Chapter 6 ppt
globalization: 全球化; a vast potential market: 一个无法估量的巨大市场; contribute to: 为……做贡献; attract a fraction of that Chinese market: 在中国市场获
建议:注意英方发言时的一些惯用的表达方ports: 净出口; business investment: 商业投资; social security:社会保险; special favors: 特殊优惠; Silicon Valley: 硅谷; balanced economic growth: 经济的平衡发展; Medicaid: 医疗补助计划 ; trade imbalance: 贸易不平衡;
countryside and farmers; 经济增长方式:economic growth pattern; 市场机制:market mechanism; 外汇投资机构: foreign exchange investment institutions;
Sight Interpretation (1)
Vocabulary Work
经济体制问题:the economic system problem; 外汇储备:foreign exchange reserve; 非金融类的外汇投资: non-financial foreign investment; “三农”问题:the issue concerning agriculture and
Vocabulary Work
mass manufacturing: 大规模制造业; generate clean energy: 生产清洁能源; Medicare: 国家老年人医疗保险制度; social safety net: 社会保障; eliminate barriers: 清除障碍; mechanization of farming: 农业机械化;
建议:注意英方发言时的一些惯用的表达方ports: 净出口; business investment: 商业投资; social security:社会保险; special favors: 特殊优惠; Silicon Valley: 硅谷; balanced economic growth: 经济的平衡发展; Medicaid: 医疗补助计划 ; trade imbalance: 贸易不平衡;
countryside and farmers; 经济增长方式:economic growth pattern; 市场机制:market mechanism; 外汇投资机构: foreign exchange investment institutions;
Sight Interpretation (1)
Vocabulary Work
经济体制问题:the economic system problem; 外汇储备:foreign exchange reserve; 非金融类的外汇投资: non-financial foreign investment; “三农”问题:the issue concerning agriculture and
Vocabulary Work
mass manufacturing: 大规模制造业; generate clean energy: 生产清洁能源; Medicare: 国家老年人医疗保险制度; social safety net: 社会保障; eliminate barriers: 清除障碍; mechanization of farming: 农业机械化;
讲稿幻灯片-yl6 Chapter 6 petroleum application
cleaning, lubricating and cooling bit cutters cleaning the bottom and carrying particles or cuttings into the annulus impacting and breaking the bottom rock
New Hydraulic Design Criterion
Jet pressure at the bottomhole is 35%-50% of that at nozzle exit for 8.5〞bit. Based on the above studies, the hydraulic horsepower design was improved, and a new optimal design method was derived which is referred to as the maximum bottom-hole hydraulic power design, in which Bottomhole Maximum Horsepower is calculated according to the true value arrived at bottom surface rather than previously at the bit.
1 2
10--12 32--36 14--16 26--28
95--105 125
456-513 570-684
6 10
18--20 24--26
145--165 797-1140
ROP is about 60% higher in Level 2 than in Level 1, and is about 40% higher in Level 3 than in Level 2. Jet drilling up to 32 MPa is under test in some oilfields.
语言学教程Chapter 6. Language and Cognition课件
and written production.
语言学教程Chapter 6. Language and Cognition
(1) Access to words
• Steps involved in the planning of words: • 1. processing step, called conceptualization,…… • select a word that corresponds to the chosen concept. • 3.morpho-phonological encoding • Generally, morphemes are accessed in sequence, according to
• 1). Serial models…… • 2). Parallel models…… • Structural factors in comprehension of sentences • 1). minimal attachment which defines “structural simpler” • 2).“Garden path” • Lexical factors in comprehension • Information about specific words is stored in the lexicon.
语言学教程Chapter 6. Language and Cognition
6.2.3 language production
• Language production involves…… • 1. generation of single words • 2. generation of simple utterances • Different mappings in language comprehension and in language production • Discussions: • A. production of words orally, • B. production of longer utterances, • C. the different representations and processes involved in spoken production
语言学教程Chapter 6. Language and Cognition
(1) Access to words
• Steps involved in the planning of words: • 1. processing step, called conceptualization,…… • select a word that corresponds to the chosen concept. • 3.morpho-phonological encoding • Generally, morphemes are accessed in sequence, according to
• 1). Serial models…… • 2). Parallel models…… • Structural factors in comprehension of sentences • 1). minimal attachment which defines “structural simpler” • 2).“Garden path” • Lexical factors in comprehension • Information about specific words is stored in the lexicon.
语言学教程Chapter 6. Language and Cognition
6.2.3 language production
• Language production involves…… • 1. generation of single words • 2. generation of simple utterances • Different mappings in language comprehension and in language production • Discussions: • A. production of words orally, • B. production of longer utterances, • C. the different representations and processes involved in spoken production
• 由应力所造成的面法线方向上的弹性应变,即:
d d0 d0
d d0
• 因间此的,关建系立式待是测解残决余应应力力测量σφ问与题空的间关某键方。位上的应变εφψ之
• 通常情况下,物体任一点处的残余应力可用单元体各面上 的3个正应力σx,σy,σz表述。单元体各面3个互相垂直的 法线方向称为主方向,相应的3个正应力称为主应力,分
• 宏观残余应力是一种弹性应力。测量宏观应力的 方法:
• 一、应力松弛 电阻应变片法:依据是某些材料受力时电导率发生
• 二、无损法 磁测法:依据是某些材料受力时磁导率发生变化。
X射线法:依据是材料受力时晶体点阵常数变化导致 衍射花样变化。
X射线检测应力的特点: • (1) 无损检测:不损坏产品。 • (2) 小范围检测:取决于X射线束截面。 • (3) 表层检测:X射线穿入深度有限。 • (4) 可区别应力类型:宏观,微观,超微观,
• 第二类应力是在一个或少数晶粒范围内存在并保 持平衡的内应力。它一般能使衍射峰宽化。
• 第三类应力是在若干原子范围存在并保持平衡的 内应力。它能使衍射线减弱。
• 例:宏观应力对X射线衍射花样的影响是什么? 衍射仪法测定宏观应力的方法有哪些?
• 答:宏观应力对X射线衍射花样的影响是造成 衍射线位移。
• 1、物相定性分析的原理是什么? • 答:每一种晶体物质都具有特定的晶体结
构。在一定波长的X射线照射下,每种晶体 物质都会给出自己特有的衍射花样。 • 将试样测得的衍射花样d-I数据组与已知 结构物质的标准d-I数据组进行对比,即可 鉴定出试样中存在的物相,实现定性分析。
• 2、物相定量分析的原理是什么? • 答:X射线定量分析是在定性分析的基础上,
d d0 d0
d d0
• 因间此的,关建系立式待是测解残决余应应力力测量σφ问与题空的间关某键方。位上的应变εφψ之
• 通常情况下,物体任一点处的残余应力可用单元体各面上 的3个正应力σx,σy,σz表述。单元体各面3个互相垂直的 法线方向称为主方向,相应的3个正应力称为主应力,分
• 宏观残余应力是一种弹性应力。测量宏观应力的 方法:
• 一、应力松弛 电阻应变片法:依据是某些材料受力时电导率发生
• 二、无损法 磁测法:依据是某些材料受力时磁导率发生变化。
X射线法:依据是材料受力时晶体点阵常数变化导致 衍射花样变化。
X射线检测应力的特点: • (1) 无损检测:不损坏产品。 • (2) 小范围检测:取决于X射线束截面。 • (3) 表层检测:X射线穿入深度有限。 • (4) 可区别应力类型:宏观,微观,超微观,
• 第二类应力是在一个或少数晶粒范围内存在并保 持平衡的内应力。它一般能使衍射峰宽化。
• 第三类应力是在若干原子范围存在并保持平衡的 内应力。它能使衍射线减弱。
• 例:宏观应力对X射线衍射花样的影响是什么? 衍射仪法测定宏观应力的方法有哪些?
• 答:宏观应力对X射线衍射花样的影响是造成 衍射线位移。
• 1、物相定性分析的原理是什么? • 答:每一种晶体物质都具有特定的晶体结
构。在一定波长的X射线照射下,每种晶体 物质都会给出自己特有的衍射花样。 • 将试样测得的衍射花样d-I数据组与已知 结构物质的标准d-I数据组进行对比,即可 鉴定出试样中存在的物相,实现定性分析。
• 2、物相定量分析的原理是什么? • 答:X射线定量分析是在定性分析的基础上,
由直径3mm以下的铜丝或钢丝按一定的节距绕成。 在管内,流体一方面由于螺旋线圈的作用发生旋转,一方面还周期性的受到线圈 的螺旋金属丝的扰动,因此使得传热强化。
内肋管一般可分为直内肋管和螺旋内肋管两大类。 主要作用:一是提高管内工质和壁面的散热系数,二降低管壁的温度
一. 应用流体旋转法强化管内单相流体的强制对流换热
采用插入物,如:扭带、间隔扭带、错开扭带、静态混合器,螺旋片、 螺旋线圈、螺旋弹簧等。
扭率:Y=H/di, 最佳的扭率在5左右
产生切向速度分量,导致流速和混合增加 扭带和壁面紧密接触,接触热阻小,增大了换热面积
看成标准式 y=a+bx,可利用作图的方式得到 a,b;进而得到 ci。
通过测量压力差,绘出压力~速度曲线图 P=f(w)
所谓强化传热是指通过对影响传热的各种因素的分析与计算,采用某些技术措施以 提高换热设备的传热量。
a)扩展传热面积:翅片管、波纹管、板翅等等。 b)加大传热温差: 提高管内蒸汽的压力,提高热水采暖的热水温度,降低冷却水的温度(用深井水) ; 改变换热流体之间的流动方式。
由金属薄片绕在心轴上而成 螺旋片的宽度与管子内径相比小得多,所以内插螺旋片的传热强化管比内插 扭带的管子金属耗量要少很多。 扭带的作用是使得管内的全部流体发生旋流,所以阻力较大;而采用螺旋片 时,流体的旋转主要方式在强化传热所需要扰动的近壁处,所以类似的传热 效果下,内插螺旋片的管子流动阻力小。
Chapter6. 烃化反应
乌洛托品,Methenamine] 与卤代烃反应得 季胺盐,然后在醇中用酸水解可得伯胺, 此反应称为Delepine反应。
EtBr/NaOH 80~100℃
酚羟基易苄基化,将酚置于干燥的丙酮中,与氯化苄、碘化 钾、碳酸钾回流,即得相应的苄醚。
请读者思考,上例中氯化苄、碘化钾、碳酸钾、丙酮的作用 各是什么?
碱的作用下,能和分子中含有活泼氢的化合 物(如醇、酚、胺、活性亚甲基、芳环等) 反应得到烃化产物,在被烃化的原子上引入 羟乙基,所以这类反应又称为羟乙基化反应。 羟乙基化后,羟基还可以进行其他转换,可 以制备一系列重要的化合物。 环氧乙烷可以通过氯醇法或氧化法制备。
卤代醇在碱性条件下,可发生分子内的Williamson 反应,用于制备环氧乙烷、环氧丙烷及高环醚类化 合物。如
ClCH2CH2OH Ca(OH)2 75~90℃
H2C O H2 C CH2
新编语言学教程chapter 6 pragmatics (课堂PPT)
The previous word is called the antecedent, and the second word is called the anaphor or anaphoric expression.
Direct anaphora (direct relation between the antecedent and the anaphor):
3.2 Constatives and performatives
• Constatives: statements, assertions and utterances like them; an utterance is used to state a fact or what the speaker believes to be a fact, or to describe state of affairs. e.g: She is a waitress. The characteristic property of a constative is that it can be assessed in terms of truth value.
the rest of social sience was/ wasn’t asleep. >> Chomsky was revolutionizing linguistics. • Cleft sentences It was/ wasn’t Henry that kissed Rosie. >> Somenone kissed Rosie. • Comparisons and contrasts Carol is/ isn’t a better linguist than Barbara. >> Barbara is a linguist.
Direct anaphora (direct relation between the antecedent and the anaphor):
3.2 Constatives and performatives
• Constatives: statements, assertions and utterances like them; an utterance is used to state a fact or what the speaker believes to be a fact, or to describe state of affairs. e.g: She is a waitress. The characteristic property of a constative is that it can be assessed in terms of truth value.
the rest of social sience was/ wasn’t asleep. >> Chomsky was revolutionizing linguistics. • Cleft sentences It was/ wasn’t Henry that kissed Rosie. >> Somenone kissed Rosie. • Comparisons and contrasts Carol is/ isn’t a better linguist than Barbara. >> Barbara is a linguist.
两直线的交点应满足: 两直线的交点应满足:
求得: 求得:
如果参数值同时满足0≤u≤1,0≤v≤1, 如果参数值同时满足0≤u≤1,0≤v≤1,则两线段有 0≤u≤1 交点,代入公式( 即可求得交点坐标( 交点,代入公式(6-1)即可求得交点坐标(x,y), 否则无交点。 否则无交点。
这种方法虽然简单,但当多边形为凹多边形时, 这种方法虽然简单,但当多边形为凹多边形时,则 可能出现错误,即所求出的矢量为内法矢量。 可能出现错误,即所求出的矢量为内法矢量。 2、求任意多边形法矢量的算法 而三个方向分量为: 而三个方向分量为: 设法矢量
(6-4) )
式中:n为顶点号,若i≠n,则j=i+1;否则i=n,j=1。 式中: 为顶点号, i≠n, j=i+1;否则i=n,j=1。 i=n
第6章 隐藏线和隐藏面的处理
消隐常用的计算方法 凸多面体消隐 任意多面体的消隐 常用的消隐算法 小结
什么是消隐?有什么用途? 什么是消隐?有什么用途?
用计算机生成三维物体的真实图形, 用计算机生成三维物体的真实图形,是计算机图形 学研究的重要内容。真实图形在仿真模拟、几何造型、 学研究的重要内容。真实图形在仿真模拟、几何造型、 广告影视、指挥控制和科学计算的可视化等许多领域都 广告影视、 有广泛应用。从一个视点去观察一个三维物体, 有广泛应用。从一个视点去观察一个三维物体,必然只 能看到该物体表面上的部分点、 能看到该物体表面上的部分点、线、面,而其余部分则 被这些可见部分遮挡住。如果观察的是若干个三维物体, 被这些可见部分遮挡住。如果观察的是若干个三维物体, 则物体之间还可能彼此遮挡而部分不可见。因此, 则物体之间还可能彼此遮挡而部分不可见。因此,消隐 就是在视点确定之后 在视点确定之后, 就是在视点确定之后,为了真实地显示三维物体而将对 象表面上不可见的点、 面消去,以消除二义性。 象表面上不可见的点、线、面消去,以消除二义性。执 行这一功能的算法,称为消隐算法 消隐算法。 行这一功能的算法,称为消隐算法。
chapter.6 企业竞争战略(业务层)(案例)
最初的3条航线,选择在各城市的次要机场之间提供廉 价的点对点的空运服务。 在后来的发展中,不论业务范围如何扩展,西南航都始 终坚持最初制定的“与汽车竞争”的低价、短航线业务方向, 并为此严格进行成本控制,不曾偏离。如在《北美自由贸易 协定》签署后,人们普遍认为总部位于得克萨斯州的西南航 最有条件开辟墨西哥航线,但是西南航并没有选择这一具有 诱惑力的航线;1994年,美国有51个城市希望西南航将服务 带入它们的机场,恳请西南航设立办事处,西南航仍然不受 干扰地严格依据自己短程、低价的定位对航线进行严格的筛 选,只有那些通常每天都有10-20个航班客运量的城市才会 成为西南航办事处的设立点;西南航在20世纪70年代仅飞1 个州,80年代仅飞5个州,90年代扩大到15个州,而且即使 是在繁荣期,也控制年增长率在10%-15%。
我们所找到的这些中国隐形冠军公司不但有类似德国隐 形冠军公司的市场地位和成长经历,而且有非常相似的战略 特征和企业文化,其中最重要的特点之一就是“专注”:集 中一切资源、时间和精力来耕耘一个狭窄市场的公司,显然 比那些三心二意的同行们更有希望成为行业的冠军公司。 “专注”是隐形冠军公司在企业战略上最核心的共同特征。 对于多数隐形冠军公司来说,至少到目前为止,它们的 选择都是聚焦于狭窄的市场,专心做自己最擅长的事情,力 图在一个具体的产品或者业务上形成自己绝对的竞争优势。 简单地说,它们的目标就是要做“小池塘里的大鱼”。而且 多数隐形冠军公司专心耕耘的是“冷门”的利基市场,一方 面,国际大企业对于这样的市场往往掉以轻心,或者因为大 企业的官僚与笨拙而未能充分开掘,而国内企业战略风格帮 助隐形冠军们找到那些看似生僻、其实利润丰厚而且竞争相 对较弱的市场。例如:美的风扇、德生收音机、明珠星石英 钟等企业都是比较典型的例子。
with the housework.
• Jenny has a test tomorrow. • She is still playing computer games.
Although Jenny has a test tomorrow,
she is still playing computer games.
• Bears are cute. • We can’t keep them as pets.
Although bears are cute, we can’t
keep them as pets.
1.What is Asian elephants’ life habit??
They like to live in group. 2.Are Asian elephants good simYemse,trhse?y are.
Although I can play the piano well, but I don’t like playing it.
• Tony is free. • He doesn’t help with the housework.
Although Tony is free, he doesn’t help
No, it doesn’t.
3. Can over two hundred baby turtles live to become adults? No, only one or two babies live to become adults.
4. How do they breathe? They must come up to the surface to breathe from time to time.
• Jenny has a test tomorrow. • She is still playing computer games.
Although Jenny has a test tomorrow,
she is still playing computer games.
• Bears are cute. • We can’t keep them as pets.
Although bears are cute, we can’t
keep them as pets.
1.What is Asian elephants’ life habit??
They like to live in group. 2.Are Asian elephants good simYemse,trhse?y are.
Although I can play the piano well, but I don’t like playing it.
• Tony is free. • He doesn’t help with the housework.
Although Tony is free, he doesn’t help
No, it doesn’t.
3. Can over two hundred baby turtles live to become adults? No, only one or two babies live to become adults.
4. How do they breathe? They must come up to the surface to breathe from time to time.
牛津版英语八上《Chapter 6 Nobody wins(Part Ⅰ)》ppt课件
Your Opinions
( )1.Peters was a good navigator. ( )2.Peters was timid and frightened. ( )3.Gork wanted to kill aliens because he was hungry. ( )m was a good pilot, and she was careful, and responsible. ( )5.Gork was less cruel to the crew than to King. ( )6.King was sure that they would escape from monster’s home.
Retell the story with the following:
1. run out of, land, close to, two storeys high, 2. approach, earth-type, shake, hop in, 3. roar, turn one’s blood to ice, customs, at dawn, spring, be caught in a trap, 4. be wrong about… , roar with laughter,
u s t
h i n g
o m 3s p r a n g
roared with laughter 4.The monster _______ the day before yesterday, which frightened us.
customs 5. Social _________ vary greatly from country to country.
Role play
Who can act
I am short. I have short hair. I have big eyes.
I have a long nose. I have a big mouth.
Let's welcome character No.5!
Let's welcome character No.3!
Who can act
I am tall. I have short hair. I have small eyes. I have a big nose.
Let's welcome character No.4!
Who can act
I am short. I have short hair. I have a big nose. I have a big mouth.
Guess:Who am I acting
1. P31-32:熟记单词;背课文。 2. 画一画班里的朋友。(1-3个,参考P35)
Who can act
I am tall. 我个子高。 I have long hair.
I have big eyes.
Let's welcome character No.2!
让我们欢迎二号人物in. I have long hair. I have big eyes. I have a small nose.
1A Chapter 6
Look at me!
Part A
Brainbrain storming 头脑风暴
Who can act
I am short. I have short hair. I have big eyes.
I have a long nose. I have a big mouth.
Let's welcome character No.5!
Let's welcome character No.3!
Who can act
I am tall. I have short hair. I have small eyes. I have a big nose.
Let's welcome character No.4!
Who can act
I am short. I have short hair. I have a big nose. I have a big mouth.
Guess:Who am I acting
1. P31-32:熟记单词;背课文。 2. 画一画班里的朋友。(1-3个,参考P35)
Who can act
I am tall. 我个子高。 I have long hair.
I have big eyes.
Let's welcome character No.2!
让我们欢迎二号人物in. I have long hair. I have big eyes. I have a small nose.
1A Chapter 6
Look at me!
Part A
Brainbrain storming 头脑风暴
Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 5
Data for the Sellmore Problem
Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 6
Sellmore Company Assignment Problem Which person should be assigned to which task? 哪个人应该负责哪项工作?
Chapter 6. Transportation and Assignment Problems
第六章. 运输问 题和指派问题
Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 1
Sellmore Company Assignment Problem The marketing manager of Sellmore Company will be holding the company’s annual sales conference soon. (塞尔默公司的营销经理将要主持 召开一年一度的由营销区域经理以及销 售人员参加的销售协商会议)
Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 3
Sellmore Company Assignment Problem
Each will handle one of the following four tasks: (每一个人负责完成下面的一项任务) Word processing of written
Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 17
Materials-Handling Cost Data
Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 18
Job Shop (Assigning Machines to Locations)
Data for the Sellmore Problem
Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 6
Sellmore Company Assignment Problem Which person should be assigned to which task? 哪个人应该负责哪项工作?
Chapter 6. Transportation and Assignment Problems
第六章. 运输问 题和指派问题
Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 1
Sellmore Company Assignment Problem The marketing manager of Sellmore Company will be holding the company’s annual sales conference soon. (塞尔默公司的营销经理将要主持 召开一年一度的由营销区域经理以及销 售人员参加的销售协商会议)
Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 3
Sellmore Company Assignment Problem
Each will handle one of the following four tasks: (每一个人负责完成下面的一项任务) Word processing of written
Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 17
Materials-Handling Cost Data
Copyright 2007 © 深圳大学管理学院 运筹学 18
Job Shop (Assigning Machines to Locations)
β=f (P , E) 此函数表示「行为是个人(Person)与环境 (Environment)两者的函数」。 个人与环境构成了所谓的生活空间或心理力场。 生活空间是指在某一时点下,对一个人会产生影响的所 有力量的整体。
消费者行为Chapter 6消费者动机
主要论点认为消费行为的强度是预期该行为可以获致 某一特定价值的可能性,与该价值对个人所具有的重 要性两者间的函数关系。
指消费者对于某一特定产品类的感 产品涉入 兴趣程度。
指消费者对于处理广告讯息的感兴 广告涉入 趣程度。
是指消费者认为某一产品对于其自 自我涉入 我概念的重要程度。
消费者行为Chapter 6消费者动机
趋向-趋向冲突:在两个具有吸引力的替代方案中进 行抉择
趋向-规避冲突:当消费者对某一事物既希望趋向又 想规避所引发的冲突
既期待又怕受伤害 看电影?
消费者行为Chapter 6消费者动机
具 有 成是就对需驱要使的别是人人指去会做追企其求本友来善没及亲密 图 去 超想越去别做人之,事的能并人力要的际求需关要系,之也欲望,
达 到 某就些是标权准力,需也要同是时一有种种追让求别对人喜欢 很 大追他求人成具功有的影和驱响接动力受力的的。欲欲望望。。
消费者行为Chapter 6消费者动机
消费者行为Chapter 6消费者动机
主要论点认为消费行为的强度是预期该行为可以获致 某一特定价值的可能性,与该价值对个人所具有的重 要性两者间的函数关系。
指消费者对于某一特定产品类的感 产品涉入 兴趣程度。
指消费者对于处理广告讯息的感兴 广告涉入 趣程度。
是指消费者认为某一产品对于其自 自我涉入 我概念的重要程度。
消费者行为Chapter 6消费者动机
趋向-趋向冲突:在两个具有吸引力的替代方案中进 行抉择
趋向-规避冲突:当消费者对某一事物既希望趋向又 想规避所引发的冲突
既期待又怕受伤害 看电影?
消费者行为Chapter 6消费者动机
具 有 成是就对需驱要使的别是人人指去会做追企其求本友来善没及亲密 图 去 超想越去别做人之,事的能并人力要的际求需关要系,之也欲望,
达 到 某就些是标权准力,需也要同是时一有种种追让求别对人喜欢 很 大追他求人成具功有的影和驱响接动力受力的的。欲欲望望。。
消费者行为Chapter 6消费者动机
V n 0
In spherical coordinates, the Laplace’s eq. is
1 2 1 1 V r Vr r sin V sin r sin 0V Vr er V e V e
If the flow is irrotational, there exists a velocity potential such that
A physically possible flow must satisfy the continuity equation, i.e., for incompressible flow
cos 2 r
Velocity components:
1 1 V er e e r r r sin cos sin er e 0e 3 3 2 r 4 r
V Vr er V e Ve
C Vr r 2 V 0 V 0
C V 2 er r
This velocity distribution describes a flow with straight streamlines emanating ['eməneitiη] from the origin. Moreover, the velocity varies inversely with the square of the distance from the origin.
C 4
Finally we find
Vr 2 4r
翻译教程Chapter 6PPT课件
• Next we consider the relations between
sentences. The most common forms these take are connectives denoting addition, contradiction, contrast, result, etc.
pragmatic features.
• Consider first its genre • Next, consider the structure of the text
• the structure of the text :a thesihe group are grammatical • the collocation and the word are lexical.
感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!
• Climax or focus can also be marked by a
negative-positive sequence, where the
negative is likely to introduce an opposite or a heightened meaning. Contrasts or oppositions are one of the most powerful cohesive factors in discourse. Other types of contrast are normally signalled by comparatives and superlatives.
朗文 6A Chapter 6ppt课件
Li Ching and Ko Lai Chak are table tennis players. They won silver medals in the 2004 Olympic Games.
They are table tennis players who won silver medals in the 2004 Olympic Games.
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!
a place
This is a windsurfing centre on Cheung Chau. I learnt
to windsurf here.
Lee Lai Shan
This is the windsurfing centre on Cheung Chau where Lee Lai Shan learnt to windsurf.
1. This is a school bag. I use it everyday.
This is the school bag _t_h_a_t I use everyday.
2. This is a park. I take a walk here everyday.
This is the park w_h__e_reI take a walk everyday.
a thing
This is a special stamp. The post office issued it in honour of the silver medallists.
This is a special stamp that the post office issued in honour of the silver medallists.
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She usually wakes up early in the moring.
Please wake me up at six tomorrow mor准” aim a pistol at sb. 把手枪瞄准某人 He aimed at the bird but missed.
1、at a speed of…以…速度 Light travels at a speed of 300,000km per second.
2、go round =go around 围绕…转 Our earth goes around the sun.
3. weight n. 重量
weigh v. 称重
Gork went to bed and almost immediately fell asleep.
2. 我们将使用这个激光手电筒来融掉洞里的柱子.
We’ll use the laser torch to melt the bars of the cave.
interrupted secretly
went out immediately aimed attacked escape
4.Captain king pointed the torch at Gork. aimed 5.When it hit the eye, the light in his eye stopped shining. went out 6.Gork shouted because Nobody hit him . attacked 7.The captain’s man climbed into the kangaroos’ pockets and no one saw them. secretly
C2.Fill the blank with the given words.
1.After supper, Gork went to bed and fell asleep at once. immediately
2.Peters made me stop talking for a moment. interrupted 3. They could not kill Gork. Otherwise, they could not get away. escape
I told him immediately he came. I told him as soon as he came.
3、fall asleep = go to sleep 睡着…入睡 Is the baby still asleep? 反义词:awake 醒着的
sleepy 困倦的,想睡觉的 I was too sleepy to hear the end of her talk.
13、the answer/key to...的答案 the way to..的路上 a.The boy gave a quick answer to my question. b.What a pity!I can’t find my key to my room. c.Could you tell me the way to the Long Park?
5、moments later :after a while 过了一会儿
It looked pretty fine at first.
But moments later, it start to rain.
6、 wake up 醒来…
wake sb up叫醒;使…觉醒
When will Chang'e I arrive in the moon’s orbit?
2007-10-25 19:25 BEIJING -- China's first lunar probe (嫦娥1 号 )Chang'e I completed its first orbital transfer Thursday afternoon, a step further in its 380,000kilometer journey to the moon. The orbital transfer began at around 5:55 pm and succeeded after 130 seconds. It is expected to enter earth-moon transfer orbit on October 31 and arrive in the moon's orbit on November 5.
When does Chang’e I leave the earth?
Chang'e I 2007-10-26
China‘s first lunar orbiter(嫦娥1号), Chang’e I, blasts off (点火起飞)from its launch pad(发射 台) in the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Southwest China's Sichuan Province, at about 6:05 pm October 24, 2007. [Xinhua]
Moments later, we were all out of the cage.
I aimed the torch at his eye.
5. 他眼里的光消失了. The light in his eye went out. 6. “无人”攻击并损伤了我的眼睛! Nobody attacked and damaged my eye! 7.那时我们悄悄地爬进了大长颈鹿的口袋. At that time, we secretly climbed the giant kangaroos’ pocket.
4.When you travel to space, your body____ a. weighs less b. has no weight c. weight more
5.The first man to travel in space, Yuri Gagarin,was___
a. American b. German c. Russian
“嫦娥一号”相关词 嫦娥1号汇 Chang'e-1 lunar probe;
Chang'e-1 lunar satellite 月球探测卫星 lunar probe; lunar orbiter lunar exploration satellite; 发射台 launch pad 地月转移轨道 Earth-moon transfer orbit
12、 stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情; stop to do sth 停止(正做的事情)去做另外 一件事 a. Peter made me stop talking for a moment. b. I was so tired that I stopped to have a rest for a walk.
go to bed 上床睡觉
4、use …to do sth = do sth … with sth用…做 We Chinese use chopsticks to eat We Chinese eat with chopstick. 5、escape = run away 逃跑 The bird has escaped from the cage.
1、supper 与dinner意思相同。 2、immediately = at once
立即,马上 = right away =right now / without delay
He came home immediately after work yesterday.
immediately 一……就…… =as soon as
Find the meanings
C1. Put one word in each blank.
1 --Did Gork take a long time to fall asleep? immediately --No. He fell asleep almost__________.
2 ---Did Peters start speaking before
Look and think
1.Captain King ___escape from Gork. a. will b. will not 2.___ of his men will escape from Gork. a. All b. Most c. None 3.Gork will___. a. be killed b. be hurt c. kill Captain King 4.Gork’s kangaroos will help___. a. Captain King b. Neither a or b c.Gork
secretly men________
climbed into the
kangaroos’ pockets, they were no
longer prisoners. Right? free 5.---That’s right. They were______.
interrupted went out immediately secretly aimed attacked escape
heavy adj.重的
How heavy are you? What’s your weight? How much do you weigh? I’m 45kilos. My weight is 45kilos. I weigh 45kilos.
Please wake me up at six tomorrow mor准” aim a pistol at sb. 把手枪瞄准某人 He aimed at the bird but missed.
1、at a speed of…以…速度 Light travels at a speed of 300,000km per second.
2、go round =go around 围绕…转 Our earth goes around the sun.
3. weight n. 重量
weigh v. 称重
Gork went to bed and almost immediately fell asleep.
2. 我们将使用这个激光手电筒来融掉洞里的柱子.
We’ll use the laser torch to melt the bars of the cave.
interrupted secretly
went out immediately aimed attacked escape
4.Captain king pointed the torch at Gork. aimed 5.When it hit the eye, the light in his eye stopped shining. went out 6.Gork shouted because Nobody hit him . attacked 7.The captain’s man climbed into the kangaroos’ pockets and no one saw them. secretly
C2.Fill the blank with the given words.
1.After supper, Gork went to bed and fell asleep at once. immediately
2.Peters made me stop talking for a moment. interrupted 3. They could not kill Gork. Otherwise, they could not get away. escape
I told him immediately he came. I told him as soon as he came.
3、fall asleep = go to sleep 睡着…入睡 Is the baby still asleep? 反义词:awake 醒着的
sleepy 困倦的,想睡觉的 I was too sleepy to hear the end of her talk.
13、the answer/key to...的答案 the way to..的路上 a.The boy gave a quick answer to my question. b.What a pity!I can’t find my key to my room. c.Could you tell me the way to the Long Park?
5、moments later :after a while 过了一会儿
It looked pretty fine at first.
But moments later, it start to rain.
6、 wake up 醒来…
wake sb up叫醒;使…觉醒
When will Chang'e I arrive in the moon’s orbit?
2007-10-25 19:25 BEIJING -- China's first lunar probe (嫦娥1 号 )Chang'e I completed its first orbital transfer Thursday afternoon, a step further in its 380,000kilometer journey to the moon. The orbital transfer began at around 5:55 pm and succeeded after 130 seconds. It is expected to enter earth-moon transfer orbit on October 31 and arrive in the moon's orbit on November 5.
When does Chang’e I leave the earth?
Chang'e I 2007-10-26
China‘s first lunar orbiter(嫦娥1号), Chang’e I, blasts off (点火起飞)from its launch pad(发射 台) in the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Southwest China's Sichuan Province, at about 6:05 pm October 24, 2007. [Xinhua]
Moments later, we were all out of the cage.
I aimed the torch at his eye.
5. 他眼里的光消失了. The light in his eye went out. 6. “无人”攻击并损伤了我的眼睛! Nobody attacked and damaged my eye! 7.那时我们悄悄地爬进了大长颈鹿的口袋. At that time, we secretly climbed the giant kangaroos’ pocket.
4.When you travel to space, your body____ a. weighs less b. has no weight c. weight more
5.The first man to travel in space, Yuri Gagarin,was___
a. American b. German c. Russian
“嫦娥一号”相关词 嫦娥1号汇 Chang'e-1 lunar probe;
Chang'e-1 lunar satellite 月球探测卫星 lunar probe; lunar orbiter lunar exploration satellite; 发射台 launch pad 地月转移轨道 Earth-moon transfer orbit
12、 stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情; stop to do sth 停止(正做的事情)去做另外 一件事 a. Peter made me stop talking for a moment. b. I was so tired that I stopped to have a rest for a walk.
go to bed 上床睡觉
4、use …to do sth = do sth … with sth用…做 We Chinese use chopsticks to eat We Chinese eat with chopstick. 5、escape = run away 逃跑 The bird has escaped from the cage.
1、supper 与dinner意思相同。 2、immediately = at once
立即,马上 = right away =right now / without delay
He came home immediately after work yesterday.
immediately 一……就…… =as soon as
Find the meanings
C1. Put one word in each blank.
1 --Did Gork take a long time to fall asleep? immediately --No. He fell asleep almost__________.
2 ---Did Peters start speaking before
Look and think
1.Captain King ___escape from Gork. a. will b. will not 2.___ of his men will escape from Gork. a. All b. Most c. None 3.Gork will___. a. be killed b. be hurt c. kill Captain King 4.Gork’s kangaroos will help___. a. Captain King b. Neither a or b c.Gork
secretly men________
climbed into the
kangaroos’ pockets, they were no
longer prisoners. Right? free 5.---That’s right. They were______.
interrupted went out immediately secretly aimed attacked escape
heavy adj.重的
How heavy are you? What’s your weight? How much do you weigh? I’m 45kilos. My weight is 45kilos. I weigh 45kilos.