国际贸易实务Chapter 10 import and export procedure


国际贸易实务双语Chapter 10

国际贸易实务双语Chapter 10
As we know, people make contracts for many purposes. For instance, there are contracts of insurance, contracts for the sale of goods and land, contracts of hire, contracts of employment, contracts of carriage and many others.
承运,运输,输送;车辆, (旧时载客的) 四轮马车; 〈英〉火车客车车厢;运费 雇用;就业;职业 法律约束的协议 有效的;有法律效力的; 本质的;要点 (的);必要的;精华的 必需品;基本要素;必不可少的东西 要约,出价;表示愿意 提议;企图;供奉 提议;出价,开价;试图;求婚 接受,承诺;接纳; [金融]承兑;无怨接受 (逆境、困境等);赞成 合同的,契约的;契约性
price-marked goods
履行合同能力 要约人,出价人;发价(盘)人 受约人; 被发价人,受盘人 函件,通知 广告,宣传;公告;出公告,做广告 简介,说明书;(即将出版的书等的)内容介绍;计划书, 意见书;(讲义等的)大纲 提出要约的邀请 展览,陈列;陈列品,展览品;显示器;炫耀 显示;陈列;展开,伸展;夸示,炫耀 明码标价的商品 绝对的;不合格的;无限制的;无资格的; 对价;考虑,考察;照顾,关心;报酬;尊敬
Chapter Ten Sales Contracts 销售合同

《国际贸易实务与操作》Chapter 10

《国际贸易实务与操作》Chapter 10

Section 7 Special Documents
3. Trade Agreement and Trade Preference Documents Certificate of origin Regional trade pact import/export declaration
Section 8 Electronic Documents
“paperless” documents E-Documents in a Closed Environment: the Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) system developed and used by Visa, Mastercard, American Express and other members of the credit card community
Section 5 Import Documents
1. Basic Import Documentation (1) Commercial Invoice, (2) Bill of Lading/Air Waybill (B/L), (3) Import Declaration/Entry Manifest. The supplement documents: (4) Packing List, (5) Certificate of Origin, (6) Insurance Documents.
Section 1 Introduction to Trade Documents
2.Categories of Documentation (1) Transaction Documents, (2) Transport (Shipping) Documents, (3) Export Documents, (4) Import Documents, (5) Banking Documents, (6) Special Documents. 3. Key Documents in International Trade (1) the commercial invoice, (2) the bill of lading, (3) the export declaration, (4) the import declaration, (5) the certificate of origin.

国际贸易实务双语教程Chapter10 The Conclusion of Sales Contracts-30页精选文档

国际贸易实务双语教程Chapter10 The Conclusion of Sales Contracts-30页精选文档
1. The withdrawal of an offer 2. The revocation of an offer
Invalidation of an Offer
1. The expiry date 2. Rejection 3. Counter-offer 4. Force Majeure 5. In case that the offeror or offeree becomes
An offer is a proposal of terms and conditions presented in a potential contract by one party, called the offeror, to anther party, called the offeree.
Counter Offer
Counter offer means a reply to the offer made by the offeree, not accepting completely the terms of the offer and with the proposal to modify or change it.
2. The validity time in an offer not stipulated definitely
3. An oral offer
The time for an offer coming into effect
The Withdrawal and the Revocation of an offer
incapable of legal transaction (such as insanity, death etc.), the offer is invalid.



Consider the costs and benefits of the research effort;
Gather the relevant data from secondary or primary sources or both;
Analyze, interpret, and summarize the results; Report and present findings.
Section 2 Oversห้องสมุดไป่ตู้as Market Research and Analysis
Learning Objectives
● to know what the typical steps for market research ● to know what we are supposed to research about the international market ● to know the main resources for information about the international market
2.4 Analyzing the Research Findings and Preparing a Report 调查结果分析及报告
The final step in market research is to analyze the
data and prepare a report that a market. Comprehensive research and quality interpretation can provide the market researcher time with a detailed map, but only proper analysis can determine whether it is a good to start to market the products. will be a guide to the production and sales of the products for which there is


由此可见,商品检验及合同中的检验条款,对于 促进商品买卖业务的顺利进行,是不可缺少的。
二、检验时间与地点 1、在出口国工厂检验 2、离岸品质和离岸重量(Shipping Quality and W) 3、到岸品质、到岸重量(Landed Quality and W) 4、出口国装运港检验,进口国目的港复验。这种检验办
不按合同规定的交货期交货,或不交货,或所交货物的 品质、规格、数量、包装等与合同(或信用证)规定不符,或 所提供的货运单据种类不齐,份数不足等。
在按信用证支付方式成交的条件下, 不按期开证或不开 证;不按合同规定付款赎单,无理拒收货物;在FOB条件下, 不按合同规定如期派船接货等。
第四节 国际贸易仲裁
一、解决争议的方式 (一)协商(Consultation, Negotiation),它是指在发生争
议后,由当事人双方直接进行磋商,自行解决纠纷。 (二)调解(Conciliation),是指发生争议后,双方协商不
成,则可邀请第三者居间调停。 (三)诉讼(Litigation)即打官司,是指由司法部门按法律程
但是,由于不可抗力是一项免责条款,买卖双方通常主 要是卖方都可以援引它来解释自身所承担的合同义务,这种 援引在多数情况下是扩大不可抗力的范围,以减少自己的合 同责任。有的卖方除把各种自然灾害列入外,还把生产制作 过程中的意外事故、战争预兆、罢工、怠工、货物集运中的 事故、原材料匮乏、能源危机、原配件供应不及时等生产过 程中的事故,以及航、陆运机构的怠慢、未按以预定日期出 航等等,统统归入不可抗力的范围。因此,在交易中应认真 分析。
定金与预付款不同,定金是指合同一方当事人根据合同 的约定预先付给另一方当事人一定数额的金额,以保证合同 的履行,它是作为债权的担保而存在的;预付款是合同当事 人预先付给对方一定数额的价款,即对合同义务的预先履行, 其本身就是预付的价款或价款的一部分,而不是对合同履行 的担保。



浙江工业大学2012/2013学年第一学期试卷课程_国际贸易实务_姓名________班级学号____(注:单选题、判断题、简答题、计算题、案例题及附加题的答案均写在答题纸上!)一、单选题(共15分,每题1分)1.在国际贸易中,如买卖双方未明确以何种计重方法计价时,应按何种重量计价?()A 毛重B 净重C 理论重量D 公量E 法定重量F 净净重2.下述哪个贸易术语在国际商会新版的《2011贸易术语通则》不再出现()。

A CPTB CIPC DAPD DDU3.无牌中性包装是指在包装上()A 没有生产国别、地名、厂名和商标牌号。

B 没有生产国别,但有买方的名称和商标牌号。

C 没有生产国别,但有买方指定的商标牌号。



()A 一切险、偷窃提货不着险、锈损险。

B 平安险、一切险、受潮受热险、战争险、罢工险。


D 水渍险、锈损险、破损破碎险。




卖方的正确答复应该是()A 请买方同船公司或保险公司在买方所在地的代理了解。

B 我方与承运人及保险公司了解,商讨具体货损索赔。

C 短少56箱,将由我方补装出运。

D 我方与买方商讨赔偿问题。




请问以下哪些损失属于共同海损?()A 修船期包括船员工资在内的各种费用、A舱茶叶、B舱被焚毁的文具。



Chapter 1I .YES,Please refer to the 1st paragraph of the text.II. 流动性过剩自给自足经济资源直接投资国际收支易货交易出口退税倾销出口型经济增长东道国贸易差额贸易顺差/贸易逆差欧盟国际收支顺差/国际收支逆差有形贸易无形贸易货物贸易服务贸易excess liquidity self-sufficienteconomic resources direct investment balance of payments barterexport tax rebate dumpingexport-driven economic growth host country balance of tradefavorable/unfavorable balance of trade European Unionfavorable/unfavorable balance of payments visible trade invisible trade trade in goods trade in servicesIIIThe chart above shows the U.S. imports from China, U.S. export s to China and the trade balance. The U.S. has a negative trade b alance with China, and it has been growing. During the period from 1997 to 2003, imports from China have grown 244% while exports to China have grown 221%, indicating that the trade deficit is increa sing. There had already been a sizeable trade balance deficit with China in 1996, totaling $ 39.5 billion at the end of the year.IV1. Export goods are tangible goods sent out of countries.2. Trade in services are international earnings other than those der ived from the exporting and importing of tangible goods.3. Import goods are tangible goods brought in.4. International trade is all business transactions that involve twoor more countries. 5. FDI is one that gives the investor a contr olling interest in a foreign company.6. Investment is used primarily as financial means for a company toearn more money on its money with relative safety. V1. International trade is the fair and deliberate exchange of goodsand/or services across national boundaries. It concerns trade operations of both import and export and includes the purchase and sale of both visible and invisible goods.2. In today's complex economic world, neither individuals nor nationsare self-sufficient. Nations participate in the international t rade for many reasons. As to the economic reasons, no nation has a ll of the economic resources (land, labor and capital) that it need s to develop its economy and culture, and no country enjoys a part icular item sufficient enough to meet its needs. As for the prefe rence reasons, international trade takes place because of innovation of style. Besides, every nation can specialize in a certain field a nd enjoy a comparative advantage in some particular area in terms o f trade so that they need to do business with each other to make use of resources more efficiently and effectively.3. In measuring the effectiveness of global trade, nations carefullyfollow two key indicators, namely, balance of trade and balan ce of payments.4. FDI, the abbreviation form Foreign Direct Investment, means buyingof permanent property and business in foreign nations. It occ urs when acquisition of equity interest in a foreign company i s trade. The great significance of FDI for China might be that: FDI solve the problem of capital shortage for China so that China may spend the money on importing advanced equipment and technologies for its infrastructure, national supporting industry, key projects, etc.Chapter 2 I关税壁垒非关税壁垒从量税配额保护性关税市场失灵幼稚产业许可证制度财政关税政府采购贸易保护主义从价税最低限价本地采购规则增加内需Domestic content Red-tape barriers Export subsidies Binding quota Abso lute quotas VERTariff-rate quotas Zero quota"Buy local" rules Tariff barriers non-tariff barriers specific duties quotaprotective tariff market failure infant industry licensing system Reve nue tariffgovernment procurement trade protectionism Ad Valorem Duties floor pri ce"buy local" rulesraise domestic demand 国内含量进口环节壁垒出口补贴绑定配额绝对配额自愿出口限制关税配额零配额本地采购原则II1. Protectionism means the deliberate use or encouragement of restric tions on imports to enable relatively inefficient domestic producers to compete successfully with foreign producers. 保护主义是指蓄意使用或鼓励进口限制,以此使本国相对效率低的产品能成功地和外国产品竞争。



(完整版)国际贸易实务英⽂版第三版知识点及模拟题国际贸易实务(下划线为重点记忆和理解,⽆的为⼀般记忆和了解)Chapter one1.国际贸易概念:International trad e is also known as worl d trad e, foreign trad e,overseas trad e. It refers to the process of fair and d eliberate exchange of goods or services between two or more countries, involving the use of two or more currencies. Besid es, international trad e concerns trad e operations of both import and export and includ es the purchase and sale of both visibl e and invisibl e goods.2.(了解)1)Resource reasons (natural resource, human resource and technology)2)Economic reasons (economic benefits, comparative advantage andeconomies of scal e)3)Other reasons (political reasons, differences in tastes, preferences andconsumption patterns)3.国际贸易与国内贸易的不同:In particular, international trad e is more subject to:Language habits and cultural differences2)Foreign laws, customs and regulations or international rul es3)Exchange rate fluctuations and interest rate4)Higher l evel of political, financial and transportation risks5)More compl ex business procedures therefore managers need a broad errange of management skills4.1)从货物流向(direction of cargo fl ow)分: export trad e, import trad e and transit trad e(过境贸易)2)从参与的贸易⽅(the number of participants )分:direct trad e, indirect trad e and entrepot trad e(转⼝贸易)转⼝贸易:entrepot trade refers to the transaction which involves importing goods for further processing or assembling and the re-exporting the goods abroad. 转⼝贸易⼜称中转贸易或再输出贸易,是指国际贸易中进出⼝货物的买卖,不是在⽣产国和消费国之间直接进⾏,⽽是通过第三国转⼿进⾏的贸易。

国际贸易实务双语教程Chapter10 The Conclusion of Sales Contracts

国际贸易实务双语教程Chapter10 The Conclusion of Sales Contracts

The necessary conditions for a valid offer in law
1. An offer must be addressed to one or more specific persons.
2. The contents of an offer must be sufficiently definite.
Chapter 10 The Conclusion of Sales Contracts
10.1 The procedure for the conclusion of sales contract
Definition of Contract Offer Inpable of legal transaction (such as insanity, death etc.), the offer is invalid.
The non-firm offer is legally called as invitation to for offer, referring to with an intention to purchase or sell some certain commodities, one party inquires about the trade terms to the other party, or brings about a proposal for business transaction with some terms. There are some ways to make an invitation to for offer, the inquiry is widely used. It is not with legal force, nor constituting an offer.



Chapter1I. Answer my questions1. International trade is business whose activities involve the crossing of nationalborders. It includes not only international trade and foreign manufacturing but alsoencompasses the growing services industry in areas such as transportation, tourism,banking, advertising, construction, retailing, wholesaling, and mass communications.It includes all business transactions that involve two or more countries. Such businessrelationship may be private or governmental.2. Sales expansion, resource acquisition and diversification of sales and supplies.3. To gain profit.4. To seej out foreign markets and procurement.5. There are four major forms which are the following:Merchandise exports and Imports, Service Exports and Imports, Investment andMultinational Enterprise.6. It is the account which is a summary statement of the flow of all internationaleconomic and financial transactions between one nation United States ) andthe rest of the world over some period of time, usually one year.7. Merchandise Exporting and Importing.8. Yes. There are great differences between them.1) direct investment takes place when control follows the investment. It usuallymeans high commitment of capital, personnel, and technology abroad. It aims atgaining of foreign resources and foreign markets. Direct investment may often gethigher foreign sales than exporting. And sometimes it involves two or more parties.2) While portfolio investments are not under control. And they are used primarilyfor financial purposes. Treasures of companies, for example, routinely more fundsfrom one country to another to get a higher yield on short term investments.9. MNE is the abbreviation of the multinational enterprise. Its synonyms are NNC(the multinational corporation) and TNC (transnational corporation). 10. Examples are travel, transport, fee, royalties, dividends and interest.11. The choice of forms is influenced by the objective being pursued and theenvironments in which the company must operate.12. It is limited by the number of people interested in a firm’s products andservices and by customers’ capacity to make purchase.13. This is because at an early stage of international involvement these operationsusually take the least commitment and leas t risk of a firm’s resources.14. Royalties means the payment for use of assets from abroad, such as fortrademarks patens, copyrights, or other expertise under contract known as licencingare also paid franchising.15. It is a way of doing business in which one party (the franchiser) the use of atrademark that is an essential asset for the franchisers’ business.II Match each one on the left with its correct meaning on the right 1. JIII Translate the following terms and phrases into Chinese1 购买力 11 经济复苏;恢复2 潜在销售量 12 经济衰退3 加价,涨价 13 间接投资4 国内市场 14 有形货物5 制成品 15 有形进出口6 边际利润 16 收入及支出;岁入及岁出7 市场占有率 17 超额能力8 贸易歧视 18 贸易中间人(商);经纪人9 时机选择 19 全部包建的工程承包方式10 经销周期 20 许可证协定IV Translate the following into English1. Trade is often the ‘engine’ of growth. However oversimplified this metaphormay be, it does serve to underline the importance of foreign trade in the process ofgrowth. A healthy expansion of exports may not always be sufficient condition forrapid and sustained growth, but a strong positive association between the two isclearly undeniable. Trade expansion contributes to economic growth in many ways.Among them are the benefits of specialization; the favorable effects of internationalcompetition on domestic economic efficiency; the increased capacity to pay for theimports required in development and more generally the stimulus to investment.2. International trade is the exchange of goods and services produced in onecountry for goods and services produced in another country. In addition to visibletrade, which involves the import and export of goods and merchandise, there is alsoinvisible trade, which involves the exchange of services between nations. Nationssuch as Greece and Norway have large maritime fleets and provide transportationservice. This is a kind of invisible trade. Invisible trade can be as important to somenations as the export of raw materials or commodities is to others. In both cases, thenations earn the money to buy necessities.3. There exist different ways of conducting international business. Exclusive salemeans the seller gives the overseas client the exclusive right of selling a particularproduct in a designated area within a specified period of time. In this kind of businesstransaction, the product is bought by the exclusive seller and therefore he should sellthe product by himself, assuming sole responsibilities for his profit and loss.Exclusive sale is different from agency where only commission is involved. Anddifference exists between general contract and exclusive sales because the exclusiveseller enjoys exclusive right in a particular area.4. There is no country in the world that can produce all the products it needs.Thus countries join in international division of labor for effective production andreproduction. Sometimes a country can buy goods and services from abroad on abarter basis. Barter means doing business by exchanging goods of one sort for goodsof another sort without using money. Barter trade itself is not enough to meat acountry’s impo rt needs. But as a form of international trade, it is still attractive indeveloping countries where foreign exchange is in short supply and inflow of foreignfunds is far from sufficient to meet their obligations in external trade.Chapter2I. Answer the following questions(Omited)II. Filling the blanks with the suitable words in the text: satisfying; , foreign/overseas; ; ; ;; ; ; , venture;the followings into English1). Economic activity began with the cavemen, who was economicallyself-sufficient. He did his own hunting, found his own shelter, and provided for hisown needs. As primitive populations grew and developed, the principle of division oflabor evolved. One person was more able to perform some activity than another, andtherefore each person concentrated on what he did best. While one hunted, anotherfished. The hunter then traded his surplus to the fisherman, and each benefited fromthe variety of diet.In today’s complex economic world, neither individuals nor nations are self-sufficient nations are self-sufficient. Nations have utilized different economicresources; people have developed different skills. This is the foundation ofinternational trade and economic activities.Foreign trade, the exchange of goods between nations, takes place for many reasons. The first, as mentioned above, is that no nation has all of the commoditiesthan it needs. Raw materials are scattered around the world. Large deposits of copperare mined in Peru and Zaire, diamonds are mined in South Africa, and petroleum isrecovered in Middle East. Countries that do not have these resources within their ownboundaries must buy from countries that export them.Foreign trade also occurs because a country often does not have enoughof aparticular item to meet its needs. Although the United States is a major producer ofsugar, it consumes more than it can produce internally and thus must import sugar.Third, one nation can sell some items at a lower cost than other countries. Japanhas been able to export large quantities of radios and television sets because it canproduce them more efficiently than other countries. It is cheaper for the United Statesto buy these from Japan than to produce them domestically.Finally, foreign trade takes place because of innovation or style. Even though theUnited States produces more automobiles than any other country, it still imports largequantities of autos from Germany, Japan and Sweden, primarily because there is amarket for them in the United States.2). The different kinds of trade nations engaged in are varied and complex, amixture of visible and invisible trade. Most nations are more dependent on exportsthan on any other activity. The earnings from exports pay for the imports that theyneed and want. A nation’s balance of p ayment is a record of these complex transactions. By reflecting all of these transactions in monetary terms , a nation is ableto combine the income it receives, for example, from exports, tourists expenditures,and immigrant remittances. This combined incomes is then spent on such items asmanufactured goods from other countries, travel for its citizens to other countries, andthe hiring of construction engineers.Chapter3I. Translate the followings from Chinese into English:1 terms of payment2 written form of contract3 execution of the contract4 sales contract5 purchase confirmation6 terms of transaction7 trading partners 8 the setting up of a contract9 trade agreement 10 consignment contract11 the contract proper 12 extension of the contract13 the contracting parties 14 special clause15 general terms and conditionsII. Answer the following questions in English:1 A contract is an agreement which sets forth bind obligations of the relevantparties. And any part that fails to fulfill his contractual obligations may be sued andforced to make compensation.2 There are two parties of business contract negotiations: oral and written. Theformer refers to direct discussions abroad; written negotiations often begin withenquiries made by the buyers.3 A written contract is generally prepared and signed as the proof of the agreementand as the basis for its execution. A sales or purchase confirmation is less detailedthan a contract, covering only the essential terms of the transaction. It is usually usedfor smaller deals or between familiar trade partners.4 The setting up of a contract is similar to that of a trade agreement or any othertype of formal agreements. It generally contains: 1) the title. The type of the contractis indicated in the title; 2) the contract proper. It is the main part of a contract; 3) thesignature of the contracting parties indicating their status as the seller or the buyer; 4)the stipulations on the back of the contract and are equally binding upon thecontracting parties.5 It generally contains the time of shipment, the mode of payment described inaddition to an exact description of the goods including the quantity, quality,specifications, packing methods, insurance, commodity inspection, claims, arbitrationand force majeure, etc.III. Translate the following into Chinese:合同是在双方达成协议的基础上制定的,而协议又是双方进行商务谈判的结果。

国际贸易实务双语教程第四版 傅龙海

国际贸易实务双语教程第四版 傅龙海


International trade is an important way for countries to engage in economic cooperation.2.通过国际贸易,各国可以互通有无,实现互利共赢。

Through international trade, countries can exchange resources and achieve mutual benefits.3.国际贸易有助于促进世界经济的繁荣发展。

International trade helps promote the prosperity and development of the world economy.4.了解国际贸易的基本知识对于经济学习者来说非常重要。

Understanding the basics of international trade is crucial for students of economics.5.国际贸易实务涉及到很多复杂的问题和程序。

International trade practice involves many complex issues and procedures.6.进出口业务需要遵守国际贸易法规和惯例。

Import and export business require compliance with international trade regulations and practices.7.知识产权在国际贸易中具有重要的保护作用。

Intellectual property rights play an important protective role in international trade.8.贸易摩擦可能影响国际贸易的正常进行。

Trade frictions may affect the normal conduct of international trade.9.国际贸易需要通过谈判和协商来解决分歧。



国际贸易实务英文版参考答案标准化管理处编码[BBX968T-XBB8968-NNJ668-MM9N]C h a p t e r1 I.YES,Pleaserefertothe1stparagraphofthetext.II.流动性过剩自给自足经济资源直接投资国际收支易货交易出口退税倾销出口型经济增长东道国贸易差额贸易顺差/贸易逆差欧盟国际收支顺差/国际收支逆差有形贸易无形贸易货物贸易服务贸易excessliquidityself-sufficient economicresourcesdirectinvestmentbalanceofpaymentsbarter exporttaxrebatedumpingexport-driveneconomicgrowthhostcountrybalanceoftradefavorable/unfavorablebalanceoftradeEuropeanUnionfavorable/unfavorablebalanceofpaymentsvisibletradeinvisibletradetradeingoodstr adeinservicesIIIThechartaboveshowstheU.S.importsfromChina,U.S.exportstoChinaandthetradebalance .TheU.S.hasanegativetradebalancewithChina,andithasbeengrowing.Duringtheperiodfrom1997to2003,importsfromChinahavegrown244%whileexportstoChinahavegrown221%,in dicatingthatthetradedeficitisincreasing.Therehadalreadybeenasizeabletradebalan cedeficitwithChinain1996,totaling$billionattheendoftheyear.IV1.Exportgoodsaretangiblegoodssentoutofcountries.2.Tradeinservicesareinternationalearningsotherthanthosederivedfromtheexporting andimportingoftangiblegoods.3.Importgoodsaretangiblegoodsbroughtin.4.Internationaltradeisallbusinesstransactionsthatinvolvetwoormorecountries.5.F DIisonethatgivestheinvestoracontrollinginterestinaforeigncompany.6.Investmentisusedprimarilyasfinancialmeansforacompanytoearnmoremoneyonitsmone ywithrelativesafety.V1.Internationaltradeisthefairanddeliberateexchangeofgoodsand/orservicesacrossn ationalboundaries.Itconcernstradeoperationsofbothimportandexportandincludesthe purchaseandsaleofbothvisibleandinvisiblegoods.2.Intoday'scomplexeconomicworld,neitherindividualsnornationsareself-sufficient.Nationsparticipateintheinternationaltradeformanyreasons.Astotheecon omicreasons,nonationhasalloftheeconomicresources(land,laborandcapital)thatitne edstodevelopitseconomyandculture,andnocountryenjoysaparticularitemsufficienten oughtomeetitsneeds.Asforthepreferencereasons,internationaltradetakesplacebecauseofinnovationofstyle.Besides,everynationcanspecializeinacertainfieldandenjoya comparativeadvantageinsomeparticularareaintermsoftradesothattheyneedtodobusine sswitheachothertomakeuseofresourcesmoreefficientlyandeffectively.3.Inmeasuringtheeffectivenessofglobaltrade,nationscarefullyfollowtwokeyindicat ors,namely,balanceoftradeandbalanceofpayments.4.FDI,theabbreviationformForeignDirectInvestment,meansbuyingofpermanentpropert yandbusinessinforeignnations.Itoccurswhenacquisitionofequityinterestinaforeign companyistrade.ThegreatsignificanceofFDIforChinamightbethat:FDIsolvetheproblem ofcapitalshortageforChinasothatChinamayspendthemoneyonimportingadvancedequipme ntandtechnologiesforitsinfrastructure,nationalsupportingindustry,keyprojects,e tc.Chapter2I关税壁垒非关税壁垒从量税配额保护性关税市场失灵幼稚产业许可证制度财政关税政府采购贸易保护主义从价税最低限价本地采购规则增加内需DomesticcontentRed-tapebarriersExportsubsidiesBindingquotaAbsolutequotasVER Tariff-ratequotasZeroquota"Buylocal"rulesTariffbarriersnon-tariffbarriersspecificdutiesquotaprotectivetariffmarketfailureinfantindustrylicensingsystemRevenuetariff governmentprocurementtradeprotectionismAdValoremDutiesfloorprice "buylocal"rulesraisedomesticdemand国内含量进口环节壁垒出口补贴绑定配额绝对配额自愿出口限制关税配额零配额本地采购原则II1.Protectionismmeansthedeliberateuseorencouragementofrestrictionsonimportstoen ablerelativelyinefficientdomesticproducerstocompetesuccessfullywithforeignprod ucers.保护主义是指蓄意使用或鼓励进口限制,以此使本国相对效率低的产品能成功地和外国产品竞争。



姜 晓 兰
国 际 贸 易 理 论 与 实 务
Siberian Railway Freight Car 西伯利亚铁路运货车厢
姜 晓 兰
国 际 贸 易 理 论 与 实 务

姜 晓 兰

“陆上公共点”,使用美国西海岸航运公 司的船,经过西海岸港口转往内陆地区,可以 享受低廉的海运和陆运运费。 美国洛基山脉以东地区均为OCP地区,约占美国全国 的2/3 凡从太平洋彼岸的货物经美国西海岸各港向东运往 OCP地区的铁路运费率均较本地费率低3—5%,这就 促成美国经营远东航运业的商人也订立较一般运费 低廉的OCP费率 例如,从我国口岸至美国西岸OCP运费每运费 吨低3—4美元。 加拿大也有OCP地区和类似的运费优惠办法

姜 晓 兰
使用船舶通过国际内江湖河川等天然 或人工水道,运送货物和旅客的一种运输 方式。 内河运输是水上运输的重要组成部分, 它是连接内陆腹地与沿海地区的纽带,也 是边疆地区与邻国边境河流的连接线,在 运输和集散进出口货物中起着重要的作用。
国 际 贸 易 理 论 与 实 务
国际多式联运(International Multimodal Transport),按照《联合国国际 货物多式联运公约》的定义:指按照多式联运 合同,以至少两种不同的运输方式,由多式联 运经营人把货物从一国境内接运货物的地点运 至另一国境内指定交付货物的地点。
船舶的经营 管理
由租船方负责装卸时,须 是否规定装 规定装卸时间和装卸率, 卸时间和装 以计算滞期费和速遣费双 卸率 方之间不规定。
姜 晓 兰
按装运货物的数量计算, 或规定航次包租金额
装运的货物 租船方
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

1.5 Document examination and payment
When L/C is used, bank will be responsible to check documents and make sure they are acceptable. When D/A or D/P are used, the buyer must check the documents to make sure they are acceptable before making shipment.

2.8 Documentation and payment(1)

Note: Types of documents, number of originals and copies, items of the documents; accuracy, clarity (without mistakes, not even spelling), completeness, in time.
1.8 Settlement of Disputes
In case of claim, friendly negotiation, arbitration, lawsuit will be applicable.
2. Export procedures

Export license Sales contract Getting goods ready for shipment L/C Export declaration and customs clearance Shipment Insurance Documentation and payment
1.2 Sales contract(4)
The third part: Language of the contract, number of copies and the signature of the contractors.
1.3 L/C
Importer should apply for the opening of L/C in time in favor of the seller according to the contract. Any disagreement will cause amendment, which will incur cost.
1.4 Shipment and insurance

Under EX and F group terms, the importer is responsible for shipment and insurance. The buyer should inform the seller of the arrival of the carrying vessel so that the seller can arrange to get the goods ready for loading. If the buyer will arrange for insurance, the seller should advise shipment duly.
2.8 Documentation and payment(2)
Types of documents: Draft, invoice, B/L, Insurance policy, certificate of origin, packing list, inspection certificate.

1.2 Sales contract(3)
The body part 1.Terms and conditions of a contract: Commodity, quality, quantity, unit price and terms, amount, time and means of shipment, terms of payment, insurance, etc. 2. The rights and obligations of the importer and the exporter
1.2 Sales contract(1)
Three parts of a contract 1. Beginning part: 2. Body part 3. Third part
1.2 Sales contract(2)
The beginning part Contract number, time and place of contract, names addresses and contacts of the importer and the exporter and preface

2.8 Documentation and payment(3)
Checking the documents Check all the document against the L/C and against each other. Consistency of documents and L/C is very important.
1.6 Customs clearance
Fill out some forms and the customs officer will check the goods against the documents. Bill of lading, commercial invoice, inspection certificate (if required), insurance policy.
Chapter 10
Outline of Import and Export Procedures
1.Import Procedures
NhomakorabeaImport license Sales contract L/C Shipment and insurance Document examination and payment Customs clearance Taking delivery and reinspection Settlement of disputes
2.7 Insurance
Insurance must be arrange before loading. Under FOB, the seller must supply necessary information in due time for the buyer to cover insurance. On the insurance policy, there should be name of commodity, insurable amount, route of transport, carrying vessel, time of departure, category of insurance.
2.1 Export license

Before negotiating a sales contract, an exporter should confirm if he needs and is able to get the license.
2.2 Sales contract

1.1 Import license

It is import control system by importing country for the protection of home industry or control of quantity or safety of the people. Importers must obtain import license if the imported goods require one and get it before negotiation actually starts.
Terms and conditions Obligation of both the exporter and importer In written form
2.3 Getting goods ready for shipment
The goods must be up to the quality requirement of the contract. It must be saleable or re-saleable. The quantity must conform to the contract requirement Package must be strong enough to withstand the rough handling The goods must be legal: the seller has full title to them; the goods must not violate the property right of others. The goods must be ready in time for shipment. If required, the goods must be inspected.
2.6 Export declaration and customs clearance

Fill out customs forms Supply documents:commercial invoice, export license, copy of sales contract, inspection certificates, shipping order, Inspect the goods Pay duty clearance
1.7 Taking delivery and reinspection