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例:Besides generating income, the presence of other marketers makes the site seem objective, gives companies opportunities to learn valuable information about the appeal of other companies’marketing, and may help expand user traffic for all companies concerned. (2011 年阅读 Text 3)
例:All I have to do is to go to my CD shelf, or boot up my computer and download still more recorded music from Tunes. (2011 年阅读 Text 1)
例:For the time, attention, and money of the art-loving public, classical instrumentalists must compete not only with opera houses, dance troupes, theater companies, and museums, but also with the recorded performances of the great classical musicians of the 20th century. (2011 年阅读 Text 2)
我在公园看见的那位女士正在喂鸽子。 3) We like Professor Lee whose lecture is very amazing.
我们喜欢李教授,他的讲座非常精彩。 4) The bus which/that/X I take to school every day is usually very crowded.
3) The same dramatic technological changes that have provided marketers with more (and more diverse) communications choices have also increased the risk that passionate consumers will voice their opinions in quicker, more visible, and much more damaging ways. (2011 年阅读 Text 3)
(三) 复合句 2 ——定语从句 练习关系词的选择: 1) I have a class which/that begins at 8:00 am. 2) The lawyer whom/X/who/that my brother called didn’t answer the phone. 3) My daughter asked me a question which/that/X I couldn’t answer. 4) The people who/that sat in the stadium cheered for the home team. 5) Leo is the student whose bike was stolen. 6) Australia is one of the few countries where people drive on the left. 7) Sunday is the day when people usually don’t go to work. 8) Is there any particular reason why you can’t come?
2015 考研英语语法课程讲义——练习及答案篇
例:To be sure, he performs an impressive variety of interesting compositions, but it is not necessary for me to visit Avery Fisher Hall, or anywhere else, to hear interesting orchestral music. (2011 年阅读 Text 1)
2015 考研英语语法课程讲义——练习及答案篇
5) I can’t remember the day when we met last time. 我记不起上一次我们是什么时候碰面的。
练习(填入逗号和关系词): 1) He came from Beijing , whichis the capital of China. 2) He came from a city which/that is in the north of China. 3) This is Bill Gates,whom many people know as the richest man. 4) This is the businessman whom/that/whowe are cooperating with.
(4) 练习写定语从句 1) I lost the book which/that/X I had borrowed from the library last week.
我弄丢了上周从图书馆借的书。 2) The woman whom/X/that/who I saw in the park was feeding pigeons.
例:In the former case the education is incidental; it is natural and important, but it is not the express reason of the association. (2009 年翻译)
例:... none of these requirements should deter large retailers from trying their hand, for those that master the intricacies of wholesaling in Europe stand to reap considerable gains. (2012 年阅读)
2015 考研英语语法课程讲义——练习及答案篇
简单句的分类练习: 1) Yesterday morning Iwent to the church.
主谓 2) Most boys in my class likedplaying football.
主谓宾 3) Some schoolsgive their students a long summer vacation.
主谓双宾 4) Watching fun moviesallowsmeto take a break from my busy routine.
主谓宾补 5) Computershave become very useful tools in modern life.
(二) 并列句 练习划出并列连词: 例:In such a case, the company’s response may not be sufficiently quick or thoughtful, and the learning curve has been steep. (2011 年阅读 Text 3)
4) Even today, in our industrial life, apart from certain values of industriousness and thrift, the intellectual and emotional reaction of the forms of human association under which the world’s work is carried on receives little attention as compared with physical output. (2009 年翻译)
5) The people who’ve been hurt the worst are those who’ve stayed too long. (2011 年阅读 Text 2)
(三) 复合句 3 ——状语从句 改错练习: 1) The boss will review your work after she will return from vacation next week.
2015 考研英语语法课程讲义——练习及答案篇
例:It’s no surprise that Jennifer Senior’s insightful, provocative magazine cover story, “I Love My Children, I Hate My Life,”is arousing much chatter... (2011 年阅读 Text 4) 主语从句后置(it 作形式主语)
课后练习判断定语从句: 1) Law is a discipline which encourages responsible judgment. (2007 年翻译)
2) Those who jumped without a job haven’t always landed in top positions quickly. (2011 年阅读 Text 2)
3. 并列句的省略——并列结构(平行结构) 练习划出并列的成分(平行结构): 例:The financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one. (2011 年阅读 Text 2)
例:He points out that he always experienced much difficulty in expressing himself clearly and concisely, but he believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations. (2008 年翻译) 两个均为宾语从句
例:One basic weakness in a conservation system based wholly on economic motives is that most members of the land community have no economic value. (2010 年翻译) 表语从句
(三) 复合句 1 ——名词性从句 练习找出名词性从句,并判断是哪一种: 例:Writing in the last year of his life, he expressed the opinion that in two or three respwk.baidu.comcts his mind had changed during the preceding twenty or thirty years. (2008 年翻译) 同位语从句