Generator selection for offshore oscillating water column wave energy converters
DeepWind 5 MW baseline design
E nergy Procedia 24 ( 2012 )27 – 351876-6102 © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of SINTEF Energi AS.doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2012.06.083DeepWind, 19-20 January 2012, Trondheim, Norway1st DeepWind 5 MW baseline designUwe S. Paulsen a , Luca Vita a ,Helge A. Madsen a ,Jesper Hattel b ,Ewen Ritchie c ,Krisztina M. Leban c ,Petter A. Berthelsen d , Stefan Carstensen eaRisø National Laboratory for Sustainable EnergyRisø DTU,P.O.Box 49,Dk-4000 Roskilde,Denamarkb Technical University of Denmark DTU MEK,NilsKoppels AlléB404, Dk-2800 Lyngby, Denmarkc Ålborg University Department of Energy Technology, Pontoppidanstræde 101, 67, Dk-9220 Ålborg, Denmarkd Marintek, P.O.Box 4125 Valentinlyst, NO-7450 Trondheim, Norwaye DHI, Agern Allé 5 DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark AbstractThe first 5MW baseline design of the DeepWind concept is presented for a Darrieus type floating wind turbine system for water depths of more than 150 m. This design will be used as design reference to test the next technological improvements of sub-component level,being based as much as possible on existing technology.The iterative design process involves all sub-components and the potential constraints, and the most important dependencies are highlighted and the selected design presented. The blades are designed with constraints to minimize the gravitational loads and to be produced in a controlled pultrusion process. The floating platform is a slender cylindrical structure (i.e. spar buoy) rotating along with the rotor. The stability of the platform is achieved by adding counter weight at the bottom of the structure. During operations, the rotor is tilted and acts as a gyro, describing an elliptical trajectory on the water plane. The generator is placed at the bottom of the platform and uses 5MW direct drive technology.The conceptual design is evaluated with numerical simulations in the time domain using the aero-elastic code HAWC2. In order to investigate the concept, a double-disc blade element momentum (BEM) code for VAWTs has been included in the numerical solver through a dll.The analysis of the design is carried out in two different steps:1) to estimate natural frequencies of the platform in order to avoid major resonance problems,2)to evaluate the baseline concept for certain load cases. A site has been chosen for the floating turbine off Norway as representative for external conditions. The structure is verified according to an ultimate strength analysis, including loads from wind, waves and currents. The stability of the platform is investigated, considering the displacements of the spar buoy and the maximum inclination angle, which is kept lower than 15 degrees.©2011Published by Elsevier Ltd.Keywords: vertical axis; structural design; pultrusion; floating offshore wind turbine;submerged generator;direct drive wind generator Available online at © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of SINTEF Energi AS.28U we S. Paulsen et al. / E nergy Procedia 24 ( 2012 )27 – 35 Figure 1:Constraints in developing baseline design[3]U we S. Paulsen et al. / E nergy Procedia 24 ( 2012 )27 – 35 29 1.2.Environmental loadsThe HAWC2 simulations take into account the important aero-elastic loads on the wind turbine andthe hydrodynamic loads due to the rotation of the platform in the water,i.e. Magnus effect, in-line forcesand friction torque. The estimation of these loads is based on results from literature [2, 5,6,7]. CFD calculations and physical model test with a rotating cylinder in combined waves and current are on-goingat DHI to verify the hydrodynamic loads and support their implementation in the HAWC2 model. Boththe numerical simulations and laboratory tests forecast a low friction loss, and a major Magnus force in combined waves and currents associated with the rotation.1.3.1st Design assumptionsThe post-stall as well as the effects by the wind turbulence are known to increase rotor loads in the dynamic stall region. The concept is described in 6-DOF:{(Pitch, Roll, Yaw), (Surge, Sway, Heave)}[1, 2]. The following assumptions are made in the first iteration design:x Atmospheric turbulence effects are not consideredx Dynamic stall is not includedx Evaluation of loads are conducted on a configuration with a limited DOF, i.e.Pitch, Roll,Yaw2.Rotor and blades design2.1.Site conditionsThe DeepWind design is site dependent [2, 3]. The H yWind test site has been selected as the representative site for the evaluation of DeepWind.The position is shown in Figure 2.For this site the environmental conditions are described by the NORSOK standard[8]as:Maximum 100 year tidal surface current in the order of 0.2m/s; wind induced (surface) current velocity of up to 0.5m/s;signify-Figure 2Approximate position of the DeepWind turbine evaluation site -here indicated with a red mark,from a map of the domainfor DHI’s North Sea wave hindcast model.30U we S. Paulsen et al. / E nergy Procedia 24 ( 2012 )27 – 35U we S. Paulsen et al. / E nergy Procedia 24 ( 2012 )27 – 35 31A number of changes are planned for the next iteration loop: a)a lower value of V improves the rotor stall characteristic and moves the rated conditions towards higher values of rotational speed and lower wind speed which results in a less costly generator, b)a thinner airfoil could improve the rotor stall characteristic. A VAWT reaches the power peak at a higher wind speed as compared to a HAWT and in order to provide a more reasonable comparison of the wind turbine concepts it is decided with DeepWindto obtain the same AEP of the 5 MW reference HAWT wind turbine,i.e.c)a rotor design with higher rated power is necessary. As in Figure 1 these changes affect the subcomponent level as well.2.2.Blade designThe use of pultrusion technology for VAWT blade manufacture is limited to constant chord over length; it provides a surplus in terms of low manufacturing cost but at the expense of increased material consumption to compensate for structural strength of relatively thin profiles. This has shown the necessityto design blades with structured ‘stiffeners’ which can avoid heavy blade design. The present blade design is not shape optimized to account for best rigidity at lowest blade weight in the first iteration of the process. Gravity and centrifugal load combinations are limiting design parameters and have impacts onthe rotor shape. A suitable alternative is to change the operating condition by changing the tip speed orrpm slightly-which changes the shape of the blade,and the loads as shown in Figure 4.The suggested design changes of the overall rotor will result in a lighter blade design. In particular it is structurally convenient to use thicker airfoils at positions which are nearer to the tower.Figure 4: Left: Two different blade shapes according to two different operational conditions. Right: Loads corresponding to the two different rotor shapes[3].The current blade span measures 189 m and weighs154 metric tons,which at this stage is too heavy with negative impacts on the systems design. Alternative blade designs such as using piecewise constant profiles, and thick profiles are explored at the moment.A compromise in the design includes a possible increase in the rated rotational speed,or a variation of the blade properties along the blade with lighterblade material density.32U we S. Paulsen et al. / E nergy Procedia 24 ( 2012 )27 – 353.Floating platformThe floating platform for the DeepWind concept is based on the spar technology. The spar concept has shown to be a promising solution for floating offshore wind turbines due to its favorable motion [9].The spar is a deep draught vertical cylinder with buoyancy chambers at the upper part and a heavier section at the lower end for stabilization. The upper part of the spar buoy is narrowed with a tapered section such that a small diameter is obtained in the wave zone, in order to limit wave loads and to connect the platform to the rotor tower. Vertical wave forces are minimized due to the deep draught of the spar buoy such that vertical motions are rather small. The low center of gravity provides large righting moment ensuring that the floater stays upright with low roll and pitch motion. The selection of the spar hull shape and size depends on functional requirements,and the following basic design requirements are considered:x Natural periods in heave and pitch/roll should be larger than the dominating wave periods(i.e. 5s-25 s)to avoid resonant motion responsex Sufficient buoyancy to carry specified payload and weight of the mooring systemx Sufficient vertical stiffness for variable vertical loadx Sufficient stiffness in roll and pitch to avoid excessive heeling of the platform due to environmental loadsx Acceleration should be limited to avoid damage to machinery componentsThe baseline design is summarized in Table 3.Table 3:Platform dimensionsGeometry of the platformTotal length (H P=H1+H2+H3)[m]108Depth of the slender part(H1)[m]5Radius of the slender part (R T)[m] 3.15Thickness of the slender part [m]0.02Length of the tapered part (H2)[m]10Length of the bottom part (H3)[m]93Maximum radius of the platform(R P)[m] 4.15Thickness of the bottom part[m]0.05The most relevant stiffness parameters of the platform were calculated in [3]to verify the design for fulfillment of the design requirements.Reduction of the top weight due to a re-design of the blades will alter the shape and size of the spar hull. A preliminary study indicates that reducing the blade mass and lowering the blades' mass centre allows for reducing the diameter and draught of the spar buoy. Further optimization of the spar design is therefore considered. In this context, optimization is the same as minimizing the material cost while satisfying the design requirements. The design iterations will also include finding a feasible mooring system that can withstand the large torque from the rotating wind turbine.U we S. Paulsen et al. / E nergy Procedia 24 ( 2012 )27 – 35 33 4.Subsea generator technology4.1.Generator State of the Art and Design IssuesA state of the art investigation was conducted to determine possible solutions for the generator. Typesof direct drive generators on the market were found and a comparison was made between the types of generator used in and proposed for wind power applications. Types of direct drive generators on the market are presented in Table 4:Table 4:Large Direct Drive Wind Turbines [10,11]Generator Type Power/Speed ManufacturerEESG 4.5 MW/ 13 rpm EnerconPMSG 3.5 MW/ 19 rpm ScanwindPMSG 2.5 MW/ 14.5(16) rpm VensysPMSG 2 MW/ 24 rpm MitsubishiPMSG 2 MW/ 18.5rpm STX WindpowerPMSG 2 MW/ 15.8 rpm EWT (Energya Wind Technologies)PMSG 2 MW/ 19 rpm JSW (Japan Steel Works)EESG 1.65 MW/ 20 rpm MT TorresPMSG 1.5 MW/ 23 rpm LeitwindPMSG 1.5MW/ 19 rpm GoldwindPMSG 1.5(2) MW/ 18(23) rpm ZephyrosPMSG0.75 MW/ 25 rpm Jeumont(not available)Siemens Wind Energy launched a 6MW direct drive SWT-6.0prototype in November 2010. The turbine is designed for the harsh offshore conditions. The first prototype was installed in May 2011 in Denmark. Offshore sites targeted for 2012-2013 include Denmark, UK, the Netherlands and Germany.Tests are still being carried out on the installed prototypes [12].Because of the special sub-sea ambient conditions, it is important to identify the best candidates for the DeepWind direct drive generator. This requires an assessment of the suitable candidates for the proposed application.During the project the following generator types were considered:1.SCIG-Squirrel Cage Induction Generator(Radial Flux RF)2.DFIG –Doubly Fed Induction Generator(Radial Flux RF)3.EESG -Electrically Excited Synchronous Generator(Radial Flux RF)4.PMSG -PM Synchronous Generator(Radial Flux RF)5.TFPM -Transverse Flux PM Generator6.AFPM –Axial Flux PM GeneratorA SWOT analysis was performed to narrow down the list of candidates.The main selection criteriawere related to the efficiency, torque/weight ratio, mass of active and inactive material, fault ride through capability, ease of manufacturing, existing turbines on the market. From this assessment and analysis itcan be concluded, that the candidates worth considering for the DeepWind direct drive applications are: Synchronous PM(PMSG)Synchronous Electrically Excited(EESG)Transverse Flux PM (TFPMG)34U we S. Paulsen et al. / E nergy Procedia 24 ( 2012 )27 – 35A design tool for each machine type tailored to direct drive specifications will be used to determinethe suitability of each generator type. The decision for proceeding with these machine types is related to the cost of permanent magnets and the particular optimization potential for each generator.4.2.DeepWind Generator Design approachThe analytic design algorithm for the machines was implemented in code language. Usual design rules used for power station generators were applied. It is anticipated that these will be adjusted to suit the subsea ambient conditions. The output of the analytic design will include the geometrical dimensions of the machine, mass of active and inactive materials and evaluation of losses. The geometrical dimensions obtained will be used as input for a finite element model to analyze and optimize the magnetic field distribution in the machine. For a given output, the diameter of the generator may be expected to be inversely proportional to the speed. As the direct drive turbine implies an extremely slow speed (see Table 4), the number of poles of the generator will increase. This means not only that the diameter of the machine will increase, but that the leakage field will also increase. This is not desired as it will reduce the efficiency of the generator. By observing the magnetic field in a particular machine design, suitable optimization measures can be taken in order to maximize the useful magnetic field and minimize the unwanted field effects.A thermal model of each candidate generator type will be constructed replicating the subsea ambient conditions and enabling the establishment of corresponding new appropriate design rules. This is because of the relatively unknown cooling conditions for the generator caused by the sub-sea environment and affected by the constructional details and enclosure. An optimization tool will be designed to improve the performance of the generator. By careful selection of the active materials and varying the geometry of the proposed design a new optimized machine design will be obtained. The output of the generator will be fed to a power electronic converter for conversion to voltage levels suitable for transmission to the local electricity utility grid. This will be a multi kilovolt connection, so a three level converter is anticipated. Control of the power flow will be by control of the shaft speed of the DeepWind turbine.4.3.First Iteration Dimensions of the 5 MW Direct Drive GeneratorThe first iteration of the 5 MW shaft input generator, based on the estimated rated speed of 5.26 rpm and the rated torque of 9.1MNm was for a 400 pole 17.53 Hz design with a pole pitch of around 7.85cm.This corresponds to an air-gap diameter of around 10 m outer diameter of around 10.5 m, with a core length of around 1.4 m. This will give a total mass of Copper, Iron and permanent magnet materials of around 90 metric tons. The dimensions fit very well with the estimated outer diameter of the platform which is 8.3 m, see Table 3, and will enable a reasonable construction.5.Design evaluationThe design was evaluated with the aero-elastic code HAWC2, in the configuration with 3DOF for the platform under conditions of the sea states[3]. The direction of the waves and the currents, with respect to the wind, was changed in order to evaluate the different loads from different combinations of wind, wave and current direction.Regarding the platform stability,the large inertia of the rotor affects the pitch and roll mode towards a large natural period. The simulations show a rotor inclination at the tower bottom less than 12ºwhen in combinations of wind and current relative to wind direction (waves -90ºand current co-parallel with wind directions, waves co-parallel and current -45º relative to wind directions)and an inclination less than6º in still water.The tower section at sea water level displaces for the most criticalU we S. Paulsen et al. / E nergy Procedia 24 ( 2012 )27 – 35 35 sea state with around 12 m along the wind direction and 12.5m to each side, compared to still water condition with 10.5m and 0.75m, respectively.The maximum loads were recorded at the point on the tower at the water level, and they occur at the most critical sea states (larger values of the wave height), while the mean values are strongly dependenton the currents direction[3].For the ultimate strength of the tower, a safety factor of 2 is used for maximum loads and 4 on mean loads.6.ConclusionsA 1st iteration conceptual 5 MW DeepWind baseline design for a Darrieus type floating wind turbine system with direct drive generator technology, for water depths of more than 150 m was carried out witha design evaluation of the concept. This design will be used as design reference to test the next technological improvements of sub-component level, being based as much as possible on existing technology. The results from the evaluation have shown that different issues in the design space are stillnot optimal and have to be iterated accordingly.AcknowledgementsThe work is a result of the contributions within the DeepWind project which is supported by the EuropeanCommission, Grant 256769 FP7 Energy 2010-Future emerging technologies, and by the DeepWind beneficiaries:DTU(DK), AAU(DK), TUDELFT(NL), TUTRENTO(I), D I(DK), SINTEF(N),MARINTEK(N), MARIN(NL), NREL(USA), STATOIL(N), VESTAS(DK) and NENUPHAR(F). References[1]Vita L, Paulsen US, Pedersen TF, Madsen HA, Rasmussen F A Novel Floating Offshore Windturbine Concept in Proceedingsof the European Wind Energy Conference (EWEC),Marseille, France,2009.[2]Vita L,Zhale F, Paulsen US Pedersen TF, Madsen HA, Rasmussen F. 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Crafter’s Choice白砂土说明书
Safety Data Sheet Crafter’s Choice™ White Kaolin ClaySection 1: Identification of the Substance/Preparation and the Company Product Name : Crafter’s Choice™ White Kaolin Clay CAS Number: 1332-58-7 EC Number: 310-194-1 Applications Identified uses: Functional additive Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet: Crafter’s Choice Brands, LLC 7820 E. Pleasant Valley Road Independence, OH 44131 (800) 908-7028 Emergency telephone number: ChemTel (MIS3548100) (800) 255-3924 Domestic USA, Canada, Puerto Rico, USVI + (813) 248-0585 International Section 2: Hazards Identification Classification of the substance or mixture Classification according to Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 (EU 'CLP' regulation) Not classified as hazardous Classification according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008[CLP] Not classified as hazardous. Classification according to Directive 67/5481EEC or 19991451EC Not classified as hazardous. Adverse physiochemical, human health and environmental effects Depending on the type of handling and use (e.g. grinding, drying), airborne respirable crystalline silica may be generated. Prolonged and/or massive Inhalation of respirable crystalline silica dust may cause lung fibrosis, commonly referred to as silicosis.Principal symptoms of silicosis are cough and breathlessness. Occupational exposure to respirable crystalline silica dust should be monitored and controlled. The product is not expected to be hazardous to the environment.Label elements Labelling according to Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 (EU 'CLP' regulation) Risk Phrases NC Not Classified Safety Phrases NC Not ClassifiedRevision Date: 09/25/2015Section 3: Composition and Information on IngredientsSubstancesSection 4: First-aid MeasuresDescription of first aid measuresGeneral advice No acute and delayed symptoms and effects are observed.Inhalation Move-into fresh air and keep at rest. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues.If swallowed Rinse mouth thoroughly. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues.Skin contact Wash skin with soap and water. Use suitable lotion to moisturize skin.Eye contact Do not rub eye. Rinse with large quantities of water. Get medical attention if irritation persists.Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedGeneral informationIf adverse symptoms develop as described, transfer the casualty to a hospital as soon as possible.Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededNo specific first aid measures noted.Section 5: Fire-fighting MeasuresExtinguishing mediaThis product is non-combustible. No specific extinguishing media is needed.Special hazards arising from the substances or mixtureNon-combustible. No hazardous thermal decomposition.Advice for fire-fightersNo specific fire-fighting protection is required. Use an extinguishing agent suitable for the surrounding fire. Section 6: Accidental Release MeasuresPersonal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresGeneral measuresAvoid airborne dust generation. Wear personal protective equipment incompliance with national legislation.Avoid dry sweeping and use water spraying or vacuum cleaning systems to prevent airborne dust generation. Wear personal protective equipment in compliance with national legislation.Reference to any other sectionsFor personal protection, see section 8. For waste disposal, see section 13.Section 7: Handling and StoragePrecautions for safe handlingAvoid airborne dust generation. Provide appropriate exhaust ventilation at places where airborne dust is generated. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory protective equipment. Handle packaged products carefully to prevent accidental bursting. If you require advice on safe handling techniques, please contact your supplier or check the Good Practice Guide referred to in section 16. Do not to eat, drink and smoke in work areas; wash hands after use; remove contaminated clothing and protective equipment before entering eating areas.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesStore in a dry covered area. Minimize airborne dust generation and prevent wind dispersal during loading and unloading. Keep containers closed and store packaged products so as to prevent accidental bursting.Specific end use(s)Usage DescriptionIf you require advice on specific uses, please contact your supplier or check the Good Practice Guide referred to in section 16.Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal ProtectionControl parametersExposure controlsEngineering measuresMinimize airborne dust generation. Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls lo keep airborne levels below specified exposure limits. If user operations generate dust, fumes or mist, use ventilation to keep exposure lo airborne particles below the exposure limit. Apply organizational measures, e.g. by isolating personnel from dusty areas. Remove end wash soiled clothing.Respiratory equipmentIn case of prolonged exposure to airborne dust concentrations, wear a respiratory protective equipment that complies with the requirements of European or national legislation.Use eye protection. Goggles/face shield are recommended. Contact lenses should not be worn when working with this product.Hygiene measuresWhen using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands at the end of each work shift and before eating, smoking and using the toilet.Use appropriate skin cream to prevent drying of skin.Skin protectionNo specific requirement. Appropriate protection (e.g. protective clothing, barrier cream) is recommended for workers who suffer from dermatitis or sensitive skin.Section 9: Physical and Chemical PropertiesInformation on basic physical and chemical propertiesAppearance LumpColor White / Off-whiteOdor Almost odorlessSolubility Insoluble in waterRelative density 2.6 – 2.7Other InformationNo information requiredSection 10: Stability and ReactivityReactivityNo specific reactivity hazards associated with this product.Chemical stabilityStable under normal temperature conditions and recommended use.Possibility of hazardous reactionsNot applicable.Conditions to avoidNo particular incompatibilityIncompatible materialsNo specific, or groups of materials are likely to react to produce a hazardous situation.Hazardous decomposition productsNone under normal conditions.Section 11: Toxicological InformationInformation on toxicological effectsAcute toxicity This product has low toxicity. Only large volumes may haveadverse impact on human health.Skin corrosion / irritation Prolonged contact may cause dryness of skinSerious eye damage / eye irritation Particles in the eyes may cause inflammation and smarting Respiratory or skin sensitization Dust in high concentrations may irritate the respiratory system Germ cell mutagenicity Not classifiedCarcinogenicity Not classifiedReproductive toxicity Not classifiedSpecific target organ toxicity – single exposure Not classifiedSpecific target organ toxicity – repeated exposure Not classifiedAspiration hazard Not classifiedSection 12: Ecological InformationToxicityLC 50, 96 Hrs. Fish mg/l >1000EC 50, 48 Hrs. Daphnia, mg/l >1000IC 50, 72 Hrs. Algae, mg/l >1000Persistence and biodegradabilityThe product is not biodegradable.Bio-accumulative potentialThe product does not contain any substances expected to be bio-accumulating.Mobility in soilThe product is insoluble in water.Results of PBT and vPvB assessmentNot Classified as PBT/vPvB by current EU criteriaOther adverse effectsEcotoxicityThe product components are not classified as environmentally hazardous. However, this does not exclude the possibility that large or frequent spills can have a harmful or damaging effect on the environment.Section 13: Waste Disposal InformationGeneral InformationThis mineral can be disposed of as a nontoxic/inactive material in approved landfill sites in accordance with local regulations. Dust formation from residues in packaging should be avoided and suitable worker protection assured. Store used packaging in enclosed receptacles. Recycling and disposal of packaging should be carried out in compliance with local regulations. The re-use of packaging is not recommended. Recycling and disposal of packaging should be carried out by an authorized waste management company.Waste treatment methodsWhere possible, recycling is preferable to disposal. Can be disposed of in compliance with local regulations.Section 14: Transport InformationUN NumberNo information requiredTransport hazard class(es)No information required.Packaging groupNo information required.Environmental hazardsEnvironmentally Hazardous Substance / Marine Pollutant - No.Special precautions for userNot applicableTransport In bulk according to Annex U of MARPOL 73178 and IBC CodeNo Information required.Section 15: Regulatory InformationSafety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixtureUK Regulatory ReferencesHealth and Safety at Work Act 1974. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (S.I 2002 No. 2677) with amendments.Statutory InstrumentsThe Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2009 (S.I 2009 No. 716).Approved Code of PracticeSafety Data Sheets for Substances and Preparations. Classification and Labelling of Substances and Preparations Dangerous for Supply.EU-RegulationsExempted in accordance with Annex V.7National regulationsWorkplace exposure Limits 2005 (EH40)Water hazard classificationNWGChemical safety assessmentNo chemical safety assessment has been carried out.Section 16: Additional InformationGeneral informationWorkers must be informed of the presence of crystalline silica and trained in the proper use and handling of this product as required under applicable regulations.A multi-sectoral social dialogue agreement on Workers Health Protection through the Good Handling and Use of Crystalline Silica and Products Containing It was signed on 25 April 2006. This autonomous agreement, which receives the European Commission’s financial support, is based on a Good Practices Guide. The requirements of the Agreement came and provide useful Information and guidance for the handling of products containing respirable crystalline silica. Literature references are available on request from EUROSIL, the European Association of Industrial Silica Producers.Prolonged and/or massive exposure to respirable crystalline silica-containing dust may cause silicosis, a nodular pulmonary fibrosis caused by deposition in the lungs of fine respirable particles of crystalline silica.In 1997, IARC (the International Agency for Research on Cancer) concluded that crystalline silica inhaled from occupational sources can cause lung cancer in humans. However it pointed out that not all industrial circumstances, nor all crystalline silica types were to be incriminated. (IARC Monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risks of chemicals to humans, Silica, silicates dust and organic fibers, 1997, Vol. 68, IARC, Lyon, France.)In June 2003, SCOEL (the EU Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits) concluded that the main effect in humans of the inhalation of respirable crystalline silica dust is silicosis. "There is sufficient information to conclude that the relative risk of lung cancer is increased in persons with silicosis (and, apparently, not in employees without silicosis exposed to silica dust in quarries and in the ceramic industry. Therefore preventing the onset of silicosis will also reduce the cancer risk…” (SCOEL SUM Doc 94 - final, June 2003).So there is a body of evidence supporting the fact that increased cancer risk would be limited to people already suffering from silicosis. Worker protection against silicosis should be assured by respecting the existing regulatory occupational exposure limits and Implementing additional risk management measures where required.Health & Safety Executive: Detailed reviews of the scientific evidence on the health effects or crystalline silica have been published by HSE (Health and Safety Executive, UK) in the Hazard Assessment Documents EH75/4 (2002) and EH75/5 (2003). The HSE points out on its website that Workers exposed to fine dust containing quartz are at risk of developing a chronic and possibly severely disabling lung disease known as "silicosis”. In addition to silicosis, there is now evidence that heavy and prolonged workplace exposure, to dust containing crystalline silica can lead to an increased risk of lung cancer. The evidence suggests that an increased risk of lung cancer is likely to occur only in those workers who have developed silicosis.Disclaimer: The Information in this Safety Advisory Document was obtained from sources which we believe are reliable, but no warranty or representation as to its accuracy or completeness is hereby given. Users should consider the information herein only as a supplement to other information gathered by them and must make independent determinations of suitability and completeness of information from all sources to assure proper use and disposal the safety and health of employees and customers and the protection of the environment.。
浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)48(4):483~492,2022Journal of Zhejiang University (Agric.&Life Sci.)http :///agr E -mail :zdxbnsb @沙棘果渣还田对水稻土性质、温室气体排放和微生物数量的影响万清1,杨小渔1,吴丹2,张奇春1*(1.浙江大学环境与资源学院,污染环境修复与生态健康教育部重点实验室,杭州310058;2.浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院,杭州310058)摘要采用28d 的土壤培养试验,选用沙棘果渣(R )、生物质炭(B )和生物陶粒(T )3组材料,以自然培养组作为对照(CK ),探讨沙棘果渣对土壤理化性质、温室气体(CO 2、CH 4和N 2O )排放和微生物数量等方面的影响。
结果表明:沙棘果渣能够显著提升土壤中全碳、全氮、速效钾等养分的含量,平均提升率分别为16.31%、14.99%、46.15%;对土壤pH 也存在一定的提升效果,提升范围为0.25~0.69。
沙棘果渣还田后土壤微生物丰度显著升高,其中前14d 微生物数量较对照平均增长335.6%。
对不同材料还田后的温室气体排放和全球增温潜势分析表明,与生物质炭和生物陶粒相比,沙棘果渣还田的CO 2排放量和全球增温潜势显著较高,但其CH 4排放量较小且可以显著降低N 2O 的排放量。
关键词沙棘果渣;生物质炭;生物陶粒;微生物数量;温室气体;土壤理化性质中图分类号X 172文献标志码A引用格式万清,杨小渔,吴丹,等.沙棘果渣还田对水稻土性质、温室气体排放和微生物数量的影响[J].浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版),2022,48(4):483-492.DOI:10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2021.06.291WAN Qing,YANG Xiaoyu,WU Dan,et al.Effects of returning seabuckthorn fruit residue into field on paddy soil properties,greenhouse gas emissions and microbial numbers[J].Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture &Life Sciences),2022,48(4):483-492.Effects of returning seabuckthorn fruit residue into field on paddy soilproperties,greenhouse gas emissions and microbial numbersWAN Qing 1,YANG Xiaoyu 1,WU Dan 2,ZHANG Qichun 1*(1.Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Environmental Remediation and Ecological Health,College of Environmental and Resource Sciences,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China;2.College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China )AbstractTo explore the effects of seabuckthorn fruit residue on soil physicochemical properties,greenhousegas (CO 2,CH 4,N 2O)emissions,and the microbial numbers,a 28-day soil pot experiment was conducted.Three groups of materials were used,including seabuckthorn fruit residue (R),biochar (B),and biological ceramsite (T)in the experiment,and a natural culture was used as the control group (CK).The results showed that the seabuckthorn fruit residue significantly promoted the contents of soil nutrients such as total carbon,total nitrogen,and available potassium,and the average increase rates were 16.31%,14.99%,and 46.15%,respectively.Besides,the soil pHDOI :10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2021.06.291基金项目:国家重点研发计划课题(2021YFD1700803);浙江省重点研发计划项目(2021C04032)。
优美优化优化 OGZ 肺氧化物微型平行抓取器说明书
Series OGZ Pneumatic Miniature Parallel Gripper• Available in 4 sizes• Integral linear guide for high rigidity and precision • Base dowel mounting for accurate locating • S tandard magnets on pistons for externally mounted switches • Drop-in replacement for other manufacturersThe Price AlternativeOGZ01(800) 624-85112(800) 624-8511/ogzOGZ01© Copyright 2019, by PHD, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.MODEL NO.OGZ D 1 5SWITCH BUNDLE DESIGN NO.5 = Metric-x SIZEMINIMUM TOTAL JAW TRAVEL SIZE 10162025D = DC ReedN = DC Solid State NPN - Sink P = DC Solid State PNP - SourceTYPED = DOUBLE ACTING, STANDARD STROKEJAW STYLE 1 = STANDARD TAPPED HOLENOTES:1) Switch bundle option includes 2 switches 2) Switch bundle available with actuator only 3) Switches available in quick connect only 4) Magnets standard for switch sensing 5) Only use PHD’s switches with actuator3(800) 624-8511/ogzOGZ01standard mountingpatterns and thread sizesintegral linear guide for high rigidity and precisionstandard magnet on piston for externally mounted switches• Available in 4 sizes• Integral linear guide for high rigidity and precision • Base dowel mounting for accurate locating• S tandard magnets on pistons for externally mounted switches • Drop-in replacement for other manufacturers4(800) 624-8511/ogzOGZ01Operating Pressure = 5 bar , Grip Length = 20 mmExternal GripInternal Grip5(800) 624-8511/ogzOGZ016(800) 624-8511/ogzOGZ01External GripInternal GripThe grip force F is shown in the graphs to the right and represents the force of one jaw with the workpiece in contact with both jaws and attachments. The total grip force is two times the grip force per jaw.4[0.9]8[1.8]12[2.7]16[3.6]20[0.8]40[1.6]60[2.4]20[0.8]40[1.6]60[2.4]20[0.8]40[1.6]60[2.4]20[0.8]40[1.6]60[2.4]Grip Length L (mm [in])G r i pF o r c e F (N [l b f ])010[2.2]20[4.5]30[6.7]40[9.0]50[11.2]Grip Length L (mm [in])OGZD15-16x6 External GripG r i p F o r c e F (N [l b f ])20[0.8]40[1.6]60[2.4]80[3.1]100[3.9]20[0.8]40[1.6]60[2.4]80[3.1]100[3.9]Grip Length L (mm [in])OGZD15-20x10 External GripG r i p F o r c e F (N [l b f ])20[0.8]40[1.6]60[2.4]80[3.1]100[3.9]120[4.7]20[0.8]40[1.6]60[2.4]80[3.1]100[3.9]120[4.7]Grip Length L (mm [in])OGZD15-25x14 External GripG r i p F o r c e F (N [l b f ])40[9.0]80[18.0]120[27.0]160[36.0]Grip Length L (mm [in])OGZD15-25x14 Internal GripG r i p F o r c e F (N [l b f ])020[4.5]40[9.0]60[13.5]80[18.0]100[22.5]020[4.5]40[9.0]60[13.5]80[18.0]100[22.5]Grip Length L (mm [in])OGZD15-20x10 Internal GripG r i p F o r c e F (N [l b f ])10[2.2]20[4.5]30[6.7]40[9.0]50[11.2]60[13.5]70[15.7]10[2.2]20[4.5]30[6.7]40[9.0]50[11.2]60[13.5]70[15.7]Grip Length L (mm [in])OGZD15-16x6 Internal GripG r i p F o r c e F (N [l b f ])05[1.1]10[2.2]15[3.4]20[4.5]25[5.6]30[6.7]Grip Length L (mm [in])G r i p F o r c e F (N [l b f ])at 7 bar [101.5 psi]at 6 bar [87.0 psi]at 5 bar [72.5 psi]at 4 bar [58.0 psi]at 3 bar [43.5 psi]at 2 bar [29.0 psi]7(800) 624-8511/ogzOGZ01The grip length L and grip offset H must stay within the range for the operating pressure as shown in the graphs to the right. If the grip point exceeds the range limits, the life of the gripper will be reduced.External GripInternal Grip10[0.4]20[0.8]30[1.2]40[1.6]50[2.0]60[2.4]010[0.4]20[0.8]30[1.2]40[1.6]50[2.0]60[2.4]010[0.4]20[0.8]30[1.2]40[1.6]50[2.0]60[2.4]20[0.8]10[0.4]30[1.2]50[2.0]40[1.6]60[2.4]20[0.8]10[0.4]30[1.2]50[2.0]40[1.6]60[2.4]20[0.8]10[0.4]30[1.2]50[2.0]40[1.6]60[2.4]Grip Length L (mm [in])G r i p O f f s e t H (m m [i n ])10[0.4]20[0.8]30[1.2]40[1.6]50[2.0]60[2.4]70[2.8]Grip Length L (mm [in])OGZD15-16x6 External GripG r i p O f f s e t H (m m [i n ])20[0.8]40[1.6]60[2.4]80[3.1]100[3.9]020[0.8]40[1.6]60[2.4]80[3.1]100[3.9]40[1.6]20[0.8]60[2.4]100[3.9]80[3.1]40[1.6]20[0.8]60[2.4]100[3.9]80[3.1]Grip Length L (mm [in])OGZD15-20x10 External GripG r i p O f f s e t H (m m [i n ])020[0.8]40[1.6]60[2.4]80[3.1]100[3.9]120[4.7]020[0.8]40[1.6]60[2.4]80[3.1]100[3.9]120[4.7]40[1.6]20[0.8]60[2.4]100[3.9]120[4.7]80[3.1]Grip Length L (mm [in])OGZD15-25x14 External GripG r i p O f f s e t H (m m [i n ])Grip Length L (mm [in])OGZD15-25x14 Internal GripG r i p O f f s e t H (m m [i n ])40[1.6]20[0.8]60[2.4]80[3.1]Grip Length L (mm [in])OGZD15-20x10 Internal GripG r i p O f f s e t H (m m [i n ])Grip Length L (mm [in])OGZD15-16x6 Internal GripG r i p O f f s e t H (m m [i n ])20[0.8]10[0.4]30[1.2]50[2.0]40[1.6]Grip Length L (mm [in])G r i p O f f s e t H (m m [i n ])at 6 bar [87.0 psi]at 7 bar [101.5 psi]at 6 & 7 bar at 5 bar [72.5 psi]at 4 bar [58.0 psi]at 3 bar [43.5 psi]at 2 bar [29.0 psi]8NOTES:1) Dimensions are in mm2) Designated centerline is centerline of unit 3) Unless otherwise dimensioned,mounting hole patterns are centered on designated centerline of unitALL DIMENSIONS ARE REFERENCE ONLY UNLESS SPECIFICALLY TOLERANCED.。
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测井资料常用英文代码表Microlog 1 Microlog 2 Acousticlog Density Compensated Dual-Spacing Neutron Log Caliper Bit Size Gamma Ray-Natural Radioactivity Spontaneous Potential Deep Investigation Induction Log Midium Investigation Induction Log Laterolog 8 Micro-Sphericlly Focused Log Laterolog Deep Laterolog Shallow Resistivity 4True Formation ResistivityResistivity 2.5 中子伽马 中子伽马 泥质含量 孔隙度 渗透率 含水饱和度 含油饱和度 束缚水饱和度 残余油饱和度 深侧向电阻率 LLD 浅侧向电阻率 LLS 4米梯度电阻率RT 地层真电阻率RT 感应电导率2.5 米梯 度电 阻率 R2.5 微梯度ML1 微电位ML2 声波时差AC 密度DEN 中子孔隙度CNL 井径CAL 钻头大小BS 自然伽马GR 自然电位SP 深感应电阻率ILD 中感应电阻率ILM 八侧向电阻率LL8 COND Conductivity NGR Neutron Gamma RaySH ShalePOR PorosityPERM PermeabilitySW Water SaturationSO Oil Saturation ofSWI Initial Water SaturationSOR Residual Oil Saturation微 球 形 聚 焦 电 阻 率 MSFL NEU Neutron斯仑贝谢 ( Schlumberger ) 常用英文缩写数控测井系统CSU Cyber Service Units 或Computerized Logging Units 声波时差DT Delta T密度RHOB Rho Bulk中子孔隙度NPHI Neutron Phi感应电导率CILD IL-Deep Conductivity井径CALS Caliper Size自然伽马能谱NGS Natural Gamma Ray Spectrolog铀URAN Uranium钍THOR Thorium钾POTA Potassium高分辨率地层倾角仪HDT High Resolution Dipmeter Tool地层学高分辨率地层倾角仪SHDT Stratigraphy High Resolution Dipmeter Tool地层压力RFT Repeat Formation Tester波形WF Wave Form微电阻率成像FMI Fullbore Formation Micro Imager Tool 阵列感应成像AIT Array Induction Imager Tool方位侧向成像ARI Azimuthal Resistivity Imager Tool偶极声波成像DSI Dipole Shear Sonic Image Tool超声波成像USI Ultrasonic Imager Tool核磁共振CMR Combination Magnetic Resonance模块式地层动态测试仪MDT Modular Formation Dynamics Tester测井曲线名称汇总GRSL—能谱自然伽马POR 孔隙度NEWSANDPORW 含水孔隙度NEWSANDPORF 冲洗带含水孔隙度NEWSANDPORT 总孔隙度NEWSANDPORX 流体孔隙度NEWSANDPORH 油气重量NEWSANDBULK 出砂指数NEWSANDPERM 渗透率NEWSANDSW 含水饱和度NEWSANDSH 泥质含量NEWSANDCALO 井径差值NEWSANDCL 粘土含量NEWSANDDHY 残余烃密度NEWSANDSXO 冲洗带含水饱和度NEWSANDDA 第一判别向量的判别函数NEWSAND DB 第二判别向量的判别函数NEWSAND DAB 综合判别函数NEWSANDCI 煤层标志NEWSANDCARB 煤的含量NEWSANDTEMP 地层温度NEWSANDQ 评价泥质砂岩油气层产能的参数NEWSANDPI 评价泥质砂岩油气层产能的参数NEWSAND SH 泥质体积CLASSSW 总含水饱和度CLASSPOR 有效孔隙度CLASSPORG 气指数CLASSCHR 阳离子交换能力与含氢量的比值CLASS CL 粘土体积CLASSPORW 含水孔隙度CLASSPORF 冲洗带饱含泥浆孔隙度CLASSCALC 井径差值CLASSDHYC 烃密度CLASSPERM 绝对渗透率CLASSPIH 油气有效渗透率CLASSPIW 水的有效渗透率CLASSCLD 分散粘土体积CLASSCLL 层状粘土体积CLASSCLS 结构粘土体积CLASSEPOR 有效孔隙度CLASSESW 有效含水饱和度CLASSTPI 钍钾乘积指数CLASSPOTV 10 0%粘土中钾的体积CLASSCEC 阳离子交换能力CLASSQV 阳离子交换容量CLASSBW 粘土中的束缚水含量CLASSEPRW 含水有效孔隙度CLASSUPOR 总孔隙度,UPOR=EPOR+BW CLASS HI 干粘土骨架的含氢指数CLASSBWCL 粘土束缚水含量CLASSTMON 蒙脱石含量CLASSTILL 伊利石含量CLASSTCHK 绿泥石和高岭石含量CLASSVSH 泥质体积CLASSVSW 总含水饱和度CLASSVPOR 有效孔隙度CLASSVPOG 气指数CLASSVCHR 阳离子交换能力与含氢量的比值CLASS VCL 粘土体积CLASSVPOW 含水孔隙度CLASSVPOF 冲洗带饱含泥浆孔隙度CLASSVCAC 井径差值CLASSVDHY 烃密度CLASSVPEM 绝对渗透率CLASSVPIH 油气有效渗透率CLASSVPIW 水的有效渗透率CLASSVCLD 分散粘土体积CLASSVCLL 层状粘土体积CLASSVCLS 结构粘土体积CLASSVEPO 有效孔隙度CLASSVESW 有效含水饱和度CLASSVTPI 钍钾乘积指数CLASSVPOV 100%粘土中钾的体积CLASSVCEC 阳离子交换能力CLASSVQV 阳离子交换容量CLASSVBW 粘土中的束缚水含量CLASSVEPR 含水有效孔隙度CLASSVUPO 总孔隙度CLASSVHI 干粘土骨架的含氢指数CLASSVBWC 粘土束缚水含量CLASSVTMO 蒙脱石含量CLASSVTIL 伊利石含量CLASSVTCH 绿泥石和高岭石含量CLASSQW 井筒水流量PLIQT 井筒总流量PLISK 射孔井段PLIPQW 单层产水量PLIPQT 单层产液量PLIWEQ 相对吸水量ZRPM PEQ 相对吸水强度ZRPM POR 孔隙度PRCO PORW 含水孔隙度PRCO PORF 冲洗带含水孔隙度PRCO PORT 总孔隙度PRCO PORX 流体孔隙度PRCO PORH 油气重量PRCO BULK 出砂指数PRCO HF 累计烃米数PRCO PF 累计孔隙米数PRCO PERM 渗透率PRCO SW 含水饱和度PRCO SH 泥质含量PRCO CALO 井径差值PRCO CL 粘土含量PRCO DHY 残余烃密度PRCO SXO 冲洗带含水饱和度PRCO SWIR 束缚水饱和度PRCO PERW 水的有效渗透率PRCOPERO 油的有效渗透率PRCOKRW 水的相对渗透率PRCOKRO 油的相对渗透率PRCOFW 产水率PRCOSHSI 泥质与粉砂含量PRCOSXOF 199*SXO PRCOSWCO 含水饱和度PRCOWCI 产水率PRCOWOR 水油比PRCOCCCO经过PORT校正后的C/ O值PRCOCCSC经过PORT校正后的SI/CA值PRCOCCCS经过PORT校正后的CA/SI值PRCODCO油水层C/ O差值PRCOXIWA 水线视截距PRCOCOWA 视水线值PRCOCONM 视油线值PRCOCPRW 产水率(C/ O计算)PRCOCOAL 煤层CRAOTHR 重矿物的百分比含量CRASALT 盐岩的百分比含量CRASAND 砂岩的百分比含量CRALIME 石灰岩的百分比含量CRADOLM 白云岩的百分比含量CRAANHY 硬石膏的百分比含量CRA ANDE 安山岩的百分比含量CRA BASD 中性侵入岩百分比含量CRA DIAB 辉长岩的百分比含量CRA CONG 角砾岩的百分比含量CRA TUFF 凝灰岩的百分比含量CRA GRAV 中砾岩的百分比含量CRA BASA 玄武岩的百分比含量CRA常用测井曲线名称A1R1 T1R1 声波幅度A1R2 T1R2 声波幅度A2R1 T2R1 声波幅度A2R2 T2R2 声波幅度AAC 声波附加值AAVG 第一扇区平均值AC 声波时差AF10 阵列感应电阻率AF20 阵列感应电阻率AF30 阵列感应电阻率AF60 阵列感应电阻率AF90 阵列感应电阻率AFRT 阵列感应电阻率AFRX 阵列感应电阻率AIMP 声阻抗AIPD 密度孔隙度AIPN 中子孔隙度AMAV 声幅AMAX 最大声幅AMIN 最小声幅AMP1 第一扇区的声幅值AMP2 第二扇区的声幅值AMP3 第三扇区的声幅值AMP4 第四扇区的声幅值AMP5 第五扇区的声幅值AMP6 第六扇区的声幅值AMVG 平均声幅AO10 阵列感应电阻率AO20 阵列感应电阻率AO30 阵列感应电阻率AO60 阵列感应电阻率AO90 阵列感应电阻率AOFF 截止值AORT 阵列感应电阻率AORX 阵列感应电阻率APLC 补偿中子AR10 方位电阻率AR11 方位电阻率AR12 方位电阻率ARO1 方位电阻率ARO2 方位电阻率ARO3 方位电阻率ARO4 方位电阻率ARO5 方位电阻率ARO6 方位电阻率ARO7 方位电阻率ARO8 方位电阻率ARO9 方位电阻率AT10 阵列感应电阻率AT20 阵列感应电阻率AT30 阵列感应电阻率AT60 阵列感应电阻率AT90 阵列感应电阻率ATAV 平均衰减率ATC1 声波衰减率ATC2 声波衰减率ATC3 声波衰减率ATC4 声波衰减率ATC5 声波衰减率ATC6 声波衰减率ATMN 最小衰减率ATRT 阵列感应电阻率ATRX 阵列感应电阻率AZ 1 号极板方位AZ1 1 号极板方位AZI 1 号极板方位AZIM 井斜方位BGF 远探头背景计数率BGN 近探头背景计数率BHTA 声波传播时间数据BHTT 声波幅度数据BLKC 块数BS 钻头直径BTNS 极板原始数据C1 井径C2 井径C3 井径CAL 井径CAL1 井径CAL2 井径CALI 井径CALS 井径CASI 钙硅比CBL 声波幅度CCL 磁性定位CEMC 水泥图CGR 自然伽马CI 总能谱比CMFF 核磁共振自由流体体积CMRP 核磁共振有效孔隙度CN 补偿中子CNL 补偿中子CO 碳氧比CON1 感应电导率COND 感应电导率CORR 密度校正值D2EC 200 兆赫兹介电常数D4EC 47 兆赫兹介电常数DAZ 井斜方位DCNT 数据计数DEN 补偿密度DEN_1 岩性密度DEPTH 测量深度DEV 井斜DEVI 井斜DFL 数字聚焦电阻率DIA1 井径DIA2 井径DIA3 井径DIFF 核磁差谱DIP1 地层倾角微电导率曲线1 DIP1_1 极板倾角曲线DIP2 地层倾角微电导率曲线2 DIP2_1 极板倾角曲线DIP3 地层倾角微电导率曲线3 DIP3_1 极板倾角曲线DIP4 地层倾角微电导率曲线4DIP4_1 极板倾角曲线DIP5 极板倾角曲线DIP6 极板倾角曲线DRH 密度校正值DRHO 密度校正值DT 声波时差DT1 下偶极横波时差DT2 上偶极横波时差DT4P 纵横波方式单极纵波时差DT4S 纵横波方式单极横波时差DTL 声波时差DTST 斯通利波时差ECHO 回波串ECHOQM 回波串ETIMD 时间FAMP 泥浆幅度FAR 远探头地层计数率FCC 地层校正FDBI 泥浆探测器增益FDEN 流体密度FGAT 泥浆探测器门限FLOW 流量FPLC 补偿中子FTIM 泥浆传播时间GAZF Z 轴加速度数据GG01 屏蔽增益GG02 屏蔽增益GG03 屏蔽增益GG04 屏蔽增益GG05 屏蔽增益GG06 屏蔽增益GR 自然伽马GR2 同位素示踪伽马HAZI 井斜方位HDRS 深感应电阻率HFK 钾HMRS 中感应电阻率HSGR 无铀伽马HTHO 钍HUD 持水率HURA 铀IDPH 深感应电阻率IMPH 中感应电阻率K 钾KCMR 核磁共振渗透率KTH 无铀伽马LCAL 井径LDL 岩性密度LLD 深侧向电阻率LLD3 深三侧向电阻率LLD7 深七侧向电阻率LLHR 高分辨率侧向电阻率LLS 浅侧向电阻率LLS3 浅三侧向电阻率LLS7 浅七侧向电阻率M1R10 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M1R120 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M1R20 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M1R30 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M1R60 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M1R90 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M2R10 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M2R120 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M2R20 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M2R30 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M2R60 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M2R90 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M4R10 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M4R120 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M4R20 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M4R30 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M4R60 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率M4R90 高分辨率阵列感应电阻率MBVI 核磁共振束缚流体体积MBVM 核磁共振自由流体体积MCBW 核磁共振粘土束缚水ML1 微电位电阻率ML2 微梯度电阻率MPHE 核磁共振有效孔隙度MPHS 核磁共振总孔隙度MPRM 核磁共振渗透率MSFL 微球型聚焦电阻率NCNT 磁北极计数NEAR 近探头地层计数率NGR 中子伽马NPHI 补偿中子P01 第1 组分孔隙度P02 第2 组分孔隙度P03 第3 组分孔隙度P04 第4 组分孔隙度P05 第5 组分孔隙度P06 第6 组分孔隙度P07 第7 组分孔隙度P08 第8 组分孔隙度P09 第9 组分孔隙度P10 第10 组分孔隙度P11 第11 组分孔隙度P12 第12 组分孔隙度P1AZ 1 号极板方位P1AZ_1 2号极板方位P1BTN 极板原始数据P2BTN 极板原始数据P2HS 200 兆赫兹相位角P3BTN 极板原始数据P4BTN 极板原始数据P4HS 47 兆赫兹相位角P5BTN 极板原始数据P6BTN 极板原始数据PAD1 1 号极板电阻率曲线PAD2 2 号极板电阻率曲线PAD3 3 号极板电阻率曲线PAD4 4 号极板电阻率曲线PAD5 5 号极板电阻率曲线PAD6 6 号极板电阻率曲线PADG 极板增益PD6G 屏蔽电压PE 光电吸收截面指数PEF 光电吸收截面指数PEFL 光电吸收截面指数PERM-IND 核磁共振渗透率POTA 钾PPOR 核磁T2 谱PPORB 核磁T2 谱PPORC 核磁T2 谱PR 泊松比PRESSURE 压力QA 加速计质量QB 磁力计质量QRTT 反射波采集质量R04 0.4 米电位电阻率R045 0.45 米电位电阻率R05 0.5 米电位电阻率R1 1米底部梯度电阻率R25 2.5 米底部梯度电阻率R4 4米底部梯度电阻率R4AT 200 兆赫兹幅度比R4AT_1 47 兆赫兹幅度比R4SL 200 兆赫兹电阻率R4SL_1 47 兆赫兹电阻率R6 6米底部梯度电阻率R8 8米底部梯度电阻率RAD1 井径(极板半径)RAD2 井径(极板半径)RAD3 井径(极板半径)RAD4 井径(极板半径)RAD5 井径(极板半径)RAD6 井径(极板半径)RADS 井径(极板半径)RATI 地层比值RB 相对方位RB_1 相对方位角RBOF 相对方位RD 深侧向电阻率RFOC 八侧向电阻率RHOB 岩性密度RHOM 岩性密度RILD 深感应电阻率RILM 中感应电阻率RLML 微梯度电阻率RM 钻井液电阻率RMLL 微侧向电阻率RMSF 微球型聚焦电阻率RNML 微电位电阻率ROT 相对方位RPRX 邻近侧向电阻率RS 浅侧向电阻率SDBI 特征值增益SFL 球型聚焦电阻率SFLU 球型聚焦电阻率SGAT 采样时间SGR 无铀伽马SICA 硅钙比SIG 井周成像特征值SIGC 俘获截面SIGC2 示踪俘获截面SMOD 横波模量SNL 井壁中子SNUM 特征值数量SP 自然电位SPER 特征值周期T2 核磁T2 谱T2-BIN-A 核磁共振区间孔隙度T2-BIN-B 核磁共振区间孔隙度T2-BIN-PR 核磁共振区间孔隙度T2GM T2 分布对数平均值T2LM T2 分布对数平均值TEMP 井温TH 钍THOR 钍TKRA 钍钾比TPOR 核磁共振总孔隙度TRIG 模式标志TS 横波时差TT1 上发射上接受的传播时间TT2 上发射下接受的传播时间TT3 下发射上接受的传播时间TT4 下发射下接受的传播时间TURA 钍铀比U 铀UKRA 铀钾比URAN 铀VAMP 扇区水泥图VDL 声波变密度VMVM 核磁共振自由流体体积VPVS 纵横波速度比WAV1 第一扇区的波列WAV2 第二扇区的波列WAV3 第三扇区的波列WAV4 第四扇区的波列WAV5 第五扇区的波列WAV6 第六扇区的波列WAVE 变密度图WF 全波列波形ZCORR 密度校正值测井曲线代码一览表常用测井曲线名称测井符号英文名称中文名称Rt true formation resistivity. 地层真电阻率Rxo flushed zone formationresistivity 冲洗带地层电阻率lid deep in vestigate in duction log 深探测感应测井Ilm medium investigate induction log 中探测感应测井lls shallow investigate induction log 浅探测感应测井Rd deepinvestigate double lateral resistivity log深双侧向电阻率测井Rs shallow investigate double 浅双侧向电阻率测井lateral resistivity log RMLL micro lateral resistivity log 微侧向电阻率测井CON induction log 感应测井AC acoustic 声波时差DEN density 密度CN neutron 中子常用测井曲线名称测井符号 英文名称 中文名称Rt true formation resistivity. 地层真电阻率Rxo flushed zone formation resistivity 冲洗带地层电阻率Ild deep investigate induction log 深探测感应测井Ilm medium investigate induction log 中探测感应测井Ils shallow investigate induction log 浅探测感应测井Rd deep investigate double lateral resistivity log 深双侧向电阻率测井 Rs shallow investigate double lateral resistivity log 浅双侧向电阻率测井 RMLL micro lateral resistivity log 微侧向电阻率测井CON induction log 感应测井AC acoustic 声波时差DEN density 密度CN neutron 中子 SP spontaneous potential自然电位CALborehole diameter 井径K potassium 钾TH thorium钍Uuranium 铀 KTHgamma ray without uranium 无铀伽马NGR neutron gamma ray中子伽马 GR natural gamma ray自然伽马GR natural gamma ray 自然伽马SP spontan eous pote ntial 自然电位CAL borehole diameter 井径K potassium 钾TH thorium 钍U uranium 铀KTH gamma ray without uranium 无铀伽马NGR neutron gamma ray 中子伽马5700 系列的测井项目及曲线名称Star Imager 微电阻率扫描成像CBIL 井周声波成像多极阵列声波成像MACMRIL 核磁共振成像TBRT 薄层电阻率DAC 阵列声波DVRT 数字垂直测井HDIP 六臂倾角MPHI 核磁共振有效孔隙度MBVM 可动流体体积MBVI 束缚流体体积MPERM 核磁共振渗透率Echoes 标准回波数据T2 Dist T2 分布数据TPOR 总孔隙度BHTA 声波幅度BHTT 声波返回时间Image DIP 图像的倾角COMP AMP 纵波幅度Shear AMP 横波幅度COMP ATTN 纵波衰减Shear ATTN 横波衰减RADOUTR 井眼的椭圆度Dev 井斜。
Indradrive 系列 故障代码
Error MessagesF9001 Error internal function call.F9002 Error internal RTOS function callF9003 WatchdogF9004 Hardware trapF8000 Fatal hardware errorF8010 Autom. commutation: Max. motion range when moving back F8011 Commutation offset could not be determinedF8012 Autom. commutation: Max. motion rangeF8013 Automatic commutation: Current too lowF8014 Automatic commutation: OvercurrentF8015 Automatic commutation: TimeoutF8016 Automatic commutation: Iteration without resultF8017 Automatic commutation: Incorrect commutation adjustment F8018 Device overtemperature shutdownF8022 Enc. 1: Enc. signals incorr. (can be cleared in ph. 2) F8023 Error mechanical link of encoder or motor connectionF8025 Overvoltage in power sectionF8027 Safe torque off while drive enabledF8028 Overcurrent in power sectionF8030 Safe stop 1 while drive enabledF8042 Encoder 2 error: Signal amplitude incorrectF8057 Device overload shutdownF8060 Overcurrent in power sectionF8064 Interruption of motor phaseF8067 Synchronization PWM-Timer wrongF8069 +/-15Volt DC errorF8070 +24Volt DC errorF8076 Error in error angle loopF8078 Speed loop error.F8079 Velocity limit value exceededF8091 Power section defectiveF8100 Error when initializing the parameter handlingF8102 Error when initializing power sectionF8118 Invalid power section/firmware combinationF8120 Invalid control section/firmware combinationF8122 Control section defectiveF8129 Incorrect optional module firmwareF8130 Firmware of option 2 of safety technology defectiveF8133 Error when checking interrupting circuitsF8134 SBS: Fatal errorF8135 SMD: Velocity exceededF8140 Fatal CCD error.F8201 Safety command for basic initialization incorrectF8203 Safety technology configuration parameter invalidF8813 Connection error mains chokeF8830 Power section errorF8838 Overcurrent external braking resistorF7010 Safely-limited increment exceededF7011 Safely-monitored position, exceeded in pos. DirectionF7012 Safely-monitored position, exceeded in neg. DirectionF7013 Safely-limited speed exceededF7020 Safe maximum speed exceededF7021 Safely-limited position exceededF7030 Position window Safe stop 2 exceededF7031 Incorrect direction of motionF7040 Validation error parameterized - effective thresholdF7041 Actual position value validation errorF7042 Validation error of safe operation modeF7043 Error of output stage interlockF7050 Time for stopping process exceeded8.3.15 F7051 Safely-monitored deceleration exceeded (159)8.4 Travel Range Errors (F6xxx) (161)8.4.1 Behavior in the Case of Travel Range Errors (161)8.4.2 F6010 PLC Runtime Error (162)8.4.3 F6024 Maximum braking time exceeded (163)8.4.4 F6028 Position limit value exceeded (overflow) (164)8.4.5 F6029 Positive position limit exceeded (164)8.4.6 F6030 Negative position limit exceeded (165)8.4.7 F6034 Emergency-Stop (166)8.4.8 F6042 Both travel range limit switches activated (167)8.4.9 F6043 Positive travel range limit switch activated (167)8.4.10 F6044 Negative travel range limit switch activated (168)8.4.11 F6140 CCD slave error (emergency halt) (169)8.5 Interface Errors (F4xxx) (169)8.5.1 Behavior in the Case of Interface Errors (169)8.5.2 F4001 Sync telegram failure (170)8.5.3 F4002 RTD telegram failure (171)8.5.4 F4003 Invalid communication phase shutdown (172)8.5.5 F4004 Error during phase progression (172)8.5.6 F4005 Error during phase regression (173)8.5.7 F4006 Phase switching without ready signal (173)8.5.8 F4009 Bus failure (173)8.5.9 F4012 Incorrect I/O length (175)8.5.10 F4016 PLC double real-time channel failure (176)8.5.11 F4017 S-III: Incorrect sequence during phase switch (176)8.5.12 F4034 Emergency-Stop (177)8.5.13 F4140 CCD communication error (178)8.6 Non-Fatal Safety Technology Errors (F3xxx) (178)8.6.1 Behavior in the Case of Non-Fatal Safety Technology Errors (178)8.6.2 F3111 Refer. missing when selecting safety related end pos (179)8.6.3 F3112 Safe reference missing (179)8.6.4 F3115 Brake check time interval exceeded (181)Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drivesand ControlsI Bosch Rexroth AG VII/XXIITable of ContentsPage8.6.5 F3116 Nominal load torque of holding system exceeded (182)8.6.6 F3117 Actual position values validation error (182)8.6.7 F3122 SBS: System error (183)8.6.8 F3123 SBS: Brake check missing (184)8.6.9 F3130 Error when checking input signals (185)8.6.10 F3131 Error when checking acknowledgment signal (185)8.6.11 F3132 Error when checking diagnostic output signal (186)8.6.12 F3133 Error when checking interrupting circuits (187)8.6.13 F3134 Dynamization time interval incorrect (188)8.6.14 F3135 Dynamization pulse width incorrect (189)8.6.15 F3140 Safety parameters validation error (192)8.6.16 F3141 Selection validation error (192)8.6.17 F3142 Activation time of enabling control exceeded (193)8.6.18 F3143 Safety command for clearing errors incorrect (194)8.6.19 F3144 Incorrect safety configuration (195)8.6.20 F3145 Error when unlocking the safety door (196)8.6.21 F3146 System error channel 2 (197)8.6.22 F3147 System error channel 1 (198)8.6.23 F3150 Safety command for system start incorrect (199)8.6.24 F3151 Safety command for system halt incorrect (200)8.6.25 F3152 Incorrect backup of safety technology data (201)8.6.26 F3160 Communication error of safe communication (202)8.7 Non-Fatal Errors (F2xxx) (202)8.7.1 Behavior in the Case of Non-Fatal Errors (202)8.7.2 F2002 Encoder assignment not allowed for synchronization (203)8.7.3 F2003 Motion step skipped (203)8.7.4 F2004 Error in MotionProfile (204)8.7.5 F2005 Cam table invalid (205)8.7.6 F2006 MMC was removed (206)8.7.7 F2007 Switching to non-initialized operation mode (206)8.7.8 F2008 RL The motor type has changed (207)8.7.9 F2009 PL Load parameter default values (208)8.7.10 F2010 Error when initializing digital I/O (-> S-0-0423) (209)8.7.11 F2011 PLC - Error no. 1 (210)8.7.12 F2012 PLC - Error no. 2 (210)8.7.13 F2013 PLC - Error no. 3 (211)8.7.14 F2014 PLC - Error no. 4 (211)8.7.15 F2018 Device overtemperature shutdown (211)8.7.16 F2019 Motor overtemperature shutdown (212)8.7.17 F2021 Motor temperature monitor defective (213)8.7.18 F2022 Device temperature monitor defective (214)8.7.19 F2025 Drive not ready for control (214)8.7.20 F2026 Undervoltage in power section (215)8.7.21 F2027 Excessive oscillation in DC bus (216)8.7.22 F2028 Excessive deviation (216)8.7.23 F2031 Encoder 1 error: Signal amplitude incorrect (217)VIII/XXII Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drivesand ControlsRexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting GuideTable of ContentsPage8.7.24 F2032 Validation error during commutation fine adjustment (217)8.7.25 F2033 External power supply X10 error (218)8.7.26 F2036 Excessive position feedback difference (219)8.7.27 F2037 Excessive position command difference (220)8.7.28 F2039 Maximum acceleration exceeded (220)8.7.29 F2040 Device overtemperature 2 shutdown (221)8.7.30 F2042 Encoder 2: Encoder signals incorrect (222)8.7.31 F2043 Measuring encoder: Encoder signals incorrect (222)8.7.32 F2044 External power supply X15 error (223)8.7.33 F2048 Low battery voltage (224)8.7.34 F2050 Overflow of target position preset memory (225)8.7.35 F2051 No sequential block in target position preset memory (225)8.7.36 F2053 Incr. encoder emulator: Pulse frequency too high (226)8.7.37 F2054 Incr. encoder emulator: Hardware error (226)8.7.38 F2055 External power supply dig. I/O error (227)8.7.39 F2057 Target position out of travel range (227)8.7.40 F2058 Internal overflow by positioning input (228)8.7.41 F2059 Incorrect command value direction when positioning (229)8.7.42 F2063 Internal overflow master axis generator (230)8.7.43 F2064 Incorrect cmd value direction master axis generator (230)8.7.44 F2067 Synchronization to master communication incorrect (231)8.7.45 F2068 Brake error (231)8.7.46 F2069 Error when releasing the motor holding brake (232)8.7.47 F2074 Actual pos. value 1 outside absolute encoder window (232)8.7.48 F2075 Actual pos. value 2 outside absolute encoder window (233)8.7.49 F2076 Actual pos. value 3 outside absolute encoder window (234)8.7.50 F2077 Current measurement trim wrong (235)8.7.51 F2086 Error supply module (236)8.7.52 F2087 Module group communication error (236)8.7.53 F2100 Incorrect access to command value memory (237)8.7.54 F2101 It was impossible to address MMC (237)8.7.55 F2102 It was impossible to address I2C memory (238)8.7.56 F2103 It was impossible to address EnDat memory (238)8.7.57 F2104 Commutation offset invalid (239)8.7.58 F2105 It was impossible to address Hiperface memory (239)8.7.59 F2110 Error in non-cyclical data communic. of power section (240)8.7.60 F2120 MMC: Defective or missing, replace (240)8.7.61 F2121 MMC: Incorrect data or file, create correctly (241)8.7.62 F2122 MMC: Incorrect IBF file, correct it (241)8.7.63 F2123 Retain data backup impossible (242)8.7.64 F2124 MMC: Saving too slowly, replace (243)8.7.65 F2130 Error comfort control panel (243)8.7.66 F2140 CCD slave error (243)8.7.67 F2150 MLD motion function block error (244)8.7.68 F2174 Loss of motor encoder reference (244)8.7.69 F2175 Loss of optional encoder reference (245)Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drivesand Controls| Bosch Rexroth AG IX/XXIITable of ContentsPage8.7.70 F2176 Loss of measuring encoder reference (246)8.7.71 F2177 Modulo limitation error of motor encoder (246)8.7.72 F2178 Modulo limitation error of optional encoder (247)8.7.73 F2179 Modulo limitation error of measuring encoder (247)8.7.74 F2190 Incorrect Ethernet configuration (248)8.7.75 F2260 Command current limit shutoff (249)8.7.76 F2270 Analog input 1 or 2, wire break (249)8.7.77 F2802 PLL is not synchronized (250)8.7.78 F2814 Undervoltage in mains (250)8.7.79 F2815 Overvoltage in mains (251)8.7.80 F2816 Softstart fault power supply unit (251)8.7.81 F2817 Overvoltage in power section (251)8.7.82 F2818 Phase failure (252)8.7.83 F2819 Mains failure (253)8.7.84 F2820 Braking resistor overload (253)8.7.85 F2821 Error in control of braking resistor (254)8.7.86 F2825 Switch-on threshold braking resistor too low (255)8.7.87 F2833 Ground fault in motor line (255)8.7.88 F2834 Contactor control error (256)8.7.89 F2835 Mains contactor wiring error (256)8.7.90 F2836 DC bus balancing monitor error (257)8.7.91 F2837 Contactor monitoring error (257)8.7.92 F2840 Error supply shutdown (257)8.7.93 F2860 Overcurrent in mains-side power section (258)8.7.94 F2890 Invalid device code (259)8.7.95 F2891 Incorrect interrupt timing (259)8.7.96 F2892 Hardware variant not supported (259)8.8 SERCOS Error Codes / Error Messages of Serial Communication (259)9 Warnings (Exxxx) (263)9.1 Fatal Warnings (E8xxx) (263)9.1.1 Behavior in the Case of Fatal Warnings (263)9.1.2 E8025 Overvoltage in power section (263)9.1.3 E8026 Undervoltage in power section (264)9.1.4 E8027 Safe torque off while drive enabled (265)9.1.5 E8028 Overcurrent in power section (265)9.1.6 E8029 Positive position limit exceeded (266)9.1.7 E8030 Negative position limit exceeded (267)9.1.8 E8034 Emergency-Stop (268)9.1.9 E8040 Torque/force actual value limit active (268)9.1.10 E8041 Current limit active (269)9.1.11 E8042 Both travel range limit switches activated (269)9.1.12 E8043 Positive travel range limit switch activated (270)9.1.13 E8044 Negative travel range limit switch activated (271)9.1.14 E8055 Motor overload, current limit active (271)9.1.15 E8057 Device overload, current limit active (272)X/XXII Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drivesand ControlsRexroth IndraDrive | Troubleshooting GuideTable of ContentsPage9.1.16 E8058 Drive system not ready for operation (273)9.1.17 E8260 Torque/force command value limit active (273)9.1.18 E8802 PLL is not synchronized (274)9.1.19 E8814 Undervoltage in mains (275)9.1.20 E8815 Overvoltage in mains (275)9.1.21 E8818 Phase failure (276)9.1.22 E8819 Mains failure (276)9.2 Warnings of Category E4xxx (277)9.2.1 E4001 Double MST failure shutdown (277)9.2.2 E4002 Double MDT failure shutdown (278)9.2.3 E4005 No command value input via master communication (279)9.2.4 E4007 SERCOS III: Consumer connection failed (280)9.2.5 E4008 Invalid addressing command value data container A (280)9.2.6 E4009 Invalid addressing actual value data container A (281)9.2.7 E4010 Slave not scanned or address 0 (281)9.2.8 E4012 Maximum number of CCD slaves exceeded (282)9.2.9 E4013 Incorrect CCD addressing (282)9.2.10 E4014 Incorrect phase switch of CCD slaves (283)9.3 Possible Warnings When Operating Safety Technology (E3xxx) (283)9.3.1 Behavior in Case a Safety Technology Warning Occurs (283)9.3.2 E3100 Error when checking input signals (284)9.3.3 E3101 Error when checking acknowledgment signal (284)9.3.4 E3102 Actual position values validation error (285)9.3.5 E3103 Dynamization failed (285)9.3.6 E3104 Safety parameters validation error (286)9.3.7 E3105 Validation error of safe operation mode (286)9.3.8 E3106 System error safety technology (287)9.3.9 E3107 Safe reference missing (287)9.3.10 E3108 Safely-monitored deceleration exceeded (288)9.3.11 E3110 Time interval of forced dynamization exceeded (289)9.3.12 E3115 Prewarning, end of brake check time interval (289)9.3.13 E3116 Nominal load torque of holding system reached (290)9.4 Non-Fatal Warnings (E2xxx) (290)9.4.1 Behavior in Case a Non-Fatal Warning Occurs (290)9.4.2 E2010 Position control with encoder 2 not possible (291)9.4.3 E2011 PLC - Warning no. 1 (291)9.4.4 E2012 PLC - Warning no. 2 (291)9.4.5 E2013 PLC - Warning no. 3 (292)9.4.6 E2014 PLC - Warning no. 4 (292)9.4.7 E2021 Motor temperature outside of measuring range (292)9.4.8 E2026 Undervoltage in power section (293)9.4.9 E2040 Device overtemperature 2 prewarning (294)9.4.10 E2047 Interpolation velocity = 0 (294)9.4.11 E2048 Interpolation acceleration = 0 (295)9.4.12 E2049 Positioning velocity >= limit value (296)9.4.13 E2050 Device overtemp. Prewarning (297)Troubleshooting Guide | Rexroth IndraDrive Electric Drivesand Controls| Bosch Rexroth AG XI/XXIITable of ContentsPage9.4.14 E2051 Motor overtemp. prewarning (298)9.4.15 E2053 Target position out of travel range (298)9.4.16 E2054 Not homed (300)9.4.17 E2055 Feedrate override S-0-0108 = 0 (300)9.4.18 E2056 Torque limit = 0 (301)9.4.19 E2058 Selected positioning block has not been programmed (302)9.4.20 E2059 Velocity command value limit active (302)9.4.21 E2061 Device overload prewarning (303)9.4.22 E2063 Velocity command value > limit value (304)9.4.23 E2064 Target position out of num. range (304)9.4.24 E2069 Holding brake torque too low (305)9.4.25 E2070 Acceleration limit active (306)9.4.26 E2074 Encoder 1: Encoder signals disturbed (306)9.4.27 E2075 Encoder 2: Encoder signals disturbed (307)9.4.28 E2076 Measuring encoder: Encoder signals disturbed (308)9.4.29 E2077 Absolute encoder monitoring, motor encoder (encoder alarm) (308)9.4.30 E2078 Absolute encoder monitoring, opt. encoder (encoder alarm) (309)9.4.31 E2079 Absolute enc. monitoring, measuring encoder (encoder alarm) (309)9.4.32 E2086 Prewarning supply module overload (310)9.4.33 E2092 Internal synchronization defective (310)9.4.34 E2100 Positioning velocity of master axis generator too high (311)9.4.35 E2101 Acceleration of master axis generator is zero (312)9.4.36 E2140 CCD error at node (312)9.4.37 E2270 Analog input 1 or 2, wire break (312)9.4.38 E2802 HW control of braking resistor (313)9.4.39 E2810 Drive system not ready for operation (314)9.4.40 E2814 Undervoltage in mains (314)9.4.41 E2816 Undervoltage in power section (314)9.4.42 E2818 Phase failure (315)9.4.43 E2819 Mains failure (315)9.4.44 E2820 Braking resistor overload prewarning (316)9.4.45 E2829 Not ready for power on (316)。
AAC生产技术Activator机用于Bestway Manufacturing(北大洋制造)说明书
p r o d u c t i o n t e c h n o l o g yAircrete Europe, 7575 ED Oldenzaal, The NetherlandsNew automatic unloading line for AAC blocks for Bauroc in LatviaBauroc, the largest producer of AAC in Northern Europe with three AAC factories, has finalized the investmentproject in 2022 for increasing the production capacity in Ogre, Latvia. In order to move away from manual palletizing, th e factory in Latvia h as been equipped with a brand-new unloading and packaging line for AAC blocks, increasing both safety and capacity of the plant. For this important project, Bauroc engaged Aircrete Europe (Aircrete) as its technology partner. With five weeks factory downtime, resulting from care-ful planning between the project teams of Bauroc and Aircrete, the project was implemented within budget and efficiently sch eduled during th e annual winter factory sh utdown. Moreover, th e new design of th e unloading line is fully customized to the needs of the local production team and to fit within the dimensions of the production hall.The market for AAC products is continuously grow-ing. Being one of the largest producers in Northern Europe, Bauroc is increasing capacity while keeping the production reliability at a very high level, which is key for the company to maintain its leading position as a reliable supplier of high-quality AAC products.Project backgroundBauroc has one production site in Ogre, Latvia, which is an existing tilt-and-tilt-back plant with German technology and with flat autoclaving (of three stacks each). The factory has a daily capacity of 700 m 3/day of AAC blocks. In order to improve the reliability and safety of the existing forklift-operated palle- tizing and semi-automated packaging at the Ogrefactory, Bauroc initiated an upgrade project of thisarea to design and install a new, custom-made AAC block unloading and packaging line. In parallel with the new unloading line, Bauroc decided to add one extra autoclave to increase the overall capacity of the factory. Throughout 2020, the technical teams of Bauroc and Aircrete discussed the specific project requirements, based on the desired product quality and line output and within the envisaged investment budget expectations (Fig. 1). The purpose of the in-vestment was to (i) increase the throughput of the unloading line (thus overall plant capacity) and (ii) introduce automated unloading, separation, sorting and re-configuration of the products (within the cake) and palletizing of the autoclaved AAC blocks withinthe existing factory hall.Fig. 1: Unloading area “before” during a site inspection in 2020.Technical description and advantagesof the Aircrete solutionAs a customized and integrated technology partner, Aircrete took on this project. Although brownfield projects in factories supplied by another equipment supplier are, by definition, more challenging, Aircrete has built up a strong track record of upgrading ex-isting factories based on older technology to ensure they comply with the latest standards and can meet existing and future market demand. The recent larg-est upgrade of the old tilt-cake factory to a mod-ern Aircrete Flat-Cake technology-based factory for AERCON in the USA is a great example of this. For the full report of this project please refer to the page 52 in the previous edition of AAC Worldwide.For the Bauroc project in Latvia, similar challenges were faced, the existing parameters (like size of the cake) and layout-related items (like crane positions and the white separator, an element not required in a standard Aircrete design because of no sticking is-sues) had to be incorporated into the new design, in order to remain within the budget requirements. Nevertheless, Aircrete managed to design a solution that, besides being safer and more reliable, also pro-vides Bauroc with a high level of flexibility regarding unloading and packing variations. The new solution can handle a product portfolio of AAC blocks of 600-625 mm in length, 200-600 mm in height and 50- 500 mm thickness. In addition, there is a separate in-feed line for special products, such as U-blocks, posi-tioned before the stretch-hood foiling machine. The pallets used in the solution are 1,200 x 800 mm (most popular), 1,200 x 1,000 mm and 1,200 x 1,200 mm, which come stacked and nested in each other to the factory site. Further considerations had to be made for the reinforced AAC panels that Bauroc intends to make in the future, meaning the line needed to be universally suited to cater for both products for a certain part of the unloading. In addition, future plant capacity extension has already been incorpo-rated in the new design.Finally, because of the sticking issues, resulting from the tilt-cake cutting technology, even with flat/ horizontal autoclaving, a separator was required. As Bauroc was concerned about damage to the green cake due to additional handling by a so-called green separator, Aircrete supplied a white separation unit. All in all, especially due to the restricted space and the flexibility required, the new unloading line from Aircrete had to be compact, multifunctional and ef-ficient (Fig. 2). All of these requirements were met, resembling the strength of the Aircrete organization when it comes to customized, complex engineering, equipment delivery and installation projects.With the new Aircrete solution, the overall unload-ing process has an average cycle time of 5 minutes per cake and starts with new tilting table receiving the cake on a curing frame, placed by the existing crane. The cake is then tilted 90 degrees onto the circulating platform, while the curing frame is heldback to be removed by the existing crane into thebuffer. The cake on the platform then undergoeswhite separation, layer by layer, and moves for-ward to the sorting station, where a separate sorting manipulator can remove full layers of blocks andreplace them with new ones in case of damage.A fully “clean” cake then goes to the unloading buff-er area where a dedicated unloading manipulatorcan put the full cake on one of the buffer stationsfor adding extra layers or directly onto the outfeed.A palletizing crane continues to take the whole verti-cal layer of blocks and, in two moves, places them onthe required wooden pallet. Pallet logistics is fully automated from de-nesting, feeding and outfeeding.The existing stretch-hood foiling unit was utilizedfor foiling the ready products as Bauroc was used toalready.Fig. 2: Unloading manipulator “during” testingin the Netherlands in 2021.Fig. 3 and 4: New unloading line in operation in 2022 – 3D model and photo.Project preparation and implementationA solid track-record of designing complex moderni-zation projects which need to be implemented with minimized factory downtime, Aircrete was engaged as the technology partner for this important project, of which the engineering started in the spring of 2021. Clear scope divisions and responsibilities were defined, and a detailed installation preparation plan was worked out by the teams. The installation was realized in the winter factory shutdown of 2021/2022 (Fig. 3 and 4).The known challenges of the pandemic, including price and logistics disruptions, lockdowns, travel re-strictions and quarantine requirements did impose an additional challenge on the project, however, de-spite these challenges, through the excellent coop-eration and support from the Bauroc team, the result was achieved within the time frame.Attractive Project FinanceFor this project, Aircrete Europe was also able to arrange an attractive project finance for Bauroc. Through different initiatives, the Dutch state offers feasible export finance solutions on the back of the contract with Aircrete. This allows customers of Air-crete to benefit from interesting finance at appealing commercial terms. Aircrete holds very good relation-ships with the stakeholders involved in these pro-cesses (like Invest International (formerly known as FMO) and Atradius), which have also already been involved in several projects from Aircrete in the past (e.g. Argentina in 2016 and Uzbekistan in 2021). The finance solutions can be arranged through a buyer’s credit or a seller’s credit. Under a buyer’s credit, the loan can be structured either directly with the cli-ent, or a bank-to-bank loan with a client’s (local) bank. Due to the “green” and sustainable nature of AAC plants, these types of projects have received anFig. 5: Seller’s credit scheme.Aircrete Europe Munsterstraat 107575 ED Oldenzaal Netherlands T +31 541 571020*****************Bauroc SIAKarjera iela 5, Ogre, Ogres pilseta 5001, Latvia T +371 67478412****************www.bauroc.lvincreased level of attention from Dutch state funding providers as AAC factories produce a green building material and are thereby contributing to the sustain-able building culture of the future.For Bauroc project in Latvia, Atradius was involved as the financing partner. The project finance was structured as a seller’s credit, which means that in principle Aircrete is providing 85% of the financing to Bauroc at an attractive interest rate and with a long-term finance structure (Fig. 5). Through Bill of Exchanges (BoE), Bauroc and Aircrete agreed on the future interest payments and loan repayments, which would only start taking place for the first time six months after completion of the project. After the successful commissioning, all BoE were acquired from Aircrete by Atradius and Aircrete received the future payments linked to the BoE. Atradius in return will collect the payments from Bauroc directly in the future. This structure allowed Bauroc to execute this project while maintaining a high level of liquidity (otherwise used for the project) which is beneficial to support Bauroc’s abundant growth opportunities in the near future.About BaurocBauroc (until early 2017 AER OC) is the largest pro- ducer of AAC products in Northern Europe. The family- owned group was established in 2001 and has yearly turnover of about 65 million Euros and employs 240 people in four countries. Bauroc operates three modern AAC factories in Baltics and calcium silicate factory in Lithuania. The company sells its products in all Baltic and Nordic countries but also in Iceland, Poland, Germany and Switzerland under the “bauroc” and “roclite” brand names. Calcium silicate is sold un-der “silroc” brand. Under these brands, Bauroc offers a large and diversified product portfolio, including a wide range of block products, reinforced lintels, large roof and wall elements, instruments, dry mixes and accessories for installing the products. In addi-tion, under the JAMER A brand, Bauroc offers a full building solution with the delivery and assembly of house packages. Based on AAC products, JAMER A is functional, and energy efficient house concept built for the Nordic climate and providing exceptionally healthy indoor environment. ●p r o d u c t i o n t e c h n o l o g y。
第52卷第9期电力系统保护与控制Vol.52 No.9 2024年5月1日Power System Protection and Control May 1, 2024 DOI: 10.19783/ki.pspc.231361海上风电场经柔直送出系统的虚拟导纳中频振荡抑制策略聂永辉1,张瑞东1,周勤勇2,高 磊2(1.东北电力大学,吉林 吉林 132012;2.中国电力科学研究院有限公司,北京 100192)摘要:随着柔性直流输电技术在远海风电的广泛应用,海上换流站接入远海风电场时出现了中频振荡现象,严重危害系统安全稳定运行。
关键词:海上风电场;柔性直流;中频振荡;模块化状态空间法;虚拟导纳Virtual admittance control strategy for medium-frequency oscillation in an offshore windfarm when connected to a VSC-HVDCNIE Yonghui1, ZHANG Ruidong1, ZHOU Qinyong2, GAO Lei2(1. Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, China; 2. China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing 100192, China)Abstract: With the widespread application of flexible DC transmission technology (VSC-HVDC) in offshore wind power engineering, medium-frequency oscillation (MFO) may occur when offshore converter stations are connected to offshore wind farms, seriously endangering the safe and stable operation of the system. Therefore, a virtual admittance-based MFO suppression strategy is proposed.First, a modular state space method is used to establish a small signal model of offshore wind farm when connected to a VSC-HVDC. Then, the participation factor analysis method is used to reveal the key factors affecting the MFO, and the impact characteristics of each key factor on the MFO are analyzed. Based on this, a damping control strategy is proposed to add virtual admittance to the VSC-HVDC control system. The stable range of the controller parameters is divided based on the differential influence of the damping controller on MFO and LCL oscillations.Finally, a time-domain simulation model is built in Matlab/Simulink. The simulation results show that the proposed strategy can effectively suppress MFO and improve system stability in different system operating conditions.This work is supported by the Science and Technology Project of State Grid Corporation of China (No.5100- 202355407A-3-2-ZN).Key words: offshore wind farms; VSC-HVDC; MFO; modular state space method; virtual admittance0 引言随着近海风电资源开发趋于饱和,海上风电正在向远海发展。
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《电力建设施工质量验收规程 第2部分:锅炉机组》
DL I CS27F20备案号:J901-20XX中华人民共和国电力行业标准P DL/T 5210.2-XXXX电力建设施工质量验收规程第2部分:锅炉机组Code for construction quality acceptanceof electric power constructPart 2:boiler unit(报批稿)XXXX -XX-XX发布 XXXX-XX-XX实施国家能源局发布本规程是根据《国家能源局关于下达2014年第二批能源领域行业标准制(修)订计划的通知》(国能科技〔2015〕12号)的要求,在原《电力建设施工质量验收及评价规程第2部分锅炉机组》DL/T5210.2-2009和《电力建设施工质量验收及评价规程第8部分加工配制》DL/T5210.8-2009基础上修订的。
《电力建设施工质量验收规程》DL/T5210共6个部分:——DL/T 5210.1 第1部分土建工程——DL/T 5210.2 第2部分锅炉机组——DL/T 5210.3 第3部分汽轮发电机组——DL/T 5210.4 第4部分热工仪表及控制装置——DL/T 5210.5 第5部分焊接——DL/T 5210.6 第6部分火电机组调整试验本部分是DL/T 5210的第2部分。
2026Q RF源产品说明书
frequency response across each of these bands is flat to within ±0.1 dB, thus minimizing the need for additional system calibration. Independent Signal GeneratorsEach of the RF generators contained within 2026Q may be used independently, routed to their individual RF connectors. In this mode, each generator covers the full frequency range 10 kHz to 2.4 GHz with an output power of between -137 dBm and +24dBm.Each source may be independently modulated either from an internal or external source(s). Modulation modes include AM, FM, PM, Pulse and 2/4 level FSK. The standard 2026 specification applies when used in this mode.Excellent Spectral PurityVery low phase noise and spurious responses are achieved making them ideal for CDMA handset interference tests and other general purpose applications. The 2026Q has a low residual FM of typically 3 Hz and typical sideband noise of -121 dBc/Hz at 20 kHz offset from 1 GHz.The excellent noise floor performance is more than adequate for mobile handset and base station testing.T ypical SSB Phase Noise at 1GHzT ypical Phase Noise at 20kHz offsetFlexible Source RoutingEach of the signal sources can either be routed to a separate output connector or switched to the input of an RF combiner network before being fed to the combiner output connector. The combiner routing is set up quickly and effectively using the Combiner Set Up menu.Setting up the source and combiner routingThe flexibility of the signal routing allows the 2026Q to accept an external input from another signal generator, such as the 2050 Digital and Vector Generator producing CDMA modulation or a radio test set.Automatic Source CouplingThe two internal generators can have their frequency and level ‘coupled’. In the case of RF level this coupling can be any fixed offset enabling control of a single parameter to manifest a change in both sources. For RF frequency this coupling can be both a fixed frequency offset or a harmonically related offset and again allow simple programming and control of the instrument.Setting up couplingSweepThe 2026Q allows either of the independent RF sources to be frequency swept with user defined start, stop, and step values to reduce the amount of operator time or GPIB overhead. By enabling the coupling facility, sweeping one source will simultaneously sweep the other internal RF source to allow automated swept measurements on frequency conversion devices to be made.High RF OutputEach of the RF signal generators is able to deliver up to +24 dBm at their output, making them ideal for testing components such as mixers and amplifiers etc.Comprehensive ModulationEach signal source is capable of being independently modulated from its own fully programmable modulation source to ensure maximum flexibility. The internal modulation sources are each capable of generating sine, triangle or square wave signals. Amplitude, frequency and phase modulated carriers can begenerated from the internal modulation sources or from the a d v a n c i n g w i r e l e s s t e s tindependent external inputs.The frequency modulation system provides excellent performance in the DC coupled mode with very low carrier frequency error and stability ensuring that the generator can accurately test receivers sensitive to small frequency errors.ProgrammingA GPIB interface is fitted so that all standard signal generator functions are controllable over the bus. The protocol and syntax of GPIB commands has been designed in accordance with IEEE 488.2 standard to facilitate the generation of ATE programs.A RS-232 interface is fitted as standard with a common command set to GPIB commands. RS-232 control is particularly suitable for use with simple external controllers or RF modems when the instrument is being used in a remote location.Low Cost of OwnershipAn electronic trip protects the individual source outputs against the accidental application of reverse power.Careful attention to the thermal design and the use of well-proven signal generator modules gives high reliability and calibration validity.The use of flash memory and software download via the RS-232 interface means the 2026Q can be upgraded with its covers fitted. Option 116 - GSM ModulationOption 116 is avaialble to allow 2026A/B to emulate GSM signals using FM techniques which achieves superior noise floor performance than solutions using IQ systems. The facility is ideal for testing GSM receiver selectivity and for testing the linearity of high performance multi-carrier power amplifiers. SpecificationGeneral DescriptionThe 2026Q CDMA Interferer MultiSource Generator is a purpose built instrument for testing CDMA hand-set and base station equipment. It features two synthesized RF signal generators with both independent and combined RF outputs. The combined RF output provides a path to and from the radio under test and an appropriate CDMA radio test set. Each signal source covers the frequency range 10 kHz to 2.4 GHz, whilst the combined path covers the range800 MHz to 2.0 GHz.Carrier FrequencyIndependent source frequency range10 kHz to 2.4 GHz with a resolution of 1 HzCombined output frequency range800 MHz to 2.0 GHz with a resolution of 1 HzAccuracyAs frequency standard RF OutputRangeIndividual outputs-137 dBm to +24 dBm(1)Combiner outputs-37 dBm to -3 dBm(1)Maximum output is reduced by 5 dB when pulse modulation is selected and/or by up to 6 dB when AM is selected dependent upon AM depth.Resolution0.1 dB or 3 digits for linear unitsAccuracy (Individual RF outputs)(over temp range 17 to 27°C)RF Level-127 dBm to >+6 dBm to Temp Stability+6 dBm+24 dBm(2)Up to 1.2 GHz±0.8 dB±1.0 dB<±0.02 dB/°C Above 1.2 GHz±1.6 dB±2.0 dB<±0.04 dB/°C Accuracy (Combined RF output)(over temp range 17 to 27°C and level range -20 dBm to -35 dBm) RF Frequency range Level Accuracy865 MHz - 895 MHz±0.75 dB1750 MHz - 1990 MHz±0.75 dBAttenuator holdInhibits operation of the step attenuator from the level at which the key is enabled. Useable for a level reduction of at least 10 dB. Typical accuracy ±3 dB.VSWRIndividual outputsFor output levels less than -5 dBm, output VSWR is less than 1.5:1 for carrier frequencies up to 1.2 GHz and less than 1.7:1 for carrier frequencies up to 2.4 GHz.Path Loss865 MHz to 895 MHz1750 MHz to 1990 MHz ( X →Y)*14 dB typ.15 dB typ.( Y →Z)13.5 dB typ.13.5 dB typ.( Y →X)>40 dB> 40 dB* -measured values are supplied with each instrument with a frequency response of <± 0.1 dB across the frequency bands 865 MHz to 895 MHz, 1750 MHz to 1780 MHz and 1930 MHz to 1990 MHz. Measurement uncertainty of ± 0.25 dB applies. Options are available providing lower path loss figures - please contact your IFR sales office for further details.a d v a n c i n g w i r e l e s s t e s tVSWR (refer to Figure 1)865 MHz to 895 MHz1750 MHz to 1990 MHz Port X<1.2:1<1.35:1Port Y<1.6:1*<1.6:1*Port Z<1.35:1<1.35:1*Typically <1.25:1Maximum Safe Power (matched)Port X+19 dBmPort Y+33 dBmPort Z+33 dBmRF Output connector50 Ωtype N connector to MIL 390123D.Output protectionIndividual outputsProtected from a source of reverse power up to 50 W from 50 Ωor 25 W from a source VSWR of 5:1. Protection circuit can be reset from the front panel or via the GPIB interface.Combined outputNo reverse power protection.Spectral PurityHarmonicsIndividual outputs:Typically better than -30 dBc for RF level up to +6 dBm, typically better than -25 dBc for RF levels up to +18 dBm (+14 dBm above 1.2 GHz).Combined output:Typically better than -30 dBc for RF level up to -36 dBm, typically better than -25 dBc for RF levels up to -13 dBm.Non-HarmonicsBetter than -70 dBc to 1 GHz, better than -64 dBc above 1 GHz, better than -60 dBc above 2 GHz.IsolationBetter than 80 dB between individual outputs in use.Better than 60 dB from a used individual output and the combiner output.Intermodulation<-80 dBc at an RF output level of -22 dBm on the combiner, across the range 800 MHz to 2.0 GHz. Intermodulation levels reduce with reducing RF Level.Residual FM (FM off)Less then 4.5 Hz RMS deviation in a 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz un-weighted bandwidth at 1 GHz. Typically <1 Hz at 249 MHz, <3 Hz at1001 MHz.Radio ConnectionsRefer to Figure 1SSB phase noiseBetter than -124 dBc/Hz at 20 kHz offset from a carrier frequency of 470 MHz, typically -121 dBc/Hz at 20 kHz offset from a carrier frequency of 1 GHz.Carrier LeakageLess than 0.5 µV PD at the carrier frequency in a two turn 25 mm diameter loop, 25 mm from the surface of the signal generator. Modulation CapabilityFM, AM or phase modulation can be applied to the carriers generated by each signal source from independent internal or external modulation sources.The internal modulation sources are capable of generating two simultaneous signals into any one of the modulation channels. Each internal and external modulation source can be simultaneously enabled to produce combined amplitude and frequency (or phase) modulation.Pulse modulation can be applied to each of the carriers from external pulse sources. The pulse modulation can be used in combination with the other forms of modulation.2 level or 4 level FSK modulation can be applied to each carrier using data from an external source.Frequency ModulationDeviation0 to 100kHzResolution3 digits or 1HzAccuracy at 1 kHz±5%Bandwidth (1dB)DC to 100kHz (DC coupled)10Hz to 100kHz (AC coupled)20Hz to 100kHz (AC coupled with ALC)Group delayLess then 5µs to 100kHzCarrier frequency offset (DC coupled)Less than 1% of the set frequency deviationDistortionLess than 1% at 1kHz rate for deviations up to 100kHzTypically ≤0.3% at 1kHz rate for deviations up to 10kHzLess than 3% at 1 kHz rate and deviations upto 100 kHz for carrier frequencies below 50MHzModulation sourceInternal modulation oscillator or external via front panel BNCFSKModes2 level or 4 level FSKData sourceExternal data input via a 25 way rear panel D Type connector Frequency shiftVariable up to ±100kHzAccuracyAs FM deviation accuracyTiming jitter±3.2µsFilter8th order Bessel, -3dB at 3.9kHzPhase ModulationDeviation0 to 10 radiansResolution3 digits or 0.01 radiansAccuracy at 1 kHz±5% of indicated deviation excluding residual phase modulation 3 dB Bandwidth100Hz to 10kHzDistortionLess than 3% at 10 radians at 1kHz modulation rate. Typically <0.5% for deviations up to 1 radian at 1kHzModulation sourceInternal LF generator or external via front panel BNC. Amplitude ModulationFor carrier frequencies <500 MHz, useable to 1.5 GHz on the individual outputsRange0 to 99.9%Resolution0.1%Accuracy(3)±5% of set depth at 1kHz rate1dB BandwidthDC to 30kHz (DC coupled)10Hz to 30kHz (AC coupled)20Hz to 30kHz (AC coupled with ALC)Distortion(3)<1.5% at 1kHz rate for modulation depths up to 30%<2.5% at 1kHz rate for modulation depths up to 80% Modulation sourceInternal LF generator or external, via front panel BNC PM on AMTypically 0.1 radians at 30% depth at 470 MHzPulse ModulationFrequency range32MHz to 2.4GHz, useable to 10MHzRF level rangeMaximum guaranteed output is reduced by 5dB when pulse modulation is selectedRF level accuracyWhen pulse modulation is enabled, adds ±0.5dB to the RF level accuracy specificationControlPulse input is on a front panel BNC with 10kΩnominal input impedanceA logic 0 (0V to 1V) turns the carrier off, a logic 1 (3.5V to 5V) turns the carrier onMaximum input is ±15VOn/off ratioBetter than 45dB below 1.2GHz, better than 40dB above 1.2GHz Rise and fall timesLess than 10µsOvershoot<1 dBModulation OscillatorThe internal modulation oscillator for each signal source is capable of generating one or two modulation tones simultaneously in one modulation channel.Frequency range0.01Hz to 20kHz with a resolution of 0.01HzFrequency accuracyAs frequency standardDistortionLess than 0.1% THD at 1kHzWaveformsSine wave to 20kHz and a triangular or square wave to 3kHz Square wave jitter<6.4µs on any edgeAudio OutputThe modulation oscillator signal from each source is available on the front panel Modulation Input/Output BNC connector at a nominal level of 2V RMS EMF from a 600Ωsource impedance.External ModulationInput on the front panel Modulation Input/Output connector. The modulation is calibrated with 1.414V peak (1 V RMS sine wave) applied. Input impedance is 100kΩnominal. Maximum safe input a d v a n c i n g w i r e l e s s t e s t±15 V.MODULATION ALCThe external modulation input can be levelled by a peak levelling ALC system over the input voltage range of 0.75 V to 1.25 V RMS sine wave. High and low indicators in the display indicate when the input is outside levelling range.Sweep ModeThe carrier frequency of one source can be swept. To enable more than one source to be swept the coupling facility must be invoked. Control parametersStart/stop values of carrier frequency, frequency step size and time per step.Step time50ms to 10s per stepTriggerA trigger input is available on a rear panel BNC connector and can be used in single, continuous, start/stop or single step mode.Frequency Standard (OCXO)Frequency10 MHzAgeing rate±2.5 in 107per year, ±5 in 109per day after 2 months continuous use.Temperature StabilityBetter than ±5 in 108over the temperature range 0 to 50°C. Warm up timeWithin 2 in 107of final frequency 10 minutes after switch on at a temperature of 20°C.External input/outputRear panel BNC connector accepts an external input of 1 MHz or 10 MHz at a level of 220 mV RMS to 1.8 V RMS into 1 kΩ. Rear panel BNC connector provides an output of 10 MHz at a nominal level of 2 V pk-pk into 50 Ω.GeneralGPIB INTERFACEAll signal source parameters except the supply switch are remotely programmable.Designed in accordance with IEEE 488.2.RS-232All signal source parameters except the supply switch are remotely programmable.Connector is 9 way D type, baud rate 300 to 9600 bits per second. Handshake hardware is DTR, RTS, CTS and DSR and software is XON and XOFF. Electrical interface is to EIA-232-D. ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITYConforms with the protection requirements of Council Directive89/336/EEC. Complies with the limits specified in the following standards:IEC/EN61326-1 : 1997, RF Emission Class B, Immunity Table 1, Performance Criteria BSAFETYConforms with the requirements of EEC Council Directive 73/23/EEC and Standard IEC/EN 61010-1 : 1993RATED RANGE OF USE(Over which full specification is met unless otherwise indicated.) Temperature 0 to 55°C, Humidity up to 93% at 40°CAltitude up to 3050m (10,000 ft)CONDITIONS OF STORAGE AND TRANSPORTTemperature -40 to +71°C, Humidity up to 93% at 40°CAltitude up to 4600m (15,000 ft)POWER REQUIREMENTSAC Supply90 to 132V or 188 to 255V, 47Hz to 63Hz, 250VA maximum CALIBRATION INTERVAL2 yearsDIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT(over projections but excluding front panel handles)Height Width Depth Weight177 mm419 mm488 mm<17kgOptionsOPTION 116 - GSM MODULATIONOption 116 is available on 2026Q and 2026A/B signal generators. Baseband sourceData rate270.833333 kHz (13 MHz/48).Data rate accuracyAs 10 MHz frequency standard.FilterGaussian filter approximated by eight-pole RC network.Number of outputs3Data pattern(215-1) PRBS sequence.The outputs are separated in time to ensure that they are not correlated.ACCURACYFM deviationTypically better than 2% when used as described.SPECTRAL CHARACTERISTICWideband noiseFor an output of +10 dBm on the individual output typically -83 dBc measured in a 100 kHz bandwidth relative to the modulated signal measured in a 30 kHz bandwidth at 6 MHz offset, in accordancea d v a n c i n g w i r e l e s s t e s twith ETSI-defined measurement methods on wideband noise.(1)Level uncalibrated above +20 dBm for frequencies >1.2 GHz (-7 dBm atcombiner output)(2)Level accuracy is unspecified below 100 kHz for levels >+6 dBm(3)For RF output levels not exceeding +10 dBm (-22 dBm at combiner output)Versions and AccessoriesWhen ordering please quote the full ordering number information. Ordering NumbersVersions2026Q CDMA Interferer MultiSource GeneratorOptionsOption 116GSM PRBS modulationSupplied withAC power supply lead46882/361Operating Manual46880/087Service ManualOptional Accessories46884/293Rack mounting kit, depths from 480 mm to 680 mm 46884/294Rack mounting kit, depths from 680 mm to 840 mm 46884/931Rack mounting kit containing front panel brackets only 46662/614Soft carrying case43129/189 1.5 m GPIB lead46884/650RS-232 Cable 9 way female to a 9 way female 1.5 m 46884/649RS-232 Cable 9 way female to a 25 way female 1.5 ma d v a n c i n g w i r e l e s s t e s tCHINATel: [+86] (10) 6467 2823Fax: [+86] (10) 6467 2821FRANCETel: [+33] 1 60 79 96 00Fax: [+33] 1 60 77 69 22GERMANYTel: [+49] (8131) 29260Fax: [+49] (8131) 2926130HONG KONGTel: [+852] 2832 7988Fax: [+852] 2834 5364LATIN AMERICATel: [+1] (972) 899 5150Fax: [+1] (972) 899 5154SPAINTel: [+34] (91) 640 11 34Fax: [+34] (91) 640 06 40UNITED KINGDOMTel: [+44] (0) 1438 742200Toll Free: [+44] (0800) 282 388 (UK only)Fax: [+44] (0) 1438 727601USATel: [+1] (316) 522 4981Toll Free: [+1] (800) 835 2352 (US only)Fax: [+1] (316) 522 1360email***************web As we are always seeking to improve our products, the informationin this document gives only a general indication of the productcapacity, performance and suitability, none of which shall form partof any contract. We reserve the right to make design changeswithout notice. All trademarks are acknowledged. Parent companyIFR Systems, Inc. ©IFR 2001.Part No. 46891/004Issue 403/2001a d v a n c i n g w i r e l e s s t e s t。
Laboratory Gas GeneratorsLABGASPure & SimpleP A Y BA C KI N L E S ST H AN 1 Y E A RDon’t Buy Gas, Make It!Generate laboratory gases for all of your analytical applications.Increased flexibility, Improved economy, Greater control•Performancewill improve your analysis•Safetyno cylinder handling•ReliabilityNever run out of gas•Compact design•Cost effective•GC-FID, NPD, FPD, TCD, ELCD, HALL •GC-carrier gas•Total Hydrocarbon Analysers (THA)NitrogenEliminate high pressurecylinders by producing nitrogen gas from compressed airsimply and cost effectively.•LCMS (single and multiple units)•ICP•ELSD Zero AirThrough the purification of a compressed air supply Zero Air Generators are idealfor use in FID applications.HydrogenEliminate high pressure cylinders from the laboratory by generating a continuous source of UHP hydrogen gas.•GC-FID, ECD, NPD, AED •GC-carrier gas•Solvent evaporation•GC-FID, NPD, FPD •THAClean Dry AirDesiccant dryers to provide a constant flow of clean, dry compressed air .•NMR, AA, GC, ATD,Rheometer, Sample Prep, Auto-Samplers and manyother applicationsCO 2free airReplace high pressure O 2and N 2cylinders with CO 2 moisture free compressed gas.•TOC analyser •FT-IR Purge•Microscope PurgeAll domnick hunter gas generators carry a 2 year warranty which can be supported by IQ/OQ certification if requested.An evolutionary development of domnick huntergas generators provide real benefits in the laboratory:•Compact design-Can be used anywhere in the laboratory•Aesthetic and ergonomic design-Designed to integrate into any laboratory and complement scientific instrumentation•Quiet operation-No need to worry about disruption to your laboratory operations•Minimal maintenance-Maximum reliability with low cost of ownership-domnick hunter gas generators require minimal attention and maintenance. Diagnostic capabilities include audible and visual indicators.•Modular construction-Common design -Common spares-Common operator interface -Easy to operate and maintain•Global product approvals-We take care of the approvals process - leaving you free to concentrate on the key tasks in the laboratoryDiagnostic IndicationCommon Operator InterfaceApplications GuideProducts for LCMS InstrumentsLCMS API/ LCMS Air for nebulizer gas Clean and dry air,18L/min Clean Dry Air or APCI, Electrospray, Nitrogen for curtain and hydrocarbon free 99.5% 5 to 35L/min Zero AirLCMS/MS, TOF sheath shield gas Nitrogen Products for Spectroscopydomnick hunter gas generators improve your analysis2generatorZero Air2removalHydrogen Generators Eliminate high pressure hydrogen cylinders from the laboratory by generating a continuous source of UHP hydrogen gasfor applications such as:•GC-FID, NPD, FPD, TCD, ELCD, HALL•GC-carrier gas•THABenefitsContinuous supply of GC quality hydrogengas on demandUltra compact designImproved productivity and chromatographyresults -Hydrogen is a faster carrier gas and more sensitive when compared to helium,reducing analysis times by 25 to 35% withoutsignificant loss of resolutionExtended column life -Hydrogen, when used as a carrier gas, requires lower elutiontemperatures and thus improves the columnservice lifeSafety - Hydrogen production at low pressure and only when required, eliminates the risksof explosion. Eliminates problems relating to handling gas cylinders.Improved laboratory safety -Through automatic leak and low water detection, remotestart/stop/alarm and elimination of longgas linesEconomy -No gas cylinder rental, no price inflationIncreased efficiency in the laboratory -24 hour operation; no interruption of analysis due to cylinder changesNo caustic solutions requiredRecommended by major instrument manufacturers Technical FeaturesSelf test fault diagnosis with digital display andaudible alarm: detection of internal and externalH2leaks, H2overpressure, water level, waterconductivity, display of H2product flow and total flow Simplified use and attention by easy access tomaintenance components (desiccant cartridge andde-ionisation cartridge)Improved independent operation due to its 5 litrewater tankAutomatic water filling (optional feature)Generator protected against the harsh labenvironment by means of domnick hunter patented filters (avoids rapid degradation of the generatorwater quality and thus increases service life)How the generator worksdomnick hunter hydrogen generators use a special ion exchange membrane to produce a flow of ultra-pure hydrogen. Use of the electrolytic dissociation process enables water to be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen.The oxygen is released into the air, while the hydrogen is retained to form the product flow.A long-life desiccant cartridge purifies the hydrogen even further so that it attains the desired grade of purity and ensures constant reproducible results.Having proved its worth in thousands of systems throughout the world, this technology eliminates the need to use liquid electrolytes, such as caustic solutions; since it only uses de-ionised water and electricity, continuous operation is assured.342mm456m m437mmDimensions* When used with palladium purifierNitrogen Generators(Including Zero N 2and dry air)Produce nitrogen gas from compressed air simply and cost effectively. Replace nitrogen gas cylinders for the following applications:•LCMS (single and multiple units)•ICP •ELSD•GC-carrier gas•GC-FID, NPD, ECD, AED •Solvent evaporationTechnical FeaturesPrinciple: passage of compressed air through a bed of carbon molecular sieve (CMS) using presure swing adsorption technology, the most reliable on the marketN 2flow: 550 cc/min to 30L/min (for larger capacities please consult domnick hunter)O 2purity: 3% to 10 ppmOn-line purity monitoring capability Digital hours counterAudible and visual maintenance indicator Economy mode option: Enables thecompressor to switch off when nitrogen supply is not requiredOil-free air compressor available: The quietest models availableAvailable with or without built-in air compressor Quick and easy servicing: less than 10 minutes every 6 monthsA 25L/min version is also availableBenefitsDesigned to meet specific analytical instrument gas purity and flow requirementsImproved analytical performance -Production of a constant flow of gas improves the consistency of the analysis results and hence reproducibility Increased laboratory efficiency with a constant, guaranteed supplyImproved safety -No handling high-pressure gas cylinders or liquid dewars. Nitrogen production at controlled low pressuresSimple installation -Only one set up operation required for reliable service over time. Installation on or below a laboratory bench top, saving space in the laboratoryEconomy -Quick return on investment - No gas cylinder rental bottles, no price inflation Recommended by major instrument manufacturersCombined N 2and Dry Air Generators -In addition to the stand alone nitrogen, zero N 2and dry air gas generators, domnick hunter alsomanufactures models that provide nitrogen and dry air from a single unit (models G6 and G7).How the generator works873m m345mm663mm842m m345mm 413mmG1 / G5 / G6 /BenefitsImproved analytical performance -The reduction of methane (CH 4) to less than 0.1 ppm reduces background noise and improves the base line stability. This enables a lower detection limit and hence increases the sensitivity of your analysis Simple installation -From any source of clean, dry compressed air, this generator will provide gas free from any trace of hydrocarbons. Improved Safety -Elimination of high pressure gas cylinders. Only needs compressed air and a standard electrical socketConsistent gas purity improves instrument performanceEconomy -Quick return on investment typically 1 year . No gas cylinder rental, no price inflation Increased efficiency in the laboratory -24 hour operation; no interruption of analyses due to gas cylinder replacement. Reduced re-calibration of equipmentRecommended by major instrument manufacturersZero Air GeneratorsBy simply connecting to a clean, dry compressed air supply, a Zero Air Generator will remove hydrocarbons, making it ideal for use in FID applications:•GC-FID, NPD, FPD •THATechnical FeaturesElimination of the main contaminants in your compressed air, (hydrocarbons including CH 4) via a heated platinised catalystModels:UHP-10ZA Zero Air Purifier 1L/min UHP-35ZA Zero Air Purifier 3.5L/minLarger flowrates (up to 50L/min) on request G 1/4 air connections Purity < 0.1 ppm (CH 4)Quick and easy servicing : changing the filters once a year takes just a few minutesClean dry airCO 2free airdomnick hunter desiccant dryers are ideal for laboratory use, providing a constant flow of clean, dry compressed air for:•NMR, AA, GC, ATD, Rheometer, Sample Prep, Auto Samplers and many other applicationsBenefitsPoint of use installation provides dry and clean air where you need it Quiet operationCompact and lightweight Can be bench or wall mountedQuick and easy servicing. Maintenance alarm activates every 12000 hours of operationLarger flowrate models availableReplaces high pressure oxygen or nitrogen gas cylinders with CO 2and moisture free compressed gas for:•TOC Analyser •FT-IR Purge •Microscope purgeBenefitsReduced signal to noise ratio improves instrument performanceProtects sensitive optics and air bearings from moistureConstant, guaranteed purity supply increases laboratory efficiency Tested and approved by most TOC and FT-IR instrument manufacturersCompact design frees up floor spaceA289149Compressed AirFilters Laboratory Gas Generators Compressed Air Desiccant DryersSterile Air Filters Compressed Air Filter Elements Compressed Air Refrigeration DryersCondensate DrainsOil / Water SeparatorsBreathing Air PurifiersCarbon Dioxide PurifiersLiquid FiltersMixed Gas DispenseSystemsdomnick hunter also manufactures:For further information about these and many other filtration, purification and separation products please contact domnick hunter or visit our websiteat Copyright domnick hunter limited 2003Publication Reference: LABGAS 01/04 Rev. 002Stock No. 17 626 0786http://www.domnickhunter .com。
现代电子技术Modern Electronics TechniqueJan. 2024Vol. 47 No. 22024年1月15日第47卷第2期0 引 言随着我国电力系统电压等级的提高,合闸过电压已成为决定超、特超压电网绝缘水平的重要因素[1]。
为限制这种过电压,我国330 kV 和500 kV 线路侧断路器均已取消合闸电阻[2]。
对于750 kV 线路,近年来的研究成果表明:200 km 及以下的同塔双回线路,理论上具有取消合闸电阻的可能,如果能进一步降低避雷器额定电压和残压,取消合闸电阻的线路长度范围会进一步扩大[3‐6];但是,对于200 km 以上的长距离线路,通常采用合闸电阻消耗能量以降低合闸过电压。
这种方法虽然行之有效,但是并联合闸电阻的断路器存在造价高、制造难度大等缺点[7‐9];其次,并联合闸电阻使得断路器操纵机构复杂且故障率高[10‐15];再次,若合闸电阻不可靠地投切,则有可能导致合闸电阻爆炸[16‐17];从次,对于电压等级更高的1 000 kV 特高压线路,尽管取消合闸电阻相比超高压线路难度倍增,但是小于100 km 的同塔双回线路和小于60 km 的单回线路仍有可能[18‐20];最后,随DOI :10.16652/j.issn.1004‐373x.2024.02.020引用格式:王圣凯,赵洪峰.关于取消新疆电网750 kV 断路器合闸电阻可行性的仿真研究[J].现代电子技术,2024,47(2):105‐109.关于取消新疆电网750 kV 断路器合闸电阻可行性的仿真研究王圣凯, 赵洪峰(新疆大学 电气工程学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830017)摘 要: 目前,超、特高压输电线路常用合闸电阻吸收能量,并将其作为限制合闸过电压的主要手段,但是带有合闸电阻的断路器不仅造价昂贵,而且还存在运行可靠性差、故障率高等缺点,如果能利用低残压、保护性能优异的金属氧化物避雷器替代合闸电阻来限制操作过电压,不仅可以降低成本,还能简化断路器操纵机构以提高电力系统运行的可靠性。
92874C (Rev. A)Glass Filler Plumbing KitModel: 73-42485-51-550HAC-4F HAC-8FHAC-4FS HAC-FSHalsey Taylor Instruction ManualWARNINGTo avoid the risk of electrical shock, personal injury, or death, disconnect power and water supplies before installing this plumbing kit.CAUTIONT o avoid property damage, personal injury, and voiding your warranty:* have an authorized person install your plumbing kit* make sure you read, understand, and follow the attached instructions* wear protection to protect yourself from sharp edges* wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from water under pressure and otherprojectilesPARTS LISTRefer to the parts list to make sure you received all plumbing kit parts. If any parts are missing, contact your Halsey T aylor dealer.DESCRIPTION 10032274056050090C 50279C 60119C 62296C 70682C 70683C 1234567PART NO.GASKET-BLACK (QTY OF 4)INSULATION-ARMAFLEX TAPE-ARMAFLEX INSULATING TUBE-CU 1/4 X 5.00"ASSY-BUBBLER TUBE (QTY OF 2)FITTING-TEE 1/4FITTING-UNION 1/4ITEM NO.PARTS LISTREQUIRED TOOLSYou will need the following tools to install your plumbing kit:- flat blade screwdriver- adjustable wrench- tubing cutter- phillips screwdriver- 5/16" nut driver or socket92874C (Rev. A)PAGE 2REMOVE THE FRONT PANEL AND BASIN1. Disconnect the electric power and shut off the cold water supply. Press the push bar to relieve any residual water pressure.2. Remove the four front panel screws and remove the front panel.3. Carefully remove the strainer by using needle nose pliers.4. Using needle nose pliers, turn the drain plug counterclockwise and remove the plug and gasket. Save the gasket - it will be used again when unit is re-assembled.5. Remove bubbler by turning counterclockwise. Discard gasket.6. Remove the eight basin mounting screws and remove the basin.92874C (Rev. A)PAGE 3TUBE IS SECUREDIN POSITION SIMPLY PUSH INTUBE TO ATTACH PUSH IN COLLET TO RELEASE TUBEPUSHING TUBE IN BEFOREPULLING IT OUT HELPS TO RELEASE TUBEOPERATION OF QUICK CONNECT FITTINGSINSTALLING GLASS FILLER PLUMBINGThe plumbing in your water cooler should look like the illustration shown in Fig.1 at the bottom of this page.Use the following instructions to install the glass filler in your cooler.I MPORTANT NOTE: INLET SIDE OF REGULATOR HOLDER WAS CHANGED IN EARLY 1997. MAKENOTE OF THIS LOCATION ON YOUR UNIT BEFORE CUTTING ANY TUBES! AFTER THE INLET IS LOCATED, READ OVER AND USE THE FOLLOWING DIAGRAMS AS A REFERENCE TOFAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH THE TUBES THAT ARE TO BE CUT AND WHERE THEY ARE TO BE CUT. MAKE SURE THAT POWER AND WATER SUPPLIES ARE OFF BEFORE DOING ANYWORK ON UNIT.Fig. 11. Disconnect water inlet line at regulator holder.2. Using a tubing cutter, cut water inlet line as shown (approximately 1-1/2" from bend). Deburr cut tube end.3. Disconnect water inlet line to tank at the regulator holder.4. Using a tubing cutter, cut water outlet line on side of joint as shown - remove and discard the bubler tube assy and armaflex. Deburr cut tube end.Fig. 21. Connect water inlet line to 1/4" union.2. Route water inlet line to tank approximately as shown and connect to 1/4" union.3. Connect new 5" tube to regulator holder and place 4" of armaflex over tube.Fig. 31. Connect 1/4" tee to the end of the 5" tube.2. Place 14" of armaflex over water outlet line and route approximately as shown - connect to 1/4" tee.3. Place 16" of armaflex over glass filler tube assy - connect to other side of 1/4" tee - route approximately as shown.4. Place 16" of armaflex over new bubbler tube assy and connect to regulator holder - route approximately as shown.5. Go to page 4 for instructions on finishing the installation.74556Fig. 1Fig. 2Fig. 392874C (Rev. A)PAGE 4FOR PARTS, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR OR CALL 1.800.323.06202222 CAMDEN COURT OAK BROOK, IL 60523630.574.3500PRINTED IN U.S.A.FINISHING THE INSTALLATION1. Verify that the plumbing is connected as shown in Fig.3 on page 3.2. Wrap all exposed copper tubing with the foam tube supplied with the kit.CAUTION!To avoid water damage, never re-use old bubbler gaskets.3. Install one black gasket provided with the kit on each nipple of the bubbler tube assy's. One assy is for the glass filler and one is for the bubbler.4. Remove the glass filler plug frm the basin.5. Align the bubbler tube assy's and the drain with the knockouts in the basin and install the basin using the eight mounting screws.NOTE: Be careful not to kink the tubing.6. Install the bubbler using a new black gasket from the kit.7. Install the glass filler using a new black gasket from the kit.8. Install the drain plug by turning it clockwise with the needle nose pliers.9. Snap the strainer into place.10. Turn on the cold water supply and check for leaks. Repair any leaks that are found.11. Reconnect the elctric power.12. Install the front panel using the front panel mounting screws.。
abrasion n. 研磨abrasion testing 磨耗试验abrasive a. 磨蚀的acceleration n . 加速(度)accentuate v. 强调,增强Affinity 吸引力, 亲合力Agitate 搅动,搅拌agitation n. 搅拌(作用)amenable a. 有利于,易于annular adj. 环形(状)的anthracite.无烟煤anvil n. 砧,铁砧,碎矿板aperture n. 孔,口apex n. 顶,顶尖,沉砂口asbestos n. 石棉ash fusion 灰熔试验as-mined ore/run-of-mine ore 采出矿石, 原矿石assay.化验associated adj. 联合的, 连生的attrition n. 磨损,研磨autogenous a. 自生的,自发的Autogenous mills 自磨机Avid 亲的,渴望的baddeleyite n. 斜锆石bar n. 杆,棒,条batch-type a. 批次的beater n. 夯具,冲击破碎机,搅拌器Beneficiation 选矿bevel n.;v.;a. 斜角,斜面;斜的biodegradation.生物降解bituminous coal 烟煤bituminous. 含沥青的blasting n. 爆破blow n. 打击bolt n. 锚杆,螺栓,桁架bomb calorimeter弹式量热计brittle a. 脆性的buoyant force n . 浮力Calcination 煅烧carat.(=karat) 克拉(宝石的重量单位)carbide n. 碳化物,硬质合金carrier n. 矿石搬运设备Cassiterite.[矿]锡石cement n. 水泥,粘结剂chalcopyrite 黄铜矿choke n. v. 堵塞chrome-bearing 含铬的Classifier 分级机clayey a. 含粘土的,粘土质的,泥质的cleft cross 交叉碎裂cling v. 紧贴,依附于clinker n. 熟料,熔渣clog v.; n. 堵塞,障碍closed-circuit n. 闭路循环coal preparation n. 选煤coal seam 煤层coefficient n. 系数Coke. 焦炭colloidal 胶质的,胶体的commence v. 开始Comminute 使成粉末,粉碎Comminution 粉碎compact adj. 紧密的Concentrate 精矿/富集, 浓缩concentration criterion 可选性准则Concentration 富集,浓缩conduit n. 导管,管道cone n. 圆锥选矿机cone crusher 圆锥破碎机configuration n. 构型,排列constrained a. 约束的contraction n. 压缩,缩短conveyor n. 运输机corrugated a. 波纹状的crack tip n. 裂隙末端critical a. 临界的cross-members n. 横构件cross-section n. 横断面cross-section n. 横断面crucible swelling index 坩埚膨胀指数Crushing 破碎,碎矿damp a. 潮湿的deck n. 摇床床面deflect v. 偏转,偏斜deform v. 使变形degradation n. 降低de-gritting n. 脱砂Deposit . 矿床堆积物descent n . 下降, 降低de-sliming n. 脱泥detrimental a. 有害的,不利的dewatering [脱水(作用)diagonally ad. 延对角线地,斜地Dielectric 电介质, 绝缘体dilate v. 松散,膨胀Dilemma 进退两难,困境diminish v. 降低discern v. 分辨;辨识double-spiral concentrator 双螺旋选矿机drag force n . 拉力drum n. 鼓,滚筒eccentric a.;n. 偏心的;偏心轮eccentric sleeve 偏心套筒(管)ecological ad. 生态学地effective density n . 有效密度elastic n. 弹性elliptical a. 椭圆的elliptical a. 椭圆的,椭圆形的elongation n. 伸长,拉长emergent a. 紧急的、浮现的end product 最终产品energy output发热量enrichment ratio 富集比equilibrium n平衡excavate v. 挖掘;采掘exert v. 施加(力),作用(力)expound 详细说明,阐述extra-hard a. 特硬的extraneous moisture外在水份fan n. 叶片,扇,扇形feasible a. 可行的Ferromagnetic 铁磁的,强磁的fineness n. 细度flare v. ; n. 端部向外扩张flaw n. 裂隙float-sink test 浮沉试验flotation process 浮选工艺、浮选方法flotation tailings 浮选尾矿free settling n . 自由沉降free swelling index 自由膨胀指数friable a. 脆的,易碎的friction n. 摩擦(力)froth flotation 泡沫浮选galena n. 方铅矿Galena. [矿]方铅矿gallery n. 平台,隧道Gangues脉石(杂质矿物)gape n. 给矿口最大宽度gasification 气化Grade 品位grading screen n. 分级筛Graphite 石墨gravity separation 重力分离grindability n. 可磨性Grinding 磨矿grizzly n. 格筛ground. grind的过去式研磨,磨矿gypsum n. 石膏gyratory a. 旋回的hammer mill n. 锤式粉碎机hand selection 手选harmonic a.谐调的,谐波的headroom n. 净空heavy-duty machines 重型机械设备helical a. 螺旋(形)的helical n. 螺旋(状,形)的hematite n 赤铁矿high-tension separation高压电选hindered 干扰Hitherto 迄今,在此之前hollow a. 中空的,空心的hose n. 软管hutch n.(跳汰机)筛下室hydraulic classifier n. 水力分级机hydrogenation. 加氢,氢化(作用) Hydrometallurgical 湿法冶金学[术]的Hydroscopic 吸湿水份hydrosizer n. 水力分级机idling n. 空转,无效,无功ilmenite n. 钛铁矿immobile a. 不动的impact crusher n. 冲击式破碎机in accordance with 与…相一致in conjunction with 和…一起incorporate v. 结合,合并increment n. 增加[大],增量,增值index n. 索引,指标inherent moisture内在水份inlet n. 入口integrated a. 集成的,整体的inter-atomic bond 原子间键intergrown 共生Interlock v. 互锁intersection 交叉,交点,横断interstice n. 间隙Isomorphism n. 类质同像jaw n. 颚;颚板jig n. 跳汰机kinetic a. 动力学的lateral a. 横向的,侧面的launder n. 流槽,流槽选矿liberation离,释放,解放lifter n. 提升板lignite.褐煤lining n. 缸套,衬板linoleum n. 漆布,油毡lip n. 突出部分,边缘liquefaction. 液化locked 锁定的,连生的longitudinal a. 纵向的lump 块magnetic separation磁选manifest v.;a. 表明;明白的,显然的mantle n. ; v. 罩,套matrix n. 排列mechanical classifier n. 机械分级机mesh of grind 磨矿细度,磨矿粒度Metamorphic., 变质的/igneousmicron n. 微米middling 中矿,中级品(concentrate, tailings) Milling 磨, 制粉, 选矿misplaced a. 混杂的Module n. 模数,系数,组件monazite n. 独居石mould n. 模,铸造mounted a. 镶嵌的,装配好的moving screen n. 动筛muffle furnace马弗炉(闭式炉)multiple-deck a. 多层的multi-spigot a. 多排矿管(口)的near mesh 接近筛孔尺寸的、难筛的necessitate v. 使需要,迫使negligible a. 可忽略的;微不足道的neutralization n. 抵消,平衡nip v.咬(入),钳,挟nodular a. 结核状的,瘤状的nucleonic density gauge n 核子浓度表obscure a.含糊的,模糊的open-circuit n. 开路oscillate v. 振荡,振动overflow n . 溢流overgrind v. 过磨overgrind 过度粉碎,过磨oversize n. 筛上产品,过大粒度Paramagnetic 顺磁性的peat 泥煤、泥碳pebble n. 砾石peel off v. 拆除,剥落perforated a. 空心的,穿孔的perpendicular a. 垂直的phosphate 磷酸盐pinched sluice 尖缩溜槽pitman n. 连杆pivot n.; v. 枢轴;放在枢轴上plastic flow n. 塑性流动plug n.; v. 插销,塞子;堵塞ply. 厚度, 板层Polymorphism n.同质多象preconcentration 预选, 预富集project n.;v. 投影,抛射projection n. 凸(突、伸)出部分pronounced a. 显著的,propagation n. 传播pulp-density n 矿浆浓度pulsate v 脉动pulsion n. 脉动,推进pulverize. 粉碎,研磨成粉quarry n.;v. 采石场;采石quotient n.商,系数radially ad. 径向上ragging n. 跳汰机床层rake n. 耙子,刮板ratio of concentration 选矿比reagent n.药剂reciprocating a. 往复(式)的Recovery 回收,回收率rectangular a 矩形的reduction ratio 破碎比resilient a. 回弹的,恢复的retain v. 保留,保持retard [ri5tB:d] v. 减速,延迟,阻滞revolving screen n. 旋转筛riffle n. 槽,沟,格条riffled table 铺格条(来复条)的床面rigid surface 刚性表面roasting 煅烧, 焙烧roller crusher n. 辊式破碎机rotary a. 回转的,旋转的rubbish n. 夹杂物rugged a. 凹凸不平的rupture n. 破裂;断裂rutile n. 金红石scalping n筛出粗块scavenger n. 扫选机,扫选槽scraper n. 电铲screen mesh n. 筛孔,筛网screen 筛子,筛分机/筛sedimentary.沉积的, 沉淀性的segment] n. 段,部分,扇形体settling cone n. 沉降锥shaft n. 轴shaking screen n. 振动筛shaking table 摇床shale n. 页岩shear n. 剪切力shim n. 垫片sieve bend n. 弧形筛slime n. 矿泥slippage n. 滑移量,滑程,漏失slot n. 缝,口solidly ad. 实心地,整体地solvent extraction 溶剂萃取sorting column n . 分级柱Sorting 拣选,分拣Specific Energy比能specific gravity比重specular iron 镜铁矿Sphalerite.[矿]闪锌矿spider n. 星轮,十字架spigot n. 排料管,筛下产物排出口spigot product n . 沉砂产物spindle n. 心轴,彷锤,锭子spiral n. 螺旋流槽,螺旋选矿机splitter n. 分样器spring roll n. 弹簧辊碎机stack n. 竖管static screen n. 静止筛,固定筛stationary screen n. 固定筛steepness n. 陡度,坡度Stoke’s law n . 斯托克斯定律strain n. 应变,变形strata n.分层,地层stratification n. 分层(作用)stratify v. 使成层,使分层stress 压力, 应力stroke n. 冲程,撞击sub-bituminous coal 亚烟煤submerge v. 浸没,淹没,浸在水中successive a. 接连的,相继的suction n. 吸入(作用)Surface moisture表面水份surfactant n. 表面活性剂swelling v. 膨胀swing jaw n. 摆动颚,动颚swirling a. 涡流的,旋流的synchronization n.同步syngas. 合成气talc n. 滑石tangentially ad. 成切线tank n. 槽,池taper n.;v. 缩成锥形,尖灭,逐渐缩小tar 焦油tensile n. 张力;拉力terminal velocity n . 末速tertiary a. 第三的,第三段Thickener 浓密机throughput n. 处理能力,通过能力titanium-bearing 含钛的toggle n. 肘板,曲柄total moisture 全水份tramp a. 夹杂的,流入的tray n. 盘,托盘,垫座tray n. 托架,滑槽trommel n. 圆筒筛trommel screen n. 滚筒筛,转筒筛trough n. 沟,槽,池trunnion n. 耳轴,轴颈,十字头tumbling mills 滚筒磨矿机turbulent resistance n . 紊流阻力ultra-fine超细的undersize n. 筛下产品uranothorite n. 铀钍矿valuable mineral 有用矿物valve n. 阀,活门valve n. 阀(门)velocity n . 速度vibration mill n. 振动式磨机viscosity n . 粘性, 粘度viscous a . 粘的, 粘性的viscous resistance n . 粘滞阻力volatile. 挥发性的vortex n. 涡流,旋涡vortex finder n. 旋涡溢流管washing plant n. 洗矿车间,洗矿厂wedge n. ;v. 楔形;楔固(牢)weir n. 导流堰,溢流堰work index n. 功指数zircon n. 锆石Aabrasion 磨耗accumulation 堆积物acrylic 丙烯酸的activate 活化,刺激activated carbon 活性炭activation 活化作用activator 活化剂adhere 粘着adhesion 粘附adhesion 粘合adhesion 粘着,粘附adjacent 邻近adjacent 相邻的,邻近的adjustable 可调节的adsorbent 吸附剂advent 出现aeration 充气aeration 充气aerofloat 黑药(捕收剂)aerophilic 亲气的aerophilic 亲气的aerophobic 疏气的affinity 亲和力agglomerate 凝聚aggregate 填料agitation 搅拌agitation 搅拌air-avid property 亲水性alkaline 碱性alkaline 碱性alkyl sulfate 烷基硫酸盐allotrope 同素异形体alloy 合成alloy 合金alluvial 冲击aluminosilicate 铝硅酸盐amalgamation 混汞法amine protein 氨蛋白amine 胺amino group 氨基amorphous 无定形的ampere 安培amyl 戊基analogous 类似的ancillary 辅助anion 负离子anionic 阴离子的anionic 阴离子的,带负电的annular 环形的apex 沉砂口apparent viscosity 表观粘度apparent 外观上的applicable 适用的appraisal 评价appraisal 评价,估计approximately 接近地aqua regia 王水aqueous chemical extraction process 湿法化学提取arcing 电弧作用aromatic alcohol 芳香醇arsenic 砷的,含砷的arsenopyrite 毒砂arsenopyrite 砷黄铁矿,毒砂artificial satellites 人造卫星asbestos石棉ascend 提升assay 试验assess 评定astronauts 宇航员asymmetric 不对称的,不均匀的at will 任意的atomize 雾化,粉化attrition 磨损augment 增加auric 金的,含金的,三价金的auride 金化物aurocyanide complex 氰化金络合物aurocyanide 氰亚金酸盐aurous 亚金的,一价金的aurum 金availability 来源axis 轴线azurite 蓝铜矿Bback-fill 回填(料)back-filling 回填baffle 导流板,栅板balium 钡barite 重晶石barren 贫瘠的batch flotation cell 单槽浮选机bath (重介质)分选槽beach sand 海滨砂beamed 定向的bismuth 铋blade 叶片,刀刃blend 混合blower 鼓风机boil 沸腾bonding sites 活性点borax 硼砂boron 硼borrowed fill 外来料bowl 滚筒brass tube 黄铜管bridge thickener 桥梁式浓密机bromide 溴化物bromoform 溴仿,三溴甲烷bronze 青铜bubble 气泡bulk-oil floatation 全油浮选bullion 金块by convention 按照惯例by virtue of 根据Ccaesium 铯cake filter 饼式过滤机calacerite 碲金矿calcined 煅烧calcite 方解石calcium fluoride 氟化钙calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙calibrated orifice plate 调节孔板caloium 钙capital 资本carbon disulphide 二硫化碳carbon tetrachloride 四氯化碳carbonaceous 碳质的carbon-in-leach 炭浸法carbon-in-pulp process 炭浆法carbonyl 羰基carboxyl 羧基carboxylate 羧酸盐carnallite 光卤石cascade cell 喷流槽,泻落槽cassiterite 锡石catalyst 催化剂cater 满足cationic 阳离子的caustic 腐蚀性的cement 水泥centrifugal 离心的centrifugal 离心的centrifuge 离心机ceramics 陶瓷业cerussite 白铅矿chalcopyrite 黄铜矿chamber or recessed plate filter press 箱式或凹板式压缩机charcoal 木炭chemisortion 化学吸附作用chlorauric 氯金酸chlorination 氯化,用氯气处理chute 斜槽chute 装矿溜口circuit 回路circulating loads 循环负荷clarification filter 澄清式过滤机clarifier 澄清机clarifying capacity 澄清能力clarity 透明clean 精选cleaner cell 精选槽cleaner 品位高clerici solution 克列里奇夜coagulant 凝聚剂,凝结剂coagulation 凝结,凝聚coagulation 凝聚coagulator 凝聚剂coal preparation engineer 选煤工程师coalescing 兼并cobbing 粗选coconut shells 椰子壳collection 回收collection 收集collectors 捕收剂collidal 胶体collide 碰撞collide 碰撞collieries 煤矿colloidal 胶体colloidal 胶体的come into contact with 与- -接触commercial scale工业规模compatible 兼容,共处compensate 补偿complete 完全的complexant 配位剂component 组件compound 化合物compressed 扁平的comprise 包括concentration 浓度concurrent low-intensity magnetic separator 顺流式弱磁选机conditioning 调浆conducting particles 导电颗粒conductor grain 导体颗粒confined 限制connote 意味着constituents 成分constituents 组分,成分contact angle 接触角contamanant 污染物质,杂质contaminate 污染,混杂contaminated 受污染的contamination 污染controversial 有争议的conventional 常规的,常见的conventional 常见的conventional 常见的converge 集中converging field 收敛磁场converse 聚合conversely 相反的copper matte 冰铜copper sulphate 硫酸铜copper sulphide 硫化铜corona discharge 电晕放电corresponding 一致的,相应的corrosion resistant 耐腐蚀corrosion 腐蚀corrosion 腐蚀,侵蚀corrosive 腐蚀性的counter current decantation 逆流洗涤counter-current 半逆流counter-ion 反离子counter-rotation 逆流式covalent 共价的cresol 甲酚crest 顶端cresylic acid 甲酚酸crucible 坩埚crystal lattice 晶格crystallization 结晶cumulative 累积的cupellation 灰吹法cyanide 氰化物cyanide 氰化物cylinder 圆柱体cylindrical 圆柱的cylindroconical 圆柱圆锥型Ddecant 澄清的definite 明确的degradation 降解,退化,分解depleted 贫化,耗尽depress 抑制depression 抑制剂descending 下降的detachment 分离,脱离dewater 浓缩,脱水dextrin 糊精diagrammatically 用图表地,概略地diamagnetic 逆磁性diffused 扩散dilute 减少,稀释dilute 稀释diluted 稀释dipole 偶极direct flotation 正浮选discarded 丢弃discrete particles 分散颗粒dispersant 分散剂dispersed 分散dispersing 分散disposal 处理disseminate 传播disseminated 散布的dissipate 驱散dissipate 驱散dissociate 游离,分离dissolve 溶解distillation 蒸馏distillation 蒸馏distributor 分配器,分矿器dithiocarbonate 二硫代碳酸盐dithioposphate 二硫代磷酸盐dixantthogen 双黄药dore bullion 金锭dosage 用量doses 剂量double-layer 双电层downstream tailings dam 下流式(顺流式)尾矿坝drag force (介质)阻力drain 排出drain 排水,流干drainage 排水drastically 彻底地drive shaft 驱动轴drum magnetic separator 筒式磁选机duct 管道ductile 易延展的,柔软的dust 粉尘Ee.m.u system 电磁单位制earthed 接地的ecological 生态的effluent 污水,废水electrical conductivity 导电率,电导率electrode assembly 电极装置,电极组electrode 电极electrodeposition 电沉积electrolysis 电解electrolyte 电解质electrolytic depression 电解质抑制剂electromagnetic coil 电磁线圈electromagnetic separator 电磁磁选机electronegative 电负性的electro-refining 电解精炼electrostatic separation 静电分选electrostatic separator 静电分选机electrostatic 静电electrowinning 电积electrowinning 电积electrum 银金矿,金银合金eliminate 排除eliminated 淘汰elution 解吸elution 洗提,解吸emerged 出现empirical 经验的emulsion 乳状液entrain 夹杂envisage 处理,正视equivalent 等价的eroded 侵蚀ester 酯ethers 醚ethyl 乙基evanescent 易破的evolve 进化exclusion 排斥exotic 外来的,奇异的exploration 勘探exponent 指数external 外部的extraction 抽提,提取Ffacilitate 促进facilitate 助长,促进facilities 设备fast-floating 易浮的fatty acid 脂肪酸feasibility 可行性feebly 弱ferromagnetic 铁磁性的ferrosilicon 硅铁合金ferrous mineral 黑色金属矿物filter cake 滤饼filter 过滤filter 过滤机filtration 过滤filtration 过滤flange 法兰flat magnetic pole 平面磁极floatability 可浮性floatability 可浮性floatation cell 浮选槽floc 絮状物,絮团flocculant 絮凝剂flocculate 絮凝,凝结flocculation or agglomeration 团聚,絮凝flocculation 絮凝flocculation 絮凝flocculent 絮凝剂flotation circuit and machines 浮选回路及浮选设备flotation circuit 浮选回路,浮选流程flotation column 浮选柱flowsheet 工艺流程图flowsheet 流程fluctuations 波动,起伏flung 投掷,扔fluorite 萤石fluxes 助熔剂foamy 泡沫fouling 污染fragment 碎屑,碎片free-fall 自由落体free-milling ores 易选矿石frictional 摩擦的froth flotation 泡沫浮选frother 起泡剂Frothers 起泡剂fume 烟雾,冒烟fumes 烟气furnace lining 炉衬furnace 炉Ggalena 方铅矿gap 间隙gas phase 气相gaseous ionization 气体离子化gassy 含气的gelatine 胶质,白明胶Gibbs free energy 吉布斯自由能glass fibre 玻璃纤维glass sand 玻璃砂glue 胶水glycol 乙二醇gold cyanide leaching 黄金的氰化浸出gold film 金薄gold inventory 金的滞留量gold melting 黄金冶炼gold refining 黄金精炼gradient 梯度gram 克graphically 生动的graphite 石墨graphite 石墨graphite 石墨gravitate 吸引gravity field 重力场ground 研磨grounded 接地的guar gum 古阿胶Hhalide 卤化物Hallimond tube 哈里蒙特浮选管halogens 卤素hazart 危害,危险heap or dump leaching 堆浸helmet 头盔hematite 赤铁矿hematite 赤铁矿heteropolar 异极性的hexyl 己基high gradient magnetic separator(HGMS)高梯度磁选机high-tension electrostatic separator 高压静电分选机high-tension separator 高压电选机hindered settling 干涉沉降hollow 空心的horizontal belt filter 水平带式过滤机humidity 湿度hydrated layer 水化层hydro cyclone 水利旋流器hydrocarbon 烃,碳氢化合物hydrodynamic 流体阻力hydrogen cyanide 氰化氢hydrolyses 水解hydrometallurgical 湿法冶金学的hydrophobic 疏水的hydrophobic 疏水的hydrostatic head 水力静压头hydrothermal 热液hydroxide 氢氧化镁Iigneous rock 火成岩ilmenite 钛铁矿ilmenite 钛铁矿imparted 给予,传递impeller 叶轮implemented 实施,应用imposed 施加的,应用的impound 筑坝堵水impurities 杂质impurity 杂质in preference to 优先于inactivation 钝化inches 英尺incombustible material 非可燃物incorporate 合并incorporated 包含incremental 增加的induce 引起induced roll magnetic separator 感应辊式磁选机induction furnace 感应炉inertial 惯性的inertness 惰性infared 红外的inherently 固有的,内在的initial interfacial energy 初态界面能initial 最初inquarted 分银法(熔银分金法)integrally 完整的intensity of magnetization 磁化强度intensive leaching 强化浸出interface 界面interfacial tensile force 表面张力interfere 阻碍,干涉interparticle 粒子间inverted 倒置的iodide 碘化物ionogenic polar group 离子化极性基iron-bearing 含铁的isobutyl 异丁基isopropyl 异丙基Jjet aircraft 喷气式飞机jewelry 首饰Jones wet-intensity magnetic separator 琼斯湿式强磁选机jute 黄麻纤维Kkarat 开kerosene 煤油kinetics 动力学krennerite 白碲金银矿Llagoon 尾矿池lamination 薄片lead chromate 铬酸铅leak 泄露leftover 剩下的Lesson FiveLesson Fivelesson FourLesson FourLesson FourLesson OneLesson OneLesson one magnetic separation 磁力分选Lesson one 重介质分选原理Lesson SevenLesson SixLesson ThreeLesson threeLesson ThreeLesson threeLesson Threelesson TwoLesson TwoLesson TwoLesson TwoLesson Twolethal 致命的lever 杠杆Levitation 浮起,升起liable 易于lifting effect 提升效应limestone 石灰石lines of force 磁力线linoleic acid 亚麻酸lipides 油脂liquor 液体,溶液liter 升litharge 一氧化铅loading 负荷,给料lode 脉,矿脉longitudinal 纵向的low-intensity magnetic separator 弱磁选机Mmagnesite 菱镁矿magnetic field gradient 磁场梯度magnetic field 磁场magnetic floc 磁絮团,磁团聚magnetic induction 磁感应强度magnetic permeability 磁导率magnetic remanence 顽磁magnetic separator 磁力分选设备magnetic susceptibility 磁化率,磁化系数magnetism 磁性,磁力magnetite 磁铁矿magnetohydrostatic 流体静力学magnetomotive force 磁动力magnitude 大小magnitude 量级,大小malachite 孔雀石Malaysia 马来西亚malleable 有延展性的manganese dioxide 二氧化锰manufacture 制造medium-cleaning 介质-净化mercaptan 硫醇mercury 水银mercury 水银mesh 网目methyl isobutyl carbinol 甲基异丁基甲醇methylene 二碘甲烷mild steel 低碳钢milk of lime 石灰乳mined-out area 采空区mineralization of air bubble 气泡的矿化mineralization 矿化minute grains 微小颗粒miscellaneous 多种多样的miscible 混熔misplaced material混杂物料moisture resistant 水分含量molecular 分子的molybdenite 辉钼矿molybdenum 钼monetary 货币的monolayer 单层monomer 单体monomolecular sheath 单分子层motor 马达mounted 安装multi-layers 多层的multiple 多样的muthmannite 板碲金银矿mutual 相互的Nnagyagite 叶碲矿naked eye 肉眼nanoparticle 纳米naphthenic 环烷酸near-density materials 近比重物料negative polarity 负极negative 负的negligible 可以忽略的neutral 中性neutral 中性neutralize 中和nitrate 硝酸盐nitric acid 硝酸nitrogen 氮noble 高贵的non-ferrous metals 有色金属non-ferrous mineral 有色金属矿物nugget 天然金块nylon 尼龙Oobsolete 过时的occurrence 存在状态,赋存状态Oersted 奥斯特oleic acid 油酸open pit 露天矿open-pit mines 露天矿opposed 相对的optimization 最佳的orifice 孔original 最初的orth-phosphate 正磷酸盐ounc 盎司outlet 出口overflow lip 溢流口overflow weir 溢流堰oxhydryl 羟基oxidation stage 氧化态Ppaddle 挡板paddle 闸板,叶片pan filter盘式过滤机parallel 平行paramagnetic salt 顺磁性的盐paramagnetic 顺磁性parameter 参数parameters 参数partition 分配,分布patented 专利peat 泥炭percolates 浸透,渗出performance 性能perimeter 周边periodic table 周期表peripheral 辅助资料,其他资料periphery drive mechanism 周边传动装置permanent magnetic separator 永磁磁选机permeable base 有孔底板permeable 有渗透性的petzite针碲银矿,碲金银矿pH modifier pH调整剂phenol 苯酚phosphate rock 磷酸盐phsico-chemical 物理化学的pick-up 抽吸作用pine oil 松节油pinning effect 吸附效应plate and frame filter press 板框式压缩机plating 镀层,电镀platinum group 铂族platinum 铂plotted 绘制plunge 浸没pneumatic machine 充气浮选机polarity 极性polarity 极性polarity 正负极pollutant 污染物polyacrylamide 聚丙烯酰胺polyelectrolyte 聚合电解质polyglycols 聚乙二醇polymer 聚合体polymeric 高分子的porcelain 瓷器pores 孔pores 孔隙,毛孔porosity 孔隙率porous medium 多孔介质porous 多孔的potassium dichromate 重铬酸钾potassium ethyl xanthate 乙基钾黄药potassium 钾practicable 可行的preceding 之前的precipitate 沉淀precipitated 沉淀precipitation 沉淀precise 精确的preclude 阻止preconditioning 预处理,预先调浆preferentially 优先地pregnant solution 母液preliminary 初步的pressure filter 压滤机profitable 有益的progressive 先进的provision 措施proximity 接近,邻近pseudo-sulphide 准硫化物pulp 矿浆pumping 抽pumps 泵pure 纯purification 提纯purifying 净化pyrometallurgy 热冶学pyrrhotite 雌黄铁矿pyrrhotite 雌黄铁矿pyrrotite 雌黄铁矿Qquebracho 白雀树皮汁quiescent 静止的Rradial vaned wheel 径向叶片railway ballast 道碴rake 倾斜,耙子,刮板raking mechanism 耙动机构rayon 人造丝reagent 试剂recirculated 循环的rectify 整流reducing agent 还原剂reef 矿脉refined 提炼reflector 反射体regulate 调节regulator 调整剂regulator 调整剂rejection 丢弃remanence 剩磁,剩余磁感应repelled 排斥repellent 疏水的reprocessing 再处理repulsion 排斥repulsion 排斥repulsive 排斥residue 残留物resilient 回弹的,弹性的resilient 有回弹力的,能恢复原态的resin acid 树脂酸resin 树脂restrict 限制retained 保持retard 阻止,延缓retarding 阻碍reversal 逆转reversal 逆转,反向reverse flotation 反浮选reverse 反向rigidity 刚度,刚体roast 焙烧rotary kiln 回转炉rotary thermal dryer 回转热力干燥机rotary-disc filter 转盘式过滤机rotary-drum filter 回转筒式过滤机rotor 转子rough 粗选rougher 粗选槽rubidium 铷rutile deposit 金红石矿床Ssaponin 皂角苷scanning electron microscope 扫描电子显微镜scaper 刮板scavenge 扫选scavenger 扫选槽scheelite 白钨矿scheelite 白钨矿schist 片岩scouring 冲洗,精炼scraper 刮刀screening filter 筛式过滤机scroll 螺旋sedimentary rock 沉积岩sedimentation 沉淀,沉降segment 段,链段,片段seismic 地震selective 可选的self-cementing 自身粘合semi-autogenous 半自磨机settle into 沉降settling aid 沉降助剂settling aid 沉降助剂settling rate 沉降速度shaft 轴shale 页岩shallow 浅的sharp separation 精细分选shear force 剪切力shear 剪切side reaction 副反应siderite 菱镁矿sift out 淘汰silica 硅石siliceous 硅酸盐siliceous 含硅的,硅质的simulaneously 同时地sink launder 沉物槽sink-and-float process 浮-沉过程skin flotation 表层浮选slime coating 矿泥罩盖slime 流动,黏slipstream 气流slope 倾斜的slopes 斜率sloping 倾斜的slow-floating 难浮的sludge-well 排矿井sluiced into 流出smelted 精炼smithsonite 菱锌矿soda ash 苏打灰sodium bisulphite 亚硫酸钠sodium borate 硼酸钠sodium carbonate 碳酸钠sodium carbonate 碳酸钠sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠sodium nitrate 硝酸钠sodium oleate 油酸钠sodium silicate 硅酸钠solely 仅仅solubility 溶解性spacecraft 航天器spans 贯穿sphalerite 闪锌矿sphalerite 闪锌矿splitter plate 分矿板,分隔板sponge 海绵spontaneous 自发的spray pipe 喷嘴stable 稳定stablised 使坚固stainless steel 不锈钢standpipe 喉管starch 淀粉starch 淀粉static 静止的static 静止的steady 稳定的stibnite 辉锑矿stirrer 搅拌器stirrer 搅拌器stoichiometric 化学计量stope 采矿场strontium 锶sub-aeration machine 底部充气浮选机submerged 淹没substantial 实质上,大体上sud 肥皂泡,泡沫sulfated detergent 硫酸化洗涤剂sulfhydryl 硫基sulfide 硫化物sulfonate 磺酸盐sulfonated castor acid 磺化蓖麻油sulphidation 硫化作用sulphide 硫化物sulphidiser 硫化剂sulpho group 硫基sulphocyanate 硫氰酸sulphonated detergent 磺酸化洗涤剂sulphuric acid 硫酸super conducting intensity magnetic separator 超导磁选机supercharging 增压superconducting 超导的superficial 表面的supplementary 补充的,附加的support bearing 支撑轴承surface charge 表面电荷surfactant 表面活性剂surge tank 缓冲槽,振动箱survive 存在susceptibility 磁化率,灵敏性susceptible 易受影响的susceptivity 灵敏性,敏感性suspended 悬浮suspension 悬浮体,悬浮液sustain 维持sylvanite 针碲金银矿sylvite 钾盐symthetic 合成Ttabulated 制表tailings disposal 尾矿处理tailings impoundment 尾矿池take no account of 不考虑talc 滑石tangential 切向的tannin 丹宁tendency 倾向terminal interfacial energy 终态界面能terpineol 萜品醇,松油醇tesla 特斯拉tetrabromoethane 四溴乙烷tetrachloride 四氯化物tetramethylammonium 四甲基铵thallium formate 甲酸亚铊thallium malonate 丙二酸铊therimic regeneration 热再生thermal drying 热力干燥thermal 热的thermodynamics 热力学thick 浓的thickener 浓密机。
• 在低pH 和中等pH 条件下,对于难分离的碱性化合物具有出色的峰形
• 独特的反相选择性
• 使用嵌入极性基团和空间位阻的创新性键合技术
• 在100% 水相流动相中可用
Agilent ZORBAX Bonus-RP 色谱柱包含在长烷基链中嵌入的极性酰胺基团。
此外,二异丙基侧基提供了空间位阻以防止酸性水解,延长了在低pH 条件下的寿命。
Bonus-RP 色谱柱提供了不同于C18 和C8 烷基键合固定相的选择性。
*在pH 8 以下,温度上限为60ºC,在pH 8-9 时为40ºC。
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B. Electrical Machines in Renewable Energy Generation Synchronous generators (SG) form the backbone of traditional fossil fuel power generation. They are cost effective at multi-MW power levels, rotate at constant speed, and can be easily controlled to provide both real and reactive power as required. However the characteristics of renewable energy sources are very different from fossil fuel supplies in that they are by and large, highly variable energy sources. For instance, in wind or wave power generation, a fixed speed generator will extract a much smaller fraction of the available power than a variable speed generator [7]. Likewise, under heavy gust or swell conditions, a fixed speed generator will experience severe shock loads on the generator shaft, whereas if the speed is allowed to increase, the inertia of the system will absorb some of the extra power input. This led to the adoption of asynchronous generators in wind turbines where the slip range was utilised to provide a small measure of speed variation. Extensions to the speed range were provided for by pole changing or rotor resistance variation [8] In recent years, the improvement in cost and performance levels of high power switching transistors has led to the adoption of fully variable speed controlled generators. These have typically taken the form of either gear-coupled Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) with power electronics control of the rotor voltage and frequency, or direct-coupled Synchronous Generators (SG) with power electronics control of the stator voltage and frequency, and either brushless field excitation or permanent magnet excitation (PMG). On examination of the technology employed by the worlds leading wind turbine manufacturers, it can be concluded that the geared DFIG represents the state of the art in the world’s leading wind energy manufacturers, with the adoption of the direct-coupled brushless SG/PMG representing a more recent trend, and in actual numbers, the DFIG still representing around 65% of the market share in wind turbines[8],[9]. There are clear reasons for the choice of these two generator technologies. In the case of the DFIG, system cost, size, and power efficiency is optimum for a variable speed system, since the power electronics must only be rated at 30-50% of the system rated power. In the case of the PMG, initial cost is significantly higher due to the high cost of the large permanent magnets, as well as the 100% rating of the power electronics. However, the dominant factor in this case is reliability and maintenance reduction. This is due to the lack of brushes in the system, as well as the direct coupling, which eliminates the gearbox with its associated maintenance. Furthermore, direct coupling enhances bearing lifetime due to the significantly reduced number of revolutions per year of the generator, as a result of the lower rotational speed. What is clear from the evolution of wind energy to a stage of relative maturity is that there appears to be a convergence towards one or two electrical machine technologies, and that there is a clear technical and economic rationale for such. The purpose of this paper is to seek to identify whether a similar rationale can be identified in the case of wave energy conversion. While it is likely that practical experience will be a strong deciding factor in the coming years, it is also possible to learn from the evolution of wind technology. II. OWC WEC GENERATOR COMPARISON Gearing is not typically an issue in OWC WECs as the turbine can be designed to rotate at speeds consistent with
Oscillating water column
Figure 2: Floating OWC device (Bent Backward Duct Device)
Figure 1: Prototype wave energy converters: (t) Ocean Energy, (b, l-tor) Wavebob, Pelamis.
I. INTRODUCTION Renewable energy technology is steadily gaining importance in the world energy market, due to the limited nature of fossil fuel supplies. Wind power has been rapidly increasing its penetration levels in the past decade, and its technology is maturing to the point where the electrical system configuration is converging to a small number of options. Wave energy has historically struggled to break through to a commercial implementation, but recent years have begun to see a maturing of some technologies, with several commercial companies now conducting sea trials with quarter-scale prototypes and actively developing full-scale prototypes. Three such prototypes are depicted in Figure 1.