、Con trolled Lithium Den drite Growth by a Syn ergistic Effect ofMultilayered Graphe ne Coati ng and an Electrolyte Additive (通过多层石墨烯包覆和电解液添力口剂的协同效应来控制锂枝晶的生长)Joo-Se ong Kim, Dae Woo Kim, Hee Tae Jung, and Jang Wook ChoiChem. Mater., 2015, 27 (8), pp 2780 T2787Publication Date (Web): March 26, 2015 (Article)DOI: 10.1021/cm503447u33、Self-assembled graphene and LiFePO4 composites with superior high rate capability forlithium ion batteries (自组装具有高倍率容量的石墨烯和LiFePO4复合材料用于锂离子电池)Wen-Bin Luo, Shu-Lei Chou, Yu-Chun Zhai and Hua-Kun LiuJ. Mater. Chem. A , 2014,2, 4927-4931DOI: 10.1039/C3TA14471B, Paper34、Graphe ne enhanced carb on-coated tin dioxide nano particles for lithium-i on sec on dary batteries (石墨烯增强碳包覆TiO2纳米颗粒用于锂离子电池)Zhon gtao Li, Guilia ng Wu, Dong Liu, Wen ti ng Wu, Bo Jia ng, Jin gta ng Zheng, Yanpeng Li,Jun hua Li and Min gbo WuJ. Mater. Chem. A , 2014,2, 7471-7477DOI: 10.1039/C4TA00361F, Paper35、Mild soluti on syn thesis of graphe ne loaded with LiFePO 4 -C nano platelets for highperformanee lithium ion batteries (温和溶液法在碳包覆LiFePO4上合成石墨烯用于提高锂离子电池性能)Much un Liu, Yan Zhao, Sen Gao, Yan Wang, Yuex in Duan, Xiao Han and Qi DongNew J. Chem., 2015,39, 1094-1100DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ01485E, Paper36、Flexible free-standing graphene paper with intereonneeted porous structure for energy storage (互联多孔结构的柔性独立石墨烯纸用于能量存储)Kewei Shu, Caiy un Wang, Sha Li, Chen Zhao, Yang Yang, Huak un Liu and Gordon WallaceJ. Mater. Chem. A , 2015,3, 4428-4434DOI: 10.1039/C4TA04324C, Paper37、Dual roles of iron powder on the syn thesis of LiFePO 4@C/graphe ne cathode a nano compositefor high-performanee lithium ion batteries (Fe粉在合成用于高性能锂离子电池阳极材料LiFePO4@C/石墨烯纳米复合材料中的双重作用)Tiefe ng Liu, Jin gxia Qiu, Bo Wang, Yazhou Wang, Dianlong Wang and Shanqing ZhangRSC Adv., 2015,5, 100018-100023DOI: 10.1039/C5RA20712F, Paper38、TiO2(B) -CNT -graphene ternary composite anode material for lithium ion batteries (用于锂离子电池的TiO2 (B)-碳纳米管-石墨烯三元复合阳极材料)Tao Shen, Xufe ng Zhou, Hailia ng Cao, Chao Zhe ng and Zhaop ing LiuRSC Adv., 2015,5, 22449-22454DOI: 10.1039/C5RA01337B, Pap er39、Desired crystal oriented LiFePO 4 nanoplatelets in situ anchored on a graphene cross-linked conductive network for fast lithium storage (用于快离子存储的在石墨烯上原位生长具有一定晶向方向的且互联导电LiFePO4纳米盘网络)Bo Wang, Anmin Liu, Wael Al Abdulla, Dia nlong Wang and X. S. ZhaoNanoscale, 2015,7, 8819-8828DOI: 10.1039/C5NR01831E, Paper40、Nitrogen and fluorine co-doped graphene as a high-performanee anode material forlithium-ion batteries (用于锂离子电池的高性能阴极材料:氮和氟共掺杂石墨烯)Shizhe ng Huang, Yu Li, Yiyu Feng, Haora n An, Peng Long, Chengqun Qin and Wei FengJ. Mater. Chem. A , 2015,3, 23095-23105DOI: 10.1039/C5TA06012E, Paper41、Ge -raphene -carbon nanotube composite anode for high performance lithium-ion ba卄eries (用于高性能锂离子电池的锗-石墨烯-碳纳米管复合材料)Shan Fang, Laifa Shen, Hao Zheng and Xiaoga ng ZhangJ. Mater. Chem. A , 2015,3, 1498-1503DOI: 10.1039/C4TA04350B, Paper42、Reduced Graphene Oxide in Cathode Formulations Based on LiNi0.5Mn 1.5O4 Batteries and Energy Storage(基于LiNi0.5Mn 1.5O4电池的还原氧化石墨烯在阳极中的构成)C. Arbizza ni, L. Da Col, F. De Giorgio, M. Mastragost ino, and F. SoaviJ. Electrochem. Soc. 2015 162:A2174-A2179; doi:10.1149/2.0921510jes。
V205正极材料的分类V2O5正极材料可分为非晶态和晶态两大类,非晶态的V2O5材料主要包括气凝胶、干凝胶和水凝胶。目前主要通过溶胶-凝胶法、水热合成法、电化学沉积法来制备非晶态的V2O5电极材料,由于钒的价态高、电子亲和力强,极易形成凝胶,因此溶胶-凝胶法广泛地被采用。用传统方法得到的V2O5嵌锂容量有限,凝胶V2O5的嵌锂容量大大增加。其原因可能是:一方面嵌锂的位置发生了变化,产生了热力学上更好的嵌锂位置;另一方面由于V2O5结构中层面间距增大,结果导致V2O5凝胶具有类似二维的有序结构,层之间的作用较弱,使得Li+更容易嵌入和脱嵌。通常有三种途径可获得V2O5凝胶,即将熔融的V2O5倒入水中,用可溶性的钒酸盐(如NaVO3)与阳离子交换树脂进行质子交换,用钒的有机盐(如VO(OC3H7)3)进行水解反应。在得到V2O5凝胶后,采用不同的脱水处理工艺,可分别获得气凝胶和干凝胶。Mege等采用四异戊基醇与V2O5反应制备相应的烷氧基钒酸盐。在有非离子表面活性剂存在的条件下,将钒的有机盐进行水解制备V2O5·0.2H2O干凝胶,该材料1molV2O5能嵌入2.7molLi+,但首次不可逆容量损失达到15%。Giorgetti等采用NaVO3溶液与离子交换树脂进行质子交换和冷冻干燥的工艺,制备出V2O5·0.5H2O干凝胶,该材料在C/55倍率下1molV2O5能可逆地嵌入2.5molLi+,在C/12倍率下1molV2O5能可逆地嵌入2molLi+,并且发现在嵌脱过程中其材料具有可逆的电子构型。尽管干凝胶基的V2O5材料具有大的比容量、制备工艺相对简单等特点,但它的电化学性能存在以下几个明显的缺点:(1)电子导电率较低;(2)相对较低的Li+扩散系数,电流倍率特性较差;(3)循环过程中容量衰减较快,并且在电化学氧化还原过程中会产生不可逆的结构变化而导致不可逆容量的产生;(4)对于含有少量水的V2O5·nH2O凝胶,具有对层状结构起稳定作用的少量层间结合水在循环过程中会逐步损失,导致材料结构的破坏,并且H2O分子与锂可能形成电化学惰性物质Li2O,导致材料的电化学性能变差;(5)对于具有多孔网络结构的气凝胶V2O5,在进行电化学循环过程中材料的原有结构会逐步塌陷,导致其电化学性能恶化。晶态V2O5材料作锂离子电池正极材料时,在首次嵌锂过程(即放电过程)中,随Li+的不断嵌入会形成几种Li x V2O5相,如下图:当x<0.1时出现α-V2O5相;当0.35时,[V2O5]锥体共用棱与角构造的层开始明显皱折,产生ε-Li x V2O5相;当x=1时形成δ-Li x V2O5相,此时一层从两层之间滑出;当x=2时不可逆的γ-Li x V2O5相形成,这时V2O5的框架进一步发生皱折,尽管此时锂离子脱嵌后γ-Li x V2O5相并不能回到最初的V2O5相,但Li+仍然可以可逆地进行嵌入和脱嵌;当Li+继续嵌入时(x>2),其结构发生明显变化,当x=3时形成了具有岩盐结构的ω-Li x V2O5相。ω-Li x V2O5相虽仍能可逆循环,但钒离子从原来的位置迁移到邻近的空八面体位置,发生了无序分布,因而Li+没有较好的迁移通道,并且由于Li x V2O5的结构稳定,使得Li+的迁移更加困难,其结果是造成了不可逆容量的发生。Delmas等对晶态V2O5材料的电化学性能研究发现:晶态V2O5典型的CV曲线(如下图)在约3.3V(1)、3.1V(2)和2.3V(3)处有三个阴极峰,表明晶态V2O5正极材料随Li+的嵌入在以上三个电压处分别发生了还原反应,形成了α-、ε-以及γ-Li x V2O5相;材料的放电曲线在相应的电压处有三个明显的放电平台,对材料的放电容量作出了巨大的贡献。Park等用晶态V2O5薄膜材料作二次锂离子电池正极的电化学研究中发现:首次放电曲线的形状不同于其后的放电曲线的形状。首次放电曲线有三个典型的放电平台,但其后的放电曲线形状变为一平滑的下降曲线。也就是说经过首次放电后,晶体V2O5材料无定形化,没有出现电压平台,并且第二次对首次有20%以上的不可逆容量损失。这是由于在首次放电到2.3V以下时,晶态V2O5经历一个不可逆的相变过程,形成了ω-Li x V2O5相,导致其容量衰减。因此晶态Li x V2O5电极材料可逆的充放电必须控制在2.3V以上,这样大约只有1mol的Li+能进行可逆的充放电,因而其电池的充放电安全性、容量和寿命受到极大的限制。。
石墨烯/铝复合材料的研究现状及应用展望作者:杨文澍武高辉肖瑞董蓉桦来源:《新材料产业》 2014年第11期文/ 杨文澍1 武高辉1,2 肖瑞3 董蓉桦11. 哈尔滨工业大学材料学院金属复合材料与工程研究所2. 哈尔滨翔科新材料有限公司3. 中国电子科技集团公司南京第十四研究所石墨烯(Graphene)是一种由碳原子构成的单层片状结构新材料。
地址:750004 宁夏回族自治区银川市金凤区银川经济技术开发区创新园78号
钠离子电池正极材料的研究现状方学舟,吕景文,郑涛,郭艳艳*(长春理工大学材料科学与工程学院,吉林长春130000 )摘要:综述钠离子电池正极材料的研究现状,主要包括过渡金属氧化物材料、聚阴离子化合物材料和普鲁士蓝类化合物材料等晶态材料,非晶态FePO 4 ,V 2O 5-P 2O 5体系玻璃等非晶态材料。
关键词:钠离子电池;正极材料;非晶态;晶态中图分类号:TM912.9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-1579( 2021) 02-0201-04Research status quo of cathode materials for sodium ion batteryFANG Xue-zhou,LYU Jing-wen ,ZHENG Tao,GUO Yan-yan *(School of Materials Science and Engineering , Changchun University of Science and Technology , Changchun , Jilin 130000, China )Abstract :The research status quo of cathode materials for sodium ion battery was summarized ,including crystalline materials suchas transition metal oxides ,polyanion compounds and prussian blue compound ,amorphous materials such as crystalline FePO q ,V 205-P 2O 5 glass. The research progress in ion doping , carbon coating on improving the conductivity and enhancing the electrochemicalperformance of materials was summarized.Key words :sodium ion battery; cathode material; amorphous; crystalline锂离子电池是电子设备和电动汽车领域的主要储能器件。
V2O5干凝胶薄膜电极的储钠性能李延伟;李世玉;谢志平;姚金环;姜吉琼;张灵志【期刊名称】《桂林理工大学学报》【年(卷),期】2018(038)002【摘要】以V2O5溶胶为电解液,采用电沉积法在不锈钢基体上制备了V2O5薄膜.采用场发射扫描电子显微镜(FESEM)和X射线衍射(XRD)分析了薄膜的表面形貌和晶体结构;用循环伏安(CV)、电化学交流阻抗(EIS)和充放电测试研究了该薄膜作为钠离子电池正极材料的储钠性能.结果表明,该薄膜是具有片状纳米结构的V2O5干凝胶薄膜;作为钠离子电池正极,该薄膜表现出很好的储钠活性、优异的循环稳定性和高Na+扩散能力,是一种非常有应用前景的钠离子电池正极材料.【总页数】6页(P306-311)【作者】李延伟;李世玉;谢志平;姚金环;姜吉琼;张灵志【作者单位】中国科学院可再生能源重点实验室,广州 510640;桂林理工大学广西电磁化学功能物质重点实验室,广西桂林 541004;桂林理工大学化学与生物工程学院,广西桂林 541004;桂林理工大学广西电磁化学功能物质重点实验室,广西桂林541004;桂林理工大学化学与生物工程学院,广西桂林 541004;桂林理工大学广西电磁化学功能物质重点实验室,广西桂林 541004;桂林理工大学化学与生物工程学院,广西桂林 541004;桂林理工大学广西电磁化学功能物质重点实验室,广西桂林541004;桂林理工大学化学与生物工程学院,广西桂林 541004;桂林理工大学广西电磁化学功能物质重点实验室,广西桂林 541004;桂林理工大学化学与生物工程学院,广西桂林 541004;中国科学院可再生能源重点实验室,广州 510640;桂林理工大学广西电磁化学功能物质重点实验室,广西桂林 541004;桂林理工大学化学与生物工程学院,广西桂林 541004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM912.9【相关文献】1.V2O5干凝胶薄膜的制备及应用 [J], 麦立强;陈文;徐庆;郑锦霞;柯满竹2.V2O5干凝胶薄膜电极电化学性能的研究 [J], 张勇;刘玉文;张翠芬;郑伟;胡信国3.电沉积法制备V2O5薄膜及其储钠性能研究 [J], 李延伟;李世玉;潘观林;姚金环;张灵志4.电化学沉积制备V2O5薄膜电极的表面结构及储钠性能 [J], 李延伟;李世玉;谢志平;姚金环;姜吉琼;张灵志5.原位相分离合成V2O5/Fe2V4O13纳米复合材料及其储钠性能 [J], 周鹏;盛进之;高崇伟;董君;安琴友;麦立强因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Synergetic Effects of Al 3+Doping and GrapheneModification on the Electrochemical Performance of V 2O 5Cathode MaterialsKai Zhu,[a]Hailong Qiu,[a]Yongquan Zhang,[a]Dong Zhang,[a]Gang Chen,[a,b]and Yingjin Wei*[a]IntroductionThe continuous progress in portable,electrical vehicles and stationary energy storage requires advanced lithium ion batter-ies with a low cost,high energy density,and long cycle life.However,traditional cathode materials such as layered LiCoO 2,spinel LiMn 2O 4,and olivine LiFePO 4only deliver small specific capacities of approximately 100–160mAh g À1.To increase the energy storage of lithium ion batteries,it is desired to develop new cathode materials with larger specific capacities and/or a higher output voltage.A major strategy to achieve large spe-cific capacities is to use cathode materials that can accommo-date more than one lithium ion in the formula unit such as S (S 8to Li 2S x )[1]and V 2O 5(V 2O 5to Li 2V 2O 5).[2]Numerous studies on these materials have increased the specific capacities of cath-ode materials to over 250mAh g À1.The electrochemical properties of V 2O 5were first reported by Whittingham in 1976.[3]The material has a specific capacity of 294mAh g À1based on two lithium insertions per formula unit in the voltage widow of 2.0–4.0V versus Li/Li +.However,the intrinsic low lithium diffusion coefficient (~10À12cm 2s À1)and the moderate electronic conductivity (10À2–10À3S cm À1)of V 2O 5hinder the rate capability and capacity retention of thismaterial.[4]To improve the electronic conductivity of V 2O 5,Yu et al.prepared Cu 0.02V 1.98O 5.The electronic conductivity in-creased by approximately 20times with respect to the pristine material to result in a high reversible capacity of 97mAh g À1at the 20C rate.[5]Another effective approach to enhance the electrochemical performance of the V 2O 5cathode is the prepa-ration of nanostructured materials that can offer a range of unique advantages over their bulk counterparts,which include a shorter lithium diffusion distance and larger contact area be-tween the electrode and electrolyte.[6]In addition,the electro-chemical performance of nanostructured V 2O 5can be further improved by hybridization with carbonaceous materials such as porous carbon [7]or carbon nanotubes.[8]Among carbona-ceous materials,graphene which has a high conductivity,large surface area,and excellent structural stability,has attracted particular attention not only in battery science but also in many other applied research fields such as photocatalysis,elec-trochemical sensors,and solar cells.[9]It has been reported that the graphene in battery electrodes provides a 3D electron transport network in the active materials and it acts as an elas-tic buffer to accommodate the volume change of the materials during repeated lithium insertion and removal.[10]Consequent-ly,the modification of nanostructured V 2O 5[11]and many other electrode materials such as Sn,[12]TiO 2,[13]SnO 2,[14]and MoO 2[15]with graphene has attracted a broad interest in the battery community.Even though nanostructured V 2O 5cathode materials have shown a significantly improved electrochemical performance with respect to their bulk counterparts,the capacity retention of these materials is still a big obstacle for their practical appli-cation.For example,the discharge capacity of V 2O 5hollowmi-[a]K.Zhu,H.Qiu,Y.Zhang,Dr.D.Zhang,Prof.Dr.G.Chen,Prof.Dr.Y.WeiKey Laboratory of Physics and Technology for Advanced Batteries (Ministry of Education)College of Physics,Jilin University Changchun 130012(PR China)(Y.J.Wei)E-mail:yjwei@ [b]Prof.Dr.G.ChenState Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials Jilin UniversityChangchun 130012(PR China)Full PapersDOI:10.1002/cssc.201500027crospheres decreased from 290to 187mAh g À1after 100cycles at a current density of 300mAh g À1,which corresponds to a ca-pacity fading rate of 0.35%per cycle.[16]In another example,the capacity fading rate of V 2O 5nanosheet/reduced graphene oxide (RGO)was approximately 0.3%per cycle at the 2C rate.[17]Similar results can also be seen in numerous related publications.[6b,18]One of the key factors that affects the capaci-ty retention of electrode materials is their structural stability during prolonged charge–discharge cycling.As the [VO 5]layers of V 2O 5are linked only by weak van der Waals forces,the com-pound undergoes a sequence of phase transitions easily,that is,a -L x V 2O 5(x <0.01)!e -L x V 2O 5(0.35<x <0.7)!d -L x V 2O 5(0.7<x <1.0)!g -L x V 2O 5(1.0<x <2.0)during lithium intercalation.[19]The involved lattice distortion and volume expansion will ac-celerate the structural deformation of V 2O 5and thus limit the electrochemical performance of the material.If some metal ions with positive charges (M n +)are doped into the VO 5layers,the interaction between the dopant ions (M n +)and the nega-tive oxygen ions (O 2À)will strengthen the combination of [VO 5]layers,which could increase the structural stability of the V 2O 5material.[20]In the present work,we prepared an Al 3+-doped V 2O 5/RGO nanocomposite by a simple soft chemical method.The synergetic effects of Al 3+doping and graphene sandwich-ing are established,which improve the electrochemical per-formance of V 2O 5significantly.Results and DiscussionThe formation mechanism of the V 2O 5/RGO nanocomposite is illustrated in Scheme 1.In the first step,commercial V 2O 5pow-ders are converted into soluble VOC 2O 4under the reductive ef-fects of oxalic acid according to Equation (1).V 2O 5þ3H 2C 2O 2!VOC 2O 4þ3H 2O þ2CO 2ð1ÞThe color of the solution becomes blue,which indicates that the V 5+ions are reduced to V 4+.If graphene oxide (GO)isadded to the solution,VOC 2O 4will adhere to the GO sheets as a result of electrostatic interactions between the negative charges on GO and the positive charges on VOC 2O 4.During the freeze-drying process,small VOC 2O 4nucleates will form around the functional groups on the GO sheets such as hy-droxyl,carboxyl,and carbonyl groups.These VOC 2O 4nucleates will decompose during calcination and then revert into V 2O 5nanoparticles to form a highly porous RGO-supported V 2O 5nanocomposite.Optical images show that the V 2O 5/RGO nano-composite is sponge-like.SEM images show that numerous V 2O 5nanoparticles are em-bedded in the RGO sheets to form a “sandwich”hybrid struc-ture (Figure 1a),which is believed to prevent the stacking of the RGO sheets.The presence of RGO is favorable for electron transport in the material matrix,which gives rise to a high elec-tronic conductivity.An SEM image of the Al 3+-doped V 2O 5/RGO sample is shown in Figure 1b.The material is also com-posed of small particles that are anchored on the RGO sheets.However,this morphology is somewhat different from that ofV 2O 5/RGO,which indicates that the Al ions may influence the nu-cleation and crystal growth of the material.In addition,we present SEM images of V 2O 5(Fig-ure 1c)and Al 3+-doped V 2O 5(Figure 1d).The materials are composed of ordinary nanoparti-cles with a particle size of 20–70nm.The crystal structure of the materials was determined by XRD (Figure 2a).All of the sam-ples can be indexed based on or-thorhombic V 2O 5with the space group Pmmn (PDF #85-0601).No impurity phases such as Al 2O 3or AlV 2O 4are detected in theXRDScheme 1.Formation mechanism of the V 2O 5/RGOnanocomposite.Figure 1.SEM images of (a)V 2O 5/RGO,(b)Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO,(c)V 2O 5,and (d)Al 0.14V 2O 5patterns,which indicates that the Al ions are successfully doped in the V 2O 5lattice.Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy analysis shows that the Al/V molar ratio is 0.07:1for Al 3+-doped V 2O 5and 0.08:1for Al 3+-doped V 2O 5/RGO.Hereafter,the chemical formulas of the samples are rep-resented as Al 0.14V 2O 5and Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO,respectively.In addi-tion,the amount of carbon in the RGO-containing samples was measured to be 2.42wt %for V 2O 5/RGO and 2.37wt %for Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO.The small hump between 2q =20and 258for V 2O 5/RGO and Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO is caused by disordered (002)stacking layers of RGO.Enlarged views of some typical XRD peaks are shown in Figure 2b.The XRD peaks of V 2O 5shift to lower angles upon Al 3+doping,which indicates the expansion of the lattice.The lattice parameters of the materials were cal-culated by using the Celref program.The lattice parameters of V 2O 5/RGO are similar to those of pure V 2O 5(Table 1).However,Al 0.14V 2O 5and Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO show larger lattice parameters that result in a volume expansion of ~1.6%with respect to un-doped V 2O 5.Substitution doping of V 5+by Al 3+can be exclud-ed because the ionic radii of Al 3+(0.50 )is smaller than that of V 5+(0.59 ),which would not cause a lattice expansion of V 2O 5.If we consider that the VO 5layers of V 2O 5are linked by weak van der Waals forces,it is believed that the Al ions reside in the interlayer space of the [VO 5]layers,such as those ofCu 2+-and Zn 2+-doped V 2O 5.[21]These guest cations cause the lattice expansion of V 2O 5.Raman scattering was applied to study the effects of Al 3+doping on the local structure properties of V 2O 5.The V atom in V 2O 5is coordinated by two vanadyl (O 1),three chain (O 2),and one bridging (O 3)oxygen atom (Figure 3a).However,the V atom shows distinct displacements away from the center of the [VO 6]octahedron.As a result,the basic structural unit of V 2O 5is viewed as a [VO 5]square pyramid rather than a regular octahedron.The V 2O 5lattice is built up from these [VO 5]pyra-mids by sharing edges and corners.[22]The Raman patterns of the samples are shown in Figure 3b.For undoped V 2O 5,the Raman bands at n ˜=995,701,and 528cm À1are caused by the stretching vibrations of the vanadyl V ÀO 1,bridging V ÀO 3,and chain V ÀO 2bonds,respectively.The bands at n ˜=404and284cm À1correspond to the bending vibrations of the V ÀO 1bond.The bands at n ˜=482and 303cm À1are assigned to the bending vibrations of the V ÀO 3and V ÀO 2bonds,respectively.There is a Raman band at n ˜=144cm À1that corresponds to the external [VO 5]À[VO 5]vibration.This vibration mode is observed at a low wavenumber because of the weak van der Waals forces between the [VO 5]layers.[23]The Raman pattern of V 2O 5/RGO is quite similar to that of V 2O 5,which indicates that RGO does not influence the local structure of V 2O 5.If Al ions are doped in V 2O 5and V 2O 5/RGO,the V ÀO 1and V ÀO 3stretching vi-brations as well as the external [VO 5]À[VO 5]vibration shift to higher wavenumbers with respect to their undoped counter-parts (Figure 3c).This indicates that Al 3+doping strengthens not only the V ÀO bonds of the [VO 5]unit but also the linkage of the [VO 5]layers.Thus,the structural stability of V 2O 5and V 2O 5/RGO is improved by the Al ions.In addition,V 2O 5/RGO and Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO show two addi-tional peaks at n ˜=1360and 1601cm À1,which are attributed to the D and G bands of carbonaceous materials,respective-ly.[24]The intensity ratio of the D and G bands (I D /I G )is 0.74,which is lower than that of GO (I D /I G =0.86)used in the synthe-sis process.This indicates that the degree of graphite crystallin-ity is increased as a result of the removal of oxygen-containing groups such as C ÀO,C =O,and COOH after reduction and calci-nation.TEM images of the Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO nanocomposite are shown in Figure 4a and b.The sheet-like morphology of RGO can be seen clearly from the TEM images.There are numerous nano-sized Al 0.16V 2O 5particles that anchor on the RGO sheets.In the high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM)image (Figure 4c),the lattice fringes with an interplanar dis-tance of 0.63nm correspond to the (200)planes of orthorhom-bic V 2O 5.The selected area electron diffraction pattern(SAED)Figure 2.(a)XRD patterns of the materials and (b)enlarged views of the (020),(001),and (110)diffractionpeaks.of Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO is shown in Figure 4d.The (121),(003),and (242)planes of orthorhombic V 2O 5can be seen clearly.In addi-tion,the SAED pattern is composed of a series of diffraction rings,which indicates the polycrystalline nature of the material.The X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis of Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO is shown in Figure 5.The even distribution of V,O,and Al confirms that homogeneous Al doping in V 2O 5is successful.In addition,C is dispersed uniformly in the whole sample,which indicates that the Al 0.16V 2O 5particles are loaded on the RGO sheets.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)patterns of the sam-ples are shown in Figure 6.The Al 2p peak of Al 0.14V 2O 5and Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO is observed at a binding energy (BE)of 74.2eV (Figure 6e),which is consistent with that of Al 3+ions.[25]The V 2p 3/2spectra of all samples (Figure 6a–d)are dominatedbyFigure 4.a,b)TEM images of the Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO nanocomposite.c)HRTEM and d)SAED pattern of the Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGOnanocomposite.Figure 5.EDS analysis of the Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGOnanocomposite.Figure 3.a)Basic structural unit of V 2O 5.b)Raman scattering patterns of the samples and graphene oxide.c)Enlarged views of the Raman scattering pat-terns.a main peak at BE =517.6eV,which is attributed to V 5+ions.[26]However,a small shoulder peak is observed at BE =516.3eV,which indicates the incomplete oxidation of the V 4+ions inthe VOC 2O 4precursor.[26]According to Smyrl et al.the electron-ic conductivity of V 2O 5is attributed to the small-polarontheory.The residence of V 4+ions in V 2O 5will produce more small polarons and thus increase the electronic conductivity.[4a]By fitting the XPS curves,we can see that Al 0.14V 2O 5andAl 0.16V 2O 5/RGO possess more V 4+ions than V 2O 5and V 2O 5/RGO.This implies that Al 3+doping may improve the electronic con-ductivity of V 2O 5.However,the measurement of electronic con-ductivity was unsuccessful because of the difficulty to preparedense pellets of these nanopowders.The C 1s XPS spectrum of V 2O 5/RGO and Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO can be fitted by four components that can be assigned to the C =C/C ÀC bonds of graphene (BE =284.7eV),and different carbon-based functional groups,that is,hy-droxyl or epoxide (BE =286.4eV),carbonyl (BE =287.1eV),and carboxyl (BE =288.6eV;Figure 6f–g).[24]Compared with the C 1s XPS spectrum of GO (Figure h),the relative intensities of these functional groups decrease markedly,which suggests that GO is reduced successfully.Galvanostatic charge–discharge measurements were preformed in the voltage window of 2.0–4.0V.The representative voltage profiles of the samples at a current density of 300mA g À1(which corresponds to the 1C rate)are shown in Figure 7a.The initial dis-charge capacities of V 2O 5,Al 0.14V 2O 5,V 2O 5/RGO,and Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO are 213,216,268,and 274mAh g À1,re-spectively.Clearly,the incorporation of RGO improves the Li capacities of V 2O 5and Al 0.14V 2O 5significantly.RGO is also known as a Li ion storage material.To identify the capacity contribution from RGO,the charge–discharge performance of RGO was measured (Figure 7b).An initial discharge capacity of 7mAh g À1is obtained in the voltage window of 2.0–4.0V.The discharge capacity remains at 16mAh g À1after 50cycles.Thus,the increased discharge capacity of V 2O 5/RGO and Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO is not caused by the ca-pacity contribution from RGO but from its high elec-tronic conductivity,which improves the Li ion storage in the material.The discharge capacity of V 2O 5after 50cycles is 150mAh g À1,which corresponds to a ca-pacity retention of 70%.The capacity retention is im-proved to 75%(Al 0.14V 2O 5,162mAh g À1)and 79%(V 2O 5/RGO,213mAh g À1)by Al 3+doping or incorpo-ration with RGO (Figure 7c).Importantly,the capacity retention increases significantly to 90%for the mate-rial that contains both Al 3+dopants and RGO (Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO).This material shows a high discharge capacity of 247mAh g À1after 50cycles.Rate-depen-dent cycling experiments show that Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO exhibits the best rate performance of all the samples (Figure 7d)and it displays the highest discharge ca-pacity at each current rate.A high discharge capacity of 122mAh g À1is obtained at the 10C -pared with results reported in the literature,the as-prepared Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO sample shows a better rate capability than cation-doped V 2O 5[4a,5,27]and better capacity retention than V 2O 5/RGO nanocomposites.[11a,b,17]This indicates that the syner-getic effects of Al 3+doping and graphene modification could improve both the rate capability and cycle stability of the V 2O 5nanomaterials.We have also studied the electrochemical performance of the Al x V 2O 5/RGO materials with different Al contents (x =0,0.16,0.32).The cycling performance (at the 1C rate)and rate capability of the materials are shown in Figure 8.The Al 0.32V 2O 5/RGO sample with the largest Al content showsthe Figure 6.a–d)V 2p XPS of V 2O 5,Al 0.16V 2O 5,V 2O 5/RGO,and Al 0.16V 2O 5;e)Al 2p XPS ofAl 0.14V 2O 5and Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO;f–h)C 1s XPS of V 2O 5/RGO,Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO,and capacity retention but it also shows the smallest dis-charge capacities.Even though the Al 3+ions could increase the structural stability of V 2O 5to improve the capacity reten-tion,too many Al ions in the interlayer space will block the in-sertion of Li ions.Therefore,an appropriate Al 3+content at around x =0.16is required to obtain the optimum electro-chemical performance.The excellent electrochemical performance of Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO indicates that the combination of Al 3+doping and RGO modi-fication has significant advantages for the electrochemical per-formance of V 2O 5.To identify these advantages,we performed cyclic voltammetry (CV)and electrochemical impedance spec-troscopy (EIS)studies.The CVs of the V 2O 5,Al 0.14V 2O 5,V 2O 5/RGO,and Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO samples at different voltage scan rates are shown in Figure 9.All samples show three pairs of redox peaks that are ascribed to a series of phase transforma-tions of Li x V 2O 5[19]as shown in Equations (2)–(4).$3:3=3:5V :a -V 2O 5þ0:5Li þþ0:5e À!e -Li 0:5V 2O 5ð2Þ$3:1=3:3V :e -Li 0:5V 2O 5þ0:5Li þþ0:5e À!d -Li 1:0V 2O 5ð3Þ$2:2=2:6V :d -Li 1:0V 2O 5þ1:0Li þþ1:0e À!g -Li 2:0V 2O 5ð4ÞThe voltage gap between the redox peaks (the so-called electrode polarization)is a measure of electrochemical kinetics of a specific electrode reaction.The electrode polarizations of the samples at a voltage scan rate of 80mV s À1are summar-ized in Table 2.The a /e redox couple shows the smallest elec-trode polarization,and the d /g couple shows the largest elec-trode polarization.The continu-ous increase of electrode polari-zation indicates that the electro-chemical barrier becomes in-creasingly higher with Li +inter-calation into the material.In addition,the electrode polariza-tions of Al 0.14V 2O 5are smaller than those of V 2O 5,which indi-cates that the electrochemical ki-netics of V 2O 5is improved by Al 3+doping.However,the elec-trochemical kinetics improved more significantly if RGO is in-corporated in the material.More importantly,the material that contains both Al 3+dopants and RGO (Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO)exhibits the smallest electrode polarization,which indicates that this material has the best electrochemical ki-netics of all the samples.CV has been used to deter-mine the Li +diffusion coeffi-cients (D Li )of electrode materials according to Equation (5).[28]I p ¼2:69Â105n 3=2AD 1=2v 1=2C ð5Þin which n is the number of electrons per specific reaction,which is 1for Li +;A is the surface area of the electrode,which is 0.64cm 2in this work;C is the concentration of Li ions in the material,for example,C is 4.6 10À3mol cm À3at the peak-a /e in which the chemical composition of the material is Li 0.5V 2O 5;I p is the current intensity,and v is the scan rate.At rel-atively low scan rates,Li ions accumulate in the active material thus I p varies linearly with v 1/2(Figure 10).The lithium diffusion coefficients of the samples during the reduction process are listed in Table 2.The lithium diffusion coefficient of V 2O 5de-creases from peak-a /e to peak-e /d and then to peak-d /g .This indicates that the diffusion of Li +in Li x V 2O 5becomes increas-ingly difficult,which may be because of the puckering of the [VO 5]layers that accompanies the structuraltransformation.Figure 7.a)Charge–discharge profiles of the samples,b)cycling performance of RGO,c)cycling performance of the samples at a current density of 300mA g À1,and d)rate-dependent cycling performance of thesamples.However,Al 0.14V 2O 5shows higher lithium diffusion coefficients than those of undoped V 2O 5.Raman scattering has shown that the Al 3+ions not only strengthen the V ÀO bonds of the [VO 5]unit but also strengthen the linkage of the [VO 5]layers.There-fore,the puckering of [VO 5]layers may be inhibited to some extent by these Al 3+dopants,which thus facilitates the diffu-sion of lithium ions.In addition,the lithium diffusion coeffi-cients increase with the incorporation of RGO.It is known that the RGO sheets can act as an electronic conductive network in the electrode.The higher electronic conductivity of V 2O 5/RGO and Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO will produce a stronger internal electricalfield.This will facilitate the trans-port of electrons and Li +ions and thus give rise to a higher lithium diffusion coefficient.[29]It is not surprising that Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO shows the largest lithium diffusion coefficients of all of the samples because of the syner-getic effects of Al 3+doping and RGO modification.The Nyquist plots of the sam-ples at 2.0V in the first dis-charge are shown in Figure 11.All samples display two well-de-fined regions:a depressed semi-circle in the high-frequency region and a sloping line in the low-frequency region.These re-gions correspond to the charge-transfer reactions at the elec-trode–electrolyte interface and the Warburg impedance associ-ated with Li +diffusion in the materials,respectively.Here we use a widely accepted equiva-lent circuit to simulate the impe-dance spectra,in which R s is the internal resistance of the battery cell,R ct is the charge-transfer re-sistance at the electrode–electro-lyte interface,CPE is the double layer capacitance on the elec-trode surface,and W is the War-burg impedance.The charge-transfer resistance of Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO is 59W ,which is the small-est of all the samples.Corre-spondingly,the charge-transfer resistances of V 2O 5,Al 0.14V 2O 5,and V 2O 5/RGO are 399,218,and 184W ,respectively.This further demonstrates that the material that contains both Al 3+ions and RGO exhibits the best electro-chemical kinetics in all samples.ConclusionsWe prepared a series of V 2O 5-based nanomaterials by a simple soft chemical method.Galvanostatic charge–discharge cycling shows that the Al 3+-doped V 2O 5/reduced graphene oxide (RGO)nanocomposite (Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO)shows the highest dis-charge capacity,best rate capability,and excellent capacity re-tention in all samples.The superior electrochemical per-formance of Al 0.16V 2O 5/RGO can be attributed to the synergetic effects of Al 3+doping and RGO modification.First,the Al 3+ions reside in the interlayer space of the [VO 5]layers.TheseFigure 8.a)Cycling performance and b)rate capability of the Al x V 2O 5/RGO materials with different Al 3+contents (x =0,0.16,0.32).Figure 9.CV curves of the samples at different voltage scan rates.dopant ions strengthen both the V ÀO bonds of the [VO 5]unit and the linkage of the [VO 5]layers,which enhances the struc-tural stability of V 2O 5.Second,the RGO sheets construct an ef-fective network for electron transport,which increases the elec-tronic conductivity of the material.If the V 2O 5material is modi-fied by Al 3+ions and RGO,the above synergetic effects will im-prove the structural stability and electrochemical kinetics of the material,which leads to excellent electrochemical performance.Experimental SectionMaterial preparationGraphene oxide was synthesized from natural graphite by a modi-fied Hummers method.Typically,graphite powder (2.0g)wasadded to H 2SO 4(98wt %,8mL)mixed with K 2S 2O 8(1.67g)and P 2O 5(1.67g).The mixture was kept at 808C for 5h.Then the mixture was cooled to RT and diluted with deionized (DI)water (0.5L).The material was col-lected by filtration,washed with DI water several times,and dried under ambient condition.This preoxidized graphite was treated by H 2SO 4in iced water.Next,KMnO 4(15.0g)was added gradually with constant stir-ring at 358C for 2h.After dilution with water (0.7L),H 2O 2(30%,20mL)was added to the mixture,which was then washed with HCl and DI water.The graphene oxides were finally obtained after centrifugation,wash-ing with copious DI water,and drying.The powders were dispersed in DI water to form a 1g L À1solution by probe sonication.To prepare the Al 3+-doped V 2O 5/RGO nanocomposite,commercial V 2O 5powders (!99.0%,Sigma–Aldrich)and oxalic acid were dissolved in distilled water with con-stant stirring to form a pellucid blue solution.Al(NO 3)3·9H 2O (AR,Beijing Chemical Works,0.02g)and graphene oxides (44mL)were added dropwise,and the mixture was stirred for 4h.The suspension was then transferred into a freeze-drier to obtain a sponge-like precursor.The precursor was then treated at 3508C for 5h to obtain the final product.For comparison,three samples,V 2O 5nanoparticles,V 2O 5/RGO nanocomposite,and Al 3+-doped V 2O 5nanoparticles were prepared by modifying the above process.Material characterizationThe crystal structure of the materials was studied by XRD by using a Bruker AXS D8diffractometer with CuK a radiation.The morpholo-gy of the material was characterized by using a JSM-6700F scan-ning electron microscope.TEM and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy images were recorded by using an FEI Tacnai G2electron microscope equipped with an X-ray energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS,BRUKER AXS).Raman scattering was performed by using a RenishawinVia plus laser Raman spectrometer with a wavelength of 514nm.XPS was performed by using a VG scien-tific ESCALAB 250spectrometer using monochromic AlK a excita-tion.The relative amounts of metal elements (Al and V)of the sam-ples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (PE,ICP-AES/1000).The amount of carbon in the samples was measured by using a Vario El III elemental analyzer.The electrochemical experiments were performed by using 2032-type coin cells with lithium foil as the anode electrode.To prepare the cathode electrode,a slurry mixture that contained 75wt %of active material,15wt %of super P conductive additive,and 10wt %of polyvinyl difluoride (PVDF)binder was pasted on an Al foil and dried in a vacuum oven at 1208C.Then the electrode was cut into a size of 8 8mm 2.The electrode loading of active materi-al was ~2.5mg cm À2.The electrolyte was a 1m LiPF 6solution dis-solved in ethylene carbonate (EC),dimethyl carbonate (DMC),and ethylmethyl carbonate (EMC)with EC/DMC/EMC =1:1:8v /v .The cathode and anode electrodes were separated by a Celgard 2320membrane.Galvanostatic charge–discharge cycling was performed by using a Land-2100automatic battery tester.CV and EIS were performed by using a Biologic VSP multichannel potentiostatic-gal-vanostatic system.The CV measurement was performed in the voltage window of 2.0–4.0V.The impedance spectra wererecord-Figure 10.Linear fitting of the I p versus v 1/2relationship of thesamples.Figure 11.Nyquist plots of the samples.Inset:equivalent circuit to fit the Nyquist plots.。