便携式应用中的 DC-DC 转换




2.3 线性稳压电路
线性稳压电路:用高精度参考源、功率放大和闭环控制实现高精度、大功率的DC-DC 转换 开环增益 :K = Vout / (Vref – V2) V2 = Vout * R2/(R1+R2) (假定比较器输入电流为0) 闭环时 Vout = Vref * [K(R1+R2)/(K*R2+R2+R1)] 若 K为无穷大,则 Vout ≈ Vref(1+ R1/R2) 若 R1为0,则Vout = VREF(K/(1+K)) 选择R1和R2,除考虑Vout值外,要考虑输入电流的影响。 K越大Vout越接近由Vref、R1、R2给定的值。考虑到电路的 频率特性,高频时,K越大稳压特性好,但易产生自激振荡。 电路中可有阻容相移电路,以抑制振荡。 功率输出管功耗:PQ = IQ x (Vin – Vout ) 输出电压的限制Vinmin – Voutmax > Vcesmax,以保证NPN管 工作在放大区,保证稳定的电压输出。 转换效率 = Vout / Vin Q的选择: 普通三极管是电流控制。电流放大倍数β= IQ/Ib。 一般NPN 管,β小,基极电流大,饱和压降小;而用 NPN Darlington三极管,β大,基极电流小,饱和压降大。若控 制电路不能提供足够的Ib, IQ会减小;Vce会加大,功耗加大。
R Iout
二极管最大功耗限制。二极管实际最大功耗IZ max * Vzmax 。
IZmax = IR max – Ioutmin ; Iout max = IR min –IZmin ) 精度差(元件本身电压误差 +/- 5%左右;输出电流变化时,








本项目的研究内容主要包括以下方面:1. DC-DC转换器的基础原理及设计技术:针对便携式应用需求,选定合适的DC-DC转换器拓扑结构,在控制电路、电感电容的选用等方面进行深入探究。

2. 物理模型建立与仿真:使用PSIM等软件建立DC-DC转换器的模型,对模型进行仿真分析、参数调整等操作,比较不同参数下的效率、稳定性等表现。

3. 原理图设计与电路实现:根据仿真结果和可靠性的要求,进行原理图设计和电路实现,充分利用技术和知识,选用合适的元器件和材料,完成小型化、高效、低成本的DC-DC转换器设计。

4. 认真撰写设计报告:设计报告需要包含电路设计的详细过程、仿真结果以及电路实现的过程和结果,并给出成品的性能测试数据和结论。








便携式VCD DC-DC变换器(20090524)

便携式VCD DC-DC变换器(20090524)

便携式VCD/CD DC-DC 变换器原理剖析作 者:葛中海摘 要:本文讨论了低压DC-DC 变换器,升、降压变换器的模型及实例电路,提出优化参数设计的方法 关键词:DC-DC 变换器 降压变换器 升压变换器 占空比近两年来VCD 向小型化,轻量化、超薄型迅猛发展,于是便携式VCD&MP3&CD 三合一产品如雨后春笋应运而生,特别是珠江三角洲地区,生产此类产品的企业有几十家之多。

不管它采用哪一家的方案,唯独其电源变换部分几乎一样,部分进口便携式CD 机也采用此电路,所以它有相当的通用性。


于是,对机器而言无论电源(电池或适配器)电压高或是低,系统都应该能正常工作,这就是为什么便携式VCD/CD 必须有DC-DC 变换电路的原因所在。

便携式VCD/CD 内部有两套DC-DC 变换电路:一套供给伺服系统的驱动部分,这部分变换的电压不要求很稳定,但要求伺服尽可能省电;另一套供给除伺服系统以外其它集成电路使用,这部分的电压有控制电路稳压,所以要求电压一定要稳定。

一、降压型DC-DC 变换器1.降压型DC-DC 变换器模型为了便于讲解第一套的DC-DC 变换电路,先介绍一下降压型DC-DC 变换器的等效模型,如图(1)所示。

图(1) 降压型DC-DC 变换器等效模型开关S 导通时加在电感L 两端的电压为)(Vo Vi -,这期间电感L 由电压)(Vo Vi -励磁、电感存储能量,磁通量增加量为:O N O N t Vo Vi ⨯-=∆)(ϕ (1)开关S 断开时,由于电感电流连续,二极管为导通状态。

输出电压Vo 与开关导通时方向相反加到电感L 上,这期间电感L 消磁、电感释放能量,磁通量减少量为:OFF OFF t Vo ⨯=∆ϕ (2)稳态时,电感L 磁通量增加量与减少量相等,即 O FF O N ϕϕ∆=∆,联立(1)、(2)式可得:Vi D Vi t t t Vo OFF ON ON ∙=⨯+=,其中D 是占空比,1≤+=OFFON ON t t t D显然这种结构形式的DC-DC变换器输出的电压只会小于或等于输入的电压,所以称之为降压型变换器。









关键词:DC-DC转换;开关电源; SN8P2711;移动电源;Research and design of DC-DC conversiton mobile powerAbstract: At present people's living standards continue to improve, carry portable electronic products is also increasing,so a mobile power is needed to solve the endurance problem. This paper designs a circuit based on DC-DC boost mobile switching power, using polymer batterypower management program ,it can power 5V mobile devices. In this circuit charging, display of the lithium battery and power output are mainly controlled by the microcontroller SN8P2711 lithium, meanwhile it control the work of DC-DC boost circuit. The design of the main polymer battery energy storage and discharge. The main design philosophy is to achieve high-efficiency conversion of electrical energy. The mobile switching power supply output voltage ripple, high conversion efficiency, the highest conversion efficiency of 89%, with good performance and load regulation capability.Keywords: DC-DC converter。

DC DC 转换器产品说明书

DC DC 转换器产品说明书

DC/DC Conver ter Specifications (measured @ ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)E224736UL-60950-1 CertifiedEN-55022 Certified20 Watt 2:11.6“ x 1“Ribbed StyleSingle OutputSelection GuidePart Input Input Output Output Efficiency Max. CapacitiveNumber VoltageRange Current Voltage Current typ. Load[VDC] [mA] [VDC] [mA] [%] [µF]RPP20-2412S 18-36 940 12 1670 90 1000DescriptionThe RPP20 series 2:1 input range DC/DC converters are ideal for high end industrial applications and COTS Militaryapplications where a very wide operating temperature range of -45°C to +115°C is required. Although the case sizeis very compact, the converter contains a built-in EMC filter EN-55022 Class B without the need for any externalcomponents. The RPP20 is available in a ribbed case style for active cooling. They are UL-60950-1 certified.FeaturesICETechnology*• +115°C Maximum Case Temperature• -45°C Minimum Case Temperature• Built-in EMC Filter• Ribbed Case Style• 2250VDC Isolation• EN-55022 Class B RPP20-2412S* ICE TechnologyICE (Innovation in Converter Excellence)uses state-of-the-art techniques to minimiseinternal power dissipation and to increasethe internal temperature limits to extend theambient operating temperature range to themaximum.Notes:Note1: Typical values at nominal input voltage and full load.Only the single output converters have a trim function that allows users to adjust the output voltage from +10% to -10%, please refer to the trim table that follow for details. Adjustment to the output voltage can be used with a simple fixed resistor as shown in Figures 1 and 2. A single fixed resistor can increase or decrease the output voltage depending on its connection. Resistor should be located close to the converter. If the trim function is not used, leave the trim pin open.Trim adjustments higher than the specified range can have an adverse effect on the converter´s performance and are not recommended. E xcessive voltage differences between output voltage sense voltage, in conjunction with trim adjustment of the output voltage; can cause the OVP circuitry to activate. Thermal derating is based on maximum output current and voltage at the converter´s output pins. Use of the trim and sense function can cause output voltages to increase, thereby increasing output power beyond the converter´s specified rating. Therefore: (Vout at Pins) X (Iout) ≤ rated output power.PROTECTIONSParameterConditionValueOutput Power Protection (OPP)current limit 120% typ.Over Voltage Protection (OVP)10% load 120% typ.Over Temperature Protection (OTP)case temperature 120°C, auto-recovery Isolation Voltage I/P to O/P , at 70% RH I/P to Case, O/P to Case 2250VDC / 1 Minute 1500VDC / 1 MinuteIsolation Resistance I/P to O/P , at 70% RH100M W min.Isolation CapacitanceI/P to O/P1500pF typ.Specifications (measured @ ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)Notes:Note2:This Power Module is not internally fused. A input fuse must be always used. Recommended Fuse: T1.6AREGULATIONSParameterConditionValueOutput Voltage Accuracy 50% load ±1.5% max.Line Voltage Regulation low line to high line ±0.3% max.Load Voltage Regulation 10% to 100% load±0.5% max.Transient Response 25% load step change, ΔIo/Δt=2.5A/us 800µs typ.Transient Peak Deviation25% load step change, ΔIo/Δt=2.5A/us±2%Vout max.Trimming Output VoltageFigure 2. Trim connections to decrease output voltage using fixed resistorsFigure 1. Trim connections to increase output voltage using fixed resistors+V IN -V INCTRL +V OUT R TRIM UP-V OUTTRIMLOAD+V IN -V INCTRL +V OUT R TRIM DOWN-V OUTTRIMLOADTrim down resistor value (K W )Vout-1%-2%-3%-4%-5%-6%-7%-8%-9%-10%12VDC 322.2137. up resistor value (K W )Vout1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%10%12VDC 238.7113.168.246.332.122.415. Humidity95%, non condensing Temperature Coefficient ±0.04% / °C max.Thermal Impedance natural convection, mounting at FR4(254x254mm) PCB vertical horizontal7.2°C/W 7.8°C/WOperating Temperature Range start up at -45°C-45°C to (see calculation)Maximum Case Temperature +115°CMTBFaccording to MIL-HDBK-217F (+50°C G.B.)according to BellCore-TR-332 (+50°C G.B.)768 x 103 hours 1572 x 103 hourscontinued on next pageDerating Graph(Ta= +25°C, natural convection, typ. Vin and vertical mounting)CalculationSpecifications (measured @ ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)302535404550102030405060708090100Load [%]C a s e T e m p e r a t u r e [°C ]105060708090100203040506070809010018Vin24Vin 36Vin Load [%]E f f i c i e n c y [%]R thcase-ambient = 7.2°C/W (vertical) T case = Case Temperature R thcase-ambient = 7.8°C/W (horizontal)T ambient= Environment TemperatureP dissipation = Internal lossesR thcase-ambient = T case - T ambientP IN = Input PowerP dissipationP OUT = Output Powerh = Efficiency under given Operating Conditions P dissipation = P IN - P OUT = P OUTapp- P OUTapp R thcase-ambient = Thermal ImpedancehPractical Example:Take the RPP20-2412S with 50% load. What is the maximum ambient operating temperature? Use converter vertical in application.Eff min = 89% @ V nom P OUT = 20WP OUTapp = 20 x 0.5 = 10W P dissipation = P OUTapp- P OUTapp R th = T casemax - T ambient --> 7.2°C/W = 115°C - T ambienthP dissipation1.24Wh = ~88% (from Eff vs Load Graph)T ambientmax = 106.1°CP dissipation = 10- 10 = 1.24W0.89Specifications (measured @ ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)DC/DC Conver terSpecifications (measured @ ta= 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)RPP20-2412SSeriesPACKAGING INFORMATIONParameterTypeValuePackaging Dimension (LxWxH)Tube160.0 x 45.0 x 16.0mmPackaging Quantity 5pcsStorage Temperature Range-55°C to +125°CThe product information and specifications may be subject to changes even without prior written notice.The product has been designed for various applications; its suitability lies in the responsibility of each customer. The products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications without RECOM’s explicit written consent. A safety-critical application is an application where a failure may reasonably be expected to endanger or cause loss of life, inflict bodily harm or damage property. The applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless RECOM, its affiliated companies and its representatives against any damage claims in connection with the unauthorizeduse of RECOM products in such safety-critical applications.。



POWER SUPPLY45www.eepw.com.cn 2003.5/下半月电源电子产品世界DC-DC的开关型电源变换器在整个电子行业中正得到越来越多的应用。






每个电池的电压范围是1.5V ̄0.9V。


处理器核常用的电源是1.1V,存储器要用2.5V和3.3V的电源,Compact Flash或USB等扩展接口所用的电源为5V,而LCD偏压或白光LED显示背光电路要求28V的电源。










HT77XX DC/DC转换器的使用文件编码:HA0109S简介HT77XX是PFM控制DC-DC升压转换器,可用于PDA和DSC等便携设备中。













在MOS 管刚刚处于截止状态时,由于电感共振作用会形成一个短暂的振荡,输出电容可用于消除电感共振引起的容量偏离。








较件开疾与系用信豔与电睡China Computer&Communication 2018年第10期基于ARM 的DC -DC 便携式电压转换器的设计韦警申奥(辽宁科技大学电子与信息工程学院,辽宁鞍山114051 )摘要:在电子产品的设计与调试过程中,电压转换是不可忽视的问题。

由于各个模块的材料、功率、结构等各不相同, 常常会存在一个电源电压输入的电子产品中各个模块间有不同电压需求的问题。

从转换效率的角度来考虑,模块间的电 压转换常常使用开关电源作为电压转换工具。

本设计在开关电源的基站上使用ARM 单片机作为主控,实现输出电压的可 调稳定输出。


关键词:电压转换;开关电源;ARM 单片机;控制界面中图分类号:T M 46 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-9767 (2018) 10-082-02Design of DC-DC Portable Voltage Converter Based on ARMWei Jing, Shen Ao(School of Electronic and Information Engineering , University Of Science And Technology Liaoning , Anshan Liaoning 114051, China )Abstract : During the design and debugging of electronic products , voltage conversion can not be neglected . Due to the differentmaterials , power , structure and so on of each module , there is often a problem of different voltage requirements among the various modules in the electronic product with a power voltage input . From the conversion efficiency point of view , the voltage conversion between modulesoften use the switching power supply as a voltage conversion tool . The design of the switching power supply based on the use of ARMmicrocontroller as the master , adjustable output voltage adjustable stable output . And joined the control interface , you can easily monitor andcontrol the output voltage in real time , solving the voltage conversion problem in the electronic product design process .Key words : voltage conversion ; switching power supply ; ARM microcontroller ; control interface随着电子技术的高速发展,电子产品的设计越来越趋于 模块化拼接式的设计。








图片:DC-DC转换器的工作原理如果我们有两个电气系统,在不同的电压水平下工作,一个高电平(140 V),另一个低电平(14 V),DC-DC转换器可以将它们之间的电压从高转换为低或从低到高。



电池电动汽车(BEV)中的DC-DC转换器用于将高电池电压(例如400 V)转换为低直流电压(例如12 V),用于传统的12 V负载(灯,多媒体,电动车窗等)。



直流-直流转换器的效率电功率P [W]是电压U [V]和电流I [A]之间的乘积。

P=U⋅I例如,如果输入电压Uin= 120 V,最大电流Iin= 5 A,这将给出输入功率:Pin=120⋅5=600 W由于电功率是守恒的(Pout=Pin),并且我们假设DC-DC转换器没有损耗(100%效率),对于输出电压Uout= 14 V,我们可以计算输出电流如下:实际上,转换将产生一些损耗,最大输出电流将小于100%效率计算的电流。

DC-DC转换器的效率计算公式为:η [%]=PoutPin⋅100有几种类型的DC-DC转换器。

DC-DC 电源转换器说明书

DC-DC 电源转换器说明书

DC TO AC POWER INVERTERPWRNV1250W INSTRUCTION MANUALSAVE THIS MANUALYou will need the manual for the safety warnings and precautions, assembly instructions, operating and maintenance procedures, parts list and diagram. Keep your invoice with this manual. Write the invoice number on the inside of the front cover. Keep the manual and invoice in a safe and dry place for future reference.Basic Operation•Make sure that you choose the right operating voltage for both input and output of the inverter.•When unpacking, make sure that the inverter is in good condition. If any parts are missing or broken, please call AIMS Power, Inc. at the number found on the warranty card.•Place the power inverter on a flat surface. Make sure it has adequate ventilation and is not in direct sunlight. Fasten the inverter securely to the surface, using screws or some othermeans. If holes are to be drilled, follow safe, proper installation techniques.Before you connect the battery cables, make sure the power switch is in the off position. Connect Red (+) battery cable to Red (+) inverter terminal. Connect Black (-) battery cable to Black (-) inverter terminal. Connect Red (+) battery cable to Red (+) battery terminal. Connect Black (-) battery cable to Black (-) battery terminal. Alligator clamp cables may be used but only to connect to the battery.Do not use clamps on inverter terminals. Alligator clamps are not a permanent solution. You may see a spark during connection.•Connect the ground cable to an earth ground, such as a metal water pipe or to the vehicle ground when used in a vehicle if the inverter includes a ground port.•Turn the power switch to the on position, which is located on the front of the inverter. The green LED light will confirm that AC power is present.•Before plugging the equipment into the inverter, make sure the equipment AND the inverter are off. Turn inverter on first, then turn on the equipment.•The power inverter can be used either while the engine is running or off.Warnings•Unplug the inverter when it is not in use.•If the AC inverter makes a beeping sound, turn off the equipment, unplug the inverter and restart the vehicle’s engine. The beeping sound is simply the low-battery warning, which indicates that the voltage of your battery is getting low. If you do not re-start your engine and continue operating the inverter, the inverter will automatically shut off, leavingyour vehicle's battery at about 10. 5 VDC. This will allow you to start your engine and resumeoperation of the inverter. It also reduces the fear of being stranded with a dead battery(dependent on health of battery).•This device should only be serviced by a qualified technician. This item does not have any serviceable parts.•Prevent body contact with grounded surfaces such as pipes, radiators, ranges, and refrigerator enclosures during installation.•Do not operate the inverter if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Read warning labels on prescriptions to determine if your judgement or reflexes are impaired while taking drugs. Ifthere is any doubt, do not operate the inverter.•People with pacemakers should consult their physician(s) before using this product.Electromagnetic fields in close proximity to a heart pacemaker could cause interference to or failure of the pacemaker.•Keep children away. Children must never be allowed in the work area. Do not let them handle machines, tools, or extension cords.•Store idle equipment. When not in use, inverter must be stored in a dry location to prevent rust. Always lock up tools and the inverter and keep out of reach of children.•Size the inverter properly. Size the inverter for the surge rating of your equipment. The inverter’s continuous rating should be MORE than the surge rating of your equipment.Example: Power tool runs at 1500 watts but surges at 2500 watts. You should use an inverter >3000 watts.•Keep the inverter well-ventilated. Do not place any objects on top of or next to the inverter or allow anything to cover the cooling fans; doing so can cause the inverter to overheat,causing a potential fire hazard and/or damage to the inverter. Leave adequate ventilationspace underneath the inverter as well; thick carpets or rugs can obstruct air flow, causing the inverter to overheat.•Avoid unintentional starting. Be sure the switch is in the OFF position when not in use and before plugging in any appliance.Note: Performance of this unit may vary depending on the available battery power or appliance wattage.Warning: The warnings, cautions, and instructions discussed in this instruction manual cannot cover all possible conditions and situations that may occur. It must be understood by the operator that common sense and caution are factors which cannot be built into this product, but must be supplied by operator. Guard against electric shock. Do not open the metal case; risk of electric shock.Battery Use•To avoid over-discharging your vehicle battery, we recommend running your engine for 10-20 minutes to recharge the vehicle's battery if battery voltage drops <11V.•To properly size your battery, use the following formula: Volts * Amps = Watts or Watts/Volts = Amps. Example: 1000 watt inverter / 12 volts DC = 83.3 DC amps. In this example, you willneed 83.3 amps to power a 1000 watt load for 1 hour. If you need to power 1000 watts for 2hours you will need 83.3 * 2 = 166.66 DC amps available. A 100 amp hour battery will giveyou 100 amps / 166.66 = .6 hours so you will need two batteries if using 100 amp battery.This is if you fully deplete your batteries. We do NOT recommend fully depleting yourbatteries. This is just an example. Your power requirements may be different.•If you choose to use a female 12 Volt DC adapter for your inverter or to the inverter make sure wire size is correct.•IF YOU CONNECT THE WIRES TO THE INCORRECT TERMINALS, YOU WILL REVERSE THE POLARITY AND DAMAGE THE INVERTER.•REVERSED POLAR ITY WILL INSTANTLY VOID THE WARRANTY OF YOUR INVERTER, SO BE CAREFUL TO CONNECT YOUR INPUT WIRES PROPEPLY.•If you choose to operate a battery charger to replenish your battery’s voltage, be sure to check with charger manufacture before damaging the charger.•CONNECTING THE INVERTER’S DC INPUT TO A BATTERY CHARGER WILL VOID THE WARRANTY, AND MAY DAMAGE THE INVERTER.•Make sure that the battery voltage does not exceed 15 volts DC.•CONNECTING THE INVERTER TO A DC POWER SOURCE GREATER THAN 15 VDC WILL VOID THE WARRANTY, AND MAY DAMAGE THE INVERTER.CablesWe recommend that you refrain from using battery cables longer than 12 feet between the DC power source and the DC input of the inverter. Longer battery cables on the DC input will create a voltage drop which results in a reduction of efficiency and output. If you require more than 12 feet, use a bigger cable. We recommend using an extension cord between the AC output and AC appliance. You may use up to 100ft, high quality extension cord. A longer cord may result in reduced output. See Specifications chart for recommended battery cable size.Digital Bar DisplayThe digital bar display displays battery DC voltage and DC current. The current should always be in the green zone. The inverter will operate for several minutes when thecurrent is in the yellow zone. Operation in the red zone of the display will result in protective inverter shutdown. NOTE: The bar display will only monitor DC current and voltage not AC. If you need to measure AC output you will need to use a TRUE RMS MULTI METER.Remote On/Off SwitchSome models include a remote port. An AIMS remote on/off switch may be connected to the remote port. The optional remote on/off switch is a convenient option to turn the inverter on/off if the inverter is installed in a hard to reach area. Make sure the inverter is turned off before installing the remote switch. Simply plug the switch into the remote jack. There are several ways to mount the remote switch. Remote switch comes with 4 pre-drilled holes for mounting. Remote part # REMOTEHF.Measuring the AC VoltageThe output waveform of the inverter is a MODIFIED SINE WAVE. If you choose to measure the AC output voltage, you must use a TRUE RMS MULTI METER. Using any other type of voltage measuring device will result in an AC voltage reading of 10 to 30 volts lower than actual voltage. When using a true RMS multi meter, you will get an accurate reading.SAFETY PRECAUTIONS•Do not open the case of the inverter. The high voltage inside the unit is the same type of power as your electrical outlets at home.•Do not let the cord of the inverter, or any appliance cord get wet. If you are operating the inverter in a moving vehicle, we recommend that you secure the inverter to prevent it fromshifting around while the vehicle is moving.•Do not operate this inverter in or around water. Water can damage the inverter, and water damage is not covered under warranty. Also, do not operate the inverter with wet hands. The AC voltage of the unit makes it an electrical shock hazard if operated with wet hands.•Allow at least one inch of clearance around the Inverter for air flow. Ensure the ventilation openings on the rear and bottom of the unit are not obstructed.•Do not connect the inverter directly to another AC power source. Damage may result, and such damage will void the inverter warranty.•Know the wattage requirements of your appliance. Use only those appliances which are limited by the capacity of this unit.•Use common sense. This device produces power just like your wall outlets at home and should be treated seriously. Keep it away from children.•Reversed polarity of AC power outlet LINE /NEUTRAL will void the warranty.•If there is anything wrong with the inverter, disconnect all of the power and contact technical support.If the Inverter does not appear to be functioning properly, check the following possible causes:•Poor contact: Clean contact parts thoroughly.•If the low battery alarm sounds, this means the input voltage is too low and battery needs to be recharged.•If you are getting a low output voltage, try reducing the load to minimize watts. You may have overloaded the inverter. Reduce your load. Also, keep input voltage above 10.5 volts tomaintain a constant flow of power.•If you are not getting any power output, turn the power switch Off and On again, until the green power light comes on. Your devices may draw too much power to operate them. Theinverter may be in thermal shutdown. Let it cool down and make sure there is adequateventilation around the unit.•If the green light turns red one of the following has happened:A.input voltage is too lowB.input voltage is too highC.short circuitD.inverter is close to overload•Battery voltage is too low: Start the engine to recharge the battery. Replace or recharge battery if needed.•Shuts down on overload: Reduce the wattage of your load.•Thermal shutdown: Under heavy loads for extended period, the inverter will shut down to prevent damage from excess heat. Simply reduce your load and allow theInverter to cool down.•Low-battery shutdown: Recharge your battery and resume operation.Very little maintenance is required to keep your inverter operating properly. You should disconnect input power first and then clean the exterior of the unit periodically with a dry cloth to prevent accumulation of dust and dirt. At the same time, tighten the screws on the DC input terminals.PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLYNeither the manufacturer nor distributor makes any representation or warranty of any kind to the buyer that he or she is qualified to make any repairs to the product or that he or she is qualified to replace any parts of the product. In fact, the manufacturer and/or distributor expressly states that all repairs and parts replacements should be undertaken by certified and licensed technicians and not by the buyer. The buyer assumes all risk and liability arising out of his or her repairs to the original product or replacement parts thereto, or arising out of his or her installation of replacement parts thereto.WARRANTYAIMS Corp., Inc. dba AIMS Power Warranty Instructions:This product is designed using the most modern digital technology and under very strict quality control and testing guidelines. If, however, you feel this product is not performing as it should, please contact us:**************************(775)359-6703We will do our best to resolve your concerns. If the product needs repair or replacement, make sure to keep your receipt/invoice, as that will need to be sent back along with the package and RMA# prepaid to AIMS. You have a full 1 year warranty from date of purchase.This warranty is valid worldwide with the exception that freight and duty charges incurred outside the contiguous 48 United States will be prepaid by customer.Except as provided above, AIMS makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall AIMS be liable for indirect, special or consequential damages. This warranty only applies to AIMS Power branded products. All other name brand products are warranted by and according to their respective manufacturer. Please do not attempt to return non-AIMS Power branded products to AIMS Power.For additional products such as:-Modified sine wave inverters-Pure sine wave inverters-Low Frequency Inverters-Solar Charge Controllers-Micro Grid Tied Inverters-Inverter Chargers and Automatic transfer switches-Converters DC-DC-Custom cut cables-Batteries-Solar Panels & RacksPlease visit our web site: Tofindoutwheretobuyanyofourproducts,youmayalsoe-mail:************************ (775)359-6703.。





 hspace=“12”>理光R1280D系列芯片是一种双通道DC/DC转换器,采用CMOS工艺制造,内置两路PWM DC/DC控制电路,一路是升压电路,另一路是电压反转电路。








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便携式应用中的 DC/DC 转换
在电子领域,DC/DC 开关模式电源转换器的使用正与日俱增。


当前,便携式应用的设计人员在决定选择是以线性低压降稳压器 (LDO)、感应开关模式 DC/DC 转换器,还是电容性充电泵 DC/DC 转换器来满足其电源转换需求时,面临着在总体成本、效率、集成度、设计灵活性以及封装等诸多方面进行权衡的问题。

图 1、电源转换拓扑比较。


电池电压通常满至空 (full to empty) 介于4.2V 到 2.7V 之间(从),电池电压在大部分放电周期中约为 3.7V。


独立的单电池电压介于 1.5V 至0.9V。


常见电压轨有:用于处理器内核的 1.1V 电压,存储器的 2.5V 与 3.3V,扩展接口(如 Compact Flash 或 USB 接口)的 5V,以及用于 LCD 偏压或白色 LED 显示背光电路系统的 28V。


图 1 显示了各种 DC/DC 转换架构的概览。


总之,LDO 可根据出现的任何负载电阻更改而相应调整其内部电阻,使稳压器输出恒定的电压。


LDO 以 3.7V 的电压可以生成 3.3V 的存储器轨,从而实现了高达 89% 的卓越效率。

不过同样的电池轨生成 1.1V 的核心电压时,效率便陡然降至29%。

目前,LDO 采用诸如芯片级等的超小型封装,大小仅为几平方毫米,能够实现操作只需陶瓷输入和输出电容器的解决方案。

由于 LDO 的线性稳压解决方案,其几乎不存在输出纹波,因此非常适用于&quot;噪音型&quot;开关模式稳压器输出的后过滤,能够支持音频放大器或RF 电路系统。

LDO 随着输入输出电压差动的提高与电流输出的加大,也会产生适度的热量。


充电泵(也称开关式电容电压转换器)即 DC/DC 转换器,其采用一种所谓&quot;飞(flying)&quot;或&quot;泵 (pump)&quot;的电容器,而非感应器或变压器来用于能量存储。


内部 FET 开关阵列控制着&quot;飞&quot;电容器的充电与放电,根据其控制方式,输入电压乘以或除以 0.5、2 或 3 等因数,即可产生所需的输出电压。

特定的调制方案仅要求陶瓷电容器就可实现高达 80% 的效率。

由于涉及到开关,因而充电泵会产生某些输出纹波,也会生成 EMI(电磁干扰)。

某些充电泵拓扑可部署双充电泵架构,并采用额外的输出电压稳压器,以最大程度地减少 EMI 与纹波。

充电泵的最大输出电流限制在约 300mA 左右,基本由集成开关晶体管与外部&quot;飞&quot;电容器的大小所决定。

充电泵采用节约空间的 SOT-23 封装或无引线四方扁平封装 (QFN),能极大节省板级空间,并要求较 LDO 具备更高效率但空间或预算又不足以实施更高效的感应式 DC/DC 转换器的情况下,提供解决方案。

图 2 展示了显示背光应用中为白色 LED 提供核心电源的充电泵应用实例。

图 2 在 SOT-23 封装中为白色 LED 提供核心电源的充电泵。

利用电磁技术进行能量存储的感应开关模式 DC/DC 转换器提供了难以企及的电源转换效率,不管是升高电压还是降低电压的情况下均如此。


高效率转换能够实现最低散热,并简化了热管理,特别是与 LDO 解决方案相比时尤为如此,从而通常避免

由于能够实现高达 97% 的转换效率,因此这也有利于延长电池寿命。

DC/DC 转换器可作为 DC/DC 控制器,当设计人员选择具备特定导通电阻的外部 FET 开关,并根据应用当前需求调节电流限制时,其可为设计人员提供最大的灵活性。


先进封装技术也允许开关晶体管的集成,从而使开关模式 DC/DC 解决方案的输出电流介于 SOT-23 封装或芯片级封装的 100mA 与 TSSOP-28 封装的 9A 之间的任何数值。

考虑到具备集成 FET 的感应开关模式 DC/DC 转换器的输出电流功能与效率,我们常常可以实现显著提高空间利用效率的解决方案,往往只需一个感应器和必需的输入输出电容器即可。

图 3 显示了高效利用 DC/DC 转换与线性调节的示例。

升压 DC/DC 转换器可提升碱性电池的输入电压,范围为 1.5V 至 0.9V 之间,从而能支持 3.3V 的系统轨。

集成到相同 IC 上的LDO 可降压,以支持 1.8V 的处理器核心电压。

上述两种功能都集成在 4mm x 4mm 的无引线四方扁平封装 (QFN) 中,从而能最大程度地减少板级空间要求。

图 3、升压 DC/DC 转换器与由单体碱性电池供电的 LDO。

图 4 给出了利用高能量效率并节省空间的 DC/DC 降压转换示例。

降压 DC/DC 转换器可用于降低单体锂离子电池的输入电压,输入电压范围介于 2.7V 至 4.2V 之间,可支持 1.2V 处理器核心,效率高达 95%。

该电路采用具备集成开关 FET 的同步 DC/DC 降压转换器,仅采用三个外部组件,其空间占用仅比同类竞争 LDO 电路大于 30% 左右,但却能提供将近高出三倍的效率,并能显著延长电池寿命。

图 4、单体锂离子应用中的压降 DC/DC 转换器。
